[java] How to convert a 3D point into 2D perspective projection?

You might want to debug your system with spheres to determine whether or not you have a good field of view. If you have it too wide, the spheres with deform at the edges of the screen into more oval forms pointed toward the center of the frame. The solution to this problem is to zoom in on the frame, by multiplying the x and y coordinates for the 3 dimensional point by a scalar and then shrinking your object or world down by a similar factor. Then you get the nice even round sphere across the entire frame.

I'm almost embarrassed that it took me all day to figure this one out and I was almost convinced that there was some spooky mysterious geometric phenomenon going on here that demanded a different approach.

Yet, the importance of calibrating the zoom-frame-of-view coefficient by rendering spheres cannot be overstated. If you do not know where the "habitable zone" of your universe is, you will end up walking on the sun and scrapping the project. You want to be able to render a sphere anywhere in your frame of view an have it appear round. In my project, the unit sphere is massive compared to the region that I'm describing.

Also, the obligatory wikipedia entry: Spherical Coordinate System

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