Programs & Examples On #Mplab

IDE for the Microchip PIC series of microcontrollers.

After Spring Boot 2.0 migration: jdbcUrl is required with driverClassName

This worked for me., used jdbc-url instead of url:


Configuration class:

        entityManagerFactoryRef = "fooEntityManagerFactory",
        basePackages = {""}
public class FooDataSourceConfig {

    @Bean(name = "fooDataSource")
    @ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "")
    public HikariDataSource dataSource() {
        return DataSourceBuilder.create().type(HikariDataSource.class).build();

    @Bean(name = "fooEntityManagerFactory")
    public LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean fooEntityManagerFactory(
            EntityManagerFactoryBuilder builder,
            @Qualifier("fooDataSource") DataSource dataSource
    ) {
        return builder

JPA or JDBC, how are they different?

JDBC is a much lower-level (and older) specification than JPA. In it's bare essentials, JDBC is an API for interacting with a database using pure SQL - sending queries and retrieving results. It has no notion of objects or hierarchies. When using JDBC, it's up to you to translate a result set (essentially a row/column matrix of values from one or more database tables, returned by your SQL query) into Java objects.

Now, to understand and use JDBC it's essential that you have some understanding and working knowledge of SQL. With that also comes a required insight into what a relational database is, how you work with it and concepts such as tables, columns, keys and relationships. Unless you have at least a basic understanding of databases, SQL and data modelling you will not be able to make much use of JDBC since it's really only a thin abstraction on top of these things.

Convert java.time.LocalDate into java.util.Date type

You can use java.sql.Date.valueOf() method as:

Date date = java.sql.Date.valueOf(localDate);

No need to add time and time zone info here because they are taken implicitly.
See LocalDate to java.util.Date and vice versa simpliest conversion?

How do I load a file into the python console?

Open command prompt in the folder in which you files to be imported are present. when you type 'python', python terminal will be opened. Now you can use

import script_name
Note: no .py extension to be used while importing.
How can I open a cmd window in a specific location?

Image vs Bitmap class

This is a clarification because I have seen things done in code which are honestly confusing - I think the following example might assist others.

As others have said before - Bitmap inherits from the Abstract Image class

Abstract effectively means you cannot create a New() instance of it.

    Image imgBad1 = new Image();        // Bad - won't compile
    Image imgBad2 = new Image(200,200); // Bad - won't compile

But you can do the following:

    Image imgGood;  // Not instantiated object!
    // Now you can do this
    imgGood = new Bitmap(200, 200);

You can now use imgGood as you would the same bitmap object if you had done the following:

    Bitmap bmpGood = new Bitmap(200,200);

The nice thing here is you can draw the imgGood object using a Graphics object

    Graphics gr = default(Graphics);
    gr = Graphics.FromImage(new Bitmap(1000, 1000));
    Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(50, 50, imgGood.Width, imgGood.Height); // where to draw
    gr.DrawImage(imgGood, rect);

Here imgGood can be any Image object - Bitmap, Metafile, or anything else that inherits from Image!

PowerShell: Run command from script's directory

This would work fine.

Push-Location $PSScriptRoot

Write-Host CurrentDirectory $CurDir

ASP.NET Core form POST results in a HTTP 415 Unsupported Media Type response

For forms, use the [FromForm] attribute instead of the [FromBody] attribute.

The below controller works with ASP.NET Core 1.1:

public class MyController : Controller
    public async Task<IActionResult> Submit([FromForm] MyModel model)

Note: [FromXxx] is required if your controller is annotated with [ApiController]. For normal view controllers it can be omitted.

Play audio with Python

In pydub we've recently opted to use ffplay (via subprocess) from the ffmpeg suite of tools, which internally uses SDL.

It works for our purposes – mainly just making it easier to test the results of pydub code in interactive mode – but it has it's downsides, like causing a new program to appear in the dock on mac.

I've linked the implementation above, but a simplified version follows:

import subprocess

def play(audio_file_path):["ffplay", "-nodisp", "-autoexit", audio_file_path])

The -nodisp flag stops ffplay from showing a new window, and the -autoexit flag causes ffplay to exit and return a status code when the audio file is done playing.

edit: pydub now uses pyaudio for playback when it's installed and falls back to ffplay to avoid the downsides I mentioned. The link above shows that implementation as well.

Better way to sort array in descending order

Yes, you can pass predicate to sort. That would be your reverse implementation.

MySQL - Meaning of "PRIMARY KEY", "UNIQUE KEY" and "KEY" when used together while creating a table

Just to add to the other answers, the documentation gives this explanation:

  • KEY is normally a synonym for INDEX. The key attribute PRIMARY KEY can also be specified as just KEY when given in a column definition. This was implemented for compatibility with other database systems.

  • A UNIQUE index creates a constraint such that all values in the index must be distinct. An error occurs if you try to add a new row with a key value that matches an existing row. For all engines, a UNIQUE index permits multiple NULL values for columns that can contain NULL.

  • A PRIMARY KEY is a unique index where all key columns must be defined as NOT NULL. If they are not explicitly declared as NOT NULL, MySQL declares them so implicitly (and silently). A table can have only one PRIMARY KEY. The name of a PRIMARY KEY is always PRIMARY, which thus cannot be used as the name for any other kind of index.

How to add data validation to a cell using VBA

Use this one:

Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim range1 As Range, rng As Range
'change Sheet1 to suit
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")

Set range1 = ws.Range("A1:A5")
Set rng = ws.Range("B1")

With rng.Validation
    .Delete 'delete previous validation
    .Add Type:=xlValidateList, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, _
        Formula1:="='" & ws.Name & "'!" & range1.Address
End With

Note that when you're using Dim range1, rng As range, only rng has type of Range, but range1 is Variant. That's why I'm using Dim range1 As Range, rng As Range.
About meaning of parameters you can read is MSDN, but in short:

  • Type:=xlValidateList means validation type, in that case you should select value from list
  • AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop specifies the icon used in message boxes displayed during validation. If user enters any value out of list, he/she would get error message.
  • in your original code, Operator:= xlBetween is odd. It can be used only if two formulas are provided for validation.
  • Formula1:="='" & ws.Name & "'!" & range1.Address for list data validation provides address of list with values (in format =Sheet!A1:A5)

Setting a width and height on an A tag

All these suggestions work unless you put the anchors inside an UL list.

        <a>click me</a>>

Then any cascade style sheet rules are overridden in the Chrome browser. The width becomes auto. Then you must use inline CSS rules directly on the anchor itself.

How to insert text into the textarea at the current cursor position?

New answer:

I'm not sure about the browser support for this though.

Tested in Chrome 81.

function typeInTextarea(newText, el = document.activeElement) {_x000D_
  const [start, end] = [el.selectionStart, el.selectionEnd];_x000D_
  el.setRangeText(newText, start, end, 'select');_x000D_
document.getElementById("input").onkeydown = e => {_x000D_
  if (e.key === "Enter") typeInTextarea("lol");_x000D_
<input id="input" />_x000D_
<div>Press Enter to insert "lol" at caret.</div>_x000D_
<div>It'll replace a selection with the given text.</div>

Old answer:

A pure JS modification of Erik Pukinskis' answer:

function typeInTextarea(newText, el = document.activeElement) {_x000D_
  const start = el.selectionStart_x000D_
  const end = el.selectionEnd_x000D_
  const text = el.value_x000D_
  const before = text.substring(0, start)_x000D_
  const after  = text.substring(end, text.length)_x000D_
  el.value = (before + newText + after)_x000D_
  el.selectionStart = el.selectionEnd = start + newText.length_x000D_
document.getElementById("input").onkeydown = e => {_x000D_
  if (e.key === "Enter") typeInTextarea("lol");_x000D_
<input id="input" />_x000D_
<div>Press Enter to insert "lol" at caret.</div>

Tested in Chrome 47, 81, and Firefox 76.

If you want to change the value of the currently selected text while you're typing in the same field (for an autocomplete or similar effect), pass document.activeElement as the first parameter.

It's not the most elegant way to do this, but it's pretty simple.

Example usages:

typeInTextarea('haha', document.getElementById('some-id'));

Practical uses for the "internal" keyword in C#

There are cases when it makes sense to make members of classes internal. One example could be if you want to control how the classes are instantiated; let's say you provide some sort of factory for creating instances of the class. You can make the constructor internal, so that the factory (that resides in the same assembly) can create instances of the class, but code outside of that assembly can't.

However, I can't see any point with making classes or members internal without specific reasons, just as little as it makes sense to make them public, or private without specific reasons.

CSS transition effect makes image blurry / moves image 1px, in Chrome?

I had a similar problem with blurry text but only the succeeding div was affected. For some reason the next div after the one that I was doing the transform in was blurry.

I tried everything that is recommended in this thread but nothing worked. For me rearranging my divs worked. I moved the div that blurres the following div to the end of parents div.

If someone know why just let me know.

<header class="container">
      <div class="transformed div">
          <span class="transform wrapper">
            <span class="transformed"></span>
            <span class="transformed"></span>
       <div class="affected div">

<header class="container">
   <div class="affected div">
  <div class="transformed div">
      <span class="transform wrapper">
        <span class="transformed"></span>
        <span class="transformed"></span>


GROUP BY + CASE statement

Your query would work already - except that you are running into naming conflicts or just confusing the output column (the CASE expression) with source column result, which has different content.

GROUP BY, attempt.type, attempt.result

You need to GROUP BY your CASE expression instead of your source column:

GROUP BY, attempt.type
       , CASE WHEN attempt.result = 0 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END

Or provide a column alias that's different from any column name in the FROM list - or else that column takes precedence:

     , CASE WHEN attempt.result = 0 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS result1
GROUP BY, attempt.type, result1

The SQL standard is rather peculiar in this respect. Quoting the manual here:

An output column's name can be used to refer to the column's value in ORDER BY and GROUP BY clauses, but not in the WHERE or HAVING clauses; there you must write out the expression instead.


If an ORDER BY expression is a simple name that matches both an output column name and an input column name, ORDER BY will interpret it as the output column name. This is the opposite of the choice that GROUP BY will make in the same situation. This inconsistency is made to be compatible with the SQL standard.

Bold emphasis mine.

These conflicts can be avoided by using positional references (ordinal numbers) in GROUP BY and ORDER BY, referencing items in the SELECT list from left to right. See solution below.
The drawback is, that this may be harder to read and vulnerable to edits in the SELECT list (one might forget to adapt positional references accordingly).

But you do not have to add the column day to the GROUP BY clause, as long as it holds a constant value (CURRENT_DATE-1).

Rewritten and simplified with proper JOIN syntax and positional references it could look like this:

     , a.type
     , CASE WHEN a.result = 0 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS result
     , CURRENT_DATE - 1 AS day
     , count(*) AS ct
FROM   attempt    a
JOIN   prod_hw_id p USING (hard_id)
JOIN   model      m USING (model_id)
WHERE  ts >= '2013-11-06 00:00:00'  
AND    ts <  '2013-11-07 00:00:00'
GROUP  BY 1,2,3
ORDER  BY 1,2,3;

Also note that I am avoiding the column name time. That's a reserved word and should never be used as identifier. Besides, your "time" obviously is a timestamp or date, so that is rather misleading.

To check if string contains particular word

Not as complicated as they say, check this you will not regret.

String sentence = "Check this answer and you can find the keyword with this code";
String search  = "keyword";

if ( sentence.toLowerCase().indexOf(search.toLowerCase()) != -1 ) {

   System.out.println("I found the keyword");

} else {

   System.out.println("not found");


You can change the toLowerCase() if you want.

try/catch blocks with async/await

A cleaner alternative would be the following:

Due to the fact that every async function is technically a promise

You can add catches to functions when calling them with await

async function a(){
    let error;

    // log the error on the parent
    await b().catch((err)=>console.log('b.failed'))

    // change an error variable
    await c().catch((err)=>{error=true; console.log(err)})

    // return whatever you want
    return error ? d() : null;
a().catch(()=>console.log('main program failed'))

No need for try catch, as all promises errors are handled, and you have no code errors, you can omit that in the parent!!

Lets say you are working with mongodb, if there is an error you might prefer to handle it in the function calling it than making wrappers, or using try catches.

How do I represent a time only value in .NET?

I think Rubens' class is a good idea so thought to make an immutable sample of his Time class with basic validation.

class Time
    public int Hours   { get; private set; }
    public int Minutes { get; private set; }
    public int Seconds { get; private set; }

    public Time(uint h, uint m, uint s)
        if(h > 23 || m > 59 || s > 59)
            throw new ArgumentException("Invalid time specified");
        Hours = (int)h; Minutes = (int)m; Seconds = (int)s;

    public Time(DateTime dt)
        Hours = dt.Hour;
        Minutes = dt.Minute;
        Seconds = dt.Second;

    public override string ToString()
        return String.Format(
            this.Hours, this.Minutes, this.Seconds);

Python: Fetch first 10 results from a list

Use the slicing operator:

list = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20]

Address in mailbox given [] does not comply with RFC 2822, 3.6.2. when email is in a variable

[SOLVED] Neos/swiftmailer: Address in mailbox given [] does not comply with RFC 2822, 3.6.2

Exception in line 261 of /var/www/html/vendor/Packages/Libraries/swiftmailer/swiftmailer/lib/classes/Swift/Mime/Headers/MailboxHeader.php: Address in mailbox given [] does not comply with RFC 2822, 3.6.2.

private function _assertValidAddress($address)
    if (!preg_match('/^'.$this->getGrammar()->getDefinition('addr-spec').'$/D',
        $address)) {
        throw new Swift_RfcComplianceException(
            'Address in mailbox given ['.$address.
            '] does not comply with RFC 2822, 3.6.2.'

jQuery map vs. each

The each function iterates over an array, calling the supplied function once per element, and setting this to the active element. This:

function countdown() {
    alert(this + "..");

$([5, 4, 3, 2, 1]).each(countdown);

will alert 5.. then 4.. then 3.. then 2.. then 1..

