Programs & Examples On #Design surface

Best way to parse RSS/Atom feeds with PHP

The HTML Tidy library is able to fix some malformed XML files. Running your feeds through that before passing them on to the parser may help.

Check if AJAX response data is empty/blank/null/undefined/0

    url: "<?php echo admin_url('admin-ajax.php'); ?>",
    data: associated_buildsorprojects_form,
        // do console.log(data);
        // you'll find that what exactly inside data 
        // I do not prefer alter(data); now because, it does not 
        // completes requirement all the time 
        // After that you can easily put if condition that you do not want like
        // if(data != '')
        // if(data == null)
        // or whatever you want 
    error: function(errorThrown){
        alert("There is an error with AJAX!");

Where is the list of predefined Maven properties

I got tired of seeing this page with its by-now stale references to defunct Codehaus pages so I asked on the Maven Users mailing list and got some more up-to-date answers.

I would say that the best (and most authoritative) answer contained in my link above is the one contributed by Hervé BOUTEMY:

here is the core reference:

it does not explain everyting that can be found in POM or in settings, since there are so much info available but it points to POM and settings descriptors and explains everything that is not POM or settings

How to get scrollbar position with Javascript?

Answer for 2018:

The best way to do things like that is to use the Intersection Observer API.

The Intersection Observer API provides a way to asynchronously observe changes in the intersection of a target element with an ancestor element or with a top-level document's viewport.

Historically, detecting visibility of an element, or the relative visibility of two elements in relation to each other, has been a difficult task for which solutions have been unreliable and prone to causing the browser and the sites the user is accessing to become sluggish. Unfortunately, as the web has matured, the need for this kind of information has grown. Intersection information is needed for many reasons, such as:

  • Lazy-loading of images or other content as a page is scrolled.
  • Implementing "infinite scrolling" web sites, where more and more content is loaded and rendered as you scroll, so that the user doesn't have to flip through pages.
  • Reporting of visibility of advertisements in order to calculate ad revenues.
  • Deciding whether or not to perform tasks or animation processes based on whether or not the user will see the result.

Implementing intersection detection in the past involved event handlers and loops calling methods like Element.getBoundingClientRect() to build up the needed information for every element affected. Since all this code runs on the main thread, even one of these can cause performance problems. When a site is loaded with these tests, things can get downright ugly.

See the following code example:

var options = {
  root: document.querySelector('#scrollArea'),
  rootMargin: '0px',
  threshold: 1.0

var observer = new IntersectionObserver(callback, options);

var target = document.querySelector('#listItem');

Most modern browsers support the IntersectionObserver, but you should use the polyfill for backward-compatibility.

Inserting code in this LaTeX document with indentation

Here is how to add inline code:

You can add inline code with {\tt code } or \texttt{ code }. If you want to format the inline code, then it would be best to make your own command


Also, note that code blocks can be loaded from other files with


breaklines isn't required, but I find it useful. Be aware that you'll have to specify \usepackage{ listings } for this one.

Update: The listings package also includes the \lstinline command, which has the same syntax highlighting features as the \lstlisting and \lstinputlisting commands (see Cloudanger's answer for configuration details). As mentioned in a few other answers, there's also the minted package, which provides the \mintinline command. Like \lstinline, \mintinline provides the same syntax highlighting as a regular minted code block:



  This is a sentence with \mintinline{python}{def inlineCode(a="ipsum)}

JBoss AS 7: How to clean up tmp?

Files related for deployment (and others temporary items) are created in standalone/tmp/vfs (Virtual File System). You may add a policy at startup for evicting temporary files :


C# switch statement limitations - why?

I have virtually no knowledge of C#, but I suspect that either switch was simply taken as it occurs in other languages without thinking about making it more general or the developer decided that extending it was not worth it.

Strictly speaking you are absolutely right that there is no reason to put these restrictions on it. One might suspect that the reason is that for the allowed cases the implementation is very efficient (as suggested by Brian Ensink (44921)), but I doubt the implementation is very efficient (w.r.t. if-statements) if I use integers and some random cases (e.g. 345, -4574 and 1234203). And in any case, what is the harm in allowing it for everything (or at least more) and saying that it is only efficient for specific cases (such as (almost) consecutive numbers).

I can, however, imagine that one might want to exclude types because of reasons such as the one given by lomaxx (44918).

Edit: @Henk (44970): If Strings are maximally shared, strings with equal content will be pointers to the same memory location as well. Then, if you can make sure that the strings used in the cases are stored consecutively in memory, you can very efficiently implement the switch (i.e. with execution in the order of 2 compares, an addition and two jumps).

"unadd" a file to svn before commit

svn rm --keep-local folder_name

Note: In svn 1.5.4 svn rm deletes unversioned files even when --keep-local is specified. See for more information.

css to make bootstrap navbar transparent

Further to Jochem Stoel's answer... I added 'navbar-fixed-top' to the DIV tag's class and it worked.

Thread pooling in C++11

This is another thread pool implementation that is very simple, easy to understand and use, uses only C++11 standard library, and can be looked at or modified for your uses, should be a nice starter if you want to get into using thread pools:

What is :: (double colon) in Python when subscripting sequences?

it means 'nothing for the first argument, nothing for the second, and jump by three'. It gets every third item of the sequence sliced. Extended slices is what you want. New in Python 2.3

How to detect when a UIScrollView has finished scrolling

If somebody needs, here's Ashley Smart answer in Swift

func scrollViewDidScroll(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
        NSObject.cancelPreviousPerformRequests(withTarget: self)
        perform(#selector(UIScrollViewDelegate.scrollViewDidEndScrollingAnimation), with: nil, afterDelay: 0.3)

func scrollViewDidEndScrollingAnimation(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
        NSObject.cancelPreviousPerformRequests(withTarget: self)

How to convert empty spaces into null values, using SQL Server?

This code generates some SQL which can achieve this on every table and column in the database:

   WHERE [' + COLUMN_NAME + '] = '''''
    DATA_TYPE IN ('char','nchar','varchar','nvarchar')

Linux Shell Script For Each File in a Directory Grab the filename and execute a program

Look at the find command.

What you are looking for is something like

find . -name "*.xls" -type f -exec program 

Post edit

find . -name "*.xls" -type f -exec xls2csv '{}' '{}'.csv;

will execute xls2csv file.xls file.xls.csv

Closer to what you want.

How to Write text file Java

The easiest way for me is just like:

            try {
                FileWriter writer = new FileWriter("C:/Your/Absolute/Path/YourFile.txt");
                writer.write("Wow, this is so easy!");
            } catch (IOException e) {

Useful tips & tricks:

  • Give it a certain path:

    new FileWriter("C:/Your/Absolute/Path/YourFile.txt");

  • New line


  • Append lines into existing txt

    new FileWriter("log.txt");

Hope it works!

How do I bind the enter key to a function in tkinter?

Another alternative is to use a lambda:

ent.bind("<Return>", (lambda event: name_of_function()))

Full code:

from tkinter import *
from tkinter.messagebox import showinfo

def reply(name):
    showinfo(title="Reply", message = "Hello %s!" % name)

top = Tk()

Label(top, text="Enter your name:").pack(side=TOP)
ent = Entry(top)
ent.bind("<Return>", (lambda event: reply(ent.get())))
btn = Button(top,text="Submit", command=(lambda: reply(ent.get())))


As you can see, creating a lambda function with an unused variable "event" solves the problem.

Extracting just Month and Year separately from Pandas Datetime column

You can directly access the year and month attributes, or request a datetime.datetime:

In [15]: t =

In [16]: t
Out[16]: Timestamp('2014-08-05 14:49:39.643701', tz=None)

In [17]: t.to_pydatetime() #datetime method is deprecated
Out[17]: datetime.datetime(2014, 8, 5, 14, 49, 39, 643701)

In [18]:
Out[18]: 5

In [19]: t.month
Out[19]: 8

In [20]: t.year
Out[20]: 2014

One way to combine year and month is to make an integer encoding them, such as: 201408 for August, 2014. Along a whole column, you could do this as:

df['YearMonth'] = df['ArrivalDate'].map(lambda x: 100*x.year + x.month)

or many variants thereof.

I'm not a big fan of doing this, though, since it makes date alignment and arithmetic painful later and especially painful for others who come upon your code or data without this same convention. A better way is to choose a day-of-month convention, such as final non-US-holiday weekday, or first day, etc., and leave the data in a date/time format with the chosen date convention.

The calendar module is useful for obtaining the number value of certain days such as the final weekday. Then you could do something like:

import calendar
import datetime
df['AdjustedDateToEndOfMonth'] = df['ArrivalDate'].map(
    lambda x: datetime.datetime(
        max(calendar.monthcalendar(x.year, x.month)[-1][:5])

If you happen to be looking for a way to solve the simpler problem of just formatting the datetime column into some stringified representation, for that you can just make use of the strftime function from the datetime.datetime class, like this:

In [5]: df
0 2014-10-17 22:00:03

In [6]: df.date_time
0   2014-10-17 22:00:03
Name: date_time, dtype: datetime64[ns]

In [7]: x: x.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))
0    2014-10-17
Name: date_time, dtype: object

How can I make a TextArea 100% width without overflowing when padding is present in CSS?

How about negative margins?

textarea {
    border:1px solid #999999;
    margin:5px -4px; /* 4px = border+padding on one side */

How to install php-curl in Ubuntu 16.04

This works for me:

sudo apt-get install php5.6-curl

How to get your Netbeans project into Eclipse

You should be using Maven, as the structure is standardized. To do that (Once you have created your Maven project in Netbeans, just

  1. Go to File -> Import
  2. Open Maven tree node
  3. Select Existing Maven Project
  4. Browse to find your project from NetBeans
  5. Check Add project to Working Set
  6. Click finish.

As long as the project has no errors, I usually get none transferring to eclipse. This works for Maven web projects and regular projects.

C# "as" cast vs classic cast

I suppose it is useful if the result of the cast will be passed to a method that you know will handle null references without throwing and ArgumentNullException or suchlike.

I tend to find very little use for as, since:

obj as T

Is slower than:

if (obj is T)

The use of as is very much an edge-case scenario for me, so I can't think of any general rules for when I would use it over just casting and handling the (more informative) casting exception further up the stack.

.htaccess redirect www to non-www with SSL/HTTPS

RewriteEngine On

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.(.*)
RewriteRule ^.*$ https://%1/$1 [R=301,L]

RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [R,L]

This worked for me after much trial and error. Part one is from the user above and will capture and send to https://xxx.yyy

Part 2 looks at entered URL and checks if HTTPS, if not, it sends to HTTPS

Done in this order, it follows logic and no error occurs.

HERE is my FULL version in side htaccess with WordPress:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.(.*)
RewriteRule ^.*$ https://%1/$1 [R=301,L]

RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [R,L]

# BEGIN WordPress
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

# END WordPress

changing iframe source with jquery

Using attr() pointing to an external domain may trigger an error like this in Chrome: "Refused to display document because display forbidden by X-Frame-Options". The workaround to this can be to move the whole iframe HTML code into the script (eg. using .html() in jQuery).


var divMapLoaded = false;
$("#container").scroll(function() {
    if ((!divMapLoaded) && ($("#map").position().left <= $("#map").width())) {
    $("#map-iframe").html("<iframe id=\"map-iframe\" " +
        "width=\"100%\" height=\"100%\" frameborder=\"0\" scrolling=\"no\" " +
        "marginheight=\"0\" marginwidth=\"0\" " +
        "src=\";cid=0x3e589d98063177ab&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;iwloc=A&amp;brcurrent=5,0,1&amp;ll=41.123115,16.853177&amp;spn=0.005617,0.009943&amp;output=embed\"" +
    divMapLoaded = true;

Default settings Raspberry Pi /etc/network/interfaces

Assuming that you have a DHCP server running at your router I would use:

# /etc/network/interfaces
auto lo eth0
iface lo inet loopback

iface eth0 inet dhcp

After changing the file issue (as root):

/etc/init.d/networking restart

show dbs gives "Not Authorized to execute command" error

one more, after you create user by following cmd-1, please assign read/write/root role to the user by cmd-2. then restart mongodb by cmd "mongod --auth".

