Programs & Examples On

Pcap.Net is a .NET wrapper for WinPcap written in C++/CLI and C#. It Features almost all WinPcap features and includes a packet interpretation framework. See

Looking for a good Python Tree data structure

Building on the answer given above with the single line Tree using defaultdict, you can make it a class. This will allow you to set up defaults in a constructor and build on it in other ways.

class Tree(defaultdict):
    def __call__(self):
        return Tree(self)

    def __init__(self, parent):
        self.parent = parent
        self.default_factory = self

This example allows you to make a back reference so that each node can refer to its parent in the tree.

>>> t = Tree(None)
>>> t[0][1][2] = 3
>>> t
defaultdict(defaultdict(..., {...}), {0: defaultdict(defaultdict(..., {...}), {1: defaultdict(defaultdict(..., {...}), {2: 3})})})
>>> t[0][1].parent
defaultdict(defaultdict(..., {...}), {1: defaultdict(defaultdict(..., {...}), {2: 3})})
>>> t2 = t[0][1]
>>> t2
defaultdict(defaultdict(..., {...}), {2: 3})
>>> t2[2]

Next, you could even override __setattr__ on class Tree so that when reassigning the parent, it removes it as a child from that parent. Lots of cool stuff with this pattern.

PHP session lost after redirect

I fixed by giving group write permissions to the path where PHP store session files. You can find session path with session_save_path() function.

HTTP Error 404.3-Not Found in IIS 7.5

In my case, along with Mekanik's suggestions, I was receiving this error in Windows Server 2012 and I had to tick "HTTP Activation" in "Add Role Services".

Difference between save and saveAndFlush in Spring data jpa

Depending on the hibernate flush mode that you are using (AUTO is the default) save may or may not write your changes to the DB straight away. When you call saveAndFlush you are enforcing the synchronization of your model state with the DB.

If you use flush mode AUTO and you are using your application to first save and then select the data again, you will not see a difference in bahvior between save() and saveAndFlush() because the select triggers a flush first. See the documention.

Use of PUT vs PATCH methods in REST API real life scenarios

TLDR - Dumbed Down Version

PUT => Set all new attributes for an existing resource.

PATCH => Partially update an existing resource (not all attributes required).

printing all contents of array in C#

If you do not want to use the Array function.

public class GArray
    int[] mainArray;
    int index;
    int i = 0;

    public GArray()
        index = 0;
        mainArray = new int[4];
    public void add(int addValue)

        if (index == mainArray.Length)
            int newSize = index * 2;
            int[] temp = new int[newSize];
            for (int i = 0; i < mainArray.Length; i++)
                temp[i] = mainArray[i];
            mainArray = temp;
        mainArray[index] = addValue;

    public void print()
        for (int i = 0; i < index; i++)
 class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        GArray myArray = new GArray();

Kotlin Android start new Activity

To start an Activity in java we wrote Intent(this, Page2.class), basically you have to define Context in first parameter and destination class in second parameter. According to Intent method in source code -

 public Intent(Context packageContext, Class<?> cls)

As you can see we have to pass Class<?> type in second parameter.

By writing Intent(this, Page2) we never specify we are going to pass class, we are trying to pass class type which is not acceptable.

Use which is alternative of .class in kotlin. Use below code to start your Activity


Example -

val intent = Intent(this,
// To pass any data to next activity
intent.putExtra("keyIdentifier", value)
// start your next activity

How to create a user in Django?

Have you confirmed that you are passing actual values and not None?

from django.shortcuts import render

def createUser(request):
    userName = request.REQUEST.get('username', None)
    userPass = request.REQUEST.get('password', None)
    userMail = request.REQUEST.get('email', None)

    # TODO: check if already existed
    if userName and userPass and userMail:
       u,created = User.objects.get_or_create(userName, userMail)
       if created:
          # user was created
          # set the password here
          # user was retrieved
       # request was empty

    return render(request,'home.html')

Android Emulator Error Message: "PANIC: Missing emulator engine program for 'x86' CPUS."

If you are using macOS, add both Android SDK emulator and tools directories to the path:

Step 1: In my case the order was important, first emulator and then tools.

export ANDROID_SDK=$HOME/Library/Android/sdk
export PATH=$ANDROID_SDK/emulator:$ANDROID_SDK/tools:$PATH

Step 2: Reload you .bash_profile Or .bashrc depending on OS

Step 3: Get list of emulators available: $emulator -list-avds

Step 4: Launch emulator from the command line and Replace avd with the name of your emulator $emulator @avd

Don't forget to add the @ symbol.

This was tested with macOS High Sierra 10.13.4 and Android Studio 3.1.2.

Setting focus to a textbox control

Quite simple :

For the tab control, you need to handle the _SelectedIndexChanged event:

Private Sub TabControl1_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) _
  Handles TabControl1.SelectedIndexChanged

If TabControl1.SelectedTab.Name = "TabPage1" Then
End If
If TabControl1.SelectedTab.Name = "TabPage2" Then
End If

Finding even or odd ID values

In oracle,

select num from table where MOD (num, 2) = 0;

Docker CE on RHEL - Requires: container-selinux >= 2.9

To update container-selinux I had to install epel-release first:

Add Centos-7 repository

wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo

Install epel-release

yum install epel-release

Update container-selinux

yum install container-selinux

Showing percentages above bars on Excel column graph

In Excel for Mac 2016 at least,if you place the labels in any spot on the graph and are looking to move them anywhere else (in this case above the bars), select:

Chart Design->Add Chart Element->Data Labels -> More Data Label Options

then you can grab each individual label and pull it where you would like it.

Expected initializer before function name

Try adding a semi colon to the end of your structure:

 struct sotrudnik {
    string name;
    string speciality;
    string razread;
    int zarplata;
} //Semi colon here

How do you stash an untracked file?

You can simply do it with below command

git stash save --include-untracked


git stash save -u

For more about git stash Visit this post (Click Here)

Swift add icon/image in UITextField

enter image description here
Another way to set placeholder icon & set padding to TextField.

let userIcon = UIImage(named: "ImageName") 
setPaddingWithImage(image: userIcon, textField: txtUsername)

func setPaddingWithImage(image: UIImage, textField: UITextField){
    let imageView = UIImageView(image: image)
    imageView.contentMode = .scaleAspectFit
    let view = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 60, height: 50))
    imageView.frame = CGRect(x: 13.0, y: 13.0, width: 24.0, height: 24.0)
    //For Setting extra padding other than Icon.
    let seperatorView = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 50, y: 0, width: 10, height: 50))
    seperatorview.backgroundColor = UIColor(red: 80/255, green: 89/255, blue: 94/255, alpha: 1)
    textField.leftViewMode = .always
    view.backgroundColor = .darkGray
    textField.leftViewMode = UITextFieldViewMode.always
    textField.leftView = view

PostgreSQL: how to convert from Unix epoch to date?

On Postgres 10:

SELECT to_timestamp(CAST(epoch_ms as bigint)/1000)

pip issue installing almost any library

I solved this issue with the following steps (on sles 11sp2)

zypper remove pip
easy_install pip=1.2.1
pip install --upgrade scons

Here are the same steps in puppet (which should work on all distros)

  package { 'python-pip':
    ensure => absent,
  exec { 'python-pip':
    command  => '/usr/bin/easy_install pip==1.2.1',
    require  => Package['python-pip'],
  package { 'scons': 
    ensure   => latest,
    provider => pip,
    require  => Exec['python-pip'],

What is the correct way to do a CSS Wrapper?

Are there other ways?

Negative margins were also used for horizontal (and vertical!) centering but there are quite a few drawbacks when you resize the window browser: no window slider; the content can't be seen anymore if the size of the window browser is too small.
No surprise as it uses absolute positioning, a beast never completely tamed!


So that was only FYI as you asked for it, margin: 0 auto; is a better solution.

Keystore type: which one to use?

There are a few more types than what's listed in the standard name list you've linked to. You can find more in the cryptographic providers documentation. The most common are certainly JKS (the default) and PKCS12 (for PKCS#12 files, often with extension .p12 or sometimes .pfx).

JKS is the most common if you stay within the Java world. PKCS#12 isn't Java-specific, it's particularly convenient to use certificates (with private keys) backed up from a browser or coming from OpenSSL-based tools (keytool wasn't able to convert a keystore and import its private keys before Java 6, so you had to use other tools).

If you already have a PKCS#12 file, it's often easier to use the PKCS12 type directly. It's possible to convert formats, but it's rarely necessary if you can choose the keystore type directly.

In Java 7, PKCS12 was mainly useful as a keystore but less for a truststore (see the difference between a keystore and a truststore), because you couldn't store certificate entries without a private key. In contrast, JKS doesn't require each entry to be a private key entry, so you can have entries that contain only certificates, which is useful for trust stores, where you store the list of certificates you trust (but you don't have the private key for them).

This has changed in Java 8, so you can now have certificate-only entries in PKCS12 stores too. (More details about these changes and further plans can be found in JEP 229: Create PKCS12 Keystores by Default.)

There are a few other keystore types, perhaps less frequently used (depending on the context), those include:

  • PKCS11, for PKCS#11 libraries, typically for accessing hardware cryptographic tokens, but the Sun provider implementation also supports NSS stores (from Mozilla) through this.
  • BKS, using the BouncyCastle provider (commonly used for Android).
  • Windows-MY/Windows-ROOT, if you want to access the Windows certificate store directly.
  • KeychainStore, if you want to use the OSX keychain directly.

How can I get the current page name in WordPress?

Try this:

$pagename = get_query_var('pagename');

A simple explanation of Naive Bayes Classification

Ram Narasimhan explained the concept very nicely here below is an alternative explanation through the code example of Naive Bayes in action
It uses an example problem from this book on page 351
This is the data set that we will be using
enter image description here
In the above dataset if we give the hypothesis = {"Age":'<=30', "Income":"medium", "Student":'yes' , "Creadit_Rating":'fair'} then what is the probability that he will buy or will not buy a computer.
The code below exactly answers that question.
Just create a file called named new_dataset.csv and paste the following content.


Here is the code the comments explains everything we are doing here! [python]

import pandas as pd 
import pprint 

class Classifier():
    data = None
    class_attr = None
    priori = {}
    cp = {}
    hypothesis = None

    def __init__(self,filename=None, class_attr=None ): = pd.read_csv(filename, sep=',', header =(0))
        self.class_attr = class_attr

        probability(class) =    How many  times it appears in cloumn
                                  count of all class attribute
    def calculate_priori(self):
        class_values = list(set([self.class_attr]))
        class_data =  list([self.class_attr])
        for i in class_values:
            self.priori[i]  = class_data.count(i)/float(len(class_data))
        print "Priori Values: ", self.priori

        Here we calculate the individual probabilites 
        P(outcome|evidence) =   P(Likelihood of Evidence) x Prior prob of outcome
    def get_cp(self, attr, attr_type, class_value):
        data_attr = list([attr])
        class_data = list([self.class_attr])
        total =1
        for i in range(0, len(data_attr)):
            if class_data[i] == class_value and data_attr[i] == attr_type:
        return total/float(class_data.count(class_value))

        Here we calculate Likelihood of Evidence and multiple all individual probabilities with priori
        (Outcome|Multiple Evidence) = P(Evidence1|Outcome) x P(Evidence2|outcome) x ... x P(EvidenceN|outcome) x P(Outcome)
        scaled by P(Multiple Evidence)
    def calculate_conditional_probabilities(self, hypothesis):
        for i in self.priori:
            self.cp[i] = {}
            for j in hypothesis:
                self.cp[i].update({ hypothesis[j]: self.get_cp(j, hypothesis[j], i)})
        print "\nCalculated Conditional Probabilities: \n"

    def classify(self):
        print "Result: "
        for i in self.cp:
            print i, " ==> ", reduce(lambda x, y: x*y, self.cp[i].values())*self.priori[i]

if __name__ == "__main__":
    c = Classifier(filename="new_dataset.csv", class_attr="Buys_Computer" )
    c.hypothesis = {"Age":'<=30', "Income":"medium", "Student":'yes' , "Creadit_Rating":'fair'}



Priori Values:  {'yes': 0.6428571428571429, 'no': 0.35714285714285715}

Calculated Conditional Probabilities: 

 'no': {
        '<=30': 0.8,
        'fair': 0.6, 
        'medium': 0.6, 
        'yes': 0.4
'yes': {
        '<=30': 0.3333333333333333,
        'fair': 0.7777777777777778,
        'medium': 0.5555555555555556,
        'yes': 0.7777777777777778

yes  ==>  0.0720164609053
no  ==>  0.0411428571429

Hope it helps in better understanding the problem


Jquery find nearest matching element

closest() only looks for parents, I'm guessing what you really want is .find()


Visualizing decision tree in scikit-learn

Simple way founded here with pydotplus (graphviz must be installed):

from IPython.display import Image  
from sklearn import tree
import pydotplus # installing pyparsing maybe needed


dot_data = tree.export_graphviz(best_model, out_file=None, feature_names = X.columns)
graph = pydotplus.graph_from_dot_data(dot_data)

Setting up a git remote origin

For anyone who comes here, as I did, looking for the syntax to change origin to a different location you can find that documentation here: Using git remote add to do this will result in "fatal: remote origin already exists."

Nutshell: git remote set-url origin

(The marked answer is correct, I'm just hoping to help anyone as lost as I was... haha)

Convert varchar to uniqueidentifier in SQL Server

The guid provided is not correct format(.net Provided guid).

begin try
select convert(uniqueidentifier,'a89b1acd95016ae6b9c8aabb07da2010')
end try
begin catch
print '1'
end catch

Printing the last column of a line in a file

Using Perl

$ cat rayne.txt
A1 123 456
B1 234 567
C1 345 678
A1 098 766
B1 987 6545
C1 876 5434

$ perl -lane ' /A1/ and $x=$F[2] ; END { print "$x" } ' rayne.txt


How to convert an array into an object using stdClass()

or you can use this thing

$arr = [1,2,3];
$obj = json_decode(json_encode($arr));

Get DOS path instead of Windows path

$fso = New-Object -com scripting.filesystemobject
$fso.GetFolder('c:\Program Files (x86)').ShortName()


Inspired by Dr. Scripto's answer

Best XML parser for Java

In addition to SAX and DOM there is STaX parsing available using XMLStreamReader which is an xml pull parser.

Output a NULL cell value in Excel

I've been frustrated by this problem as well. Find/Replace can be helpful though, because if you don't put anything in the "replace" field it will replace with an -actual- NULL. So the steps would be something along the lines of:

1: Place some unique string in your formula in place of the NULL output (i like to use a password-like string)

2: Run your formula

3: Open Find/Replace, and fill in the unique string as the search value. Leave "replace with" blank

4: Replace All

Obviously, this has limitations. It only works when the context allows you to do a find/replace, so for more dynamic formulas this won't help much. But, I figured I'd put it up here anyway.

