I have a similar problem but all mentioned requirements are met. In my case I try to save some entity class (Type of OBJEKTE) back to the DB. Other places do work but only in this case it fails and raises this exception.
My solution (HACK) was to re-map the objet of type OBJEKTE again and store it then. Suddenly it works. But don't ask why.
OBJEKTE t = _mapper.Map<OBJEKTE>(inparam);
OBJEKTE res = await _objRepo.UpdateAsync(t);
If inparam would go straight to UpdateAsync() it cannot find a matching persistor.
It could be explained by the way NH does this. It derives a proxy from your mapping class and implements the properties with dirty handling included. See this:
{Name = "OBJEKTE" FullName = "MyComp.Persistence.OBJEKTE"}
{Name = "OBJEKTEProxyForFieldInterceptor" FullName = "OBJEKTEProxyForFieldInterceptor"}
The fun thing though is that the source of inparam
is in fact the NH repository itself. Anyways. I stay with this reassign hack for the next time being.