Map on the other hand takes an array, and returns a new array with each element changed by the function. This:

function squared() {
    return this * this;

var s = $([5, 4, 3, 2, 1]).map(squared);

would result in s being [25, 16, 9, 4, 1].

Pandas - How to flatten a hierarchical index in columns

I think the easiest way to do this would be to set the columns to the top level:

df.columns = df.columns.get_level_values(0)

Note: if the to level has a name you can also access it by this, rather than 0.


If you want to combine/join your MultiIndex into one Index (assuming you have just string entries in your columns) you could:

df.columns = [' '.join(col).strip() for col in df.columns.values]

Note: we must strip the whitespace for when there is no second index.

In [11]: [' '.join(col).strip() for col in df.columns.values]
 's_CD sum',
 's_CL sum',
 's_CNT sum',
 's_PC sum',
 'tempf amax',
 'tempf amin',

Visual Studio 2015 doesn't have cl.exe

Visual Studio 2015 doesn't install C++ by default. You have to rerun the setup, select Modify and then check Programming Language -> C++

How to make an HTML back link?

A back link is a link that moves the browser backwards one page, as if the user had clicked the Back button available in most browsers. Back links use JavaScript. It moves the browser back one page if your browser supports JavaScript (which it does) and if it supports the window.history object, which is necessary for back links.

Simple ways are

<a href="#" onClick="history.go(-1)">Go Back</a>


function goBack() {_x000D_
<a href="#" onclick="goBack()" />Go Back</a>

Generally speaking a back link isn't necessary… the Back button usually suffices quite nicely, and usually you can also simply link to the previous page in your site. However, sometimes you might want to provide a link back to one of several "previous" pages, and that's where a back link comes in handy. So I refer you below tutorial if you want to do in more advanced way:

Can HTTP POST be limitless?

Different IIS web servers can process different amounts of data in the 'header', according to this (now deleted) article;;

Note that there is no limit on the number of FORM elements you can pass via POST, but only on the aggregate size of all name/value pairs. While GET is limited to as low as 1024 characters, POST data is limited to 2 MB on IIS 4.0, and 128 KB on IIS 5.0. Each name/value is limited to 1024 characters, as imposed by the SGML spec. Of course this does not apply to files uploaded using enctype='multipart/form-data' ... I have had no problems uploading files in the 90 - 100 MB range using IIS 5.0, aside from having to increase the server.scriptTimeout value as well as my patience!

How to add an image in Tkinter?

Here is an example for Python 3 that you can edit for Python 2 ;)

from tkinter import *
from PIL import ImageTk, Image
from tkinter import filedialog
import os

root = Tk()
root.resizable(width=True, height=True)

def openfn():
    filename = filedialog.askopenfilename(title='open')
    return filename
def open_img():
    x = openfn()
    img =
    img = img.resize((250, 250), Image.ANTIALIAS)
    img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(img)
    panel = Label(root, image=img)
    panel.image = img

btn = Button(root, text='open image', command=open_img).pack()


enter image description here

VB6 IDE cannot load MSCOMCTL.OCX after update KB 2687323

You may try to check your registry

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\TypeLib{831FDD16-0C5C-11D2-A9FC-0000F8754DA1}

If it is 2.1 version, it will cause cannot load MSCOMCTL.OCX issue.

You may restore to 2.0 verion (not only copy the file, you should unregiser 2.1 and register the restored file)


You may try latest 2.2 version

Some version information :

  • (2.0)
  • (2.0)
  • (2.1) <<< not work for me
  • (2.2)

How do I delete all messages from a single queue using the CLI?

RabbitMQ has 2 things under queue

  1. Delete
  2. Purge

Delete - will delete the queue

Purge - This will empty the queue (meaning removes messages from the queue but queue still exists)

What does the exclamation mark do before the function?

Its just to save a byte of data when we do javascript minification.

consider the below anonymous function

function (){}

To make the above as self invoking function we will generally change the above code as

(function (){}())

Now we added two extra characters (,) apart from adding () at the end of the function which necessary to call the function. In the process of minification we generally focus to reduce the file size. So we can also write the above function as

!function (){}()

Still both are self invoking functions and we save a byte as well. Instead of 2 characters (,) we just used one character !

Redirect non-www to www in .htaccess

Add the following code in .htaccess file.

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\.
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [R=301,L]

URLs redirect tutorial can be found from here - Redirect non-www to www & HTTP to HTTPS using .htaccess file

How to get anchor text/href on click using jQuery?

Note: Apply the class info_link to any link you want to get the info from.

<a class="info_link" href="~/Resumes/Resumes1271354404687.docx">

For href:

    // or alert($(this).hash();

For Text:



Update Based On Question Edit

You can get them like this now:

For href:

  $('div.res a').click(function(){
    // or alert($(this).hash();

For Text:

  $('div.res a').click(function(){

Can I set text box to readonly when using Html.TextBoxFor?

Use the following:

 @Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.Whatever, new {@readonly = "readonly"})

If you want to assign a class to it you could do it the same way , by adding the @class = "" property. Hope this helps :)

What is the difference between a Shared Project and a Class Library in Visual Studio 2015?

Class library is shared compiled code.

Shared project is shared source code.

Serializing list to JSON

You can use pure Python to do it:

import json
list = [1, 2, (3, 4)] # Note that the 3rd element is a tuple (3, 4)
json.dumps(list) # '[1, 2, [3, 4]]'

Cannot find or open the PDB file in Visual Studio C++ 2010

you just add the path of .pdb to work directory of VS!

Getting list of pixel values from PIL

Python shouldn't crash when you call getdata(). The image might be corrupted or there is something wrong with your PIL installation. Try it with another image or post the image you are using.

This should break down the image the way you want:

from PIL import Image
im ='um_000000.png')

pixels = list(im.getdata())
width, height = im.size
pixels = [pixels[i * width:(i + 1) * width] for i in xrange(height)]

Are there bookmarks in Visual Studio Code?

The bookmarks extension mentioned in the accepted answer conflicts with toggling breakpoints via the margin.

You could do the same with breakpoints and select the debug tab on the left to see them listed. Better yet, use File, Preferences, Keyboard Shortcuts and set (Shift+)Ctrl+F9 to navigate between them, even across files: enter image description here

How to bind a List<string> to a DataGridView control?

Try this:

IList<String> list_string= new List<String>();
DataGridView.DataSource = list_string.Select(x => new { Value = x }).ToList();

I hope this helps.

django no such table:

I think maybe you can try

python syncdb

Even sqlite3 need syncdb

sencondly, you can check your sql file name

it should look like xxx.s3db

How to name Dockerfiles

dev.Dockerfile, test.Dockerfile, build.Dockerfile etc.

On VS Code I use <purpose>.Dockerfile and it gets recognized correctly.

Permission denied (publickey). fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly while pushing back to git repository

Googled "Permission denied (publickey). fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly", first result an exact SO dupe:

GitHub: Permission denied (publickey). fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly which links here in the accepted answer (from the original poster, no less):

How to read a config file using python

Since your config file is a normal text file, just read it using the open function:

file = open("abc.txt", 'r')
content =
paths = content.split("\n") #split it into lines
for path in paths:
    print path.split(" = ")[1]

This will print your paths. You can also store them using dictionaries or lists.

path_list = []
path_dict = {}
for path in paths:
    p = path.split(" = ")
    path_dict[p[0]] = p[1]

More on reading/writing file here. Hope this helps!

How to return JSON data from spring Controller using @ResponseBody

Add the below dependency to your pom.xml:


How to tell if a string is not defined in a Bash shell script

Advanced bash scripting guide, 10.2. Parameter Substitution:

  • ${var+blahblah}: if var is defined, 'blahblah' is substituted for the expression, else null is substituted
  • ${var-blahblah}: if var is defined, it is itself substituted, else 'blahblah' is substituted
  • ${var?blahblah}: if var is defined, it is substituted, else the function exists with 'blahblah' as an error message.

to base your program logic on whether the variable $mystr is defined or not, you can do the following:

${mystr+ export isdefined=1}

now, if isdefined=0 then the variable was undefined, if isdefined=1 the variable was defined

This way of checking variables is better than the above answer because it is more elegant, readable, and if your bash shell was configured to error on the use of undefined variables (set -u), the script will terminate prematurely.

Other useful stuff:

to have a default value of 7 assigned to $mystr if it was undefined, and leave it intact otherwise:

mystr=${mystr- 7}

to print an error message and exit the function if the variable is undefined:

: ${mystr? not defined}

Beware here that I used ':' so as not to have the contents of $mystr executed as a command in case it is defined.

MySQL query to select events between start/end date

You need the events that start and end within the scope. But that's not all: you also want the events that start within the scope and the events that end within the scope. But then you're still not there because you also want the events that start before the scope and end after the scope.


  1. events with a start date in the scope
  2. events with an end date in the scope
  3. events with the scope startdate between the startdate and enddate

Because point 2 results in records that also meet the query in point 3 we will only need points 1 and 3

So the SQL becomes:

SELECT * FROM events 
WHERE start BETWEEN '2014-09-01' AND '2014-10-13' 
OR '2014-09-01' BETWEEN start AND end

Flexbox Not Centering Vertically in IE

I found that ie browser have problem to vertically align inner containers, when only the min-height style is set or when height style is missing at all. What I did was to add height style with some value and that fix the issue for me.

for example :

       display: -ms-flexbox;
       display: -webkit-flex;
       display: flex;

       /* Center vertically */
       align-items: center;

       /*Center horizontaly */
       justify-content: center;

       /*Center horizontaly ie */
       -ms-flex-pack: center;

        min-height: 220px; 

So now we have height style, but the min-height will overwrite it. That way ie is happy and we still can use min-height.

Hope this is helpful for someone.

PHP Session data not being saved

A common issue often overlooked is also that there must be NO other code or extra spacing before the session_start() command.

I've had this issue before where I had a blank line before session_start() which caused it not to work properly.

pip install gives error: Unable to find vcvarsall.bat

First, you should look for the file vcvarsall.bat in your system.

If it does not exist, I recommend you to install Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler for Python 2.7. This will create the vcvarsall.bat in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft\Visual C++ for Python\9.0" if you install it for all users.

The problem now is in the function find_vcvarsall(version) in the C:/Python27/Lib/distutils/ module, which is looking for the vcvarsall.bat file.

Following the function calls you will see it is looking for an entry in the registry containing the path to the vcvarsall.bat file. It will never find it because this function is looking in other directories different from where the above-mentioned installation placed it, and in my case, the registry didn't exist.

The easiest way to solve this problem is to manually return the path of the vcvarsall.bat file. To do so, modify the function find_vcvarsall(version) in the file with the absolute path to the vcvarsall.bat file like this:

def find_vcvarsall(version):
    return r"C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft\Visual C++ for Python\9.0\vcvarsall.bat"

This solution worked for me.

If you already have the vcvarsall.bat file you should check if you have the key productdir in the registry:

(HKEY_USERS, HKEY_CURRENT_USERS, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE or HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT)\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\VisualStudio\version\Setup\VC

Where version = msvc9compiler.get_build_version()

If you don't have the key just do:

def find_vcvarsall(version):
        return <path>\vcvarsall.bat

To understand the exact behavior check module starting in the find_vcvarsall(version) function.

How to convert HTML to PDF using iText

You can do it with the HTMLWorker class (deprecated) like this:

import com.itextpdf.text.html.simpleparser.HTMLWorker;
try {
    String k = "<html><body> This is my Project </body></html>";
    OutputStream file = new FileOutputStream(new File("C:\\Test.pdf"));
    Document document = new Document();
    PdfWriter.getInstance(document, file);;
    HTMLWorker htmlWorker = new HTMLWorker(document);
    htmlWorker.parse(new StringReader(k));
} catch (Exception e) {

or using the XMLWorker, (download from this jar) using this code:

import com.itextpdf.tool.xml.XMLWorkerHelper;
try {
    String k = "<html><body> This is my Project </body></html>";
    OutputStream file = new FileOutputStream(new File("C:\\Test.pdf"));
    Document document = new Document();
    PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, file);;
    InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(k.getBytes());
    XMLWorkerHelper.getInstance().parseXHtml(writer, document, is);
} catch (Exception e) {

How to pass a form input value into a JavaScript function

Well ya you can do that in this way.

    <input type="text" name="address" id="address">
        <div id="map_canvas" style="width: 500px; height: 300px"></div>
    <input type="button" onclick="showAddress(address.value)" value="ShowMap"/>

Java Script

function showAddress(address){

    alert("This is address :"+address)


That is one example for the same. and that will run.

Case insensitive regular expression without re.compile?

In imports

import re

In run time processing:

RE_TEST = r'test'
if re.match(RE_TEST, 'TeSt', re.IGNORECASE):

It should be mentioned that not using re.compile is wasteful. Every time the above match method is called, the regular expression will be compiled. This is also faulty practice in other programming languages. The below is the better practice.

In app initialization:

self.RE_TEST = re.compile('test', re.IGNORECASE)

In run time processing:

if self.RE_TEST.match('TeSt'):

Shell Script: Execute a python program from within a shell script

Save the following program as

print('Hello World')

Then in the terminal type:

chmod +x

Program to find prime numbers

This solution displays all prime numbers between 0 and 100.

        int counter = 0;
        for (int c = 0; c <= 100; c++)
            counter = 0;
            for (int i = 1; i <= c; i++)
                if (c % i == 0)
                { counter++; }
            if (counter == 2)
            { Console.Write(c + " "); }

Reliable way to convert a file to a byte[]

Not to repeat what everyone already have said but keep the following cheat sheet handly for File manipulations:

  1. System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(filename);
  2. File.Exists(filename)
  3. Path.Combine(folderName, resOfThePath);
  4. Path.GetFullPath(path); // converts a relative path to absolute one
  5. Path.GetExtension(path);

How to install Python package from GitHub?

