Programs & Examples On #Putchar

Anything related to C or C++ standard library functions `putchar` (C) or `std::putchar` (C++). These functions are used to write a single character to the standard output stream `stdout`.

C - Convert an uppercase letter to lowercase

If condition is wrong. Also return type for lower is needed.

#include <stdio.h>

int lower(int a)  
    if ((a >= 65) && (a <= 90))
        a = a + 32; 
    return a;  

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])

    return 0;

How to correctly save instance state of Fragments in back stack?

I just want to give the solution that I came up with that handles all cases presented in this post that I derived from Vasek and devconsole. This solution also handles the special case when the phone is rotated more than once while fragments aren't visible.

Here is were I store the bundle for later use since onCreate and onSaveInstanceState are the only calls that are made when the fragment isn't visible

MyObject myObject;
private Bundle savedState = null;
private boolean createdStateInDestroyView;
private static final String SAVED_BUNDLE_TAG = "saved_bundle";

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    if (savedInstanceState != null) {
        savedState = savedInstanceState.getBundle(SAVED_BUNDLE_TAG);

Since destroyView isn't called in the special rotation situation we can be certain that if it creates the state we should use it.

public void onDestroyView() {
    savedState = saveState();
    createdStateInDestroyView = true;
    myObject = null;

This part would be the same.

private Bundle saveState() { 
    Bundle state = new Bundle();
    state.putSerializable(SAVED_BUNDLE_TAG, myObject);
    return state;

Now here is the tricky part. In my onActivityCreated method I instantiate the "myObject" variable but the rotation happens onActivity and onCreateView don't get called. Therefor, myObject will be null in this situation when the orientation rotates more than once. I get around this by reusing the same bundle that was saved in onCreate as the out going bundle.

public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {

    if (myObject == null) {
        outState.putBundle(SAVED_BUNDLE_TAG, savedState);
    } else {
        outState.putBundle(SAVED_BUNDLE_TAG, createdStateInDestroyView ? savedState : saveState());
    createdStateInDestroyView = false;

Now wherever you want to restore the state just use the savedState bundle

public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    if(savedState != null) {
        myObject = (MyObject) savedState.getSerializable(SAVED_BUNDLE_TAG);

`getchar()` gives the same output as the input string

In the simple setup you are likely using, getchar works with buffered input, so you have to press enter before getchar gets anything to read. Strings are not terminated by EOF; in fact, EOF is not really a character, but a magic value that indicates the end of the file. But EOF is not part of the string read. It's what getchar returns when there is nothing left to read.

How to avoid pressing Enter with getchar() for reading a single character only?

This code worked for me. Attention : this is not part of the standard library, even if most compilers (I use GCC) supports it.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
    char a = getch();
    printf("You typed a char with an ASCII value of %d, printable as '%c'\n", a, a);
    return 0;

This code detects the first key press.

Rerouting stdin and stdout from C

The os function dup2() should provide what you need (if not references to exactly what you need).

More specifically, you can dup2() the stdin file descriptor to another file descriptor, do other stuff with stdin, and then copy it back when you want.

The dup() function duplicates an open file descriptor. Specifically, it provides an alternate interface to the service provided by the fcntl() function using the F_DUPFD constant command value, with 0 for its third argument. The duplicated file descriptor shares any locks with the original.

On success, dup() returns a new file descriptor that has the following in common with the original:

  • Same open file (or pipe)
  • Same file pointer (both file descriptors share one file pointer)
  • Same access mode (read, write, or read/write)

Spring: Returning empty HTTP Responses with ResponseEntity<Void> doesn't work

You can also not specify the type parameter which seems a bit cleaner and what Spring intended when looking at the docs:

@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.HEAD, value = Constants.KEY )
public ResponseEntity taxonomyPackageExists( @PathVariable final String key ){
    // ...
    return new ResponseEntity(HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT);

How to read a large file line by line?

Be careful with the 'while(!feof ... fgets()' stuff, fgets can get an error (returnfing false) and loop forever without reaching the end of file. codaddict was closest to being correct but when your 'while fgets' loop ends, check feof; if not true, then you had an error.

Dealing with timestamps in R

You want the (standard) POSIXt type from base R that can be had in 'compact form' as a POSIXct (which is essentially a double representing fractional seconds since the epoch) or as long form in POSIXlt (which contains sub-elements). The cool thing is that arithmetic etc are defined on this -- see help(DateTimeClasses)

Quick example:

R> now <- Sys.time()
R> now
[1] "2009-12-25 18:39:11 CST"
R> as.numeric(now)
[1] 1.262e+09
R> now + 10  # adds 10 seconds
[1] "2009-12-25 18:39:21 CST"
R> as.POSIXlt(now)
[1] "2009-12-25 18:39:11 CST"
R> str(as.POSIXlt(now))
 POSIXlt[1:9], format: "2009-12-25 18:39:11"
R> unclass(as.POSIXlt(now))
[1] 11.79

[1] 39

[1] 18

[1] 25

[1] 11

[1] 109

[1] 5

[1] 358

[1] 0

[1] "America/Chicago" "CST"             "CDT"            

As for reading them in, see help(strptime)

As for difference, easy too:

R> Jan1 <- strptime("2009-01-01 00:00:00", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
R> difftime(now, Jan1, unit="week")
Time difference of 51.25 weeks

Lastly, the zoo package is an extremely versatile and well-documented container for matrix with associated date/time indices.

Check if a record exists in the database

Use try catch:

    SqlCommand check_User_Name = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Table WHERE ([user] = '" + txtBox_UserName.Text + "') ", conn);

    int UserExist = (int)check_User_Name.ExecuteScalar();
    // Update query
    // Insert query

jQuery - determine if input element is textbox or select list

If you just want to check the type, you can use jQuery's .is() function,

Like in my case I used below,

if($("#id").is("select")) {
else if($("#id").is("input")) {

Can you force Visual Studio to always run as an Administrator in Windows 8?

  1. On Windows 8 Start Menu select All Apps
  2. Right click on Visual Studio 2010 Icon
  3. Select Open File Location
  4. Right click on Visual Studio 2010 shortcut icon
  5. Click Advanced button
  6. Check the Run as Administrator checkbox
  7. Click OK

Advantages of std::for_each over for loop

for is for loop that can iterate each element or every third etc. for_each is for iterating only each element. It is clear from its name. So it is more clear what you are intending to do in your code.

Hiding a password in a python script (insecure obfuscation only)

Douglas F Shearer's is the generally approved solution in Unix when you need to specify a password for a remote login.
You add a --password-from-file option to specify the path and read plaintext from a file.
The file can then be in the user's own area protected by the operating system. It also allows different users to automatically pick up their own own file.

For passwords that the user of the script isn't allowed to know - you can run the script with elavated permission and have the password file owned by that root/admin user.

Procedure expects parameter which was not supplied

If Template is not set (i.e. ==null), this error will be raised, too.

More comments:

If you know the parameter value by the time you add parameters, you can also use AddWithValue

The EXEC is not required. You can reference the @template parameter in the SELECT directly.

Forcing anti-aliasing using css: Is this a myth?

Seems like the most exhaustive solution can be found at Works in Firefox and Chrome, although Firefox is not quite as effective as Chrome.

How to write PNG image to string with the PIL?

When you say "I'd like to have number of such images stored in dictionary", it's not clear if this is an in-memory structure or not.

You don't need to do any of this to meek an image in memory. Just keep the image object in your dictionary.

If you're going to write your dictionary to a file, you might want to look at im.tostring() method and the Image.fromstring() function

im.tostring() => string

Returns a string containing pixel data, using the standard "raw" encoder.

Image.fromstring(mode, size, data) => image

Creates an image memory from pixel data in a string, using the standard "raw" decoder.

The "format" (.jpeg, .png, etc.) only matters on disk when you are exchanging the files. If you're not exchanging files, format doesn't matter.

Apply style to cells of first row

This should do the work:

.category_table tr:first-child td {
    vertical-align: top;

Delete duplicate elements from an array

Try following from Removing duplicates from an Array(simple):

Array.prototype.removeDuplicates = function (){
  var temp=new Array();
    if(this[i]==this[i+1]) {continue}
  return temp;


This code doesn't need sort:

Array.prototype.removeDuplicates = function (){
  var temp=new Array();
        for(var j=0; j<temp.length;j++ ){//check duplicates
            if(temp[j]==this[i])//skip if already present 
               continue label;      
        temp[temp.length] = this[i];
  return temp;

(But not a tested code!)

Powershell 2 copy-item which creates a folder if doesn't exist

In PowerShell 2.0, it is still not possible to get the Copy-Item cmdlet to create the destination folder, you'll need code like this:

$destinationFolder = "C:\My Stuff\Subdir"

if (!(Test-Path -path $destinationFolder)) {New-Item $destinationFolder -Type Directory}
Copy-Item "\\server1\Upgrade.exe" -Destination $destinationFolder

If you use -Recurse in the Copy-Item it will create all the subfolders of the source structure in the destination but it won't create the actual destination folder, even with -Force.

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token < On Chrome

Seems everyone has difference experiences from this and therfore solutions as well :) This is my "story".

My thing came from a validate.php file fetched with ajax. The output was meant to be :

$response['status'] = $status;
$response['message'] = $message;
$response['param'] = $param;

echo json_encode($response);

And the error that cause the "Unexpected token <" error was simply that in some cases $message hadn't been declared (but only $status and $param). So, added this in the beginning of the code.

$message = ''; // Default value, in case it doesn't get set later on.

So I guess, those "little things" may in this scenario big of quite importance. So be sure to really check your code and making it bulletproof.

What is 0x10 in decimal?

The simple version is 0x is a prefix denoting a hexadecimal number, source.

So the value you're computing is after the prefix, in this case 10.

But that is not the number 10. The most significant bit 1 denotes the hex value while 0 denotes the units.

So the simple math you would do is


1 * 16 + 0 = 16

Note - you use 16 because hex is base 16.

Another example:


15 * 16 + 7 = 247

You can get a list of values by searching for a hex table. For instance in this chart notice F corresponds with 15.

How to add elements to an empty array in PHP?

You can use array_push. It adds the elements to the end of the array, like in a stack.

You could have also done it like this:

$cart = array(13, "foo", $obj);

Error 1053 the service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion

I also faced similar problem and found that there was issue loading assembly. I was receiving this error immediately when trying to start the service.

To quickly debug the issue, try to run service executable via command prompt using ProcDump It shall provide sufficient hint about exact error. helped me quite a bit.

Difference in System. exit(0) , System.exit(-1), System.exit(1 ) in Java

Zero => Everything Okay

Positive => Something I expected could potentially go wrong went wrong (bad command-line, can't find file, could not connect to server)

Negative => Something I didn't expect at all went wrong (system error - unanticipated exception - externally forced termination e.g. kill -9)

(values greater than 128 are actually negative, if you regard them as 8-bit signed binary, or twos complement)

There's a load of good standard exit-codes here

Remove all child elements of a DOM node in JavaScript

2020 Update - use the replaceChildren() API!

Replacing all children can now be done with the (cross-browser supported) replaceChildren() API:


This will do both: a) remove all existing children, and b) append all of the given new children, in one operation.

You can also use this same API to just remove existing children, without replacing them:


This is fully supported in Chrome/Edge 86+, Firefox 78+, and Safari 14+. (Note that the MDN data is currently incorrect for Safari.) It is fully specified behavior. This is likely to be faster than any other proposed method here, since the removal of old children and addition of new children is done a) without requiring innerHTML, and b) in one step instead of multiple.

Importing images from a directory (Python) to list or dictionary

I'd start by using glob:

from PIL import Image
import glob
image_list = []
for filename in glob.glob('yourpath/*.gif'): #assuming gif

then do what you need to do with your list of images (image_list).

FileSystemWatcher Changed event is raised twice

The main reason was first event's last access time was current time(file write or changed time). then second event was file's original last access time. I solve under code.

        var lastRead = DateTime.MinValue;

        Watcher = new FileSystemWatcher(...)
            NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.FileName | NotifyFilters.LastWrite,
            Filter = "*.dll",
            IncludeSubdirectories = false,
        Watcher.Changed += (senderObject, ea) =>
            var now = DateTime.Now;
            var lastWriteTime = File.GetLastWriteTime(ea.FullPath);

            if (now == lastWriteTime)

            if (lastWriteTime != lastRead)
                // do something...
                lastRead = lastWriteTime;

        Watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true;

How to solve WAMP and Skype conflict on Windows 7?

In Skype:

Go to Tools ? Options ? Advanced ? Connections and uncheck the box use port 80 and 443 as alternative. This should help.

As Salman Quader said: In the updated skype(8.x), there is no menu option to change the port. This means this answer is no longer valid.

aspx page to redirect to a new page

Redirect aspx :


    <script runat="server">
    private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
    Response.Status = "301 Moved Permanently";


Using floats with sprintf() in embedded C

Since you're on an embedded platform, it's quite possible that you don't have the full range of capabilities from the printf()-style functions.

Assuming you have floats at all (still not necessarily a given for embedded stuff), you can emulate it with something like:

char str[100];
float adc_read = 678.0123;

char *tmpSign = (adc_read < 0) ? "-" : "";
float tmpVal = (adc_read < 0) ? -adc_read : adc_read;

int tmpInt1 = tmpVal;                  // Get the integer (678).
float tmpFrac = tmpVal - tmpInt1;      // Get fraction (0.0123).
int tmpInt2 = trunc(tmpFrac * 10000);  // Turn into integer (123).

// Print as parts, note that you need 0-padding for fractional bit.

sprintf (str, "adc_read = %s%d.%04d\n", tmpSign, tmpInt1, tmpInt2);

You'll need to restrict how many characters come after the decimal based on the sizes of your integers. For example, with a 16-bit signed integer, you're limited to four digits (9,999 is the largest power-of-ten-minus-one that can be represented).

However, there are ways to handle this by further processing the fractional part, shifting it by four decimal digits each time (and using/subtracting the integer part) until you have the precision you desire.


One final point you mentioned that you were using avr-gcc in a response to one of the other answers. I found the following web page that seems to describe what you need to do to use %f in your printf() statements here.

As I originally suspected, you need to do some extra legwork to get floating point support. This is because embedded stuff rarely needs floating point (at least none of the stuff I've ever done). It involves setting extra parameters in your makefile and linking with extra libraries.

