1.0 SSH configuration file
1.1 Create ~/.ssh/config
1.2 chmod 600 ~/.ssh/config (must)
1.3 Input the following into the file:
Host pizza
HostName github.com
PreferredAuthentications publickey # optional
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/privatekey1
Case A: Fresh new Git clone
Use this command to Git clone:
$ git clone git@pizza:yourgitusername/pizzahut_repo.git
Note: If you want to change the host name “pizza” of .ssh/config in the future, go into the Git cloned folder, edit .git/config file URL line (see case B)
Case B: Already have Git clone folder
2.1 Go to the cloned folder, and then go into the .git folder
2.2 Edit configuration file
2.3 Update the URL from *old to new:
(Old) URL = [email protected]:yourgitusername/pizzahut_repo.git
(New) URL = git@pizza:yourgitusername/pizzahut_repo.git