To install Python package from github, you need to clone that repository.

git clone

Then just run the file from that directory,

sudo python install

PostgreSQL Exception Handling

Just want to add my two cents on this old post:

In my opinion, almost all of relational database engines include a commit transaction execution automatically after execute a DDL command even when you have autocommit=false, So you don't need to start a transaction to avoid a potential truncated object creation because It is completely unnecessary.

How do I register a DLL file on Windows 7 64-bit?

If the DLL is 32 bit:

  1. Copy the DLL to C:\Windows\SysWoW64\
  2. In elevated cmd: %windir%\SysWoW64\regsvr32.exe %windir%\SysWoW64\namedll.dll

if the DLL is 64 bit:

  1. Copy the DLL to C:\Windows\System32\
  2. In elevated cmd: %windir%\System32\regsvr32.exe %windir%\System32\namedll.dll

Find Oracle JDBC driver in Maven repository

I ship opensource under LGPLv2 and even after several email conversations with Oracle they were unclear whether I was allowed to ship their binary JDBC driver with my distribution. The issue related to whether my license was compatible with their OTN terms so they suggested I was not permitted to ship the driver. Presumably related to this part

(b) to distribute the programs with applications you have developed to your customers provided that each such licensee agrees to license terms consistent with the terms of this Agreement

So even if you manage to publish the driver legally in your exclusive/local maven repository there is still the restriction on what you are permitted to do with that artifact. Seems absurd that even if I ship their driver in binary form along with the full OTN license file I still can't use it and must force my users to manually download the Oracle driver and drop into my library path before they can use my software.

Send inline image in email

We all have our preferred coding styles. This is what I did:

var pictures = new[]
    new { id = Guid.NewGuid(), type = "image/jpeg", tag = "justme", path = @"C:\Pictures\JustMe.jpg" },
    new { id = Guid.NewGuid(), type = "image/jpeg", tag = "justme-bw", path = @"C:\Pictures\JustMe-BW.jpg" }

var content = $@"
<style type=""text/css"">
    body {{ font-family: Arial; font-size: 10pt; }}
<h4>{DateTime.Now:dddd, MMMM d, yyyy h:mm:ss tt}</h4>
<p>Some pictures</p>
    <p>Color Picture</p>
    <img src=cid:{{justme}} />
    <p>Black and White Picture</p>
    <img src=cid:{{justme-bw}} />
    <p>Color Picture repeated</p>
    <img src=cid:{{justme}} />

// Update content with picture guid
pictures.ForEach(p => content = content.Replace($"{{{p.tag}}}", $"{}"));
// Create Alternate View
var view = AlternateView.CreateAlternateViewFromString(content, Encoding.UTF8, MediaTypeNames.Text.Html);
// Add the resources
pictures.ForEach(p => view.LinkedResources.Add(new LinkedResource(p.path, p.type) { ContentId = }));

using (var client = new SmtpClient()) // Set properties as needed or use config file
using (MailMessage message = new MailMessage()
    IsBodyHtml = true,
    BodyEncoding = Encoding.UTF8,
    Subject = "Picture Email",
    SubjectEncoding = Encoding.UTF8,
    message.From = new MailAddress("[email protected]");
    message.To.Add(new MailAddress("[email protected]"));

Get bitcoin historical data

I have written a java example for this case:

Use library to retrieve JSONObjects and JSONArrays. The example below uses's data which can be obtained as JSONObject.

    public class main 
        public static void main(String[] args) throws MalformedURLException, IOException
            JSONObject data = getJSONfromURL("");
            JSONArray data_array = data.getJSONArray("values");

            for (int i = 0; i < data_array.length(); i++)
                JSONObject price_point = data_array.getJSONObject(i);

                //  Unix time
                int x = price_point.getInt("x");

                //  Bitcoin price at that time
                double y = price_point.getDouble("y");

                //  Do something with x and y.


        public static JSONObject getJSONfromURL(String URL)
                URLConnection uc;
                URL url = new URL(URL);
                uc = url.openConnection();
                uc.addRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)");

                BufferedReader rd = new BufferedReader(
                        new InputStreamReader(uc.getInputStream(), 

                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                int cp;
                while ((cp = != -1)

                String jsonText = (sb.toString());            

                return new JSONObject(jsonText.toString());
            } catch (IOException ex)
                return null;

What JSON library to use in Scala?

Jawn is a very flexible JSON parser library in Scala. It also allows generation of custom ASTs; you just need to supply it with a small trait to map to the AST.

Worked great for a recent project that needed a little bit of JSON parsing.

EOFException - how to handle?

Alternatively, you could write out the number of elements first (as a header) using:


When you read the file, you first read the header (element count):

int elementCount = in.readInt();

for (int i = 0; i < elementCount; i++) {
     // read elements

Reading file input from a multipart/form-data POST

I open-sourced a C# Http form parser here.

This is slightly more flexible than the other one mentioned which is on CodePlex, since you can use it for both Multipart and non-Multipart form-data, and also it gives you other form parameters formatted in a Dictionary object.

This can be used as follows:


public void Login(Stream stream)
    string username = null;
    string password = null;

    HttpContentParser parser = new HttpContentParser(stream);
    if (parser.Success)
        username = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(parser.Parameters["username"]);
        password = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(parser.Parameters["password"]);


public void Upload(Stream stream)
    HttpMultipartParser parser = new HttpMultipartParser(stream, "image");

    if (parser.Success)
        string user = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(parser.Parameters["user"]);
        string title = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(parser.Parameters["title"]);

        // Save the file somewhere
        File.WriteAllBytes(FILE_PATH + title + FILE_EXT, parser.FileContents);

Javascript String to int conversion

Use parseInt():

var number = (parseInt(id.substring(indexPos)) + 1);` // creates the number that will go in the title

Awk if else issues

You forgot braces around the if block, and a semicolon between the statements in the block.

awk '{if($3 != 0) {a = ($3/$4); print $0, a;} else if($3==0) print $0, "-" }' file > out

How to select into a variable in PL/SQL when the result might be null?

I would recommend using a cursor. A cursor fetch is always a single row (unless you use a bulk collection), and cursors do not automatically throw no_data_found or too_many_rows exceptions; although you may inspect the cursor attribute once opened to determine if you have a row and how many.

v_column my_table.column%type;
l_count pls_integer;
cursor my_cursor is
  select count(*) from my_table where ...;

  open my_cursor;
    fetch my_cursor into l_count;
  close my_cursor;

  if l_count = 1 then
    select whse_code into v_column from my_table where ...;
    v_column := null;
  end if;

Or, even more simple:

    v_column my_table.column%type;
    cursor my_cursor is
      select column from my_table where ...;

      open my_cursor;
        fetch my_cursor into v_column;
        -- Optional IF .. THEN based on FOUND or NOTFOUND
        -- Not really needed if v_column is not set
        if my_cursor%notfound then
          v_column := null;
        end if;
      close my_cursor;

Creating a UITableView Programmatically


#import "ViewController.h"

import "secondViewController.h"

 @interface ViewController ()

NSArray *cityArray;
NSArray *citySubTitleArray;
NSArray *cityImage;
NSInteger selectindexpath;


 @implementation ViewController

 - (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.

cityArray = [[NSArray 

citySubTitleArray = [[NSArray alloc]initWithObjects:@"1",@"2",@"3", nil];
cityImage = [[NSArray alloc]initWithObjects:@"12-300x272.png"
 , @"380267_70d232fc33b44d4ebe7b42bbe63ee9be.png",@"apple-logo_318
 -40184.png", nil];


 #pragma mark - UITableView Data Source

 - (NSInteger)numberOfSectionsInTableView:(UITableView *)tableView
return 1;


 - (NSInteger) tableView:(UITableView *)tableView numberOfRowsInSection 
return cityImage.count;

- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView 
cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
static NSString *cellId = @"city";

UITableViewCell *cell =
 [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:cellId];

if (cell == nil)
    cell = [[UITableViewCell 
  alloc]initWithStyle:UITableViewCellStyleSubtitle reuseIdentifier:cellId];

cell.textLabel.text = [cityArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
cell.detailTextLabel.text = [citySubTitleArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
cell.imageView.image = [UIImage imageNamed:
 [cityImage objectAtIndex:indexPath.row]];

 //    NSData *data = [[NSData alloc]initWithContentsOfURL:
 [NSURL URLWithString:@""]];

 //    cell.imageView.image = [UIImage imageWithData:data];

return cell;

-(void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath
:  (NSIndexPath *)indexPath
 NSLog(@"---- %@",[cityArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.row]);
 NSLog(@"----- %@",[cityImage objectAtIndex:indexPath.row]);
 [self performSegueWithIdentifier:@"second" sender:self];

  #pragma mark - Navigation

 // In a storyboard-based application, you will often want to do a little p
 - (void)prepareForSegue:(UIStoryboardSegue *)segue sender:(id)sender
 // Get the new view controller using [segue destinationViewController].
 // Pass the selected object to the new view controller.
 if ([segue.identifier isEqualToString:@"second"])
    secondViewController *object=segue.destinationViewController;
    object.cityName=[cityArray objectAtIndex:selectindexpath];
    object.cityImage=[cityImage objectAtIndex:selectindexpath];

- (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning {
[super didReceiveMemoryWarning];
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.



 #import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

 @interface ViewController : UIViewController<UITableViewDataSource
  , UITableViewDelegate>
 @property (strong, nonatomic) IBOutlet UITableView *cityLabelList;



 #import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

@interface secondViewController : UIViewController
@property(strong, nonatomic) NSString *cityName;
 @property(strong,nonatomic)NSString *cityImage;


#import "secondViewController.h"

 @interface secondViewController ()

 @property (strong, nonatomic) IBOutlet UILabel *lbl_desc;
 @property (strong, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIImageView *img_city;

 @implementation secondViewController

 - (void)viewDidLoad {
 [super viewDidLoad];
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.

if ([self.cityName isEqualToString:@"Coimbatore"])

    self.lbl_desc.text=@"Coimbatore city";
    self.img_city.image=[UIImage imageNamed:
    [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",self.cityImage]];
 else if ([self.cityName isEqualToString:@"Chennai"])

    self.lbl_desc.text= @"Chennai City Gangstar";
    self.img_city.image=[UIImage imageNamed:
   [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",self.cityImage]];


    self.lbl_desc.text= @"selam City";
    self.img_city.image=[UIImage imageNamed:
   [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",self.cityImage]];


- (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning {
[super didReceiveMemoryWarning];
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.

Can I use a :before or :after pseudo-element on an input field?

I used the background-image to create the red dot for required fields.

input[type="text"][required] {
  background-image: radial-gradient(red 15%, transparent 16%);
  background-size: 1em 1em;
  background-position: top right;
  background-repeat: no-repeat

View on Codepen

Node.js EACCES error when listening on most ports

It means node is not able to listen on defined port. Change it to something like 1234 or 2000 or 3000 and restart your server.

Nothing was returned from render. This usually means a return statement is missing. Or, to render nothing, return null

I had the same problem with nothing was returned from render.

It turns out that my code issue with curly braces {}. I wrote my code like this:

import React from 'react';

const Header = () => {
    <nav class="navbar"></nav>

export default Header;

It must be within ():

import React from 'react';

const Header = () => (
    <nav class="navbar"></nav>

export default Header;

exporting multiple modules in react.js

You can have only one default export which you declare like:

export default App; or export default class App extends React.Component {...

and later do import App from './App'

If you want to export something more you can use named exports which you declare without default keyword like:

export {


export About;
export Contact;


export const About = class About extends React.Component {....
export const Contact = () => (<div> ... </div>);

and later you import them like:

import App, { About, Contact } from './App';


There is a mistake in the tutorial as it is not possible to make 3 default exports in the same main.js file. Other than that why export anything if it is no used outside the file?. Correct main.js :

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { Router, Route, Link, browserHistory, IndexRoute  } from 'react-router'

class App extends React.Component {

class Home extends React.Component {

class About extends React.Component {

class Contact extends React.Component {

   <Router history = {browserHistory}>
      <Route path = "/" component = {App}>
         <IndexRoute component = {Home} />
         <Route path = "home" component = {Home} />
         <Route path = "about" component = {About} />
         <Route path = "contact" component = {Contact} />

), document.getElementById('app'))


another thing is that this tutorial is based on react-router-V3 which has different api than v4.

How to fix "Your Ruby version is 2.3.0, but your Gemfile specified 2.2.5" while server starting

I am on Mac OS Sierra. I had to update /etc/paths and add /Users/my.username/.rbenv/shims to the top of the list.

PreparedStatement with list of parameters in a IN clause

Using Java 8 APIs, 

    List<Long> empNoList = Arrays.asList(1234, 7678, 2432, 9756556, 3354646);

    List<String> parameters = new ArrayList<>();
    empNoList.forEach(empNo -> parameters.add("?"));   //Use forEach to add required no. of '?'
    String commaSepParameters = String.join(",", parameters); //Use String to join '?' with ','

StringBuilder selectQuery = new StringBuilder().append("SELECT COUNT(EMP_ID) FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE EMP_ID IN (").append(commaSepParameters).append(")");

Set default value of javascript object attributes

One approach would be to take a defaults object and merge it with the target object. The target object would override values in the defaults object.

jQuery has the .extend() method that does this. jQuery is not needed however as there are vanilla JS implementations such as can be found here:

C# Linq Group By on multiple columns

var consolidatedChildren =
    from c in children
    group c by new
    } into gcs
    select new ConsolidatedChild()
        School = gcs.Key.School,
        Friend = gcs.Key.Friend,
        FavoriteColor = gcs.Key.FavoriteColor,
        Children = gcs.ToList(),

var consolidatedChildren =
        .GroupBy(c => new
        .Select(gcs => new ConsolidatedChild()
            School = gcs.Key.School,
            Friend = gcs.Key.Friend,
            FavoriteColor = gcs.Key.FavoriteColor,
            Children = gcs.ToList(),

Auto insert date and time in form input field?