Update Jenkins from a war file

I didn't want to install the x11-common and other components that come bundled in the apt-get install approach, so I just downloaded the .war file and ran the command Francois mentioned. That worked nicely, but you have to write your own daemon script with that approach. Full details here:

Custom ImageView with drop shadow

If you want to use the custom imageView, I suggest you use this one

View look perfect and dont't use any nine path image

enter image description here

Handling MySQL datetimes and timestamps in Java

The MySQL documentation has information on mapping MySQL types to Java types. In general, for MySQL datetime and timestamps you should use java.sql.Timestamp. A few resources include:

How to store Java Date to Mysql datetime...?


As others have indicated, the suggestion of using strings may lead to issues.

UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xa0' in position 20: ordinal not in range(128)

Add line below at the beginning of your script ( or as second line):

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

That's definition of python source code encoding. More info in PEP 263.

Center Triangle at Bottom of Div

You could also use a CSS "calc" to get the same effect instead of using the negative margin or transform properties (in case you want to use those properties for anything else).

.hero:after {
    z-index: -1;
    position: absolute;
    top: 98.1%;
    left: calc(50% - 25px);
    content: '';
    width: 0;
    height: 0;
    border-top: solid 50px #e15915;
    border-left: solid 50px transparent;
    border-right: solid 50px transparent;

Overcoming "Display forbidden by X-Frame-Options"

I had the same problem with mediawiki, this was because the server denied embedding the page into an iframe for security reasons.

I solved it writing

$wgEditPageFrameOptions = "SAMEORIGIN"; 

into the mediawiki php config file.

Hope it helps.

ITSAppUsesNonExemptEncryption export compliance while internal testing?

Apple has changed the rules on this. I read through all the Apple docs and as many of the US export regs as I could find.

My view on this was until recently even using HTTPS for most apps meant Apple would require the export certificate. Some apps such as banking would be OK but for many apps they did not fall into the excempt category which is very, very broad.

However Apple has now introduced a getout under the exempt category for apps that JUST use https. I do not know when they did this but I think it was either Dec 2016 or Jan 2017. We are now submitting our apps without the certificate from the US Govt.

Storing a file in a database as opposed to the file system?

Have a look at this answer:

Storing Images in DB - Yea or Nay?

Essentially, the space and performance hit can be quite big, depending on the number of users. Also, keep in mind that Web servers are cheap and you can easily add more to balance the load, whereas the database is the most expensive and hardest to scale part of a web architecture usually.

There are some opposite examples (e.g., Microsoft Sharepoint), but usually, storing files in the database is not a good idea.

Unless possibly you write desktop apps and/or know roughly how many users you will ever have, but on something as random and unexpectable like a public web site, you may pay a high price for storing files in the database.

How do I round a float upwards to the nearest int in C#?

You can cast to an int provided you are sure it's in the range for an int (Int32.MinValue to Int32.MaxValue).

Default optional parameter in Swift function

Swift is not like languages like JavaScript, where you can call a function without passing the parameters and it will still be called. So to call a function in Swift, you need to assign a value to its parameters.

Default values for parameters allow you to assign a value without specifying it when calling the function. That's why test() works when you specify a default value on test's declaration.

If you don't include that default value, you need to provide the value on the call: test(nil).

Also, and not directly related to this question, but probably worth to note, you are using the "C++" way of dealing with possibly null pointers, for dealing with possible nil optionals in Swift. The following code is safer (specially in multithreading software), and it allows you to avoid the forced unwrapping of the optional:

func test(firstThing: Int? = nil) {
    if let firstThing = firstThing {

Javascript - get array of dates between 2 dates

Here's a canned method that will accept Moment dates or strings or a mixture as inputs and generate an array of dates as Moment dates. If you don't want Moment dates as output then change what the map() method returns.

const moment = require('moment');

// ...

 * @param {string|import('moment').Moment} start
 * @param {string|import('moment').Moment} end
 * @returns {import('moment').Moment[]}
const getDateRange = (start, end) => {
  const s = moment.isMoment(start) ? start : moment(start);
  const e = moment.isMoment(end) ? end : moment(end);
  return [...Array(1 + e.diff(s, 'days')).keys()].map(n => moment(s).add(n, 'days'));

Tensorflow: how to save/restore a model?

For tensorflow 2.0, it is as simple as

# Save the model'path_to_my_model.h5')

To restore:

new_model = tensorflow.keras.models.load_model('path_to_my_model.h5')

Polymorphism: Why use "List list = new ArrayList" instead of "ArrayList list = new ArrayList"?

This is also helpful when exposing a public interface. If you have a method like this,

public ArrayList getList();

Then you decide to change it to,

public LinkedList getList();

Anyone who was doing ArrayList list = yourClass.getList() will need to change their code. On the other hand, if you do,

public List getList();

Changing the implementation doesn't change anything for the users of your API.

Magento: get a static block as html in a phtml file

When you create a new CMS block named block_identifier from the admin panel you can use the following code to call it from your .phtml file:

<?php echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock('cms/block')->setBlockId('block_identifier')->toHtml(); 

Then clear the cache and reload your browser.

How to set top position using jquery

Just for reference, if you are using:


To get the position, it can be affected by the position of the parent element. Thus you may want to be consistent and use the following to set it:

$(el).offset({top: pos});

As opposed to the CSS methods above.

PL/SQL block problem: No data found error

This data not found causes because of some datatype we are using .

like select empid into v_test

above empid and v_test has to be number type , then only the data will be stored .

So keep track of the data type , when getting this error , may be this will help

Convert an int to ASCII character

I suppose that


could do the job, it's an overloaded function, it could be any numeric type such as int, double or float

Running ASP.Net on a Linux based server

So I know this is an older question but I think it could stand an updated answer.

Microsoft has officially released vnext and its open source and deploy-able to both Linux and Mac. Its all still pretty new but does rely on the latest builds of mono and thus currently needs you to compile the mono-framework but in time I suspect that it will be easier to access as various linux distros release updated versions of mono. This is a how to setup guide

This information may be somewhat volatile and with updates is due to change.

Update ASP.NET CORE 11/10/2017

How to know if two arrays have the same values

If you want to check only if two arrays have same values (regardless the number of occurrences and order of each value) you could do this by using lodash:

_.isEmpty(_.xor(array1, array2))

Short, simple and pretty!

Accessing JSON object keys having spaces

The way to do this is via the bracket notation.

var test = {_x000D_
    "id": "109",_x000D_
    "No. of interfaces": "4"_x000D_
alert(test["No. of interfaces"]);

For more info read out here:

Android: Unable to add window. Permission denied for this window type

For what should be completely obvious reasons, ordinary Apps are not allowed to create arbitrary windows on top of the lock screen. What do you think I could do if I created a window on your lockscreen that could perfectly imitate the real lockscreen so you couldn't tell the difference?

The technical reason for your error is the use of the TYPE_KEYGUARD_DIALOG flag - it requires android.permission.INTERNAL_SYSTEM_WINDOW which is a signature-level permission. This means that only Apps signed with the same certificate as the creator of the permission can use it.

The creator of android.permission.INTERNAL_SYSTEM_WINDOW is the Android system itself, so unless your App is part of the OS, you don't stand a chance.

There are well defined and well documented ways of notifying the user of information from the lockscreen. You can create customised notifications which show on the lockscreen and the user can interact with them.

Multipart File upload Spring Boot

@RequestMapping(value="/add/image", method=RequestMethod.POST)
public ResponseEntity upload(@RequestParam("id") Long id, HttpServletResponse response, HttpServletRequest request)
    try {
        MultipartHttpServletRequest multipartRequest=(MultipartHttpServletRequest)request;
        Iterator<String> it=multipartRequest.getFileNames();
        MultipartFile multipart=multipartRequest.getFile(;
        String fileName=id+".png";
        String imageName = fileName;

        byte[] bytes=multipart.getBytes();
        BufferedOutputStream stream= new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("src/main/resources/static/image/book/"+fileName));;

        return new ResponseEntity("upload success", HttpStatus.OK);

    } catch (Exception e) {
        return new ResponseEntity("Upload fialed", HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);

javascript regular expression to not match a word

This can be done in 2 ways:

if (str.match(/abc|def/)) {

if (/abc|def/.test(str)) {

How to check if a Unix .tar.gz file is a valid file without uncompressing?

These are all very sub-optimal solutions. From the GZIP spec

ID2 (IDentification 2)
These have the fixed values ID1 = 31 (0x1f, \037), ID2 = 139 (0x8b, \213), to identify the file as being in gzip format.

Has to be coded into whatever language you're using.

In Bootstrap open Enlarge image in modal


img.modal-img {
  cursor: pointer;
  transition: 0.3s;
img.modal-img:hover {
  opacity: 0.7;
.img-modal {
  display: none;
  position: fixed;
  z-index: 99999;
  padding-top: 100px;
  left: 0;
  top: 0;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  overflow: auto;
  background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.9);
.img-modal img {
  margin: auto;
  display: block;
  width: 80%;
  max-width: 700%;
.img-modal div {
  margin: auto;
  display: block;
  width: 80%;
  max-width: 700px;
  text-align: center;
  color: #ccc;
  padding: 10px 0;
  height: 150px;
.img-modal img, .img-modal div {
  animation: zoom 0.6s;
.img-modal span {
  position: absolute;
  top: 15px;
  right: 35px;
  color: #f1f1f1;
  font-size: 40px;
  font-weight: bold;
  transition: 0.3s;
  cursor: pointer;
@media only screen and (max-width: 700px) {
  .img-modal img {
    width: 100%;
@keyframes zoom {
  0% {
    transform: scale(0);
  100% {
    transform: scale(1);


$('img.modal-img').each(function() {_x000D_
    var modal = $('<div class="img-modal"><span>&times;</span><img /><div></div></div>');_x000D_
    modal.find('img').attr('src', $(this).attr('src'));_x000D_
    modal = $(this).next();_x000D_
    $(this).click(function(event) {_x000D_;_x000D_
    modal.find('span').click(function(event) {_x000D_
  $(document).keyup(function(event) {_x000D_
img.modal-img {_x000D_
  cursor: pointer;_x000D_
  transition: 0.3s;_x000D_
img.modal-img:hover {_x000D_
  opacity: 0.7;_x000D_
.img-modal {_x000D_
  display: none;_x000D_
  position: fixed;_x000D_
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  padding-top: 100px;_x000D_
  left: 0;_x000D_
  top: 0;_x000D_
  width: 100%;_x000D_
  height: 100%;_x000D_
  overflow: auto;_x000D_
  background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.9);_x000D_
.img-modal img {_x000D_
  margin: auto;_x000D_
  display: block;_x000D_
  width: 80%;_x000D_
  max-width: 700%;_x000D_
.img-modal div {_x000D_
  margin: auto;_x000D_
  display: block;_x000D_
  width: 80%;_x000D_
  max-width: 700px;_x000D_
  text-align: center;_x000D_
  color: #ccc;_x000D_
  padding: 10px 0;_x000D_
  height: 150px;_x000D_
.img-modal img, .img-modal div {_x000D_
  animation: zoom 0.6s;_x000D_
.img-modal span {_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  top: 15px;_x000D_
  right: 35px;_x000D_
  color: #f1f1f1;_x000D_
  font-size: 40px;_x000D_
  font-weight: bold;_x000D_
  transition: 0.3s;_x000D_
  cursor: pointer;_x000D_
@media only screen and (max-width: 700px) {_x000D_
  .img-modal img {_x000D_
    width: 100%;_x000D_
@keyframes zoom {_x000D_
  0% {_x000D_
    transform: scale(0);_x000D_
  100% {_x000D_
    transform: scale(1);_x000D_
$('img.modal-img').each(function() {_x000D_
    var modal = $('<div class="img-modal"><span>&times;</span><img /><div></div></div>');_x000D_
    modal.find('img').attr('src', $(this).attr('src'));_x000D_
    modal = $(this).next();_x000D_
    $(this).click(function(event) {_x000D_;_x000D_
    modal.find('span').click(function(event) {_x000D_
  $(document).keyup(function(event) {_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>_x000D_
<img src="" class="modal-img">

Reading serial data in realtime in Python

A very good solution to this can be found here:

Here's a class that serves as a wrapper to a pyserial object. It allows you to read lines without 100% CPU. It does not contain any timeout logic. If a timeout occurs, returns an empty string and you might want to throw an exception to indicate the timeout.

It is also supposed to be fast according to the author:

The code below gives me 790 kB/sec while replacing the code with pyserial's readline method gives me just 170kB/sec.

class ReadLine:
    def __init__(self, s):
        self.buf = bytearray()
        self.s = s

    def readline(self):
        i = self.buf.find(b"\n")
        if i >= 0:
            r = self.buf[:i+1]
            self.buf = self.buf[i+1:]
            return r
        while True:
            i = max(1, min(2048, self.s.in_waiting))
            data =
            i = data.find(b"\n")
            if i >= 0:
                r = self.buf + data[:i+1]
                self.buf[0:] = data[i+1:]
                return r

ser = serial.Serial('COM7', 9600)
rl = ReadLine(ser)

while True:


JavaScript hashmap equivalent

Here is an easy and convenient way of using something similar to the Java map:

var map = {
              'map_name_1': map_value_1,
              'map_name_2': map_value_2,
              'map_name_3': map_value_3,
              'map_name_4': map_value_4

And to get the value:

alert(map['map_name_1']);    // Gives the value of map_value_1

... etc. ...

alternative to "!is.null()" in R

The shiny package provides the convenient functions validate() and need() for checking that variables are both available and valid. need() evaluates an expression. If the expression is not valid, then an error message is returned. If the expression is valid, NULL is returned. One can use this to check if a variable is valid. See ?need for more information.

I suggest defining a function like this:

is.valid <- function(x) {
  is.null(need(x, message = FALSE))  

This function is.valid() will return FALSE if x is FALSE, NULL, NA, NaN, an empty string "", an empty atomic vector, a vector containing only missing values, a logical vector containing only FALSE, or an object of class try-error. In all other cases, it returns TRUE.

That means, need() (and is.valid()) covers a really broad range of failure cases. Instead of writing:

if (!is.null(x) && ! && !is.nan(x)) {

one can write simply:

if (is.valid(x)) {

With the check for class try-error, it can even be used in conjunction with a try() block to silently catch errors: (see

bad = try(1 + "1", silent = TRUE)
if (is.valid(bad)) {

Is there a Python equivalent of the C# null-coalescing operator?

In case you need to nest more than one null coalescing operation such as:


This is not a problem easily solved with or. It also cannot be solved with .get() which requires a dictionary type or similar (and cannot be nested anyway) or getattr() which will throw an exception when NoneType doesn't have the attribute.

The relevant pip considering adding null coalescing to the language is PEP 505 and the discussion relevant to the document is in the python-ideas thread.

How do I align spans or divs horizontally?

I would try to give them all display: block; attribute and using float: left;.

You can then set width and/or height as you like. You can even specify some vertical-alignment rules.

