Programs & Examples On #Ierrorhandler

In .NET, allows an implementer to control the fault message returned to the caller from a WCF service and optionally perform custom error processing such as logging.

Node.js request CERT_HAS_EXPIRED

Add this at the top of your file:


DANGEROUS This disables HTTPS / SSL / TLS checking across your entire node.js environment. Please see the solution using an https agent below.

minimum double value in C/C++

If you do not have float exceptions enabled (which you shouldn't imho), you can simply say:

double neg_inf = -1/0.0;

This yields negative infinity. If you need a float, you can either cast the result

float neg_inf = (float)-1/0.0;

or use single precision arithmetic

float neg_inf = -1.0f/0.0f;

The result is always the same, there is exactly one representation of negative infinity in both single and double precision, and they convert to each other as you would expect.

PHPExcel - set cell type before writing a value in it

try this

$currencyFormat = '_($* #,##0.00_);_($* (#,##0.00);_($* "-"??_);_(@_)';

How does MySQL process ORDER BY and LIMIT in a query?

Could be simplified to this:

SELECT article FROM table1 ORDER BY publish_date DESC FETCH FIRST 20 ROWS ONLY;

You could also add many argument in the ORDER BY that is just comma separated like: ORDER BY publish_date, tab2, tab3 DESC etc...

What does '<?=' mean in PHP?

An array in PHP is a map of keys to values:

$array = array();
$array["yellow"] = 3;
$array["green"] = 4;

If you want to do something with each key-value-pair in your array, you can use the foreach control structure:

foreach ($array as $key => $value)

The $array variable is the array you will be using. The $key and $value variables will contain a key-value-pair in every iteration of the foreach loop. In this example, they will first contain "yellow" and 3, then "green" and 4.

You can use an alternative notation if you don't care about the keys:

foreach ($array as $value)

set height of imageview as matchparent programmatically

You can try this incase you would like to match parent. The dimensions arrangement is width and height inorder

web = new WebView(this);
        web.setLayoutParams(new ViewGroup.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT));

Pass Model To Controller using Jquery/Ajax

Looks like your IndexPartial action method has an argument which is a complex object. If you are passing a a lot of data (complex object), It might be a good idea to convert your action method to a HttpPost action method and use jQuery post to post data to that. GET has limitation on the query string value.

public PartialViewResult IndexPartial(DashboardViewModel m)
   //May be you want to pass the posted model to the parial view?
   return PartialView("_IndexPartial");

Your script should be

var url = "@Url.Action("IndexPartial","YourControllerName")";

var model = { Name :"Shyju", Location:"Detroit"};

$.post(url, model, function(res){
   //res contains the markup returned by the partial view
   //You probably want to set that to some Div.

Assuming Name and Location are properties of your DashboardViewModel class and SomeDivToShowTheResult is the id of a div in your page where you want to load the content coming from the partialview.

Sending complex objects?

You can build more complex object in js if you want. Model binding will work as long as your structure matches with the viewmodel class

var model = { Name :"Shyju", 
              Interests : ["Code","Coffee","Stackoverflow"]

    type: "POST",
    data: JSON.stringify(model),
    url: url,
    contentType: "application/json"
}).done(function (res) {

For the above js model to be transformed to your method parameter, Your View Model should be like this.

public class DashboardViewModel
  public string Name {set;get;}
  public string Location {set;get;}
  public List<string> Interests {set;get;}

And in your action method, specify [FromBody]

public PartialViewResult IndexPartial([FromBody] DashboardViewModel m)
    return PartialView("_IndexPartial",m);

Error : No resource found that matches the given name (at 'icon' with value '@drawable/icon')

Trying to build HelloWorld app on Ubuntu 16.04. Got error with drawable/icon. Solution could be:

cp ./platforms/android/build/intermediates/exploded-aar/    ./platforms/android/build/intermediates/exploded-aar/

So, it look like icon.xml file missed.

How do I calculate a point on a circle’s circumference?

Calculating point around circumference of circle given distance travelled.
For comparison... This may be useful in Game AI when moving around a solid object in a direct path.

enter image description here

public static Point DestinationCoordinatesArc(Int32 startingPointX, Int32 startingPointY,
    Int32 circleOriginX, Int32 circleOriginY, float distanceToMove,
    ClockDirection clockDirection, float radius)
    // Note: distanceToMove and radius parameters are float type to avoid integer division
    // which will discard remainder

    var theta = (distanceToMove / radius) * (clockDirection == ClockDirection.Clockwise ? 1 : -1);
    var destinationX = circleOriginX + (startingPointX - circleOriginX) * Math.Cos(theta) - (startingPointY - circleOriginY) * Math.Sin(theta);
    var destinationY = circleOriginY + (startingPointX - circleOriginX) * Math.Sin(theta) + (startingPointY - circleOriginY) * Math.Cos(theta);

    // Round to avoid integer conversion truncation
    return new Point((Int32)Math.Round(destinationX), (Int32)Math.Round(destinationY));

/// <summary>
/// Possible clock directions.
/// </summary>
public enum ClockDirection
    [Description("Time moving forwards.")]
    [Description("Time moving moving backwards.")]

private void ButtonArcDemo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Brush aBrush = (Brush)Brushes.Black;
    Graphics g = this.CreateGraphics();

    var startingPointX = 125;
    var startingPointY = 75;
    for (var count = 0; count < 62; count++)
        var point = DestinationCoordinatesArc(
            startingPointX: startingPointX, startingPointY: startingPointY,
            circleOriginX: 75, circleOriginY: 75,
            distanceToMove: 5,
            clockDirection: ClockDirection.Clockwise, radius: 50);
        g.FillRectangle(aBrush, point.X, point.Y, 1, 1);

        startingPointX = point.X;
        startingPointY = point.Y;

        // Pause to visually observe/confirm clock direction

        Debug.WriteLine($"DestinationCoordinatesArc({point.X}, {point.Y}");


Although I am very late to this but after seeing some legitimate questions for those who wanted to use INSERT-SELECT query with GROUP BY clause, I came up with the work around for this.

Taking further the answer of Marcus Adams and accounting GROUP BY in it, this is how I would solve the problem by using Subqueries in the FROM Clause

INSERT INTO lee(exp_id, created_by, location, animal, starttime, endtime, entct, 
                inact, inadur, inadist, 
                smlct, smldur, smldist, 
                larct, lardur, lardist, 
                emptyct, emptydur)
SELECT, uid, sb.location, sb.animal, sb.starttime, sb.endtime, sb.entct, 
       sb.inact, sb.inadur, sb.inadist, 
       sb.smlct, sb.smldur, sb.smldist, 
       sb.larct, sb.lardur, sb.lardist, 
       sb.emptyct, sb.emptydur
(SELECT id, uid, location, animal, starttime, endtime, entct, 
       inact, inadur, inadist, 
       smlct, smldur, smldist, 
       larct, lardur, lardist, 
       emptyct, emptydur 
FROM tmp WHERE uid=x
GROUP BY location) as sb
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE entct=sb.entct, inact=sb.inact, ...

Find a string within a cell using VBA

you never change the value of rng so it always points to the initial cell

copy the Set rng = rng.Offset(1, 0) to a new line before loop

also, your InStr test will always fail
True is -1, but the return from InStr will be greater than 0 when the string is found. change the test to remove = True

new code:

Sub IfTest()
 'This should split the information in a table up into cells
 Dim Splitter() As String
 Dim LenValue As Integer     'Gives the number of characters in date string
 Dim LeftValue As Integer    'One less than the LenValue to drop the ")"
 Dim rng As Range, cell As Range
 Set rng = ActiveCell

Do While ActiveCell.Value <> Empty
    If InStr(rng, "%") Then
        ActiveCell.Offset(0, 0).Select
        Splitter = Split(ActiveCell.Value, "% Change")
        ActiveCell.Offset(0, 10).Select
        ActiveCell.Value = Splitter(1)
        ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1).Select
        ActiveCell.Value = "% Change"
        ActiveCell.Offset(1, -9).Select
        ActiveCell.Offset(0, 0).Select
        Splitter = Split(ActiveCell.Value, "(")
        ActiveCell.Offset(0, 9).Select
        ActiveCell.Value = Splitter(0)
        ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select
        LenValue = Len(Splitter(1))
        LeftValue = LenValue - 1
        ActiveCell.Value = Left(Splitter(1), LeftValue)
        ActiveCell.Offset(1, -10).Select
    End If
Set rng = rng.Offset(1, 0)

End Sub

How to create a static library with g++?

You can create a .a file using the ar utility, like so:

ar crf lib/libHeader.a header.o

lib is a directory that contains all your libraries. it is good practice to organise your code this way and separate the code and the object files. Having everything in one directory generally looks ugly. The above line creates libHeader.a in the directory lib. So, in your current directory, do:

mkdir lib

Then run the above ar command.

When linking all libraries, you can do it like so:

g++ test.o -L./lib -lHeader -o test  

The -L flag will get g++ to add the lib/ directory to the path. This way, g++ knows what directory to search when looking for libHeader. -llibHeader flags the specific library to link.

where test.o is created like so:

g++ -c test.cpp -o test.o 

How long would it take a non-programmer to learn C#, the .NET Framework, and SQL?

According to Malcolm Gladwell, it will take you 10,000 hours to get really good. So get cracking.

Get output parameter value in ADO.NET

Not my code, but a good example i think


using System; 
using System.Data; 
using System.Data.SqlClient; 

class OutputParams 
    static void Main(string[] args) 

    using( SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection("server=(local);Database=Northwind;user id=sa;password=;")) 
        SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("CustOrderOne", cn); 
        cmd.CommandType=CommandType.StoredProcedure ; 

        SqlParameter parm= new SqlParameter("@CustomerID",SqlDbType.NChar) ; 
        parm.Direction =ParameterDirection.Input ; 

        SqlParameter parm2= new SqlParameter("@ProductName",SqlDbType.VarChar); 

        SqlParameter parm3=new SqlParameter("@Quantity",SqlDbType.Int); 



How can I delete all cookies with JavaScript?

There is no 100% solution to delete browser cookies.

The problem is that cookies are uniquely identified by not just by their key "name" but also their "domain" and "path".

Without knowing the "domain" and "path" of a cookie, you cannot reliably delete it. This information is not available through JavaScript's document.cookie. It's not available through the HTTP Cookie header either!

However, if you know the name, path and domain of a cookie, then you can clear it by setting an empty cookie with an expiry date in the past, for example:

function clearCookie(name, domain, path){
    var domain = domain || document.domain;
    var path = path || "/";
    document.cookie = name + "=; expires=" + +new Date + "; domain=" + domain + "; path=" + path;

How to use ES6 Fat Arrow to .filter() an array of objects

Here is my solution for those who use hook; If you are listing items in your grid and want to remove the selected item, you can use this solution.

var list = data.filter(form => !== selectedRowDataId);

ImportError: No module named PIL

You are probably missing the python headers to build pil. If you're using ubuntu or the likes it'll be something like

apt-get install python-dev

What's the best practice for primary keys in tables?

I suspect Steven A. Lowe's rolled up newspaper therapy is required for the designer of the original data structure.

As an aside, GUIDs as a primary key can be a performance hog. I wouldn't recommend it.

HTTP Error 503, the service is unavailable

I had the same issue for the longest time and I thought there was an issue with my code. Turns out, in the IIS server, my application pool for that particular project was stopped. I turned it back on and that fixed the issue. Error 503 is most likely related to the Application Pool

Firebase: how to generate a unique numeric ID for key?

Adding to the @htafoya answer. The code snippet will be

const getTimeEpoch = () => {
    return new Date().getTime().toString();                             

Greyscale Background Css Images

Using current browsers you can use it like this:

img {
  -webkit-filter: grayscale(100%); /* Chrome, Safari, Opera */
  filter: grayscale(100%);

and to remedy it:

   -webkit-filter: grayscale(0%); /* Chrome, Safari, Opera */
   filter: grayscale(0%);

worked with me and is much shorter. There is even more one can do within the CSS:

filter: none | blur() | brightness() | contrast() | drop-shadow() | grayscale() |
        hue-rotate() | invert() | opacity() | saturate() | sepia() | url();

For more information and supporting browsers see this:

javascript convert int to float

JavaScript only has a Number type that stores floating point values.

There is no int.


If you want to format the number as a string with two digits after the decimal point use:


S3 - Access-Control-Allow-Origin Header

I'll just add to this answer–above–which solved my issue.

To set AWS/CloudFront Distribution Point to torward the CORS Origin Header, click into the edit interface for the Distribution Point:

enter image description here

Go to the behaviors tab and edit the behavior, changing "Cache Based on Selected Request Headers" from None to Whitelist, then make sure Origin is added to the whitelisted box. See Configuring CloudFront to Respect CORS Settings in the AWS Docs for more.

enter image description here

Looping through dictionary object

One way is to loop through the keys of the dictionary, which I recommend:

foreach(int key in sp.Keys)
    dynamic value = sp[key];

Another way, is to loop through the dictionary as a sequence of pairs:

foreach(KeyValuePair<int, dynamic> pair in sp)
    int key = pair.Key;
    dynamic value = pair.Value;

I recommend the first approach, because you can have more control over the order of items retrieved if you decorate the Keys property with proper LINQ statements, e.g., sp.Keys.OrderBy(x => x) helps you retrieve the items in ascending order of the key. Note that Dictionary uses a hash table data structure internally, therefore if you use the second method the order of items is not easily predictable.

Update (01 Dec 2016): replaced vars with actual types to make the answer more clear.

configuring project ':app' failed to find Build Tools revision

I found out that it also happens if you uninstalled some packages from your react-native project and there is still packages in your build gradle dependencies in the bottom of page like:


How do I change the text size in a label widget, python tkinter

Try passing width=200 as additional paramater when creating the Label.