The benefit of assign role to the user is you can do read/write operation by mongo shell or python/java and so on, otherwise you will meet "pymongo.errors.OperationFailure: not authorized" when you try to read/write your db.


use admin
  user: "newUsername",
  pwd: "password",
  roles: [ { role: "userAdminAnyDatabase", db: "admin" } ]


db.grantRolesToUser('newUsername',[{ role: "root", db: "admin" }])

Do copyright dates need to be updated?

Copyright should be up to the date of publish.

So, if it's a static content (such as the Times article you linked to), it should probably be statically copyrighted.

If it's dynamically generated content, it should be copyrighted to the current year

Validation failed for one or more entities while saving changes to SQL Server Database using Entity Framework

This error also happens when you try to save an entity that has validation errors. A good way to cause this is to forget to check ModelState.IsValid before saving to your DB.

use localStorage across subdomains

If you're using the iframe and postMessage solution just for this particular problem, I think it might be less work (both code-wise and computation-wise) to just store the data in a subdomain-less cookie and, if it's not already in localStorage on load, grab it from the cookie.


  • Doesn't need the extra iframe and postMessage set up.


  • Will make the data available across all subdomains (not just www) so if you don't trust all the subdomains it may not work for you.
  • Will send the data to the server on each request. Not great, but depending on your scenario, maybe still less work than the iframe/postMessage solution.
  • If you're doing this, why not just use the cookies directly? Depends on your context.
  • 4K max cookie size, total across all cookies for the domain (Thanks to Blake for pointing this out in comments)

I agree with other commenters though, this seems like it should be a specifiable option for localStorage so work-arounds aren't required.

Way to get all alphabetic chars in an array in PHP?

Lower Case Letters

for ($x = 97; $x < 122; $x++) {
    $y = chr($x);
    echo $y;
    echo "<br>";

Upper Case Letters

for ($x = 65; $x < 90; $x++) {
    $y = chr($x);
    echo $y;
    echo "<br>";

How to get the first line of a file in a bash script?

to read first line using bash, use read statement. eg

read -r firstline<file

firstline will be your variable (No need to assign to another)

Sublime Text 2 Code Formatting

Maybe this answer is not quite what you're looking for, but it will fomat any language with the same keyboard shortcut. The solution are language specific keyboard shortcuts.

For every language you want to format, you must find and download a plugin for that, for example a html formatter and a C# formatter. And then you map the command for every plugin to the same key, but with a differnt context (see the link).


Reading a registry key in C#

string InstallPath = (string)Registry.GetValue(@"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MyApplication\AppPath", "Installed", null);    
if (InstallPath != null)
    // Do stuff

That code should get your value. You'll need to be

using Microsoft.Win32;

for that to work though.

How do I create an Excel (.XLS and .XLSX) file in C# without installing Microsoft Office?

How to create an Excel (.xslx) file using C# on OneDrive without installing Microsoft Office

The Microsoft Graph API provides File and Excel APIs for creating and modifying Excel files stored in OneDrive for both enterprise and consumer accounts. The Microsoft.Graph NuGet package provides many interfaces for working with the File and Excel APIs.

  Name = "myExcelFile.xslx",
  File = new Microsoft.Graph.File()

// Create an empty file in the user's OneDrive.
var excelWorkbookDriveItem = await graphClient.Me.Drive.Root.Children.Request().AddAsync(excelWorkbook);

// Add the contents of a template Excel file.
DriveItem excelDriveItem;
using (Stream ms = ResourceHelper.GetResourceAsStream(ResourceHelper.ExcelTestResource))
    //Upload content to the file. ExcelTestResource is an empty template Excel file.
    excelDriveItem = await graphClient.Me.Drive.Items[excelWorkbookDriveItem.Id].Content.Request().PutAsync<DriveItem>(ms);

At this point, you now have an Excel file created in the user (enterprise or consumer) or group's OneDrive. You can now use the Excel APIs to make changes to the Excel file without using Excel and without needing to understand the Excel XML format.

How to restart tomcat 6 in ubuntu

if you are using extracted tomcat then, and are two script located in TOMCAT/bin/ to start and shutdown tomcat, You could use that

if tomcat is installed then

/etc/init.d/tomcat5.5 start
/etc/init.d/tomcat5.5 stop
/etc/init.d/tomcat5.5 restart

How to set radio button checked as default in radiogroup?

There was same problem in my Colleague's code. This sounds as your Radio Group is not properly set with your Radio Buttons. This is the reason you can multi-select the radio buttons. I tried many things, finally i did a trick which is wrong actually, but works fine.

for ( int i = 0 ; i < myCount ; i++ )
    if ( i != k )
        System.out.println ( "i = " + i );

Here I set one for loop, which checks for the available radio buttons and de-selects every one except the new clicked one. try it.

How to access the SMS storage on Android?

For a concrete example of accessing the SMS/MMS database, take a look at gTalkSMS.

How to find substring from string?

Example using std::string find method:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

int main (){
    std::string str ("There are two needles in this haystack with needles.");
    std::string str2 ("needle");

    size_t found = str.find(str2);
        std::cout << "first 'needle' found at: " << found << '\n';

    return 0;


first 'needle' found at: 14.

OnChange event using React JS for drop down

The change event is triggered on the <select> element, not the <option> element. However, that's not the only problem. The way you defined the change function won't cause a rerender of the component. It seems like you might not have fully grasped the concept of React yet, so maybe "Thinking in React" helps.

You have to store the selected value as state and update the state when the value changes. Updating the state will trigger a rerender of the component.

var MySelect = React.createClass({
     getInitialState: function() {
         return {
             value: 'select'
     change: function(event){
     render: function(){
               <select id="lang" onChange={this.change} value={this.state.value}>
                  <option value="select">Select</option>
                  <option value="Java">Java</option>
                  <option value="C++">C++</option>

React.render(<MySelect />, document.body);

Also note that <p> elements don't have a value attribute. React/JSX simply replicates the well-known HTML syntax, it doesn't introduce custom attributes (with the exception of key and ref). If you want the selected value to be the content of the <p> element then simply put inside of it, like you would do with any static content.

Learn more about event handling, state and form controls:

function declaration isn't a prototype


extern int testlib(void);

How to make links in a TextView clickable?

[Tested in Pre-lollipop as well as in Lollipop and above]

You can get your HTML string from the backend or from your resources files. If you put your text as an resource string, make sure to add the CDATA tag:

<string name="your_text">![CDATA[...<a href="your_link">Link Title</a>  ...]]</string>

Then in code you need to get the string and assign it as HTML and set a link movement method:

String yourText = getString(R.string.your_text);

   textView.setText(Html.fromHtml(yourText, Html.FROM_HTML_MODE_COMPACT));
} else {

try {
} catch (Exception e) {
   //This code seems to crash in some Samsung devices.
   //You can handle this edge case base on your needs.

Mocking a class: Mock() or patch()?

mock.patch is a very very different critter than mock.Mock. patch replaces the class with a mock object and lets you work with the mock instance. Take a look at this snippet:

>>> class MyClass(object):
...   def __init__(self):
...     print 'Created MyClass@{0}'.format(id(self))
>>> def create_instance():
...   return MyClass()
>>> x = create_instance()
Created MyClass@4299548304
>>> @mock.patch('__main__.MyClass')
... def create_instance2(MyClass):
...   MyClass.return_value = 'foo'
...   return create_instance()
>>> i = create_instance2()
>>> i
>>> def create_instance():
...   print MyClass
...   return MyClass()
>>> create_instance2()
<mock.Mock object at 0x100505d90>
>>> create_instance()
<class '__main__.MyClass'>
Created MyClass@4300234128
<__main__.MyClass object at 0x100505d90>

patch replaces MyClass in a way that allows you to control the usage of the class in functions that you call. Once you patch a class, references to the class are completely replaced by the mock instance.

mock.patch is usually used when you are testing something that creates a new instance of a class inside of the test. mock.Mock instances are clearer and are preferred. If your self.sut.something method created an instance of MyClass instead of receiving an instance as a parameter, then mock.patch would be appropriate here.

Trim last character from a string

Very easy and simple:

str = str.Remove( str.Length - 1 );

Populating a dictionary using for loops (python)

dicts = {}
keys = range(4)
values = ["Hi", "I", "am", "John"]
for i in keys:
        dicts[i] = values[i]


In [7]: dict(list(enumerate(values)))
Out[7]: {0: 'Hi', 1: 'I', 2: 'am', 3: 'John'}

Does the join order matter in SQL?

for regular Joins, it doesn't. TableA join TableB will produce the same execution plan as TableB join TableA (so your C and D examples would be the same)

for left and right joins it does. TableA left Join TableB is different than TableB left Join TableA, BUT its the same than TableB right Join TableA

What is a good Hash Function?

For doing "normal" hash table lookups on basically any kind of data - this one by Paul Hsieh is the best I've ever used.

If you care about cryptographically secure or anything else more advanced, then YMMV. If you just want a kick ass general purpose hash function for a hash table lookup, then this is what you're looking for.

How to validate domain name in PHP?

Your regular expression is fine, but you're not using preg_match right. It returns an int (0 or 1), not a boolean. Just write if(!preg_match($regex, $string)) { ... }

calling Jquery function from javascript

Yes you can (this is how I understand the original question). Here is how I did it. Just tie it into outside context. For example:


my_function = null;

 $(function() { 

        function my_fun(){ 
               /.. some operations ../ 
        my_function = my_fun;

 //just js 
 function js_fun () {  
       my_function(); //== call jquery function - just Reference is globally defined not function itself

I encountered this same problem when trying to access methods of the object, that was instantiated on DOM object ready only. Works. My example:

MyControl.prototype = {
   init:   function { 
        // init something
   update: function () {
           // something useful, like updating the list items of control or etc.         

MyCtrl = null;

// create jquery plug-in
$.fn.aControl = function () {
    var control = new MyControl(this);
    MyCtrl = control; // here is the trick
    return control;

now you can use something simple like:

function() = {
   MyCtrl.update(); // yes!

Python Pandas : group by in group by and average?

I would simply do this, which literally follows what your desired logic was:


OnItemClickListener using ArrayAdapter for ListView

Use OnItemClickListener

   ListView lv = getListView();
   lv.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener()
      public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> adapter, View v, int position,
            long arg3) 
            String value = (String)adapter.getItemAtPosition(position); 
            // assuming string and if you want to get the value on click of list item
            // do what you intend to do on click of listview row

When you click on a row a listener is fired. So you setOnClickListener on the listview and use the annonymous inner class OnItemClickListener.

You also override onItemClick. The first param is a adapter. Second param is the view. third param is the position ( index of listview items).

Using the position you get the item .

Edit : From your comments i assume you need to set the adapter o listview

So assuming your activity extends ListActivtiy


Or if your activity class extends Activity

     ListView lv = (ListView) findViewById(;
     //initialize adapter 

Get Value of Radio button group

Your quotes only need to surround the value part of the attribute-equals selector, [attr='val'], like this:

$('a#check_var').click(function() {
  alert($("input:radio[name='r']:checked").val()+ ' '+

You can see the working version here.

c++ parse int from string

You can use istringstream.

string s = "10";

// create an input stream with your string.
istringstream is(str);

int i;
// use is like an input stream
is >> i;

What is /var/www/html?

/var/www/html is just the default root folder of the web server. You can change that to be whatever folder you want by editing your apache.conf file (usually located in /etc/apache/conf) and changing the DocumentRoot attribute (see for info on that)

Many hosts don't let you change these things yourself, so your mileage may vary. Some let you change them, but only with the built in admin tools (cPanel, for example) instead of via a command line or editing the raw config files.