Create JSON object dynamically via JavaScript (Without concate strings)

Perhaps this information will help you.

var sitePersonel = {};_x000D_
var employees = []_x000D_
sitePersonel.employees = employees;_x000D_
var firstName = "John";_x000D_
var lastName = "Smith";_x000D_
var employee = {_x000D_
  "firstName": firstName,_x000D_
  "lastName": lastName_x000D_
var manager = "Jane Doe";_x000D_
sitePersonel.employees[0].manager = manager;_x000D_

Formatting a Date String in React Native

There is no need to include a bulky library such as Moment.js to fix such a simple issue.

The issue you are facing is not with formatting, but with parsing.

As John Shammas mentions in another answer, the Date constructor (and Date.parse) are picky about the input. Your 2016-01-04 10:34:23 may work in one JavaScript implementation, but not necessarily in the other.

According to the specification of ECMAScript 5.1, Date.parse supports (a simplification of) ISO 8601. That's good news, because your date is already very ISO 8601-like.

All you have to do is change the input format just a little. Swap the space for a T: 2016-01-04T10:34:23; and optionally add a time zone (2016-01-04T10:34:23+01:00), otherwise UTC is assumed.

How to convert string to long

IF your input is String then I recommend you to store the String into a double and then convert the double to the long.

String str = "123.45";
Double  a = Double.parseDouble(str);

long b = Math.round(a);

How to remove lines in a Matplotlib plot

This is a very long explanation that I typed up for a coworker of mine. I think it would be helpful here as well. Be patient, though. I get to the real issue that you are having toward the end. Just as a teaser, it's an issue of having extra references to your Line2D objects hanging around.

WARNING: One other note before we dive in. If you are using IPython to test this out, IPython keeps references of its own and not all of them are weakrefs. So, testing garbage collection in IPython does not work. It just confuses matters.

Okay, here we go. Each matplotlib object (Figure, Axes, etc) provides access to its child artists via various attributes. The following example is getting quite long, but should be illuminating.

We start out by creating a Figure object, then add an Axes object to that figure. Note that ax and fig.axes[0] are the same object (same id()).

>>> #Create a figure
>>> fig = plt.figure()
>>> fig.axes

>>> #Add an axes object
>>> ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)

>>> #The object in ax is the same as the object in fig.axes[0], which is 
>>> #   a list of axes objects attached to fig 
>>> print ax
>>> print fig.axes[0]
Axes(0.125,0.1;0.775x0.8)  #Same as "print ax"
>>> id(ax), id(fig.axes[0])
(212603664, 212603664) #Same ids => same objects

This also extends to lines in an axes object:

>>> #Add a line to ax
>>> lines = ax.plot(np.arange(1000))

>>> #Lines and ax.lines contain the same line2D instances 
>>> print lines
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0xce84bd0>]
>>> print ax.lines
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0xce84bd0>]

>>> print lines[0]
>>> print ax.lines[0]

>>> #Same ID => same object
>>> id(lines[0]), id(ax.lines[0])
(216550352, 216550352)

If you were to call using what was done above, you would see a figure containing a set of axes and a single line:

A figure containing a set of axes and a single line

Now, while we have seen that the contents of lines and ax.lines is the same, it is very important to note that the object referenced by the lines variable is not the same as the object reverenced by ax.lines as can be seen by the following:

>>> id(lines), id(ax.lines)
(212754584, 211335288)

As a consequence, removing an element from lines does nothing to the current plot, but removing an element from ax.lines removes that line from the current plot. So:

>>> lines.pop(0)

>>> ax.lines.pop(0)

So, if you were to run the second line of code, you would remove the Line2D object contained in ax.lines[0] from the current plot and it would be gone. Note that this can also be done via ax.lines.remove() meaning that you can save a Line2D instance in a variable, then pass it to ax.lines.remove() to delete that line, like so:

>>> #Create a new line
>>> lines.append(ax.plot(np.arange(1000)/2.0))
>>> ax.lines
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0xce84bd0>,  <matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0xce84dx3>]

A figure containing a set of axes and two lines

>>> #Remove that new line
>>> ax.lines.remove(lines[0])
>>> ax.lines
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0xce84dx3>]

A figure containing a set of axes and only the second line

All of the above works for fig.axes just as well as it works for ax.lines

Now, the real problem here. If we store the reference contained in ax.lines[0] into a weakref.ref object, then attempt to delete it, we will notice that it doesn't get garbage collected:

>>> #Create weak reference to Line2D object
>>> from weakref import ref
>>> wr = ref(ax.lines[0])
>>> print wr
<weakref at 0xb758af8; to 'Line2D' at 0xb757fd0>
>>> print wr()
<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0xb757fd0>

>>> #Delete the line from the axes
>>> ax.lines.remove(wr())
>>> ax.lines

>>> #Test weakref again
>>> print wr
<weakref at 0xb758af8; to 'Line2D' at 0xb757fd0>
>>> print wr()
<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0xb757fd0>

The reference is still live! Why? This is because there is still another reference to the Line2D object that the reference in wr points to. Remember how lines didn't have the same ID as ax.lines but contained the same elements? Well, that's the problem.

>>> #Print out lines
>>> print lines
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0xce84bd0>,  <matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0xce84dx3>]

To fix this problem, we simply need to delete `lines`, empty it, or let it go out of scope.

>>> #Reinitialize lines to empty list
>>> lines = []
>>> print lines
>>> print wr
<weakref at 0xb758af8; dead>

So, the moral of the story is, clean up after yourself. If you expect something to be garbage collected but it isn't, you are likely leaving a reference hanging out somewhere.

how to check confirm password field in form without reloading page

Solution Using jQuery

 <script src=""></script>

    #form label{float:left; width:140px;}
    #error_msg{color:red; font-weight:bold;}

        var $submitBtn = $("#form input[type='submit']");
        var $passwordBox = $("#password");
        var $confirmBox = $("#confirm_password");
        var $errorMsg =  $('<span id="error_msg">Passwords do not match.</span>');

        // This is incase the user hits refresh - some browsers will maintain the disabled state of the button.

        function checkMatchingPasswords(){
            if($confirmBox.val() != "" && $passwordBox.val != ""){
                if( $confirmBox.val() != $passwordBox.val() ){
                    $submitBtn.attr("disabled", "disabled");

        function resetPasswordError(){
            var $errorCont = $("#error_msg");
            if($errorCont.length > 0){

        $("#confirm_password, #password")
             .on("keydown", function(e){
                /* only check when the tab or enter keys are pressed
                 * to prevent the method from being called needlessly  */
                if(e.keyCode == 13 || e.keyCode == 9) {
             .on("blur", function(){                    
                // also check when the element looses focus (clicks somewhere else)
            .on("focus", function(){
                // reset the error message when they go to make a change


And update your form accordingly:

<form id="form" name="form" method="post" action="registration.php"> 
    <label for="username">Username : </label>
    <input name="username" id="username" type="text" /></label><br/>

    <label for="password">Password :</label> 
    <input name="password" id="password" type="password" /><br/>

    <label for="confirm_password">Confirm Password:</label>
    <input type="password" name="confirm_password" id="confirm_password" /><br/>

    <input type="submit" name="submit"  value="registration"  />

This will do precisely what you asked for:

  • validate that the password and confirm fields are equal without clicking the register button
  • If password and confirm password field will not match it will place an error message at the side of confirm password field and disable registration button

It is advisable not to use a keyup event listener for every keypress because really you only need to evaluate it when the user is done entering information. If someone types quickly on a slow machine, they may perceive lag as each keystroke will kick off the function.

Also, in your form you are using labels wrong. The label element has a "for" attribute which should correspond with the id of the form element. This is so that when visually impaired people use a screen reader to call out the form field, it will know text belongs to which field.

A project with an Output Type of Class Library cannot be started directly

The project type set as the Start-up project in that solution is of type ClassLibrary. DUe to that, the output is a dll not an executable and so, you cannot start it.

If this is an error then you can do this:

A quick and dirty fix for this, if that is the only csproj in the solution is to open the .csproj file in a text editor and change the value of the node <ProjectGuid> to the Guid corresponding to a WinForms C# project. (That you may obtain from a google search or by creating a new project and opening the .csproj file generated by Visual Studio to find out what the GUID for that type is). (Enjoy - not many people know about this sneaky trick)

BUT: the project might be a class library rightfully and then you should reference it in another project and use it that way.

How to efficiently build a tree from a flat structure?

JS version that returns one root or an array of roots each of which will have a Children array property containing the related children. Does not depend on ordered input, decently compact, and does not use recursion. Enjoy!

// creates a tree from a flat set of hierarchically related data
var MiracleGrow = function(treeData, key, parentKey)
    var keys = [];{
        x.Children = [];
    var roots = treeData.filter(function(x){return keys.indexOf(x[parentKey])==-1});
    var nodes = [];{nodes.push(x)});
    while(nodes.length > 0)

        var node = nodes.pop();
        var children =  treeData.filter(function(x){return x[parentKey] == node[key]});{
    if (roots.length==1) return roots[0];
    return roots;

// demo/test data
var treeData = [

    {id:9, name:'Led Zep', parent:null},
    {id:10, name:'Jimmy', parent:9},
    {id:11, name:'Robert', parent:9},
    {id:12, name:'John', parent:9},

    {id:8, name:'Elec Gtr Strings', parent:5},
    {id:1, name:'Rush', parent:null},
    {id:2, name:'Alex', parent:1},
    {id:3, name:'Geddy', parent:1},
    {id:4, name:'Neil', parent:1},
    {id:5, name:'Gibson Les Paul', parent:2},
    {id:6, name:'Pearl Kit', parent:4},
    {id:7, name:'Rickenbacker', parent:3},

    {id:100, name:'Santa', parent:99},
    {id:101, name:'Elf', parent:100},

var root = MiracleGrow(treeData, "id", "parent")

Navigation Drawer (Google+ vs. YouTube)

I know this is an old question but the most up to date answer is to use the Android Support Design library that will make your life easy.

ASP.NET MVC Razor: How to render a Razor Partial View's HTML inside the controller action

Borrowing @jgauffin answer as an HtmlHelper extension:

public static class HtmlHelperExtensions
    public static MvcHtmlString RenderPartialViewToString(
        this HtmlHelper html, 
        ControllerContext controllerContext, 
        ViewDataDictionary viewData,
        TempDataDictionary tempData,
        string viewName, 
        object model)
        viewData.Model = model;
        string result = String.Empty;

        using (StringWriter sw = new StringWriter())
            ViewEngineResult viewResult = ViewEngines.Engines.FindPartialView(controllerContext, viewName);
            ViewContext viewContext = new ViewContext(controllerContext, viewResult.View, viewData, tempData, sw);
            viewResult.View.Render(viewContext, sw);

            result = sw.GetStringBuilder().ToString();

        return MvcHtmlString.Create(result);

Usage in a razor view:

Html.RenderPartialViewToString(ViewContext, ViewData, TempData, "Search", Model)

What is the closest thing Windows has to fork()?

The closest you say... Let me think... This must be fork() I guess :)

For details see Does Interix implement fork()?

Hide html horizontal but not vertical scrollbar

For me:

.ui-jqgrid .ui-jqgrid-bdiv {
   position: relative;
   margin: 0;
   padding: 0;
   overflow-y: auto;  <------
   overflow-x: hidden; <-----
   text-align: left;

Of course remove the arrows

json_encode(): Invalid UTF-8 sequence in argument

Using setLocale('fr_FR.UTF8') before json_encode solved the problem.

What is <scope> under <dependency> in pom.xml for?

If we don't provide any scope then the default scope is compile, If you want to confirm, simply go to Effective pom tab in eclipse editor, it will show you as compile.

Windows batch script to move files

move c:\Sourcefoldernam\*.* e:\destinationFolder

^ This did not work for me for some reason

But when I tried using quotation marks, it suddenly worked:

move "c:\Sourcefoldernam\*.*" "e:\destinationFolder"

I think its because my directory had spaces in one of the folders. So if it doesn't work for you, try with quotation marks!

Lost connection to MySQL server during query?

Try the following 2 things...

1) Add this to your my.cnf / my.ini in the [mysqld] section


(you might have to set this value higher based on your existing database).

2) If the import still does not work, try it like this as well...

mysql -u <user> --password=<password> <database name> <file_to_import

How to set Default Controller in MVC 4 & MVC 5

I didnt see this question answered:

How should I setup a default Area when the application starts?

So, here is how you can set up a default Area:

var route = routes.MapRoute(
    name: "Default",
    url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
    defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
    ).DataTokens = new RouteValueDictionary(new { area = "MyArea" });

How can I get my Android device country code without using GPS?

Use the link This will provide all the information as JSON. From this JSON content you can get the country easily. This site works using your current IP address. It automatically detects the IP address and sendback details.


This is what I got:

"as": "AS55410 C48 Okhla Industrial Estate, New Delhi-110020",
"city": "Kochi",
"country": "India",
"countryCode": "IN",
"isp": "Vodafone India",
"lat": 9.9667,
"lon": 76.2333,
"org": "Vodafone India",
"query": "",
"region": "KL",
"regionName": "Kerala",
"status": "success",
"timezone": "Asia/Kolkata",
"zip": ""

N.B. - As this is a third-party API, do not use it as the primary solution. And also I am not sure whether it's free or not.

List files committed for a revision

svn log --verbose -r 42

HTML/Javascript Button Click Counter

    <!DOCTYPE html>
     var clicks = 0;
    function myFunction() {

        clicks += 1;
        document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = clicks;


<p>Click the button to trigger a function.</p>

<button onclick="myFunction()">Click me</button>

<p id="demo"></p>


This should work for you :) Yes var should be used

How do I solve this "Cannot read property 'appendChild' of null" error?

For all those facing a similar issue, I came across this same issue when i was trying to run a particular code snippet, shown below.

                var div, container = document.getElementById("container")
                for(var i=0;i<5;i++){
                    div = document.createElement("div");
                    div.onclick = function() { 
                        alert("This is a box #"+i);

        <div id="container"></div>

Looking at the error in the console for the above code.

Since the document.getElementById is returning a null and as null does not have a attribute named appendChild, therefore a error is thrown. To solve the issue see the code below.

            height: 200px;
            width: 700px;
            background-color: red;
            margin: 10px;

            height: 100px;
            width: 100px;
            background-color: purple;
            margin: 20px;
            display: inline-block;
        <div id="container"></div>
                var div, container = document.getElementById("container")
                for(let i=0;i<5;i++){
                    div = document.createElement("div");
                    div.onclick = function() { 
                        alert("This is a box #"+i);

I hope this helps. :)

How to dump a table to console?