This should work in creating label with specified width.

If you want to change it later, you can use:


As you want to change the size of font itself you can try:

label.config(font=("Courier", 44))

Bootstrap-select - how to fire event on change

This is what I did.

$('.selectpicker').on('', function (e, clickedIndex, newValue, oldValue) {
    var selected = $(e.currentTarget).val();

Error during SSL Handshake with remote server

Faced the same problem as OP:

  • Tomcat returned response when accessing directly via SOAP UI
  • Didn't load html files
  • When used Apache properties mentioned by the previous answer, web-page appeared but AngularJS couldn't get HTTP response

Tomcat SSL certificate was expired while a browser showed it as secure - Apache certificate was far from expiration. Updating Tomcat KeyStore file solved the problem.

Using Javascript's atob to decode base64 doesn't properly decode utf-8 strings

including above solution if still facing issue try as below, Considerign the case where escape is not supported for TS.

blob = new Blob(["\ufeff", csv_content]); // this will make symbols to appears in excel 

for csv_content you can try like below.

function b64DecodeUnicode(str: any) {        
        return decodeURIComponent(atob(str).split('').map((c: any) => {
            return '%' + ('00' + c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-2);

Getting Connection timed out in android

I'm aware this question is a bit old. But since I stumbled on this while doing research, I thought a little addition might be helpful.

As stated the error cannot be solved by the client, since it is a network related issue. However, what you can do is retry connecting a few times. This may work as a workaround until the real issue is fixed.

for (int retries = 0; retries < 3; retries++) {
    try {
        final HttpClient client = createHttpClientWithDefaultSocketFactory(null, null);
        final HttpResponse response = client.execute(get);
        final int statusCode = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
        if (statusCode != 200) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("GET Request on '" + get.getURI().toString() + "' resulted in " + statusCode);
        } else {                
            return response.getEntity();
    } catch (final e) {
        // connection timed out...let's try again                

Maybe this helps someone.

Controlling execution order of unit tests in Visual Studio

Here is a class that can be used to setup and run ordered tests independent of MS Ordered Tests framework for whatever reason--like not have to adjust mstest.exe arguments on a build machine, or mixing ordered with non-ordered in a class.

The original testing framework only sees the list of ordered tests as a single test so any init/cleanup like [TestInitalize()] Init() is only called before and after the entire set.


        [TestMethod] // place only on the list--not the individuals
        public void OrderedStepsTest()
            OrderedTest.Run(TestContext, new List<OrderedTest>
                new OrderedTest ( T10_Reset_Database, false ),
                new OrderedTest ( T20_LoginUser1, false ),
                new OrderedTest ( T30_DoLoginUser1Task1, true ), // continue on failure
                new OrderedTest ( T40_DoLoginUser1Task2, true ), // continue on failure
                // ...


using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;

namespace UnitTests.Utility
    /// <summary>
    /// Define and Run a list of ordered tests. 
    /// 2016/08/25: Posted to SO by crokusek 
    /// </summary>    
    public class OrderedTest
        /// <summary>Test Method to run</summary>
        public Action TestMethod { get; private set; }

        /// <summary>Flag indicating whether testing should continue with the next test if the current one fails</summary>
        public bool ContinueOnFailure { get; private set; }

        /// <summary>Any Exception thrown by the test</summary>
        public Exception ExceptionResult;

        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="testMethod"></param>
        /// <param name="continueOnFailure">True to continue with the next test if this test fails</param>
        public OrderedTest(Action testMethod, bool continueOnFailure = false)
            TestMethod = testMethod;
            ContinueOnFailure = continueOnFailure;

        /// <summary>
        /// Run the test saving any exception within ExceptionResult
        /// Throw to the caller only if ContinueOnFailure == false
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="testContextOpt"></param>
        public void Run()
            catch (Exception ex)
                ExceptionResult = ex;

        /// <summary>
        /// Run a list of OrderedTest's
        /// </summary>
        static public void Run(TestContext testContext, List<OrderedTest> tests)
            Stopwatch overallStopWatch = new Stopwatch();

            List<Exception> exceptions = new List<Exception>();

            int testsAttempted = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < tests.Count; i++)
                OrderedTest test = tests[i];

                Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch();

                testContext.WriteLine("Starting ordered test step ({0} of {1}) '{2}' at {3}...\n",
                    i + 1,

                    if (!test.ContinueOnFailure)
                    Exception testEx = test.ExceptionResult;

                    if (testEx != null)  // capture any "continue on fail" exception

                    testContext.WriteLine("\n{0} ordered test step {1} of {2} '{3}' in {4} at {5}{6}\n",
                        testEx != null ? "Error:  Failed" : "Successfully completed",
                        i + 1,
                        stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds > 1000
                            ? (stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds * .001) + "s"
                            : stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds + "ms",
                        testEx != null
                            ? "\nException:  " + testEx.Message +
                                "\nStackTrace:  " + testEx.StackTrace +
                                "\nContinueOnFailure:  " + test.ContinueOnFailure
                            : "");

            testContext.WriteLine("Completed running {0} of {1} ordered tests with a total of {2} error(s) at {3} in {4}",
                overallStopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds > 1000
                    ? (overallStopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds * .001) + "s"
                    : overallStopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds + "ms");

            if (exceptions.Any())
                // Test Explorer prints better msgs with this hierarchy rather than using 1 AggregateException().
                throw new Exception(String.Join("; ", exceptions.Select(e => e.Message), new AggregateException(exceptions)));

Using Axios GET with Authorization Header in React-Native App

Could not get this to work until I put Authorization in single quotes:

axios.get(URL, { headers: { 'Authorization': AuthStr } })

The client and server cannot communicate, because they do not possess a common algorithm - ASP.NET C# IIS TLS 1.0 / 1.1 / 1.2 - Win32Exception

I fixed this error by upgrading the app from .Net Framework 4.5 to 4.6.2.

TLS-1.2 was correctly installed on the server, and older versions like TLS-1.1 were disabled. However, .Net 4.5 does not support TLS-1.2.

EditText underline below text property

If you don't have to support devices with API < 21, use backgroundHint in xml, for example:

            android:hint="Task Name"

            android:backgroundTint="@color/lighter_blue" />

For better support and fallbacks use @Akariuz solution. backgroundHint is the most painless solution, but not backward compatible, based on your requirements make a call.

How To Create Table with Identity Column

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[History](
    [ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
    [RequestID] [int] NOT NULL,
    [EmployeeID] [varchar](50) NOT NULL,
    [DateStamp] [datetime] NOT NULL,
    [ID] ASC

jQuery ajax request being block because Cross-Origin

Try with cURL request for cross-domain.

If you are working through third party APIs or getting data through CROSS-DOMAIN, it is always recommended to use cURL script (server side) which is more secure.

I always prefer cURL script.

Apache POI error loading XSSFWorkbook class

If you have downloaded pio-3.17 On eclipse: right click on the project folder -> build path -> configure build path -> libraries -> add external jars -> add all the commons jar file from the "lib". It's worked for me.

How to avoid the "Windows Defender SmartScreen prevented an unrecognized app from starting warning"

After clicking on Properties of any installer(.exe) which block your application to install (Windows Defender SmartScreen prevented an unrecognized app ) for that issue i found one solution

  1. Right click on installer(.exe)
  2. Select properties option.
  3. Click on checkbox to check Unblock at the bottom of Properties.

This solution work for Heroku CLI (heroku-x64) installer(.exe)

Bootstrap 3 breakpoints and media queries

for bootstrap 3 I have the following code in my navbar component

 * Navbar styling.
@mobile:          ~"screen and (max-width: @{screen-xs-max})";
@tablet:          ~"screen and (min-width: @{screen-sm-min})";
@normal:          ~"screen and (min-width: @{screen-md-min})";
@wide:            ~"screen and (min-width: @{screen-lg-min})";
@grid-breakpoint: ~"screen and (min-width: @{grid-float-breakpoint})";

then you can use something like

@media wide { selector: style }

This uses whatever value you have the variables set to.

Escaping allows you to use any arbitrary string as property or variable value. Anything inside ~"anything" or ~'anything' is used as is with no changes except interpolation.

Determining complexity for recursive functions (Big O notation)

The key here is to visualise the call tree. Once done that, the complexity is:

nodes of the call tree * complexity of other code in the function

the latter term can be computed the same way we do for a normal iterative function.

Instead, the total nodes of a complete tree are computed as

                  C^L - 1
                  -------  , when C>1
               /   C - 1
 # of nodes =
                  L        , when C=1

Where C is number of children of each node and L is the number of levels of the tree (root included).

It is easy to visualise the tree. Start from the first call (root node) then draw a number of children same as the number of recursive calls in the function. It is also useful to write the parameter passed to the sub-call as "value of the node".

So, in the examples above:

  1. the call tree here is C = 1, L = n+1. Complexity of the rest of function is O(1). Therefore total complexity is L * O(1) = (n+1) * O(1) = O(n)
n     level 1
n-1   level 2
n-2   level 3
n-3   level 4
... ~ n levels -> L = n
  1. call tree here is C = 1, L = n/5. Complexity of the rest of function is O(1). Therefore total complexity is L * O(1) = (n/5) * O(1) = O(n)
... ~ n/5 levels -> L = n/5
  1. call tree here is C = 1, L = log(n). Complexity of the rest of function is O(1). Therefore total complexity is L * O(1) = log5(n) * O(1) = O(log(n))
... ~ log5(n) levels -> L = log5(n)
  1. call tree here is C = 2, L = n. Complexity of the rest of function is O(1). This time we use the full formula for the number of nodes in the call tree because C > 1. Therefore total complexity is (C^L-1)/(C-1) * O(1) = (2^n - 1) * O(1) = O(2^n).
               n                   level 1
      n-1             n-1          level 2
  n-2     n-2     n-2     n-2      ...
n-3 n-3 n-3 n-3 n-3 n-3 n-3 n-3    ...     
              ...                ~ n levels -> L = n
  1. call tree here is C = 1, L = n/5. Complexity of the rest of function is O(n). Therefore total complexity is L * O(1) = (n/5) * O(n) = O(n^2)
... ~ n/5 levels -> L = n/5

Call web service in excel

For an updated answer see this SO question:

calling web service using VBA code in excel 2010

Both threads should be merged though.


Add .* to s in your first line.


DELETE s.* FROM spawnlist s
INNER JOIN npc n ON s.npc_templateid = n.idTemplate
WHERE (n.type = "monster");

python replace single backslash with double backslash

No need to use str.replace or string.replace here, just convert that string to a raw string:

>>> strs = r"C:\Users\Josh\Desktop\20130216"
       notice the 'r'

Below is the repr version of the above string, that's why you're seeing \\ here. But, in fact the actual string contains just '\' not \\.

>>> strs

>>> s = r"f\o"
>>> s            #repr representation
>>> len(s)   #length is 3, as there's only one `'\'`

But when you're going to print this string you'll not get '\\' in the output.

>>> print strs

If you want the string to show '\\' during print then use str.replace:

>>> new_strs = strs.replace('\\','\\\\')
>>> print new_strs

repr version will now show \\\\:

>>> new_strs

<button> vs. <input type="button" />. Which to use?

I will quote the article The Difference Between Anchors, Inputs and Buttons:

Anchors (the <a> element) represent hyperlinks, resources a person can navigate to or download in a browser. If you want to allow your user to move to a new page or download a file, then use an anchor.

An input (<input>) represents a data field: so some user data you mean to send to server. There are several input types related to buttons:

  • <input type="submit">
  • <input type="image">
  • <input type="file">
  • <input type="reset">
  • <input type="button">

Each of them has a meaning, for example "file" is used to upload a file, "reset" clears a form, and "submit" sends the data to the server. Check W3 reference on MDN or on W3Schools.

The button (<button>) element is quite versatile:

  • you can nest elements within a button, such as images, paragraphs, or headers;
  • buttons can also contain ::before and ::after pseudo-elements;
  • buttons support the disabled attribute. This makes it easy to turn them on and off.

Again, check W3 reference for <button> tag on MDN or on W3Schools.

Get Hard disk serial Number

Here's some code that may help:

ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT * FROM Win32_DiskDrive");

string serial_number="";

foreach (ManagementObject wmi_HD in searcher.Get())
    serial_number = wmi_HD["SerialNumber"].ToString();


minimize app to system tray

...and for your right click notification menu add a context menu to the form and edit it and set mouseclick events for each of contextmenuitems by double clicking them and then attach it to the notifyicon1 by selecting the ContextMenuStrip in notifyicon property.

Wampserver icon not going green fully, mysql services not starting up?

Wow.. This works for me. Unistall the wamp server Make sure this dependencies are successfully installed Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Packages vcredist_Allversions(x32 orx64) depending on your OS. Reinstall the wamp server and you are good to go. Thank you

What is the printf format specifier for bool?

If you like C++ better than C, you can try this:

#include <ios>
#include <iostream>

bool b = IsSomethingTrue();
std::cout << std::boolalpha << b;

Reflection: How to Invoke Method with parameters

A fundamental mistake is here:

result = methodInfo.Invoke(methodInfo, parametersArray); 

You are invoking the method on an instance of MethodInfo. You need to pass in an instance of the type of object that you want to invoke on.

result = methodInfo.Invoke(classInstance, parametersArray);

How to generate keyboard events?

For both python3 and python2 you can use pyautogui (pip install pyautogui)

from pyautogui import press, typewrite, hotkey

typewrite('quick brown fox')
hotkey('ctrl', 'w')

It's also crossplatform with Windows, OSX, and Ubuntu LTS.

