[php] Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"?

I think it's a version problem, you just have to uninstall the old version of composer, then do a new installation of its new version.

 apt remove composer

and follow the steps:

  1. download the composer from its official release site by making use of the following command.
 wget https://getcomposer.org/download/1.6.3/composer.phar
  1. Before you proceed with the installation, you should rename before you install and make it an executable file.
  mv composer.phar composer
  chmod +x composer
  1. Now install the package by making use the following command.
  1. The composer has been successfully installed now, make it access globally using the following command. for Ubuntu 16
 mv composer /usr/bin/

for Ubuntu 18

 mv composer /usr/local/bin/