[jquery] Icons missing in jQuery UI

I'm using Modal Form and Widgets from jQuery, but the icons does not appear. for eg the Cross (X) and Plus-Minus (+-) Icons.

When I load the page I et these errors.

"NetworkError: 404 NOT FOUND -"

"NetworkError: 404 NOT FOUND -"

"NetworkError: 404 NOT FOUND -"

So, I downloaded the images, put it into the path specified, but then the +- icons appear twice at the extreme right and moreover only the column1 widgets are minimized. The Close X icon still not appears. Where I'm going wrong?

I would also like to know how to add remove widgets functionality?

This question is related to jquery jquery-ui

The answer is

I found icons were not displaying due to a difference in the casing (ie upper case vs lower case). The CSS file was using "FFFFFF" while the actual file was using "ffffff". Icons displayed for me once I changed the case to match.

You need downbload the jQueryUI, this contains de images that you need

enter link description here

Just download it and save in your network location.

You can get it form the below.


reference: www.thedeveloperblog.com

I saw in console that whenever I open my datepicker that I get 404 Not found error for this image file ui-bg_glass_75_e6e6e6_1x400.png

I downloaded the image from github and put it in my local under jquery-ui folder. Now the problem is solved.

Other image files found here:


Having the right CSS and JS libraries helps, this solved it for me

<link rel="stylesheet" href="//code.jquery.com/ui/1.12.1/themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.css">
<script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.12.4.js"></script>
<script src="//code.jquery.com/ui/1.12.1/jquery-ui.js"></script>

They arent missing, the path is wrong. Its looking in non-existent dir 'img' for a file that is in dir 'images'.

To fix either edit the file that declares the wrong path or as I did just make a softlink like

ln -s images img

Yeah I had the same problem and it was driving me crazy because I couldn't find the image.

This may help you out...

  1. Look for a CSS file in your directories called jquery-ui.css
  2. Open it up and search for ui-bg_flat_75_ffffff_40x100.png.

You will then see something like this...

.ui-widget-content {
    border: 1px solid #aaaaaa;
    background: #ffffff url(images/ui-bg_flat_75_ffffff_40x100.png) 50% 50% repeat-x;
    color: #222222;

And comment out the background and save the CSS document. Or you can set an absolute path to that background property and see if that works for you. (i.e. background: #ffffff url(http://.../image.png);

Hope this helps

you have workaround by setting background color instead of this missing icon. Here are the steps to follow:

  • open relevant 'jquery-ui-x.-.x.css' file
  • search for the missing file name in css file(eg: ui-bg_flat_75_ffffff_40x100.png")
  • Remove/comment the line that calls this background image
  • instead add the following line to replace the background color 'background-color: #ffffff'

That will probably work

I have put the images in a convenient zip file: http://zlab.co.za/lib_help/jquery-ui.css.images.zip

As the readme.txt file in the zip file reads: Place the "images" folder in the same folder where your "jquery-ui.css" file is located.

I hope this helps :)

I met a similar error after adding jQuery-ui-tooltip component using bower. It downloads js + css files only, so I had to manually add images.

A good source to find all the images (for all standard themes) is this CDN.