I use my own function to print the contents of a table but not sure how well it translates to your environment:

---A helper function to print a table's contents.
---@param tbl table @The table to print.
---@param depth number @The depth of sub-tables to traverse through and print.
---@param n number @Do NOT manually set this. This controls formatting through recursion.
function PrintTable(tbl, depth, n)
  n = n or 0;
  depth = depth or 5;

  if (depth == 0) then
      print(string.rep(' ', n).."...");

  if (n == 0) then
      print(" ");

  for key, value in pairs(tbl) do
      if (key and type(key) == "number" or type(key) == "string") then
          key = string.format("[\"%s\"]", key);

          if (type(value) == "table") then
              if (next(value)) then
                  print(string.rep(' ', n)..key.." = {");
                  PrintTable(value, depth - 1, n + 4);
                  print(string.rep(' ', n).."},");
                  print(string.rep(' ', n)..key.." = {},");
              if (type(value) == "string") then
                  value = string.format("\"%s\"", value);
                  value = tostring(value);

              print(string.rep(' ', n)..key.." = "..value..",");

  if (n == 0) then
      print(" ");

window.location.href doesn't redirect

Some parenthesis are missing.


 window.location.href = "/comments.aspx?id=" + movieShareId.textContent || movieShareId.innerText + "/";


 window.location = "/comments.aspx?id=" + (movieShareId.textContent || movieShareId.innerText) + "/";

No priority is given to the || compared to the +.

Remove also everything after the window.location assignation : this code isn't supposed to be executed as the page changes.

Note: you don't need to set location.href. It's enough to just set location.

Disabling Minimize & Maximize On WinForm?

Set MaximizeBox and MinimizeBox form properties to False

Case insensitive comparison NSString

You could always ensure they're in the same case before the comparison:

if ([[stringX uppercaseString] isEqualToString:[stringY uppercaseString]]) {
    // They're equal

The main benefit being you avoid the potential issue described by matm regarding comparing nil strings. You could either check the string isn't nil before doing one of the compare:options: methods, or you could be lazy (like me) and ignore the added cost of creating a new string for each comparison (which is minimal if you're only doing one or two comparisons).

Get the name of an object's type

Use This also works with

class TestA {}
console.log(; // "TestA"

function TestB() {}
console.log(; // "TestB"

Handling of non breaking space: <p>&nbsp;</p> vs. <p> </p>

In HTML, elements containing nothing but normal whitespace characters are considered empty. A paragraph that contains just a normal space character will have zero height. A non-breaking space is a special kind of whitespace character that isn't considered to be insignificant, so it can be used as content for a non-empty paragraph.

Even if you consider CSS margins on paragraphs, since an "empty" paragraph has zero height, its vertical margins will collapse. This causes it to have no height and no margins, making it appear as if it were never there at all.

How do I get a Cron like scheduler in Python?

Another trivial solution would be:

from aqcron import At
from time import sleep
from datetime import datetime

# Event scheduling
event_1 = At( second=5 )
event_2 = At( second=[0,20,40] )

while True:
    now =

    # Event check
    if now in event_1: print "event_1"
    if now in event_2: print "event_2"


And the class aqcron.At is:


class At(object):
    def __init__(self, year=None,    month=None,
                 day=None,     weekday=None,
                 hour=None,    minute=None,
        loc = locals()
        loc.pop("self") = dict((k, v) for k, v in loc.iteritems() if v != None)

    def __contains__(self, now):
        for k in
                if not getattr(now, k) in[k]: return False
            except TypeError:
                if[k] != getattr(now, k): return False
        return True

Checking if a string array contains a value, and if so, getting its position

We can also use Exists:

string[] array = { "cat", "dog", "perl" };

// Use Array.Exists in different ways.
bool a = Array.Exists(array, element => element == "perl");
bool c = Array.Exists(array, element => element.StartsWith("d"));
bool d = Array.Exists(array, element => element.StartsWith("x"));

Why am I getting "void value not ignored as it ought to be"?

The original poster is quoting a GCC compiler error message, but even by reading this thread, it's not clear that the error message is properly addressed - except by @pmg's answer. (+1, btw)

error: void value not ignored as it ought to be

This is a GCC error message that means the return-value of a function is 'void', but that you are trying to assign it to a non-void variable.


void myFunction()

int main()
   int myInt = myFunction(); //Compile error!

    return 0;

You aren't allowed to assign void to integers, or any other type.

In the OP's situation:

int a = srand(time(NULL)); not allowed. srand(), according to the documentation, returns void.

This question is a duplicate of:

I am responding, despite it being duplicates, because this is the top result on Google for this error message. Because this thread is the top result, it's important that this thread gives a succinct, clear, and easily findable result.

PHP Converting Integer to Date, reverse of strtotime

Yes you can convert it back. You can try:

date("Y-m-d H:i:s", 1388516401);

The logic behind this conversion from date to an integer is explained in strtotime in PHP:

The function expects to be given a string containing an English date format and will try to parse that format into a Unix timestamp (the number of seconds since January 1 1970 00:00:00 UTC), relative to the timestamp given in now, or the current time if now is not supplied.

For example, strtotime("1970-01-01 00:00:00") gives you 0 and strtotime("1970-01-01 00:00:01") gives you 1.

This means that if you are printing strtotime("2014-01-01 00:00:01") which will give you output 1388516401, so the date 2014-01-01 00:00:01 is 1,388,516,401 seconds after January 1 1970 00:00:00 UTC.

NoClassDefFoundError for code in an Java library on Android

jars used to be in the lib/ folder, now they're in libs/ If you use lib, you can move your jars from lib to libs, and remove the dependencies from project properties/java build path because Android will now find them automatically.

Unescape HTML entities in Javascript?

CMS' answer works fine, unless the HTML you want to unescape is very long, longer than 65536 chars. Because then in Chrome the inner HTML gets split into many child nodes, each one at most 65536 long, and you need to concatenate them. This function works also for very long strings:

function unencodeHtmlContent(escapedHtml) {
  var elem = document.createElement('div');
  elem.innerHTML = escapedHtml;
  var result = '';
  // Chrome splits innerHTML into many child nodes, each one at most 65536.
  // Whereas FF creates just one single huge child node.
  for (var i = 0; i < elem.childNodes.length; ++i) {
    result = result + elem.childNodes[i].nodeValue;
  return result;

See this answer about innerHTML max length for more info:

How to programmatically add controls to a form in VB.NET

Dim numberOfButtons As Integer
Dim buttons() as Button

Private Sub MyForm_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
    Redim buttons(numberOfbuttons)
    for counter as integer = 0 to numberOfbuttons
        With buttons(counter)
           .Size = (10, 10)
           .Visible = False
           .Location = (55, 33 + counter*13)
           .Text = "Button "+(counter+1).ToString ' or some name from an array you pass from main
           'any other property
        End With
End Sub

If you want to check which of the textboxes have information, or which radio button was clicked, you can iterate through a loop in an OK button.

If you want to be able to click individual array items and have them respond to events, add in the Form_load loop the following:

AddHandler buttons(counter).Clicked AddressOf All_Buttons_Clicked 

then create

Private Sub All_Buttons_Clicked(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
     'some code here, can check to see which checkbox was changed, which button was clicked, by number or text
End Sub

when you call: objectYouCall.numberOfButtons = initial_value_from_main_program

response_yes_or_no_or_other = objectYouCall.ShowDialog()

For radio buttons, textboxes, same story, different ending.

Python "SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character '\xe2' in file"

I was unable to find what's the issue for long but later I realised that I had copied a line "UTC-12:00" from web and the hyphen/dash in this was causing the problem. I just wrote this "-" again and the problem got resolved.

So, sometimes the copy pasted lines also give errors. In such cases, just re-write the copy pasted code and it works. On re-writing, it would look like nothing got changed but the error will be gone.

Is there a function to make a copy of a PHP array to another?

This is the way I am copying my arrays in Php:

function equal_array($arr){
  $ArrayObject = new ArrayObject($arr);
  return $ArrayObject->getArrayCopy();  

$test = array("aa","bb",3);
$test2 = equal_array($test);

This outputs:

[0] => aa
[1] => bb
[2] => 3

How do I get a decimal value when using the division operator in Python?

You could also try adding a ".0" at the end of the number.


Behaviour of increment and decrement operators in Python


Python does not have unary increment/decrement operators (--/++). Instead, to increment a value, use

a += 1

More detail and gotchas

But be careful here. If you're coming from C, even this is different in python. Python doesn't have "variables" in the sense that C does, instead python uses names and objects, and in python ints are immutable.

so lets say you do

a = 1

What this means in python is: create an object of type int having value 1 and bind the name a to it. The object is an instance of int having value 1, and the name a refers to it. The name a and the object to which it refers are distinct.

Now lets say you do

a += 1

Since ints are immutable, what happens here is as follows:

  1. look up the object that a refers to (it is an int with id 0x559239eeb380)
  2. look up the value of object 0x559239eeb380 (it is 1)
  3. add 1 to that value (1 + 1 = 2)
  4. create a new int object with value 2 (it has object id 0x559239eeb3a0)
  5. rebind the name a to this new object
  6. Now a refers to object 0x559239eeb3a0 and the original object (0x559239eeb380) is no longer refered to by the name a. If there aren't any other names refering to the original object it will be garbage collected later.

Give it a try yourself:

a = 1
a += 1

Access-Control-Allow-Origin error sending a jQuery Post to Google API's

There is a little hack with php. And it works not only with Google, but with any website you don't control and can't add Access-Control-Allow-Origin *

We need to create PHP-file (ex. getContentFromUrl.php) on our webserver and make a little trick.



$ext_url = $_POST['ext_url'];

echo file_get_contents($ext_url);



    method: 'POST',
    url: 'getContentFromUrl.php', // link to your PHP file
    data: {
        // url where our server will send request which can't be done by AJAX
        'ext_url': ''
    success: function(data) {
        // we can find any data on external url, cause we've got all page
        var $h1 = $(data).find('h1').html();

    error:function() {

How it works:

  1. Your browser with the help of JS will send request to your server
  2. Your server will send request to any other server and get reply from another server (any website)
  3. Your server will send this reply to your JS

And we can make events onClick, put this event on some button. Hope this will help!

How to set image for bar button with swift?

I am using latest swift (2.1) and the answer (Dharmesh Kheni and jungledev) does not work for me. The image color was off (when setting in IB, it was blue and when setting directly in UIButton, it was black). It turns out I could create the same bar item with the following code:

let barButton = UIBarButtonItem(image: UIImage(named: "menu"), landscapeImagePhone: nil, style: .Done, target: self, action: #selector(revealBackClicked))
self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = barButton

Binding value to input in Angular JS

{{widget.title}} Try this it will work

How to get a value from a Pandas DataFrame and not the index and object type

Use the values attribute to return the values as a np array and then use [0] to get the first value:

In [4]:



I personally prefer to access the columns using subscript operators:

df.loc[df['Letters'] == 'C', 'Letters'].values[0]

This avoids issues where the column names can have spaces or dashes - which mean that accessing using ..

Convert URL to File or Blob for FileReader.readAsDataURL

Expanding on Felix Turner s response, here is how I would use this approach with the fetch API.

async function createFile(){
  let response = await fetch('');
  let data = await response.blob();
  let metadata = {
    type: 'image/jpeg'
  let file = new File([data], "test.jpg", metadata);
  // ... do something with the file or return it

TLS 1.2 not working in cURL

Replace following

curl_setopt ($setuploginurl, CURLOPT_SSLVERSION, 'CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1_2');


curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_SSLVERSION, 6);

Should work flawlessly.

Powershell remoting with ip-address as target

On your machine* run 'Set-Item WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts -Value "$ipaddress"

*Machine from where you are running PSSession

How can I mock the JavaScript window object using Jest?

In your Jest configuration, add setupFilesAfterEnv: ["./setupTests.js"], create that file, and add the code you want to run before the tests:

// setupTests.js
window.crypto = {

Reference: setupFilesAfterEnv [array]

Force the origin to start at 0

Simply add these to your ggplot:

+ scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0), limits = c(0, NA)) + 
  scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0), limits = c(0, NA))


df <- data.frame(x = 1:5, y = 1:5)
p <- ggplot(df, aes(x, y)) + geom_point()
p <- p + expand_limits(x = 0, y = 0)
p # not what you are looking for

p + scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0), limits = c(0,NA)) + 
  scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0), limits = c(0, NA))

enter image description here

Lastly, take great care not to unintentionally exclude data off your chart. For example, a position = 'dodge' could cause a bar to get left off the chart entirely (e.g. if its value is zero and you start the axis at zero), so you may not see it and may not even know it's there. I recommend plotting data in full first, inspect, then use the above tip to improve the plot's aesthetics.

UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf8' codec can't decode byte 0x9c

I have resolved this problem using this code

df = pd.read_csv(gdp_path, engine='python')

{"<user xmlns=''> was not expected.} Deserializing Twitter XML

Nothing worked for me for these errors EXCEPT

... was not expected, 
... there is an error in XML document (1,2)
... System.FormatException Input String was not in correct format ...

Except this way

1- You need to inspect the xml response as string (the response that you are trying to de-serialize to an object)

2- Use online tools for string unescape and xml prettify/formatter

3- MAKE SURE that the C# Class (main class) you are trying to map/deserialize the xml string to HAS AN XmlRootAttribute that matches the root element of the response.


My XML Response was staring like :

<ShipmentCreationResponse xmlns="">
       <Transaction i:nil="true" xmlns:i=""/>

And the C# class definition + attributes was like :

[System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.ServiceModel", "")]
[System.ServiceModel.MessageContractAttribute(WrapperName="ShipmentCreationResponse", WrapperNamespace="", IsWrapped=true)]
public partial class ShipmentCreationResponse {

Note that the class definition does not have "XmlRootAttribute"

[System.Xml.Serialization.XmlRootAttribute(Namespace = "", IsNullable = false)]

And when i try to de serialize using a generic method :

public static T Deserialize<T>(string input) where T : class
    System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer ser = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(typeof(T));

    using (System.IO.StringReader sr = new System.IO.StringReader(input))
        return (T)ser.Deserialize(sr);

var _Response = GeneralHelper.XMLSerializer.Deserialize<ASRv2.ShipmentCreationResponse>(xml);

I was getting the errors above

... was not expected, ... there is an error in XML document (1,2) ...

Now by just adding the "XmlRootAttribute" that fixed the issue for ever and for every other requests/responses i had a similar issue with:

[System.Xml.Serialization.XmlRootAttribute(Namespace = "", IsNullable = false)]


[System.Xml.Serialization.XmlTypeAttribute(AnonymousType = true, Namespace = "")]
[System.Xml.Serialization.XmlRootAttribute(Namespace = "", IsNullable = false)]
public partial class ShipmentCreationResponse

Is it possible to run an .exe or .bat file on 'onclick' in HTML

It is possible when the page itself is opened via a file:/// path.

<button onclick="'file:///C:/Windows/notepad.exe')">
    Launch notepad

However, the moment you put it on a webserver (even if you access it via http://localhost/), you will get an error:

Error: Access to 'file:///C:/Windows/notepad.exe' from script denied

Set Locale programmatically

As no answer is complete for the current way to solve this problem, I try to give instructions for a complete solution. Please comment if something is missing or could be done better.

