I was in a situation where we have a master branch, and then another branch called 17.0 and inside this 17.0 there was a commit hash no say "XYZ". And customer is given a build till that XYZ revision.
Now we came across a bug and that needs to be solved for that customer. So we need to create separate branch for that customer till that "xyz" hash.
So here is how I did it.
First I created a folder with that customer name on my local machine. Say customer name is "AAA"
once that folder is created issue following command inside this folder:
- git init
- git clone After this command you will be on master branch. So switch to desired branch
- git checkout 17.0 This will bring you to the branch where your commit is present
- git checkout This will take your repository till that hash commit. See the name of ur branch it got changed to that commit hash no. Now give a branch name to this hash
- git branch ABC This will create a new branch on your local machine.
- git checkout ABC
- git push origin ABC This will push this branch to remote repository and create a branch on git server.
You are done.