If you are using HTML5 date

use this code


<input type="date" name="bday" id="start_date"/>

Java Script

document.getElementById('start_date').value = Date();

Leap year calculation

Simply Because year 2000 is a leap year and it is divisible by 100 and dividable by 4. SO to guarantee it is correct leap we need to ensure it is divisible by 400. 2000 % 4 = 0 2000 % 100 = 0 According to algorithm it's not leap, but it is dividable by 400 2000 % 400 = 0 so it is leap.

iOS: Compare two dates

According to Apple documentation of NSDate compare:

Returns an NSComparisonResult value that indicates the temporal ordering of the receiver and another given date.

- (NSComparisonResult)compare:(NSDate *)anotherDate

Parameters anotherDate

The date with which to compare the receiver. This value must not be nil. If the value is nil, the behavior is undefined and may change in future versions of Mac OS X.

Return Value


The receiver and anotherDate are exactly equal to each other, NSOrderedSame

The receiver is later in time than anotherDate, NSOrderedDescending

The receiver is earlier in time than anotherDate, NSOrderedAscending

In other words:

if ([date1 compare:date2] == NSOrderedSame) ...

Note that it might be easier in your particular case to read and write this :

if ([date2 isEqualToDate:date2]) ...

See Apple Documentation about this one.

What is a quick way to force CRLF in C# / .NET?

string nonNormalized = "\r\n\n\r";

string normalized = nonNormalized.Replace("\r", "\n").Replace("\n", "\r\n");

JS map return object

map rockets and add 10 to its launches:

var rockets = [_x000D_
    { country:'Russia', launches:32 },_x000D_
    { country:'US', launches:23 },_x000D_
    { country:'China', launches:16 },_x000D_
    { country:'Europe(ESA)', launches:7 },_x000D_
    { country:'India', launches:4 },_x000D_
    { country:'Japan', launches:3 }_x000D_
];_x000D_ => {_x000D_
    itm.launches += 10_x000D_
    return itm_x000D_

If you don't want to modify rockets you can do:

var plusTen = []
rockets.forEach((itm) => {
    plusTen.push({'country':, 'launches': itm.launches + 10})

Default text which won't be shown in drop-down list

Kyle's solution worked perfectly fine for me so I made my research in order to avoid any Js and CSS, but just sticking with HTML. Adding a value of selected to the item we want to appear as a header forces it to show in the first place as a placeholder. Something like:

<option selected disabled>Choose here</option>

The complete markup should be along these lines:

    <option selected disabled>Choose here</option>
    <option value="1">One</option>
    <option value="2">Two</option>
    <option value="3">Three</option>
    <option value="4">Four</option>
    <option value="5">Five</option>

You can take a look at this fiddle, and here's the result:

enter image description here

If you do not want the sort of placeholder text to appear listed in the options once a user clicks on the select box just add the hidden attribute like so:

    <option selected disabled hidden>Choose here</option>
    <option value="1">One</option>
    <option value="2">Two</option>
    <option value="3">Three</option>
    <option value="4">Four</option>
    <option value="5">Five</option>

Check the fiddle here and the screenshot below.

enter image description here

Here is the solution:

    <option style="display:none;" selected>Select language</option>
    <option>Option 1</option>
    <option>Option 2</option>

How to take the nth digit of a number in python

I was curious about the relative speed of the two popular approaches - casting to string and using modular arithmetic - so I profiled them and was surprised to see how close they were in terms of performance.

(My use-case was slightly different, I wanted to get all digits in the number.)

The string approach gave:

         10000002 function calls in 1.113 seconds

   Ordered by: cumulative time

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
 10000000    1.113    0.000    1.113    0.000
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'disable' of '_lsprof.Profiler' objects}

While the modular arithmetic approach gave:

         10000002 function calls in 1.102 seconds

   Ordered by: cumulative time

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
 10000000    1.102    0.000    1.102    0.000
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000
        1    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000 {method 'disable' of '_lsprof.Profiler' objects}

There were 10^7 tests run with a max number size less than 10^28.

Code used for reference:

def get_digits_str(num):
    for n_str in str(num):
        yield int(n_str)

def get_digits_mod(num, radix=10):

    remaining = num
    yield remaining % radix

    while remaining := remaining // radix:
        yield remaining % radix

if __name__ == '__main__':

    import cProfile
    import random

    random_inputs = [random.randrange(0, 10000000000000000000000000000) for _ in range(10000000)]

    with cProfile.Profile() as str_profiler:
        for rand_num in random_inputs:


    with cProfile.Profile() as mod_profiler:
        for rand_num in random_inputs:


Check box size change with CSS

Try this

<input type="checkbox" style="zoom:1.5;" />
/* The value 1.5 i.e., the size of checkbox will be increased by 0.5% */

How to plot a subset of a data frame in R?

Most straightforward option:


It does not look good because of code redundancy, but is ok for fastndirty hacking.

Entity Framework VS LINQ to SQL VS ADO.NET with stored procedures?

Stored procedures:


  • Great flexibility
  • Full control over SQL
  • The highest performance available


  • Requires knowledge of SQL
  • Stored procedures are out of source control
  • Substantial amount of "repeating yourself" while specifying the same table and field names. The high chance of breaking the application after renaming a DB entity and missing some references to it somewhere.
  • Slow development



  • Rapid development
  • Data access code now under source control
  • You're isolated from changes in DB. If that happens you only need to update your model/mappings in one place.


  • Performance may be worse
  • No or little control over SQL the ORM produces (could be inefficient or worse buggy). Might need to intervene and replace it with custom stored procedures. That will render your code messy (some LINQ in code, some SQL in code and/or in the DB out of source control).
  • As any abstraction can produce "high-level" developers having no idea how it works under the hood

The general tradeoff is between having a great flexibility and losing lots of time vs. being restricted in what you can do but having it done very quickly.

There is no general answer to this question. It's a matter of holy wars. Also depends on a project at hand and your needs. Pick up what works best for you.

How to use UTF-8 in resource properties with ResourceBundle

Speaking for current (2021-2) Java versions there is still the old ISO-8859-1 function utils.Properties#load.

Allow me to quote from the official doc.


PropertyResourceBundle can be constructed either from an InputStream or a Reader, which represents a property file. Constructing a PropertyResourceBundle instance from an InputStream requires that the input stream be encoded in UTF-8. By default, if a MalformedInputException or an UnmappableCharacterException occurs on reading the input stream, then the PropertyResourceBundle instance resets to the state before the exception, re-reads the input stream in ISO-8859-1, and continues reading. If the system property java.util.PropertyResourceBundle.encoding is set to either "ISO-8859-1" or "UTF-8", the input stream is solely read in that encoding, and throws the exception if it encounters an invalid sequence. If "ISO-8859-1" is specified, characters that cannot be represented in ISO-8859-1 encoding must be represented by Unicode Escapes as defined in section 3.3 of The Java™ Language Specification whereas the other constructor which takes a Reader does not have that limitation. Other encoding values are ignored for this system property. The system property is read and evaluated when initializing this class. Changing or removing the property has no effect after the initialization.


Reads a property list (key and element pairs) from the input byte stream. The input stream is in a simple line-oriented format as specified in load(Reader) and is assumed to use the ISO 8859-1 character encoding; that is each byte is one Latin1 character. Characters not in Latin1, and certain special characters, are represented in keys and elements using Unicode escapes as defined in section 3.3 of The Java™ Language Specification.

md-table - How to update the column width

Let's take an example. If your table has columns as follows:

<!-- ID Column -->
  <ng-container matColumnDef="id" >
    <th mat-header-cell *matHeaderCellDef mat-sort-header> ID </th>
    <td mat-cell *matCellDef="let row"> {{row.sid}} </td>

 <!-- Name Column -->
  <ng-container matColumnDef="name">
    <th mat-header-cell *matHeaderCellDef mat-sort-header> Name </th>
    <td mat-cell *matCellDef="let row"> {{}} </td>

As this contain two columns. then we can set the width of columns using

    width: <witdh-size>% !important;

for this example, we take

    width: 20% !important;      
    width: 80% !important;

jQuery `.is(":visible")` not working in Chrome

There is a weird case where if the element is set to display: inline the jQuery check for visibility fails.



#myspan {display: inline;}


$('#myspan').show(); // Our element is `inline` instead of `block`
$('#myspan').is(":visible"); // This is false

To fix it you can hide the element in jQuery and than show/hide or toggle() should work fine.

$('#otherElement').on('click', function() {

HTTP Content-Type Header and JSON

The below code helps me to return a JSON object for JavaScript on the front end

My template code


    "name": "{{name}}"

Python backed code

def download_json(request):
    print("Downloading JSON")
    # Response render a template as JSON object
    return HttpResponse(render_to_response("template_file.json",dict(name="Alex Vera")),content_type="application/json")    


url(r'^download_as_json/$', views.download_json, name='download_json-url')

jQuery code for the front end

        url:'{% url 'download_json-url' %}'        
        console.log('json ', data);
        alert('hello ' +;

Update Top 1 record in table sql server

SET TIMESTAMP2 = '2013-12-12 15:40:31.593',
   FROM TX_Master_PCBA WHERE SERIAL_NO='0500030309'
   ORDER BY TIMESTAMP2 DESC   -- You need to decide what column you want to sort on

Total Number of Row Resultset getRow Method

You need to call ResultSet#beforeFirst() to put the cursor back to before the first row before you return the ResultSet object. This way the user will be able to use next() the usual way.

rows = resultSet.getRow();
return resultSet;

However, you have bigger problems with the code given as far. It's leaking DB resources and it is also not a proper OOP approach. Lookup the DAO pattern. Ultimately you'd like to end up as

public List<Operations> list() throws SQLException {
    // Declare Connection, Statement, ResultSet, List<Operation>.

    try {
        // Use Connection, Statement, ResultSet.

        while ( {
            // Add new Operation to list.
    } finally {
        // Close ResultSet, Statement, Connection.

    return list;

This way the caller has just to use List#size() to know about the number of records.

psql - save results of command to a file

I assume that there exist some internal psql command for this, but you could also run the script command from util-linux-ng package:

DESCRIPTION Script makes a typescript of everything printed on your terminal.

Angular 2 Checkbox Two Way Data Binding

I know it may be repeated answer but for any one want to load list of checkboxes with selectall checkbox into angular form i follow this example: Select all/deselect all checkbox using angular 2+

it work fine but just need to add

[ngModelOptions]="{standalone: true}" 

the final HTML should be like this:

    <li><input type="checkbox" [(ngModel)]="selectedAll" (change)="selectAll();"/></li>
    <li *ngFor="let n of names">
    <input type="checkbox" [(ngModel)]="n.selected" (change)="checkIfAllSelected();">{{}}


  selectAll() {
    for (var i = 0; i < this.names.length; i++) {
      this.names[i].selected = this.selectedAll;
  checkIfAllSelected() {
    this.selectedAll = this.names.every(function(item:any) {
        return item.selected == true;

hope this help thnx

AngularJS format JSON string output

Angular has a built-in filter for showing JSON

<pre>{{data | json}}</pre>

Note the use of the pre-tag to conserve whitespace and linebreaks


angular.module('app', [])_x000D_
  .controller('Ctrl', ['$scope',_x000D_
    function($scope) {_x000D_
      $ = {_x000D_
        a: 1,_x000D_
        b: 2,_x000D_
        c: {_x000D_
          d: "3"_x000D_
<!DOCTYPE html>_x000D_
<html ng-app="app">_x000D_
    <script data-require="[email protected]" data-semver="1.2.15" src="//"></script>_x000D_
  <body ng-controller="Ctrl">_x000D_
    <pre>{{data | json}}</pre>_x000D_

There's also an angular.toJson method, but I haven't played around with that (Docs)

In a Django form, how do I make a field readonly (or disabled) so that it cannot be edited?

Yet again, I am going to offer one more solution :) I was using Humphrey's code, so this is based off of that.

However, I ran into issues with the field being a ModelChoiceField. Everything would work on the first request. However, if the formset tried to add a new item and failed validation, something was going wrong with the "existing" forms where the SELECTED option was being reset to the default ---------.

Anyway, I couldn't figure out how to fix that. So instead, (and I think this is actually cleaner in the form), I made the fields HiddenInputField(). This just means you have to do a little more work in the template.

So the fix for me was to simplify the Form:

class ItemForm(ModelForm):

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(ItemForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        instance = getattr(self, 'instance', None)
        if instance and

And then in the template, you'll need to do some manual looping of the formset.

So, in this case you would do something like this in the template:

    {{ form.instance.sku }} <!-- This prints the value -->
    {{ form }} <!-- Prints form normally, and makes the hidden input -->

This worked a little better for me and with less form manipulation.

Get IPv4 addresses from Dns.GetHostEntry()

    public Form1()

        string myHost = System.Net.Dns.GetHostName();
        string myIP = null;

        for (int i = 0; i <= System.Net.Dns.GetHostEntry(myHost).AddressList.Length - 1; i++)
            if (System.Net.Dns.GetHostEntry(myHost).AddressList[i].IsIPv6LinkLocal == false)
                myIP = System.Net.Dns.GetHostEntry(myHost).AddressList[i].ToString();

Declare myIP and myHost in public Variable and use in any function of the form.