Using CSS to affect div style inside iframe

A sort of hack-ish way of doing things is like Eugene said. I ended up following his code and linking to my custom Css for the page. The problem for me was that, With a twitter timeline you have to do some sidestepping of twitter to override their code a smidgen. Now we have a rolling timeline with our css to it, I.E. Larger font, proper line height and making the scrollbar hidden for heights larger than their limits.

var c = document.createElement('link');
setTimeout(frames[0].document.body.appendChild(c),500); // Mileage varies by connection. Bump 500 a bit higher if necessary

How to iterate a table rows with JQuery and access some cell values?

try this

var value = iterate('tr.item span.value');
var quantity = iterate('tr.item span.quantity');

function iterate(selector)
  var result = '';
  if ($(selector))
    $(selector).each(function ()
      if (result == '')
        result = $(this).html();
        result = result + "," + $(this).html();

Java difference between FileWriter and BufferedWriter

You are right. Here is how write() method of BufferedWriter looks:

public void write(int c) throws IOException {
    synchronized (lock) {
        if (nextChar >= nChars)
        cb[nextChar++] = (char) c;

As you can see it indeed checks whether the buffer is full (if (nextChar >= nChars)) and flushes the buffer. Then it adds new character to buffer (cb[nextChar++] = (char) c;).

How to convert a data frame column to numeric type?

If you run into problems with:


Take a look to your decimal marks. If they are "," instead of "." (e.g. "5,3") the above won't work.

A potential solution is:

as.numeric(gsub(",", ".", dat$x))

I believe this is quite common in some non English speaking countries.

Capture iframe load complete event

Neither of the above answers worked for me, however this did


As @doppleganger pointed out below, load is gone as of jQuery 3.0, so here's an updated version that uses on. Please note this will actually work on jQuery 1.7+, so you can implement it this way even if you're not on jQuery 3.0 yet.

$('iframe').on('load', function() {
    // do stuff 

How can I set the PATH variable for javac so I can manually compile my .java works?

You don't need to do any complex command-line stuff or edit any system code. You simply have to open Computer, showing all of your disks and open properties. From there, go to Advanced System Settings and click Environment Variables. Scroll down in the lower list box and edit Path. Do not erase anything already there. Put a ; after it and then type in your path. To test, open command prompt and do "javac", it should list around 20 programs. You would be finished at that point.

By the way, the command to compile is javac -g not just javac.

Happy coding!

How to check if an alert exists using WebDriver?

The following (C# implementation, but similar in Java) allows you to determine if there is an alert without exceptions and without creating the WebDriverWait object.

boolean isDialogPresent(WebDriver driver) {
    IAlert alert = ExpectedConditions.AlertIsPresent().Invoke(driver);
    return (alert != null);

Android Studio - Unable to find valid certification path to requested target

Check proxy application like fiddler in your system, If its running close that application and restart your android studio

RecyclerView onClick

Mark the class as abstract and implement an OnClick method

public abstract class MainGridAdapter extends
    RecyclerView.Adapter<MainGridAdapter.ViewHolder> {
private List<MainListItem> mDataset;

// Provide a reference to the views for each data item
// Complex data items may need more than one view per item, and
// you provide access to all the views for a data item in a view holder
public class ViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder {
    // each data item is just a string in this case
    public TextView txtHeader;
    public TextView txtFooter;

    public ViewHolder(View v) {
        txtHeader = (TextView) v.findViewById(;
        txtFooter = (TextView) v.findViewById(;

public void add(int position, MainListItem item) {
    mDataset.add(position, item);

public void remove(MainListItem item) {
    int position = mDataset.indexOf(item);

// Provide a suitable constructor (depends on the kind of dataset)
public MainGridAdapter(List<MainListItem> myDataset) {
    mDataset = myDataset;

// Create new views (invoked by the layout manager)
public MainGridAdapter.ViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup parent,
        int viewType) {
    // create a new view
    View v = LayoutInflater.from(parent.getContext()).inflate(
            R.layout.list_item_grid_line, parent, false);
    // set the view's size, margins, paddings and layout parameters
    ViewHolder vh = new ViewHolder(v);
    return vh;

// Replace the contents of a view (invoked by the layout manager)
public void onBindViewHolder(final ViewHolder holder, final int position) {
    // - get element from your dataset at this position
    // - replace the contents of the view with that element     
    OnClickListener clickListener = new OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View v) {
    final MainListItem item = mDataset.get(position);
    if (TextUtils.isEmpty(item.getDescription())) {
    } else {

// Return the size of your dataset (invoked by the layout manager)
public int getItemCount() {
    return mDataset.size();

public abstract void onItemClicked(int position);


Implement click handler in binding event to only have one event implementation

Implementation of this:

mAdapter = new MainGridAdapter(listItems) {         
    public void onItemClicked(int position) {
        showToast("Item Clicked: " + position, ToastPlus.STYLE_INFO);

Same can be done for long click

Bootstrap 4 img-circle class not working

It's now called rounded-circle as explained here in the BS4 docs

<img src="img/gallery2.JPG" class="rounded-circle">


How to handle static content in Spring MVC?

I just add three rules before spring default rule (/**) to tuckey's urlrewritefilter (urlrewrite.xml) to solve the problem

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE urlrewrite PUBLIC "-// UrlRewrite 3.0//EN" "">
    <urlrewrite default-match-type="wildcard">

Do checkbox inputs only post data if they're checked?

In HTML, each <input /> element is associated with a single (but not unique) name and value pair. This pair is sent in the subsequent request (in this case, a POST request body) only if the <input /> is "successful".

So if you have these inputs in your <form> DOM:

<input type="text"     name="one"   value="foo"                        />
<input type="text"     name="two"   value="bar"    disabled="disabled" />
<input type="text"     name="three" value="first"                      />
<input type="text"     name="three" value="second"                     />

<input type="checkbox" name="four"  value="baz"                        />
<input type="checkbox" name="five"  value="baz"    checked="checked"   />
<input type="checkbox" name="six"   value="qux"    checked="checked" disabled="disabled" />
<input type="checkbox" name=""      value="seven"  checked="checked"   />

<input type="radio"    name="eight" value="corge"                      />
<input type="radio"    name="eight" value="grault" checked="checked"   />
<input type="radio"    name="eight" value="garply"                     />

Will generate these name+value pairs which will be submitted to the server:


Notice that:

  • two and six were excluded because they had the disabled attribute set.
  • three was sent twice because it had two valid inputs with the same name.
  • four was not sent because it is a checkbox that was not checked
  • six was not sent despite being checked because the disabled attribute has a higher precedence.
  • seven does not have a name="" attribute sent, so it is not submitted.

With respect to your question: you can see that a checkbox that is not checked will therefore not have its name+value pair sent to the server - but other inputs that share the same name will be sent with it.

Frameworks like ASP.NET MVC work around this by (surreptitiously) pairing every checkbox input with a hidden input in the rendered HTML, like so:

@Html.CheckBoxFor( m => m.SomeBooleanProperty )


<input type="checkbox" name="SomeBooleanProperty" value="true" />
<input type="hidden"   name="SomeBooleanProperty" value="false" />

If the user does not check the checkbox, then the following will be sent to the server:


If the user does check the checkbox, then both will be sent:


But the server will ignore the =false version because it sees the =true version, and so if it does not see =true it can determine that the checkbox was rendered and that the user did not check it - as opposed to the SomeBooleanProperty inputs not being rendered at all.

How to Compare two Arrays are Equal using Javascript?

var array3 = array1 === array2

That will compare whether array1 and array2 are the same array object in memory, which is not what you want.

In order to do what you want, you'll need to check whether the two arrays have the same length, and that each member in each index is identical.

Assuming your array is filled with primitives—numbers and or strings—something like this should do

function arraysAreIdentical(arr1, arr2){
    if (arr1.length !== arr2.length) return false;
    for (var i = 0, len = arr1.length; i < len; i++){
        if (arr1[i] !== arr2[i]){
            return false;
    return true; 

FPDF error: Some data has already been output, can't send PDF

For fpdf to work properly, there cannot be any output at all beside what fpdf generates. For example, this will work:

$pdf = new FPDF();
$pdf->Cell(40,10,'Hello World!');

While this will not (note the leading space before the opening <? tag)

$pdf = new FPDF();
$pdf->Cell(40,10,'Hello World!');

Also, this will not work either (the echo will break it):

echo "About to create pdf";
$pdf = new FPDF();
$pdf->Cell(40,10,'Hello World!');

I'm not sure about the drupal side of things, but I know that absolutely zero non-fpdf output is a requirement for fpdf to work.

add ob_start (); at the top and at the end add ob_end_flush();

    $pdf = new FPDF();
    $pdf->Cell(40,10,'Hello World!');

give me an error as below:
FPDF error: Some data has already been output, can't send PDF

to over come this error: go to fpdf.php in that,goto line number 996

function Output($name='', $dest='')

after that make changes like this:

function Output($name='', $dest='') {   
    ob_clean();     //Output PDF to so

Hi do you have a session header on the top of your page. or any includes If you have then try to add this codes on top pf your page it should works fine.


while (ob_get_level())
header("Content-Encoding: None", true);


cheers :-)

In my case i had set:

ini_set('display_errors', 'on');
error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT);

When i made the request to generate the report, some warnings were displayed in the browser (like the usage of deprecated functions).
Turning off the display_errors option, the report was generated successfully.

Can angularjs routes have optional parameter values?

Like @g-eorge mention, you can make it like this:

module.config(['$routeProvider', function($routeProvider) {
  when('/users/:userId?', {templateUrl: 'template.tpl.html', controller: myCtrl})

You can also make as much as u need optional parameters.

Password encryption at client side

This won't be secure, and it's simple to explain why:

If you hash the password on the client side and use that token instead of the password, then an attacker will be unlikely to find out what the password is.

But, the attacker doesn't need to find out what the password is, because your server isn't expecting the password any more - it's expecting the token. And the attacker does know the token because it's being sent over unencrypted HTTP!

Now, it might be possible to hack together some kind of challenge/response form of encryption which means that the same password will produce a different token each request. However, this will require that the password is stored in a decryptable format on the server, something which isn't ideal, but might be a suitable compromise.

And finally, do you really want to require users to have javascript turned on before they can log into your website?

In any case, SSL is neither an expensive or especially difficult to set up solution any more

Using jQuery's ajax method to retrieve images as a blob

You can't do this with jQuery ajax, but with native XMLHttpRequest.

var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.onreadystatechange = function(){
    if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200){
        //this.response is what you're looking for
        console.log(this.response, typeof this.response);
        var img = document.getElementById('img');
        var url = window.URL || window.webkitURL;
        img.src = url.createObjectURL(this.response);
}'GET', '');
xhr.responseType = 'blob';


So revisiting this topic, it seems it is indeed possible to do this with jQuery 3

        xhr:function(){// Seems like the only way to get access to the xhr object_x000D_
            var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();_x000D_
            xhr.responseType= 'blob'_x000D_
            return xhr;_x000D_
        success: function(data){_x000D_
            var img = document.getElementById('img');_x000D_
            var url = window.URL || window.webkitURL;_x000D_
            img.src = url.createObjectURL(data);_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<img id="img" width=100%>


use xhrFields to set the responseType

                responseType: 'blob'_x000D_
            success: function(data){_x000D_
                var img = document.getElementById('img');_x000D_
                var url = window.URL || window.webkitURL;_x000D_
                img.src = url.createObjectURL(data);_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
    <img id="img" width=100%>

How can I convert an image into Base64 string using JavaScript?

uploadProfile(e) {

    let file =[0];
    let reader = new FileReader();

    reader.onloadend = function() {
        console.log('RESULT', reader.result)

Git: can't undo local changes (error: path ... is unmerged)

I find git stash very useful for temporal handling of all 'dirty' states.