Git: How to remove proxy

Check your enviroment:

echo $http_proxy
echo $https_proxy

and delete with export http_proxy=

Or check https and http proxy

git config --global --unset https.proxy
git config --global --unset http.proxy

Or do you have the proxy in the local config?

git config --unset http.proxy
git config --unset https.proxy

Convert integer to class Date

You can use ymd from lubridate

#[1] "2008-11-01"

Or anytime::anydate

#[1] "2008-11-01"

Batch - Echo or Variable Not Working

Try the following (note that there should not be a space between the VAR, =, and GREG).


datatable jquery - table header width not aligned with body width

"bPaginate": false,
"sScrollY": "250px",
"bAutoWidth": false,
"bScrollCollapse": true,
"bLengthChange": false,
"bFilter": false,
"sDom": '<"top">rt<"bottom"flp><"clear">',
"aoColumns": [{
        "bSortable": false
]}).fnAdjustColumnSizing( false );

Try calling the fnAdjustColumSizing(false) to the end of your datatables call. modified code above.

Discussion on Column sizing issue

MySQL: Cloning a MySQL database on the same MySql instance

If you have triggers in your original database, you can avoid the "Trigger already exists" error by piping a replacement before the import:

mysqldump -u olddbuser -p -d olddbname | sed "s/`olddbname`./`newdbname`./" | mysql -u newdbuser -p -D newdbname

How to get the concrete class name as a string?



>>> class A():
>>> a = A()
>>> a.__class__.__name__

Java HttpRequest JSON & Response Handling

The simplest way is using libraries like google-http-java-client but if you want parse the JSON response by yourself you can do that in a multiple ways, you can use org.json, json-simple, Gson, minimal-json, jackson-mapper-asl (from 1.x)... etc

A set of simple examples:

Using Gson:


import org.apache.http.HttpResponse;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost;
import org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClientBuilder;
import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils;

public class Gson {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

    public HttpResponse http(String url, String body) {

        try (CloseableHttpClient httpClient = HttpClientBuilder.create().build()) {
            HttpPost request = new HttpPost(url);
            StringEntity params = new StringEntity(body);
            request.addHeader("content-type", "application/json");
            HttpResponse result = httpClient.execute(request);
            String json = EntityUtils.toString(result.getEntity(), "UTF-8");

   gson = new;
            Response respuesta = gson.fromJson(json, Response.class);


        } catch (IOException ex) {
        return null;

    public class Response{

        private String example;
        private String fr;

        public String getExample() {
            return example;
        public void setExample(String example) {
            this.example = example;
        public String getFr() {
            return fr;
        public void setFr(String fr) {
   = fr;

Using json-simple:


import org.apache.http.HttpResponse;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost;
import org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClientBuilder;
import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils;
import org.json.simple.JSONArray;
import org.json.simple.JSONObject;
import org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser;

public class JsonSimple {

    public static void main(String[] args) {


    public HttpResponse http(String url, String body) {

        try (CloseableHttpClient httpClient = HttpClientBuilder.create().build()) {
            HttpPost request = new HttpPost(url);
            StringEntity params = new StringEntity(body);
            request.addHeader("content-type", "application/json");
            HttpResponse result = httpClient.execute(request);

            String json = EntityUtils.toString(result.getEntity(), "UTF-8");
            try {
                JSONParser parser = new JSONParser();
                Object resultObject = parser.parse(json);

                if (resultObject instanceof JSONArray) {
                    JSONArray array=(JSONArray)resultObject;
                    for (Object object : array) {
                        JSONObject obj =(JSONObject)object;

                }else if (resultObject instanceof JSONObject) {
                    JSONObject obj =(JSONObject)resultObject;

            } catch (Exception e) {
                // TODO: handle exception

        } catch (IOException ex) {
        return null;


How to change Named Range Scope

create the new name from scratch and delete the old one.

jQuery checkbox change and click event

Checkbox click and checking for the value in the same event loop is the problem.

Try this:

$('#checkbox1').click(function() {
    var self = this;
    setTimeout(function() {

        if (!self.checked) {
            var ans = confirm("Are you sure?");
            self.checked = ans;
    }, 0);


System.BadImageFormatException: Could not load file or assembly

I found a different solution to this issue. Apparently my IIS 7 did not have 32bit mode enabled in my Application Pool by default.

To enable 32bit mode, open IIS and select your Application Pool. Mine was named "ASP.NET v4.0".
Right click, go to "Advanced Settings" and change the section named: "Enabled 32-bit Applications" to true.

Restart your web server and try again.

I found the fix from this blog reference:

Additionally, you can change the settings on Visual Studio. In my case, I went to Tools > Options > Projects and Solutions > Web Projects and checked Use the 64 bit version of IIS Express for web sites and projects - This was on VS Pro 2015. Nothing else fixed it but this.

Capture event onclose browser

Events onunload or onbeforeunload you can't use directly - they do not differ between window close, page refresh, form submit, link click or url change.

The only working solution is How to capture the browser window close event?

PHP mail function doesn't complete sending of e-mail

For anyone who finds this going forward, I would not recommend using mail. There's some answers that touch on this, but not the why of it.

PHP's mail function is not only opaque, it fully relies on whatever MTA you use (i.e. Sendmail) to do the work. mail will only tell you if the MTA failed to accept it (i.e. Sendmail was down when you tried to send). It cannot tell you if the mail was successful because it's handed it off. As such (as John Conde's answer details), you now get to fiddle with the logs of the MTA and hope that it tells you enough about the failure to fix it. If you're on a shared host or don't have access to the MTA logs, you're out of luck. Sadly, the default for most vanilla installs for Linux handle it this way.

A mail library (PHPMailer, Zend Framework 2+, etc.), does something very different from mail. They open a socket directly to the receiving mail server and then send the SMTP mail commands directly over that socket. In other words, the class acts as its own MTA (note that you can tell the libraries to use mail to ultimately send the mail, but I would strongly recommend you not do that).

This means you can then directly see the responses from the receiving server (in PHPMailer, for instance, you can turn on debugging output). No more guessing if a mail failed to send or why.

If you're using SMTP (i.e. you're calling isSMTP()), you can get a detailed transcript of the SMTP conversation using the SMTPDebug property.

Set this option by including a line like this in your script:

$mail->SMTPDebug = 2;

You also get the benefit of a better interface. With mail you have to set up all your headers, attachments, etc. With a library, you have a dedicated function to do that. It also means the function is doing all the tricky parts (like headers).

Compile error: package javax.servlet does not exist

place jakarta and delete javax

if you download servlet.api.jar :

NOTICE : this answer every time is not correct ( can be javax in JEE )





else :

place jar files into JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext

How to return a boolean method in java?

You can also do this, for readability's sake

boolean passwordVerified=(pword.equals(pwdRetypePwd.getText());

if(!passwordVerified ){
    txtaError.setText("*Password didn't match!");
return passwordVerified;

How to prevent caching of my Javascript file?

Configure your webserver to send caching control HTTP headers for the script.

Fake headers in the HTML documents:

  1. Aren't as well supported as real HTTP headers
  2. Apply to the HTML document, not to resources that it links to

How to escape JSON string?

I nice one-liner, used JsonConvert as others have but added substring to remove the added quotes and backslash.

 var escapedJsonString = JsonConvert.ToString(JsonString).Substring(1, JsonString.Length - 2);

How can I take a screenshot with Selenium WebDriver?


public void captureScreenShot(String obj) throws IOException {
    File screenshotFile = ((TakesScreenshot)driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);
    FileUtils.copyFile(screenshotFile, new File("Screenshots\\" + obj + "" + GetTimeStampValue() + ".png"));

public String GetTimeStampValue()throws IOException{
    Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
    Date time = cal.getTime();
    String timestamp = time.toString();
    String systime = timestamp.replace(":", "-");
    return systime;

Using these two methods you can take a screen shot with the date and time as well.

How to write super-fast file-streaming code in C#?

The fastest way to do file I/O from C# is to use the Windows ReadFile and WriteFile functions. I have written a C# class that encapsulates this capability as well as a benchmarking program that looks at differnet I/O methods, including BinaryReader and BinaryWriter. See my blog post at:

What is the difference between \r and \n?

  • "\r" => Return
  • "\n" => Newline or Linefeed (semantics)

  • Unix based systems use just a "\n" to end a line of text.

  • Dos uses "\r\n" to end a line of text.
  • Some other machines used just a "\r". (Commodore, Apple II, Mac OS prior to OS X, etc..)

Sending data from HTML form to a Python script in Flask

The form tag needs some attributes set:

  1. action: The URL that the form data is sent to on submit. Generate it with url_for. It can be omitted if the same URL handles showing the form and processing the data.
  2. method="post": Submits the data as form data with the POST method. If not given, or explicitly set to get, the data is submitted in the query string (request.args) with the GET method instead.
  3. enctype="multipart/form-data": When the form contains file inputs, it must have this encoding set, otherwise the files will not be uploaded and Flask won't see them.

The input tag needs a name parameter.

Add a view to handle the submitted data, which is in request.form under the same key as the input's name. Any file inputs will be in request.files.

@app.route('/handle_data', methods=['POST'])
def handle_data():
    projectpath = request.form['projectFilepath']
    # your code
    # return a response

Set the form's action to that view's URL using url_for:

<form action="{{ url_for('handle_data') }}" method="post">
    <input type="text" name="projectFilepath">
    <input type="submit">

WPF Button with Image

You want to do something like this instead:

        <Image Source="Pictures/apple.jpg" />
        <TextBlock>Disconnect from Server</TextBlock>

Leave only two decimal places after the dot

Try This

public static string PreciseDecimalValue(double Value, int DigitsAfterDecimal)
            string PreciseDecimalFormat = "{0:0.0}";

            for (int count = 2; count <= DigitsAfterDecimal; count++)
                PreciseDecimalFormat = PreciseDecimalFormat.Insert(PreciseDecimalFormat.LastIndexOf('}'), "0");
            return String.Format(PreciseDecimalFormat, Value);

How to know Laravel version and where is it defined?

If you want to know the user version in your code, then you can use using app() helper function


It is defined in this file ../src/Illuminate/Foundation/Application.php

Hope it will help :)

Align div right in Bootstrap 3

Do you mean something like this:


<div class="row">
  <div class="container">

    <div class="col-md-4">
      left content

    <div class="col-md-4 col-md-offset-4">

      <div class="yellow-background">
        <div class="pull-right">right content</div>  



.yellow-background {
  background: blue;

.pull-right {
  background: yellow;

A full example can be found on Codepen.

Is Visual Studio Community a 30 day trial?

In my case, I already was signed in. So I had to sign out and sign in again.

In spanish Cerrar Sesion is sign out.


Index of Currently Selected Row in DataGridView

You can try this code :

int columnIndex = dataGridView.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex;
int rowIndex = dataGridView.CurrentCell.RowIndex;

Is there a better alternative than this to 'switch on type'?

I use

    public T Store<T>()
        Type t = typeof(T);

        if (t == typeof(CategoryDataStore))
            return (T)DependencyService.Get<IDataStore<ItemCategory>>();
            return default(T);

Angular 2 change event on every keypress

I've been using keyup on a number field, but today I noticed in chrome the input has up/down buttons to increase/decrease the value which aren't recognized by keyup.

My solution is to use keyup and change together:

(keyup)="unitsChanged[i] = true" (change)="unitsChanged[i] = true"

Initial tests indicate this works fine, will post back if any bugs found after further testing.

Python: Pandas Dataframe how to multiply entire column with a scalar

More recent pandas versions have the pd.DataFrame.multiply function.

df['quantity'] = df['quantity'].multiply(-1)

java Arrays.sort 2d array

import java.util.*;

public class Arrays2
    public static void main(String[] args)
        int small, row = 0, col = 0, z;
        int[][] array = new int[5][5];

        Random rand = new Random();
        for(int i = 0; i < array.length; i++)
            for(int j = 0; j < array[i].length; j++)
                array[i][j] = rand.nextInt(100);
                System.out.print(array[i][j] + " ");


        for(int k = 0; k < array.length; k++)
            for(int p = 0; p < array[k].length; p++)
                small = array[k][p];
                for(int i = k; i < array.length; i++)
                    if(i == k)
                        z = p + 1;
                        z = 0;
                    for(;z < array[i].length; z++)
                        if(array[i][z] <= small)
                            small = array[i][z];
                            row = i;
                            col = z;
            array[row][col] = array[k][p];
            array[k][p] = small;
            System.out.print(array[k][p] + " ");

Good Luck

Switch to selected tab by name in Jquery-UI Tabs

$('#tabs a[href="#sample-tab-1"]').click();

or, you can assign an id to the links

<a href="#sample-tab-1" id="tab1">span>One</span></a>

so you can find it's id.


