Programs & Examples On #Daemon

A daemon is a process or program that runs in the background (i.e. requiring no user interaction).

Check to see if python script is running

Here is more useful code (with checking if exactly python executes the script):

#! /usr/bin/env python

import os
from sys import exit

def checkPidRunning(pid):
    global script_name
    if pid<1:
        print "Incorrect pid number!"
        os.kill(pid, 0)
    except OSError:
        print "Abnormal termination of previous process."
        return False
        ps_command = "ps -o command= %s | grep -Eq 'python .*/%s'" % (pid,script_name)
        process_exist = os.system(ps_command)
        if process_exist == 0:
            return True
            print "Process with pid %s is not a Python process. Continue..." % pid
            return False

if __name__ == '__main__':
    script_name = os.path.basename(__file__)
    pid = str(os.getpid())
    pidfile = os.path.join("/", "tmp/", script_name+".pid")
    if os.path.isfile(pidfile):
        print "Warning! Pid file %s existing. Checking for process..." % pidfile
        r_pid = int(file(pidfile,'r').readlines()[0])
        if checkPidRunning(r_pid):
            print "Python process with pid = %s is already running. Exit!" % r_pid
            file(pidfile, 'w').write(pid)
        file(pidfile, 'w').write(pid)

# main programm


Here is string:

ps_command = "ps -o command= %s | grep -Eq 'python .*/%s'" % (pid,script_name)

returns 0 if "grep" is successful, and the process "python" is currently running with the name of your script as a parameter .

A cron job for rails: best practices?

I'm not really sure, I guess it depends on the task: how often to run, how much complicated and how much direct communication with the rails project is needed etc. I guess if there was just "One Best Way" to do something, there wouldn't be so many different ways to do it.

At my last job in a Rails project, we needed to make a batch invitation mailer (survey invitations, not spamming) which should send the planned mails whenever the server had time. I think we were going to use daemon tools to run the rake tasks I had created.

Unfortunately, our company had some money problems and was "bought" by the main rival so the project was never completed, so I don't know what we would eventually have used.

Android Studio Gradle project "Unable to start the daemon process /initialization of VM"

Just reboot your PC

Not sure what caused this issue for me, I've tried all the solutions here, nothing worked. Reboot helped, Windows 7.

org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx2048m was already there.


I believe it started after Update of Windows Defender Antivirus (KB915597)

Approximate date of update - 2018.07.22

Creating a daemon in Linux

In Linux i want to add a daemon that cannot be stopped and which monitors filesystem changes. If any changes would be detected it should write the path to the console where it was started + a newline.

Daemons work in the background and (usually...) don't belong to a TTY that's why you can't use stdout/stderr in the way you probably want. Usually a syslog daemon (syslogd) is used for logging messages to files (debug, error,...).

Besides that, there are a few required steps to daemonize a process.

If I remember correctly these steps are:

  • fork off the parent process & let it terminate if forking was successful. -> Because the parent process has terminated, the child process now runs in the background.
  • setsid - Create a new session. The calling process becomes the leader of the new session and the process group leader of the new process group. The process is now detached from its controlling terminal (CTTY).
  • Catch signals - Ignore and/or handle signals.
  • fork again & let the parent process terminate to ensure that you get rid of the session leading process. (Only session leaders may get a TTY again.)
  • chdir - Change the working directory of the daemon.
  • umask - Change the file mode mask according to the needs of the daemon.
  • close - Close all open file descriptors that may be inherited from the parent process.

To give you a starting point: Look at this skeleton code that shows the basic steps. This code can now also be forked on GitHub: Basic skeleton of a linux daemon

 * daemonize.c
 * This example daemonizes a process, writes a few log messages,
 * sleeps 20 seconds and terminates afterwards.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <syslog.h>

static void skeleton_daemon()
    pid_t pid;

    /* Fork off the parent process */
    pid = fork();

    /* An error occurred */
    if (pid < 0)

    /* Success: Let the parent terminate */
    if (pid > 0)

    /* On success: The child process becomes session leader */
    if (setsid() < 0)

    /* Catch, ignore and handle signals */
    //TODO: Implement a working signal handler */
    signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN);
    signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN);

    /* Fork off for the second time*/
    pid = fork();

    /* An error occurred */
    if (pid < 0)

    /* Success: Let the parent terminate */
    if (pid > 0)

    /* Set new file permissions */

    /* Change the working directory to the root directory */
    /* or another appropriated directory */

    /* Close all open file descriptors */
    int x;
    for (x = sysconf(_SC_OPEN_MAX); x>=0; x--)
        close (x);

    /* Open the log file */
    openlog ("firstdaemon", LOG_PID, LOG_DAEMON);
int main()

    while (1)
        //TODO: Insert daemon code here.
        syslog (LOG_NOTICE, "First daemon started.");
        sleep (20);

    syslog (LOG_NOTICE, "First daemon terminated.");

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

  • Compile the code: gcc -o firstdaemon daemonize.c
  • Start the daemon: ./firstdaemon
  • Check if everything is working properly: ps -xj | grep firstdaemon

  • The output should be similar to this one:

|    1 | 3387 | 3386 | 3386 | ?   |    -1 | S    | 1000 | 0:00 | ./  |

What you should see here is:

  • The daemon has no controlling terminal (TTY = ?)
  • The parent process ID (PPID) is 1 (The init process)
  • The PID != SID which means that our process is NOT the session leader
    (because of the second fork())
  • Because PID != SID our process can't take control of a TTY again

Reading the syslog:

  • Locate your syslog file. Mine is here: /var/log/syslog
  • Do a: grep firstdaemon /var/log/syslog

  • The output should be similar to this one:

  firstdaemon[3387]: First daemon started.
  firstdaemon[3387]: First daemon terminated.

A note: In reality you would also want to implement a signal handler and set up the logging properly (Files, log levels...).

Further reading:

How do I run a node.js app as a background service?

Node.js as a background service in WINDOWS XP


  1. Install WGET via installer executable
  2. Install GIT via installer executable
  3. Install NSSM via copying nnsm.exe into %windir%/system32 folder
  4. Create c:\node\helloworld.js

    var http = require('http');
    var server = http.createServer(function (request, response) {
        response.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type": "text/plain"});
        response.end("Hello World\n");
    console.log("Server running at");
  5. Open command console and type the following (setx only if Resource Kit is installed)

    C:\node> set path=%PATH%;%CD%
    C:\node> setx path "%PATH%"
    C:\node> set NODE_PATH="C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules"
    C:\node> git config --system http.sslcainfo /bin/curl-ca-bundle.crt    
    C:\node> git clone --recursive git://    
    C:\node> cd npm    
    C:\node\npm> node cli.js install npm -gf   
    C:\node> cd ..    
    C:\node> nssm.exe install node-helloworld "C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe" c:\node\helloworld.js    
    C:\node> net start node-helloworld
  6. A nifty batch goodie is to create c:\node\ServiceMe.cmd

    @echo off
    nssm.exe install node-%~n1 "C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe" %~s1
    net start node-%~n1

Service Management:

  • The services themselves are now accessible via Start-> Run-> services.msc or via Start->Run-> MSCONFIG-> Services (and check 'Hide All Microsoft Services').
  • The script will prefix every node made via the batch script with 'node-'.
  • Likewise they can be found in the registry: "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\node-xxxx"

How to stop docker under Linux

In my case, it was neither systemd nor a cron job, but it was snap. So I had to run:

sudo snap stop docker
sudo snap remove docker

... and the last command actually never ended, I don't know why: this snap thing is really a pain. So I also ran:

sudo apt purge snap


Android Studio: Unable to start the daemon process

Sometimes You just open too much applications in Windows and make the gradle have no enough memory to start the daemon process.So when you come across with this situation,you can just close some applications such as Chrome and so on. Then restart your android studio.

How do you create a daemon in Python?

80% of the time, when folks say "daemon", they only want a server. Since the question is perfectly unclear on this point, it's hard to say what the possible domain of answers could be. Since a server is adequate, start there. If an actual "daemon" is actually needed (this is rare), read up on nohup as a way to daemonize a server.

Until such time as an actual daemon is actually required, just write a simple server.

Also look at the WSGI reference implementation.

Also look at the Simple HTTP Server.

"Are there any additional things that need to be considered? " Yes. About a million things. What protocol? How many requests? How long to service each request? How frequently will they arrive? Will you use a dedicated process? Threads? Subprocesses? Writing a daemon is a big job.

Best way to make a shell script daemon?

Have a look at the daemon tool from the libslack package:

On Mac OS X use a launchd script for shell daemon.

Getting pids from ps -ef |grep keyword


ps -ef | grep "KEYWORD" | awk '{print $2}'

That command should give you the PID of the processes with KEYWORD in them. In this instance, awk is returning what is in the 2nd column from the output.

How to start a background process in Python?

While jkp's solution works, the newer way of doing things (and the way the documentation recommends) is to use the subprocess module. For simple commands its equivalent, but it offers more options if you want to do something complicated.

Example for your case:

import subprocess

This will run rm -r some.file in the background. Note that calling .communicate() on the object returned from Popen will block until it completes, so don't do that if you want it to run in the background:

import subprocess
ls_output=subprocess.Popen(["sleep", "30"])
ls_output.communicate()  # Will block for 30 seconds

See the documentation here.

Also, a point of clarification: "Background" as you use it here is purely a shell concept; technically, what you mean is that you want to spawn a process without blocking while you wait for it to complete. However, I've used "background" here to refer to shell-background-like behavior.

Run php script as daemon process

As others have already mentioned, running PHP as a daemon is quite easy, and can be done using a single line of command. But the actual problem is keeping it running and managing it. I've had the same problem quite some time ago and although there are plenty of solutions already available, most of them have lots of dependencies or are difficult to use and not suitable for basic usages. I wrote a shell script that can manage a any process/application including PHP cli scripts. It can be set as a cronjob to start the application and will contain the application and manage it. If it's executed again, for example via the same cronjob, it check if the app is running or not, if it does then simply exits and let its previous instance continue managing the application.

I uploaded it to github, feel free to use it :


Simply watches over your application (start, restart, log, monitor, etc). a generic script to make sure that your appliation remains running properly. Intentionally it uses process name instread of pid/lock file to prevent all its side effects and keep the script as simple and as stirghforward as possible, so it always works even when EasyDaemonizer itself is restarted. Features

  • Starts the application and optionally a customized delay for each start
  • Makes sure that only one instance is running
  • Monitors CPU usage and restarts the app automatically when it reaches the defined threshold
  • Setting EasyDeamonizer to run via cron to run it again if it's halted for any reason
  • Logs its activity

How to process SIGTERM signal gracefully?

Found easiest way for me. Here an example with fork for clarity that this way is useful for flow control.

import signal
import time
import sys
import os

def handle_exit(sig, frame):

def main():

signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, handle_exit)

p = os.fork()
if p == 0:

    os.waitpid(p, 0)
except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
    print('exit handled')
    os.kill(p, 15)
    os.waitpid(p, 0)

What does the DOCKER_HOST variable do?

Upon investigation, it's also worth noting that when you want to start using docker in a new terminal window, the correct command is:

$(boot2docker shellinit)

I had tested these commands:

>>  docker info
Get http:///var/run/docker.sock/v1.15/info: dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: no such file or directory
>>  boot2docker shellinit
Writing /Users/ddavison/.boot2docker/certs/boot2docker-vm/ca.pem
Writing /Users/ddavison/.boot2docker/certs/boot2docker-vm/cert.pem
Writing /Users/ddavison/.boot2docker/certs/boot2docker-vm/key.pem
    export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://
    export DOCKER_CERT_PATH=/Users/ddavison/.boot2docker/certs/boot2docker-vm
    export DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY=1
>> docker info
Get http:///var/run/docker.sock/v1.15/info: dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: no such file or directory

Notice that docker info returned that same error. however.. when using $(boot2docker shellinit)...

>>  $(boot2docker init)
Writing /Users/ddavison/.boot2docker/certs/boot2docker-vm/ca.pem
Writing /Users/ddavison/.boot2docker/certs/boot2docker-vm/cert.pem
Writing /Users/ddavison/.boot2docker/certs/boot2docker-vm/key.pem
>>  docker info
Containers: 3

Docker command can't connect to Docker daemon

Tested in Ubuntu 16.04

# Create the docker group and add your user to the docker group
groupadd docker
usermod -aG docker $USER
newgrp docker

# Configure docker service to be exposed
mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d
echo -e '[Service]\nExecStart=\nExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -H fd:// -H tcp://' >> /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/override.conf

# restart service
systemctl daemon-reload
service docker restart

Daemon Threads Explanation

A simpler way to think about it, perhaps: when main returns, your process will not exit if there are non-daemon threads still running.

A bit of advice: Clean shutdown is easy to get wrong when threads and synchronization are involved - if you can avoid it, do so. Use daemon threads whenever possible.

SyntaxError: missing ; before statement

Or you might have something like this (redeclaring a variable):

var data = [];
var data = 

What are the rules about using an underscore in a C++ identifier?

From MSDN:

Use of two sequential underscore characters ( __ ) at the beginning of an identifier, or a single leading underscore followed by a capital letter, is reserved for C++ implementations in all scopes. You should avoid using one leading underscore followed by a lowercase letter for names with file scope because of possible conflicts with current or future reserved identifiers.

This means that you can use a single underscore as a member variable prefix, as long as it's followed by a lower-case letter.

This is apparently taken from section of the C++ standard, but I can't find an original source for the full standard online.

See also this question.

How to get the current date/time in Java

Similar to above solutions. But I always find myself looking for this chunk of code:

Date date=Calendar.getInstance().getTime();

Round up value to nearest whole number in SQL UPDATE

You could use the ceiling function; this portion of SQL code :

select ceiling(45.01), ceiling(45.49), ceiling(45.99);

will get you "46" each time.

For your update, so, I'd say :

Update product SET price = ceiling(45.01)

BTW : On MySQL, ceil is an alias to ceiling ; not sure about other DB systems, so you might have to use one or the other, depending on the DB you are using...

Quoting the documentation :


Returns the smallest integer value not less than X.

And the given example :

mysql> SELECT CEILING(1.23);
        -> 2
mysql> SELECT CEILING(-1.23);
        -> -1

How to remove package using Angular CLI?

It's an open issue #900 on GitHub, unfortunately at this point of time it looks that in Angular CLI there's nothing like ng remove/rm/..., only using npm uninstall DEPENDENCY is the current workaround.

