Programs & Examples On #Page load time

Calculating the area under a curve given a set of coordinates, without knowing the function

If you have sklearn isntalled, a simple alternative is to use sklearn.metrics.auc

This computes the area under the curve using the trapezoidal rule given arbitrary x, and y array

import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics import auc

dx = 5
xx = np.arange(1,100,dx)
yy = np.arange(1,100,dx)

print('computed AUC using sklearn.metrics.auc: {}'.format(auc(xx,yy)))
print('computed AUC using np.trapz: {}'.format(np.trapz(yy, dx = dx)))

both output the same area: 4607.5

the advantage of sklearn.metrics.auc is that it can accept arbitrarily-spaced 'x' array, just make sure it is ascending otherwise the results will be incorrect

SOAP vs REST (differences)

IMHO you can't compare SOAP and REST where those are two different things.

SOAP is a protocol and REST is a software architectural pattern. There is a lot of misconception in the internet for SOAP vs REST.

SOAP defines XML based message format that web service-enabled applications use to communicate each other over the internet. In order to do that the applications need prior knowledge of the message contract, datatypes, etc..

REST represents the state(as resources) of a server from an URL.It is stateless and clients should not have prior knowledge to interact with server beyond the understanding of hypermedia.

How do I find the location of Python module sources?

from the standard library try imp.find_module

>>> import imp
>>> imp.find_module('fontTools')
(None, 'C:\\Python27\\lib\\site-packages\\FontTools\\fontTools', ('', '', 5))
>>> imp.find_module('datetime')
(None, 'datetime', ('', '', 6))

What is the correct "-moz-appearance" value to hide dropdown arrow of a <select> element

Update: this was fixed in Firefox v35. See the full gist for details.

== how to hide the select arrow in Firefox ==

Just figured out how to do it. The trick is to use a mix of -prefix-appearance, text-indent and text-overflow. It is pure CSS and requires no extra markup.

select {
    -moz-appearance: none;
    text-indent: 0.01px;
    text-overflow: '';

Long story short, by pushing it a tiny bit to the right, the overflow gets rid of the arrow. Pretty neat, huh?

More details on this gist I just wrote. Tested on Ubuntu, Mac and Windows, all with recent Firefox versions.

What is the best way to calculate a checksum for a file that is on my machine?

Hashing is a standalone application that performs MD5, SHA-1 and SHA-2 family. Built upon OpenSSL.

How to exclude 0 from MIN formula Excel

Solutions listed did not exactly work for me. The closest was Chief Wiggum - I wanted to add a comment on his answer but lack the reputation to do so. So I post as separate answer:


Then instead of pressing ENTER, press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER and watch Excel add { and } to respectively the beginning and the end of the formula (to activate the formula on array).

The comma "," and "If" statement as proposed by Chief Wiggum did not work on Excel Home and Student 2013. Need a semicolon ";" as well as full cap "IF" did the trick. Small syntax difference but took me 1.5 hour to figure out why I was getting an error and #VALUE.

Class method differences in Python: bound, unbound and static

Please read this docs from the Guido First Class everything Clearly explained how Unbound, Bound methods are born.

error C4996: 'scanf': This function or variable may be unsafe in c programming

Another way to suppress the error: Add this line at the top in C/C++ file:


Round up double to 2 decimal places

@Rounded, A swift 5.1 property wrapper Example :

struct GameResult {
    @Rounded(rule: NSDecimalNumber.RoundingMode.up,scale: 4)
    var score: Decimal

var result = GameResult()
result.score = 3.14159265358979
print(result.score) // 3.1416

Is it possible to disable floating headers in UITableView with UITableViewStylePlain?

This can be achieved by assigning the header view manually in the UITableViewController's viewDidLoad method instead of using the delegate's viewForHeaderInSection and heightForHeaderInSection. For example in your subclass of UITableViewController, you can do something like this:

- (void)viewDidLoad {
    [super viewDidLoad];

    UILabel *headerView = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 0, 40)];
    [headerView setBackgroundColor:[UIColor magentaColor]];
    [headerView setTextAlignment:NSTextAlignmentCenter];
    [headerView setText:@"Hello World"];
    [[self tableView] setTableHeaderView:headerView];

The header view will then disappear when the user scrolls. I don't know why this works like this, but it seems to achieve what you're looking to do.

mssql '5 (Access is denied.)' error during restoring database

The account that sql server is running under does not have access to the location where you have the backup file or are trying to restore the database to. You can use SQL Server Configuration Manager to find which account is used to run the SQL Server instance, and then make sure that account has full control over the .BAK file and the folder where the MDF will be restored to.

enter image description here

Check whether a value exists in JSON object

Why not JSON.stringify and .includes()?

You can easily check if a JSON object includes a value by turning it into a string and checking the string.

--> true

Edit: make sure to check browser compatibility for .includes()

Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1005 "The network connection was lost."

This might be a problem of the parameter that you are passing to request body. I was also facing the same issue. But then I came across CMash's answer here and I changed my parameter and it works.

Issue in a parameter that I was passing is about String Encoding.

Hope this helps.

Iterating through list of list in Python

x = [u'sam', [['Test', [['one', [], []]], [(u'file.txt', ['id', 1, 0])]], ['Test2', [], [(u'file2.txt', ['id', 1, 2])]]], []]
output = []

def lister(l):
    for item in l:
        if type(item) in [list, tuple, set]:


Scroll Position of div with "overflow: auto"

You need to use the scrollTop property.


applying css to specific li class

Define them more in your css file. Instead of



#sub-navigation-home li.sub-navigation-home-news 

Check this for more details:

estimating of testing effort as a percentage of development time

Are you talking about automated unit/integration tests or manual tests?

For the former, my rule of thumb (based on measurements) is 40-50% added to development time i.e. if developing a use case takes 10 days (before an QA and serious bugfixing happens), writing good tests takes another 4 to 5 days - though this should best happen before and during development, not afterwards.

How to have an automatic timestamp in SQLite?

you can use the custom datetime by using...

 create table noteTable3 
 (created_at DATETIME DEFAULT (STRFTIME('%d-%m-%Y   %H:%M', 'NOW','localtime')),
 title text not null, myNotes text not null);

use 'NOW','localtime' to get the current system date else it will show some past or other time in your Database after insertion time in your db.

Thanks You...

jQuery Array of all selected checkboxes (by class)

You can also add underscore.js to your project and will be able to do it in one line:$("input[name='category_ids[]']:checked"), function(el){return $(el).val()})

angularjs - using {{}} binding inside ng-src but ng-src doesn't load

Changing the ng-src value is actually very simple. Like this:

<html ng-app>
<script src=""></script>
<img ng-src="{{img_url}}">
<button ng-click="img_url = ''">Click</button>

Here is a jsFiddle of a working example:

Link vs compile vs controller

this is a good sample for understand directive phases

var app = angular.module('myapp', [])

app.directive('slngStylePrelink', function() {
    return {
        scope: {
            drctvName: '@'
        controller: function($scope) {
            console.log('controller for ', $scope.drctvName);
        compile: function(element, attr) {
            console.log("compile for ",
            return {
                post: function($scope, element, attr) {
                    console.log('post link for ',
                pre: function($scope, element, attr) {
                    $scope.element = element;
                    console.log('pre link for ',
                        // from angular.js 1.4.1
                    function ngStyleWatchAction(newStyles, oldStyles) {
                        if (oldStyles && (newStyles !== oldStyles)) {
                            forEach(oldStyles, function(val, style) {
                                element.css(style, '');
                        if (newStyles) element.css(newStyles);

                    $scope.$watch(attr.slngStylePrelink, ngStyleWatchAction, true);

                    // Run immediately, because the watcher's first run is async


<body ng-app="myapp">
    <div slng-style-prelink="{height:'500px'}" drctv-name='parent' style="border:1px solid" name="parent">
        <div slng-style-prelink="{height:'50%'}" drctv-name='child' style="border:1px solid red" name='child'>

How to enable production mode?

This worked for me, using the latest release of Angular 2 (2.0.0-rc.1):


import {enableProdMode} from '@angular/core';


Here is the function reference from their docs:

Selenium Error - The HTTP request to the remote WebDriver timed out after 60 seconds

In my case, my button's type is submit not button and I change the Click to Sumbit then every work good. Something like below,

from driver.FindElement(By.Id("btnLogin")).Click();

to driver.FindElement(By.Id("btnLogin")).Submit();

BTW, I have been tried all the answer in this post but not work for me.

Bootstrap fullscreen layout with 100% height

If there is no vertical scrolling then you can use position:absolute and height:100% declared on html and body elements.

Another option is to use viewport height units, see Make div 100% height of browser window

Absolute position Example:

html, body {_x000D_
position: absolute;_x000D_
<div class="button">BUTTON</div>

html, body {min-height:100vh;background:gray;_x000D_
.col-100vh {_x000D_
.col-50vh {_x000D_
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>_x000D_
<div id="mmenu_screen" class="col-100vh container-fluid main_container">_x000D_
    <div class="row col-100vh">_x000D_
        <div class="col-xs-6 col-100vh">_x000D_
                <div class="col-50vh col-xs-12" id="mmenu_screen--book">_x000D_
                    BOOKING BUTTON_x000D_
                <div class="col-50vh col-xs-12" id="mmenu_screen--information">_x000D_
                    INFO BUTTON_x000D_
        <div class="col-100vh col-xs-6 mmenu_screen--direktaction">_x000D_
           DIRECT ACTION BUTTON_x000D_

CUDA incompatible with my gcc version

This solved my problem:

sudo rm /usr/local/cuda/bin/gcc
sudo rm /usr/local/cuda/bin/g++
sudo apt install gcc-4.4 g++-4.4
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/gcc-4.4 /usr/local/cuda/bin/gcc
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/g++-4.4 /usr/local/cuda/bin/g++

Bootstrap 3 .img-responsive images are not responsive inside fieldset in FireFox

Similar to the answer given by Abdul.

   <img src="..." class="img-responsive" width="100%" />

It works properly in FF 29, Opera 12.17, Chromium 34 and in IE9. Yes, it's a weird set of browsers!

SQL Server 2000: How to exit a stored procedure?

Put it in a TRY/CATCH.

When RAISERROR is run with a severity of 11 or higher in a TRY block, it transfers control to the associated CATCH block

Reference: MSDN.

EDIT: This works for MSSQL 2005+, but I see that you now have clarified that you are working on MSSQL 2000. I'll leave this here for reference.

Finding sum of elements in Swift array

How about the simple way of

for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
 sum = sum + Int(multiples[i])!

//where n = number of elements in the array

React.js: Wrapping one component into another

In addition to Sophie's answer, I also have found a use in sending in child component types, doing something like this:

var ListView = React.createClass({
    render: function() {
        var items = {
            return this.props.delegate({data:item});
        return <ul>{items}</ul>;

var ItemDelegate = React.createClass({
    render: function() {
        return <li>{}</li>

var Wrapper = React.createClass({    
    render: function() {
        return <ListView delegate={ItemDelegate} data={someListOfData} />

Cut off text in string after/before separator in powershell

Using regex, the result is in $matches[1]:

$str = "test.txt ; 131 136 80 89 119 17 60 123 210 121 188 42 136 200 131 198"
$str -match "^(.*?)\s\;"

Standard Android Button with a different color

You can now also use appcompat-v7's AppCompatButton with the backgroundTint attribute:


SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user 'username'@'localhost' using CakePHP

Check Following Things

  • Make Sure You Have MySQL Server Running
  • Check connection with default credentials i.e. username : 'root' & password : '' [Blank Password]
  • Try login phpmyadmin with same credentials
  • Try to put instead localhost or your lan IP would do too.
  • Make sure you are running MySql on 3306 and if you have configured make sure to state it while making a connection

How does one check if a table exists in an Android SQLite database?

This is what I did:

/* open database, if doesn't exist, create it */
SQLiteDatabase mDatabase = openOrCreateDatabase("exampleDb.db", SQLiteDatabase.CREATE_IF_NECESSARY,null);

Cursor c = null;
boolean tableExists = false;
/* get cursor on it */
    c = mDatabase.query("tbl_example", null,
        null, null, null, null, null);
        tableExists = true;
catch (Exception e) {
    /* fail */
    Log.d(TAG, tblNameIn+" doesn't exist :(((");

return tableExists;

How to set UITextField height?

CGRect frameRect = textField.frame;
frameRect.size.height = 100; // <-- Specify the height you want here.
textField.frame = frameRect;

Bootstrap 3 jquery event for active tab change

I use another approach.

Just try to find all a where id starts from some substring.


$('a[id^=v-photos-tab]').click(function () {
     alert("Handler for .click() called.");


<a class="nav-item nav-link active show"  id="v-photos-tab-3a623245-7dc7-4a22-90d0-62705ad0c62b" data-toggle="pill" href="#v-photos-3a623245-7dc7-4a22-90d0-62705ad0c62b" role="tab" aria-controls="v-requestbase-photos" aria-selected="true"><span>Cool photos</span></a>

Can we make unsigned byte in Java

If you have a function which must be passed a signed byte, what do you expect it to do if you pass an unsigned byte?

Why can't you use any other data type?

Unsually you can use a byte as an unsigned byte with simple or no translations. It all depends on how it is used. You would need to clarify what you indend to do with it.

How can I save a base64-encoded image to disk?

Converting from file with base64 string to png image.

