[c#] Trim last character from a string

I have a string say

"Hello! world!" 

I want to do a trim or a remove to take out the ! off world but not off Hello.

This question is related to c# .net

The answer is

In .NET 5 / C# 8:

You can write the code marked as the answer as:

public static class StringExtensions
    public static string TrimLastCharacters(this string str) => string.IsNullOrEmpty(str) ? str : str.TrimEnd(str[^1]);

However, as mentioned in the answer, this removes all occurrences of that last character. If you only want to remove the last character you should instead do:

    public static string RemoveLastCharacter(this string str) => string.IsNullOrEmpty(str) ? str : str[..^1];

A quick explanation for the new stuff in C# 8:

The ^ is called the "index from end operator". The .. is called the "range operator". ^1 is a shortcut for arr.length - 1. You can get all items after the first character of an array with arr[1..] or all items before the last with arr[..^1]. These are just a few quick examples. For more information, see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/whats-new/csharp-8, "Indices and ranges" section.

String withoutLast = yourString.Substring(0,(yourString.Length - 1));

if (yourString.Length > 1)
    withoutLast = yourString.Substring(0, yourString.Length - 1);


if (yourString.Length > 1)
    withoutLast = yourString.TrimEnd().Substring(0, yourString.Length - 1);

...in case you want to remove a non-whitespace character from the end.

Very easy and simple:

str = str.Remove( str.Length - 1 );

I took the path of writing an extension using the TrimEnd just because I was already using it inline and was happy with it... i.e.:

static class Extensions
        public static string RemoveLastChars(this String text, string suffix)
            char[] trailingChars = suffix.ToCharArray();

            if (suffix == null) return text;
            return text.TrimEnd(trailingChars);


Make sure you include the namespace in your classes using the static class ;P and usage is:

string _ManagedLocationsOLAP = string.Empty;
_ManagedLocationsOLAP = _validManagedLocationIDs.RemoveLastChars(",");          

The another example of trimming last character from a string:

string outputText = inputText.Remove(inputText.Length - 1, 1);

You can put it into an extension method and prevent it from null string, etc.

Try this:

return( (str).Remove(str.Length-1) );

you could also use this:

public static class Extensions

        public static string RemovePrefix(this string o, string prefix)
            if (prefix == null) return o;
            return !o.StartsWith(prefix) ? o : o.Remove(0, prefix.Length);

        public static string RemoveSuffix(this string o, string suffix)
            if(suffix == null) return o;
            return !o.EndsWith(suffix) ? o : o.Remove(o.Length - suffix.Length, suffix.Length);


string helloOriginal = "Hello! World!";
string newString = helloOriginal.Substring(0,helloOriginal.LastIndexOf('!'));

string s1 = "Hello! world!"
string s2 = s1.Substring(0, s1.Length - 1);

        string s1 = "Hello! world!";
        string s2 = s1.Trim('!');

An example Extension class to simplify this: -

internal static class String
    public static string TrimEndsCharacter(this string target, char character) => target?.TrimLeadingCharacter(character).TrimTrailingCharacter(character);
    public static string TrimLeadingCharacter(this string target, char character) => Match(target?.Substring(0, 1), character) ? target.Remove(0,1) : target;
    public static string TrimTrailingCharacter(this string target, char character) => Match(target?.Substring(target.Length - 1, 1), character) ? target.Substring(0, target.Length - 1) : target;

    private static bool Match(string value, char character) => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) && value[0] == character;


"!Something!".TrimLeadingCharacter('X'); // Result '!Something!' (No Change)
"!Something!".TrimTrailingCharacter('S'); // Result '!Something!' (No Change)
"!Something!".TrimEndsCharacter('g'); // Result '!Something!' (No Change)

"!Something!".TrimLeadingCharacter('!'); // Result 'Something!' (1st Character removed)
"!Something!".TrimTrailingCharacter('!'); // Result '!Something' (Last Character removed)
"!Something!".TrimEndsCharacter('!'); // Result 'Something'  (End Characters removed)

"!!Something!!".TrimLeadingCharacter('!'); // Result '!Something!!' (Only 1st instance removed)
"!!Something!!".TrimTrailingCharacter('!'); // Result '!!Something!' (Only Last instance removed)
"!!Something!!".TrimEndsCharacter('!'); // Result '!Something!'  (Only End instances removed)

If you want to remove the '!' character from a specific expression("world" in your case), then you can use this regular expression

string input = "Hello! world!";

string output = Regex.Replace(input, "(world)!", "$1", RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.Singleline);

// result: "Hello! world"

the $1 special character contains all the matching "world" expressions, and it is used to replace the original "world!" expression

Slightly modified version of @Damian Leszczynski - Vash that will make sure that only a specific character will be removed.

public static class StringExtensions
    public static string TrimLastCharacter(this string str, char character)
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str) || str[str.Length - 1] != character)
            return str;
        return str.Substring(0, str.Length - 1);