JavaScript set object key by variable

In ES6, you can do like this.

var key = "name";
var person = {[key]:"John"}; // same as var person = {"name" : "John"}
console.log(person); // should print  Object { name="John"}

    var key = "name";_x000D_
    var person = {[key]:"John"};_x000D_
    console.log(person); // should print  Object { name="John"}

Its called Computed Property Names, its implemented using bracket notation( square brackets) []

Example: { [variableName] : someValue }

Starting with ECMAScript 2015, the object initializer syntax also supports computed property names. That allows you to put an expression in brackets [], that will be computed and used as the property name.

For ES5, try something like this

var yourObject = {};

yourObject[yourKey] = "yourValue";

console.log(yourObject );


var person = {};
var key = "name";

person[key] /* this is same as */ = "John";

console.log(person); // should print  Object { name="John"}

    var person = {};_x000D_
    var key = "name";_x000D_
    person[key] /* this is same as */ = "John";_x000D_
    console.log(person); // should print  Object { name="John"}

Order by in Inner Join

You have to sort it if you want the data to come back a certain way. When you say you are expecting "Mohit" to be the first row, I am assuming you say that because "Mohit" is the first row in the [One] table. However, when SQL Server joins tables, it doesn't necessarily join in the order you think.

If you want the first row from [One] to be returned, then try sorting by [One].[ID]. Alternatively, you can order by any other column.

MySQL - How to parse a string value to DATETIME format inside an INSERT statement?

Use MySQL's STR_TO_DATE() function to parse the string that you're attempting to insert:

INSERT INTO tblInquiry (fldInquiryReceivedDateTime) VALUES
  (STR_TO_DATE('5/15/2012 8:06:26 AM', '%c/%e/%Y %r'))

Get current url in Angular


So final correct solution is :

import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { Location } from '@angular/common';
import { Router } from '@angular/router'; 

/* 'router' it must be in small case */

      selector: 'app-other',
      templateUrl: './other.component.html',
      styleUrls: ['./other.component.css']

    export class OtherComponent implements OnInit {

        public href: string = "";
        url: string = "asdf";

        constructor(private router : Router) {} // make variable private so that it would be accessible through out the component

        ngOnInit() {
            this.href = this.router.url;

How do I trim() a string in angularjs?

JS .trim() is supported in basically everthing, except IE 8 and below.

If you want it to work with that, then, you can use JQuery, but it'll need to be <2.0.0 (as they removed support for IE8 in the 2.x.x line).

Your other option, if you care about IE7/8 (As you mention earlier), is to add trim yourself:

if(typeof String.prototype.trim !== 'function') {
  String.prototype.trim = function() {
    return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); 

How to create named and latest tag in Docker?

Once you have your image, you can use

$ docker tag <image> <newName>/<repoName>:<tagName>
  1. Build and tag the image with creack/node:latest

    $ ID=$(docker build -q -t creack/node .)
  2. Add a new tag

    $ docker tag $ID creack/node:0.10.24
  3. You can use this and skip the -t part from build

    $ docker tag $ID creack/node:latest

How do I import a namespace in Razor View Page?

You can try this

@using MyNamespace

C# : Out of Memory exception

Two points:

  1. If you are running a 32 bit Windows, you won't have all the 4GB accessible, only 2GB.
  2. Don't forget that the underlying implementation of List is an array. If your memory is heavily fragmented, there may not be enough contiguous space to allocate your List, even though in total you have plenty of free memory.

Call async/await functions in parallel

I vote for:

await Promise.all([someCall(), anotherCall()]);

Be aware of the moment you call functions, it may cause unexpected result:

// Supposing anotherCall() will trigger a request to create a new User

if (callFirst) {
  await someCall();
} else {
  await Promise.all([someCall(), anotherCall()]); // --> create new User here

But following always triggers request to create new User

// Supposing anotherCall() will trigger a request to create a new User

const someResult = someCall();
const anotherResult = anotherCall(); // ->> This always creates new User

if (callFirst) {
  await someCall();
} else {
  const finalResult = [await someResult, await anotherResult]

how do I set height of container DIV to 100% of window height?

Did you set the CSS:

html, body
    height: 100%;

You need this to be able to make the div take up all the space. :)

How to Convert date into MM/DD/YY format in C#


Look at the docs for custom date and time format strings for more info.

(Oh, and I hope this app isn't destined for other cultures. That format could really confuse a lot of people... I've never understood the whole month/day/year thing, to be honest. It just seems weird to go "middle/low/high" in terms of scale like that.)

How can I format a decimal to always show 2 decimal places?

If you're using this for currency, and also want the value to be seperated by ,'s you can use

$ {:,.f2}.format(currency_value).


currency_value = 1234.50

$ {:,.f2}.format(currency_value) --> $ 1,234.50

Here is a bit of code I wrote some time ago:

print("> At the end of year " + year_string + " total paid is \t$ {:,.2f}".format(total_paid))

> At the end of year   1  total paid is         $ 43,806.36
> At the end of year   2  total paid is         $ 87,612.72
> At the end of year   3  total paid is         $ 131,419.08
> At the end of year   4  total paid is         $ 175,225.44
> At the end of year   5  total paid is         $ 219,031.80   <-- Note .80 and not .8
> At the end of year   6  total paid is         $ 262,838.16
> At the end of year   7  total paid is         $ 306,644.52
> At the end of year   8  total paid is         $ 350,450.88
> At the end of year   9  total paid is         $ 394,257.24
> At the end of year  10  total paid is         $ 438,063.60   <-- Note .60 and not .6
> At the end of year  11  total paid is         $ 481,869.96
> At the end of year  12  total paid is         $ 525,676.32
> At the end of year  13  total paid is         $ 569,482.68
> At the end of year  14  total paid is         $ 613,289.04
> At the end of year  15  total paid is         $ 657,095.40   <-- Note .40 and not .4  
> At the end of year  16  total paid is         $ 700,901.76
> At the end of year  17  total paid is         $ 744,708.12
> At the end of year  18  total paid is         $ 788,514.48
> At the end of year  19  total paid is         $ 832,320.84
> At the end of year  20  total paid is         $ 876,127.20   <-- Note .20 and not .2

Generate a UUID on iOS from Swift

For Swift 3, many Foundation types have dropped the 'NS' prefix, so you'd access it by UUID().uuidString.

How to auto adjust table td width from the content

you could also use display: table insted of tables. Divs are way more flexible than tables.


.table {_x000D_
   display: table;_x000D_
   border-collapse: collapse;_x000D_
.table .table-row {_x000D_
   display: table-row;_x000D_
.table .table-cell {_x000D_
   display: table-cell;_x000D_
   text-align: left;_x000D_
   vertical-align: top;_x000D_
   border: 1px solid black;_x000D_
<div class="table">_x000D_
 <div class="table-row">_x000D_
  <div class="table-cell">test</div>_x000D_
  <div class="table-cell">test1123</div>_x000D_
 <div class="table-row">_x000D_
  <div class="table-cell">test</div>_x000D_
  <div class="table-cell">test123</div>_x000D_

Javascript change Div style

Better change the class of the element (.regular is black, .alert is red):

function abc(){
  var myDiv = document.getElementById("test");
  if (myDiv.className == 'alert') {
    myDiv.className = 'regular';
  } else {
    myDiv.className = 'alert';

How to append contents of multiple files into one file

for i in {1..3}; do cat "$i.txt" >> 0.txt; done

I found this page because I needed to join 952 files together into one. I found this to work much better if you have many files. This will do a loop for however many numbers you need and cat each one using >> to append onto the end of 0.txt.


as brought up in the comments:

cat {1..3}.txt >> 0.txt


cat {0..3}.txt >> all.txt

cannot make a static reference to the non-static field

You are trying to access non static field directly from static method which is not legal in java. balance is a non static field, so either access it using object reference or make it static.

Integration Testing POSTing an entire object to Spring MVC controller

One of the main purposes of integration testing with MockMvc is to verify that model objects are correclty populated with form data.

In order to do it you have to pass form data as they're passed from actual form (using .param()). If you use some automatic conversion from NewObject to from data, your test won't cover particular class of possible problems (modifications of NewObject incompatible with actual form).

You should not use <Link> outside a <Router>

Enclose Link component inside BrowserRouter component

 export default () => (
        <Link to="/">Redux example</Link>

What is

Note that namespaces that are in the format of a valid Web URL don't necessarily need to be dereferenced i.e. you don't need to serve actual content at that URL. All that matters is that the namespace is globally unique.

How to redirect siteA to siteB with A or CNAME records

You can do this a number of non-DNS ways. The landing page at can have an HTTP redirect. The webserver at can be configured to redirect (easy in Apache, not sure about IIS), etc.

Error: the entity type requires a primary key

When I used the Scaffold-DbContext command, it didn't include the "[key]" annotation in the model files or the "entity.HasKey(..)" entry in the "modelBuilder.Entity" blocks. My solution was to add a line like this in every "modelBuilder.Entity" block in the *Context.cs file:

entity.HasKey(X => x.Id);

I'm not saying this is better, or even the right way. I'm just saying that it worked for me.

How to call a JavaScript function from PHP?

I don't accept the naysayers' answers.

If you find some special package that makes it work, then you can do it yourself! So, I don't buy those answers.

onClick is a kludge that involves the end-user, hence not acceptable.

@umesh came close, but it was not a standalone program. Here is such (adapted from his Answer):

<script type="text/javascript">
function JSFunction() {
    alert('In test Function');   // This demonstrates that the function was called

// Call a JS function "from" php

if (true) {   // This if() is to point out that you might
              // want to call JSFunction conditionally
    // An echo like this is how you implant the 'call' in a way
    // that it will be invoked in the client.
    echo '<script type="text/javascript">

SQL Server error on update command - "A severe error occurred on the current command"

In my case,I was using SubQuery and had a same problem. I realized that the problem is from memory leakage.

Restarting MSSQL service cause to flush tempDb resource and free huge amount of memory. so this was solve the problem.

Add a dependency in Maven

I'd do this:

  1. add the dependency as you like in your pom:


  2. run mvn install it will try to download the jar and fail. On the process, it will give you the complete command of installing the jar with the error message. Copy that command and run it! easy huh?!

Reading output of a command into an array in Bash

Here is an example. Imagine that you are going to put the files and directory names (under the current folder) to an array and count its items. The script would be like;

my_array=( `ls` )
echo $my_array_length

Or, you can iterate over this array by adding the following script:

for element in "${my_array[@]}"
   echo "${element}"

Please note that this is the core concept and the input is considered to be sanitized before, i.e. removing extra characters, handling empty Strings, and etc. (which is out of the topic of this thread).

Create Django model or update if exists

Thought I'd add an answer since your question title looks like it is asking how to create or update, rather than get or create as described in the question body.

If you did want to create or update an object, the .save() method already has this behaviour by default, from the docs:

Django abstracts the need to use INSERT or UPDATE SQL statements. Specifically, when you call save(), Django follows this algorithm:

If the object’s primary key attribute is set to a value that evaluates to True (i.e., a value other than None or the empty string), Django executes an UPDATE. If the object’s primary key attribute is not set or if the UPDATE didn’t update anything, Django executes an INSERT.

It's worth noting that when they say 'if the UPDATE didn't update anything' they are essentially referring to the case where the id you gave the object doesn't already exist in the database.

Export DataTable to Excel with Open Xml SDK in c#

I also wrote a C#/VB.Net "Export to Excel" library, which uses OpenXML and (more importantly) also uses OpenXmlWriter, so you won't run out of memory when writing large files.

Full source code, and a demo, can be downloaded here:

Export to Excel

It's dead easy to use. Just pass it the filename you want to write to, and a DataTable, DataSet or List<>.

CreateExcelFile.CreateExcelDocument(myDataSet, "MyFilename.xlsx");

And if you're calling it from an ASP.Net application, pass it the HttpResponse to write the file out to.

CreateExcelFile.CreateExcelDocument(myDataSet, "MyFilename.xlsx", Response);

ScrollTo function in AngularJS

very clear answer, using just ANGULARJS, no any JQUERY depends

in your html somewhere on the bottom <back-top>some text</back-top>

in your html somewhere on the top <div id="top"></div>

in your js:

 * @ngdoc directive
 * @name APP.directive:backTop

.directive('backTop', ['$location', '$anchorScroll' ,function($location, $anchorScroll) {
  return {
    restrict: 'E',
    replace: true,
    transclude: true,
    template: '<span class=\'btn btn-mute pull-right\'><i class=\'glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-up\'></i><ng-transclude></ng-transclude></span>',
    scope: {
    link: function(scope, element) {
      element.on('click', function(event) {

RegEx to extract all matches from string using RegExp.exec

If you're able to use matchAll here's a trick:

Array.From has a 'selector' parameter so instead of ending up with an array of awkward 'match' results you can project it to what you really need:

Array.from(str.matchAll(regexp), m => m[0]);

If you have named groups eg. (/(?<firstname>[a-z][A-Z]+)/g) you could do this:

Array.from(str.matchAll(regexp), m => m.groups.firstName);

How to get a list of images on docker registry v2

Here's an example that lists all tags of all images on the registry. It handles a registry configured for HTTP Basic auth too.


# Get username:password from docker configuration. You could
# inject these some other way instead if you wanted.
CREDS=$(jq -r ".[\"auths\"][\"$THE_REGISTRY\"][\"auth\"]" .docker/config.json | base64 -d)

curl -s --user $CREDS https://$THE_REGISTRY/v2/_catalog | \
    jq -r '.["repositories"][]' | \
    xargs -I @REPO@ curl -s --user $CREDS https://$THE_REGISTRY/v2/@REPO@/tags/list | \
    jq -M '.["name"] + ":" + .["tags"][]'


  • extract username:password from .docker/config.json
  • make a https request to the registry to list all "repositories"
  • filter the json result to a flat list of repository names
  • for each repository name:
  • make a https request to the registry to list all "tags" for that "repository"
  • filter the stream of result json objects, printing "repository":"tag" pairs for each tag found in each repository

How do you access the element HTML from within an Angular attribute directive?

I suggest using Render, as the ElementRef API doc suggests:

... take a look at Renderer which provides API that can safely be used even when direct access to native elements is not supported. Relying on direct DOM access creates tight coupling between your application and rendering layers which will make it impossible to separate the two and deploy your application into a web worker or Universal.