4 variants which works.

var {promisify} = require('util');
var fs = require("fs");

var readFile = promisify(fs.readFile)
var writeFile = promisify(fs.writeFile)

async function run () {

  // variant 1
  var d = await readFile('./1.txt', 'utf8')
  await writeFile("./1.png", d, 'base64')

  // variant 2
  var d = await readFile('./2.txt', 'utf8')
  var dd = new Buffer(d, 'base64')
  await writeFile("./2.png", dd)

  // variant 3
  var d = await readFile('./3.txt')
  await writeFile("./3.png", d.toString('utf8'), 'base64')

  // variant 4
  var d = await readFile('./4.txt')
  var dd = new Buffer(d.toString('utf8'), 'base64')
  await writeFile("./4.png", dd)



Turning off some legends in a ggplot

You can simply add show.legend=FALSE to geom to suppress the corresponding legend

How to import Swagger APIs into Postman?

With .Net Core it is now very easy:

  1. You go and find JSON URL on your swagger page:

enter image description here

  1. Click that link and copy the URL
  2. Now go to Postman and click Import:

enter image description here

  1. Select what you need and you end up with a nice collection of endpoints:

enter image description here

How to represent empty char in Java Character class

char means exactly one character. You can't assign zero characters to this type.

That means that there is no char value for which String.replace(char, char) would return a string with a diffrent length.

Is there a way to override class variables in Java?

No. Class variables(Also applicable to instance variables) don't exhibit overriding feature in Java as class variables are invoked on the basis of the type of calling object. Added one more class(Human) in the hierarchy to make it more clear. So now we have

Son extends Dad extends Human

In the below code, we try to iterate over an array of Human, Dad and Son objects, but it prints Human Class’s values in all cases as the type of calling object was Human.

    class Human
    static String me = "human";

    public void printMe()
class Dad extends Human
    static String me = "dad";


class Son extends Dad
    static String me = "son";

public class ClassVariables {
    public static void main(String[] abc)   {
        Human[] humans = new Human[3];
        humans[0] = new Human();
        humans[1] = new Dad();
        humans[2] = new Son();
        for(Human human: humans)   {
            System.out.println(;        // prints human for all objects

Will print

  • human
  • human
  • human

So no overriding of Class variables.

If we want to access the class variable of actual object from a reference variable of its parent class, we need to explicitly tell this to compiler by casting parent reference (Human object) to its type.

    System.out.println(((Dad)humans[1]).me);        // prints dad

    System.out.println(((Son)humans[2]).me);        // prints son

Will print

  • dad
  • son

On how part of this question:- As already suggested override the printMe() method in Son class, then on calling


Dad's Class variable "me" will be hidden because the nearest declaration(from Son class printme() method) of the "me"(in Son class) will get the precedence.

Add class to <html> with Javascript?


classList is supported since ie10:

How to write palindrome in JavaScript

Taking a stab at this. Kind of hard to measure performance, though.

function palin(word) {
    var i = 0,
        len = word.length - 1,
        max = word.length / 2 | 0;

    while (i < max) {
        if (word.charCodeAt(i) !== word.charCodeAt(len - i)) {
            return false;
        i += 1;
    return true;

My thinking is to use charCodeAt() instead charAt() with the hope that allocating a Number instead of a String will have better perf because Strings are variable length and might be more complex to allocate. Also, only iterating halfway through (as noted by sai) because that's all that's required. Also, if the length is odd (ex: 'aba'), the middle character is always ok.

Function pointer as parameter

The correct way to do this is:

typedef void (*callback_function)(void); // type for conciseness

callback_function disconnectFunc; // variable to store function pointer type

void D::setDisconnectFunc(callback_function pFunc)
    disconnectFunc = pFunc; // store

void D::disconnected()
    disconnectFunc(); // call
    connected = false;

Java equivalent of unsigned long long?

Java does not have unsigned types. As already mentioned, incure the overhead of BigInteger or use JNI to access native code.

Finding smallest value in an array most efficiently

                //smalest number in the array//
    double small = x[0];
    printf("\nThe smallest number is  %0.2lf  \n",small);

Refresh a page using PHP

You can do it with PHP:


It refreshes your current page, and if you need to redirect it to another page, use following:

header("Refresh:0; url=page2.php");

Float sum with javascript

Once you read what What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic you could use the .toFixed() function:

var result = parseFloat('2.3') + parseFloat('2.4');

How to import data from one sheet to another

Saw this thread while looking for something else and I know it is super old, but I wanted to add my 2 cents.

NEVER USE VLOOKUP. It's one of the worst performing formulas in excel. Use index match instead. It even works without sorting data, unless you have a -1 or 1 in the end of the match formula (explained more below)

Here is a link with the appropriate formulas.

The Sheet 2 formula would be this: =IF(A2="","",INDEX(Sheet1!B:B,MATCH($A2,Sheet1!$A:$A,0)))

  • IF(A2="","", means if A2 is blank, return a blank value
  • INDEX(Sheet1!B:B, is saying INDEX B:B where B:B is the data you want to return. IE the name column.
  • Match(A2, is saying to Match A2 which is the ID you want to return the Name for.
  • Sheet1!A:A, is saying you want to match A2 to the ID column in the previous sheet
  • ,0)) is specifying you want an exact value. 0 means return an exact match to A2, -1 means return smallest value greater than or equal to A2, 1 means return the largest value that is less than or equal to A2. Keep in mind -1 and 1 have to be sorted.

More information on the Index/Match formula

Other fun facts: $ means absolute in a formula. So if you specify $B$1 when filling a formula down or over keeps that same value. If you over $B1, the B remains the same across the formula, but if you fill down, the 1 increases with the row count. Likewise, if you used B$1, filling to the right will increment the B, but keep the reference of row 1.

I also included the use of indirect in the second section. What indirect does is allow you to use the text of another cell in a formula. Since I created a named range sheet1!A:A = ID, sheet1!B:B = Name, and sheet1!C:C=Price, I can use the column name to have the exact same formula, but it uses the column heading to change the search criteria.

Good luck! Hope this helps.

How do I trigger a macro to run after a new mail is received in Outlook?

Try something like this inside ThisOutlookSession:

Private Sub Application_NewMail()
    Call Your_main_macro
End Sub

My outlook vba just fired when I received an email and had that application event open.

Edit: I just tested a hello world msg box and it ran after being called in the application_newmail event when an email was received.

SVN check out linux

There should be svn utility on you box, if installed:

$ svn checkout somerepo

This will check out a working copy from a specified repository to a directory somerepo on our file system.

You may want to print commands, supported by this utility:

$ svn help

uname -a output in your question is identical to one, used by Parallels Virtuozzo Containers for Linux 4.0 kernel, which is based on Red Hat 5 kernel, thus your friends are rpm or the following command:

$ sudo yum install subversion

ExecuteReader requires an open and available Connection. The connection's current state is Connecting

Sorry for only commenting in the first place, but i'm posting almost every day a similar comment since many people think that it would be smart to encapsulate ADO.NET functionality into a DB-Class(me too 10 years ago). Mostly they decide to use static/shared objects since it seems to be faster than to create a new object for any action.

That is neither a good idea in terms of peformance nor in terms of fail-safety.

Don't poach on the Connection-Pool's territory

There's a good reason why ADO.NET internally manages the underlying Connections to the DBMS in the ADO-NET Connection-Pool:

In practice, most applications use only one or a few different configurations for connections. This means that during application execution, many identical connections will be repeatedly opened and closed. To minimize the cost of opening connections, ADO.NET uses an optimization technique called connection pooling.

Connection pooling reduces the number of times that new connections must be opened. The pooler maintains ownership of the physical connection. It manages connections by keeping alive a set of active connections for each given connection configuration. Whenever a user calls Open on a connection, the pooler looks for an available connection in the pool. If a pooled connection is available, it returns it to the caller instead of opening a new connection. When the application calls Close on the connection, the pooler returns it to the pooled set of active connections instead of closing it. Once the connection is returned to the pool, it is ready to be reused on the next Open call.

So obviously there's no reason to avoid creating,opening or closing connections since actually they aren't created,opened and closed at all. This is "only" a flag for the connection pool to know when a connection can be reused or not. But it's a very important flag, because if a connection is "in use"(the connection pool assumes), a new physical connection must be openend to the DBMS what is very expensive.

So you're gaining no performance improvement but the opposite. If the maximum pool size specified (100 is the default) is reached, you would even get exceptions(too many open connections ...). So this will not only impact the performance tremendously but also be a source for nasty errors and (without using Transactions) a data-dumping-area.

If you're even using static connections you're creating a lock for every thread trying to access this object. ASP.NET is a multithreading environment by nature. So theres a great chance for these locks which causes performance issues at best. Actually sooner or later you'll get many different exceptions(like your ExecuteReader requires an open and available Connection).


  • Don't reuse connections or any ADO.NET objects at all.
  • Don't make them static/shared(in VB.NET)
  • Always create, open(in case of Connections), use, close and dispose them where you need them(f.e. in a method)
  • use the using-statement to dispose and close(in case of Connections) implicitely

That's true not only for Connections(although most noticable). Every object implementing IDisposable should be disposed(simplest by using-statement), all the more in the System.Data.SqlClient namespace.

All the above speaks against a custom DB-Class which encapsulates and reuse all objects. That's the reason why i commented to trash it. That's only a problem source.

Edit: Here's a possible implementation of your retrievePromotion-method:

public Promotion retrievePromotion(int promotionID)
    Promotion promo = null;
    var connectionString = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MainConnStr"].ConnectionString;
    using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
        var queryString = "SELECT PromotionID, PromotionTitle, PromotionURL FROM Promotion WHERE PromotionID=@PromotionID";
        using (var da = new SqlDataAdapter(queryString, connection))
            // you could also use a SqlDataReader instead
            // note that a DataTable does not need to be disposed since it does not implement IDisposable
            var tblPromotion = new DataTable();
            // avoid SQL-Injection
            da.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@PromotionID", SqlDbType.Int);
            da.SelectCommand.Parameters["@PromotionID"].Value = promotionID;
                connection.Open(); // not necessarily needed in this case because DataAdapter.Fill does it otherwise 
                if (tblPromotion.Rows.Count != 0)
                    var promoRow = tblPromotion.Rows[0];
                    promo = new Promotion()
                        promotionID    = promotionID,
                        promotionTitle = promoRow.Field<String>("PromotionTitle"),
                        promotionUrl   = promoRow.Field<String>("PromotionURL")
            catch (Exception ex)
                // log this exception or throw it up the StackTrace
                // we do not need a finally-block to close the connection since it will be closed implicitely in an using-statement
    return promo;

how to execute php code within javascript

You can't run PHP with javascript. JavaScript is a client side technology (runs in the users browser) and PHP is a server side technology (run on the server).

If you want to do this you have to make an ajax request to a PHP script and have that return the results you are looking for.

Why do you want to do this?

Android selector & text color

I got by doing several tests until one worked, so: res/color/button_dark_text.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 <selector xmlns:android="">
     <item android:state_pressed="true"
           android:color="#000000" /> <!-- pressed -->
     <item android:state_focused="true"
           android:color="#000000" /> <!-- focused -->
     <item android:color="#FFFFFF" /> <!-- default -->


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
       android:textColor="@color/button_dark_text" />

How to perform .Max() on a property of all objects in a collection and return the object with maximum value

I believe that sorting by the column you want to get the MAX of and then grabbing the first should work. However, if there are multiple objects with the same MAX value, only one will be grabbed:

private void Test()
    test v1 = new test();
    v1.Id = 12;

    test v2 = new test();
    v2.Id = 12;

    test v3 = new test();
    v3.Id = 12;

    List<test> arr = new List<test>();

    test max = arr.OrderByDescending(t => t.Id).First();

class test
    public int Id { get; set; }

Search input with an icon Bootstrap 4

I made another variant with dropdown menu (perhaps for advanced search etc).. Here is how it looks like:

Bootstrap 4 searh bar with dropdown menu

<div class="input-group my-4 col-6 mx-auto">
    <input class="form-control py-2 border-right-0 border" type="search" placeholder="Type something..." id="example-search-input">
    <span class="input-group-append">
        <button type="button" class="btn btn-outline-primary dropdown-toggle dropdown-toggle-split border border-left-0 border-right-0 rounded-0" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">
            <span class="sr-only">Toggle Dropdown</span>
        <button class="btn btn-outline-primary rounded-right" type="button">
            <i class="fas fa-search"></i>
        <div class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right">
            <a class="dropdown-item" href="#">Action</a>
            <a class="dropdown-item" href="#">Another action</a>
            <a class="dropdown-item" href="#">Something else here</a>
            <div role="separator" class="dropdown-divider"></div>
            <a class="dropdown-item" href="#">Separated link</a>

Note: It appears green in the screenshot because my site main theme is green.

How do I ignore files in a directory in Git?

The first one. Those file paths are relative from where your .gitignore file is.

Center a 'div' in the middle of the screen, even when the page is scrolled up or down?

I just found a new trick to center a box in the middle of the screen even if you don't have fixed dimensions. Let's say you would like a box 60% width / 60% height. The way to make it centered is by creating 2 boxes: a "container" box that position left: 50% top :50%, and a "text" box inside with reverse position left: -50%; top :-50%;

It works and it's cross browser compatible.

