Programs & Examples On #Intervals

Intervals are used to measure “distance” between values.

Working with INTERVAL and CURDATE in MySQL

I usually use


Which is almost same as Pekka's but this way you can control your INTERVAL to be negative or positive...

How do I convert an interval into a number of hours with postgres?

Probably the easiest way is:

SELECT EXTRACT(epoch FROM my_interval)/3600

PHP: How can I determine if a variable has a value that is between two distinct constant values?

A random value?

If you want a random value, try

$value = mt_rand($min, $max);

mt_rand() will run a bit more random if you are using many random numbers in a row, or if you might ever execute the script more than once a second. In general, you should use mt_rand() over rand() if there is any doubt.

How do you create vectors with specific intervals in R?

Use the code

x = seq(0,100,5) #this means (starting number, ending number, interval)

the output will be

[1]   0   5  10  15  20  25  30  35  40  45  50  55  60  65  70  75
[17]  80  85  90  95 100

How can I plot data with confidence intervals?

Here is a solution using functions plot(), polygon() and lines().

 df <- data.frame(x =1:10,
                 F =runif(10,1,2),
                 L =runif(10,0,1),
                 U =runif(10,2,3))

 plot(df$x, df$F, ylim = c(0,4), type = "l")
 #make polygon where coordinates start with lower limit and 
 # then upper limit in reverse order
 polygon(c(df$x,rev(df$x)),c(df$L,rev(df$U)),col = "grey75", border = FALSE)
 lines(df$x, df$F, lwd = 2)
 #add red lines on borders of polygon
 lines(df$x, df$U, col="red",lty=2)
 lines(df$x, df$L, col="red",lty=2)

enter image description here

Now use example data provided by OP in another question:

   Lower <- c(0.418116841, 0.391011834, 0.393297710,
        0.531378573, 0.311448219, 0.392045751,0.153614913, 0.366684097,
        0.161100849,0.700274810,0.629714150, 0.661641288, 0.533404093,
        0.412427559, 0.432905333, 0.525306427,0.224292061,
        0.28893064,0.099543648, 0.342995605,0.086973739,0.289030388,
        0.081230826,0.164505624, -0.031290586,0.148383474,0.070517523,0.009686605,
        -0.052703529,0.475924192,0.253382210, 0.354011010,0.130295355,0.102253218,
        0.335833224,0.037258467, 0.141312363,0.361392799,0.129791998,

 Upper.limit <- c(0.6446223,0.6177311, 0.6034427, 0.5726503,
      0.7644718, 0.4585430, 0.8205418, 0.7154043,0.7370033,
      0.5285199, 0.5973728, 0.3764209, 0.5818298,
      0.3960867,0.8972357, 0.8370151, 0.8359921, 0.7449118,
      0.6152879, 0.6200704, 0.7041068, 0.4541011, 0.5222653,
      0.3472364, 0.5956551, 0.3068065, 0.5112895, 0.3081448,
      0.3745473, 0.1931089, 0.3890704, 0.3031025, 0.2472591,
      0.1976092, 0.6906118, 0.4736644, 0.5770463, 0.3528607,
      0.3307651, 0.6681629, 0.7476231, 0.5959025, 0.7128883,
      0.3451623, 0.5609742, 0.4739216, 0.3694883, 0.5609220,
      0.6343219, 0.3647751, 0.4247147, 0.6996334, 0.5562876,
      0.2586490, 0.3750040, 0.5922248, 0.3626322, 0.5243285,
      0.5548211, 0.7409648, 0.5820070, 0.5530232, 0.6863703,
      0.7206998, 0.4952387, 0.4993264, 0.3527727, 0.2203694,
      0.2583149, 0.3035342, 0.3462009, 0.3003602, 0.4506054,
      0.3359478, 0.4834151, 0.4391330, 0.5273411, 0.3947622,
      0.4133769, 0.5288060, 0.7492071, 0.5381701, 0.4825456,
      0.6121942, 0.6192227, 0.3784870, 0.2574025, 0.3704140,
      0.2945623, 0.6532694, 0.2697202, 0.3652230, 0.3696383,
      0.5268808, 0.1545602, 0.2221450, 0.3553377, 0.5204076,

  Fitted.values<- c(0.53136955, 0.50437146, 0.49837019,
  0.46939721, 0.66721423, 0.34165926, 0.70985388, 0.61383696,
  0.63419092, 0.41998407, 0.49470927, 0.26501789, 0.47425695,
  0.27859380, 0.79875525, 0.73336461, 0.74881668, 0.63915795,
  0.51385774, 0.52648789, 0.61470661, 0.33919656, 0.40559797,
  0.22339000, 0.46932536, 0.19689011, 0.40015996, 0.19468781,
  0.26952645, 0.08090917, 0.26872696, 0.18680999, 0.12847285,
  0.07245286, 0.58326799, 0.36352329, 0.46552867, 0.24157804,
  0.21650915, 0.55738088, 0.64797691, 0.49494416, 0.59728999,
  0.22848680, 0.45030036, 0.37087676, 0.25147426, 0.45445930,
  0.52339711, 0.24922310, 0.30184215, 0.59185198, 0.44606040,
  0.14795374, 0.25815819, 0.47680880, 0.24621212, 0.40404398,
  0.44435727, 0.65524894, 0.48363255, 0.45461258, 0.58409323,
  0.62599114, 0.38418264, 0.38357103, 0.24545011, 0.11461756,
  0.13821664, 0.19183886, 0.23203127, 0.18702881, 0.34030391,
  0.22090140, 0.37289121, 0.32846615, 0.40822456, 0.27801706,
  0.31652008, 0.41746184, 0.64364785, 0.42944100, 0.37347037,
  0.50412786, 0.50828681, 0.26510696, 0.15302635, 0.25116438,
  0.18559609, 0.53955941, 0.16920626, 0.26018389, 0.25378867,
  0.41439675, 0.04157232, 0.09600163, 0.23739430, 0.41666762,

Assemble into a data frame (no x provided, so using indices)

 df2 <- data.frame(x=seq(length(Fitted.values)),
 #make polygon where coordinates start with lower limit and then upper limit in reverse order
 with(df2,polygon(c(x,rev(x)),c(lwr,rev(upr)),col = "grey75", border = FALSE))

enter image description here

Are iframes considered 'bad practice'?

As with all technologies, it has its ups and downs. If you are using an iframe to get around a properly developed site, then of course it is bad practice. However sometimes an iframe is acceptable.

One of the main problems with an iframe has to do with bookmarks and navigation. If you are using it to simply embed a page inside your content, I think that is fine. That is what an iframe is for.

However I've seen iframes abused as well. It should never be used as an integral part of your site, but as a piece of content within a site.

Usually, if you can do it without an iframe, that is a better option. I'm sure others here may have more information or more specific examples, it all comes down to the problem you are trying to solve.

With that said, if you are limited to HTML and have no access to a backend like PHP or ASP.NET etc, sometimes an iframe is your only option.

Generics/templates in python?

Here's a variant of this answer that uses metaclasses to avoid the messy syntax, and use the typing-style List[int] syntax:

class template(type):
    def __new__(metacls, f):
        cls = type.__new__(metacls, f.__name__, (), {
            '_f': f,
            '__qualname__': f.__qualname__,
            '__module__': f.__module__,
            '__doc__': f.__doc__
        cls.__instances = {}
        return cls

    def __init__(cls, f):  # only needed in 3.5 and below

    def __getitem__(cls, item):
        if not isinstance(item, tuple):
            item = (item,)
            return cls.__instances[item]
        except KeyError:
            cls.__instances[item] = c = cls._f(*item)
            item_repr = '[' + ', '.join(repr(i) for i in item) + ']'
            c.__name__ = cls.__name__ + item_repr
            c.__qualname__ = cls.__qualname__ + item_repr
            c.__template__ = cls
            return c

    def __subclasscheck__(cls, subclass):
        for c in subclass.mro():
            if getattr(c, '__template__', None) == cls:
                return True
        return False

    def __instancecheck__(cls, instance):
        return cls.__subclasscheck__(type(instance))

    def __repr__(cls):
        import inspect
        return '<template {!r}>'.format('{}.{}[{}]'.format(
            cls.__module__, cls.__qualname__, str(inspect.signature(cls._f))[1:-1]

With this new metaclass, we can rewrite the example in the answer I link to as:

def List(member_type):
    class List(list):
        def append(self, member):
            if not isinstance(member, member_type):
                raise TypeError('Attempted to append a "{0}" to a "{1}" which only takes a "{2}"'.format(

                list.append(self, member)
    return List

l = List[int]()
l.append(1)  # ok
l.append("one")  # error

This approach has some nice benefits

print(List)  # <template '__main__.List[member_type]'>
print(List[int])  # <class '__main__.List[<class 'int'>, 10]'>
assert List[int] is List[int]
assert issubclass(List[int], List)  # True

get DATEDIFF excluding weekends using sql server

declare @d1 datetime, @d2 datetime
select @d1 = '4/19/2017',  @d2 = '5/7/2017'

DECLARE @Counter int = datediff(DAY,@d1 ,@d2 )

DECLARE @C int = 0
DECLARE @SUM int = 0

 WHILE  @Counter > 0


SET @Counter = @Counter - 1
set @c = @c +1

select @Sum

Eclipse: Set maximum line length for auto formatting?

Click Project->preferences. Type format into the search - you should see java->code style->formatter. Click that, then edit - finally, the line wrapping tab - its there :)

How to list the tables in a SQLite database file that was opened with ATTACH?

To list the tables you can also do:

SELECT name FROM sqlite_master
WHERE type='table';

How to disable submit button once it has been clicked?

Your question is confusing and you really should post some code, but this should work:

onClick="this.disabled=true; this.value='Sending...'; submitForm(); return false;"

I think that when you use this.form.submit() it's doing what happens naturally when you click the submit button. If you want same-page submit, you should look into using AJAX in the submitForm() method (above).

Also, returning false at the end of the onClick attribute value suppresses the default event from firing (in this case submitting the form).

How to create an empty file with Ansible?

Another option, using the command module:

- name: Create file
  command: touch /path/to/file
    creates: /path/to/file

The 'creates' argument ensures that this action is not performed if the file exists.

What is the best way to tell if a character is a letter or number in Java without using regexes?

I'm looking for a function that checks only if it's one of the Latin letters or a decimal number. Since char c = 255, which in printable version is + and considered as a letter by Character.isLetter(c). This function I think is what most developers are looking for:

private static boolean isLetterOrDigit(char c) {
    return (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') ||
           (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') ||
           (c >= '0' && c <= '9');

How do I determine the size of an object in Python?

This can be more complicated than it looks depending on how you want to count things. For instance, if you have a list of ints, do you want the size of the list containing the references to the ints? (ie. list only, not what is contained in it), or do you want to include the actual data pointed to, in which case you need to deal with duplicate references, and how to prevent double-counting when two objects contain references to the same object.

You may want to take a look at one of the python memory profilers, such as pysizer to see if they meet your needs.

Convert JavaScript string in dot notation into an object reference

A little more involved example with recursion.

function recompose(obj,string){
    var parts = string.split('.');
    var newObj = obj[parts[0]];
        var newString = parts.join('.');
        return recompose(newObj,newString);
    return newObj;

var obj = { a: { b: '1', c: '2', d:{a:{b:'blah'}}}};

alert(recompose(obj,'a.d.a.b')); //blah

Location of WSDL.exe

In case anyone using VS 2008 (.NET 3.5) is also looking for the wsdl.exe. I found it here:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\bin\wsdl.exe

Activity has leaked window that was originally added

This is not the answer to the question but it's relevant to the topic.

If the activity has defined an attribute in the Manifest


then after executing onPause(), the context of activity is lost. So all the view's using this context might give this error.

How to sum the values of a JavaScript object?

Sum the object key value by parse Integer. Converting string format to integer and summing the values

var obj = {
  pay: 22
var x = parseInt(;
console.log(x + 20);

How to scroll up or down the page to an anchor using jQuery?

following solution worked for me:

            var aid = $(this).attr('href');
            aid = aid.replace("#", "");
            var aTag = $("a[name='"+ aid +"']");
            if(aTag == null || aTag.offset() == null)
                aTag = $("a[id='"+ aid +"']");

            $('html,body').animate({scrollTop: aTag.offset().top}, 1000);

How to search in a List of Java object

You can give a try to Apache Commons Collections.

There is a class CollectionUtils that allows you to select or filter items by custom Predicate.

Your code would be like this:

Predicate condition = new Predicate() {
   boolean evaluate(Object sample) {
        return ((Sample)sample).value3.equals("three");
List result = list, condition );


In java8, using Lambdas and StreamAPI this should be:

List<Sample> result =
     .filter(item -> item.value3.equals("three"))

much nicer!

Apache VirtualHost and localhost

For someone doing everything described here and still can't access:

XAMPP with Apache HTTP Server 2.4:

In file httpd-vhost.conf:

<VirtualHost *>
    DocumentRoot "D:/xampp/htdocs/dir"
   <Directory "D:/xampp/htdocs/dir">
    Require all granted #apache v 2.4.4 uses just this

There isn't any need for a port, or an IP address here. Apache configures it on its own files. There isn't any need for NameVirtualHost *:80; it's deprecated. You can use it, but it doesn't make any difference.

Then to edit hosts, you must run Notepad as administrator (described bellow). If you were editing the file without doing this, you are editing a pseudo file, not the original (yes, it saves, etc., but it's not the real file)

In Windows:

Find the Notepad icon, right click, run as administrator, open file, go to C:/WINDOWS/system32/driver/etc/hosts, check "See all files", and open hosts.

If you where editing it before, probably you will see it's not the file you were previously editing when not running as administrator.