Always use the Renderer for it will make you code (or library you right) be able to work when using Universal or WebWorkers.

import { Directive, ElementRef, HostListener, Input, Renderer } from '@angular/core';

export class HighlightDirective {
    constructor(el: ElementRef, renderer: Renderer) {
        renderer.setElementProperty(el.nativeElement, 'innerHTML', 'some new value');

It doesn't look like Render has a getElementProperty() method though, so I guess we still need to use NativeElement for that part. Or (better) pass the content in as an input property to the directive.

No Spring WebApplicationInitializer types detected on classpath

STS has a metadata folder under its workspace. You will see the actual error in .log file under C:\Users\firstname.lastname\Documents\workspace-sts-3.9.2.RELEASE.metadata

How can I read input from the console using the Scanner class in Java?

You can make a simple program to ask for the user's name and print whatever the reply use inputs.

Or ask the user to enter two numbers and you can add, multiply, subtract, or divide those numbers and print the answers for user inputs just like the behavior of a calculator.

So there you need the Scanner class. You have to import java.util.Scanner;, and in the code you need to use:

Scanner input = new Scanner(;

input is a variable name.

Scanner input = new Scanner(;

System.out.println("Please enter your name: ");
s =; // Getting a String value

System.out.println("Please enter your age: ");
i = input.nextInt(); // Getting an integer

System.out.println("Please enter your salary: ");
d = input.nextDouble(); // Getting a double

See how this differs:;, i = input.nextInt();, d = input.nextDouble();

According to a String, int and a double varies the same way for the rest. Don't forget the import statement at the top of your code.

Best way to require all files from a directory in ruby?

The best way is to add the directory to the load path and then require the basename of each file. This is because you want to avoid accidentally requiring the same file twice -- often not the intended behavior. Whether a file will be loaded or not is dependent on whether require has seen the path passed to it before. For example, this simple irb session shows that you can mistakenly require and load the same file twice.

$ irb
irb(main):001:0> require 'test'
=> true
irb(main):002:0> require './test'
=> true
irb(main):003:0> require './test.rb'
=> false
irb(main):004:0> require 'test'
=> false

Note that the first two lines return true meaning the same file was loaded both times. When paths are used, even if the paths point to the same location, require doesn't know that the file was already required.

Here instead, we add a directory to the load path and then require the basename of each *.rb file within.

dir = "/path/to/directory"
Dir[File.join(dir, "*.rb")].each {|file| require File.basename(file) }

If you don't care about the file being required more than once, or your intention is just to load the contents of the file, perhaps load should be used instead of require. Use load in this case, because it better expresses what you're trying to accomplish. For example:

Dir["/path/to/directory/*.rb"].each {|file| load file }

I do not want to inherit the child opacity from the parent in CSS

As others have mentioned in this and other similar threads, the best way to avoid this problem is to use RGBA/HSLA or else use a transparent PNG.

But, if you want a ridiculous solution, similar to the one linked in another answer in this thread (which is also my website), here's a brand new script I wrote that fixes this problem automatically, called thatsNotYoChild.js:

Basically it uses JavaScript to remove all children from the parent div, then reposition the child elements back to where they should be without actually being children of that element anymore.

To me, this should be a last resort, but I thought it would be fun to write something that did this, if anyone wants to do this.

What is the Maximum Size that an Array can hold?

Since Length is an int I'd say Int.MaxValue

How to properly make a http web GET request

var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("sendrequesturl");
var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
string responseString;
using (var stream = response.GetResponseStream())
    using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream))
        responseString = reader.ReadToEnd();

How to install beautiful soup 4 with python 2.7 on windows

I feel most people have pip installed already with Python. On Windows, one way to check for pip is to open Command Prompt and typing in:

python -m pip

If you get Usage and Commands instructions then you have it installed. If python was not found though, then it needs to be added to the path. Alternatively you can run the same command from within the installation directory of python.

If all is good, then this command will install BeautifulSoup easily:

python -m pip install BeautifulSoup4


Installing very very beautiful soup

N' now I see I need to upgrade my pip, which I just did :)

How to use the addr2line command in Linux?

That's exactly how you use it. There is a possibility that the address you have does not correspond to something directly in your source code though.

For example:

$ cat t.c
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
    return 0;
$ gcc -g t.c
$ addr2line -e a.out 0x400534
$ addr2line -e a.out 0x400550

0x400534 is the address of main in my case. 0x400408 is also a valid function address in a.out, but it's a piece of code generated/imported by GCC, that has no debug info. (In this case, __libc_csu_init. You can see the layout of your executable with readelf -a your_exe.)

Other times when addr2line will fail is if you're including a library that has no debug information.

string.split - by multiple character delimiter

Another option:

Replace the string delimiter with a single character, then split on that character.

string input = "abc][rfd][5][,][.";
string[] parts1 = input.Replace("][","-").Split('-');

Bootstrap 3 Gutter Size

I don't think Bass's answer is correct. Why touch the row margins? They have a negative margin to offset the column padding for the columns on the edge of the row. Messing with this will break any nested rows.

The answer is simple, just make the container padding equal to the gutter size:

e.g for default bootstrap:

.container {

How can I read a whole file into a string variable

I'm not with computer,so I write a draft. You might be clear of what I say.

func main(){
    const dir = "/etc/"
    filesInfo, e := ioutil.ReadDir(dir)
    var fileNames = make([]string, 0, 10)
    for i,v:=range filesInfo{
        if !v.IsDir() {
            fileNames = append(fileNames, v.Name())

    var fileNumber = len(fileNames)
    var contents = make([]string, fileNumber, 10)
    wg := sync.WaitGroup{}

    for i,_:=range content {
        go func(i int){
            defer wg.Done()
            buf,e := ioutil.Readfile(fmt.Printf("%s/%s", dir, fileName[i]))
            defer file.Close()  
            content[i] = string(buf)

How can I check if a scrollbar is visible?

I made a new custom :pseudo selector for jQuery to test whether an item has one of the following css properties:

  1. overflow: [scroll|auto]
  2. overflow-x: [scroll|auto]
  3. overflow-y: [scroll|auto]

I wanted to find the closest scrollable parent of another element so I also wrote another little jQuery plugin to find the closest parent with overflow.

This solution probably doesn't perform the best, but it does appear to work. I used it in conjunction with the $.scrollTo plugin. Sometimes I need to know whether an element is inside another scrollable container. In that case I want to scroll the parent scrollable element vs the window.

I probably should have wrapped this up in a single plugin and added the psuedo selector as a part of the plugin, as well as exposing a 'closest' method to find the closest (parent) scrollable container. it is.

$.isScrollable jQuery plugin:

$.fn.isScrollable = function(){
    var elem = $(this);
    return (
    elem.css('overflow') == 'scroll'
        || elem.css('overflow') == 'auto'
        || elem.css('overflow-x') == 'scroll'
        || elem.css('overflow-x') == 'auto'
        || elem.css('overflow-y') == 'scroll'
        || elem.css('overflow-y') == 'auto'

$(':scrollable') jQuery pseudo selector:

$.expr[":"].scrollable = function(a) {
    var elem = $(a);
    return elem.isScrollable();

$.scrollableparent() jQuery plugin:

$.fn.scrollableparent = function(){
    return $(this).closest(':scrollable') || $(window); //default to $('html') instead?

Implementation is pretty simple

//does a specific element have overflow scroll?
var somedivIsScrollable = $(this).isScrollable();
//use :scrollable psuedo selector to find a collection of child scrollable elements
var scrollableChildren = $(this).find(':scrollable');
//use $.scrollableparent to find closest scrollable container
var scrollableparent = $(this).scrollableparent();

UPDATE: I found that Robert Koritnik already came up with a much more powerful :scrollable pseudo selector that will identify the scrollable axes and height of scrollable containers, as a part of his $.scrollintoview() jQuery plugin. scrollintoview plugin

Here is his fancy pseudo selector (props):

    $.extend($.expr[":"], {

    scrollable: function (element, index, meta, stack) {

        var direction = converter[typeof (meta[3]) === "string" && meta[3].toLowerCase()] || converter.both;

        var styles = (document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle ? document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(element, null) : element.currentStyle);

        var overflow = {

            x: scrollValue[styles.overflowX.toLowerCase()] || false,

            y: scrollValue[styles.overflowY.toLowerCase()] || false,

            isRoot: rootrx.test(element.nodeName)


        // check if completely unscrollable (exclude HTML element because it's special)

        if (!overflow.x && !overflow.y && !overflow.isRoot)


            return false;


        var size = {

            height: {

                scroll: element.scrollHeight,

                client: element.clientHeight


            width: {

                scroll: element.scrollWidth,

                client: element.clientWidth


            // check overflow.x/y because iPad (and possibly other tablets) don't dislay scrollbars

            scrollableX: function () {

                return (overflow.x || overflow.isRoot) && this.width.scroll > this.width.client;


            scrollableY: function () {

                return (overflow.y || overflow.isRoot) && this.height.scroll > this.height.client;



        return direction.y && size.scrollableY() || direction.x && size.scrollableX();



android set button background programmatically


Sets the background color for this view. Parameters: color the color of the background is a reference generated at the compilation in gen.

error TS2339: Property 'x' does not exist on type 'Y'

I was getting this error on Vue 3. It was because defineComponent must be imported like this:

<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent } from "vue";

export default defineComponent({
    name: "HelloWorld",
    props: {
        msg: String,
    created() {
    methods: {
        testF() {

How do I revert to a previous package in Anaconda?

I had to use the install function instead:

conda install pandas=0.13.1

Difference between PCDATA and CDATA in DTD

PCDATA – parsed character data. It parses all the data in an XML document.



Here, the <family> element contains 2 more elements: <mother> and <father>. So it parses further to get the text of mother and father to give the text value of family as “mom dad”

CDATA – unparsed character Data. This is the data that should not be parsed further in an xml document.


Here, the text value of family will be <mother>mom</mother><father>dad</father>.

Removing html5 required attribute with jQuery

If you want to set required to true


if you want to set required to false


TypeScript add Object to array with push

If your example represents your real code, the problem is not in the push, it's that your constructor doesn't do anything.

You need to declare and initialize the x and y members.


export class Pixel {
    public x: number;
    public y: number;   
    constructor(x: number, y: number) {
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;

Or implicitly:

export class Pixel {
    constructor(public x: number, public y: number) {}

Search all of Git history for a string?

Git can search diffs with the -S option (it's called pickaxe in the docs)

git log -S password

This will find any commit that added or removed the string password. Here a few options:

  • -p: will show the diffs. If you provide a file (-p file), it will generate a patch for you.
  • -G: looks for differences whose added or removed line matches the given regexp, as opposed to -S, which "looks for differences that introduce or remove an instance of string".
  • --all: searches over all branches and tags; alternatively, use --branches[=<pattern>] or --tags[=<pattern>]

configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables

For me it was a problem with gcc, highlighted by gcc -v. It was down to upgrading Xcode recently this post said to do sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/ which fixed the issue.

Variable number of arguments in C++?

We could also use an initializer_list if all arguments are const and of the same type

Apache Tomcat Not Showing in Eclipse Server Runtime Environments

Help -> check for updates upon Eclipse update solved the issue

How to get JavaScript caller function line number? How to get JavaScript caller source URL?

I realize this is an old question but there is now a method called console.trace("Message") that will show you the line number and the chain of method calls that led to the log along with the message you pass it. More info on javascript logging tricks are available here at freecodecamp and this medium blog post

Why does the order in which libraries are linked sometimes cause errors in GCC?

If you add -Wl,--start-group to the linker flags it does not care which order they're in or if there are circular dependencies.

On Qt this means adding:

QMAKE_LFLAGS += -Wl,--start-group

Saves loads of time messing about and it doesn't seem to slow down linking much (which takes far less time than compilation anyway).

Where should my npm modules be installed on Mac OS X?

npm root -g

to check the npm_modules global location

CSS: Background image and padding

You can be more precise with CSS background-origin:

background-origin: content-box;

This will make image respect the padding of the box.

How can we draw a vertical line in the webpage?

<hr> is not from struts. It is just an HTML tag.

So, take a look here: This link will give you a couple of tips.

How to extract text from a PDF?

One of the comments here used gs on Windows. I had some success with that on Linux/OSX too, with the following syntax:

gs \
 -q \
 -dSAFER \
 -f \
 "${input}" \
 -dQUIET \
 -c quit

I used dSIMPLE instead of dCOMPLEX because the latter outputs 1 character per line.

SQL Query to fetch data from the last 30 days?

SELECT COUNT(job_id) FROM jobs WHERE posted_date < NOW()-30;

Now() returns the current Date and Time.

NPM stuck giving the same error EISDIR: Illegal operation on a directory, read at error (native)

In my case issue was that space character was in the name of the source folder (Windows 10).

how to convert a string to an array in php


$str = "Hello Friend";

$arr1 = str_split($str);
$arr2 = str_split($str, 3);



check if a key exists in a bucket in s3 using boto3

I'm not a big fan of using exceptions for control flow. This is an alternative approach that works in boto3:

import boto3

s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
bucket = s3.Bucket('my-bucket')
key = 'dootdoot.jpg'
objs = list(bucket.objects.filter(Prefix=key))
if any([w.key == path_s3 for w in objs]):
    print("Doesn't exist")

How can I let a user download multiple files when a button is clicked?

The best way to do this is to have your files zipped and link to that:

The other solution can be found here: How to make a link open multiple pages when clicked

Which states the following:


<a href="#" class="yourlink">Download</a>


$('a.yourlink').click(function(e) {

Having said this, I would still go with zipping the file, as this implementation requires JavaScript and can also sometimes be blocked as popups.

Undefined reference to sqrt (or other mathematical functions)

I had the same issue, but I simply solved it by adding -lm after the command that runs my code. Example. gcc code.c -lm

How to create a new database after initally installing oracle database 11g Express Edition?