However, that's likely to increase your code size quite a bit due to the need to handle general output formats. If you can restrict your float outputs to 4 decimal places or less, I'd suggest turning my code into a function and just using that - it's likely to take up far less room.

In case that link ever disappears, what you have to do is ensure that your gcc command has "-Wl,-u,vfprintf -lprintf_flt -lm". This translates to:

  • force vfprintf to be initially undefined (so that the linker has to resolve it).
  • specify the floating point printf() library for searching.
  • specify the math library for searching.

Configuring Git over SSH to login once

I had to clone a git repo from a server that did not allow login vie ssh key but only with a user/password. I found no way to configure the Git Plugin to use a simple user/password combination so i added the the following shell command as pre-build step on a linux build machine which depends on the tool expect (apt-get install expect):


rm -rf $WORKSPACE &&
expect -c 'set timeout -1; spawn git clone USER@MYHOST:/MYPATH/MYREPO.git $WORKSPACE; expect "password:" {send "MYPASSWORD\r"}; expect eof'

How do I make a PHP form that submits to self?

Try this

<form method="post" id="reg" name="reg" action="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);?>"

Works well :)

JQuery/Javascript: check if var exists

Before each of your conditional statements, you could do something like this:

var pagetype = pagetype || false;
if (pagetype === 'something') {
    //do stuff

org.hibernate.QueryException: could not resolve property: filename

Hibernate queries are case sensitive with property names (because they end up relying on getter/setter methods on the @Entity).

Make sure you refer to the property as fileName in the Criteria query, not filename.

Specifically, Hibernate will call the getter method of the filename property when executing that Criteria query, so it will look for a method called getFilename(). But the property is called FileName and the getter getFileName().

So, change the projection like so:


Jenkins - how to build a specific branch

I can see many good answers to the question, but I still would like to share this method, by using Git parameter as follows:

Add Git parameter

When building the pipeline you will be asked to choose the branch: Choose branch to build

After that through the groovy code you could specify the branch you want to clone:

git branch:BRANCH[7..-1], url: '' , credentialsId: 'github' 

Note that I'm using a slice from 7 to the last character to shrink "origin/" and get the branch name.

Also in case you configured a webhooks trigger it still work and it will take the default branch you specified(master in our case).

How to deploy ASP.NET webservice to IIS 7?

  1. rebuild project in VS
  2. copy project folder to iis folder, probably C:\inetpub\wwwroot\
  3. in iis manager (run>inetmgr) add website, point to folder, point application pool based on your .net
  4. add web service to created website, almost the same as 3.
  5. INSTALL ASP for windows 7 and .net 4.0: c:\windows\ framework\v4.(some numbers)\regiis.exe -i
  6. check access to web service on your browser

Break statement in javascript array map method

That's not possible using the built-in However, you could use a simple for-loop instead, if you do not intend to map any values:

var hasValueLessThanTen = false;
for (var i = 0; i < myArray.length; i++) {
  if (myArray[i] < 10) {
    hasValueLessThanTen = true;

Or, as suggested by @RobW, use Array.prototype.some to test if there exists at least one element that is less than 10. It will stop looping when some element that matches your function is found:

var hasValueLessThanTen = myArray.some(function (val) { 
  return val < 10;

How to get the return value from a thread in python?

join always return None, i think you should subclass Thread to handle return codes and so.

Filter df when values matches part of a string in pyspark

pyspark.sql.Column.contains() is only available in pyspark version 2.2 and above.


Purpose of #!/usr/bin/python3 shebang

The exec system call of the Linux kernel understands shebangs (#!) natively

When you do on bash:


on Linux, this calls the exec system call with the path ./something.

This line of the kernel gets called on the file passed to exec:

if ((bprm->buf[0] != '#') || (bprm->buf[1] != '!'))

It reads the very first bytes of the file, and compares them to #!.

If the comparison is true, then the rest of the line is parsed by the Linux kernel, which makes another exec call with path /usr/bin/python3 and current file as the first argument:

/usr/bin/python3 /path/to/

and this works for any scripting language that uses # as a comment character.

And analogously, if you decide to use env instead, which you likely should always do to work on systems that have the python3 in a different location, notably pyenv, see also this question, the shebang:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

ends up calling analogously:

/usr/bin/env python3 /path/to/

which does what you expect from env python3: searches PATH for python3 and runs /usr/bin/python3 /path/to/

And yes, you can make an infinite loop with:

printf '#!/a\n' | sudo tee /a
sudo chmod +x /a

Bash recognizes the error:

-bash: /a: /a: bad interpreter: Too many levels of symbolic links

#! just happens to be human readable, but that is not required.

If the file started with different bytes, then the exec system call would use a different handler. The other most important built-in handler is for ELF executable files: which checks for bytes 7f 45 4c 46 (which also happens to be human readable for .ELF). Let's confirm that by reading the 4 first bytes of /bin/ls, which is an ELF executable:

head -c 4 "$(which ls)" | hd 


00000000  7f 45 4c 46                                       |.ELF|

So when the kernel sees those bytes, it takes the ELF file, puts it into memory correctly, and starts a new process with it. See also: How does kernel get an executable binary file running under linux?

Finally, you can add your own shebang handlers with the binfmt_misc mechanism. For example, you can add a custom handler for .jar files. This mechanism even supports handlers by file extension. Another application is to transparently run executables of a different architecture with QEMU.

I don't think POSIX specifies shebangs however: , although it does mention in on rationale sections, and in the form "if executable scripts are supported by the system something may happen". macOS and FreeBSD also seem to implement it however.

PATH search motivation

Likely, one big motivation for the existence of shebangs is the fact that in Linux, we often want to run commands from PATH just as:


instead of:


But then, without the shebang mechanism, how would Linux know how to launch each type of file?

Hardcoding the extension in commands:

or implementing PATH search on every interpreter:

python3 basename-of-command

would be a possibility, but this has the major problem that everything breaks if we ever decide to refactor the command into another language.

Shebangs solve this problem beautifully.

See also: Why do people write #!/usr/bin/env python on the first line of a Python script?

How to import a module given the full path?

This area of Python 3.4 seems to be extremely tortuous to understand! However with a bit of hacking using the code from Chris Calloway as a start I managed to get something working. Here's the basic function.

def import_module_from_file(full_path_to_module):
    Import a module given the full path/filename of the .py file

    Python 3.4


    module = None


        # Get module name and path from full path
        module_dir, module_file = os.path.split(full_path_to_module)
        module_name, module_ext = os.path.splitext(module_file)

        # Get module "spec" from filename
        spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(module_name,full_path_to_module)

        module = spec.loader.load_module()

    except Exception as ec:
        # Simple error printing
        # Insert "sophisticated" stuff here

        return module

This appears to use non-deprecated modules from Python 3.4. I don't pretend to understand why, but it seems to work from within a program. I found Chris' solution worked on the command line but not from inside a program.

how to get current month and year

label1.Text = DateTime.Now.Month.ToString();


label2.Text = DateTime.Now.Year.ToString();

How to send email from localhost WAMP Server to send email Gmail Hotmail or so forth?

a) Open the "php.ini". For XAMPP,it is located in C:\XAMPP\php\php.ini. Find out if you are using WAMP or LAMP server. Note : Make a backup of php.ini file 

b) Search [mail function] in the php.ini file. 

You can find like below.
[mail function]
; For Win32 only.
SMTP = localhost
smtp_port = 25

; For Win32 only.
;sendmail_from = postmaster@localhost

Change the localhost to the smtp server name of your ISP. No need to change the smtp_port. Leave it as 25. Change sendmail_from from postmaster@localhost to your domain email address which will be used as from address.. 

So for me, it will become like this.
[mail function]
; For Win32 only.
smtp_port = 25
; For Win32 only.
sendmail_from = [email protected]
auth_username = [email protected]
auth_password = example_password

c) Restart the XAMPP or WAMP(apache server) so that changes will start working.

d) Now try to send the mail using the mail() function , 

mail("[email protected]","Success","Great, Localhost Mail works");



Another way

Gmail servers use SMTP Authentication under SSL. I think that there is no way to use the mail() function under that circumstances, so you might want to check these alternatives:

  1. PEAR: Mail
  2. phpMailer

They both support SMTP auth under SSL.

Credit : Check reference answer here

exception in initializer error in java when using Netbeans

@Christian Ullenboom' explanation is correct.

I'm surmising that the OBD2nerForm code you posted is a static initializer block and that it is all generated. Based on that and on the stack trace, it seems likely that generated code is tripping up because it has found some component of your form that doesn't have the type that it is expecting.

I'd do the following to try and diagnose this:

  • Google for reports of similar problems with NetBeans generated forms.
  • If you are running an old version of NetBeans, scan through the "bugs fixed" pages for more recent releases. Or just upgrade try a newer release anyway to see if that fixes the problem.
  • Try cutting bits out of the form design until the problem "goes away" ... and try to figure out what the real cause is that way.
  • Run the application under a debugger to figure out what is being (incorrectly) type cast as what. Just knowing the class names may help. And looking at the instance variables of the objects may reveal more; e.g. which specific form component is causing the problem.

My suspicion is that the root cause is a combination of something a bit unusual (or incorrect) with your form design, and bugs in the NetBeans form generator that is not coping with your form. If you can figure it out, a workaround may reveal itself.

Why do I have to "git push --set-upstream origin <branch>"?

The -u flag is specifying that you want to link your local branch to the upstream branch. This will also create an upstream branch if one does not exist. None of these answers cover how i do it (in complete form) so here it is:

git push -u origin <your-local-branch-name>

So if your local branch name is coffee

git push -u origin coffee

What is Node.js' Connect, Express and "middleware"?

[Update: As of its 4.0 release, Express no longer uses Connect. However, Express is still compatible with middleware written for Connect. My original answer is below.]

I'm glad you asked about this, because it's definitely a common point of confusion for folks looking at Node.js. Here's my best shot at explaining it:

  • Node.js itself offers an http module, whose createServer method returns an object that you can use to respond to HTTP requests. That object inherits the http.Server prototype.

  • Connect also offers a createServer method, which returns an object that inherits an extended version of http.Server. Connect's extensions are mainly there to make it easy to plug in middleware. That's why Connect describes itself as a "middleware framework," and is often analogized to Ruby's Rack.

  • Express does to Connect what Connect does to the http module: It offers a createServer method that extends Connect's Server prototype. So all of the functionality of Connect is there, plus view rendering and a handy DSL for describing routes. Ruby's Sinatra is a good analogy.

  • Then there are other frameworks that go even further and extend Express! Zappa, for instance, which integrates support for CoffeeScript, server-side jQuery, and testing.

Here's a concrete example of what's meant by "middleware": Out of the box, none of the above serves static files for you. But just throw in connect.static (a middleware that comes with Connect), configured to point to a directory, and your server will provide access to the files in that directory. Note that Express provides Connect's middlewares also; express.static is the same as connect.static. (Both were known as staticProvider until recently.)

My impression is that most "real" Node.js apps are being developed with Express these days; the features it adds are extremely useful, and all of the lower-level functionality is still there if you want it.

How to include a sub-view in Blade templates?

When you use laravel modules, you may add the name's module:


JDBC connection to MSSQL server in windows authentication mode

You need to add sqljdbc_auth.dll in your C:/windows/System32 folder. You can download it from .

LEFT JOIN only first row

@Matt Dodges answer put me on the right track. Thanks again for all the answers, which helped a lot of guys in the mean time. Got it working like this:

FROM feeds f
LEFT JOIN artists a ON a.artist_id = (
    SELECT artist_id
    FROM feeds_artists fa 
    WHERE fa.feed_id =
    LIMIT 1
WHERE = '13815'

Excel formula to get cell color

As commented, just in case the link I posted there broke, try this:

Add a Name(any valid name) in Excel's Name Manager under Formula tab in the Ribbon.
Then assign a formula using GET.CELL function.


63 stands for backcolor.
Let's say we name it Background so in any cell with color type:


enter image description here

Notice that Cells A2, A3 and A4 returns 3, 4, and 5 respectively which equates to the cells background color index. HTH.
BTW, here's a link on Excel's Color Index

How can I start InternetExplorerDriver using Selenium WebDriver

First download the exe file of the IEDriverServer (64 bit and 32 bit). Don't need to install, only download this file with your browser( 64 or 32 bit) and simply give the path of the exe file in the given code.

use this code

package myProject;


public class Browserlaunch {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        System.setProperty("", "C:/Drivers/IEDriverServer.exe");
        InternetExplorerDriver IEDriver=new InternetExplorerDriver();

Use async await with

I'd recommend using Promise.all as mentioned above, but if you really feel like avoiding that approach, you can do a for or any other loop:

const arr = [1,2,3,4,5];
let resultingArr = [];
for (let i in arr){
  await callAsynchronousOperation(i);
  resultingArr.push(i + 1)

Format Instant to String


This saves you from having to convert to UTC. However, some other language's time frameworks may not support the milliseconds so you should do


How to convert a negative number to positive?

In [6]: x = -2
In [7]: x
Out[7]: -2

In [8]: abs(x)
Out[8]: 2

Actually abs will return the absolute value of any number. Absolute value is always a non-negative number.

How can I find a specific file from a Linux terminal?

Try this (via a shell):

update db
locate index.html


find /var -iname "index.html"

Replace /var with your best guess as to the directory it is in but avoid starting from /

Difference between @click and v-on:click Vuejs

They may look a bit different from normal HTML, but : and @ are valid chars for attribute names and all Vue.js supported browsers can parse it correctly. In addition, they do not appear in the final rendered markup. The shorthand syntax is totally optional, but you will likely appreciate it when you learn more about its usage later.

Source: official documentation.

How to resolve TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "int") to str

Python working a bit differently to JavaScript for example, the value you are concatenating needs to be same type, both int or str...

So for example the code below throw an error:

print( "Alireza" + 1980)

like this:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#12>", line 1, in <module>
    print( "Alireza" + 1980)
TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "int") to str

To solve the issue, just add str to your number or value like:

print( "Alireza" + str(1980))

And the result as:


Add a month to a Date

Here's a function that doesn't require any packages to be installed. You give it a Date object (or a character that it can convert into a Date), and it adds n months to that date without changing the day of the month (unless the month you land on doesn't have enough days in it, in which case it defaults to the last day of the returned month). Just in case it doesn't make sense reading it, there are some examples below.