Check out the code below, you probably get a better explanation:

jQuery('.close a, .bg', '#message').on('click', function() {_x000D_
  return false;_x000D_
html, body {_x000D_
  min-height: 100%;_x000D_
#message {_x000D_
  height: 100%;_x000D_
  left: 0;_x000D_
  position: fixed;_x000D_
  top: 0;_x000D_
  width: 100%;_x000D_
#message .container {_x000D_
  height: 60%;_x000D_
  left: 50%;_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  top: 50%;_x000D_
  z-index: 10;_x000D_
  width: 60%;_x000D_
#message .container .text {_x000D_
  background: #fff;_x000D_
  height: 100%;_x000D_
  left: -50%;_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  top: -50%;_x000D_
  width: 100%;_x000D_
#message .bg {_x000D_
  background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);_x000D_
  height: 100%;_x000D_
  left: 0;_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  top: 0;_x000D_
  width: 100%;_x000D_
  z-index: 9;_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div id="message">_x000D_
  <div class="container">_x000D_
    <div class="text">_x000D_
      <p>The message</p>_x000D_
      <p class="close"><a href="#">Close Window</a></p>_x000D_
  <div class="bg"></div>_x000D_

How to make a div 100% height of the browser window


body {_x000D_
  height: 100%;_x000D_
  min-height: 100%;_x000D_
body {_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
  background: purple;_x000D_
  margin: 0;_x000D_
  padding: 0;_x000D_
.fullheight {_x000D_
  display: block;_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
  background: red;_x000D_
  height: 100%;_x000D_
  width: 300px;_x000D_
<html class="">_x000D_
  <div class="fullheight">_x000D_
    This is full height._x000D_

Spring-Security-Oauth2: Full authentication is required to access this resource

setting in resolved the issue for me.

How do I add a newline using printf?

To write a newline use \n not /n the latter is just a slash and a n

Moving x-axis to the top of a plot in matplotlib

tick_params is very useful for setting tick properties. Labels can be moved to the top with:


How to tell PowerShell to wait for each command to end before starting the next?

If you use Start-Process <path to exe> -NoNewWindow -Wait

You can also use the -PassThru option to echo output.

How to print like printf in Python3?

Python 3.6 introduced f-strings for inline interpolation. What's even nicer is it extended the syntax to also allow format specifiers with interpolation. Something I've been working on while I googled this (and came across this old question!):

print(f'{account:40s} ({ratio:3.2f}) -> AUD {splitAmount}')

PEP 498 has the details. And... it sorted my pet peeve with format specifiers in other langs -- allows for specifiers that themselves can be expressions! Yay! See: Format Specifiers.

Adding multiple columns AFTER a specific column in MySQL

ALTER TABLE listing ADD count INT(5), ADD log VARCHAR(200), ADD status VARCHAR(20) AFTER stat

It will give good results.

How to print exact sql query in zend framework ?

You can use Zend_Debug::Dump($select->assemble()); to get the SQL query.

Or you can enable Zend DB FirePHP profiler which will get you all queries in a neat format in Firebug (even UPDATE statements).

EDIT: Profiling with FirePHP also works also in FF6.0+ (not only in FF3.0 as suggested in link)

How to achieve function overloading in C?

As already stated, overloading in the sense that you mean isn't supported by C. A common idiom to solve the problem is making the function accept a tagged union. This is implemented by a struct parameter, where the struct itself consists of some sort of type indicator, such as an enum, and a union of the different types of values. Example:

#include <stdio.h>

typedef enum {
} my_type;

typedef struct {
    my_type type;
    union {
        int a; 
        float b; 
        char c;
    } my_union;
} my_struct;

void set_overload (my_struct *whatever) 
    switch (whatever->type) 
        case T_INT:
            whatever->my_union.a = 1;
        case T_FLOAT:
            whatever->my_union.b = 2.0;
        case T_CHAR:
            whatever->my_union.c = '3';

void printf_overload (my_struct *whatever) {
    switch (whatever->type) 
        case T_INT:
            printf("%d\n", whatever->my_union.a);
        case T_FLOAT:
            printf("%f\n", whatever->my_union.b);
        case T_CHAR:
            printf("%c\n", whatever->my_union.c);


int main (int argc, char* argv[])
    my_struct s;




/exclude in xcopy just for a file type

The /EXCLUDE: argument expects a file containing a list of excluded files.

So create a file called excludedfileslist.txt containing:


Then a command like this:

xcopy /r /d /i /s /y /exclude:excludedfileslist.txt C:\dev\apan C:\web\apan

Alternatively you could use Robocopy, but would require installing / copying a robocopy.exe to the machines.


An anonymous comment edit which simply stated "This Solution exclude also css file!"

This is true creating a excludedfileslist.txt file contain just:


(note no backslash on the end)

Will also exclude all of the following:

  • file1.cs
  • file2.css
  • dir1.cs\file3.txt
  • dir2\anyfile.cs.something.txt

Sometimes people don't read or understand the XCOPY command's help, here is an item I would like to highlight:

Using /exclude

  • List each string in a separate line in each file. If any of the listed strings match any part of the absolute path of the file to be copied, that file is then excluded from the copying process. For example, if you specify the string "\Obj\", you exclude all files underneath the Obj directory. If you specify the string ".obj", you exclude all files with the .obj extension.

As the example states it excludes "all files with the .obj extension" but it doesn't state that it also excludes files or directories named file1.obj.tmp or dir.obj.output\example2.txt.

There is a way around .css files being excluded also, change the excludedfileslist.txt file to contain just:


(note the backslash on the end).

Here is a complete test sequence for your reference:


Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]

C:\test1>md src
C:\test1>md dst
C:\test1>md src\dir1
C:\test1>md src\dir2.cs
C:\test1>echo "file contents" > src\file1.cs
C:\test1>echo "file contents" > src\file2.css
C:\test1>echo "file contents" > src\dir1\file3.txt
C:\test1>echo "file contents" > src\dir1\file4.cs.txt
C:\test1>echo "file contents" > src\dir2.cs\file5.txt

C:\test1>xcopy /r /i /s /y .\src .\dst
5 File(s) copied

C:\test1>echo .cs > excludedfileslist.txt
C:\test1>xcopy /r /i /s /y /exclude:excludedfileslist.txt .\src .\dst
1 File(s) copied

C:\test1>echo .cs\ > excludedfileslist.txt
C:\test1>xcopy /r /i /s /y /exclude:excludedfileslist.txt .\src .\dst
3 File(s) copied

This test was completed on a Windows 7 command line and retested on Windows 10 "10.0.14393".

Note that the last example does exclude .\src\dir2.cs\file5.txt which may or may not be unexpected for you.

Updating a local repository with changes from a GitHub repository

This should work for every default repo:

git pull origin master

If your default branch is different than master, you will need to specify the branch name:

git pull origin my_default_branch_name

How to get current formatted date dd/mm/yyyy in Javascript and append it to an input

   const monthNames = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June",
        "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"];
    const dateObj = new Date();
    const month = monthNames[dateObj.getMonth()];
    const day = String(dateObj.getDate()).padStart(2, '0');
    const year = dateObj.getFullYear();
    const output = month  + '\n'+ day  + ',' + year;

    document.querySelector('.date').textContent = output; 

How can I get the status code from an http error in Axios?

In order to get the http status code returned from the server, you can add validateStatus: status => true to axios options:

    method: 'POST',
    url: 'http://localhost:3001/users/login',
    data: { username, password },
    validateStatus: () => true
}).then(res => {

This way, every http response resolves the promise returned from axios.

VBA: How to delete filtered rows in Excel?

Use SpecialCells to delete only the rows that are visible after autofiltering:

ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$I$" & lines).SpecialCells _

If you have a header row in your range that you don't want to delete, add an offset to the range to exclude it:

ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$I$" & lines).Offset(1, 0).SpecialCells _

JavaScript - Get minutes between two dates

A simple function to perform this calculation:

function getMinutesBetweenDates(startDate, endDate) {
    var diff = endDate.getTime() - startDate.getTime();
    return (diff / 60000);

Reason: no suitable image found

I too had this issue, however nothing I tried above and in several other posts worked.. except for this.

For me, I changed the bundle identifier since we have a different bundle ID for distribution versus development.

My hardware is allowed on this provision and my team account is valid but it was throwing the above error on some other framework.

Turns out that I needed to completely remove the old version of the app completely from my phone. And not just deleting it the standard way.

Solution :

  1. Make sure the target phone is connected
  2. from within xcode menu click [Window>Devices]
  3. select the target device on the left side menu.
  4. On the right will be a list of applications within your device. Find the application that your trying to test and remove it.

Evidently on installing the same app under the same team under a different bundle ID, if your not starting completely from scratch, there are some references to frameworks that get muddied.

Hope this helps someone.

What are the best practices for SQLite on Android?

My understanding of SQLiteDatabase APIs is that in case you have a multi threaded application, you cannot afford to have more than a 1 SQLiteDatabase object pointing to a single database.

The object definitely can be created but the inserts/updates fail if different threads/processes (too) start using different SQLiteDatabase objects (like how we use in JDBC Connection).

The only solution here is to stick with 1 SQLiteDatabase objects and whenever a startTransaction() is used in more than 1 thread, Android manages the locking across different threads and allows only 1 thread at a time to have exclusive update access.

Also you can do "Reads" from the database and use the same SQLiteDatabase object in a different thread (while another thread writes) and there would never be database corruption i.e "read thread" wouldn't read the data from the database till the "write thread" commits the data although both use the same SQLiteDatabase object.

This is different from how connection object is in JDBC where if you pass around (use the same) the connection object between read and write threads then we would likely be printing uncommitted data too.

In my enterprise application, I try to use conditional checks so that the UI Thread never have to wait, while the BG thread holds the SQLiteDatabase object (exclusively). I try to predict UI Actions and defer BG thread from running for 'x' seconds. Also one can maintain PriorityQueue to manage handing out SQLiteDatabase Connection objects so that the UI Thread gets it first.

Is it possible to sort a ES6 map object?

Convert Map to an array using Array.from, sort array, convert back to Map, e.g.

new Map(
    .sort((a, b) => {
      // a[0], b[0] is the key of the map
      return a[0] - b[0];

document.getElementById().value and document.getElementById().checked not working for IE

Have a look at jQuery, a cross-browser library that will make your life a lot easier.

var msg = 'abc';
$('#sp_100').attr('checked', 'checked');

jquery: $(window).scrollTop() but no $(window).scrollBottom()

// Back to bottom button
$(window).scroll(function () {
    var scrollBottom = $(this).scrollTop() + $(this).height();
    var scrollTop = $(this).scrollTop();
    var pageHeight = $('html, body').height();//Fixed

    if ($(this).scrollTop() > pageHeight - 700) {
    } else {
        if ($(this).scrollTop() < 100) {
        else {
$('.back-to-bottom').click(function () {
    var pageHeight = $('html, body').height();//Fixed
    $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: pageHeight }, 1500, 'easeInOutExpo');
    return false;

How can I switch my git repository to a particular commit

How can I roll back my previous 4 commits locally in a branch?

Which means, you are not creating new branch and going into detached state. New way of doing that is:

git switch --detach revison

get keys of json-object in JavaScript

The working code

var jsonData = [{person:"me", age :"30"},{person:"you",age:"25"}];_x000D_
for(var obj in jsonData){_x000D_
    for(var prop in jsonData[obj]){_x000D_
           alert(prop + ':' + jsonData[obj][prop]);_x000D_

Creating a LinkedList class from scratch

Sure, a Linked List is a bit confusing for programming n00bs, pretty much the temptation is to look at it as Russian Dolls, because that's what it seems like, a LinkedList Object in a LinkedList Object. But that's a touch difficult to visualize, instead look at it like a computer.

LinkedList = Data + Next Member

Where it's the last member of the list if next is NULL

So a 5 member LinkedList would be:

LinkedList(Data1, LinkedList(Data2, LinkedList(Data3, LinkedList(Data4, LinkedList(Data5, NULL)))))

But you can think of it as simply:

Data1 -> Data2 -> Data3 -> Data4 -> Data5 -> NULL

So, how do we find the end of this? Well, we know that the NULL is the end so:

public void append(LinkedList myNextNode) {
  LinkedList current = this; //Make a variable to store a pointer to this LinkedList
  while ( != NULL) { //While we're not at the last node of the LinkedList
    current =; //Go further down the rabbit hole.
  } = myNextNode; //Now we're at the end, so simply replace the NULL with another Linked List!
  return; //and we're done!

This is very simple code of course, and it will infinitely loop if you feed it a circularly linked list! But that's the basics.

Retrieving an element from array list in Android?

U cant try this

for (WordList i : words) {

Using the "animated circle" in an ImageView while loading stuff

If you would like to not inflate another view just to indicate progress then do the following:

  1. Create ProgressBar in the same XML layout of the list view.
  2. Make it centered
  3. Give it an id
  4. Attach it to your listview instance variable by calling setEmptyView

Android will take care the progress bar's visibility.