Save the following code in a batch file (ex. createOraDbWin.bat). Change the parameter values like app_name, ora_dir etc., Run the file with administrative privileges. The batch file creates a basic oracle database:

Note : May take much time (say around 30mins)

rem oracle xe has been installed
rem oracle_home has been set
rem oracle_sid has been set
rem oracle service is running

set char_set =al32utf8
set nls_char_set =al16utf16

set ora_dir=d:\app\db\oracle
set version=
set app_name=xyz
set db_name=%app_name%_db
set db_sid=%db_name%_sid
set db_ins=%db_name%_ins
set sys_passwd=x3y5z7
set system_passwd=1x4y9z

set max_log_files=32
set max_log_members=4
set max_log_history=100
set max_data_files=254
set max_instances=1

set version_dir=%ora_dir%\%version%
set db_dir=%version_dir%\%db_name%

set instl_temp_dir=%db_dir%\instl\script

set system_dir=%db_dir%\system
set user_dir=%db_dir%\user
set undo_dir=%db_dir%\undo
set sys_aux_dir=%db_dir%\sysaux
set temp_dir=%db_dir%\temp
set control_dir=%db_dir%\control

set pfile_dir=%db_dir%\pfile
set data_dir=%db_dir%\data
set index_dir=%db_dir%\index
set log_dir=%db_dir%\log
set backup_dir=%db_dir%\backup
set archive_dir=%db_dir%\archive

set data_dir=%db_dir%\data
set index_dir=%db_dir%\index
set log_dir=%db_dir%\log
set backup_dir=%db_dir%\backup
set archive_dir=%db_dir%\archive
set undo_dir=%db_dir%\undo
set default_dir=%db_dir%\default

set system_tbs=%db_name%_system_tbs
set user_tbs=%db_name%_user_tbs
set sys_aux_tbs=%db_name%_sys_aux_tbs
set temp_tbs=%db_name%_temp_tbs
set control_tbs=%db_name%_control_tbs

set data_tbs=%db_name%_data_tbs
set index_tbs=%db_name%_index_tbs
set log_tbs=%db_name%_log_tbs
set backup_tbs=%db_name%_backup_tbs
set archive_tbs=%db_name%_archive_tbs
set undo_tbs=%db_name%_undo_tbs
set default_tbs=%db_name%_default_tbs

set system_file=%system_dir%\%db_name%_system.dbf
set user_file=%user_dir%\%db_name%_user.dbf
set sys_aux_file=%sys_aux_dir%\%db_name%_sys_aux.dbf
set temp_file=%temp_dir%\%db_name%_temp.dbf
set control_file=%control_dir%\%db_name%_control.dbf

set data_file=%data_dir%\%db_name%_data.dbf
set index_file=%index_dir%\%db_name%_index.dbf
set backup_file=%backup_dir%\%db_name%_backup.dbf
set archive_file=%archive_dir%\%db_name%_archive.dbf
set undo_file=%undo_dir%\%db_name%_undo.dbf
set default_file=%default_dir%\%db_name%_default.dbf

set log1_file=%log_dir%\%db_name%_log1.log
set log2_file=%log_dir%\%db_name%_log2.log
set log3_file=%log_dir%\%db_name%_log3.log

set init_file=%pfile_dir%\init%db_sid%.ora
set db_create_file=%instl_temp_dir%\createdb.sql
set db_drop_file=dropdb.sql

set db_create_log=%instl_temp_dir%\db_create.log
set db_drop_log=db_drop.log

set oracle_sid=%db_sid%

echo shutdown immediate;>%db_drop_file%
echo startup mount exclusive restrict;>>%db_drop_file%
echo drop database;>>%db_drop_file%

rem sqlplus -s "/as sysdba" @"%db_drop_file%">%db_drop_log%

rem oradim -delete -sid %db_sid%

md %system_dir%
md %user_dir%
md %sys_aux_dir%
md %temp_dir%
md %control_dir%

md %pfile_dir%
md %data_dir%
md %index_dir%
md %log_dir%
md %backup_dir%
md %archive_dir%
md %undo_dir%
md %default_dir%
md %instl_temp_dir%

echo db_name='%db_name%'>%init_file%
echo memory_target=1024m>>%init_file%
echo processes=150>>%init_file%
echo sessions=20>>%init_file%
echo audit_file_dest=%user_dir%>>%init_file%
echo audit_trail ='db'>>%init_file%
echo db_block_size=8192>>%init_file%
echo db_domain=''>>%init_file%
echo diagnostic_dest=%db_dir%>>%init_file%
echo dispatchers='(protocol=tcp) (service=%app_name%xdb)'>>%init_file%
echo shared_servers=4>>%init_file%
echo open_cursors=300>>%init_file%
echo remote_login_passwordfile='exclusive'>>%init_file%
echo undo_management=auto>>%init_file%
echo undo_tablespace='%undo_tbs%'>>%init_file%
echo control_files = ("%control_dir%\control1.ora", "%control_dir%\control2.ora")>>%init_file%
echo job_queue_processes=4>>%init_file%
echo db_recovery_file_dest_size = 10g>>%init_file%
echo db_recovery_file_dest=%log_dir%>>%init_file%
echo compatible ='11.2.0'>>%init_file%

echo startup nomount pfile='%init_file%';>>%db_create_file%

echo create database %db_name%>>%db_create_file%
echo user sys identified by %sys_passwd%>>%db_create_file%
echo user system identified by %system_passwd%>>%db_create_file%
echo logfile group 1 ('%log1_file%') size 100m,>>%db_create_file%
echo group 2 ('%log2_file%') size 100m,>>%db_create_file%
echo group 3 ('%log3_file%') size 100m>>%db_create_file%
echo maxlogfiles %max_log_files%>>%db_create_file%
echo maxlogmembers %max_log_members%>>%db_create_file%
echo maxloghistory %max_log_history%>>%db_create_file%
echo maxdatafiles %max_data_files%>>%db_create_file%
echo character set %char_set %>>%db_create_file%
echo national character set %nls_char_set %>>%db_create_file%
echo extent management local>>%db_create_file%
echo datafile '%system_file%' size 325m reuse>>%db_create_file%
echo sysaux datafile '%sys_aux_file%' size 325m reuse>>%db_create_file%
echo default tablespace %default_tbs%>>%db_create_file%
echo datafile '%default_file%'>>%db_create_file%
echo size 500m reuse autoextend on maxsize unlimited>>%db_create_file%
echo default temporary tablespace %temp_tbs%>>%db_create_file%
echo tempfile '%temp_file%'>>%db_create_file%
echo size 20m reuse>>%db_create_file%
echo undo tablespace %undo_tbs%>>%db_create_file%
echo datafile '%undo_file%'>>%db_create_file%
echo size 200m reuse autoextend on maxsize unlimited;>>%db_create_file%

echo @?\rdbms\admin\catalog.sql>>%db_create_file%

echo @?\rdbms\admin\catproc.sql>>%db_create_file%

echo create spfile from pfile='%init_file%';>>%db_create_file%

echo shutdown immediate;>>%db_create_file%

echo startup;>>%db_create_file%

echo show parameter spfile;>>%db_create_file%

oradim -new -sid %db_sid% -startmode auto

sqlplus -s "/as sysdba" @"%db_create_file%">%db_create_log%


Welcome your corrections and improvements!

Bootstrap dropdown menu not working (not dropping down when clicked)

I had the same issue I remove the following script and it worked for me.

<script src=""></script>

Pandas read_sql with parameters

The read_sql docs say this params argument can be a list, tuple or dict (see docs).

To pass the values in the sql query, there are different syntaxes possible: ?, :1, :name, %s, %(name)s (see PEP249).
But not all of these possibilities are supported by all database drivers, which syntax is supported depends on the driver you are using (psycopg2 in your case I suppose).

In your second case, when using a dict, you are using 'named arguments', and according to the psycopg2 documentation, they support the %(name)s style (and so not the :name I suppose), see
So using that style should work:

df = psql.read_sql(('select "Timestamp","Value" from "MyTable" '
                     'where "Timestamp" BETWEEN %(dstart)s AND %(dfinish)s'),

How can I print using JQuery

There is a jquery print area. I've been using it for some time now.

   $("#outprint").printArea({ mode: 'popup', popClose: true });

Get Cell Value from Excel Sheet with Apache Poi

You have to use the FormulaEvaluator, as shown here. This will return a value that is either the value present in the cell or the result of the formula if the cell contains such a formula :

FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream("/somepath/test.xls");
Workbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(fis); //or new XSSFWorkbook("/somepath/test.xls")
Sheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0);
FormulaEvaluator evaluator = wb.getCreationHelper().createFormulaEvaluator();

// suppose your formula is in B3
CellReference cellReference = new CellReference("B3"); 
Row row = sheet.getRow(cellReference.getRow());
Cell cell = row.getCell(cellReference.getCol()); 

if (cell!=null) {
    switch (evaluator.evaluateFormulaCell(cell)) {
        case Cell.CELL_TYPE_BOOLEAN:
        case Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC:
        case Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING:
        case Cell.CELL_TYPE_BLANK:
        case Cell.CELL_TYPE_ERROR:

        // CELL_TYPE_FORMULA will never occur
        case Cell.CELL_TYPE_FORMULA: 

if you need the exact contant (ie the formla if the cell contains a formula), then this is shown here.

Edit : Added a few example to help you.

first you get the cell (just an example)

Row row = sheet.getRow(rowIndex+2);    
Cell cell = row.getCell(1);   

If you just want to set the value into the cell using the formula (without knowing the result) :

 String formula ="ABS((1-E"+(rowIndex + 2)+"/D"+(rowIndex + 2)+")*100)";    

if you want to change the message if there is an error in the cell, you have to change the formula to do so, something like

IF(ISERR(ABS((1-E3/D3)*100));"N/A"; ABS((1-E3/D3)*100))

(this formula check if the evaluation return an error and then display the string "N/A", or the evaluation if this is not an error).

if you want to get the value corresponding to the formula, then you have to use the evaluator.

Hope this help,

How to change Format of a Cell to Text using VBA

One point: you have to set NumberFormat property BEFORE loading the value into the cell. I had a nine digit number that still displayed as 9.14E+08 when the NumberFormat was set after the cell was loaded. Setting the property before loading the value made the number appear as I wanted, as straight text.


Could you try an autofit first:


Invalid attempt to read when no data is present

You have to call DataReader.Read to fetch the result:

SqlDataReader dr = cmd10.ExecuteReader();
if (dr.Read()) 
    // read data for first record here

DataReader.Read() returns a bool indicating if there are more blocks of data to read, so if you have more than 1 result, you can do:

while (dr.Read()) 
    // read data for each record here

How can I limit the visible options in an HTML <select> dropdown?

<p>Which one true?</p>
<select id="sel">

( display just first option of all options)


Send email by using codeigniter library via localhost

Please check my working code.

function sendMail()
    $config = Array(
  'protocol' => 'smtp',
  'smtp_host' => 'ssl://',
  'smtp_port' => 465,
  'smtp_user' => '[email protected]', // change it to yours
  'smtp_pass' => 'xxx', // change it to yours
  'mailtype' => 'html',
  'charset' => 'iso-8859-1',
  'wordwrap' => TRUE

        $message = '';
        $this->load->library('email', $config);
      $this->email->from('[email protected]'); // change it to yours
      $this->email->to('[email protected]');// change it to yours
      $this->email->subject('Resume from JobsBuddy for your Job posting');
      echo 'Email sent.';


What is the difference between an int and a long in C++?

The C++ specification itself (old version but good enough for this) leaves this open.

There are four signed integer types: 'signed char', 'short int', 'int', and 'long int'. In this list, each type provides at least as much storage as those preceding it in the list. Plain ints have the natural size suggested by the architecture of the execution environment* ;

[Footnote: that is, large enough to contain any value in the range of INT_MIN and INT_MAX, as defined in the header <climits>. --- end foonote]

How to import cv2 in python3?

The best way is to create a virtual env. first and then do pip install , everything will work fine

How do I change the select box arrow

You can skip the container or background image with pure css arrow:

select {

  /* make arrow and background */

    linear-gradient(45deg, transparent 50%, blue 50%),
    linear-gradient(135deg, blue 50%, transparent 50%),
    linear-gradient(to right, skyblue, skyblue);
    calc(100% - 21px) calc(1em + 2px),
    calc(100% - 16px) calc(1em + 2px),
    100% 0;
    5px 5px,
    5px 5px,
    2.5em 2.5em;
  background-repeat: no-repeat;

  /* styling and reset */

  border: thin solid blue;
  font: 300 1em/100% "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif;
  line-height: 1.5em;
  padding: 0.5em 3.5em 0.5em 1em;

  /* reset */

  border-radius: 0;
  margin: 0;      
  -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
  -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
  box-sizing: border-box;

Sample here

echo that outputs to stderr

This is a simple STDERR function, which redirect the pipe input to STDERR.

# *************************************************************
# This function redirect the pipe input to STDERR.
# @param stream
# @return string
function STDERR () {

cat - 1>&2


# remove the directory /bubu
if rm /bubu 2>/dev/null; then
    echo "Bubu is gone."
    echo "Has anyone seen Bubu?" | STDERR

# run the and redirect you output
tux@earth:~$ ./ >/tmp/bubu.log 2>/tmp/bubu.err

pandas DataFrame: replace nan values with average of columns

Although, the below code does the job, BUT its performance takes a big hit, as you deal with a DataFrame with # records 100k or more:


In my experience, one should replace NaN values (be it with Mean or Median), only where it is required, rather than applying fillna() all over the DataFrame.

I had a DataFrame with 20 variables, and only 4 of them required NaN values treatment (replacement). I tried the above code (Code 1), along with a slightly modified version of it (code 2), where i ran it selectively .i.e. only on variables which had a NaN value

#----(Code 1) Treatment on overall DataFrame-----


#----(Code 2) Selective Treatment----------------

for i in df.columns[df.isnull().any(axis=0)]:     #---Applying Only on variables with NaN values

#---df.isnull().any(axis=0) gives True/False flag (Boolean value series), 
#---which when applied on df.columns[], helps identify variables with NaN values

Below is the performance i observed, as i kept on increasing the # records in DataFrame

DataFrame with ~100k records

  • Code 1: 22.06 Seconds
  • Code 2: 0.03 Seconds

DataFrame with ~200k records

  • Code 1: 180.06 Seconds
  • Code 2: 0.06 Seconds

DataFrame with ~1.6 Million records

  • Code 1: code kept running endlessly
  • Code 2: 0.40 Seconds

DataFrame with ~13 Million records

  • Code 1: --did not even try, after seeing performance on 1.6 Mn records--
  • Code 2: 3.20 Seconds

Apologies for a long answer ! Hope this helps !

Load a HTML page within another HTML page

<button onclick="'');">Open popup</button>

JFrame Maximize window

i like this version:

import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.GraphicsConfiguration;
import java.awt.Toolkit;
import javax.swing.JFrame;

public class Test
    public static void main(String [] args)
        final JFrame frame = new JFrame();
        final GraphicsConfiguration config = frame.getGraphicsConfiguration();

        final int left = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenInsets(config).left;
        final int right = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenInsets(config).right;
        final int top = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenInsets(config).top;
        final int bottom = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenInsets(config).bottom;

        final Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
        final int width = screenSize.width - left - right;
        final int height = screenSize.height - top - bottom;


How to properly export an ES6 class in Node 4?

class expression can be used for simplicity.