Function definition

addMonth <- function(date, n = 1){
  if (n == 0){return(date)}
  if (n %% 1 != 0){stop("Input Error: argument 'n' must be an integer.")}

  # Check to make sure we have a standard Date format
  if (class(date) == "character"){date = as.Date(date)}

  # Turn the year, month, and day into numbers so we can play with them
  y = as.numeric(substr(as.character(date),1,4))
  m = as.numeric(substr(as.character(date),6,7))
  d = as.numeric(substr(as.character(date),9,10))

  # Run through the computation
  i = 0
  # Adding months
  if (n > 0){
    while (i < n){
      m = m + 1
      if (m == 13){
        m = 1
        y = y + 1
      i = i + 1
  # Subtracting months
  else if (n < 0){
    while (i > n){
      m = m - 1
      if (m == 0){
        m = 12
        y = y - 1
      i = i - 1

  # If past 28th day in base month, make adjustments for February
  if (d > 28 & m == 2){
      # If it's a leap year, return the 29th day
      if ((y %% 4 == 0 & y %% 100 != 0) | y %% 400 == 0){d = 29}
      # Otherwise, return the 28th day
      else{d = 28}
  # If 31st day in base month but only 30 days in end month, return 30th day
  else if (d == 31){if (m %in% c(1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12) == FALSE){d = 30}}

  # Turn year, month, and day into strings and put them together to make a Date
  y = as.character(y)

  # If month is single digit, add a leading 0, otherwise leave it alone
  if (m < 10){m = paste('0', as.character(m), sep = '')}
  else{m = as.character(m)}

  # If day is single digit, add a leading 0, otherwise leave it alone
  if (d < 10){d = paste('0', as.character(d), sep = '')}
  else{d = as.character(d)}

  # Put them together and convert return the result as a Date
  return(as.Date(paste(y,'-',m,'-',d, sep = '')))

Some examples

Adding months

> addMonth('2014-01-31', n = 1)
[1] "2014-02-28"  # February, non-leap year
> addMonth('2014-01-31', n = 5)
[1] "2014-06-30"  # June only has 30 days, so day of month dropped to 30
> addMonth('2014-01-31', n = 24)
[1] "2016-01-31"  # Increments years when n is a multiple of 12 
> addMonth('2014-01-31', n = 25)
[1] "2016-02-29"  # February, leap year

Subtracting months

> addMonth('2014-01-31', n = -1)
[1] "2013-12-31"
> addMonth('2014-01-31', n = -7)
[1] "2013-06-30"
> addMonth('2014-01-31', n = -12)
[1] "2013-01-31"
> addMonth('2014-01-31', n = -23)
[1] "2012-02-29"

How do I remove duplicate items from an array in Perl?

The Perl documentation comes with a nice collection of FAQs. Your question is frequently asked:

% perldoc -q duplicate

The answer, copy and pasted from the output of the command above, appears below:

Found in /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.10.0/pods/perlfaq4.pod
 How can I remove duplicate elements from a list or array?
   (contributed by brian d foy)

   Use a hash. When you think the words "unique" or "duplicated", think
   "hash keys".

   If you don't care about the order of the elements, you could just
   create the hash then extract the keys. It's not important how you
   create that hash: just that you use "keys" to get the unique elements.

       my %hash   = map { $_, 1 } @array;
       # or a hash slice: @hash{ @array } = ();
       # or a foreach: $hash{$_} = 1 foreach ( @array );

       my @unique = keys %hash;

   If you want to use a module, try the "uniq" function from
   "List::MoreUtils". In list context it returns the unique elements,
   preserving their order in the list. In scalar context, it returns the
   number of unique elements.

       use List::MoreUtils qw(uniq);

       my @unique = uniq( 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 5, 7 ); # 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
       my $unique = uniq( 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 5, 7 ); # 7

   You can also go through each element and skip the ones you've seen
   before. Use a hash to keep track. The first time the loop sees an
   element, that element has no key in %Seen. The "next" statement creates
   the key and immediately uses its value, which is "undef", so the loop
   continues to the "push" and increments the value for that key. The next
   time the loop sees that same element, its key exists in the hash and
   the value for that key is true (since it's not 0 or "undef"), so the
   next skips that iteration and the loop goes to the next element.

       my @unique = ();
       my %seen   = ();

       foreach my $elem ( @array )
         next if $seen{ $elem }++;
         push @unique, $elem;

   You can write this more briefly using a grep, which does the same

       my %seen = ();
       my @unique = grep { ! $seen{ $_ }++ } @array;

How to remove decimal part from a number in C#

Use Math.Round

int d = (int) Math.Round(a, 0);

Unable instantiate android.gms.maps.MapFragment

In my Intellij Idea project I had to add both: google-play-services_lib and google-play-services.jar to the project. And in google-play-services_lib project add google-play-services.jar too. After that, if you did all things, that described here, right, your application should be working.

Get the generated SQL statement from a SqlCommand object?

If your database was Oracle and the sql text contains dynamic variables named like :1,:2 ,... then you can use:

string query = cmd.CommandText;
int i = 1;
foreach (OracleParameter p in cmd.Parameters)
    query = query.Replace(":"+i.ToString(),((p.Value==null)?"":p.Value.ToString()));

Removing time from a Date object?

In addtition to what @jseals has already said. I think the org.apache.commons.lang.time.DateUtils class is probably what you should be looking at.

It's method : truncate(Date date,int field) worked very well for me.

JavaDocs :, int)

Since you needed to truncate all the time fields you can use :

DateUtils.truncate(new Date(),Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)

Set focus on TextBox in WPF from view model

I think the best way is to keep the MVVM principle clean, so basically you must use the Messenger Class provided with the MVVM Light and here is how to use it:

in your viewmodel(exampleViewModel.cs):write the following

 Messenger.Default.Send<string>("focus", "DoFocus");

now in your View.cs(not the XAML the view.xaml.cs) write the following in the constructor

 public MyView()

            Messenger.Default.Register<string>(this, "DoFocus", doFocus);
        public void doFocus(string msg)
            if (msg == "focus")

that method owrks just fine and with less code and maintaining MVVM standards

How do I tell if a regular file does not exist in Bash?

This code also working .

if [ -f $FILE ]; then
 echo "File '$FILE' Exists"
 echo "The File '$FILE' Does Not Exist"

Go doing a GET request and building the Querystring

Use r.URL.Query() when you appending to existing query, if you are building new set of params use the url.Values struct like so

package main

import (

func main() {
    req, err := http.NewRequest("GET","", nil)
    if err != nil {

    // if you appending to existing query this works fine 
    q := req.URL.Query()
    q.Add("api_key", "key_from_environment_or_flag")
    q.Add("another_thing", "foo & bar")

    // or you can create new url.Values struct and encode that like so
    q := url.Values{}
    q.Add("api_key", "key_from_environment_or_flag")
    q.Add("another_thing", "foo & bar")

    req.URL.RawQuery = q.Encode()

    // Output:

Mongoose and multiple database in single node.js project

Mongoose and multiple database in single node.js project

use useDb to solve this issue


//product databse

const myDB = mongoose.connection.useDb('product');

module.exports = myDB.model("Snack", snackSchema);

//user databse

const myDB = mongoose.connection.useDb('user');

module.exports = myDB.model("User", userSchema);

How do I use a Boolean in Python?

Yes, there is a bool data type (which inherits from int and has only two values: True and False).

But also Python has the boolean-able concept for every object, which is used when function bool([x]) is called.

See more: object.nonzero and boolean-value-of-objects-in-python.

How can I get zoom functionality for images?

This is a very late addition to this thread but I've been working on an image view that supports zoom and pan and has a couple of features I haven't found elsewhere. This started out as a way of displaying very large images without causing OutOfMemoryErrors, by subsampling the image when zoomed out and loading higher resolution tiles when zoomed in. It now supports use in a ViewPager, rotation manually or using EXIF information (90° stops), override of selected touch events using OnClickListener or your own GestureDetector or OnTouchListener, subclassing to add overlays, pan while zooming, and fling momentum.

It's not intended as a general use replacement for ImageView so doesn't extend it, and doesn't support display of images from resources, only assets and external files. It requires SDK 10.

Source is on GitHub, and there's a sample that illustrates use in a ViewPager.

PermissionError: [Errno 13] in python

I encountered this problem when I accidentally tried running my python module through the command prompt while my working directory was C:\Windows\System32 instead of the usual directory from which I run my python module

Is there an opposite of include? for Ruby Arrays?

Here you go:

unless @players.include?(

You might have a look at the Ruby Style Guide for more info on similar techniques.

Git add and commit in one command

I use the following alias for add all and commit:

git config --global '!git add -A && git commit -a'

Then, by typing:

git ac

I get a vim window to get more editing tools for my commit message.

How can I make the Android emulator show the soft keyboard?

To be more precise, with Lollipop these are the steps I followed to show soft keyboard:

  1. Settings > Language & Input;
  2. under "Keyboard & input methods" label, select "Current Keyboard";
  3. A Dialog named "Change Keyboard" appears, switch ON "Hardware", then select "Choose keyboards";
  4. another Dialog appears, switch ON the "Sample Soft Keyboard". Here you get an alert about the possibility that keyboard will store everything you write, also passwords. Give OK;
  5. Repeat above steps in order to show "Change Keyboard" Dialog again, here the new option "Sample Soft Keyboard" is available and you can select it.

NOTE: after that, you might experience problems in running you app (as I had). Simply restart the emulator.

error: resource android:attr/fontVariationSettings not found

Usually it's because of sdk versions and/or dependencies.

For Cordova developers, put your dependencies settings in "" file under CORDOVA_PROJECT_ROOT/platforms/android/ folder, like this:


So if you use CLI "cordova build", it will overwrite the dependencies section:

dependencies {
    implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: '*.jar')
   /* section being overwritten by cordova, referencing */

If you are using proper libraries and its versions in, you should be fine.

Convert R vector to string vector of 1 element

Use the collapse argument to paste:

paste(a,collapse=" ")
[1] "aa bb cc"

How to handle notification when app in background in Firebase

To make firebase library to call your onMessageReceived() in the following cases

  1. App in foreground
  2. App in background
  3. App has been killed

you must not put JSON key 'notification' in your request to firebase API but instead use 'data', see below.

The following message will not call your onMessageReceived() when your app is in the background or killed, and you can't customize your notification.

   "to": "/topics/journal",
   "notification": {
       "title" : "title",
       "text": "data!",
       "icon": "ic_notification"

but instead using this will work

  "to": "/topics/dev_journal",
   "data": {

Basically, the message is sent in the argument RemoteMessage along with your data object as Map<String, String>, then you can manage the notification in onMessageReceived as in the snippet here

public void onMessageReceived(RemoteMessage remoteMessage) { 
     Map<String, String> data = remoteMessage.getData();

     //you can get your text message here.
     String text= data.get("text");

     NotificationCompat.Builder notificationBuilder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(this)
        // optional, this is to make beautiful icon
                                    getResources(), R.mipmap.ic_launcher))  
        .setSmallIcon(smallIcon)  //mandatory
    /*You can read more on notification here:

How do I parse a YAML file in Ruby?

I had the same problem but also wanted to get the content of the file (after the YAML front-matter).

This is the best solution I have found:

if (md = contents.match(/^(?<metadata>---\s*\n.*?\n?)^(---\s*$\n?)/m))
  self.contents = md.post_match
  self.metadata = YAML.load(md[:metadata])

Source and discussion:

Define the selected option with the old input in Laravel / Blade

<select style="width: 100%;" name="id_driver" id="id_driver" >
  <option value="" @if (old('id_driver') == "")  selected @endif>Select</option>
  @foreach(\App\Driver::all() as $driver)
    <option value="{{$driver->id}}" @if (old('id_driver') == $driver->id)  
        selected  @endif >(#{{$driver->id}}) {{$driver->business_name}}

Difference between OpenJDK and Adoptium/AdoptOpenJDK

In short:

  • OpenJDK has multiple meanings and can refer to:
    • free and open source implementation of the Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE)
    • open source repository — the Java source code aka OpenJDK project
    • prebuilt OpenJDK binaries maintained by Oracle
    • prebuilt OpenJDK binaries maintained by the OpenJDK community
  • AdoptOpenJDK — prebuilt OpenJDK binaries maintained by community (open source licensed)


Prebuilt OpenJDK (or distribution) — binaries, built from, provided as an archive or installer, offered for various platforms, with a possible support contract.

OpenJDK, the source repository (also called OpenJDK project) - is a Mercurial-based open source repository, hosted at The Java source code. The vast majority of Java features (from the VM and the core libraries to the compiler) are based solely on this source repository. Oracle have an alternate fork of this.

OpenJDK, the distribution (see the list of providers below) - is free as in beer and kind of free as in speech, but, you do not get to call Oracle if you have problems with it. There is no support contract. Furthermore, Oracle will only release updates to any OpenJDK (the distribution) version if that release is the most recent Java release, including LTS (long-term support) releases. The day Oracle releases OpenJDK (the distribution) version 12.0, even if there's a security issue with OpenJDK (the distribution) version 11.0, Oracle will not release an update for 11.0. Maintained solely by Oracle.

Some OpenJDK projects - such as OpenJDK 8 and OpenJDK 11 - are maintained by the OpenJDK community and provide releases for some OpenJDK versions for some platforms. The community members have taken responsibility for releasing fixes for security vulnerabilities in these OpenJDK versions.

AdoptOpenJDK, the distribution is very similar to Oracle's OpenJDK distribution (in that it is free, and it is a build produced by compiling the sources from the OpenJDK source repository). AdoptOpenJDK as an entity will not be backporting patches, i.e. there won't be an AdoptOpenJDK 'fork/version' that is materially different from upstream (except for some build script patches for things like Win32 support). Meaning, if members of the community (Oracle or others, but not AdoptOpenJDK as an entity) backport security fixes to updates of OpenJDK LTS versions, then AdoptOpenJDK will provide builds for those. Maintained by OpenJDK community.

OracleJDK - is yet another distribution. Starting with JDK12 there will be no free version of OracleJDK. Oracle's JDK distribution offering is intended for commercial support. You pay for this, but then you get to rely on Oracle for support. Unlike Oracle's OpenJDK offering, OracleJDK comes with longer support for LTS versions. As a developer you can get a free license for personal/development use only of this particular JDK, but that's mostly a red herring, as 'just the binary' is basically the same as the OpenJDK binary. I guess it means you can download security-patched versions of LTS JDKs from Oracle's websites as long as you promise not to use them commercially.