Unable to call the built in mb_internal_encoding method?

If someone is having trouble with installing php-mbstring package in ubuntu do following sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5

Multiple cases in switch statement

You can leave out the newline which gives you:

case 1: case 2: case 3:

but I consider that bad style.

How to convert DateTime to/from specific string format (both ways, e.g. given Format is "yyyyMMdd")?

It's the Simple way to convert to format


Why would anybody use C over C++?

  • Because they already know C
  • Because they're building an embedded app for a platform that only has a C compiler
  • Because they're maintaining legacy software written in C
  • You're writing something on the level of an operating system, a relational database engine, or a retail 3D video game engine.

How to change the JDK for a Jenkins job?

Using latest Jenkins version 2.7.4 which is also having a bug for existing jobs.

  1. Add new JDKs through Manage Jenkins -> Global Tool Configuration -> JDK ** If you edit current job then JDK dropdown is not showing (bug)

  2. Hit http://your_jenkin_server:8080/restart and restart the server

  3. Re-configure job

Now, you should see JDK dropdown in "job name" -> Configure in Jenkins web ui. It will list all JDKs available in Jenkins configuration.

delete word after or around cursor in VIM

Insert mode has no such command, unfortunately. In VIM, to delete the whole word under the cursor you may type viwd in NORMAL mode. Which means "Visual-block Inner Word Delete". Use an upper case W to include punctuation.

Python one-line "for" expression

If you're trying to copy the array:

array2 = array[:]

C++ error: undefined reference to 'clock_gettime' and 'clock_settime'


c++ -Wall filefork.cpp -lrt -O2

For gcc version 4.6.1, -lrt must be after filefork.cpp otherwise you get a link error.

Some older gcc version doesn't care about the position.

OVER clause in Oracle

The OVER clause specifies the partitioning, ordering and window "over which" the analytic function operates.

Example #1: calculate a moving average


date   amt   avg_amt
=====  ====  =======
1-Jan  10.0  10.5
2-Jan  11.0  17.0
3-Jan  30.0  17.0
4-Jan  10.0  18.0
5-Jan  14.0  12.0

It operates over a moving window (3 rows wide) over the rows, ordered by date.

Example #2: calculate a running balance


date   amt   sum_amt
=====  ====  =======
1-Jan  10.0  10.0
2-Jan  11.0  21.0
3-Jan  30.0  51.0
4-Jan  10.0  61.0
5-Jan  14.0  75.0

It operates over a window that includes the current row and all prior rows.

Note: for an aggregate with an OVER clause specifying a sort ORDER, the default window is UNBOUNDED PRECEDING to CURRENT ROW, so the above expression may be simplified to, with the same result:

SUM(amt) OVER (ORDER BY date)

Example #3: calculate the maximum within each group


dept  amt   max_amt
====  ====  =======
ACCT   5.0   7.0
ACCT   7.0   7.0
ACCT   6.0   7.0
MRKT  10.0  11.0
MRKT  11.0  11.0
SLES   2.0   2.0

It operates over a window that includes all rows for a particular dept.

SQL Fiddle:!4/9eecb7d/122

How to Select a substring in Oracle SQL up to a specific character?

You need to get the position of the first underscore (using INSTR) and then get the part of the string from 1st charecter to (pos-1) using substr.

  1  select 'ABC_blahblahblah' test_string,
  2         instr('ABC_blahblahblah','_',1,1) position_underscore,
  3         substr('ABC_blahblahblah',1,instr('ABC_blahblahblah','_',1,1)-1) result
  4*   from dual
SQL> /

---------------- ------------------  ---
ABC_blahblahblah                  4  ABC

Instr documentation

Susbtr Documentation

What's the difference between & and && in MATLAB?

A good rule of thumb when constructing arguments for use in conditional statements (IF, WHILE, etc.) is to always use the &&/|| forms, unless there's a very good reason not to. There are two reasons...

  1. As others have mentioned, the short-circuiting behavior of &&/|| is similar to most C-like languages. That similarity / familiarity is generally considered a point in its favor.
  2. Using the && or || forms forces you to write the full code for deciding your intent for vector arguments. When a = [1 0 0 1] and b = [0 1 0 1], is a&b true or false? I can't remember the rules for MATLAB's &, can you? Most people can't. On the other hand, if you use && or ||, you're FORCED to write the code "in full" to resolve the condition.

Doing this, rather than relying on MATLAB's resolution of vectors in & and |, leads to code that's a little bit more verbose, but a LOT safer and easier to maintain.

How can I populate a select dropdown list from a JSON feed with AngularJS?

<select name="selectedFacilityId" ng-model="selectedFacilityId">
         <option ng-repeat="facility in facilities" value="{{}}">{{}}</option>

This is an example on how to use it.

Get Value From Select Option in Angular 4

    //in html file
    <div class="row">
                <div class="col-md-6">
                    <div class="form-group">
                        <label for="name">Country</label>
                        <select class="form-control" formControlName="country" (change)="onCountryChange($">
                            <option disabled selected value [ngValue]="null"> -- Select Country  -- </option>
                            <option *ngFor="let country of countries" [value]="">{{}}</option>
                            <div *ngIf="isEdit">
            <div class="help-block" *ngIf="studentForm.get('country').invalid && studentForm.get('country').touched">
                <div *ngIf="studentForm.get('country').errors.required">*country is required</div>
            <div class="row">
                <div class="col-md-6">
                    <div class="form-group">
                        <label for="name">State</label>
                        <select class="form-control" formControlName="state" (change)="onStateChange($">
                            <option disabled selected value [ngValue]="null"> -- Select State -- </option>
                            <option *ngFor="let state of states" [value]="">{{state.state_name}}</option>
            <div class="help-block" *ngIf="studentForm.get('state').invalid && studentForm.get('state').touched">
                <div *ngIf="studentForm.get('state').errors.required">*state is enter code hererequired</div>
            <div class="row">
                <div class="col-md-6">
                    <div class="form-group">
                        <label for="name">City</label>
                        <select class="form-control" formControlName="city">
                            <option disabled selected value [ngValue]="null"> -- Select City -- </option>
                            <option *ngFor="let city of cities" [value]="" >{{city.city_name}}</option>
            <div class="help-block" *ngIf="studentForm.get('city').invalid && studentForm.get('city').touched">
                <div *ngIf="studentForm.get('city').errors.required">*city is required</div>
    //then in component
    this.states = resData;
     this.cities = resData;
   }`enter code here`

Append to the end of a Char array in C++

There's no built-in command for that because it's illegal. You can't modify the size of an array once declared.

What you're looking for is either std::vector to simulate a dynamic array, or better yet a std::string.

std::string first ("The dog jumps ");
std::string second ("over the log");
std::cout << first + second << std::endl;

How to check version of a CocoaPods framework

Podfile.lock file right under Podfile within your project.

The main thing is , Force it to open through your favourite TextEditor, like Sublime or TextEdit [Open With -> Select Sublime] as it doesn't give an option straight away to open.

How can I find matching values in two arrays?

If your values are non-null strings or numbers, you can use an object as a dictionary:

var map = {}, result = [], i;
for (i = 0; i < array1.length; ++i) {
    map[array1[i]] = 1;

for (i = 0; i < array2.length; ++i) {
    if (map[array2[i]] === 1) {

        // avoid returning a value twice if it appears twice in array 2
        map[array2[i]] = 0;

return result;

Node JS Promise.all and forEach

Just to add to the solution presented, in my case I wanted to fetch multiple data from Firebase for a list of products. Here is how I did it:

useEffect(() => {
  const fn = p => firebase.firestore().doc(`products/${}`).get();
  const actions =;
  const results = Promise.all(actions);
  results.then(data => {
    const newProducts = [];
    data.forEach(p => {
      newProducts.push({ id:, });
}, [data]);

Paste in insert mode?

Yes. In Windows Ctrl+V and in Linux pressing both mouse buttons nearly simultaneously.

In Windows I think this line in my _vimrc probably does it:

source $VIMRUNTIME/mswin.vim

In Linux I don't remember how I did it. It looks like I probably deleted some line from the default .vimrc file.

How to get the ASCII value in JavaScript for the characters

Here is the example:

var charCode = "a".charCodeAt(0);_x000D_

Or if you have longer strings:

var string = "Some string";_x000D_
for (var i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {_x000D_

String.charCodeAt(x) method will return ASCII character code at a given position.

What arguments are passed into AsyncTask<arg1, arg2, arg3>?

I'm too late to the party but thought this might help someone.

How to search and replace text in a file?

Your problem stems from reading from and writing to the same file. Rather than opening fileToSearch for writing, open an actual temporary file and then after you're done and have closed tempFile, use os.rename to move the new file over fileToSearch.

How do I show multiple recaptchas on a single page?

var ReCaptchaCallback = function() {_x000D_
      var el = $(this);_x000D_
      grecaptcha.render(el.get(0), {'sitekey' :"sitekey")});_x000D_
      });  _x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<script src="" async defer></script>_x000D_
ReCaptcha 1_x000D_
<div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="6Lc8WQcUAAAAABQKSITdXbc6p9HISCQhZIJwm2Zw"></div>_x000D_
ReCaptcha 2_x000D_
<div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="6Lc8WQcUAAAAABQKSITdXbc6p9HISCQhZIJwm2Zw"></div>_x000D_
ReCaptcha 3_x000D_
<div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="6Lc8WQcUAAAAABQKSITdXbc6p9HISCQhZIJwm2Zw"></div>

AngularJS ng-style with a conditional expression

I am doing like below for multiple and independent conditions and it works like charm:

<div ng-style="{{valueFromJS}} === 'Hello' ? {'color': 'red'} : {'color': ''} && valueFromNG-Repeat === '{{dayOfToday}}' ? {'font-weight': 'bold'} : {'font-weight': 'normal'}"></div>

SSL Error: unable to get local issuer certificate

If you are a linux user Update node to a later version by running

sudo apt update

 sudo apt install build-essential checkinstall libssl-dev

curl -o- | bash

nvm --version

nvm ls

nvm ls-remote

nvm install [version.number]

this should solve your problem

Anaconda vs. miniconda


conda is both a command line tool, and a python package.

Miniconda installer = Python + conda

Anaconda installer = Python + conda + meta package anaconda

meta Python pkg anaconda = about 160 Python pkgs for daily use in data science

Anaconda installer = Miniconda installer + conda install anaconda


  1. conda is a python manager and an environment manager, which makes it possible to

    • install package with conda install flake8
    • create an environment with any version of Python with conda create -n myenv python=3.6
  2. Miniconda installer = Python + conda

    conda, the package manager and environment manager, is a Python package. So Python is installed. Cause conda distribute Python interpreter with its own libraries/dependencies but not the existing ones on your operating system, other minimal dependencies like openssl, ncurses, sqlite, etc are installed as well.

    Basically, Miniconda is just conda and its minimal dependencies. And the environment where conda is installed is the "base" environment, which is previously called "root" environment.

  3. Anaconda installer = Python + conda + meta package anaconda

  4. meta Python package anaconda = about 160 Python pkgs for daily use in data science

    Meta packages, are packages that do NOT contain actual softwares and simply depend on other packages to be installed.

    Download an anaconda meta package from Anaconda Cloud and extract the content from it. The actual 160+ packages to be installed are listed in info/recipe/meta.yaml.

        name: anaconda
        version: '2019.07'
            - '*'
        number: '0'
        pin_depends: strict
        string: py36_0
            - python 3.6.8 haf84260_0
            - true
            - alabaster 0.7.12 py36_0
            - anaconda-client 1.7.2 py36_0
            - anaconda-project 0.8.3 py_0
            # ...
            - beautifulsoup4 4.7.1 py36_1
            # ...
            - curl 7.65.2 ha441bb4_0
            # ...
            - hdf5 1.10.4 hfa1e0ec_0
            # ...
            - ipykernel 5.1.1 py36h39e3cac_0
            - ipython 7.6.1 py36h39e3cac_0
            - ipython_genutils 0.2.0 py36h241746c_0
            - ipywidgets 7.5.0 py_0
            # ...
            - jupyter 1.0.0 py36_7
            - jupyter_client 5.3.1 py_0
            - jupyter_console 6.0.0 py36_0
            - jupyter_core 4.5.0 py_0
            - jupyterlab 1.0.2 py36hf63ae98_0
            - jupyterlab_server 1.0.0 py_0
            # ...
            - matplotlib 3.1.0 py36h54f8f79_0
            # ...
            - mkl 2019.4 233
            - mkl-service 2.0.2 py36h1de35cc_0
            - mkl_fft 1.0.12 py36h5e564d8_0
            - mkl_random 1.0.2 py36h27c97d8_0
            # ...
            - nltk 3.4.4 py36_0
            # ...
            - numpy 1.16.4 py36hacdab7b_0
            - numpy-base 1.16.4 py36h6575580_0
            - numpydoc 0.9.1 py_0
            # ...
            - pandas 0.24.2 py36h0a44026_0
            - pandoc 0
            # ...
            - pillow 6.1.0 py36hb68e598_0
            # ...
            - pyqt 5.9.2 py36h655552a_2
            # ...
            - qt 5.9.7 h468cd18_1
            - qtawesome 0.5.7 py36_1
            - qtconsole 4.5.1 py_0
            - qtpy 1.8.0 py_0
            # ...
            - requests 2.22.0 py36_0
            # ...
            - sphinx 2.1.2 py_0
            - sphinxcontrib 1.0 py36_1
            - sphinxcontrib-applehelp 1.0.1 py_0
            - sphinxcontrib-devhelp 1.0.1 py_0
            - sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp 1.0.2 py_0
            - sphinxcontrib-jsmath 1.0.1 py_0
            - sphinxcontrib-qthelp 1.0.2 py_0
            - sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml 1.1.3 py_0
            - sphinxcontrib-websupport 1.1.2 py_0
            - spyder 3.3.6 py36_0
            - spyder-kernels 0.5.1 py36_0
            # ...