 // Foo.js
'use strict';

// export default class Foo {}
module.exports = class Foo {}


// main.js
'use strict';

const Foo = require('./Foo.js');

let Bar = new class extends Foo {
  constructor() {
    super(); = 'bar';


Adding CSRFToken to Ajax request

This worked for me (using jQuery 2.1)

$(document).ajaxSend(function(elm, xhr, s){
    if (s.type == "POST") { +="&":""; += "_token=" + $('#csrf-token').val();

or this:

$(document).ajaxSend(function(elm, xhr, s){
    if (s.type == "POST") {
        xhr.setRequestHeader('x-csrf-token', $('#csrf-token').val());

(where #csrf-token is the element containing the token)

What is the default encoding of the JVM?

There are three "default" encodings:

  • file.encoding:

  • java.nio.Charset:

  • And the encoding of the InputStreamReader:

You can read more about it on this page.

How do I get the find command to print out the file size with the file name?

I struggled with this on Mac OS X where the find command doesn't support -printf.

A solution that I found, that admittedly relies on the 'group' for all files being 'staff' was...

ls -l -R | sed 's/\(.*\)staff *\([0-9]*\)..............\(.*\)/\2 \3/'

This splits the ls long output into three tokens

  1. the stuff before the text 'staff'
  2. the file size
  3. the file name

And then outputs tokens 2 and 3, i.e. output is number of bytes and then filename

8071 sections.php
54681 services.php
37961 style.css
13260 thumb.php
70951 workshops.php

For files in directory, only echo filename (no path)

You can either use what SiegeX said above or if you aren't interested in learning/using parameter expansion, you can use:

for filename in $(ls /home/user/);
    echo $filename


It's an excellent question, I had the same question yesterday. I thought about this problem, specifically SEARCHED if existed something like "ON UPDATE CASCADE" and fortunately the designers of SQL had also thought about that. I agree with Ted.strauss, and I also commented Noran's case.

When did I use it? Like Ted pointed out, when you are treating several databases at one time, and the modification in one of them, in one table, has any kind of reproduction in what Ted calls "satellite database", can't be kept with the very original ID, and for any reason you have to create a new one, in case you can't update the data on the old one (for example due to permissions, or in case you are searching for fastness in a case that is so ephemeral that doesn't deserve the absolute and utter respect for the total rules of normalization, simply because will be a very short-lived utility)

So, I agree in two points:

(A.) Yes, in many times a better design can avoid it; BUT

(B.) In cases of migrations, replicating databases, or solving emergencies, it's a GREAT TOOL that fortunately was there when I went to search if it existed.

JavaFX Location is not set error message

I had faced he similar problem however it got resolved once i renamed the file , so i would suggest that you should

"Just rename the file"

How to read a file into vector in C++?

Just a piece of advice. Instead of writing

for (int i=0; i=((Main.size())-1); i++) {
   cout << Main[i] << '\n';

as suggested above, write a:

for (vector<double>::iterator it=Main.begin(); it!=Main.end(); it++) {
   cout << *it << '\n';

to use iterators. If you have C++11 support, you can declare i as auto i=Main.begin() (just a handy shortcut though)

This avoids the nasty one-position-out-of-bound error caused by leaving out a -1 unintentionally.

"android.view.WindowManager$BadTokenException: Unable to add window" on

I got this error, but mine was coming from the Toasts, not a Dialog.

I have Activity and Fragments in my layout. Code for the Toast was in the Activity class. Fragments gets loaded before the Activity.

I think the Toast code was hit before the Context/Activity finished initializing. I think it was the getApplicationContext() in the command Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "onMenutItemActionCollapse called", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

How to generate class diagram from project in Visual Studio 2013?

For creating real UML class diagrams:

In Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate you can do this without any external tools.

  • In the menu, click on Architecture, New Diagram Select UML Class Diagram
  • This will ask you to create a new Modeling Project if you don't have one already.

You will have a empty UMLClassDiagram.classdiagram.

  • Again, go to Architecture, Windows, Architecture Explorer.
  • A window will pop up with your namespaces, Choose Class View.
  • Then a list of sub-namespaces will appear, if any. Choose one, select the classes and drag them to the empty UMLClassDiagram1.classdiagram window.

Reference: Create UML Class Diagrams from Code

Hide element by class in pure Javascript

document.getElementsByClassName returns an HTMLCollection(an array-like object) of all elements matching the class name. The style property is defined for Element not for HTMLCollection. You should access the first element using the bracket(subscript) notation.

document.getElementsByClassName('appBanner')[0].style.visibility = 'hidden';

Updated jsFiddle

To change the style rules of all elements matching the class, using the Selectors API:

[]'.appBanner'), function (el) { = 'hidden';

If for...of is available:

for (let el of document.querySelectorAll('.appBanner')) = 'hidden';

Use and meaning of "in" in an if statement?

It depends on what next is.

If it's a string (as in your example), then in checks for substrings.

>>> "in" in "indigo"
>>> "in" in "violet"
>>> "0" in "10"
>>> "1" in "10"

If it's a different kind of iterable (list, tuple, set, dictionary...), then in checks for membership.

>>> "in" in ["in", "out"]
>>> "in" in ["indigo", "violet"]

In a dictionary, membership is seen as "being one of the keys":

>>> "in" in {"in": "out"}
>>> "in" in {"out": "in"}

How do I set a JLabel's background color?

You must set the setOpaque(true) to true other wise the background will not be painted to the form. I think from reading that if it is not set to true that it will paint some or not any of its pixels to the form. The background is transparent by default which seems odd to me at least but in the way of programming you have to set it to true as shown below.

      JLabel lb = new JLabel("Test");
      lb.setOpaque(true); <--This line of code must be set to true or otherwise the 

From the JavaDocs


public void setOpaque(boolean isOpaque)
  If true the component paints every pixel within its bounds. Otherwise, 
  the component may not paint some or all of its pixels, allowing the underlying 
  pixels to show through.
  The default value of this property is false for JComponent. However, 
  the default value for this property on most standard JComponent subclasses 
   (such as JButton and JTree) is look-and-feel dependent.

isOpaque - true if this component should be opaque
See Also:

tsc throws `TS2307: Cannot find module` for a local file

@vladima replied to this issue on GitHub:

The way the compiler resolves modules is controlled by moduleResolution option that can be either node or classic (more details and differences can be found here). If this setting is omitted the compiler treats this setting to be node if module is commonjs and classic - otherwise. In your case if you want classic module resolution strategy to be used with commonjs modules - you need to set it explicitly by using

    "compilerOptions": {
        "moduleResolution": "node"

How to change the default docker registry from to my private registry?

It turns out this is actually possible, but not using the genuine Docker CE or EE version.

You can either use Red Hat's fork of docker with the '--add-registry' flag or you can build docker from source yourself with registry/config.go modified to use your own hard-coded default registry namespace/index.

Using Page_Load and Page_PreRender in ASP.Net

It depends on your requirements.

Page Load : Perform actions common to all requests, such as setting up a database query. At this point, server controls in the tree are created and initialized, the state is restored, and form controls reflect client-side data. See Handling Inherited Events.

Prerender :Perform any updates before the output is rendered. Any changes made to the state of the control in the prerender phase can be saved, while changes made in the rendering phase are lost. See Handling Inherited Events.

Reference: Control Execution Lifecycle MSDN

Try to read about

ASP.NET Page Life Cycle Overview ASP.NET

Control Execution Lifecycle


Get all parameters from JSP page


    <%@page import="java.util.Enumeration"%>

    Enumeration in = request.getParameterNames();
    while(in.hasMoreElements()) {
     String paramName = in.nextElement().toString();
     out.println(paramName + " = " + request.getParameter(paramName)+"<br>");

    key = datr
    key2 = datr2
    key3 = datr3

How to print to console using swift playground?

As of Xcode 7.0.1 println is change to print. Look at the image. there are lot more we can print out. enter image description here

Go to particular revision

You can get a graphical view of the project history with tools like gitk. Just run:

gitk --all

If you want to checkout a specific branch:

git checkout <branch name>

For a specific commit, use the SHA1 hash instead of the branch name. (See Treeishes in the Git Community Book, which is a good read, to see other options for navigating your tree.)

git log has a whole set of options to display detailed or summary history too.

I don't know of an easy way to move forward in a commit history. Projects with a linear history are probably not all that common. The idea of a "revision" like you'd have with SVN or CVS doesn't map all that well in Git.

Jaxb, Class has two properties of the same name

Same problem I faced, I added



and now it is working.

Copying HTML code in Google Chrome's inspect element

Do the following:

  1. Select the top most element, you want to copy. (To copy all, select <html>)
  2. Right click.
  3. Select Edit as HTML
  4. New sub-window opens up with the HTML text.
  5. This is your chance. Press CTRL+A/CTRL+C and copy the entire text field to a different window.

This is a hacky way, but it's the easiest way to do this.

Javascript: best Singleton pattern

Why use a constructor and prototyping for a single object?

The above is equivalent to:

var earth= {
    someMethod: function () {
        if (console && console.log)
            console.log('some method');                             

return {
    Person: Constructors.Person,
    PlanetEarth: earth

nodejs - first argument must be a string or Buffer - when using response.write with http.request

The first argument must be one of type string or Buffer. Received type object

 at write_

I was getting like the above error while I passing body data to the request module.

I have passed another parameter that is JSON: true and its working.

var option={
headers://my credential

Is it possible to center text in select box?

I ran into this issue where a client was insisting on this, and they were on a Mac and and iPhone.

I wound up using media queries and a percentage padding for padding-left. Was this a satisfying solution? Not at all, but it let me move on.

Deserialize JSON to ArrayList<POJO> using Jackson

I am also having the same problem. I have a json which is to be converted to ArrayList.

Account looks like this.

  Person p ;
  Related r ;


    String Name ;
    Address a ;

All of the above classes have been annotated properly. I have tried TypeReference>() {} but is not working.

It gives me Arraylist but ArrayList has a linkedHashMap which contains some more linked hashmaps containing final values.

My code is as Follows:

public T unmarshal(String responseXML,String c)
    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();

    AnnotationIntrospector introspector = new JacksonAnnotationIntrospector();


      this.targetclass = (T) mapper.readValue(responseXML,  new TypeReference<ArrayList<T>>() {});
    catch (JsonParseException e)
    catch (JsonMappingException e) {
    } catch (IOException e) {

    return this.targetclass;

I finally solved the problem. I am able to convert the List in Json String directly to ArrayList as follows:


     T targetClass ;

     public ArrayList<T> unmarshal(String jsonString)
        ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();

        AnnotationIntrospector introspector = new JacksonAnnotationIntrospector();


        JavaType type = mapper.getTypeFactory().
                    constructCollectionType(ArrayList.class, targetclass.getClass()) ;
        Class c1 = this.targetclass.getClass() ;
        Class c2 = this.targetclass1.getClass() ;
            ArrayList<T> temp = (ArrayList<T>) mapper.readValue(jsonString,  type);
        return temp ;
       catch (JsonParseException e)
       catch (JsonMappingException e) {
       } catch (IOException e) {

     return null ;


Syntax for an If statement using a boolean

You can change the value of a bool all you want. As for an if:

if randombool == True:

works, but you can also use:

if randombool:

If you want to test whether something is false you can use:

if randombool == False

but you can also use:

if not randombool:

How do I disable fail_on_empty_beans in Jackson?

T o fix this issue configure your JsonDataFormat class like below

ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();

which is almost equivalent to,

mapper.configure(SerializationConfig.Feature.FAIL_ON_EMPTY_BEANS, false);

php var_dump() vs print_r()

It's too simple. The var_dump() function displays structured information about variables/expressions including its type and value. Whereas The print_r() displays information about a variable in a way that's readable by humans.

Example: Say we have got the following array and we want to display its contents.

$arr = array ('xyz', false, true, 99, array('50'));

print_r() function - Displays human-readable output

    [0] => xyz
    [1] =>
    [2] => 1
    [3] => 99
    [4] => Array
            [0] => 50

var_dump() function - Displays values and types

array(5) {
  string(3) "xyz"
  array(1) {
    string(2) "50"

For more details:

What's the bad magic number error?

In my case it was not .pyc but old binary .mo translation files after I renamed my own module, so inside this module folder I had to run

find . -name \*.po -execdir sh -c 'msgfmt "$0" -o `basename $0 .po`.mo' '{}' \;

(please do backup and try to fix .pyc files first)

Retrofit 2 - Dynamic URL

I wanted to replace only a part of the url, and with this solution, I don't have to pass the whole url, just the dynamic part:

public interface APIService {

  Call<List<Playlist> getUserPlaylists(@Path(value = "user_id", encoded = true) String userId);

MySQL ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE for multiple rows insert in single query

You can use Replace instead of INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE.

Gson: Is there an easier way to serialize a map

Only the TypeToken part is neccesary (when there are Generics involved).

Map<String, String> myMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
myMap.put("one", "hello");
myMap.put("two", "world");

Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().create();
String json = gson.toJson(myMap);


Type typeOfHashMap = new TypeToken<Map<String, String>>() { }.getType();
Map<String, String> newMap = gson.fromJson(json, typeOfHashMap); // This type must match TypeToken



How to play ringtone/alarm sound in Android

Your example is basically what I'm using. It never works on the emulator, however, because the emulator doesn't have any ringtones by default, and content://settings/system/ringtone doesn't resolve to anything playable. It works fine on my actual phone.

Merge two array of objects based on a key

This is a version when you have an object and an array and you want to merge them and give the array a key value so it fits into the object nicely.

var fileData = [_x000D_
    { "id" : "1", "filename" : "myfile1", "score" : 33.1 }, _x000D_
    { "id" : "2", "filename" : "myfile2", "score" : 31.4 }, _x000D_
    { "id" : "3", "filename" : "myfile3", "score" : 36.3 }, _x000D_
    { "id" : "4", "filename" : "myfile4", "score" : 23.9 }_x000D_
var fileQuality = [0.23456543,0.13413131,0.1941344,0.7854522];_x000D_
var newOjbect =, i) => Object.assign({}, item, {fileQuality:fileQuality[i]}));_x000D_

How do I set the default schema for a user in MySQL

If your user has a local folder e.g. Linux, in your users home folder you could create a .my.cnf file and provide the credentials to access the server there. for example:-

password=yourpassword or exclude to force entry

Mysql would then open this file for each user account read the credentials and open the selected database.