For example, in activity_main.xml:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""

        android:dividerHeight="1dp" />

        android:layout_centerVertical="true" />


And in

package com.fcchyd.linkletandroid;

import android.os.Bundle;
import android.util.Log;
import android.widget.ArrayAdapter;
import android.widget.ListView;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import retrofit2.Call;
import retrofit2.Callback;
import retrofit2.Response;
import retrofit2.Retrofit;
import retrofit2.converter.gson.GsonConverterFactory;

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

final String debugLogHeader = "Linklet Debug Message";
Call<Links> call;
List<Link> arraylistLink;
ListView linksListV;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    linksListV = (ListView) findViewById(;
    arraylistLink = new ArrayList<>();

    Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()

    HttpsInterface HttpsInterface = retrofit

    call = HttpsInterface.httpGETpageNumber(1);

    call.enqueue(new Callback<Links>() {
        public void onResponse(Call<Links> call, Response<Links> response) {
            try {
                arraylistLink = response.body().getLinks();

                String[] simpletTitlesArray = new String[arraylistLink.size()];
                for (int i = 0; i < simpletTitlesArray.length; i++) {
                    simpletTitlesArray[i] = arraylistLink.get(i).getTitle();
                ArrayAdapter<String> simpleAdapter = new ArrayAdapter<>(MainActivity.this, android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, simpletTitlesArray);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Log.e("erro", "" + e);

        public void onFailure(Call<Links> call, Throwable t) {




How do I rotate a picture in WinForms

This will work as long as the image you want to rotate is already in your Properties resources folder.

In Partial Class:

Bitmap bmp2;


 bmp2 = new Bitmap(Tycoon.Properties.Resources.save2);
            pictureBox6.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage;
            pictureBox6.Image = bmp2;

Button or Onclick

private void pictureBox6_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (bmp2 != null)
                pictureBox6.Image = bmp2;

Connection reset by peer: mod_fcgid: error reading data from FastCGI server

I managed to solved this by adding FcgidBusyTimeout . Just in case if anyone have similar issue with me.

Here is my settings on my apache.conf:

<VirtualHost *:80>
<IfModule mod_fcgid.c>
FcgidBusyTimeout 3600

The cause of "bad magic number" error when loading a workspace and how to avoid it?

I got the error when building an R package (using roxygen2)

The cause in my case was that I had saved data/mydata.RData with saveRDS() rather than save(). E.g. save(iris, file="data/iris.RData")

This fixed the issue for me. I found this info here

Also note that with save() / load() the object is loaded in with the same name it is initially saved with (i.e you can't rename it until it's already loaded into the R environment under the name it had when you initially saved it).

Unable to find velocity template resources

I have put this working code snippet for future references. The code sample was written with Apache velocity version 1.7 with embedded Jetty.

Velocity template path is located at the resource folder email_templates subfolder.

enter image description here

Code Snippet in Java (Snippets are worked both running on eclipse and inside a Jar)

    templateName = "/email_templates/byoa.tpl.vm"
    VelocityEngine ve = new VelocityEngine();
    ve.setProperty(RuntimeConstants.RESOURCE_LOADER, "classpath");
    ve.setProperty("classpath.resource.loader.class", ClasspathResourceLoader.class.getName());
    Template t = ve.getTemplate(this.templateName);
    VelocityContext velocityContext = new VelocityContext();
    velocityContext.put("","") // put your template values here
    StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
    t.merge(this.velocityContext, writer);

System.out.println(writer.toString()); // print the updated template as string

For OSGI plugging code snippets.

final String TEMPLATE = "resources/template.vm" // located in the resources folder
Thread current = Thread.currentThread();
       ClassLoader oldLoader = current.getContextClassLoader();
       try {
          current.setContextClassLoader(TemplateHelper.class.getClassLoader()); // TemplateHelper is a class inside your jar file
          Properties p = new Properties();
          p.setProperty("resource.loader", "class");
          p.setProperty("class.resource.loader.class", "org.apache.velocity.runtime.resource.loader.ClasspathResourceLoader");
          Velocity.init( p );       
          VelocityEngine ve = new VelocityEngine();
          Template template = Velocity.getTemplate( TEMPLATE );
          VelocityContext context = new VelocityContext();
          context.put("tc", obj);
          StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
          template.merge( context, writer );
          return writer.toString() ;  
       }  catch(Exception e){
       } finally {

Free ASP.Net and/or CSS Themes

As always, Note that the images aren't public domain.

How to synchronize a static variable among threads running different instances of a class in Java?

If you're simply sharing a counter, consider using an AtomicInteger or another suitable class from the java.util.concurrent.atomic package:

public class Test {

    private final static AtomicInteger count = new AtomicInteger(0); 

    public void foo() {  

Google Maps: how to get country, state/province/region, city given a lat/long value?

I found the GeoCoder javascript a little buggy when I included it in my jsp files.

You can also try this:

    var lat = "43.7667855" ;
    var long = "-79.2157321" ;
    var url = ""
    $.get(url).success(function(data) {
       var loc1 = data.results[0];
       var county, city;
         $.each(loc1, function(k1,v1) {
            if (k1 == "address_components") {
               for (var i = 0; i < v1.length; i++) {
                  for (k2 in v1[i]) {
                     if (k2 == "types") {
                        var types = v1[i][k2];
                        if (types[0] =="sublocality_level_1") {
                            county = v1[i].long_name;
                            //alert ("county: " + county);
                        if (types[0] =="locality") {
                           city = v1[i].long_name;
                           //alert ("city: " + city);





What is the best project structure for a Python application?

Non-python data is best bundled inside your Python modules using the package_data support in setuptools. One thing I strongly recommend is using namespace packages to create shared namespaces which multiple projects can use -- much like the Java convention of putting packages in com.yourcompany.yourproject (and being able to have a shared com.yourcompany.utils namespace).

Re branching and merging, if you use a good enough source control system it will handle merges even through renames; Bazaar is particularly good at this.

Contrary to some other answers here, I'm +1 on having a src directory top-level (with doc and test directories alongside). Specific conventions for documentation directory trees will vary depending on what you're using; Sphinx, for instance, has its own conventions which its quickstart tool supports.

Please, please leverage setuptools and pkg_resources; this makes it much easier for other projects to rely on specific versions of your code (and for multiple versions to be simultaneously installed with different non-code files, if you're using package_data).

ImportError: Couldn't import Django

if you don't want to deactivate or activate the already installed venv just ensure you have set the pythonpath set

set pythonpath=C:\software\venv\include;C:\software\venv\lib;C:\software\venv\scripts;C:\software\venv\tcl;C:\software\venv\Lib\site-packages;

and then execute

"%pythonpath%" %venvpath%Scripts\mytestsite\ runserver "%ipaddress%":8000

Get unicode value of a character

If you have Java 5, use char c = ...; String s = String.format ("\\u%04x", (int)c);

If your source isn't a Unicode character (char) but a String, you must use charAt(index) to get the Unicode character at position index.

Don't use codePointAt(index) because that will return 24bit values (full Unicode) which can't be represented with just 4 hex digits (it needs 6). See the docs for an explanation.

[EDIT] To make it clear: This answer doesn't use Unicode but the method which Java uses to represent Unicode characters (i.e. surrogate pairs) since char is 16bit and Unicode is 24bit. The question should be: "How can I convert char to a 4-digit hex number", since it's not (really) about Unicode.

How to solve "The specified service has been marked for deletion" error

I had the same problem, finally I decide to kill service process.

for it try below steps:

  • get process id of service with

    sc queryex <service name>

  • kill process with

    taskkill /F /PID <Service PID>

Convert string to variable name in JavaScript

Javascript has an eval() function for such occasions:

function (varString) {
  var myVar = eval(varString);
  // .....

Edit: Sorry, I think I skimmed the question too quickly. This will only get you the variable, to set it you need

function SetTo5(varString) {
  var newValue = 5;
  eval(varString + " = " + newValue);

or if using a string:

function SetToString(varString) {
  var newValue = "string";
  eval(varString + " = " + "'" + newValue + "'");

But I imagine there is a more appropriate way to accomplish what you're looking for? I don't think eval() is something you really want to use unless there's a great reason for it. eval()

What is secret key for JWT based authentication and how to generate it?

You can write your own generator. The secret key is essentially a byte array. Make sure that the string that you convert to a byte array is base64 encoded.

In Java, you could do something like this.

String key = "random_secret_key";
String base64Key = DatatypeConverter.printBase64Binary(key.getBytes());
byte[] secretBytes = DatatypeConverter.parseBase64Binary(base64Key);

Python+OpenCV: cv2.imwrite

enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here

Alternatively, with MTCNN and OpenCV(other dependencies including TensorFlow also required), you can:

1 Perform face detection(Input an image, output all boxes of detected faces):

from mtcnn.mtcnn import MTCNN
import cv2

face_detector = MTCNN()

img = cv2.imread("Anthony_Hopkins_0001.jpg")
detect_boxes = face_detector.detect_faces(img)

[{'box': [73, 69, 98, 123], 'confidence': 0.9996458292007446, 'keypoints': {'left_eye': (102, 116), 'right_eye': (150, 114), 'nose': (129, 142), 'mouth_left': (112, 168), 'mouth_right': (146, 167)}}]

2 save all detected faces to separate files:

for i in range(len(detect_boxes)):
    box = detect_boxes[i]["box"]
    face_img = img[box[1]:(box[1] + box[3]), box[0]:(box[0] + box[2])]
    cv2.imwrite("face-{:03d}.jpg".format(i+1), face_img)

3 or Draw rectangles of all detected faces:

for box in detect_boxes:
    box = box["box"]
    pt1 = (box[0], box[1]) # top left
    pt2 = (box[0] + box[2], box[1] + box[3]) # bottom right
    cv2.rectangle(img, pt1, pt2, (0,255,0), 2)
cv2.imwrite("detected-boxes.jpg", img)

How to decode a QR-code image in (preferably pure) Python?

There is a library called BoofCV which claims to better than ZBar and other libraries.
Here are the steps to use that (any OS).


  • Ensure JDK 14+ is installed and set in $PATH
  • pip install pyboof

Class to decode:

import os
import numpy as np
import pyboof as pb

pb.init_memmap() #Optional

class QR_Extractor:
    # Src:
    def __init__(self):
        self.detector = pb.FactoryFiducial(np.uint8).qrcode()
    def extract(self, img_path):
        if not os.path.isfile(img_path):
            print('File not found:', img_path)
            return None
        image = pb.load_single_band(img_path, np.uint8)
        qr_codes = []
        for qr in self.detector.detections:
                'text': qr.message,
                'points': qr.bounds.convert_tuple()
        return qr_codes


qr_scanner = QR_Extractor()
output = qr_scanner.extract('Your-Image.jpg')

Tested and works on Python 3.8 (Windows & Ubuntu)

Is it possible to force row level locking in SQL Server?


ALTER INDEX indexname ON tablename SET (ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = OFF);

updating nodejs on ubuntu 16.04

Using Node Version Manager (NVM):

Install it:

wget -qO- | bash

Test your installation:

close your current terminal, open a new terminal, and run:

command -v nvm

Use it to install as many versions as u like:

nvm install 8              # Install nodejs 8
nvm install --lts          # Install latest LTS (Long Term Support) version

List installed versions:

nvm ls

Use a specific version:

nvm use 8                  # Use this version on this shell

Set defaults:

nvm alias default 8        # Default to nodejs 8 on this shell
nvm alias default node     # always use latest available as default nodejs for all shells

MySQL Workbench Edit Table Data is read only

If your query has any JOINs, Mysql Workbench will not allow you to alter the table, even if your results are all from a single table.

For example, the following query

SELECT u.* FROM users u JOIN passwords p ON WHERE p.password IS NULL;

will not allow you to edit the results or add rows, even though the results are limited to one table. You must specifically do something like:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE id=1012;

and then you can edit the row and add rows to the table.

Append an array to another array in JavaScript

If you want to modify the original array instead of returning a new array, use .push()...

array1.push.apply(array1, array2);
array1.push.apply(array1, array3);

I used .apply to push the individual members of arrays 2 and 3 at once.


array1.push.apply(array1, array2.concat(array3));

To deal with large arrays, you can do this in batches.

for (var n = 0, to_add = array2.concat(array3); n < to_add.length; n+=300) {
    array1.push.apply(array1, to_add.slice(n, n+300));

If you do this a lot, create a method or function to handle it.

var push_apply = Function.apply.bind([].push);
var slice_call =[].slice);

Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, "pushArrayMembers", {
    value: function() {
        for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
            var to_add = arguments[i];
            for (var n = 0; n < to_add.length; n+=300) {
                push_apply(this, slice_call(to_add, n, n+300));

and use it like this:

array1.pushArrayMembers(array2, array3);

var push_apply = Function.apply.bind([].push);_x000D_
var slice_call =[].slice);_x000D_
Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, "pushArrayMembers", {_x000D_
    value: function() {_x000D_
        for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {_x000D_
            var to_add = arguments[i];_x000D_
            for (var n = 0; n < to_add.length; n+=300) {_x000D_
                push_apply(this, slice_call(to_add, n, n+300));_x000D_
var array1 = ['a','b','c'];_x000D_
var array2 = ['d','e','f'];_x000D_
var array3 = ['g','h','i'];_x000D_
array1.pushArrayMembers(array2, array3);_x000D_
document.body.textContent = JSON.stringify(array1, null, 4);

Kendo grid date column not formatting

This is how you do it using ASP.NET:

add .Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss}"); 

            .Columns(columns =>

                columns.Bound(c => c.AttributeName);
                columns.Bound(c => c.UpdatedDate).Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss}");   
            .HtmlAttributes(new { @class = ".big-grid" })
            .Resizable(x => x.Columns(true))
            .DataSource(dataSource => dataSource
                        .Model(model =>
                            model.Id(c => c.Id);
               .Read(read => read.Action("Read_AttributeHistory", "Attribute",  new { attributeId = attributeId })))

Getting file size in Python?


