[symfony] How do I read from parameters.yml in a controller in symfony2?

I have put a couple of custom variables in my app/config/parameters.yml.

    api_pass: apipass
    api_user: apiuser

I need to access these from my controller, and have tried to fetch them with


from within my controller file. When I try this, I get this error message:

You have requested a non-existent service "api_user".

What is the correct way to do this?

This question is related to symfony symfony-2.3

The answer is

In Symfony 4.3.1 I use this:


HTTP_PASSWORD: 'password123'


$username = $this->container->getParameter('HTTP_USERNAME');
$password = $this->container->getParameter('HTTP_PASSWORD');

You can also use:


Visit http://symfony.com/doc/current/service_container/parameters.html

You can use:

public function indexAction()
   dump( $this->getParameter('api_user'));

For more information I recommend you read the doc :


In Symfony 4, you can use the ParameterBagInterface:

use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ParameterBag\ParameterBagInterface;

class MessageGenerator
    private $params;

    public function __construct(ParameterBagInterface $params)
        $this->params = $params;

    public function someMethod()
        $parameterValue = $this->params->get('parameter_name');
        // ...

and in app/config/services.yaml:

    locale: 'en'
    dir: '%kernel.project_dir%'

It works for me in both controller and form classes. More details can be found in the Symfony blog.

I send you an example with swiftmailer:


recipients: [email1, email2, email3]


        class: your_namespace
        arguments: ["%recipients%"]

the class of the service:

protected $recipients;

public function __construct($recipients)
    $this->recipients = $recipients;

The Clean Way - 2018+, Symfony 3.4+

Since 2017 and Symfony 3.3 + 3.4 there is much cleaner way - easy to setup and use.

Instead of using container and service/parameter locator anti-pattern, you can pass parameters to class via it's constructor. Don't worry, it's not time-demanding work, but rather setup once & forget approach.

How to set it up in 2 steps?

1. app/config/services.yml

# config.yml

# config.yml
    api_pass: 'secret_password'
    api_user: 'my_name'

        autowire: true
            $apiPass: '%api_pass%'
            $apiUser: '%api_user%'

        resource: ..

2. Any Controller

<?php declare(strict_types=1);

final class ApiController extends SymfonyController
     * @var string 
    private $apiPass;

     * @var string
    private $apiUser;

    public function __construct(string $apiPass, string $apiUser)
        $this->apiPass = $apiPass;
        $this->apiUser = $apiUser;

    public function registerAction(): void
        var_dump($this->apiPass); // "secret_password"
        var_dump($this->apiUser); // "my_name"

Instant Upgrade Ready!

In case you use older approach, you can automate it with Rector.

Read More

This is called constructor injection over services locator approach.

To read more about this, check my post How to Get Parameter in Symfony Controller the Clean Way.

(It's tested and I keep it updated for new Symfony major version (5, 6...)).