How do I make a comment in a Dockerfile?

As others have mentioned, comments are referenced with a # and are documented here. However, unlike some languages, the # must be at the beginning of the line. If they occur part way through the line, they are interpreted as an argument and may result in unexpected behavior.

# This is a comment

COPY test_dir target_dir # This is not a comment, it is an argument to COPY

RUN echo hello world # This is an argument to RUN but the shell may ignore it

It should also be noted that parser directives have recently been added to the Dockerfile which have the same syntax as a comment. They need to appear at the top of the file, before any other comments or commands. Originally, this directive was added for changing the escape character to support Windows:

# escape=`

FROM microsoft/nanoserver
COPY testfile.txt c:\
RUN dir c:\

The first line, while it appears to be a comment, is a parser directive to change the escape character to a backtick so that the COPY and RUN commands can use the backslash in the path. A parser directive is also used with BuildKit to change the frontend parser with a syntax line. See the experimental syntax for more details on how this is being used in practice.

With a multi-line command, the commented lines are ignored, but you need to comment out every line individually:

$ cat Dockerfile
FROM busybox:latest
RUN echo first command \
# && echo second command disabled \
 && echo third command

$ docker build .
Sending build context to Docker daemon  23.04kB
Step 1/2 : FROM busybox:latest
 ---> 59788edf1f3e
Step 2/2 : RUN echo first command  && echo third command
 ---> Running in b1177e7b563d
first command
third command
Removing intermediate container b1177e7b563d
 ---> 5442cfe321ac
Successfully built 5442cfe321ac

Decode Base64 data in Java

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Base64;

import javax.crypto.Cipher;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;
 * @author Vaquar khan
public class AES {

    private static SecretKeySpec secretKey;
    private static final String VK_secretKey = "VaquarKhan-secrate-key!!!!";
    private static byte[] key;

     * @param myKey
    public static void setKey(String myKey) {
        MessageDigest sha = null;
        try {
            key = myKey.getBytes("UTF-8");
            sha = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1");
            key = sha.digest(key);
            key = Arrays.copyOf(key, 16);
            secretKey = new SecretKeySpec(key, "AES");
        } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
 * encrypt
 * @param strToEncrypt
 * @param secret
 * @return
    public static String encrypt(String strToEncrypt, String secret) {
        try {
            Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/ECB/PKCS5Padding");
            cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, secretKey);
            return Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(cipher.doFinal(strToEncrypt.getBytes("UTF-8")));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println("Error while encrypting: " + e.toString());
        return null;
 * decrypt
 * @param strToDecrypt
 * @param secret
 * @return
    public static String decrypt(String strToDecrypt, String secret) {
        try {
            Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/ECB/PKCS5PADDING");
            cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, secretKey);
            return new String(cipher.doFinal(Base64.getDecoder().decode(strToDecrypt)));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println("Error while decrypting: " + e.toString());
        return null;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        final String secretKey = VK_secretKey;
        String password = "VKhan@12";
        String encryptedString = AES.encrypt(password, secretKey);
        String decryptedString = AES.decrypt(encryptedString, secretKey);


JavaScript: changing the value of onclick with or without jQuery

BTW, without JQuery this could also be done, but obviously it's pretty ugly as it only considers IE/non-IE:

   tmpobject.setAttribute('onclick',(new Function(tmp.nextSibling.getAttributeNode('onclick').value)));
   $(tmpobject).attr('onclick',tmp.nextSibling.attributes[0].value); //this even supposes index

Anyway, just so that people have an overall idea of what can be done, as I'm sure many have stumbled upon this annoyance.

Linker Command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation), Xcode 8, Swift 3

I had the same problem using Carthage for dependencies.

Just go to Select Project -> Build Settings -> Search for Enable Bitcode -> If it is selected to Yes, select No.

That solved this problem for me.

How do I pick 2 random items from a Python set?

Use the random module:

import random
random.sample(set([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]), 2)

This samples the two values without replacement (so the two values are different).

What is the difference between canonical name, simple name and class name in Java Class?

Adding local classes, lambdas and the toString() method to complete the previous two answers. Further, I add arrays of lambdas and arrays of anonymous classes (which do not make any sense in practice though):

package com.example;

public final class TestClassNames {
    private static void showClass(Class<?> c) {
        System.out.println("getName():          " + c.getName());
        System.out.println("getCanonicalName(): " + c.getCanonicalName());
        System.out.println("getSimpleName():    " + c.getSimpleName());
        System.out.println("toString():         " + c.toString());

    private static void x(Runnable r) {
        showClass(java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(r.getClass(), 1).getClass()); // Obtains an array class of a lambda base type.

    public static class NestedClass {}

    public class InnerClass {}

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        class LocalClass {}
        Object anonymous = new {};
        showClass(java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(anonymous.getClass(), 1).getClass()); // Obtains an array class of an anonymous base type.
        x(() -> {});

enum SomeEnum {

@interface SomeAnnotation {}

This is the full output:

getName():          void
getCanonicalName(): void
getSimpleName():    void
toString():         void

getName():          int
getCanonicalName(): int
getSimpleName():    int
toString():         int

getName():          java.lang.String
getCanonicalName(): java.lang.String
getSimpleName():    String
toString():         class java.lang.String

getName():          java.lang.Runnable
getCanonicalName(): java.lang.Runnable
getSimpleName():    Runnable
toString():         interface java.lang.Runnable

getName():          com.example.SomeEnum
getCanonicalName(): com.example.SomeEnum
getSimpleName():    SomeEnum
toString():         class com.example.SomeEnum

getName():          com.example.SomeAnnotation
getCanonicalName(): com.example.SomeAnnotation
getSimpleName():    SomeAnnotation
toString():         interface com.example.SomeAnnotation

getName():          [I
getCanonicalName(): int[]
getSimpleName():    int[]
toString():         class [I

getName():          [Ljava.lang.String;
getCanonicalName(): java.lang.String[]
getSimpleName():    String[]
toString():         class [Ljava.lang.String;

getName():          com.example.TestClassNames$NestedClass
getCanonicalName(): com.example.TestClassNames.NestedClass
getSimpleName():    NestedClass
toString():         class com.example.TestClassNames$NestedClass

getName():          com.example.TestClassNames$InnerClass
getCanonicalName(): com.example.TestClassNames.InnerClass
getSimpleName():    InnerClass
toString():         class com.example.TestClassNames$InnerClass

getName():          com.example.TestClassNames$1LocalClass
getCanonicalName(): null
getSimpleName():    LocalClass
toString():         class com.example.TestClassNames$1LocalClass

getName():          [Lcom.example.TestClassNames$1LocalClass;
getCanonicalName(): null
getSimpleName():    LocalClass[]
toString():         class [Lcom.example.TestClassNames$1LocalClass;

getName():          com.example.TestClassNames$1
getCanonicalName(): null
toString():         class com.example.TestClassNames$1

getName():          [Lcom.example.TestClassNames$1;
getCanonicalName(): null
getSimpleName():    []
toString():         class [Lcom.example.TestClassNames$1;

getName():          com.example.TestClassNames$$Lambda$1/1175962212
getCanonicalName(): com.example.TestClassNames$$Lambda$1/1175962212
getSimpleName():    TestClassNames$$Lambda$1/1175962212
toString():         class com.example.TestClassNames$$Lambda$1/1175962212

getName():          [Lcom.example.TestClassNames$$Lambda$1;
getCanonicalName(): com.example.TestClassNames$$Lambda$1/1175962212[]
getSimpleName():    TestClassNames$$Lambda$1/1175962212[]
toString():         class [Lcom.example.TestClassNames$$Lambda$1;

So, here are the rules. First, lets start with primitive types and void:

  1. If the class object represents a primitive type or void, all the four methods simply returns its name.

Now the rules for the getName() method:

  1. Every non-lambda and non-array class or interface (i.e, top-level, nested, inner, local and anonymous) has a name (which is returned by getName()) that is the package name followed by a dot (if there is a package), followed by the name of its class-file as generated by the compiler (whithout the suffix .class). If there is no package, it is simply the name of the class-file. If the class is an inner, nested, local or anonymous class, the compiler should generate at least one $ in its class-file name. Note that for anonymous classes, the class name would end with a dollar-sign followed by a number.
  2. Lambda class names are generally unpredictable, and you shouldn't care about they anyway. Exactly, their name is the name of the enclosing class, followed by $$Lambda$, followed by a number, followed by a slash, followed by another number.
  3. The class descriptor of the primitives are Z for boolean, B for byte, S for short, C for char, I for int, J for long, F for float and D for double. For non-array classes and interfaces the class descriptor is L followed by what is given by getName() followed by ;. For array classes, the class descriptor is [ followed by the class descriptor of the component type (which may be itself another array class).
  4. For array classes, the getName() method returns its class descriptor. This rule seems to fail only for array classes whose the component type is a lambda (which possibly is a bug), but hopefully this should not matter anyway because there is no point even on the existence of array classes whose component type is a lambda.

Now, the toString() method:

  1. If the class instance represents an interface (or an annotation, which is a special type of interface), the toString() returns "interface " + getName(). If it is a primitive, it returns simply getName(). If it is something else (a class type, even if it is a pretty weird one), it returns "class " + getName().

The getCanonicalName() method:

  1. For top-level classes and interfaces, the getCanonicalName() method returns just what the getName() method returns.
  2. The getCanonicalName() method returns null for anonymous or local classes and for array classes of those.
  3. For inner and nested classes and interfaces, the getCanonicalName() method returns what the getName() method would replacing the compiler-introduced dollar-signs by dots.
  4. For array classes, the getCanonicalName() method returns null if the canonical name of the component type is null. Otherwise, it returns the canonical name of the component type followed by [].

The getSimpleName() method:

  1. For top-level, nested, inner and local classes, the getSimpleName() returns the name of the class as written in the source file.
  2. For anonymous classes the getSimpleName() returns an empty String.
  3. For lambda classes the getSimpleName() just returns what the getName() would return without the package name. This do not makes much sense and looks like a bug for me, but there is no point in calling getSimpleName() on a lambda class to start with.
  4. For array classes the getSimpleName() method returns the simple name of the component class followed by []. This have the funny/weird side-effect that array classes whose component type is an anonymous class have just [] as their simple names.

How comment a JSP expression?

One of:

In html

<!-- map.size here because --> 
<%= map.size() %>

theoretically the following should work, but i never used it this way.

<%= map.size() // map.size here because %>

Convert all data frame character columns to factors

I noticed "[" indexing columns fails to create levels when iterating:

for ( a_feature in {
feature.df[a_feature] <- factor(feature.df[a_feature]) }

It creates, e.g. for the "Status" column:

Status : Factor w/ 1 level "c(\"Success\", \"Fail\")" : NA NA NA ...

Which is remedied by using "[[" indexing:

for ( a_feature in {
feature.df[[a_feature]] <- factor(feature.df[[a_feature]]) }

Giving instead, as desired:

. Status : Factor w/ 2 levels "Success", "Fail" : 1 1 2 1 ...

Using Mockito, how do I verify a method was a called with a certain argument?

This is the better solution:

verify(mock_contractsDao, times(1)).save(Mockito.eq("Parameter I'm expecting"));

Are static class variables possible in Python?

