[powershell] Powershell send-mailmessage - email to multiple recipients

I have this powershell script to sending emails with attachments, but when I add multiple recipients, only the first one gets the message. I've read the documentation and still can't figure it out. Thank you

$recipients = "Marcel <[email protected]>, Marcelt <[email protected]>"

Get-ChildItem "C:\Decrypted\" | Where {-NOT $_.PSIsContainer} | foreach {$_.fullname} |
send-mailmessage -from "[email protected]" `
            -to "$recipients" `
            -subject "New files" `
            -body "$teloadmin" `
            -BodyAsHtml `
            -priority  High `
            -dno onSuccess, onFailure `

This question is related to powershell

The answer is

That's right, each address needs to be quoted. If you have multiple addresses listed on the command line, the Send-MailMessage likes it if you specify both the human friendly and the email address parts.

to send a .NET / C# powershell eMail use such a structure:

for best behaviour create a class with a method like this

 using (PowerShell PowerShellInstance = PowerShell.Create())
                                  .AddParameter("SMTPServer", "smtp.xxx.com")
                                  .AddParameter("From", "[email protected]")
                                  .AddParameter("Subject", "xxx Notification")
                                  .AddParameter("Body", body_msg)
                                  .AddParameter("To", recipients);

                // invoke execution on the pipeline (ignore output) --> nothing will be displayed

Whereby these instance is called in a function like:

        public void sendEMailPowerShell(string body_msg, string[] recipients)

Never forget to use a string array for the recepients, which can be look like this:

string[] reportRecipient = { 
                        "xxx <[email protected]>",
                        "xxx <[email protected]>"


this message can be overgiven as parameter to the method itself, HTML coding enabled!!


never forget to use a string array in case of multiple recipients, otherwise only the last address in the string will be used!!!

calling the function can look like this:

        mail reportMail = new mail(); //instantiate from class
        reportMail.sendEMailPowerShell(reportMessage, reportRecipient); //msg + email addresses


You must first convert the string to a string array, like this:

$recipients = "Marcel <[email protected]>,Marcelt <[email protected]>"
[string[]]$To = $recipients.Split(',')

Then use Send-MailMessage like this:

Send-MailMessage -From "[email protected]" -To $To -subject "New files" -body "$teloadmin" -BodyAsHtml -priority High -dno onSuccess, onFailure -smtpServer

here is a full (gmail) and simple solution... just use normal ; delimiter.. best for passing in as params.

$to = "[email protected];[email protected]"
$user = "[email protected]"    
$pass = ConvertTo-SecureString -String "pass" -AsPlainText -Force

$cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential $user, $pass
$mailParam = @{
    To = $to.Split(';')
    From = "IT Alerts <[email protected]>"
    Subject = "test"
    Body = "test"
    SmtpServer = "smtp.gmail.com"
    Port = 587
    Credential = $cred

Send-MailMessage @mailParam -UseSsl

To define an array of strings it is more comfortable to use $var = @('User1 ', 'User2 ').

$servername = hostname
$smtpserver = 'localhost'
$emailTo = @('username1 <[email protected]>', 'username2<[email protected]>')
$emailFrom = 'SomeServer <[email protected]>'
Send-MailMessage -To $emailTo -Subject 'Low available memory' -Body 'Warning' -SmtpServer $smtpserver -From $emailFrom

Just creating a Powershell array will do the trick

$recipients = @("Marcel <[email protected]>", "Marcelt <[email protected]>")

The same approach can be used for attachments

$attachments = @("$PSScriptRoot\image003.png", "$PSScriptRoot\image004.jpg")