General information

First, there exist some libraries that want to solve the problem but they all seem outdated or are missing some features:

Further I think writing a library might not be a good/easy way to solve this problem because there is not very much to do, and what has to be done is rather changing existing code than using something completely decoupled. Therefore I composed the following instructions that should be complete.

My solution is mainly based on (as already linked to by localhost). It is the best code I found to orientate at. Some remarks:

  • As necessary, it provides different implementations to change locale for Android N (and above) and below
  • It uses a method updateViews() in each Activity to manually update all strings after changing locale (using the usual getString(id)) which is not necessary in the approach shown below
  • It only supports languages and not complete locales (which also include region (country) and variant codes)

I changed it a bit, decoupling the part which persists the chosen locale (as one might want to do that separately, as suggested below).


The solution consists of the following two steps:

  • Permanently change the locale to be used by the app
  • Make the app use the custom locale set, without restarting

Step 1: Change the locale

Use the class LocaleHelper, based on gunhansancar's LocaleHelper:

  • Add a ListPreference in a PreferenceFragment with the available languages (has to be maintained when languages should be added later)
import android.annotation.TargetApi;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.SharedPreferences;
import android.content.res.Configuration;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.os.Build;
import android.preference.PreferenceManager;

import java.util.Locale;

import mypackage.SettingsFragment;

 * Manages setting of the app's locale.
public class LocaleHelper {

    public static Context onAttach(Context context) {
        String locale = getPersistedLocale(context);
        return setLocale(context, locale);

    public static String getPersistedLocale(Context context) {
        SharedPreferences preferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context);
        return preferences.getString(SettingsFragment.KEY_PREF_LANGUAGE, "");

     * Set the app's locale to the one specified by the given String.
     * @param context
     * @param localeSpec a locale specification as used for Android resources (NOTE: does not
     *                   support country and variant codes so far); the special string "system" sets
     *                   the locale to the locale specified in system settings
     * @return
    public static Context setLocale(Context context, String localeSpec) {
        Locale locale;
        if (localeSpec.equals("system")) {
            if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.N) {
                locale = Resources.getSystem().getConfiguration().getLocales().get(0);
            } else {
                //noinspection deprecation
                locale = Resources.getSystem().getConfiguration().locale;
        } else {
            locale = new Locale(localeSpec);
        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.N) {
            return updateResources(context, locale);
        } else {
            return updateResourcesLegacy(context, locale);

    private static Context updateResources(Context context, Locale locale) {
        Configuration configuration = context.getResources().getConfiguration();

        return context.createConfigurationContext(configuration);

    private static Context updateResourcesLegacy(Context context, Locale locale) {
        Resources resources = context.getResources();

        Configuration configuration = resources.getConfiguration();
        configuration.locale = locale;

        resources.updateConfiguration(configuration, resources.getDisplayMetrics());

        return context;

Create a SettingsFragment like the following:

import android.content.SharedPreferences;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.preference.PreferenceFragment;
import android.preference.PreferenceManager;
import android.view.LayoutInflater;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;

import mypackage.LocaleHelper;
import mypackage.R;

 * Fragment containing the app's main settings.
public class SettingsFragment extends PreferenceFragment implements SharedPreferences.OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener {
    public static final String KEY_PREF_LANGUAGE = "pref_key_language";

    public SettingsFragment() {
        // Required empty public constructor

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_settings, container, false);
        return view;

    public void onSharedPreferenceChanged(SharedPreferences sharedPreferences, String key) {
        switch (key) {
            case KEY_PREF_LANGUAGE:
                LocaleHelper.setLocale(getContext(), PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(getContext()).getString(key, ""));
                getActivity().recreate(); // necessary here because this Activity is currently running and thus a recreate() in onResume() would be too late

    public void onResume() {
        // documentation requires that a reference to the listener is kept as long as it may be called, which is the case as it can only be called from this Fragment

    public void onPause() {

Create a resource locales.xml listing all locales with available translations in the following way (list of locale codes):

<!-- Lists available locales used for setting the locale manually.
     For now only language codes (locale codes without country and variant) are supported.
     Has to be in sync with "settings_language_values" in strings.xml (the entries must correspond).
    <string name="system_locale" translatable="false">system</string>
    <string name="default_locale" translatable="false"></string>
    <string-array name="locales">
        <item>@string/system_locale</item> <!-- system setting -->
        <item>@string/default_locale</item> <!-- default locale -->

In your PreferenceScreen you can use the following section to let the user select the available languages:

<PreferenceScreen xmlns:android="">

which uses the following strings from strings.xml:

<string name="preferences_category_general">General</string>
<string name="preferences_language">Language</string>
<!-- NOTE: Has to correspond to array "locales" in locales.xml (elements in same orderwith) -->
<string-array name="settings_language_values">
    <item>Default (System setting)</item>

Step 2: Make the app use the custom locale

Now setup each Activity to use the custom locale set. The easiest way to accomplish this is to have a common base class for all activities with the following code (where the important code is in attachBaseContext(Context base) and onResume()):

import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.Menu;
import android.view.MenuInflater;
import android.view.MenuItem;

import mypackage.LocaleHelper;
import mypackage.R;

 * {@link AppCompatActivity} with main menu in the action bar. Automatically recreates
 * the activity when the locale has changed.
public class MenuAppCompatActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
    private String initialLocale;

    protected void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        initialLocale = LocaleHelper.getPersistedLocale(this);

    public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
        MenuInflater inflater = getMenuInflater();
        inflater.inflate(, menu);
        return true;

    public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
        switch (item.getItemId()) {
                Intent intent = new Intent(this, SettingsActivity.class);
                return true;
                return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item);

    protected void attachBaseContext(Context base) {

    protected void onResume() {
        if (initialLocale != null && !initialLocale.equals(LocaleHelper.getPersistedLocale(this))) {

What it does is

  • Override attachBaseContext(Context base) to use the locale previously persisted with LocaleHelper
  • Detect a change of the locale and recreate the Activity to update its strings

Notes on this solution

  • Recreating an Activity does not update the title of the ActionBar (as already observed here:

    • This can be achieved by simply having a setTitle(R.string.mytitle) in the onCreate() method of each activity.
  • It lets the user chose the system default locale, as well as the default locale of the app (which can be named, in this case "English").

  • Only language codes, no region (country) and variant codes (like fr-rCA) are supported so far. To support full locale specifications, a parser similar to that in the Android-Languages library can be used (which supports region but no variant codes).

    • If someone finds or has written a good parser, add a comment so I can include it in the solution.

How to specify in crontab by what user to run script?

You can also try using runuser (as root) to run a command as a different user

*/1 * * * * runuser php5 \
            --command="/var/www/web/includes/crontab/queue_process.php \
                       >> /var/www/web/includes/crontab/queue.log 2>&1"

See also: man runuser

How to set root password to null

SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('');

Reading a string with scanf

An array "decays" into a pointer to its first element, so scanf("%s", string) is equivalent to scanf("%s", &string[0]). On the other hand, scanf("%s", &string) passes a pointer-to-char[256], but it points to the same place.

Then scanf, when processing the tail of its argument list, will try to pull out a char *. That's the Right Thing when you've passed in string or &string[0], but when you've passed in &string you're depending on something that the language standard doesn't guarantee, namely that the pointers &string and &string[0] -- pointers to objects of different types and sizes that start at the same place -- are represented the same way.

I don't believe I've ever encountered a system on which that doesn't work, and in practice you're probably safe. None the less, it's wrong, and it could fail on some platforms. (Hypothetical example: a "debugging" implementation that includes type information with every pointer. I think the C implementation on the Symbolics "Lisp Machines" did something like this.)

How to fix: "No suitable driver found for jdbc:mysql://localhost/dbname" error when using pools?

When running tomcat out of eclipse it won't pick the lib set in CATALINA_HOME/lib, there are two ways to fix it. Double click on Tomcat server in eclipse servers view, it will open the tomcat plugin config, then either:

  1. Click on "Open Launch Config" > Classpath tab set the mysql connector/j jar location. or
  2. Server Location > select option which says "Use Tomcat installation (take control of Tomcat installation)"

How to support placeholder attribute in IE8 and 9

I use thisone, it's only Javascript.

I simply have an input element with a value, and when the user clicks on the input element, it changes it to an input element without a value.

You can easily change the color of the text using CSS. The color of the placeholder is the color in the id #IEinput, and the color your typed text will be is the color in the id #email. Don't use getElementsByClassName, because the versions of IE that don't support a placeholder, don't support getElementsByClassName either!

You can use a placeholder in a password input by setting the type of the original password input to text.

Tinker: - JSfiddle servers are down!

*sorry for my bad english


function removeValue() {
        .innerHTML = "<input id=\"email\" type=\"text\" name=\"mail\">";
    document.getElementById('email').focus(); }


<span id="mailcontainer">
    <input id="IEinput" onfocus="removeValue()" type="text" name="mail" value="mail">

compression and decompression of string data in java

This is because of

String outStr = obj.toString("UTF-8");

Send the byte[] which you can get from your ByteArrayOutputStream and use it as such in your ByteArrayInputStream to construct your GZIPInputStream. Following are the changes which need to be done in your code.

byte[] compressed = compress(string); //In the main method

public static byte[] compress(String str) throws Exception {
    return obj.toByteArray();

public static String decompress(byte[] bytes) throws Exception {
    GZIPInputStream gis = new GZIPInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes));

How would you do a "not in" query with LINQ?

var secondEmails = (from item in list2
                    select new { Email = item.Email }

var matches = from item in list1
              where !secondEmails.Contains(item.Email)
              select new {Email = item.Email};

BarCode Image Generator in Java

There is a free library called barcode4j

org.hibernate.MappingException: Could not determine type for: java.util.List, at table: College, for columns: [org.hibernate.mapping.Column(students)]

Though I am new to hibernate but with little research (trial and error we can say) I found out that it is due to inconsistency in annotating the methods/fileds.

when you are annotating @ID on variable make sure all other annotations are also done on variable only and when you are annotating it on getter method same make sure you are annotating all other getter methods only and not their respective variables.

python modify item in list, save back in list

A common idiom to change every element of a list looks like this:

for i in range(len(L)):
    item = L[i]
    # ... compute some result based on item ...
    L[i] = result

This can be rewritten using enumerate() as:

for i, item in enumerate(L):
    # ... compute some result based on item ...
    L[i] = result

See enumerate.

SMTP error 554

554 is commonly used by dns blacklists when shooing away blacklisted servers. I'm assuming

Mon 2008-10-20 16:11:36: * - failed

in the log you included is to blame.

Lists: Count vs Count()

myList.Count is a method on the list object, it just returns the value of a field so is very fast. As it is a small method it is very likely to be inlined by the compiler (or runtime), they may then allow other optimization to be done by the compiler.

myList.Count() is calling an extension method (introduced by LINQ) that loops over all the items in an IEnumerable, so should be a lot slower.

However (In the Microsoft implementation) the Count extension method has a “special case” for Lists that allows it to use the list’s Count property, this means the Count() method is only a little slower than the Count property.

It is unlikely you will be able to tell the difference in speed in most applications.

So if you know you are dealing with a List use the Count property, otherwise if you have a "unknown" IEnumerabl, use the Count() method and let it optimise for you.

Comments in Markdown

The following works very well

<empty line>
[whatever comment text]::

that method takes advantage of syntax to create links via reference
since link reference created with [1]: will not be rendered, likewise any of the following will not be rendered as well

<empty line>
[whatever]: :
[whatever]: whatever

Detect if page has finished loading

there are two ways to do this in jquery depending what you are looking for..

using jquery you can do

  • //this will wait for the text assets to be loaded before calling this (the dom.. css.. js)

  • //this will wait for all the images and text assets to finish loading before executing


How to return a PNG image from Jersey REST service method to the browser

I built a general method for that with following features:

  • returning "not modified" if the file hasn't been modified locally, a Status.NOT_MODIFIED is sent to the caller. Uses Apache Commons Lang
  • using a file stream object instead of reading the file itself

Here the code:

import org.apache.commons.lang3.time.DateUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Utils.class);

public Response get16x16PNG(@HeaderParam("If-Modified-Since") String modified) {
    File repositoryFile = new File("c:/temp/myfile.png");
    return returnFile(repositoryFile, modified);

 * Sends the file if modified and "not modified" if not modified
 * future work may put each file with a unique id in a separate folder in tomcat
 *   * use that static URL for each file
 *   * if file is modified, URL of file changes
 *   * -> client always fetches correct file 
 *     method header for calling method public Response getXY(@HeaderParam("If-Modified-Since") String modified) {
 * @param file to send
 * @param modified - HeaderField "If-Modified-Since" - may be "null"
 * @return Response to be sent to the client
public static Response returnFile(File file, String modified) {
    if (!file.exists()) {
        return Response.status(Status.NOT_FOUND).build();

    // do we really need to send the file or can send "not modified"?
    if (modified != null) {
        Date modifiedDate = null;

        // we have to switch the locale to ENGLISH as parseDate parses in the default locale
        Locale old = Locale.getDefault();
        try {
            modifiedDate = DateUtils.parseDate(modified, org.apache.http.impl.cookie.DateUtils.DEFAULT_PATTERNS);
        } catch (ParseException e) {
            logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);

        if (modifiedDate != null) {
            // modifiedDate does not carry milliseconds, but fileDate does
            // therefore we have to do a range-based comparison
            // 1000 milliseconds = 1 second
            if (file.lastModified()-modifiedDate.getTime() < DateUtils.MILLIS_PER_SECOND) {
                return Response.status(Status.NOT_MODIFIED).build();
    // we really need to send the file

    try {
        Date fileDate = new Date(file.lastModified());
        return Response.ok(new FileInputStream(file)).lastModified(fileDate).build();
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        return Response.status(Status.NOT_FOUND).build();

/*** copied from org.apache.http.impl.cookie.DateUtils, Apache 2.0 License ***/

 * Date format pattern used to parse HTTP date headers in RFC 1123 format.
public static final String PATTERN_RFC1123 = "EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss zzz";

 * Date format pattern used to parse HTTP date headers in RFC 1036 format.
public static final String PATTERN_RFC1036 = "EEEE, dd-MMM-yy HH:mm:ss zzz";

 * Date format pattern used to parse HTTP date headers in ANSI C
 * <code>asctime()</code> format.
public static final String PATTERN_ASCTIME = "EEE MMM d HH:mm:ss yyyy";

public static final String[] DEFAULT_PATTERNS = new String[] {

Note that the Locale switching does not seem to be thread-safe. I think, it's better to switch the locale globally. I am not sure about the side-effects though...

How to change default JRE for all Eclipse workspaces?

try to change the order: right click on you project-> BuildPath->Configure...->Order and Export tab -> move jre7 UP.

Use string contains function in oracle SQL query

The answer of ADTC works fine, but I've find another solution, so I post it here if someone wants something different.

I think ADTC's solution is better, but mine's also works.