You can also add class variables to classes on the fly

>>> class X:
...     pass
>>> = 0
>>> x = X()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<interactive input>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: X instance has no attribute 'foo'
>>> = 1

And class instances can change class variables

class X:
  l = []
  def __init__(self):

print X().l
print X().l

[1, 1]

Efficiently getting all divisors of a given number

using namespace std;
typedef long long int ll;
#define MOD 1000000007
#define fo(i,k,n) for(int i=k;i<=n;++i)
#define endl '\n'
ll etf[1000001];
ll spf[1000001];
void sieve(){
    ll i,j;
    for(i=0;i<=1000000;i++) {etf[i]=i;spf[i]=i;}
void primefacto(ll n,vector<pair<ll,ll>>& vec){
    ll lastprime = 1,k=0;
void divisors(vector<pair<ll,ll>>& vec,ll idx,vector<ll>& divs,ll num){
    for(ll i=0;i<=vec[idx].second;i++){
void solve(){
    ll n;
    vector<pair<ll,ll>> vec;
    vector<ll> divs;
    for(auto it=divs.begin();it!=divs.end();it++){
int main(){
    ll t;cin>>t;
    while(t--) solve();
    return 0;

What is the use of a cursor in SQL Server?

Cursor might used for retrieving data row by row basis.its act like a looping statement(ie while or for loop). To use cursors in SQL procedures, you need to do the following: 1.Declare a cursor that defines a result set. 2.Open the cursor to establish the result set. 3.Fetch the data into local variables as needed from the cursor, one row at a time. 4.Close the cursor when done.

for ex:

declare @tab table
Game varchar(15),
Rollno varchar(15)
insert into @tab values('Cricket','R11')
insert into @tab values('VollyBall','R12')

declare @game  varchar(20)
declare @Rollno varchar(20)

declare cur2 cursor for select game,rollno from @tab 

open cur2

fetch next from cur2 into @game,@rollno


print @game

print @rollno

FETCH NEXT FROM cur2 into @game,@rollno


close cur2

deallocate cur2

Animate text change in UILabel

I wonder if it works, and it works perfectly!


[UIView transitionWithView:self.label 

    self.label.text = rand() % 2 ? @"Nice nice!" : @"Well done!";

  } completion:nil];

Swift 3, 4, 5

UIView.transition(with: label,
              duration: 0.25,
               options: .transitionCrossDissolve,
            animations: { [weak self] in
                self?.label.text = (arc4random()() % 2 == 0) ? "One" : "Two"
         }, completion: nil)

"Parameter not valid" exception loading System.Drawing.Image

Most of the time when this happens it is bad data in the SQL column. This is the proper way to insert into an image column:

INSERT INTO [TableX] (ImgColumn) VALUES (
(SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET(BULK N'C:\....\Picture 010.png', SINGLE_BLOB) as tempimg))

Most people do it incorrectly this way:

INSERT INTO [TableX] (ImgColumn) VALUES ('C:\....\Picture 010.png'))

PHP "pretty print" json_encode

Hmmm $array = json_decode($json, true); will make your string an array which is easy to print nicely with print_r($array, true);

But if you really want to prettify your json... Check this out

Change color inside strings.xml

I would use a SpannableString to change the color.

int colorBlue = getResources().getColor(;
    String text = getString(R.string.text);
    SpannableString spannable = new SpannableString(text);
    // here we set the color
    spannable.setSpan(new ForegroundColorSpan(colorBlue), 0, text.length(), 0);

OR you may try this

Removing Spaces from a String in C?

I assume the C string is in a fixed memory, so if you replace spaces you have to shift all characters.

The easiest seems to be to create new string and iterate over the original one and copy only non space characters.

Cast object to T

You can presumably pass-in, as a parameter, a delegate which will convert from string to T.

jQuery - adding elements into an array

var ids = [];

    $(document).ready(function($) {    
    $(".color_cell").bind('click', function() {


Read from file in eclipse

Have you tried using an absolute path:

File file = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/file.txt");

SQL Delete Records within a specific Range

You can use this way because id can not be sequential in all cases.

FROM  `ht_news` 
LIMIT 0 , 30

Convert A String (like testing123) To Binary In Java

This is my implementation.

public class Test {
    public String toBinary(String text) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

        for (char character : text.toCharArray()) {
            sb.append(Integer.toBinaryString(character) + "\n");

        return sb.toString();


INSERT and UPDATE a record using cursors in oracle

This is a highly inefficient way of doing it. You can use the merge statement and then there's no need for cursors, looping or (if you can do without) PL/SQL.

MERGE INTO studLoad l
USING ( SELECT studId, studName FROM student ) s
ON (l.studId = s.studId)
  UPDATE SET l.studName = s.studName
   WHERE l.studName != s.studName
INSERT (l.studID, l.studName)
VALUES (s.studId, s.studName)

Make sure you commit, once completed, in order to be able to see this in the database.

To actually answer your question I would do it something like as follows. This has the benefit of doing most of the work in SQL and only updating based on the rowid, a unique address in the table.

It declares a type, which you place the data within in bulk, 10,000 rows at a time. Then processes these rows individually.

However, as I say this will not be as efficient as merge.


   cursor c_data is
    select b.rowid as rid, a.studId, a.studName
      from student a
      left outer join studLoad b
        on a.studId = b.studId
       and a.studName <> b.studName

   type t__data is table of c_data%rowtype index by binary_integer;
   t_data t__data;


   open c_data;
      fetch c_data bulk collect into t_data limit 10000;

      exit when t_data.count = 0;

      for idx in t_data.first .. t_data.last loop
         if t_data(idx).rid is null then
            insert into studLoad (studId, studName)
            values (t_data(idx).studId, t_data(idx).studName);
            update studLoad
               set studName = t_data(idx).studName
             where rowid = t_data(idx).rid
         end if;
      end loop;

   end loop;
   close c_data;


Best way to store chat messages in a database?

There's nothing wrong with saving the whole history in the database, they are prepared for that kind of tasks.

Actually you can find here in Stack Overflow a link to an example schema for a chat: example

If you are still worried for the size, you could apply some optimizations to group messages, like adding a buffer to your application that you only push after some time (like 1 minute or so); that way you would avoid having only 1 line messages

PHP how to get value from array if key is in a variable

Your code seems to be fine, make sure that key you specify really exists in the array or such key has a value in your array eg:

$array = array(4 => 'Hello There');
// or better


    [0] => 4


$key = 4;
$value = $array[$key];
print $value;


Hello There

What's the difference of $host and $http_host in Nginx

$host is a variable of the Core module.


This variable is equal to line Host in the header of request or name of the server processing the request if the Host header is not available.

This variable may have a different value from $http_host in such cases: 1) when the Host input header is absent or has an empty value, $host equals to the value of server_name directive; 2)when the value of Host contains port number, $host doesn't include that port number. $host's value is always lowercase since 0.8.17.

$http_host is also a variable of the same module but you won't find it with that name because it is defined generically as $http_HEADER (ref).


The value of the HTTP request header HEADER when converted to lowercase and with 'dashes' converted to 'underscores', e.g. $http_user_agent, $http_referer...;


  • $http_host equals always the HTTP_HOST request header.
  • $host equals $http_host, lowercase and without the port number (if present), except when HTTP_HOST is absent or is an empty value. In that case, $host equals the value of the server_name directive of the server which processed the request.

How to deploy a React App on Apache web server

  1. Go to your project root directory cd example /home/ubuntu/react-js
  2. Build your project first npm run build
  3. check your build directory gracefully all the files will be available in the build folder.





    static assets


    precache-manifest.ddafca92870314adfea99542e1331500.js service-worker.js

4.copy the build folder to your apache server i.e /var/www/html

sudo cp -rf build /var/www/html
  1. go to sites-available directory

    cd /etc/apache2/sites-available/

  2. open 000-default.conf file

    sudo vi 000-default.conf and rechange the DocumentRoot path

    enter image description here

  3. Now goto apache conf.

    cd /etc/aapche2

    sudo vi apache2.conf

    add the given snippet

<Directory /var/www/html>_x000D_
            Options Indexes FollowSymLinks_x000D_
            AllowOverride All_x000D_
            Require all granted_x000D_

  1. make a file inside /var/www/html/build

    sudo vi .htaccess

Options -MultiViews_x000D_
RewriteEngine On_x000D_
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f_x000D_
RewriteRule ^ index.html [QSA,L]

9.sudo a2enmod rewrite

10.sudo systemctl restart apache2

  1. restart apache server

    sudo service apache2 restart

    thanks, enjoy your day

How does the Python's range function work?

range(x) returns a list of numbers from 0 to x - 1.

>>> range(1)
>>> range(2)
[0, 1]
>>> range(3)
[0, 1, 2]
>>> range(4)
[0, 1, 2, 3]

for i in range(x): executes the body (which is print i in your first example) once for each element in the list returned by range(). i is used inside the body to refer to the “current” item of the list. In that case, i refers to an integer, but it could be of any type, depending on the objet on which you loop.

Google MAP API v3: Center & Zoom on displayed markers

Try this works...

$(function() {
        var myOptions = {
            zoom: 10,
            center: latlng,
            mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
        var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map_canvas"),myOptions);
        var latlng_pos=[];
        var j=0;
            latlng_pos[j]=new google.maps.LatLng($(this).find(".latitude").val(),$(this).find(".longitude").val());
            var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
                position: new google.maps.LatLng($(this).find(".latitude").val(),$(this).find(".longitude").val()),
                // position: new google.maps.LatLng(-35.397, 150.640),
                map: map
        // map: an instance of google.maps.Map object
        // latlng: an array of google.maps.LatLng objects
        var latlngbounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds( );
        for ( var i = 0; i < latlng_pos.length; i++ ) {
            latlngbounds.extend( latlng_pos[ i ] );
        map.fitBounds( latlngbounds );


How to empty the content of a div

If your div looks like this:

<div id="MyDiv">content in here</div>

Then this Javascript:

document.getElementById("MyDiv").innerHTML = "";

will make it look like this:

<div id="MyDiv"></div>

Get the current file name in gulp.src()

If you want to use @OverZealous' answer ( in Typescript, you need to import instead of require:

import * as debug from 'gulp-debug';


    return gulp.src('./examples/*.html')
        .pipe(debug({title: 'example src:'}))

(I also added a title).

Pythonic way of checking if a condition holds for any element of a list

Python has a built in any() function for exactly this purpose.

Convert NSDate to NSString

Hope to add more value by providing the normal formatter including the year, month and day with the time. You can use this formatter for more than just a year

[dateFormat setDateFormat: @"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss zzz"]; 

get all characters to right of last dash

I can see this post was viewed over 46,000 times. I would bet many of the 46,000 viewers are asking this question simply because they just want the file name... and these answers can be a rabbit hole if you cannot make your substring verbatim using the at sign.

If you simply want to get the file name, then there is a simple answer which should be mentioned here. Even if it's not the precise answer to the question.

result = Path.GetFileName(fileName);


git stash blunder: git stash pop and ended up with merge conflicts

Note that Git 2.5 (Q2 2015) a future Git might try to make that scenario impossible.

See commit ed178ef by Jeff King (peff), 22 Apr 2015.
(Merged by Junio C Hamano -- gitster -- in commit 05c3967, 19 May 2015)

Note: This has been reverted. See below.

stash: require a clean index to apply/pop


If you have staged contents in your index and run "stash apply/pop", we may hit a conflict and put new entries into the index.
Recovering to your original state is difficult at that point, because tools like "git reset --keep" will blow away anything staged.

In other words:

"git stash pop/apply" forgot to make sure that not just the working tree is clean but also the index is clean.
The latter is important as a stash application can conflict and the index will be used for conflict resolution.


We can make this safer by refusing to apply when there are staged changes.

That means if there were merges before because of applying a stash on modified files (added but not committed), now they would not be any merges because the stash apply/pop would stop immediately with:

Cannot apply stash: Your index contains uncommitted changes.

Forcing you to commit the changes means that, in case of merges, you can easily restore the initial state( before git stash apply/pop) with a git reset --hard.

See commit 1937610 (15 Jun 2015), and commit ed178ef (22 Apr 2015) by Jeff King (peff).
(Merged by Junio C Hamano -- gitster -- in commit bfb539b, 24 Jun 2015)

That commit was an attempt to improve the safety of applying a stash, because the application process may create conflicted index entries, after which it is hard to restore the original index state.