Copy array by value

Here is how you can do it for array of arrays of primitives of variable depth:

// If a is array: 
//    then call cpArr(a) for each e;
//    else return a

const cpArr = a => Array.isArray(a) && => cpArr(e)) || a;

let src = [[1,2,3], [4, ["five", "six", 7], true], 8, 9, false];
let dst = cpArr(src);,console

Convert Swift string to array

Edit (Swift 4)

In Swift 4, you don't have to use characters to use map(). Just do map() on String.

let letters = "ABC".map { String($0) }
print(letters) // ["A", "B", "C"]
print(type(of: letters)) // Array<String>

Or if you'd prefer shorter: "ABC".map(String.init) (2-bytes )

Edit (Swift 2 & Swift 3)

In Swift 2 and Swift 3, You can use map() function to characters property.

let letters = "ABC" { String($0) }
print(letters) // ["A", "B", "C"]

Original (Swift 1.x)

Accepted answer doesn't seem to be the best, because sequence-converted String is not a String sequence, but Character:

$ swift
Welcome to Swift!  Type :help for assistance.
  1> Array("ABC")
$R0: [Character] = 3 values {
  [0] = "A"
  [1] = "B"
  [2] = "C"

This below works for me:

let str = "ABC"
let arr = map(str) { s -> String in String(s) }

Reference for a global function map() is here:

Creating a UICollectionView programmatically

    #pragma mark -
    #pragma mark - UICollectionView Datasource and Delegates

    -(NSInteger)numberOfSectionsInCollectionView:(UICollectionView *)collectionView
        return 1;

    -(NSInteger)collectionView:(UICollectionView *)collectionView numberOfItemsInSection:(NSInteger)section
        return Arr_AllCulturalButtler.count;

    -(UICollectionViewCell *)collectionView:(UICollectionView *)collectionView cellForItemAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
        static NSString *coll=@"FromCulturalbutlerCollectionViewCell";
        FromCulturalbutlerCollectionViewCell *cell=[collectionView dequeueReusableCellWithReuseIdentifier:coll forIndexPath:indexPath];
        cell.lbl_categoryname.text=[[Arr_AllCulturalButtler objectAtIndex:indexPath.row] Category_name];
        cell.lbl_date.text=[[Arr_AllCulturalButtler objectAtIndex:indexPath.row] event_Start_date];
        cell.lbl_location.text=[[Arr_AllCulturalButtler objectAtIndex:indexPath.row] Location_name];
        [cell.Img_Event setImageWithURL:[APPDELEGATE getURLForMediumSizeImage:[(EventObj *)[Arr_AllCulturalButtler objectAtIndex:indexPath.row] Event_image_name]] placeholderImage:nil usingActivityIndicatorStyle:UIActivityIndicatorViewStyleGray];
        cell.button_Bookmark.selected=[[Arr_AllCulturalButtler objectAtIndex:indexPath.row] Event_is_bookmarked];
        [cell.button_Bookmark addTarget:self action:@selector(btn_bookmarkClicked:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];

        return cell;
    - (void)collectionView:(UICollectionView *)collectionView didSelectItemAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath

        [self performSegueWithIdentifier:SEGUE_CULTURALBUTLER_KULTURELLIS_DETAIL sender:self];

// stroy board navigation
- (void)prepareForSegue:(UIStoryboardSegue *)segue sender:(id)sender
    if ([segue.identifier isEqualToString:@"Overview_Register"])
        WDRegisterViewController *obj=(WDRegisterViewController *)[segue destinationViewController];
        obj.str_Title=@"Edit Profile";

            [self performSegueWithIdentifier:@"Overview_Measure" sender:nil];

    UIStoryboard *sb = [UIStoryboard storyboardWithName:@"Main" bundle:nil];
    WDPeekViewController *Peek = (WDPeekViewController *)[sb instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:@"WDPeekViewController"];
 [self.navigationController pushViewController:tabBarController animated:YES];

Select all DIV text with single mouse click

Easily achieved with the css property user-select set to all. Like this:

div.anyClass {_x000D_
  user-select: all;_x000D_

Clicking HTML 5 Video element to play, pause video, breaks play button

How about this one

<video class="play-video" muted onclick="this.paused?;">
   <source src="" type="video/mp4">

Represent space and tab in XML tag

I think you could use an actual space or tab directly in XML document, but if you are looking for special characters to represent them so that text processors can't mess them up, then it's:

space = &#032;
tab   = &#009;

Binding an enum to a WinForms combo box, and then setting it

To simplify:

First Initialize this command: (e.g. after InitalizeComponent())

yourComboBox.DataSource =  Enum.GetValues(typeof(YourEnum));

To retrieve selected item on combobox:

YourEnum enum = (YourEnum) yourComboBox.SelectedItem;

If you want to set value for the combobox:

yourComboBox.SelectedItem = YourEnem.Foo;

C# nullable string error

string cannot be the parameter to Nullable because string is not a value type. String is a reference type.

string s = null; 

is a very valid statement and there is not need to make it nullable.

private string typeOfContract
      get { return ViewState["typeOfContract"] as string; }
      set { ViewState["typeOfContract"] = value; }

should work because of the as keyword.

How to make a JFrame Modal in Swing java

The most simple way is to use pack() method before visualizing the JFrame object. here is an example:

myFrame frm = new myFrame();

How do I create a HTTP Client Request with a cookie?

This answer is deprecated, please see @ankitjaininfo's answer below for a more modern solution

Here's how I think you make a POST request with data and a cookie using just the node http library. This example is posting JSON, set your content-type and content-length accordingly if you post different data.

// NB:- node's http client API has changed since this was written
// this code is for 0.4.x
// for 0.6.5+ see

var http = require('http');

var data = JSON.stringify({ 'important': 'data' });
var cookie = 'something=anything'

var client = http.createClient(80, '');

var headers = {
    'Host': '',
    'Cookie': cookie,
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'Content-Length': Buffer.byteLength(data,'utf8')

var request = client.request('POST', '/', headers);

// listening to the response is optional, I suppose
request.on('response', function(response) {
  response.on('data', function(chunk) {
    // do what you do
  response.on('end', function() {
    // do what you do
// you'd also want to listen for errors in production



What you send in the Cookie value should really depend on what you received from the server. Wikipedia's write-up of this stuff is pretty good:

nginx: connect() failed (111: Connection refused) while connecting to upstream

I had the same problem when I wrote two upstreams in NGINX conf

upstream php_upstream {
    server unix:/var/run/php/;


fastcgi_pass php_upstream;

but in /etc/php/7.3/fpm/pool.d/www.conf I listened the socket only

listen = /var/run/php/

So I need just socket, no any, and I just removed IP+port upstream

upstream php_upstream {
    server unix:/var/run/php/;

This could be rewritten without an upstream

fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php/;

Warning: Use the 'defaultValue' or 'value' props on <select> instead of setting 'selected' on <option>

With Hooks and useState

Use defaultValue to select the default value.

    const statusOptions = [
        { value: 1, label: 'Publish' },
        { value: 0, label: 'Unpublish' }
    const [statusValue, setStatusValue] = useState('');
    const handleStatusChange = e => {

<Select options={statusOptions} 
    defaultValue={[{ value: published, label: published == 1 ? 'Publish' : 'Unpublish' }]} 
    value={statusOptions.find(obj => obj.value === statusValue)} required />

How to add a TextView to a LinearLayout dynamically in Android?

Here is a more general answer for future viewers of this question. The layout we will make is below:

enter image description here

Method 1: Add TextView to existing LinearLayout

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    LinearLayout linearLayout = (LinearLayout) findViewById(;

    // Add textview 1
    TextView textView1 = new TextView(this);
    textView1.setLayoutParams(new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT,
    textView1.setText("programmatically created TextView1");
    textView1.setBackgroundColor(0xff66ff66); // hex color 0xAARRGGBB
    textView1.setPadding(20, 20, 20, 20);// in pixels (left, top, right, bottom)

    // Add textview 2
    TextView textView2 = new TextView(this);
    LayoutParams layoutParams = new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT,
    layoutParams.gravity = Gravity.RIGHT;
    layoutParams.setMargins(10, 10, 10, 10); // (left, top, right, bottom)
    textView2.setText("programmatically created TextView2");
    textView2.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_SP, 18);
    textView2.setBackgroundColor(0xffffdbdb); // hex color 0xAARRGGBB

Note that for LayoutParams you must specify the kind of layout for the import, as in

import android.widget.LinearLayout.LayoutParams;

Otherwise you need to use LinearLayout.LayoutParams in the code.

Here is the xml:

<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
    android:orientation="vertical" >


Method 2: Create both LinearLayout and TextView programmatically

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    // NOTE: setContentView is below, not here

    // Create new LinearLayout
    LinearLayout linearLayout = new LinearLayout(this);
    linearLayout.setLayoutParams(new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT,

    // Add textviews
    TextView textView1 = new TextView(this);
    textView1.setLayoutParams(new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT,
    textView1.setText("programmatically created TextView1");
    textView1.setBackgroundColor(0xff66ff66); // hex color 0xAARRGGBB
    textView1.setPadding(20, 20, 20, 20); // in pixels (left, top, right, bottom)

    TextView textView2 = new TextView(this);
    LayoutParams layoutParams = new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT,
    layoutParams.gravity = Gravity.RIGHT;
    layoutParams.setMargins(10, 10, 10, 10); // (left, top, right, bottom)
    textView2.setText("programmatically created TextView2");
    textView2.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_SP, 18);
    textView2.setBackgroundColor(0xffffdbdb); // hex color 0xAARRGGBB

    // Set context view

Method 3: Programmatically add one xml layout to another xml layout

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater) getApplicationContext().getSystemService(
    View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.dynamic_linearlayout_item, null);
    FrameLayout container = (FrameLayout) findViewById(;

Here is dynamic_linearlayout.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<FrameLayout xmlns:android=""
    android:layout_height="match_parent" >


And here is the dynamic_linearlayout_item.xml to add:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
    android:orientation="vertical" >

        android:text="programmatically created TextView1" />

        android:text="programmatically created TextView2" />


Test if registry value exists

My version, matching the exact text from the caught exception. It will return true if it's a different exception but works for this simple case. Also Get-ItemPropertyValue is new in PS 5.0

Function Test-RegValExists($Path, $Value){
$ee = @() # Exception catcher
    Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path $Path -Name $Value | Out-Null
catch{$ee += $_}

    if ($ee.Exception.Message -match "Property $Value does not exist"){return $false}
else {return $true}

How to convert wstring into string?

I believe the official way is still to go thorugh codecvt facets (you need some sort of locale-aware translation), as in

resultCode = use_facet<codecvt<char, wchar_t, ConversionState> >(locale).
  in(stateVar, scratchbuffer, scratchbufferEnd, from, to, toLimit, curPtr);

or something like that, I don't have working code lying around. But I'm not sure how many people these days use that machinery and how many simply ask for pointers to memory and let ICU or some other library handle the gory details.

Hibernate SessionFactory vs. JPA EntityManagerFactory

EntityManagerFactory is the standard implementation, it is the same across all the implementations. If you migrate your ORM for any other provider like EclipseLink, there will not be any change in the approach for handling the transaction. In contrast, if you use hibernate’s session factory, it is tied to hibernate APIs and cannot migrate to new vendor.

Javascript "Not a Constructor" Exception while creating objects

The code as posted in the question cannot generate that error, because Project is not a user-defined function / valid constructor.

function x(a,b,c){}
new x(1,2,3);               // produces no errors

You've probably done something like this:

function Project(a,b,c) {}
Project = {};               // or possibly   Project = new Project
new Project(1,2,3);         // -> TypeError: Project is not a constructor

Variable declarations using var are hoisted and thus always evaluated before the rest of the code. So, this can also be causing issues:

function Project(){}
function localTest() {
    new Project(1,2,3); // `Project` points to the local variable,
                        // not the global constructor!

   //...some noise, causing you to forget that the `Project` constructor was used
    var Project = 1;    // Evaluated first

Date / Timestamp to record when a record was added to the table?

You can pass GetDate() function as an parameter to your insert query e.g

Insert into table (col1,CreatedOn) values (value1,Getdate())

How to remove a virtualenv created by "pipenv run"

You can run the pipenv command with the --rm option as in:

pipenv --rm

This will remove the virtualenv created for you under ~/.virtualenvs


Convert string to Date in java

You are wrong in the way you display the data I guess, because for me:

    String dateString = "03/26/2012 11:49:00 AM";
    SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss aa");
    Date convertedDate = new Date();
    try {
        convertedDate = dateFormat.parse(dateString);
    } catch (ParseException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block


Mon Mar 26 11:49:00 EEST 2012

ERROR: Sonar server 'http://localhost:9000' can not be reached

For me the issue was that the maven sonar plugin was using proxy servers defined in the maven settings.xml. I was trying to access the sonarque on another (not localhost alias) and so it was trying to use the proxy server to access it. Just added my alias to nonProxyHosts in settings.xml and it is working now. I did not face this issue in maven sonar plugin 3.2, only after i upgraded it.

</proxy>enter code here

How to execute an SSIS package from .NET?

You can use this Function if you have some variable in the SSIS.

    Package pkg;

    Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Application app;
    DTSExecResult pkgResults;
    Variables vars;

    app = new Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Application();
    pkg = app.LoadPackage(" Location of your SSIS package", null);

    vars = pkg.Variables;

    // your variables
    vars["somevariable1"].Value = "yourvariable1";
    vars["somevariable2"].Value = "yourvariable2";

    pkgResults = pkg.Execute(null, vars, null, null, null);

    if (pkgResults == DTSExecResult.Success)
        Console.WriteLine("Package ran successfully");

        Console.WriteLine("Package failed");


UEFA internally provides their own LIVEX Api for their Broadcasting Partners. That one is perfect enough to develop the Applications by their partners for themselves.

What is App.config in C#.NET? How to use it?

You can access keys in the App.Config using:


Take alook at this Thread

Should import statements always be at the top of a module?

I was surprised not to see actual cost numbers for the repeated load-checks posted already, although there are many good explanations of what to expect.

If you import at the top, you take the load hit no matter what. That's pretty small, but commonly in the milliseconds, not nanoseconds.

If you import within a function(s), then you only take the hit for loading if and when one of those functions is first called. As many have pointed out, if that doesn't happen at all, you save the load time. But if the function(s) get called a lot, you take a repeated though much smaller hit (for checking that it has been loaded; not for actually re-loading). On the other hand, as @aaronasterling pointed out you also save a little because importing within a function lets the function use slightly-faster local variable lookups to identify the name later (

Here are the results of a simple test that imports a few things from inside a function. The times reported (in Python 2.7.14 on a 2.3 GHz Intel Core i7) are shown below (the 2nd call taking more than later calls seems consistent, though I don't know why).

 0 foo:   14429.0924 µs
 1 foo:      63.8962 µs
 2 foo:      10.0136 µs
 3 foo:       7.1526 µs
 4 foo:       7.8678 µs
 0 bar:       9.0599 µs
 1 bar:       6.9141 µs
 2 bar:       7.1526 µs
 3 bar:       7.8678 µs
 4 bar:       7.1526 µs

The code:

from __future__ import print_function
from time import time

def foo():
    import collections
    import re
    import string
    import math
    import subprocess

def bar():
    import collections
    import re
    import string
    import math
    import subprocess

t0 = time()
for i in xrange(5):
    t1 = time()
    print("    %2d foo: %12.4f \xC2\xB5s" % (i, (t1-t0)*1E6))
    t0 = t1
for i in xrange(5):
    t1 = time()
    print("    %2d bar: %12.4f \xC2\xB5s" % (i, (t1-t0)*1E6))
    t0 = t1

How to rename a class and its corresponding file in Eclipse?