    The pre-installed packages from meta pkg anaconda are mainly for web scraping and data science. Like requests, beautifulsoup, numpy, nltk, etc.

    If you have a Miniconda installed, conda install anaconda will make it same as an Anaconda installation, except that the installation folder names are different.

  5. Miniconda2 v.s. Miniconda. Anaconda2 v.s. Anaconda.

    2 means the bundled Python interpreter for conda in the "base" environment is Python 2, but not Python 3.

XAMPP Apache Webserver localhost not working on MAC OS

Same thing as mine on OS X Mavericks.

After a couple of trials by error while changing Apache configuration, I got weird output on localhost/xampp. Thought PHP engine was messed up. However, is working completely okay.

Finally, I cleaned up the browser cache and reload the page again and Voila!

Resolved on Firefox...

DataGrid get selected rows' column values

Solution based on Tonys answer:

        DataGrid dg = sender as DataGrid;
        User row = (User)dg.SelectedItems[0];

How can a divider line be added in an Android RecyclerView?

The Right way is to define ItemDecoration for the RecyclerView is as following

public class SimpleDividerItemDecoration extends RecyclerView.ItemDecoration {
    private Drawable mDivider;
    public SimpleDividerItemDecoration(Context context) {
        mDivider = ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, R.drawable.line_divider);
    public void onDrawOver(Canvas c, RecyclerView parent, RecyclerView.State state) {
        int left = parent.getPaddingLeft();
        int right = parent.getWidth() - parent.getPaddingRight();
        int childCount = parent.getChildCount();
        for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
            View child = parent.getChildAt(i);
            RecyclerView.LayoutParams params = (RecyclerView.LayoutParams) child.getLayoutParams();
            int top = child.getBottom() + params.bottomMargin;
            int bottom = top + mDivider.getIntrinsicHeight();
            mDivider.setBounds(left, top, right, bottom);


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<shape xmlns:android=""
        android:height="1dp" />
    <solid android:color="@color/dark_gray" />

Finally set it like this

recyclerView.addItemDecoration(new SimpleDividerItemDecoration(this));


As pointed by @Alan Solitar


is depreciated instead of that you can use


How to trigger an event after using event.preventDefault()

A more recent answer skillfully uses

$('form').one('submit', function(e) {
    // do your things ...

    // and when you done:

password-check directive in angularjs

As of angular 1.3.0-beta12, invalid inputs don't write to ngModel, so you can't watch AND THEN validate as you can see here: A new validators pipeline was introduced and you can attach to this to achieve the same thing.

Actually, on that note I've created a bower component for common extra validators: which includes this.

angular.module('validators').directive('equals', function() {
    return {
        restrict: 'A',
        require: '?ngModel',
        link: function(scope, elem, attrs, ngModel)
            if (!ngModel) return;

            attrs.$observe('equals', function() {

            ngModel.$validators.equals = function(value) {
                return value === attrs.equals;

angular.module('validators').directive('notEquals', function() {
    return {
        restrict: 'A',
        require: '?ngModel',
        link: function(scope, elem, attrs, ngModel)
            if (!ngModel) return;

            attrs.$observe('notEquals', function() {

            ngModel.$validators.notEquals = function(value) {
                return value === attrs.notEquals;

What is the difference between char * const and const char *?

First one is a syntax error. Maybe you meant the difference between

const char * mychar


char * const mychar

In that case, the first one is a pointer to data that can't change, and the second one is a pointer that will always point to the same address.

Find duplicate records in MySQL

Another solution would be to use table aliases, like so:

SELECT,, p1.address
FROM list AS p1, list AS p2
WHERE p1.address = p2.address
AND !=

All you're really doing in this case is taking the original list table, creating two pretend tables -- p1 and p2 -- out of that, and then performing a join on the address column (line 3). The 4th line makes sure that the same record doesn't show up multiple times in your set of results ("duplicate duplicates").

Creating a copy of a database in PostgreSQL

Try this:


gl XD

Declare a constant array

From Effective Go:

Constants in Go are just that—constant. They are created at compile time, even when defined as locals in functions, and can only be numbers, characters (runes), strings or booleans. Because of the compile-time restriction, the expressions that define them must be constant expressions, evaluatable by the compiler. For instance, 1<<3 is a constant expression, while math.Sin(math.Pi/4) is not because the function call to math.Sin needs to happen at run time.

Slices and arrays are always evaluated during runtime:

var TestSlice = []float32 {.03, .02}
var TestArray = [2]float32 {.03, .02}
var TestArray2 = [...]float32 {.03, .02}

[...] tells the compiler to figure out the length of the array itself. Slices wrap arrays and are easier to work with in most cases. Instead of using constants, just make the variables unaccessible to other packages by using a lower case first letter:

var ThisIsPublic = [2]float32 {.03, .02}
var thisIsPrivate = [2]float32 {.03, .02}

thisIsPrivate is available only in the package it is defined. If you need read access from outside, you can write a simple getter function (see Getters in golang).

XMLHttpRequest blocked by CORS Policy

I believe sideshowbarker 's answer here has all the info you need to fix this. If your problem is just No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the response you're getting, you can set up a CORS proxy to get around this. Way more info on it in the linked answer

Fatal error: Class 'ZipArchive' not found in

For PHP 7.x

sudo apt-get install php-zip

For PHP 5.x

sudo apt-get install php5.x-zip
// (for example sudo apt-get install php5.6-zip)

And then restart the Apache server

sudo service apache2 restart

Git: how to reverse-merge a commit?

If you don't want to commit, or want to commit later (commit message will still be prepared for you, which you can also edit):

git revert -n <commit>

How can I revert a single file to a previous version?

You can take a diff that undoes the changes you want and commit that.

E.g. If you want to undo the changes in the range, do the following

git diff to..from > foo.diff  # get a reverse diff
patch < foo.diff
git commit -a -m "Undid changes".

How can I write variables inside the tasks file in ansible

Variable definitions are meant to be used in tasks. But if you want to include them in tasks probably use the register directive. Like this:

- name: Define variable in task.
  shell: echo ""
  register: url

- name: Download apache
  shell: wget {{ item }}
  with_items: url.stdout

You can also look at roles as a way of separating tasks depending on the different roles roles. This way you can have separate variables for each of one of your roles. For example you may have a url variable for apache1 and a separate url variable for the role apache2.

Git merge with force overwrite

You can try "ours" option in git merge,

git merge branch -X ours

This option forces conflicting hunks to be auto-resolved cleanly by favoring our version. Changes from the other tree that do not conflict with our side are reflected to the merge result. For a binary file, the entire contents are taken from our side.

what is an illegal reflective access

Apart from an understanding of the accesses amongst modules and their respective packages. I believe the crux of it lies in the Module System#Relaxed-strong-encapsulation and I would just cherry-pick the relevant parts of it to try and answer the question.

What defines an illegal reflective access and what circumstances trigger the warning?

To aid in the migration to Java-9, the strong encapsulation of the modules could be relaxed.

  • An implementation may provide static access, i.e. by compiled bytecode.

  • May provide a means to invoke its run-time system with one or more packages of one or more of its modules open to code in all unnamed modules, i.e. to code on the classpath. If the run-time system is invoked in this way, and if by doing so some invocations of the reflection APIs succeed where otherwise they would have failed.

In such cases, you've actually ended up making a reflective access which is "illegal" since in a pure modular world you were not meant to do such accesses.

How it all hangs together and what triggers the warning in what scenario?

This relaxation of the encapsulation is controlled at runtime by a new launcher option --illegal-access which by default in Java9 equals permit. The permit mode ensures

The first reflective-access operation to any such package causes a warning to be issued, but no warnings are issued after that point. This single warning describes how to enable further warnings. This warning cannot be suppressed.

The modes are configurable with values debug(message as well as stacktrace for every such access), warn(message for each such access), and deny(disables such operations).

Few things to debug and fix on applications would be:-

  • Run it with --illegal-access=deny to get to know about and avoid opening packages from one module to another without a module declaration including such a directive(opens) or explicit use of --add-opens VM arg.
  • Static references from compiled code to JDK-internal APIs could be identified using the jdeps tool with the --jdk-internals option

The warning message issued when an illegal reflective-access operation is detected has the following form:

WARNING: Illegal reflective access by $PERPETRATOR to $VICTIM


$PERPETRATOR is the fully-qualified name of the type containing the code that invoked the reflective operation in question plus the code source (i.e., JAR-file path), if available, and

$VICTIM is a string that describes the member being accessed, including the fully-qualified name of the enclosing type

Questions for such a sample warning: = JDK9: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred. org.python.core.PySystemState

Last and an important note, while trying to ensure that you do not face such warnings and are future safe, all you need to do is ensure your modules are not making those illegal reflective accesses. :)

Solving SharePoint Server 2010 - 503. The service is unavailable, After installation

I agree with Beytan Kurt.

I had 503 thrown for both the Central Admin site as well as the SharePoint landing page. In both cases the Passwords were expired.

After resetting the password in the AD, and refreshing the Identity, CA worked but the SharePoint landing page threw a 500 error.

It turned out that the .Net Framework Version was set to V4.0. I changed it to V2.0 and it worked.

Remember after each change you need to recycle the appropriate app pool.

Spring Maven clean error - The requested profile "pom.xml" could not be activated because it does not exist

I was getting this same warning everytime I was doing 'maven clean'. I found the solution :

Step - 1 Right click on your project in Eclipse

Step - 2 Click Properties

Step - 3 Select Maven in the left hand side list.

Step - 4 You will notice "pom.xml" in the Active Maven Profiles text box on the right hand side. Clear it and click Apply.

Below is the screen shot :

Properties dialog box

Hope this helps. :)

ERROR 1064 (42000) in MySQL

Making the following changes in query solved this issue:

INSERT INTO table_name (`column1`, `column2`) values ('val1', 'val2');

Note that the column names are enclosed in ` (character above tab) and not in quotes.

How to fix 'fs: re-evaluating native module sources is not supported' - graceful-fs

Or try to update node:

brew upgrade node

If it is installed with brew (like in my case). sudo npm update -g npm did not solve the "same" problem for me.

How to set the context path of a web application in Tomcat 7.0

<Context docBase="yourAppName" path="" reloadable="true">

go to Tomcat server.xml file and set path blank

What causes this error? "Runtime error 380: Invalid property value"

Old thread, but here is an answer.

Problematic fonts with voyager

ie. if you install some corel suite, drop some language options away. We dig through this with process monitor and found the reason, with us it was these two font files.

DFKai71.ttf dfmw5.ttf

We had same problem and it was fixed by removing these two font files from windows\fonts folder.

How to programmatically modify WCF app.config endpoint address setting?

I have modified and extended Malcolm Swaine's code to modify a specific node by it's name attribute, and to also modify an external config file. Hope it helps.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
using System.Reflection;

namespace LobbyGuard.UI.Registration
public class ConfigSettings

    private static string NodePath = "//system.serviceModel//client//endpoint";

    private ConfigSettings() { }

    public static string GetEndpointAddress()
        return ConfigSettings.loadConfigDocument().SelectSingleNode(NodePath).Attributes["address"].Value;

    public static void SaveEndpointAddress(string endpointAddress)
        // load config document for current assembly
        XmlDocument doc = loadConfigDocument();

        // retrieve appSettings node
        XmlNodeList nodes = doc.SelectNodes(NodePath);

        foreach (XmlNode node in nodes)
            if (node == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Error. Could not find endpoint node in config file.");

            //If this isnt the node I want to change, look at the next one
            //Change this string to the name attribute of the node you want to change
            if (node.Attributes["name"].Value != "DataLocal_Endpoint1")

                // select the 'add' element that contains the key
                //XmlElement elem = (XmlElement)node.SelectSingleNode(string.Format("//add[@key='{0}']", key));
                node.Attributes["address"].Value = endpointAddress;


            catch (Exception e)
                throw e;

    public static void SaveEndpointAddress(string endpointAddress, string ConfigPath, string endpointName)
        // load config document for current assembly
        XmlDocument doc = loadConfigDocument(ConfigPath);

        // retrieve appSettings node
        XmlNodeList nodes = doc.SelectNodes(NodePath);

        foreach (XmlNode node in nodes)
            if (node == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Error. Could not find endpoint node in config file.");

            //If this isnt the node I want to change, look at the next one
            if (node.Attributes["name"].Value != endpointName)

                // select the 'add' element that contains the key
                //XmlElement elem = (XmlElement)node.SelectSingleNode(string.Format("//add[@key='{0}']", key));
                node.Attributes["address"].Value = endpointAddress;


            catch (Exception e)
                throw e;

    public static XmlDocument loadConfigDocument()
        XmlDocument doc = null;
            doc = new XmlDocument();
            return doc;
        catch (System.IO.FileNotFoundException e)
            throw new Exception("No configuration file found.", e);

    public static XmlDocument loadConfigDocument(string Path)
        XmlDocument doc = null;
            doc = new XmlDocument();
            return doc;
        catch (System.IO.FileNotFoundException e)
            throw new Exception("No configuration file found.", e);

    private static string getConfigFilePath()
        return Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location + ".config";


What is the difference between .text, .value, and .value2?

Except first answer form Bathsheba, except MSDN information for:


you could analyse these tables for better understanding of differences between analysed properties.

enter image description here

"Missing return statement" within if / for / while

If you put return statement in if, while or for statement then it may or may not return value. If it will not go inside these statement then also that method should return some value ( that could be null). To ensure that, compiler will force you to write this return statement which is after if, while or for.