Then to check if Apache is reading your httpd-vhost.conf, go to folder xampFolder/apache/bin, Shift + right click, open a terminal command here, open XAMPP (as you usually do), start Apache, and then on the command line, type httpd -S. You will see a list of the virtual hosts. Just check if your is there.

Resolving instances with ASP.NET Core DI from within ConfigureServices

You can inject dependencies in attributes like AuthorizeAttribute in this way

var someservice = (ISomeService)context.HttpContext.RequestServices.GetService(typeof(ISomeService));

List append() in for loop

No need to re-assign.

for i in range(5):    

How can I show an element that has display: none in a CSS rule?

document.getElementById('mybox').style.display = "block";

How can I link to a specific glibc version?

You are correct in that glibc uses symbol versioning. If you are curious, the symbol versioning implementation introduced in glibc 2.1 is described here and is an extension of Sun's symbol versioning scheme described here.

One option is to statically link your binary. This is probably the easiest option.

You could also build your binary in a chroot build environment, or using a glibc-new => glibc-old cross-compiler.

According to the blog post Linking to Older Versioned Symbols (glibc), it is possible to to force any symbol to be linked against an older one so long as it is valid by using the same .symver pseudo-op that is used for defining versioned symbols in the first place. The following example is excerpted from the blog post.

The following example makes use of glibc’s realpath, but makes sure it is linked against an older 2.2.5 version.

#include <limits.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

__asm__(".symver realpath,realpath@GLIBC_2.2.5");
int main()
    const char* unresolved = "/lib64";
    char resolved[PATH_MAX+1];

    if(!realpath(unresolved, resolved))
        { return 1; }

    printf("%s\n", resolved);

    return 0;

AngularJS : Clear $watch

$watch returns a deregistration function. Calling it would deregister the $watcher.

var listener = $scope.$watch("quartz", function () {});
// ...
listener(); // Would clear the watch

Declaring variables inside loops, good practice or bad practice?

Declaring variables inside or outside of a loop, It's the result of JVM specifications But in the name of best coding practice it is recommended to declare the variable in the smallest possible scope (in this example it is inside the loop, as this is the only place where the variable is used). Declaring objects in the smallest scope improve readability. The scope of local variables should always be the smallest possible. In your example I presume str is not used outside of the while loop, otherwise you would not be asking the question, because declaring it inside the while loop would not be an option, since it would not compile.

Does it make a difference if I declare variables inside or outside a , Does it make a difference if I declare variables inside or outside a loop in Java? Is this for(int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { int At the level of the individual variable there is no significant difference in effeciency, but if you had a function with 1000 loops and 1000 variables (never mind the bad style implied) there could be systemic differences because all the lives of all the variables would be the same instead of overlapped.

Declaring Loop Control Variables Inside the for Loop, When you declare a variable inside a for loop, there is one important point to remember: the scope of that variable ends when the for statement does. (That is, the scope of the variable is limited to the for loop.) This Java Example shows how to declare multiple variables in Java For loop using declaration block.

error TS1086: An accessor cannot be declared in an ambient context in Angular 9

According to your package.json, you're using Angular 8.3, but you've imported angular/cdk v9. You can downgrade your angular/cdk version or you can upgrade your Angular version to v9 by running:

ng update @angular/core @angular/cli

That will update your local angular version to 9. Then, just to sync material, run: ng update @angular/material

Android: Reverse geocoding - getFromLocation

First get Latitude and Longitude using Location and LocationManager class. Now try the code below for Get the city,address info

double latitude = location.getLatitude();
double longitude = location.getLongitude();
Geocoder gc = new Geocoder(this, Locale.getDefault());
try {
    List<Address> addresses = gc.getFromLocation(lat, lng, 1);
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    if (addresses.size() > 0) {
        Address address = addresses.get(0);
        for (int i = 0; i < address.getMaxAddressLineIndex(); i++)

City info is now in sb. Now convert the sb to String (using sb.toString() ).

How to read request body in an core webapi controller?

This is a bit of an old thread, but since I got here, I figured I'd post my findings so that they might help others.

First, I had the same issue, where I wanted to get the Request.Body and do something with that (logging/auditing). But otherwise I wanted the endpoint to look the same.

So, it seemed like the EnableBuffering() call might do the trick. Then you can do a Seek(0,xxx) on the body and re-read the contents, etc.

However, this led to my next issue. I'd get "Synchornous operations are disallowed" exceptions when accessing the endpoint. So, the workaround there is to set the property AllowSynchronousIO = true, in the options. There are a number of ways to do accomplish this (but not important to detail here..)

THEN, the next issue is that when I go to read the Request.Body it has already been disposed. Ugh. So, what gives?

I am using the Newtonsoft.JSON as my [FromBody] parser in the endpiont call. That is what is responsible for the synchronous reads and it also closes the stream when it's done. Solution? Read the stream before it get's to the JSON parsing? Sure, that works and I ended up with this:

 /// <summary>
/// quick and dirty middleware that enables buffering the request body
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// this allows us to re-read the request body's inputstream so that we can capture the original request as is
/// </remarks>
public class ReadRequestBodyIntoItemsAttribute : AuthorizeAttribute, IAuthorizationFilter
    public void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationFilterContext context)
        if (context == null) return;

        // NEW! enable sync IO beacuse the JSON reader apparently doesn't use async and it throws an exception otherwise
        var syncIOFeature = context.HttpContext.Features.Get<IHttpBodyControlFeature>();
        if (syncIOFeature != null)
            syncIOFeature.AllowSynchronousIO = true;

            var req = context.HttpContext.Request;


            // read the body here as a workarond for the JSON parser disposing the stream
            if (req.Body.CanSeek)
                req.Body.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                // if body (stream) can seek, we can read the body to a string for logging purposes
                using (var reader = new StreamReader(
                     encoding: Encoding.UTF8,
                     detectEncodingFromByteOrderMarks: false,
                     bufferSize: 8192,
                     leaveOpen: true))
                    var jsonString = reader.ReadToEnd();

                    // store into the HTTP context Items["request_body"]
                    context.HttpContext.Items.Add("request_body", jsonString);

                // go back to beginning so json reader get's the whole thing
                req.Body.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

So now, I can access the body using the HttpContext.Items["request_body"] in the endpoints that have the [ReadRequestBodyIntoItems] attribute.

But man, this seems like way too many hoops to jump through. So here's where I ended, and I'm really happy with it.

My endpoint started as something like:

public async Task<IActionResult> ReceiveSomeData([FromBody] MyJsonObjectType value)
    val bodyString = HttpContext.Items["request_body"];
    // use the body, process the stuff...

But it is much more straightforward to just change the signature, like so:

public async Task<IActionResult> ReceiveSomeData()
    using (var reader = new StreamReader(
           encoding: Encoding.UTF8,
           detectEncodingFromByteOrderMarks: false
        var bodyString = await reader.ReadToEndAsync();

        var value = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<MyJsonObjectType>(bodyString);

        // use the body, process the stuff...

I really liked this because it only reads the body stream once, and I have have control of the deserialization. Sure, it's nice if ASP.NET core does this magic for me, but here I don't waste time reading the stream twice (perhaps buffering each time), and the code is quite clear and clean.

If you need this functionality on lots of endpoints, perhaps the middleware approaches might be cleaner, or you can at least encapsulate the body extraction into an extension function to make the code more concise.

Anyways, I did not find any source that touched on all 3 aspects of this issue, hence this post. Hopefully this helps someone!

BTW: This was using ASP .NET Core 3.1.

Hibernate - Batch update returned unexpected row count from update: 0 actual row count: 0 expected: 1

This can happen when trigger(s) execute additional DML (data modification) queries which affect the row counts. My solution was to add the following at the top of my trigger:


How do you join on the same table, twice, in mysql?

you'd use another join, something along these lines:

SELECT toD.dom_url AS ToURL, 
    fromD.dom_url AS FromUrl, 

FROM reviews AS rvw

LEFT JOIN domain AS toD 
    ON toD.Dom_ID = rvw.rev_dom_for

LEFT JOIN domain AS fromD 
    ON fromD.Dom_ID = rvw.rev_dom_from


All you're doing is joining in the table multiple times. Look at the query in the post: it selects the values from the Reviews tables (aliased as rvw), that table provides you 2 references to the Domain table (a FOR and a FROM).

At this point it's a simple matter to left join the Domain table to the Reviews table. Once (aliased as toD) for the FOR, and a second time (aliased as fromD) for the FROM.

Then in the SELECT list, you will select the DOM_URL fields from both LEFT JOINS of the DOMAIN table, referencing them by the table alias for each joined in reference to the Domains table, and alias them as the ToURL and FromUrl.

For more info about aliasing in SQL, read here.

Convert ascii char[] to hexadecimal char[] in C

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main(void){
    char word[17], outword[33];//17:16+1, 33:16*2+1
    int i, len;

    printf("Intro word:");
    fgets(word, sizeof(word), stdin);
    len = strlen(word);
        word[--len] = '\0';

    for(i = 0; i<len; i++){
        sprintf(outword+i*2, "%02X", word[i]);
    printf("%s\n", outword);
    return 0;

Unable to ping vmware guest from another vmware guest

I know it is an old question, but I had a similar trouble recently. On VMware Workstation 12.+ go to Edit -> Virtual Network Editor... Select a network used by the problematic VM and make sure that "Connect a host virtual adapter to this network" checkbox is set for this network. In my case, it was not. After it was set, the host was able to ping the guest and guests were able to talk to each other.

enter image description here

Alter table to modify default value of column

ALTER TABLE *table_name*
MODIFY *column_name* DEFAULT *value*;

worked in Oracle



How can I remove the extension of a filename in a shell script?

You can also use parameter expansion:

$ filename=foo.txt
$ echo "${filename%.*}"

Just be aware that if there is no file extension, it will look further back for dots, e.g.

  • If the filename only starts with a dot (e.g. .bashrc) it will remove the whole filename.
  • If there's a dot only in the path (e.g. or ./myfile), then it will trim inside the path.

Are lists thread-safe?

Lists themselves are thread-safe. In CPython the GIL protects against concurrent accesses to them, and other implementations take care to use a fine-grained lock or a synchronized datatype for their list implementations. However, while lists themselves can't go corrupt by attempts to concurrently access, the lists's data is not protected. For example:

L[0] += 1

is not guaranteed to actually increase L[0] by one if another thread does the same thing, because += is not an atomic operation. (Very, very few operations in Python are actually atomic, because most of them can cause arbitrary Python code to be called.) You should use Queues because if you just use an unprotected list, you may get or delete the wrong item because of race conditions.

Box shadow in IE7 and IE8

use this for fixing issue with shadow box

filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.dropShadow (OffX='2', OffY='2', Color='#F13434', Positive='true');

Why can't decimal numbers be represented exactly in binary?

For a simple answer: The computer doesn't have infinite memory to store fraction (after representing the decimal number as the form of scientific notation). According to IEEE 754 standard for double-precision floating-point numbers, we only have a limit of 53 bits to store fraction. For more info:

OpenCV in Android Studio

Integrating OpenCV v3.1.0 into Android Studio v1.4.1, instructions with additional detail and this-is-what-you-should-get type screenshots.

Most of the credit goes to Kiran, Kool, 1", and SteveLiles over at for their explanations. I'm adding this answer because I believe that Android Studio's interface is now stable enough to work with on this type of integration stuff. Also I have to write these instructions anyway for our project.

Experienced A.S. developers will find some of this pedantic. This answer is targeted at people with limited experience in Android Studio.

  1. Create a new Android Studio project using the project wizard (Menu:/File/New Project):

    • Call it "cvtest1"
    • Form factor: API 19, Android 4.4 (KitKat)
    • Blank Activity named MainActivity

      You should have a cvtest1 directory where this project is stored. (the title bar of Android studio shows you where cvtest1 is when you open the project)

  2. Verify that your app runs correctly. Try changing something like the "Hello World" text to confirm that the build/test cycle is OK for you. (I'm testing with an emulator of an API 19 device).

  3. Download the OpenCV package for Android v3.1.0 and unzip it in some temporary directory somewhere. (Make sure it is the package specifically for Android and not just the OpenCV for Java package.) I'll call this directory "unzip-dir" Below unzip-dir you should have a sdk/native/libs directory with subdirectories that start with things like arm..., mips... and x86... (one for each type of "architecture" Android runs on)

  4. From Android Studio import OpenCV into your project as a module: Menu:/File/New/Import_Module:

    • Source-directory: {unzip-dir}/sdk/java
    • Module name: Android studio automatically fills in this field with openCVLibrary310 (the exact name probably doesn't matter but we'll go with this).
    • Click on next. You get a screen with three checkboxes and questions about jars, libraries and import options. All three should be checked. Click on Finish.

      Android Studio starts to import the module and you are shown an import-summary.txt file that has a list of what was not imported (mostly javadoc files) and other pieces of information. enter image description here

      But you also get an error message saying failed to find target with hash string 'android-14'.... This happens because the build.gradle file in the OpenCV zip file you downloaded says to compile using android API version 14, which by default you don't have with Android Studio v1.4.1. enter image description here

  5. Open the project structure dialogue (Menu:/File/Project_Structure). Select the "app" module, click on the Dependencies tab and add :openCVLibrary310 as a Module Dependency. When you select Add/Module_Dependency it should appear in the list of modules you can add. It will now show up as a dependency but you will get a few more cannot-find-android-14 errors in the event log.

  6. Look in the build.gradle file for your app module. There are multiple build.gradle files in an Android project. The one you want is in the cvtest1/app directory and from the project view it looks like build.gradle (Module: app). Note the values of these four fields:

    • compileSDKVersion (mine says 23)
    • buildToolsVersion (mine says 23.0.2)
    • minSdkVersion (mine says 19)
    • targetSdkVersion (mine says 23)
  7. Your project now has a cvtest1/OpenCVLibrary310 directory but it is not visible from the project view:

enter image description here

Use some other tool, such as any file manager, and go to this directory. You can also switch the project view from Android to Project Files and you can find this directory as shown in this screenshot: enter image description here

Inside there is another build.gradle file (it's highlighted in the above screenshot). Update this file with the four values from step 6.