I found the answers above didn't give me the guidance I needed (I too expected to be in the code for the .java file, and right-click on the tab and see a Refactor option). Here's what I did:

  1. Go to the top of the .java module (ctrl+Home)
  2. Double-click on the class name that is the same name as the .java module and the class name should now be highlight
  3. Right-click the highlighted class name | Open Type Hierarchy. The Type Hierarchy should open showing the class name
  4. Right-click the class name in the Type Hierarchy | Refactor | Rename | type the new name in the popup window Rename Type

Bootstrap 3.0 Sliding Menu from left

I believe that although javascript is an option here, you have a smoother animation through forcing hardware accelerate with CSS3. You can achieve this by setting the following CSS3 properties on the moving div:

div.hardware-accelarate {
     -webkit-transform: translate3d(0,0,0);
        -moz-transform: translate3d(0,0,0);
         -ms-transform: translate3d(0,0,0);
          -o-transform: translate3d(0,0,0);
             transform: translate3d(0,0,0);

I've made a plunkr setup for ya'll to test and tweak...

Fastest way to remove first char in a String

The second option really isn't the same as the others - if the string is "///foo" it will become "foo" instead of "//foo".

The first option needs a bit more work to understand than the third - I would view the Substring option as the most common and readable.

(Obviously each of them as an individual statement won't do anything useful - you'll need to assign the result to a variable, possibly data itself.)

I wouldn't take performance into consideration here unless it was actually becoming a problem for you - in which case the only way you'd know would be to have test cases, and then it's easy to just run those test cases for each option and compare the results. I'd expect Substring to probably be the fastest here, simply because Substring always ends up creating a string from a single chunk of the original input, whereas Remove has to at least potentially glue together a start chunk and an end chunk.

C++ JSON Serialization

Using quicktype, you can generate C++ serializers and deserializers from JSON sample data.

For example, given the sample JSON:

  "breed": "Boxer",
  "age": 5,
  "tail_length": 6.5

quicktype generates:

#include "json.hpp"

namespace quicktype {
    using nlohmann::json;

    struct Dog {
        int64_t age;
        std::string breed;
        double tail_length;

    inline json get_untyped(const json &j, const char *property) {
        if (j.find(property) != j.end()) {
        return json();

namespace nlohmann {

    inline void from_json(const json& _j, struct quicktype::Dog& _x) {
        _x.age ="age").get<int64_t>();
        _x.breed ="breed").get<std::string>();
        _x.tail_length ="tail_length").get<double>();

    inline void to_json(json& _j, const struct quicktype::Dog& _x) {
        _j = json{{"age", _x.age}, {"breed", _x.breed}, {"tail_length", _x.tail_length}};

To parse the Dog JSON data, include the code above, install Boost and json.hpp, then do:

Dog dog = nlohmann::json::parse(jsonString);

Read/Write 'Extended' file properties (C#)

Thank you guys for this thread! It helped me when I wanted to figure out an exe's file version. However, I needed to figure out the last bit myself of what is called Extended Properties.

If you open properties of an exe (or dll) file in Windows Explorer, you get a Version tab, and a view of Extended Properties of that file. I wanted to access one of those values.

The solution to this is the property indexer FolderItem.ExtendedProperty and if you drop all spaces in the property's name, you'll get the value. E.g. File Version goes FileVersion, and there you have it.

Hope this helps anyone else, just thought I'd add this info to this thread. Cheers!

DataGridView AutoFit and Fill

Try doing,

 AutoSizeColumnMode = Fill;

Change action bar color in android

if you have in your layout activity_main

            app:popupTheme="@style/AppTheme.PopupOverlay" />

you have to put

in your Activity this code

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    Toolbar toolbar = (Toolbar) findViewById(;

Test if a variable is a list or tuple

Document the argument as needing to be a sequence, and use it as a sequence. Don't check the type.

Rotate and translate

Something that may get missed: in my chaining project, it turns out a space separated list also needs a space separated semicolon at the end.

In other words, this doesn't work:

transform: translate(50%, 50%) rotate(90deg);

but this does:

transform: translate(50%, 50%) rotate(90deg) ; //has a space before ";"

Entity Framework .Remove() vs. .DeleteObject()

If you really want to use Deleted, you'd have to make your foreign keys nullable, but then you'd end up with orphaned records (which is one of the main reasons you shouldn't be doing that in the first place). So just use Remove()

ObjectContext.DeleteObject(entity) marks the entity as Deleted in the context. (It's EntityState is Deleted after that.) If you call SaveChanges afterwards EF sends a SQL DELETE statement to the database. If no referential constraints in the database are violated the entity will be deleted, otherwise an exception is thrown.

EntityCollection.Remove(childEntity) marks the relationship between parent and childEntity as Deleted. If the childEntity itself is deleted from the database and what exactly happens when you call SaveChanges depends on the kind of relationship between the two:

A thing worth noting is that setting .State = EntityState.Deleted does not trigger automatically detected change. (archive)

How to break/exit from a each() function in JQuery?

if (condition){ // where condition evaluates to true 
    return false

see similar question asked 3 days ago.

JavaScript Regular Expression Email Validation

this is the one i am using on my page.


httpd-xampp.conf: How to allow access to an external IP besides localhost?

In windows all you have to do is to go to windows search Allow an app through Windows on Allow another app select Apache and mark public and private both . Open cmd by pressing windows button+r write cmd than in cmd write ipconfig find out your ip . than open up your browser write down your ip http://172.16..x and you will be on the xampp startup page.if you want to access your local site simply put / infront of your ip e.g http://192.168.1.x/yousite. Now you are able to access your website in private network computers .

i hope this will resolve your problem

How exactly to use Notification.Builder

          // This is a working Notification
       private static final int NotificID=01;
   b= (Button) findViewById(;
    b.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View v) {

            Notification notification=new       Notification.Builder(MainActivity.this)
                    .setContentTitle("Notification Title")
                    .setContentText("Notification Description")
            NotificationManager notificationManager=(NotificationManager)getSystemService(NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);
            notification.flags |=Notification.FLAG_AUTO_CANCEL;


Using Jquery AJAX function with datatype HTML

var datos = $("#id_formulario").serialize();
    url: "url.php",      
    type: "POST",                   
    dataType: "html",                 
    data: datos,                 
    success: function (prueba) { 

});//FIN  AJAX

Switch statement fallthrough in C#?

They changed the switch statement (from C/Java/C++) behavior for c#. I guess the reasoning was that people forgot about the fall through and errors were caused. One book I read said to use goto to simulate, but this doesn't sound like a good solution to me.

Yii2 data provider default sorting

if you have CRUD (index) and you need set default sorting your controller for GridView, or ListView, or more... Example

public function actionIndex()
    $searchModel = new NewsSearch();
    $dataProvider = $searchModel->search(Yii::$app->request->queryParams);
    // set default sorting
    $dataProvider->sort->defaultOrder = ['id' => SORT_DESC];

    return $this->render('index', [
        'searchModel' => $searchModel,
        'dataProvider' => $dataProvider,

you need add

$dataProvider->sort->defaultOrder = ['id' => SORT_DESC];

Call a Javascript function every 5 seconds continuously

Good working example here:


  • has nice fade in / fade out animation
  • will pause on :hover
  • will prevent running multiple actions (finish run animation before starting second)
  • will prevent going broken when in the tab ( browser stops scripts in the tabs)

Tested and working!

How to sort dates from Oldest to Newest in Excel?

Copied and pasted date column to Notepad and back.

Is it better to use "is" or "==" for number comparison in Python?

Others have answered your question, but I'll go into a little bit more detail:

Python's is compares identity - it asks the question "is this one thing actually the same object as this other thing" (similar to == in Java). So, there are some times when using is makes sense - the most common one being checking for None. Eg, foo is None. But, in general, it isn't what you want.

==, on the other hand, asks the question "is this one thing logically equivalent to this other thing". For example:

>>> [1, 2, 3] == [1, 2, 3]
>>> [1, 2, 3] is [1, 2, 3]

And this is true because classes can define the method they use to test for equality:

>>> class AlwaysEqual(object):
...     def __eq__(self, other):
...         return True
>>> always_equal = AlwaysEqual()
>>> always_equal == 42
>>> always_equal == None

But they cannot define the method used for testing identity (ie, they can't override is).

PHP how to get value from array if key is in a variable

$value = ( array_key_exists($key, $array) && !empty($array[$key]) ) 
         ? $array[$key] 
         : 'non-existant or empty value key';

Elegant Python function to convert CamelCase to snake_case?

def convert(name):
    return reduce(
        lambda x, y: x + ('_' if y.isupper() else '') + y, 

And if we need to cover a case with already-un-cameled input:

def convert(name):
    return reduce(
        lambda x, y: x + ('_' if y.isupper() and not x.endswith('_') else '') + y, 

connecting MySQL server to NetBeans

I just had the same issue with Netbeans 8.2 and trying to connect to mySQL server on a Mac OS machine. The only thing that worked for me was to add the following to the url of the connection string: &serverTimezone=UTC (or if you are connecting via Hibernate.cfg.xml then escape the & as &) Not surprisingly I found the solution on this stack overflow post also:

MySQL JDBC Driver 5.1.33 - Time Zone Issue

Best Regards, Claudio

How to remove item from a JavaScript object

var test = {'red':'#FF0000', 'blue':'#0000FF'};_x000D_
delete; // or use => delete test['blue'];_x000D_

this deletes

What is the proper way to URL encode Unicode characters?

IRI (RFC 3987) is the latest standard that replaces the URI/URL (RFC 3986 and older) standards. URI/URL do not natively support Unicode (well, RFC 3986 adds provisions for future URI/URL-based protocols to support it, but does not update past RFCs). The "%uXXXX" scheme is a non-standard extension to allow Unicode in some situations, but is not universally implemented by everyone. IRI, on the other hand, fully supports Unicode, and requires that text be encoded as UTF-8 before then being percent-encoded.

Firebug-like debugger for Google Chrome

Well, it is possible to enable Greasemonkey scripts for Google Chrome so maybe there is a way to sort of install Firebug using this method? Firebug Lite would also work, but it's just not the same feeling as using the full featured one :(

How to select only the records with the highest date in LINQ

Here is a simple way to do it

var lastPlayerControlCommand = this.ObjectContext.PlayerControlCommands
                                .Where(c => c.PlayerID == player.ID)

Also have a look this great LINQ place - LINQ to SQL Samples

What is the difference between concurrent programming and parallel programming?

Concurrent programming regards operations that appear to overlap and is primarily concerned with the complexity that arises due to non-deterministic control flow. The quantitative costs associated with concurrent programs are typically both throughput and latency. Concurrent programs are often IO bound but not always, e.g. concurrent garbage collectors are entirely on-CPU. The pedagogical example of a concurrent program is a web crawler. This program initiates requests for web pages and accepts the responses concurrently as the results of the downloads become available, accumulating a set of pages that have already been visited. Control flow is non-deterministic because the responses are not necessarily received in the same order each time the program is run. This characteristic can make it very hard to debug concurrent programs. Some applications are fundamentally concurrent, e.g. web servers must handle client connections concurrently. Erlang, F# asynchronous workflows and Scala's Akka library are perhaps the most promising approaches to highly concurrent programming.

Multicore programming is a special case of parallel programming. Parallel programming concerns operations that are overlapped for the specific goal of improving throughput. The difficulties of concurrent programming are evaded by making control flow deterministic. Typically, programs spawn sets of child tasks that run in parallel and the parent task only continues once every subtask has finished. This makes parallel programs much easier to debug than concurrent programs. The hard part of parallel programming is performance optimization with respect to issues such as granularity and communication. The latter is still an issue in the context of multicores because there is a considerable cost associated with transferring data from one cache to another. Dense matrix-matrix multiply is a pedagogical example of parallel programming and it can be solved efficiently by using Straasen's divide-and-conquer algorithm and attacking the sub-problems in parallel. Cilk is perhaps the most promising approach for high-performance parallel programming on multicores and it has been adopted in both Intel's Threaded Building Blocks and Microsoft's Task Parallel Library (in .NET 4).

Visual Studio : short cut Key : Duplicate Line

For visual studio 2010, try using these commands for quick line duplication (uses clipboard):

  • Click on the line you want to copy. Ctrl + C will copy that line.

  • Then press Ctrl + Shift + Enter to insert a blank below insertion point

    (Alternatively use Ctrl + Enter to insert a blank line above the insertion point.)

  • Then simply use Ctrl + V to paste the line.

Downloading and unzipping a .zip file without writing to disk

I'd like to offer an updated Python 3 version of Vishal's excellent answer, which was using Python 2, along with some explanation of the adaptations / changes, which may have been already mentioned.

from io import BytesIO
from zipfile import ZipFile
import urllib.request
url = urllib.request.urlopen("")

with ZipFile(BytesIO( as my_zip_file:
    for contained_file in my_zip_file.namelist():
        # with open(("unzipped_and_read_" + contained_file + ".file"), "wb") as output:
        for line in
            # output.write(line)

Necessary changes:

  • There's no StringIO module in Python 3 (it's been moved to io.StringIO). Instead, I use io.BytesIO]2, because we will be handling a bytestream -- Docs, also this thread.
  • urlopen:


  • In Python 3, the printed output lines will look like so: b'some text'. This is expected, as they aren't strings - remember, we're reading a bytestream. Have a look at Dan04's excellent answer.