But if you write if / else block and each one of them is having return in it then compiler knows that either if or else will get execute and method will return a value. So this time compiler will not force you.


Find all files with name containing string

An alternative to the many solutions already provided is making use of the glob **. When you use bash with the option globstar (shopt -s globstar) or you make use of zsh, you can just use the glob ** for this.


does a recursive directory search for files named bar (potentially including the file bar in the current directory). Remark that this cannot be combined with other forms of globbing within the same path segment; in that case, the * operators revert to their usual effect.

Note that there is a subtle difference between zsh and bash here. While bash will traverse soft-links to directories, zsh will not. For this you have to use the glob ***/ in zsh.

Device not detected in Eclipse when connected with USB cable

After a long and frustrating search, finally I made my Micromax Funbook p362 to connect with eclipse and made it to suit for development.

*Installed Moborobo (All in one Android smart phone management tool). *Perform stop -server / start -server using ADB. *Reboot the device. *Restart the eclipse. *Device got detected.(Eclipse - list of adb devices)

Foreign key referencing a 2 columns primary key in SQL Server

Note that the fields must be in the same order. If the Primary Key you are referencing is specified as (Application, ID) then your foreign key must reference (Application, ID) and NOT (ID, Application) as they are seen as two different keys.

Confused about stdin, stdout and stderr?

As a complement of the answers above, here is a sum up about Redirections: Redirections cheatsheet

EDIT: This graphic is not entirely correct.

The first example does not use stdin at all, it's passing "hello" as an argument to the echo command.

The graphic also says 2>&1 has the same effect as &> however

ls Documents ABC > dirlist 2>&1
#does not give the same output as 
ls Documents ABC > dirlist &>

This is because &> requires a file to redirect to, and 2>&1 is simply sending stderr into stdout

Can I mask an input text in a bat file?

another alternative is my EditV32 (x86) or EditV64 (x64) command-line tools. For example:

editv32 -m -p "Password: " PWD

-m means "masked input" and -p is the prompt. The user's input is stored in the PWD environment variable. You can get it here:

How to display items side-by-side without using tables?

What about display:inline?

      <img src='#' style='display:inline;'/>
      <p style='display:inline;'> Some text </p>

ipython notebook clear cell output in code

You can use the IPython.display.clear_output to clear the output as mentioned in cel's answer. I would add that for me the best solution was to use this combination of parameters to print without any "shakiness" of the notebook:

from IPython.display import clear_output

for i in range(10):
    print(i, flush=True)

How do I make text bold in HTML?

The Markup Way:

<strong>I'm Bold!</strong> and <b>I'm Bold Too!</b>

The Styling Way:

.bold {

<span class="bold">I'm Bold!</span>



This element encloses text which should be rendered by the browser as boldface. Because the meaning of the B element defines the appearance of the content it encloses, this element is considered a "physical" markup element. As such, it doesn't convey the meaning of a semantic markup element such as strong.


Description This element brackets text which should be strongly emphasized. Stronger than the em element.

How to save SELECT sql query results in an array in C#

Normally i use a class for this:

public class ClassName
    public string Col1 { get; set; }
    public int Col2 { get; set; }

Now you can use a loop to fill a list and ToArray if you really need an array:

ClassName[] allRecords = null;
string sql = @"SELECT col1,col2
               FROM  some table";
using (var command = new SqlCommand(sql, con))
    using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader())
        var list = new List<ClassName>();
        while (reader.Read())
            list.Add(new ClassName { Col1 = reader.GetString(0), Col2 = reader.GetInt32(1) });
        allRecords = list.ToArray();

Note that i've presumed that the first column is a string and the second an integer. Just to demonstrate that C# is typesafe and how you use the DataReader.GetXY methods.

Determining 32 vs 64 bit in C++

Borrowing from Contango's excellent answer above and combining it with "Better Macros, Better Flags" from Fluent C++, you can do:

// Macro for checking bitness (safer macros borrowed from 

// Bitness checks borrowed from
#if _WIN64 || ( __GNUC__ && __x86_64__ )
#    define MYPROJ_IF_64_BIT_ELSE( x64, x86 ) (x64)
    static_assert( sizeof( void* ) == 8, "Pointer size is unexpected for this bitness" );
#elif _WIN32 || __GNUC__
#    define MYPROJ_IF_64_BIT_ELSE( x64, x86 ) (x86)
    static_assert( sizeof( void* ) == 4, "Pointer size is unexpected for this bitness" );
#    error "Unknown bitness!"

Then you can use it like:


Or using the extra macro I added:

MYPROJ_IF_64_BIT_ELSE( DoMy64BitOperation(), DoMy32BitOperation() );

Proxy Error 502 : The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server

The HTTP 502 "Bad Gateway" response is generated when Apache web server does not receive a valid HTTP response from the upstream server, which in this case is your Tomcat web application.

Some reasons why this might happen:

  • Tomcat may have crashed
  • The web application did not respond in time and the request from Apache timed out
  • The Tomcat threads are timing out
  • A network device is blocking the request, perhaps as some sort of connection timeout or DoS attack prevention system

If the problem is related to timeout settings, you may be able to resolve it by investigating the following:

  • ProxyTimeout directive of Apache's mod_proxy
  • Connector config of Apache Tomcat
  • Your network device's manual

Command not found after npm install in zsh

On Ubuntu, after installing ZSH, and prevously on the bash terminal installed Node or other packages,

First open:

nano .zshrc

And uncomment the second line:

export PATH=$HOME/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH

This works for me, and without writting any line, and I think this option is available on Mac too.

"Rate This App"-link in Google Play store app on the phone

You can use this, it works for me

public static void showRateDialogForRate(final Context context) {
    AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(context)
            .setTitle("Rate application")
            .setMessage("Please, rate the app at PlayMarket")
            .setPositiveButton("RATE", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
                    if (context != null) {
                        Uri uri = Uri.parse("market://details?id=" + context.getPackageName());
                        Intent goToMarket = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, uri);
                        // To count with Play market backstack, After pressing back button,
                        // to taken back to our application, we need to add following flags to intent.
                        goToMarket.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_HISTORY |
                                Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_WHEN_TASK_RESET |
                        try {
                        } catch (ActivityNotFoundException e) {
                            context.startActivity(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW,
                                    Uri.parse("" + context.getPackageName())));

            .setNegativeButton("CANCEL", null);;

Merging multiple PDFs using iTextSharp in

Using iTextSharp.dll

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    String[] files = @"C:\ENROLLDOCS\A1.pdf,C:\ENROLLDOCS\A2.pdf".Split(',');
    MergeFiles(@"C:\ENROLLDOCS\New1.pdf", files);
public void MergeFiles(string destinationFile, string[] sourceFiles)
    if (System.IO.File.Exists(destinationFile))

    string[] sSrcFile;
    sSrcFile = new string[2];

    string[] arr = new string[2];
    for (int i = 0; i <= sourceFiles.Length - 1; i++)
        if (sourceFiles[i] != null)
            if (sourceFiles[i].Trim() != "")
                arr[i] = sourceFiles[i].ToString();

    if (arr != null)
        sSrcFile = new string[2];

        for (int ic = 0; ic <= arr.Length - 1; ic++)
            sSrcFile[ic] = arr[ic].ToString();
        int f = 0;

        PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(sSrcFile[f]);
        int n = reader.NumberOfPages;
        Response.Write("There are " + n + " pages in the original file.");
        Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4);

        PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, new FileStream(destinationFile, FileMode.Create));

        PdfContentByte cb = writer.DirectContent;
        PdfImportedPage page;

        int rotation;
        while (f < sSrcFile.Length)
            int i = 0;
            while (i < n)

                page = writer.GetImportedPage(reader, i);

                rotation = reader.GetPageRotation(i);
                if (rotation == 90 || rotation == 270)
                    cb.AddTemplate(page, 0, -1f, 1f, 0, 0, reader.GetPageSizeWithRotation(i).Height);
                    cb.AddTemplate(page, 1f, 0, 0, 1f, 0, 0);
                Response.Write("\n Processed page " + i);

            if (f < sSrcFile.Length)
                reader = new PdfReader(sSrcFile[f]);
                n = reader.NumberOfPages;
                Response.Write("There are " + n + " pages in the original file.");
    catch (Exception e)


Modelling an elevator using Object-Oriented Analysis and Design

I've seen many variants of this problem. One of the main differences (that determines the difficulty) is whether there is some centralized attempt to have a "smart and efficient system" that would have load balancing (e.g., send more idle elevators to lobby in morning). If that is the case, the design will include a whole subsystem with really fun design.

A full design is obviously too much to present here and there are many altenatives. The breadth is also not clear. In an interview, they'll try to figure out how you would think. However, these are some of the things you would need:

  1. Representation of the central controller (assuming there is one).

  2. Representations of elevators

  3. Representations of the interface units of the elevator (these may be different from elevator to elevator). Obviously also call buttons on every floor, etc.

  4. Representations of the arrows or indicators on each floor (almost a "view" of the elevator model).

  5. Representation of a human and cargo (may be important for factoring in maximal loads)

  6. Representation of the building (in some cases, as certain floors may be blocked at times, etc.)

Convert utf8-characters to iso-88591 and back in PHP

function parseUtf8ToIso88591(&$string){
            $iso88591_1 = utf8_decode($string);
            $iso88591_2 = iconv('UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-1', $string);
            $string = mb_convert_encoding($string, 'ISO-8859-1', 'UTF-8');       

Match multiline text using regular expression

This has nothing to do with the MULTILINE flag; what you're seeing is the difference between the find() and matches() methods. find() succeeds if a match can be found anywhere in the target string, while matches() expects the regex to match the entire string.

Pattern p = Pattern.compile("xyz");

Matcher m = p.matcher("123xyzabc");
System.out.println(m.find());    // true
System.out.println(m.matches()); // false

Matcher m = p.matcher("xyz");
System.out.println(m.matches()); // true

Furthermore, MULTILINE doesn't mean what you think it does. Many people seem to jump to the conclusion that you have to use that flag if your target string contains newlines--that is, if it contains multiple logical lines. I've seen several answers here on SO to that effect, but in fact, all that flag does is change the behavior of the anchors, ^ and $.

Normally ^ matches the very beginning of the target string, and $ matches the very end (or before a newline at the end, but we'll leave that aside for now). But if the string contains newlines, you can choose for ^ and $ to match at the start and end of any logical line, not just the start and end of the whole string, by setting the MULTILINE flag.

So forget about what MULTILINE means and just remember what it does: changes the behavior of the ^ and $ anchors. DOTALL mode was originally called "single-line" (and still is in some flavors, including Perl and .NET), and it has always caused similar confusion. We're fortunate that the Java devs went with the more descriptive name in that case, but there was no reasonable alternative for "multiline" mode.

In Perl, where all this madness started, they've admitted their mistake and gotten rid of both "multiline" and "single-line" modes in Perl 6 regexes. In another twenty years, maybe the rest of the world will have followed suit.

trying to animate a constraint in swift

With Swift 5 and iOS 12.3, according to your needs, you may choose one of the 3 following ways in order to solve your problem.

#1. Using UIView's animate(withDuration:animations:) class method

animate(withDuration:animations:) has the following declaration:

Animate changes to one or more views using the specified duration.

class func animate(withDuration duration: TimeInterval, animations: @escaping () -> Void)

The Playground code below shows a possible implementation of animate(withDuration:animations:) in order to animate an Auto Layout constraint's constant change.

import UIKit
import PlaygroundSupport

class ViewController: UIViewController {

    let textView = UITextView()
    lazy var heightConstraint = textView.heightAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: 50)

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        view.backgroundColor = .white

        textView.backgroundColor = .orange
        textView.isEditable = false
        textView.text = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum."

        textView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
        textView.topAnchor.constraint(equalToSystemSpacingBelow: view.layoutMarginsGuide.topAnchor, multiplier: 1).isActive = true
        textView.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.layoutMarginsGuide.leadingAnchor).isActive = true
        textView.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.layoutMarginsGuide.trailingAnchor).isActive = true
        heightConstraint.isActive = true

        let tapGesture = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(doIt(_:)))

    @objc func doIt(_ sender: UITapGestureRecognizer) {
        heightConstraint.constant = heightConstraint.constant == 50 ? 150 : 50
        UIView.animate(withDuration: 2) {


PlaygroundPage.current.liveView = ViewController()

#2. Using UIViewPropertyAnimator's init(duration:curve:animations:) initialiser and startAnimation() method

init(duration:curve:animations:) has the following declaration:

Initializes the animator with a built-in UIKit timing curve.

convenience init(duration: TimeInterval, curve: UIViewAnimationCurve, animations: (() -> Void)? = nil)

The Playground code below shows a possible implementation of init(duration:curve:animations:) and startAnimation() in order to animate an Auto Layout constraint's constant change.

import UIKit
import PlaygroundSupport

class ViewController: UIViewController {

    let textView = UITextView()
    lazy var heightConstraint = textView.heightAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: 50)

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        view.backgroundColor = .white

        textView.backgroundColor = .orange
        textView.isEditable = false
        textView.text = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum."

        textView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
        textView.topAnchor.constraint(equalToSystemSpacingBelow: view.layoutMarginsGuide.topAnchor, multiplier: 1).isActive = true
        textView.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.layoutMarginsGuide.leadingAnchor).isActive = true
        textView.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.layoutMarginsGuide.trailingAnchor).isActive = true
        heightConstraint.isActive = true

        let tapGesture = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(doIt(_:)))

    @objc func doIt(_ sender: UITapGestureRecognizer) {
        heightConstraint.constant = heightConstraint.constant == 50 ? 150 : 50
        let animator = UIViewPropertyAnimator(duration: 2, curve: .linear, animations: {


PlaygroundPage.current.liveView = ViewController()