  1. Resynch your project and then clean/rebuild it. (Menu:/Build/Clean_Project) It should clean and build without errors and you should see many references to :openCVLibrary310 in the 0:Messages screen.

    enter image description here

    At this point the module should appear in the project hierarchy as openCVLibrary310, just like app. (Note that in that little drop-down menu I switched back from Project View to Android View ). You should also see an additional build.gradle file under "Gradle Scripts" but I find the Android Studio interface a little bit glitchy and sometimes it does not do this right away. So try resynching, cleaning, even restarting Android Studio.

    You should see the openCVLibrary310 module with all the OpenCV functions under java like in this screenshot:

    enter image description here

  2. Copy the {unzip-dir}/sdk/native/libs directory (and everything under it) to your Android project, to cvtest1/OpenCVLibrary310/src/main/, and then rename your copy from libs to jniLibs. You should now have a cvtest1/OpenCVLibrary310/src/main/jniLibs directory. Resynch your project and this directory should now appear in the project view under openCVLibrary310.

    enter image description here

  3. Go to the onCreate method of and append this code:

    if (!OpenCVLoader.initDebug()) {
        Log.e(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "  OpenCVLoader.initDebug(), not working.");
    } else {
        Log.d(this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "  OpenCVLoader.initDebug(), working.");

    Then run your application. You should see lines like this in the Android Monitor: enter image description here (I don't know why that line with the error message is there)

  4. Now try to actually use some openCV code. In the example below I copied a .jpg file to the cache directory of the cvtest1 application on the android emulator. The code below loads this image, runs the canny edge detection algorithm and then writes the results back to a .png file in the same directory.

    Put this code just below the code from the previous step and alter it to match your own files/directories.

    String inputFileName="simm_01";
    String inputExtension = "jpg";
    String inputDir = getCacheDir().getAbsolutePath();  // use the cache directory for i/o
    String outputDir = getCacheDir().getAbsolutePath();
    String outputExtension = "png";
    String inputFilePath = inputDir + File.separator + inputFileName + "." + inputExtension;
    Log.d (this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "loading " + inputFilePath + "...");
    Mat image = Imgcodecs.imread(inputFilePath);  
    Log.d (this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "width of " + inputFileName + ": " + image.width());
    // if width is 0 then it did not read your image.
    // for the canny edge detection algorithm, play with these to see different results
    int threshold1 = 70;
    int threshold2 = 100;
    Mat im_canny = new Mat();  // you have to initialize output image before giving it to the Canny method
    Imgproc.Canny(image, im_canny, threshold1, threshold2);
    String cannyFilename = outputDir + File.separator + inputFileName + "_canny-" + threshold1 + "-" + threshold2 + "." + outputExtension;
    Log.d (this.getClass().getSimpleName(), "Writing " + cannyFilename);
    Imgcodecs.imwrite(cannyFilename, im_canny);
  5. Run your application. Your emulator should create a black and white "edge" image. You can use the Android Device Monitor to retrieve the output or write an activity to show it.

The Gotchas:

  • If you lower your target platform below KitKat some of the OpenCV libraries will no longer function, specifically the classes related to and other related classes. You can probably get around this by simply removing the apprpriate OpenCV .java files.
  • If you raise your target platform to Lollipop or above my example of loading a file might not work because use of absolute file paths is frowned upon. So you might have to change the example to load a file from the gallery or somewhere else. There are numerous examples floating around.

Python causing: IOError: [Errno 28] No space left on device: '../results/32766.html' on disk with lots of space

The ENOSPC ("No space left on device") error will be triggered in any situation in which the data or the metadata associated with an I/O operation can't be written down anywhere because of lack of space. This doesn't always mean disk space – it could mean physical disk space, logical space (e.g. maximum file length), space in a certain data structure or address space. For example you can get it if there isn't space in the directory table (vfat) or there aren't any inodes left. It roughly means “I can't find where to write this down”.

Particularly in Python, this can happen on any write I/O operation. It can happen during f.write, but it can also happen on open, on f.flush and even on f.close. Where it happened provides a vital clue for the reason that it did – if it happened on open there wasn't enough space to write the metadata for the entry, if it happened during f.write, f.flush or f.close there wasn't enough disk space left or you've exceeded the maximum file size.

If the filesystem in the given directory is vfat you'd hit the maximum file limit at about the same time that you did. The limit is supposed to be 2^16 directory entries, but if I recall correctly some other factors can affect it (e.g. some files require more than one entry).

It would be best to avoid creating so many files in a directory. Few filesystems handle so many directory entries with ease. Unless you're certain that your filesystem deals well with many files in a directory, you can consider another strategy (e.g. create more directories).

P.S. Also do not trust the remaining disk space – some file systems reserve some space for root and others miscalculate the free space and give you a number that just isn't true.

nginx: send all requests to a single html page

Your original rewrite should almost work. I'm not sure why it would be redirecting, but I think what you really want is just

rewrite ^ /base.html break;

You should be able to put that in a location or directly in the server.

Jquery function return value

The return statement you have is stuck in the inner function, so it won't return from the outer function. You just need a little more code:

function getMachine(color, qty) {
    var returnValue = null;
    $("#getMachine li").each(function() {
        var thisArray = $(this).text().split("~");
        if(thisArray[0] == color&& qty>= parseInt(thisArray[1]) && qty<= parseInt(thisArray[2])) {
            returnValue = thisArray[3];
            return false; // this breaks out of the each
    return returnValue;

var retval = getMachine(color, qty);

Difference between Visibility.Collapsed and Visibility.Hidden

Even though a bit old thread, for those who still looking for the differences:

Aside from layout (space) taken in Hidden and not taken in Collapsed, there is another difference.

If we have custom controls inside this 'Collapsed' main control, the next time we set it to Visible, it will "load" all custom controls. It will not pre-load when window is started.

As for 'Hidden', it will load all custom controls + main control which we set as hidden when the "window" is started.

How to find event listeners on a DOM node when debugging or from the JavaScript code?

Prototype 1.7.1 way

function get_element_registry(element) {
    var cache = Event.cache;
    if(element === window) return 0;
    if(typeof element._prototypeUID === 'undefined') {
        element._prototypeUID = Element.Storage.UID++;
    var uid =  element._prototypeUID;           
    if(!cache[uid]) cache[uid] = {element: element};
    return cache[uid];

Room - Schema export directory is not provided to the annotation processor so we cannot export the schema

I use .kts Gradle files (Kotlin Gradle DSL) and the kotlin-kapt plugin but I still get a script compilation error when I use Ivanov Maksim's answer.

Unresolved reference: kapt

For me this was the only thing which worked:

android {
    defaultConfig {
        javaCompileOptions {
            annotationProcessorOptions {
                arguments = mapOf("room.schemaLocation" to "$projectDir/schemas")

Selecting text in an element (akin to highlighting with your mouse)

You can use the following function to select content of any element:

jQuery.fn.selectText = function(){
    this.find('input').each(function() {
        if($(this).prev().length == 0 || !$(this).prev().hasClass('p_copy')) { 
            $('<p class="p_copy" style="position: absolute; z-index: -1;"></p>').insertBefore($(this));
    var doc = document;
    var element = this[0];
    console.log(this, element);
    if (doc.body.createTextRange) {
        var range = document.body.createTextRange();
    } else if (window.getSelection) {
        var selection = window.getSelection();        
        var range = document.createRange();

This function can be called as follows:


set column width of a gridview in

I know this is an old Question, but it popped up when I was looking for a solution to the same issue, so I thought that I would post what worked for me.

<asp:BoundField DataField="Description" HeaderText="Bond Event" ItemStyle-Width="300px" />

I used the ItemStyle-Width attribute on my BoundField and it worked very nicely I haven't had any issues yet.

I didn't need to add anything else to the rest of the code to make this work either.

Adding link a href to an element using css

No. Its not possible to add link through css. But you can use jquery

$('.case').each(function() {
  var link = $(this).html();
  $(this).contents().wrap('<a href=""></a>');

Here the demo:

Bold & Non-Bold Text In A Single UILabel?

Use the below code. I hope it help for you.

NSString *needToChangeStr=@"BOOK";
NSString *display_string=[NSString stringWithFormat:@"This is %@",book];

NSMutableAttributedString *attri_str=[[NSMutableAttributedString alloc]initWithString:display_string];

int begin=[display_string length]-[needToChangeStr length];
int end=[needToChangeStr length];

[attri_str addAttribute:NSFontAttributeName value:[UIFont fontWithName:@"HelveticaNeue-Bold" size:30] range:NSMakeRange(begin, end)];

Easy way to prevent Heroku idling?

I use the Heroku Scheduler addon provided by Heroku for free. Once added it is simple as creating a job with 'curl' and a 10 min interval.

#define in Java

Manifold Preprocessor implemented as a javac compiler plugin is designed exclusively for conditional compilation of Java source code. It uses familiar C/C++ style of directives: #define, #undef, #if, #elif, #else, #endif, #error. and #warning.

It has Maven and Gradle plugins.

Why do I get a SyntaxError for a Unicode escape in my file path?

All the three syntax work very well.

Another way is to first write

path = r'C:\user\...................' (whatever is the path for you)

and then passing it to os.chdir(path)

Is there any way to delete local commits in Mercurial?

You can get around this even more easily with the Rebase extension, just use hg pull --rebase and your commits are automatically re-comitted to the pulled revision, avoiding the branching issue.

How do I check if a number is a palindrome?

For any given number:

n = num;
rev = 0;
while (num > 0)
    dig = num % 10;
    rev = rev * 10 + dig;
    num = num / 10;

If n == rev then num is a palindrome:

cout << "Number " << (n == rev ? "IS" : "IS NOT") << " a palindrome" << endl;

Matplotlib - Move X-Axis label downwards, but not X-Axis Ticks

If the variable ax.xaxis._autolabelpos = True, matplotlib sets the label position in function _update_label_position in according to (some excerpts):

    bboxes, bboxes2 = self._get_tick_bboxes(ticks_to_draw, renderer)
    bbox = mtransforms.Bbox.union(bboxes)
    bottom = bbox.y0
    x, y = self.label.get_position()
    self.label.set_position((x, bottom - self.labelpad * self.figure.dpi / 72.0))

You can set the label position independently of the ticks by using:

    ax.xaxis.set_label_coords(x0, y0)

that sets _autolabelpos to False or as mentioned above by changing the labelpad parameter.

How to write palindrome in JavaScript

Below code tells how to get a string from textBox and tell you whether it is a palindrome are not & displays your answer in another textbox

<meta charset="UTF-8"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>

<div id="demo">Example</div>
<a  accessKey="x" href="" id="com" >GooGle</a>
<h1 id="tar">"This is a Example Text..."</h1>
Number1 : <input type="text" name="txtname" id="numb"/>
Number2 : <input type="text" name="txtname2" id="numb2"/>
Number2 : <input type="text" name="txtname3" id="numb3" />
<button type="submit"  id="sum" onclick="myfun()" >count</button>
<button type="button"  id="so2" onclick="div()" >counnt</button><br/><br/>
<button onclick="myfun()">TryMe</button>
    function myfun(){
    var pass = document.getElementById("numb").value;
    var rev = pass.split("").reverse().join("");
    var text = document.getElementById("numb3");
    text.value = rev;
    if(pass === rev){
    alert(pass + " is a Palindrome");
    alert(pass + " is Not a Palindrome")

XPath to select multiple tags

Why not a/b/(c|d|e)? I just tried with Saxon XML library (wrapped up nicely with some Clojure goodness), and it seems to work. abc.xml is the doc described by OP.

(require '[saxon :as xml])
(def abc-doc (xml/compile-xml (slurp "abc.xml")))
(xml/query "a/b/(c|d|e)" abc-doc)
=> (#<XdmNode <c>C1</c>>
    #<XdmNode <d>D1</d>>
    #<XdmNode <e>E1</e>>
    #<XdmNode <c>C2</c>>
    #<XdmNode <d>D2</d>>
    #<XdmNode <e>E1</e>>)

Can Windows Containers be hosted on linux?

Containers use the OS kernel. Windows Container utilize processes in order to run. So theoretically speaking Windows Containers cannot run on Linux.

However there are workarounds utilizing VMstyle solutions.

I Have found this solution which uses Vagrant and Packer on Mac, so it should work for Linux as well:

This Vagrant environment creates a Docker Machine to work on your MacBook with Windows containers. You can easily switch between Docker for Mac Linux containers and the Windows containers.

Running bash commands enter image description here

building the headless Vagrant box

$ git clone
$ cd packer-windows

$ packer build --only=vmware-iso windows_2019_docker.json
$ vagrant box add windows_2019_docker

Create the Docker Machine

$ git clone
$ cd windows-docker-machine
$ vagrant up --provider vmware_fusion 2019

Switch to Windows containers

$ eval $(docker-machine env 2019)

C# int to enum conversion

Casting should be enough. If you're using C# 3.0 you can make a handy extension method to parse enum values:

public static TEnum ToEnum<TInput, TEnum>(this TInput value)
    Type type = typeof(TEnum);

    if (value == default(TInput))
        throw new ArgumentException("Value is null or empty.", "value");

    if (!type.IsEnum)
        throw new ArgumentException("Enum expected.", "TEnum");

    return (TEnum)Enum.Parse(type, value.ToString(), true);

Read a variable in bash with a default value

I've just used this pattern, which I prefer:

read name || name='(nobody)'

How to use a class object in C++ as a function parameter

holy errors The reason for the code below is to show how to not void main every function and not to type return; for functions...... instead push everything into the sediment for which is the print function prototype... if you need to use useful functions ... you will have to below..... (p.s. this below is for people overwhelmed by these object and T templates which allow different variable declaration types(such as float and char) to use the same passed by value in a user defined function)

char arr[ ] = "This is a test";

string str(arr);

//  You can also assign directly to a string.
str = "This is another string";

can anyone tell me why c++ made arrays into pass by value one at a time and the only way to eliminate spaces and punctuation is the use of string tokens. I couldn't get around the problem when i was trying to delete spaces for a palindrome...