A few minor changes I made:

  • I use with ... as instead of zipfile = ... according to the Docs.
  • The script now uses .namelist() to cycle through all the files in the zip and print their contents.
  • I moved the creation of the ZipFile object into the with statement, although I'm not sure if that's better.
  • I added (and commented out) an option to write the bytestream to file (per file in the zip), in response to NumenorForLife's comment; it adds "unzipped_and_read_" to the beginning of the filename and a ".file" extension (I prefer not to use ".txt" for files with bytestrings). The indenting of the code will, of course, need to be adjusted if you want to use it.
    • Need to be careful here -- because we have a byte string, we use binary mode, so "wb"; I have a feeling that writing binary opens a can of worms anyway...
  • I am using an example file, the UN/LOCODE text archive:

What I didn't do:

  • NumenorForLife asked about saving the zip to disk. I'm not sure what he meant by it -- downloading the zip file? That's a different task; see Oleh Prypin's excellent answer.

Here's a way:

import urllib.request
import shutil

with urllib.request.urlopen("") as response, open("downloaded_file.pdf", 'w') as out_file:
    shutil.copyfileobj(response, out_file)

Displaying all table names in php from MySQL database

//list_tables means database all table

$tables = $this->db->list_tables();
foreach ($tables as $table)
  echo $table;

The cast to value type 'Int32' failed because the materialized value is null

I have used this code and it responds correctly, only the output value is nullable.

var packesCount = await botContext.Sales.Where(s => s.CustomerId == cust.CustomerId && s.Validated)
                                .SumAsync(s => (int?)s.PackesCount);
                            if(packesCount != null)
                                // your code
                                // your code

Getting value of selected item in list box as string

string textValue = ((ListBoxItem)listBox1.SelectedItem).Content.ToString();

Pandas: Appending a row to a dataframe and specify its index label

I shall refer to the same sample of data as posted in the question:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(8, 4), columns=['A','B','C','D'])
print('The original data frame is: \n{}'.format(df))

Running this code will give you

The original data frame is:

          A         B         C         D
0  0.494824 -0.328480  0.818117  0.100290
1  0.239037  0.954912 -0.186825 -0.651935
2 -1.818285 -0.158856  0.359811 -0.345560
3 -0.070814 -0.394711  0.081697 -1.178845
4 -1.638063  1.498027 -0.609325  0.882594
5 -0.510217  0.500475  1.039466  0.187076
6  1.116529  0.912380  0.869323  0.119459
7 -1.046507  0.507299 -0.373432 -1.024795

Now you wish to append a new row to this data frame, which doesn't need to be copy of any other row in the data frame. @Alon suggested an interesting approach to use df.loc to append a new row with different index. The issue, however, with this approach is if there is already a row present at that index, it will be overwritten by new values. This is typically the case for datasets when row index is not unique, like store ID in transaction datasets. So a more general solution to your question is to create the row, transform the new row data into a pandas series, name it to the index you want to have and then append it to the data frame. Don't forget to overwrite the original data frame with the one with appended row. The reason is df.append returns a view of the dataframe and does not modify its contents. Following is the code:

row = pd.Series({'A':10,'B':20,'C':30,'D':40},name=3)
df = df.append(row)
print('The new data frame is: \n{}'.format(df))

Following would be the new output:

The new data frame is:

           A          B          C          D
0   0.494824  -0.328480   0.818117   0.100290
1   0.239037   0.954912  -0.186825  -0.651935
2  -1.818285  -0.158856   0.359811  -0.345560
3  -0.070814  -0.394711   0.081697  -1.178845
4  -1.638063   1.498027  -0.609325   0.882594
5  -0.510217   0.500475   1.039466   0.187076
6   1.116529   0.912380   0.869323   0.119459
7  -1.046507   0.507299  -0.373432  -1.024795
3  10.000000  20.000000  30.000000  40.000000

Why do I keep getting 'SVN: Working Copy XXXX locked; try performing 'cleanup'?

Make sure you exactly cleanup what the console says. For example if a subfolder (a package) is locked:

   svn: E155004: Commit failed (details follow):
  svn: E155004: Working copy 'C:\Users\laura\workspace\tparser\src\de\test\order' locked
  svn: E155004: 'C:\Users\laura\workspace\tparser\src\de\test\order' is already locked.

cleanup C:/Users/liparulol/workspace/tparser/src/de/mc/etn/parsers/order

Then you need to cleanup the specified folder and not the whole project. If you are in eclipse right click on the package, not on the project folder and execute the clean up.

make div's height expand with its content

Looks like this works

html {

It takes the screen size as minimum, and if the content expands it grows.

What's the better (cleaner) way to ignore output in PowerShell?

I just did some tests of the four options that I know about.

Measure-Command {$(1..1000) | Out-Null}

TotalMilliseconds : 76.211

Measure-Command {[Void]$(1..1000)}

TotalMilliseconds : 0.217

Measure-Command {$(1..1000) > $null}

TotalMilliseconds : 0.2478

Measure-Command {$null = $(1..1000)}

TotalMilliseconds : 0.2122

## Control, times vary from 0.21 to 0.24
Measure-Command {$(1..1000)}

TotalMilliseconds : 0.2141

So I would suggest that you use anything but Out-Null due to overhead. The next important thing, to me, would be readability. I kind of like redirecting to $null and setting equal to $null myself. I use to prefer casting to [Void], but that may not be as understandable when glancing at code or for new users.

I guess I slightly prefer redirecting output to $null.

Do-Something > $null


After stej's comment again, I decided to do some more tests with pipelines to better isolate the overhead of trashing the output.

Here are some tests with a simple 1000 object pipeline.

## Control Pipeline
Measure-Command {$(1..1000) | ?{$_ -is [int]}}

TotalMilliseconds : 119.3823

## Out-Null
Measure-Command {$(1..1000) | ?{$_ -is [int]} | Out-Null}

TotalMilliseconds : 190.2193

## Redirect to $null
Measure-Command {$(1..1000) | ?{$_ -is [int]} > $null}

TotalMilliseconds : 119.7923

In this case, Out-Null has about a 60% overhead and > $null has about a 0.3% overhead.

Addendum 2017-10-16: I originally overlooked another option with Out-Null, the use of the -inputObject parameter. Using this the overhead seems to disappear, however the syntax is different:

Out-Null -inputObject ($(1..1000) | ?{$_ -is [int]})

And now for some tests with a simple 100 object pipeline.

## Control Pipeline
Measure-Command {$(1..100) | ?{$_ -is [int]}}

TotalMilliseconds : 12.3566

## Out-Null
Measure-Command {$(1..100) | ?{$_ -is [int]} | Out-Null}

TotalMilliseconds : 19.7357

## Redirect to $null
Measure-Command {$(1..1000) | ?{$_ -is [int]} > $null}

TotalMilliseconds : 12.8527

Here again Out-Null has about a 60% overhead. While > $null has an overhead of about 4%. The numbers here varied a bit from test to test (I ran each about 5 times and picked the middle ground). But I think it shows a clear reason to not use Out-Null.

add an element to int [] array in java

The ... can only be used in JDK 1.5 or later. If you are using JDK 4 or lower, use this code:'

public static int[] addElement(int[] original, int newelement) {
    int[] nEw = new int[original.length + 1];
    System.arraycopy(original, 0, nEw, 0, original.length);
    nEw[original.length] = newelement;

otherwise (JDK 5 or higher):

public static int[] addElement(int[] original, int... elements) { // This can add multiple elements at once; addElement(int[], int) will still work though.
    int[] nEw = new int[original.length + elements.length];
    System.arraycopy(original, 0, nEw, 0, original.length);
    System.arraycopy(elements, 0, nEw, original.length, elements.length);
    return nEw;

Of course, as many have mentioned above, you could use a Collection or an ArrayList, which allows you to use the .add() method.

How can I query a value in SQL Server XML column

I came up with a simple work around below which is easy to remember too :-)

select * from  
(select cast (xmlCol as varchar(max)) texty
 from myTable (NOLOCK) 
) a 
where texty like '%MySearchText%'

"The breakpoint will not currently be hit. The source code is different from the original version." What does this mean?

Closing Visual Studio and reopening the solution can fix the problem, i.e. it's a bug within the IDE itself (I'm running VS2010).

If you have more than one instances of Visual Studio running, you only need to close the instance running the solution with the problem.

Calculate distance in meters when you know longitude and latitude in java

You can use the Java Geodesy Library for GPS, it uses the Vincenty's formulae which takes account of the earths surface curvature.

Implementation goes like this:

import org.gavaghan.geodesy.*;


GeodeticCalculator geoCalc = new GeodeticCalculator();

Ellipsoid reference = Ellipsoid.WGS84;  

GlobalPosition pointA = new GlobalPosition(latitude, longitude, 0.0); // Point A

GlobalPosition userPos = new GlobalPosition(userLat, userLon, 0.0); // Point B

double distance = geoCalc.calculateGeodeticCurve(reference, userPos, pointA).getEllipsoidalDistance(); // Distance between Point A and Point B

The resulting distance is in meters.

What is the difference between @Inject and @Autowired in Spring Framework? Which one to use under what condition?

Better use @Inject all the time. Because it is java configuration approach(provided by sun) which makes our application agnostic to the framework. So if you spring also your classes will work.

If you use @Autowired it will works only with spring because @Autowired is spring provided annotation.

Full width image with fixed height

If you don't want to lose the ratio of your image, then don't bother with height:300px; and just use width:100%;.

If the image is too large, then you will have to crop it using an image editor.

How to make a JTable non-editable

You can override the method isCellEditable and implement as you want for example:

//instance table model
DefaultTableModel tableModel = new DefaultTableModel() {

    public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int column) {
       //all cells false
       return false;



//instance table model
DefaultTableModel tableModel = new DefaultTableModel() {

   public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int column) {
       //Only the third column
       return column == 3;


Note for if your JTable disappears

If your JTable is disappearing when you use this it is most likely because you need to use the DefaultTableModel(Object[][] data, Object[] columnNames) constructor instead.

//instance table model
DefaultTableModel tableModel = new DefaultTableModel(data, columnNames) {

    public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int column) {
       //all cells false
       return false;


Resize image with javascript canvas (smoothly)

You can use down-stepping to achieve better results. Most browsers seem to use linear interpolation rather than bi-cubic when resizing images.

(Update There has been added a quality property to the specs, imageSmoothingQuality which is currently available in Chrome only.)

Unless one chooses no smoothing or nearest neighbor the browser will always interpolate the image after down-scaling it as this function as a low-pass filter to avoid aliasing.

Bi-linear uses 2x2 pixels to do the interpolation while bi-cubic uses 4x4 so by doing it in steps you can get close to bi-cubic result while using bi-linear interpolation as seen in the resulting images.

var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");_x000D_
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");_x000D_
var img = new Image();_x000D_
img.onload = function () {_x000D_
    // set size proportional to image_x000D_
    canvas.height = canvas.width * (img.height / img.width);_x000D_
    // step 1 - resize to 50%_x000D_
    var oc = document.createElement('canvas'),_x000D_
        octx = oc.getContext('2d');_x000D_
    oc.width = img.width * 0.5;_x000D_
    oc.height = img.height * 0.5;_x000D_
    octx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, oc.width, oc.height);_x000D_
    // step 2_x000D_
    octx.drawImage(oc, 0, 0, oc.width * 0.5, oc.height * 0.5);_x000D_
    // step 3, resize to final size_x000D_
    ctx.drawImage(oc, 0, 0, oc.width * 0.5, oc.height * 0.5,_x000D_
    0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);_x000D_
img.src = "//";
<img src="//" width="300" height="234">_x000D_
<canvas id="canvas" width=300></canvas>

Depending on how drastic your resize is you can might skip step 2 if the difference is less.

In the demo you can see the new result is now much similar to the image element.

The representation of if-elseif-else in EL using JSF

You can use "ELSE IF" using conditional operator in expression language as below:

 <p:outputLabel value="#{transaction.status.equals('PNDNG')?'Pending':

Get index of a row of a pandas dataframe as an integer

To answer the original question on how to get the index as an integer for the desired selection, the following will work :


Converting Secret Key into a String and Vice Versa

You don't want to use .toString().

Notice that SecretKey inherits from, which itself inherits from Serializable. So the key here (no pun intended) is to serialize the key into a ByteArrayOutputStream, get the byte[] array and store it into the db. The reverse process would be to get the byte[] array off the db, create a ByteArrayInputStream offf the byte[] array, and deserialize the SecretKey off it...

... or even simpler, just use the .getEncoded() method inherited from (which is a parent interface of SecretKey). This method returns the encoded byte[] array off Key/SecretKey, which you can store or retrieve from the database.

This is all assuming your SecretKey implementation supports encoding. Otherwise, getEncoded() will return null.


You should look at the Key/SecretKey javadocs (available right at the start of a google page):

Or this from CodeRanch (also found with the same google search):

json.dumps vs flask.jsonify





will yield {'fld':'hello'} and




How can I convert the "arguments" object to an array in JavaScript?


function sortArguments() {
  return arguments.length === 1 ? [arguments[0]] :
                 Array.apply(null, arguments).sort();

Array(arg1, arg2, ...) returns [arg1, arg2, ...]

Array(str1) returns [str1]

Array(num1) returns an array that has num1 elements

You must check number of arguments!