Unfortunately, this hurts some common workflows around "git stash -k", like:

git add -p       ;# (1) stage set of proposed changes
git stash -k     ;# (2) get rid of everything else
make test        ;# (3) make sure proposal is reasonable
git stash apply  ;# (4) restore original working tree

If you "git commit" between steps (3) and (4), then this just works. However, if these steps are part of a pre-commit hook, you don't have that opportunity (you have to restore the original state regardless of whether the tests passed or failed).

What is the difference between parseInt() and Number()?

If you are looking for performance then probably best results you'll get with bitwise right shift "10">>0. Also multiply ("10" * 1) or not not (~~"10"). All of them are much faster of Number and parseInt. They even have "feature" returning 0 for not number argument. Here are Performance tests.

Submit form and stay on same page?

The HTTP/CGI way to do this would be for your program to return an HTTP status code of 204 (No Content).

Check if my SSL Certificate is SHA1 or SHA2

You can check by visiting the site in your browser and viewing the certificate that the browser received. The details of how to do that can vary from browser to browser, but generally if you click or right-click on the lock icon, there should be an option to view the certificate details.

In the list of certificate fields, look for one called "Certificate Signature Algorithm". (For StackOverflow's certificate, its value is "PKCS #1 SHA-1 With RSA Encryption".)

What is the difference among col-lg-*, col-md-* and col-sm-* in Bootstrap?

.col-xs-$   Extra Small     Phones Less than 768px 
.col-sm-$   Small Devices   Tablets 768px and Up 
.col-md-$   Medium Devices  Desktops 992px and Up 
.col-lg-$   Large Devices   Large Desktops 1200px and Up 

Calculate the display width of a string in Java

Use the getWidth method in the following class:

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.geom.*;
import java.awt.font.*;

class StringMetrics {

  Font font;
  FontRenderContext context;

  public StringMetrics(Graphics2D g2) {

    font = g2.getFont();
    context = g2.getFontRenderContext();

  Rectangle2D getBounds(String message) {

    return font.getStringBounds(message, context);

  double getWidth(String message) {

    Rectangle2D bounds = getBounds(message);
    return bounds.getWidth();

  double getHeight(String message) {

    Rectangle2D bounds = getBounds(message);
    return bounds.getHeight();


How to avoid 'undefined index' errors?

foreach($i=0; $i<10; $i++){
    $v = @(array)$v;   
    // this could help defining $v as an array. 
    //@ is to supress undefined variable $v

    array_push($v, $i);

Search and replace in bash using regular expressions

If you are making repeated calls and are concerned with performance, This test reveals the BASH method is ~15x faster than forking to sed and likely any other external process.


P1=$(date +%s)

for i in {1..10000}
   echo $hello | sed s/X//g > /dev/null

P2=$(date +%s)
echo $[$P2-$P1]

for i in {1..10000}
   echo ${hello//X/} > /dev/null

P3=$(date +%s)
echo $[$P3-$P2]

How do I base64 encode a string efficiently using Excel VBA?

You can use the MSXML Base64 encoding functionality as described at

Function EncodeBase64(text As String) As String
  Dim arrData() As Byte
  arrData = StrConv(text, vbFromUnicode)      

  Dim objXML As MSXML2.DOMDocument
  Dim objNode As MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement

  Set objXML = New MSXML2.DOMDocument 
  Set objNode = objXML.createElement("b64")

  objNode.dataType = "bin.base64"
  objNode.nodeTypedValue = arrData
  EncodeBase64 = objNode.Text 

  Set objNode = Nothing
  Set objXML = Nothing
End Function

Ifelse statement in R with multiple conditions

There is a simpler solution to this. What you describe is the natural behavior of the & operator and can thus be done primatively:

> c(1,1,NA) & c(1,0,NA) & c(1,NA,NA)

If all are 1, then 1 is returned. If any are 0, then 0. If all are NA, then NA.

In your case, the code would be:

DF$Den<-DF$Denial1 & DF$Denial2 & DF$Denial3

In order for this to work, you will need to stop working in character and use numeric or logical types.

'dependencies.dependency.version' is missing error, but version is managed in parent

What just worked for was to delete the settings.xml in the .m2 folder: this file was telling the project to look for a versión of spring mvc and web that didn't exist.

HTML select form with option to enter custom value

Alen Saqe's latest JSFiddle didn't toggle for me on Firefox, so I thought I would provide a simple html/javascript workaround that will function nicely within forms (regarding submission) until the day that the datalist tag is accepted by all browsers/devices. For more details and see it in action, go to: Note: Do not allow any spaces between toggling siblings!

<!DOCTYPE html>
function toggleField(hideObj,showObj){
  hideObj.disabled=true; 'none';
<form name="BrowserSurvey" action="#">
Browser: <select name="browser" 
            <option value="customOption">[type a custom value]</option>
            <option>Internet Explorer</option>
        </select><input name="browser" style="display:none;" disabled="disabled" 
<input type="submit" value="Submit">

How to declare local variables in postgresql?

Postgresql historically doesn't support procedural code at the command level - only within functions. However, in Postgresql 9, support has been added to execute an inline code block that effectively supports something like this, although the syntax is perhaps a bit odd, and there are many restrictions compared to what you can do with SQL Server. Notably, the inline code block can't return a result set, so can't be used for what you outline above.

In general, if you want to write some procedural code and have it return a result, you need to put it inside a function. For example:

  one int;
  two int;
  one := 1;
  two := 2;
  RETURN one + two;
SELECT somefuncname();

The PostgreSQL wire protocol doesn't, as far as I know, allow for things like a command returning multiple result sets. So you can't simply map T-SQL batches or stored procedures to PostgreSQL functions.

How to check the installed version of React-Native

Use react-native info It shows all system and libraries information...

Result :-

    OS: Linux 5.4 Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS (Focal Fossa)
    CPU: (4) x64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-6006U CPU @ 2.00GHz
    Memory: 787.22 MB / 11.59 GB
    Shell: 5.0.17 - /bin/bash
    Node: 12.18.4 - /usr/bin/node
    Yarn: 1.22.4 - /usr/bin/yarn
    npm: 6.14.6 - /usr/bin/npm
    Watchman: Not Found
    Android SDK:
      API Levels: 22, 26, 27, 28, 29
      Build Tools: 26.0.2, 28.0.3, 29.0.2, 29.0.3, 30.0.0, 30.0.0
      System Images: android-R | Google Play Intel x86 Atom
      Android NDK: 21.1.6352462
    Android Studio: Not Found
    Java: 11.0.8 - /usr/bin/javac
    Python: Not Found
    @react-native-community/cli: Not Found
    react: 16.13.1 => 16.13.1 
    react-native: 0.63.3 => 0.63.3 
    *react-native*: Not Found

Scroll Element into View with Selenium

You may want to visit page Scroll Web elements and Web page- Selenium WebDriver using Javascript:

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    FirefoxDriver ff = new FirefoxDriver();

push_back vs emplace_back

A nice code for the push_back and emplace_back is shown here.

You can see the move operation on push_back and not on emplace_back.

How to view the current heap size that an application is using?

Attach with jvisualvm from Sun Java 6 JDK. Startup flags are listed.

Arduino Tools > Serial Port greyed out

Same comment as Philip Kirkbride. It wasn't a permission issue, but using the Arduino IDE downloaded from their website solved my problem. Thanks! Michael

Select single item from a list

just saw this now, if you are working with a list of object you can try this

 public class user
    public string username { get; set; }
    public string password { get; set; }

  List<user> userlist = new List<user>();

        userlist.Add(new user { username = "macbruno", password = "1234" });
        userlist.Add(new user { username = "james", password = "5678" });
        string myusername = "james";
        string mypassword = "23432";

  user theUser = userlist.Find(
            delegate (user thisuser)
                return thisuser.username== myusername && thisuser.password == mypassword;

            if (theUser != null)


java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError in junit

I had the same issue, the problem was in the @ContextConfiguration in me test classes, i was loading the servlet context too i just change:

@ContextConfiguration(locations = { "classpath*:**\*-context.xml", "classpath*:**\*-config.xml" })


@ContextConfiguration(locations = { "classpath:**\*-context.xml", "classpath:**\*-config.xml" })

and that´s it. this way im only loading all the files with the pattern *-context.xml in me test path.

How do I view cookies in Internet Explorer 11 using Developer Tools

Sorry to break the news to ya, but there is no way to do this in IE11. I have been troubling with this for some time, but I finally had to see it as a lost course, and just navigate to the files manually.

But where are the files? That depends on a lot of things, I have found them these places on different machines:

In the the Internet Explorer cache.

This can be done via "run" (Windows+r) and then typing in shell:cache or by navigating to it through the internet options in IE11 (AskLeo has a fine guide to this, I'm not affiliated in any way).

  • Click on the gear icon, then Internet options.
  • In the General tab, underneath “Browsing history”, click on Settings.
  • In the resulting “Website Data” dialog, click on View files.
  • This will open the folder we’re interested in: your Internet Explorer cache.

Make a search for "cookie" to see the cookies only

In the Cookies folder

The path for cookies can be found here via regedit:

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders\Cookies

Common path (in 7 & 8)



Common path (Win 10)





VMWare Player vs VMWare Workstation


How does VMware Player compare to VMware Workstation? VMware Player enables you to quickly and easily create and run virtual machines. However, VMware Player lacks many powerful features, remote connections to vSphere, drag and drop upload to vSphere, multiple Snapshots and Clones, and much more.

Not being able to revert snapshots it's a big no for me.

Encapsulation vs Abstraction?

Encapsulation protects to collapse the internal behaviour of object/instance from external entity. So, a control should be provided to confirm that the data which is being supplied is not going to harm the internal system of instance/object to survive its existance.

Good example, Divider is a class which has two instance variable dividend and divisor and a method getDividedValue.

Can you please think, if the divisor is set to 0 then internal system/behaviour (getDivided ) will break.

So, the object internal behaviour could be protected by throwing exception through a method.

How to run mysql command on bash?

This one worked, double quotes when $user and $password are outside single quotes. Single quotes when inside a single quote statement.

mysql --user="$user" --password="$password" --database="$user" --execute='DROP DATABASE '$user'; CREATE DATABASE '$user';'

How to get a web page's source code from Java

Try the following code with an added request property:


public class SocketConnection
    public static String getURLSource(String url) throws IOException
        URL urlObject = new URL(url);
        URLConnection urlConnection = urlObject.openConnection();
        urlConnection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/23.0.1271.95 Safari/537.11");

        return toString(urlConnection.getInputStream());

    private static String toString(InputStream inputStream) throws IOException
        try (BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream, "UTF-8")))
            String inputLine;
            StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
            while ((inputLine = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null)

            return stringBuilder.toString();

std::string to float or double

You can use std::stringstream:

   #include <sstream>
   #include <string>
   template<typename T>
   T StringToNumber(const std::string& numberAsString)
      T valor;

      std::stringstream stream(numberAsString);
      stream >> valor;
      if ( {
         std::runtime_error e(numberAsString);
         throw e;
      return valor;


double number= StringToNumber<double>("0.6");

Detecting EOF in C

EOF is just a macro with a value (usually -1). You have to test something against EOF, such as the result of a getchar() call.

One way to test for the end of a stream is with the feof function.

if (feof(stdin))

Note, that the 'end of stream' state will only be set after a failed read.

In your example you should probably check the return value of scanf and if this indicates that no fields were read, then check for end-of-file.

From inside of a Docker container, how do I connect to the localhost of the machine?

Edit: I ended up prototyping out the concept on GitHub. Check out:

First, my answer is geared towards 2 groups of people: those who use a Mac, and those who use Linux.

The host network mode doesn't work on a Mac. You have to use an IP alias, see:

What is a host network mode? See:

Secondly, for those of you who are using Linux (my direct experience was with Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and I'm upgrading to 16.04 LTS in production soon), yes, you can make the service running inside a Docker container connect to localhost services running on the Docker host (eg. your laptop).


The key is when you run the Docker container, you have to run it with the host mode. The command looks like this:

docker run --network="host" -id <Docker image ID>

When you do an ifconfig (you will need to apt-get install net-tools your container for ifconfig to be callable) inside your container, you will see that the network interfaces are the same as the one on Docker host (eg. your laptop).