Here is the other solution I found

from   person p
where  instr(,chr(8211)) > 0; --contains the character chr(8211) 
                                    --at least 1 time

Thank you.

How to check if a variable is an integer or a string?

if you want to check what it is:


if you want to get ints from raw_input

>>>x=raw_input('enter thing:')
enter thing: 3
>>>try: x = int(x)
   except: pass


Detect if the device is iPhone X

Nov 2019:

Here's what I use in all of my production projects. Note that this gist is quite long.

  1. This does not use computations of width or height, but rather:
  2. It checks the device string model.
  3. Does not have the risk of getting your build rejected by Apple because of using any private / undocumented APIs.
  4. Works with simulators

    import UIKit
    class DeviceUtility {
        /// Determines if the current device of the user is an iPhoneX type/variant.
        static var isIphoneXType: Bool {
            get {
                switch UIDevice().type {
                case .iPhoneXR, .iPhoneXS, .iPhoneXSMax, .iPhoneX, .iPhone11, .iPhone11Pro, .iPhone11ProMax: return true
                default: return false
    public enum DeviceModel : String {
        case simulator     = "simulator/sandbox",
        // MARK: - iPods
        iPod1              = "iPod 1",
        iPod2              = "iPod 2",
        iPod3              = "iPod 3",
        iPod4              = "iPod 4",
        iPod5              = "iPod 5",
        // MARK: - iPads
        iPad2              = "iPad 2",
        iPad3              = "iPad 3",
        iPad4              = "iPad 4",
        iPadAir            = "iPad Air ",
        iPadAir2           = "iPad Air 2",
        iPad5              = "iPad 5", //aka iPad 2017
        iPad6              = "iPad 6", //aka iPad 2018
        // MARK: - iPad Minis
        iPadMini           = "iPad Mini",
        iPadMini2          = "iPad Mini 2",
        iPadMini3          = "iPad Mini 3",
        iPadMini4          = "iPad Mini 4",
        // MARK: - iPad Pros
        iPadPro9_7         = "iPad Pro 9.7\"",
        iPadPro10_5        = "iPad Pro 10.5\"",
        iPadPro12_9        = "iPad Pro 12.9\"",
        iPadPro2_12_9      = "iPad Pro 2 12.9\"",
        // MARK: - iPhones
        iPhone4            = "iPhone 4",
        iPhone4S           = "iPhone 4S",
        iPhone5            = "iPhone 5",
        iPhone5S           = "iPhone 5S",
        iPhone5C           = "iPhone 5C",
        iPhone6            = "iPhone 6",
        iPhone6plus        = "iPhone 6 Plus",
        iPhone6S           = "iPhone 6S",
        iPhone6Splus       = "iPhone 6S Plus",
        iPhoneSE           = "iPhone SE",
        iPhone7            = "iPhone 7",
        iPhone7plus        = "iPhone 7 Plus",
        iPhone8            = "iPhone 8",
        iPhone8plus        = "iPhone 8 Plus",
        iPhoneX            = "iPhone X",
        iPhoneXS           = "iPhone XS",
        iPhoneXSMax        = "iPhone XS Max",
        iPhoneXR           = "iPhone XR",
        iPhone11           = "iPhone 11",
        iPhone11Pro        = "iPhone 11 Pro",
        iPhone11ProMax     = "iPhone 11 Pro Max",
        // MARK: - Apple TVs
        AppleTV            = "Apple TV",
        AppleTV_4K         = "Apple TV 4K",
        // MARK: - Unrecognized
        unrecognized       = "?unrecognized?"
    // #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
    //MARK: UIDevice extensions
    // #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
    public extension UIDevice {
        var type: DeviceModel {
            var systemInfo = utsname()
            let modelCode = withUnsafePointer(to: &systemInfo.machine) {
                $0.withMemoryRebound(to: CChar.self, capacity: 1) {
                    ptr in String.init(validatingUTF8: ptr)
            let modelMap : [ String : DeviceModel ] = [
                // MARK: - Simulators
                "i386"      : .simulator,
                "x86_64"    : .simulator,
                // MARK: - iPod
                "iPod1,1"   : .iPod1,
                "iPod2,1"   : .iPod2,
                "iPod3,1"   : .iPod3,
                "iPod4,1"   : .iPod4,
                "iPod5,1"   : .iPod5,
                // MARK: - iPad
                "iPad2,1"   : .iPad2,
                "iPad2,2"   : .iPad2,
                "iPad2,3"   : .iPad2,
                "iPad2,4"   : .iPad2,
                "iPad3,1"   : .iPad3,
                "iPad3,2"   : .iPad3,
                "iPad3,3"   : .iPad3,
                "iPad3,4"   : .iPad4,
                "iPad3,5"   : .iPad4,
                "iPad3,6"   : .iPad4,
                "iPad4,1"   : .iPadAir,
                "iPad4,2"   : .iPadAir,
                "iPad4,3"   : .iPadAir,
                "iPad5,3"   : .iPadAir2,
                "iPad5,4"   : .iPadAir2,
                "iPad6,11"  : .iPad5, //aka iPad 2017
                "iPad6,12"  : .iPad5,
                "iPad7,5"   : .iPad6, //aka iPad 2018
                "iPad7,6"   : .iPad6,
                // MARK: - iPad mini
                "iPad2,5"   : .iPadMini,
                "iPad2,6"   : .iPadMini,
                "iPad2,7"   : .iPadMini,
                "iPad4,4"   : .iPadMini2,
                "iPad4,5"   : .iPadMini2,
                "iPad4,6"   : .iPadMini2,
                "iPad4,7"   : .iPadMini3,
                "iPad4,8"   : .iPadMini3,
                "iPad4,9"   : .iPadMini3,
                "iPad5,1"   : .iPadMini4,
                "iPad5,2"   : .iPadMini4,
                // MARK: - iPad pro
                "iPad6,3"   : .iPadPro9_7,
                "iPad6,4"   : .iPadPro9_7,
                "iPad7,3"   : .iPadPro10_5,
                "iPad7,4"   : .iPadPro10_5,
                "iPad6,7"   : .iPadPro12_9,
                "iPad6,8"   : .iPadPro12_9,
                "iPad7,1"   : .iPadPro2_12_9,
                "iPad7,2"   : .iPadPro2_12_9,
                // MARK: - iPhone
                "iPhone3,1" : .iPhone4,
                "iPhone3,2" : .iPhone4,
                "iPhone3,3" : .iPhone4,
                "iPhone4,1" : .iPhone4S,
                "iPhone5,1" : .iPhone5,
                "iPhone5,2" : .iPhone5,
                "iPhone5,3" : .iPhone5C,
                "iPhone5,4" : .iPhone5C,
                "iPhone6,1" : .iPhone5S,
                "iPhone6,2" : .iPhone5S,
                "iPhone7,1" : .iPhone6plus,
                "iPhone7,2" : .iPhone6,
                "iPhone8,1" : .iPhone6S,
                "iPhone8,2" : .iPhone6Splus,
                "iPhone8,4" : .iPhoneSE,
                "iPhone9,1" : .iPhone7,
                "iPhone9,3" : .iPhone7,
                "iPhone9,2" : .iPhone7plus,
                "iPhone9,4" : .iPhone7plus,
                "iPhone10,1" : .iPhone8,
                "iPhone10,4" : .iPhone8,
                "iPhone10,2" : .iPhone8plus,
                "iPhone10,5" : .iPhone8plus,
                "iPhone10,3" : .iPhoneX,
                "iPhone10,6" : .iPhoneX,
                "iPhone11,2" : .iPhoneXS,
                "iPhone11,4" : .iPhoneXSMax,
                "iPhone11,6" : .iPhoneXSMax,
                "iPhone11,8" : .iPhoneXR,
                "iPhone12,1" : .iPhone11,
                "iPhone12,3" : .iPhone11Pro,
                "iPhone12,5" : .iPhone11ProMax,
                // MARK: - AppleTV
                "AppleTV5,3" : .AppleTV,
                "AppleTV6,2" : .AppleTV_4K
            if let model = modelMap[String.init(validatingUTF8: modelCode!)!] {
                if model == .simulator {
                    if let simModelCode = ProcessInfo().environment["SIMULATOR_MODEL_IDENTIFIER"] {
                        if let simModel = modelMap[String.init(validatingUTF8: simModelCode)!] {
                            return simModel
                return model
            return DeviceModel.unrecognized

Usage: let inset: CGFloat = DeviceUtility.isIphoneXType ? 50.0 : 40.0

How to make a HTML list appear horizontally instead of vertically using CSS only?

You will have to use something like below

#menu ul{_x000D_
  list-style: none;_x000D_
#menu li{_x000D_
  display: inline;_x000D_
<div id="menu">_x000D_
    <li>First menu item</li>_x000D_
    <li>Second menu item</li>_x000D_
    <li>Third menu item</li>_x000D_

How do I clone a subdirectory only of a Git repository?

If you never plan to interact with the repository from which you cloned, you can do a full git clone and rewrite your repository using git filter-branch --subdirectory-filter. This way, at least the history will be preserved.

How can I convert this one line of ActionScript to C#?

There is collection of Func<...> classes - Func that is probably what you are looking for:

 void MyMethod(Func<int> param1 = null) 

This defines method that have parameter param1 with default value null (similar to AS), and a function that returns int. Unlike AS in C# you need to specify type of the function's arguments.

So if you AS usage was

MyMethod(function(intArg, stringArg) { return true; }) 

Than in C# it would require param1 to be of type Func<int, siring, bool> and usage like

MyMethod( (intArg, stringArg) => { return true;} ); 

how to re-format datetime string in php?

why not use date() just like below,try this

$t = strtotime('20130409163705');
echo date('d/m/y H:i:s',$t);

and will be output

09/04/13 16:37:05

What's an appropriate HTTP status code to return by a REST API service for a validation failure?

There's a little bit more information about the semantics of these errors in RFC 2616, which documents HTTP 1.1.

Personally, I would probably use 400 Bad Request, but this is just my personal opinion without any factual support.

HTML page disable copy/paste

You can use jquery for this:

$('body').bind('copy paste',function(e) {
    e.preventDefault(); return false; 

Using jQuery bind() and specififying your desired eventTypes .

How can I pull from remote Git repository and override the changes in my local repository?

As an addendum, if you want to reapply your changes on top of the remote, you can also try:

git pull --rebase origin master

If you then want to undo some of your changes (but perhaps not all of them) you can use:

git reset SHA_HASH

Then do some adjustment and recommit.

Correct way to try/except using Python requests module?

Exception object also contains original response e.response, that could be useful if need to see error body in response from the server. For example:

    r ='', data={'birthday': '9/9/3999'})
except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e:
    print (e.response.text)

How to convert String to Date value in SAS?

You don't need substr or strip.


How do I add a custom script to my package.json file that runs a javascript file?


  "scripts": {
    "ng": "ng",
    "start": "ng serve",
    "build": "ng build --prod",
    "build_c": "ng build --prod && del \"../../server/front-end/*.*\" /s /q & xcopy /s dist \"../../server/front-end\"",
    "test": "ng test",
    "lint": "ng lint",
    "e2e": "ng e2e"

As you can see, the script "build_c" is building the angular application, then deletes all old files from a directory, then finally copies the result build files.

show icon in actionbar/toolbar with AppCompat-v7 21

This worked for me:

    getSupportActionBar().setDisplayShowTitleEnabled(false); //optional

as well as:

    getSupportActionBar().setIcon(R.drawable.ic_logo); //also displays wide logo
    getSupportActionBar().setDisplayShowTitleEnabled(false); //optional

How to install easy_install in Python 2.7.1 on Windows 7

I know this isn't a direct answer to your question but it does offer one solution to your problem. Python 2.7.9 includes PIP and SetupTools, if you update to this version you will have one solution to your problem.

Determine whether a Access checkbox is checked or not

Checkboxes are a control type designed for one purpose: to ensure valid entry of Boolean values.

In Access, there are two types:

  1. 2-state -- can be checked or unchecked, but not Null. Values are True (checked) or False (unchecked). In Access and VBA, the value of True is -1 and the value of False is 0. For portability with environments that use 1 for True, you can always test for False or Not False, since False is the value 0 for all environments I know of.

  2. 3-state -- like the 2-state, but can be Null. Clicking it cycles through True/False/Null. This is for binding to an integer field that allows Nulls. It is of no use with a Boolean field, since it can never be Null.

Minor quibble with the answers:

There is almost never a need to use the .Value property of an Access control, as it's the default property. These two are equivalent:


The only gotcha here is that it's important to be careful that you don't create implicit references when testing the value of a checkbox. Instead of this:

  If Me!MyCheckBox Then

...write one of these options:

  If (Me!MyCheckBox) Then  ' forces evaluation of the control

  If Me!MyCheckBox = True Then

  If (Me!MyCheckBox = True) Then

  If (Me!MyCheckBox = Not False) Then

Likewise, when writing subroutines or functions that get values from a Boolean control, always declare your Boolean parameters as ByVal unless you actually want to manipulate the control. In that case, your parameter's data type should be an Access control and not a Boolean value. Anything else runs the risk of implicit references.

Last of all, if you set the value of a checkbox in code, you can actually set it to any number, not just 0 and -1, but any number other than 0 is treated as True (because it's Not False). While you might use that kind of thing in an HTML form, it's not proper UI design for an Access app, as there's no way for the user to be able to see what value is actually be stored in the control, which defeats the purpose of choosing it for editing your data.

Create a temporary table in a SELECT statement without a separate CREATE TABLE

Use this syntax:

CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE t1 (select * from t2);

Permission denied on CopyFile in VBS

for me adding / worked at the end of location of folder. Hence, if you are copying into folder, don't forget to put /

Python Brute Force algorithm

Simple solution using the itertools and string modules

# modules to easily set characters and iterate over them
import itertools, string 

# character limit so you don't run out of ram
maxChar = int(input('Character limit for password: '))  

# file to save output to, so you can look over the output without using so much ram
output_file = open('insert filepath here', 'a+') 

# this is the part that actually iterates over the valid characters, and stops at the 
# character limit.
x = list(map(''.join, itertools.permutations(string.ascii_lowercase, maxChar))) 

# writes the output of the above line to a file 

# saves the output to the file and closes it to preserve ram

I piped the output to a file to save ram, and used the input function so you can set the character limit to something like "hiiworld". Below is the same script but with a more fluid character set using letters, numbers, symbols, and spaces.

import itertools, string

maxChar = int(input('Character limit for password: '))
output_file = open('insert filepath here', 'a+')

x = list(map(''.join, itertools.permutations(string.printable, maxChar)))

What is the Sign Off feature in Git for?

git 2.7.1 (February 2016) clarifies that in commit b2c150d (05 Jan 2016) by David A. Wheeler (david-a-wheeler).
(Merged by Junio C Hamano -- gitster -- in commit 7aae9ba, 05 Feb 2016)

git commit man page now includes:


Add Signed-off-by line by the committer at the end of the commit log message.
The meaning of a signoff depends on the project, but it typically certifies that committer has the rights to submit this work under the same license and agrees to a Developer Certificate of Origin (see for more information).