Array.slice version (slower):

function sortArguments() {

Array.push version (slower, faster than slice):

function sortArguments() {
  var args = [];
  Array.prototype.push.apply(args, arguments);
  return args.sort();

Move version (slower, but small size is faster):

function sortArguments() {
  var args = [];
  for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i)
    args[i] = arguments[i];
  return args.sort();

Array.concat version (slowest):

function sortArguments() {
  return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], arguments).sort();

Removing duplicates from a SQL query (not just "use distinct")

Your question is kind of confusing; do you want to show only one row per user, or do you want to show a row per picture but suppress repeating values in the U.NAME field? I think you want the second; if not there are plenty of answers for the first.

Whether to display repeating values is display logic, which SQL wasn't really designed for. You can use a cursor in a loop to process the results row-by-row, but you will lose a lot of performance. If you have a "smart" frontend language like a .NET language or Java, whatever construction you put this data into can be cheaply manipulated to suppress repeating values before finally displaying it in the UI.

If you're using Microsoft SQL Server, and the transformation HAS to be done at the data layer, you may consider using a CTE (Computed Table Expression) to hold the initial query, then select values from each row of the CTE based on whether the columns in the previous row hold the same data. It'll be more performant than the cursor, but it'll be kinda messy either way. Observe:

USING CTE (Row, Name, PicID)
       U.NAME, P.PIC_ID
            ON U.EMAIL_ID = P1.EMAIL_ID
            ON P1.PIC_ID = P.PIC_ID
    CASE WHEN current.Name == previous.Name THEN '' ELSE current.Name END,
FROM CTE current
   ON current.Row = previous.Row + 1
ORDER BY current.Row

The above sample is TSQL-specific; it is not guaranteed to work in any other DBPL like PL/SQL, but I think most of the enterprise-level SQL engines have something similar.

Django optional url parameters

Thought I'd add a bit to the answer.

If you have multiple URL definitions then you'll have to name each of them separately. So you lose the flexibility when calling reverse since one reverse will expect a parameter while the other won't.

Another way to use regex to accommodate the optional parameter:


Why doesn't file_get_contents work?

Check file_get_contents PHP Manual return value. If the value is FALSE then it could not read the file. If the value is NULL then the function itself is disabled.

To learn more what might gone wrong with the file_get_contents operation you must enable error reporting and the display of errors to actually read them.

# Enable Error Reporting and Display:
ini_set('display_errors', 1);

You can get more details about the why the call is failing by checking the INI values on your server. One value the directly effects the file_get_contents function is allow_url_fopen. You can do this by running the following code. You should note, that if it reports that fopen is not allowed, then you'll have to ask your provider to change this setting on your server in order for any code that require this function to work with URLs.

        <title>Test File</title>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="">

# Enable Error Reporting and Display:
ini_set('display_errors', 1);

$adr = 'Sydney+NSW';
echo $adr;
$url = "$adr&sensor=false";
echo '<p>'.$url.'</p>';

$jsonData = file_get_contents($url);

print '<p>', var_dump($jsonData), '</p>';

# Output information about allow_url_fopen:
if (ini_get('allow_url_fopen') == 1) {
    echo '<p style="color: #0A0;">fopen is allowed on this host.</p>';
} else {
    echo '<p style="color: #A00;">fopen is not allowed on this host.</p>';

# Decide what to do based on return value:
if ($jsonData === FALSE) {
    echo "Failed to open the URL ", htmlspecialchars($url);
} elseif ($jsonData === NULL) {
    echo "Function is disabled.";
} else {
   echo $jsonData;


If all of this fails, it might be due to the use of short open tags, <?. The example code in this answer has been therefore changed to make use of <?php to work correctly as this is guaranteed to work on in all version of PHP, no matter what configuration options are set. To do so for your own script, just replace <? or <?php.

Posting parameters to a url using the POST method without using a form

You could use JavaScript and XMLHTTPRequest (AJAX) to perform a POST without using a form. Check this link out. Keep in mind that you will need JavaScript enabled in your browser though.

How to find substring from string?

Use std::string and find.

std::string str = "/user/desktop/abc/post/";
bool exists = str.find("/abc/") != std::string::npos;

Best way to check for nullable bool in a condition expression (if ...)

Another way is to use constant pattern matching:

if (nullableBool is true) {}
if (nullableBool is false) {}
if (nullableBool is null) {}

Unlike the operator ==, when reading the code, this will distinguish the nullable type check from ordinary "code with a smell".

CSS text-decoration underline color

You can't change the color of the line (you can't specify different foreground colors for the same element, and the text and its decoration form a single element). However there are some tricks:

a:link, a:visited {text-decoration: none; color: red; border-bottom: 1px solid #006699; }
a:hover, a:active {text-decoration: none; color: red; border-bottom: 1px solid #1177FF; }

Also you can make some cool effects this way:

a:link {text-decoration: none; color: red; border-bottom: 1px dashed #006699; }

Hope it helps.

HttpClient 4.0.1 - how to release connection?

I had the same issue and solved it by closing the response at the end of the method:

try {
    // make the request and get the entity 
} catch(final Exception e) {
    // handle the exception
} finally {
    if(response != null) {

form confirm before submit

sample fiddle:


<form id="uguu" action="">
    <input type="submit" value="text 1" />


$("#uguu").submit(function() {
    if ($("input[type='submit']").val() == "text 1") {
        alert("Please confirm if everything is correct");
        $("input[type='submit']").val("text 2");
        return false;

What is the Eclipse shortcut for "public static void main(String args[])"?

As bmargulies mentioned:


enter image description here

enter image description here

Now, type psvm then Ctrl + Space on Mac or Windows.

Batch files: How to read a file?

Well theres a lot of different ways but if you only want to DISPLAY the text and not STORE it anywhere then you just use: findstr /v "randomtextthatnoonewilluse" filename.txt

Max tcp/ip connections on Windows Server 2008

There is a limit on the number of half-open connections, but afaik not for active connections. Although it appears to depend on the type of Windows 2008 server, at least according to this MSFT employee:

It depends on the edition, Web and Foundation editions have connection limits while Standard, Enterprise, and Datacenter do not.

how to re-format datetime string in php?

date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime("2019-05-13"))

A good Sorted List for Java

Generally you can't have constant time look up and log time deletions/insertions, but if you're happy with log time look ups then you can use a SortedList.

Not sure if you'll trust my coding but I recently wrote a SortedList implementation in Java, which you can download from This implementation allows you to look up the i-th element of the list in log time.

How to disable Home and other system buttons in Android?

I too was searching for this for sometime, and finally was able to do it as I needed, ie Navigation Bar is inaccessible, status bar is inaccessible, even if you long press power button, neither the power menu nor navigation buttons are shown. Thanks to @Assaf Gamliel , his answer took me to the right path. I followed this tutorial with some slight modifications. While specifying Type, I specified WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_SYSTEM_ERROR instead of WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_PHONE, else our "overlay" won't hide the system bars. You can play around with the Flags, Height, Width etc so that it'll behave as you want it to.

The imported project "C:\Microsoft.CSharp.targets" was not found

If you are to encounter the error that says Microsoft.CSharp.Core.targets not found, these are the steps I took to correct mine:

  1. Open any previous working projects folder and navigate to the link showed in the error, that is Projects/(working project name)/packages/Microsoft.Net.Compilers.1.3.2/tools/ and search for Microsoft.CSharp.Core.targets file.

  2. Copy this file and put it in the non-working project tools folder (that is, navigating to the tools folder in the non-working project as shown above)

  3. Now close your project (if it was open) and reopen it.

It should be working now.

Also, to make sure everything is working properly in your now open Visual Studio Project, Go to Tools > NuGetPackage Manager > Manage NuGet Packages For Solution. Here, you might find an error that says, CodeAnalysis.dll is being used by another application.

Again, go to the tools folder, find the specified file and delete it. Come back to Manage NuGet Packages For Solution. You will find a link that will ask you to Reload, click it and everything gets re-installed.

Your project should be working properly now.

How to remove a character at the end of each line in unix

This Perl code removes commas at the end of the line:

perl -pe 's/,$//' file > file.nocomma

This variation still works if there is whitespace after the comma:

perl -lpe 's/,\s*$//' file > file.nocomma

This variation edits the file in-place:

perl -i -lpe 's/,\s*$//' file

This variation edits the file in-place, and makes a backup file.bak:

perl -i.bak -lpe 's/,\s*$//' file

How to convert entire dataframe to numeric while preserving decimals?

You might need to do some checking. You cannot safely convert factors directly to numeric. as.character must be applied first. Otherwise, the factors will be converted to their numeric storage values. I would check each column with is.factor then coerce to numeric as necessary.

df1[] <- lapply(df1, function(x) {
    if(is.factor(x)) as.numeric(as.character(x)) else x
sapply(df1, class)
#         a         b 
# "numeric" "numeric" 

Is there a way to word-wrap long words in a div?

Reading the original comment, rutherford is looking for a cross-browser way to wrap unbroken text (inferred by his use of word-wrap for IE, designed to break unbroken strings).

/* Source: */
.wordwrap { 
   white-space: pre-wrap;      /* CSS3 */   
   white-space: -moz-pre-wrap; /* Firefox */    
   white-space: -pre-wrap;     /* Opera <7 */   
   white-space: -o-pre-wrap;   /* Opera 7 */    
   word-wrap: break-word;      /* IE */

I've used this class for a bit now, and works like a charm. (note: I've only tested in FireFox and IE)

How to define custom sort function in javascript?

For Objects try this:

function sortBy(field) {
  return function(a, b) {
    if (a[field] > b[field]) {
      return -1;
    } else if (a[field] < b[field]) {
      return 1;
    return 0;

How to list the certificates stored in a PKCS12 keystore with keytool?

You can also use openssl to accomplish the same thing:

$ openssl pkcs12 -nokeys -info \
    -in </path/to/file.pfx> \
    -passin pass:<pfx's password>

MAC Iteration 2048
MAC verified OK
PKCS7 Encrypted data: pbeWithSHA1And40BitRC2-CBC, Iteration 2048
Certificate bag
Bag Attributes
    localKeyID: XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX 48 54 A0 47 88 1D 90
    friendlyName: jedis-server
subject=/C=US/ST=NC/L=Raleigh/O=XXX Security/OU=XXX/CN=something1
issuer=/C=US/ST=NC/L=Raleigh/O=XXX Security/OU=XXXX/CN=something1
PKCS7 Data
Shrouded Keybag: pbeWithSHA1And3-KeyTripleDES-CBC, Iteration 2048

Redirect on Ajax Jquery Call

For ExpressJs router:'/login', async(req, res) => {
    return res.send({redirect: '/yoururl'});


    success: function (response) {
        if (response.redirect) {
            window.location = response.redirect

Catch KeyError in Python

I am using Python 3.6 and using a comma between Exception and e does not work. I need to use the following syntax (just for anyone wondering)

    connection = manager.connect("I2Cx")
except KeyError as e:

Node.js Write a line into a .txt file

Step 1

If you have a small file Read all the file data in to memory

Step 2

Convert file data string into Array

Step 3

Search the array to find a location where you want to insert the text

Step 4

Once you have the location insert your text

yourArray.splice(index,0,"new added test");

Step 5

convert your array to string


Step 6

write your file like so


This is not advised if your file is too big

How to get Python requests to trust a self signed SSL certificate?

Setting export SSL_CERT_FILE=/path/file.crt should do the job.

How do I pass a value from a child back to the parent form?

If you're just using formOptions to pick a single value and then close, Mitch's suggestion is a good way to go. My example here would be used if you needed the child to communicate back to the parent while remaining open.

In your parent form, add a public method that the child form will call, such as

public void NotifyMe(string s)
    // Do whatever you need to do with the string

Next, when you need to launch the child window from the parent, use this code:

using (FormOptions formOptions = new FormOptions())
    // passing this in ShowDialog will set the .Owner 
    // property of the child form

In the child form, use this code to pass a value back to the parent:

ParentForm parent = (ParentForm)this.Owner;

The code in this example would be better used for something like a toolbox window which is intended to float above the main form. In this case, you would open the child form (with .TopMost = true) using .Show() instead of .ShowDialog().

A design like this means that the child form is tightly coupled to the parent form (since the child has to cast its owner as a ParentForm in order to call its NotifyMe method). However, this is not automatically a bad thing.

Command-line Unix ASCII-based charting / plotting tool

Another simpler/lighter alternative to gnuplot is ervy, a NodeJS based terminal charts tool.

Supported types: scatter (XY points), bar, pie, bullet, donut and gauge.

Usage examples with various options can be found on the projects GitHub repo

enter image description here

enter image description here

How to generate a Makefile with source in sub-directories using just one makefile

Usually, you create a Makefile in each subdirectory, and write in the top-level Makefile to call make in the subdirectories.

This page may help:

Generate signed apk android studio

Read this my answer here

How do I export a project in the Android studio?

This will guide you step by step to generate signed APK and how to create keystore file from Android Studio.

From the link you can do it easily as I added the screenshot of it step by step.

Short answer

If you have Key-store file then you can do same simply.

Go to Build then click on Generate Signed APK

Altering user-defined table types in SQL Server

You should drop the old table type and create a new one. However if it has any dependencies (any stored procedures using it) you won't be able to drop it. I've posted another answer on how to automate the process of temporary dropping all stored procedures, modifying the table table and then restoring the stored procedures.

Preventing twitter bootstrap carousel from auto sliding on page load

For Bootstrap 4 simply remove the 'data-ride="carousel"' from the carousel div. This removes auto play at load time.

To enable the auto play again you would still have to use the "play" call in javascript.

How can I remove time from date with Moment.js?

The correct way would be to specify the input as per your requirement which will give you more flexibility.

The present definition includes the following

LTS : 'h:mm:ss A', LT : 'h:mm A', L : 'MM/DD/YYYY', LL : 'MMMM D, YYYY', LLL : 'MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A', LLLL : 'dddd, MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A'

You can use any of these or change the input passed into moment().format(). For example, for your case you can pass moment.utc(dateTime).format('MMMM D, YYYY').

