[python] Is there a Python equivalent of the C# null-coalescing operator?

Regarding answers by @Hugh Bothwell, @mortehu and @glglgl.

Setup Dataset for testing

import random

dataset = [random.randint(0,15) if random.random() > .6 else None for i in range(1000)]

Define implementations

def not_none(x, y=None):
    if x is None:
        return y
    return x

def coalesce1(*arg):
  return reduce(lambda x, y: x if x is not None else y, arg)

def coalesce2(*args):
    return next((i for i in args if i is not None), None)

Make test function

def test_func(dataset, func):
    default = 1
    for i in dataset:
        func(i, default)

Results on mac i7 @2.7Ghz using python 2.7

>>> %timeit test_func(dataset, not_none)
1000 loops, best of 3: 224 µs per loop

>>> %timeit test_func(dataset, coalesce1)
1000 loops, best of 3: 471 µs per loop

>>> %timeit test_func(dataset, coalesce2)
1000 loops, best of 3: 782 µs per loop

Clearly the not_none function answers the OP's question correctly and handles the "falsy" problem. It is also the fastest and easiest to read. If applying the logic in many places, it is clearly the best way to go.

If you have a problem where you want to find the 1st non-null value in a iterable, then @mortehu's response is the way to go. But it is a solution to a different problem than OP, although it can partially handle that case. It cannot take an iterable AND a default value. The last argument would be the default value returned, but then you wouldn't be passing in an iterable in that case as well as it isn't explicit that the last argument is a default to value.

You could then do below, but I'd still use not_null for the single value use case.

def coalesce(*args, **kwargs):
    default = kwargs.get('default')
    return next((a for a in arg if a is not None), default)