Expand documentation describing --signoff

Modify various document (man page) files to explain in more detail what --signoff means.

This was inspired by "lwn article 'Bottomley: A modest proposal on the DCO'" (Developer Certificate of Origin) where paulj noted:

The issue I have with DCO is that there adding a "-s" argument to git commit doesn't really mean you have even heard of the DCO (the git commit man page makes no mention of the DCO anywhere), never mind actually seen it.

So how can the presence of "signed-off-by" in any way imply the sender is agreeing to and committing to the DCO? Combined with fact I've seen replies on lists to patches without SOBs that say nothing more than "Resend this with signed-off-by so I can commit it".

Extending git's documentation will make it easier to argue that developers understood --signoff when they use it.

Note that this signoff is now (for Git 2.15.x/2.16, Q1 2018) available for git pull as well.

See commit 3a4d2c7 (12 Oct 2017) by W. Trevor King (wking).
(Merged by Junio C Hamano -- gitster -- in commit fb4cd88, 06 Nov 2017)

pull: pass --signoff/--no-signoff to "git merge"

merge can take --signoff, but without pull passing --signoff down, it is inconvenient to use; allow 'pull' to take the option and pass it through.

Split text with '\r\n'

This worked for me.

string stringSeparators = "\r\n";
string text = sr.ReadToEnd();
string lines = text.Replace(stringSeparators, "");
lines = lines.Replace("\\r\\n", "\r\n");

The first replace replaces the \r\n from the text file's new lines, and the second replaces the actual \r\n text that is converted to \\r\\n when the files is read. (When the file is read \ becomes \\).

How do I get the max ID with Linq to Entity?

Do that like this

db.Users.OrderByDescending(u => u.UserId).FirstOrDefault();

How to set default Checked in checkbox ReactJS?

<div className="display__lbl_input">
                value="Filter Gasoil"
                name="Filter Gasoil"
              <label htmlFor="">Filter Gasoil</label>

handleChangeFilGasoil = (e) => {
        checkedBoxFG : ''

Why can't I set text to an Android TextView?

I was having a similar problem, however my program would crash when I tried to set the text. I was attempting to set the text value from within a class that extends AsyncTask, and that was what was causing the problem.

To resolve it, I moved my setText to the onPostExecute method

protected void onPostExecute(Void result) {

    TextView text = (TextView) findViewById(;
    text.setText("new string value");

Random record from MongoDB

You can also use MongoDB's geospatial indexing feature to select the documents 'nearest' to a random number.

First, enable geospatial indexing on a collection: { random_point: '2d' } )

To create a bunch of documents with random points on the X-axis:

for ( i = 0; i < 10; ++i ) { { key: i, random_point: [Math.random(), 0] } );

Then you can get a random document from the collection like this: { random_point : { $near : [Math.random(), 0] } } )

Or you can retrieve several document nearest to a random point: { random_point : { $near : [Math.random(), 0] } } ).limit( 4 )

This requires only one query and no null checks, plus the code is clean, simple and flexible. You could even use the Y-axis of the geopoint to add a second randomness dimension to your query.

Get pandas.read_csv to read empty values as empty string instead of nan

We have a simple argument in Pandas read_csv for this:


df = pd.read_csv('test.csv', na_filter= False)

Pandas documentation clearly explains how the above argument works.


Can't Load URL: The domain of this URL isn't included in the app's domains

Like the other answer says, in the left hand side select Products and add product. Then select Facbook Login.

I then added http://localhost:3000/ to the field 'Valid OAuth redirect URIs', and then everything worked.

How to insert DECIMAL into MySQL database

MySql decimal types are a little bit more complicated than just left-of and right-of the decimal point.

The first argument is precision, which is the number of total digits. The second argument is scale which is the maximum number of digits to the right of the decimal point.

Thus, (4,2) can be anything from -99.99 to 99.99.

As for why you're getting 99.99 instead of the desired 3.80, the value you're inserting must be interpreted as larger than 99.99, so the max value is used. Maybe you could post the code that you are using to insert or update the table.


Corrected a misunderstanding of the usage of scale and precision, per

intl extension: installing php_intl.dll

For the php_intl.dll extension to work correctly, you need to have the following files in a folder in your PATH:

  • icudt36.dll
  • icuin36.dll
  • icuio36.dll
  • icule36.dll
  • iculx36.dll
  • icutu36.dll
  • icuuc36.dll

By default they're sitting in your PHP directory, but that directory isn't necessarily in your PATH (it wasn't for me, using xampp)

This has to be in your global path, not just your user's path. To set the global path, go to system info (windows key + PAUSE), then Advanced System Settings (Vista+) or Advanced (XP) and click the "Environment Variables" button and add the appropriate directory to the PATH variable in the System Variables list.

How to populate/instantiate a C# array with a single value?

If you can invert your logic you can use the Array.Clear() method to set the boolean array to false.

        int upperLimit = 21;
        double optimizeMe = Math.Sqrt(upperLimit);

        bool[] seiveContainer = new bool[upperLimit];
        Array.Clear(seiveContainer, 0, upperLimit);

Can't get Gulp to run: cannot find module 'gulp-util'

In most of the cases, deleting all the node packages and then installing them again, solve the problem.

But In my case node_modules folder has not write permission.

What does %s mean in a python format string?

The format method was introduced in Python 2.6. It is more capable and not much more difficult to use:

>>> "Hello {}, my name is {}".format('john', 'mike')
'Hello john, my name is mike'.

>>> "{1}, {0}".format('world', 'Hello')
'Hello, world'

>>> "{greeting}, {}".format('world', greeting='Hello')
'Hello, world'

>>> '%s' % name
"{'s1': 'hello', 's2': 'sibal'}"
>>> '%s' %name['s1']

get selected value in datePicker and format it

$('#scheduleDate').datepicker({ dateFormat : 'dd, MM, yy'});

var dateFormat = $('#scheduleDate').datepicker('option', 'dd, MM, yy');

$('#scheduleDate').datepicker('option', 'dateFormat', 'dd, MM, yy');

var result = $('#scheduleDate').val();

alert('result: ' + result);

result: 20, April, 2012

400 BAD request HTTP error code meaning?

Using 400 status codes for any other purpose than indicating that the request is malformed is just plain wrong.

If the request payload contains a byte-sequence that could not be parsed as application/json (if the server expects that dataformat), the appropriate status code is 415:

The server is refusing to service the request because the entity of the request is in a format not supported by the requested resource for the requested method.

If the request payload is syntactically correct but semantically incorrect, the non-standard 422 response code may be used, or the standard 403 status code:

The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it. Authorization will not help and the request SHOULD NOT be repeated.

How to print exact sql query in zend framework ?

I have traversed hundred of pages, googled a lot but i have not found any exact solution. Finally this worked for me. Irrespective where you are in either controller or model. This code worked for me every where. Just use this

//Before executing your query
$db = Zend_Db_Table_Abstract::getDefaultAdapter();
$profiler = $db->getProfiler();

// Execute your any of database query here like select, update, insert
//The code below must be after query execution
$query  = $profiler->getLastQueryProfile();
$params = $query->getQueryParams();
$querystr  = $query->getQuery();

foreach ($params as $par) {
    $querystr = preg_replace('/\\?/', "'" . $par . "'", $querystr, 1);
echo $querystr;

Finally this thing worked for me.

How to get the part of a file after the first line that matches a regular expression?

Alternatives to the excellent sed answer by jfgagne, and which don't include the matching line :

How do the major C# DI/IoC frameworks compare?

Disclaimer: As of early 2015, there is a great comparison of IoC Container features from Jimmy Bogard, here is a summary:

Compared Containers:

  • Autofac
  • Ninject
  • Simple Injector
  • StructureMap
  • Unity
  • Windsor

The scenario is this: I have an interface, IMediator, in which I can send a single request/response or a notification to multiple recipients:

public interface IMediator 
    TResponse Send<TResponse>(IRequest<TResponse> request);

    Task<TResponse> SendAsync<TResponse>(IAsyncRequest<TResponse> request);

    void Publish<TNotification>(TNotification notification)
        where TNotification : INotification;

    Task PublishAsync<TNotification>(TNotification notification)
        where TNotification : IAsyncNotification; 

I then created a base set of requests/responses/notifications:

public class Ping : IRequest<Pong>
    public string Message { get; set; }
public class Pong
    public string Message { get; set; }
public class PingAsync : IAsyncRequest<Pong>
    public string Message { get; set; }
public class Pinged : INotification { }
public class PingedAsync : IAsyncNotification { }

I was interested in looking at a few things with regards to container support for generics:

  • Setup for open generics (registering IRequestHandler<,> easily)
  • Setup for multiple registrations of open generics (two or more INotificationHandlers)

Setup for generic variance (registering handlers for base INotification/creating request pipelines) My handlers are pretty straightforward, they just output to console:

public class PingHandler : IRequestHandler<Ping, Pong> { /* Impl */ }
public class PingAsyncHandler : IAsyncRequestHandler<PingAsync, Pong> { /* Impl */ }

public class PingedHandler : INotificationHandler<Pinged> { /* Impl */ }
public class PingedAlsoHandler : INotificationHandler<Pinged> { /* Impl */ }
public class GenericHandler : INotificationHandler<INotification> { /* Impl */ }

public class PingedAsyncHandler : IAsyncNotificationHandler<PingedAsync> { /* Impl */ }
public class PingedAlsoAsyncHandler : IAsyncNotificationHandler<PingedAsync> { /* Impl */ }


var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
builder.RegisterSource(new ContravariantRegistrationSource());
builder.RegisterAssemblyTypes(typeof (IMediator).Assembly).AsImplementedInterfaces();
builder.RegisterAssemblyTypes(typeof (Ping).Assembly).AsImplementedInterfaces();
  • Open generics: yes, implicitly
  • Multiple open generics: yes, implicitly
  • Generic contravariance: yes, explicitly


var kernel = new StandardKernel();
kernel.Components.Add<IBindingResolver, ContravariantBindingResolver>();
kernel.Bind(scan => scan.FromAssemblyContaining<IMediator>()
kernel.Bind(scan => scan.FromAssemblyContaining<Ping>()
  • Open generics: yes, implicitly
  • Multiple open generics: yes, implicitly
  • Generic contravariance: yes, with user-built extensions

Simple Injector

var container = new Container();
var assemblies = GetAssemblies().ToArray();
container.Register<IMediator, Mediator>();
container.Register(typeof(IRequestHandler<,>), assemblies);
container.Register(typeof(IAsyncRequestHandler<,>), assemblies);
container.RegisterCollection(typeof(INotificationHandler<>), assemblies);
container.RegisterCollection(typeof(IAsyncNotificationHandler<>), assemblies);
  • Open generics: yes, explicitly
  • Multiple open generics: yes, explicitly
  • Generic contravariance: yes, implicitly (with update 3.0)


var container = new Container(cfg =>
    cfg.Scan(scanner =>
  • Open generics: yes, explicitly
  • Multiple open generics: yes, explicitly
  • Generic contravariance: yes, implicitly



/* later down */

static bool IsNotificationHandler(Type type)
    return type.GetInterfaces().Any(x => x.IsGenericType && (x.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(INotificationHandler<>) || x.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IAsyncNotificationHandler<>)));

static LifetimeManager GetLifetimeManager(Type type)
    return IsNotificationHandler(type) ? new ContainerControlledLifetimeManager() : null;

static string GetName(Type type)
    return IsNotificationHandler(type) ? string.Format("HandlerFor" + type.Name) : string.Empty;
  • Open generics: yes, implicitly
  • Multiple open generics: yes, with user-built extension
  • Generic contravariance: derp


var container = new WindsorContainer();
container.Kernel.AddHandlersFilter(new ContravariantFilter());
  • Open generics: yes, implicitly
  • Multiple open generics: yes, implicitly
  • Generic contravariance: yes, with user-built extension

String to Dictionary in Python

Use ast.literal_eval to evaluate Python literals. However, what you have is JSON (note "true" for example), so use a JSON deserializer.

>>> import json
>>> s = """{"id":"123456789","name":"John Doe","first_name":"John","last_name":"Doe","link":"http:\/\/\/jdoe","gender":"male","email":"jdoe\","timezone":-7,"locale":"en_US","verified":true,"updated_time":"2011-01-12T02:43:35+0000"}"""
>>> json.loads(s)
{u'first_name': u'John', u'last_name': u'Doe', u'verified': True, u'name': u'John Doe', u'locale': u'en_US', u'gender': u'male', u'email': u'[email protected]', u'link': u'', u'timezone': -7, u'updated_time': u'2011-01-12T02:43:35+0000', u'id': u'123456789'}

JavaScript replace/regex

Your regex pattern should have the g modifier:

var pattern = /[somepattern]+/g;

notice the g at the end. it tells the replacer to do a global replace.

Also you dont need to use the RegExp object you can construct your pattern as above. Example pattern:

var pattern = /[0-9a-zA-Z]+/g;

a pattern is always surrounded by / on either side - with modifiers after the final /, the g modifier being the global.

EDIT: Why does it matter if pattern is a variable? In your case it would function like this (notice that pattern is still a variable):

var pattern = /[0-9a-zA-Z]+/g;
repeater.replace(pattern, "1234abc");

But you would need to change your replace function to this:

this.markup = this.markup.replace(pattern, value);

How to edit default dark theme for Visual Studio Code?

As others have stated, you'll need to override the editor.tokenColorCustomizations or the workbench.colorCustomizations setting in the settings.json file. Here you can choose a base theme, like Abyss, and only override the things you want to change. You can either override very few things like the function, string colors etc. very easily.

E.g. for workbench.colorCustomizations

"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
    "[Default Dark+]": {
        "editor.background": "#130e293f",

E.g. for editor.tokenColorCustomizations:

"editor.tokenColorCustomizations": {
    "[Abyss]": {
        "functions": "#FF0000",
        "strings": "#FF0000"
// Don't do this, looks horrible.

However, deep customisations like change the colour of the var keyword will require you to provide the override values under the textMateRules key.

E.g. below:

"editor.tokenColorCustomizations": {
    "[Abyss]": {
        "textMateRules": [
                "scope": "keyword.operator",
                "settings": {
                    "foreground": "#FFFFFF"
                "scope": "keyword.var",
                "settings": {
                    "foreground": "#2871bb",
                    "fontStyle": "bold"

You can also override globally across themes:

"editor.tokenColorCustomizations": {
    "textMateRules": [
            "scope": [
                //following will be in italics (=Pacifico)
                "", //class names
                "keyword", //import, export, return…
                //"support.class.builtin.js", //String, Number, Boolean…, this, super
                "storage.modifier", //static keyword
                "storage.type.class.js", //class keyword
                "storage.type.function.js", // function keyword
                "storage.type.js", // Variable declarations
                "keyword.control.import.js", // Imports
                "keyword.control.from.js", // From-Keyword
                //"", // new … Expression
                "keyword.control.flow.js", // await
                "keyword.control.conditional.js", // if
                "keyword.control.loop.js", // for
                "", // new
            "settings": {
                "fontStyle": "italic"

More details here:

Maven: How to include jars, which are not available in reps into a J2EE project?

