[c++] How to play or open *.mp3 or *.wav sound file in c++ program?

I would use FMOD to do this for your game. It has the ability to play any file mostly for sounds and is pretty simple to implement in C++. using FMOD and Dir3ect X together can be powerful and not that difficult. If you are familiar with Singleton classes I would create a Singleton class of a sound manager in your win main cpp and then have access to it whenever to load or play new music or sound effects. here's an audio manager example

    #pragma once


#include <string>
#include <Windows.h>
#include "fmod.h"
#include "fmod.hpp"
#include "fmod_codec.h"
#include "fmod_dsp.h"
#include "fmod_errors.h"
#include "fmod_memoryinfo.h"
#include "fmod_output.h"

class AudioManager
    // Destructor

    void Initialize(void);  // Initialize sound components
    void Shutdown(void);    // Shutdown sound components

    // Singleton instance manip methods
    static AudioManager* GetInstance(void);
    static void DestroyInstance(void);

    // Accessors
    FMOD::System* GetSystem(void)
        {return soundSystem;}

    // Sound playing
    void Play(FMOD::Sound* sound);  // Play a sound/music with default channel
    void PlaySFX(FMOD::Sound* sound);   // Play a sound effect with custom channel
    void PlayBGM(FMOD::Sound* sound);   // Play background music with custom channel

    // Volume adjustment methods
    void SetBGMVolume(float volume);
    void SetSFXVolume(float volume);

    static AudioManager* instance;  // Singleton instance
    AudioManager(void);  // Constructor

    FMOD::System* soundSystem;  // Sound system object
    FMOD_RESULT result;
    FMOD::Channel* bgmChannel;  // Channel for background music
    static const int numSfxChannels = 4;
    FMOD::Channel* sfxChannels[numSfxChannels]; // Channel for sound effects


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