Programs & Examples On #Cdo.message

Reading e-mails from Outlook with Python through MAPI

I had the same problem you did - didn't find much that worked. The following code, however, works like a charm.

import win32com.client

outlook = win32com.client.Dispatch("Outlook.Application").GetNamespace("MAPI")

inbox = outlook.GetDefaultFolder(6) # "6" refers to the index of a folder - in this case,
                                    # the inbox. You can change that number to reference
                                    # any other folder
messages = inbox.Items
message = messages.GetLast()
body_content = message.body
print body_content

How to set an environment variable from a Gradle build?

In case you're using Gradle Kotlin syntax, you also can do:

tasks.taskName {
    environment(mapOf("A" to 1, "B" to "C"))

So for test task this would be:

tasks.test {
    environment(mapOf("SOME_TEST_VAR" to "aaa"))

How do I create and store md5 passwords in mysql

Please don't use MD5 for password hashing. Such passwords can be cracked in milliseconds. You're sure to be pwned by cybercriminals.

PHP offers a high-quality and future proof password hashing subsystem based on a reliable random salt and multiple rounds of Rijndael / AES encryption.

When a user first provides a password you can hash it like this:

 $pass = 'whatever the user typed in';
 $hashed_password = password_hash( "secret pass phrase", PASSWORD_DEFAULT );

Then, store $hashed_password in a varchar(255) column in MySQL. Later, when the user wants to log in, you can retrieve the hashed password from MySQL and compare it to the password the user offered to log in.

 $pass = 'whatever the user typed in';
 $hashed_password = 'what you retrieved from MySQL for this user';
 if ( password_verify ( $pass , $hashed_password )) {
    /* future proof the password */
    if ( password_needs_rehash($hashed_password , PASSWORD_DEFAULT)) {
       /* recreate the hash */
       $rehashed_password = password_hash($pass, PASSWORD_DEFAULT );
       /* store the rehashed password in MySQL */
     /* password verified, let the user in */
 else {
     /* password not verified, tell the intruder to get lost */

How does this future-proofing work? Future releases of PHP will adapt to match faster and easier to crack encryption. If it's necessary to rehash passwords to make them harder to crack, the future implementation of the password_needs_rehash() function will detect that.

Don't reinvent the flat tire. Use professionally designed and vetted open source code for security.

Run a PHP file in a cron job using CPanel

In crontab system :

  • /usr/bin/php is php binary path (different in some systems ex: freebsd /usr/local/bin/php, linux: /usr/bin/php)
  • /home/username/public_html/cron/cron.php should be your php script path
  • /dev/null should be cron output , ex: /home/username/stdoutx.txt

So you can monitor your cron by viewing cron output /home/username/stdoutx.txt

Making an image act like a button

You could implement a JavaScript block which contains a function with your needs.

<div style="position: absolute; left: 10px; top: 40px;"> 
    <img src="logg.png" width="114" height="38" onclick="DoSomething();" />

Configuring angularjs with eclipse IDE

Configuration worked with Eclipse Mars 4.5 version.

1) Install Eclipse Mars 4.5 from This comes with Tern and embedded Node.js server

2) Install AngularJS Eclipse plugin from Eclipse Marketplace

3) Configure node.js server to the embedded nodejs server within Eclipse (found in the eclipse plugins folder) at Windows-> Preferences -> JavaScript -> Tern -> Server -> node.js. No extra configurations are required.

4) Test configuration in a html or javascript file.

Setting active profile and config location from command line in spring boot

you can use the following command line:

java -jar[yourProfileName] target/[yourJar].jar

SQL Add foreign key to existing column

Maybe you got your columns backwards??

ADD FOREIGN KEY (UserID)           <-- this needs to be a column of the Employees table
REFERENCES ActiveDirectories(id)   <-- this needs to be a column of the ActiveDirectories table

Could it be that the column is called ID in the Employees table, and UserID in the ActiveDirectories table?

Then your command should be:

ADD FOREIGN KEY (ID)                   <-- column in table "Employees"
REFERENCES ActiveDirectories(UserID)   <-- column in table "ActiveDirectories" 

Only detect click event on pseudo-element

This is edited answer by Fasoeu with latest CSS3 and JS ES6

Edited demo without using JQuery.

Shortest example of code:

<p><span>Some text</span></p>
p {
    position: relative;
    pointer-events: none;
p::before {
    content: "";
    position: absolute;
    pointer-events: auto;
p span {
    display: contents;
    pointer-events: auto;
const all_p = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('p'));

for (let p of all_p) {
    p.addEventListener("click", listener, false);


pointer-events control detection of events, removing receiving events from target, but keep receiving from pseudo-elements make possible to click on ::before and ::after and you will always know what you are clicking on pseudo-element, however if you still need to click, you put all content in nested element (span in example), but because we don't want to apply any additional styles, display: contents; become very handy solution and it supported by most browsers. pointer-events: none; as already mentioned in original post also widely supported.

The JavaScript part also used widely supported Array.from and for...of, however they are not necessary to use in code.

How to check the maximum number of allowed connections to an Oracle database?

The sessions parameter is derived from the processes parameter and changes accordingly when you change the number of max processes. See the Oracle docs for further info.

To get only the info about the sessions:

    select current_utilization, limit_value 
    from v$resource_limit 
    where resource_name='sessions';
------------------- -----------
                110         792

Try this to show info about both:

    select resource_name, current_utilization, max_utilization, limit_value 
    from v$resource_limit 
    where resource_name in ('sessions', 'processes');
------------- ------------------- --------------- -----------
processes                      96             309         500
sessions                      104             323         792

Binding value to input in Angular JS

{{widget.title}} Try this it will work

What is offsetHeight, clientHeight, scrollHeight?

* offsetHeight is a measurement in pixels of the element's CSS height, including border, padding and the element's horizontal scrollbar.

* clientHeight property returns the viewable height of an element in pixels, including padding, but not the border, scrollbar or margin.

* scrollHeight value is equal to the minimum height the element would require in order to fit all the content in the viewport without using a vertical scrollbar. The height is measured in the same way as clientHeight: it includes the element's padding, but not its border, margin or horizontal scrollbar.

Same is the case for all of these with width instead of height.

How to do constructor chaining in C#

All those answers are good, but I'd like to add a note on constructors with a little more complex initializations.

class SomeClass {
    private int StringLength;
    SomeClass(string x) {
         // this is the logic that shall be executed for all constructors.
         // you dont want to duplicate it.
         StringLength = x.Length;
    SomeClass(int a, int b): this(TransformToString(a, b)) {
    private static string TransformToString(int a, int b) {
         var c = a + b;
         return $"{a} + {b} = {c}";

Allthogh this example might as well be solved without this static function, the static function allows for more complex logic, or even calling methods from somewhere else.

Pandas DataFrame concat vs append

So what are you doing is with append and concat is almost equivalent. The difference is the empty DataFrame. For some reason this causes a big slowdown, not sure exactly why, will have to look at some point. Below is a recreation of basically what you did.

I almost always use concat (though in this case they are equivalent, except for the empty frame); if you don't use the empty frame they will be the same speed.

In [17]: df1 = pd.DataFrame(dict(A = range(10000)),index=pd.date_range('20130101',periods=10000,freq='s'))

In [18]: df1
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
DatetimeIndex: 10000 entries, 2013-01-01 00:00:00 to 2013-01-01 02:46:39
Freq: S
Data columns (total 1 columns):
A    10000  non-null values
dtypes: int64(1)

In [19]: df4 = pd.DataFrame()

The concat

In [20]: %timeit pd.concat([df1,df2,df3])
1000 loops, best of 3: 270 us per loop

This is equavalent of your append

In [21]: %timeit pd.concat([df4,df1,df2,df3])
10 loops, best of 

 3: 56.8 ms per loop

What does "hashable" mean in Python?

In Python, any immutable object (such as an integer, boolean, string, tuple) is hashable, meaning its value does not change during its lifetime. This allows Python to create a unique hash value to identify it, which can be used by dictionaries to track unique keys and sets to track unique values.

This is why Python requires us to use immutable datatypes for the keys in a dictionary.

How to empty the content of a div

If you're using jQuery ...




Jquery UI tooltip does not support html content

Instead of this:

    content: function () {
        return $(this).prop('title');

use this for better performance

    content: function () {
        return this.getAttribute("title");

Enabling the OpenSSL in XAMPP

Yes, you must open php.ini and remove the semicolon to:


If you don't have that line, check that you have the file (In my PC is on D:\xampp\php\ext) and add this to php.ini in the "Dynamic Extensions" section:


Things have changed for PHP > 7. This is what i had to do for PHP 7.2.

Step: 1: Uncomment extension=openssl

Step: 2: Uncomment extension_dir = "ext"

Step: 3: Restart xampp.


Explanation: ( From php.ini )

If you wish to have an extension loaded automatically, use the following syntax:


Note : The syntax used in previous PHP versions (extension=<ext>.so and extension='php_<ext>.dll) is supported for legacy reasons and may be deprecated in a future PHP major version. So, when it is possible, please move to the new (extension=<ext>) syntax.

Special Note: Be sure to appropriately set the extension_dir directive.

Where can I download Spring Framework jars without using Maven?

Please edit to keep this list of mirrors current

I found this maven repo where you could download from directly a zip file containing all the jars you need.

Alternate solution: Maven

The solution I prefer is using Maven, it is easy and you don't have to download each jar alone. You can do it with the following steps:

  1. Create an empty folder anywhere with any name you prefer, for example spring-source

  2. Create a new file named pom.xml

  3. Copy the xml below into this file

  4. Open the spring-source folder in your console

  5. Run mvn install

  6. After download finished, you'll find spring jars in /spring-source/target/dependencies

    <project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">

Also, if you need to download any other spring project, just copy the dependency configuration from its corresponding web page.

For example, if you want to download Spring Web Flow jars, go to its web page, and add its dependency configuration to the pom.xml dependencies, then run mvn install again.


How to remove the focus from a TextBox in WinForms?

In the constructor of the Form or UserControl holding the TextBox write

SetStyle(ControlStyles.Selectable, false);

After the InitializeComponent(); Source:


public partial class Main : UserControl

    public Main()
        SetStyle(ControlStyles.Selectable, false);

Can linux cat command be used for writing text to file?

cat > filename.txt

enter the text until EOF for save the text use : ctrl+d

if you want to read that .txt file use

cat filename.txt

and one thing .txt is not mandatory, its for your reference.

How can I tell jackson to ignore a property for which I don't have control over the source code?

Mix-in annotations work pretty well here as already mentioned. Another possibility beyond per-property @JsonIgnore is to use @JsonIgnoreType if you have a type that should never be included (i.e. if all instances of GeometryCollection properties should be ignored). You can then either add it directly (if you control the type), or using mix-in, like:

@JsonIgnoreType abstract class MixIn { }
// and then register mix-in, either via SerializationConfig, or by using SimpleModule

This can be more convenient if you have lots of classes that all have a single 'IgnoredType getContext()' accessor or so (which is the case for many frameworks)

How can I change the Y-axis figures into percentages in a barplot?


+ scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent)

Or, to specify formatting parameters for the percent:

+ scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent_format(accuracy = 1))

(the command labels = percent is obsolete since version 2.2.1 of ggplot2)

What is the difference between POST and GET?

POST and GET are two HTTP request methods. GET is usually intended to retrieve some data, and is expected to be idempotent (repeating the query does not have any side-effects) and can only send limited amounts of parameter data to the server. GET requests are often cached by default by some browsers if you are not careful.

POST is intended for changing the server state. It carries more data, and repeating the query is allowed (and often expected) to have side-effects such as creating two messages instead of one.

Insert line after first match using sed

Try doing this using GNU sed:

sed '/CLIENTSCRIPT="foo"/a CLIENTSCRIPT2="hello"' file

if you want to substitute in-place, use

sed -i '/CLIENTSCRIPT="foo"/a CLIENTSCRIPT2="hello"' file




  • see sed doc and search \a (append)

Change type of varchar field to integer: "cannot be cast automatically to type integer"

Try this, it will work for sure.

When writing Rails migrations to convert a string column to an integer you'd usually say:

change_column :table_name, :column_name, :integer

However, PostgreSQL will complain:

PG::DatatypeMismatch: ERROR:  column "column_name" cannot be cast automatically to type integer
HINT:  Specify a USING expression to perform the conversion.