Not sure on Windows, I upgraded from Windows because I needed the whole house not just the windows (aka Linux) a while back.

Writing List of Strings to Excel CSV File in Python

Very simple to fix, you just need to turn the parameter to writerow into a list.

for item in RESULTS:

Window.Open with PDF stream instead of PDF location

Note: I have verified this in the latest version of IE, and other browsers like Mozilla and Chrome and this works for me. Hope it works for others as well.

if (data == "" || data == undefined) {
    alert("Falied to open PDF.");
} else { //For IE using atob convert base64 encoded data to byte array
    if (window.navigator && window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob) {
        var byteCharacters = atob(data);
        var byteNumbers = new Array(byteCharacters.length);
        for (var i = 0; i < byteCharacters.length; i++) {
            byteNumbers[i] = byteCharacters.charCodeAt(i);
        var byteArray = new Uint8Array(byteNumbers);
        var blob = new Blob([byteArray], {
            type: 'application/pdf'
        window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(blob, fileName);
    } else { // Directly use base 64 encoded data for rest browsers (not IE)
        var base64EncodedPDF = data;
        var dataURI = "data:application/pdf;base64," + base64EncodedPDF;, '_blank');


C++ equivalent of StringBuffer/StringBuilder?

I wanted to add something new because of the following:

At a first attemp I failed to beat

std::ostringstream 's operator<<

efficiency, but with more attemps I was able to make a StringBuilder that is faster in some cases.

Everytime I append a string I just store a reference to it somewhere and increase the counter of the total size.

The real way I finally implemented it (Horror!) is to use a opaque buffer(std::vector < char > ):

  • 1 byte header (2 bits to tell if following data is :moved string, string or byte[])
  • 6 bits to tell lenght of byte[]

for byte [ ]

  • I store directly bytes of short strings (for sequential memory access)

for moved strings (strings appended with std::move)

  • The pointer to a std::string object (we have ownership)
  • set a flag in the class if there are unused reserved bytes there

for strings

  • The pointer to a std::string object (no ownership)

There's also one small optimization, if last inserted string was mov'd in, it checks for free reserved but unused bytes and store further bytes in there instead of using the opaque buffer (this is to save some memory, it actually make it slightly slower, maybe depend also on the CPU, and it is rare to see strings with extra reserved space anyway)

This was finally slightly faster than std::ostringstream but it has few downsides:

  • I assumed fixed lenght char types (so 1,2 or 4 bytes, not good for UTF8), I'm not saying it will not work for UTF8, Just I don't checked it for laziness.
  • I used bad coding practise (opaque buffer, easy to make it not portable, I believe mine is portable by the way)
  • Lacks all features of ostringstream
  • If some referenced string is deleted before mergin all the strings: undefined behaviour.

conclusion? use std::ostringstream

It already fix the biggest bottleneck while ganing few % points in speed with mine implementation is not worth the downsides.

What is the purpose of the : (colon) GNU Bash builtin?

You could use it in conjunction with backticks (``) to execute a command without displaying its output, like this:

: `some_command`

Of course you could just do some_command > /dev/null, but the :-version is somewhat shorter.

That being said I wouldn't recommend actually doing that as it would just confuse people. It just came to mind as a possible use-case.

Can (domain name) subdomains have an underscore "_" in it?

Here my 2 cents from Java world:

From a Spark Scala console, with Java 8:

scala> new"spark://spark_master").getHost
res10: String = null

scala> new"spark://spark-master").getHost
res11: String = spark-master

scala> new"spark://").getHost
res12: String = null

scala> new"spark://").getHost
res13: String =

scala> new"spark://").getHost
res14: String =

scala> new"spark://").getHost
res15: String = null

It's definitely a bad idea ^^

Can dplyr package be used for conditional mutating?

Since you ask for other better ways to handle the problem, here's another way using data.table:

require(data.table) ## 1.9.2+
df[a %in% c(0,1,3,4) | c == 4, g := 3L]
df[a %in% c(2,5,7) | (a==1 & b==4), g := 2L]

Note the order of conditional statements is reversed to get g correctly. There's no copy of g made, even during the second assignment - it's replaced in-place.

On larger data this would have better performance than using nested if-else, as it can evaluate both 'yes' and 'no' cases, and nesting can get harder to read/maintain IMHO.

Here's a benchmark on relatively bigger data:

# R version 3.1.0
require(data.table) ## 1.9.2
DT <- setDT(lapply(1:6, function(x) sample(7, 1e7, TRUE)))
setnames(DT, letters[1:6])
# > dim(DT) 
# [1] 10000000        6
DF <-

DT_fun <- function(DT) {
    DT[(a %in% c(0,1,3,4) | c == 4), g := 3L]
    DT[a %in% c(2,5,7) | (a==1 & b==4), g := 2L]

DPLYR_fun <- function(DF) {
    mutate(DF, g = ifelse(a %in% c(2,5,7) | (a==1 & b==4), 2L, 
            ifelse(a %in% c(0,1,3,4) | c==4, 3L, NA_integer_)))

BASE_fun <- function(DF) { # R v3.1.0
    transform(DF, g = ifelse(a %in% c(2,5,7) | (a==1 & b==4), 2L, 
            ifelse(a %in% c(0,1,3,4) | c==4, 3L, NA_integer_)))

system.time(ans1 <- DT_fun(DT))
#   user  system elapsed 
#  2.659   0.420   3.107 

system.time(ans2 <- DPLYR_fun(DF))
#   user  system elapsed 
# 11.822   1.075  12.976 

system.time(ans3 <- BASE_fun(DF))
#   user  system elapsed 
# 11.676   1.530  13.319 

# [1] TRUE

# [1] TRUE

Not sure if this is an alternative you'd asked for, but I hope it helps.

How to refresh a Page using react-route Link

I ended up keeping Link and adding the reload to the Link's onClick event with a timeout like this:

function refreshPage() {
    }, 500);
    console.log('page to reload')

<Link to={{pathname:"/"}} onClick={refreshPage}>Home</Link>

without the timeout, the refresh function would run first

How to declare 2D array in bash

One can simply define two functions to write ($4 is the assigned value) and read a matrix with arbitrary name ($1) and indexes ($2 and $3) exploiting eval and indirect referencing.


matrix_write () {
 eval $1"_"$2"_"$3=$4
 # aux=$1"_"$2"_"$3          # Alternative way
 # let $aux=$4               # ---

matrix_read () {
 echo ${!aux}

for ((i=1;i<10;i=i+1)); do
 for ((j=1;j<10;j=j+1)); do 
  matrix_write a $i $j $[$i*10+$j]

for ((i=1;i<10;i=i+1)); do
 for ((j=1;j<10;j=j+1)); do 
  echo "a_"$i"_"$j"="$(matrix_read a $i $j)

What is the best way to left align and right align two div tags?

I used the below. The genre element will start where the DJ element ends,

<div style="width:50%; float:left">DJ</div>

pardon the inline css.

How to enumerate an enum

I do not hold the opinion this is better, or even good. I am just stating yet another solution.

If enum values range strictly from 0 to n - 1, a generic alternative is:

public void EnumerateEnum<T>()
    int length = Enum.GetValues(typeof(T)).Length;
    for (var i = 0; i < length; i++)
        var @enum = (T)(object)i;

If enum values are contiguous and you can provide the first and last element of the enum, then:

public void EnumerateEnum()
    for (var i = Suit.Spade; i <= Suit.Diamond; i++)
        var @enum = i;

But that's not strictly enumerating, just looping. The second method is much faster than any other approach though...

Is it possible to sort a ES6 map object?

Perhaps a more realistic example about not sorting a Map object but preparing the sorting up front before doing the Map. The syntax gets actually pretty compact if you do it like this. You can apply the sorting before the map function like this, with a sort function before map (Example from a React app I am working on using JSX syntax)

Mark that I here define a sorting function inside using an arrow function that returns -1 if it is smaller and 0 otherwise sorted on a property of the Javascript objects in the array I get from an API.

report.ProcedureCodes.sort((a, b) => a.NumericalOrder < b.NumericalOrder ? -1 : 0).map((item, i) =>
                        <TableRow key={i}>

                            {/* <TableCell>{item.NumericalOrder}</TableCell> */}

Restore LogCat window within Android Studio

Check if you have hidden it... Use Alt+6 to bring up the window and click on the button shown below 'Restore logcat view'

Accessing logcat from within IDE

How to declare a global variable in php?

This answer is very late but what I do is set a class that holds Booleans, arrays, and integer-initial values as global scope static variables. Any constant strings are defined as such.

define("myconstant", "value"); 

class globalVars {

    static $a = false;

    static $b = 0;

    static $c = array('first' => 2, 'second' => 5);


function test($num) {

    if (!globalVars::$a) {

        $returnVal = 'The ' . myconstant . ' of ' . $num . ' plus ' . globalVars::$b . ' plus ' . globalVars::$c['second'] . ' is ' . ($num + globalVars::$b + globalVars::$c['second']) . '.';

        globalVars::$a = true;

    } else {

        $returnVal = 'I forgot';


    return $returnVal;


echo test(9); ---> The value of 9 + 0 + 5 is 14.

echo "<br>";

echo globalVars::$a; ----> 1

The static keywords must be present in the class else the vars $a, $b, and $c will not be globally scoped.

How to restart a windows service using Task Scheduler

Instead of using a bat file, you can simply create a Scheduled Task. Most of the time you define just one action. In this case, create two actions with the NET command. The first one to stop the service, the second one to start the service. Give them a STOP and START argument, followed by the service name.

In this example we restart the Printer Spooler service.

NET STOP "Print Spooler" 
NET START "Print Spooler"

enter image description here

enter image description here

Note: unfortunately NET RESTART <service name> does not exist.

References with text in LaTeX

Have a look to this wiki: LaTeX/Labels and Cross-referencing:

The hyperref package automatically includes the nameref package, and a similarly named command. It inserts text corresponding to the section name, for example:

\section{MySecondSection} In section \nameref{marker} we defined...

Rename all files in a folder with a prefix in a single command

Also works for items with spaces and ignores directories

for f in *; do [[ -f "$f" ]] && mv "$f" "unix_$f"; done

Download pdf file using jquery ajax

jQuery has some issues loading binary data using AJAX requests, as it does not yet implement some HTML5 XHR v2 capabilities, see this enhancement request and this discussion

Given that, you have one of two solutions:

First solution, abandon JQuery and use XMLHTTPRequest

Go with the native HTMLHTTPRequest, here is the code to do what you need

  var req = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", "/file.pdf", true);
  req.responseType = "blob";

  req.onload = function (event) {
    var blob = req.response;
    var link=document.createElement('a');
    link.href=window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);"Dossier_" + new Date() + ".pdf";;


Second solution, use the jquery-ajax-native plugin

The plugin can be found here and can be used to the XHR V2 capabilities missing in JQuery, here is a sample code how to use it

  dataType: 'native',
  url: "/file.pdf",
  xhrFields: {
    responseType: 'blob'
  success: function(blob){
      var link=document.createElement('a');
      link.href=window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);"Dossier_" + new Date() + ".pdf";;

PHP, Get tomorrows date from date

<? php 

//1 Day = 24*60*60 = 86400

echo date("d-m-Y", time()+86400); 


Is there a RegExp.escape function in JavaScript?

XRegExp has an escape function:

XRegExp.escape('Escaped? <.>'); // -> 'Escaped\?\ <\.>'

More on:

PHP fopen() Error: failed to open stream: Permission denied

[function.fopen]: failed to open stream

If you have access to your php.ini file, try enabling Fopen. Find the respective line and set it to be "on": & if in wp e.g localhost/wordpress/function.fopen in the php.ini :

allow_url_fopen = off
should bee this 
allow_url_fopen = On

And add this line below it:
allow_url_include = off
should bee this 
allow_url_include = on

Undefined columns selected when subsetting data frame

You want rows where that condition is true so you need a comma:

data[data$Ozone > 14, ]

Enter key press in C#

private void Ctrl_KeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
    if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter)
        this.SelectNextControl((Control)sender, true, true, true, true);

Select all required textboxes; type in new Events name Ctrl_KeyUp.

See YouTube by BTNT TV:

Javascript - removing undefined fields from an object

var obj = { a: 1, b: undefined, c: 3 }

To remove undefined props in an object we use like this


Output: {a: 1, c: 3}

Getting the name of a variable as a string

I try to get name from inspect locals, but it cann't process var likes a[1], b.val. After it, I got a new idea --- get var name from the code, and I try it succ! code like below:

#direct get from called function code
def retrieve_name_ex(var):
    stacks = inspect.stack()
        func = stacks[0].function
        code = stacks[1].code_context[0]
        s = code.index(func)
        s = code.index("(", s + len(func)) + 1
        e = code.index(")", s)
        return code[s:e].strip()
        return ""

How to fully delete a git repository created with init?

If you want to delete all .git folders in a project use the following command:

find . -type f | grep -i "\.git" | xargs rm

This will also delete all the .git folders and .gitignore files from all subfolders

Multiple markers Google Map API v3 from array of addresses and avoid OVER_QUERY_LIMIT while geocoding on pageLoad

Answer to add multiple markers.


Here's the working Example Geocoding with multiple addresses.

 <script type="text/javascript" src="">
 <script type="text/javascript">
  var delay = 100;
  var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow();
  var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(21.0000, 78.0000);
  var mapOptions = {
    zoom: 5,
    center: latlng,
    mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
  var geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); 
  var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map"), mapOptions);
  var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds();

  function geocodeAddress(address, next) {
    geocoder.geocode({address:address}, function (results,status)
         if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {
          var p = results[0].geometry.location;
          var lng=p.lng();
        else {
           if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OVER_QUERY_LIMIT) {
          } else {
 function createMarker(add,lat,lng) {
   var contentString = add;
   var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
     position: new google.maps.LatLng(lat,lng),
     map: map,

  google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function() {


  var locations = [
           'New Delhi, India',
           'Mumbai, India',
           'Bangaluru, Karnataka, India',
           'Hyderabad, Ahemdabad, India',
           'Gurgaon, Haryana, India',
           'Cannaught Place, New Delhi, India',
           'Bandra, Mumbai, India',
           'Nainital, Uttranchal, India',
           'Guwahati, India',
           'West Bengal, India',
           'Jammu, India',
           'Kanyakumari, India',
           'Kerala, India',
           'Himachal Pradesh, India',
           'Shillong, India',
           'Chandigarh, India',
           'Dwarka, New Delhi, India',
           'Pune, India',
           'Indore, India',
           'Orissa, India',
           'Shimla, India',
           'Gujarat, India'
  var nextAddress = 0;
  function theNext() {
    if (nextAddress < locations.length) {
      setTimeout('geocodeAddress("'+locations[nextAddress]+'",theNext)', delay);
    } else {


As we can resolve this issue with setTimeout() function.