Return the size, in bytes, of path. Raise os.error if the file does not exist or is inaccessible.

How can I tell jaxb / Maven to generate multiple schema packages?

i have solved with:


add this to each configuration ;)

How to make bootstrap 3 fluid layout without horizontal scrollbar

The only thing that assisted me was to set margin:0px on the topmost <div class="row"> in my html DOM.

This again wasn't the most appealing way to solve the issue, but as it is only in one place I put it inline.

As an fyi the container-fluid and apparent bootstrap fixes only introduced an increased whitespace on either side of the visible page... :( Although I came across my solution by reading through the back and forth on the github issue - so worthwhile reading.

how to call a method in another Activity from Activity

Declare a SecondActivity variable in FirstActivity

Like this

public class FirstActivity extends Activity {  

SecondActivity secactivity;

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

  public void method() {
    // some code

  secactivity.call_method();// 'Method' is Name of the any one method in SecondActivity


Using this format you can call any method from one activity to another.

SqlServer: Login failed for user

We solved our Linux/php hook to SQL Server problem by creating a new login account with SQL Server authentication instead of Windows authentication.

Find the maximum value in a list of tuples in Python

In addition to max, you can also sort:

>>> lis
[(101, 153), (255, 827), (361, 961)]
>>> sorted(lis,key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)[0]
(361, 961)

Counting number of occurrences in column?

Just adding some extra sorting if needed

=QUERY(A2:A,"select A, count(A) where A is not null group by A order by count(A) DESC label A 'Name', count(A) 'Count'",-1)

enter image description here

Base64 encoding and decoding in client-side Javascript

For what it's worth, I got inspired by the other answers and wrote a small utility which calls the platform specific APIs to be used universally from either Node.js or a browser:

 * Encode a string of text as base64
 * @param data The string of text.
 * @returns The base64 encoded string.
function encodeBase64(data: string) {
    if (typeof btoa === "function") {
        return btoa(data);
    } else if (typeof Buffer === "function") {
        return Buffer.from(data, "utf-8").toString("base64");
    } else {
        throw new Error("Failed to determine the platform specific encoder");

 * Decode a string of base64 as text
 * @param data The string of base64 encoded text
 * @returns The decoded text.
function decodeBase64(data: string) {
    if (typeof atob === "function") {
        return atob(data);
    } else if (typeof Buffer === "function") {
        return Buffer.from(data, "base64").toString("utf-8");
    } else {
        throw new Error("Failed to determine the platform specific decoder");

Py_Initialize fails - unable to load the file system codec

I had the same issue and found this question. However from the answers here I was not able to solve my problem. I started debugging the cpython code and thought that I might be discovered a bug. Therefore I opened a issue on the python issue tracker.

My mistake was that I did not understand that Py_SetPath clears all inferred paths. So one needs to set all paths when calling this function.

For completion I also copied the most important part of the conversation below.

My original issue text

I compiled the source of CPython 3.7.3 myself on Windows with Visual Studio 2017 together with some packages like e.g numpy. When I start the Python Interpreter I am able to import and use numpy. However when I am running the same script via the C-API I get an ModuleNotFoundError.

So the first thing I did, was to check if numpy is in my site-packages directory and indeed there is a folder named numpy-1.16.2-py3.7-win-amd64.egg. (Makes sense because the python interpreter can find numpy)

The next thing I did was to get some information about the sys.path variable created when running the script via the C-API.

#### sys.path content ####

Examining the content of sys.path I noticed two things.

  1. C:\Work\build\product\ has the correct path 'C:\Work\build\product\'. There was just no zip file. All my files and directory were unpacked. So I zipped the files to an archive named and this resolved the import error.

  2. C:\Users\rvq\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python37\site-packages is wrong it should be C:\Work\build\product\Lib\site-packages but I dont know how this wrong path is created.

The next thing I tried was to use Py_SetPath(L"C:/Work/build/product/Lib/site-packages") before calling Py_Initialize(). This led to

Fatal Python Error 'unable to load the file system encoding' ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'encodings'

I created a minimal c++ project with exact these two calls and started to debug Cpython.

int main()

I tracked the call of Py_Initialize() down to the call of

static int
zipimport_zipimporter___init___impl(ZipImporter *self, PyObject *path)

inside of zipimport.c

The comment above this function states the following:

Create a new zipimporter instance. 'archivepath' must be a path-like object to a zipfile, or to a specific path inside a zipfile. For example, it can be '/tmp/', or '/tmp/', if mydirectory is a valid directory inside the archive. 'ZipImportError' is raised if 'archivepath' doesn't point to a valid Zip archive. The 'archive' attribute of the zipimporter object contains the name of the zipfile targeted.

So for me it seems that the C-API expects the path set with Py_SetPath to be a path to a zipfile. Is this expected behaviour or is it a bug? If it is not a bug is there a way to changes this so that it can also detect directories?

PS: The ModuleNotFoundError did not occur for me when using Python 3.5.2+, which was the version I used in my project before. I also checked if I had set any PYTHONHOME or PYTHONPATH environment variables but I did not see one of them on my system.


This is probably a documentation failure more than anything else. We're in the middle of redesigning initialization though, so it's good timing to contribute this feedback.

The short answer is that you need to make sure Python can find the Lib/encodings directory, typically by putting the standard library in sys.path. Py_SetPath clears all inferred paths, so you need to specify all the places Python should look. (The rules for where Python looks automatically are complicated and vary by platform, which is something I'm keen to fix.)

Paths that don't exist are okay, and that's the zip file. You can choose to put the stdlib into a zip, and it will be found automatically if you name it the default path, but you can also leave it unzipped and reference the directory.

A full walk through on embedding is more than I'm prepared to type on my phone. Hopefully that's enough to get you going for now.

How to detect if CMD is running as Administrator/has elevated privileges?

A "not-a-one-liner" version of

@echo off
net.exe session 1>NUL 2>NUL || goto :not_admin
goto :eof

echo ERROR: Please run as a local administrator.
exit /b 1

Nginx Different Domains on Same IP

Your "listen" directives are wrong. See this page:

They should be

server {
    listen      80;
    root /var/www/domain1;

server {
    listen       80;
    root /var/www/domain2;

Note, I have only included the relevant lines. Everything else looked okay but I just deleted it for clarity. To test it you might want to try serving a text file from each server first before actually serving php. That's why I left the 'root' directive in there.

What is causing ERROR: there is no unique constraint matching given keys for referenced table?

when you do UNIQUE as a table level constraint as you have done then what your defining is a bit like a composite primary key see ddl constraints, here is an extract

"This specifies that the *combination* of values in the indicated columns is unique across the whole table, though any one of the columns need not be (and ordinarily isn't) unique."

this means that either field could possibly have a non unique value provided the combination is unique and this does not match your foreign key constraint.

most likely you want the constraint to be at column level. so rather then define them as table level constraints, 'append' UNIQUE to the end of the column definition like name VARCHAR(60) NOT NULL UNIQUE or specify indivdual table level constraints for each field.

Initializing entire 2D array with one value

Note that GCC has an extension to the designated initializer notation which is very useful for the context. It is also allowed by clang without comment (in part because it tries to be compatible with GCC).

The extension notation allows you to use ... to designate a range of elements to be initialized with the following value. For example:

#include <stdio.h>

enum { ROW = 5, COLUMN = 10 };

int array[ROW][COLUMN] = { [0 ... ROW-1] = { [0 ... COLUMN-1] = 1 } };

int main(void)
    for (int i = 0; i < ROW; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < COLUMN; j++)
            printf("%2d", array[i][j]);
    return 0;

The output is, unsurprisingly:

 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Note that Fortran 66 (Fortran IV) had repeat counts for initializers for arrays; it's always struck me as odd that C didn't get them when designated initializers were added to the language. And Pascal uses the 0..9 notation to designate the range from 0 to 9 inclusive, but C doesn't use .. as a token, so it is not surprising that was not used.

Note that the spaces around the ... notation are essentially mandatory; if they're attached to numbers, then the number is interpreted as a floating point number. For example, 0...9 would be tokenized as 0., ., .9, and floating point numbers aren't allowed as array subscripts. With the named constants, ...ROW-1 would not cause trouble, but it is better to get into the safe habits.


I note in passing that GCC 7.3.0 rejects:

int array[ROW][COLUMN] = { [0 ... ROW-1] = { [0 ... COLUMN-1] = { 1 } } };

where there's an extra set of braces around the scalar initializer 1 (error: braces around scalar initializer [-Werror]). I'm not sure that's correct given that you can normally specify braces around a scalar in int a = { 1 };, which is explicitly allowed by the standard. I'm not certain it's incorrect, either.

I also wonder if a better notation would be [0]...[9] — that is unambiguous, cannot be confused with any other valid syntax, and avoids confusion with floating point numbers.

int array[ROW][COLUMN] = { [0]...[4] = { [0]...[9] = 1 } };

Maybe the standards committee would consider that?

Yarn install command error No such file or directory: 'install'

Tried above steps, didn't work on Ubuntu 20. For Ubuntu 20, remove the cmdtest and yarn like suggested above. Install yarn with below commands:

curl -sL | sudo apt-key add -

echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list

sudo apt update && sudo apt install yarn

Replacing backslashes with forward slashes with str_replace() in php

you have to place double-backslash

$str = str_replace('\\', '/', $str);

Where are static methods and static variables stored in Java?

This is a question with a simple answer and a long-winded answer.

The simple answer is the heap. Classes and all of the data applying to classes (not instance data) is stored in the Permanent Generation section of the heap.

The long answer is already on stack overflow:

There is a thorough description of memory and garbage collection in the JVM as well as an answer that talks more concisely about it.

Multiple selector chaining in jQuery?

You can combine multiple selectors with a comma:

$('#Create .myClass,#Edit .myClass').plugin({options here});

Or if you're going to have a bunch of them, you could add a class to all your form elements and then search within that class. This doesn't get you the supposed speed savings of restricting the search, but I honestly wouldn't worry too much about that if I were you. Browsers do a lot of fancy things to optimize common operations behind your back -- the simple class selector might be faster.

How to use and style new AlertDialog from appCompat 22.1 and above

Follow @reVerse answer but in my case, I already had some property in my AppTheme like

<style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar">
    <item name="android:textColor">#111</item>
    <item name="android:textSize">13sp</item>

So my dialog will look like
enter image description here

I solved it by

1) Change the import from to
2) I override 2 property in AppTheme with null value

<style name="MyAlertDialogStyle" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.Dialog.Alert">
    <!-- Used for the buttons -->
    <item name="colorAccent">#FFC107</item>
    <!-- Used for the title and text -->
    <item name="android:textColorPrimary">#FFFFFF</item>
    <!-- Used for the background -->
    <item name="android:background">#4CAF50</item>

    <item name="android:textColor">@null</item>
    <item name="android:textSize">@null</item>


AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(mContext,;

Hope it help another people

enter image description here

Can I try/catch a warning?

The solution that really works turned out to be setting simple error handler with E_WARNING parameter, like so:

set_error_handler("warning_handler", E_WARNING);

function warning_handler($errno, $errstr) { 
// do something

How to get everything after last slash in a URL?

Use urlparse to get just the path and then split the path you get from it on / characters:

from urllib.parse import urlparse

my_url = ""
last_path_fragment = urlparse(my_url).path.split('/')[-1]  # returns 'last'

Note: if your url ends with a / character, the above will return '' (i.e. the empty string). If you want to handle that case differently, you need to strip the trailing / character before you split the path:

my_url = ""
# handle URL ending in `/` by removing it.
last_path_fragment = urlparse(my_url).path.rstrip('/').split('/')[-1]  # returns 'last'

What are the calling conventions for UNIX & Linux system calls (and user-space functions) on i386 and x86-64

Further reading for any of the topics here: The Definitive Guide to Linux System Calls

I verified these using GNU Assembler (gas) on Linux.

Kernel Interface

x86-32 aka i386 Linux System Call convention:

In x86-32 parameters for Linux system call are passed using registers. %eax for syscall_number. %ebx, %ecx, %edx, %esi, %edi, %ebp are used for passing 6 parameters to system calls.

The return value is in %eax. All other registers (including EFLAGS) are preserved across the int $0x80.

I took following snippet from the Linux Assembly Tutorial but I'm doubtful about this. If any one can show an example, it would be great.

If there are more than six arguments, %ebx must contain the memory location where the list of arguments is stored - but don't worry about this because it's unlikely that you'll use a syscall with more than six arguments.

For an example and a little more reading, refer to Another example of a Hello World for i386 Linux using int 0x80: Hello, world in assembly language with Linux system calls?

There is a faster way to make 32-bit system calls: using sysenter. The kernel maps a page of memory into every process (the vDSO), with the user-space side of the sysenter dance, which has to cooperate with the kernel for it to be able to find the return address. Arg to register mapping is the same as for int $0x80. You should normally call into the vDSO instead of using sysenter directly. (See The Definitive Guide to Linux System Calls for info on linking and calling into the vDSO, and for more info on sysenter, and everything else to do with system calls.)

x86-32 [Free|Open|Net|DragonFly]BSD UNIX System Call convention:

Parameters are passed on the stack. Push the parameters (last parameter pushed first) on to the stack. Then push an additional 32-bit of dummy data (Its not actually dummy data. refer to following link for more info) and then give a system call instruction int $0x80

x86-64 Linux System Call convention:

(Note: x86-64 Mac OS X is similar but different from Linux. TODO: check what *BSD does)

Refer to section: "A.2 AMD64 Linux Kernel Conventions" of System V Application Binary Interface AMD64 Architecture Processor Supplement. The latest versions of the i386 and x86-64 System V psABIs can be found linked from this page in the ABI maintainer's repo. (See also the tag wiki for up-to-date ABI links and lots of other good stuff about x86 asm.)