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int getgrades(float[]);
int getaverage(float[], float);
int calculateletters(float[], float, float, float[]);
int printResults(float[], float, float, float[]);

int main()

int i;
float  maxSize=3, size;
float  lettergrades[5], numericgrades[100], average;

average = getaverage(numericgrades, size);
printResults(numericgrades, size, average, lettergrades);
return 0;

int getgrades(float a[])

int i, max=3;

for (i = 0; i <max; i++)
    //ask use for input
    cout << "\nPlease Enter grade " << i+1 << " : ";
    cin >> a[i];
    //makes sure that user enters a vlue between 0 and 100

   if(a[i] < 0 || a[i] >100)
        cout << "Wrong input. Please
 enter a value between 0 and 100 only." << endl;
        cout << "\nPlease Reenter grade " << i+1 << " : ";
        cin >> a[i];

        return i;

int getaverage(float a[], float n) 
int i;
float sum = 0;
 if (n == 0)
return 0;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
sum += a[i];
return sum / n;

int printResults(float a[], float n, float average, float letters[]) 
int i;
cout << "Index Number | input  |
array values address in memory " << endl;

for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
cout <<"     "<< i<<" \t\t"<<setprecision(3)<<
a[i]<<"\t\t" << &a[i] << endl;
cout<<"The average of your grades is: "<<setprecision(3)<<average<<endl;


equivalent to push() or pop() for arrays?

You can use LinkedList. It has methods peek, poll and offer.

When should you use 'friend' in C++?

Probably I missed something from the answers above but another important concept in encapsulation is hiding of implementation. Reducing access to private data members (the implementation details of a class) allows much easier modification of the code later. If a friend directly accesses the private data, any changes to the implementation data fields (private data), break the code accessing that data. Using access methods mostly eliminates this. Fairly important I would think.

Print Html template in Angular 2 (ng-print in Angular 2)

Print service

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';

export class PrintingService {

public print(printEl: HTMLElement) {
    let printContainer: HTMLElement = document.querySelector('#print-container');

    if (!printContainer) {
      printContainer = document.createElement('div'); = 'print-container';

    printContainer.innerHTML = '';

    let elementCopy = printEl.cloneNode(true);


?omponent that I want to print

  selector: 'app-component',
  templateUrl: './component.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./component.component.css'],
  encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None
export class MyComponent {
  @ViewChild('printEl') printEl: ElementRef;

  constructor(private printingService: PrintingService) {}

  public print(): void {


Not the best choice, but works.

How do I get the SharedPreferences from a PreferenceActivity in Android?

import android.preference.PreferenceManager;
SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this);
// then you use
prefs.getBoolean("keystring", true);


According to Shared Preferences | Android Developer Tutorial (Part 13) by Sai Geetha M N,

Many applications may provide a way to capture user preferences on the settings of a specific application or an activity. For supporting this, Android provides a simple set of APIs.

Preferences are typically name value pairs. They can be stored as “Shared Preferences” across various activities in an application (note currently it cannot be shared across processes). Or it can be something that needs to be stored specific to an activity.

  1. Shared Preferences: The shared preferences can be used by all the components (activities, services etc) of the applications.

  2. Activity handled preferences: These preferences can only be used within the particular activity and can not be used by other components of the application.

Shared Preferences:

The shared preferences are managed with the help of getSharedPreferences method of the Context class. The preferences are stored in a default file (1) or you can specify a file name (2) to be used to refer to the preferences.

(1) The recommended way is to use by the default mode, without specifying the file name

SharedPreferences preferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context);

(2) Here is how you get the instance when you specify the file name

public static final String PREF_FILE_NAME = "PrefFile";
SharedPreferences preferences = getSharedPreferences(PREF_FILE_NAME, MODE_PRIVATE);

MODE_PRIVATE is the operating mode for the preferences. It is the default mode and means the created file will be accessed by only the calling application. Other two modes supported are MODE_WORLD_READABLE and MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE. In MODE_WORLD_READABLE other application can read the created file but can not modify it. In case of MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE other applications also have write permissions for the created file.

Finally, once you have the preferences instance, here is how you can retrieve the stored values from the preferences:

int storedPreference = preferences.getInt("storedInt", 0);

To store values in the preference file SharedPreference.Editor object has to be used. Editor is a nested interface in the SharedPreference class.

SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit();
editor.putInt("storedInt", storedPreference); // value to store

Editor also supports methods like remove() and clear() to delete the preference values from the file.

Activity Preferences:

The shared preferences can be used by other application components. But if you do not need to share the preferences with other components and want to have activity private preferences you can do that with the help of getPreferences() method of the activity. The getPreference method uses the getSharedPreferences() method with the name of the activity class for the preference file name.

Following is the code to get preferences

SharedPreferences preferences = getPreferences(MODE_PRIVATE);
int storedPreference = preferences.getInt("storedInt", 0);

The code to store values is also the same as in case of shared preferences.

SharedPreferences preferences = getPreference(MODE_PRIVATE);
SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit();
editor.putInt("storedInt", storedPreference); // value to store

You can also use other methods like storing the activity state in database. Note Android also contains a package called android.preference. The package defines classes to implement application preferences UI.

To see some more examples check Android's Data Storage post on developers site.

How do I copy a hash in Ruby?

Since standard cloning method preserves the frozen state, it is not suitable for creating new immutable objects basing on the original object, if you would like the new objects be slightly different than the original (if you like stateless programming).

Makefiles with source files in different directories

I think it's better to point out that using Make (recursive or not) is something that usually you may want to avoid, because compared to today tools, it's difficult to learn, maintain and scale.

It's a wonderful tool but it's direct use should be considered obsolete in 2010+.

Unless, of course, you're working in a special environment i.e. with a legacy project etc.

Use an IDE, CMake or, if you're hard cored, the Autotools.

(edited due to downvotes, ty Honza for pointing out)

IntelliJ IDEA shows errors when using Spring's @Autowired annotation

Make sure that your IntelliJ Idea (IDE) is aware of all the necessary spring configurations that your module is being inspected against.

You can check this under

File > Project Structure > Modules > [your project name in the right panel] > Spring

Sometimes, we need to explicitly tell the IDE that the spring configuration is coming from a dependency (a jar present in your project classpath)

How do I loop through a date range?

You might consider writing an iterator instead, which allows you to use normal 'for' loop syntax like '++'. I searched and found a similar question answered here on StackOverflow which gives pointers on making DateTime iterable.

How do I replace a double-quote with an escape-char double-quote in a string using JavaScript?

Try this:

str.replace("\"", "\\\""); // (Escape backslashes and embedded double-quotes)

Or, use single-quotes to quote your search and replace strings:

str.replace('"', '\\"');   // (Still need to escape the backslash)

As pointed out by helmus, if the first parameter passed to .replace() is a string it will only replace the first occurrence. To replace globally, you have to pass a regex with the g (global) flag:

str.replace(/"/g, "\\\"");
// or
str.replace(/"/g, '\\"');

But why are you even doing this in JavaScript? It's OK to use these escape characters if you have a string literal like:

var str = "Dude, he totally said that \"You Rock!\"";

But this is necessary only in a string literal. That is, if your JavaScript variable is set to a value that a user typed in a form field you don't need to this escaping.

Regarding your question about storing such a string in an SQL database, again you only need to escape the characters if you're embedding a string literal in your SQL statement - and remember that the escape characters that apply in SQL aren't (usually) the same as for JavaScript. You'd do any SQL-related escaping server-side.

Global variables in R

I found a solution for how to set a global variable in a mailinglist posting via assign:

a <- "old"
test <- function () {
   assign("a", "new", envir = .GlobalEnv)
a  # display the new value

How to use operator '-replace' in PowerShell to replace strings of texts with special characters and replace successfully

'-replace' does a regex search and you have special characters in that last one (like +) So you might use the non-regex replace version like this:

$c = $c.replace('AccountKey=eKkij32jGEIYIEqAR5RjkKgf4OTiMO6SAyF68HsR/Zd/KXoKvSdjlUiiWyVV2+OUFOrVsd7jrzhldJPmfBBpQA==','DdOegAhDmLdsou6Ms6nPtP37bdw6EcXucuT47lf9kfClA6PjGTe3CfN+WVBJNWzqcQpWtZf10tgFhKrnN48lXA==')

How do you change the text in the Titlebar in Windows Forms?

If you want to update it later, once "this" no longer references it, I had some luck with assigning a variable to point to the main form.

  static Form f0;
  public OrdUpdate()
  // then later you can say
  f0.Text="New text";

Use css gradient over background image

Ok, I solved it by adding the url for the background image at the end of the line.

Here's my working code:

.css {_x000D_
  background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 0%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 59%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.65) 100%), url('') no-repeat;_x000D_
  background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)), color-stop(59%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)), color-stop(100%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.65))), url('') no-repeat;_x000D_
  background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 0%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 59%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.65) 100%), url('') no-repeat;_x000D_
  background: -o-linear-gradient(top, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 0%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 59%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.65) 100%), url('') no-repeat;_x000D_
  background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 0%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 59%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.65) 100%), url('') no-repeat;_x000D_
  background: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 0%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 59%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.65) 100%), url('') no-repeat;_x000D_
  height: 200px;_x000D_
<div class="css"></div>

How to generate sample XML documents from their DTD or XSD?

XMLSpy does that for you, although that's not free...

I believe that Liquid Xml Studio does it for you and is free, but I have not personally used it to create test data.

Linking to an external URL in Javadoc?

This creates a "See Also" heading containing the link, i.e.:

 * @see <a href=""></a>

will render as:

See Also:

whereas this:

 * See <a href=""></a>

will create an in-line link:


What is the standard Python docstring format?

The Google style guide contains an excellent Python style guide. It includes conventions for readable docstring syntax that offers better guidance than PEP-257. For example:

def square_root(n):
    """Calculate the square root of a number.

        n: the number to get the square root of.
        the square root of n.
        TypeError: if n is not a number.
        ValueError: if n is negative.


I like to extend this to also include type information in the arguments, as described in this Sphinx documentation tutorial. For example:

def add_value(self, value):
    """Add a new value.

           value (str): the value to add.

In PHP how can you clear a WSDL cache?

You can safely delete the WSDL cache files. If you wish to prevent future caching, use:

ini_set("soap.wsdl_cache_enabled", 0);

or dynamically:

$client = new SoapClient('', array('cache_wsdl' => WSDL_CACHE_NONE) );

'foo' was not declared in this scope c++

In C++ you are supposed to declare functions before you can use them. In your code integrate is not declared before the point of the first call to integrate. The same applies to sum. Hence the error. Either reorder your definitions so that function definition precedes the first call to that function, or introduce a [forward] non-defining declaration for each function.

Additionally, defining external non-inline functions in header files in a no-no in C++. Your definitions of SkewNormalEvalutatable::SkewNormalEvalutatable, getSkewNormal, integrate etc. have no business being in header file.

Also SkewNormalEvalutatable e(); declaration in C++ declares a function e, not an object e as you seem to assume. The simple SkewNormalEvalutatable e; will declare an object initialized by default constructor.

Also, you receive the last parameter of integrate (and of sum) by value as an object of Evaluatable type. That means that attempting to pass SkewNormalEvalutatable as last argument of integrate will result in SkewNormalEvalutatable getting sliced to Evaluatable. Polymorphism won't work because of that. If you want polymorphic behavior, you have to receive this parameter by reference or by pointer, but not by value.

Simple jQuery, PHP and JSONP example?


        type:     "GET",
        url: '<?php echo Base_url("user/your function");?>',
        data: {name: mail},
        dataType: "jsonp",
        jsonp: 'callback',
        jsonpCallback: 'chekEmailTaken',
        success: function(msg){
return true;

In controller:

public function ajax_checkjp(){
$checkType = $_GET['name'];
echo $_GET['callback']. '(' . json_encode($result) . ');';  

Run an OLS regression with Pandas Data Frame

Note: pandas.stats has been removed with 0.20.0

It's possible to do this with pandas.stats.ols:

>>> from pandas.stats.api import ols
>>> df = pd.DataFrame({"A": [10,20,30,40,50], "B": [20, 30, 10, 40, 50], "C": [32, 234, 23, 23, 42523]})
>>> res = ols(y=df['A'], x=df[['B','C']])
>>> res
-------------------------Summary of Regression Analysis-------------------------

Formula: Y ~ <B> + <C> + <intercept>

Number of Observations:         5
Number of Degrees of Freedom:   3

R-squared:         0.5789
Adj R-squared:     0.1577

Rmse:             14.5108

F-stat (2, 2):     1.3746, p-value:     0.4211

Degrees of Freedom: model 2, resid 2

-----------------------Summary of Estimated Coefficients------------------------
      Variable       Coef    Std Err     t-stat    p-value    CI 2.5%   CI 97.5%
             B     0.4012     0.6497       0.62     0.5999    -0.8723     1.6746
             C     0.0004     0.0005       0.65     0.5826    -0.0007     0.0014
     intercept    14.9525    17.7643       0.84     0.4886   -19.8655    49.7705
---------------------------------End of Summary---------------------------------

Note that you need to have statsmodels package installed, it is used internally by the pandas.stats.ols function.

Error message: (provider: Shared Memory Provider, error: 0 - No process is on the other end of the pipe.)

Enable Mixed authentication mode while installing MSSQL server. Also provide password for sa user.