Note. It may be best to call the OpenJDK builds by Oracle the "Oracle OpenJDK builds".

Donald Smith, Java product manager at Oracle writes:

Ideally, we would simply refer to all Oracle JDK builds as the "Oracle JDK", either under the GPL or the commercial license, depending on your situation. However, for historical reasons, while the small remaining differences exist, we will refer to them separately as Oracle’s OpenJDK builds and the Oracle JDK.

OpenJDK Providers and Comparison

|     Provider      | Free Builds | Free Binary   | Extended | Commercial | Permissive |
|                   | from Source | Distributions | Updates  | Support    | License    |
| AdoptOpenJDK      |    Yes      |    Yes        |   Yes    |   No       |   Yes      |
| Amazon – Corretto |    Yes      |    Yes        |   Yes    |   No       |   Yes      |
| Azul Zulu         |    No       |    Yes        |   Yes    |   Yes      |   Yes      |
| BellSoft Liberica |    No       |    Yes        |   Yes    |   Yes      |   Yes      |
| IBM               |    No       |    No         |   Yes    |   Yes      |   Yes      |
| jClarity          |    No       |    No         |   Yes    |   Yes      |   Yes      |
| OpenJDK           |    Yes      |    Yes        |   Yes    |   No       |   Yes      |
| Oracle JDK        |    No       |    Yes        |   No**   |   Yes      |   No       |
| Oracle OpenJDK    |    Yes      |    Yes        |   No     |   No       |   Yes      |
| ojdkbuild         |    Yes      |    Yes        |   No     |   No       |   Yes      |
| RedHat            |    Yes      |    Yes        |   Yes    |   Yes      |   Yes      |
| SapMachine        |    Yes      |    Yes        |   Yes    |   Yes      |   Yes      |

Free Builds from Source - the distribution source code is publicly available and one can assemble its own build

Free Binary Distributions - the distribution binaries are publicly available for download and usage

Extended Updates - aka LTS (long-term support) - Public Updates beyond the 6-month release lifecycle

Commercial Support - some providers offer extended updates and customer support to paying customers, e.g. Oracle JDK (support details)

Permissive License - the distribution license is non-protective, e.g. Apache 2.0

Which Java Distribution Should I Use?

In the Sun/Oracle days, it was usually Sun/Oracle producing the proprietary downstream JDK distributions based on OpenJDK sources. Recently, Oracle had decided to do their own proprietary builds only with the commercial support attached. They graciously publish the OpenJDK builds as well on their site.

What is happening starting JDK 11 is the shift from single-vendor (Oracle) mindset to the mindset where you select a provider that gives you a distribution for the product, under the conditions you like: platforms they build for, frequency and promptness of releases, how support is structured, etc. If you don't trust any of existing vendors, you can even build OpenJDK yourself.

Each build of OpenJDK is usually made from the same original upstream source repository (OpenJDK “the project”). However each build is quite unique - $free or commercial, branded or unbranded, pure or bundled (e.g., BellSoft Liberica JDK offers bundled JavaFX, which was removed from Oracle builds starting JDK 11).

If no environment (e.g., Linux) and/or license requirement defines specific distribution and if you want the most standard JDK build, then probably the best option is to use OpenJDK by Oracle or AdoptOpenJDK.

Additional information

Time to look beyond Oracle's JDK by Stephen Colebourne

Java Is Still Free by Java Champions community (published on September 17, 2018)

Java is Still Free 2.0.0 by Java Champions community (published on March 3, 2019)

Aleksey Shipilev about JDK updates interview by Opsian (published on June 27, 2019)

Install .ipa to iPad with or without iTunes

Use iFunBox. It's free, Mac/Win compatible. Just make an ad hoc build and save somewhere. Install from iFunBox. I load all my test ad hoc release builds on my devices for testing before release using this method. Who has time to fiddle around with iTunes?

How to Correctly Check if a Process is running and Stop it

If you don't need to display exact result "running" / "not runnuning", you could simply:

ps notepad -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | kill -PassThru

If the process was not running, you'll get no results. If it was running, you'll receive get-process output, and the process will be stopped.

What does enumerate() mean?

The enumerate function works as follows:

doc = """I like movie. But I don't like the cast. The story is very nice"""
doc1 = doc.split('.')
for i in enumerate(doc1):

The output is

(0, 'I like movie')
(1, " But I don't like the cast")
(2, ' The story is very nice')

Change Text Color of Selected Option in a Select Box

You could do it like this.



var select = document.getElementById('mySelect');
select.onchange = function () {
    select.className = this.options[this.selectedIndex].className;


.redText {
.greenText {
.blueText {

You could use option { background-color: #FFF; } if you want the list to be white.


<select id="mySelect" class="greenText">
    <option class="greenText" value="apple" >Apple</option>
    <option class="redText"   value="banana" >Banana</option>
    <option class="blueText" value="grape" >Grape</option>

Since this is a select it doesn't really make sense to use .yellowText as none selected if that's what you were getting at as something must be selected.

Docker can't connect to docker daemon

I have the same error and trying docker-machine regenerate-certs or eval.. did not work for me.

This on OS X 10.11.3 (El Capitan) and Docker v1.10.1. I was able to fix it only by deleting and recreating docker-machine again. Source

If running docker-machine ls, it shows you a similar output to the one below;




Unable to query docker version: Cannot connect to the docker engine endpoint

Try removing your Docker machine with;

docker-machine rm -f default

Where default is your Docker machine name. Then;

docker-machine create -d virtualbox default

Creates a new Docker machine.

Double check that everything looks normal now (no errors or unknown Docker) with:

docker-machine ls

Finally don't forget to run "$(docker-machine env default)" before you continue or run the Docker Quickstart Terminal which does it for you...

How do you set a default value for a MySQL Datetime column?

In version 5.6.5, it is possible to set a default value on a datetime column, and even make a column that will update when the row is updated. The type definition:



how to convert date to a format `mm/dd/yyyy`

Are you looking for something like this?

SELECT CASE WHEN LEFT(created_ts, 1) LIKE '[0-9]' 
            THEN CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), CONVERT(datetime, created_ts,   1), 101)
            ELSE CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), CONVERT(datetime, created_ts, 109), 101)
      END created_ts
  FROM table1


| 02/20/2012 |
| 11/29/2012 |
| 02/20/2012 |
| 11/29/2012 |
| 02/20/2012 |
| 11/29/2012 |
| 11/16/2011 |
| 02/20/2012 |
| 11/29/2012 |

Here is SQLFiddle demo

Bootstrap tab activation with JQuery

This one is quite straightforward from w3schools:

// Select tab by name
$('.nav-tabs a[href="#home"]').tab('show')

// Select first tab
$('.nav-tabs a:first').tab('show') 

// Select last tab
$('.nav-tabs a:last').tab('show') 

// Select fourth tab (zero-based)
$('.nav-tabs li:eq(3) a').tab('show')

Python Request Post with param data

Set data to this:

data ={"eventType":"AAS_PORTAL_START","data":{"uid":"hfe3hf45huf33545","aid":"1","vid":"1"}}

How to sort a List<Object> alphabetically using Object name field

If your objects has some common ancestor [let it be T] you should use List<T> instead of List<Object>, and implement a Comparator for this T, using the name field.

If you don't have a common ancestor, you can implement a Comperator, and use reflection to extract the name, Note that it is unsafe, unsuggested, and suffers from bad performance to use reflection, but it allows you to access a field name without knowing anything about the actual type of the object [besides the fact that it has a field with the relevant name]

In both cases, you should use Collections.sort() to sort.

HttpClient won't import in Android Studio

ApacheHttp Client is removed in v23 sdk. You can use HttpURLConnection or third party Http Client like OkHttp.

ref :

Why is there no String.Empty in Java?

All those "" literals are the same object. Why make all that extra complexity? It's just longer to type and less clear (the cost to the compiler is minimal). Since Java's strings are immutable objects, there's never any need at all to distinguish between them except possibly as an efficiency thing, but with the empty string literal that's not a big deal.

If you really want an EmptyString constant, make it yourself. But all it will do is encourage even more verbose code; there will never be any benefit to doing so.

Does adding a duplicate value to a HashSet/HashMap replace the previous value

You need to check put method in Hash map first as HashSet is backed up by HashMap

  1. When you add duplicate value say a String "One" into HashSet,
  2. An entry ("one", PRESENT) will get inserted into Hashmap(for all the values added into set, the value will be "PRESENT" which if of type Object)
  3. Hashmap adds the entry into Map and returns the value, which is in this case "PRESENT" or null if Entry is not there.
  4. Hashset's add method then returns true if the returned value from Hashmap equals null otherwise false which means an entry already exists...

How do you remove an invalid remote branch reference from Git?

I had a similar problem. None of the answers helped. In my case, I had two removed remote repositories showing up permanently.

My last idea was to remove all references to it by hand.

Let's say the repository is called “Repo”. I did:

find .git -name Repo 

So, I deleted the corresponding files and directories from the .git folder (this folder could be found in your Rails app or on your computer

Then I did:

grep Repo -r .git

This found some text files in which I removed the corresponding lines. Now, everything seems to be fine.

Usually, you should leave this job to git.

How do I view the SQLite database on an Android device?

Using file explorer, you can locate your database file like this:


Then you can use any SQLite fronted to explore your database. I use the SQLite Manager Firefox addon. It's nice, small, and fast.

Android - implementing startForeground for a service?

This is my code to set the service to foreground:

private void runAsForeground(){
    Intent notificationIntent = new Intent(this, RecorderMainActivity.class);
    PendingIntent pendingIntent=PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0,
            notificationIntent, Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK);

    Notification notification=new NotificationCompat.Builder(this)

    startForeground(NOTIFICATION_ID, notification);


I need to build a notification using PendingIntent, so that I can start my main activity from the notification.

To remove the notification, just call the stopForeground(true);

It is called in the onStartCommand(). Please refer to my code at :

Container is running beyond memory limits

You should also properly configure the maximum memory allocations for MapReduce. From this HortonWorks tutorial:


Each machine in our cluster has 48 GB of RAM. Some of this RAM should be >reserved for Operating System usage. On each node, we’ll assign 40 GB RAM for >YARN to use and keep 8 GB for the Operating System

For our example cluster, we have the minimum RAM for a Container (yarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation-mb) = 2 GB. We’ll thus assign 4 GB for Map task Containers, and 8 GB for Reduce tasks Containers.

In mapred-site.xml: 4096

mapreduce.reduce.memory.mb: 8192

Each Container will run JVMs for the Map and Reduce tasks. The JVM heap size should be set to lower than the Map and Reduce memory defined above, so that they are within the bounds of the Container memory allocated by YARN.

In mapred-site.xml: -Xmx3072m -Xmx6144m

The above settings configure the upper limit of the physical RAM that Map and Reduce tasks will use.

To sum it up:

  1. In YARN, you should use the mapreduce configs, not the mapred ones. EDIT: This comment is not applicable anymore now that you've edited your question.
  2. What you are configuring is actually how much you want to request, not what is the max to allocate.
  3. The max limits are configured with the java.opts settings listed above.

Finally, you may want to check this other SO question that describes a similar problem (and solution).

Setting dropdownlist selecteditem programmatically

Here is the code I was looking for :

DDL.SelectedIndex = DDL.Items.IndexOf(DDL.Items.FindByText("PassedValue"));


DDL.SelectedIndex = DDL.Items.IndexOf(DDL.Items.FindByValue("PassedValue"));

What does IFormatProvider do?

The DateTimeFormatInfo class implements this interface, so it allows you to control the formatting of your DateTime strings.

Pandas group-by and sum


You can select different columns to sum numbers.

How can I create a "Please Wait, Loading..." animation using jQuery?

Jonathon's excellent solution breaks in IE8 (the animation does not show at all). To fix this, change the CSS to:

.modal {
display:    none;
position:   fixed;
z-index:    1000;
top:        0;
left:       0;
height:     100%;
width:      100%;
background: rgba( 255, 255, 255, .8 ) 
            50% 50% 
opacity: 0.80;
-ms-filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity = 80);
filter: alpha(opacity = 80)};

Failed to fetch URL, reason: Connection to refused

I had this issue running within a corporate network. I added a DNS entry for google DNS at, then my own corporate DNS server below this. Worked great after that.

Running unittest with typical test directory structure

Python 3+

Adding to @Pierre

Using unittest directory structure like this:

+-- antigravity
¦   +--         # make it a package
¦   +--
+-- test
    +--         # also make test a package

To run the test module

$ cd new_project
$ python -m unittest test.test_antigravity

Or a single TestCase

$ python -m unittest test.test_antigravity.GravityTestCase

Mandatory don't forget the even if empty otherwise will not work.

python ValueError: invalid literal for float()

I had a similar issue reading the serial output from a digital scale. I was reading [3:12] out of a 18 characters long output string.

In my case sometimes there is a null character "\x00" (NUL) which magically appears in the scale's reply string and is not printed.

I was getting the error:

> '     0.00'
> 3 0 fast loop, delta =  10.0 weight =  0.0 
> '     0.00'
> 1 800 fast loop, delta = 10.0 weight =  0.0 
> '     0.00'
> 6 0 fast loop, delta =  10.0 weight =  0.0
> '     0\x00.0' 
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "", line 172, in start
>     valueScale = float(answer_string) 
>     ValueError: invalid literal for float(): 0

After some research I wrote few lines of code that work in my case.

replyScale =
answer = replyScale[3:12]
answer_decode = answer.replace("\x00", "")
answer_strip = str(answer_decode.strip())
valueScale = float(answer_strip)

The answers in these posts helped:

  1. How to get rid of \x00 in my array of bytes?
  2. Invalid literal for float(): 0.000001, how to fix error?

Exception in thread "main" java.util.NoSuchElementException

The nextInt() method leaves the \n (end line) symbol and is picked up immediately by nextLine(), skipping over the next input. What you want to do is use nextLine() for everything, and parse it later:

String nextIntString = keyboard.nextLine(); //get the number as a single line
int nextInt = Integer.parseInt(nextIntString); //convert the string to an int

This is by far the easiest way to avoid problems--don't mix your "next" methods. Use only nextLine() and then parse ints or separate words afterwards.