Here is the snippet from this section:

  1. User-level applications use as integer registers for passing the sequence %rdi, %rsi, %rdx, %rcx, %r8 and %r9. The kernel interface uses %rdi, %rsi, %rdx, %r10, %r8 and %r9.
  2. A system-call is done via the syscall instruction. This clobbers %rcx and %r11 as well as the %rax return value, but other registers are preserved.
  3. The number of the syscall has to be passed in register %rax.
  4. System-calls are limited to six arguments, no argument is passed directly on the stack.
  5. Returning from the syscall, register %rax contains the result of the system-call. A value in the range between -4095 and -1 indicates an error, it is -errno.
  6. Only values of class INTEGER or class MEMORY are passed to the kernel.

Remember this is from the Linux-specific appendix to the ABI, and even for Linux it's informative not normative. (But it is in fact accurate.)

This 32-bit int $0x80 ABI is usable in 64-bit code (but highly not recommended). What happens if you use the 32-bit int 0x80 Linux ABI in 64-bit code? It still truncates its inputs to 32-bit, so it's unsuitable for pointers, and it zeros r8-r11.

User Interface: function calling

x86-32 Function Calling convention:

In x86-32 parameters were passed on stack. Last parameter was pushed first on to the stack until all parameters are done and then call instruction was executed. This is used for calling C library (libc) functions on Linux from assembly.

Modern versions of the i386 System V ABI (used on Linux) require 16-byte alignment of %esp before a call, like the x86-64 System V ABI has always required. Callees are allowed to assume that and use SSE 16-byte loads/stores that fault on unaligned. But historically, Linux only required 4-byte stack alignment, so it took extra work to reserve naturally-aligned space even for an 8-byte double or something.

Some other modern 32-bit systems still don't require more than 4 byte stack alignment.

x86-64 System V user-space Function Calling convention:

x86-64 System V passes args in registers, which is more efficient than i386 System V's stack args convention. It avoids the latency and extra instructions of storing args to memory (cache) and then loading them back again in the callee. This works well because there are more registers available, and is better for modern high-performance CPUs where latency and out-of-order execution matter. (The i386 ABI is very old).

In this new mechanism: First the parameters are divided into classes. The class of each parameter determines the manner in which it is passed to the called function.

For complete information refer to : "3.2 Function Calling Sequence" of System V Application Binary Interface AMD64 Architecture Processor Supplement which reads, in part:

Once arguments are classified, the registers get assigned (in left-to-right order) for passing as follows:

  1. If the class is MEMORY, pass the argument on the stack.
  2. If the class is INTEGER, the next available register of the sequence %rdi, %rsi, %rdx, %rcx, %r8 and %r9 is used

So %rdi, %rsi, %rdx, %rcx, %r8 and %r9 are the registers in order used to pass integer/pointer (i.e. INTEGER class) parameters to any libc function from assembly. %rdi is used for the first INTEGER parameter. %rsi for 2nd, %rdx for 3rd and so on. Then call instruction should be given. The stack (%rsp) must be 16B-aligned when call executes.

If there are more than 6 INTEGER parameters, the 7th INTEGER parameter and later are passed on the stack. (Caller pops, same as x86-32.)

The first 8 floating point args are passed in %xmm0-7, later on the stack. There are no call-preserved vector registers. (A function with a mix of FP and integer arguments can have more than 8 total register arguments.)

Variadic functions (like printf) always need %al = the number of FP register args.

There are rules for when to pack structs into registers (rdx:rax on return) vs. in memory. See the ABI for details, and check compiler output to make sure your code agrees with compilers about how something should be passed/returned.

Note that the Windows x64 function calling convention has multiple significant differences from x86-64 System V, like shadow space that must be reserved by the caller (instead of a red-zone), and call-preserved xmm6-xmm15. And very different rules for which arg goes in which register.

What causes a Python segmentation fault?

Looks like you are out of stack memory. You may want to increase it as Davide stated. To do it in python code, you would need to run your "main()" using threading:

def main():
    pass # write your code here

sys.setrecursionlimit(2097152)    # adjust numbers
threading.stack_size(134217728)   # for your needs

main_thread = threading.Thread(target=main)

Source: c1729's post on codeforces. Runing it with PyPy is a bit trickier.

How to stop console from closing on exit?

Add a Console.ReadKey call to your program to force it to wait for you to press a key before exiting.

Permission denied error while writing to a file in Python

To answer your first question: yes, if the file is not there Python will create it.

Secondly, the user (yourself) running the python script doesn't have write privileges to create a file in the directory.

Why both no-cache and no-store should be used in HTTP response?

Note that Internet Explorer from version 5 up to 8 will throw an error when trying to download a file served via https and the server sending Cache-Control: no-cache or Pragma: no-cache headers.


The use of Cache-Control: no-store and Pragma: private seems to be the closest thing which still works.

How to convert vector to array

What for? You need to clarify: Do you need a pointer to the first element of an array, or an array?

If you're calling an API function that expects the former, you can do do_something(&v[0], v.size()), where v is a vector of doubles. The elements of a vector are contiguous.

Otherwise, you just have to copy each element:

double arr[100];
std::copy(v.begin(), v.end(), arr);

Ensure not only thar arr is big enough, but that arr gets filled up, or you have uninitialized values.

DBNull if statement

Ternary operator should do nicely here: condition ? first_expression : second_expression;

strLevel = !Convert.IsDBNull(rsData["usr.ursrdaystime"]) ? Convert.ToString(rsData["usr.ursrdaystime"]) : null

How to push changes to github after jenkins build completes?

Once you set your Global Jenkins credentials, you can apply this step:

stage('Update GIT') {
  steps {
    script {
      catchError(buildResult: 'SUCCESS', stageResult: 'FAILURE') {
        withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'example-secure', passwordVariable: 'GIT_PASSWORD', usernameVariable: 'GIT_USERNAME')]) {
            def encodedPassword = URLEncoder.encode("$GIT_PASSWORD",'UTF-8')
            sh "git config [email protected]"
            sh "git config example"
            sh "git add ."
            sh "git commit -m 'Triggered Build: ${env.BUILD_NUMBER}'"
            sh "git push https://${GIT_USERNAME}:${encodedPassword}${GIT_USERNAME}/example.git"

Convert Variable Name to String?

By using the the unpacking operator:

>>> def tostr(**kwargs):
    return kwargs

>>> var = {}
>>> something_else = 3
>>> tostr(var = var,something_else=something_else)
{'var' = {},'something_else'=3}

How can I submit a form using JavaScript?

You can use the below code to submit the form using JavaScript:


How to make a Python script run like a service or daemon in Linux

You can use fork() to detach your script from the tty and have it continue to run, like so:

import os, sys
fpid = os.fork()
if fpid!=0:
  # Running as daemon now. PID is fpid

Of course you also need to implement an endless loop, like

while 1:

Hope this get's you started.

How might I schedule a C# Windows Service to perform a task daily?

Check out Quartz.NET. You can use it within a Windows service. It allows you to run a job based on a configured schedule, and it even supports a simple "cron job" syntax. I've had a lot of success with it.

Here's a quick example of its usage:

// Instantiate the Quartz.NET scheduler
var schedulerFactory = new StdSchedulerFactory();
var scheduler = schedulerFactory.GetScheduler();

// Instantiate the JobDetail object passing in the type of your
// custom job class. Your class merely needs to implement a simple
// interface with a single method called "Execute".
var job = new JobDetail("job1", "group1", typeof(MyJobClass));

// Instantiate a trigger using the basic cron syntax.
// This tells it to run at 1AM every Monday - Friday.
var trigger = new CronTrigger(
    "trigger1", "group1", "job1", "group1", "0 0 1 ? * MON-FRI");

// Add the job to the scheduler
scheduler.AddJob(job, true);

Prevent scrolling of parent element when inner element scroll position reaches top/bottom?

Here's a plain JavaScript version:

function scroll(e) {
  var delta = (e.type === "mousewheel") ? e.wheelDelta : e.detail * -40;
  if (delta < 0 && (this.scrollHeight - this.offsetHeight - this.scrollTop) <= 0) {
    this.scrollTop = this.scrollHeight;
  } else if (delta > 0 && delta > this.scrollTop) {
    this.scrollTop = 0;
document.querySelectorAll(".scroller").addEventListener("mousewheel", scroll);
document.querySelectorAll(".scroller").addEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", scroll);

Write to CSV file and export it?

Rom, you're doing it wrong. You don't want to write files to disk so that IIS can serve them up. That adds security implications as well as increases complexity. All you really need to do is save the CSV directly to the response stream.

Here's the scenario: User wishes to download csv. User submits a form with details about the csv they want. You prepare the csv, then provide the user a URL to an aspx page which can be used to construct the csv file and write it to the response stream. The user clicks the link. The aspx page is blank; in the page codebehind you simply write the csv to the response stream and end it.

You can add the following to the (I believe this is correct) Load event:

string attachment = "attachment; filename=MyCsvLol.csv";
HttpContext.Current.Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", attachment);
HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType = "text/csv";
HttpContext.Current.Response.AddHeader("Pragma", "public");

var sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach(var line in DataToExportToCSV)


writing to the response stream code ganked from here.

Map implementation with duplicate keys

You are searching for a multimap, and indeed both commons-collections and Guava have several implementations for that. Multimaps allow for multiple keys by maintaining a collection of values per key, i.e. you can put a single object into the map, but you retrieve a collection.

If you can use Java 5, I would prefer Guava's Multimap as it is generics-aware.

Does C# have extension properties?

As @Psyonity mentioned, you can use the conditionalWeakTable to add properties to existing objects. Combined with the dynamic ExpandoObject, you could implement dynamic extension properties in a few lines:

using System.Dynamic;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;

namespace ExtensionProperties
    /// <summary>
    /// Dynamically associates properies to a random object instance
    /// </summary>
    /// <example>
    /// var jan = new Person("Jan");
    /// jan.Age = 24; // regular property of the person object;
    /// jan.DynamicProperties().NumberOfDrinkingBuddies = 27; // not originally scoped to the person object;
    /// if (jan.Age &lt; jan.DynamicProperties().NumberOfDrinkingBuddies)
    /// Console.WriteLine("Jan drinks too much");
    /// </example>
    /// <remarks>
    /// If you get 'Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.CSharpArgumentInfo.Create' you should reference Microsoft.CSharp
    /// </remarks>
    public static class ObjectExtensions
        ///<summary>Stores extended data for objects</summary>
        private static ConditionalWeakTable<object, object> extendedData = new ConditionalWeakTable<object, object>();

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a dynamic collection of properties associated with an object instance,
        /// with a lifetime scoped to the lifetime of the object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj">The object the properties are associated with</param>
        /// <returns>A dynamic collection of properties associated with an object instance.</returns>
        public static dynamic DynamicProperties(this object obj) => extendedData.GetValue(obj, _ => new ExpandoObject());

A usage example is in the xml comments:

var jan = new Person("Jan");

jan.Age = 24; // regular property of the person object;
jan.DynamicProperties().NumberOfDrinkingBuddies = 27; // not originally scoped to the person object;

if (jan.Age < jan.DynamicProperties().NumberOfDrinkingBuddies)
    Console.WriteLine("Jan drinks too much");

jan = null; // NumberOfDrinkingBuddies will also be erased during garbage collection

jquery simple image slideshow tutorial

I dont know why you havent marked on of these gr8 answers... here is another option which would enable you and anyone else visiting to control transition speed and pause time


$(function () {

    var change_img_time     = 5000; 
    var transition_speed    = 100;

    var simple_slideshow    = $("#exampleSlider"),
        listItems           = simple_slideshow.children('li'),
        listLen             = listItems.length,
        i                   = 0,

        changeList = function () {

            listItems.eq(i).fadeOut(transition_speed, function () {
                i += 1;
                if (i === listLen) {
                    i = 0;


    setInterval(changeList, change_img_time);




<ul id="exampleSlider">
    <li><img src="" alt="" /></li>
    <li><img src="" alt="" /></li>
    <li><img src="" alt="" /></li>
    <li><img src="" alt="" /></li>

If your keeping this simple its easy to keep it resposive
best to visit the: DEMO

If you want something with special transition FX (Still responsive) - check this out

Export database schema into SQL file

enter image description here

In the picture you can see. In the set script options, choose the last option: Types of data to script you click at the right side and you choose what you want. This is the option you should choose to export a schema and data

How to get my project path?

You can use

string wanted_path = Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetDirectoryName(System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()));

Python Hexadecimal

Another solution is:

>>> "".join(list(hex(255))[2:])

Probably an archaic answer, but functional.