Rounding Bigdecimal values with 2 Decimal Places

You can call setScale(newScale, roundingMode) method three times with changing the newScale value from 4 to 3 to 2 like

First case

    BigDecimal a = new BigDecimal("10.12345");

    a = a.setScale(4, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP); 
    System.out.println("" + a); //10.1235
    a = a.setScale(3, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP); 
    System.out.println("" + a); //10.124
    a = a.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
    System.out.println("" + a); //10.12

Second case

    BigDecimal a = new BigDecimal("10.12556");

    a = a.setScale(4, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP); 
    System.out.println("" + a); //10.1256
    a = a.setScale(3, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP); 
    System.out.println("" + a); //10.126
    a = a.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
    System.out.println("" + a); //10.13

How to size an Android view based on its parent's dimensions

I've been struggling this question for a long time, I want to change my DrawerLayout's drawer width, which is the second child of its parent. Recently I figured it out, but doesn't know if there's a better idea.

override fun onLayout(changed: Boolean, l: Int, t: Int, r: Int, b: Int) {
    super.onLayout(changed, l, t, r, b)
    (getChildAt(1).layoutParams as LayoutParams).width = measuredWidth/2

angular ng-repeat in reverse

The orderBy filter performs a stable sorting as of Angular 1.4.5. (See the GitHub pull request

So it is sufficient to use a constant predicate and reverse set to true:

<div ng-repeat="friend in friends | orderBy:0:true">{{}}</div>

How to align two elements on the same line without changing HTML

In cases where I use floated elements like that, I usually need to be sure that the container element will always be big enough for the widths of both floated elements plus the desired margin to all fit inside of it. The easiest way to do that is obviously to give both inner elements fixed widths that will fit correctly inside of the outer element like this:

#container {width: 960px;}
#element1  {float:left; width:745px; margin-right:15px;}
#element2  {float:right; width:200px;}

If you can't do that because this is a scaling width layout, another option is to have every set of dimensions be percentages like:

#element1 {float:left; width:70%; margin-right:10%}
#element2 {float:right; width:20%;}

This gets tricky where you need something like this:

#element1 {float:left; width:70%; margin-right:10%}
#element2 {float:right; width:200px;}

In cases like that, I find that sometimes the best option is to not use floats, and use relative/absolute positioning to get the same effect like this:

#container {position:relative;} /* So IE won't bork the absolute positioning of #element2 */
#element1 {margin-right:215px;}
#element2 {display: block; position:absolute; top:0; right:0; height:100%; width:200px;}

While this isn't a floated solution, it does result in side by side columns where they are the same height, and one can remain fluid with while the other has a static width.

Prevent the keyboard from displaying on activity start

Add these two properties to your parent layout (ex: Linear Layout, Relative Layout)


It will do the trick :)

RESTful web service - how to authenticate requests from other services?

Besides authentication, I suggest you think about the big picture. Consider make your backend RESTful service without any authentication; then put some very simple authentication required middle layer service between the end user and the backend service.

How to create a new img tag with JQuery, with the src and id from a JavaScript object?

You save some bytes by avoiding the .attr altogether by passing the properties to the jQuery constructor:

var img = $('<img />',
             { id: 'Myid',
               src: 'MySrc.gif', 
               width: 300

Python: Generate random number between x and y which is a multiple of 5

The simplest way is to generate a random nuber between 0-1 then strech it by multiplying, and shifting it.
So yo would multiply by (x-y) so the result is in the range of 0 to x-y,
Then add x and you get the random number between x and y.

To get a five multiplier use rounding. If this is unclear let me know and I'll add code snippets.

Removing all non-numeric characters from string in Python

@Ned Batchelder and @newacct provided the right answer, but ...

Just in case if you have comma(,) decimal(.) in your string:

import re
re.sub("[^\d\.]", "", "$1,999,888.77")

Subset data to contain only columns whose names match a condition

This worked for me:

df[,names(df) %in% colnames(df)[grepl(str,colnames(df))]]

What is the difference between square brackets and parentheses in a regex?

Your team's advice is almost right, except for the mistake that was made. Once you find out why, you will never forget it. Take a look at this mistake.


What this does:

  • ^ and $ denotes anchored matches, which asserts that the subpattern in between these anchors are the entire match. The string will only match if the subpattern matches the entirety of it, not just a section.
  • () denotes a capturing group.
  • 7|8|9 denotes matching either of 7, 8, or 9. It does this with alternations, which is what the pipe operator | does — alternating between alternations. This backtracks between alternations: If the first alternation is not matched, the engine has to return before the pointer location moved during the match of the alternation, to continue matching the next alternation; Whereas the character class can advance sequentially. See this match on a regex engine with optimizations disabled:
Pattern: (r|f)at
Match string: carat


Pattern: [rf]at
Match string: carat


  • \d{9} matches nine digits. \d is a shorthanded metacharacter, which matches any digits.

Look at what it does:

  • ^ and $ denotes anchored matches as well.
  • [7|8|9] is a character class. Any characters from the list 7, |, 8, |, or 9 can be matched, thus the | was added in incorrectly. This matches without backtracking.
  • [\d] is a character class that inhabits the metacharacter \d. The combination of the use of a character class and a single metacharacter is a bad idea, by the way, since the layer of abstraction can slow down the match, but this is only an implementation detail and only applies to a few of regex implementations. JavaScript is not one, but it does make the subpattern slightly longer.
  • {9} indicates the previous single construct is repeated nine times in total.

The optimal regex is /^[789]\d{9}$/, because /^(7|8|9)\d{9}$/ captures unnecessarily which imposes a performance decrease on most regex implementations ( happens to be one, considering the question uses keyword var in code, this probably is JavaScript). The use of which runs on PCRE for preg matching will optimize away the lack of backtracking, however we're not in PHP either, so using classes [] instead of alternations | gives performance bonus as the match does not backtrack, and therefore both matches and fails faster than using your previous regular expression.

How to launch an application from a browser?

The correct method is to register your custom URL Protocol in windows registry as follows:

@="Description here"
"URL Protocol"=""



@="\"C:\\Path To Your EXE\\ExeName.exe\" \"%1\""

Once the above keys and values are added, from the web page, just call "customurl:\\parameter1=xxx&parameter2=xxx" . You will receive the entire url as the argument in exe, which you need to process inside your exe. Change 'customurl' with the text of your choice.

Trigger css hover with JS

You can't. It's not a trusted event.

Events that are generated by the user agent, either as a result of user interaction, or as a direct result of changes to the DOM, are trusted by the user agent with privileges that are not afforded to events generated by script through the DocumentEvent.createEvent("Event") method, modified using the Event.initEvent() method, or dispatched via the EventTarget.dispatchEvent() method. The isTrusted attribute of trusted events has a value of true, while untrusted events have a isTrusted attribute value of false.

Most untrusted events should not trigger default actions, with the exception of click or DOMActivate events.

You have to add a class and add/remove that on the mouseover/mouseout events manually.

Side note, I'm answering this here after I marked this as a duplicate since no answer here really covers the issue from what I see. Hopefully, one day it'll be merged.

How to store images in mysql database using php




        if(empty($user)) throw new Exception("Name can not empty");
        if(empty($pass)) throw new Exception("Password can not empty");
        if(empty($email)) throw new Exception("Email can not empty");
        if(empty($roll)) throw new Exception("Roll can not empty");
        if(empty($class)) throw new Exception("Class can not empty");

        $statement=$db->prepare("show table status like 'tbl_std_info'");
        foreach($result as $row)


        $file_basename=substr($up_file, 0 , strripos($up_file, "."));
        $file_ext=substr($up_file, strripos($up_file, ".")); 

            throw new Exception("Only jpg, png, jpeg or gif Logo are allow to upload / Empty Logo Field");

        $statement=$db->prepare("insert into tbl_std_info (username,image,password,email,roll,class) value (?,?,?,?,?,?)");


        $success="Registration Successfully Completed";

        echo $success;
    catch(Exception $e)

How can I detect whether an iframe is loaded?

You can try onload event as well;

var createIframe = function (src) {
        var self = this;
        $('<iframe>', {
            src: src,
            id: 'iframeId',
            frameborder: 1,
            scrolling: 'no',
            onload: function () {
                self.isIframeLoaded = true;


How do I make entire div a link?


<a href="foo.html"><div class="xyz"></div></a>

works in browsers, even though it violates current HTML specifications. It is permitted according to HTML5 drafts.

When you say that it does not work, you should explain exactly what you did (including jsfiddle code is a good idea), what you expected, and how the behavior different from your expectations.

It is unclear what you mean by “all the content in that div is in the css”, but I suppose it means that the content is really empty in HTML markup and you have CSS like

.xyz:before { content: "Hello world"; }

The entire block is then clickable, with the content text looking like link text there. Isn’t this what you expected?

In practice, what are the main uses for the new "yield from" syntax in Python 3.3?

Wherever you invoke a generator from within a generator you need a "pump" to re-yield the values: for v in inner_generator: yield v. As the PEP points out there are subtle complexities to this which most people ignore. Non-local flow-control like throw() is one example given in the PEP. The new syntax yield from inner_generator is used wherever you would have written the explicit for loop before. It's not merely syntactic sugar, though: It handles all of the corner cases that are ignored by the for loop. Being "sugary" encourages people to use it and thus get the right behaviors.

This message in the discussion thread talks about these complexities:

With the additional generator features introduced by PEP 342, that is no longer the case: as described in Greg's PEP, simple iteration doesn't support send() and throw() correctly. The gymnastics needed to support send() and throw() actually aren't that complex when you break them down, but they aren't trivial either.

I can't speak to a comparison with micro-threads, other than to observe that generators are a type of paralellism. You can consider the suspended generator to be a thread which sends values via yield to a consumer thread. The actual implementation may be nothing like this (and the actual implementation is obviously of great interest to the Python developers) but this does not concern the users.

The new yield from syntax does not add any additional capability to the language in terms of threading, it just makes it easier to use existing features correctly. Or more precisely it makes it easier for a novice consumer of a complex inner generator written by an expert to pass through that generator without breaking any of its complex features.

for loop in Python

You should also know that in Python, iterating over integer indices is bad style, and also slower than the alternative. If you just want to look at each of the items in a list or dict, loop directly through the list or dict.

mylist = [1,2,3]
for item in mylist:
    print item

mydict  = {1:'one', 2:'two', 3:'three'}
for key in mydict:
    print key, mydict[key]

This is actually faster than using the above code with range(), and removes the extraneous i variable.

If you need to edit items of a list in-place, then you do need the index, but there's still a better way:

for i, item in enumerate(mylist):
    mylist[i] = item**2

Again, this is both faster and considered more readable. This one of the main shifts in thinking you need to make when coming from C++ to Python.

cast class into another class or convert class to another

You can provide an explicit overload for the cast operator:

public static explicit operator maincs(sub1 val)
    var ret = new maincs() { a = val.a, b = val.b, c = val.c };
    return ret;

Another option would be to use an interface that has the a, b, and c properties and implement the interface on both of the classes. Then just have the parameter type to methoda be the interface instead of the class.

Heroku deployment error H10 (App crashed)

I had the same problem, I did the following

heroku run rails c

It identified a syntax error and missing comma within a controller permitted params. As mentioned above the Heroku logs did not provide sufficient information to problem solve the problem.

I have not seen the application crashed message on Heroku previously.

How to blur background images in Android

You can quickly get to blur effect by doing the following.

// Add this to build.gradle app //

Compile ' com.github.jgabrielfreitas:BlurImageView:1.0.1 '

// Add to XML


//Add this to java

Import com.jgabrielfreitas.core.BlueImageView;

// Under public class *activity name * //

BlurImageView myBlurImage;

// Under Oncreate//

myBlurImage = (ImageView) findViewById(

I hope that helps someone

How to import a module given its name as string?

With Python older than 2.7/3.1, that's pretty much how you do it.

For newer versions, see importlib.import_module for Python 2 and and Python 3.

You can use exec if you want to as well.

Or using __import__ you can import a list of modules by doing this:

>>> moduleNames = ['sys', 'os', 're', 'unittest'] 
>>> moduleNames
['sys', 'os', 're', 'unittest']
>>> modules = map(__import__, moduleNames)

Ripped straight from Dive Into Python.

How to Merge Two Eloquent Collections?

Creating a new base collection for each eloquent collection the merge works for me.

$foo = collect(Foo::all());
$bar = collect(Bar::all());
$merged = $foo->merge($bar);

In this case don't have conflits by its primary keys.

Removing address bar from browser (to view on Android)

Finally I Try with this. Its worked for me..

  public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


    //webview use to call own site
    webview =(WebView)findViewById(;

    webview.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient());       
    webview .getSettings().setJavaScriptEnabled(true);
    webview .getSettings().setDomStorageEnabled(true);     

and your entire main.xml(res/layout) look should like this:

<WebView  xmlns:android=""

don't go to add layouts.

How do I read the source code of shell commands?

ls is part of coreutils. You can get it with git :

git clone git://

You'll find coreutils listed with other packages (scroll to bottom) on this page.

bower automatically update bower.json

from bower help, save option has a capital S

-S, --save  Save installed packages into the project's bower.json dependencies

how do I use an enum value on a switch statement in C++

You can use a std::map to map the input to your enum:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <map>
using namespace std;

enum level {easy, medium, hard};
map<string, level> levels;

void register_levels()
    levels["easy"]   = easy;
    levels["medium"] = medium;
    levels["hard"]   = hard;

int main()
    string input;
    cin >> input;
    switch( levels[input] )
    case easy:
        cout << "easy!"; break;
    case medium:
        cout << "medium!"; break;
    case hard:
        cout << "hard!"; break;

SQL: How to get the count of each distinct value in a column?

