Programs & Examples On #Version compatibility

Submitting a form by pressing enter without a submit button

Instead of the hack you currently use to hide the button, it would be much simpler to set visibility: collapse; in the style attribute. However, I would still recommend using a bit of simple Javascript to submit the form. As far as I understand, support for such things is ubiquitous nowadays.

Loop X number of times

See this link. It shows you how to dynamically create variables in PowerShell.

Here is the basic idea:

Use New-Variable and Get-Variable,

for ($i=1; $i -le 5; $i++)
    New-Variable -Name "var$i" -Value $i
    Get-Variable -Name "var$i" -ValueOnly

(It is taken from the link provided, and I don't take credit for the code.)

AttributeError: 'datetime' module has no attribute 'strptime'

I got the same problem and it is not the solution that you told. So I changed the "from datetime import datetime" to "import datetime". After that with the help of "datetime.datetime" I can get the whole modules correctly. I guess this is the correct answer to that question.

Altering column size in SQL Server

Select table--> Design--> change value in Data Type shown in following Fig.

enter image description here

Save tables design.

View google chrome's cached pictures

Modified version from @dovidev as his version loads the image externally instead of reading the local cache.

  1. Navigate to chrome://cache/
  2. In the chrome top menu go to "View > Developer > Javascript Console"
  3. In the console that opens paste the below and press enter

var cached_anchors = $$('a');_x000D_
document.body.innerHTML = '';_x000D_
for (var i in cached_anchors) {_x000D_
    var ca = cached_anchors[i];_x000D_
    if('.png') > -1 ||'.gif') > -1 ||'.jpg') > -1) {_x000D_
        var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();_x000D_"GET", ca.href);_x000D_
        xhr.responseType = "document";_x000D_
        xhr.onload = response;_x000D_
function response(e) {_x000D_
  var hexdata = this.response.getElementsByTagName("pre")[2].innerHTML.split(/\r?\n/).slice(0,-1).map(e => e.split(/[\s:]+\s/)[1]).map(e => e.replace(/\s/g,'')).join('');_x000D_
  var byteArray = new Uint8Array(hexdata.length/2);_x000D_
  for (var x = 0; x < byteArray.length; x++){_x000D_
      byteArray[x] = parseInt(hexdata.substr(x*2,2), 16);_x000D_
  var blob = new Blob([byteArray], {type: "application/octet-stream"});_x000D_
  var image = new Image();_x000D_
  image.src = URL.createObjectURL(blob);_x000D_

CSS white space at bottom of page despite having both min-height and height tag

I had the same problem when parsing html to string. Removing the last <p></p> (and replacing it with an alternative if desirable, like < /br>) solved it for me.

Non-alphanumeric list order from os.listdir()

I think the order has to do with the way the files are indexed on your FileSystem. If you really want to make it adhere to some order you can always sort the list after getting the files.

In Eclipse, what can cause Package Explorer "red-x" error-icon when all Java sources compile without errors?

I want to start by thanking everyone that answered. But cleaning and rebuilding was not enough in my case because the problem was still there and needed fixing.

Turned out that one of my package directories had accidentally been copied so that an extra directory now existed called "Copy of dagskra" containing Java files with wrong package declarations. In addition the errors in this "new" directory don't show up with a "red-x" in the package that it exists in:

Snapshot from Package Explorer showing errorous "Copy of dagskra" directoryr

It was the hint of reading the "Problems" tab :-) that turned me into the right direction, so I'm selecting that answer as the accepted answer because this is what I needed:

Snapshot from Problems tab

Hoping this will help others...

Android get image path from drawable as string

based on the some of above replies i improvised it a bit

create this method and call it by passing your resource

Reusable Method

public String getURLForResource (int resourceId) {
    //use BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID instead of R.class.getPackage().getName() if both are not same
    return Uri.parse("android.resource://"+R.class.getPackage().getName()+"/" +resourceId).toString();

Sample call


complete example of loading image

String imageUrl = getURLForResource(R.drawable.personIcon);
// Load image

you can move the function getURLForResource to a Util file and make it static so it can be reused

Docker: Copying files from Docker container to host

docker cp containerId:source_path destination_path

containerId can be obtained from the command docker ps -a

source path should be absolute. for example, if the application/service directory starts from the app in your docker container the path would be /app/some_directory/file

example : docker cp d86844abc129:/app/server/output/server-test.png C:/Users/someone/Desktop/output

creating a random number using MYSQL

these both are working nicely:

select round(<maxNumber>*rand())

FLOOR(RAND() * (<max> - <min> + 1)) + <min> // generates a number
between <min> and <max> inclusive.

Javascript .querySelector find <div> by innerTEXT

Since you have asked it in javascript so you can have something like this

function contains(selector, text) {
  var elements = document.querySelectorAll(selector);
  return, function(element){
    return RegExp(text).test(element.textContent);

And then call it like this

contains('div', 'sometext'); // find "div" that contain "sometext"
contains('div', /^sometext/); // find "div" that start with "sometext"
contains('div', /sometext$/i); // find "div" that end with "sometext", case-insensitive

Searching for UUIDs in text with regex

Variant for C++:

#include <regex>  // Required include


// Source string    
std::wstring srcStr = L"String with GIUD: {4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318} any text";

// Regex and match
std::wsmatch match;
std::wregex rx(L"(\\{[A-F0-9]{8}-[A-F0-9]{4}-[A-F0-9]{4}-[A-F0-9]{4}-[A-F0-9]{12}\\})", std::regex_constants::icase);

// Search
std::regex_search(srcStr, match, rx);

// Result
std::wstring strGUID       = match[1];

Target elements with multiple classes, within one rule

Just in case someone stumbles upon this like I did and doesn't realise, the two variations above are for different use cases.

The following:

.blue-border, .background {
    border: 1px solid #00f;
    background: #fff;

is for when you want to add styles to elements that have either the blue-border or background class, for example:

<div class="blue-border">Hello</div>
<div class="background">World</div>
<div class="blue-border background">!</div>

would all get a blue border and white background applied to them.

However, the accepted answer is different.

.blue-border.background {
    border: 1px solid #00f;
    background: #fff;

This applies the styles to elements that have both classes so in this example only the <div> with both classes should get the styles applied (in browsers that interpret the CSS properly):

<div class="blue-border">Hello</div>
<div class="background">World</div>
<div class="blue-border background">!</div>

So basically think of it like this, comma separating applies to elements with one class OR another class and dot separating applies to elements with one class AND another class.

Difference between SelectedItem, SelectedValue and SelectedValuePath

SelectedItem is an object. SelectedValue and SelectedValuePath are strings.

for example using the ListBox:

if you say give me listbox1.SelectedValue it will return the text of the currently selected item.

string value = listbox1.SelectedValue;

if you say give me listbox1.SelectedItem it will give you the entire object.

ListItem item = listbox1.SelectedItem;
string value = item.value;

Subversion stuck due to "previous operation has not finished"?

In my case a background Java Virtual Machine instance was running, killing which cleanup was successful.

How to export SQL Server database to MySQL?

You can use MySQL Workbench which provides a way to quickly migrate data and applications from Microsoft SQL Server to MySQL employing less time and effort.

This tool has a lot of cool features like:

  • Database migrations - enables migrations from Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase ASE and PostgreSQL.
  • Migration project management - allows migrations to be configured, copied, edited, executed and scheduled.

Read more

Razor/CSHTML - Any Benefit over what we have?

Ex Microsoft Developer's Opinion

I worked on a core team for the MSDN website. Now, I use c# razor for ecommerce sites with my programming team and we focus heavy on jQuery front end with back end c# razor pages and LINQ-Entity memory database so the pages are 1-2 millisecond response times even on nested for loops with queries and no page caching. We don't use MVC, just plain ASP.NET with razor pages being mapped with URL Rewrite module for IIS 7, no ASPX pages or ViewState or server-side event programming at all. It doesn't have the extra (unnecessary) layers MVC puts in code constructs for the regex challenged. Less is more for us. Its all lean and mean but I give props to MVC for its testability but that's all.

Razor pages have no event life cycle like ASPX pages. Its just rendering as one requested page. C# is such a great language and Razor gets out of its way nicely to let it do its job. The anonymous typing with generics and linq make life so easy with c# and razor pages. Using Razor pages will help you think and code lighter.

One of the drawback of Razor and MVC is there is no ViewState-like persistence. I needed to implement a solution for that so I ended up writing a jQuery plugin for that here -> which is an HTML 5 offline storage supported plugin for form state that is working in all major browsers now. It is just for form state currently but you can use window.sessionStorage or window.localStorage very simply to store any kind of state across postbacks or even page requests, I just bothered to make it autosave and namespace it based on URL and form index so you don't have to think about it.

Custom checkbox image android

Copy the btn_check.xml from android-sdk/platforms/android-#/data/res/drawable to your project's drawable folder and change the 'on' and 'off' image states to your custom images.

Then your xml will just need android:button="@drawable/btn_check"

    android:checked="true" />

If you want to use different default android icons, you can use android:button="@android:drawable/..."

Enforcing the type of the indexed members of a Typescript object?

var stuff: { [key: string]: string; } = {};
stuff['a'] = ''; // ok
stuff['a'] = 4;  // error

// ... or, if you're using this a lot and don't want to type so much ...
interface StringMap { [key: string]: string; }
var stuff2: StringMap = { };
// same as above

How to get temporary folder for current user

System.IO.Path.GetTempPath() is just a wrapper for a native call to GetTempPath(..) in Kernel32.

Have a look at

Copied from that page:

The GetTempPath function checks for the existence of environment variables in the following order and uses the first path found:

  • The path specified by the TMP environment variable.
  • The path specified by the TEMP environment variable.
  • The path specified by the USERPROFILE environment variable.
  • The Windows directory.

It's not entirely clear to me whether "The Windows directory" means the temp directory under windows or the windows directory itself. Dumping temp files in the windows directory itself sounds like an undesirable case, but who knows.

So combining that page with your post I would guess that either one of the TMP, TEMP or USERPROFILE variables for your Administrator user points to the windows path, or else they're not set and it's taking a fallback to the windows temp path.

String comparison using '==' vs. 'strcmp()'

Also The function can help in sorting. To be more clear about sorting. strcmp() returns less than 0 if string1 sorts before string2, greater than 0 if string2 sorts before string1 or 0 if they are the same. For example

$first_string = "aabo";
$second_string = "aaao";
echo $n = strcmp($first_string,$second_string);

The function will return greater than zero, as aaao is sorting before aabo.

Nuget connection attempt failed "Unable to load the service index for source"

I'm using VSO/Azure DevOps.

You can also visit the feed url directly in your browser. You may end up with a response that contains a message like this, which may make your diagnosis a lot quicker:

The user does not have a license for the extension ms.feed.

event.returnValue is deprecated. Please use the standard event.preventDefault() instead

This is a warning related to the fact that most JavaScript frameworks (jQuery, Angular, YUI, Bootstrap...) offer backward support for old-nasty-most-hated Internet Explorer starting from IE8 down to IE6 :/

One day that backward compatibility support will be dropped (for IE8/7/6 since IE9 deals with it), and you will no more see this warning (and other IEish bugs)..

It's a question of time (now IE8 has 10% worldwide share, once it reaches 1% it is DEAD), meanwhile, just ignore the warning and stay zen :)

how to set JAVA_OPTS for Tomcat in Windows?


set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Xms512M -Xmx1024M

Why is a primary-foreign key relation required when we can join without it?

You don't need a FK, you can join arbitrary columns.

But having a foreign key ensures that the join will actually succeed in finding something.

Foreign key give you certain guarantees that would be extremely difficult and error prone to implement otherwise.

For example, if you don't have a foreign key, you might insert a detail record in the system and just after you checked that the matching master record is present somebody else deletes it. So in order to prevent this you need to lock the master table, when ever you modify the detail table (and vice versa). If you don't need/want that guarantee, screw the FKs.

Depending on your RDBMS a foreign key also might improve performance of select (but also degrades performance of updates, inserts and deletes)

Import Android volley to Android Studio

step 1:- Download volley.jar file.

step 2:- Go to your project and set the display menu from Android to Project then go to

app -> libs-> paste your volley.jar file here

step 3:- Right click on the volley.jar file and click on "add as library". and its all done.

how to generate public key from windows command prompt

ssh-keygen isn't a windows executable.
You can use PuttyGen ( for example to create a key

How to destroy a JavaScript object?

You could put all of your code under one namespace like this:

var namespace = {};

namespace.someClassObj = {};

delete namespace.someClassObj;

Using the delete keyword will delete the reference to the property, but on the low level the JavaScript garbage collector (GC) will get more information about which objects to be reclaimed.

You could also use Chrome Developer Tools to get a memory profile of your app, and which objects in your app are needing to be scaled down.

Python lookup hostname from IP with 1 second timeout

What you're trying to accomplish is called Reverse DNS lookup.

# => (hostname, alias-list, IP)

However, for the timeout part I have read about people running into problems with this. I would check out PyDNS or this solution for more advanced treatment.

Get remote registry value

You can try using .net:

$Reg = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey('LocalMachine', $computer1)
$RegKey= $Reg.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\\Veritas\\NetBackup\\CurrentVersion")
$NetbackupVersion1 = $RegKey.GetValue("PackageVersion")

Adding a Method to an Existing Object Instance

from types import MethodType

def method(self):
   print 'hi!'

setattr( targetObj, method.__name__, MethodType(method, targetObj, type(method)) )

With this, you can use the self pointer

How is the 'use strict' statement interpreted in Node.js?

"use strict";

Basically it enables the strict mode.

Strict Mode is a feature that allows you to place a program, or a function, in a "strict" operating context. In strict operating context, the method form binds this to the objects as before. The function form binds this to undefined, not the global set objects.

As per your comments you are telling some differences will be there. But it's your assumption. The Node.js code is nothing but your JavaScript code. All Node.js code are interpreted by the V8 JavaScript engine. The V8 JavaScript Engine is an open source JavaScript engine developed by Google for Chrome web browser.

So, there will be no major difference how "use strict"; is interpreted by the Chrome browser and Node.js.

Please read what is strict mode in JavaScript.

For more information:

  1. Strict mode
  2. ECMAScript 5 Strict mode support in browsers
  3. Strict mode is coming to town
  4. Compatibility table for strict mode
  5. Stack Overflow questions: what does 'use strict' do in JavaScript & what is the reasoning behind it

ECMAScript 6:

ECMAScript 6 Code & strict mode. Following is brief from the specification:

10.2.1 Strict Mode Code

An ECMAScript Script syntactic unit may be processed using either unrestricted or strict mode syntax and semantics. Code is interpreted as strict mode code in the following situations:

  • Global code is strict mode code if it begins with a Directive Prologue that contains a Use Strict Directive (see 14.1.1).
  • Module code is always strict mode code.
  • All parts of a ClassDeclaration or a ClassExpression are strict mode code.
  • Eval code is strict mode code if it begins with a Directive Prologue that contains a Use Strict Directive or if the call to eval is a direct eval (see that is contained in strict mode code.
  • Function code is strict mode code if the associated FunctionDeclaration, FunctionExpression, GeneratorDeclaration, GeneratorExpression, MethodDefinition, or ArrowFunction is contained in strict mode code or if the code that produces the value of the function’s [[ECMAScriptCode]] internal slot begins with a Directive Prologue that contains a Use Strict Directive.
  • Function code that is supplied as the arguments to the built-in Function and Generator constructors is strict mode code if the last argument is a String that when processed is a FunctionBody that begins with a Directive Prologue that contains a Use Strict Directive.

Additionally if you are lost on what features are supported by your current version of Node.js, this can help you (leverages from the same data as kangax).

how to get last insert id after insert query in codeigniter active record

Using the mysqli PHP driver, you can't get the insert_id after you commit.