The "hint" basically tells you that you need to confirm you want this to happen, and how data shall be converted. Just say this in your migration:

change_column :table_name, :column_name, 'integer USING CAST(column_name AS integer)'

The above will mimic what you know from other database adapters. If you have non-numeric data, results may be unexpected (but you're converting to an integer, after all).

CSS media queries: max-width OR max-height

CSS Media Queries & Logical Operators: A Brief Overview ;)

The quick answer.

Separate rules with commas: @media handheld, (min-width: 650px), (orientation: landscape) { ... }

The long answer.

There's a lot here, but I've tried to make it information dense, not just fluffy writing. It's been a good chance to learn myself! Take the time to systematically read though and I hope it will be helpful.

Media Queries

Media queries essentially are used in web design to create device- or situation-specific browsing experiences; this is done using the @media declaration within a page's CSS. This can be used to display a webpage differently under a large number of circumstances: whether you are on a tablet or TV with different aspect ratios, whether your device has a color or black-and-white screen, or, perhaps most frequently, when a user changes the size of their browser or switches between browsing devices with varying screen sizes (very generally speaking, designing like this is referred to as Responsive Web Design)

Logical Operators

In designing for these situations, there appear to be four Logical Operators that can be used to require more complex combinations of requirements when targeting a variety of devices or viewport sizes.

(Note: If you don't understand the the differences between media rules, media queries, and feature queries, browse the bottom section of this answer first to get a bit better acquainted with the terminology associated with media query syntax

1. AND (and keyword)

Requires that all conditions specified must be met before the styling rules will take effect.

@media screen and (min-width: 700px) and (orientation: landscape) { ... }

The specified styling rules won't go into place unless all of the following evaluate as true:

  • The media type is 'screen' and
  • The viewport is at least 700px wide and
  • Screen orientation is currently landscape.

Note: I believe that used together, these three feature queries make up a single media query.

2. OR (Comma-separated lists)

Rather than an or keyword, comma-separated lists are used in chaining multiple media queries together to form a more complex media rule

@media handheld, (min-width: 650px), (orientation: landscape) { ... }

The specified styling rules will go into effect once any one media query evaluates as true:

  1. The media type is 'handheld' or
  2. The viewport is at least 650px wide or
  3. Screen orientation is currently landscape.

3. NOT (not keyword)

The not keyword can be used to negate a single media query (and NOT a full media rule--meaning that it only negates entries between a set of commas and not the full media rule following the @media declaration).

Similarly, note that the not keyword negates media queries, it cannot be used to negate an individual feature query within a media query.*

@media not screen and (min-resolution: 300dpi), (min-width: 800px) { ... }

The styling specified here will go into effect if

  1. The media type AND min-resolution don't both meet their requirements ('screen' and '300dpi' respectively) or
  2. The viewport is at least 800 pixels wide.

In other words, if the media type is 'screen' and the min-resolution is 300 dpi, the rule will not go into effect unless the min-width of the viewport is at least 800 pixels.

(The not keyword can be a little funky to state. Let me know if I can do better. ;)

4. ONLY (only keyword)

As I understand it, the only keyword is used to prevent older browsers from misinterpreting newer media queries as the earlier-used, narrower media type. When used correctly, older/non-compliant browsers should just ignore the styling altogether.

<link rel="stylesheet" media="only screen and (color)" href="example.css" />

An older / non-compliant browser would just ignore this line of code altogether, I believe as it would read the only keyword and consider it an incorrect media type. (See here and here for more info from smarter people)


For more info (including more features that can be queried), see:

Understanding Media Query Terminology

Note: I needed to learn the following terminology for everything here to make sense, particularly concerning the not keyword. Here it is as I understand it:

A media rule (MDN also seems to call these media statements) includes the term @media with all of its ensuing media queries

@media all and (min-width: 800px)

@media only screen and (max-resolution:800dpi), not print

@media screen and (min-width: 700px), (orientation: landscape)

@media handheld, (min-width: 650px), (min-aspect-ratio: 1/1)

A media query is a set of feature queries. They can be as simple as one feature query or they can use the and keyword to form a more complex query. Media queries can be comma-separated to form more complex media rules (see the or keyword above).

screen (Note: Only one feature query in use here.)

only screen

only screen and (max-resolution:800dpi)

only tv and (device-aspect-ratio: 16/9) and (color)

NOT handheld, (min-width: 650px). (Note the comma: there are two media queries here.)

A feature query is the most basic portion of a media rule and simply concerns a given feature and its status in a given browsing situation.


(min-width: 650px)

(orientation: landscape)

(device-aspect-ratio: 16/9)

Code snippets and information derived from:

CSS media queries by Mozilla Contributors (licensed under CC-BY-SA 2.5). Some code samples were used with minor alterations to (hopefully) increase clarity of explanation.

Merge 2 arrays of objects

If you want to merge the 2 arrays, but remove duplicate objects use this. Duplicates are identified on .uniqueId of each object

function mergeObjectArraysRemovingDuplicates(firstObjectArray, secondObjectArray) {
  return firstObjectArray.concat(
    secondObjectArray.filter((object) => ! => x.uniqueId).includes(object.uniqueId)),

System.loadLibrary(...) couldn't find native library in my case

To root cause (and maybe solve your issue in the same time), here is what you can do:

  1. Remove the jni folder and all the .mk files. You don't need these nor the NDK if you aren't compiling anything.

  2. Copy your file inside <project>/libs/(armeabi|armeabi-v7a|x86|...) . When using Android Studio, it's <project>/app/src/main/jniLibs/(armeabi|armeabi-v7a|x86|...), but I see you're using eclipse.

  3. Build your APK and open it as a zip file, to check that your file is inside lib/(armeabi|armeabi-v7a|x86|...).

  4. Remove and install your application

  5. Run dumpsys package packages | grep yourpackagename to get the nativeLibraryPath or legacyNativeLibraryDir of your application.

  6. Run ls on the nativeLibraryPath you had or on legacyNativeLibraryDir/armeabi, to check if your is indeed there.

  7. If it's there, check if it hasn't been altered from your original file: is it compiled against the right architecture, does it contain the expected symbols, are there any missing dependencies. You can analyze using readelf.

In order to check step 5-7, you can use my application instead of command lines and readelf: Native Libs Monitor

PS: It's easy to get confused on where .so files should be put or generated by default, here is a summary:

  • libs/CPU_ABI inside an eclipse project

  • jniLibs/CPU_ABI inside an Android Studio project

  • jni/CPU_ABI inside an AAR

  • lib/CPU_ABI inside the final APK

  • inside the app's nativeLibraryPath on a <5.0 device, and inside the app's legacyNativeLibraryDir/CPU_ARCH on a >=5.0 device.

Where CPU_ABI is any of: armeabi, armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a, x86, x86_64, mips, mips64. Depending on which architectures you're targeting and your libs have been compiled for.

Note also that libs aren't mixed between CPU_ABI directories: you need the full set of what you're using, a lib that is inside the armeabi folder will not be installed on a armeabi-v7a device if there are any libs inside the armeabi-v7a folder from the APK.

How to disassemble a binary executable in Linux to get the assembly code?

You might find ODA useful. It's a web-based disassembler that supports tons of architectures.

remove white space from the end of line in linux

This might work for you (GNU sed):

sed -ri  '/\s+$/s///' file

This looks for whitespace at the end of the line and and if present removes it.

Drop all the tables, stored procedures, triggers, constraints and all the dependencies in one sql statement

Here I found new query to delete all sp,functions and triggers

declare @procName varchar(500)
declare cur cursor 

for select [name] from sys.objects where type = 'p'
open cur
fetch next from cur into @procName
while @@fetch_status = 0
    exec('drop procedure ' + @procName)
    fetch next from cur into @procName
close cur
deallocate cur

Starting with Zend Tutorial - Zend_DB_Adapter throws Exception: "SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No such file or directory"

Try setting host= on your db settings file, it worked for me! :)

Hope it helps!

React native text going off my screen, refusing to wrap. What to do?

<Text style={{width: 200}} numberOfLines={1} ellipsizeMode="tail">Your text here</Text>

Bootstrap row class contains margin-left and margin-right which creates problems

You can use row-fluid instead of row, then you won't have this problem. (for previous versions of bootstrap)

I am not sure of recent versions 3, any way :

The issue is that the first column should not have half a gutter on the left, and the last should not have half a gutter on the right. Rather than use some sort of .first or .last class on those columns as some grid systems do, they instead set the .row class to have negative margins that match the padding of the columns. This "pulls" the gutters off of the first and last columns, while at the same time making it wider.

For more information on this Why does the bootstrap .row has a default margin-left of -30px?

How to set DOM element as the first child?

I think you're looking for the .prepend function in jQuery. Example code:

$("#E").prepend("<p>Code goes here, yo!</p>");

jQuery get values of checked checkboxes into array

I refactored your code a bit and believe I came with the solution for which you were looking. Basically instead of setting searchIDs to be the result of the .map() I just pushed the values into an array.


  var searchIDs = [];

  $("#find-table input:checkbox:checked").map(function(){


I created a fiddle with the code running.

Execution failed for task ':app:compileDebugAidl': aidl is missing

I had a similar error with a fresh install of Android Studio attempting to build a new blank app for API 22: Android 5.1 (Lollipop).

I fixed it by simply changing the Build Tools Version from "23.0.0 rc1" to "22.0.1" and then rebuilding.

On Windows, F4 opens the Project Structure and the Build Tools Version can be set in the Modules > app section: enter image description here

I think all this does is change the setting in the build.gradle file in the app but I didn't want to change that manually just in case it does something more.

How to resolve ORA 00936 Missing Expression Error?

This happens every time you insert/ update and you don't use single quotes. When the variable is empty it will result in that error. Fix it by using ''

Assuming the first parameter is an empty variable here is a simple example:


nvl( ,0)


nvl('' ,0)

Put your query into your database software and check it for that error. Generally this is an easy fix

Key existence check in HashMap

The Jon Skeet answer addresses well the two scenarios (map with null value and not null value) in an efficient way.

About the number entries and the efficiency concern, I would like add something.

I have a HashMap with say a 1.000 entries and I am looking at improving the efficiency. If the HashMap is being accessed very frequently, then checking for the key existence at every access will lead to a large overhead.

A map with 1.000 entries is not a huge map.
As well as a map with 5.000 or 10.000 entries.
Map are designed to make fast retrieval with such dimensions.

Now, it assumes that hashCode() of the map keys provides a good distribution.

If you may use an Integer as key type, do it.
Its hashCode() method is very efficient since the collisions are not possible for unique int values :

public final class Integer extends Number implements Comparable<Integer> {
    public int hashCode() {
        return Integer.hashCode(value);

    public static int hashCode(int value) {
        return value;

If for the key, you have to use another built-in type as String for example that is often used in Map, you may have some collisions but from 1 thousand to some thousands of objects in the Map, you should have very few of it as the String.hashCode() method provides a good distribution.

If you use a custom type, override hashCode() and equals() correctly and ensure overall that hashCode() provides a fair distribution.
You may refer to the item 9 of Java Effective refers it.
Here's a post that details the way.

Git diff -w ignore whitespace only at start & end of lines

For end of line use:

git diff --ignore-space-at-eol

Instead of what are you using currently:

git diff -w (--ignore-all-space)

For start of line... you are out of luck if you want a built in solution.

However, if you don't mind getting your hands dirty there's a rather old patch floating out there somewhere that adds support for "--ignore-space-at-sol".

How to center absolute div horizontally using CSS?

You can't use margin:auto; on position:absolute; elements, just remove it if you don't need it, however, if you do, you could use left:30%; ((100%-40%)/2) and media queries for the max and min values:

.container {
    position: absolute;
    top: 15px;
    left: 30%;
    z-index: 2;
    height: 60px;
    overflow: hidden;
    background: #fff;

@media all and (min-width:960px) {

    .container {
        left: 50%;
        width: 960px;


@media all and (max-width:600px) {

    .container {
        left: 50%;
        width: 600px;


How can I determine the URL that a local Git repository was originally cloned from?

With git remote show origin you have to be in the projects directory. But if you want to determine the URLs from anywhere else you could use:

cat <path2project>/.git/config | grep url

If you'll need this command often, you could define an alias in your .bashrc or .bash_profile with MacOS.

alias giturl='cat ./.git/config | grep url'

So you just need to call giturl in the Git root folder in order to simply obtain its URL.