Still we should not geocode known locations every time you load your page as said by @geocodezip

Another alternatives of these are explained very well in the following links:

How To Avoid GoogleMap Geocode Limit!

Geocode Multiple Addresses Tutorial By Mike Williams

Example by Google Developers

How to avoid annoying error "declared and not used"

As far as I can tell, these lines in the Go compiler look like the ones to comment out. You should be able to build your own toolchain that ignores these counterproductive warnings.

Angular 2 Cannot find control with unspecified name attribute on formArrays

Only WinMerge made me find it (by comparison with a version that works). I had a case problem on formGroupName. Brackets around this word can lead to the same problem.

Can table columns with a Foreign Key be NULL?

Another way around this would be to insert a DEFAULT element in the other table. For example, any reference to uuid=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 on the other table would indicate no action. You also need to set all the values for that id to be "neutral", e.g. 0, empty string, null in order to not affect your code logic.

Simple working Example of in

Imports Newtonsoft.Json.Linq

Dim json As JObject = JObject.Parse(Me.TextBox1.Text)

Where can I get a list of Ansible pre-defined variables?

Note the official docs on connection configuration variables or "behavioral" variables - which aren't listed in host vars, appears to be List of Behavioral Inventory Parameters in the Inventory documentation.

P.S. The sudo option is undocumented there (yes its sudo not ansible_sudo as you'd expect ...) and probably a couple more aren't, but thats best doc I've found on em.

how to implement regions/code collapse in javascript

This is now natively in VS2017:

//#region fold this up


Whitespace between the // and # does not matter.

I do not know what version this was added in, as I cannot find any mention of it in the changelogs. I am able to use it in v15.7.3.

How to convert a 3D point into 2D perspective projection?

All of the answers address the question posed in the title. However, I would like to add a caveat that is implicit in the text. Bézier patches are used to represent the surface, but you cannot just transform the points of the patch and tessellate the patch into polygons, because this will result in distorted geometry. You can, however, tessellate the patch first into polygons using a transformed screen tolerance and then transform the polygons, or you can convert the Bézier patches to rational Bézier patches, then tessellate those using a screen-space tolerance. The former is easier, but the latter is better for a production system.

I suspect that you want the easier way. For this, you would scale the screen tolerance by the norm of the Jacobian of the inverse perspective transformation and use that to determine the amount of tessellation that you need in model space (it might be easier to compute the forward Jacobian, invert that, then take the norm). Note that this norm is position-dependent, and you may want to evaluate this at several locations, depending on the perspective. Also remember that since the projective transformation is rational, you need to apply the quotient rule to compute the derivatives.

Compare two objects with .equals() and == operator

IN the below code you are calling the overriden method .equals().

public boolean equals2(Object object2) { if(a.equals(object2)) { // here you are calling the overriden method, that is why you getting false 2 times. return true; } else return false; }

Getting current directory in VBScript

Use With in the code.

Try this way :

''''Way 1


''''Way 2

With CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
End With

''''Way 3

With WSH
End With

How can I sort one set of data to match another set of data in Excel?

You could also simply link both cells, and have an =Cell formula in each column like, =Sheet2!A2 in Sheet 1 A2 and =Sheet2!B2 in Sheet 1 B2, and drag it down, and then sort those two columns the way you want.

  • If they don't sort the way you want, put the order you want to sort them in another column and sort all three columns by that.
  • If you drag it down further and get zeros you can edit the =Cell formula to show "" IF there is nothing. =(if(cell="","",cell)
  • Cutting, pasting, deleting, and inserting rows is something to be weary of. #REF! errors could occur.

This would be better if your unique items change also, then all you would do is sort and be done.

Running Java gives "Error: could not open `C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\amd64\jvm.cfg'"

I had the same problem in Eclipse and I fixed it by changing the JRE from 64 bit to 32 bit:

Window > Preferences > Java > Installed JREs > Add... > Next > Directory > select "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_65" instead of "C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_60"

List of macOS text editors and code editors

I've tried Komodo out a bit, and I really like it so far. Aptana, an Eclipse variant, is also rather useful for a wide variety of things. There's always good ole' VI, too!

How can I return the sum and average of an int array?

Though the answers above all are different flavors of correct, I'd like to offer the following solution, which includes a null check:

decimal sum = (customerssalary == null) ? 0 : customerssalary.Sum();
decimal avg = (customerssalary == null) ? 0 : customerssalary.Average();

No Title Bar Android Theme

In your styles.xml, modify style "AppTheme" like

    <!-- Application theme. -->
    <style name="AppTheme" parent="AppBaseTheme">
        <item name="android:windowActionBar">false</item>
        <item name="android:windowNoTitle">true</item> 

Convert Little Endian to Big Endian

"I swap each bytes right?" -> yes, to convert between little and big endian, you just give the bytes the opposite order. But at first realize few things:

  • size of uint32_t is 32bits, which is 4 bytes, which is 8 HEX digits
  • mask 0xf retrieves the 4 least significant bits, to retrieve 8 bits, you need 0xff

so in case you want to swap the order of 4 bytes with that kind of masks, you could:

uint32_t res = 0;
b0 = (num & 0xff) << 24;        ; least significant to most significant
b1 = (num & 0xff00) << 8;       ; 2nd least sig. to 2nd most sig.
b2 = (num & 0xff0000) >> 8;     ; 2nd most sig. to 2nd least sig.
b3 = (num & 0xff000000) >> 24;  ; most sig. to least sig.
res = b0 | b1 | b2 | b3 ;

Limit the length of a string with AngularJS

<div>{{modal.title | slice: 0: 20}}</div>

Finding blocking/locking queries in MS SQL (mssql)

Use the script: sp_blocker_pss08 or SQL Trace/Profiler and the Blocked Process Report event class.

Which version of C# am I using

The C# version you are using totally depends upon the .Net version you are using.

if you are using visual studio for development, you get to choose the .net framework version the c# version associated with it comes accordingly

These are the versions of C# known:

  • C# 1.0 released with .NET 1.0 and VS2002 (January 2002)
  • C# 1.2 (bizarrely enough); released with .NET 1.1 and VS2003 (April 2003). First version to call Dispose on IEnumerators which implemented IDisposable. A few other small features.
  • C# 2.0 released with .NET 2.0 and VS2005 (November 2005). Major new features: generics, anonymous methods, nullable types, iterator blocks
  • C# 3.0 released with .NET 3.5 and VS2008 (November 2007). Major new features: lambda expressions, extension methods, expression trees, anonymous types, implicit typing (var), query expressions
  • C# 4.0 released with .NET 4 and VS2010 (April 2010). Major new features: late binding (dynamic), delegate and interface generic variance, more COM support, named arguments and optional parameters
  • C# 5.0 released with .NET 4.5 in August 2012.

Refrence Jon Skeet's C# Versions Answer

How to sign in kubernetes dashboard?

Combining two answers: 49992698 and 47761914 :

# Create service account
kubectl create serviceaccount -n kube-system cluster-admin-dashboard-sa

# Bind ClusterAdmin role to the service account
kubectl create clusterrolebinding -n kube-system cluster-admin-dashboard-sa \
  --clusterrole=cluster-admin \

# Parse the token
TOKEN=$(kubectl describe secret -n kube-system $(kubectl get secret -n kube-system | awk '/^cluster-admin-dashboard-sa-token-/{print $1}') | awk '$1=="token:"{print $2}')

Base 64 encode and decode example code

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""



How to configure "Shorten command line" method for whole project in IntelliJ

The latest 2020 build doesn't have the shorten command line option by default we need to add that option from the configuration.

Run > Edit Configurations > Select the corresponding run configuration and click on Modify options for adding the shorten command-line configuration to the UI. enter image description here

Select the shorten command line option enter image description here

Now choose jar manifest from the shorten command line option enter image description here

Setting a width and height on an A tag

You need to make your anchor display: block or display: inline-block; and then it will accept the width and height values.

Re-doing a reverted merge in Git

Let's assume you have such history


Where A, B failed commits and W - is revert of M

So before I start fixing found problems I do cherry-pick of W commit to my branch

git cherry-pick -x W

Then I revert W commit on my branch

git revert W 

After I can continue fixing.

The final history could look like:

              /                       /     

When I send a PR it will clearly shows that PR is undo revert and adds some new commits.

python - checking odd/even numbers and changing outputs on number size

1) How do I check if it's even or odd? I tried "if number/2 == int" in the hope that it might do something, and the internet tells me to do "if number%2==0", but that doesn't work.

def isEven(number):
        return number % 2 == 0

UIView background color in Swift

You can use this extension as an alternative if you're dealing with RGB value.

extension UIColor {
    static func rgb(red: CGFloat, green: CGFloat, blue: CGFloat) -> UIColor {
        return UIColor(red: red/255, green: green/255, blue: blue/255, alpha: 1)

Timestamp to human readable format

here is kooilnc's answer w/ padded 0's

function getFormattedDate() {
    var date = new Date();

    var month = date.getMonth() + 1;
    var day = date.getDate();
    var hour = date.getHours();
    var min = date.getMinutes();
    var sec = date.getSeconds();

    month = (month < 10 ? "0" : "") + month;
    day = (day < 10 ? "0" : "") + day;
    hour = (hour < 10 ? "0" : "") + hour;
    min = (min < 10 ? "0" : "") + min;
    sec = (sec < 10 ? "0" : "") + sec;

    var str = date.getFullYear() + "-" + month + "-" + day + "_" +  hour + ":" + min + ":" + sec;


    return str;

How to display an image from a path in MVC 4 and Razor view?

you can also try with this answer :

 <img src="~/Content/img/@Html.DisplayFor(model =>model.ImagePath)" style="height:200px;width:200px;"/>

Using only CSS, show div on hover over <a>

The + allow 'select' only first not nested element , the > select nested elements only - the better is to use ~ which allow to select arbitrary element which is child of parent hovered element. Using opacity/width and transition you can provide smooth appear

div { transition: all 1s }_x000D_
.ccc, .ggg { opacity: 0; color: red}_x000D_
.ccc { height: 0 }_x000D_
.aaa:hover ~ .bbb .ccc { opacity: 1; height: 34px }_x000D_
.aaa:hover ~ .eee .fff .ggg { opacity: 1 }
<div class="aaa">Hover me... to see<br><br> </div>_x000D_
<div class='bbb'>BBBBB_x000D_
  <div class='ccc'>CCCCC_x000D_
    <div class='ddd'>DDDDD</div>_x000D_
<div class='eee'>EEEEE_x000D_
  <div class='fff'>FFFFF_x000D_
    <div class='ggg'>GGGGG</div>_x000D_
    <div class='hhh'>HHHHH</div>_x000D_

How do I extract the contents of an rpm?

In NixOS, there is rpmextract. It is a wrapper around rpm2cpio, exactly as @Alan Evangelista wanted.

Git Clone from GitHub over https with two-factor authentication

As per @Nitsew's answer, Create your personal access token and use your token as your username and enter with blank password.

Later you won't need any credentials to access all your private repo(s).

gcc warning" 'will be initialized after'

If you're seeing errors from library headers and you're using GCC, then you can disable warnings by including the headers using -isystem instead of -I.

Similar features exist in clang.

If you're using CMake, you can specify SYSTEM for include_directories.

How to include JavaScript file or library in Chrome console?

In the modern browsers you can use the fetch to download resource (Mozilla docs) and then eval to execute it.

For example to download Angular1 you need to type:

    .then(response => response.text())
    .then(text => eval(text))
    .then(() => { /* now you can use your library */ })

Make content horizontally scroll inside a div

It may be something like this in HTML:

<div class="container-outer">
   <div class="container-inner">
      <!-- Your images over here -->

With this stylesheet:

.container-outer { overflow: scroll; width: 500px; height: 210px; }
.container-inner { width: 10000px; }

You can even create an intelligent script to calculate the inner container width, like this one:

$(document).ready(function() {
   var container_width = SINGLE_IMAGE_WIDTH * $(".container-inner a").length;
   $(".container-inner").css("width", container_width);

Is it possible to send an array with the Postman Chrome extension?

Choose either form-data or urlencoded and use the same key "user_ids". The server should receive it as an array.

How to set default vim colorscheme

Copy downloaded color schemes to ~/.vim/colors/Your_Color_Scheme.

Then write

colo Your_Color_Scheme


colorscheme Your_Color_Scheme

into your ~/.vimrc.

See this link for holokai

Undocumented NSURLErrorDomain error codes (-1001, -1003 and -1004) using StoreKit

I use the following method in my project

    static NSArray *codesArray;
    if (![codesArray count]){
            const int codes[] = {
                //kCFURLErrorUnknown,     //-998
                //kCFURLErrorCancelled,   //-999
                //kCFURLErrorBadURL,      //-1000
                //kCFURLErrorTimedOut,    //-1001
                //kCFURLErrorUnsupportedURL, //-1002
                //kCFURLErrorCannotFindHost, //-1003
                kCFURLErrorCannotConnectToHost,     //-1004
                kCFURLErrorNetworkConnectionLost,   //-1005
                kCFURLErrorDNSLookupFailed,         //-1006
                //kCFURLErrorHTTPTooManyRedirects,    //-1007
                kCFURLErrorResourceUnavailable,     //-1008
                kCFURLErrorNotConnectedToInternet,  //-1009
                //kCFURLErrorRedirectToNonExistentLocation,   //-1010
                kCFURLErrorBadServerResponse,               //-1011
                //kCFURLErrorUserCancelledAuthentication,     //-1012
                //kCFURLErrorUserAuthenticationRequired,      //-1013
                //kCFURLErrorZeroByteResource,        //-1014
                //kCFURLErrorCannotDecodeRawData,     //-1015
                //kCFURLErrorCannotDecodeContentData, //-1016
                //kCFURLErrorCannotParseResponse,     //-1017
                kCFURLErrorInternationalRoamingOff, //-1018
                kCFURLErrorCallIsActive,                //-1019
                //kCFURLErrorDataNotAllowed,              //-1020
                //kCFURLErrorRequestBodyStreamExhausted,  //-1021
                kCFURLErrorFileDoesNotExist,            //-1100
                //kCFURLErrorFileIsDirectory,             //-1101
                kCFURLErrorNoPermissionsToReadFile,     //-1102
                //kCFURLErrorDataLengthExceedsMaximum,     //-1103
            int size = sizeof(codes)/sizeof(int);
            NSMutableArray *array = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
            for (int i=0;i<size;++i){
                [array addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:codes[i]]];
            codesArray = [array copy];
    return codesArray;

Then I just check the error code and show alert if it is in the list

if ([[self networkErrorCodes] containsObject:[NSNumber
numberWithInt:[error code]]]){ 
// Fire Alert View Here

But as you can see I commented out codes that I think does not fit to my definition of NO INTERNET. E.g the code of -1012 (Authentication fail.) You may edit the list as you like.