#3. Using UIViewPropertyAnimator's runningPropertyAnimator(withDuration:delay:options:animations:completion:) class method

runningPropertyAnimator(withDuration:delay:options:animations:completion:) has the following declaration:

Creates and returns an animator object that begins running its animations immediately.

class func runningPropertyAnimator(withDuration duration: TimeInterval, delay: TimeInterval, options: UIViewAnimationOptions = [], animations: @escaping () -> Void, completion: ((UIViewAnimatingPosition) -> Void)? = nil) -> Self

The Playground code below shows a possible implementation of runningPropertyAnimator(withDuration:delay:options:animations:completion:) in order to animate an Auto Layout constraint's constant change.

import UIKit
import PlaygroundSupport

class ViewController: UIViewController {

    let textView = UITextView()
    lazy var heightConstraint = textView.heightAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: 50)

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        view.backgroundColor = .white

        textView.backgroundColor = .orange
        textView.isEditable = false
        textView.text = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum."

        textView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
        textView.topAnchor.constraint(equalToSystemSpacingBelow: view.layoutMarginsGuide.topAnchor, multiplier: 1).isActive = true
        textView.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.layoutMarginsGuide.leadingAnchor).isActive = true
        textView.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.layoutMarginsGuide.trailingAnchor).isActive = true
        heightConstraint.isActive = true

        let tapGesture = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(doIt(_:)))

    @objc func doIt(_ sender: UITapGestureRecognizer) {
        heightConstraint.constant = heightConstraint.constant == 50 ? 150 : 50
        UIViewPropertyAnimator.runningPropertyAnimator(withDuration: 2, delay: 0, options: [], animations: {


PlaygroundPage.current.liveView = ViewController()

Calling one Activity from another in Android

Put this inside the onCreate() method of

Button btnEins = (Button) findViewById(;
        btnEins.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener(){

            public void onClick(View v) {
                Intent intencion = new Intent(v.getContext(),MainActivity2.class );     


Facebook development in localhost

I think you should be able to develop applications using the visual studio development web server: Start a new FaceBook application on: Then set the settings for the site Url and the canvas url to the running instance of your website for example:http://localhost:1062/

Here are a couple of links that should help you out on starting with FaceBook:


Hope this helps.

Easiest way to loop through a filtered list with VBA?

a = 2
x = 0

Do Until Cells(a, 1).Value = ""
If Rows(a).Hidden = False Then
x = Cells(a, 1).Value + x
End If
a = a + 1

End Sub

Async image loading from url inside a UITableView cell - image changes to wrong image while scrolling

You can just pass your URL,

NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:@""];
NSURLSessionTask *task = [[NSURLSession sharedSession] dataTaskWithURL:url completionHandler:^(NSData * _Nullable data,    NSURLResponse * _Nullable response, NSError * _Nullable error) {
    if (data) {
        UIImage *image = [UIImage imageWithData:data];
        if (image) {
            dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
                    yourimageview.image = image;
[task resume];

How to set adaptive learning rate for GradientDescentOptimizer?

Tensorflow provides an op to automatically apply an exponential decay to a learning rate tensor: tf.train.exponential_decay. For an example of it in use, see this line in the MNIST convolutional model example. Then use @mrry's suggestion above to supply this variable as the learning_rate parameter to your optimizer of choice.

The key excerpt to look at is:

# Optimizer: set up a variable that's incremented once per batch and
# controls the learning rate decay.
batch = tf.Variable(0)

learning_rate = tf.train.exponential_decay(
  0.01,                # Base learning rate.
  batch * BATCH_SIZE,  # Current index into the dataset.
  train_size,          # Decay step.
  0.95,                # Decay rate.
# Use simple momentum for the optimization.
optimizer = tf.train.MomentumOptimizer(learning_rate,

Note the global_step=batch parameter to minimize. That tells the optimizer to helpfully increment the 'batch' parameter for you every time it trains.

How to debug a GLSL shader?

If you want to visualize the variations of a value across the screen, you can use a heatmap function similar to this (I wrote it in hlsl, but it is easy to adapt to glsl):

float4 HeatMapColor(float value, float minValue, float maxValue)
    float4 colors[HEATMAP_COLORS_COUNT] =
        float4(0.32, 0.00, 0.32, 1.00),
        float4(0.00, 0.00, 1.00, 1.00),
        float4(0.00, 1.00, 0.00, 1.00),
        float4(1.00, 1.00, 0.00, 1.00),
        float4(1.00, 0.60, 0.00, 1.00),
        float4(1.00, 0.00, 0.00, 1.00),
    float ratio=(HEATMAP_COLORS_COUNT-1.0)*saturate((value-minValue)/(maxValue-minValue));
    float indexMin=floor(ratio);
    float indexMax=min(indexMin+1,HEATMAP_COLORS_COUNT-1);
    return lerp(colors[indexMin], colors[indexMax], ratio-indexMin);

Then in your pixel shader you just output something like:

return HeatMapColor(myValue, 0.00, 50.00);

And can get an idea of how it varies across your pixels:

enter image description here

Of course you can use any set of colors you like.

select data up to a space?

You can use a combiation of LEFT and CHARINDEX to find the index of the first space, and then grab everything to the left of that.

 SELECT LEFT(YourColumn, charindex(' ', YourColumn) - 1) 

And in case any of your columns don't have a space in them:

SELECT LEFT(YourColumn, CASE WHEN charindex(' ', YourColumn) = 0 THEN 
    LEN(YourColumn) ELSE charindex(' ', YourColumn) - 1 END)

Similarity String Comparison in Java

Theoretically, you can compare edit distances.

Is System.nanoTime() completely useless?

nanoTime is extremely insecure for timing. I tried it out on my basic primality testing algorithms and it gave answers which were literally one second apart for the same input. Don't use that ridiculous method. I need something that is more accurate and precise than get time millis, but not as bad as nanoTime.

Comparing two files in linux terminal

You can also use: colordiff: Displays the output of diff with colors.

About vimdiff: It allows you to compare files via SSH, for example :

vimdiff /var/log/secure scp://

Extracted from:

Get Root Directory Path of a PHP project

When you say that


contains this path:


Then D: is what you are looking for, isn't it? In that case you could explode the string by slashes and return the first one:

$pathInPieces = explode('/', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']);
echo $pathInPieces[0];

This will output the server's root directory.

Update: When you use the constant DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR instead of the hardcoded slash ('/') this code is also working under Windows.

Update 2: The $_SERVER global variable is not always available. On command line (cli) for example. So you should use __DIR__ instead of $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']. __DIR__ returns the path of the php file itself.

"Unable to acquire application service" error while launching Eclipse

This error happen cause you deleted the config.ini file while you deleted the plugins. So, when it can not find configuration in config.ini when eclipse lauching, then it use default configuration which is not fit with your os. The following steps solve you problem:

  1. Delete setting in configuration folder.

  2. create a new config.ini file.

  3. copy following setting and save:

  4. osgi.splashPath = platform:/base/plugins/org.eclipse.platform  
    osgi.bundles=org.eclipse.equinox.common@2:start, org.eclipse.update.configurator@3:start, org.eclipse.core.runtime@start  
    [email protected]/workspace  
  5. restart eclipse.

Starting the week on Monday with isoWeekday()

thought I would add this for any future peeps. It will always make sure that its monday if needed, can also be used to always ensure sunday. For me I always need monday, but local is dependant on the machine being used, and this is an easy fix:

var begin = moment().isoWeekday(1).startOf('week');
var begin2 = moment().startOf('week');
// could check to see if day 1 = Sunday  then add 1 day
// my mac on bst still treats day 1 as sunday    

var firstDay = moment().startOf('week').format('dddd') === 'Sunday' ?     
moment().startOf('week').add('d',1).format('dddd DD-MM-YYYY') : 
moment().startOf('week').format('dddd DD-MM-YYYY');

document.body.innerHTML = '<b>could be monday or sunday depending on client: </b><br />' + 
begin.format('dddd DD-MM-YYYY') + 
'<br /><br /> <b>should be monday:</b> <br>' + firstDay + 
'<br><br> <b>could also be sunday or monday </b><br> ' + 
begin2.format('dddd DD-MM-YYYY');

PHP php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: No such host is known

Your target domain might refuse to send you information. This can work as a filter based on browser agent or any other header information. This is a defense against bots, crawlers or any unwanted applications.

You can't specify target table for update in FROM clause

Just as reference, you can also use Mysql Variables to save temporary results, e.g.:

SET @v1 := (SELECT ... );
UPDATE ... SET ... WHERE x=@v1;

Set Encoding of File to UTF8 With BOM in Sublime Text 3

By default, Sublime Text set 'UTF8 without BOM', but that wasn't specified.

The only specicified things is 'UTF8 with BOM'.

Hope this help :)

Create a new object from type parameter in generic class

export abstract class formBase<T> extends baseClass {

  protected item = {} as T;

Its object will be able to receive any parameter, however, type T is only a typescript reference and can not be created through a constructor. That is, it will not create any class objects.

Optional query string parameters in ASP.NET Web API

Default values cannot be supplied for parameters that are not declared 'optional'

 Function GetFindBooks(id As Integer, ByVal pid As Integer, Optional sort As String = "DESC", Optional limit As Integer = 99)

In your WebApiConfig

 config.Routes.MapHttpRoute( _
          name:="books", _
          routeTemplate:="api/{controller}/{action}/{id}/{pid}/{sort}/{limit}", _
          defaults:=New With {.id = RouteParameter.Optional, .pid = RouteParameter.Optional, .sort = UrlParameter.Optional, .limit = UrlParameter.Optional} _

Missing visible-** and hidden-** in Bootstrap v4

For bootstrap 4, here's a matrix image explaining the classes used to show / hide elements depends on the screen size: enter image description here

Source : Meduim : Bootstrap 4 Hidden & Visible

PHP error: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: (while getting information from other site.)

I faced this issue, while connecting DB, the variable to connect to db was not defined.

Cause: php tried to connect to the db with undefined variable for db host (localhost/ any other ip or domain) but failed to trace the domain.

Solution: Make sure the db host is properly defined.

How to center an image horizontally and align it to the bottom of the container?



added to the .image_block a img do the trick?
Note that that won't work in IE6 (maybe 7 not sure)
there you will have to do on .image_block the container Div


position:relative; could be a problem too.

SQL query to make all data in a column UPPER CASE?


  MyColumn = UPPER(MyColumn)


  UPPER(MyColumn) AS MyColumn

How to automatically crop and center an image

I created an angularjs directive using @Russ's and @Alex's answers

Could be interesting in 2014 and beyond :P


<div ng-app="croppy">
  <cropped-image src="" width="100" height="100"></cropped-image>


angular.module('croppy', [])
  .directive('croppedImage', function () {
      return {
          restrict: "E",
          replace: true,
          template: "<div class='center-cropped'></div>",
          link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
              var width = attrs.width;
              var height = attrs.height;
              element.css('width', width + "px");
              element.css('height', height + "px");
              element.css('backgroundPosition', 'center center');
              element.css('backgroundRepeat', 'no-repeat');
              element.css('backgroundImage', "url('" + attrs.src + "')");

fiddle link

Bulk load data conversion error (type mismatch or invalid character for the specified codepage) for row 1, column 4 (Year)

We use the bulk insert as well. The file we upload is sent from an external party. After a while of troubleshooting, I realized that their file had columns with commas in it. Just another thing to look for...

AngularJS passing data to $http.get request

You can even simply add the parameters to the end of the url:

$http.get('path/to/script.php?param=hello').success(function(data) {

Paired with script.php:

<? var_dump($_GET); ?>

Resulting in the following javascript alert:

array(1) {  
    string(4) "hello"

SQL Server Management Studio missing

Try restarting your computer if you just installed SQL Server and there's no choice in the SQL Server Installation Center to install SQL Server Management Studio.

This choice (see image below) only appeared for me after I installed SQL Server, then restarted my computer:

enter image description here

Converting file into Base64String and back again

If you want for some reason to convert your file to base-64 string. Like if you want to pass it via internet, etc... you can do this

Byte[] bytes = File.ReadAllBytes("path");
String file = Convert.ToBase64String(bytes);

And correspondingly, read back to file:

Byte[] bytes = Convert.FromBase64String(b64Str);
File.WriteAllBytes(path, bytes);

Adding an onclick function to go to url in JavaScript?

If you would like to open link in a new tab, you can:

$("a#thing_to_click").on('click',function(){'', '_blank');

How can I wrap text in a label using WPF?

You can put a TextBlock inside the label:

  <TextBlock Text="Long Text . . . ." TextWrapping="Wrap" /> 

typescript - cloning object

It's easy to get a shallow copy with "Object Spread" introduced in TypeScript 2.1

this TypeScript: let copy = { ...original };

produces this JavaScript:

var __assign = (this && this.__assign) || Object.assign || function(t) {
    for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
        s = arguments[i];
        for (var p in s) if (, p))
            t[p] = s[p];
    return t;
var copy = __assign({}, original);

How to download all files (but not HTML) from a website using wget?

To filter for specific file extensions:

wget -A pdf,jpg -m -p -E -k -K -np http://site/path/

Or, if you prefer long option names:

wget --accept pdf,jpg --mirror --page-requisites --adjust-extension --convert-links --backup-converted --no-parent http://site/path/

This will mirror the site, but the files without jpg or pdf extension will be automatically removed.

Composer install error - requires ext_curl when it's actually enabled

As Danack said in comments, there are 2 php.ini files. I uncommented the line with curl extension in the one in Apache folder, which is php.ini used by the web server.

Composer, on the other hand, uses php for console which is a whole different story. Php.ini file for that program is not the one in Apache folder but it's in the PHP folder and I had to uncomment the line in it too. Then I ran the installation again and it was OK.