What is the difference between RTP or RTSP in a streaming server?

Some basics:

RTSP server can be used for dead source as well as for live source. RTSP protocols provides you commands (Like your VCR Remote), and functionality depends upon your implementation.

RTP is real time protocol used for transporting audio and video in real time. Transport used can be unicast, multicast or broadcast, depending upon transport address and port. Besides transporting RTP does lots of things for you like packetization, reordering, jitter control, QoS, support for Lip sync.....

In your case if you want broadcasting streaming server then you need both RTSP (for control) as well as RTP (broadcasting audio and video)

To start with you can go through sample code provided by live555

How to remove duplicate values from an array in PHP

?>//`output -> Array ( [0] => 302 [1] => 276 [2] => 301 )`

Open Google Chrome from VBA/Excel

The answer given by @ray above works perfectly, but make sure you are using the right path to open up the file. If you right click on your icon and click properties, you should see where the actual path is, just copy past that and it should work.


DateTime vs DateTimeOffset

A major difference is that DateTimeOffset can be used in conjunction with TimeZoneInfo to convert to local times in timezones other than the current one.

This is useful on a server application (e.g. ASP.NET) that is accessed by users in different timezones.

javascript password generator

Generate a random password of length 8 to 32 characters with at least 1 lower case, 1 upper case, 1 number, 1 special char (!@$&)

function getRandomUpperCase() {
   return String.fromCharCode( Math.floor( Math.random() * 26 ) + 65 );

function getRandomLowerCase() {
   return String.fromCharCode( Math.floor( Math.random() * 26 ) + 97 );

function getRandomNumber() {
   return String.fromCharCode( Math.floor( Math.random() * 10 ) + 48 );

function getRandomSymbol() {
    // const symbol = '!@#$%^&*(){}[]=<>/,.|~?';
    const symbol = '!@$&';
    return symbol[ Math.floor( Math.random() * symbol.length ) ];

const randomFunc = [ getRandomUpperCase, getRandomLowerCase, getRandomNumber, getRandomSymbol ];

function getRandomFunc() {
    return randomFunc[Math.floor( Math.random() * Object.keys(randomFunc).length)];

function generatePassword() {
    let password = '';
    const passwordLength = Math.random() * (32 - 8) + 8;
    for( let i = 1; i <= passwordLength; i++ ) {
        password += getRandomFunc()();
    //check with regex
    const regex = /^(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*\d)(?=.*[@$!%*?&])[A-Za-z\d@$!%*?&]{8,32}$/
    if( !password.match(regex) ) {
        password = generatePassword();
    return password;

console.log( generatePassword() );

What are WSDL, SOAP and REST?

SOAP -> SOAP(Simple object access protocal) is the application level protocal created for machine to machine interaction. Protocol defines standard rules. All the parties who are using the particular protocol should adhere to the protocol rules. Like TCP, It unwinds at transport layer, The SOAP protocol will be understood by Application layer( any application which supports SOAP - Axis2, .Net).

WSDL -> SOAP message consist of SoapEnevelope->SoapHeader and SoapBody. It doesn't define what would be message format? what are all the transports(HTTP,JMS) it supports? without this info, It is hard for any client who wants to consume the particular web service to construct the SOAP message. Even if they do, they won't be sure, it'll work all the time. WSDL is the rescue. WSDL (Web Service description Language) defines the operations, message formats and transport details for the SOAP message.

REST -> REST(Representational state transfer) is based on the Transport. Unlike SOAP which targets the actions, REST concerns more on the resources. REST locates the resources by using URL (example -http://{serverAddress}/employees/employeeNumber/12345) and it depends on the transport protocol( with HTTP - GET,POST, PUT, DELETE,...) for the actions to be performed on the resources. The REST service locates the resource based on the URL and perform the action based on the transport action verb. It is more of architectural style and conventions based.

What are the true benefits of ExpandoObject?

Since I wrote the MSDN article you are referring to, I guess I have to answer this one.

First, I anticipated this question and that's why I wrote a blog post that shows a more or less real use case for ExpandoObject: Dynamic in C# 4.0: Introducing the ExpandoObject.

Shortly, ExpandoObject can help you create complex hierarchical objects. For example, imagine that you have a dictionary within a dictionary:

Dictionary<String, object> dict = new Dictionary<string, object>();
Dictionary<String, object> address = new Dictionary<string,object>();
dict["Address"] = address;
address["State"] = "WA";

The deeper is the hierarchy, the uglier is the code. With ExpandoObject it stays elegant and readable.

dynamic expando = new ExpandoObject();
expando.Address = new ExpandoObject();
expando.Address.State = "WA";

Second, as it was already pointed out, ExpandoObject implements INotifyPropertyChanged interface which gives you more control over properties than a dictionary.

Finally, you can add events to ExpandoObject like here:

class Program
   static void Main(string[] args)
       dynamic d = new ExpandoObject();

       // Initialize the event to null (meaning no handlers)
       d.MyEvent = null;

       // Add some handlers
       d.MyEvent += new EventHandler(OnMyEvent);
       d.MyEvent += new EventHandler(OnMyEvent2);

       // Fire the event
       EventHandler e = d.MyEvent;

       e?.Invoke(d, new EventArgs());

   static void OnMyEvent(object sender, EventArgs e)
       Console.WriteLine("OnMyEvent fired by: {0}", sender);

   static void OnMyEvent2(object sender, EventArgs e)
       Console.WriteLine("OnMyEvent2 fired by: {0}", sender);

Also, keep in mind that nothing is preventing you from accepting event arguments in a dynamic way. In other words, instead of using EventHandler, you can use EventHandler<dynamic> which would cause the second argument of the handler to be dynamic.

python NameError: name 'file' is not defined

file() is not supported in Python 3

Use open() instead; see Built-in Functions - open().

to remove first and last element in array

You used Fruits.shift() method to first element remove . Fruits.pop() method used for last element remove one by one if you used button click. Fruits.slice( start position, delete element)You also used slice method for remove element in middle start.

Google Maps: Set Center, Set Center Point and Set more points

Try using this code for v3:

gMap = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map')); 
gMap.setZoom(13);      // This will trigger a zoom_changed on the map
gMap.setCenter(new google.maps.LatLng(37.4419, -122.1419));

Adding sheets to end of workbook in Excel (normal method not working?)

A common mistake is


which leads to Error 1004. Although it is not clear at all from the official documentation, it turns out that the 'After' parameter cannot be an integer, it must be a reference to a sheet in the same workbook.

Remove specific characters from a string in Javascript

Another way to do it:

rnum = rnum.split("F0").pop()

It splits the string into two: ["", "123456"], then selects the last element.

How to use mongoimport to import csv

Robert Stewart have already answered for how to import with mongoimport.

I am suggesting easy way to import CSV elegantly with 3T MongoChef Tool (3.2+ version). Might help someone in future.

  1. You just need to select collection
  2. Select file to import
  3. You can also unselect data which is going to import. Also many options are there.
  4. Collection imported

See how to import video

Calculate distance between two points in google maps V3

Here is the c# implementation of the this forumula

 public class DistanceAlgorithm
    const double PIx = 3.141592653589793;
    const double RADIO = 6378.16;

    /// <summary>
    /// This class cannot be instantiated.
    /// </summary>
    private DistanceAlgorithm() { }

    /// <summary>
    /// Convert degrees to Radians
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="x">Degrees</param>
    /// <returns>The equivalent in radians</returns>
    public static double Radians(double x)
        return x * PIx / 180;

    /// <summary>
    /// Calculate the distance between two places.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="lon1"></param>
    /// <param name="lat1"></param>
    /// <param name="lon2"></param>
    /// <param name="lat2"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static double DistanceBetweenPlaces(
        double lon1,
        double lat1,
        double lon2,
        double lat2)
        double dlon =  Radians(lon2 - lon1);
        double dlat =  Radians(lat2 - lat1);

        double a = (Math.Sin(dlat / 2) * Math.Sin(dlat / 2)) + Math.Cos(Radians(lat1)) * Math.Cos(Radians(lat2)) * (Math.Sin(dlon / 2) * Math.Sin(dlon / 2));
        double angle = 2 * Math.Atan2(Math.Sqrt(a), Math.Sqrt(1 - a));
        return (angle * RADIO) * 0.62137;//distance in miles


how to programmatically fake a touch event to a UIButton?

For Xamarin iOS



How to tell when UITableView has completed ReloadData?

The reload happens during the next layout pass, which normally happens when you return control to the run loop (after, say, your button action or whatever returns).

So one way to run something after the table view reloads is simply to force the table view to perform layout immediately:

[self.tableView reloadData];
[self.tableView layoutIfNeeded];
 NSIndexPath* indexPath = [NSIndexPath indexPathForRow: ([self.tableView numberOfRowsInSection:([self.tableView numberOfSections]-1)]-1) inSection: ([self.tableView numberOfSections]-1)];
[self.tableView scrollToRowAtIndexPath:indexPath atScrollPosition:UITableViewScrollPositionBottom animated:YES];

Another way is to schedule your after-layout code to run later using dispatch_async:

[self.tableView reloadData];

dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
     NSIndexPath* indexPath = [NSIndexPath indexPathForRow: ([self.tableView numberOfRowsInSection:([self.tableView numberOfSections]-1)]-1) inSection:([self.tableView numberOfSections]-1)];

    [self.tableView scrollToRowAtIndexPath:indexPath atScrollPosition:UITableViewScrollPositionBottom animated:YES];


Upon further investigation, I find that the table view sends tableView:numberOfSections: and tableView:numberOfRowsInSection: to its data source before returning from reloadData. If the delegate implements tableView:heightForRowAtIndexPath:, the table view also sends that (for each row) before returning from reloadData.

However, the table view does not send tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: or tableView:headerViewForSection until the layout phase, which happens by default when you return control to the run loop.

I also find that in a tiny test program, the code in your question properly scrolls to the bottom of the table view, without me doing anything special (like sending layoutIfNeeded or using dispatch_async).

How to put a component inside another component in Angular2?

You don't put a component in directives

You register it in @NgModule declarations:

  imports: [ BrowserModule ],
  declarations: [ App , MyChildComponent ],
  bootstrap: [ App ]

and then You just put it in the Parent's Template HTML as : <my-child></my-child>

That's it.

Which characters need to be escaped in HTML?

If you're inserting text content in your document in a location where text content is expected1, you typically only need to escape the same characters as you would in XML. Inside of an element, this just includes the entity escape ampersand & and the element delimiter less-than and greater-than signs < >:

& becomes &amp;
< becomes &lt;
> becomes &gt;

Inside of attribute values you must also escape the quote character you're using:

" becomes &quot;
' becomes &#39;

In some cases it may be safe to skip escaping some of these characters, but I encourage you to escape all five in all cases to reduce the chance of making a mistake.

If your document encoding does not support all of the characters that you're using, such as if you're trying to use emoji in an ASCII-encoded document, you also need to escape those. Most documents these days are encoded using the fully Unicode-supporting UTF-8 encoding where this won't be necessary.

In general, you should not escape spaces as &nbsp;. &nbsp; is not a normal space, it's a non-breaking space. You can use these instead of normal spaces to prevent a line break from being inserted between two words, or to insert          extra        space       without it being automatically collapsed, but this is usually a rare case. Don't do this unless you have a design constraint that requires it.

1 By "a location where text content is expected", I mean inside of an element or quoted attribute value where normal parsing rules apply. For example: <p>HERE</p> or <p title="HERE">...</p>. What I wrote above does not apply to content that has special parsing rules or meaning, such as inside of a script or style tag, or as an element or attribute name. For example: <NOT-HERE>...</NOT-HERE>, <script>NOT-HERE</script>, <style>NOT-HERE</style>, or <p NOT-HERE="...">...</p>.

In these contexts, the rules are more complicated and it's much easier to introduce a security vulnerability. I strongly discourage you from ever inserting dynamic content in any of these locations. I have seen teams of competent security-aware developers introduce vulnerabilities by assuming that they had encoded these values correctly, but missing an edge case. There's usually a safer alternative, such as putting the dynamic value in an attribute and then handling it with JavaScript.

If you must, please read the Open Web Application Security Project's XSS Prevention Rules to help understand some of the concerns you will need to keep in mind.

How to run python script on terminal (ubuntu)?

First create the file you want, with any editor like vi r gedit. And save with. Py extension.In that the first line should be

!/usr/bin/env python

Is it necessary to assign a string to a variable before comparing it to another?

if ([statusString isEqualToString:@"Wrong"]) {
    // do something

Changing Placeholder Text Color with Swift

You can set the placeholder text using an attributed string. Pass the color you want with the attributes:

var myTextField = UITextField(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 200, height: 30))
myTextField.backgroundColor = .blue
myTextField.attributedPlaceholder = NSAttributedString(string: "placeholder text",
                             attributes: [NSForegroundColorAttributeName: UIColor.yellow])

For Swift 3+ use following:

myTextField.attributedPlaceholder = NSAttributedString(string: "placeholder text",
                             attributes: [NSAttributedStringKey.foregroundColor: UIColor.white])

For Swift 4.2 use following:

myTextField.attributedPlaceholder = NSAttributedString(string: "placeholder text",
                             attributes: [NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor: UIColor.white])

Force Java timezone as GMT/UTC

Use system property:


How to adjust layout when soft keyboard appears

You can simply set these options in the AndroidManifest.xml file.


The use of adjustPan is not recommended by Google because the user may need to close the keyboard to see all the input fields.

More info: Android App Manifest