If you extend this alias like this

alias giturl='cat .git/config | grep -i url | cut -d'=' -f 2'

you get only the plain URL without the preceding




you get more possibilities in its usage:


On Mac you could call open $(giturl) to open the URL in the standard browser.

Or chrome $(giturl) to open it with the Chrome browser on Linux.

Android on-screen keyboard auto popping up

You can do it programmatically like

InputMethodManager imm = (InputMethodManager)getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE);
imm.hideSoftInputFromWindow(editTextField.getWindowToken(), 0);

or set android:windowSoftInputMode="stateHidden" in <activity tag inside AndroidManifest.xml

Postgres ERROR: could not open file for reading: Permission denied

just in case you're facing this problem under windows 10 , add the group of users "youcomputer\Users" on the security Tab and grant it full control , that solved my issue

Can I use multiple versions of jQuery on the same page?

I would like to say that you must always use jQuery latest or recent stable versions. However if you need to do some work with others versions then you can add that version and renamed the $ to some other name. For instance

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script>var $oldjQuery = $.noConflict(true);</script>

Look here if you write something using $ then you will get the latest version. But if you need to do anything with old then just use$oldjQuery instead of $.

Here is an example

$oldjQuery (function(){console.log($oldjQuery.fn.jquery)})


How long do browsers cache HTTP 301s?

Make the user submit a post form on that url and the cached redirect is gone :)

<body onload="document.forms[0].submit()">
<form action="" method="post">
    <input type="submit" value="fix" />

Python Script execute commands in Terminal

There are several ways to do this:

A simple way is using the os module:

import os
os.system("ls -l")

More complex things can be achieved with the subprocess module: for example:

import subprocess
test = subprocess.Popen(["ping","-W","2","-c", "1", ""], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
output = test.communicate()[0]

Can functions be passed as parameters?

Yes Go does accept first-class functions.

See the article "First Class Functions in Go" for useful links.

Programmatically create a UIView with color gradient

Swift Implementation:

var gradientLayerView: UIView = UIView(frame: CGRectMake(0, 0, view.bounds.width, 50))
var gradient: CAGradientLayer = CAGradientLayer()
gradient.frame = gradientLayerView.bounds
gradient.colors = [UIColor.grayColor().CGColor, UIColor.clearColor().CGColor]
gradientLayerView.layer.insertSublayer(gradient, atIndex: 0)
self.view.layer.insertSublayer(gradientLayerView.layer, atIndex: 0)

How to replace all occurrences of a character in string?

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
// Replace function..
string replace(string word, string target, string replacement){
    int len, loop=0;
    string nword="", let;
        let=word.substr(loop, 1);
    return nword;

int main() {
  string word;
  cout<<"Enter Word: ";
  cout<<replace(word, "x", "y")<<endl;
  return 0;

Undoing accidental git stash pop

From git stash --help

Recovering stashes that were cleared/dropped erroneously
   If you mistakenly drop or clear stashes, they cannot be recovered through the normal safety mechanisms. However, you can try the
   following incantation to get a list of stashes that are still in your repository, but not reachable any more:

       git fsck --unreachable |
       grep commit | cut -d\  -f3 |
       xargs git log --merges --no-walk --grep=WIP

This helped me better than the accepted answer with the same scenario.

Moment.js: Date between dates

Please use the 4th parameter of moment.isBetween function (inclusivity). Example:

var startDate = moment("15/02/2013", "DD/MM/YYYY");
var endDate = moment("20/02/2013", "DD/MM/YYYY");

var testDate = moment("15/02/2013", "DD/MM/YYYY");

testDate.isBetween(startDate, endDate, 'days', true); // will return true
testDate.isBetween(startDate, endDate, 'days', false); // will return false

Difference between <input type='button' /> and <input type='submit' />

type='Submit' is set to forward & get the values on BACK-END (PHP, .NET etc). type='button' will reflect normal button behavior.

Linear Layout and weight in Android

Substitute wrap_content with fill_parent.

Storing money in a decimal column - what precision and scale?

I would think that for a large part your or your client's requirements should dictate what precision and scale to use. For example, for the e-commerce website I am working on that deals with money in GBP only, I have been required to keep it to Decimal( 6, 2 ).

How to change Hash values?

You can collect the values, and convert it from Array to Hash again.

Like this:

config = Hash[ config.collect {|k,v| [k, v.upcase] } ]

How do I use cx_freeze?

find the cxfreeze script and run it. It will be in the same path as your other python helper scripts, such as pip.

cxfreeze --target-dir dist

read more at:

Using jquery to get all checked checkboxes with a certain class name


setting multiple column using one update

UPDATE some_table 
   SET this_column=x, that_column=y 
   WHERE something LIKE 'them'

Adding days to $Date in PHP

If you're using PHP 5.3, you can use a DateTime object and its add method:

$Date1 = '2010-09-17';
$date = new DateTime($Date1);
$date->add(new DateInterval('P1D')); // P1D means a period of 1 day
$Date2 = $date->format('Y-m-d');

Take a look at the DateInterval constructor manual page to see how to construct other periods to add to your date (2 days would be 'P2D', 3 would be 'P3D', and so on).

Without PHP 5.3, you should be able to use strtotime the way you did it (I've tested it and it works in both 5.1.6 and 5.2.10):

$Date1 = '2010-09-17';
$Date2 = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($Date1 . " + 1 day"));
// var_dump($Date2) returns "2010-09-18"

using mailto to send email with an attachment

Nope, this is not possible at all. There is no provision for it in the mailto: protocol, and it would be a gaping security hole if it were possible.

The best idea to send a file, but have the client send the E-Mail that I can think of is:

  • Have the user choose a file
  • Upload the file to a server
  • Have the server return a random file name after upload
  • Build a mailto: link that contains the URL to the uploaded file in the message body

How to get the last N rows of a pandas DataFrame?

Don't forget DataFrame.tail! e.g. df1.tail(10)

git pull remote branch cannot find remote ref

I had this issue when after rebooted and the last copy of VSCode reopened. The above fix did not work, but when I closed and reopened VSCode via explorer it worked. Here are the steps I did:

//received fatal error_x000D_
git remote remove origin_x000D_
git init_x000D_
git remote add origin git@github:<yoursite>/<your project>.git_x000D_
// still received an err _x000D_
//restarted VSCode and folder via IE _x000D_
//updated one char and resaved the index.html  _x000D_
git add ._x000D_
git commit -m "blah"_x000D_
git push origin master

Google Maps: how to get country, state/province/region, city given a lat/long value?

I found the GeoCoder javascript a little buggy when I included it in my jsp files.

You can also try this:

    var lat = "43.7667855" ;
    var long = "-79.2157321" ;
    var url = ""
    $.get(url).success(function(data) {
       var loc1 = data.results[0];
       var county, city;
         $.each(loc1, function(k1,v1) {
            if (k1 == "address_components") {
               for (var i = 0; i < v1.length; i++) {
                  for (k2 in v1[i]) {
                     if (k2 == "types") {
                        var types = v1[i][k2];
                        if (types[0] =="sublocality_level_1") {
                            county = v1[i].long_name;
                            //alert ("county: " + county);
                        if (types[0] =="locality") {
                           city = v1[i].long_name;
                           //alert ("city: " + city);





How to convert enum names to string in c

I found a C preprocessor trick that is doing the same job without declaring a dedicated array string (Source:

Sequential enums

Following the invention of Stefan Ram, sequential enums (without explicitely stating the index, e.g. enum {foo=-1, foo1 = 1}) can be realized like this genius trick:

#include <stdio.h>

#define C(x) x,
enum color { NAMES TOP };
#undef C

#define C(x) #x,    
const char * const color_name[] = { NAMES };

This gives the following result:

int main( void )  { 
    printf( "The color is %s.\n", color_name[ RED ]);  
    printf( "There are %d colors.\n", TOP ); 

The color is RED.
There are 3 colors.

Non-Sequential enums

Since I wanted to map error codes definitions to are array string, so that I can append the raw error definition to the error code (e.g. "The error is 3 (LC_FT_DEVICE_NOT_OPENED)."), I extended the code in that way that you can easily determine the required index for the respective enum values:

#define LOOPN(n,a) LOOP##n(a)
#define LOOPF ,
#define LOOP2(a) a LOOPF a LOOPF
#define LOOP3(a) a LOOPF a LOOPF a LOOPF
#define LOOP4(a) a LOOPF a LOOPF a LOOPF a LOOPF

    Cw(8) \
    Cn(LC_FT_OK, 0) \
    Ci(LC_FT_IO_ERROR) \

#define Cn(x,y) x=y,
#define Ci(x) x,
#define Cw(x)
enum LC_errors { LC_ERRORS_NAMES TOP };
#undef Cn
#undef Ci
#undef Cw
#define Cn(x,y) #x,
#define Ci(x) #x,
#define Cw(x) LOOPN(x,"")
static const char* __LC_errors__strings[] = { LC_ERRORS_NAMES };
static const char** LC_errors__strings = &__LC_errors__strings[10];

In this example, the C preprocessor will generate the following code:



This results to the following implementation capabilities:

LC_errors__strings[-1] ==> LC_errors__strings[LC_RESPONSE_GENERIC_ERROR] ==> "LC_RESPONSE_GENERIC_ERROR"

Python - Get path of root project structure

I had to implement a custom solution because it's not as simple as you might think. My solution is based on stack trace inspection (inspect.stack()) + sys.path and is working fine no matter the location of the python module in which the function is invoked nor the interpreter (I tried by running it in PyCharm, in a poetry shell and other...). This is the full implementation with comments:

def get_project_root_dir() -> str:
    Returns the name of the project root directory.

    :return: Project root directory name

    # stack trace history related to the call of this function
    frame_stack: [FrameInfo] = inspect.stack()

    # get info about the module that has invoked this function
    # (index=0 is always this very module, index=1 is fine as long this function is not called by some other
    # function in this module)
    frame_info: FrameInfo = frame_stack[1]

    # if there are multiple calls in the stacktrace of this very module, we have to skip those and take the first
    # one which comes from another module
    if frame_info.filename == __file__:
        for frame in frame_stack:
            if frame.filename != __file__:
                frame_info = frame

    # path of the module that has invoked this function
    caller_path: str = frame_info.filename

    # absolute path of the of the module that has invoked this function
    caller_absolute_path: str = os.path.abspath(caller_path)

    # get the top most directory path which contains the invoker module
    paths: [str] = [p for p in sys.path if p in caller_absolute_path]
    paths.sort(key=lambda p: len(p))
    caller_root_path: str = paths[0]

    if not os.path.isabs(caller_path):
        # file name of the invoker module (eg: "")
        caller_module_name: str = Path(caller_path).name

        # this piece represents a subpath in the project directory
        # (eg. if the root folder is "myproject" and this function has ben called from myproject/foo/bar/
        # this will be "foo/bar")
        project_related_folders: str = caller_path.replace(os.sep + caller_module_name, '')

        # fix root path by removing the undesired subpath
        caller_root_path = caller_root_path.replace(project_related_folders, '')

    dir_name: str = Path(caller_root_path).name

    return dir_name

Where are my postgres *.conf files?

For Debian 9 I found mine using Franke Heikens answer - $ /etc/postgresql/9.6/main/postgresql.conf

JSON.parse unexpected token s

Because JSON has a string data type (which is practically anything between " and "). It does not have a data type that matches something

Swift: Convert enum value to String?

I like to use Printable with Raw Values.

enum Audience: String, Printable {
    case Public = "Public"
    case Friends = "Friends"
    case Private = "Private"

    var description: String {
        return self.rawValue

Then we can do:

let audience = Audience.Public.description // audience = "Public"


println("The value of Public is \(Audience.Public)") 
// Prints "The value of Public is Public"

Add rows to CSV File in powershell

I know this is an old thread but it was the first I found when searching. The += solution did not work for me. The code that I did get to work is as below.

#this bit creates the CSV if it does not already exist
$headers = "Name", "Primary Type"
$psObject = New-Object psobject
foreach($header in $headers)
 Add-Member -InputObject $psobject -MemberType noteproperty -Name $header -Value ""
$psObject | Export-Csv $csvfile -NoTypeInformation

#this bit appends a new row to the CSV file
$bName = "My Name"
$bPrimaryType = "My Primary Type"
    $hash = @{
             "Name" =  $bName
             "Primary Type" = $bPrimaryType

$newRow = New-Object PsObject -Property $hash
Export-Csv $csvfile -inputobject $newrow -append -Force

I was able to use this as a function to loop through a series of arrays and enter the contents into the CSV file.