Also, make sure you use only one Scanner if your are only using one terminal for input. That could be another reason for the exception.

Last note: compare a String with the .equals() function, not the == operator.

if (playAgain == "yes"); // Causes problems
if (playAgain.equals("yes")); // Works every time

Remove all occurrences of char from string

Try using the overload that takes CharSequence arguments (eg, String) rather than char:

str = str.replace("X", "");

What is difference between 'git reset --hard HEAD~1' and 'git reset --soft HEAD~1'?

This is a useful article which graphically shows the explanation of the reset command.

Reset --hard can be quite dangerous as it overwrites your working copy without checking, so if you haven't commited the file at all, it is gone.

As for Source tree, there is no way I know of to undo commits. It would most likely use reset under the covers anyway

How to access first element of JSON object array?

the event property seems to be string first you have to parse it to json :

 var req = { mandrill_events: '[{"event":"inbound","ts":1426249238}]' };
 var event = JSON.parse(req.mandrill_events);
 var ts =  event[0].ts

How do I make bootstrap table rows clickable?

That code transforms any bootstrap table row that has data-href attribute set into a clickable element

Note: data-href attribute is a valid tr attribute (HTML5), href attributes on tr element are not.

    $('.table tr[data-href]').each(function(){
            }).click( function(){ 
                document.location = $(this).attr('data-href'); 

How can I show an image using the ImageView component in javafx and fxml?

ImageView image;

public void initialize(URL url, ResourceBundle rb) {
  image.setImage(new Image ("/about.jpg"));

How to clamp an integer to some range?

Chaining max() and min() together is the normal idiom I've seen. If you find it hard to read, write a helper function to encapsulate the operation:

def clamp(minimum, x, maximum):
    return max(minimum, min(x, maximum))

Get last record of a table in Postgres

To get the last row,

Get Last row in the sorted order: In case the table has a column specifying time/primary key,

  1. Using LIMIT clause


  1. Using FETCH clause - Reference


Get Last row in the rows insertion order: In case the table has no columns specifying time/any unique identifiers

  1. Using CTID system column, where ctid represents the physical location of the row in a table - Reference


Consider the following table,

userid |username |    createdtime |
     1 |       A |  1535012279455 |
     2 |       B |  1535042279423 | //as per created time, this is the last row
     3 |       C |  1535012279443 |
     4 |       D |  1535012212311 |
     5 |       E |  1535012254634 | //as per insertion order, this is the last row

The query 1 and 2 returns,

userid |username |    createdtime |
     2 |       B |  1535042279423 |

while 3 returns,

userid |username |    createdtime |
     5 |       E |  1535012254634 |

Note : On updating an old row, it removes the old row and updates the data and inserts as a new row in the table. So using the following query returns the tuple on which the data modification is done at the latest.

Now updating a row, using


the table becomes as,

userid |username |    createdtime |
     1 |       A |  1535012279455 |
     2 |       B |  1535042279423 |
     4 |       D |  1535012212311 |
     5 |       E |  1535012254634 |
     3 |       Z |  1535012279443 |

Now the query 3 returns,

userid |username |    createdtime |
     3 |       Z |  1535012279443 |

Preferred way of loading resources in Java

I tried a lot of ways and functions that suggested above, but they didn't work in my project. Anyway I have found solution and here it is:

try {
    InputStream path = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("img/left-hand.png");
    img =;
} catch (IOException e) {

Why use ICollection and not IEnumerable or List<T> on many-many/one-many relationships?

There are some basics difference between ICollection and IEnumerable

  • IEnumerable - contains only GetEnumerator method to get Enumerator and allows looping
  • ICollection contains additional methods: Add, Remove, Contains, Count, CopyTo
  • ICollection is inherited from IEnumerable
  • With ICollection you can modify the collection by using the methods like add/remove. You don't have the liberty to do the same with IEnumerable.

Simple Program:

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace StackDemo
    class Program 
        static void Main(string[] args)
            List<Person> persons = new List<Person>();
            persons.Add(new Person("John",30));
            persons.Add(new Person("Jack", 27));

            ICollection<Person> personCollection = persons;
            IEnumerable<Person> personEnumeration = persons;

            // IEnumeration
            // IEnumration Contains only GetEnumerator method to get Enumerator and make a looping
            foreach (Person p in personEnumeration)
               Console.WriteLine("Name:{0}, Age:{1}", p.Name, p.Age);

            // ICollection
            // ICollection Add/Remove/Contains/Count/CopyTo
            // ICollection is inherited from IEnumerable
            personCollection.Add(new Person("Tim", 10));

            foreach (Person p in personCollection)
                Console.WriteLine("Name:{0}, Age:{1}", p.Name, p.Age);        


    class Person
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public int Age { get; set; }
        public Person(string name, int age)
            this.Name = name;
            this.Age = age;

Use own username/password with git and bitbucket


git remote -v

and check whether your origin's URL has your co-worker's username hardcoded in there. If so, substitute it with your own:

git remote set-url origin <url-with-your-username>

Why is it common to put CSRF prevention tokens in cookies?

Besides the session cookie (which is kind of standard), I don't want to use extra cookies.

I found a solution which works for me when building a Single Page Web Application (SPA), with many AJAX requests. Note: I am using server side Java and client side JQuery, but no magic things so I think this principle can be implemented in all popular programming languages.

My solution without extra cookies is simple:

Client Side

Store the CSRF token which is returned by the server after a succesful login in a global variable (if you want to use web storage instead of a global thats fine of course). Instruct JQuery to supply a X-CSRF-TOKEN header in each AJAX call.

The main "index" page contains this JavaScript snippet:

// Intialize global variable CSRF_TOKEN to empty sting. 
// This variable is set after a succesful login
window.CSRF_TOKEN = '';

// the supplied callback to .ajaxSend() is called before an Ajax request is sent
$( document ).ajaxSend( function( event, jqXHR ) {
    jqXHR.setRequestHeader('X-CSRF-TOKEN', window.CSRF_TOKEN);

Server Side

On successul login, create a random (and long enough) CSRF token, store this in the server side session and return it to the client. Filter certain (sensitive) incoming requests by comparing the X-CSRF-TOKEN header value to the value stored in the session: these should match.

Sensitive AJAX calls (POST form-data and GET JSON-data), and the server side filter catching them, are under a /dataservice/* path. Login requests must not hit the filter, so these are on another path. Requests for HTML, CSS, JS and image resources are also not on the /dataservice/* path, thus not filtered. These contain nothing secret and can do no harm, so this is fine.

@WebFilter(urlPatterns = {"/dataservice/*"})
String sessionCSRFToken = req.getSession().getAttribute("CSRFToken") != null ? (String) req.getSession().getAttribute("CSRFToken") : null;
if (sessionCSRFToken == null || req.getHeader("X-CSRF-TOKEN") == null || !req.getHeader("X-CSRF-TOKEN").equals(sessionCSRFToken)) {
} else
    chain.doFilter(request, response);

VBA: activating/selecting a worksheet/row/cell

This is just a sample code, but it may help you get on your way:

Public Sub testIt()
End Sub

I am assuming that you can open the book (called Workbook2 in the example).

I think (but I'm not sure) you can squash all this in a single line of code:


This way you won't need to activate the workbook (or sheet or cell)... Obviously, the book has to be open.

How can I configure my makefile for debug and release builds?

You could also add something simple to your Makefile such as

ifeq ($(DEBUG),1)
   OPTS = -g

Then compile it for debugging

make DEBUG=1

Postgresql : Connection refused. Check that the hostname and port are correct and that the postmaster is accepting TCP/IP connections

The error you quote has nothing to do with pg_hba.conf; it's failing to connect, not failing to authorize the connection.

Do what the error message says:

Check that the hostname and port are correct and that the postmaster is accepting TCP/IP connections

You haven't shown the command that produces the error. Assuming you're connecting on localhost port 5432 (the defaults for a standard PostgreSQL install), then either:

  • PostgreSQL isn't running

  • PostgreSQL isn't listening for TCP/IP connections (listen_addresses in postgresql.conf)

  • PostgreSQL is only listening on IPv4 ( or and you're connecting on IPv6 (::1) or vice versa. This seems to be an issue on some older Mac OS X versions that have weird IPv6 socket behaviour, and on some older Windows versions.

  • PostgreSQL is listening on a different port to the one you're connecting on

  • (unlikely) there's an iptables rule blocking loopback connections

(If you are not connecting on localhost, it may also be a network firewall that's blocking TCP/IP connections, but I'm guessing you're using the defaults since you didn't say).

So ... check those:

  • ps -f -u postgres should list postgres processes

  • sudo lsof -n -u postgres |grep LISTEN or sudo netstat -ltnp | grep postgres should show the TCP/IP addresses and ports PostgreSQL is listening on

BTW, I think you must be on an old version. On my 9.3 install, the error is rather more detailed:

$ psql -h localhost -p 12345
psql: could not connect to server: Connection refused
        Is the server running on host "localhost" (::1) and accepting
        TCP/IP connections on port 12345?

cannot import name patterns


from django.conf.urls.defaults import ... # is for django 1.3
from django.conf.urls  import ...         # is for django 1.4

I met this problem too.

How to echo shell commands as they are executed

According to TLDP's Bash Guide for Beginners: Chapter 2. Writing and debugging scripts:

2.3.1. Debugging on the entire script

$ bash -x


There is now a full-fledged debugger for Bash, available at SourceForge. These debugging features are available in most modern versions of Bash, starting from 3.x.

2.3.2. Debugging on part(s) of the script

set -x            # Activate debugging from here
set +x            # Stop debugging from here


Table 2-1. Overview of set debugging options

    Short  | Long notation | Result
    set -f | set -o noglob | Disable file name generation using metacharacters (globbing).
    set -v | set -o verbose| Prints shell input lines as they are read.
    set -x | set -o xtrace | Print command traces before executing command.


Alternatively, these modes can be specified in the script itself, by adding the desired options to the first line shell declaration. Options can be combined, as is usually the case with UNIX commands:

#!/bin/bash -xv

Simple and fast method to compare images for similarity

If you can be sure to have precise alignment of your template (the icon) to the testing region, then any old sum of pixel differences will work.

If the alignment is only going to be a tiny bit off, then you can low-pass both images with cv::GaussianBlur before finding the sum of pixel differences.

If the quality of the alignment is potentially poor then I would recommend either a Histogram of Oriented Gradients or one of OpenCV's convenient keypoint detection/descriptor algorithms (such as SIFT or SURF).

Git: copy all files in a directory from another branch

As you are not trying to move the files around in the tree, you should be able to just checkout the directory:

git checkout master -- dirname

How do I format axis number format to thousands with a comma in matplotlib?

x = [10000.21, 22000.32, 10120.54]

Perhaps make a list (comprehension) for the labels, and then apply them "manually".

xlables = [f'{label:,}' for label in x]
plt.xticks(x, xlabels)

Have bash script answer interactive prompts

I found the best way to send input is to use cat and a text file to pass along whatever input you need.

cat "input.txt" | ./

html select scroll bar

One options will be to show the selected option above (or below) the select list like following:


<div id="selText"><span>&nbsp;</span></div><br/>
<select size="4" id="mySelect" style="width:65px;color:#f98ad3;">
    <option value="1" selected>option 1 The Long Option</option>
    <option value="2">option 2</option>
    <option value="3">option 3</option>
    <option value="4">option 4</option>
    <option value="5">option 5 Another Longer than the Long Option ;)</option>
    <option value="6">option 6</option>


<script src=""   
<script type="text/javascript">
       var txt = $($(this).children("option:selected")[0]).text();
       $("<span>" + txt + "<br/></span>").appendTo($("#selText span:last"));

PS:- Set height of div#selText otherwise it will keep shifting select list downward.

JSON to TypeScript class instance?

Why could you not just do something like this?

class Foo {
     Object.assign(this, myObj);
  get name() { return this._name; }
  set name(v) { this._name = v; }

let foo = new Foo({ name: "bat" });
foo.toJSON() //=> your json ...

How to convert Double to int directly?

int average_in_int = ( (Double) Math.ceil( sum/count ) ).intValue();

Checking if a folder exists using a .bat file

I think the answer is here (possibly duplicate):

How to test if a file is a directory in a batch script?

IF EXIST %VAR%\NUL ECHO It's a directory

Replace %VAR% with your directory. Please read the original answer because includes details about handling white spaces in the folder name.

As foxidrive said, this might not be reliable on NT class windows. It works for me, but I know it has some limitations (which you can find in the referenced question)

if exist "c:\folder\" echo folder exists 

should be enough for modern windows.

I get a "An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format" error on a SQL Server replication project

For those who get this error in an ASP.NET MVC 3 project, within Visual Studio itself:

In an ASP.NET MVC 3 app I'm working on, I tried adding a reference to Microsoft.SqlServer.BatchParser to a project to resolve a problem where it was missing on a deployment server. (Our app uses SMO; the correct fix was to install SQL Server Native Client and a couple other things on the deployment server.)

Even after I removed the reference to BatchParser, I kept getting the "An attempt was made..." error, referencing the BatchParser DLL, on every ASP.NET MVC 3 page I opened, and that error was followed by dozens of page parsing errors.

If this happens to you, do a file search and see if the DLL is still in one of your project's \bin folders. Even if you do a rebuild, Visual Studio doesn't necessarily clear out everything in all your \bin folders. When I deleted the DLL from the bin and built again, the error went away.

set the width of select2 input (through Angular-ui directive)

select2 V4.0.3

<select class="smartsearch" name="search" id="search" style="width:100%;"></select>

Extract filename and extension in Bash

This is the only one that worked for me:


echo ${base%.*}

>> file

This can also be used in string interpolation as well, but unfortunately you have to set base beforehand.

disable textbox using jquery?

get radio buttons value and matches with each if it is 3 then disabled checkbox and textbox.