  COUNT(*) AS `num`

jQuery addClass onClick

It needs to be a jQuery element to use .addClass(), so it needs to be wrapped in $() like this:

function addClassByClick(button){

A better overall solution would be unobtrusive script, for example:

<asp:Button ID="Button" runat="server" class="clickable"/>

Then in jquery:

$(function() {                       //run when the DOM is ready
  $(".clickable").click(function() {  //use a class, since your ID gets mangled
    $(this).addClass("active");      //add the class to the clicked element

How to get the root dir of the Symfony2 application?

In Symfony 3.3 you can use

$projectRoot = $this->get('kernel')->getProjectDir();

to get the web/project root.

How do you get the contextPath from JavaScript, the right way?

Based on the discussion in the comments (particularly from BalusC), it's probably not worth doing anything more complicated than this:

<script>var ctx = "${pageContext.request.contextPath}"</script>

How can I list all of the files in a directory with Perl?

This will list Everything (including sub directories) from the directory you specify, in order, and with the attributes. I have spent days looking for something to do this, and I took parts from this entire discussion, and a little of my own, and put it together. ENJOY!!

#!/usr/bin/perl --
print qq~Content-type: text/html\n\n~;
print qq~<font face="arial" size="2">~;

use File::Find;

# find( \&wanted_tom, '/home/thomas/public_html'); # if you want just one website, uncomment this, and comment out the next line
find( \&wanted_tom, '/home');

sub wanted_tom {
($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,$atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat ($_);
$mode = (stat($_))[2];
$mode = substr(sprintf("%03lo", $mode), -3);

if (-d $File::Find::name) {
print "<br><b>--DIR $File::Find::name --ATTR:$mode</b><br>";
 } else {
print "$File::Find::name --ATTR:$mode<br>";

Accessing a class' member variables in Python?

If you have an instance function (i.e. one that gets passed self) you can use self to get a reference to the class using self.__class__

For example in the code below tornado creates an instance to handle get requests, but we can get hold of the get_handler class and use it to hold a riak client so we do not need to create one for every request.

import tornado.web
import riak

class get_handler(tornado.web.requestHandler):
    riak_client = None

    def post(self):
        cls = self.__class__
        if cls.riak_client is None:
            cls.riak_client = riak.RiakClient(pb_port=8087, protocol='pbc')
        # Additional code to send response to the request ...

Use string value from a cell to access worksheet of same name

You can use the formula INDIRECT().

This basically takes a string and treats it as a reference. In your case, you would use:


The double quotes are to show that what's inside are strings, and only A5 here is a reference.

Check whether a string contains a substring

To find out if a string contains substring you can use the index function:

if (index($str, $substr) != -1) {
    print "$str contains $substr\n";

It will return the position of the first occurrence of $substr in $str, or -1 if the substring is not found.

Expected response code 250 but got code "535", with message "535-5.7.8 Username and Password not accepted

Gmail tends to block usage of mailing addresses which are being used in other applications as username for security reasons. Either you should create a new email address for mail purpose or you must go to the Less Secure App Access and turn on the access for less secure apps. Gmail will send you a mail for confirmation from where you can verify that those changes were made by yourself. Only then, you can use such mailing addresses for mailing purpose through applications.

How to set text size in a button in html

Belated. If need any fancy button than anyone can try this.

#startStopBtn {_x000D_
    font-size: 30px;_x000D_
    font-weight: bold;_x000D_
    display: inline-block;_x000D_
    margin: 0 auto;_x000D_
    color: #dcfbb4;_x000D_
    background-color: green;_x000D_
    border: 0.4em solid #d4f7da;_x000D_
    border-radius: 50%;_x000D_
    transition: all 0.3s;_x000D_
    box-sizing: border-box;_x000D_
    width: 4em;_x000D_
    height: 4em;_x000D_
    line-height: 3em;_x000D_
    cursor: pointer;_x000D_
    box-shadow: 0 0 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.1), inset 0 0 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.1);_x000D_
    text-align: center;_x000D_
    box-shadow: 0 0 2em rgba(0,0,0,0.1), inset 0 0 1em rgba(0,0,0,0.1);_x000D_
    background-color: #29a074;_x000D_
<div id="startStopBtn" onclick="startStop()" class=""> Go!</div>

What characters are valid in a URL?

All the gory details can be found in the current RFC on the topic: RFC 3986 (Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax)

Based on this related answer, you are looking at a list that looks like: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, -, ., _, ~, :, /, ?, #, [, ], @, !, $, &, ', (, ), *, +, ,, ;, %, and =. Everything else must be url-encoded. Also, some of these characters can only exist in very specific spots in a URI and outside of those spots must be url-encoded (e.g. % can only be used in conjunction with url encoding as in %20), the RFC has all of these specifics.

How to send json data in POST request using C#

You can use either HttpClient or RestSharp. Since I do not know what your code is, here is an example using HttpClient:

using (var client = new HttpClient())
    // This would be the like
    client.BaseAddress = new Uri("Base Address/URL Address");

    // serialize your json using newtonsoft json serializer then add it to the StringContent
    var content = new StringContent(YourJson, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json") 

    // method address would be like api/callUber:SomePort for example
    var result = await client.PostAsync("Method Address", content);
    string resultContent = await result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();   

How to execute AngularJS controller function on page load?

Yet another alternative if you have a controller just specific to that page:

    //code to run

Selecting a Linux I/O Scheduler

It's possible to use a udev rule to let the system decide on the scheduler based on some characteristics of the hw.
An example udev rule for SSDs and other non-rotational drives might look like

# set noop scheduler for non-rotating disks
ACTION=="add|change", KERNEL=="sd[a-z]", ATTR{queue/rotational}=="0", ATTR{queue/scheduler}="noop"

inside a new udev rules file (e.g., /etc/udev/rules.d/60-ssd-scheduler.rules). This answer is based on the debian wiki

To check whether ssd disks would use the rule, it's possible to check for the trigger attribute in advance:

for f in /sys/block/sd?/queue/rotational; do printf "$f "; cat $f; done

Send cookies with curl

You can use -b to specify a cookie file to read the cookies from as well.

In many situations using -c and -b to the same file is what you want:

curl -b cookies.txt -c cookies.txt


Using only -c will make curl start with no cookies but still parse and understand cookies and if redirects or multiple URLs are used, it will then use the received cookies within the single invoke before it writes them all to the output file in the end.

The -b option feeds a set of initial cookies into curl so that it knows about them at start, and it activates curl's cookie parser so that it'll parse and use incoming cookies as well.

See Also

The cookies chapter in the Everything curl book.

Select box arrow style

in Firefox 39 I've found that setting a border to the select element will render the arrow as (2). No border set, will render the arrow as (1). I think it's a bug.

Redefine tab as 4 spaces

Make sure vartabstop is unset

set vartabstop=

Set tabstop to 4

set tabstop=4

Angular no provider for NameService

Angular 2 has changed, here is what the top of your code should look like:

import {
  ComponentAnnotation as Component,
  ViewAnnotation as View, bootstrap
} from 'angular2/angular2';
import {NameService} from "./services/NameService";

  selector: 'app',
  appInjector: [NameService]

Also, you may want to use getters and setters in your service:

export class NameService {
    _names: Array<string>;
    constructor() {
        this._names = ["Alice", "Aarav", "Martín", "Shannon", "Ariana", "Kai"];
    get names() {
        return this._names;

Then in your app you can simply do:

this.names = nameService.names;

I suggest you go to and create a new Angular 2 (ES6) plunk and get it to work in there first. It will set everything up for you. Once it's working there, copy it over to your other environment and triage any issues with that environment.

Javascript : get <img> src and set as variable?

in this situation, you would grab the element by its id using getElementById and then just use .src

var youtubeimgsrc = document.getElementById("youtubeimg").src;

UnicodeDecodeError: 'charmap' codec can't decode byte X in position Y: character maps to <undefined>

If file = open(filename, encoding="utf8") doesn't work, try
file = open(filename, errors="ignore"), if you want to remove unneeded characters.

How to set the value for Radio Buttons When edit?

    Gender :<br>
    <input type="radio" name="g" value="male"  <?php echo ($g=='Male')?'checked':'' ?>>male <br>
    <input type="radio" name="g" value="female"<?php echo ($g=='female')?'checked':'' ?>>female
            <?php echo $errors['g'];?>

Remove last 3 characters of string or number in javascript

you just need to divide the Date Time stamp by 1000 like:

var a = 1437203995000;
a = (a)/1000;

Text Progress Bar in the Console

import time,sys

for i in range(100+1):
    sys.stdout.write(('='*i)+(''*(100-i))+("\r [ %d"%i+"% ] "))


[ 29% ] ===================

Changing default encoding of Python?

There is an insightful blog post about it.


I paraphrase its content below.

In python 2 which was not as strongly typed regarding the encoding of strings you could perform operations on differently encoded strings, and succeed. E.g. the following would return True.

u'Toshio' == 'Toshio'

That would hold for every (normal, unprefixed) string that was encoded in sys.getdefaultencoding(), which defaulted to ascii, but not others.

The default encoding was meant to be changed system-wide in, but not somewhere else. The hacks (also presented here) to set it in user modules were just that: hacks, not the solution.

Python 3 did changed the system encoding to default to utf-8 (when LC_CTYPE is unicode-aware), but the fundamental problem was solved with the requirement to explicitly encode "byte"strings whenever they are used with unicode strings.

jQuery call function after load

$(window).bind("load", function() {
  // write your code here

Sort a list of tuples by 2nd item (integer value)

For Python 2.7+, this works which makes the accepted answer slightly more readable:

sorted([('abc', 121),('abc', 231),('abc', 148), ('abc',221)], key=lambda (k, val): val)

How to get the parents of a Python class?

If you want to ensure they all get called, use super at all levels.

Uninstall Django completely

On Windows, I had this issue with static files cropping up under pydev/eclipse with python 2.7, due to an instance of django (1.8.7) that had been installed under cygwin. This caused a conflict between windows style paths and cygwin style paths. So, unfindable static files despite all the above fixes. I removed the extra distribution (so that all packages were installed by pip under windows) and this fixed the issue.

Using jQuery to programmatically click an <a> link

Click just triggers the click event / events not the actually "goto-the-links-href" action.

You have to write your own handler and then your $('#myAnchor').trigger('click'); will work...

  var link = $(this);
  var target = link.attr("target");

  if($.trim(target).length > 0)
  {"href"), target);
     window.location = link.attr("href");


C# Sort and OrderBy comparison

I just want to add that orderby is way more useful.

Why? Because I can do this:

Dim thisAccountBalances = account.DictOfBalances.Values.ToList
thisAccountBalances.ForEach(Sub(x) x.computeBalanceOtherFactors())
thisAccountBalances=thisAccountBalances.OrderBy(Function(x) x.TotalBalance).tolist

Why complicated comparer? Just sort based on a field. Here I am sorting based on TotalBalance.

Very easy.

I can't do that with sort. I wonder why. Do fine with orderBy.

As for speed it's always O(n).

Subtracting 1 day from a timestamp date

Use the INTERVAL type to it. E.g:


--Unrelated to the question, but PostgreSQL also supports some shortcuts:
SELECT 'yesterday'::TIMESTAMP, 'tomorrow'::TIMESTAMP, 'allballs'::TIME;

Then you can do the following on your query:

    count(accounts) AS COUNT,
    ((date_at) - INTERVAL '1 DAY') AS dateat
    date_at <= now() - INTERVAL '130 DAYS'


Tip 1

You can append multiple operands. E.g.: how to get last day of current month?


Tip 2

You can also create an interval using make_interval function, useful when you need to create it at runtime (not using literals):

SELECT make_interval(days => 10 + 2);
SELECT make_interval(days => 1, hours => 2);
SELECT make_interval(0, 1, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0.0);

More info:

Date/Time Functions and Operators

datatype-datetime (Especial values).

How to find schema name in Oracle ? when you are connected in sql session using read only user

How about the following 3 statements?

-- change to your schema


-- check current schema


-- generate drop table statements

SELECT 'drop table ', table_name, 'cascade constraints;' FROM ALL_TABLES WHERE OWNER = 'yourSchemaName';


Hide a EditText & make it visible by clicking a menu

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    setContentView(R.layout.waist2height); {
        final EditText edit = (EditText)findViewById(;          
        final RadioButton rb1 = (RadioButton) findViewById(;
        final RadioButton rb2 = (RadioButton) findViewById(;                       
        else if(rb2.isChecked()){               

Regular Expression: Allow letters, numbers, and spaces (with at least one letter or number)

You simply need to specify your current RE, followed by a letter/number followed by your current RE again:

^[A-Z0-9 _]*[A-Z0-9][A-Z0-9 _]*$

Since you've now stated they're Javascript REs, there's a useful site here where you can test the RE against input data.

If you want lowercase letters as well:

^[A-Za-z0-9 _]*[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9 _]*$

Negative regex for Perl string pattern match

Sample text:

Clinton said
Bush used crayons
Reagan forgot

Just omitting a Bush match:

$ perl -ne 'print if /^(Clinton|Reagan)/' textfile
Clinton said
Reagan forgot

Or if you really want to specify:

$ perl -ne 'print if /^(?!Bush)(Clinton|Reagan)/' textfile
Clinton said
Reagan forgot

Using <style> tags in the <body> with other HTML

As others have said, this isn't valid html as the style tags belong in the head.

However, most browsers dont' really enforce that validation. Instead, once the document is loaded then the styles are merged and applied. In this case the second set of styles will always override the first because they were the last definitions encountered.

T-SQL stored procedure that accepts multiple Id values

A superfast XML Method, if you want to use a stored procedure and pass the comma separated list of Department IDs :

Declare @XMLList xml
SET @XMLList=cast('<i>'+replace(@DepartmentIDs,',','</i><i>')+'</i>' as xml)
SELECT x.i.value('.','varchar(5)') from @XMLList.nodes('i') x(i))

All credit goes to Guru Brad Schulz's Blog

Create parameterized VIEW in SQL Server 2008

As astander has mentioned, you can do that with a UDF. However, for large sets using a scalar function (as oppoosed to a inline-table function) the performance will stink as the function is evaluated row-by-row. As an alternative, you could expose the same results via a stored procedure executing a fixed query with placeholders which substitutes in your parameter values.