It works in powershell 3 and above.

CSS text-align not working

Change the rule on your <a> element from:

.navigation ul a {
    color: #000;
    display: block;
    padding: 0 65px 0 0;
    text-decoration: none;


.navigation ul a {
    color: #000;
    display: block;
    padding: 0 65px 0 0;
    text-decoration: none;

Just add two new rules (width:100%; and text-align:center;). You need to make the anchor expand to take up the full width of the list item and then text-align center it.

jsFiddle example

What is a View in Oracle?

A view is a virtual table, which provides access to a subset of column from one or more table. A view can derive its data from one or more table. An output of query can be stored as a view. View act like small a table but it does not physically take any space. View is good way to present data in particular users from accessing the table directly. A view in oracle is nothing but a stored sql scripts. Views itself contain no data.

How to know if other threads have finished?

You can interrogate the thread instance with getState() which returns an instance of Thread.State enumeration with one of the following values:

*  NEW
  A thread that has not yet started is in this state.
  A thread executing in the Java virtual machine is in this state.
  A thread that is blocked waiting for a monitor lock is in this state.
  A thread that is waiting indefinitely for another thread to perform a particular action is in this state.
  A thread that is waiting for another thread to perform an action for up to a specified waiting time is in this state.
  A thread that has exited is in this state.

However I think it would be a better design to have a master thread which waits for the 3 children to finish, the master would then continue execution when the other 3 have finished.

SMTP server response: 530 5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first


I then modified the php.ini file to use it (commented out the other lines):

[mail function]
; For Win32 only.
; SMTP =
; smtp_port = 25

; For Win32 only.
; sendmail_from = <e-mail username>

; For Unix only. You may supply arguments as well (default: "sendmail -t -i").
sendmail_path = "C:\xampp\sendmail\sendmail.exe -t"

Ignore the "For Unix only" comment, as this version of sendmail works for Windows.

You then have to configure the "sendmail.ini" file in the directory where sendmail was installed:

force_sender=<e-mail username>

> Blockquote

ps command doesn't work in docker container

use docker top

docker top <container ID>

How to extract numbers from string in c?

You can do it with strtol, like this:

char *str = "ab234cid*(s349*(20kd", *p = str;
while (*p) { // While there are more characters to process...
    if ( isdigit(*p) || ( (*p=='-'||*p=='+') && isdigit(*(p+1)) )) {
        // Found a number
        long val = strtol(p, &p, 10); // Read number
        printf("%ld\n", val); // and print it.
    } else {
        // Otherwise, move on to the next character.

Link to ideone.

select2 - hiding the search box

//readonly on all select2 input
$(".select2-search input").prop("readonly", true);

How to make an Asynchronous Method return a value?

There are a few ways of doing that... the simplest is to have the async method also do the follow-on operation. Another popular approach is to pass in a callback, i.e.

void RunFooAsync(..., Action<bool> callback) {
     // do some stuff
     bool result = ...

     if(callback != null) callback(result);

Another approach would be to raise an event (with the result in the event-args data) when the async operation is complete.

Also, if you are using the TPL, you can use ContinueWith:

Task<bool> outerTask = ...;
outerTask.ContinueWith(task =>
    bool result = task.Result;
    // do something with that

Send POST request using NSURLSession

You could try using a NSDictionary for the params. The following will send the parameters correctly to a JSON server.

NSError *error;

NSURLSessionConfiguration *configuration = [NSURLSessionConfiguration defaultSessionConfiguration];
NSURLSession *session = [NSURLSession sessionWithConfiguration:configuration delegate:self delegateQueue:nil];
NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:@"[JSON SERVER"];
NSMutableURLRequest *request = [NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL:url

[request addValue:@"application/json" forHTTPHeaderField:@"Content-Type"];
[request addValue:@"application/json" forHTTPHeaderField:@"Accept"];

[request setHTTPMethod:@"POST"];
NSDictionary *mapData = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys: @"TEST IOS", @"name",
                     @"IOS TYPE", @"typemap",
NSData *postData = [NSJSONSerialization dataWithJSONObject:mapData options:0 error:&error];
[request setHTTPBody:postData];

NSURLSessionDataTask *postDataTask = [session dataTaskWithRequest:request completionHandler:^(NSData *data, NSURLResponse *response, NSError *error) {


[postDataTask resume];

Hope this helps (I'm trying to sort a CSRF authenticity issue with the above - but it does send the params in the NSDictionary).

Python, how to read bytes from file and save it?

Use the open function to open the file. The open function returns a file object, which you can use the read and write to files:

file_input = open('input.txt') #opens a file in reading mode
file_output = open('output.txt') #opens a file in writing mode

data = #read 1024 bytes from the input file
file_output.write(data) #write the data to the output file

Is it possible to access to google translate api for free?

Yes, you can use GT for free. See the post with explanation. And look at repo on GitHub.

UPD 19.03.2019 Here is a version for browser on GitHub.

Changing an AIX password via script?

You need echo -e for the newline characters to take affect

you wrote

echo "oldpassword\nnewpasswd123\nnewpasswd123" | passwd user

you should try

echo -e "oldpassword\nnewpasswd123\nnewpasswd123" | passwd user

more than likely, you will not need the oldpassword\n portion of that command, you should just need the two new passwords. Don't forget to use single quotes around exclamation points!

echo -e "new"'!'"passwd123\nnew"'!'"passwd123" | passwd user

Autoreload of modules in IPython

For IPython version 3.1, 4.x, and 5.x

%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2

Then your module will be auto-reloaded by default. This is the doc:


``autoreload`` is an IPython extension that reloads modules
automatically before executing the line of code typed.

This makes for example the following workflow possible:

.. sourcecode:: ipython

   In [1]: %load_ext autoreload

   In [2]: %autoreload 2

   In [3]: from foo import some_function

   In [4]: some_function()
   Out[4]: 42

   In [5]: # open in an editor and change some_function to return 43

   In [6]: some_function()
   Out[6]: 43

The module was reloaded without reloading it explicitly, and the
object imported with ``from foo import ...`` was also updated.

There is a trick: when you forget all of the above when using ipython, just try:

import autoreload
# Then you get all the above

adb shell command to make Android package uninstall dialog appear

In my case, I do an adb shell pm list packages to see first what are the packages/apps installed in my Android device or emulator, then upon locating the desired package/app, I do an adb shell pm uninstall -k

How to calculate UILabel width based on text length?

In iOS8 sizeWithFont has been deprecated, please refer to

CGSize yourLabelSize = [yourLabel.text sizeWithAttributes:@{NSFontAttributeName : [UIFont fontWithName:yourLabel.font size:yourLabel.fontSize]}];

You can add all the attributes you want in sizeWithAttributes. Other attributes you can set:

- NSForegroundColorAttributeName
- NSParagraphStyleAttributeName
- NSBackgroundColorAttributeName
- NSShadowAttributeName

and so on. But probably you won't need the others

How to iterate over associative arrays in Bash

Use this higher order function to prevent the pyramid of doom

  arr="$(declare -p $1)" ; eval "declare -A f="${arr#*=}; 
  for i in ${!f[@]}; do $2 "$i" "${f[$i]}"; done


$ bar(){ echo "$1 -> $2"; }
$ declare -A foo["flap"]="three four" foo["flop"]="one two"
$ foreach foo bar
flap -> three four
flop -> one two

How to get the range of occupied cells in excel sheet

dim lastRow as long   'in VBA it's a long 
lastrow = wks.range("A65000").end(xlup).row

How do I start an activity from within a Fragment?

I done it, below code is working for me....

    public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container,
            Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        View v = inflater.inflate(R.layout.hello_world, container, false);

        Button newPage = (Button)v.findViewById(;
        newPage.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {

            public void onClick(View v) {
                Intent intent = new Intent(getActivity(), HomeActivity.class);
        return v;

and Please make sure that your destination activity should be register in Manifest.xml file,

but in my case all tabs are not shown in HomeActivity, is any solution for that ?

How to remove duplicate values from a multi-dimensional array in PHP

I've given this problem a lot of thought and have determined that the optimal solution should follow two rules.

  1. For scalability, modify the array in place; no copying to a new array
  2. For performance, each comparison should be made only once

With that in mind and given all of PHP's quirks, below is the solution I came up with. Unlike some of the other answers, it has the ability to remove elements based on whatever key(s) you want. The input array is expected to be numeric keys.

$count_array = count($input);
for ($i = 0; $i < $count_array; $i++) {
    if (isset($input[$i])) {
        for ($j = $i+1; $j < $count_array; $j++) {
            if (isset($input[$j])) {
                //this is where you do your comparison for dupes
                if ($input[$i]['checksum'] == $input[$j]['checksum']) {

The only drawback is that the keys are not in order when the iteration completes. This isn't a problem if you're subsequently using only foreach loops, but if you need to use a for loop, you can put $input = array_values($input); after the above to renumber the keys.

Compare two objects' properties to find differences?

Yes. Use Reflection. With Reflection, you can do things like:

//given object of some type
object myObjectFromSomewhere;
Type myObjOriginalType = myObjectFromSomewhere.GetType();
PropertyInfo[] myProps = myObjOriginalType.GetProperties();

And then you can use the resulting PropertyInfo classes to compare all manner of things.

How to re-render flatlist?

For quick and simple solution Try:

  1. set extra data to a boolean value.


  2. Toggle the value of boolean state when you want to re-render/refresh list

        refresh: !this.state.refresh

String to list in Python

You can use the split() function, which returns a list, to separate them.

letters = 'QH QD JC KD JS'

letters_list = letters.split()

Printing letters_list would now format it like this:

['QH', 'QD', 'JC', 'KD', 'JS']

Now you have a list that you can work with, just like you would with any other list. For example accessing elements based on indexes:


This would print the third element of your list, which is 'JC'

Convert 24 Hour time to 12 Hour plus AM/PM indication Oracle SQL

For the 24-hour time, you need to use HH24 instead of HH.

For the 12-hour time, the AM/PM indicator is written as A.M. (if you want periods in the result) or AM (if you don't). For example:

SELECT invoice_date,
       TO_CHAR(invoice_date, 'DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') "Date 24Hr",
       TO_CHAR(invoice_date, 'DD-MM-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM') "Date 12Hr"
  FROM invoices

For more information on the format models you can use with TO_CHAR on a date, see

How to view the roles and permissions granted to any database user in Azure SQL server instance?

To view database roles assigned to users, you can use sys.database_role_members

The following query returns the members of the database roles.

SELECT AS DatabaseRoleName,   
    isnull (, 'No members') AS DatabaseUserName   
FROM sys.database_role_members AS DRM  
RIGHT OUTER JOIN sys.database_principals AS DP1  
    ON DRM.role_principal_id = DP1.principal_id  
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.database_principals AS DP2  
    ON DRM.member_principal_id = DP2.principal_id  
WHERE DP1.type = 'R'

Single Result from Database by using mySQLi

When just a single result is needed, then no loop should be used. Just fetch the row right away.

  • In case you need to fetch the entire row into associative array:

      $row = $result->fetch_assoc();
  • in case you need just a single value

      $row = $result->fetch_row();
      $value = $row[0] ?? false;

The last example will return the first column from the first returned row, or false if no row was returned. It can be also shortened to a single line,

$value = $result->fetch_row()[0] ?? false;

Below are complete examples for different use cases

Variables to be used in the query

When variables are to be used in the query, then a prepared statement must be used. For example, given we have a variable $id:

$query = "SELECT ssfullname, ssemail FROM userss WHERE ud=?";
$stmt = $conn->prepare($query);
$stmt->bind_param("s", $id);
$result = $stmt->get_result();
$row = $result->fetch_assoc();

// in case you need just a single value
$query = "SELECT count(*) FROM userss WHERE id=?";
$stmt = $conn->prepare($query);
$stmt->bind_param("s", $id);
$result = $stmt->get_result();
$value = $result->fetch_row()[0] ?? false;

The detailed explanation of the above process can be found in my article. As to why you must follow it is explained in this famous question

No variables in the query

In your case, where no variables to be used in the query, you can use the query() method:

$query = "SELECT ssfullname, ssemail FROM userss ORDER BY ssid";
$result = $conn->query($query);
// in case you need an array
$row = $result->fetch_assoc();
// OR in case you need just a single value
$value = $result->fetch_row()[0] ?? false;

By the way, although using raw API while learning is okay, consider using some database abstraction library or at least a helper function in the future:

// using a helper function
$sql = "SELECT email FROM users WHERE id=?";
$value = prepared_select($conn, $sql, [$id])->fetch_row[0] ?? false;

// using a database helper class
$email = $db->getCol("SELECT email FROM users WHERE id=?", [$id]);

As you can see, although a helper function can reduce the amount of code, a class' method could encapsulate all the repetitive code inside, making you to write only meaningful parts - the query, the input parameters and the desired result format (in the form of the method's name).

