[c#] Is there a better alternative than this to 'switch on type'?

This is an alternate answer that mixes contributions from JaredPar and VirtLink answers, with the following constraints:

  • The switch construction behaves as a function, and receives functions as parameters to cases.
  • Ensures that it is properly built, and there always exists a default function.
  • It returns after first match (true for JaredPar answer, not true for VirtLink one).


 var result = 
     .Case((string x) => "is a string")
     .Case((long x) => "is a long")
     .Default(_ => "what is it?");


public class TSwitch<TResult>
    class CaseInfo<T>
        public Type Target { get; set; }
        public Func<object, T> Func { get; set; }

    private object _source;
    private List<CaseInfo<TResult>> _cases;

    public static TSwitch<TResult> On(object source)
        return new TSwitch<TResult> { 
            _source = source,
            _cases = new List<CaseInfo<TResult>>()

    public TResult Default(Func<object, TResult> defaultFunc)
        var srcType = _source.GetType();
       foreach (var entry in _cases)
            if (entry.Target.IsAssignableFrom(srcType))
                return entry.Func(_source);

        return defaultFunc(_source);

    public TSwitch<TResult> Case<TSource>(Func<TSource, TResult> func)
        _cases.Add(new CaseInfo<TResult>
            Func = x => func((TSource)x),
            Target = typeof(TSource)
        return this;