[sql] Use string contains function in oracle SQL query

By lines I assume you mean rows in the table person. What you're looking for is:

select p.name
from   person p
where  p.name LIKE '%A%'; --contains the character 'A'

The above is case sensitive. For a case insensitive search, you can do:

select p.name
from   person p
where  UPPER(p.name) LIKE '%A%'; --contains the character 'A' or 'a'

For the special character, you can do:

select p.name
from   person p
where  p.name LIKE '%'||chr(8211)||'%'; --contains the character chr(8211)

The LIKE operator matches a pattern. The syntax of this command is described in detail in the Oracle documentation. You will mostly use the % sign as it means match zero or more characters.