$("#radiobutt input[type=radio]").click(function () {_x000D_
        if($(this).val()==3) { //get radio buttons value and matched if 3 then disabled._x000D_
            $("#textbox_field").attr("disabled", "disabled"); _x000D_
            $("#checkbox_field").attr("disabled", "disabled"); _x000D_
        else {_x000D_
            $("#textbox_field").removeAttr("disabled"); _x000D_
            $("#checkbox_field").removeAttr("disabled"); _x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<span id="radiobutt">_x000D_
  <input type="radio" name="groupname" value="1" />_x000D_
  <input type="radio" name="groupname" value="2" />_x000D_
  <input type="radio" name="groupname" value="3" />_x000D_
  <input type="text" id="textbox_field" />_x000D_
  <input type="checkbox" id="checkbox_field" />_x000D_


Using Postman for Chrome, selecting CODE you get this... And works

$curl = curl_init();_x000D_
curl_setopt_array($curl, array(_x000D_
  CURLOPT_URL => "",_x000D_
  CURLOPT_ENCODING => "",_x000D_
  CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 30,_x000D_
  CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => "{\n  \"customer\" : \"con\",\n  \"customerID\" : \"5108\",\n  \"customerEmail\" : \"[email protected]\",\n  \"Phone\" : \"34600000000\",\n  \"Active\" : false,\n  \"AudioWelcome\" : \"\"\n\n}",_x000D_
  CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array(_x000D_
    "cache-control: no-cache",_x000D_
    "content-type: application/json",_x000D_
    "x-api-key: whateveriyouneedinyourheader"_x000D_
$response = curl_exec($curl);_x000D_
$err = curl_error($curl);_x000D_
if ($err) {_x000D_
  echo "cURL Error #:" . $err;_x000D_
} else {_x000D_
  echo $response;_x000D_

What is python's site-packages directory?

site-packages is the target directory of manually built Python packages. When you build and install Python packages from source (using distutils, probably by executing python install), you will find the installed modules in site-packages by default.

There are standard locations:

  • Unix (pure)1: prefix/lib/pythonX.Y/site-packages
  • Unix (non-pure): exec-prefix/lib/pythonX.Y/site-packages
  • Windows: prefix\Lib\site-packages

1 Pure means that the module uses only Python code. Non-pure can contain C/C++ code as well.

site-packages is by default part of the Python search path, so modules installed there can be imported easily afterwards.

Useful reading cannot identify image file - Python?

Seems like a Permissions Issue. I was facing the same error. But when I ran it from the root account, it worked. So either give the read permission to the file using chmod (in linux) or run your script after logging in as a root user.

Get enum values as List of String in Java 8

You could also do something as follow

public enum DAY {MON, TUES, WED, THU, FRI, SAT, SUN};
EnumSet.allOf(DAY.class).stream().map(e ->



The main reason why I stumbled across this question is that I wanted to write a generic validator that validates whether a given string enum name is valid for a given enum type (Sharing in case anyone finds useful).

For the validation, I had to use Apache's EnumUtils library since the type of enum is not known at compile time.

@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
public static void isValidEnumsValid(Class clazz, Set<String> enumNames) {
    Set<String> notAllowedNames =
            .filter(enumName -> !EnumUtils.isValidEnum(clazz, enumName))

    if (notAllowedNames.size() > 0) {
        String validEnumNames = (String) EnumUtils.getEnumMap(clazz).keySet().stream()
            .collect(Collectors.joining(", "));

        throw new IllegalArgumentException("The requested values '" +
                .collect(Collectors.joining(",")) + "' are not valid. Please select one more (case-sensitive) "
                + "of the following : " + validEnumNames);

I was too lazy to write an enum annotation validator as shown in here

New features in java 7

I think ForkJoinPool and related enhancement to Executor Framework is an important addition in Java 7.

How to retry after exception?

Here is my take on this issue. The following retry function supports the following features:

  • Returns the value of the invoked function when it succeeds
  • Raises the exception of the invoked function if attempts exhausted
  • Limit for the number of attempts (0 for unlimited)
  • Wait (linear or exponential) between attempts
  • Retry only if the exception is an instance of a specific exception type.
  • Optional logging of attempts
import time

def retry(func, ex_type=Exception, limit=0, wait_ms=100, wait_increase_ratio=2, logger=None):
    attempt = 1
    while True:
            return func()
        except Exception as ex:
            if not isinstance(ex, ex_type):
                raise ex
            if 0 < limit <= attempt:
                if logger:
                    logger.warning("no more attempts")
                raise ex

            if logger:
                logger.error("failed execution attempt #%d", attempt, exc_info=ex)

            attempt += 1
            if logger:
      "waiting %d ms before attempt #%d", wait_ms, attempt)
            time.sleep(wait_ms / 1000)
            wait_ms *= wait_increase_ratio


def fail_randomly():
    y = random.randint(0, 10)
    if y < 10:
        y = 0
    return x / y

logger = logging.getLogger()
result = retry.retry(fail_randomly, ex_type=ZeroDivisionError, limit=20, logger=logger)"result is: %s", result)

See my post for more info.

Are there any worse sorting algorithms than Bogosort (a.k.a Monkey Sort)?

A worst case performance of O(8) might not even make it an algorithm according to some.

An algorithm is just a series of steps and you can always do worse by tweaking it a little bit to get the desired output in more steps than it was previously taking. One could purposely put the knowledge of the number of steps taken into the algorithm and make it terminate and produce the correct output only after X number of steps have been done. That X could very well be of the order of O(n2) or O(nn!) or whatever the algorithm desired to do. That would effectively increase its best-case as well as average case bounds.

But your worst-case scenario cannot be topped :)

How do I count unique visitors to my site?

for finding out that user is new or old , Get user IP .

create a table for IPs and their visits timestamp .

check IF IP does not exists OR time()-saved_timestamp > 60*60*24 (for 1 day) ,edit the IP's timestamp to time() (means now) and increase your view one .

else , do nothing .

FYI : user IP is stored in $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] variable

response.sendRedirect() from Servlet to JSP does not seem to work

You can use this:

response.sendRedirect(String.format("%s%s", request.getContextPath(), "/views/equipment/createEquipment.jsp"));

The last part is your path in your web-app

How to send FormData objects with Ajax-requests in jQuery?


function submitForm() {
    var data1 = new FormData($('input[name^="file"]'));
    $.each($('input[name^="file"]')[0].files, function(i, file) {
        data1.append(i, file);

        url: "<?php echo base_url() ?>employee/dashboard2/test2",
        type: "POST",
        data: data1,
        enctype: 'multipart/form-data',
        processData: false, // tell jQuery not to process the data
        contentType: false // tell jQuery not to set contentType
    }).done(function(data) {
        console.log("PHP Output:");
    return false;


public function upload_file() {
    foreach($_FILES as $key) {
        $name = time().$key['name'];
        $path = 'upload/'.$name;
        @move_uploaded_file($key['tmp_name'], $path);

String Concatenation using '+' operator

It doesn't - the C# compiler does :)

So this code:

string x = "hello";
string y = "there";
string z = "chaps";
string all = x + y + z;

actually gets compiled as:

string x = "hello";
string y = "there";
string z = "chaps";
string all = string.Concat(x, y, z);

(Gah - intervening edit removed other bits accidentally.)

The benefit of the C# compiler noticing that there are multiple string concatenations here is that you don't end up creating an intermediate string of x + y which then needs to be copied again as part of the concatenation of (x + y) and z. Instead, we get it all done in one go.

EDIT: Note that the compiler can't do anything if you concatenate in a loop. For example, this code:

string x = "";
foreach (string y in strings)
    x += y;

just ends up as equivalent to:

string x = "";
foreach (string y in strings)
    x = string.Concat(x, y);

... so this does generate a lot of garbage, and it's why you should use a StringBuilder for such cases. I have an article going into more details about the two which will hopefully answer further questions.

Override default Spring-Boot settings in Junit Test


So what I did was to have the standard src/main/resources/ and also a src/test/resources/ where i override some settings for ALL my tests.

Whole Story

I ran into the same problem and was not using profiles either so far. It seemed to be bothersome to have to do it now and remember declaring the profile -- which can be easily forgotten.

The trick is, to leverage that a profile specific application-<profile>.properties overrides settings in the general profile. See

How to stop/terminate a python script from running?

If your program is running at an interactive console, pressing CTRL + C will raise a KeyboardInterrupt exception on the main thread.

If your Python program doesn't catch it, the KeyboardInterrupt will cause Python to exit. However, an except KeyboardInterrupt: block, or something like a bare except:, will prevent this mechanism from actually stopping the script from running.

Sometimes if KeyboardInterrupt is not working you can send a SIGBREAK signal instead; on Windows, CTRL + Pause/Break may be handled by the interpreter without generating a catchable KeyboardInterrupt exception.

However, these mechanisms mainly only work if the Python interpreter is running and responding to operating system events. If the Python interpreter is not responding for some reason, the most effective way is to terminate the entire operating system process that is running the interpreter. The mechanism for this varies by operating system.

In a Unix-style shell environment, you can press CTRL + Z to suspend whatever process is currently controlling the console. Once you get the shell prompt back, you can use jobs to list suspended jobs, and you can kill the first suspended job with kill %1. (If you want to start it running again, you can continue the job in the foreground by using fg %1; read your shell's manual on job control for more information.)

Alternatively, in a Unix or Unix-like environment, you can find the Python process's PID (process identifier) and kill it by PID. Use something like ps aux | grep python to find which Python processes are running, and then use kill <pid> to send a SIGTERM signal.

The kill command on Unix sends SIGTERM by default, and a Python program can install a signal handler for SIGTERM using the signal module. In theory, any signal handler for SIGTERM should shut down the process gracefully. But sometimes if the process is stuck (for example, blocked in an uninterruptable IO sleep state), a SIGTERM signal has no effect because the process can't even wake up to handle it.

To forcibly kill a process that isn't responding to signals, you need to send the SIGKILL signal, sometimes referred to as kill -9 because 9 is the numeric value of the SIGKILL constant. From the command line, you can use kill -KILL <pid> (or kill -9 <pid> for short) to send a SIGKILL and stop the process running immediately.

On Windows, you don't have the Unix system of process signals, but you can forcibly terminate a running process by using the TerminateProcess function. Interactively, the easiest way to do this is to open Task Manager, find the python.exe process that corresponds to your program, and click the "End Process" button. You can also use the taskkill command for similar purposes.

Pass parameters in setInterval function

You can pass the parameter(s) as a property of the function object, not as a parameter:

var f = this.someFunction;  //use 'this' if called from class
f.parameter1 = obj;
f.parameter2 = this;
f.parameter3 = whatever;
setInterval(f, 1000);

Then in your function someFunction, you will have access to the parameters. This is particularly useful inside classes where the scope goes to the global space automatically and you lose references to the class that called setInterval to begin with. With this approach, "parameter2" in "someFunction", in the example above, will have the right scope.

return results from a function (javascript, nodejs)

function routeToRoom(userId, passw, cb) {
    var roomId = 0;
    var nStore = require('nstore/lib/nstore').extend(require('nstore/lib/nstore/query')());
    var users ='data/users.db', function() {
            user: userId,
            pass: passw
        }, function(err, results) {
            if (err) {
                roomId = -1;
            } else {
                roomId =;
routeToRoom("alex", "123", function(id) {

You need to use callbacks. That's how asynchronous IO works. Btw sys.puts is deprecated

Angular 4 - get input value

<form (submit)="onSubmit()">
   <input [(ngModel)]="playerName">

let playerName: string;
onSubmit() {
  return this.playerName;

Get the time difference between two datetimes

If we want only hh:mm:ss, we can use a function like that:

//param: duration in milliseconds
MillisecondsToTime: function(duration) {
    var seconds = parseInt((duration/1000)%60)
        , minutes = parseInt((duration/(1000*60))%60)
        , hours = parseInt((duration/(1000*60*60))%24)
        , days  = parseInt(duration/(1000*60*60*24));

    var hoursDays = parseInt(days*24);
    hours += hoursDays;
    hours = (hours < 10) ? "0" + hours : hours;
    minutes = (minutes < 10) ? "0" + minutes : minutes;
    seconds = (seconds < 10) ? "0" + seconds : seconds;
    return hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds;

How can I load storyboard programmatically from class?

in swift
NavigationController and pushController you can replace for

present(vc, animated:true , completion: nil)

String, StringBuffer, and StringBuilder

Do you mean, for concatenation?

Real world example: You want to create a new string out of many others.

For instance to send a message:


String s = "Dear " + + "<br>" + 
" I saw your profile and got interested in you.<br>" +
" I'm  " + user.age + "yrs. old too"


String s = new StringBuilder().append.("Dear ").append( ).append( "<br>" ) 
          .append(" I saw your profile and got interested in you.<br>") 
          .append(" I'm  " ).append( user.age ).append( "yrs. old too")


String s = new StringBuilder(100).appe..... etc. ...
// The difference is a size of 100 will be allocated upfront as  fuzzy lollipop points out.

StringBuffer ( the syntax is exactly as with StringBuilder, the effects differ )


StringBuffer vs. StringBuilder

The former is synchonized and later is not.

So, if you invoke it several times in a single thread ( which is 90% of the cases ), StringBuilder will run much faster because it won't stop to see if it owns the thread lock.

So, it is recommendable to use StringBuilder ( unless of course you have more than one thread accessing to it at the same time, which is rare )

String concatenation ( using the + operator ) may be optimized by the compiler to use StringBuilder underneath, so, it not longer something to worry about, in the elder days of Java, this was something that everyone says should be avoided at all cost, because every concatenation created a new String object. Modern compilers don't do this anymore, but still it is a good practice to use StringBuilder instead just in case you use an "old" compiler.


Just for who is curious, this is what the compiler does for this class:

class StringConcatenation {
    int x;
    String literal = "Value is" + x;
    String builder = new StringBuilder().append("Value is").append(x).toString();

javap -c StringConcatenation

Compiled from ""
class StringConcatenation extends java.lang.Object{
int x;

java.lang.String literal;

java.lang.String builder;

   0:   aload_0
   1:   invokespecial   #1; //Method java/lang/Object."<init>":()V
   4:   aload_0
   5:   new #2; //class java/lang/StringBuilder
   8:   dup
   9:   invokespecial   #3; //Method java/lang/StringBuilder."<init>":()V
   12:  ldc #4; //String Value is
   14:  invokevirtual   #5; //Method java/lang/StringBuilder.append:(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
   17:  aload_0
   18:  getfield    #6; //Field x:I
   21:  invokevirtual   #7; //Method java/lang/StringBuilder.append:(I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
   24:  invokevirtual   #8; //Method java/lang/StringBuilder.toString:()Ljava/lang/String;
   27:  putfield    #9; //Field literal:Ljava/lang/String;
   30:  aload_0
   31:  new #2; //class java/lang/StringBuilder
   34:  dup
   35:  invokespecial   #3; //Method java/lang/StringBuilder."<init>":()V
   38:  ldc #4; //String Value is
   40:  invokevirtual   #5; //Method java/lang/StringBuilder.append:(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
   43:  aload_0
   44:  getfield    #6; //Field x:I
   47:  invokevirtual   #7; //Method java/lang/StringBuilder.append:(I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
   50:  invokevirtual   #8; //Method java/lang/StringBuilder.toString:()Ljava/lang/String;
   53:  putfield    #10; //Field builder:Ljava/lang/String;
   56:  return


Lines numbered 5 - 27 are for the String named "literal"

Lines numbered 31-53 are for the String named "builder"

Ther's no difference, exactly the same code is executed for both strings.