(Here's a somewhat dated but still relevant article on row-by-row processing for scalar UDFs.)

Edit: comments re. degrading performance adjusted to make it clear this applies to scalar UDFs.

Stored procedure or function expects parameter which is not supplied

In my case, It was returning one output parameter and was not Returning any value.
So changed it to

param.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;

and then it was throwing size error. so had to set the size as well

SqlParameter param = new SqlParameter("@Name",SqlDbType.NVarChar);
param.Size = 10;

Multiple file upload in php

We can easy to upload multiple files using php by using the below script.

Download Full Source code and preview

if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
    $j = 0; //Variable for indexing uploaded image 

 $target_path = "uploads/"; //Declaring Path for uploaded images
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($_FILES['file']['name']); $i++) {//loop to get individual element from the array

        $validextensions = array("jpeg", "jpg", "png");  //Extensions which are allowed
        $ext = explode('.', basename($_FILES['file']['name'][$i]));//explode file name from dot(.) 
        $file_extension = end($ext); //store extensions in the variable

  $target_path = $target_path . md5(uniqid()) . "." . $ext[count($ext) - 1];//set the target path with a new name of image
        $j = $j + 1;//increment the number of uploaded images according to the files in array       

   if (($_FILES["file"]["size"][$i] < 100000) //Approx. 100kb files can be uploaded.
                && in_array($file_extension, $validextensions)) {
            if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'][$i], $target_path)) {//if file moved to uploads folder
                echo $j. ').<span id="noerror">Image uploaded successfully!.</span><br/><br/>';
            } else {//if file was not moved.
                echo $j. ').<span id="error">please try again!.</span><br/><br/>';
        } else {//if file size and file type was incorrect.
            echo $j. ').<span id="error">***Invalid file Size or Type***</span><br/><br/>';

How to define constants in Visual C# like #define in C?

static class Constants
    public const int MIN_LENGTH = 5;
    public const int MIN_WIDTH  = 5; 
    public const int MIN_HEIGHT = 6;

// elsewhere
public CBox()
    length = Constants.MIN_LENGTH; 
    width  = Constants.MIN_WIDTH; 
    height = Constants.MIN_HEIGHT;  

Open Facebook Page in Facebook App (if installed) on Android

Okay I modifed @AndroidMechanics Code, because on devices were facebook is disabled the app crashes!

here is the modifed getFacebookUrl:

public String getFacebookPageURL(Context context) {
        PackageManager packageManager = context.getPackageManager();
        try {
            int versionCode = packageManager.getPackageInfo("com.facebook.katana", 0).versionCode;

            boolean activated =  packageManager.getApplicationInfo("com.facebook.katana", 0).enabled;
                if ((versionCode >= 3002850)) { 
                    return "fb://facewebmodal/f?href=" + FACEBOOK_URL;
                } else { 
                    return "fb://page/" + FACEBOOK_PAGE_ID;
                return FACEBOOK_URL;
         } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) {
            return FACEBOOK_URL; 

The only added thing is to look if the app is disabled or not if it is disabled the app will call the webbrowser!

How to filter Pandas dataframe using 'in' and 'not in' like in SQL

A trick if you want to keep the order of the list:

df = pd.DataFrame({'country': ['US', 'UK', 'Germany', 'China']})
countries_to_keep = ['Germany', 'US']

ind=[df.index[df['country']==i].tolist() for i in countries_to_keep]
flat_ind=[item for sublist in ind for item in sublist]


2  Germany
0       US

SQL Server: how to select records with specific date from datetime column

For Perfect DateTime Match in SQL Server

SELECT ID FROM [Table Name] WHERE (DateLog between '2017-02-16 **00:00:00.000**' and '2017-12-16 **23:59:00.999**') ORDER BY DateLog DESC

Rails formatting date

Since I18n is the Rails core feature starting from version 2.2 you can use its localize-method. By applying the forementioned strftime %-variables you can specify the desired format under config/locales/en.yml (or whatever language), in your case like this:

    default: '%FT%T'

Or if you want to use this kind of format in a few specific places you can refer it as a variable like this

    specific_format: '%FT%T'

After that you can use it in your views like this:

l(Mode.last.created_at, format: :specific_format)  

Python Pylab scatter plot error bars (the error on each point is unique)

>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> a = [1,3,5,7]
>>> b = [11,-2,4,19]
>>> plt.pyplot.scatter(a,b)
>>> plt.scatter(a,b)
<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection object at 0x00000000057E2CF8>
>>> c = [1,3,2,1]
>>> plt.errorbar(a,b,yerr=c, linestyle="None")
<Container object of 3 artists>

where a is your x data b is your y data c is your y error if any

note that c is the error in each direction already

Can I have onScrollListener for a ScrollView?

This might be very useful. Use NestedScrollView instead of ScrollView. Support Library 23.1 introduced an OnScrollChangeListener to NestedScrollView. So you can do something like this.

 myScrollView.setOnScrollChangeListener(new NestedScrollView.OnScrollChangeListener() {
        public void onScrollChange(NestedScrollView v, int scrollX, int scrollY, int oldScrollX, int oldScrollY) {
            //Do something

Subtract a value from every number in a list in Python?

If are you working with numbers a lot, you might want to take a look at NumPy. It lets you perform all kinds of operation directly on numerical arrays. For example:

>>> import numpy
>>> array = numpy.array([49, 51, 53, 56])
>>> array - 13
array([36, 38, 40, 43])

VBA Object doesn't support this property or method

Object doesn't support this property or method.

Think of it like if anything after the dot is called on an object. It's like a chain.

An object is a class instance. A class instance supports some properties defined in that class type definition. It exposes whatever intelli-sense in VBE tells you (there are some hidden members but it's not related to this). So after each dot . you get intelli-sense (that white dropdown) trying to help you pick the correct action.

(you can start either way - front to back or back to front, once you understand how this works you'll be able to identify where the problem occurs)

Type this much anywhere in your code area

Dim a As Worksheets

you get help from VBE, it's a little dropdown called Intelli-sense

enter image description here

It lists all available actions that particular object exposes to any user. You can't see the .Selection member of the Worksheets() class. That's what the error tells you exactly.

Object doesn't support this property or method.

If you look at the example on MSDN

iAreaCount = Selection.Areas.Count

It activates the sheet first then calls the Selection... it's not connected together because Selection is not a member of Worksheets() class. Simply, you can't prefix the Selection

What about

Sub DisplayColumnCount()
    Dim iAreaCount As Integer
    Dim i As Integer

    iAreaCount = Selection.Areas.Count

    If iAreaCount <= 1 Then
        MsgBox "The selection contains " & Selection.Columns.Count & " columns."
        For i = 1 To iAreaCount
        MsgBox "Area " & i & " of the selection contains " & _
        Selection.Areas(i).Columns.Count & " columns."
        Next i
    End If
End Sub

from HERE


Dim o
Set o = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP") "GET", "", False
' o.responseText now holds the response as a string.

Read XML Attribute using XmlDocument

You should look into XPath. Once you start using it, you'll find its a lot more efficient and easier to code than iterating through lists. It also lets you directly get the things you want.

Then the code would be something similar to

string attrVal = doc.SelectSingleNode("/MyConfiguration/@SuperNumber").Value;

Note that XPath 3.0 became a W3C Recommendation on April 8, 2014.

Decoding a Base64 string in Java

Modify the package you're using:

import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;

And then use it like this:

byte[] decoded = Base64.decodeBase64("YWJjZGVmZw==");
System.out.println(new String(decoded, "UTF-8") + "\n");

Combine two ActiveRecord::Relation objects

Relation objects can be converted to arrays. This negates being able to use any ActiveRecord methods on them afterwards, but I didn't need to. I did this:

name_relation = first_name_relation + last_name_relation

Ruby 1.9, rails 3.2

How to get the part of a file after the first line that matches a regular expression?

grep -A 10000000 'TERMINATE' file

  • is much, much faster than sed especially working on really big file. It works up to 10M lines (or whatever you put in) so no harm in making this big enough to handle about anything you hit.

git push rejected: error: failed to push some refs

If you are the only the person working on the project, what you can do is:

 git checkout master
 git push origin +HEAD

This will set the tip of origin/master to the same commit as master (and so delete the commits between 41651df and origin/master)

Limiting double to 3 decimal places

Good answers above- if you're looking for something reusable here is the code. Note that you might want to check the decimal places value, and this may overflow.

public static decimal TruncateToDecimalPlace(this decimal numberToTruncate, int decimalPlaces)
    decimal power = (decimal)(Math.Pow(10.0, (double)decimalPlaces));

    return Math.Truncate((power * numberToTruncate)) / power;

Guid is all 0's (zeros)?

In the spirit of being complete, the answers that instruct you to use Guid.NewGuid() are correct.

In addressing your subsequent edit, you'll need to post the code for your RequestObject class. I'm suspecting that your guid property is not marked as a DataMember, and thus is not being serialized over the wire. Since default(Guid) is the same as new Guid() (i.e. all 0's), this would explain the behavior you're seeing.

Do you have to include <link rel="icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" />?

I use it for two reasons:

  1. I can force a refresh of the icon by adding a query parameter for example ?v=2. like this: <link rel="icon" href="/favicon.ico?v=2" type="image/x-icon" />

  2. In case I need to specify the path.

How to round the minute of a datetime object

if you don't want to use condition, you can use modulo operator:

minutes = int(round(tm.minute, -1)) % 60


did you want something like this?

def timeround10(dt):
    a, b = divmod(round(dt.minute, -1), 60)
    return '%i:%02i' % ((dt.hour + a) % 24, b)

timeround10(datetime.datetime(2010, 1, 1, 0, 56, 0)) # 0:56
# -> 1:00

timeround10(datetime.datetime(2010, 1, 1, 23, 56, 0)) # 23:56
# -> 0:00

.. if you want result as string. for obtaining datetime result, it's better to use timedelta - see other responses ;)

Automatically open Chrome developer tools when new tab/new window is opened

Under the Chrome DevTools settings you enable:

Under Network -> Preserve Log Under DevTools -> Auto-open DevTools for popups

How can I pass a parameter to a setTimeout() callback?

The answer by David Meister seems to take care of parameters that may change immediately after the call to setTimeout() but before the anonymous function is called. But it's too cumbersome and not very obvious. I discovered an elegant way of doing pretty much the same thing using IIFE (immediately inviked function expression).

In the example below, the currentList variable is passed to the IIFE, which saves it in its closure, until the delayed function is invoked. Even if the variable currentList changes immediately after the code shown, the setInterval() will do the right thing.

Without this IIFE technique, the setTimeout() function will definitely get called for each h2 element in the DOM, but all those calls will see only the text value of the last h2 element.

  // Wait for the document to load.
  $(document).ready(function() {
  $("h2").each(function (index) {

    currentList = $(this).text();

    (function (param1, param2) {
        setTimeout(function() {
            $("span").text(param1 + ' : ' + param2 );
        }, param1 * 1000);

    })(index, currentList);

How to convert date to string and to date again?

Use DateFormat#parse(String):

Date date = dateFormat.parse("2013-10-22");

base 64 encode and decode a string in angular (2+)

Use btoa() for encode and atob() for decode

text_val:any="your encoding text";

Encoded Text: console.log(btoa(this.text_val)); //eW91ciBlbmNvZGluZyB0ZXh0

Decoded Text: console.log(atob("eW91ciBlbmNvZGluZyB0ZXh0")); //your encoding text

Git copy changes from one branch to another

If you are using tortoise git.

please follow the below steps.

  1. Checkout BranchB
  2. Open project folder, go to TortoiseGit --> Pull
  3. In pull screen, Change the remote branch "BranchA" and click ok.
  4. Then right click again, go to TortoiseGit --> Push.

Now your changes moved from BranchA to BranchB

How to run the sftp command with a password from Bash script?

You can use a Python script with scp and os library to make a system call.

  1. ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 (local machine)
  2. ssh-copy-id user@remote_server_address
  3. create a Python script like:
    import os
    cmd = 'scp user@remote_server_address:remote_file_path local_file_path'
  1. create a rule in crontab to automate your script
  2. done

How to get domain URL and application name?

The following code might be useful for web application using JavaScript.

var newURL = window.location.protocol + "//"  + + "" + window.location.pathname;

newURL = newURL.substring(0,newURL.indexOf(""));

Sheet.getRange(1,1,1,12) what does the numbers in bracket specify?

Found these docu on the google docu pages:

  • row --- int --- top row of the range
  • column --- int--- leftmost column of the range
  • optNumRows --- int --- number of rows in the range.
  • optNumColumns --- int --- number of columns in the range

In your example, you would get (if you picked the 3rd row) "C3:O3", cause C --> O is 12 columns


Using the example on the docu:

// The code below will get the number of columns for the range C2:G8
// in the active spreadsheet, which happens to be "4"
var count = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getRange(2, 3, 6, 4).getNumColumns(); Browser.msgBox(count);

The values between brackets:
2: the starting row = 2
3: the starting col = C
6: the number of rows = 6 so from 2 to 8
4: the number of cols = 4 so from C to G

So you come to the range: C2:G8

How do I insert a drop-down menu for a simple Windows Forms app in Visual Studio 2008?

You can use ComboBox, then point your mouse to the upper arrow facing right, it will unfold a box called ComboBox Tasks and in there you can go ahead and edit your items or fill in the items / strings one per line. This should be the easiest.