It's important to note that I'm a Mac user, but I run Ubuntu under Parallels, so using a Mac is not a disadvantage. ;-)

And this is how you connect NGINX container to the MySQL running on a localhost.

Differences between ConstraintLayout and RelativeLayout

The real question to ask is, is there any reason to use any layout other than a constraint layout? I believe the answer might be no.

To those insisting they are aimed at novice programmers or the like, they should provide some reason for them to be inferior to any other layout.

Constraints layouts are better in every way (They do cost like 150k in APK size.). They are faster, they are easier, they are more flexible, they react better to changes, they fix the problems when items go away, they conform better to radically different screen types and they don't use a bunch of nested loop with that long drawn out tree structure for everything. You can put anything anywhere, with respect to anything, anywhere.

They were a bit screwy back in mid 2016, where the visual layout editor just wasn't good enough, but they are to the point that if you are having a layout at all, you might want to seriously consider using a constraint layout, even when it does the same thing as a RelativeLayout, or even a simple LinearLayout. FrameLayouts clearly still have their purpose. But, I can't see building anything else at this point. If they started with this they wouldn't have added anything else.

Anaconda Installed but Cannot Launch Navigator

Tried all solutions here but these 2 steps solved the issue:

1) manual update of open-ssl from here:
2) update OpenSSL using conda update openssl command in the Anaconda Prompt

solved the issue!

How to expand a list to function arguments in Python

You should use the * operator, like foo(*values) Read the Python doc unpackaging argument lists.

Also, do read this:

def foo(x,y,z):
   return "%d, %d, %d" % (x,y,z)

values = [1,2,3]

# the solution.

How to block calls in android

You can do it by listening to phone call events . You do it by having a BroadcastReceiver to PHONE_STATE and to NEW_OUTGOING_CALL. You find there what is the phone number.

Then when you decide to end the call, this is a bit tricky, because only from Android P it's guaranteed to work. Check here.

PPT to PNG with transparent background

You can select the shapes within a slide (Word Art also) and right click on the selection and choose "Save As Picture". It will save as a transparent PNG.

Can't import database through phpmyadmin file size too large

for ubuntu 14.04 use this:

  • 1- open php.ini using gedit or nano:
  • sudo gedit /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini
  • 2- find 'upload_max_size' then replace this single line with these lines:
  • max_execution_time = 259200 max_input_time = 259200 memory_limit = 1000M upload_max_filesize = 750M post_max_size = 750M
  • 3- save php.ini and close editor
  • 4- restart apache2:
  • sudo service apache2 restart
  • 5- now open
  • localhost://phpmyadmin/
  • in browser and uplaod your database.sql

    MongoDB vs. Cassandra

    I saw a presentation on mongodb yesterday. I can definitely say that setup was "simple", as simple as unpacking it and firing it up. Done.

    I believe that both mongodb and cassandra will run on virtually any regular linux hardware so you should not find to much barrier in that area.

    I think in this case, at the end of the day, it will come down to which do you personally feel more comfortable with and which has a toolset that you prefer. As far as the presentation on mongodb, the presenter indicated that the toolset for mongodb was pretty light and that there werent many (they said any really) tools similar to whats available for MySQL. This was of course their experience so YMMV. One thing that I did like about mongodb was that there seemed to be lots of language support for it (Python, and .NET being the two that I primarily use).

    The list of sites using mongodb is pretty impressive, and I know that twitter just switched to using cassandra.

    How to replace local branch with remote branch entirely in Git?

    git branch -D <branch-name>
    git fetch <remote> <branch-name>
    git checkout -b <branch-name> --track <remote>/<branch-name>

    How to convert UTC timestamp to device local time in android

    The answer from @prgDevelop returns 0 on my Android Marsmallow. Must return 7200000. These changes make it work fine:

    int offset = TimeZone.getTimeZone(Time.getCurrentTimezone()).getRawOffset() + TimeZone.getTimeZone(Time.getCurrentTimezone()).getDSTSavings();

    What is the difference between json.dump() and json.dumps() in python?

    One notable difference in Python 2 is that if you're using ensure_ascii=False, dump will properly write UTF-8 encoded data into the file (unless you used 8-bit strings with extended characters that are not UTF-8):

    dumps on the other hand, with ensure_ascii=False can produce a str or unicode just depending on what types you used for strings:

    Serialize obj to a JSON formatted str using this conversion table. If ensure_ascii is False, the result may contain non-ASCII characters and the return value may be a unicode instance.

    (emphasis mine). Note that it may still be a str instance as well.

    Thus you cannot use its return value to save the structure into file without checking which format was returned and possibly playing with unicode.encode.

    This of course is not valid concern in Python 3 any more, since there is no more this 8-bit/Unicode confusion.

    As for load vs loads, load considers the whole file to be one JSON document, so you cannot use it to read multiple newline limited JSON documents from a single file.

    How to properly express JPQL "join fetch" with "where" clause as JPA 2 CriteriaQuery?

    In JPQL the same is actually true in the spec. The JPA spec does not allow an alias to be given to a fetch join. The issue is that you can easily shoot yourself in the foot with this by restricting the context of the join fetch. It is safer to join twice.

    This is normally more an issue with ToMany than ToOnes. For example,

    Select e from Employee e 
    join fetch e.phones p 
    where p.areaCode = '613'

    This will incorrectly return all Employees that contain numbers in the '613' area code but will left out phone numbers of other areas in the returned list. This means that an employee that had a phone in the 613 and 416 area codes will loose the 416 phone number, so the object will be corrupted.

    Granted, if you know what you are doing, the extra join is not desirable, some JPA providers may allow aliasing the join fetch, and may allow casting the Criteria Fetch to a Join.

    jQuery click anywhere in the page except on 1 div

    You can apply click on body of document and cancel click processing if the click event is generated by div with id menu_content, This will bind event to single element and saving binding of click with every element except menu_content

           if( == "menu_content")
           //For descendants of menu_content being clicked, remove this check if you do not want to put constraint on descendants.
          //Do processing of click event here for every element except with id menu_content

    How do I ignore all files in a folder with a Git repository in Sourcetree?

    For Sourcetree users: If you want to ignore a specific folder, just select a file from this folder, right-click on it and do "Ignore...". You will have a pop-up menu where you can ignore "Ignore everything beneath: <YOUR UNWANTED FOLDER>"

    First menu

    Second menu

    If you have the "Ignore" option greyed out, you have to select the "Stop Tracking" option. After that the file will be added to Staged files with a minus sign on red background icon and the file's icon in Unstaged files list will change to a question sign on a violet background. Now in Unstaged files list, the "Ignore" option is enabled again. Just do as described above.

    Passing variable from Form to Module in VBA

    Don't declare the variable in the userform. Declare it as Public in the module.

    Public pass As String

    In the Userform

    Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
        pass = UserForm1.TextBox1
        Unload UserForm1
    End Sub

    In the Module

    Public pass As String
    Public Sub Login()
        '~~> Rest of the code
        driver.findElementByName("PASSWORD").SendKeys pass
        '~~> Rest of the code
    End Sub

    You might want to also add an additional check just before calling the driver.find... line?

    If Len(Trim(pass)) <> 0 Then

    This will ensure that a blank string is not passed.

    Hover and Active only when not disabled

    In sass (scss):

     button {
      color: white;
      cursor: pointer;
      border-radius: 4px;
        opacity: 0.4;
          opacity: 0.4;  //this is what you want
        opacity: 0.9;

    Generate random 5 characters string

    The following should provide the least chance of duplication (you might want to replace mt_rand() with a better random number source e.g. from /dev/*random or from GUIDs):

        $characters = '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
        $result = '';
        for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++)
            $result .= $characters[mt_rand(0, 61)];

    If you are concerned about security, really, do not use rand() or mt_rand(), and verify that your random data device is actually a device generating random data, not a regular file or something predictable like /dev/zero. mt_rand() considered harmful:

    EDIT: If you have OpenSSL support in PHP, you could use openssl_random_pseudo_bytes():

        $length = 5;
        $randomBytes = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes($length);
        $characters = '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
        $charactersLength = strlen($characters);
        $result = '';
        for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++)
            $result .= $characters[ord($randomBytes[$i]) % $charactersLength];

    Icons missing in jQuery UI

    You need downbload the jQueryUI, this contains de images that you need

    enter link description here

    select2 changing items dynamically

    I'm successfully using the following to update options dynamically:

    $control.select2('destroy').empty().select2({data: [{id: 1, text: 'new text'}]});

    How can I change my Cygwin home folder after installation?

    I'd like to add a correction/update to the bit about $HOME taking precedence. The home directory in /etc/passwd takes precedence over everything.

    I'm a long time Cygwin user and I just did a clean install of Windows 7 x64 and Cygwin V1.126. I was going nuts trying to figure out why every time I ran ssh I kept getting:

    Could not create directory '/home/dhaynes/.ssh'.
    The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.

    I add the HOME=c:\users\dhaynes definition in the Windows environment but still it kept trying to create '/home/dhaynes'. I tried every combo I could including setting HOME to /cygdrive/c/users/dhaynes. Googled for the error message, could not find anything, couldn't find anything on the cygwin site. I use cygwin from cmd.exe, not bash.exe but the problem was present in both.

    I finally realized that the home directory in /etc/passwd was taking precedence over the $HOME environment variable. I simple re-ran 'mkpasswd -l >/etc/passwd' and that updated the home directory, now all is well with ssh.

    That may be obvious to linux types with sysadmin experience but for those of us who primarily use Windows it's a bit obscure.

    How to get all keys with their values in redis

    Below is just a little variant of the script provided by @"Juuso Ohtonen".

    I have add a password variable and counter so you can can check the progression of your backup. Also I replaced simple brackets [] by double brackets [[]] to prevent an error I had on macos.

    1. Get the total number of keys

    $ sudo redis-cli
    INFO keyspace
    AUTH yourpassword
    INFO keyspace

    2. Edit the script

    # Default to '*' key pattern, meaning all redis keys in the namespace
    for key in $(redis-cli -a "$PASS" --scan --pattern "$REDIS_KEY_PATTERN")
        echo $i.
        type=$(redis-cli -a "$PASS" type $key)
        if [[ $type = "list" ]]
            printf "$key => \n$(redis-cli -a "$PASS" lrange $key 0 -1 | sed 's/^/  /')\n"
        elif [[ $type = "hash" ]]
            printf "$key => \n$(redis-cli -a "$PASS" hgetall $key | sed 's/^/  /')\n"
            printf "$key => $(redis-cli -a "$PASS" get $key)\n"

    3. Execute the script

    bash > redis.bak

    4. Check progression

    tail redis.bak

    Java decimal formatting using String.format?

    Here is a small code snippet that does the job:

    double a = 34.51234;
    NumberFormat df = DecimalFormat.getInstance();

    Oracle date difference to get number of years

    I'd use months_between, possibly combined with floor:

    select floor(months_between(date '2012-10-10', date '2011-10-10') /12) from dual;
    select floor(months_between(date '2012-10-9' , date '2011-10-10') /12) from dual;

    floor makes sure you get down-rounded years. If you want the fractional parts, you obviously want to not use floor.

    SQL - How do I get only the numbers after the decimal?

    I had the same problem and solved with '%' operator:

    select 12.54 % 1;

    Capture characters from standard input without waiting for enter to be pressed

    C and C++ take a very abstract view of I/O, and there is no standard way of doing what you want. There are standard ways to get characters from the standard input stream, if there are any to get, and nothing else is defined by either language. Any answer will therefore have to be platform-specific, perhaps depending not only on the operating system but also the software framework.

    There's some reasonable guesses here, but there's no way to answer your question without knowing what your target environment is.

    How to stretch a fixed number of horizontal navigation items evenly and fully across a specified container

    I tried all the above and found them wanting. This is the simplest most flexible solution I could figure out (thanks to all of the above for inspiration).