SQL Server Output Clause into a scalar variable

Way later but still worth mentioning is that you can also use variables to output values in the SET clause of an UPDATE or in the fields of a SELECT;

DECLARE @val1 int;
DECLARE @val2 int;
UPDATE [dbo].[PortalCounters_TEST]
SET @val1 = NextNum, @val2 = NextNum = NextNum + 1
WHERE [Condition] = 'unique value'
SELECT @val1, @val2

In the example above @val1 has the before value and @val2 has the after value although I suspect any changes from a trigger would not be in val2 so you'd have to go with the output table in that case. For anything but the simplest case, I think the output table will be more readable in your code as well.

One place this is very helpful is if you want to turn a column into a comma-separated list;

DECLARE @list varchar(max) = '';
DECLARE @comma varchar(2) = '';
SELECT @list = @list + @comma + County, @comma = ', ' FROM County
print @list

Use images instead of radio buttons

Images can be placed in place of radio buttons by using label and span elements.

   <div class="customize-radio">
        <label>Favourite Smiley</label><br>
        <label for="hahaha">
        <input type="radio" name="smiley" id="hahaha">
        <span class="haha-img"></span>
        <label for="kiss">
        <input type="radio" name="smiley" id="kiss">
        <span class="kiss-img"></span>
        <label for="tongueOut">
        <input type="radio" name="smiley" id="tongueOut">
        <span class="tongueout-img"></span>

Radio button should be hidden,

.customize-radio label > input[type = 'radio'] {
    visibility: hidden;
    position: absolute;

Image can be given in the span tag,

.customize-radio label > input[type = 'radio'] ~ span{
    cursor: pointer;
    width: 27px;
    height: 24px;
    display: inline-block;
    background-size: 27px 24px;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
.haha-img {
    background-image: url('hahabefore.png');

    background-image: url('kissbefore.png');
    background-image: url('tongueoutbefore.png');

To change the image on click of radio button, add checked state to the input tag,

.customize-radio label > input[type = 'radio']:checked ~ span.haha-img{
     background-image: url('haha.png');
.customize-radio label > input[type = 'radio']:checked ~ span.kiss-img{
    background-image: url('kiss.png');
.customize-radio label > input[type = 'radio']:checked ~ span.tongueout-img{
        background-image: url('tongueout.png');

If you have any queries, Refer to the following link, As I have taken solution from the below blog,

How to set environment variables in Python?

Environment variables must be strings, so use

os.environ["DEBUSSY"] = "1"

to set the variable DEBUSSY to the string 1.

To access this variable later, simply use:


Child processes automatically inherit the environment variables of the parent process -- no special action on your part is required.

jQuery window scroll event does not fire up

Your CSS is actually setting the rest of the document to not show overflow therefore the document itself isn't scrolling. The easiest fix for this is bind the event to the thing that is scrolling, which in your case is div#page.

So its easy as changing:

$(document).scroll(function() {  // OR  $(window).scroll(function() {
    didScroll = true;


$('div#page').scroll(function() {
    didScroll = true;

what is the size of an enum type data in C++?

Because it's the size of an instance of the type - presumably enum values are stored as (32-bit / 4-byte) ints here.

Create Generic method constraining T to an Enum

This is my take at it. Combined from the answers and MSDN

public static TEnum ParseToEnum<TEnum>(this string text) where TEnum : struct, IConvertible, IComparable, IFormattable
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text) || !typeof(TEnum).IsEnum)
        throw new ArgumentException("TEnum must be an Enum type");

        var enumValue = (TEnum)Enum.Parse(typeof(TEnum), text.Trim(), true);
        return enumValue;
    catch (Exception)
        throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("{0} is not a member of the {1} enumeration.", text, typeof(TEnum).Name));

MSDN Source

How to delete last character from a string using jQuery?

You can do it with plain JavaScript:

alert('123-4-'.substr(0, 4)); // outputs "123-"

This returns the first four characters of your string (adjust 4 to suit your needs).

Can't choose class as main class in IntelliJ

Select the folder containing the package tree of these classes, right-click and choose "Mark Directory as -> Source Root"

Convert between UIImage and Base64 string

Swift 3.0 and Xcode 8.0

let imageData = UIImageJPEGRepresentation(imageView.image!, 1)

    let base64String = (imageData! as Data).base64EncodedString(options: NSData.Base64EncodingOptions(rawValue: 0))

Drop all tables command

Once you've dropped all the tables (and the indexes will disappear when the table goes) then there's nothing left in a SQLite database as far as I know, although the file doesn't seem to shrink (from a quick test I just did).

So deleting the file would seem to be fastest - it should just be recreated when your app tries to access the db file.

Carriage return in C?

From 5.2.2/2 (character display semantics) :

\b (backspace) Moves the active position to the previous position on the current line. If the active position is at the initial position of a line, the behavior of the display device is unspecified.

\n (new line) Moves the active position to the initial position of the next line.

\r (carriage return) Moves the active position to the initial position of the current line.

Here, your code produces :

  • <new_line>ab
  • \b : back one character
  • write si : overrides the b with s (producing asi on the second line)
  • \r : back at the beginning of the current line
  • write ha : overrides the first two characters (producing hai on the second line)

In the end, the output is :


How to pass form input value to php function

Make your action empty. You don't need to set the onclick attribute, that's only javascript. When you click your submit button, it will reload your page with input from the form. So write your PHP code at the top of the form.

if( isset($_GET['submit']) )
    //be sure to validate and clean your variables
    $val1 = htmlentities($_GET['val1']);
    $val2 = htmlentities($_GET['val2']);

    //then you can use them in a PHP function. 
    $result = myFunction($val1, $val2);

<?php if( isset($result) ) echo $result; //print the result above the form ?>

<form action="" method="get">
    Inserisci number1: 
    <input type="text" name="val1" id="val1"></input>

    <?php echo "ciaoooo"; ?>

    Inserisci number2:
    <input type="text" name="val2" id="val2"></input>


    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="send"></input>

Android AudioRecord example

Here is an end to end solution I implemented for streaming Android microphone audio to a server for playback: Android AudioRecord to Server over UDP Playback Issues

Use virtualenv with Python with Visual Studio Code in Ubuntu

Another way is to open Visual Studio Code from a terminal with the virtualenv set and need to perform F1 Python: Select Interpreter and select the required virtualenv.


Android DialogFragment vs Dialog

I would recommend using DialogFragment.

Sure, creating a "Yes/No" dialog with it is pretty complex considering that it should be rather simple task, but creating a similar dialog box with Dialog is surprisingly complicated as well.

(Activity lifecycle makes it complicated - you must let Activity manage the lifecycle of the dialog box - and there is no way to pass custom parameters e.g. the custom message to Activity.showDialog if using API levels under 8)

The nice thing is that you can usually build your own abstraction on top of DialogFragment pretty easily.

RabbitMQ / AMQP: single queue, multiple consumers for same message?

The last couple of answers are almost correct - I have tons of apps that generate messages that need to end up with different consumers so the process is very simple.

If you want multiple consumers to the same message, do the following procedure.

Create multiple queues, one for each app that is to receive the message, in each queue properties, "bind" a routing tag with the exchange. Change you publishing app to send to and use the routing-tag (not a queue). AMQP will then copy the message into each queue with the same binding. Works like a charm :)

Example: Lets say I have a JSON string I generate, I publish it to the "" exchange using the routing tag "new-sales-order", I have a queue for my order_printer app that prints order, I have a queue for my billing system that will send a copy of the order and invoice the client and I have a web archive system where I archive orders for historic/compliance reasons and I have a client web interface where orders are tracked as other info comes in about an order.

So my queues are: order_printer, order_billing, order_archive and order_tracking All have the binding tag "new-sales-order" bound to them, all 4 will get the JSON data.

This is an ideal way to send data without the publishing app knowing or caring about the receiving apps.

MySQL combine two columns and add into a new column

SELECT CONCAT (zipcode, ' - ', city, ', ', state) AS COMBINED FROM TABLE

How to make a <svg> element expand or contract to its parent container?

What's worked for me recently is to remove all height="" and width="" attributes from the <svg> tag and all child tags. Then you can use scaling using a percentage of the parent container's height or width.


<svg width="3212" height="3212" viewBox="0 0 3212 3212" fill="none" xmlns="">
   circle cx="1606" cy="1606" r="1387" stroke="black" stroke-width="438"/>


<svg viewBox="0 0 3212 3212" fill="none" xmlns="">
   circle cx="1606" cy="1606" r="1387" stroke="black" stroke-width="438"/>

How to serve up images in Angular2?

If you do not like assets folder you can edit .angular-cli.json and add other folders you need.

  "assets": [

Use the auto keyword in C++ STL

This is new item in the language which I think we are going to be struggling with for years to come. The 'auto' of the start presents not only readability problem , from now on when you encounter it you will have to spend considerable time trying to figure out wtf it is(just like the time that intern named all variables xyz :)), but you also will spend considerable time cleaning after easily excitable programmers , like the once who replied before me. Example from above , I can bet $1000 , will be written "for (auto it : s)", not "for (auto& it : s)", as a result invoking move semantics where you list expecting it, modifying your collection underneath .

Another example of the problem is your question itself. You clearly don't know much about stl iterators and you trying to overcome that gap through usage of the magic of 'auto', as a result you create the code that might be problematic later on

How to concatenate text from multiple rows into a single text string in SQL server?

Here is the complete solution to achieve this:

-- Table Creation
( CustomerCode    VARCHAR(50)
, CustomerName    VARCHAR(50)
, Type VARCHAR(50)
,Items    VARCHAR(50)

insert into Tbl
SELECT 'C0001','Thomas','BREAKFAST','Milk'
union SELECT 'C0001','Thomas','BREAKFAST','Bread'
union SELECT 'C0001','Thomas','BREAKFAST','Egg'
union SELECT 'C0001','Thomas','LUNCH','Rice'
union SELECT 'C0001','Thomas','LUNCH','Fish Curry'
union SELECT 'C0001','Thomas','LUNCH','Lessy'
union SELECT 'C0002','JOSEPH','BREAKFAST','Bread'
union SELECT 'C0002','JOSEPH','BREAKFAST','Jam'
union SELECT 'C0002','JOSEPH','BREAKFAST','Tea'
union SELECT 'C0002','JOSEPH','Supper','Tea'
union SELECT 'C0002','JOSEPH','Brunch','Roti'

-- function creation
CREATE  FUNCTION [dbo].[fn_GetItemsByType]
    @CustomerCode VARCHAR(50)
    ,@Type VARCHAR(50)
RETURNS @ItemType TABLE  ( Items VARCHAR(5000) )

        INSERT INTO @ItemType(Items)
    SELECT  STUFF((SELECT distinct ',' + [Items]
         FROM Tbl 
         WHERE CustomerCode = @CustomerCode
            AND Type=@Type
            FOR XML PATH(''))
        ,1,1,'') as  Items



-- fianl Query
    @query  AS NVARCHAR(MAX)

select @cols = STUFF((SELECT distinct ',' + QUOTENAME(Type) 
                    from Tbl
            FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE
            ).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') 

set @query = 'SELECT CustomerCode,CustomerName,' + @cols + '
                    distinct CustomerCode
                    FROM Tbl T
                    CROSS APPLY [fn_GetItemsByType] (T.CustomerCode,T.Type) F
            ) x
                for Type in (' + @cols + ')
            ) p '


vba listbox multicolumn add

Simplified example (with counter):

With Me.lstbox
    .ColumnCount = 2
    .ColumnWidths = "60;60"
    .List(i, 0) = Company_ID
    .List(i, 1) = Company_name 
    i = i + 1

end with

Make sure to start the counter with 0, not 1 to fill up a listbox.

Format date to MM/dd/yyyy in JavaScript

All other answers don't quite solve the issue. They print the date formatted as mm/dd/yyyy but the question was regarding MM/dd/yyyy. Notice the subtle difference? MM indicates that a leading zero must pad the month if the month is a single digit, thus having it always be a double digit number.

i.e. whereas mm/dd would be 3/31, MM/dd would be 03/31.

I've created a simple function to achieve this. Notice that the same padding is applied not only to the month but also to the day of the month, which in fact makes this MM/DD/yyyy:

function getFormattedDate(date) {_x000D_
  var year = date.getFullYear();_x000D_
  var month = (1 + date.getMonth()).toString();_x000D_
  month = month.length > 1 ? month : '0' + month;_x000D_
  var day = date.getDate().toString();_x000D_
  day = day.length > 1 ? day : '0' + day;_x000D_
  return month + '/' + day + '/' + year;_x000D_

Update for ES2017 using String.padStart(), supported by all major browsers except IE.

function getFormattedDate(date) {_x000D_
    let year = date.getFullYear();_x000D_
    let month = (1 + date.getMonth()).toString().padStart(2, '0');_x000D_
    let day = date.getDate().toString().padStart(2, '0');_x000D_
    return month + '/' + day + '/' + year;_x000D_

Android studio: emulator is running but not showing up in Run App "choose a running device"

I am using Idea based Android Studio (some people are talking about eclipse one here)

When I launch the app in the emulator (using the Run App button of Android Studio) AVD shows up but the app does not launch or run.

However when I connect my mobile and launch the app on my mobile the App works (this itself took some time, enabling developer options on mobile and doing the right configuration)

  • Because My app is launching on connected mobile, I can say nothing wrong with App.
  • There is some problem with AVD integration which I could not figure out so As of now I am working around my problem following way.

1 - I installed the app manually by dragging the APK file on AVD. (APK file is app\build\outputs\apk\debug folder)

2 - Then my AVD was not showing the installed APP list. 3 - I searched my APP using Google bar on AVD and dragged the APP icon on the home screen of AVD.