Simple and fast method to compare images for similarity

I face the same issues recently, to solve this problem(simple and fast algorithm to compare two images) once and for all, I contribute an img_hash module to opencv_contrib, you can find the details from this link.

img_hash module provide six image hash algorithms, quite easy to use.

Codes example

origin lenaorigin lena

blur lenablur lena

resize lenaresize lena

shift lenashift lena

#include <opencv2/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/core/ocl.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/img_hash.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc.hpp>

#include <iostream>

void compute(cv::Ptr<cv::img_hash::ImgHashBase> algo)
    auto input = cv::imread("lena.png");
    cv::Mat similar_img;

    //detect similiar image after blur attack
    cv::GaussianBlur(input, similar_img, {7,7}, 2, 2);
    cv::imwrite("lena_blur.png", similar_img);
    cv::Mat hash_input, hash_similar;
    algo->compute(input, hash_input);
    algo->compute(similar_img, hash_similar);
    std::cout<<"gaussian blur attack : "<<
               algo->compare(hash_input, hash_similar)<<std::endl;

    //detect similar image after shift attack
    input(cv::Rect(0,10, input.cols,input.rows-10)).
    cv::imwrite("lena_shift.png", similar_img);
    algo->compute(similar_img, hash_similar);
    std::cout<<"shift attack : "<<
               algo->compare(hash_input, hash_similar)<<std::endl;

    //detect similar image after resize
    cv::resize(input, similar_img, {120, 40});
    cv::imwrite("lena_resize.png", similar_img);
    algo->compute(similar_img, hash_similar);
    std::cout<<"resize attack : "<<
               algo->compare(hash_input, hash_similar)<<std::endl;

int main()
    using namespace cv::img_hash;

    //disable opencl acceleration may(or may not) boost up speed of img_hash

    //if the value after compare <= 8, that means the images
    //very similar to each other

    //there are other algorithms you can try out
    //every algorithms have their pros and cons
    //BlockMeanHash support mode 0 and mode 1, they associate to
    //mode 1 and mode 2 of PHash library

In this case, ColorMomentHash give us best result

  • gaussian blur attack : 0.567521
  • shift attack : 0.229728
  • resize attack : 0.229358

Pros and cons of each algorithm

Performance under different attacks

The performance of img_hash is good too

Speed comparison with PHash library(100 images from ukbench) compute performance comparison performance

If you want to know the recommend thresholds for these algorithms, please check this post( If you are interesting about how do I measure the performance of img_hash modules(include speed and different attacks), please check this link(

Why is there no multiple inheritance in Java, but implementing multiple interfaces is allowed?

in simple manner we all know, we can inherit(extends) one class but we can implements so many interfaces.. that is because in interfaces we don't give an implementation just say the functionality. suppose if java can extends so many classes and those have same methods.. in this point if we try to invoke super class method in the sub class what method suppose to run??, compiler get confused example:- try to multiple extends but in interfaces those methods don't have bodies we should implement those in sub class.. try to multiple implements so no worries..

jQuery AJAX Character Encoding

I came by this question with exactly the same issue as the asker. The answers here are very informing, and I tried out almost every single one of the suggested answers. None of the answers here worked for me though - there might have been a slight difference in my problem. And that seems to be the case for many. I tried so much before ending up with an answer.

So now I'm adding to the already long list of answers, a solution of my own that solved my kind of encoding problem.

I did just two things. In the database connection script I added:


and apart from that:

  • I changed the encoding of all the files to UTF-8

The point is that everything must be of the same encoding. And when creating new php-files, for the scripts it is not enough just to change the encoding in the script - the file itself must be correctly encoded.

PHP - how to create a newline character?

w3school offered this way:

echo nl2br("One line.\n Another line.");

by use of this function you can do it..i tried other ways that said above but they wont help me..

How do I stop a web page from scrolling to the top when a link is clicked that triggers JavaScript?

You can set your href to #! instead of #

For example,

<a href="#!">Link</a>

will not do any scrolling when clicked.

Beware! This will still add an entry to the browser's history when clicked, meaning that after clicking your link, the user's back button will not take them to the page they were previously on. For this reason, it's probably better to use the .preventDefault() approach, or to use both in combination.

Here is a Fiddle illustrating this (just scrunch your browser down until your get a scrollbar):

For the spec nerds - why this works:

This behaviour is specified in the HTML5 spec under the Navigating to a fragment identifier section. The reason that a link with a href of "#" causes the document to scroll to the top is that this behaviour is explicitly specified as the way to handle an empty fragment identifier:

2. If fragid is the empty string, then the indicated part of the document is the top of the document

Using a href of "#!" instead works simply because it avoids this rule. There's nothing magic about the exclamation mark - it just makes a convenient fragment identifier because it's noticeably different to a typical fragid and unlikely to ever match the id or name of an element on your page. Indeed, we could put almost anything after the hash; the only fragids that won't suffice are the empty string, the word 'top', or strings that match name or id attributes of elements on the page.

More exactly, we just need a fragment identifier that will cause us to fall through to step 8 in the following algorithm for determining the indicated part of the document from the fragid:

  1. Apply the URL parser algorithm to the URL, and let fragid be the fragment component of the resulting parsed URL.

  2. If fragid is the empty string, then the indicated part of the document is the top of the document; stop the algorithm here.

  3. Let fragid bytes be the result of percent-decoding fragid.

  4. Let decoded fragid be the result of applying the UTF-8 decoder algorithm to fragid bytes. If the UTF-8 decoder emits a decoder error, abort the decoder and instead jump to the step labeled no decoded fragid.

  5. If there is an element in the DOM that has an ID exactly equal to decoded fragid, then the first such element in tree order is the indicated part of the document; stop the algorithm here.

  6. No decoded fragid: If there is an a element in the DOM that has a name attribute whose value is exactly equal to fragid (not decoded fragid), then the first such element in tree order is the indicated part of the document; stop the algorithm here.

  7. If fragid is an ASCII case-insensitive match for the string top, then the indicated part of the document is the top of the document; stop the algorithm here.

  8. Otherwise, there is no indicated part of the document.

As long as we hit step 8 and there is no indicated part of the document, the following rule comes into play:

If there is no indicated part ... then the user agent must do nothing.

which is why the browser doesn't scroll.

increase the java heap size permanently?

This worked for me:

export _JAVA_OPTIONS="-Xmx1g"

It's important that you have no spaces because for me it did not work. I would suggest just copying and pasting. Then I ran:

java -XshowSettings:vm 

and it will tell you:

Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Xmx1g

Binding ConverterParameter

No, unfortunately this will not be possible because ConverterParameter is not a DependencyProperty so you won't be able to use bindings

But perhaps you could cheat and use a MultiBinding with IMultiValueConverter to pass in the 2 Tag properties.

Maven: How to rename the war file for the project?

You need to configure the war plugin:


More info here

How to replace a string in multiple files in linux command line

To replace a string in multiple files you can use:

grep -rl string1 somedir/ | xargs sed -i 's/string1/string2/g'


grep -rl 'windows' ./ | xargs sed -i 's/windows/linux/g'

Source blog

How to pass a null variable to a SQL Stored Procedure from code

    SQLParam = cmd.Parameters.Add("@RetailerID", SqlDbType.Int, 4)
    If p_RetailerID.Length = 0 Or p_RetailerID = "0" Then
        SQLParam.Value = DBNull.Value
        SQLParam.Value = p_RetailerID
    End If

How to get rid of punctuation using NLTK tokenizer?

I just used the following code, which removed all the punctuation:

tokens = nltk.wordpunct_tokenize(raw)


text = nltk.Text(tokens)


words = [w.lower() for w in text if w.isalpha()]

PHP DOMDocument loadHTML not encoding UTF-8 correctly

This took me a while to figure out but here's my answer.

Before using DomDocument I would use file_get_contents to retrieve urls and then process them with string functions. Perhaps not the best way but quick. After being convinced Dom was just as quick I first tried the following:

$dom = new DomDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
if ($dom->loadHTMLFile($url) == false) { // read the url
    // error message
else {
    // process

This failed spectacularly in preserving UTF-8 encoding despite the proper meta tags, php settings and all the rest of the remedies offered here and elsewhere. Here's what works:

$dom = new DomDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
$str = file_get_contents($url);
if ($dom->loadHTML(mb_convert_encoding($str, 'HTML-ENTITIES', 'UTF-8')) == false) {

etc. Now everything's right with the world. Hope this helps.

New xampp security concept: Access Forbidden Error 403 - Windows 7 - phpMyAdmin

for anyone having problems when using xampp and IIS using windows,

check the xamp panel on apache which port is using

Let assume apache is using port 81 then try this

for me worked like charm, it might help someone in future

System.out.println() shortcut on Intellij IDEA

On MAC you can do sout + return or ?+j (cmd+j) opens live template suggestions, enter sout to choose System.out.println();

How do you initialise a dynamic array in C++?

Two ways:

char *c = new char[length];
std::fill(c, c + length, INITIAL_VALUE);
// just this once, since it's char, you could use memset


std::vector<char> c(length, INITIAL_VALUE);

In my second way, the default second parameter is 0 already, so in your case it's unnecessary:

std::vector<char> c(length);

[Edit: go vote for Fred's answer, char* c = new char[length]();]

How to hide a column (GridView) but still access its value?

You can make the column hidden on the server side and for some reason this is different to doing it the aspx code. It can still be referenced as if it was visible. Just add this code to your OnDataBound event.

protected void gvSearchResults_DataBound(object sender, EventArgs e)
    GridView gridView = (GridView)sender;

    if (gridView.HeaderRow != null && gridView.HeaderRow.Cells.Count > 0)
        gridView.HeaderRow.Cells[UserIdColumnIndex].Visible = false;

    foreach (GridViewRow row in gvSearchResults.Rows)
        row.Cells[UserIdColumnIndex].Visible = false;

Can my enums have friendly names?

You can use the Description attribute to get that friendly name. You can use the code below:

public static string ToStringEnums(Enum en)
    Type type = en.GetType();

    MemberInfo[] memInfo = type.GetMember(en.ToString());
    if (memInfo != null && memInfo.Length > 0)
        object[] attrs = memInfo[0].GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DescriptionAttribute), false);
        if (attrs != null && attrs.Length > 0)
            return ((DescriptionAttribute)attrs[0]).Description;
    return en.ToString();

An example of when you would want to use this method: When your enum value is EncryptionProviderType and you want enumVar.Tostring() to return "Encryption Provider Type".

Prerequisite: All enum members should be applied with the attribute [Description("String to be returned by Tostring()")].

Example enum:

enum ExampleEnum
    [Description("One is one")]
    ValueOne = 1,
    [Description("Two is two")]
    ValueTow = 2

And in your class, you would use it like this:

ExampleEnum enumVar = ExampleEnum.ValueOne;

How to delete a folder with files using Java

This works, and while it looks inefficient to skip the directory test, it's not: the test happens right away in listFiles().

void deleteDir(File file) {
    File[] contents = file.listFiles();
    if (contents != null) {
        for (File f : contents) {

Update, to avoid following symbolic links:

void deleteDir(File file) {
    File[] contents = file.listFiles();
    if (contents != null) {
        for (File f : contents) {
            if (! Files.isSymbolicLink(f.toPath())) {

How to hide a button programmatically?

Kotlin code is a lot simpler:

if(isVisable) {
    clearButton.visibility = View.INVISIBLE
else {
    clearButton.visibility = View.VISIBLE

How can I comment a single line in XML?

No, there is no way to comment a line in XML and have the comment end automatically on a linebreak.

XML has only one definition for a comment:

'<!--' ((Char - '-') | ('-' (Char - '-')))* '-->'

XML forbids -- in comments to maintain compatibility with SGML.

How to extract text from a PDF file?

I recommend to use pymupdf or pdfminer.six.

Those packages are not maintained:

  • PyPDF2, PyPDF3, PyPDF4
  • pdfminer (without .six)

How to read pure text with pymupdf

There are different options which will give different results, but the most basic one is:

import fitz  # this is pymupdf

with"my.pdf") as doc:
    text = ""
    for page in doc:
        text += page.getText()


What are the differences between git remote prune, git prune, git fetch --prune, etc

I don't blame you for getting frustrated about this. The best way to look at is this. There are potentially three versions of every remote branch:

  1. The actual branch on the remote repository
    (e.g., remote repo at, refs/heads/master)
  2. Your snapshot of that branch locally (stored under refs/remotes/...)
    (e.g., local repo, refs/remotes/origin/master)
  3. And a local branch that might be tracking the remote branch
    (e.g., local repo, refs/heads/master)

Let's start with git prune. This removes objects that are no longer being referenced, it does not remove references. In your case, you have a local branch. That means there's a ref named random_branch_I_want_deleted that refers to some objects that represent the history of that branch. So, by definition, git prune will not remove random_branch_I_want_deleted. Really, git prune is a way to delete data that has accumulated in Git but is not being referenced by anything. In general, it doesn't affect your view of any branches.

git remote prune origin and git fetch --prune both operate on references under refs/remotes/... (I'll refer to these as remote references). It doesn't affect local branches. The git remote version is useful if you only want to remove remote references under a particular remote. Otherwise, the two do exactly the same thing. So, in short, git remote prune and git fetch --prune operate on number 2 above. For example, if you deleted a branch using the git web GUI and don't want it to show up in your local branch list anymore (git branch -r), then this is the command you should use.

To remove a local branch, you should use git branch -d (or -D if it's not merged anywhere). FWIW, there is no git command to automatically remove the local tracking branches if a remote branch disappears.

Ruby: What is the easiest way to remove the first element from an array?

Use shift method

array.shift(n) => Remove first n elements from array 
array.shift(1) => Remove first element

How to check if a file exists in a folder?

This way we can check for an existing file in a particular folder:

 string curFile = @"c:\temp\test.txt";  //Your path
 Console.WriteLine(File.Exists(curFile) ? "File exists." : "File does not exist.");