    <div id="container">
        <li>ABOUT US</li>
        <li>PREVIOUS PROJECTS</li>
        <li>RESEARCH &amp; DEV</li>


    ul {
        width: 100%;
        margin:0 0;
        -webkit-padding-start:0px; /* reset chrome default */
    ul li {
        padding:20px 10px;
        text-align: center;
        border-right:2px solid #fff;
    ul li:first-child {
        border-radius:10px 0 0 10px;
    ul li:last-child {
        border-radius:0 10px 10px 0;
        border-right:0 none;

    You can drop the first/last child-rounded ends, obviously, but I think they're real purdy (and so does your client ;)

    The container width limits the horizontal list, but you can ditch this and just apply an absolute value to the UL if you like.

    Fiddle with it, if you like..

    A message body writer for Java type, class myPackage.B, and MIME media type, application/octet-stream, was not found

    Adding reference to:


    As long as adding clientConfig.getFeatures().put(JSONConfiguration.FEATURE_POJO_MAPPING, true); on client creation solved the issue for me:

    ClientConfig clientConfig = new DefaultClientConfig();
    clientConfig.getFeatures().put(JSONConfiguration.FEATURE_POJO_MAPPING, true);
    Client client = Client.create(clientConfig);

    Cannot edit in read-only editor VS Code

    Had the same problem. Here’s what I did & it got me the results I wanted.

    1. Go to the Terminal of Visual studio code.
    2. Cd to the directory of the file that has the code you wrote and ran. Let's call the program " xx.cpp "
    3. Type g++ xx.cpp -o a.out (creates an executable)
    4. To run your program, type ./a.out

    Pass props to parent component in React.js

    The question is how to pass argument from child to parent component. This example is easy to use and tested:

    //Child component
    class Child extends React.Component {
        render() {
            var handleToUpdate  =   this.props.handleToUpdate;
            return (<div><button onClick={() => handleToUpdate('someVar')}>Push me</button></div>
    //Parent component
    class Parent extends React.Component {
        constructor(props) {
            var handleToUpdate  = this.handleToUpdate.bind(this);
            alert('We pass argument from Child to Parent: \n' + someArg);
        render() {
            var handleToUpdate  =   this.handleToUpdate;
            return (<div>
              <Child handleToUpdate = {handleToUpdate.bind(this)} />
            <Parent />,

    Look at JSFIDDLE

    Python: TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'int' objects

    I also had the error message "TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'int' objects". It turns out that I only just forgot to add str() around a variable when printing it. Here is my code:

    def main():_x000D_
     rolling = True; import random_x000D_
     while rolling:_x000D_
      roll = input("ENTER = roll; Q = quit ")_x000D_
      if roll.lower() != 'q':_x000D_
       num = (random.randint(1,6))_x000D_
       print("----------------------"); print("you rolled " + str(num))_x000D_
       rolling = False_x000D_

    I know, it was a stupid mistake but for beginners who are very new to python such as myself, it happens.

    C++ convert hex string to signed integer

    Try this. This solution is a bit risky. There are no checks. The string must only have hex values and the string length must match the return type size. But no need for extra headers.

    char hextob(char ch)
        if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') return ch - '0';
        if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F') return ch - 'A' + 10;
        if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f') return ch - 'a' + 10;
        return 0;
    template<typename T>
    T hextot(char* hex)
        T value = 0;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(T)*2; ++i)
            value |= hextob(hex[i]) << (8*sizeof(T)-4*(i+1));
        return value;


    int main()
        char str[4] = {'f','f','f','f'};
        std::cout << hextot<int16_t>(str)  << "\n";

    Note: the length of the string must be divisible by 2

    How to get host name with port from a http or https request

    If you use the load balancer & Nginx, config them without modify code.


    proxy_set_header       Host $host;  
    proxy_set_header  X-Real-IP  $remote_addr;  
    proxy_set_header  X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;  
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto  $scheme;  

    Tomcat's server.xml Engine:

    <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.RemoteIpValve"  

    If only modify Nginx config file, the java code should be:

    String XForwardedProto = request.getHeader("X-Forwarded-Proto");

    UIImageView - How to get the file name of the image assigned?

    I have deal with this problem, I have been solved it by MVC design pattern, I created Card class:

    @interface Card : NSObject
    @property (strong,nonatomic) UIImage* img;
    @property  (strong,nonatomic) NSString* url;

    //then in the UIViewController in the DidLoad Method to Do :

    // init Cards
    Card* card10= [[Card alloc]init];
    card10.img = [UIImage imageNamed:[card10 url]];

    // for Example

    UIImageView * myImageView = [[UIImageView alloc]initWithImage:card10.img];
    [self.view addSubview:myImageView];

    //may you want to check the image name , so you can do this:

    //for example

     NSString * str = @"image.jpg";
     if([str isEqualToString: [card10 url]]){
     // your code here

    How to set DataGrid's row Background, based on a property value using data bindings

    In XAML, add and define a RowStyle Property for the DataGrid with a goal to set the Background of the Row, to the Color defined in my Employee Object.

    <DataGrid AutoGenerateColumns="False" ItemsSource="EmployeeList">
            <Style TargetType="DataGridRow">
                 <Setter Property="Background" Value="{Binding ColorSet}"/>

    And in my Employee Class

    public class Employee {
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public int Age { get; set; }
        public string ColorSet { get; set; }
        public Employee() { }
        public Employee(int id, string name, int age)
            Id = id;
            Name = name;
            Age = age;
            if (Age > 50)
                ColorSet = "Green";
            else if (Age > 100)
                ColorSet = "Red";
                ColorSet = "White";

    This way every Row of the DataGrid has the BackGround Color of the ColorSet Property of my Object.

    How to get character for a given ascii value

    Here's a function that works for all 256 bytes, and ensures you'll see a character for each value:

    static char asciiSymbol( byte val )
        if( val < 32 ) return '.';  // Non-printable ASCII
        if( val < 127 ) return (char)val;   // Normal ASCII
        // Workaround the hole in Latin-1 code page
        if( val == 127 ) return '.';
        if( val < 0x90 ) return "€.‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹Œ.Ž."[ val & 0xF ];
        if( val < 0xA0 ) return ".‘’“”•–—˜™š›œ.žŸ"[ val & 0xF ];
        if( val == 0xAD ) return '.';   // Soft hyphen: this symbol is zero-width even in monospace fonts
        return (char)val;   // Normal Latin-1

    Node.js global proxy setting

    You can try my package node-global-proxy which work with all node versions and most of http-client (axios, got, superagent, request etc.)

    after install by

    npm install node-global-proxy --save

    a global proxy can start by

    const proxy = require("node-global-proxy").default;
      http: "http://localhost:1080",
      https: "https://localhost:1080",
    /** Proxy working now! */

    More information available here:

    How can I get the application's path in a .NET console application?

    You may be looking to do this:


    How can I format a String number to have commas and round?

    You might want to look at the DecimalFormat class; it supports different locales (eg: in some countries that would get formatted as 1.000.500.000,57 instead).

    You also need to convert that string into a number, this can be done with:

    double amount = Double.parseDouble(number);

    Code sample:

    String number = "1000500000.574";
    double amount = Double.parseDouble(number);
    DecimalFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat("#,###.00");

    Invalid length for a Base-64 char array

        string stringToDecrypt = CypherText.Replace(" ", "+");
        int len = stringToDecrypt.Length;
        byte[] inputByteArray = Convert.FromBase64String(stringToDecrypt); 

    regular expression for Indian mobile numbers

    Here's a regex designed to match typical phone numbers:


    Change value of input onchange?

    for jQuery we can use below:

    by input name:

    $('input[name="textboxname"]').val('some value');

    by input class:

    $('input[type=text].textboxclass').val('some value');

    by input id:

    $('#textboxid').val('some value');

    "The system cannot find the file specified"

    start the sql server agent, that should fix your problem

    node.js Error: connect ECONNREFUSED; response from server

    I had the same problem on my mac, but in my case, the problem was that I did not run the database (sudo mongod) before; the problem was solved when I first ran the mondo sudod on the console and, once it was done, on another console, the connection to the server ...

    java get file size efficiently

    From GHad's benchmark, there are a few issue people have mentioned:

    1>Like BalusC mentioned: stream.available() is flowed in this case.

    Because available() returns an estimate of the number of bytes that can be read (or skipped over) from this input stream without blocking by the next invocation of a method for this input stream.

    So 1st to remove the URL this approach.

    2>As StuartH mentioned - the order the test run also make the cache difference, so take that out by run the test separately.

    Now start test:

    When CHANNEL one run alone:

    CHANNEL sum: 59691, per Iteration: 238.764

    When LENGTH one run alone:

    LENGTH sum: 48268, per Iteration: 193.072

    So looks like the LENGTH one is the winner here:

    public long getResult() throws Exception {
        File me = new File(FileSizeBench.class.getResource(
        return me.length();

    AWS S3 - How to fix 'The request signature we calculated does not match the signature' error?

    After two days of debugging, I finally discovered the problem...

    The key I was assigning to the object started with a period i.e. ..\images\ABC.jpg, and this caused the error to occur.

    I wish the API provides more meaningful and relevant error message, alas, I hope this will help someone else out there!

    PHP absolute path to root

    In PHP there is a global variable containing various details related to the server. It's called $_SERVER. It contains also the root:


    The only problem is that the entries in this variable are provided by the web server and there is no guarantee that all web servers offer them.

    Which is the default location for keystore/truststore of Java applications?

    Like bruno said, you're better configuring it yourself. Here's how I do it. Start by creating a properties file (/etc/myapp/ = /etc/myapp/keyStore = 123456

    Then load the properties to your environment from your code. This makes your application configurable.

    FileInputStream propFile = new FileInputStream("/etc/myapp/");
    Properties p = new Properties(System.getProperties());

    How is a tag different from a branch in Git? Which should I use, here?

    Tags can be either signed or unsigned; branches are never signed.

    Signed tags can never move because they are cryptographically bound (with a signature) to a particular commit. Unsigned tags are not bound and it is possible to move them (but moving tags is not a normal use case).

    Branches can not only move to a different commit but are expected to do so. You should use a branch for your local development project. It doesn't quite make sense to commit work to a Git repository "on a tag".

    How can I regenerate ios folder in React Native project?

    I just found myself with this problem too, but I just solved it.

    Surely when running the "react-native upgrade" command, it gave them the message that it was not necessary to update or with the command "react-native eject" that the command is not recognized.

    react-native upgrade

    Now you should use the react-native upgrade --legacy true command to back up your android folders or ios as the case may be as this command will replace your files.

    react-native upgrade --legacy true

    Now it's just telling you not to replace your package.json

    Addressing localhost from a VirtualBox virtual machine

    Googling turned this up:

    It suggests using IP:, and it worked for me.

    So, I edited the hosts file, C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts, and added this entry:   outer

    If you're testing on IE8, remember to put http:// in the address bar. Just putting the ip directly will not work.

    For example:

    How can I check a C# variable is an empty string "" or null?

    if the variable is a string

    bool result = string.IsNullOrEmpty(variableToTest);

    if you only have an object which may or may not contain a string then

    bool result = string.IsNullOrEmpty(variableToTest as string);

    Storing an object in state of a React component?

    In addition to kiran's post, there's the update helper (formerly a react addon). This can be installed with npm using npm install immutability-helper

    import update from 'immutability-helper';
    var abc = update(, {
       xyz: {$set: 'foo'}
    this.setState({abc: abc});

    This creates a new object with the updated value, and other properties stay the same. This is more useful when you need to do things like push onto an array, and set some other value at the same time. Some people use it everywhere because it provides immutability.

    If you do this, you can have the following to make up for the performance of

    shouldComponentUpdate: function(nextProps, nextState){
       return !==; 
       // and compare any props that might cause an update

    Is it possible to change the location of packages for NuGet?

    1. Create nuget.config in same directory where your solution file is, with following content:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <add key="repositoryPath" value="packages" />

    'packages' will be the folder where all packages will be restored.

    1. Close Visual studio solution and open it again.

    How to read a file line-by-line into a list?

    You could also use the loadtxt command in NumPy. This checks for fewer conditions than genfromtxt, so it may be faster.

    import numpy
    data = numpy.loadtxt(filename, delimiter="\n")