Flexbox not giving equal width to elements

There is an important bit that is not mentioned in the article to which you linked and that is flex-basis. By default flex-basis is auto.

From the spec:

If the specified flex-basis is auto, the used flex basis is the value of the flex item’s main size property. (This can itself be the keyword auto, which sizes the flex item based on its contents.)

Each flex item has a flex-basis which is sort of like its initial size. Then from there, any remaining free space is distributed proportionally (based on flex-grow) among the items. With auto, that basis is the contents size (or defined size with width, etc.). As a result, items with bigger text within are being given more space overall in your example.

If you want your elements to be completely even, you can set flex-basis: 0. This will set the flex basis to 0 and then any remaining space (which will be all space since all basises are 0) will be proportionally distributed based on flex-grow.

li {
    flex-grow: 1;
    flex-basis: 0;
    /* ... */

This diagram from the spec does a pretty good job of illustrating the point.

And here is a working example with your fiddle.

CMake is not able to find BOOST libraries

I just want to point out that the FindBoost macro might be looking for an earlier version, for instance, 1.58.0 when you might have 1.60.0 installed. I suggest popping open the FindBoost macro from whatever it is you are attempting to build, and checking if that's the case. You can simply edit it to include your particular version. (This was my problem.)

how to find 2d array size in c++

Suppose you were only allowed to use array then you could find the size of 2-d array by the following way.

  int ary[][5] = { {1, 2, 3, 4, 5},
                   {6, 7, 8, 9, 0}

  int rows =  sizeof ary / sizeof ary[0]; // 2 rows  

  int cols = sizeof ary[0] / sizeof(int); // 5 cols

Using Razor within JavaScript

There is also one more option than @: and <text></text>.

Using <script> block itself.

When you need to do large chunks of JavaScript depending on Razor code, you can do it like this:

@if(Utils.FeatureEnabled("Feature")) {
        // If this feature is enabled

    // Other JavaScript code

Pros of this manner is that it doesn't mix JavaScript and Razor too much, because mixing them a lot will cause readability issues eventually. Also large text blocks are not very readable either.

When to use <span> instead <p>?

Span is completely non-semantic. It has no meaning, and serves merely as an element for cosmetic effects.

Paragraphs have semantic meaning - they tell a machine (like a browser or a screen reader) that the content they encapsulate is a block of text, and has the same meaning as a paragraph of text in a book.

How to escape the % (percent) sign in C's printf?

Like this:

//-----------^^ inside printf, use two percent signs together

When to use React "componentDidUpdate" method?

I have used componentDidUpdate() in highchart.

Here is a simple example of this component.

import React, { PropTypes, Component } from 'react';
window.Highcharts = require('highcharts');

export default class Chartline extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      chart: ''

  public componentDidUpdate() {
    // console.log(this.props.candidate, 'this.props.candidate')
    if (this.props.category) {
      const category = this.props.category ? this.props.category : {};
      console.log('category', category);
      window.Highcharts.chart('jobcontainer_' + category._id, {
        title: {
          text: ''
        plotOptions: {
          series: {
            cursor: 'pointer'
        chart: {
          defaultSeriesType: 'spline'
        xAxis: {
          // categories: candidate.dateArr,
          categories: ['Day1', 'Day2', 'Day3', 'Day4', 'Day5', 'Day6', 'Day7'],
          showEmpty: true
        labels: {
          style: {
            color: 'white',
            fontSize: '25px',
            fontFamily: 'SF UI Text'
        series: [
            name: 'Low',
            color: '#9B260A',
            data: category.lowcount
            name: 'High',
            color: '#0E5AAB',
            data: category.highcount
            name: 'Average',
            color: '#12B499',
            data: category.averagecount
  public render() {
    const category = this.props.category ? this.props.category : {};
    console.log('render category', category);
    return <div id={'jobcontainer_' + category._id} style={{ maxWidth: '400px', height: '180px' }} />;

Javascript parse float is ignoring the decimals after my comma

It is better to use this syntax to replace all the commas in a case of a million 1,234,567

var string = "1,234,567";
string = string.replace(/[^\d\.\-]/g, ""); 
var number = parseFloat(string);

The g means to remove all commas.

Check the Jsfiddle demo here.

How can I divide one column of a data frame through another?

There are a plethora of ways in which this can be done. The problem is how to make R aware of the locations of the variables you wish to divide.


d <- read.table(text = "263807.0    1582
196190.5    1016
586689.0    3479
names(d) <- c("min", "count2.freq")
> d
       min count2.freq
1 263807.0        1582
2 196190.5        1016
3 586689.0        3479

My preferred way

To add the desired division as a third variable I would use transform()

> d <- transform(d, new = min / count2.freq)
> d
       min count2.freq      new
1 263807.0        1582 166.7554
2 196190.5        1016 193.1009
3 586689.0        3479 168.6373

The basic R way

If doing this in a function (i.e. you are programming) then best to avoid the sugar shown above and index. In that case any of these would do what you want

## 1. via `[` and character indexes
d[, "new"] <- d[, "min"] / d[, "count2.freq"]

## 2. via `[` with numeric indices
d[, 3] <- d[, 1] / d[, 2]

## 3. via `$`
d$new <- d$min / d$count2.freq

All of these can be used at the prompt too, but which is easier to read:

d <- transform(d, new = min / count2.freq)


d$new <- d$min / d$count2.freq ## or any of the above examples

Hopefully you think like I do and the first version is better ;-)

The reason we don't use the syntactic sugar of tranform() et al when programming is because of how they do their evaluation (look for the named variables). At the top level (at the prompt, working interactively) transform() et al work just fine. But buried in function calls or within a call to one of the apply() family of functions they can and often do break.

Likewise, be careful using numeric indices (## 2. above); if you change the ordering of your data, you will select the wrong variables.

The preferred way if you don't need replacement

If you are just wanting to do the division (rather than insert the result back into the data frame, then use with(), which allows us to isolate the simple expression you wish to evaluate

> with(d, min / count2.freq)
[1] 166.7554 193.1009 168.6373

This is again much cleaner code than the equivalent

> d$min / d$count2.freq
[1] 166.7554 193.1009 168.6373

as it explicitly states that "using d, execute the code min / count2.freq. Your preference may be different to mine, so I have shown all options.

How do I inject a controller into another controller in AngularJS

If your intention is to get hold of already instantiated controller of another component and that if you are following component/directive based approach you can always require a controller (instance of a component) from a another component that follows a certain hierarchy.

For example:

//some container component that provides a wizard and transcludes the page components displayed in a wizard
myModule.component('wizardContainer', {
  controller : function WizardController() {
    this.disableNext = function() { 
      //disable next step... some implementation to disable the next button hosted by the wizard

//some child component
myModule.component('onboardingStep', {
 controller : function OnboadingStepController(){

    this.$onInit = function() {
      //.... you can access this.container.disableNext() function

    this.onChange = function(val) {
      //..say some value has been changed and it is not valid i do not want wizard to enable next button so i call container's disable method i.e
 require : {
    container: '^^wizardContainer' //Require a wizard component's controller which exist in its parent hierarchy.

Now the usage of these above components might be something like this:

<wizard-container ....>
<!--some stuff-->
<!-- some where there is this page that displays initial step via child component -->

<on-boarding-step ...>
 <!--- some stuff-->
<!--some stuff-->

There are many ways you can set up require.

(no prefix) - Locate the required controller on the current element. Throw an error if not found.

? - Attempt to locate the required controller or pass null to the link fn if not found.

^ - Locate the required controller by searching the element and its parents. Throw an error if not found.

^^ - Locate the required controller by searching the element's parents. Throw an error if not found.

?^ - Attempt to locate the required controller by searching the element and its parents or pass null to the link fn if not found.

?^^ - Attempt to locate the required controller by searching the element's parents, or pass null to the link fn if not found.

Old Answer:

You need to inject $controller service to instantiate a controller inside another controller. But be aware that this might lead to some design issues. You could always create reusable services that follows Single Responsibility and inject them in the controllers as you need.


app.controller('TestCtrl2', ['$scope', '$controller', function ($scope, $controller) {
   var testCtrl1ViewModel = $scope.$new(); //You need to supply a scope while instantiating.
   //Provide the scope, you can also do $scope.$new(true) in order to create an isolated scope.
   //In this case it is the child scope of this scope.
   $controller('TestCtrl1',{$scope : testCtrl1ViewModel });
   testCtrl1ViewModel.myMethod(); //And call the method on the newScope.

In any case you cannot call TestCtrl1.myMethod() because you have attached the method on the $scope and not on the controller instance.

If you are sharing the controller, then it would always be better to do:-

.controller('TestCtrl1', ['$log', function ($log) {
    this.myMethod = function () {
        $log.debug("TestCtrl1 - myMethod");

and while consuming do:

.controller('TestCtrl2', ['$scope', '$controller', function ($scope, $controller) {
     var testCtrl1ViewModel = $controller('TestCtrl1');

In the first case really the $scope is your view model, and in the second case it the controller instance itself.

Windows equivalent of linux cksum command

It looks as if there is an unsupported tool for checksums from MS. It's light on features but appears to do what you're asking for. It was published in August of 2012. It's called "Microsoft File Checksum Integrity Verifier".

How to change default language for SQL Server?

@John Woo's accepted answer has some caveats which you should be aware of:

  1. Default language setting of a session is controlled from default language setting of the user login instead which you have used to create the session. SQL Server instance level setting doesn't affect the default language of the session.
  2. Changing default language setting at SQL Server instance level doesn't affects the default language setting of the existing SQL Server logins. It is meant to be inherited only by the new user logins that you create after changing the instance level setting.

So, there is an intermediate level between your SQL Server instance and the session which you can use to control the default language setting for session - login level.

SQL Server Instance level setting -> User login level setting -> Query Session level setting

This can help you in case you want to set default language of all new sessions belonging to some specific user only.

Simply change the default language setting of the target user login as per this link and you are all set. You can also do it from SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) UI. Below you can see the default language setting in properties window of sa user in SQL Server:

enter image description here

Note: Also, it is important to know that changing the setting doesn't affect the default language of already active sessions from that user login. It will affect only the new sessions created after changing the setting.

How can I check if a directory exists?

According to man(2)stat you can use the S_ISDIR macro on the st_mode field:

bool isdir = S_ISDIR(st.st_mode);

Side note, I would recommend using Boost and/or Qt4 to make cross-platform support easier if your software can be viable on other OSs.

How to change css property using javascript

Use document.getElementsByClassName('className').style = your_style.

var d = document.getElementsByClassName("left1");
d.className = d.className + " otherclass";

Use single quotes for JS strings contained within an html attribute's double quotes


<div class="somelclass"></div>

then document.getElementsByClassName('someclass').style = "NewclassName";

<div class='someclass'></div>

then document.getElementsByClassName("someclass").style = "NewclassName";

This is personal experience.

Using $window or $location to Redirect in AngularJS

You have to put:

<html ng-app="urlApp" ng-controller="urlCtrl">

This way the angular function can access into "window" object

Remove Elements from a HashSet while Iterating

You can manually iterate over the elements of the set:

Iterator<Integer> iterator = set.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
    Integer element =;
    if (element % 2 == 0) {

You will often see this pattern using a for loop rather than a while loop:

for (Iterator<Integer> i = set.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
    Integer element =;
    if (element % 2 == 0) {

As people have pointed out, using a for loop is preferred because it keeps the iterator variable (i in this case) confined to a smaller scope.

encrypt and decrypt md5

/* you  can match the exact string with table value*/

if(md5("string to match") == $res["hashstring"])
 echo "login correct";

NULL value for int in Update statement

By using NULL without any quotes.