Padding characters in printf

Simple Console Span/Fill/Pad/Padding with automatic scaling/resizing Method and Example.

function create-console-spanner() {
    # 1: left-side-text, 2: right-side-text
    local spanner="";
    eval printf -v spanner \'"%0.1s"\' "-"{1..$[$(tput cols)- 2 - ${#1} - ${#2}]}
    printf "%s %s %s" "$1" "$spanner" "$2";

Example: create-console-spanner "loading graphics module" "[success]"

Now here is a full-featured-color-character-terminal-suite that does everything in regards to printing a color and style formatted string with a spanner.

# Author: Triston J. Taylor <[email protected]>
# Date: Friday, October 19th, 2018
# Title:
# Description: color character terminal driver/controller/suite

declare -A PAINT=([none]=`tput sgr0` [bold]=`tput bold` [black]=`tput setaf 0` [red]=`tput setaf 1` [green]=`tput setaf 2` [yellow]=`tput setaf 3` [blue]=`tput setaf 4` [magenta]=`tput setaf 5` [cyan]=`tput setaf 6` [white]=`tput setaf 7`);

declare -i PAINT_ACTIVE=1;

function paint-replace() {
    local contents=$(cat)
    echo "${contents//$1/$2}"

source <(cat <<EOF
function paint-activate() {
    echo "\$@" | $(for k in ${!PAINT[@]}; do echo -n paint-replace \"\&$k\;\" \"\${PAINT[$k]}\" \|; done) cat;

source <(cat <<EOF
function paint-deactivate(){
    echo "\$@" | $(for k in ${!PAINT[@]}; do echo -n paint-replace \"\&$k\;\" \"\" \|; done) cat;    

function paint-get-spanner() {
    (( $# == 0 )) && set -- - 0;
    declare -i l=$(( `tput cols` - ${2}))
    eval printf \'"%0.1s"\' "${1:0:1}"{1..$l}

function paint-span() {
    local left_format=$1 right_format=$3
    local left_length=$(paint-format -l "$left_format") right_length=$(paint-format -l "$right_format")
    paint-format "$left_format";
    paint-get-spanner "$2" $(( left_length + right_length));
    paint-format "$right_format";

function paint-format() {
    local VAR="" OPTIONS='';
    while [[ "${1:0:2}" =~ ^-[vl]$ ]]; do
        if [[ "$1" == "-v" ]]; then OPTIONS=" -v $2"; MODE=$PRINT_VAR; shift 2; continue; fi;
        if [[ "$1" == "-l" ]]; then OPTIONS=" -v VAR"; MODE=$PRINT_SIZE; shift 1; continue; fi;
    OPTIONS+=" --"
    local format="$1"; shift;
    if (( MODE != PRINT_SIZE && PAINT_ACTIVE )); then
        format=$(paint-activate "$format&none;")
        format=$(paint-deactivate "$format")
    printf $OPTIONS "${format}" "$@";
    (( MODE == PRINT_SIZE )) && printf "%i\n" "${#VAR}" || true;

function paint-show-pallette() {
    local -i PAINT_ACTIVE=1
    paint-format "Normal: &red;red &green;green &blue;blue &magenta;magenta &yellow;yellow &cyan;cyan &white;white &black;black\n";
    paint-format "  Bold: &bold;&red;red &green;green &blue;blue &magenta;magenta &yellow;yellow &cyan;cyan &white;white &black;black\n";

To print a color, that's simple enough: paint-format "&red;This is %s\n" red And you might want to get bold later on: paint-format "&bold;%s!\n" WOW

The -l option to the paint-format function measures the text so you can do console font metrics operations.

The -v option to the paint-format function works the same as printf but cannot be supplied with -l

Now for the spanning!

paint-span "hello " . " &blue;world" [note: we didn't add newline terminal sequence, but the text fills the terminal, so the next line only appears to be a newline terminal sequence]

and the output of that is:

hello ............................. world

MySQL: how to get the difference between two timestamps in seconds


If you want an unsigned difference, add an ABS() around the expression.

Alternatively, you can use TIMEDIFF(ts1, ts2) and then convert the time result to seconds with TIME_TO_SEC().

Call An Asynchronous Javascript Function Synchronously

What you want is actually possible now. If you can run the asynchronous code in a service worker, and the synchronous code in a web worker, then you can have the web worker send a synchronous XHR to the service worker, and while the service worker does the async things, the web worker's thread will wait. This is not a great approach, but it could work.

How to select rows from a DataFrame based on column values

Faster results can be achieved using numpy.where.

For example, with unubtu's setup -

In [76]: df.iloc[np.where(df.A.values=='foo')]
     A      B  C   D
0  foo    one  0   0
2  foo    two  2   4
4  foo    two  4   8
6  foo    one  6  12
7  foo  three  7  14

Timing comparisons:

In [68]: %timeit df.iloc[np.where(df.A.values=='foo')]  # fastest
1000 loops, best of 3: 380 µs per loop

In [69]: %timeit df.loc[df['A'] == 'foo']
1000 loops, best of 3: 745 µs per loop

In [71]: %timeit df.loc[df['A'].isin(['foo'])]
1000 loops, best of 3: 562 µs per loop

In [72]: %timeit df[df.A=='foo']
1000 loops, best of 3: 796 µs per loop

In [74]: %timeit df.query('(A=="foo")')  # slowest
1000 loops, best of 3: 1.71 ms per loop


VARCHAR means that it's a variable-length character, so it's only going to take as much space as is necessary. But if you knew something about the underlying structure, it may make sense to restrict VARCHAR to some maximum amount.

For instance, if you were storing comments from the user, you may limit the comment field to only 4000 characters; if so, it doesn't really make any sense to make the sql table have a field that's larger than VARCHAR(4000).

IndexOf function in T-SQL

I believe you want to use CHARINDEX. You can read about it here.

Which Radio button in the group is checked?

You could use LINQ:

var checkedButton = container.Controls.OfType<RadioButton>()
                                      .FirstOrDefault(r => r.Checked);

Note that this requires that all of the radio buttons be directly in the same container (eg, Panel or Form), and that there is only one group in the container. If that is not the case, you could make List<RadioButton>s in your constructor for each group, then write list.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Checked).

map vs. hash_map in C++

I don't know what gives, but, hash_map takes more than 20 seconds to clear() 150K unsigned integer keys and float values. I am just running and reading someone else's code.

This is how it includes hash_map.

#include "StdAfx.h"
#include <hash_map>

I read this here

saying that clear() is order of O(N). That to me, is very strange, but, that's the way it is.

How to determine the Schemas inside an Oracle Data Pump Export file

You need to search for OWNER_NAME.

cat -v dumpfile.dmp | grep -o '<OWNER_NAME>.*</OWNER_NAME>' | uniq -u

cat -v turn the dumpfile into visible text.

grep -o shows only the match so we don't see really long lines

uniq -u removes duplicate lines so you see less output.

This works pretty well, even on large dump files, and could be tweaked for usage in a script.

Creating a Jenkins environment variable using Groovy

Just had the same issue. Wanted to dynamically trigger parametrized downstream jobs based on the outcome of some groovy scripting.

Unfortunately on our Jenkins it's not possible to run System Groovy scripts. Therefore I had to do a small workaround:

  1. Run groovy script which creates a properties file where the environment variable to be set is specified

    def props = new File("properties.text")
    if (props.text == 'foo=bar') {
        props.text = 'foo=baz'
    } else {
        props.text = 'foo=bar'
  2. Use env inject plugin to inject the variable written into this script

    Inject environment variable
    Property file path: properties.text

After that I was able to use the variable 'foo' as parameter for the parametrized trigger plugin. Some kind of workaround. But works!

Difference between Spring MVC and Struts MVC

Spring's Web MVC framework is designed around a DispatcherServlet that dispatches requests to handlers, with configurable handler mappings, view resolution, locale and theme resolution as well as support for upload files. The default handler is a very simple Controller interface, just offering a ModelAndView handleRequest(request,response) method. This can already be used for application controllers, but you will prefer the included implementation hierarchy, consisting of, for example AbstractController, AbstractCommandController and SimpleFormController. Application controllers will typically be subclasses of those. Note that you can choose an appropriate base class: if you don't have a form, you don't need a form controller. This is a major difference to Struts

How to get selected path and name of the file opened with file dialog?

To extract only the filename from the path, you can do the following:

varFileName = Mid(fDialog.SelectedItems(1), InStrRev(fDialog.SelectedItems(1), "\") + 1, Len(fDialog.SelectedItems(1)))

Which variable size to use (db, dw, dd) with x86 assembly?

Quick review,

  • DB - Define Byte. 8 bits
  • DW - Define Word. Generally 2 bytes on a typical x86 32-bit system
  • DD - Define double word. Generally 4 bytes on a typical x86 32-bit system

From x86 assembly tutorial,

The pop instruction removes the 4-byte data element from the top of the hardware-supported stack into the specified operand (i.e. register or memory location). It first moves the 4 bytes located at memory location [SP] into the specified register or memory location, and then increments SP by 4.

Your num is 1 byte. Try declaring it with DD so that it becomes 4 bytes and matches with pop semantics.

Bootstrap: Position of dropdown menu relative to navbar item

Based on Bootstrap doc:

As of v3.1.0, .pull-right is deprecated on dropdown menus. use .dropdown-menu-right


<ul class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right" role="menu" aria-labelledby="dLabel">

Start new Activity and finish current one in Android?

Use finish like this:

Intent i = new Intent(Main_Menu.this, NextActivity.class);
finish();  //Kill the activity from which you will go to next activity 

FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_HISTORY you can use in case for the activity you want to finish. For exampe you are going from A-->B--C. You want to finish activity B when you go from B-->C so when you go from A-->B you can use this flag. When you go to some other activity this activity will be automatically finished.

To learn more on using Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_HISTORY read:

Create a function with optional call variables

Not sure I understand the question correctly.

From what I gather, you want to be able to assign a value to Domain if it is null and also what to check if $args2 is supplied and according to the value, execute a certain code?

I changed the code to reassemble the assumptions made above.

Function DoStuff($computername, $arg2, $domain)
    if($domain -ne $null)
        $domain = "Domain1"

    if($arg2 -eq $null)

DoStuff -computername "Test" -arg2 "" -domain "Domain2"
DoStuff -computername "Test" -arg2 "Test"  -domain ""
DoStuff -computername "Test" -domain "Domain2"
DoStuff -computername "Test" -arg2 "Domain2"

Did that help?

How to split a number into individual digits in c#?

Substring and Join methods are usable for this statement.

string no = "12345";
string [] numberArray = new string[no.Length];
int counter = 0;

   for (int i = 0; i < no.Length; i++)
     numberArray[i] = no.Substring(counter, 1); // 1 is split length

Console.WriteLine(string.Join(" ", numberArray)); //output >>> 0 1 2 3 4 5

What causes a java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException and how do I prevent it?

In most of the programming language indexes is start from 0.So you must have to write i<names.length or i<=names.length-1 instead of i<=names.length.

Where does git config --global get written to?

When is the global .gitconfig file created?

First off, git doesn't automatically create the global config file (.gitconfig) during its installation. The file is not created until it is written to for the first time. If you have never set a system variable, it will not be on your file system. I'm guessing that might be the source of the problem.

One way to ask Git to create it is to request an edit. Doing so will force the file's creation.

git config --global --edit

If you monitor the user's home folder when you issue this command, you will see the .gitconfig file magically appear.

Where is git configuration stored?

Here's a quick rundown of the the name and location of the configuration files associated with the three Git scopes, namely system, global and local:

  • System Git configuration: File named gitconfig located in -git-install-location-/ming<32>/etc
  • Global Git configuraiton: File named .gitconfig located in the user's home folder (C:\Users\git user)
  • Local Git configuration: File named config in the .git folder of the local repo

Of course, seeing is believing, so here's an image showing each file and each location. I pulled the image from an article I wrote on the topic.

Windows Git configuration file locations (

Location of Git configuration files

TCPDF ERROR: Some data has already been output, can't send PDF file

use ob_end_clean();

$pdf->Output($file, 'I'); to open pdf. It works for me

How to stick <footer> element at the bottom of the page (HTML5 and CSS3)?

I would use this in HTML 5... Just sayin

#footer {
  position: absolute;
  bottom: 0;
  width: 100%;
  height: 60px;
  background-color: #f5f5f5;

html text input onchange event

When I'm doing something like this I use the onKeyUp event.

<script type="text/javascript">
 function bar() {
      //do stuff
<input type="text" name="foo" onKeyUp="return bar()" />

but if you don't want to use an HTML event you could try to use jQuerys .change() method

$('.target').change(function() {
   //do stuff

in this example, the input would have to have a class "target"

if you're going to have multiple text boxes that you want to have done the same thing when their text is changed and you need their data then you could do this:

$('.target').change(function(event) {
   //do stuff with the "event" object as the object that called the method

that way you can use the same code, for multiple text boxes using the same class without having to rewrite any code.

Could not load file or assembly CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.ClientDoc

Regarding the 64-bit system wanting 32-bit support. I don't find it so bizarre:

Although deployed to a 64-bit system, this doesn't mean all the referenced assemblies are necessarily 64-bit Crystal Reports assemblies. Further to that, the Crystal Reports assemblies are largely just wrappers to a collection of legacy DLLs upon which they are based. Many 32-bit DLLs are required by the primarily referenced assembly. The error message "can not load the assembly" involves these DLLs as well. To see visually what those are, go to and run 'Depends' on the assembly in question, directly on that IIS server.

source of historical stock data

We have purchased 12 years of intraday data from and are pretty satisfied with the quality.

