[c#] Sending Arguments To Background Worker?

Let's say I want to sent an int parameter to a background worker, how can this be accomplished?

private void worker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) {


I know when this is worker.RunWorkerAsync();, I don't understand how to define in worker_DoWork that it should take an int parameter.

This question is related to c# backgroundworker

The answer is

Even though this is an already answered question, I'd leave another option that IMO is a lot easier to read:

BackgroundWorker worker = new BackgroundWorker();
worker.DoWork += (obj, e) => WorkerDoWork(value, text);

And on the handler method:

private void WorkerDoWork(int value, string text) {

You should always try to use a composite object with concrete types (using composite design pattern) rather than a list of object types. Who would remember what the heck each of those objects is? Think about maintenance of your code later on... Instead, try something like this:

Public (Class or Structure) MyPerson
                public string FirstName { get; set; }
                public string LastName { get; set; }
                public string Address { get; set; }
                public int ZipCode { get; set; }
End Class

And then:

Dim person as new MyPerson With { .FirstName = “Joe”,
                                  .LastName = "Smith”,

and then:

private void backgroundWorker1_DoWork (object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
        MyPerson person = e.Argument as MyPerson
        string firstname = person.FirstName;
        string lastname = person.LastName;
        int zipcode = person.ZipCode;                                 

you can try this out if you want to pass more than one type of arguments, first add them all to an array of type Object and pass that object to RunWorkerAsync() here is an example :

   List<string> excludeList = new List<string>(); // list of strings
   string newPath ="some path";  // normal string
   Object[] args = {newPath,excludeList };

Now in the doWork method of background worker

backgroundAnalyzer_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
        Object[] arg = e.Argument as Object[];
        string path= (string)arg[0];
        List<string> lst = (List<string>) arg[1];
        // do something......

You can pass multiple arguments like this.

List<object> arguments = new List<object>();
arguments.Add("first");      //argument 1
arguments.Add(new Object()); //argument 2
// ...
arguments.Add(10);           //argument n


private void worker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) 
  List<object> genericlist = e.Argument as List<object>;
  //extract your multiple arguments from 
  //this list and cast them and use them. 

You can use the DoWorkEventArgs.Argument property.

A full example (even using an int argument) can be found on Microsoft's site:

Check out the DoWorkEventArgs.Argument Property:


private void backgroundWorker1_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
    // Do not access the form's BackgroundWorker reference directly.
    // Instead, use the reference provided by the sender parameter.
    BackgroundWorker bw = sender as BackgroundWorker;

    // Extract the argument.
    int arg = (int)e.Argument;

    // Start the time-consuming operation.
    e.Result = TimeConsumingOperation(bw, arg);

    // If the operation was canceled by the user, 
    // set the DoWorkEventArgs.Cancel property to true.
    if (bw.CancellationPending)
        e.Cancel = true;

You need RunWorkerAsync(object) method and DoWorkEventArgs.Argument property.


private void worker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) {
    int argument = (int)e.Argument; //5