UPDATE `tablename` SET `fieldName` = NULL;

How to split an integer into an array of digits?

While list(map(int, str(x))) is the Pythonic approach, you can formulate logic to derive digits without any type conversion:

from math import log10

def digitize(x):
    n = int(log10(x))
    for i in range(n, -1, -1):
        factor = 10**i
        k = x // factor
        yield k
        x -= k * factor

res = list(digitize(5243))

[5, 2, 4, 3]

One benefit of a generator is you can feed seamlessly to set, tuple, next, etc, without any additional logic.

List comprehension on a nested list?

Here is how to convert nested for loop to nested list comprehension:

enter image description here

Here is how nested list comprehension works:

            l a b c d e f
            ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
In [1]: l = [ [ [ [ [ [ 1 ] ] ] ] ] ]
In [2]: for a in l:
   ...:     for b in a:
   ...:         for c in b:
   ...:             for d in c:
   ...:                 for e in d:
   ...:                     for f in e:
   ...:                         print(float(f))

In [3]: [float(f)
         for a in l
   ...:     for b in a
   ...:         for c in b
   ...:             for d in c
   ...:                 for e in d
   ...:                     for f in e]
Out[3]: [1.0]

For your case, it will be something like this.

In [4]: new_list = [float(y) for x in l for y in x]

Values of disabled inputs will not be submitted

select controls are still clickable even on readonly attrib

if you want to still disable the control but you want its value posted. You might consider creating a hidden field. with the same value as your control.

then create a jquery, on select change

$('#your_select_id').change(function () {

Iframe positioning

you should use position: relative; for one iframe and position:absolute; for the second;

Example: for first iframe use:

<div id="contentframe" style="position:relative; top: 100px; left: 50px;">

for second iframe use:

<div id="contentframe" style="position:absolute; top: 0px; left: 690px;">

Using ls to list directories and their total sizes

To display it in ls -lh format, use:

(du -sh ./*; ls -lh --color=no) | awk '{ if($1 == "total") {X = 1} else if (!X) {SIZES[$2] = $1} else { sub($5 "[ ]*", sprintf("%-7s ", SIZES["./" $9]), $0); print $0} }'

Awk code explained:

if($1 == "total") { // Set X when start of ls is detected
  X = 1 
} else if (!X) { // Until X is set, collect the sizes from `du`
  SIZES[$2] = $1
} else {
  // Replace the size on current current line (with alignment)
  sub($5 "[ ]*", sprintf("%-7s ", SIZES["./" $9]), $0); 
  print $0

Sample output:

drwxr-xr-x 2 root     root 4.0K    Feb 12 16:43 cgi-bin
drwxrws--- 6 root     www  20M     Feb 18 11:07 document_root
drwxr-xr-x 3 root     root 1.3M    Feb 18 00:18 icons
drwxrwsr-x 2 localusr www  8.0K    Dec 27 01:23 passwd

AttributeError: 'datetime' module has no attribute 'strptime'

I got the same problem and it is not the solution that you told. So I changed the "from datetime import datetime" to "import datetime". After that with the help of "datetime.datetime" I can get the whole modules correctly. I guess this is the correct answer to that question.

check null,empty or undefined angularjs

You can use angular's function called angular.isUndefined(value) returns boolean.

You may read more about angular's functions here: AngularJS Functions (isUndefined)

Git Commit Messages: 50/72 Formatting

Is the maximum recommended title length really 50?

I have believed this for years, but as I just noticed the documentation of "git commit" actually states

$ git help commit | grep -C 1 50
      Though not required, it’s a good idea to begin the commit message with
      a single short (less than 50 character) line summarizing the change,
      followed by a blank line and then a more thorough description. The text

$  git version
git version 2.11.0

One could argue that "less then 50" can only mean "no longer than 49".

VBA - Range.Row.Count

Have you tried :-

Sub test()

    k = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row

    MsgBox (k)

End Sub

The /only/ catch is that if there is no data it still returns 1.

window.onbeforeunload and window.onunload is not working in Firefox, Safari, Opera?

Here is the working solution for ie, firefox and chrome:

var myEvent = window.attachEvent || window.addEventListener;
var chkevent = window.attachEvent ? 'onbeforeunload' : 'beforeunload'; /// make IE7, IE8 compitable

            myEvent(chkevent, function(e) { // For >=IE7, Chrome, Firefox
                var confirmationMessage = 'Are you sure to leave the page?';  // a space
                (e || window.event).returnValue = confirmationMessage;
                return confirmationMessage;

How to export non-exportable private key from store

You're right, no API at all that I'm aware to export PrivateKey marked as non-exportable. But if you patch (in memory) normal APIs, you can use the normal way to export :)

There is a new version of mimikatz that also support CNG Export (Windows Vista / 7 / 2008 ...)

  1. download (and launch with administrative privileges) : (trunk version or last version)

Run it and enter the following commands in its prompt:

  1. privilege::debug (unless you already have it or target only CryptoApi)
  2. crypto::patchcng (nt 6) and/or crypto::patchcapi (nt 5 & 6)
  3. crypto::exportCertificates and/or crypto::exportCertificates CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_LOCAL_MACHINE

The exported .pfx files are password protected with the password "mimikatz"

Content Type application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8 was not supported by service

This error may occur when WCF client tries to send its message using MTOM extension (MIME type application/soap+xml is used to transfer SOAP XML in MTOM), but service is just able to understand normal SOAP messages (it doesn't contain MIME parts, only text/xml type in HTTP request).

Be sure you generated your client code against correct WSDL.

In order to use MTOM on server side, change your configuration file adding messageEncoding attribute:

<binding name="basicHttp" allowCookies="true"
             messageEncoding="Mtom" >

Spring Boot java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/servlet/Filter

Add the following dependency. The scope should be compile then it will work.


Float a DIV on top of another DIV

I know this post is little bit old but here is a potential solution for anyone who has the same problem:

First, I would change the CSS display for #popup to "none" instead of "hidden".

Second, I would change the HTML as follow:

<div id="overlay-back"></div>
<div id="popup">
    <div style="position: relative;">
        <img class="close-image" src="images/closebtn.png" />
        <span><img src="images/load_sign.png" width="400" height="566" /></span>

And for Style as follow:

   display: block;
   float: right;
   cursor: pointer;
   z-index: 3;
   position: absolute;
   right: 0;
   top: 0;

I got this idea from this website ( A very good example on how to position elements,:

How to position a div on top of another div

I hope this helps,


Change color and appearance of drop down arrow

We have used YUI, Chosen, and are currently using the jQuery Select2 plugin:

It's pretty robust, the arrow is just the tip of the iceberg.

As soon as stylized selects becomes a requirement, I agree with the others, go with a plugin. Don't kill yourself reinventing the wheel.

Check whether a path is valid

I haven't had any problems with the code below. (Relative paths must start with '/' or '\').

private bool IsValidPath(string path, bool allowRelativePaths = false)
    bool isValid = true;

        string fullPath = Path.GetFullPath(path);

        if (allowRelativePaths)
            isValid = Path.IsPathRooted(path);
            string root = Path.GetPathRoot(path);
            isValid = string.IsNullOrEmpty(root.Trim(new char[] { '\\', '/' })) == false;
    catch(Exception ex)
        isValid = false;

    return isValid;

For example these would return false:

IsValidPath("./abc", true);
IsValidPath("abc", true);

And these would return true:

IsValidPath(@"/abc", true);
IsValidPath(@"\abc", true);

Could not load NIB in bundle

I had this problem with a storyboard and the nib was called something like 'bKD-J3-fhr-view-ZSR-8m-2da'.

It was because I was trying to add a subview to self.view in a view controller's init (withCoder). Self.view doesn't exist yet.

Moved it to viewDidLoad and all better!

#1292 - Incorrect date value: '0000-00-00'

The error is because of the sql mode which can be strict mode as per latest MYSQL 5.7 documentation.

For more information read this.

Hope it helps.

How do I install PHP cURL on Linux Debian?

I wrote an article on topis how to [manually install curl on debian linu][1]x.

[1]: This is its shortcut:

  1. cd /usr/local/src
  2. wget
  3. tar -xvzf curl-7.36.0.tar.gz
  4. rm *.gz
  5. cd curl-7.6.0
  6. ./configure
  7. make
  8. make install

And restart Apache. If you will have an error during point 6, try to run apt-get install build-essential.

Replace whole line containing a string using Sed

bash-4.1$ new_db_host="DB_HOSTNAME=good replaced with 122.334.567.90"
bash-4.1$ sed -i "/DB_HOST/c $new_db_host" test4sed
vim test4sed
DB_HOSTNAME=good replaced with 122.334.567.90

it works fine

Open Redis port for remote connections

In my case, I'm using redis-stable

Go to redis-stable path 
 cd /home/ubuntu/software/redis-stable

Open the redis.conf

vim redis.conf

Change the bind to bind

change the protected-mode yes to protected-mode no

Restart the redis-server:

/etc/init.d/redis-server stop
 redis-server redis.conf

Pandas read_sql with parameters

The read_sql docs say this params argument can be a list, tuple or dict (see docs).

To pass the values in the sql query, there are different syntaxes possible: ?, :1, :name, %s, %(name)s (see PEP249).
But not all of these possibilities are supported by all database drivers, which syntax is supported depends on the driver you are using (psycopg2 in your case I suppose).

In your second case, when using a dict, you are using 'named arguments', and according to the psycopg2 documentation, they support the %(name)s style (and so not the :name I suppose), see
So using that style should work:

df = psql.read_sql(('select "Timestamp","Value" from "MyTable" '
                     'where "Timestamp" BETWEEN %(dstart)s AND %(dfinish)s'),

Multiple files upload in Codeigniter


if(isset($_FILES[$input_name]) && is_array($_FILES[$input_name]['name'])){
            $image_path = array();          
            $count = count($_FILES[$input_name]['name']);   
            for($key =0; $key <$count; $key++){     
                $_FILES['file']['name']     = $_FILES[$input_name]['name'][$key]; 
                $_FILES['file']['type']     = $_FILES[$input_name]['type'][$key]; 
                $_FILES['file']['tmp_name'] = $_FILES[$input_name]['tmp_name'][$key]; 
                $_FILES['file']['error']     = $_FILES[$input_name]['error'][$key]; 
                $_FILES['file']['size']     = $_FILES[$input_name]['size'][$key]; 
                $config['file_name'] = $_FILES[$input_name]['name'][$key];                      
                if($this->upload->do_upload('file')) {
                    $data = $this->upload->data();
                    $image_path[$key] = $path ."$data[file_name]";                  
                    $error =  $this->upload->display_errors();
                $this->session->set_flashdata('msg_error',"image upload! ".$error);
            return json_encode($image_path);

How to convert OutputStream to InputStream?

Old post but might help others, Use this way:

OutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(out.toString().getBytes()));

cpp / c++ get pointer value or depointerize pointer

To get the value of a pointer, just de-reference the pointer.

int *ptr;
int value;
*ptr = 9;

value = *ptr;

value is now 9.

I suggest you read more about pointers, this is their base functionality.

How to convert an int array to String with toString method in Java

You can use java.util.Arrays:

String res = Arrays.toString(array);


[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

C# : Out of Memory exception

.Net4.5 does not have a 2GB limitation for objects any more. Add this lines to App.config

    <gcAllowVeryLargeObjects enabled="true" />    

and it will be possible to create very large objects without getting OutOfMemoryException

Please note it will work only on x64 OS's!

How to make method call another one in classes?

Because the Method2 is static, all you have to do is call like this:

public class AllMethods
    public static void Method2()
        // code here

class Caller
    public static void Main(string[] args)

If they are in different namespaces you will also need to add the namespace of AllMethods to caller.cs in a using statement.

If you wanted to call an instance method (non-static), you'd need an instance of the class to call the method on. For example:

public class MyClass
    public void InstanceMethod() 
        // ...

public static void Main(string[] args)
    var instance = new MyClass();


As of C# 6, you can now also achieve this with using static directive to call static methods somewhat more gracefully, for example:

// AllMethods.cs
namespace Some.Namespace
    public class AllMethods
        public static void Method2()
            // code here

// Caller.cs
using static Some.Namespace.AllMethods;

namespace Other.Namespace
    class Caller
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            Method2(); // No need to mention AllMethods here

Further Reading

Android SDK folder taking a lot of disk space. Do we need to keep all of the System Images?