In my project I use it at username/password entering from user. And in my view (physical) network connection errors could be the only reason to show alert view in your network based app. In any other case (e.g. incorrect username/password pair) I prefer to do some custom user friendly animation, OR just repeat the failed attempt again without any attention of the user. Especially if the user didn't explicitly initiated a network call.

Regards to martinezdelariva for a link to documentation.

relative path to CSS file

You have to move the css folder into your web folder. It seems that your web folder on the hard drive equals the /ServletApp folder as seen from the www. Other content than inside your web folder cannot be accessed from the browsers.

The url of the CSS link is then

 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/ServletApp/css/styles.css"/>

How can I check if char* variable points to empty string?

I would prefer to use the strlen function as library functions are implemented in the best way.

So, I would write if(strlen(p)==0) //Empty string

jQuery.each - Getting li elements inside an ul

First I think you need to fix your lists, as the first node of a <ul> must be a <li> (stackoverflow ref). Once that is setup you can do this:

// note this array has outer scope
var phrases = [];

        // this is inner scope, in reference to the .phrase element
        var phrase = '';
            // cache jquery var
            var current = $(this);
            // check if our current li has children (sub elements)
            // if it does, skip it
            // ps, you can work with this by seeing if the first child
            // is a UL with blank inside and odd your custom BLANK text
            if(current.children().size() > 0) {return true;}
            // add current text to our current phrase
            phrase += current.text();
        // now that our current phrase is completely build we add it to our outer array
    // note the comma in the alert shows separate phrases

Working jsfiddle.

One thing is if you get the .text() of an upper level li you will get all sub level text with it.

Keeping an array will allow for many multiple phrases to be extracted.


This should work better with an empty UL with no LI:

// outer scope
var phrases = [];

    // inner scope
    var phrase = '';
        // cache jquery object
        var current = $(this);
        // check for sub levels
        if(current.children().size() > 0) {
            // check is sublevel is just empty UL
            var emptyULtest = current.children().eq(0); 
            if('ul') && $.trim(emptyULtest.text())==""){
                phrase += ' -BLANK- '; //custom blank text
                return true;   
            } else {
             // else it is an actual sublevel with li's
             return true;   
        // if it gets to here it is actual li
        phrase += current.text();
// note the comma to separate multiple phrases

What is the difference between "expose" and "publish" in Docker?

See the official documentation reference:

The EXPOSE allow you to define private (container) and public (host) ports to expose at image build time for when the container is running if you run the container with -P.

$ docker help run
  -P, --publish-all                    Publish all exposed ports to random ports

The public port and protocol are optional, if not a public port is specified, a random port will be selected on host by docker to expose the specified container port on Dockerfile.

A good pratice is do not specify public port, because it limits only one container per host ( a second container will throw a port already in use ).

You can use -p in docker run to control what public port the exposed container ports will be connectable.

Anyway, If you do not use EXPOSE (with -P on docker run) nor -p, no ports will be exposed.

If you always use -p at docker run you do not need EXPOSE but if you use EXPOSE your docker run command may be more simple, EXPOSE can be useful if you don't care what port will be expose on host, or if you are sure of only one container will be loaded.

How to prevent browser to invoke basic auth popup and handle 401 error using Jquery?

In Safari, you can use synchronous requests to avoid the browser to display the popup. Of course, synchronous requests should only be used in this case to check user credentials... You can use a such request before sending the actual request which may cause a bad user experience if the content (sent or received) is quite heavy.

    var xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest;
    xmlhttp.withCredentials=true;"POST",<YOUR UR>,false,username,password);
    xmlhttp.setRequestHeader('X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest');

Generating random numbers in Objective-C

I wrote my own random number utility class just so that I would have something that functioned a bit more like Math.random() in Java. It has just two functions, and it's all made in C.

Header file:

void initRandomSeed(long firstSeed);
float nextRandomFloat();

Implementation file:

static unsigned long seed;

void initRandomSeed(long firstSeed)
    seed = firstSeed;

float nextRandomFloat()
    return (((seed= 1664525*seed + 1013904223)>>16) / (float)0x10000);

It's a pretty classic way of generating pseudo-randoms. In my app delegate I call:

#import "Random.h"

- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(UIApplication *)application
    initRandomSeed( (long) [[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970] );
    //Do other initialization junk.

Then later I just say:

float myRandomNumber = nextRandomFloat() * 74;

Note that this method returns a random number between 0.0f (inclusive) and 1.0f (exclusive).

Specifying ssh key in ansible playbook file

If you run your playbook with ansible-playbook -vvv you'll see the actual command being run, so you can check whether the key is actually being included in the ssh command (and you might discover that the problem was the wrong username rather than the missing key).

I agree with Brian's comment above (and zigam's edit) that the vars section is too late. I also tested including the key in the on-the-fly definition of the host like this

# fails
- name: Add all instance public IPs to host group
  add_host: hostname={{ item.public_ip }} groups=ec2hosts ansible_ssh_private_key_file=~/.aws/dev_staging.pem
  loop: "{{ ec2.instances }}"

but that fails too.

So this is not an answer. Just some debugging help and things not to try.

Gitignore not working

Also, comments have to be on their own line. They can't be put after an entry. So this won't work:

/node_modules  # DON'T COMMENT HERE (since nullifies entire line)

But this will work:

# fine to comment here

How to print exact sql query in zend framework ?

This one's from Zend Framework documentation (ie. UPDATE):

echo $update->getSqlString();

(Bonus) I use this one in my own model files:

echo $this->tableGateway->getSql()->getSqlstringForSqlObject($select);

Have a nice day :)

What is the parameter "next" used for in Express?

Before understanding next, you need to have a little idea of Request-Response cycle in node though not much in detail. It starts with you making an HTTP request for a particular resource and it ends when you send a response back to the user i.e. when you encounter something like res.send(‘Hello World’);

let’s have a look at a very simple example.

app.get('/hello', function (req, res, next) {

Here we do not need next(), because resp.send will end the cycle and hand over the control back to the route middleware.

Now let’s take a look at another example.

app.get('/hello', function (req, res, next) {
  res.send("Hello World !!!!");

app.get('/hello', function (req, res, next) {
  res.send("Hello Planet !!!!");

Here we have 2 middleware functions for the same path. But you always gonna get the response from the first one. Because that is mounted first in the middleware stack and res.send will end the cycle.

But what if we always do not want the “Hello World !!!!” response back. For some conditions we may want the "Hello Planet !!!!" response. Let’s modify the above code and see what happens.

app.get('/hello', function (req, res, next) {
  if(some condition){
  res.send("Hello World !!!!");  

app.get('/hello', function (req, res, next) {
  res.send("Hello Planet !!!!");

What’s the next doing here. And yes you might have gusses. It’s gonna skip the first middleware function if the condition is true and invoke the next middleware function and you will have the "Hello Planet !!!!" response.

So, next pass the control to the next function in the middleware stack.

What if the first middleware function does not send back any response but do execute a piece of logic and then you get the response back from second middleware function.

Something like below:-

app.get('/hello', function (req, res, next) {
  // Your piece of logic

app.get('/hello', function (req, res, next) {
  res.send("Hello !!!!");

In this case you need both the middleware functions to be invoked. So, the only way you reach the second middleware function is by calling next();

What if you do not make a call to next. Do not expect the second middleware function to get invoked automatically. After invoking the first function your request will be left hanging. The second function will never get invoked and you will not get back the response.

How do you truncate all tables in a database using TSQL?

An alternative option I like to use with MSSQL Server Deveploper or Enterprise is to create a snapshot of the database immediately after creating the empty schema. At that point you can just keep restoring the database back to the snapshot.

Can anyone confirm that phpMyAdmin AllowNoPassword works with MySQL databases?

I had to install MariaDB. I am using OpenSUSE LINUX Leap 15 and had to execute these commands:

sudo zypper update
sudo zypper install mariadb mariadb-client mariadb-tools
sudo systemctl start mysql
sudo systemctl enable mysql //enable auto start at boot time3
sudo mysql_secure_installation


Soft hyphen in HTML (<wbr> vs. &shy;)

Feb 2015 summary (partially updated Nov 2017)

They all perform pretty well, &#173; edges it as Google can still index of words containing it.

  • In browsers: &shy; and &#173; both display as expected in major browsers (even old IE!). <wbr> isn't supported in recent versions of IE (10 or 11) and doesn't work properly in Edge.
  • When copied and pasted from browsers: (tested 2015) as expected for &shy; and &#173; for Chrome and Firefox on Mac, on Windows (10), it keeps the characters and pastes hard hyphens into Notepad and invisible soft hyphens into applications that support them. IE (win7) always pastes with hyphens, even in IE10, and Safari (Mac) copies in a way which pastes as hyphens in some applications (e.g. MS Word), but not others
  • Find on page works for &shy; and &#173; on all browsers except IE which only matches exact copied-and-pasted matches (even up to IE11)
  • Search engines: Google matches words containing &#173; with words typed normally. As of 2017 it appears to no longer match words containing &shy;. Yandex appers to be the same. Bing and Baidu seem to not match either.

Test it

For up-to-date live testing, here are some examples of unique words with soft hyphens.

  • &shy; - confumbabbl&shy;ication&shy;ism - confumbabbl­ication­ism
    • ..............................................................................................................confumbabbl­ication­ism
    • ..................................................................................................................confumbabbl­ication­ism

<wbr> - donfounbabbl<wbr>ication<wbr>ism. This site removes <wbr/> from output. Here's a snippet for testing.

  • &#173; - eonfulbabbl&#173;ication&#173;ism - eonfulbabbl­ication­ism
    • .................................................................................................................eonfulbabbl­ication­ism
    • ....................................................................................................................eonfulbabbl­ication­ism

Here they are with no shy hyphens (this is for copying and pasting into find-on-page testing; written in a way which won't break the search engine tests):


Display across browsers

Success: displaying as a normal word, except where it should break, when it breaks and hyphenates in the specified place.

Failure: displaying unusually, or failing to break in the intended place.

  • Chrome (40.0.2214.115, Mac): &shy; success, <wbr> success, &#173; success
  • Firefox (35.0.1, Mac): &shy; success, <wbr> success, &#173; success
  • Safari (6.1.2, Mac): &shy; success, <wbr> not tested yet, &#173; success
  • Edge (Windows 10): &shy; success, <wbr> fail (break but no hyphen), &#173; success
  • IE11 (Windows 10): &shy; success, <wbr> fail (no break), &#173; success
  • IE10 (Windows 10): &shy; success, <wbr> fail (no break), &#173; success
  • IE8 (Windows 7): erratic - sometimes, none of them work at all and they all just follow css word-wrap. Sometimes, they seem to all work. Not yet found any clear pattern as to why.
  • IE7 (Windows 7): &shy; success, <wbr> success, &#173; success

Copy-paste across browsers

Success: copying and pasting the whole word, unhyphenated. (tested on Mac pasting into browser search, MS Word 2011, and Sublime Text)

Failure: pasting with a hyphen, space, line break, or with junk characters.

  • Chrome (40.0.2214.115, Mac): &shy; success, <wbr> success, &#173; success
  • Firefox (35.0.1, Mac): &shy; success, <wbr> success, &#173; success
  • Safari (6.1.2, Mac): &shy; fail into MS Word (pastes all as hyphens), success in other applications <wbr> fail, &#173; fail into MS Word (pastes all as hyphens), success in other applications
  • IE10 (Win7): &shy; fail pastes all as hyphens, <wbr> fail, &#173; fail pastes all as hyphens
  • IE8 (Win7): &shy; fail pastes all as hyphens, <wbr> fail, &#173; fail pastes all as hyphens
  • IE7 (Win7): &shy; fail pastes all as hyphens, <wbr> fail, &#173; fail pastes all as hyphens

Search engine matching

Updated in November 2017. <wbr> not tested because StackOverflow's CMS stripped it out.

Success: searches on the whole, non-hyphenated word find this page.

Failure: search engines only find this page on searches for the broken segments of the words, or a word with hyphens.

  • Google: &shy; fails, &#173; succeeds
  • Bing: &shy; fails, &#173; fails
  • Baidu: &shy; fails, &#173; fails (can match fragments within longer strings but not the words on their own containing a &#173; or &shy;)
  • Yandex: &shy; fails, &#173; succeeds (though it's possible it's matching a string fragment like Baidu, not 100% sure)

Find on page across browsers

Success and failure as search engine matching.

  • Chrome (40.0.2214.115, Mac): &shy; success, <wbr> success, &#173; success
  • Firefox (35.0.1, Mac): &shy; success, <wbr> success, &#173; success
  • Safari (6.1.2, Mac): &shy; success, <wbr> success, &#173; success
  • IE10 (Win7): &shy; fail only matches when both contain shy hyphens, <wbr> success, &#173; fail only matches when both contain shy hyphens
  • IE8 (Win7): &shy; fail only matches when both contain shy hyphens, <wbr> success, &#173; fail only matches when both contain shy hyphens
  • IE7 (Win7): &shy; fail only matches when both contain shy hyphens, <wbr> success, &#173; fail only matches when both contain shy hyphens

Relative div height

The div take the height of its parent, but since it has no content (expecpt for your divs) it will only be as height as its content.

You need to set the height of the body and html:


<div class="block12">
    <div class="block1">1</div>
    <div class="block2">2</div>
<div class="block3">3</div>


body, html {
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
.block12 {
    width: 100%;
    height: 50%;
    background: yellow;
    overflow: auto;
.block1, .block2 {
    width: 50%;
    height: 100%;
    display: inline-block;
    margin-right: -4px;
    background: lightgreen;
.block2 { background: lightgray }
.block3 {
    width: 100%;
    height: 50%;
    background: lightblue;

And a JSFiddle