The real solution is this:

function add_post($post_data){

  $item_id = $this->db->insert_id();

  if( $this->db->trans_status() === FALSE )
    return( 0 );
    return( $item_id );

Source for code structure:

C# - Making a Process.Start wait until the process has start-up

To extend @ChrisG's idea, a little, consider using process.MainWindowHandle and seeing if the window message loop is responding. Use p/invoke this Win32 api: SendMessageTimeout. From that link:

If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. SendMessageTimeout does not provide information about individual windows timing out if HWND_BROADCAST is used.

If the function fails or times out, the return value is 0. To get extended error information, call GetLastError. If GetLastError returns ERROR_TIMEOUT, then the function timed out.

Could not obtain information about Windows NT group user

For me, the jobs were running under DOMAIN\Administrator and failing with the error message "The job failed. Unable to determine if the owner (DOMAIN\administrator) of job Agent history clean up: distribution has server access (reason: Could not obtain information about Windows NT group/user 'DOMAIN\administrator', error code 0x5. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 15404)). To fix this, I changed the owner of each failing job to sa. Worked flawlessly after that. The jobs were related to replication cleanup, but I'm unsure if they were manually added or were added as a part of the replication set-up - I wasn't involved with it, so I am not sure.

What is a Windows Handle?

So at the most basic level a HANDLE of any sort is a pointer to a pointer or

#define HANDLE void **

Now as to why you would want to use it

Lets take a setup:

class Object{
   int Value;

class LargeObj{

   char * val;
      val = malloc(2048 * 1000);


void foo(Object bar){
    LargeObj lo = new LargeObj();

void main()
   Object obj = new Object();
   obj.val = 1;
   printf("%d", obj.val);

So because obj was passed by value (make a copy and give that to the function) to foo, the printf will print the original value of 1.

Now if we update foo to:

void foo(Object * bar)
    LargeObj lo = new LargeObj();

There is a chance that the printf will print the updated value of 2. But there is also the possibility that foo will cause some form of memory corruption or exception.

The reason is this while you are now using a pointer to pass obj to the function you are also allocating 2 Megs of memory, this could cause the OS to move the memory around updating the location of obj. Since you have passed the pointer by value, if obj gets moved then the OS updates the pointer but not the copy in the function and potentially causing problems.

A final update to foo of:

void foo(Object **bar){
    LargeObj lo = LargeObj();
    Object * b = &bar;

This will always print the updated value.

See, when the compiler allocates memory for pointers it marks them as immovable, so any re-shuffling of memory caused by the large object being allocated the value passed to the function will point to the correct address to find out the final location in memory to update.

Any particular types of HANDLEs (hWnd, FILE, etc) are domain specific and point to a certain type of structure to protect against memory corruption.

Print very long string completely in pandas dataframe

The way I often deal with the situation you describe is to use the .to_csv() method and write to stdout:

import sys


Update: it should now be possible to just use None instead of sys.stdout with similar effect!

This should dump the whole dataframe, including the entirety of any strings. You can use the to_csv parameters to configure column separators, whether the index is printed, etc. It will be less pretty than rendering it properly though.

I posted this originally in answer to the somewhat-related question at Output data from all columns in a dataframe in pandas

How do I parallelize a simple Python loop?

why dont you use threads, and one mutex to protect one global list?

import os
import re
import time
import sys
import thread

from threading import Thread

class thread_it(Thread):
    def __init__ (self,param):
        self.param = param
    def run(self):

threads = []
output = []
mutex = thread.allocate_lock()

for j in range(0, 10):
    current = thread_it(j * offset)

for t in threads:

#here you have output list filled with data

keep in mind, you will be as fast as your slowest thread

File Explorer in Android Studio

[Additional stuff to Gene's answer]

If we want to view the "" file we have to pull out the file from emulator.For that go to top right side of the panel there is button(floppy disk and arrow) for this operation.

Pull a file from the device

Then we can give the location to save the file.You can open it from any text editor and you will be able to view the content of the XML file.

How do I delete multiple rows in Entity Framework (without foreach)

I know it's quite late but in case someone needs a simple solution, the cool thing is you can also add the where clause with it:

public static void DeleteWhere<T>(this DbContext db, Expression<Func<T, bool>> filter) where T : class
    string selectSql = db.Set<T>().Where(filter).ToString();
    string fromWhere = selectSql.Substring(selectSql.IndexOf("FROM"));
    string deleteSql = "DELETE [Extent1] " + fromWhere;

Note: just tested with MSSQL2008.


The solution above won't work when EF generates sql statement with parameters, so here's the update for EF5:

public static void DeleteWhere<T>(this DbContext db, Expression<Func<T, bool>> filter) where T : class
    var query = db.Set<T>().Where(filter);

    string selectSql = query.ToString();
    string deleteSql = "DELETE [Extent1] " + selectSql.Substring(selectSql.IndexOf("FROM"));

    var internalQuery = query.GetType().GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).Where(field => field.Name == "_internalQuery").Select(field => field.GetValue(query)).First();
    var objectQuery = internalQuery.GetType().GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).Where(field => field.Name == "_objectQuery").Select(field => field.GetValue(internalQuery)).First() as ObjectQuery;
    var parameters = objectQuery.Parameters.Select(p => new SqlParameter(p.Name, p.Value)).ToArray();

    db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(deleteSql, parameters);

It requires a little bit of reflection but works well.

Format timedelta to string


>>> import datetime
>>> dt0 = datetime.datetime(1,1,1)
>>> td = datetime.timedelta(minutes=34, hours=12, seconds=56)
>>> (dt0+td).strftime('%X')
>>> (dt0+td).strftime('%M:%S')
>>> (dt0+td).strftime('%H:%M')

How do I create a pause/wait function using Qt?

I've had a lot of trouble over the years trying to get QApplication::processEvents to work, as is used in some of the top answers. IIRC, if multiple locations end up calling it, it can end up causing some signals to not get processed ( My usual preferred option is to utilize a QEventLoop (

inline void delay(int millisecondsWait)
    QEventLoop loop;
    QTimer t;
    t.connect(&t, &QTimer::timeout, &loop, &QEventLoop::quit);

How to import set of icons into Android Studio project

Since Android Studio 3.4, there is a new tool called Resource manager. It supports importing many drawables at once (vectors, pngs, ...) . Follow the official documentation.

htaccess <Directory> deny from all

You cannot use the Directory directive in .htaccess. However if you create a .htaccess file in the /system directory and place the following in it, you will get the same result

#place this in /system/.htaccess as you had before
deny from all

ReactJs: What should the PropTypes be for this.props.children?

Try a custom propTypes :

 const  childrenPropTypeLogic = (props, propName, componentName) => {
          const prop = props[propName];
          return React.Children
                   .find(child => child.type !== 'div') && new Error(`${componentName} only accepts "div" elements`);

static propTypes = {

   children : childrenPropTypeLogic



const {Component, PropTypes} = React;_x000D_
 const  childrenPropTypeLogic = (props, propName, componentName) => {_x000D_
             var error;_x000D_
          var prop = props[propName];_x000D_
          React.Children.forEach(prop, function (child) {_x000D_
            if (child.type !== 'div') {_x000D_
              error = new Error(_x000D_
                '`' + componentName + '` only accepts children of type `div`.'_x000D_
          return error;_x000D_
class ContainerComponent extends Component {_x000D_
  static propTypes = {_x000D_
    children: childrenPropTypeLogic,_x000D_
  render() {_x000D_
    return (_x000D_
class App extends Component {_x000D_
    return (_x000D_
ReactDOM.render(<App /> , document.querySelector('section'))
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<section />

Increment a Integer's int value?

As Grodriguez says, Integer objects are immutable. The problem here is that you're trying to increment the int value of the player ID rather than the ID itself. In Java 5+, you can just write playerID++.

As a side note, never ever call Integer's constructor. Take advantage of autoboxing by just assigning ints to Integers directly, like Integer foo = 5. This will use Integer.valueOf(int) transparently, which is superior to the constructor because it doesn't always have to create a new object.

What is the email subject length limit?

I don't believe that there is a formal limit here, and I'm pretty sure there isn't any hard limit specified in the RFC either, as you found.

I think that some pretty common limitations for subject lines in general (not just e-mail) are:

  • 80 Characters
  • 128 Characters
  • 256 Characters

Obviously, you want to come up with something that is reasonable. If you're writing an e-mail client, you may want to go with something like 256 characters, and obviously test thoroughly against big commercial servers out there to make sure they serve your mail correctly.

Hope this helps!

Android Left to Right slide animation

For from right to left slide


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<set xmlns:android=""
    android:fromXDelta="100%" android:toXDelta="0%"
    android:fromYDelta="0%" android:toYDelta="0%"
    android:duration="700" />


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<set xmlns:android=""
    android:fromXDelta="0%" android:toXDelta="-100%"
    android:fromYDelta="0%" android:toYDelta="0%"
    android:duration="700" />

in Activity Java file:

Intent intent = new Intent(HomeActivity.this, ActivityCapture.class);

you can change the duration times in the xml files for the longer or shorter slide animation.

Where is the WPF Numeric UpDown control?

This is example of my own UserControl with Up and Down key catching.

Xaml code:

        <ColumnDefinition Width="*" />
        <ColumnDefinition Width="13" />
        <RowDefinition Height="13" />
        <RowDefinition Height="13" />
    <TextBox Name="NUDTextBox"  Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="0" Grid.RowSpan="2" TextAlignment="Right" PreviewKeyDown="NUDTextBox_PreviewKeyDown" PreviewKeyUp="NUDTextBox_PreviewKeyUp" TextChanged="NUDTextBox_TextChanged"/>
    <RepeatButton Name="NUDButtonUP"  Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="0" FontSize="8" FontFamily="Marlett" VerticalContentAlignment="Center" HorizontalContentAlignment="Center" Click="NUDButtonUP_Click">5</RepeatButton>
    <RepeatButton Name="NUDButtonDown"  Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="1" FontSize="8"  FontFamily="Marlett" VerticalContentAlignment="Center" HorizontalContentAlignment="Center" Height="13" VerticalAlignment="Bottom" Click="NUDButtonDown_Click">6</RepeatButton>

And the code:

public partial class NumericUpDown : UserControl
    int minvalue = 0, 
        maxvalue = 100,
        startvalue = 10;
    public NumericUpDown()
        NUDTextBox.Text = startvalue.ToString();

    private void NUDButtonUP_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        int number;
        if (NUDTextBox.Text != "") number = Convert.ToInt32(NUDTextBox.Text);
        else number = 0;
        if (number < maxvalue)
            NUDTextBox.Text = Convert.ToString(number + 1); 

    private void NUDButtonDown_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        int number;
        if (NUDTextBox.Text != "") number = Convert.ToInt32(NUDTextBox.Text);
        else number = 0;
        if (number > minvalue)
            NUDTextBox.Text = Convert.ToString(number - 1); 

    private void NUDTextBox_PreviewKeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)

        if (e.Key == Key.Up)
            NUDButtonUP.RaiseEvent(new RoutedEventArgs(Button.ClickEvent));
            typeof(Button).GetMethod("set_IsPressed", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).Invoke(NUDButtonUP, new object[] { true }); 

        if (e.Key == Key.Down)
            NUDButtonDown.RaiseEvent(new RoutedEventArgs(Button.ClickEvent));
            typeof(Button).GetMethod("set_IsPressed", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).Invoke(NUDButtonDown, new object[] { true }); 

    private void NUDTextBox_PreviewKeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
        if (e.Key == Key.Up)
            typeof(Button).GetMethod("set_IsPressed", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).Invoke(NUDButtonUP, new object[] { false });

        if (e.Key == Key.Down)
            typeof(Button).GetMethod("set_IsPressed", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).Invoke(NUDButtonDown, new object[] { false });

    private void NUDTextBox_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e)
        int number = 0;
        if (NUDTextBox.Text!="")
            if (!int.TryParse(NUDTextBox.Text, out number)) NUDTextBox.Text = startvalue.ToString();
        if (number > maxvalue)  NUDTextBox.Text = maxvalue.ToString();
        if (number < minvalue) NUDTextBox.Text = minvalue.ToString();
        NUDTextBox.SelectionStart = NUDTextBox.Text.Length;



how much memory can be accessed by a 32 bit machine?

Yes, a 32-bit architecture is limited to addressing a maximum of 4 gigabytes of memory. Depending on the operating system, this number can be cut down even further due to reserved address space.

This limitation can be removed on certain 32-bit architectures via the use of PAE (Physical Address Extension), but it must be supported by the processor. PAE eanbles the processor to access more than 4 GB of memory, but it does not change the amount of virtual address space available to a single process—each process would still be limited to a maximum of 4 GB of address space.

And yes, theoretically a 64-bit architecture can address 16.8 million terabytes of memory, or 2^64 bytes. But I don't believe the current popular implementations fully support this; for example, the AMD64 architecture can only address up to 1 terabyte of memory. Additionally, your operating system will also place limitations on the amount of supported, addressable memory. Many versions of Windows (particularly versions designed for home or other non-server use) are arbitrarily limited.

Impersonate tag in Web.Config

You had the identity node as a child of authentication node. That was the issue. As in the example above, authentication and identity nodes must be children of the system.web node

Python how to plot graph sine wave

Yet another way to plot the sine wave.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib
matplotlib.use('TKAgg') #use matplotlib backend TKAgg (optional)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

t = np.linspace(0.0, 5.0, 50000)       # time axis
sig = np.sin(t)

How to Completely Uninstall Xcode and Clear All Settings

Run this to find all instances of Xcode in your filesystem:

for i in find / -name Xcode -print; do echo $i; done

ASP.NET MVC Html.ValidationSummary(true) does not display model errors

If nearly everything seems right, another thing to look out for is to ensure that the validation summary is not being explicitly hidden via some CSS override like this:

.validation-summary-valid {
    display: none;

This may also cause the @Html.ValidationSummary to appear hidden, as the summary is dynamically rendered with the validation-summary-valid class.

How to change link color (Bootstrap)

If you are using Bootstrap 4, you can simple use a color utility class (e.g. text-success, text-danger, etc... ).

You can also create your own classes (e.g. text-my-own-color)

Both options are shown in the example below, run the code snippet to see a live demo.

.text-my-own-color {
  color: #663300 !important; // Define your own color in your CSS
.text-my-own-color:hover, .text-my-own-color:active {
  color: #664D33 !important; // Define your own color's darkening/lightening in your CSS
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
<div class="navbar-collapse">
  <ul class="nav pull-right">

    <!-- Bootstrap's color utility class -->
    <li class="active"><a class="text-success" href="#">? ???</a></li>

    <!-- Bootstrap's color utility class -->
    <li><a class="text-danger" href="#">??? ??? ????????</a></li>

    <!-- Bootstrap's color utility class -->
    <li><a class="text-warning" href="#">????</a></li>

    <!-- Custom color utility class -->
    <li><a class="text-my-own-color" href="#">????????</a></li>


PostgreSQL return result set as JSON array?


SELECT json_agg(t) FROM t

for a JSON array of objects, and

        'a', json_agg(t.a),
        'b', json_agg(t.b)

for a JSON object of arrays.

List of objects

This section describes how to generate a JSON array of objects, with each row being converted to a single object. The result looks like this:


9.3 and up

The json_agg function produces this result out of the box. It automatically figures out how to convert its input into JSON and aggregates it into an array.

SELECT json_agg(t) FROM t

There is no jsonb (introduced in 9.4) version of json_agg. You can either aggregate the rows into an array and then convert them:

SELECT to_jsonb(array_agg(t)) FROM t

or combine json_agg with a cast:

SELECT json_agg(t)::jsonb FROM t

My testing suggests that aggregating them into an array first is a little faster. I suspect that this is because the cast has to parse the entire JSON result.


9.2 does not have the json_agg or to_json functions, so you need to use the older array_to_json:

SELECT array_to_json(array_agg(t)) FROM t

You can optionally include a row_to_json call in the query:

SELECT array_to_json(array_agg(row_to_json(t))) FROM t

This converts each row to a JSON object, aggregates the JSON objects as an array, and then converts the array to a JSON array.

I wasn't able to discern any significant performance difference between the two.

Object of lists

This section describes how to generate a JSON object, with each key being a column in the table and each value being an array of the values of the column. It's the result that looks like this:

{"a":[1,2,3], "b":["value1","value2","value3"]}

9.5 and up

We can leverage the json_build_object function:

        'a', json_agg(t.a),
        'b', json_agg(t.b)

You can also aggregate the columns, creating a single row, and then convert that into an object:

SELECT to_json(r)
        json_agg(t.a) AS a,
        json_agg(t.b) AS b
    FROM t
) r

Note that aliasing the arrays is absolutely required to ensure that the object has the desired names.

Which one is clearer is a matter of opinion. If using the json_build_object function, I highly recommend putting one key/value pair on a line to improve readability.

You could also use array_agg in place of json_agg, but my testing indicates that json_agg is slightly faster.

There is no jsonb version of the json_build_object function. You can aggregate into a single row and convert:

SELECT to_jsonb(r)
        array_agg(t.a) AS a,
        array_agg(t.b) AS b
    FROM t
) r

Unlike the other queries for this kind of result, array_agg seems to be a little faster when using to_jsonb. I suspect this is due to overhead parsing and validating the JSON result of json_agg.

Or you can use an explicit cast:

        'a', json_agg(t.a),
        'b', json_agg(t.b)

The to_jsonb version allows you to avoid the cast and is faster, according to my testing; again, I suspect this is due to overhead of parsing and validating the result.

9.4 and 9.3

The json_build_object function was new to 9.5, so you have to aggregate and convert to an object in previous versions:

SELECT to_json(r)
        json_agg(t.a) AS a,
        json_agg(t.b) AS b
    FROM t
) r


SELECT to_jsonb(r)
        array_agg(t.a) AS a,
        array_agg(t.b) AS b
    FROM t
) r

depending on whether you want json or jsonb.

(9.3 does not have jsonb.)


In 9.2, not even to_json exists. You must use row_to_json:

SELECT row_to_json(r)
        array_agg(t.a) AS a,
        array_agg(t.b) AS b
    FROM t
) r


Find the documentation for the JSON functions in JSON functions.

json_agg is on the aggregate functions page.


If performance is important, ensure you benchmark your queries against your own schema and data, rather than trust my testing.

Whether it's a good design or not really depends on your specific application. In terms of maintainability, I don't see any particular problem. It simplifies your app code and means there's less to maintain in that portion of the app. If PG can give you exactly the result you need out of the box, the only reason I can think of to not use it would be performance considerations. Don't reinvent the wheel and all.


Aggregate functions typically give back NULL when they operate over zero rows. If this is a possibility, you might want to use COALESCE to avoid them. A couple of examples:

SELECT COALESCE(json_agg(t), '[]'::json) FROM t


SELECT to_jsonb(COALESCE(array_agg(t), ARRAY[]::t[])) FROM t

Credit to Hannes Landeholm for pointing this out

How do I get a reference to the app delegate in Swift?

  1. Make sure you import UIKit

  2. let appDelegate = UIApplication.sharedApplication().delegate! as! AppDelegate

gitignore all files of extension in directory

Never tried it, but git help ignore suggests that if you put a .gitignore with *.js in /public/static, it will do what you want.

Note: make sure to also check out Joeys' answer below: if you want to ignore files in a specific subdirectory, then a local .gitignore is the right solution (locality is good). However if you need the same pattern to apply to your whole repo, then the ** solution is better.

package does not exist ; in Android studio 0.8

For me the problem was caused by a file in the list of Gradle scripts. It showed as (global) and refered to a file in C:\users\.gradle\ I right-clicked on it and selected delete from the menu to delete it. It deleted the file from the hard disk and my project now builds and runs. I guess that the global file was overwriting something that was used to locate the package

Get index of a key in json

In principle, it is wrong to look for an index of a key. Keys of a hash map are unordered, you should never expect specific order.

python: creating list from string

More concise than others:

def parseString(string):
        return int(string)
    except ValueError:
        return string

b = [[parseString(s) for s in clause.split(', ')] for clause in a]

Alternatively if your format is fixed as <string>, <int>, <int>, you can be even more concise:

def parseClause(a,b,c):
    return [a, int(b), int(c)]

b = [parseClause(*clause) for clause in a]

How to convert flat raw disk image to vmdk for virtualbox or vmplayer?

On windows, use to convert raw files created by dd or winhex to vmdk. raw2vmdk v0.1.3.2 has a bug - once the vmdk file is created, edit the vmdk file and fix the path to the raw file (in my case instead of D:\Temp\flash_16gb.raw (created by winhex) the generated path was D:Tempflash_16gb.raw). Then, open it in a vmware virtual machine version 6.5-7 (5.1 was refusing to attach the vmdk harddrive). howgh!

Java Set retain order?

Normally set does not keep the order, such as HashSet in order to quickly find a emelent, but you can try LinkedHashSet it will keep the order which you put in.

How do I remove an object from an array with JavaScript?

delete obj[1];

Note that this will not change array indices. Any array members you delete will remain as "slots" that contain undefined.

How to center an element in the middle of the browser window?

div#wrapper {
    position: absolute;
    top:  50%;
    left: 50%;
    transform: translate(-50%,-50%);

change image opacity using javascript

You can use CSS to set the opacity, and than use javascript to apply the styles to a certain element in the DOM.

.opClass {
    filter:alpha(opacity=40); /* For IE8 and earlier */

Than use (for example) jQuery to change the style:


Or with plain javascript, like this:

document.getElementById("element_id").className = "opClass";

When do I use path params vs. query params in a RESTful API?

Best practice for RESTful API design is that path params are used to identify a specific resource or resources, while query parameters are used to sort/filter those resources.

Here's an example. Suppose you are implementing RESTful API endpoints for an entity called Car. You would structure your endpoints like this:

GET /cars
GET /cars/:id
POST /cars
PUT /cars/:id
DELETE /cars/:id

This way you are only using path parameters when you are specifying which resource to fetch, but this does not sort/filter the resources in any way.

Now suppose you wanted to add the capability to filter the cars by color in your GET requests. Because color is not a resource (it is a property of a resource), you could add a query parameter that does this. You would add that query parameter to your GET /cars request like this:

GET /cars?color=blue

This endpoint would be implemented so that only blue cars would be returned.

As far as syntax is concerned, your URL names should be all lowercase. If you have an entity name that is generally two words in English, you would use a hyphen to separate the words, not camel case.

Ex. /two-words

Why does calling sumr on a stream with 50 tuples not complete

sumr is implemented in terms of foldRight:

 final def sumr(implicit A: Monoid[A]): A = F.foldRight(self, 

foldRight is not always tail recursive, so you can overflow the stack if the collection is too long. See Why foldRight and reduceRight are NOT tail recursive? for some more discussion of when this is or isn't true.

Adding form action in html in laravel

For Laravel 2020. Ok, an example:

<form class="modal-content animate" action="{{ url('login_kun')  }}" method="post">
  @csrf   // !!! attention - this string is a must 

And then in web.php:

Route::post("/login_kun", "LoginController@login");

And one more in new created LoginController:

 public function login(Request $request){

and you are done my friend.

Removing whitespace from strings in Java

import java.util.*;
public class RemoveSpace {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String mysz = "name=john age=13 year=2001";
        Scanner scan = new Scanner(mysz);

        String result = "";
        while(scan.hasNext()) {
            result +=;

Python: How would you save a simple settings/config file?

Configuration files in python

There are several ways to do this depending on the file format required.

ConfigParser [.ini format]

I would use the standard configparser approach unless there were compelling reasons to use a different format.

Write a file like so:

# python 2.x
# from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser
# config = SafeConfigParser()

# python 3.x
from configparser import ConfigParser
config = ConfigParser()'config.ini')
config.set('main', 'key1', 'value1')
config.set('main', 'key2', 'value2')
config.set('main', 'key3', 'value3')

with open('config.ini', 'w') as f:

The file format is very simple with sections marked out in square brackets:

key1 = value1
key2 = value2
key3 = value3

Values can be extracted from the file like so:

# python 2.x
# from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser
# config = SafeConfigParser()

# python 3.x
from configparser import ConfigParser
config = ConfigParser()'config.ini')

print config.get('main', 'key1') # -> "value1"
print config.get('main', 'key2') # -> "value2"
print config.get('main', 'key3') # -> "value3"

# getfloat() raises an exception if the value is not a float
a_float = config.getfloat('main', 'a_float')

# getint() and getboolean() also do this for their respective types
an_int = config.getint('main', 'an_int')

JSON [.json format]

JSON data can be very complex and has the advantage of being highly portable.

Write data to a file:

import json

config = {"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"}

with open('config1.json', 'w') as f:
    json.dump(config, f)

Read data from a file:

import json

with open('config.json', 'r') as f:
    config = json.load(f)

#edit the data
config['key3'] = 'value3'

#write it back to the file
with open('config.json', 'w') as f:
    json.dump(config, f)


A basic YAML example is provided in this answer. More details can be found on the pyYAML website.

How to convert C# nullable int to int

As far as I'm concerned the best solution is using GetValueOrDefault() method.

v2 = v1.GetValueOrDefault();

JavaScript single line 'if' statement - best syntax, this alternative?

It can also be done using a single line with while loops and if like this:

if (blah)

It also works with while loops.

Correct way to initialize empty slice

Empty slice and nil slice are initialized differently in Go:

var nilSlice []int 
emptySlice1 := make([]int, 0)
emptySlice2 := []int{}

fmt.Println(nilSlice == nil)    // true
fmt.Println(emptySlice1 == nil) // false
fmt.Println(emptySlice2 == nil) // false

As for all three slices, len and cap are 0.

What does it mean to bind a multicast (UDP) socket?

It is also very important to distinguish a SENDING multicast socket from a RECEIVING multicast socket.

I agree with all the answers above regarding RECEIVING multicast sockets. The OP noted that binding a RECEIVING socket to an interface did not help. However, it is necessary to bind a multicast SENDING socket to an interface.

For a SENDING multicast socket on a multi-homed server, it is very important to create a separate socket for each interface you want to send to. A bound SENDING socket should be created for each interface.

  // This is a fix for that bug that causes Servers to pop offline/online.
  // Servers will intermittently pop offline/online for 10 seconds or so.
  // The bug only happens if the machine had a DHCP gateway, and the gateway is no longer accessible.
  // After several minutes, the route to the DHCP gateway may timeout, at which
  // point the pingponging stops.
  // You need 3 machines, Client machine, server A, and server B
  // Client has both ethernets connected, and both ethernets receiving CITP pings (machine A pinging to en0, machine B pinging to en1)
  // Now turn off the ping from machine B (en1), but leave the network connected.
  // You will notice that the machine transmitting on the interface with
  // the DHCP gateway will fail sendto() with errno 'No route to host'
  if ( theErr == 0 )
     // inspired by 'ping -b' option in man page:      
     //      -b boundif
     //             Bind the socket to interface boundif for sending.
     struct sockaddr_in bindInterfaceAddr;
     bzero(&bindInterfaceAddr, sizeof(bindInterfaceAddr));
     bindInterfaceAddr.sin_len = sizeof(bindInterfaceAddr);
     bindInterfaceAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
     bindInterfaceAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(interfaceipaddr);
     bindInterfaceAddr.sin_port = 0; // Allow the kernel to choose a random port number by passing in 0 for the port.
     theErr = bind(mSendSocketID, (struct sockaddr *)&bindInterfaceAddr, sizeof(bindInterfaceAddr));
     struct sockaddr_in serverAddress;
     int namelen = sizeof(serverAddress);  
     if (getsockname(mSendSocketID, (struct sockaddr *)&serverAddress, (socklen_t *)&namelen) < 0) {
        DLogErr(@"ERROR Publishing service... getsockname err");
        DLog( @"socket %d bind, %@ port %d", mSendSocketID, [NSString stringFromIPAddress:htonl(serverAddress.sin_addr.s_addr)], htons(serverAddress.sin_port) );

Without this fix, multicast sending will intermittently get sendto() errno 'No route to host'. If anyone can shed light on why unplugging a DHCP gateway causes Mac OS X multicast SENDING sockets to get confused, I would love to hear it.

How can I create my own comparator for a map?

Specify the type of the pointer to your comparison function as the 3rd type into the map, and provide the function pointer to the map constructor:
map<keyType, valueType, typeOfPointerToFunction> mapName(pointerToComparisonFunction);

Take a look at the example below for providing a comparison function to a map, with vector iterator as key and int as value.

#include "headers.h"

bool int_vector_iter_comp(const vector<int>::iterator iter1, const vector<int>::iterator iter2) {
    return *iter1 < *iter2;

int main() {
    // Without providing custom comparison function
    map<vector<int>::iterator, int> default_comparison;

    // Providing custom comparison function
    // Basic version
    map<vector<int>::iterator, int,
        bool (*)(const vector<int>::iterator iter1, const vector<int>::iterator iter2)>

    // use decltype
    map<vector<int>::iterator, int, decltype(int_vector_iter_comp)*> with_decltype(&int_vector_iter_comp);

    // Use type alias or using
    typedef bool my_predicate(const vector<int>::iterator iter1, const vector<int>::iterator iter2);
    map<vector<int>::iterator, int, my_predicate*> with_typedef(&int_vector_iter_comp);

    using my_predicate_pointer_type = bool (*)(const vector<int>::iterator iter1, const vector<int>::iterator iter2);
    map<vector<int>::iterator, int, my_predicate_pointer_type> with_using(&int_vector_iter_comp);

    // Testing 
    vector<int> v = {1, 2, 3};

    default_comparison.insert(pair<vector<int>::iterator, int>({v.end(), 0}));
    default_comparison.insert(pair<vector<int>::iterator, int>({v.begin(), 0}));
    default_comparison.insert(pair<vector<int>::iterator, int>({v.begin(), 1}));
    default_comparison.insert(pair<vector<int>::iterator, int>({v.begin() + 1, 1}));

    cout << "size: " << default_comparison.size() << endl;
    for (auto& p : default_comparison) {
        cout << *(p.first) << ": " << p.second << endl;

    basic.insert(pair<vector<int>::iterator, int>({v.end(), 0}));
    basic.insert(pair<vector<int>::iterator, int>({v.begin(), 0}));
    basic.insert(pair<vector<int>::iterator, int>({v.begin(), 1}));
    basic.insert(pair<vector<int>::iterator, int>({v.begin() + 1, 1}));

    cout << "size: " << basic.size() << endl;
    for (auto& p : basic) {
        cout << *(p.first) << ": " << p.second << endl;

    with_decltype.insert(pair<vector<int>::iterator, int>({v.end(), 0}));
    with_decltype.insert(pair<vector<int>::iterator, int>({v.begin(), 0}));
    with_decltype.insert(pair<vector<int>::iterator, int>({v.begin(), 1}));
    with_decltype.insert(pair<vector<int>::iterator, int>({v.begin() + 1, 1}));

    cout << "size: " << with_decltype.size() << endl;
    for (auto& p : with_decltype) {
        cout << *(p.first) << ": " << p.second << endl;

    with_typedef.insert(pair<vector<int>::iterator, int>({v.end(), 0}));
    with_typedef.insert(pair<vector<int>::iterator, int>({v.begin(), 0}));
    with_typedef.insert(pair<vector<int>::iterator, int>({v.begin(), 1}));
    with_typedef.insert(pair<vector<int>::iterator, int>({v.begin() + 1, 1}));

    cout << "size: " << with_typedef.size() << endl;
    for (auto& p : with_typedef) {
        cout << *(p.first) << ": " << p.second << endl;

What is the SSIS package and what does it do?

SSIS (SQL Server Integration Services) is an upgrade of DTS (Data Transformation Services), which is a feature of the previous version of SQL Server. SSIS packages can be created in BIDS (Business Intelligence Development Studio). These can be used to merge data from heterogeneous data sources into SQL Server. They can also be used to populate data warehouses, to clean and standardize data, and to automate administrative tasks.

SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) is a component of Microsoft SQL Server 2005. It replaces Data Transformation Services, which has been a feature of SQL Server since Version 7.0. Unlike DTS, which was included in all versions, SSIS is only available in the "Standard" and "Enterprise" editions. Integration Services provides a platform to build data integration and workflow applications. The primary use for SSIS is data warehousing as the product features a fast and flexible tool for data extraction, transformation, and loading (ETL).). The tool may also be used to automate maintenance of SQL Server databases, update multidimensional cube data, and perform other functions.

Forbidden You don't have permission to access /wp-login.php on this server

I got recently this error and i used the solution which is proposed by @SirPaul. But the error was existing on the other configuration pages of the WordPress like update-core.php .

The solution that i have found, which resolved all the permission problems, was to deactivate iThemes Security plugin and update it and reactivate it.

Text editor to open big (giant, huge, large) text files

Free read-only viewers:

  • Large Text File Viewer (Windows) – Fully customizable theming (colors, fonts, word wrap, tab size). Supports horizontal and vertical split view. Also support file following and regex search. Very fast, simple, and has small executable size.
  • klogg (Windows, macOS, Linux) – A maintained fork of glogg, its main feature is regular expression search. It can also watch files, allows the user to mark lines, and has serious optimizations built in. But from a UI standpoint, it's ugly and clunky.
  • LogExpert (Windows) – "A GUI replacement for tail." It's really a log file analyzer, not a large file viewer, and in one test it required 10 seconds and 700 MB of RAM to load a 250 MB file. But its killer features are the columnizer (parse logs that are in CSV, JSONL, etc. and display in a spreadsheet format) and the highlighter (show lines with certain words in certain colors). Also supports file following, tabs, multifiles, bookmarks, search, plugins, and external tools.
  • Lister (Windows) – Very small and minimalist. It's one executable, barely 500 KB, but it still supports searching (with regexes), printing, a hex editor mode, and settings.
  • loxx (Windows) – Supports file following, highlighting, line numbers, huge files, regex, multiple files and views, and much more. The free version can not: process regex, filter files, synchronize timestamps, and save changed files.

Free editors:

  • Your regular editor or IDE. Modern editors can handle surprisingly large files. In particular, Vim (Windows, macOS, Linux), Emacs (Windows, macOS, Linux), Notepad++ (Windows), Sublime Text (Windows, macOS, Linux), and VS Code (Windows, macOS, Linux) support large (~4 GB) files, assuming you have the RAM.
  • Large File Editor (Windows) – Opens and edits TB+ files, supports Unicode, uses little memory, has XML-specific features, and includes a binary mode.
  • GigaEdit (Windows) – Supports searching, character statistics, and font customization. But it's buggy – with large files, it only allows overwriting characters, not inserting them; it doesn't respect LF as a line terminator, only CRLF; and it's slow.

Builtin programs (no installation required):

  • less (macOS, Linux) – The traditional Unix command-line pager tool. Lets you view text files of practically any size. Can be installed on Windows, too.
  • Notepad (Windows) – Decent with large files, especially with word wrap turned off.
  • MORE (Windows) – This refers to the Windows MORE, not the Unix more. A console program that allows you to view a file, one screen at a time.

Web viewers:

Paid editors:

  • 010 Editor (Windows, macOS, Linux) – Opens giant (as large as 50 GB) files.
  • SlickEdit (Windows, macOS, Linux) – Opens large files.
  • UltraEdit (Windows, macOS, Linux) – Opens files of more than 6 GB, but the configuration must be changed for this to be practical: Menu » Advanced » Configuration » File Handling » Temporary Files » Open file without temp file...
  • EmEditor (Windows) – Handles very large text files nicely (officially up to 248 GB, but as much as 900 GB according to one report).
  • BssEditor (Windows) – Handles large files and very long lines. Don’t require an installation. Free for non commercial use.

date() method, "A non well formed numeric value encountered" does not want to format a date passed in $_POST

From the documentation for strtotime():

Dates in the m/d/y or d-m-y formats are disambiguated by looking at the separator between the various components: if the separator is a slash (/), then the American m/d/y is assumed; whereas if the separator is a dash (-) or a dot (.), then the European d-m-y format is assumed.

In your date string, you have 12-16-2013. 16 isn't a valid month, and hence strtotime() returns false.

Since you can't use DateTime class, you could manually replace the - with / using str_replace() to convert the date string into a format that strtotime() understands:

$date = '2-16-2013';
echo date('Y-m-d', strtotime(str_replace('-','/', $date))); // => 2013-02-16

How to pause a vbscript execution?

With 'Enter' is better use ReadLine() or Read(2), because key 'Enter' generate 2 symbols. If user enter any text next Pause() also wil be skipped even with Read(2). So ReadLine() is better:

Sub Pause()
    WScript.Echo ("Press Enter to continue")
    z = WScript.StdIn.ReadLine()
End Sub

More examples look in

How to split a String by space

What you have should work. If, however, the spaces provided are defaulting to... something else? You can use the whitespace regex:

str = "Hello I'm your String";
String[] splited = str.split("\\s+");

This will cause any number of consecutive spaces to split your string into tokens.

As a side note, I'm not sure "splited" is a word :) I believe the state of being the victim of a split is also "split". It's one of those tricky grammar things :-) Not trying to be picky, just figured I'd pass it on!

How can I position my div at the bottom of its container?

Its an old question, but this is a unique approach that can help in several cases.

Pure CSS, Without Absolute positioning, Without Fixing any Height, Cross-Browser (IE9+)

check out that Working Fiddle

Because normal flow is 'top-to-bottom' we can't simply ask the #copyright div to stick to the bottom of his parent without absolutely positioning of some sort, But if we wanted the #copyright div to stick to the top of his parent, it will be very simple - because this is the normal flow way.

So we will use this in our advantage. we will change the order of the divs in the HTML, now the #copyright div is at the top, and the content follow it right away. we also make the content div stretch all the way (using pseudo elements and clearing techniques)

now it's just a matter of inverting that order back in the view. that can be easily done with CSS transform.

We rotate the container by 180deg, and now: up-is-down. (and we inverse back the content to look normal again)

If we want to have a scroolbar within the content area, we need to apply a little bit more of CSS magic. as can be showed Here [in that example, the content is below a header - but its the same idea]

* {_x000D_
  margin: 0;_x000D_
  padding: 0;_x000D_
#Container {_x000D_
  height: 100%;_x000D_
  color: white;_x000D_
#Container:before {_x000D_
  content: '';_x000D_
  height: 100%;_x000D_
  float: left;_x000D_
#Copyright {_x000D_
  background-color: green;_x000D_
#Stretch {_x000D_
  background-color: blue;_x000D_
#Stretch:after {_x000D_
  content: '';_x000D_
  display: block;_x000D_
  clear: both;_x000D_
#Container>div {_x000D_
  -moz-transform: rotateX(180deg);_x000D_
  -ms-transform: rotateX(180deg);_x000D_
  -o-transform: rotate(180deg);_x000D_
  -webkit-transform: rotateX(180deg);_x000D_
  transform: rotateX(180deg);_x000D_
<div id="Container">_x000D_
  <div id="Copyright">_x000D_
    Copyright Foo web designs_x000D_
  <div id="Stretch">_x000D_
    <!-- Other elements here -->_x000D_
    <div>Element 1</div>_x000D_
    <div>Element 2</div>_x000D_

Sorting hashmap based on keys

Use a TreeMap with a custom comparator.

class MyComparator implements Comparator<String>
        public int compare(String o1,String o2)
            // Your logic for comparing the key strings

TreeMap<String, Float> tm = new TreeMap<String , Float>(new MyComparator());

As you add new elements, they will be automatically sorted.

In your case, it might not even be necessary to implement a comparator because String ordering might be sufficient. But if you want to implement special cases, like lower case alphas appear before upper case, or treat the numbers a certain way, use the comparator.

Import CSV file as a pandas DataFrame

pandas to the rescue:

import pandas as pd
print pd.read_csv('value.txt')

        Date    price  factor_1  factor_2
0  2012-06-11  1600.20     1.255     1.548
1  2012-06-12  1610.02     1.258     1.554
2  2012-06-13  1618.07     1.249     1.552
3  2012-06-14  1624.40     1.253     1.556
4  2012-06-15  1626.15     1.258     1.552
5  2012-06-16  1626.15     1.263     1.558
6  2012-06-17  1626.15     1.264     1.572

This returns pandas DataFrame that is similar to R's.

How to convert datetime to integer in python

This in an example that can be used for example to feed a database key, I sometimes use instead of using AUTOINCREMENT options.

import datetime 

dt =
seq = int(dt.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"))

Adding additional data to select options using jQuery

HTML/JSP Markup:

data-raison="${compte.libelleSociale}"   data-rib="${compte.numeroCompte}"                              <c:out value="${compte.libelleCompte} *MAD*"/>

JQUERY CODE: Event: change

var $this = $(this);
var $selectedOption = $this.find('option:selected');
var libelle = $'libelle');

To have a element libelle.val() or libelle.text()

What is the <leader> in a .vimrc file?

The <Leader> key is mapped to \ by default. So if you have a map of <Leader>t, you can execute it by default with \+t. For more detail or re-assigning it using the mapleader variable, see

:help leader

To define a mapping which uses the "mapleader" variable, the special string
"<Leader>" can be used.  It is replaced with the string value of "mapleader".
If "mapleader" is not set or empty, a backslash is used instead.  
    :map <Leader>A  oanother line <Esc>
Works like:
    :map \A  oanother line <Esc>
But after:
    :let mapleader = ","
It works like:
    :map ,A  oanother line <Esc>

Note that the value of "mapleader" is used at the moment the mapping is
defined.  Changing "mapleader" after that has no effect for already defined

How to make an HTTP POST web request

Here's what i use in .NET 4.8 to make a HTTP POST request. With this code one can send multiple POST requests at a time Asynchronously. At the end of each request an event is raised. And also at the end of all request another event is raised.

The one bellow is the core class:

Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
Imports System.Timers
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports AeonLabs
Imports AeonLabs.Environment
Imports Newtonsoft.Json

Public Class HttpDataCore
    Public Property url As String
    Public Property state As New environmentVarsCore
    Public Property errorMessage As String = ""
    Public Property statusMessage As String
    Public Property threadCount As Integer = 25
    Public Property numberOfRetryAttempts = 5
    Public Property queue As List(Of _queue_data_struct)
    Public Property queueBWorker As Integer() ' has the size of threadCount
    Public Property queueLock As New Object
    Public Property retryAttempts As New _retry_attempts
    Public Property dataStatistics As List(Of _data_statistics)
    Public Property loadingCounter As Integer
    Public Property CompletionPercentage As Integer ' value range 0-100
    Public Property IsBusy As Boolean

    Public Structure _queue_data_struct
        Dim vars As Dictionary(Of String, String)
        Dim filenameOrSavePath As String                  ' full address file name or full adress folder path
        Dim misc As Dictionary(Of String, String)
        Dim status As Integer                             ' -1 - completed; 0- not sent yet; 1-already sent / processing 
    End Structure
    Public Structure _retry_attempts
        Dim counter As Integer
        Dim pattern As Integer
        Dim previousPattern As Integer
        Dim errorMessage As String
    End Structure
    Public Structure _data_statistics
        Dim filesize As Double
        Dim bytesSentReceived As Double
        Dim speed As Double
    End Structure

    Public WithEvents RestartQueueTimer As New Timers.Timer
    Public bwDataRequest() As BackgroundWorker

    Public Event requestCompleted(sender As Object, requestData As String) 'TODO add misc vars

    Private sendToQueue As Boolean
    Public Sub New(ByVal Optional _state As environmentVarsCore = Nothing, ByVal Optional _url As String = "")
        queue = New List(Of _queue_data_struct)
        dataStatistics = New List(Of _data_statistics)
        loadingCounter = 0
        sendToQueue = False
        If _state IsNot Nothing AndAlso _url.Equals("") Then
            url = _state.ServerBaseAddr & _state.ApiServerAddrPath
        ElseIf Not _url.Equals("") Then
            url = _url
            Throw New System.Exception("Initialization err: state and url cannot be both null at same time")
        End If

        If _state IsNot Nothing Then
            state = _state
        End If

    End Sub
    Public Sub loadQueue(ByVal vars As Dictionary(Of String, String), ByVal Optional misc As Dictionary(Of String, String) = Nothing, ByVal Optional filenameOrSavePath As String = Nothing)
        Dim queueItem As New _queue_data_struct
        queueItem.vars = New Dictionary(Of String, String)
        queueItem.misc = New Dictionary(Of String, String)

        queueItem.vars = vars
        queueItem.status = 0
        queueItem.misc = misc
        queueItem.filenameOrSavePath = filenameOrSavePath
    End Sub

    Public Sub clearQueue()
        loadingCounter = 0
        queue = New List(Of _queue_data_struct)
    End Sub
    Public Sub startRequest()
        If bwDataRequest(0) Is Nothing Then
            Throw New Exception("You need to call initialze first")
            Exit Sub
        End If

        IsBusy = True

        AddHandler RestartQueueTimer.Elapsed, New ElapsedEventHandler(AddressOf QueueTimerTick)
        With RestartQueueTimer
            .Enabled = True
            .Interval = 500
        End With
    End Sub

    Private Sub QueueTimerTick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ElapsedEventArgs)
        If QueuesToComplete(queue).Equals(0) And QueuesToSend(queue).Equals(0) Then
            queue = New List(Of _queue_data_struct)
            RaiseEvent requestCompleted(Me, Nothing)
            IsBusy = False
            Exit Sub
        End If

        If retryAttempts.counter >= numberOfRetryAttempts Then 'ToDo a retry number of attempts before quits
            Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = Globalization.CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(state.currentLang)
            Dim MsgBox As messageBoxForm
            MsgBox = New messageBoxForm(retryAttempts.errorMessage & ". " & My.Resources.strings.tryAgain & " ?", My.Resources.strings.question, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question)
            If MsgBox.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.Yes Then
                Dim retry As _retry_attempts
                With retry
                    .counter = 0
                    .previousPattern = -1
                    .pattern = 0
                    .errorMessage = ""
                End With
                retryAttempts = retry
                queue = New List(Of _queue_data_struct)
                RaiseEvent requestCompleted(Me, Nothing)
                IsBusy = False
                Exit Sub
            End If
            Exit Sub
        ElseIf Not sendToQueue And QueuesToSend(queue) > 0 Then
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub startSendQueue()
        sendToQueue = True
        While QueuesToSend(queue) > 0
            For shtIndex = 0 To threadCount
                For i = 0 To queue.Count - 1
                    If Not bwDataRequest(shtIndex).IsBusy Then
                        SyncLock queueLock
                            If queue.ElementAt(i).status.Equals(0) Then
                                Dim data As New _queue_data_struct
                                data.vars = queue.ElementAt(i).vars
                                data.status = 1
                                data.misc = queue.ElementAt(i).misc
                                data.filenameOrSavePath = queue.ElementAt(i).filenameOrSavePath
                                queue(i) = data
                                queueBWorker(shtIndex) = i
                                dataStatistics(shtIndex) = (New _data_statistics)

                            End If
                        End SyncLock
                    End If
                Next i
            Next shtIndex
        End While
        sendToQueue = False
    End Sub

    Public Function QueuesToSend(queue As List(Of _queue_data_struct)) As Integer
        Dim counter As Integer = 0
        For i = 0 To queue.Count - 1
            If queue(i).status.Equals(0) Then
                counter += 1
            End If
        Next i
        Return counter
    End Function
    Public Function QueuesToComplete(queue As List(Of _queue_data_struct)) As Integer
        Dim counter As Integer = 0
        For i = 0 To queue.Count - 1
            If queue(i).status.Equals(1) Then
                counter += 1
            End If
        Next i
        Return counter
    End Function
    Public Function QueuesMultiHash(queue As List(Of _queue_data_struct)) As Integer
        Dim counter As Integer = 0
        For i = 0 To queue.Count - 1
            If queue(i).status.Equals(1) Then
                counter += i
            End If
        Next i
        Return counter
    End Function

    Public Function IsBase64String(ByVal s As String) As Boolean
        s = s.Trim()
        Return (s.Length Mod 4 = 0) AndAlso Regex.IsMatch(s, "^[a-zA-Z0-9\+/]*={0,3}$", RegexOptions.None)
    End Function

    Public Function ConvertDataToArray(key As String, fields As String(), response As String) As Dictionary(Of String, List(Of String))
        If GetMessage(response).Equals("1001") Then
            Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = Globalization.CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(state.currentLang)
            errorMessage = "{'error':true,'message':'" & My.Resources.strings.errorNoRecordsFound & "'}"
            Return Nothing
        End If
            Dim jsonResult = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(Of Dictionary(Of String, Object))(response)
            If jsonResult.ContainsKey(key) Then
                If Not jsonResult.Item(key).item(0).Count.Equals(fields.Length) Then
                    Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = Globalization.CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(state.currentLang)
                    errorMessage = "{'error':true,'message':'" & My.Resources.strings.JsonFieldsMismatch & ". table(" & key & "'}"
                    Return Nothing
                    Dim results = New Dictionary(Of String, List(Of String))
                    For k = 0 To fields.Length - 1
                        Dim fieldValues As List(Of String) = New List(Of String)
                        For i = 0 To jsonResult.Item(key).Count - 1
                        Next i
                        results.Add(fields(k), fieldValues)

                    Next k
                    Return results
                End If
                Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = Globalization.CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(state.currentLang)
                errorMessage = "{'error':true,'message':'" & My.Resources.strings.JsonkeyNotFound & " (" & key & "'}"
                Return Nothing
            End If
        Catch ex As Exception
            errorMessage = "{'error':true,'message':'" & ex.ToString & "'}"
            errorMessage = ex.ToString
            Return Nothing
        End Try
    End Function
End Class

the AeonLabs.Envoriment is a class with a collection or fields and properties.

And the one bellow is for making a POST request:

Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Web
Imports System.Web.Script.Serialization
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports AeonLabs.Environment
Imports AeonLabs.Security

Public Class HttpDataPostData
    Inherits HttpDataCore

    Public Event updateProgress(sender As Object, misc As Dictionary(Of String, String))
    Public Event dataArrived(sender As Object, requestData As String, misc As Dictionary(Of String, String))

    Public Sub New(ByVal Optional _state As environmentVarsCore = Nothing, ByVal Optional _url As String = "")
        MyBase.New(_state, _url)
    End Sub
    Public Sub initialize(ByVal Optional _threadCount As Integer = 0)
        If Not _threadCount.Equals(0) Then
            threadCount = _threadCount
        End If

        ReDim bwDataRequest(threadCount)
        ReDim queueBWorker(threadCount)

        For shtIndex = 0 To threadCount
            dataStatistics.Add(New _data_statistics)

            bwDataRequest(shtIndex) = New System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker
            bwDataRequest(shtIndex).WorkerReportsProgress = True
            bwDataRequest(shtIndex).WorkerSupportsCancellation = True

            AddHandler bwDataRequest(shtIndex).DoWork, AddressOf bwDataRequest_DoWork
            AddHandler bwDataRequest(shtIndex).RunWorkerCompleted, AddressOf bwDataRequest_RunWorkerCompleted
        Next shtIndex
        Dim retry As _retry_attempts
        With retry
            .counter = 0
            .previousPattern = -1
            .pattern = 0
            .errorMessage = ""
        End With
        retryAttempts = retry
    End Sub

    Private Sub bwDataRequest_DoWork(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs)

        ' Find out the Index of the bWorker that called this DoWork (could be cleaner, I know)
        Dim Y As Integer
        Dim Index As Integer = Nothing
        For Y = 0 To UBound(bwDataRequest)
            If sender.Equals(bwDataRequest(Y)) Then
                Index = Y
                Exit For
            End If
        Next Y

        Dim queue As _queue_data_struct
        queue = e.Argument

        Dim vars As New Dictionary(Of String, String)
        vars = queue.vars

        'TODO translation need to be local
        If Not System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface.GetIsNetworkAvailable() Then
            Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(state.currentLang)
            e.Result = "{'error':true,'message':'" & My.Resources.strings.errorNoNetwork & "'}"
            Exit Sub
        End If
        If vars Is Nothing Then
            e.Result = "{'error':true,'message':'missconfiguration vars'}"
            Exit Sub
        End If

        If Not vars.ContainsKey("id") Then
            vars.Add("id", state.userId)
        End If
        If Not vars.ContainsKey("pid") Then
            Dim appId As New FingerPrint
            vars.Add("pid", appId.Value)
        End If
        If Not vars.ContainsKey("language") Then
            vars.Add("language", state.currentLang)
        End If
        If Not vars.ContainsKey("origin") Then
            vars.Add("origin", state.softwareAccessMode)
        End If

        Dim serializer As New JavaScriptSerializer()
        Dim json As String = serializer.Serialize(vars)
        Dim encryption As New AesCipher(state)
        Dim encrypted As String = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(encryption.encrypt(json))
        Dim PostData = "origin=" & state.softwareAccessMode & "&data=" & encrypted
        Dim request As WebRequest = WebRequest.Create(url)
        Dim responseFromServer As String = ""
        Dim decrypted As String = ""

        request.Method = "POST"
        Dim byteArray As Byte() = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(PostData)
        request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
        request.Headers.Add("Authorization", state.ApiHttpHeaderToken & "-" & state.softwareAccessMode)
        request.ContentLength = byteArray.Length
            Dim dataStream As Stream = request.GetRequestStream()
            dataStream.Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length)
            Dim response As HttpWebResponse = CType(request.GetResponse(), HttpWebResponse)
            dataStream = response.GetResponseStream()
            Dim reader As New StreamReader(dataStream)
            responseFromServer = reader.ReadToEnd()

            If response.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.Accepted Or response.StatusCode = 200 Then
                If IsBase64String(responseFromServer) And Not responseFromServer.Equals("") Then
                    decrypted = encryption.decrypt((responseFromServer)).Replace("\'", "'")
                    Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(state.currentLang)
                    decrypted = "{'error':true,'encrypted':false,'message':'" & My.Resources.strings.contactingCommServer & " |" & responseFromServer & "|'}"
                End If
                Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(state.currentLang)
                decrypted = "{'error':true,'message':'" & My.Resources.strings.contactingCommServer & " (" & response.StatusCode & ")', 'statuscode':'" & response.StatusCode & "'}"
            End If
        Catch ex As Exception
            Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(state.currentLang)
            decrypted = "{'error':true,'message':'" & My.Resources.strings.contactingCommServer & " (" & ex.Message.ToString.Replace("'", "\'") & ")'}"
        End Try

        e.Result = decrypted.Replace("\'", "'")
    End Sub

    Private Sub bwDataRequest_RunWorkerCompleted(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs)
        ' Find out the Index of the bWorker that called this DoWork (could be cleaner, I know)
        Dim Y As Integer
        Dim Index As Integer = Nothing
        Dim data As New _queue_data_struct

        For Y = 0 To UBound(bwDataRequest)
            If sender.Equals(bwDataRequest(Y)) Then
                Index = Y
                Exit For
            End If
        Next Y

        If IsResponseOk(e.Result, "statuscode") Then
            data = New _queue_data_struct
            data = queue(queueBWorker(Index))
            data.status = 0 're queue the file
            SyncLock queueLock
                queue(queueBWorker(Index)) = data
            End SyncLock
            Dim errorMsg As String = GetMessage(e.Result)
            Dim retry As _retry_attempts
            With retry
                .counter = retryAttempts.counter
                .previousPattern = retryAttempts.previousPattern
                .pattern = retryAttempts.pattern
                .errorMessage = retryAttempts.errorMessage
            End With
            retry.errorMessage = If(retryAttempts.errorMessage.IndexOf(errorMsg) > -1, retryAttempts.errorMessage, retryAttempts.errorMessage & System.Environment.NewLine & errorMsg)

            retry.pattern = QueuesMultiHash(queue)
            If retry.previousPattern.Equals(retry.pattern) Then
                retry.counter += 1
                retry.counter = 1
                retry.previousPattern = retryAttempts.pattern
            End If

            retryAttempts = retry
            Exit Sub
        End If

        data = New _queue_data_struct
        data = queue(queueBWorker(Index))
        data.status = -1 'completed sucessfully status
        SyncLock queueLock
            queue(queueBWorker(Index)) = data
        End SyncLock

        loadingCounter += 1
        CompletionPercentage = (loadingCounter / queue.Count) * 100
        statusMessage = "Loading data from the cloud ..."
        RaiseEvent updateProgress(Me, queue(queueBWorker(Index)).misc)
        RaiseEvent dataArrived(Me, e.Result, queue(queueBWorker(Index)).misc)
    End Sub
End Class

The Aoenlabs.Security is a class for sending POST data encrypted using standard encryption algorithms

SQL like search string starts with

SELECT * from games WHERE (lower(title) LIKE 'age of empires III');

The above query doesn't return any rows because you're looking for 'age of empires III' exact string which doesn't exists in any rows.

So in order to match with this string with different string which has 'age of empires' as substring you need to use '%your string goes here%'

More on mysql string comparision

You need to try this

SELECT * from games WHERE (lower(title) LIKE '%age of empires III%');

In Like '%age of empires III%' this will search for any matching substring in your rows, and it will show in results.

Python Threading String Arguments

from threading import Thread
from time import sleep
def run(name):
    for x in range(10):
        print("helo "+name)
def run1():
    for x in range(10):

Set View Width Programmatically

yourView.setLayoutParams(new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(width, height));

How to fix Error: this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key tableView.'

You have your storyboard set up to expect an outlet called tableView but the actual outlet name is myTableView.

If you delete the connection in the storyboard and reconnect to the right variable name, it should fix the problem.

Is there a PowerShell "string does not contain" cmdlet or syntax?

You can use the -notmatch operator to get the lines that don't have the characters you are interested in.

     Get-Content $FileName | foreach-object { 
     if ($_ -notmatch $arrayofStringsNotInterestedIn) { $) }

Makefile to compile multiple C programs?

Do it like so

all: program1 program2

program1: program1.c
    gcc -o program1 program1.c

program2: program2.c
    gcc -o program2 program2.c

You said you don't want advanced stuff, but you could also shorten it like this based on some default rules.

all: program1 program2

program1: program1.c
program2: program2.c

What does 'killed' mean when a processing of a huge CSV with Python, which suddenly stops?

I doubt anything is killing the process just because it takes a long time. Killed generically means something from the outside terminated the process, but probably not in this case hitting Ctrl-C since that would cause Python to exit on a KeyboardInterrupt exception. Also, in Python you would get MemoryError exception if that was the problem. What might be happening is you're hitting a bug in Python or standard library code that causes a crash of the process.

How do I get current scope dom-element in AngularJS controller?

The better and correct solution is to have a directive. The scope is the same, whether in the controller of the directive or the main controller. Use $element to do DOM operations. The method defined in the directive controller is accessible in the main controller.

Example, finding a child element:

var app = angular.module('myapp', []);
app.directive("testDir", function () {
    function link(scope, element) { 

    return {
        restrict: "AE", 
        link: link, 
            $scope.name2 = 'this is second name';
            var barGridSection = $element.find('#barGridSection'); //helps to find the child element.

app.controller('mainController', function ($scope) {
$'this is first name'

Using form input to access camera and immediately upload photos using web app

It's really easy to do this, simply send the file via an XHR request inside of the file input's onchange handler.

<input id="myFileInput" type="file" accept="image/*;capture=camera">

var myInput = document.getElementById('myFileInput');

function sendPic() {
    var file = myInput.files[0];

    // Send file here either by adding it to a `FormData` object 
    // and sending that via XHR, or by simply passing the file into 
    // the `send` method of an XHR instance.

myInput.addEventListener('change', sendPic, false);

Add a custom attribute to a Laravel / Eloquent model on load?

I had something simular: I have an attribute picture in my model, this contains the location of the file in the Storage folder. The image must be returned base64 encoded

//Add extra attribute
protected $attributes = ['picture_data'];

//Make it available in the json response
protected $appends = ['picture_data'];

//implement the attribute
public function getPictureDataAttribute()
    $file = Storage::get($this->picture);
    $type = Storage::mimeType($this->picture);
    return "data:" . $type . ";base64," . base64_encode($file);

Web scraping with Java


Extracting the title is not difficult, and you have many options, search here on Stack Overflow for "Java HTML parsers". One of them is Jsoup.

You can navigate the page using DOM if you know the page structure, see

It's a good library and I've used it in my last projects.

How to remove any URL within a string in Python

I wasn't able to find any that handled my particular situation, which was removing urls in the middle of tweets that also have whitespaces in the middle of urls so I made my own:


here's an explanation:
(https?:\/\/) matches http:// or https://
(\s)* optional whitespaces
(www\.)? optionally matches www.
(\s)* optionally matches whitespaces
((\w|\s)+\.)* matches 0 or more of one or more word characters followed by a period
([\w\-\s]+\/)* matches 0 or more of one or more words(or a dash or a space) followed by '\'
([\w\-]+) any remaining path at the end of the url followed by an optional ending
((\?)?[\w\s]*=\s*[\w\%&]*)* matches ending query params (even with white spaces,etc)

test this out here:

How can I convert this one line of ActionScript to C#?

There is collection of Func<...> classes - Func that is probably what you are looking for:

 void MyMethod(Func<int> param1 = null) 

This defines method that have parameter param1 with default value null (similar to AS), and a function that returns int. Unlike AS in C# you need to specify type of the function's arguments.

So if you AS usage was

MyMethod(function(intArg, stringArg) { return true; }) 

Than in C# it would require param1 to be of type Func<int, siring, bool> and usage like

MyMethod( (intArg, stringArg) => { return true;} ); 

How to pretty print XML from the command line?

This simple(st) solution doesn't provide indentation, but it is nevertheless much easier on the human eye. Also it allows the xml to be handled more easily by simple tools like grep, head, awk, etc.

Use sed to replace '<' with itself preceeded with a newline.

And as mentioned by Gilles, it's probably not a good idea to use this in production.

# check you are getting more than one line out
sed 's/</\n</g' sample.xml | wc -l

# check the output looks generally ok
sed 's/</\n</g' sample.xml | head

# capture the pretty xml in a different file
sed 's/</\n</g' sample.xml > prettySample.xml

Equivalent of explode() to work with strings in MySQL

I'm not sure if this is fully answering the question (it isn't), but it's the solution I came up with for my very similar problem. I know some of the other solutions look shorter but they seem to use SUBSTRING_INDEX() way more than necessary. Here I try to just use LOCATE() just once per delimiter.

-- *****************************************************************************
-- test_PVreplace


delimiter //
CREATE FUNCTION test_PVreplace (
   str TEXT,   -- String to do search'n'replace on
   pv TEXT     -- Parameter/value pairs 'p1=v1|p2=v2|p3=v3'

-- Replace specific tags with specific values.

   DECLARE idx0 INT DEFAULT 1;   -- 1-origined, not 0-origined

   -- P/V string *must* end with a delimiter.

   IF (RIGHT (pv, 1) <> '|') THEN
      SET pv = CONCAT (pv, '|');
      END IF;

   -- Find all the P/V pairs.

   SELECT LOCATE ('|', pv, idx0) INTO idx;
   WHILE (idx > 0) DO
      SET len = idx - idx0;
      SELECT SUBSTRING(pv, idx0, len) INTO sPV;

      -- Found a P/V pair.  Break it up.

      SELECT LOCATE ('=', sPV) INTO iPV;
      IF (iPV = 0) THEN
         SET sP = sPV;
         SET sV = '';
         SELECT SUBSTRING(sPV, 1, iPV-1) INTO sP;
         END IF;

      -- Do the substitution(s).

      SELECT REPLACE (str, sP, sV) INTO str;

      -- Do next P/V pair.

      SET idx0 = idx + 1;
      SELECT LOCATE ('|', pv, idx0) INTO idx;
      END WHILE;
   RETURN (str);
delimiter ;

SELECT test_PVreplace ('%one% %two% %three%', '%one%=1|%two%=2|%three%=3');
SELECT test_PVreplace ('%one% %two% %three%', '%one%=I|%two%=II|%three%=III');
SELECT test_PVreplace ('%one% %two% %three% - %one% %two% %three%', '%one%=I|%two%=II|%three%=III');
SELECT test_PVreplace ('%one% %two% %three% - %one% %two% %three%', '');
SELECT test_PVreplace ('%one% %two% %three% - %one% %two% %three%', NULL);
SELECT test_PVreplace ('%one% %two% %three%', '%one%=%two%|%two%=%three%|%three%=III');

Loop through an array php

Starting simple, with no HTML:

foreach($database as $file) {
    echo $file['filename'] . ' at ' . $file['filepath'];

And you can otherwise manipulate the fields in the foreach.

AlertDialog.Builder with custom layout and EditText; cannot access view

In case any one wants it in Kotlin :

val dialogBuilder = AlertDialog.Builder(this)
// ...Irrelevant code for customizing the buttons and title
val dialogView = layoutInflater.inflate(R.layout.alert_label_editor, null)

val editText =  dialogView.findViewById(
editText.setText("test label")
val alertDialog = dialogBuilder.create()

Reposted @user370305's answer.

Match everything except for specified strings

Matching any text but those matching a pattern is usually achieved with splitting the string with the regex pattern.


  • - Regex.Split(text, @"red|green|blue") or, to get rid of empty values, Regex.Split(text, @"red|green|blue").Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x)) (see demo)
  • - Regex.Split(text, "red|green|blue") or, to remove empty items, Regex.Split(text, "red|green|blue").Where(Function(s) Not String.IsNullOrWhitespace(s)) (see demo, or this demo where LINQ is supported)
  • - text.split(/red|green|blue/) (no need to use g modifier here!) (to get rid of empty values, use text.split(/red|green|blue/).filter(Boolean)), see demo
  • - text.split("red|green|blue"), or - to keep all trailing empty items - use text.split("red|green|blue", -1), or to remove all empty items use more code to remove them (see demo)
  • - Similar to Java, text.split(/red|green|blue/), to get all trailing items use text.split(/red|green|blue/, -1) and to remove all empty items use text.split(/red|green|blue/).findAll {it != ""}) (see demo)
  • - text.split(Regex("red|green|blue")) or, to remove blank items, use text.split(Regex("red|green|blue")).filter{ !it.isBlank() }, see demo
  • - text.split("red|green|blue"), or to keep all trailing empty items, use text.split("red|green|blue", -1) and to remove all empty items, use text.split("red|green|blue").filter(_.nonEmpty) (see demo)
  • - text.split(/red|green|blue/), to get rid of empty values use .split(/red|green|blue/).reject(&:empty?) (and to get both leading and trailing empty items, use -1 as the second argument, .split(/red|green|blue/, -1)) (see demo)
  • - my @result1 = split /red|green|blue/, $text;, or with all trailing empty items, my @result2 = split /red|green|blue/, $text, -1;, or without any empty items, my @result3 = grep { /\S/ } split /red|green|blue/, $text; (see demo)
  • - preg_split('~red|green|blue~', $text) or preg_split('~red|green|blue~', $text, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY) to output no empty items (see demo)
  • - re.split(r'red|green|blue', text) or, to remove empty items, list(filter(None, re.split(r'red|green|blue', text))) (see demo)
  • - Use regexp.MustCompile("red|green|blue").Split(text, -1), and if you need to remove empty items, use this code. See Go demo.

NOTE: If you patterns contain capturing groups, regex split functions/methods may behave differently, also depending on additional options. Please refer to the appropriate split method documentation then.

Why is nginx responding to any domain name?

There are few ways to specify default server.

First way - Specify default server first in list, if you keep your server configurations in one config file, like Dayo showed above.

Second way (better) More flexible - provide default_server parameter for listen instruction, for example:

server {
    listen  *:80 default_server;
    root /www/project/public/;

More information here: Nginx doc / Listen

This way more useful when you keep server configurations in separate files and do not want to name those files alphabetically.

How do you tell if a checkbox is selected in Selenium for Java?

public boolean getcheckboxvalue(String element)
        WebElement webElement=driver.findElement(By.xpath(element));
        return webElement.isSelected();

How to set socket timeout in C when making multiple connections?

You can use the SO_RCVTIMEO and SO_SNDTIMEO socket options to set timeouts for any socket operations, like so:

    struct timeval timeout;      
    timeout.tv_sec = 10;
    timeout.tv_usec = 0;

    if (setsockopt (sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (char *)&timeout,
                sizeof(timeout)) < 0)
        error("setsockopt failed\n");

    if (setsockopt (sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO, (char *)&timeout,
                sizeof(timeout)) < 0)
        error("setsockopt failed\n");

Edit: from the setsockopt man page:

SO_SNDTIMEO is an option to set a timeout value for output operations. It accepts a struct timeval parameter with the number of seconds and microseconds used to limit waits for output operations to complete. If a send operation has blocked for this much time, it returns with a partial count or with the error EWOULDBLOCK if no data were sent. In the current implementation, this timer is restarted each time additional data are delivered to the protocol, implying that the limit applies to output portions ranging in size from the low-water mark to the high-water mark for output.

SO_RCVTIMEO is an option to set a timeout value for input operations. It accepts a struct timeval parameter with the number of seconds and microseconds used to limit waits for input operations to complete. In the current implementation, this timer is restarted each time additional data are received by the protocol, and thus the limit is in effect an inactivity timer. If a receive operation has been blocked for this much time without receiving additional data, it returns with a short count or with the error EWOULDBLOCK if no data were received. The struct timeval parameter must represent a positive time interval; otherwise, setsockopt() returns with the error EDOM.

Close popup window

In my case, I just needed to close my pop-up and redirect the user to his profile page when he clicks "ok" after reading some message I tried with a few hacks, including setTimeout + self.close(), but with IE, this was closing the whole tab...

Solution : I replaced my link with a simple submit button.
<button type="submit" onclick="window.location.href='profile.html';">buttonText</button>. Nothing more.

This may sound stupid, but I didn't think to such a simple solution, since my pop-up did not have any form.

I hope it will help some front-end noobs like me !

How do I clone a range of array elements to a new array?

string[] arr = { "Parrot" , "Snake" ,"Rabbit" , "Dog" , "cat" };

arr = arr.ToList().GetRange(0, arr.Length -1).ToArray();

How to remove specific substrings from a set of strings in Python?

I did the test (but it is not your example) and the data does not return them orderly or complete

>>> ind = ['p5','p1','p8','p4','p2','p8']
>>> newind = {x.replace('p','') for x in ind}
>>> newind
{'1', '2', '8', '5', '4'}

I proved that this works:

>>> ind = ['p5','p1','p8','p4','p2','p8']
>>> newind = [x.replace('p','') for x in ind]
>>> newind
['5', '1', '8', '4', '2', '8']


>>> newind = []
>>> ind = ['p5','p1','p8','p4','p2','p8']
>>> for x in ind:
...     newind.append(x.replace('p',''))
>>> newind
['5', '1', '8', '4', '2', '8']

String method cannot be found in a main class method

It seem like your Resort method doesn't declare a compareTo method. This method typically belongs to the Comparable interface. Make sure your class implements it.

Additionally, the compareTo method is typically implemented as accepting an argument of the same type as the object the method gets invoked on. As such, you shouldn't be passing a String argument, but rather a Resort.

Alternatively, you can compare the names of the resorts. For example

if (resortList[mid].getResortName().compareTo(resortName)>0)  

Ubuntu: Using curl to download an image

If you want to keep the original name — use uppercase -O

curl -O

If you want to save remote file with a different name — use lowercase -o

curl -o myPic.png

How to get an array of unique values from an array containing duplicates in JavaScript?

You can find all kinds of array unique implementations here:

I prefer functional styles such as:

var arr = ['lol', 1, 'fdgdfg', 'lol', 'dfgfg', 'car', 1, 'car', 'a', 'blah', 'b', 'c', 'd', '0', '1', '1', '2', '3', '3', '3', 'crazy', 'moot', 'car', 'lol', 1, 'fdgdfg', 'lol', 'dfgfg', 'car', 1, 'car', 'a', 'blah', 'b', 'c', 'd', '0', '1', '1', '2', '3', '3', '3', 'crazy', 'moot', 'car', 'lol', 1, 'fdgdfg'];

var newarr = arr.reduce(function (prev, cur) {
    //console.log(prev, cur);
    if (prev.indexOf(cur) < 0) prev.push(cur);
    return prev;
}, []);

var secarr = arr.filter(function(element, index, array){
    //console.log(element, array.indexOf(element), index);
    return array.indexOf(element) >= index;

//reverses the order
var thirdarr = arr.filter(function (e, i, arr) {
    //console.log(e, arr.lastIndexOf(e), i);
    return arr.lastIndexOf(e) === i;


Why are Python lambdas useful?

I doubt lambda will go away. See Guido's post about finally giving up trying to remove it. Also see an outline of the conflict.

You might check out this post for more of a history about the deal behind Python's functional features:

Curiously, the map, filter, and reduce functions that originally motivated the introduction of lambda and other functional features have to a large extent been superseded by list comprehensions and generator expressions. In fact, the reduce function was removed from list of builtin functions in Python 3.0. (However, it's not necessary to send in complaints about the removal of lambda, map or filter: they are staying. :-)

My own two cents: Rarely is lambda worth it as far as clarity goes. Generally there is a more clear solution that doesn't include lambda.

Convert default format to Timestamp in Java


I am providing the modern answer. The Timestamp class was always poorly designed, a real hack on top of the already poorly designed Date class. Both those classes are now long outdated. Don’t use them.

When the question was asked, you would need a Timestamp for sending a point in time to the SQL database. Since JDBC 4.2 that is no longer the case. Assuming your database needs a timestamp with time zone (recommended for true timestamps), pass it an OffsetDateTime.

Before we can do that we need to overcome a real trouble with your sample string, Mon May 27 11:46:15 IST 2013: the time zone abbreviation. IST may mean Irish Summer Time, Israel Standard Time or India Standard Time (I have even read that Java may parse it into Atlantic/Reykjavik time zone — Icelandic Standard Time?) To control the interpretation we pass our preferred time zone to the formatter that we are using for parsing.

    DateTimeFormatter formatter = new DateTimeFormatterBuilder()
            .appendPattern("EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss ")
            .appendZoneText(TextStyle.SHORT, Set.of(ZoneId.of("Asia/Kolkata")))
            .appendPattern(" yyyy")
    String dateString = "Mon May 27 11:46:15 IST 2013";
    OffsetDateTime dateTime = formatter.parse(dateString, Instant::from)

This snippet prints:


This is the UTC equivalent of your string (assuming IST was for India Standard Time). Pass the OffsetDateTime to your database using one of the PreparedStatement.setObject methods (not setTimestamp).

How can I convert this into timestamp and calculate in seconds the difference between the same and current time?

Calculating the difference in seconds goes very naturally with java.time:

    long differenceInSeconds = ChronoUnit.SECONDS

When running just now I got:


Link: Oracle tutorial: Date Time explaining how to use java.time.

How to achieve pagination/table layout with Angular.js?

The best simple plug and play solution for pagination.

you would jus need to replace ng-repeat with custom directive.

<tr dir-paginate="user in userList|filter:search |itemsPerPage:7">

Within the page u just need to add

<div align="center">
            boundary-links="true" >

In your index.html load

<script src="./js/dirPagination.js"></script>

In your module just add dependencies


and thats all needed for pagination.

Might be helpful for someone.

Data-frame Object has no Attribute

I'm going to take a guess. I think the column name that contains "Number" is something like " Number" or "Number ". Notice that I'm assuming you might have a residual space in the column name somewhere. Do me a favor and run print "<{}>".format(data.columns[1]) and see what you get. Is it something like < Number>? If so, then my guess was correct. You should be able to fix it with this:

data.columns = data.columns.str.strip()

Setting up MySQL and importing dump within Dockerfile

Here is a working version using v3 of docker-compose.yml. The key is the volumes directive:

  image: mysql:5.6
    - "3306:3306"
    MYSQL_USER: theusername
    - ./data:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d

In the directory that I have my docker-compose.yml I have a data dir that contains .sql dump files. This is nice because you can have a .sql dump file per table.

I simply run docker-compose up and I'm good to go. Data automatically persists between stops. If you want remove the data and "suck in" new .sql files run docker-compose down then docker-compose up.

If anyone knows how to get the mysql docker to re-process files in /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d without removing the volume, please leave a comment and I will update this answer.

Using git commit -a with vim

To exit hitting :q will let you quit.

If you want to quit without saving you can hit :q!

A google search on "vim cheatsheet" can provide you with a reference you should print out with a collection of quick shortcuts.

Open files in 'rt' and 'wt' modes

The t indicates text mode, meaning that \n characters will be translated to the host OS line endings when writing to a file, and back again when reading. The flag is basically just noise, since text mode is the default.

Other than U, those mode flags come directly from the standard C library's fopen() function, a fact that is documented in the sixth paragraph of the python2 documentation for open().

As far as I know, t is not and has never been part of the C standard, so although many implementations of the C library accept it anyway, there's no guarantee that they all will, and therefore no guarantee that it will work on every build of python. That explains why the python2 docs didn't list it, and why it generally worked anyway. The python3 docs make it official.

How do I combine two data-frames based on two columns?

See the documentation on ?merge, which states:

By default the data frames are merged on the columns with names they both have, 
 but separate specifications of the columns can be given by by.x and by.y.

This clearly implies that merge will merge data frames based on more than one column. From the final example given in the documentation:

x <- data.frame(k1=c(NA,NA,3,4,5), k2=c(1,NA,NA,4,5), data=1:5)
y <- data.frame(k1=c(NA,2,NA,4,5), k2=c(NA,NA,3,4,5), data=1:5)
merge(x, y, by=c("k1","k2")) # NA's match

This example was meant to demonstrate the use of incomparables, but it illustrates merging using multiple columns as well. You can also specify separate columns in each of x and y using by.x and by.y.

Accessing dict_keys element by index in Python3

Python 3

mydict = {'a': 'one', 'b': 'two', 'c': 'three'}
mykeys = [*mydict]          #list of keys
myvals = [*mydict.values()] #list of values



['a', 'b', 'c']
['one', 'two', 'three']

Also see this detailed answer

Transpose a range in VBA

Something like this should do it for you.

Sub CombineColumns1()
    Dim xRng As Range
    Dim i As Long, j As Integer
    Dim xNextRow As Long
    Dim xTxt As String
    On Error Resume Next
    With ActiveSheet
        xTxt = .RangeSelection.Address
        Set xRng = Application.InputBox("please select the data range", "Kutools for Excel", xTxt, , , , , 8)
        If xRng Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
        j = xRng.Columns(1).Column
        For i = 4 To xRng.Columns.Count Step 3
            'Need to recalculate the last row, as some of the final columns may not have data in all rows
            xNextRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, j).End(xlUp).Row + 1

            .Range(xRng.Cells(1, i), xRng.Cells(xRng.Rows.Count, i + 2)).Copy .Cells(xNextRow, j)
            .Range(xRng.Cells(1, i), xRng.Cells(xRng.Rows.Count, i + 2)).Clear
    End With
End Sub

You could do this too.

Sub TransposeFormulas()
    Dim vFormulas As Variant
    Dim oSel As Range
    If TypeName(Selection) <> "Range" Then
        MsgBox "Please select a range of cells first.", _
                vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Transpose formulas"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Set oSel = Selection
    vFormulas = oSel.Formula
    vFormulas = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(vFormulas)
    oSel.Offset(oSel.Rows.Count + 2).Resize(oSel.Columns.Count, oSel.Rows.Count).Formula = vFormulas
End Sub

See this for more info.

Run / Open VSCode from Mac Terminal

If you are on Mac OSX Maverick, it's ~/.bash_profile not ~/.bashrc

Try putting the code in there, close the terminal and then try again. Should be working

JQuery show and hide div on mouse click (animate)

Use slideToggle(500) function with a duration in milliseconds for getting a better effect.

Sample Html

    <div class="growth-step js--growth-step">
        <div class="step-title">
            <div class="num">2.</div>
            <h3>How Can Aria Help Your Business</h3>
        <div class="step-details ">
            <p>At Aria solutions, we’ve taken the consultancy concept one step further by offering a full service
                management organization with expertise. </p>
    <div class="growth-step js--growth-step">
        <div class="step-title">
            <div class="num">3.</div>
            <h3>How Can Aria Help Your Business</h3>
        <div class="step-details">
            <p>At Aria solutions, we’ve taken the consultancy concept one step further by offering a full service
                management organization with expertise. </p>

In your js file, if you need child propagation for the animation then remove the second click event function and its codes.

         return false;
//for stoping child to manipulate the animation
    $(".js--growth-step .step-details").click(function(event) {

How to convert a Scikit-learn dataset to a Pandas dataset?

Working off the best answer and addressing my comment, here is a function for the conversion

def bunch_to_dataframe(bunch):
  fnames = bunch.feature_names
  features = fnames.tolist() if isinstance(fnames, np.ndarray) else fnames
  features += ['target']
  return pd.DataFrame(data= np.c_[bunch['data'], bunch['target']],

Disabling Chrome cache for website development

enter image description here

Clearing the cache is too annoying when you need to clear the cache 30 times an hour.. so I installed a Chrome Extension called Classic Cache Killer that clears the cache on every page load.

Chrome Store Link (free) (Now without malware!)

Now my mock json, javascript, css, html and data refreshes every time on every page load.

I never have to worry if I need to clear my cache.

There are about 20 cache cleaners for Chrome I found, but this one seemed lightweight and zero effort. In an update, Cache Killer can now stay "always on".

Note: I do not know the plugin author in any way. I just found it useful.

Need to find a max of three numbers in java

Two things: Change the variables x, y, z as int and call the method as Math.max(Math.max(x,y),z) as it accepts two parameters only.

In Summary, change below:

    String x = keyboard.nextLine();
    String y = keyboard.nextLine();
    String z = keyboard.nextLine();
    int max = Math.max(x,y,z);


    int x = keyboard.nextInt();
    int y = keyboard.nextInt();
    int z = keyboard.nextInt();
    int max =  Math.max(Math.max(x,y),z);

How to write to a file in Scala?

A micro library I wrote:

file.appendLine("Hello", "World")


file << "Hello" << "\n" << "World"

Why am I suddenly getting a "Blocked loading mixed active content" issue in Firefox?

@Blender Comment is the best approach. Never hard code the protocol anywhere in the code as it will be difficult to change if you move from http to https. Since you need to manually edit and update all the files.

This is always better as it automatically detect the protocol.


Malformed String ValueError ast.literal_eval() with String representation of Tuple

Use eval() instead of ast.literal_eval() if the input is trusted (which it is in your case).

raw_data ='\n')
for a in raw_data : 
    print a

This works for me in Python 3.6.0

Copying from one text file to another using Python

The oneliner:

open("out1.txt", "w").writelines([l for l in open("in.txt").readlines() if "tests/file/myword" in l])

Recommended with with:

with open("in.txt") as f:
    lines = f.readlines()
    lines = [l for l in lines if "ROW" in l]
    with open("out.txt", "w") as f1:

Using less memory:

with open("in.txt") as f:
    with open("out.txt", "w") as f1:
        for line in f:
            if "ROW" in line:

How can I hide/show a div when a button is clicked?

You can do this entirely with html and css and i have.

HTML First you give the div you wish to hide an ID to target like #view_element and a class to target like #hide_element. You can if you wish make both of these classes but i don't know if you can make them both IDs. Then have your Show button target your show id and your Hide button target your hide class. That is it for the html the hiding and showing is done in the CSS.

CSS The css to show and hide this should look something like this

#hide_element:target {


This should allow you to hide and show elements at will. This should work nicely on spans and divs.

Send data from activity to fragment in Android

You can create public static method in fragment where you will get static reference of that fragment and then pass data to that function and set that data to argument in same method and get data via getArgument on oncreate method of fragment, and set that data to local variables.

'setInterval' vs 'setTimeout'

setInterval fires again and again in intervals, while setTimeout only fires once.

See reference at MDN.

Jquery Ajax beforeSend and success,error & complete

Maybe you can try the following :

var i = 0;
function AjaxSendForm(url, placeholder, form, append) {
var data = $(form).serialize();
append = (append === undefined ? false : true); // whatever, it will evaluate to true or false only
    type: 'POST',
    url: url,
    data: data,
    beforeSend: function() {
        // setting a timeout
    success: function(data) {
        if (append) {
        } else {
    error: function(xhr) { // if error occured
        alert("Error occured.please try again");
        $(placeholder).append(xhr.statusText + xhr.responseText);
    complete: function() {
        if (i <= 0) {
    dataType: 'html'

This way, if the beforeSend statement is called before the complete statement i will be greater than 0 so it will not remove the class. Then only the last call will be able to remove it.

I cannot test it, let me know if it works or not.

How do I trim() a string in angularjs?

use trim() method of javascript after all angularjs is also a javascript framework and it is not necessary to put $ to apply trim()

for example

var x="hello world";

What does Include() do in LINQ?

I just wanted to add that "Include" is part of eager loading. It is described in Entity Framework 6 tutorial by Microsoft. Here is the link:

Excerpt from the linked page:

Here are several ways that the Entity Framework can load related data into the navigation properties of an entity:

Lazy loading. When the entity is first read, related data isn't retrieved. However, the first time you attempt to access a navigation property, the data required for that navigation property is automatically retrieved. This results in multiple queries sent to the database — one for the entity itself and one each time that related data for the entity must be retrieved. The DbContext class enables lazy loading by default.

Eager loading. When the entity is read, related data is retrieved along with it. This typically results in a single join query that retrieves all of the data that's needed. You specify eager loading by using the Include method.

Explicit loading. This is similar to lazy loading, except that you explicitly retrieve the related data in code; it doesn't happen automatically when you access a navigation property. You load related data manually by getting the object state manager entry for an entity and calling the Collection.Load method for collections or the Reference.Load method for properties that hold a single entity. (In the following example, if you wanted to load the Administrator navigation property, you'd replace Collection(x => x.Courses) with Reference(x => x.Administrator).) Typically you'd use explicit loading only when you've turned lazy loading off.

Because they don't immediately retrieve the property values, lazy loading and explicit loading are also both known as deferred loading.

How can I call the 'base implementation' of an overridden virtual method?

Using the C# language constructs, you cannot explicitly call the base function from outside the scope of A or B. If you really need to do that, then there is a flaw in your design - i.e. that function shouldn't be virtual to begin with, or part of the base function should be extracted to a separate non-virtual function.

You can from inside B.X however call A.X

class B : A
  override void X() { 

But that's something else.

As Sasha Truf points out in this answer, you can do it through IL. You can probably also accomplish it through reflection, as mhand points out in the comments.

Serialize object to query string in JavaScript/jQuery

You want $.param():

Specifically, you want this:

var data = { one: 'first', two: 'second' };
var result = $.param(data);

When given something like this:

{a: 1, b : 23, c : "te!@#st"}

$.param will return this:


HTML/Javascript: how to access JSON data loaded in a script tag with src set

You can't load JSON like that, sorry.

I know you're thinking "why I can't I just use src here? I've seen stuff like this...":

<script id="myJson" type="application/json">
   name: 'Foo' 

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(function() {
        var x = JSON.parse($('#myJson').html());
        alert(; //Foo

... well to put it simply, that was just the script tag being "abused" as a data holder. You can do that with all sorts of data. For example, a lot of templating engines leverage script tags to hold templates.

You have a short list of options to load your JSON from a remote file:

  1. Use $.get('your.json') or some other such AJAX method.
  2. Write a file that sets a global variable to your json. (seems hokey).
  3. Pull it into an invisible iframe, then scrape the contents of that after it's loaded (I call this "1997 mode")
  4. Consult a voodoo priest.

Final point:

Remote JSON Request after page loads is also not an option, in case you want to suggest that.

... that doesn't make sense. The difference between an AJAX request and a request sent by the browser while processing your <script src=""> is essentially nothing. They'll both be doing a GET on the resource. HTTP doesn't care if it's done because of a script tag or an AJAX call, and neither will your server.

Disable sorting on last column when using jQuery DataTables

This has resolved my issue, just added data-orderable="false" in <th></th> like this <th data-orderable="false">Salary</th>

Simple prime number generator in Python

For me, the below solution looks simple and easy to follow.

import math

def is_prime(num):

    if num < 2:
        return False

    for i in range(2, int(math.sqrt(num) + 1)):
        if num % i == 0:
            return False

return True

How can I remove the "No file chosen" tooltip from a file input in Chrome?

You can disable the tooltip setting a title with a space on webkit browsers like Chrome and an empty string on Firefox or IE (tested on Chrome 35, FF 29, IE 11, safari mobile)

$('input[type="file"]').attr('title', window.webkitURL ? ' ' : '');

Angular HttpClient "Http failure during parsing"

I was facing the same issue in my Angular application. I was using RocketChat REST API in my application and I was trying to use the rooms.createDiscussion, but as an error as below.

ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): HttpErrorResponse: {"headers":{"normalizedNames":{},"lazyUpdate":null},"status":200,"statusText":"OK","url":"myurl/rocketchat/api/v1/rooms.createDiscussion","ok":false,"name":"HttpErrorResponse","message":"Http failure during parsing for myrul/rocketchat/api/v1/rooms.createDiscussion","error":{"error":{},"text":"

I have tried couple of things like changing the responseType: 'text' but none of them worked. At the end I was able to find the issue was with my RocketChat installation. As mentioned in the RocketChat change log the API rooms.createDiscussion is been introduced in the version 1.0.0 unfortunately I was using a lower version.

My suggestion is to check the REST API is working fine or not before you spend time to fix the error in your Angular code. I used curl command to check that.

curl -H "X-Auth-Token: token" -H "X-User-Id: userid" -H "Content-Type: application/json" myurl/rocketchat/api/v1/rooms.createDiscussion -d '{ "prid": "GENERAL", "t_name": "Discussion Name"}'

There as well I was getting an invalid HTML as a response.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta name="referrer" content="origin-when-crossorigin">
<script>/* eslint-disable */

'use strict';
(function() {
        var debounce = function debounce(func, wait, immediate) {

Instead of a valid JSON response as follows.

    "discussion": {
        "rid": "cgk88DHLHexwMaFWh",
        "name": "WJNEAM7W45wRYitHo",
        "fname": "Discussion Name",
        "t": "p",
        "msgs": 0,
        "usersCount": 0,
        "u": {
            "_id": "rocketchat.internal.admin.test",
            "username": "rocketchat.internal.admin.test"
        "topic": "general",
        "prid": "GENERAL",
        "ts": "2019-04-03T01:35:32.271Z",
        "ro": false,
        "sysMes": true,
        "default": false,
        "_updatedAt": "2019-04-03T01:35:32.280Z",
        "_id": "cgk88DHLHexwMaFWh"
    "success": true

So after updating to the latest RocketChat I was able to use the mentioned REST API.

Generate random numbers uniformly over an entire range

If you are able to, use Boost. I have had good luck with their random library.

uniform_int should do what you want.

How to make a view with rounded corners?

With the Material Components Library the best way to make a View with rounded corners is to use the MaterialShapeDrawable.

Create a ShapeAppearanceModel with custom rounded corners:

ShapeAppearanceModel shapeAppearanceModelLL1 = new ShapeAppearanceModel()

Create a MaterialShapeDrawable:

MaterialShapeDrawable shapeDrawableLL1 = new MaterialShapeDrawable(shapeAppearanceModeLL1);

If you want to apply also an elevationOverlay for the dark theme use this:

MaterialShapeDrawable shapeDrawableLL1 = MaterialShapeDrawable.createWithElevationOverlay(this, 4.0f);

Optional: apply to the shapeDrawable a background color and a stroke


Finally apply the shapeDrawable as background in your LinearLayout (or other view):

LinearLayout linearLayout1= findViewById(;

enter image description here

Traverse a list in reverse order in Python

You can use a negative index in an ordinary for loop:

>>> collection = ["ham", "spam", "eggs", "baked beans"]
>>> for i in range(1, len(collection) + 1):
...     print(collection[-i])
baked beans

To access the index as though you were iterating forward over a reversed copy of the collection, use i - 1:

>>> for i in range(1, len(collection) + 1):
...     print(i-1, collection[-i])
0 baked beans
1 eggs
2 spam
3 ham

To access the original, un-reversed index, use len(collection) - i:

>>> for i in range(1, len(collection) + 1):
...     print(len(collection)-i, collection[-i])
3 baked beans
2 eggs
1 spam
0 ham

should use size_t or ssize_t

ssize_t is not included in the standard and isn't portable. size_t should be used when handling the size of objects (there's ptrdiff_t too, for pointer differences).

Update MySQL using HTML Form and PHP

Your sql is incorrect.

$sql = mysql_query("UPDATE anstalld....


$sql = "UPDATE anstalld...

How do you copy the contents of an array to a std::vector in C++ without looping?

Yet another answer, since the person said "I don't know how many times my function will be called", you could use the vector insert method like so to append arrays of values to the end of the vector:

vector<int> x;

void AddValues(int* values, size_t size)
   x.insert(x.end(), values, values+size);

I like this way because the implementation of the vector should be able to optimize for the best way to insert the values based on the iterator type and the type itself. You are somewhat replying on the implementation of stl.

If you need to guarantee the fastest speed and you know your type is a POD type then I would recommend the resize method in Thomas's answer:

vector<int> x;

void AddValues(int* values, size_t size)
   size_t old_size(x.size());
   x.resize(old_size + size, 0);
   memcpy(&x[old_size], values, size * sizeof(int));

Using setImageDrawable dynamically to set image in an ImageView


API 23 Android 6.0

How can I add some small utility functions to my AngularJS application?

Here is a simple, compact and easy to understand method I use.
First, add a service in your js.

app.factory('Helpers', [ function() {
      // Helper service body

        var o = {
        Helpers: []


        // Dummy function with parameter being passed
        o.getFooBar = function(para) {

            var valueIneed = para + " " + "World!";

            return valueIneed;


        // Other helper functions can be added here ...

        // And we return the helper object ...
        return o;


Then, in your controller, inject your helper object and use any available function with something like the following:

app.controller('MainCtrl', [


function($scope, Helpers){

    $scope.sayIt = Helpers.getFooBar("Hello");


jQuery looping .each() JSON key/value not working

With a simple JSON object, you don't need jQuery:

for (var i in json) {
   for (var j in json[i]) {

Installing Node.js (and npm) on Windows 10

I had the same problem, what helped we was turning of my anti virus protection for like 10 minutes while node installed and it worked like a charm.

How to prevent user from typing in text field without disabling the field?

One other method that could be used depending on the need $('input').onfocus(function(){this.blur()}); I think this is how you would write it. I am not proficient in jquery.

Selecting fields from JSON output

Assume you stored that dictionary in a variable called values. To get id in to a variable, do:

idValue = values['criteria'][0]['id']

If that json is in a file, do the following to load it:

import json
jsonFile = open('your_filename.json', 'r')
values = json.load(jsonFile)

If that json is from a URL, do the following to load it:

import urllib, json
f = urllib.urlopen("http://domain/path/jsonPage")
values = json.load(f)

To print ALL of the criteria, you could:

for criteria in values['criteria']:
    for key, value in criteria.iteritems():
        print key, 'is:', value
    print ''

How do I compile jrxml to get jasper?

For anyone coming across this question who uses Jaspersoft Studio (which, I think, is replacing iReports; it's quite similar, still freeware, just based on eclipse), look for the "Compile Report" icon on top of the editor area of your .jrxml file. Its icon, first in that line of icons, is a file with binary numbers on it (at least in version 5.6.2):

Jaspersoft Studio - compile report

Clicking this icon will generate the .jasper file in the same directory as the .jrxml file.

json_decode returns NULL after webservice call

Try this

$foo = utf8_encode($foo);
$data = json_decode($foo, true);

How to implement LIMIT with SQL Server?

better use this in MSSQLExpress 2017.

    SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY (SELECT 0)) as [Count], * FROM table1
) as a
WHERE [Count] BETWEEN 10 and 20;

--Giving a Column [Count] and assigning every row a unique counting without ordering something then re select again where you can provide your limits.. :)

Show a child form in the centre of Parent form in C#


loginForm.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterParent;

Of course the child for will now be a blocking form (dialog) of the parent window, if that isn't desired then just replace ShowDialog with Show..


You will still need to specify the StartPosition though.

Pandas: change data type of Series to String

You can convert all elements of id to str using apply

0        123
1        512
2      zhub1
3    12354.3
4        129
5        753
6        295
7        610

Edit by OP:

I think the issue was related to the Python version (2.7.), this worked:

0        123
1        512
2      zhub1
3    12354.3
4        129
5        753
6        295
7        610
Name: id, dtype: object

Detecting touch screen devices with Javascript

I use:

    alert('Touch enabled');

in jQuery mobile 1.0.1

How to do a batch insert in MySQL

From the MySQL manual

INSERT statements that use VALUES syntax can insert multiple rows. To do this, include multiple lists of column values, each enclosed within parentheses and separated by commas. Example:

INSERT INTO tbl_name (a,b,c) VALUES(1,2,3),(4,5,6),(7,8,9);

How to debug JavaScript / jQuery event bindings with Firebug or similar tools?

There's a nice bookmarklet called Visual Event that can show you all the events attached to an element. It has color-coded highlights for different types of events (mouse, keyboard, etc.). When you hover over them, it shows the body of the event handler, how it was attached, and the file/line number (on WebKit and Opera). You can also trigger the event manually.

It can't find every event because there's no standard way to look up what event handlers are attached to an element, but it works with popular libraries like jQuery, Prototype, MooTools, YUI, etc.

CSS - center two images in css side by side

Try changing

#fblogo {
    display: block;
    margin-left: auto;
    margin-right: auto;
    height: 30px; 


.fblogo {
    display: inline-block;
    margin-left: auto;
    margin-right: auto;
    height: 30px; 



<div id="images">
    <a href="mailto:[email protected]">
    <img class="fblogo" border="0" alt="Mail" src=""/></a>
    <a href="" target="_blank">
    <img class="fblogo" border="0" alt="Facebook" src=""/></a>


Making RGB color in Xcode

Yeah.ios supports RGB valur to range between 0 and 1 only..its close Range [0,1]

Package signatures do not match the previously installed version Failed to finalize session : INSTALL_FAILED_UPDATE_INCOMPATIBLE: Package [MY REACT NATIVE APP NAME HERE] signatures do not match the previously installed version; ignoring!

I got this error when trying to install my React Native Android app on a connected device using this command:

react-native run-android --variant=release

I also had an emulator running on my computer.

Once I quit the emulator, running this command succeeded.

How to define hash tables in Bash?

Bash 3 solution:

In reading some of the answers I put together a quick little function I would like to contribute back that might help others.

# Define a hash like this

# Function to get value by key
  declare -a hash=("${!1}")
  local key
  local lookup=$2

  for key in "${hash[@]}" ; do
   if [[ $KEY == $lookup ]]
    echo $VALUE

# Function to get a list of all keys
  declare -a hash=("${!1}")
  local KEY
  local VALUE
  local key
  local lookup=$2

  for key in "${hash[@]}" ; do
   keys+="${KEY} "

  echo $keys

# Here we want to get the value of 'lastName'
echo $(getHashKey MYHASH[@] "lastName")

# Here we want to get all keys
echo $(getHashKeys MYHASH[@])

Deserializing JSON to .NET object using Newtonsoft (or LINQ to JSON maybe?)

Correct me if I'm mistaken, but the previous example, I believe, is just slightly out of sync with the latest version of James Newton's Json.NET library.

var o = JObject.Parse(stringFullOfJson);
var page = (int)o["page"];
var totalPages = (int)o["total_pages"];

What is the best way to seed a database in Rails?

Rails has a built in way to seed data as explained here.

Another way would be to use a gem for more advanced or easy seeding such as: seedbank.

The main advantage of this gem and the reason I use it is that it has advanced capabilities such as data loading dependencies and per environment seed data.

Adding an up to date answer as this answer was first on google.

Compiling simple Hello World program on OS X via command line

The new version of this should read like so:

xcrun g++ hw.cpp

How can I install the Beautiful Soup module on the Mac?

The "normal" way is to:

Another solution is to use easy_install. Go to, install the package using the instructions on that page, and then type, in a Terminal window:

easy_install BeautifulSoup4
# for older v3:
# easy_install BeautifulSoup

easy_install will take care of downloading, unpacking, building, and installing the package. The advantage to using easy_install is that it knows how to search for many different Python packages, because it queries the PyPI registry. Thus, once you have easy_install on your machine, you install many, many different third-party packages simply by one command at a shell.

How to add a hook to the application context initialization event?

Spring has some standard events which you can handle.

To do that, you must create and register a bean that implements the ApplicationListener interface, something like this:

package test.pack.age;

import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationEvent;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationListener;
import org.springframework.context.event.ContextRefreshedEvent;

public class ApplicationListenerBean implements ApplicationListener {

    public void onApplicationEvent(ApplicationEvent event) {
        if (event instanceof ContextRefreshedEvent) {
            ApplicationContext applicationContext = ((ContextRefreshedEvent) event).getApplicationContext();
            // now you can do applicationContext.getBean(...)
            // ...

You then register this bean within your servlet.xml or applicationContext.xml file:

<bean id="eventListenerBean" class="test.pack.age.ApplicationListenerBean" />

and Spring will notify it when the application context is initialized.

In Spring 3 (if you are using this version), the ApplicationListener class is generic and you can declare the event type that you are interested in, and the event will be filtered accordingly. You can simplify a bit your bean code like this:

public class ApplicationListenerBean implements ApplicationListener<ContextRefreshedEvent> {

    public void onApplicationEvent(ContextRefreshedEvent event) {
        ApplicationContext applicationContext = event.getApplicationContext();
        // now you can do applicationContext.getBean(...)
        // ...

Assign a login to a user created without login (SQL Server)

You have an orphaned user and this can't be remapped with ALTER USER (yet) becauses there is no login to map to. So, you need run CREATE LOGIN first.

If the database level user is

  • a Windows Login, the mapping will be fixed automatcially via the AD SID
  • a SQL Login, use "sid" from sys.database_principals for the SID option for the login


Edit, after comments and updates

The sid from sys.database_principals is for a Windows login.

So trying to create and re-map to a SQL Login will fail

Run this to get the Windows login

SELECT SUSER_SNAME(0x0105000000000009030000001139F53436663A4CA5B9D5D067A02390)

Type datetime for input parameter in procedure

In this part of your SP:

IF @DateFirst <> '' and @DateLast <> ''
   set @FinalSQL  = @FinalSQL
       + '  or convert (Date,DateLog) >=     ''' + @DateFirst
       + ' and convert (Date,DateLog) <=''' + @DateLast  

you are trying to concatenate strings and datetimes.

As the datetime type has higher priority than varchar/nvarchar, the + operator, when it happens between a string and a datetime, is interpreted as addition, not as concatenation, and the engine then tries to convert your string parts (' or convert (Date,DateLog) >= ''' and others) to datetime or numeric values. And fails.

That doesn't happen if you omit the last two parameters when invoking the procedure, because the condition evaluates to false and the offending statement isn't executed.

To amend the situation, you need to add explicit casting of your datetime variables to strings:

set @FinalSQL  = @FinalSQL
    + '  or convert (Date,DateLog) >=     ''' + convert(date, @DateFirst)
    + ' and convert (Date,DateLog) <=''' + convert(date, @DateLast)

You'll also need to add closing single quotes:

set @FinalSQL  = @FinalSQL
    + '  or convert (Date,DateLog) >=     ''' + convert(date, @DateFirst) + ''''
    + ' and convert (Date,DateLog) <=''' + convert(date, @DateLast) + ''''

Trying to check if username already exists in MySQL database using PHP

Here's one that i wrote:

$error = false;
$sql= "SELECT username FROM users WHERE username = '$username'";
$checkSQL = mysqli_query($db, $checkSQL);

if(mysqli_num_rows($checkSQL) != 0) {
   $error = true;
   echo '<span class="error">Username taken.</span>';

Works like a charm!

What does (function($) {})(jQuery); mean?

Type 3, in order to work would have to look like this:

    //Attach this new method to jQuery
        //This is where you write your plugin's name
        'pluginname': function(_options) {
            // Put defaults inline, no need for another variable...
            var options =  $.extend({
                'defaults': "go here..."
            }, _options);

            //Iterate over the current set of matched elements
            return this.each(function() {

                //code to be inserted here


I am unsure why someone would use extend over just directly setting the property in the jQuery prototype, it is doing the same exact thing only in more operations and more clutter.

Tuple unpacking in for loops

The enumerate function returns a generator object which, at each iteration, yields a tuple containing the index of the element (i), numbered starting from 0 by default, coupled with the element itself (a), and the for loop conveniently allows you to access both fields of those generated tuples and assign variable names to them.

How should I do integer division in Perl?

Eg 9 / 4 = 2.25

int(9) / int(4) = 2

9 / 4 - remainder / deniminator = 2

9 /4 - 9 % 4 / 4 = 2

Connect HTML page with SQL server using javascript

var name=document.getElementById("name").value;
var address= document.getElementById("address").value;
var age= document.getElementById("age").value;

      success: function jsondata(data)

            var parsedata=JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data));
            var logindata=parsedata["Status"];


You need to use web services. In the above code I have php web service to be used which has a callback function which is optional. Assuming you know HTML5 I did not post the html code. In the url you can send the details to the web server.

Adding iOS UITableView HeaderView (not section header)

- (UIView *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView viewForHeaderInSection:(NSInteger)section

    UIView *headerView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0,0,tableView.frame.size.width,30)];
    headerView.backgroundColor=[[UIColor redColor]colorWithAlphaComponent:0.5f];
    headerView.layer.borderColor=[UIColor blackColor].CGColor;

    UILabel *headerLabel = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(10, 5,100,20)];

    headerLabel.textAlignment = NSTextAlignmentRight;
    headerLabel.text = @"LeadCode ";
    //headerLabel.textColor=[UIColor whiteColor];
    headerLabel.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];

    [headerView addSubview:headerLabel];

    UILabel *headerLabel1 = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(60, 0, headerView.frame.size.width-120.0, headerView.frame.size.height)];

    headerLabel1.textAlignment = NSTextAlignmentRight;
    headerLabel1.text = @"LeadName";
    headerLabel.textColor=[UIColor whiteColor];
    headerLabel1.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];

    [headerView addSubview:headerLabel1];

    return headerView;


A html space is showing as %2520 instead of %20

A bit of explaining as to what that %2520 is :

The common space character is encoded as %20 as you noted yourself. The % character is encoded as %25.

The way you get %2520 is when your url already has a %20 in it, and gets urlencoded again, which transforms the %20 to %2520.

Are you (or any framework you might be using) double encoding characters?

Edit: Expanding a bit on this, especially for LOCAL links. Assuming you want to link to the resource C:\my path\my file.html:

  • if you provide a local file path only, the browser is expected to encode and protect all characters given (in the above, you should give it with spaces as shown, since % is a valid filename character and as such it will be encoded) when converting to a proper URL (see next point).
  • if you provide a URL with the file:// protocol, you are basically stating that you have taken all precautions and encoded what needs encoding, the rest should be treated as special characters. In the above example, you should thus provide file:///c:/my%20path/my%20file.html. Aside from fixing slashes, clients should not encode characters here.


  • Slash direction - forward slashes / are used in URLs, reverse slashes \ in Windows paths, but most clients will work with both by converting them to the proper forward slash.
  • In addition, there are 3 slashes after the protocol name, since you are silently referring to the current machine instead of a remote host ( the full unabbreviated path would be file://localhost/c:/my%20path/my%file.html ), but again most clients will work without the host part (ie two slashes only) by assuming you mean the local machine and adding the third slash.

What is the IntelliJ shortcut key to create a javadoc comment?

Typing /** + then pressing Enter above a method signature will create Javadoc stubs for you.

How to enter special characters like "&" in oracle database?

There are 3 ways to do so :

1) Simply do SET DEFINE OFF; and then execute the insert stmt.

2) Simply by concatenating reserved word within single quotes and concatenating it. E.g. Select 'Java_22 ' || '& '|| ':' || ' Oracle_14' from dual --(:) is an optional.

3) By using CHR function along with concatenation. E.g. Select 'Java_22 ' || chr(38)||' Oracle_14' from dual

Hope this help !!!

Linking dll in Visual Studio

You don't add or link directly against a DLL, you link against the LIB produced by the DLL.

A LIB provides symbols and other necessary data to either include a library in your code (static linking) or refer to the DLL (dynamic linking).

To link against a LIB, you need to add it to the project Properties -> Linker -> Input -> Additional Dependencies list. All LIB files here will be used in linking. You can also use a pragma like so:

#pragma comment(lib, "dll.lib")

With static linking, the code is included in your executable and there are no runtime dependencies. Dynamic linking requires a DLL with matching name and symbols be available within the search path (which is not just the path or system directory).

Is it possible to set async:false to $.getJSON call

You need to make the call using $.ajax() to it synchronously, like this:

  url: myUrl,
  dataType: 'json',
  async: false,
  data: myData,
  success: function(data) {

This would match currently using $.getJSON() like this:

$.getJSON(myUrl, myData, function(data) { 

Disable beep of Linux Bash on Windows 10

Replace in System Sounds the "Critical Stop" to a wav-file which is silent 1.

Just removing the sound completely did not work for me. Apparently some default sound was used in this case.

System sounds configuration

(Credits for this.lau_ on SuperUser for discovering this).