You do not need to keep the system images unless you want to use the emulator on your desktop. Along with it you can remove other unwanted stuff to clear disk space.

Adding as an answer to my own question as I've had to narrate this to people in my team more than a few times. Hence this answer as a reference to share with other curious ones.

In the last few weeks there were several colleagues who asked me how to safely get rid of the unwanted stuff to release disk space (most of them were beginners). I redirected them to this question but they came back to me for steps. So for android beginners here is a step by step guide to safely remove unwanted stuff.


  • Do not blindly delete everything directly from disk that you "think" is not required occupying. I did that once and had to re-download.
  • Make sure you have a list of all active projects with the kind of emulators (if any) and API Levels and Build tools required for those to continue working/compiling properly.

First, be sure you are not going to use emulators and will always do you development on a physical device. In case you are going to need emulators, note down the API Levels and type of emulators you'll need. Do not remove those. For the rest follow the below steps:

Steps to safely clear up unwanted stuff from Android SDK folder on the disk

  1. Open the Stand Alone Android SDK Manager. To open do one of the following:
  • Click the SDK Manager button on toolbar in android studio or eclipse
  • In Android Studio, go to settings and search "Android SDK". Click Android SDK -> "Open Standalone SDK Manager"
  • In Eclipse, open the "Window" menu and select "Android SDK Manager"
  • Navigate to the location of the android-sdk directory on your computer and run "SDK Manager.exe"


  1. Uncheck all items ending with "System Image". Each API Level will have more than a few. In case you need some and have figured the list already leave them checked to avoid losing them and having to re-download.


  1. Optional (may help save a marginally more amount of disk space): To free up some more space, you can also entirely uncheck unrequired API levels. Be careful again to avoid re-downloading something you are actually using in other projects.


  1. In the end make sure you have at least the following (check image below) for the remaining API levels to be able to seamlessly work with your physical device.

In the end the clean android sdk installed components should look something like this in the SDK manager.

enter image description here

Joining two lists together

targetList = list1.Concat(list2).ToList();

It's working fine I think so. As previously said, Concat returns a new sequence and while converting the result to List, it does the job perfectly. Implicit conversions may fail sometimes when using the AddRange method.

Java Date cut off time information

With Joda you can easily get the expected date.

As of version 2.7 (maybe since some previous version greater than 2.2), as a commenter notes, toDateMidnight has been deprecated in favor or the aptly named withTimeAtStartOfDay(), making the convenient


Benefit added of a way nicer API.

With older versions, you can do

new DateTime(new Date()).toDateMidnight().toDate()

How to get a resource id with a known resource name?

// image from res/drawable
    int resID = getResources().getIdentifier("my_image", 
            "drawable", getPackageName());
// view
    int resID = getResources().getIdentifier("my_resource", 
            "id", getPackageName());

// string
    int resID = getResources().getIdentifier("my_string", 
            "string", getPackageName());

public static const in TypeScript

If you did want something that behaved more like a static constant value in modern browsers (in that it can't be changed by other code), you could add a get only accessor to the Library class (this will only work for ES5+ browsers and NodeJS):

export class Library {
    public static get BOOK_SHELF_NONE():string { return "None"; }
    public static get BOOK_SHELF_FULL():string { return "Full"; }   

var x = Library.BOOK_SHELF_NONE;
Library.BOOK_SHELF_NONE = "Not Full";
x = Library.BOOK_SHELF_NONE;

If you run it, you'll see how the attempt to set the BOOK_SHELF_NONE property to a new value doesn't work.


In TypeScript 2.0, you can use readonly to achieve very similar results:

export class Library {
    public static readonly BOOK_SHELF_NONE = "None";
    public static readonly BOOK_SHELF_FULL = "Full";

The syntax is a bit simpler and more obvious. However, the compiler prevents changes rather than the run time (unlike in the first example, where the change would not be allowed at all as demonstrated).

Benefits of EBS vs. instance-store (and vice-versa)

The bottom line is you should almost always use EBS backed instances.

Here's why

  • EBS backed instances can be set so that they cannot be (accidentally) terminated through the API.
  • EBS backed instances can be stopped when you're not using them and resumed when you need them again (like pausing a Virtual PC), at least with my usage patterns saving much more money than I spend on a few dozen GB of EBS storage.
  • EBS backed instances don't lose their instance storage when they crash (not a requirement for all users, but makes recovery much faster)
  • You can dynamically resize EBS instance storage.
  • You can transfer the EBS instance storage to a brand new instance (useful if the hardware at Amazon you were running on gets flaky or dies, which does happen from time to time)
  • It is faster to launch an EBS backed instance because the image does not have to be fetched from S3.
  • If the hardware your EBS-backed instance is scheduled for maintenance, stopping and starting the instance automatically migrates to new hardware. I was also able to move an EBS-backed instance on failed hardware by force-stopping the instance and launching it again (your mileage may vary on failed hardware).

I'm a heavy user of Amazon and switched all of my instances to EBS backed storage as soon as the technology came out of beta. I've been very happy with the result.

EBS can still fail - not a silver bullet

Keep in mind that any piece of cloud-based infrastructure can fail at any time. Plan your infrastructure accordingly. While EBS-backed instances provide certain level of durability compared to ephemeral storage instances, they can and do fail. Have an AMI from which you can launch new instances as needed in any availability zone, back up your important data (e.g. databases), and if your budget allows it, run multiple instances of servers for load balancing and redundancy (ideally in multiple availability zones).

When Not To

At some points in time, it may be cheaper to achieve faster IO on Instance Store instances. There was a time when it was certainly true. Now there are many options for EBS storage, catering to many needs. The options and their pricing evolve constantly as technology changes. If you have a significant amount of instances that are truly disposable (they don't affect your business much if they just go away), do the math on cost vs. performance. EBS-backed instances can also die at any point in time, but my practical experience is that EBS is more durable.

How to convert JSON to XML or XML to JSON?

I did like David Brown said but I got the following exception.

$exception {"There are multiple root elements. Line , position ."} System.Xml.XmlException

One solution would be to modify the XML file with a root element but that is not always necessary and for an XML stream it might not be possible either. My solution below:

var path = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, @"..\..\App_Data"));
var directoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(path);
var fileInfos = directoryInfo.GetFiles("*.xml");

foreach (var fileInfo in fileInfos)
    XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
    XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings();
    settings.ConformanceLevel = ConformanceLevel.Fragment;

    using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(fileInfo.FullName, settings))
        while (reader.Read())
            if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                var node = doc.ReadNode(reader);
                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeXmlNode(node);

Example XML that generates the error:


Getting the last n elements of a vector. Is there a better way than using the length() function?

Here is a function to do it and seems reasonably fast.

stop("Length of value greater than length of vector")




                                                    test replications elapsed relative
1                                 expression(tail(x, 5))       100000    5.24    6.469
2 expression(x[ = length(x), length.out = 5)])       100000    0.98    1.210
3                       expression(x[length(x) - (4:0)])       100000    0.81    1.000
4                                 expression(endv(x, 5))       100000    1.37    1.691

Using pg_dump to only get insert statements from one table within database

if version < 8.4.0

pg_dump -D -t <table> <database>

Add -a before the -t if you only want the INSERTs, without the CREATE TABLE etc to set up the table in the first place.

version >= 8.4.0

pg_dump --column-inserts --data-only --table=<table> <database>

Difference between Math.Floor() and Math.Truncate()

Math.floor sliiiide to the left...
Math.ceil sliiiide to the right...
Math.truncate criiiiss crooooss (floor/ceil always towards 0)
Math.round cha cha, real smooth... (go to closest side)

Let's go to work! (¬?_?)

To the left... Math.floor
Take it back now y'all... --
Two hops this time... -=2

Everybody clap your hands ??

How low can you go? Can you go down low? All the way to the floor?

if (this == "wrong")
    return "i don't wanna be right";

Math.truncate(x) is also the same as int(x).
by removing a positive or negative fraction, you're always heading towards 0.

How to map calculated properties with JPA and Hibernate

JPA doesn't offer any support for derived property so you'll have to use a provider specific extension. As you mentioned, @Formula is perfect for this when using Hibernate. You can use an SQL fragment:

private float finalPrice;

Or even complex queries on other tables:

@Formula("(select min(o.creation_date) from Orders o where o.customer_id = id)")
private Date firstOrderDate;

Where id is the id of the current entity.

The following blog post is worth the read: Hibernate Derived Properties - Performance and Portability.

Without more details, I can't give a more precise answer but the above link should be helpful.

See also:

iPhone: How to get current milliseconds?

[NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate] is another option, if you don't want to include the Quartz framework. It returns a double, representing seconds.

How do I disable orientation change on Android?

In Visual Studio Xamarin:

  1. Add:

using Android.Content.PM; to you activity namespace list.

  1. Add:

[Activity(ScreenOrientation = Android.Content.PM.ScreenOrientation.Portrait)]

as an attribute to you class, like that:

[Activity(ScreenOrientation = ScreenOrientation.Portrait)]
public class MainActivity : Activity

SecurityError: The operation is insecure - window.history.pushState()

In my case I was missing 'www.' from the url I was pushing. It must be exact match, if you're working on, you must push to and not

How to change status bar color to match app in Lollipop? [Android]

To set the status bar color, create a style.xml file under res/values-v21 folder with this content:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <style name="AppBaseTheme" parent="AppTheme">
        <item name="android:windowDrawsSystemBarBackgrounds">true</item>
        <item name="android:statusBarColor">@color/blue</item>


Batch - Echo or Variable Not Working

Try the following (note that there should not be a space between the VAR, =, and GREG).


General error: 1364 Field 'user_id' doesn't have a default value

In my case, the error was because I had not declared the field in my $fillable array in the model. Well, it seems to be something basic, but for us who started with laravel it could work.

Node.js res.setHeader('content-type', 'text/javascript'); pushing the response javascript as file download

You can directly set the content type like below:

res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});

For reference go through the nodejs Docs link.

Find a string by searching all tables in SQL Server Management Studio 2008

If you are like me and have certain restrictions in a production environment, you may wish to use a table variable instead of temp table, and an ad-hoc query rather than a create procedure.

Of course depending on your sql server instance, it must support table variables.

I also added a USE statement to narrow the search scope

DECLARE @SearchStr nvarchar(100) = 'SEARCH_TEXT'
DECLARE @Results TABLE (ColumnName nvarchar(370), ColumnValue nvarchar(3630))


DECLARE @TableName nvarchar(256), @ColumnName nvarchar(128), @SearchStr2 nvarchar(110)
SET  @TableName = ''
SET @SearchStr2 = QUOTENAME('%' + @SearchStr + '%','''')


    SET @ColumnName = ''
    SET @TableName = 
        WHERE         TABLE_TYPE = 'BASE TABLE'
            AND    OBJECTPROPERTY(
                        QUOTENAME(TABLE_SCHEMA) + '.' + QUOTENAME(TABLE_NAME)
                         ), 'IsMSShipped'
                           ) = 0

    WHILE (@TableName IS NOT NULL) AND (@ColumnName IS NOT NULL)

        SET @ColumnName =
            WHERE         TABLE_SCHEMA    = PARSENAME(@TableName, 2)
                AND    TABLE_NAME    = PARSENAME(@TableName, 1)
                AND    DATA_TYPE IN ('char', 'varchar', 'nchar', 'nvarchar', 'int', 'decimal')
                AND    QUOTENAME(COLUMN_NAME) > @ColumnName

        IF @ColumnName IS NOT NULL

            INSERT INTO @Results
                'SELECT ''' + @TableName + '.' + @ColumnName + ''', LEFT(' + @ColumnName + ', 3630) 
                FROM ' + @TableName + ' (NOLOCK) ' +
                ' WHERE ' + @ColumnName + ' LIKE ' + @SearchStr2

SELECT ColumnName, ColumnValue FROM @Results

What does "Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8" really mean?

Note that IETF RFC4627 has been superseded by IETF RFC7158. In section [8.1] it retracts the text cited by @Drew earlier by saying:

Implementations MUST NOT add a byte order mark to the beginning of a JSON text.

Arguments to main in C

For parsing command line arguments on posix systems, the standard is to use the getopt() family of library routines to handle command line arguments.

