[javascript] Javascript parse float is ignoring the decimals after my comma

Here's a simple scenario. I want to show the subtraction of two values show on my site:

//Value on my websites HTML is: "75,00"
var fullcost = parseFloat($("#fullcost").text()); 

//Value on my websites HTML is: "0,03"
var auctioncost = parseFloat($("#auctioncost").text());

alert(fullcost); //Outputs: 75
alert(auctioncost); //Ouputs: 0

Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?

This question is related to javascript parsefloat

The answer is

From my origin country the currency format is like "3.050,89 €"

parseFloat identifies the dot as the decimal separator, to add 2 values we could put it like these:

parseFloat(element.toString().replace(/\./g,'').replace(',', '.'))

For anyone arriving here wondering how to deal with this problem where commas (,) and full stops (.) might be involved but the exact number format may not be known - this is how I correct a string before using parseFloat() (borrowing ideas from other answers):

function preformatFloat(float){
      return '';

   //Index of first comma
   const posC = float.indexOf(',');

   if(posC === -1){
      //No commas found, treat as float
      return float;

   //Index of first full stop
   const posFS = float.indexOf('.');

   if(posFS === -1){
      //Uses commas and not full stops - swap them (e.g. 1,23 --> 1.23)
      return float.replace(/\,/g, '.');

   //Uses both commas and full stops - ensure correct order and remove 1000s separators
   return ((posC < posFS) ? (float.replace(/\,/g,'')) : (float.replace(/\./g,'').replace(',', '.')));
// <-- parseFloat(preformatFloat('5.200,75'))
// --> 5200.75

At the very least, this would allow parsing of British/American and European decimal formats (assuming the string contains a valid number).

parseFloat parses according to the JavaScript definition of a decimal literal, not your locale's definition. (E.g., parseFloat is not locale-aware.) Decimal literals in JavaScript use . for the decimal point.

In my case, I already had a period(.) and also a comma(,), so what worked for me was to replace the comma(,) with an empty string like below:

parseFloat('3,000.78'.replace(',', '')) 

This is assuming that the amount from the existing database is 3,000.78. The results are: 3000.78 without the initial comma(,).

As @JaredPar pointed out in his answer use parseFloat with replace

var fullcost = parseFloat($("#fullcost").text().replace(',', '.'));

Just replacing the comma with a dot will fix, Unless it's a number over the thousands like 1.000.000,00 this way will give you the wrong digit. So you need to replace the comma remove the dots.

// Remove all dot's. Replace the comma.
var fullcost = parseFloat($("#fullcost").text().replace(/\./g,'').replace(',', '.'));

By using two replaces you'll be able to deal with the data without receiving wrong digits in the output.

Numbers in JS use a . (full stop / period) character to indicate the decimal point not a , (comma).

It is better to use this syntax to replace all the commas in a case of a million 1,234,567

var string = "1,234,567";
string = string.replace(/[^\d\.\-]/g, ""); 
var number = parseFloat(string);

The g means to remove all commas.

Check the Jsfiddle demo here.

javascript's parseFloat doesn't take a locale parameter. So you will have to replace , with .

parseFloat('0,04'.replace(/,/, '.')); // 0.04

Why not use globalize? This is only one of the issues that you can run in to when you don't use the english language:

Globalize.parseFloat('0,04'); // 0.04

Some links on stackoverflow to look into: