Programs & Examples On #Tpngimagelist

How do I select an element that has a certain class?

The CSS :first-child selector allows you to target an element that is the first child element within its parent.

element:first-child { style_properties }
table:first-child { style_properties }

Conversion of Char to Binary in C

We show up two functions that prints a SINGLE character to binary.

void printbinchar(char character)
    char output[9];
    itoa(character, output, 2);
    printf("%s\n", output);

printbinchar(10) will write into the console


itoa is a library function that converts a single integer value to a string with the specified base. For example... itoa(1341, output, 10) will write in output string "1341". And of course itoa(9, output, 2) will write in the output string "1001".

The next function will print into the standard output the full binary representation of a character, that is, it will print all 8 bits, also if the higher bits are zero.

void printbincharpad(char c)
    for (int i = 7; i >= 0; --i)
        putchar( (c & (1 << i)) ? '1' : '0' );

printbincharpad(10) will write into the console


Now i present a function that prints out an entire string (without last null character).

void printstringasbinary(char* s)
    // A small 9 characters buffer we use to perform the conversion
    char output[9];

    // Until the first character pointed by s is not a null character
    // that indicates end of string...
    while (*s)
        // Convert the first character of the string to binary using itoa.
        // Characters in c are just 8 bit integers, at least, in noawdays computers.
        itoa(*s, output, 2);

        // print out our string and let's write a new line.

        // we advance our string by one character,
        // If our original string was "ABC" now we are pointing at "BC".

Consider however that itoa don't adds padding zeroes, so printstringasbinary("AB1") will print something like:


How to analyse the heap dump using jmap in java

If you just run jmap -histo:live or jmap -histo, it outputs the contents on the console!

Python circular importing?

If you run into this issue in a fairly complex app it can be cumbersome to refactor all your imports. PyCharm offers a quickfix for this that will automatically change all usage of the imported symbols as well.

enter image description here

Why are only final variables accessible in anonymous class?

Well, in Java, a variable can be final not just as a parameter, but as a class-level field, like

public class Test
 public final int a = 3;

or as a local variable, like

public static void main(String[] args)
 final int a = 3;

If you want to access and modify a variable from an anonymous class, you might want to make the variable a class-level variable in the enclosing class.

public class Test
 public int a;
 public void doSomething()
  Runnable runnable =
   new Runnable()
    public void run()
     a = a+1;

You can't have a variable as final and give it a new value. final means just that: the value is unchangeable and final.

And since it's final, Java can safely copy it to local anonymous classes. You're not getting some reference to the int (especially since you can't have references to primitives like int in Java, just references to Objects).

It just copies over the value of a into an implicit int called a in your anonymous class.

jquery $(this).id return Undefined

Another option (just so you've seen it):

$(function () {
    $(".inputs").click(function (e) {


Grid of responsive squares

I use this solution for responsive boxes of different rations:


<div class="box ratio1_1">
  <div class="box-content">
            ... CONTENT HERE ...


.box-content {
  width: 100%; height: 100%;
  top: 0;right: 0;bottom: 0;left: 0;
  position: absolute;
.box {
  position: relative;
  width: 100%;
.box::before {
    content: "";
    display: block;
    padding-top: 100%; /*square for no ratio*/
.ratio1_1::before { padding-top: 100%; }
.ratio1_2::before { padding-top: 200%; }
.ratio2_1::before { padding-top: 50%; }
.ratio4_3::before { padding-top: 75%; }
.ratio16_9::before { padding-top: 56.25%; }

See demo on

What is the difference between children and childNodes in JavaScript?

Pick one depends on the method you are looking for!?

I will go with ParentNode.children:

As it provides namedItem method that allows me directly to get one of the children elements without looping through all children or avoiding to use getElementById etc.


ParentNode.children.namedItem('ChildElement-ID'); // JS
ref.current.children.namedItem('ChildElement-ID'); // React
this.$refs.ref.children.namedItem('ChildElement-ID'); // Vue

I will go with Node.childNodes:

As it provides forEach method when I work with window.IntersectionObserver e.g.

nodeList.forEach((node) => { observer.observe(node) })
// IE11 does not support forEach on nodeList, but easy to be polyfilled.

On Chrome 83

Node.childNodes provides entries, forEach, item, keys, length and values

ParentNode.children provides item, length and namedItem

How are booleans formatted in Strings in Python?

To update this for Python-3 you can do this

"{} {}".format(True, False)

However if you want to actually format the string (e.g. add white space), you encounter Python casting the boolean into the underlying C value (i.e. an int), e.g.

>>> "{:<8} {}".format(True, False)
'1        False'

To get around this you can cast True as a string, e.g.

>>> "{:<8} {}".format(str(True), False)
'True     False'

Difference between Amazon EC2 and AWS Elastic Beanstalk

First off, EC2 and Elastic Compute Cloud are the same thing.

Next, AWS encompasses the range of Web Services that includes EC2 and Elastic Beanstalk. It also includes many others such as S3, RDS, DynamoDB, and all the others.


EC2 is Amazon's service that allows you to create a server (AWS calls these instances) in the AWS cloud. You pay by the hour and only what you use. You can do whatever you want with this instance as well as launch n number of instances.

Elastic Beanstalk

Elastic Beanstalk is one layer of abstraction away from the EC2 layer. Elastic Beanstalk will setup an "environment" for you that can contain a number of EC2 instances, an optional database, as well as a few other AWS components such as a Elastic Load Balancer, Auto-Scaling Group, Security Group. Then Elastic Beanstalk will manage these items for you whenever you want to update your software running in AWS. Elastic Beanstalk doesn't add any cost on top of these resources that it creates for you. If you have 10 hours of EC2 usage, then all you pay is 10 compute hours.

Running Wordpress

For running Wordpress, it is whatever you are most comfortable with. You could run it straight on a single EC2 instance, you could use a solution from the AWS Marketplace, or you could use Elastic Beanstalk.

What to pick?

In the case that you want to reduce system operations and just focus on the website, then Elastic Beanstalk would be the best choice for that. Elastic Beanstalk supports a PHP stack (as well as others). You can keep your site in version control and easily deploy to your environment whenever you make changes. It will also setup an Autoscaling group which can spawn up more EC2 instances if traffic is growing.

Here's the first result off of Google when searching for "elastic beanstalk wordpress":

How to clear PermGen space Error in tomcat

I tried the same on Intellij Ideav11.

It was not picking up the settings after checking the process using grep. In case it does not, give the mem settings for JAVA_OPTS in instead.

jQuery ID starts with


$("td[id^=" + value + "]")

How to get an enum value from a string value in Java?

O(1) method inspired from thrift generated code which utilize a hashmap.

public enum USER {

        private static final Map<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();

        static {
                for (USER user : EnumSet.allOf(USER.class)) {
                        map.put(user.getTypeName(), user.getIndex());

        public static int findIndexByTypeName(String typeName) {
                return map.get(typeName);

        private USER(String typeName,int index){
                this.typeName = typeName;
                this.index = index;
        private String typeName;
        private int index;
        public String getTypeName() {
                return typeName;
        public void setTypeName(String typeName) {
                this.typeName = typeName;
        public int getIndex() {
                return index;
        public void setIndex(int index) {
                this.index = index;


Bootstrap 3 jquery event for active tab change

This worked for me.

$('.nav-pills > li > a').click( function() {
    $('.nav-pills >').removeClass('active');
} );

Apache2: 'AH01630: client denied by server configuration'

in my case,

i'm using macOS Mojave (Apache/2.4.34). There was an issue in virtual host settings at /etc/apache2/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf file. after adding the required directory tag my problem was gone.

Require all granted

Hope the full virtual host setup structure will save you.

<VirtualHost *:80>
    DocumentRoot "/Users/vagabond/Sites/MainProjectFolderName/public/"
    ServerName project.loc

    <Directory /Users/vagabond/Sites/MainProjectFolderName/public/>
        Require all granted

    ErrorLog "/Users/vagabond/Sites/logs/MainProjectFolderName.loc-error_log"
    CustomLog "/Users/vagabond/Sites/logs/MainProjectFolderName.loc-access_log" common

all you've to do replace the MainProjectFolderName with your exact ProjectFolderName.

The total number of locks exceeds the lock table size

This issue can be resolved by setting the higher values for the MySQL variable innodb_buffer_pool_size. The default value for innodb_buffer_pool_size will be 8,388,608.

To change the settings value for innodb_buffer_pool_size please see the below set.

  1. Locate the file my.cnf from the server. For Linux servers this will be mostly at /etc/my.cnf
  2. Add the line innodb_buffer_pool_size=64MB to this file
  3. Restart the MySQL server

To restart the MySQL server, you can use anyone of the below 2 options:

  1. service mysqld restart
  2. /etc/init.d/mysqld restart

Reference The total number of locks exceeds the lock table size

Unable to set variables in bash script

here's your amended script

folder="ABC" #no spaces between assignment    
day=$(date "+%d") # use $() to assign return value of date command to variable    
month=$(date "+%B")     
year=$(date "+%Y")    
ECHO "Network is $network" $network    
ECHO "day is $day"    
ECHO "Month is $month"    
ECHO "YEAR is $year"    
ECHO "source is $folderToBeMoved"    
ECHO "dest is $newfoldername"    

mkdir "$newfoldername"    
cp -R "$folderToBeMoved" "$newfoldername"
if [ -f "$newfoldername/Primetime.eyetv" ]; then # <-- put a space at square brackets and quote your variables.
 rm "$folderToBeMoved";

Push git commits & tags simultaneously

Maybe this helps someone:

git tag 0.0.1                    # creates tag locally     
git push origin 0.0.1            # pushes tag to remote

git tag --delete 0.0.1           # deletes tag locally    
git push --delete origin 0.0.1   # deletes remote tag

Using multiprocessing.Process with a maximum number of simultaneous processes

I think Semaphore is what you are looking for, it will block the main process after counting down to 0. Sample code:

from multiprocessing import Process
from multiprocessing import Semaphore
import time

def f(name, sema):
    print('process {} starting doing business'.format(name))
    # simulate a time-consuming task by sleeping
    # `release` will add 1 to `sema`, allowing other 
    # processes blocked on it to continue

if __name__ == '__main__':
    concurrency = 20
    total_task_num = 1000
    sema = Semaphore(concurrency)
    all_processes = []
    for i in range(total_task_num):
        # once 20 processes are running, the following `acquire` call
        # will block the main process since `sema` has been reduced
        # to 0. This loop will continue only after one or more 
        # previously created processes complete.
        p = Process(target=f, args=(i, sema))

    # inside main process, wait for all processes to finish
    for p in all_processes:

The following code is more structured since it acquires and releases sema in the same function. However, it will consume too much resources if total_task_num is very large:

from multiprocessing import Process
from multiprocessing import Semaphore
import time

def f(name, sema):
    print('process {} starting doing business'.format(name))
    # `sema` is acquired and released in the same
    # block of code here, making code more readable,
    # but may lead to problem.

if __name__ == '__main__':
    concurrency = 20
    total_task_num = 1000
    sema = Semaphore(concurrency)
    all_processes = []
    for i in range(total_task_num):
        p = Process(target=f, args=(i, sema))
        # the following line won't block after 20 processes
        # have been created and running, instead it will carry 
        # on until all 1000 processes are created.

    # inside main process, wait for all processes to finish
    for p in all_processes:

The above code will create total_task_num processes but only concurrency processes will be running while other processes are blocked, consuming precious system resources.

How do I find out which DOM element has the focus?

By itself, document.activeElement can still return an element if the document isn't focused (and thus nothing in the document is focused!)

You may want that behavior, or it may not matter (e.g. within a keydown event), but if you need to know something is actually focused, you can additionally check document.hasFocus().

The following will give you the focused element if there is one, or else null.

var focused_element = null;
if (
    document.hasFocus() &&
    document.activeElement !== document.body &&
    document.activeElement !== document.documentElement
) {
    focused_element = document.activeElement;

To check whether a specific element has focus, it's simpler:

var input_focused = document.activeElement === input && document.hasFocus();

To check whether anything is focused, it's more complex again:

var anything_is_focused = (
    document.hasFocus() &&
    document.activeElement !== null &&
    document.activeElement !== document.body &&
    document.activeElement !== document.documentElement

Robustness Note: In the code where it the checks against document.body and document.documentElement, this is because some browsers return one of these or null when nothing is focused.

It doesn't account for if the <body> (or maybe <html>) had a tabIndex attribute and thus could actually be focused. If you're writing a library or something and want it to be robust, you should probably handle that somehow.

Here's a (heavy airquotes) "one-liner" version of getting the focused element, which is conceptually more complicated because you have to know about short-circuiting, and y'know, it obviously doesn't fit on one line, assuming you want it to be readable.
I'm not gonna recommend this one. But if you're a 1337 hax0r, idk... it's there.
You could also remove the || null part if you don't mind getting false in some cases. (You could still get null if document.activeElement is null):

var focused_element = (
    document.hasFocus() &&
    document.activeElement !== document.body &&
    document.activeElement !== document.documentElement &&
) || null;

For checking if a specific element is focused, alternatively you could use events, but this way requires setup (and potentially teardown), and importantly, assumes an initial state:

var input_focused = false;
input.addEventListener("focus", function() {
    input_focused = true;
input.addEventListener("blur", function() {
    input_focused = false;

You could fix the initial state assumption by using the non-evented way, but then you might as well just use that instead.

Can table columns with a Foreign Key be NULL?

Yes, that will work as you expect it to. Unfortunately, I seem to be having trouble to find an explicit statement of this in the MySQL manual.

Foreign keys mean the value must exist in the other table. NULL refers to the absence of value, so when you set a column to NULL, it wouldn't make sense to try to enforce constraints on that.

How to extract closed caption transcript from YouTube video?

You can download the streaming subtitles from YouTube with KeepSubs DownSub and SaveSubs.

You can choose from the Automatic Transcript or author supplied close captions. It also offers the possibility to automatically translate the English subtitles into other languages using Google Translate.

Exception : peer not authenticated

In my case I was using a JDK 8 client and the server was using insecure old ciphers. The server is Apache and I added this line to the Apache config:


You should use a tool like this to verify your SSL configuration is currently secure:

PHP UML Generator

You can use Visual Paradigm for UML. This might not be the best paid (it's US$699) product, just as an option if anyone would like to try. It can create class diagram from PHP and vice versa, and not only PHP, there's a bunch of language you can choose such as C#, C++, Ruby, Java, VB.NET, Python, Objective C, Perl, etc. There's also a trial you can check on.

Postgres password authentication fails

I came across this question, and the answers here didn't work for me; i couldn't figure out why i can't login and got the above error.

It turns out that postgresql saves usernames lowercase, but during authentication it uses both upper- and lowercase.


will create a user with the username 'mynewuser' and password 'passWord'.

This means you have to authenticate with 'mynewuser', and not with 'myNewUser'. For a newbie in pgsql like me, this was confusing. I hope it helps others who run into this problem.

How can I set the request header for curl?

Sometimes changing the header is not enough, some sites check the referer as well:

curl -v \
     -H 'Host:' \
     -H 'Connection: keep-alive' \
     -H 'Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8' \
     -H 'Accept-Language: en-GB,en-US;q=0.8,en;q=0.6' \
     -e localhost \
     -A 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/29.0.1547.65 Safari/537.36' \

In this example the referer (-e or --referer in curl) is 'localhost'.

How does one use the onerror attribute of an img element

This works:

<img src="invalid_link"

Live demo:

As Nikola pointed out in the comment below, in case the backup URL is invalid as well, some browsers will trigger the "error" event again which will result in an infinite loop. We can guard against this by simply nullifying the "error" handler via this.onerror=null;.

What is the difference between i++ & ++i in a for loop?

Here's a sample class:

public class Increment
    public static void main(String [] args)
        for (int i = 0; i < args.length; ++i)

If I disassemble this class using javap.exe I get this:

Compiled from ""
public class Increment extends java.lang.Object{
public Increment();
   0:   aload_0
   1:   invokespecial   #1; //Method java/lang/Object."<init>":()V
   4:   return

public static void main(java.lang.String[]);
   0:   iconst_0
   1:   istore_1
   2:   iload_1
   3:   aload_0
   4:   arraylength
   5:   if_icmpge       23
   8:   getstatic       #2; //Field java/lang/System.out:Ljava/io/PrintStream;
   11:  aload_0
   12:  iload_1
   13:  aaload
   14:  invokevirtual   #3; //Method java/io/PrintStream.println:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
   17:  iinc    1, 1
   20:  goto    2
   23:  return


If I change the loop so it uses i++ and disassemble again I get this:

Compiled from ""
public class Increment extends java.lang.Object{
public Increment();
   0:   aload_0
   1:   invokespecial   #1; //Method java/lang/Object."<init>":()V
   4:   return

public static void main(java.lang.String[]);
   0:   iconst_0
   1:   istore_1
   2:   iload_1
   3:   aload_0
   4:   arraylength
   5:   if_icmpge       23
   8:   getstatic       #2; //Field java/lang/System.out:Ljava/io/PrintStream;
   11:  aload_0
   12:  iload_1
   13:  aaload
   14:  invokevirtual   #3; //Method java/io/PrintStream.println:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
   17:  iinc    1, 1
   20:  goto    2
   23:  return


When I compare the two, TextPad tells me that the two are identical.

What this says is that from the point of view of the generated byte code there's no difference in a loop. In other contexts there is a difference between ++i and i++, but not for loops.

Why is HttpClient BaseAddress not working?

Ran into a issue with the HTTPClient, even with the suggestions still could not get it to authenticate. Turns out I needed a trailing '/' in my relative path.


var result = await _client.GetStringAsync(_awxUrl + "api/v2/inventories/?name=" + inventoryName);
var result = await _client.PostAsJsonAsync(_awxUrl + "api/v2/job_templates/" + templateId+"/launch/" , new {
                inventory = inventoryId

How to pass prepareForSegue: an object

I have a sender class, like this

@class MyEntry;

@interface MySenderEntry : NSObject
@property (strong, nonatomic) MyEntry *entry;

@implementation MySenderEntry

I use this sender class for passing objects to prepareForSeque:sender:

    MySenderEntry *sender = [MySenderEntry new];
    sender.entry = [_entries objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
    [self performSegueWithIdentifier:SEGUE_IDENTIFIER_SHOW_ENTRY sender:sender];

-(void)prepareForSegue:(UIStoryboardSegue*)segue sender:(id)sender
    if ([[segue identifier] isEqualToString:SEGUE_IDENTIFIER_SHOW_ENTRY]) {
        NSAssert([sender isKindOfClass:[MySenderEntry class]], @"MySenderEntry");
        MySenderEntry *senderEntry = (MySenderEntry*)sender;
        MyEntry *entry = senderEntry.entry;

        [segue destinationViewController].delegate = self;
        [segue destinationViewController].entry = entry;

    if ([[segue identifier] isEqualToString:SEGUE_IDENTIFIER_HISTORY]) {
        // ...

    if ([[segue identifier] isEqualToString:SEGUE_IDENTIFIER_FAVORITE]) {
        // ...

How to mount host volumes into docker containers in Dockerfile during build

Here is a simplified version of the 2-step approach using build and commit, without shell scripts. It involves:

  1. Building the image partially, without volumes
  2. Running a container with volumes, making changes, then committing the result, replacing the original image name.

With relatively minor changes the additional step adds only a few seconds to the build time.


docker build -t image-name . # your normal docker build

# Now run a command in a throwaway container that uses volumes and makes changes:
docker run -v /some:/volume --name temp-container image-name /some/post-configure/command

# Replace the original image with the result:
# (reverting CMD to whatever it was, otherwise it will be set to /some/post-configure/command)   
docker commit --change="CMD bash" temp-container image-name 

# Delete the temporary container:
docker rm temp-container

In my use case I want to pre-generate a maven toolchains.xml file, but my many JDK installations are on a volume that isn't available until runtime. Some of my images are not compatible with all the JDKS, so I need to test compatibility at build time and populate toolchains.xml conditionally. Note that I don't need the image to be portable, I'm not publishing it to Docker Hub.

Python - How to convert JSON File to Dataframe

There are 2 inputs you might have and you can also convert between them.

  1. input: listOfDictionaries --> use @VikashSingh solution

example: [{"":{"...

The pd.DataFrame() needs a listOfDictionaries as input.

  1. input: jsonStr --> use @JustinMalinchak solution

example: '{"":{"...

If you have jsonStr, you need an extra step to listOfDictionaries first. This is obvious as it is generated like:

jsonStr = json.dumps(listOfDictionaries)

Thus, switch back from jsonStr to listOfDictionaries first:

listOfDictionaries = json.loads(jsonStr)

How do you fade in/out a background color using jquery?

Using jQuery only (no UI library/plugin). Even jQuery can be easily eliminated

//Color row background in HSL space (easier to manipulate fading)

var d = 1000;
for(var i=50; i<=100; i=i+0.1){ //i represents the lightness
    d  += 10;
        }, dd);    

Demo :

  • SetTimeout increases the lightness from 50% to 100%, essentially making the background white (you can choose any value depending on your color).
  • SetTimeout is wrapped in an anonymous function for it to work properly in a loop ( reason )

How to set child process' environment variable in Makefile

Make variables are not exported into the environment of processes make invokes... by default. However you can use make's export to force them to do so. Change:

test: NODE_ENV = test

to this:

test: export NODE_ENV = test

(assuming you have a sufficiently modern version of GNU make >= 3.77 ).

How to find NSDocumentDirectory in Swift?

Xcode 8b4 Swift 3.0

let paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(FileManager.SearchPathDirectory.documentDirectory, FileManager.SearchPathDomainMask.userDomainMask, true)

How to deal with certificates using Selenium?

    ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions().addArguments("--proxy-server=http://" + proxy);

bootstrap 3 wrap text content within div for horizontal alignment

1) Maybe oveflow: hidden; will do the trick?

2) You need to set the size of each div with the text and button so that each of these divs have the same height. Then for your button:

button {
  position: absolute;
  bottom: 0;

How to display scroll bar onto a html table

Very easy, just wrap the table in a div that has overflow-y:scroll; and overflow-x:scroll properties, and make the div have a width and length smaller than the table. IT WILL WORK!!!

Auto highlight text in a textbox control

You can use this, pithy. :D

TextBox1.Select(0, TextBox1.Text.Length);

Appending to an empty DataFrame in Pandas?

That should work:

>>> df = pd.DataFrame()
>>> data = pd.DataFrame({"A": range(3)})
>>> df.append(data)
0  0
1  1
2  2

But the append doesn't happen in-place, so you'll have to store the output if you want it:

>>> df
Empty DataFrame
Columns: []
Index: []
>>> df = df.append(data)
>>> df
0  0
1  1
2  2

error: the details of the application error from being viewed remotely

Description: An application error occurred on the server. The current custom error settings for this application prevent the details of the application error from being viewed remotely (for security reasons). It could, however, be viewed by browsers running on the local server machine.

Details: To enable the details of this specific error message to be viewable on remote machines, please create a tag within a "web.config" configuration file located in the root directory of the current web application. This tag should then have its "mode" attribute set to "Off".

MySQL select all rows from last month until (now() - 1 month), for comparative purposes

You can get the first of the month, by calculating the last_day of the month before and add one day. It is awkward, but I think it is better than formatting a date as string and use that for calculation.

  yourtable t
  /* Greater or equal to the start of last month */ >= DATE_ADD(LAST_DAY(DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 2 MONTH)), INTERVAL 1 DAY) and
  /* Smaller or equal than one month ago */ <= DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 MONTH)

Free easy way to draw graphs and charts in C++?

My favourite has always been gnuplot. It's very extensive, so it might be a bit too complex for your needs though. It is cross-platform and there is a C++ API.

NHibernate.MappingException: No persister for: XYZ

Had a similar problem when find an object by id... All i did was to use the fully qualified name in the class name. That is Before it was :


Object so it became like this :


catch specific HTTP error in python

Python 3

from urllib.error import HTTPError

Python 2

from urllib2 import HTTPError

Just catch HTTPError, handle it, and if it's not Error 404, simply use raise to re-raise the exception.

See the Python tutorial.

e.g. complete example for Pyhton 2

import urllib2
from urllib2 import HTTPError
   urllib2.urlopen("some url")
except HTTPError as err:
   if err.code == 404:

Add legend to ggplot2 line plot

Since @Etienne asked how to do this without melting the data (which in general is the preferred method, but I recognize there may be some cases where that is not possible), I present the following alternative.

Start with a subset of the original data:

datos <-
structure(list(fecha = structure(c(1317452400, 1317538800, 1317625200, 
1317711600, 1317798000, 1317884400, 1317970800, 1318057200, 1318143600, 
1318230000, 1318316400, 1318402800, 1318489200, 1318575600, 1318662000, 
1318748400, 1318834800, 1318921200, 1319007600, 1319094000), class = c("POSIXct", 
"POSIXt"), tzone = ""), TempMax = c(26.58, 27.78, 27.9, 27.44, 
30.9, 30.44, 27.57, 25.71, 25.98, 26.84, 33.58, 30.7, 31.3, 27.18, 
26.58, 26.18, 25.19, 24.19, 27.65, 23.92), TempMedia = c(22.88, 
22.87, 22.41, 21.63, 22.43, 22.29, 21.89, 20.52, 19.71, 20.73, 
23.51, 23.13, 22.95, 21.95, 21.91, 20.72, 20.45, 19.42, 19.97, 
19.61), TempMin = c(19.34, 19.14, 18.34, 17.49, 16.75, 16.75, 
16.88, 16.82, 14.82, 16.01, 16.88, 17.55, 16.75, 17.22, 19.01, 
16.95, 17.55, 15.21, 14.22, 16.42)), .Names = c("fecha", "TempMax", 
"TempMedia", "TempMin"), row.names = c(NA, 20L), class = "data.frame")

You can get the desired effect by (and this also cleans up the original plotting code):

ggplot(data = datos, aes(x = fecha)) +
  geom_line(aes(y = TempMax, colour = "TempMax")) +
  geom_line(aes(y = TempMedia, colour = "TempMedia")) +
  geom_line(aes(y = TempMin, colour = "TempMin")) +
                      breaks = c("TempMax", "TempMedia", "TempMin"),
                      values = c("red", "green", "blue")) +
  xlab(" ") +
  scale_y_continuous("Temperatura (C)", limits = c(-10,40)) + 

The idea is that each line is given a color by mapping the colour aesthetic to a constant string. Choosing the string which is what you want to appear in the legend is the easiest. The fact that in this case it is the same as the name of the y variable being plotted is not significant; it could be any set of strings. It is very important that this is inside the aes call; you are creating a mapping to this "variable".

scale_colour_manual can now map these strings to the appropriate colors. The result is enter image description here

In some cases, the mapping between the levels and colors needs to be made explicit by naming the values in the manual scale (thanks to @DaveRGP for pointing this out):

ggplot(data = datos, aes(x = fecha)) +
  geom_line(aes(y = TempMax, colour = "TempMax")) +
  geom_line(aes(y = TempMedia, colour = "TempMedia")) +
  geom_line(aes(y = TempMin, colour = "TempMin")) +
                      values = c("TempMedia"="green", "TempMax"="red", 
                                 "TempMin"="blue")) +
  xlab(" ") +
  scale_y_continuous("Temperatura (C)", limits = c(-10,40)) + 

(giving the same figure as before). With named values, the breaks can be used to set the order in the legend and any order can be used in the values.

ggplot(data = datos, aes(x = fecha)) +
  geom_line(aes(y = TempMax, colour = "TempMax")) +
  geom_line(aes(y = TempMedia, colour = "TempMedia")) +
  geom_line(aes(y = TempMin, colour = "TempMin")) +
                      breaks = c("TempMedia", "TempMax", "TempMin"),
                      values = c("TempMedia"="green", "TempMax"="red", 
                                 "TempMin"="blue")) +
  xlab(" ") +
  scale_y_continuous("Temperatura (C)", limits = c(-10,40)) + 

call a function in success of datatable ajax call

You can use dataSrc :

Here is a typical example of

var table = $('#example').DataTable( {
    "ajax": {
            "type" : "GET",
            "url" : "ajax.php",
            "dataSrc": function ( json ) {
                //Make your callback here.
    "columns": [
            { "data": "name" },
            { "data": "position" },
            { "data": "office" },
            { "data": "extn" },
            { "data": "start_date" },
            { "data": "salary" }

    } );

No internet on Android emulator - why and how to fix?

I have searched long and hard for an answer to this question. From what I gather Google did that on purpose once people used the internet connection to add spam comments to the market. However, I did find a guy who had done it and was willing to share the required images. The linked AVD runs(for me) both the market and browser internet.

NOTE: It looks like it's just going to fix the market. But the market won't run without internet, so if the market is fixed, the browser internet will work too. I downloaded the linked files myself and it showed the internet in the browser perfectly.

How do I get the height of a div's full content with jQuery?

  1. Using scrollHeight is not only buggy, but doesn't work when your container has a hardcoded height (which is probably most cases, since you wanna get contents height without doing container.height() itself)
  2. @shazboticus-s-shazbot solution is good when you can mess around with the container height temporarily / have a hard-coded height.
  3. An alternative solution would be:

    // Get children in array format, as we'll be reducing them into a single number_x000D_
    // Filter out text and comment nodes, only allowing tags_x000D_
    .filter(el => el.nodeType === 1)_x000D_
    // Sum up all the children individual heights_x000D_
    .reduce((accumulator, el) => $(el).outerHeight(true) + accumulator, 0);

Of course, this latter alternative only works when #outer doesn't have immediate text childrens that take up space and you want to measure. Those are my 2 cents.

  1. If you want to measure unwrapped text, I'd suggest modifying your DOM tree and having an inner <div> of which you can measure easily by doing $('#outer').children().height()



As stated by others very well, HTTP_REFERER is set by the local machine of the user, specifically the browser, which means it's not reliable for security. However, this still is entirely the way in which Google Analytics monitors where you're getting your visitors from, so, it can actually be useful to check, exclude, include, etc..

If you think you should see an HTTP_REFERER and do not, add this to your PHP code, preferably at the top:

ini_set('session.referer_check', 'TRUE');

A more appropriate long-term solution, of course, is to actually update your php.ini or equivalent file. This is a nice and quick way of verifying, though.


Run print($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); on your site, go to, inspect some text, edit it to be <a href="">LINK!</a>, apply the change, then click the link. If it works, all is well and running precisely!

But maybe $_SERVER is wrong, or the test above says it's broken. Update your page with this, and then test again...

<script type="text/javascript">
    console.log("REFER!" + document.referrer + "|" + location.referrer + "|");


I use HTTP REFERER to block spam sites in GoogleAnalytics. Below is a graph focusing on one particular website's referrals. From 0 to 44 in one day, it wasn't caused by real users. It was caused by a botted site trying to get my attention to buy their services. But it just started because php.ini was updated to ignore the referer, which meant these spam, junk garbage sites were not getting their appropriate ERROR 403, "Access Denied."

Jmeter - Run .jmx file through command line and get the summary report in a excel

Running JMeter in command line mode:

1.Navigate to JMeter’s bin directory

Now enter following command,

jmeter -n –t test.jmx

-n: specifies JMeter is to run in non-gui mode

-t: specifies name of JMX file that contains the Test Plan

How to use comparison operators like >, =, < on BigDecimal

Here is an example for all six boolean comparison operators (<, ==, >, >=, !=, <=):

BigDecimal big10 = new BigDecimal(10);
BigDecimal big20 = new BigDecimal(20);

System.out.println(big10.compareTo(big20) < -1);  // false
System.out.println(big10.compareTo(big20) <= -1); // true
System.out.println(big10.compareTo(big20) == -1); // true
System.out.println(big10.compareTo(big20) >= -1); // true
System.out.println(big10.compareTo(big20) > -1);  // false
System.out.println(big10.compareTo(big20) != -1); // false

System.out.println(big10.compareTo(big20) < 0);   // true
System.out.println(big10.compareTo(big20) <= 0);  // true
System.out.println(big10.compareTo(big20) == 0);  // false
System.out.println(big10.compareTo(big20) >= 0);  // false
System.out.println(big10.compareTo(big20) > 0);   // false
System.out.println(big10.compareTo(big20) != 0);  // true

System.out.println(big10.compareTo(big20) < 1);   // true
System.out.println(big10.compareTo(big20) <= 1);  // true
System.out.println(big10.compareTo(big20) == 1);  // false
System.out.println(big10.compareTo(big20) >= 1);  // false
System.out.println(big10.compareTo(big20) > 1);   // false
System.out.println(big10.compareTo(big20) != 1);  // true

How to convert (transliterate) a string from utf8 to ASCII (single byte) in c#?

I was able to figure it out. In case someone wants to know below the code that worked for me:

ASCIIEncoding ascii = new ASCIIEncoding();
byte[] byteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sOriginal);
byte[] asciiArray = Encoding.Convert(Encoding.UTF8, Encoding.ASCII, byteArray);
string finalString = ascii.GetString(asciiArray);

Let me know if there is a simpler way o doing it.

How to get user agent in PHP

You can use the jQuery ajax method link if you want to pass data from client to server. In this case you can use $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] variable to found browser user agent.

Why is my variable unaltered after I modify it inside of a function? - Asynchronous code reference

In all these scenarios outerScopeVar is modified or assigned a value asynchronously or happening in a later time(waiting or listening for some event to occur),for which the current execution will not wait.So all these cases current execution flow results in outerScopeVar = undefined

Let's discuss each examples(I marked the portion which is called asynchronously or delayed for some events to occur):


enter image description here

Here we register an eventlistner which will be executed upon that particular event.Here loading of image.Then the current execution continuous with next lines img.src = 'lolcat.png'; and alert(outerScopeVar); meanwhile the event may not occur. i.e, funtion img.onload wait for the referred image to load, asynchrously. This will happen all the folowing example- the event may differ.



Here the timeout event plays the role, which will invoke the handler after the specified time. Here it is 0, but still it registers an asynchronous event it will be added to the last position of the Event Queue for execution, which makes the guaranteed delay.


enter image description here This time ajax callback.


enter image description here

Node can be consider as a king of asynchronous coding.Here the marked function is registered as a callback handler which will be executed after reading the specified file.


enter image description here

Obvious promise (something will be done in future) is asynchronous. see What are the differences between Deferred, Promise and Future in JavaScript?

Stop mouse event propagation

Adding false after function will stop event propagation

<a (click)="foo(); false">click with stop propagation</a>

How to implement a Navbar Dropdown Hover in Bootstrap v4?

Just Add this simple css code in your style-sheet and you are ready to go.

.dropdown:hover > .dropdown-menu {
    display: block;
.dropdown > .dropdown-toggle:active {
    /*Without this, clicking will make it sticky*/
    pointer-events: none;
} drops 113 error: Could not find specified service


Well I did this in the following order and didn't get any error like Could not signal service 113: Could not find specified service after that, following code might help you too.

webView = WKWebView(frame: self.view.frame)
webView.navigationDelegate = self
webView.loadHTMLString(htmlString, baseURL: nil)

Do as order.


Arduino Sketch upload issue - avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding

You can check if you have any jumper wires plugged into pin 0 and 1. Those pins are used for serial communication and plugged wires can prevent the code from being uploaded on the board.

If nothing is plugged, it might be a bug with AVRDUDE, you can try updating it.

Changing Tint / Background color of UITabBar

There are some good ideas in the existing answers, many work slightly differently and what you choose will also depend on which devices you target and what kind of look you're aiming to achieve. UITabBar is notoriously unintuitive when it come to customizing its appearance, but here are a few more tricks that may help:

1). If you're looking to get rid of the glossy overlay for a more flat look do:

tabBar.backgroundColor = [UIColor darkGrayColor]; // this will be your background
[tabBar.subviews[0] removeFromSuperview]; // this gets rid of gloss

2). To set custom images to the tabBar buttons do something like:

for (UITabBarItem *item in tabBar.items){
    [item setFinishedSelectedImage:selected withFinishedUnselectedImage:unselected];
    [item setImageInsets:UIEdgeInsetsMake(6, 0, -6, 0)];

Where selected and unselected are UIImage objects of your choice. If you'd like them to be a flat colour, the simplest solution I found is to create a UIView with the desired backgroundColor and then just render it into a UIImage with the help of QuartzCore. I use the following method in a category on UIView to get a UIImage with the view's contents:

- (UIImage *)getImage {
    UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(self.bounds.size, NO, [[UIScreen mainScreen]scale]);
    [[self layer] renderInContext:UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()];
    UIImage *viewImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
    return viewImage;

3) Finally, you may want to customize the styling of the buttons' titles. Do:

for (UITabBarItem *item in tabBar.items){
    [item setTitleTextAttributes: [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
                [UIColor redColor], UITextAttributeTextColor,
                [UIColor whiteColor], UITextAttributeTextShadowColor,
                [NSValue valueWithUIOffset:UIOffsetMake(0, 1)], UITextAttributeTextShadowOffset,
                [UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:18], UITextAttributeFont,
            nil] forState:UIControlStateNormal];

This lets you do some adjustments, but still quite limited. Particularly, you cannot freely modify where the text is placed within the button, and cannot have different colours for selected/unselected buttons. If you want to do more specific text layout, just set UITextAttributeTextColor to be clear and add your text into the selected and unselected images from part (2).

How to list AD group membership for AD users using input list?

Or add "sort name" to list alphabetically

Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership username | select name | sort name

How to get folder directory from HTML input type "file" or any other way?

Eventhough it is an old question, this may help someone.

We can choose multiple files while browsing for a file using "multiple"

<input type="file" name="datafile" size="40"  multiple> 

How to convert string to integer in C#

int myInt = System.Convert.ToInt32(myString);

As several others have mentioned, you can also use int.Parse() and int.TryParse().

If you're certain that the string will always be an int:

int myInt = int.Parse(myString);

If you'd like to check whether string is really an int first:

int myInt;
bool isValid = int.TryParse(myString, out myInt); // the out keyword allows the method to essentially "return" a second value
if (isValid)
    int plusOne = myInt + 1;

How to add 'libs' folder in Android Studio?

also you should click right button on mouse at your projectname and choose "open module settings" or press F4 button. Then on "dependencies" tab add your lib.jar to declare needed lib

Can I set an opacity only to the background image of a div?

Nope, this cannot be done since opacity affects the whole element including its content and there's no way to alter this behavior. You can work around this with the two following methods.

Secondary div

Add another div element to the container to hold the background. This is the most cross-browser friendly method and will work even on IE6.


<div class="myDiv">
    <div class="bg"></div>
    Hi there


.myDiv {
    position: relative;
    z-index: 1;

.myDiv .bg {
    position: absolute;
    z-index: -1;
    top: 0;
    bottom: 0;
    left: 0;
    right: 0;
    background: url(test.jpg) center center;
    opacity: .4;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;

See test case on jsFiddle

:before and ::before pseudo-element

Another trick is to use the CSS 2.1 :before or CSS 3 ::before pseudo-elements. :before pseudo-element is supported in IE from version 8, while the ::before pseudo-element is not supported at all. This will hopefully be rectified in version 10.


<div class="myDiv">
    Hi there


.myDiv {
    position: relative;
    z-index: 1;

.myDiv:before {
    content: "";
    position: absolute;
    z-index: -1;
    top: 0;
    bottom: 0;
    left: 0;
    right: 0;
    background: url(test.jpg) center center;
    opacity: .4;

Additional notes

Due to the behavior of z-index you will have to set a z-index for the container as well as a negative z-index for the background image.

Test cases

See test case on jsFiddle:

How to right align widget in horizontal linear layout Android?

Try to add empty View inside horizontal LinearLayout before element that you want to see right, e.g.:

    android:layout_height="wrap_content" >

        android:layout_weight="1" />                

        android:layout_height="wrap_content" />


Convert varchar dd/mm/yyyy to dd/mm/yyyy datetime

I think you are after this:

CONVERT(datetime, date_as_string, 103)

Notice, that datetime hasn't any format. You think about its presentation. To get the data of datetime in an appropriate format you can use

CONVERT(varchar, date_as_datetime, 103)

How to get the Mongo database specified in connection string in C#


MongoServer.Create is obsolete now (thanks to @aknuds1). Instead this use following code:

var _server = new MongoClient(connectionString).GetServer();

It's easy. You should first take database name from connection string and then get database by name. Complete example:

var connectionString = "mongodb://localhost:27020/mydb";

//take database name from connection string
var _databaseName = MongoUrl.Create(connectionString).DatabaseName;
var _server = MongoServer.Create(connectionString);

//and then get database by database name:

Important: If your database and auth database are different, you can add a authSource= query parameter to specify a different auth database. (thank you to @chrisdrobison)

From docs:

NOTE If you are using the database segment as the initial database to use, but the username and password specified are defined in a different database, you can use the authSource option to specify the database in which the credential is defined. For example, mongodb://user:pass@hostname/db1?authSource=userDb would authenticate the credential against the userDb database instead of db1.

Returning JSON from a PHP Script

An easy way to format your domain objects to JSON is to use the Marshal Serializer. Then pass the data to json_encode and send the correct Content-Type header for your needs. If you are using a framework like Symfony, you don't need to take care of setting the headers manually. There you can use the JsonResponse.

For example the correct Content-Type for dealing with Javascript would be application/javascript.

Or if you need to support some pretty old browsers the safest would be text/javascript.

For all other purposes like a mobile app use application/json as the Content-Type.

Here is a small example:

$userCollection = [$user1, $user2, $user3];

$data = Marshal::serializeCollectionCallable(function (User $user) {
    return [
        'username' => $user->getUsername(),
        'email'    => $user->getEmail(),
        'birthday' => $user->getBirthday()->format('Y-m-d'),
        'followers => count($user->getFollowers()),
}, $userCollection);

header('Content-Type: application/json');
echo json_encode($data);

How to get last key in an array?

I prefer


What is the difference between Document style and RPC style communication?

An RPC style web service uses the names of the method and its parameters to generate XML structures representing a method’s call stack. Document style indicates the SOAP body contains an XML document which can be validated against pre-defined XML schema document.

A good starting point : SOAP Binding: Difference between Document and RPC Style Web Services

For loop example in MySQL

Assume you have one table with name 'table1'. It contain one column 'col1' with varchar type. Query to crate table is give below

CREATE TABLE `table1` (

Now if you want to insert number from 1 to 50 in that table then use following stored procedure


      DECLARE a INT Default 1 ;
      simple_loop: LOOP         
         insert into table1 values(a);
         SET a=a+1;
         IF a=51 THEN
            LEAVE simple_loop;
         END IF;
   END LOOP simple_loop;
END $$

To call that stored procedure use


Equivalent of typedef in C#

The best alternative to typedef that I've found in C# is using. For example, I can control float precision via compiler flags with this code:

using real_t = System.Double;
using real_t = System.Single;

Unfortunately, it requires that you place this at the top of every file where you use real_t. There is currently no way to declare a global namespace type in C#.

Multiple condition in single IF statement

Yes it is, there have to be boolean expresion after IF. Here you have a direct link. I hope it helps. GL!

Gitignore not working

The files/folder in your version control will not just delete themselves just because you added them to the .gitignore. They are already in the repository and you have to remove them. You can just do that with this:

Remember to commit everything you've changed before you do this!

git rm -rf --cached .
git add .

This removes all files from the repository and adds them back (this time respecting the rules in your .gitignore).

jQuery get mouse position within an element

I would suggest this:

e.pageX - this.getBoundingClientRect().left

Embedding VLC plugin on HTML page

test.html is will be helpful for how to use VLC WebAPI.

test.html is located in the directory where VLC was installed.

e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\sdk\activex\test.html

The following code is a quote from the test.html.


<object classid="clsid:9BE31822-FDAD-461B-AD51-BE1D1C159921" width="640" height="360" id="vlc" events="True">
  <param name="MRL" value="" />
  <param name="ShowDisplay" value="True" />
  <param name="AutoLoop" value="False" />
  <param name="AutoPlay" value="False" />
  <param name="Volume" value="50" />
  <param name="toolbar" value="true" />
  <param name="StartTime" value="0" />
  <EMBED pluginspage=""
    text="Waiting for video"


You can get vlc object from getVLC().
It works on IE 10 and Chrome.

function getVLC(name)
    if (window.document[name])
        return window.document[name];
    if (navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft Internet")==-1)
        if (document.embeds && document.embeds[name])
            return document.embeds[name];
    else // if (navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft Internet")!=-1)
        return document.getElementById(name);

var vlc = getVLC("vlc");

// do something.
// e.g.;

Check if value exists in column in VBA

If you want to do this without VBA, you can use a combination of IF, ISERROR, and MATCH.

So if all values are in column A, enter this formula in column B:

=IF(ISERROR(MATCH(12345,A:A,0)),"Not Found","Value found on row " & MATCH(12345,A:A,0))

This will look for the value "12345" (which can also be a cell reference). If the value isn't found, MATCH returns "#N/A" and ISERROR tries to catch that.

If you want to use VBA, the quickest way is to use a FOR loop:

Sub FindMatchingValue()
    Dim i as Integer, intValueToFind as integer
    intValueToFind = 12345
    For i = 1 to 500    ' Revise the 500 to include all of your values
        If Cells(i,1).Value = intValueToFind then 
            MsgBox("Found value on row " & i)
            Exit Sub
        End If
    Next i

    ' This MsgBox will only show if the loop completes with no success
    MsgBox("Value not found in the range!")  
End Sub

You can use Worksheet Functions in VBA, but they're picky and sometimes throw nonsensical errors. The FOR loop is pretty foolproof.

Single line sftp from terminal

To UPLOAD a single file, you will need to create a bash script. Something like the following should work on OS X if you have sshpass installed.


sftpx <password> <user@hostname> <localfile> <remotefile>

Put this script somewhere in your path and call it sftpx:


export RND=`cat /dev/urandom | env LC_CTYPE=C tr -cd 'a-f0-9' | head -c 32`
export TMPDIR=/tmp/$RND
export FILENAME=$(basename "$4")
export DSTDIR=$(dirname "$4")

mkdir $TMPDIR

export SSHPASS=$1
sshpass -e sftp -oBatchMode=no -b - $2 << !
   lcd $TMPDIR
   cd $DSTDIR
   put $FILENAME

rmdir $TMPDIR

How to redirect output of systemd service to a file

We are using Centos7, spring boot application with systemd. I was running java as below. and setting StandardOutput to file was not working for me.

ExecStart=/bin/java -jar xxx.jar  -Xmx512-Xms32M

Below workaround solution working without setting StandardOutput. running java through sh as below.

ExecStart=/bin/sh -c 'exec /bin/java -jar xxx.jar -Xmx512M -Xms32M >> /data/logs/xxx.log 2>&1'

enter image description here

What are the advantages and disadvantages of recursion?


Most problems are naturally expressed by recursion such as Fibonacci, Merge sorting and quick sorting. In this respect, the code is written for humans, not machines.


Iterative solutions often rely on varying temporary variables which makes the code hard to read. This can be avoided with recursion.


Recursion is not stack friendly. Stack can overflow when the recursion is not well designed or tail optimization is not supported.

better way to drop nan rows in pandas

Just in case commands in previous answers doesn't work, Try this: dat.dropna(subset=['x'], inplace = True)

MySQL error: key specification without a key length

DROP that table and again run Spring Project. That might help. Sometime you are overriding foreignKey.

Connect to docker container as user other than root

You can run a shell in a running docker container using a command like:

docker exec -it --user root <container id> /bin/bash

How to extract HTTP response body from a Python requests call?

Your code is correct. I tested:

r = requests.get("")

And it returned plenty of content. Check the url, try "". Cheers!

How can I use Async with ForEach?

Here is an actual working version of the above async foreach variants with sequential processing:

public static async Task ForEachAsync<T>(this List<T> enumerable, Action<T> action)
    foreach (var item in enumerable)
        await Task.Run(() => { action(item); }).ConfigureAwait(false);

Here is the implementation:

public async void SequentialAsync()
    var list = new List<Action>();

    Action action1 = () => {
        //do stuff 1

    Action action2 = () => {
        //do stuff 2


    await list.ForEachAsync();

What's the key difference? .ConfigureAwait(false); which keeps the context of main thread while async sequential processing of each task.

Delete multiple objects in django

You can delete any QuerySet you'd like. For example, to delete all blog posts with some Post model


and to delete any Post with a future publication date


You do, however, need to come up with a way to narrow down your QuerySet. If you just want a view to delete a particular object, look into the delete generic view.


Sorry for the misunderstanding. I think the answer is somewhere between. To implement your own, combine ModelForms and generic views. Otherwise, look into 3rd party apps that provide similar functionality. In a related question, the recommendation was django-filter.

How to install a specific version of a ruby gem?

You can use the -v or --version flag. For example

gem install bitclock -v '< 0.0.2'

To specify upper AND lower version boundaries you can specify the --version flag twice

gem install bitclock -v '>= 0.0.1' -v '< 0.0.2'

or use the syntax (for example)

gem install bitclock -v '>= 0.0.1, < 0.0.2'

The other way to do it is

gem install bitclock:'>= 0.0.1'

but with the last option it is not possible to specify upper and lower bounderies simultaneously.

[gem 3.0.3 and ruby 2.6.6]

Get epoch for a specific date using Javascript

You can create a Date object, and call getTime on it:

new Date(2010, 6, 26).getTime() / 1000

JavaScript Number Split into individual digits

var num = 123456;_x000D_
var digits = num.toString().split('');_x000D_
var realDigits =

Python return statement error " 'return' outside function"

Use quit() in this context. break expects to be inside a loop, and return expects to be inside a function.

Best way to replace multiple characters in a string?

FYI, this is of little or no use to the OP but it may be of use to other readers (please do not downvote, I'm aware of this).

As a somewhat ridiculous but interesting exercise, wanted to see if I could use python functional programming to replace multiple chars. I'm pretty sure this does NOT beat just calling replace() twice. And if performance was an issue, you could easily beat this in rust, C, julia, perl, java, javascript and maybe even awk. It uses an external 'helpers' package called pytoolz, accelerated via cython (cytoolz, it's a pypi package).

from cytoolz.functoolz import compose
from cytoolz.itertoolz import chain,sliding_window
from itertools import starmap,imap,ifilter
from operator import itemgetter,contains
char_index_iter=compose(partial(imap, itemgetter(0)), partial(ifilter, compose(partial(contains, '#&'), itemgetter(1))), enumerate)
print '\\'.join(imap(text.__getitem__, starmap(slice, sliding_window(2, chain((0,), char_index_iter(text), (len(text),))))))

I'm not even going to explain this because no one would bother using this to accomplish multiple replace. Nevertheless, I felt somewhat accomplished in doing this and thought it might inspire other readers or win a code obfuscation contest.

SQLite: How do I save the result of a query as a CSV file?

All the existing answers only work from the sqlite command line, which isn't ideal if you'd like to build a reusable script. Python makes it easy to build a script that can be executed programatically.

import pandas as pd
import sqlite3

conn = sqlite3.connect('your_cool_database.sqlite')

df = pd.read_sql('SELECT * from orders', conn)
df.to_csv('orders.csv', index = False)

You can customize the query to only export part of the sqlite table to the CSV file.

You can also run a single command to export all sqlite tables to CSV files:

for table in c.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table';").fetchall():
    t = table[0]
    df = pd.read_sql('SELECT * from ' + t, conn)
    df.to_csv(t + '_one_command.csv', index = False)

See here for more info.

Has anyone ever got a remote JMX JConsole to work?

You are probably experiencing an issue with a firewall. The 'problem' is that the port you specify is not the only port used, it uses 1 or maybe even 2 more ports for RMI, and those are probably blocked by a firewall.

One of the extra ports will not be know up front if you use the default RMI configuration, so you have to open up a big range of ports - which might not amuse the server administrator.

There is a solution that does not require opening up a lot of ports however, I've gotten it to work using the combined source snippets and tips from - link doesn't work anymore

It's even possible to setup an ssh tunnel and still get it to work :-)

Split string with delimiters in C

If you are willing to use an external library, I can't recommend bstrlib enough. It takes a little extra setup, but is easier to use in the long run.

For example, split the string below, one first creates a bstring with the bfromcstr() call. (A bstring is a wrapper around a char buffer). Next, split the string on commas, saving the result in a struct bstrList, which has fields qty and an array entry, which is an array of bstrings.

bstrlib has many other functions to operate on bstrings

Easy as pie...

#include "bstrlib.h"
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
  int i;
  char *tmp = "Hello,World,sak";
  bstring bstr = bfromcstr(tmp);
  struct bstrList *blist = bsplit(bstr, ',');
  printf("num %d\n", blist->qty);
  for(i=0;i<blist->qty;i++) {
    printf("%d: %s\n", i, bstr2cstr(blist->entry[i], '_'));


How can I disable ReSharper in Visual Studio and enable it again?

Very simple steps:

  1. Go to Extensions ? Manage Extensions
  2. Click on Installed section at the top left and search for "resharper"

You will see disable button over the extension, click to it then restart Visual Studio and that's it!

enter image description here

Write a number with two decimal places SQL Server

try this


C++ correct way to return pointer to array from function

Your code is OK. Note though that if you return a pointer to an array, and that array goes out of scope, you should not use that pointer anymore. Example:

int* test (void)
    int out[5];
    return out;

The above will never work, because out does not exist anymore when test() returns. The returned pointer must not be used anymore. If you do use it, you will be reading/writing to memory you shouldn't.

In your original code, the arr array goes out of scope when main() returns. Obviously that's no problem, since returning from main() also means that your program is terminating.

If you want something that will stick around and cannot go out of scope, you should allocate it with new:

int* test (void)
    int* out = new int[5];
    return out;

The returned pointer will always be valid. Remember do delete it again when you're done with it though, using delete[]:

int* array = test();
// ...
// Done with the array.
delete[] array;

Deleting it is the only way to reclaim the memory it uses.

How to print a double with two decimals in Android?

You can use a DecimalFormat, or String.format("%.2f", a);

grep exclude multiple strings

The greps can be chained. For example:

tail -f admin.log | grep -v "Nopaging the limit is" | grep -v "keyword to remove is"

HQL "is null" And "!= null" on an Oracle column

That is a binary operator in hibernate you should use

is not null

Have a look at 14.10. Expressions

Scanning Java annotations at runtime

Spring has something called a AnnotatedTypeScanner class.
This class internally uses


This class has the code for actual scanning of the classpath resources. It does this by using the class metadata available at runtime.

One can simply extend this class or use the same class for scanning. Below is the constructor definition.

     * Creates a new {@link AnnotatedTypeScanner} for the given annotation types.
     * @param considerInterfaces whether to consider interfaces as well.
     * @param annotationTypes the annotations to scan for.
    public AnnotatedTypeScanner(boolean considerInterfaces, Class<? extends Annotation>... annotationTypes) {

        this.annotationTypess = Arrays.asList(annotationTypes);
        this.considerInterfaces = considerInterfaces;

How to select ALL children (in any level) from a parent in jQuery?

I think you could do:


but it would cause a lot of overhead

What does `m_` variable prefix mean?

This is typical programming practice for defining variables that are member variables. So when you're using them later, you don't need to see where they're defined to know their scope. This is also great if you already know the scope and you're using something like intelliSense, you can start with m_ and a list of all your member variables are shown. Part of Hungarian notation, see the part about scope in the examples here.

how to check if string value is in the Enum list?

You can use the Enum.TryParse method:

Age age;
if (Enum.TryParse<Age>("New_Born", out age))
    // You now have the value in age 

wait until all threads finish their work in java

I had similar situation , where i had to wait till all child threads complete its execution then only i could get the status result for each of them .. hence i needed to wait till all child thread completed.

below is my code where i did multi-threading using

 public static void main(String[] args) {
        List<RunnerPojo> testList = ExcelObject.getTestStepsList();//.parallelStream().collect(Collectors.toList());
        int threadCount = ConfigFileReader.getInstance().readConfig().getParallelThreadCount();
        System.out.println("Thread count is : =========  " + threadCount); // 5

        ExecutorService threadExecutor = new DriverScript().threadExecutor(testList, threadCount);

        boolean isProcessCompleted = waitUntilCondition(() -> threadExecutor.isTerminated()); // Here i used waitUntil condition 

        if (isProcessCompleted) {
            testList.forEach(x -> {
                System.out.println("Test Name: " + x.getTestCaseId());
                System.out.println("Test Status : " + x.getStatus());
                System.out.println("======= Test Steps ===== ");

                x.getTestStepsList().forEach(y -> {
                    System.out.println("Step Name: " + y.getDescription());
                    System.out.println("Test caseId : " + y.getTestCaseId());
                    System.out.println("Step Status: " + y.getResult());
                    System.out.println("\n ============ ==========");

Below method is for distribution of list with parallel proccessing

// This method will split my list and run in a parallel process with mutliple threads
    private ExecutorService threadExecutor(List<RunnerPojo> testList, int threadSize) {
        ExecutorService exec = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(threadSize);
        testList.forEach(tests -> {
            exec.submit(() -> {
        return exec;

This is my wait until method: here you can wait till your condition satisfies within do while loop . in my case i waited for some max timeout . this will keep checking until your threadExecutor.isTerminated() is true with polling period of 5 sec.

    static boolean waitUntilCondition(Supplier<Boolean> function) {
        Double timer = 0.0;
        Double maxTimeOut = 20.0;

        boolean isFound;
        do {
            isFound = function.get();
            if (isFound) {
            } else {
                try {
                    Thread.sleep(5000); // Sleeping for 5 sec (main thread will sleep for 5 sec)
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                System.out.println("Waiting for condition to be true .. waited .." + timer * 5 + " sec.");
        } while (timer < maxTimeOut + 1.0);

        return isFound;

How to get absolute value from double - c-language

Use fabs() (in math.h) to get absolute-value for double:

double d1 = fabs(-3.8951);

How to reduce the image size without losing quality in PHP

If you are looking to reduce the size using coding itself, you can follow this code in php.

function compress($source, $destination, $quality) {

    $info = getimagesize($source);

    if ($info['mime'] == 'image/jpeg') 
        $image = imagecreatefromjpeg($source);

    elseif ($info['mime'] == 'image/gif') 
        $image = imagecreatefromgif($source);

    elseif ($info['mime'] == 'image/png') 
        $image = imagecreatefrompng($source);

    imagejpeg($image, $destination, $quality);

    return $destination;

$source_img = 'source.jpg';
$destination_img = 'destination .jpg';

$d = compress($source_img, $destination_img, 90);

$d = compress($source_img, $destination_img, 90);

This is just a php function that passes the source image ( i.e., $source_img ), destination image ( $destination_img ) and quality for the image that will take to compress ( i.e., 90 ).

$info = getimagesize($source);

The getimagesize() function is used to find the size of any given image file and return the dimensions along with the file type.

ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified (PLSQL Developer)

I had the same issue with a VM running CentOS7 and Oracle 11GR2 accesible from Windows 7, the solution were weird, at my local machine the tnsnames pointing to the DB had a space before the service name, I just deleted the space and then I was able to connect.

A quick example.

Wrong tnsnames.



Right tnsnames.



Prompt Dialog in Windows Forms

Add reference to Microsoft.VisualBasic and use this into your C# code:

string input = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction.InputBox("Prompt", 

To add the refernce: right-click on the References in your Project Explorer window then on Add Reference, and check VisualBasic from that list.

Linux c++ error: undefined reference to 'dlopen'

 $gcc -o program program.c -l <library_to_resolve_program.c's_unresolved_symbols>

A good description of why the placement of -l dl matters

But there's also a pretty succinct explanation in the docs From $man gcc

   -l library
       Search the library named library when linking.  (The second
       alternative with the library as a separate argument is only for POSIX
       compliance and is not recommended.)
       It makes a difference where in the command you write this option; the
       linker searches and processes libraries and object files in the order
       they are specified.  Thus, foo.o -lz bar.o searches library z after
       file foo.o but before bar.o.  If bar.o refers to functions in z,
       those functions may not be loaded.

How Many Seconds Between Two Dates?

Just subtract:

var a = new Date();
alert("Wait a few seconds, then click OK");

var b = new Date();
var difference = (b - a) / 1000;

alert("You waited: " + difference + " seconds");

How to convert char to int?

int i = (int)char.GetNumericValue(c);

Yet another option:

int i = c & 0x0f;

This should accomplish this as well.

How do I read from parameters.yml in a controller in symfony2?

In Symfony 4, you can use the ParameterBagInterface:

use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ParameterBag\ParameterBagInterface;

class MessageGenerator
    private $params;

    public function __construct(ParameterBagInterface $params)
        $this->params = $params;

    public function someMethod()
        $parameterValue = $this->params->get('parameter_name');
        // ...

and in app/config/services.yaml:

    locale: 'en'
    dir: '%kernel.project_dir%'

It works for me in both controller and form classes. More details can be found in the Symfony blog.

Shorthand if/else statement Javascript

Another way to write it shortly

bePlanVar = !!((bePlanVar == false));

// is equivalent to

bePlanVar = (bePlanVar == false) ? true : false;

// and 

if (bePlanVar == false) {
    bePlanVar = true;
} else {
    bePlanVar = false;

How do I calculate someone's age based on a DateTime type birthday?

Here's yet another answer:

public static int AgeInYears(DateTime birthday, DateTime today)
    return ((today.Year - birthday.Year) * 372 + (today.Month - birthday.Month) * 31 + (today.Day - birthday.Day)) / 372;

This has been extensively unit-tested. It does look a bit "magic". The number 372 is the number of days there would be in a year if every month had 31 days.

The explanation of why it works (lifted from here) is:

Let's set Yn = DateTime.Now.Year, Yb = birthday.Year, Mn = DateTime.Now.Month, Mb = birthday.Month, Dn = DateTime.Now.Day, Db = birthday.Day

age = Yn - Yb + (31*(Mn - Mb) + (Dn - Db)) / 372

We know that what we need is either Yn-Yb if the date has already been reached, Yn-Yb-1 if it has not.

a) If Mn<Mb, we have -341 <= 31*(Mn-Mb) <= -31 and -30 <= Dn-Db <= 30

-371 <= 31*(Mn - Mb) + (Dn - Db) <= -1

With integer division

(31*(Mn - Mb) + (Dn - Db)) / 372 = -1

b) If Mn=Mb and Dn<Db, we have 31*(Mn - Mb) = 0 and -30 <= Dn-Db <= -1

With integer division, again

(31*(Mn - Mb) + (Dn - Db)) / 372 = -1

c) If Mn>Mb, we have 31 <= 31*(Mn-Mb) <= 341 and -30 <= Dn-Db <= 30

1 <= 31*(Mn - Mb) + (Dn - Db) <= 371

With integer division

(31*(Mn - Mb) + (Dn - Db)) / 372 = 0

d) If Mn=Mb and Dn>Db, we have 31*(Mn - Mb) = 0 and 1 <= Dn-Db <= 30

With integer division, again

(31*(Mn - Mb) + (Dn - Db)) / 372 = 0

e) If Mn=Mb and Dn=Db, we have 31*(Mn - Mb) + Dn-Db = 0

and therefore (31*(Mn - Mb) + (Dn - Db)) / 372 = 0

IntelliJ: Never use wildcard imports

enter image description here

IntelliJ IDEA 2018.1.4 (Ultimate Edition) built on May 16, 2018

What is the difference between JOIN and JOIN FETCH when using JPA and Hibernate

in this link i mentioned before on the comment, read this part :

A "fetch" join allows associations or collections of values to be initialized along with their parent objects using a single select. This is particularly useful in the case of a collection. It effectively overrides the outer join and lazy declarations of the mapping file for associations and collections.

this "JOIN FETCH" will have it's effect if you have (fetch = FetchType.LAZY) property for a collection inside entity(example bellow).

And it is only effect the method of "when the query should happen". And you must also know this:

hibernate have two orthogonal notions : when is the association fetched and how is it fetched. It is important that you do not confuse them. We use fetch to tune performance. We can use lazy to define a contract for what data is always available in any detached instance of a particular class.

when is the association fetched --> your "FETCH" type

how is it fetched --> Join/select/Subselect/Batch

In your case, FETCH will only have it's effect if you have department as a set inside Employee, something like this in the entity:

@OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
private Set<Department> department;

when you use

FROM Employee emp
JOIN FETCH emp.department dep

you will get emp and emp.dep. when you didnt use fetch you can still get emp.dep but hibernate will processing another select to the database to get that set of department.

so its just a matter of performance tuning, about you want to get all result(you need it or not) in a single query(eager fetching), or you want to query it latter when you need it(lazy fetching).

Use eager fetching when you need to get small data with one select(one big query). Or use lazy fetching to query what you need latter(many smaller query).

use fetch when :

  • no large unneeded collection/set inside that entity you about to get

  • communication from application server to database server too far and need long time

  • you may need that collection latter when you don't have the access to it(outside of the transactional method/class)

iPhone SDK:How do you play video inside a view? Rather than fullscreen

As of the 3.2 SDK you can access the view property of MPMoviePlayerController, modify its frame and add it to your view hierarchy.

MPMoviePlayerController *player = [[MPMoviePlayerController alloc] initWithContentURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:url]];
player.view.frame = CGRectMake(184, 200, 400, 300);
[self.view addSubview:player.view];
[player play];

There's an example here:

Angular routerLink does not navigate to the corresponding component

use it like this for mroe info read this topic

<a [routerLink]="['/about']">About this</a>

Exposing the current state name with ui router

Use Timeout

$timeout(function () { console.log($state.current, 'this is working fine'); }, 100);

See -

Select multiple rows with the same value(s)

This may work for you:

select t1.*
from table t1
join (select t2.Chromosome, t2.Locus
    from table2
    group by t2.Chromosome, t2.Locus
    having count(*) > 1) u on u.Chromosome = t1.Chromosome and u.Locus = t1.Locus

How can I clone an SQL Server database on the same server in SQL Server 2008 Express?

This is the script I use. A bit tricky but it works. Tested on SQL Server 2012.

DECLARE @backupPath nvarchar(400);
DECLARE @sourceDb nvarchar(50);
DECLARE @sourceDb_log nvarchar(50);
DECLARE @destDb nvarchar(50);
DECLARE @destMdf nvarchar(100);
DECLARE @destLdf nvarchar(100);
DECLARE @sqlServerDbFolder nvarchar(100);

SET @sourceDb = 'db1'
SET @sourceDb_log = @sourceDb + '_log'
SET @backupPath = 'E:\tmp\' + sourceDb + '.bak' --ATTENTION: file must already exist and SQL Server must have access to it
SET @destDb = 'db2'
SET @destMdf = @sqlServerDbFolder + @destDb + '.mdf'
SET @destLdf = @sqlServerDbFolder + @destDb + '_log' + '.ldf'

BACKUP DATABASE @sourceDb TO DISK = @backupPath

   MOVE @sourceDb     TO @destMdf,
   MOVE @sourceDb_log TO @destLdf

How to extract a floating number from a string

If your float is always expressed in decimal notation something like

>>> import re
>>> re.findall("\d+\.\d+", "Current Level: 13.4 db.")

may suffice.

A more robust version would be:

>>> re.findall(r"[-+]?\d*\.\d+|\d+", "Current Level: -13.2 db or 14.2 or 3")
['-13.2', '14.2', '3']

If you want to validate user input, you could alternatively also check for a float by stepping to it directly:

user_input = "Current Level: 1e100 db"
for token in user_input.split():
        # if this succeeds, you have your (first) float
        print float(token), "is a float"
    except ValueError:
        print token, "is something else"

# => Would print ...
# Current is something else
# Level: is something else
# 1e+100 is a float
# db is something else

Error 0x80005000 and DirectoryServices

This Error can occur if the physical machine has run out of memory. In my case i was hosting a site on IIS trying to access the AD, but the server had run out of memory.

how to open popup window using jsp or jquery?

You can use for this"page url",null,

have a look at this link..

Can I append an array to 'formdata' in javascript?

You can only stringify the array and append it. Sends the array as an actual Array even if it has only one item.

const array = [ 1, 2 ];
let formData = new FormData();
formData.append("numbers", JSON.stringify(array));

How to change the color of an image on hover

Ideally you should use a transparent PNG with the circle in white and the background of the image transparent. Then you can set the background-color of the .fb-icon to blue on hover. So you're CSS would be:



Additionally, if you don't want to use PNG's you can also use a sprite and alter the background position. A sprite is one large image with a collection of smaller images which can be used as a background image by changing the background position. So for eg, if your original circle image with the white background is 100px X 100px, you can increase the height of the image to 100px X 200px, so that the top half is the original image with the white background, while the lower half is the new image with the blue background. Then you set setup your CSS as:

    background:url('path/to/image/image.png') no-repeat 0 0;

    background:url('path/to/image/image.png') no-repeat 0 -100px;

What does the Visual Studio "Any CPU" target mean?

"Any CPU" means that when the program is started, the .NET Framework will figure out, based on the OS bitness, whether to run your program in 32 bits or 64 bits.

There is a difference between x86 and Any CPU: on a x64 system, your executable compiled for X86 will run as a 32-bit executable.

As far as your suspicions go, just go to the Visual Studio 2008 command line and run the following.

dumpbin YourProgram.exe /headers

It will tell you the bitness of your program, plus a whole lot more.

Force add despite the .gitignore file

Another way of achieving it would be to temporary edit the gitignore file, add the file and then revert back the gitignore. A bit hacky i feel

how to get current datetime in SQL?

Complete answer:

1. Is there a function available in SQL?
Yes, the SQL 92 spec, Oct 97, pg. 171, section 6.16 specifies this functions:

CURRENT_TIME       Time of day at moment of evaluation
CURRENT_DATE       Date at moment of evaluation
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP  Date & Time at moment of evaluation

2. It is implementation depended so each database has its own function for this?
Each database has its own implementations, but they have to implement the three function above if they comply with the SQL 92 specification (but depends on the version of the spec)

3. What is the function available in MySQL?

NOW() returns 2009-08-05 15:13:00  
CURDATE() returns 2009-08-05  
CURTIME() returns 15:13:00  

Draggable div without jQuery UI

Here is an implementation without using jQuery at all -

Embed the JS file ( in your HTML code, and put the following code -

win.onload = function(){
 tzdragg.drag('elem1, elem2, ..... elemn');
 // ^ IDs of the draggable elements separated by a comma.

And the code is also easy to learn.

Visual Studio 2015 or 2017 does not discover unit tests

One reason for this problem is that your test class is not public. MSTest only discovers tests from public classes.

jQuery checkbox checked state changed event

Action taking based on an event (on click event).


Without event taking action based on current state.


Several ports (8005, 8080, 8009) required by Tomcat Server at localhost are already in use

kill $(ps -aef | grep java | grep apache | awk '{print $2}')
  • no need to restart Eclipse
  • if you get the above error, just enter this line in terminal
  • again start the tomcat in Eclipse.
  • works only in Linux based system ( Ubuntu ..etc )

MySQL - how to front pad zip code with "0"?




The first takes 5 bytes per zip code.

The second takes only 3 bytes per zip code. The ZEROFILL option is necessary for zip codes with leading zeros.

Remove NaN from pandas series

>>> s = pd.Series([1,2,3,4,np.NaN,5,np.NaN])
>>> s[~s.isnull()]
0    1
1    2
2    3
3    4
5    5

update or even better approach as @DSM suggested in comments, using pandas.Series.dropna():

>>> s.dropna()
0    1
1    2
2    3
3    4
5    5

String vs. StringBuilder

Yes, StringBuilder gives better performance while performing repeated operation over a string. It is because all the changes are made to a single instance so it can save a lot of time instead of creating a new instance like String.

String Vs Stringbuilder

  • String

    1. under System namespace
    2. immutable (read-only) instance
    3. performance degrades when continuous change of value occures
    4. thread safe
  • StringBuilder (mutable string)

    1. under System.Text namespace
    2. mutable instance
    3. shows better performance since new changes are made to existing instance

Strongly recommend dotnet mob article : String Vs StringBuilder in C#.

Related Stack Overflow question: Mutability of string when string doesn't change in C#?.

Finding longest string in array

I will do something like this:

function findLongestWord(str) {
var array = str.split(" ");
var maxLength=array[0].length;
for(var i=0; i < array.length; i++ ) {
if(array[i].length > maxLength) maxLength = array[i].length}
return maxLength;}

findLongestWord("What if we try a super-long word such as otorhinolaryngology");

How to find list intersection?

A functional way can be achieved using filter and lambda operator.

list1 = [1,2,3,4,5,6]

list2 = [2,4,6,9,10]

>>> list(filter(lambda x:x in list1, list2))

[2, 4, 6]

Edit: It filters out x that exists in both list1 and list, set difference can also be achieved using:

>>> list(filter(lambda x:x not in list1, list2))

Edit2: python3 filter returns a filter object, encapsulating it with list returns the output list.

Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' provider is not registered on the local machine

I found a solution for this problem. The issue I described in my question occured basically due to the incompatibility of the Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 driver in 64 bit OS.

So if we are using Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 driver in a 64 bit server, we have to force our application to build in in 32 bit mode (This is the answer I found when I did an extensive search for this known issue) and that causes other part of my code to break.

Fortunately, now Microsoft has released a 64 bit compatible 2010 Office System Driver which can be used as replacement for the traditional Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 driver. It works both in 32 bit as well as 64 bit servers. I have used it for Excel file manipulation and it worked fine for me in both the environments. But this driver is in BETA.

You can download this driver from Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable

"SMTP Error: Could not authenticate" in PHPMailer

For me I had a special characters in my password field, and I put it like $mail->Password = " por$ch3" which work for gmail smpt server but not for other; so I just changed double quotes to single quotes and it works for me. $mail->Password = ' por$ch3';

Can I safely delete contents of Xcode Derived data folder?

XCode 8: To delete derived data for your current project:

Click Product menu

Hold Option key

Click Clean Build Folder

A select query selecting a select statement

I was over-complicating myself. After taking a long break and coming back, the desired output could be accomplished by this simple query:

SELECT Sandwiches.[Sandwich Type], Sandwich.Bread, Count(Sandwiches.[SandwichID]) AS [Total Sandwiches]
FROM Sandwiches
GROUP BY Sandwiches.[Sandwiches Type], Sandwiches.Bread;

Thanks for answering, it helped my train of thought.

QByteArray to QString

Qt 4.8


Qt 5.12


WPF What is the correct way of using SVG files as icons in WPF

Install the SharpVectors library

Install-Package SharpVectors

Add the following in XAML

<UserControl xmlns:svgc="">
    <svgc:SvgViewbox Source="/Icons/icon.svg"/>

PHP DOMDocument loadHTML not encoding UTF-8 correctly

I am using php 7.3.8 on a manjaro and I was working with Persian content. This solved my problem:

$html = 'hi</b><p>????<div>?????9 ?';
$doc = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
$doc->loadHTML(mb_convert_encoding($html, 'HTML-ENTITIES', 'UTF-8'));
print $doc->saveHTML($doc->documentElement) . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;

Adding attributes to an XML node

You can use the Class XmlAttribute.


XmlAttribute attr = xmlDoc.CreateAttribute("userName");
attr.Value = "Tushar";


Backup/Restore a dockerized PostgreSQL database

This is the command worked for me.

cat your_dump.sql | sudo docker exec -i {docker-postgres-container} psql -U {user} -d {database_name}

for example

cat table_backup.sql | docker exec -i 03b366004090 psql -U postgres -d postgres

Reference: Solution given by GMartinez-Sisti in this discussion.

Get Path from another app (WhatsApp)

Using the code example below will return to you the bitmap :


After that you all know what you have to do.

Change keystore password from no password to a non blank password

this way worked better for me:

echo y | keytool -storepasswd -storepass 123456 -keystore /tmp/IT-Root-CA.keystore -import -alias IT-Root-CA -file /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/IT-Root-CA.crt

machine running:

[root@rhel80-68]# cat /etc/redhat-release 
Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 8.1 (Ootpa)

Android open camera from button

You can create a camera intent and call it as startActivityForResult(intent).

Intent intent = new Intent(MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE);

   // start the image capture Intent
startActivityForResult(intent, CAPTURE_IMAGE_ACTIVITY_REQUEST_CODE);

How to see full query from SHOW PROCESSLIST

If one want to keep getting updated processes (on the example, 2 seconds) on a shell session without having to manually interact with it use:

watch -n 2 'mysql -h -P 3306 -u some_user -psome_pass some_database -e "show full processlist;"'

The only bad thing about the show [full] processlist is that you can't filter the output result. On the other hand, issuing the SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST open possibilities to remove from the output anything you don't want to see:

WHERE DB = 'somedatabase'
AND COMMAND <> 'Sleep'

JBoss default password

I just had to uncomment the line in jboss-eap-5.0\jboss-as\server\default\conf\props\


Thats it. Restart Jboss and I was about to get in to JBOSS JMX. Magically this even fixed the error that I used to get while shutting down Jboss from Eclipse.

How to install the JDK on Ubuntu Linux

The following used to work before the Oracle Java license changes in early 2019.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-installer

The PPA is discontinued, until the author finds a workaround for the license issues.

How to detect incoming calls, in an Android device?

Please use the below code. It will help you to get the incoming number with other call details.


<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""
tools:context=".MainActivity" >

    android:text="@string/hello_world" />


public class MainActivity extends Activity {

private static final int MISSED_CALL_TYPE = 0;
private TextView txtcall;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    txtcall = (TextView) findViewById(;

    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
    Cursor managedCursor = managedQuery(CallLog.Calls.CONTENT_URI, null,
            null, null, null);
    int number = managedCursor.getColumnIndex(CallLog.Calls.NUMBER);
    int type = managedCursor.getColumnIndex(CallLog.Calls.TYPE);
    int date = managedCursor.getColumnIndex(CallLog.Calls.DATE);
    int duration = managedCursor.getColumnIndex(CallLog.Calls.DURATION);
    sb.append("Call Details :");
    while (managedCursor.moveToNext()) {
        String phNumber = managedCursor.getString(number);
        String callType = managedCursor.getString(type);
        String callDate = managedCursor.getString(date);
        Date callDayTime = new Date(Long.valueOf(callDate));
        String callDuration = managedCursor.getString(duration);
        String dir = null;
        int dircode = Integer.parseInt(callType);
        switch (dircode) {

        case CallLog.Calls.OUTGOING_TYPE:
            dir = "OUTGOING";

        case CallLog.Calls.INCOMING_TYPE:
            dir = "INCOMING";

        case CallLog.Calls.MISSED_TYPE:
            dir = "MISSED";
        sb.append("\nPhone Number:--- " + phNumber + " \nCall Type:--- "
                + dir + " \nCall Date:--- " + callDayTime
                + " \nCall duration in sec :--- " + callDuration);

public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
    // Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present.
    getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu);
    return true;


and in your manifest request for following permissions:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_CONTACTS"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_LOGS"/>

How to break lines in PowerShell?

If you are using just code like this below, you must put just a grave accent at the end of line `.

docker run -d --name rabbitmq `
           -p 5672:5672 `
           -p 15672:15672 `
           --restart=always `
           --hostname rabbitmq-master `
           -v c:\docker\rabbitmq\data:/var/lib/rabbitmq `

Curl command without using cache

I know this is an older question, but I wanted to post an answer for users with the same question:

curl -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache'

This curl command servers in its header request to return non-cached data from the web server.

Type datetime for input parameter in procedure

In this part of your SP:

IF @DateFirst <> '' and @DateLast <> ''
   set @FinalSQL  = @FinalSQL
       + '  or convert (Date,DateLog) >=     ''' + @DateFirst
       + ' and convert (Date,DateLog) <=''' + @DateLast  

you are trying to concatenate strings and datetimes.

As the datetime type has higher priority than varchar/nvarchar, the + operator, when it happens between a string and a datetime, is interpreted as addition, not as concatenation, and the engine then tries to convert your string parts (' or convert (Date,DateLog) >= ''' and others) to datetime or numeric values. And fails.

That doesn't happen if you omit the last two parameters when invoking the procedure, because the condition evaluates to false and the offending statement isn't executed.

To amend the situation, you need to add explicit casting of your datetime variables to strings:

set @FinalSQL  = @FinalSQL
    + '  or convert (Date,DateLog) >=     ''' + convert(date, @DateFirst)
    + ' and convert (Date,DateLog) <=''' + convert(date, @DateLast)

You'll also need to add closing single quotes:

set @FinalSQL  = @FinalSQL
    + '  or convert (Date,DateLog) >=     ''' + convert(date, @DateFirst) + ''''
    + ' and convert (Date,DateLog) <=''' + convert(date, @DateLast) + ''''

Questions every good Database/SQL developer should be able to answer

I would give a badly written query and ask them how they would go about performance tuning it.

I would ask about set theory. If you don't understand operating in sets, you can't effectively query a relational database.

I would give them some cursor examples and ask how they would rewrite them to make them set-based.

If the job involved imports and exports I would ask questions about SSIS (or other tools involved in doing this used by other datbases). If it involved writing reports, I would want to know that they understand aggregates and grouping (As well as Crystal Reports or SSRS or whatever ereporting tool you use).

I would ask the difference in results between these three queries:

select  a.field1
        , a.field2
        , b.field3
from table1 a
join table2 b
    on =
where a.field5 = 'test'
    and b.field3 = 1

select  a.field1
        , a.field2
        , b.field3
from table1 a
left join table2 b
    on =
where a.field5 = 'test'
    and b.field3 = 1

select  a.field1
        , a.field2
        , b.field3
from table1 a
left join table2 b
    on = and b.field3 = 1
where a.field5 = 'test'

How to find the width of a div using vanilla JavaScript?

Another option is to use the getBoundingClientRect function. Please note that getBoundingClientRect will return an empty rect if the element's display is 'none'.

var elem = document.getElementById("myDiv");
if(elem) {
   var rect = elem.getBoundingClientRect();

Randomize numbers with jQuery?

Javascript has a random() available. Take a look at Math.random().

In android app Toolbar.setTitle method has no effect – application name is shown as title

Simply use this in your adapter, Where MainActivity is your AppCompactActivity. Call it from anywhere.

((MainActivity) context).getSupportActionBar().setTitle(titles.get(position));

Recursively find all files newer than a given time

Assuming a modern release, find -newermt is powerful:

find -newermt '10 minutes ago' ## other units work too, see `Date input formats`

or, if you want to specify a time_t (seconds since epoch):

find -newermt @1568670245

For reference, -newermt is not directly listed in the man page for find. Instead, it is shown as -newerXY, where XY are placeholders for mt. Other replacements are legal, but not applicable for this solution.

From man find -newerXY:

Time specifications are interpreted as for the argument to the -d option of GNU date.

So the following are equivalent to the initial example:

find -newermt "$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' -d '10 minutes ago')" ## long form using 'date'
find -newermt "@$(date +%s -d '10 minutes ago')" ## short form using 'date' -- notice '@'

The date -d (and find -newermt) arguments are quite flexible, but the documentation is obscure. Here's one source that seems to be on point: Date input formats

How to return HTTP 500 from ASP.NET Core RC2 Web Api?

From what I can see there are helper methods inside the ControllerBase class. Just use the StatusCode method:

public IActionResult Post([FromBody] string something)
    catch(Exception e)
         return StatusCode(500);

You may also use the StatusCode(int statusCode, object value) overload which also negotiates the content.

Restarting cron after changing crontab file?

Depending on distribution, using "cron reload" might do nothing. To paste a snippet out of init.d/cron (debian squeeze):

reload|force-reload) log_daemon_msg "Reloading configuration files for periodic command scheduler" "cron"
    # cron reloads automatically
    log_end_msg 0

Some developer/maintainer relied on it reloading, but doesn't, and in this case there's not a way to force reload. I'm generating my crontab files as part of a deploy, and unless somehow the length of the file changes, the changes are not reloaded.

Getting "error": "unsupported_grant_type" when trying to get a JWT by calling an OWIN OAuth secured Web Api via Postman

Old Question, but for angular 6, this needs to be done when you are using HttpClient I am exposing token data publicly here but it would be good if accessed via read-only properties.

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';
import { Observable, of } from 'rxjs';
import { delay, tap } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { Router } from '@angular/router';

export class AuthService {
    isLoggedIn: boolean = false;
    url = "token";

    tokenData = {};
    username = "";
    AccessToken = "";

    constructor(private http: HttpClient, private router: Router) { }

    login(username: string, password: string): Observable<object> {
        let model = "username=" + username + "&password=" + password + "&grant_type=" + "password";

        return, model).pipe(
                data => {
                    console.log('Log In succesful')
                    this.isLoggedIn = true;
                    this.tokenData = data;
                    this.username = data["username"];
                    this.AccessToken = data["access_token"];
                    return true;

                error => {
                    return false;


Catching multiple exception types in one catch block

In PHP >= 7.1 this is possible. See this answer.

If you can modify the exceptions, use this answer.

If you can't, you could try catching all with Exception and then check which exception was thrown with instanceof.

    /* something */
catch( Exception $e )
    if ($e instanceof AError OR $e instanceof BError) {
       // It's either an A or B exception.
    } else {
        // Keep throwing it.
        throw $e;

But it would probably be better to use multiple catch blocks as described in aforementioned answer.

    /* something */
catch( AError $e )
   handler1( $e );
catch ( BError $b )
   handler2( $e );

Getting each individual digit from a whole integer

You use the modulo operator:

    printf("%d\n", score % 10);
    score /= 10;

Note that this will give you the digits in reverse order (i.e. least significant digit first). If you want the most significant digit first, you'll have to store the digits in an array, then read them out in reverse order.

Cannot create PoolableConnectionFactory (Io exception: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection)

I had to go look for ojdbc compatible with version on oracle that was installed this fixed my problem, my bad was thinking one ojdbc would work for all

Passing data between view controllers

This is not the way to do it. You should use delegates.

I'll assume we have two view controllers, ViewController1 and ViewController2, and this check thing is in the first one and when its state changes, you want to do something in ViewController2. To achieve that in the proper way, you should do the below:

Add a new file to your project (Objective-C Protocol) menu File ? New. Now name it ViewController1Delegate or whatever you want and write these between the @interface and @end directives:


- (void)checkStateDidChange:(BOOL)checked;

Now go to ViewController2.h and add:

#import "ViewController1Delegate.h"

Then change its definition to:

@interface ViewController2: UIViewController<ViewController1Delegate>

Now go to ViewController2.m and inside the implementation add:

- (void)checkStateDidChange:(BOOL)checked {
     if (checked) {
           // Do whatever you want here
     else {
           // Also do whatever you want here
           NSLog(@"Not checked");

Now go to ViewController1.h and add the following property:

@property (weak, nonatomic) id<ViewController1Delegate> delegate;

Now if you are creating ViewController1 inside ViewController2 after some event, then you should do it this way using NIB files:

ViewController1* controller = [[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:@"ViewController1" owner:self options:nil][0];
controller.delegate = self;
[self presentViewController:controller animated:YES completion:nil];

Now you are all set. Whenever you detect the event of check changed in ViewController1, all you have to do is the below:

[delegate checkStateDidChange:checked]; // You pass here YES or NO based on the check state of your control

How to remove "index.php" in codeigniter's path

Look in the \application\config\config.php file, there is a variable named index_page

It should look like this

$config['index_page'] = "index.php";

change it to

$config['index_page'] = "";

Then as mentioned you also need to add a rewrite rule to the .htaccess file like this:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond $1 !^(index\\.php|resources|robots\\.txt)
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php/$1 [L,QSA]

It work for me, hope you too.

How to measure time in milliseconds using ANSI C?

timespec_get from C11

Returns up to nanoseconds, rounded to the resolution of the implementation.

Looks like an ANSI ripoff from POSIX' clock_gettime.

Example: a printf is done every 100ms on Ubuntu 15.10:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

static long get_nanos(void) {
    struct timespec ts;
    timespec_get(&ts, TIME_UTC);
    return (long)ts.tv_sec * 1000000000L + ts.tv_nsec;

int main(void) {
    long nanos;
    long last_nanos;
    long start;
    nanos = get_nanos();
    last_nanos = nanos;
    start = nanos;
    while (1) {
        nanos = get_nanos();
        if (nanos - last_nanos > 100000000L) {
            printf("current nanos: %ld\n", nanos - start);
            last_nanos = nanos;
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

The C11 N1570 standard draft "The timespec_get function says":

If base is TIME_UTC, the tv_sec member is set to the number of seconds since an implementation defined epoch, truncated to a whole value and the tv_nsec member is set to the integral number of nanoseconds, rounded to the resolution of the system clock. (321)

321) Although a struct timespec object describes times with nanosecond resolution, the available resolution is system dependent and may even be greater than 1 second.

C++11 also got std::chrono::high_resolution_clock: C++ Cross-Platform High-Resolution Timer

glibc 2.21 implementation

Can be found under sysdeps/posix/timespec_get.c as:

timespec_get (struct timespec *ts, int base)
  switch (base)
    case TIME_UTC:
      if (__clock_gettime (CLOCK_REALTIME, ts) < 0)
        return 0;

      return 0;

  return base;

so clearly:

  • only TIME_UTC is currently supported

  • it forwards to __clock_gettime (CLOCK_REALTIME, ts), which is a POSIX API:

    Linux x86-64 has a clock_gettime system call.

    Note that this is not a fail-proof micro-benchmarking method because:

    • man clock_gettime says that this measure may have discontinuities if you change some system time setting while your program runs. This should be a rare event of course, and you might be able to ignore it.

    • this measures wall time, so if the scheduler decides to forget about your task, it will appear to run for longer.

    For those reasons getrusage() might be a better better POSIX benchmarking tool, despite it's lower microsecond maximum precision.

    More information at: Measure time in Linux - time vs clock vs getrusage vs clock_gettime vs gettimeofday vs timespec_get?

Change/Get check state of CheckBox

This is an example of how I use this kind of thing:


<input type="checkbox" id="ThisIsTheId" value="X" onchange="ThisIsTheFunction(,this.checked)">


function ThisIsTheFunction(temp,temp2) {
  if(temp2 == true) {
    document.getElementById(temp).style.visibility = "visible";
  } else {
    document.getElementById(temp).style.visibility = "hidden";

Calculate correlation with cor(), only for numerical columns

For numerical data you have the solution. But it is categorical data, you said. Then life gets a bit more complicated...

Well, first : The amount of association between two categorical variables is not measured with a Spearman rank correlation, but with a Chi-square test for example. Which is logic actually. Ranking means there is some order in your data. Now tell me which is larger, yellow or red? I know, sometimes R does perform a spearman rank correlation on categorical data. If I code yellow 1 and red 2, R would consider red larger than yellow.

So, forget about Spearman for categorical data. I'll demonstrate the chisq-test and how to choose columns using combn(). But you would benefit from a bit more time with Agresti's book :

X <- rep(c("A","B"),20)
Y <- sample(c("C","D"),40,replace=T)

# I don't use Yates continuity correction

#Let's make a matrix with tons of columns

Data <-

# You want to select which columns to use
columns <- c(3,7,11,24)
vars <- names(Data)[columns]

# say you need to know which ones are associated with each other.
out <-  apply( combn(columns,2),2,function(x){

out <- cbind(,2))),out)

Then you should get :

> out
   V1  V2       out
1  V3  V7 0.8116733
2  V3 V11 0.1096903
3  V3 V24 0.1653670
4  V7 V11 0.3629871
5  V7 V24 0.4947797
6 V11 V24 0.7259321

Where V1 and V2 indicate between which variables it goes, and "out" gives the p-value for association. Here all variables are independent. Which you would expect, as I created the data at random.

Android Layout Animations from bottom to top and top to bottom on ImageView click

Below Kotlin code will help

Bottom to Top or Slide to Up

private fun slideUp() {
    isMapInfoShown = true
    val animate = TranslateAnimation(
        0f,  // fromXDelta
        0f,  // toXDelta
        views!!.layoutMapInfo.height.toFloat(),  // fromYDelta
        0f  // toYDelta

    animate.duration = 500
    animate.fillAfter = true

Top to Bottom or Slide to Down

private fun slideDown() {
    if (isMapInfoShown) {
        isMapInfoShown = false
        val animate = TranslateAnimation(
            0f,  // fromXDelta
            0f,  // toXDelta
            0f,  // fromYDelta
            views!!.layoutMapInfo.height.toFloat()  // toYDelta

        animate.duration = 500
        animate.fillAfter = true

Kotlin Extensions for Visible and Gone

fun View.visible() {
    this.visibility = View.VISIBLE

fun View.gone() {
    this.visibility = View.GONE

setting min date in jquery datepicker

Try like this


            minDate: +2,


html code is given below

<input id="order_ship_date"  type="text" class="input" style="width:80px;"  />

How to convert WebResponse.GetResponseStream return into a string?

You can create a StreamReader around the stream, then call StreamReader.ReadToEnd().

StreamReader responseReader = new StreamReader(request.GetResponse().GetResponseStream());
var responseData = responseReader.ReadToEnd();

How to parse JSON to receive a Date object in JavaScript?

Dates are always a nightmare. Answering your old question, perhaps this is the most elegant way:

eval(("new " + "/Date(1455418800000)/").replace(/\//g,""))

With eval we convert our string to javascript code. Then we remove the "/", into the replace function is a regular expression. As we start with new then our sentences will excecute this:

new Date(1455418800000)

Now, one thing I started using long time ago, is long values that are represented in ticks... why? well, localization and stop thinking in how is date configured in every server or every client. In fact, I use it too in databases.

Perhaps is quite late for this answer, but can help anybody arround here.

Xcode : Adding a project as a build dependency

  1. Select your project in the navigator on left.
  2. Open up the drawer in the middle pane and select your target.
  3. Select Build Phases
  4. Target Dependencies is an option at that point.

enum - getting value of enum on string conversion

You are printing the enum object. Use the .value attribute if you wanted just to print that:


See the Programmatic access to enumeration members and their attributes section:

If you have an enum member and need its name or value:

>>> member =
>>> member.value

You could add a __str__ method to your enum, if all you wanted was to provide a custom string representation:

class D(Enum):
    def __str__(self):
        return str(self.value)

    x = 1
    y = 2


>>> from enum import Enum
>>> class D(Enum):
...     def __str__(self):
...         return str(self.value)
...     x = 1
...     y = 2
>>> D.x
<D.x: 1>
>>> print(D.x)

How do you change the width and height of Twitter Bootstrap's tooltips?

With Bootstrap 4 I use

.tooltip-inner {
    margin-left: 50%;
    max-width: 50%;
    width: 50%;
    min-width: 300px;

Change fill color on vector asset in Android Studio

You can do it.

BUT you cannot use @color references for colors (..lame), otherwise it will work only for L+

<vector xmlns:android=""
    android:pathData="M15.5,14h-0.79l-0.28,-0.27C15.41,12.59 16,11.11 16,9.5 16,5.91 13.09,3 9.5,3S3,5.91 3,9.5 5.91,16 9.5,16c1.61,0 3.09,-0.59 4.23,-1.57l0.27,0.28v0.79l5,4.99L20.49,19l-4.99,-5zm-6,0C7.01,14 5,11.99 5,9.5S7.01,5 9.5,5 14,7.01 14,9.5 11.99,14 9.5,14z"/>

Filtering by Multiple Specific Model Properties in AngularJS (in OR relationship)

I like to keep is simple when possible. I needed to group by International, filter on all the columns, display the count for each group and hide the group if no items existed.

Plus I did not want to add a custom filter just for something simple like this.

            <tr ng-show="fusa.length > 0"><td colspan="8"><h3>USA ({{fusa.length}})</h3></td></tr>
            <tr ng-repeat="t in fusa = (usa = (vm.assignmentLookups | filter: {isInternational: false}) | filter: vm.searchResultText)">
                <td>{{$index + 1}}</td>
                <td ng-bind-html="vm.highlight(t.title, vm.searchResultText)"></td>
                <td ng-bind-html="vm.highlight(t.genericName, vm.searchResultText)"></td>
                <td ng-bind-html="vm.highlight(t.mechanismsOfAction, vm.searchResultText)"></td>
                <td ng-bind-html="vm.highlight(t.diseaseStateIndication, vm.searchResultText)"></td>
                <td ng-bind-html="vm.highlight(t.assignedTo, vm.searchResultText)"></td>
                <td ng-bind-html="t.lastPublished | date:'medium'"></td>
            <tr ng-show="fint.length > 0"><td colspan="8"><h3>International ({{fint.length}})</h3></td></tr>
            <tr ng-repeat="t in fint = (int = (vm.assignmentLookups | filter: {isInternational: true}) | filter: vm.searchResultText)">
                <td>{{$index + 1}}</td>
                <td ng-bind-html="vm.highlight(t.title, vm.searchResultText)"></td>
                <td ng-bind-html="vm.highlight(t.genericName, vm.searchResultText)"></td>
                <td ng-bind-html="vm.highlight(t.mechanismsOfAction, vm.searchResultText)"></td>
                <td ng-bind-html="vm.highlight(t.diseaseStateIndication, vm.searchResultText)"></td>
                <td ng-bind-html="vm.highlight(t.assignedTo, vm.searchResultText)"></td>
                <td ng-bind-html="t.lastPublished | date:'medium'"></td>

How are POST and GET variables handled in Python?

Python is only a language, to get GET and POST data, you need a web framework or toolkit written in Python. Django is one, as Charlie points out, the cgi and urllib standard modules are others. Also available are Turbogears, Pylons, CherryPy,, mod_python, fastcgi, etc, etc.

In Django, your view functions receive a request argument which has request.GET and request.POST. Other frameworks will do it differently.

Move the mouse pointer to a specific position?

You can't move the mouse pointer using javascript, and thus for obvious security reasons. The best way to achieve this effect would be to actually place the control under the mouse pointer.

String comparison technique used by Python

Python string comparison is lexicographic:

From Python Docs:

Strings are compared lexicographically using the numeric equivalents (the result of the built-in function ord()) of their characters. Unicode and 8-bit strings are fully interoperable in this behavior.

Hence in your example, 'abc' < 'bac', 'a' comes before (less-than) 'b' numerically (in ASCII and Unicode representations), so the comparison ends right there.

How to execute a shell script on a remote server using Ansible?

local_action runs the command on the local server, not on the servers you specify in hosts parameter.

Change your "Execute the script" task to

- name: Execute the script
  command: sh /home/test_user/

and it should do it.

You don't need to repeat sudo in the command line because you have defined it already in the playbook.

According to Ansible Intro to Playbooks user parameter was renamed to remote_user in Ansible 1.4 so you should change it, too

remote_user: test_user

So, the playbook will become:

- name: Transfer and execute a script.
  hosts: server
  remote_user: test_user
  sudo: yes
     - name: Transfer the script
       copy: dest=/home/test_user mode=0777

     - name: Execute the script
       command: sh /home/test_user/

Extracting text from HTML file using Python

PyParsing does a great job. The PyParsing wiki was killed so here is another location where there are examples of the use of PyParsing (example link). One reason for investing a little time with pyparsing is that he has also written a very brief very well organized O'Reilly Short Cut manual that is also inexpensive.

Having said that, I use BeautifulSoup a lot and it is not that hard to deal with the entities issues, you can convert them before you run BeautifulSoup.


How to keep :active css style after click a button

In the Divi Theme Documentation, it says that the theme comes with access to 'ePanel' which also has an 'Integration' section.

You should be able to add this code:

 $( ".et-pb-icon" ).click(function() {
 $( this ).toggleClass( "active" );

into the the box that says 'Add code to the head of your blog' under the 'Integration' tab, which should get the jQuery working.

Then, you should be able to style your class to what ever you need.

Validate phone number using angular js

use ng-intl-tel-input to validate mobile numbers for all countries. you can set default country also. on npm:

more details:

Usage of MySQL's "IF EXISTS"

I found the example RichardTheKiwi quite informative.

Just to offer another approach if you're looking for something like IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 ..) THEN ...

-- what I might write in MSSQL

    SELECT TableID FROM Table WHERE FieldValue=''

-- rewritten for MySQL

IF (SELECT 1 = 1 FROM Table WHERE FieldValue='') THEN
    SELECT TableID FROM Table WHERE FieldValue='';
    INSERT INTO Table (FieldValue) VALUES('');

AttributeError("'str' object has no attribute 'read'")

Ok, this is an old thread but. I had a same issue, my problem was I used json.load instead of json.loads

This way, json has no problem with loading any kind of dictionary.

Official documentation

json.load - Deserialize fp (a .read()-supporting text file or binary file containing a JSON document) to a Python object using this conversion table.

json.loads - Deserialize s (a str, bytes or bytearray instance containing a JSON document) to a Python object using this conversion table.

Instagram how to get my user id from username?

Currently there is no direct Instagram API to get user id from user name. You need to call the GET /users/search API and then iterate the results and check if the username field value is equal to your username or not, then you grab the id.

Convert an image to grayscale in HTML/CSS

A new way to do this has been available for some time now on modern browsers.

background-blend-mode allows you to get some interesting effects, and one of them is grayscale conversion

The value luminosity , set on a white background, allows it. (hover to see it in gray)

.test {_x000D_
  width: 300px;_x000D_
  height: 200px;_x000D_
    background: url(""), white; _x000D_
    background-size: cover;_x000D_
.test:hover {_x000D_
    background-blend-mode: luminosity;_x000D_
<div class="test"></div>

The luminosity is taken from the image, the color is taken from the background. Since it is always white, there is no color.

But it allows much more.

You can animate the effect setting 3 layers. The first one will be the image, and the second will be a white-black gradient. If you apply a multiply blend mode on this, you will get a white result as before on the white part, but the original image on the black part (multiply by white gives white, multiplying by black has no effect.)

On the white part of the gradient, you get the same effect as before. On the black part of the gradient, you are blending the image over itself, and the result is the unmodified image.

Now, all that is needed is to move the gradient to get this effect dynamic: (hover to see it in color)

div {_x000D_
    width: 600px;_x000D_
    height: 400px;_x000D_
.test {_x000D_
    background: url(""), _x000D_
linear-gradient(0deg, white 33%, black 66%), url(""); _x000D_
    background-position: 0px 0px, 0px 0%, 0px 0px;_x000D_
    background-size: cover, 100% 300%, cover;_x000D_
    background-blend-mode: luminosity, multiply;_x000D_
    transition: all 2s;_x000D_
.test:hover {_x000D_
    background-position: 0px 0px, 0px 66%, 0px 0px;_x000D_
<div class="test"></div>


compatibility matrix

How do I replace text in a selection?

First, select the portion of the text containing the bits you want to change. On Windows (sorry) it's Ctrl + H or Find > Replace... This opens up the Find/Replace boxes at the bottom of the file. Enter your details then click Replace All (or Ctrl + Alt + Enter)

Http Basic Authentication in Java using HttpClient?

while using Header array

String auth = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(("test1:test1").getBytes());
Header[] headers = {
    new BasicHeader(HTTP.CONTENT_TYPE, ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON.toString()),
    new BasicHeader("Authorization", "Basic " +auth)

The provided URI scheme 'https' is invalid; expected 'http'. Parameter name: via

Its a good to remember that config files can be split across secondary files to make config changes easier on different servers (dev/demo/production etc), without having to recompile code/app etc. For example we use them to allow onsite engineers to make endpoint changes without actually touching the 'real' files.

First step is to move the bindings section out of the WPF App.Config into it's own separate file.

The behaviours section is set to allow both http and https (doesn't seem to have an affect on the app if both are allowed)

<serviceMetadata httpsGetEnabled="true" httpGetEnabled="true" />

And we move the bindings section out to its own file;

 <bindings configSource="Bindings.config" /> 

In the bindings.config file we switch the security based on protocol

  <!-- None = http:// -->
  <!-- Transport = https:// -->
  <security mode="None" >

Now the on site engineers only need to change the Bindings.Config file and the Client.Config where we store the actual URL for each endpoint.

This way we can change the endpoint from http to https and back again to test the app without having to change any code.

Hope this helps.

Correct way to select from two tables in SQL Server with no common field to join on

You can (should) use CROSS JOIN. Following query will be equivalent to yours:

 , table2.columnA
FROM table1 
WHERE table1.columnA = 'Some value'

or you can even use INNER JOIN with some always true conditon:

FROM table1 
INNER JOIN table2 ON 1=1

How to automatically indent source code?

Ctrl+E, D - Format whole doc
Ctrl+K, Ctrl+F - Format selection

Also available in the menu via Edit|Advanced.


Ctrl+K, Ctrl+D - Format whole doc in VS 2010