As for storage requirements: 12 years of 1-minute data for all USA equities (more than 8000 symbols) is about 100GB.

With tick-by-tick data situation is little different. If you record time and sales only, that would be about 30GB of data per month for all USA equities. If you want to store bid / ask changes together with transactions, you can expect about 150GB per month.

I hope this helps. Please let me know if there is anything else I can assist you with.

How to call Base Class's __init__ method from the child class?

As Mingyu pointed out, there is a problem in formatting. Other than that, I would strongly recommend not using the Derived class's name while calling super() since it makes your code inflexible (code maintenance and inheritance issues). In Python 3, Use super().__init__ instead. Here is the code after incorporating these changes :

class Car(object):
    condition = "new"

    def __init__(self, model, color, mpg):
        self.model = model
        self.color = color
        self.mpg   = mpg

class ElectricCar(Car):

    def __init__(self, battery_type, model, color, mpg):
        super().__init__(model, color, mpg)

Thanks to Erwin Mayer for pointing out the issue in using __class__ with super()

Return index of greatest value in an array

Unless I'm mistaken, I'd say it's to write your own function.

function findIndexOfGreatest(array) {
  var greatest;
  var indexOfGreatest;
  for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
    if (!greatest || array[i] > greatest) {
      greatest = array[i];
      indexOfGreatest = i;
  return indexOfGreatest;

When to use an interface instead of an abstract class and vice versa?

Purely on the basis of inheritance, you would use an Abstract where you're defining clearly descendant, abstract relationships (i.e. animal->cat) and/or require inheritance of virtual or non-public properties, especially shared state (which Interfaces cannot support).

You should try and favour composition (via dependency injection) over inheritance where you can though, and note that Interfaces being contracts support unit-testing, separation of concerns and (language varying) multiple inheritance in a way Abstracts cannot.

Java - get index of key in HashMap?

Not sure if this is any "cleaner", but:

List keys = new ArrayList(map.keySet());
for (int i = 0; i < keys.size(); i++) {
    Object obj = keys.get(i);
    // do stuff here

onclick open window and specific size'','mywin','width=500,height=500');

DLL load failed error when importing cv2

If this helps someone, on official python 3.6 windows docker image, to make this thing work I had to copy following libraries from my desktop:





What is the Record type in typescript?

  1. Can someone give a simple definition of what Record is?

A Record<K, T> is an object type whose property keys are K and whose property values are T. That is, keyof Record<K, T> is equivalent to K, and Record<K, T>[K] is (basically) equivalent to T.

  1. Is Record<K,T> merely a way of saying "all properties on this object will have type T"? Probably not all objects, since K has some purpose...

As you note, K has a purpose... to limit the property keys to particular values. If you want to accept all possible string-valued keys, you could do something like Record<string, T>, but the idiomatic way of doing that is to use an index signature like { [k: string]: T }.

  1. Does the K generic forbid additional keys on the object that are not K, or does it allow them and just indicate that their properties are not transformed to T?

It doesn't exactly "forbid" additional keys: after all, a value is generally allowed to have properties not explicitly mentioned in its type... but it wouldn't recognize that such properties exist:

declare const x: Record<"a", string>;
x.b; // error, Property 'b' does not exist on type 'Record<"a", string>'

and it would treat them as excess properties which are sometimes rejected:

declare function acceptR(x: Record<"a", string>): void;
acceptR({a: "hey", b: "you"}); // error, Object literal may only specify known properties

and sometimes accepted:

const y = {a: "hey", b: "you"};
acceptR(y); // okay
  1. With the given example:

    type ThreeStringProps = Record<'prop1' | 'prop2' | 'prop3', string>

    Is it exactly the same as this?:

    type ThreeStringProps = {prop1: string, prop2: string, prop3: string}


Hope that helps. Good luck!

Are email addresses case sensitive?

I know this is an old question but I just want to comment here: To any extent email addresses ARE case sensitive, most users would be "very unwise" to actively use an email address that requires capitals. They would soon stop using the address because they'd be missing a lot of their mail. (Unless they have a specific reason to make things difficult, and they expect mail only from specific senders they know.)

That's because imperfect humans as well as imperfect software exist, (Surprise!) which will assume all email is lowercase, and for this reason these humans and software will send messages using a "lower cased version" of the address regardless of how it was provided to them. If the recipient is unable to receive such messages, it won't be long before they notice they're missing a lot, and switch to a lowercase-only email address, or get their server set up to be case-insensitive.

Get the value in an input text box

Pure JS


txt_name.onkeyup = e=> alert(txt_name.value);
<input type="text" id="txt_name" />

Rename specific column(s) in pandas

A much faster implementation would be to use list-comprehension if you need to rename a single column.

df.columns = ['log(gdp)' if x=='gdp' else x for x in df.columns]

If the need arises to rename multiple columns, either use conditional expressions like:

df.columns = ['log(gdp)' if x=='gdp' else 'cap_mod' if x=='cap' else x for x in df.columns]

Or, construct a mapping using a dictionary and perform the list-comprehension with it's get operation by setting default value as the old name:

col_dict = {'gdp': 'log(gdp)', 'cap': 'cap_mod'}   ## key?old name, value?new name

df.columns = [col_dict.get(x, x) for x in df.columns]


df.rename(columns={'gdp':'log(gdp)'}, inplace=True)
10000 loops, best of 3: 168 µs per loop

df.columns = ['log(gdp)' if x=='gdp' else x for x in df.columns]
10000 loops, best of 3: 58.5 µs per loop

How to wait until WebBrowser is completely loaded in VB.NET?

Salvete! I needed, simply, a function I could call to make the code wait for the page to load before it continued. After scouring the web for answers, and fiddling around for several hours, I came up with this to solve for myself, the exact dilemma you present. I know I am late in the game with an answer, but I wish to post this for anyone else who comes along.

usage: just call WaitForPageLoad() just after a call to navigation:


another example we don't combine the navigate feature with the page load, because sometimes you need to wait for a load without also navigating, for example, you might need to wait for a page to load that was started with an invokemember event:

whatbrowser.Document.GetElementById("UserName").InnerText = whatusername
whatbrowser.Document.GetElementById("Password").InnerText = whatpassword

Here is the code: You need both subs plus the accessible variable, pageready. First, make sure to fix the variable called whatbrowser to be your webbrowser control

Now, somewhere in your module or class, place this:

Private Property pageready As Boolean = False

#Region "Page Loading Functions"
    Private Sub WaitForPageLoad()
        AddHandler whatbrowser.DocumentCompleted, New WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventHandler(AddressOf PageWaiter)
        While Not pageready
        End While
        pageready = False
    End Sub

    Private Sub PageWaiter(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs)
        If whatbrowser.ReadyState = WebBrowserReadyState.Complete Then
            pageready = True
            RemoveHandler whatbrowser.DocumentCompleted, New WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventHandler(AddressOf PageWaiter)
        End If
    End Sub

#End Region

Jquery Validate custom error message location

Add this code in your validate method:

 errorLabelContainer: '#errors'

and in your html, put simply this where you want to catch the error:

<div id="errors"></div>

All the errors will be held in the div, independently of your input box.

It worked very fine for me.

How to get the Full file path from URI

Try this.

public String getRealPathFromURI(Uri contentUri) 
     String[] proj = { MediaStore.Audio.Media.DATA };
     Cursor cursor = managedQuery(contentUri, proj, null, null, null);
     int column_index = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MediaStore.Audio.Media.DATA);
     return cursor.getString(column_index);

How to count check-boxes using jQuery?

The following code worked for me.


jQuery Ajax simple call

You could also make the ajax call more generic, reusable, so you can call it from different CRUD(create, read, update, delete) tasks for example and treat the success cases from those calls.

makePostCall = function (url, data) { // here the data and url are not hardcoded anymore
   var json_data = JSON.stringify(data);

    return $.ajax({
        type: "POST",
        url: url,
        data: json_data,
        dataType: "json",
        contentType: "application/json;charset=utf-8"

// and here a call example
makePostCall("index.php?action=READUSERS", {'city' : 'Tokio'})
               // treat the READUSERS data returned
    .fail(function(sender, message, details){
           alert("Sorry, something went wrong!");

How to use the CSV MIME-type?

You are not specifying a language or framework, but the following header is used for file downloads:

"Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=abc.csv"

AngularJS $location not changing the path

I had to embed my $location.path() statement like this because my digest was still running:

       function routeMe(data) {                
            var waitForRender = function () {
                if ($http.pendingRequests.length > 0) {
                } else {

How to include "zero" / "0" results in COUNT aggregate?

USE join to get 0 count in the result using GROUP BY.

simply 'join' does Inner join in MS SQL so , Go for left or right join.

If the table which contains the primary key is mentioned first in the QUERY then use LEFT join else RIGHT join.


select WARDNO,count(WARDCODE) from MAIPADH 
group by WARDNO


select WARDNO,count(WARDCODE) from MSWARDH

Take group by from the table which has Primary key and count from the another table which has actual entries/details.

How to check if an object is a list or tuple (but not string)?

For Python 3:


if isinstance(obj, and not isinstance(obj, str):
    print("obj is a sequence (list, tuple, etc) but not a string")

Changed in version 3.3: Moved Collections Abstract Base Classes to the module. For backwards compatibility, they will continue to be visible in this module as well until version 3.8 where it will stop working.

For Python 2:

import collections

if isinstance(obj, collections.Sequence) and not isinstance(obj, basestring):
    print "obj is a sequence (list, tuple, etc) but not a string or unicode"

Spark dataframe: collect () vs select ()

Actions vs Transformations

  • Collect (Action) - Return all the elements of the dataset as an array at the driver program. This is usually useful after a filter or other operation that returns a sufficiently small subset of the data.

spark-sql doc

select(*cols) (transformation) - Projects a set of expressions and returns a new DataFrame.

Parameters: cols – list of column names (string) or expressions (Column). If one of the column names is ‘*’, that column is expanded to include all columns in the current DataFrame.**'*').collect()
[Row(age=2, name=u'Alice'), Row(age=5, name=u'Bob')]'name', 'age').collect()
[Row(name=u'Alice', age=2), Row(name=u'Bob', age=5)], (df.age + 10).alias('age')).collect()
[Row(name=u'Alice', age=12), Row(name=u'Bob', age=15)]

Execution select(column-name1,column-name2,etc) method on a dataframe, returns a new dataframe which holds only the columns which were selected in the select() function.

e.g. assuming df has several columns including "name" and "value" and some others.

df2 ="name","value")

df2 will hold only two columns ("name" and "value") out of the entire columns of df

df2 as the result of select will be in the executors and not in the driver (as in the case of using collect())


# root
# |-- age: long (nullable = true)
# |-- name: string (nullable = true)

# Select only the "name" column"name").show()
# +-------+
# |   name|
# +-------+
# |Michael|
# |   Andy|
# | Justin|
# +-------+

You can running collect() on a dataframe (spark docs)

>>> l = [('Alice', 1)]
>>> spark.createDataFrame(l).collect()
[Row(_1=u'Alice', _2=1)]
>>> spark.createDataFrame(l, ['name', 'age']).collect()
[Row(name=u'Alice', age=1)]

spark docs

To print all elements on the driver, one can use the collect() method to first bring the RDD to the driver node thus: rdd.collect().foreach(println). This can cause the driver to run out of memory, though, because collect() fetches the entire RDD to a single machine; if you only need to print a few elements of the RDD, a safer approach is to use the take(): rdd.take(100).foreach(println).

Preprocessing in scikit learn - single sample - Depreciation warning

.values.reshape(-1,1) will be accepted without alerts/warnings

.reshape(-1,1) will be accepted, but with deprecation war

How to check if an email address exists without sending an email?

Some issues:

  1. I'm sure some SMTP servers will let you know immediately if an address you give them does not exist, but some won't as a privacy measure. They'll just accept whatever addresses you give them and silently ignore the ones that don't exist.
  2. As the article says, if you do this too often with some servers, they will blacklist you.
  3. For some SMTP servers (like gmail), you need to use SSL in order to do anything. This is only true when using gmail's SMTP server to send email.

Label encoding across multiple columns in scikit-learn

The problem is the shape of the data (pd dataframe) you are passing to the fit function. You've got to pass 1d list.

How can I plot a confusion matrix?

enter image description here

you can use plt.matshow() instead of plt.imshow() or you can use seaborn module's heatmap (see documentation) to plot the confusion matrix

import seaborn as sn
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
array = [[33,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,3], 
df_cm = pd.DataFrame(array, index = [i for i in "ABCDEFGHIJK"],
                  columns = [i for i in "ABCDEFGHIJK"])
plt.figure(figsize = (10,7))
sn.heatmap(df_cm, annot=True)

Default values for Vue component props & how to check if a user did not set the prop?

Vue allows for you to specify a default prop value and type directly, by making props an object (see:

props: {
  year: {
    default: 2016,
    type: Number

If the wrong type is passed then it throws an error and logs it in the console, here's the fiddle:

How should I pass an int into stringWithFormat?

And for comedic value:

label.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", [NSNumber numberWithInt:count]];

(Though it could be useful if one day you're dealing with NSNumber's)

Eclipse Workspaces: What for and why?

Basically the scope of workspace(s) is divided in two points.

First point (and primary) is the eclipse it self and is related with the settings and metadata configurations (plugin ctr). Each time you create a project, eclipse collects all the configurations and stores them on that workspace and if somehow in the same workspace a conflicting project is present you might loose some functionality or even stability of eclipse it self.

And second (secondary) the point of development strategy one can adopt. Once the primary scope is met (and mastered) and there's need for further adjustments regarding project relations (as libraries, perspectives ctr) then initiate separate workspace(s) could be appropriate based on development habits or possible language/frameworks "behaviors". DLTK for examples is a beast that should be contained in a separate cage. Lots of complains at forums for it stopped working (properly or not at all) and suggested solution was to clean the settings of the equivalent plugin from the current workspace.

Personally, I found myself lean more to language distinction when it comes to separate workspaces which is relevant to known issues that comes with the current state of the plugins are used. Preferably I keep them in the minimum numbers as this is leads to less frustration when the projects are become... plenty and version control is not the only version you keep your projects. Finally, loading speed and performance is an issue that might come up if lots of (unnecessary) plugins are loaded due to presents of irrelevant projects. Bottom line; there is no one solution to every one, no master blue print that solves the issue. It's something that grows with experience, Less is more though!