[python] Python Script execute commands in Terminal

I read this somewhere a while ago but cant seem to find it. I am trying to find a command that will execute commands in the terminal and then output the result.

For example: the script will be:

command 'ls -l'

It will out the result of running that command in the terminal

This question is related to python terminal

The answer is

You should also look into commands.getstatusoutput

This returns a tuple of length 2.. The first is the return integer ( 0 - when the commands is successful ) second is the whole output as will be shown in the terminal.

For ls

    import commands
    print s
    >> (0, 'file_1\nfile_2\nfile_3')
    >> ['file_1', 'file_2', 'file_3']

for python3 use subprocess

import subprocess
s = subprocess.getstatusoutput(f'ps -ef | grep python3')

import os
os.system("echo 'hello world'")

This should work. I do not know how to print the output into the python Shell.

The os.popen() is pretty simply to use, but it has been deprecated since Python 2.6. You should use the subprocess module instead.

Read here: reading a os.popen(command) into a string

You could import the 'os' module and use it like this :

import os


In a jupyter notebook you can use the magic function !

!echo "execute a command"
files = !ls -a /data/dir/ #get the output into a variable


To execute this as a .py script you would need to use ipython

files = get_ipython().getoutput('ls -a /data/dir/')

execute script

$ ipython my_script.py

I prefer usage of subprocess module:

from subprocess import call
call(["ls", "-l"])

Reason is that if you want to pass some variable in the script this gives very easy way for example take the following part of the code

abc = a.c
call(["vim", abc])