A good reference is the GNU getopt manual

How to implement the ReLU function in Numpy

numpy didn't have the function of relu, but you define it by yourself as follow:

def relu(x):
    return np.maximum(0, x)

for example:

arr = np.array([[-1,2,3],[1,2,3]])

ret = relu(arr)
print(ret) # print [[0 2 3] [1 2 3]]

.htaccess 301 redirect of single page

If you prefer to use the simplest possible solution to a problem, an alternative to RedirectMatch is, the more basic, Redirect directive.

It does not use pattern matching and so is more explicit and easier for others to understand.


<IfModule mod_alias.c>

#Repoint old contact page to new contact page:
Redirect 301 /contact.php


Query strings should be carried over because the docs say:

Additional path information beyond the matched URL-path will be appended to the target URL.

How do I make an Android EditView 'Done' button and hide the keyboard when clicked?

I have to point that out as a lot of people can struggle into that without knowing the problem.

If you want the kb to hide when clicking Done, and you set android:imeOptions="actionDone" & android:maxLines="1" without setting your EditText inputType it will NOT work as the default inputType for the EditText is not "text" as a lot of people think.

so, setting only inputType will give you the results you desire whatever what you are setting it to like "text", "number", ...etc.

Best lightweight web server (only static content) for Windows

The smallest one I know is lighttpd.

Security, speed, compliance, and flexibility -- all of these describe lighttpd (pron. lighty) which is rapidly redefining efficiency of a webserver; as it is designed and optimized for high performance environments. With a small memory footprint compared to other web-servers, effective management of the cpu-load, and advanced feature set (FastCGI, SCGI, Auth, Output-Compression, URL-Rewriting and many more) lighttpd is the perfect solution for every server that is suffering load problems. And best of all it's Open Source licensed under the revised BSD license.

Edit: removed Windows version link, now a spam/malware plugin site.

How to get the file path from URI?

File myFile = new File(uri.toString());

should return u the correct path


As @Tron suggested the working code is

File myFile = new File(uri.getPath());

C# - What does the Assert() method do? Is it still useful?

You should use it for times when you don't want to have to breakpoint every little line of code to check variables, but you do want to get some sort of feedback if certain situations are present, for example:

Debug.Assert(someObject != null, "someObject is null! this could totally be a bug!");

Initialize class fields in constructor or at declaration?

I think there is one caveat. I once committed such an error: Inside of a derived class, I tried to "initialize at declaration" the fields inherited from an abstract base class. The result was that there existed two sets of fields, one is "base" and another is the newly declared ones, and it cost me quite some time to debug.

The lesson: to initialize inherited fields, you'd do it inside of the constructor.

in_array multiple values

if(in_array('foo',$arg) && in_array('bar',$arg)){
    //both of them are in $arg

if(in_array('foo',$arg) || in_array('bar',$arg)){
    //at least one of them are in $arg

What is the correct way to do a CSS Wrapper?

Centering content has so many avenues that it can't really be explored in a single answer. If you would like to explore them, CSS Zen Garden is an enjoyable-if-old resource exploring the many, many ways to layout content in a way even old browsers will tolerate.

The correct way, if you don't have any mitigating requirements, is to just apply margin: auto to the sides, and a width. If your page has no content that needs to go outside those margins, just apply it to the body:

body {
  padding: 0;
  margin: 15px auto;
  width: 500px;

So here we've got a 500px wide set of content centered at all* sizes. The padding 0 is to deal with some browsers that like to apply some default padding and throw us off a bit. In the example I do wrap the content in an article tag to be nice to Screen Readers, Pocket, etc so for example the blind can jump past the nav you likely have (which should be in nav) and straight to the content.

I say all* because below 500px this will mess up - we're not being Responsive. To get Responsive, you could just use Bootstrap etc, but building it yourself you use a Media Query like:

body {
  padding: 0;

  margin: 15px;
  @media (min-width: 500px) {
    margin: 15px auto;
    width: 500px;

Note that this is SCSS/SASS syntax - if you're using plain CSS, it's inverted:

body {
  padding: 0;  
  margin: 15px;

@media (min-width: 500px) {
  body {
    margin: 15px auto;
    width: 500px;

It's common however to want to center just one chunk of a page, so let's apply this to only the article tag in a final example.

body {
  padding: 0;
  margin: 0;

nav {
  width: 100%;
  box-sizing: border-box;
  padding: 15px;

article {
  margin: 15px;
  @media (min-width: 500px) {
    margin: 15px auto;
    width: 500px;

Note that this final example also uses CSS Flexbox in the nav, which is also one of the newer ways you could center things. So, that's fun.

But, there are special circumstances where you need to use other approaches to center content, and each of those is probably worth its own question (many of them already asked and answered here on this site).

How do I prompt for Yes/No/Cancel input in a Linux shell script?

Most of the times in such scenarios, you need to continue executing the script till the user keeps on entering "yes" and only need to stop when user enters "no". The below snippet would help you achieve this!

while [ "$input" == "yes" ]
  echo "execute script functionality here..!!"
  echo "Do you want to continue (yes/no)?"
  read input

Difference between no-cache and must-revalidate

I think there is a difference between max-age=0, must-revalidate and no-cache:

In the must-revalidate case the client is allowed to send a If-Modified-Since request and serve the response from cache if 304 Not Modified is returned.

In the no-cache case, the client must not cache the response, so should not use If-Modified-Since.

How to write :hover condition for a:before and a:after?

BoltClock's answer is correct. The only thing I want to append is that if you want to only select the pseudo element, put in a span.

For example:

<li><span data-icon='u'></span> List Element </li>

instead of:

<li> data-icon='u' List Element</li>

This way you can simply say

ul [data-icon]:hover::before {color: #f7f7f7;}

which will only highlight the pseudo element, not the entire li element

How to get PHP $_GET array?

You can get them using the Query String:

$idArray = explode('&',$_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]);

This will give you:

$idArray[0] = "id=1";
$idArray[1] = "id=2";
$idArray[2] = "id=3";


foreach ($idArray as $index => $avPair)
  list($ignore, $value) = explode("=", $avPair);
  $id[$index] = $value;

This will give you

$id[0] = "1";
$id[1] = "2";
$id[2] = "3";

Playing sound notifications using Javascript?

New emerger... seems to be compatible with IE, Gecko browsers and iPhone so far...

How to always show scrollbar

setVertical* helped to make vertical scrollbar always visible programmatically


Delete an element in a JSON object

with open('writing_file.json', 'w') as w:
    with open('reading_file.json', 'r') as r:
        for line in r:
            element = json.loads(line.strip())
            if 'hours' in element:
                del element['hours']

this is the method i use..

How to sort a list/tuple of lists/tuples by the element at a given index?

Stephen's answer is the one I'd use. For completeness, here's the DSU (decorate-sort-undecorate) pattern with list comprehensions:

decorated = [(tup[1], tup) for tup in data]
undecorated = [tup for second, tup in decorated]

Or, more tersely:

[b for a,b in sorted((tup[1], tup) for tup in data)]

As noted in the Python Sorting HowTo, this has been unnecessary since Python 2.4, when key functions became available.

How to make layout with rounded corners..?

I have done this way:

Check Screenshot:

Relative layout Background

Create drawable file named with custom_rectangle.xml in drawable folder:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<shape xmlns:android=""
    android:shape="rectangle" >

    <solid android:color="@android:color/white" />

    <corners android:radius="10dip" />

        android:color="@android:color/white" />


Now apply Rectangle background on View:



How to configure WAMP (localhost) to send email using Gmail?

PEAR: Mail worked for me sending email messages from Gmail. Also, the instructions: How to Send Email from a PHP Script Using SMTP Authentication (Using PEAR::Mail) helped greatly. Thanks, CMS!

Traverse a list in reverse order in Python

To use negative indices: start at -1 and step back by -1 at each iteration.

>>> a = ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
>>> for i in range(-1, -1*(len(a)+1), -1):
...     print i, a[i]
-1 baz
-2 bar
-3 foo

Change Spinner dropdown icon

dummy.xml(remember image size should be less)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <selector xmlns:android="">
            <layer-list android:opacity="transparent">
                <item android:width="60dp" android:gravity="left" android:start="20dp">
                    <bitmap  android:src="@drawable/down_button_dummy_dummy" android:gravity="left"/>

layout file snippet be like



click to see result layout image

how to install gcc on windows 7 machine?

  1. Extract the package to C:\ from here and install it

  2. Copy the path C:\MinGW\bin which contains gcc.exe.

  3. go to Control Panel->System->Advanced>Environment variables, and add or modify PATH. (just concatenate with ';')

  4. Then, open a cmd.exe command prompt (Windows + R and type cmd, if already opened, please close and open a new one, to get the path change)

  5. change the folder to your file path by cd D:\c code Path

  6. type gcc main.c -o helloworld.o. It will compile the code. for C++ use g++

7 type ./helloworld to run the program.

If zlib1.dll is missing, download from here

How can I keep my branch up to date with master with git?

You can use the cherry-pick to get the particular bug fix commit(s)

$ git checkout branch
$ git cherry-pick bugfix

How to switch to the new browser window, which opens after click on the button?

Surya, your way won't work, because of two reasons:

  1. you can't close driver during evaluation of test as it will loose focus, before switching to active element, and you'll get NoSuchWindowException.
  2. if test are run on ChromeDriver you`ll get not a window, but tab on click in your application. As SeleniumDriver can't act with tabs, only switchs between windows, it hangs on click where new tab is being opening, and crashes on timeout.

How to insert a string which contains an "&"

There's always the chr() function, which converts an ascii code to string.

ie. something like: INSERT INTO table VALUES ( CONCAT( 'J', CHR(38), 'J' ) )

MySQL Error 1093 - Can't specify target table for update in FROM clause

The simplest way to do this is use a table alias when you are referring parent query table inside the sub query.

Example :

insert into xxx_tab (trans_id) values ((select max(trans_id)+1 from xxx_tab));

Change it to:

insert into xxx_tab (trans_id) values ((select max(P.trans_id)+1 from xxx_tab P));

access denied for user @ 'localhost' to database ''

Try this: Adding users to MySQL

You need grant privileges to the user if you want external acess to database(ie. web pages).

count of entries in data frame in R

You could use table:

R> x <- read.table(textConnection('
   Believe Age Gender Presents Behaviour
1    FALSE   9   male       25   naughty
2     TRUE   5   male       20      nice
3     TRUE   4 female       30      nice
4     TRUE   4   male       34   naughty'
), header=TRUE)

R> table(x$Believe)

    1     3 

How do I select a sibling element using jQuery?

Try -

   $(this).siblings(".bidbutton").addClass("disabled").attr("disabled", "");

C++ - Hold the console window open?

A more appropriate method is to use std::cin.ignore:

#include <iostream>

void Pause()
   std::cout << "Press Enter to continue...";
   std::cin.ignore(10000, '\n');

How does String substring work in Swift

I am new in Swift 3, but looking the String (index) syntax for analogy I think that index is like a "pointer" constrained to string and Int can help as an independent object. Using the base + offset syntax , then we can get the i-th character from string with the code bellow:

let s = "abcdefghi"
let i = 2
print (s[s.index(s.startIndex, offsetBy:i)])
// print c

For a range of characters ( indexes) from string using String (range) syntax we can get from i-th to f-th characters with the code bellow:

let f = 6
print (s[s.index(s.startIndex, offsetBy:i )..<s.index(s.startIndex, offsetBy:f+1 )])
//print cdefg

For a substring (range) from a string using String.substring (range) we can get the substring using the code bellow:

print (s.substring (with:s.index(s.startIndex, offsetBy:i )..<s.index(s.startIndex, offsetBy:f+1 ) ) )
//print cdefg


  1. The i-th and f-th begin with 0.

  2. To f-th, I use offsetBY: f + 1, because the range of subscription use ..< (half-open operator), not include the f-th position.

  3. Of course must include validate errors like invalid index.

Printing Exception Message in java

try {
} catch (javax.script.ScriptException ex) {
// System.out.println(ex.getMessage());

Timestamp with a millisecond precision: How to save them in MySQL

You can use BIGINT as follows:

CREATE TABLE user_reg (
identifier INT,
phone_number CHAR(11) NOT NULL,
reg_time BIGINT,
last_active_time BIGINT,
PRIMARY KEY (user_id),
INDEX (phone_number, user_id, identifier)

Create a simple HTTP server with Java?

If you are using the Sun JDK you can use this built in library
Look at this site on how to use.

If n ot there are several Open Source HTTP Servers here which you can embed into your software.