For people wanting a quick solution to this problem:


just give your library a unique groupID and artifact name and point to where it is in the file system. You are good to go.

Of course this is a dirty quick fix that will ONLY work on your machine and if you don't change the path to the libs. But some times, that's all you want, to run and do a few tests.

EDIT: just re-red the question and realised the user was already using my solution as a temporary fix. I'll leave my answer as a quick help for others that come to this question. If anyone disagrees with this please leave me a comment. :)

Python: avoid new line with print command

In Python 2.x just put a , at the end of your print statement. If you want to avoid the blank space that print puts between items, use sys.stdout.write.

import sys

sys.stdout.write('hi there')
sys.stdout.write('Bob here.')


hi thereBob here.

Note that there is no newline or blank space between the two strings.

In Python 3.x, with its print() function, you can just say

print('this is a string', end="")
print(' and this is on the same line')

and get:

this is a string and this is on the same line

There is also a parameter called sep that you can set in print with Python 3.x to control how adjoining strings will be separated (or not depending on the value assigned to sep)


Python 2.x

print 'hi', 'there'


hi there

Python 3.x

print('hi', 'there', sep='')



How can I find the length of a number?

I would like to correct the @Neal answer which was pretty good for integers, but the number 1 would return a length of 0 in the previous case.

function Longueur(numberlen)
    var length = 0, i; //define `i` with `var` as not to clutter the global scope
    numberlen = parseInt(numberlen);
    for(i = numberlen; i >= 1; i)
        i = Math.floor(i/10);
    return length;

How do you initialise a dynamic array in C++?

No internal means, AFAIK. Use this: memset(c, 0, length);

How do you determine the size of a file in C?

**Don't do this (why?):

Quoting the C99 standard doc that i found online: "Setting the file position indicator to end-of-file, as with fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END), has undefined behavior for a binary stream (because of possible trailing null characters) or for any stream with state-dependent encoding that does not assuredly end in the initial shift state.**

Change the definition to int so that error messages can be transmitted, and then use fseek() and ftell() to determine the file size.

int fsize(char* file) {
  int size;
  FILE* fh;

  fh = fopen(file, "rb"); //binary mode
  if(fh != NULL){
    if( fseek(fh, 0, SEEK_END) ){
      return -1;

    size = ftell(fh);
    return size;

  return -1; //error

Count number of occurrences of a pattern in a file (even on same line)

Try this:

grep "string to search for" FileNameToSearch | cut -d ":" -f 4 | sort -n | uniq -c


grep "SMTP connect from unknown" maillog | cut -d ":" -f 4 | sort -n | uniq -c
  6  SMTP connect from unknown []
 54  SMTP connect from unknown []
  3  SMTP connect from unknown []

Open Windows Explorer and select a file

Check out this snippet:

Private Sub openDialog()
    Dim fd As Office.FileDialog

    Set fd = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)

   With fd

      .AllowMultiSelect = False

      ' Set the title of the dialog box.
      .Title = "Please select the file."

      ' Clear out the current filters, and add our own.
      .Filters.Add "Excel 2003", "*.xls"
      .Filters.Add "All Files", "*.*"

      ' Show the dialog box. If the .Show method returns True, the
      ' user picked at least one file. If the .Show method returns
      ' False, the user clicked Cancel.
      If .Show = True Then
        txtFileName = .SelectedItems(1) 'replace txtFileName with your textbox

      End If
   End With
End Sub

I think this is what you are asking for.

System.web.mvc missing


C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft ASP.NET\ASP.NET Web Stack 5\Packages\ Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc.5.0.0\lib\net45\System.Web.Mvc.dll


C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft ASP.NET\ASP.NET MVC 4\Assemblies\System.Web.Mvc.dll


C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft ASP.NET\ASP.NET MVC 3\Assemblies\System.Web.Mvc.dll


C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft ASP.NET\ASP.NET MVC 2\Assemblies\System.Web.Mvc.dll

Where can I find System.Web.MVC dll in a system where MVC 3 is installed?

Java: Rotating Images

This is how you can do it. This code assumes the existance of a buffered image called 'image' (like your comment says)

// The required drawing location
int drawLocationX = 300;
int drawLocationY = 300;

// Rotation information

double rotationRequired = Math.toRadians (45);
double locationX = image.getWidth() / 2;
double locationY = image.getHeight() / 2;
AffineTransform tx = AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(rotationRequired, locationX, locationY);
AffineTransformOp op = new AffineTransformOp(tx, AffineTransformOp.TYPE_BILINEAR);

// Drawing the rotated image at the required drawing locations
g2d.drawImage(op.filter(image, null), drawLocationX, drawLocationY, null);

Getting return value from stored procedure in C#

I was having tons of trouble with the return value, so I ended up just selecting stuff at the end.

The solution was just to select the result at the end and return the query result in your functinon.

In my case I was doing an exists check:

IF (EXISTS (SELECT RoleName FROM dbo.Roles WHERE @RoleName = RoleName)) 
    SELECT 1
    SELECT 0


using (SqlConnection cnn = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString))
    SqlCommand cmd = cnn.CreateCommand();
    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
    cmd.CommandText = "RoleExists";
    return (int) cmd.ExecuteScalar()

You should be able to do the same thing with a string value instead of an int.

Unmarshaling nested JSON objects

I was working on something like this. But is working only with structures generated from proto.

in your proto

message Msg {
  Firstname string = 1 [(gogoproto.jsontag) = "name.firstname"];
  PseudoFirstname string = 2 [(gogoproto.jsontag) = "lastname"];
  EmbedMsg = 3  [(gogoproto.nullable) = false, (gogoproto.embed) = true];
  Lastname string = 4 [(gogoproto.jsontag) = "name.lastname"];
  Inside string  = 5 [(gogoproto.jsontag) = "name.inside.a.b.c"];

message EmbedMsg{
   Opt1 string = 1 [(gogoproto.jsontag) = "opt1"];

Then your output will be

"lastname": "Three",
"name": {
    "firstname": "One",
    "inside": {
        "a": {
            "b": {
                "c": "goo"
    "lastname": "Two"
"opt1": "var"

SQL alias for SELECT statement

Not sure exactly what you try to denote with that syntax, but in almost all RDBMS-es you can use a subquery in the FROM clause (sometimes called an "inline-view"):

     SELECT ...
     FROM ...
     ) my_select

In advanced "enterprise" RDBMS-es (like oracle, SQL Server, postgresql) you can use common table expressions which allows you to refer to a query by name and reuse it even multiple times:

-- Define the CTE expression name and column list.
WITH Sales_CTE (SalesPersonID, SalesOrderID, SalesYear)
-- Define the CTE query.
    SELECT SalesPersonID, SalesOrderID, YEAR(OrderDate) AS SalesYear
    FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader
-- Define the outer query referencing the CTE name.
SELECT SalesPersonID, COUNT(SalesOrderID) AS TotalSales, SalesYear
GROUP BY SalesYear, SalesPersonID
ORDER BY SalesPersonID, SalesYear;

(example from

An "and" operator for an "if" statement in Bash

Try this:

if [ $STATUS -ne 200 -a "$STRING" != "$VALUE" ]; then

How to draw a graph in LaTeX?

TikZ can do this.

A quick demo:




  [scale=.8,auto=left,every node/.style={circle,fill=blue!20}]
  \node (n6) at (1,10) {6};
  \node (n4) at (4,8)  {4};
  \node (n5) at (8,9)  {5};
  \node (n1) at (11,8) {1};
  \node (n2) at (9,6)  {2};
  \node (n3) at (5,5)  {3};

  \foreach \from/\to in {n6/n4,n4/n5,n5/n1,n1/n2,n2/n5,n2/n3,n3/n4}
    \draw (\from) -- (\to);




enter image description here

More examples @

More information about TikZ: where I guess an installation guide will also be present.

Python SQL query string formatting

Using 'sqlparse' library we can format the sqls.

>>> import sqlparse
>>> raw = 'select * from foo; select * from bar;'
>>> print(sqlparse.format(raw, reindent=True, keyword_case='upper'))
FROM foo;

FROM bar;


Open-Source Examples of well-designed Android Applications?

There are a couple of other applications that i've seen recommended, you'll find them here:


Convert character to ASCII code in JavaScript

String.prototype.charCodeAt() can convert string characters to ASCII numbers. For example:

"ABC".charCodeAt(0) // returns 65

For opposite use String.fromCharCode(10) that convert numbers to equal ASCII character. This function can accept multiple numbers and join all the characters then return the string. Example:

String.fromCharCode(65,66,67); // returns 'ABC'

Here is a quick ASCII characters reference:

"31": "",      "32": " ",     "33": "!",     "34": "\"",    "35": "#",    
"36": "$",     "37": "%",     "38": "&",     "39": "'",     "40": "(",    
"41": ")",     "42": "*",     "43": "+",     "44": ",",     "45": "-",    
"46": ".",     "47": "/",     "48": "0",     "49": "1",     "50": "2",    
"51": "3",     "52": "4",     "53": "5",     "54": "6",     "55": "7",    
"56": "8",     "57": "9",     "58": ":",     "59": ";",     "60": "<",    
"61": "=",     "62": ">",     "63": "?",     "64": "@",     "65": "A",    
"66": "B",     "67": "C",     "68": "D",     "69": "E",     "70": "F",    
"71": "G",     "72": "H",     "73": "I",     "74": "J",     "75": "K",    
"76": "L",     "77": "M",     "78": "N",     "79": "O",     "80": "P",    
"81": "Q",     "82": "R",     "83": "S",     "84": "T",     "85": "U",    
"86": "V",     "87": "W",     "88": "X",     "89": "Y",     "90": "Z",    
"91": "[",     "92": "\\",    "93": "]",     "94": "^",     "95": "_",    
"96": "`",     "97": "a",     "98": "b",     "99": "c",     "100": "d",    
"101": "e",    "102": "f",    "103": "g",    "104": "h",    "105": "i",    
"106": "j",    "107": "k",    "108": "l",    "109": "m",    "110": "n",    
"111": "o",    "112": "p",    "113": "q",    "114": "r",    "115": "s",    
"116": "t",    "117": "u",    "118": "v",    "119": "w",    "120": "x",    
"121": "y",    "122": "z",    "123": "{",    "124": "|",    "125": "}",    
"126": "~",    "127": ""

How to execute raw SQL in Flask-SQLAlchemy app

Have you tried using connection.execute(text( <sql here> ), <bind params here> ) and bind parameters as described in the docs? This can help solve many parameter formatting and performance problems. Maybe the gateway error is a timeout? Bind parameters tend to make complex queries execute substantially faster.

How can I use getSystemService in a non-activity class (LocationManager)?

Use this in Activity:

private Context context = this;

Utils.showToast(context, "toast");

in Utils:

public class Utils {

    public static boolean isInternetAvailable(Context context) {
        ConnectivityManager cm = (ConnectivityManager) context.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);
        return cm.getActiveNetworkInfo() != null && cm.getActiveNetworkInfo().isConnected();


How is using "<%=request.getContextPath()%>" better than "../"

request.getContextPath()- returns root path of your application, while ../ - returns parent directory of a file.

You use request.getContextPath(), as it will always points to root of your application. If you were to move your jsp file from one directory to another, nothing needs to be changed. Now, consider the second approach. If you were to move your jsp files from one folder to another, you'd have to make changes at every location where you are referring your files.

Also, better approach of using request.getContextPath() will be to set 'request.getContextPath()' in a variable and use that variable for referring your path.

<c:set var="context" value="${pageContext.request.contextPath}" />
<script src="${context}/themes/js/jquery.js"></script>

PS- This is the one reason I can figure out. Don't know if there is any more significance to it.

How can I repeat a character in Bash?

Simplest is to use this one-liner in bash:

seq 10 | xargs -n 1 | xargs -I {} echo -n  ===\>;echo

How to remove unused imports from Eclipse

press Ctrl+Shift+O and it will remove unwanted imports

How to increase the distance between table columns in HTML?

There isn't any need for fake <td>s. Make use of border-spacing instead. Apply it like this:


    <td>First Column</td>
    <td>Second Column</td>
    <td>Third Column</td>


table {
  border-collapse: separate;
  border-spacing: 50px 0;

td {
  padding: 10px 0;

See it in action.

one line if statement in php

You can use Ternary operator logic Ternary operator logic is the process of using "(condition)? (true return value) : (false return value)" statements to shorten your if/else structures. i.e

/* most basic usage */
$var = 5;
$var_is_greater_than_two = ($var > 2 ? true : false); // returns true

Activity, AppCompatActivity, FragmentActivity, and ActionBarActivity: When to Use Which?

Activity class is the basic class. (The original) It supports Fragment management (Since API 11). Is not recommended anymore its pure use because its specializations are far better.

ActionBarActivity was in a moment the replacement to the Activity class because it made easy to handle the ActionBar in an app.

AppCompatActivity is the new way to go because the ActionBar is not encouraged anymore and you should use Toolbar instead (that's currently the ActionBar replacement). AppCompatActivity inherits from FragmentActivity so if you need to handle Fragments you can (via the Fragment Manager). AppCompatActivity is for ANY API, not only 16+ (who said that?). You can use it by adding compile '' in your Gradle file. I use it in API 10 and it works perfect.

PHP mail not working for some reason

"Just because you send an email doesn't mean it will arrive."

Sending mail is Serious Business - e.g. the domain you're using as your "From:" address may be configured to reject e-mails from your webserver. For a longer overview (and some tips what to check), see

How to set a DateTime variable in SQL Server 2008?

You Should Try This Way :

  SET @TEST =  '05/09/2013'

Java: Calculating the angle between two points in degrees

The javadoc for Math.atan(double) is pretty clear that the returning value can range from -pi/2 to pi/2. So you need to compensate for that return value.

Sheet.getRange(1,1,1,12) what does the numbers in bracket specify?

Found these docu on the google docu pages:

  • row --- int --- top row of the range
  • column --- int--- leftmost column of the range
  • optNumRows --- int --- number of rows in the range.
  • optNumColumns --- int --- number of columns in the range

In your example, you would get (if you picked the 3rd row) "C3:O3", cause C --> O is 12 columns


Using the example on the docu:

// The code below will get the number of columns for the range C2:G8
// in the active spreadsheet, which happens to be "4"
var count = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getRange(2, 3, 6, 4).getNumColumns(); Browser.msgBox(count);

The values between brackets:
2: the starting row = 2
3: the starting col = C
6: the number of rows = 6 so from 2 to 8
4: the number of cols = 4 so from C to G

So you come to the range: C2:G8