4 - I can now launch the APP using my APP icon on the home screen of AVD.

That's how I am working around my problem. I will try to debug more on why it does not get installed and launched directly.

I have verified that Run App Icon does install the Application. Installation, not launching, appears to be the problem for me.

HTML: can I display button text in multiple lines?

Two options:



 <input type="button" value="Carriage&#13;&#10;return&#13;&#10;separators" style="text-align:center;">

How to display raw html code in PRE or something like it but without escaping it

You can use the xmp element, see What was the <XMP> tag used for?. It has been in HTML since the beginning and is supported by all browsers. Specifications frown upon it, but HTML5 CR still describes it and requires browsers to support it (though it also tells authors not to use it, but it cannot really prevent you).

Everything inside xmp is taken as such, no markup (tags or character references) is recognized there, except, for apparent reason, the end tag of the element itself, </xmp>.

Otherwise xmp is rendered like pre.

When using “real XHTML”, i.e. XHTML served with an XML media type (which is rare), the special parsing rules do not apply, so xmp is treated like pre. But in “real XHTML”, you can use a CDATA section, which implies similar parsing rules. It has no special formatting, so you would probably want to wrap it inside a pre element:

This is a demo, tags like <p> will
appear literally.

I don’t see how you could combine xmp and CDATA section to achieve so-called polyglot markup

C++ auto keyword. Why is it magic?

auto was a keyword that C++ "inherited" from C that had been there nearly forever, but virtually never used because there were only two possible conditions: either it wasn't allowed, or else it was assumed by default.

The use of auto to mean a deduced type was new with C++11.

At the same time, auto x = initializer deduces the type of x from the type of initializer the same way as template type deduction works for function templates. Consider a function template like this:

template<class T>
int whatever(T t) { 
    // point A

At point A, a type has been assigned to T based on the value passed for the parameter to whatever. When you do auto x = initializer;, the same type deduction is used to determine the type for x from the type of initializer that's used to initialize it.

This means that most of the type deduction mechanics a compiler needs to implement auto were already present and used for templates on any compiler that even sort of attempted to implement C++98/03. As such, adding support for auto was apparently fairly easy for essentially all the compiler teams--it was added quite quickly, and there seem to have been few bugs related to it either.

When this answer was originally written (in 2011, before the ink was dry on the C++ 11 standard) auto was already quite portable. Nowadays, it's thoroughly portable among all the mainstream compilers. The only obvious reasons to avoid it would be if you need to write code that's compatible with a C compiler, or you have a specific need to target some niche compiler that you know doesn't support it (e.g., a few people still write code for MS-DOS using compilers from Borland, Watcom, etc., that haven't seen significant upgrades in decades). If you're using a reasonably current version of any of the mainstream compilers, there's no reason to avoid it at all though.

How can I select from list of values in Oracle

You can do this:

create type number_tab is table of number;

select * from table (number_tab(1,2,3,4,5,6));

The column is given the name COLUMN_VALUE by Oracle, so this works too:

select column_value from table (number_tab(1,2,3,4,5,6));

Fatal error: Call to a member function bind_param() on boolean

Sometimes explicitly stating your table column names (especially in an insert query) may help. For example, the query:

INSERT INTO tableName(param1, param2, param3) VALUES(?, ?, ?)

may work better as opposed to:

INSERT INTO tableName VALUES(?, ?, ?)

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '''')' at line 2

That's called SQL INJECTION. The ' tries to open/close a string in your mysql query. You should always escape any string that gets into your queries.

for example,

instead of this:

"VALUES ('$sender_id') "

do this:

"VALUES ('". mysql_real_escape_string($sender_id)  ."') "

(or equivalent, of course)

However, it's better to automate this, using PDO, named parameters, prepared statements or many other ways. Research about this and SQL Injection (here you have some techniques).

Hope it helps. Cheers

Find when a file was deleted in Git

Short answer:

git log --full-history -- your_file

will show you all commits in your repo's history, including merge commits, that touched your_file. The last (top) one is the one that deleted the file.

Some explanation:

The --full-history flag here is important. Without it, Git performs "history simplification" when you ask it for the log of a file. The docs are light on details about exactly how this works and I lack the grit and courage required to try to figure it out from the source code, but the git-log docs have this much to say:

Default mode

Simplifies the history to the simplest history explaining the final state of the tree. Simplest because it prunes some side branches if the end result is the same (i.e. merging branches with the same content)

This is obviously concerning when the file whose history we want is deleted, since the simplest history explaining the final state of a deleted file is no history. Is there a risk that git log without --full-history will simply claim that the file was never created? Unfortunately, yes. Here's a demonstration:

mark@lunchbox:~/example$ git init
Initialised empty Git repository in /home/mark/example/.git/
mark@lunchbox:~/example$ touch foo && git add foo && git commit -m "Added foo"
[master (root-commit) ddff7a7] Added foo
 1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 foo
mark@lunchbox:~/example$ git checkout -b newbranch
Switched to a new branch 'newbranch'
mark@lunchbox:~/example$ touch bar && git add bar && git commit -m "Added bar"
[newbranch 7f9299a] Added bar
 1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 bar
mark@lunchbox:~/example$ git checkout master
Switched to branch 'master'
mark@lunchbox:~/example$ git rm foo && git commit -m "Deleted foo"
rm 'foo'
[master 7740344] Deleted foo
 1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 foo
mark@lunchbox:~/example$ git checkout newbranch
Switched to branch 'newbranch'
mark@lunchbox:~/example$ git rm bar && git commit -m "Deleted bar"
rm 'bar'
[newbranch 873ed35] Deleted bar
 1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 bar
mark@lunchbox:~/example$ git checkout master
Switched to branch 'master'
mark@lunchbox:~/example$ git merge newbranch
Already up-to-date!
Merge made by the 'recursive' strategy.
mark@lunchbox:~/example$ git log -- foo
commit 77403443a13a93073289f95a782307b1ebc21162
Author: Mark Amery 
Date:   Tue Jan 12 22:50:50 2016 +0000

    Deleted foo

commit ddff7a78068aefb7a4d19c82e718099cf57be694
Author: Mark Amery 
Date:   Tue Jan 12 22:50:19 2016 +0000

    Added foo
mark@lunchbox:~/example$ git log -- bar
mark@lunchbox:~/example$ git log --full-history -- foo
commit 2463e56a21e8ee529a59b63f2c6fcc9914a2b37c
Merge: 7740344 873ed35
Author: Mark Amery 
Date:   Tue Jan 12 22:51:36 2016 +0000

    Merge branch 'newbranch'

commit 77403443a13a93073289f95a782307b1ebc21162
Author: Mark Amery 
Date:   Tue Jan 12 22:50:50 2016 +0000

    Deleted foo

commit ddff7a78068aefb7a4d19c82e718099cf57be694
Author: Mark Amery 
Date:   Tue Jan 12 22:50:19 2016 +0000

    Added foo
mark@lunchbox:~/example$ git log --full-history -- bar
commit 873ed352c5e0f296b26d1582b3b0b2d99e40d37c
Author: Mark Amery 
Date:   Tue Jan 12 22:51:29 2016 +0000

    Deleted bar

commit 7f9299a80cc9114bf9f415e1e9a849f5d02f94ec
Author: Mark Amery 
Date:   Tue Jan 12 22:50:38 2016 +0000

    Added bar

Notice how git log -- bar in the terminal dump above resulted in literally no output; Git is "simplifying" history down into a fiction where bar never existed. git log --full-history -- bar, on the other hand, gives us the commit that created bar and the commit that deleted it.

To be clear: this issue isn't merely theoretical. I only looked into the docs and discovered the --full-history flag because git log -- some_file was failing for me in a real repository where I was trying to track a deleted file down. History simplification might sometimes be helpful when you're trying to understand how a currently-existing file came to be in its current state, but when trying to track down a file deletion it's more likely to screw you over by hiding the commit you care about. Always use the --full-history flag for this use case.

yii2 hidden input value

You can use this code line in view(form)

 <?= $form->field($model, 'hidden1')->hiddenInput(['value'=>'your_value'])->label(false) ?>

Please refere this as example

If your need to pass currant date and time as hidden input : Model attribute is 'created_on' and its value is retrieve from date('Y-m-d H:i:s') , just like:"2020-03-10 09:00:00"

  <?= $form->field($model, 'created_on')->hiddenInput(['value'=>date('Y-m-d H:i:s')])->label(false) ?>

How can I send JSON response in symfony2 controller

To complete @thecatontheflat answer I would recommend to also wrap your action inside of a try … catch block. This will prevent your JSON endpoint from breaking on exceptions. Here's the skeleton I use:

public function someAction()
    try {

        // Your logic here...

        return new JsonResponse([
            'success' => true,
            'data'    => [] // Your data here

    } catch (\Exception $exception) {

        return new JsonResponse([
            'success' => false,
            'code'    => $exception->getCode(),
            'message' => $exception->getMessage(),


This way your endpoint will behave consistently even in case of errors and you will be able to treat them right on a client side.

How can I get the values of data attributes in JavaScript code?

You could also grab the attributes with the getAttribute() method which will return the value of a specific HTML attribute.

var elem = document.getElementById('the-span');_x000D_
var typeId = elem.getAttribute('data-typeId');_x000D_
var type   = elem.getAttribute('data-type');_x000D_
var points = elem.getAttribute('data-points');_x000D_
var important = elem.getAttribute('data-important');_x000D_
console.log(`typeId: ${typeId} | type: ${type} | points: ${points} | important: ${important}`_x000D_
<span data-typeId="123" data-type="topic" data-points="-1" data-important="true" id="the-span"></span>

How to cat <<EOF >> a file containing code?

This should work, I just tested it out and it worked as expected: no expansion, substitution, or what-have-you took place.

cat <<< '
curr=`cat /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/actual_brightness`
if [ $curr -lt 4477 ]; then
  echo $curr  > /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness;
fi' > file # use overwrite mode so that you don't keep on appending the same script to that file over and over again, unless that's what you want. 

Using the following also works.

cat <<< ' > file
 ... code ...'

Also, it's worth noting that when using heredocs, such as << EOF, substitution and variable expansion and the like takes place. So doing something like this:

cat << EOF > file
cd "$HOME"
echo "$PWD" # echo the current path

will always result in the expansion of the variables $HOME and $PWD. So if your home directory is /home/foobar and the current path is /home/foobar/bin, file will look like this:

cd "/home/foobar"
echo "/home/foobar/bin"

instead of the expected:

cd "$HOME"
echo "$PWD"

What is the difference between 'protected' and 'protected internal'?

protected: the variable or method will be available only to child classes (in any assembly)

protected internal: available to child classes in any assembly and to all the classes within the same assembly

Get value of input field inside an iframe

Yes it should be possible, even if the site is from another domain.

For example, in an HTML page on my site I have an iFrame whose contents are sourced from another website. The iFrame content is a single select field.

I need to be able to read the selected value on my site. In other words, I need to use the select list from another domain inside my own application. I do not have control over any server settings.

Initially therefore we might be tempted to do something like this (simplified):

HTML in my site:

<iframe name='select_frame' src=''></iframe>
<input type='button' name='save' value='SAVE'>

HTML contents of iFrame (loaded from select.php on another domain):

<select id='select_name'>
    <option value='john'>John</option>
    <option value='jim' selected>Jim</option>


$('input:button[name=save]').click(function() {
    var name = $('iframe[name=select_frame]').contents().find('#select_name').val();

However, I receive this javascript error when I attempt to read the value:

Blocked a frame with origin "" from accessing a frame with origin "". Protocols, domains, and ports must match.

To get around this problem, it seems that you can indirectly source the iFrame from a script in your own site, and have that script read the contents from the other site using a method like file_get_contents() or curl etc.

So, create a script (for example: select_local.php in the current directory) on your own site with contents similar to this:

PHP content of select_local.php:

    $url = "" . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
    $html_select = file_get_contents($url);
    echo $html_select;

Also modify the HTML to call this local (instead of the remote) script:

<iframe name='select_frame' src='select_local.php?initial_name=jim'></iframe>
<input type='button' name='save' value='SAVE'>

Now your browser should think that it is loading the iFrame content from the same domain.

How can I fix the 'Missing Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) Response Header' webfont issue?

In your particular case the issue seem to be with accessing the site from non-canonical url ( vs.

Instead of fixing CORS issue (which may require writing proxy to server fonts with proper CORS headers depending on service provider) you can normalize your Urls to always server content on canonical Url and simply redirect if one requests page without "www.".

Alternatively you can upload fonts to different server/CDN that is known to have CORS headers configured or you can easily do so.

How to beautify JSON in Python?

Use the indent argument of the dumps function in the json module.

From the docs:

>>> import json
>>> print json.dumps({'4': 5, '6': 7}, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
    "4": 5,
    "6": 7

Is there a "theirs" version of "git merge -s ours"?

I just recently needed to do this for two separate repositories that share a common history. I started with:

  • Org/repository1 master
  • Org/repository2 master

I wanted all the changes from repository2 master to be applied to repository1 master, accepting all changes that repository2 would make. In git's terms, this should be a strategy called -s theirs BUT it does not exist. Be careful because -X theirs is named like it would be what you want, but it is NOT the same (it even says so in the man page).

The way I solved this was to go to repository2 and make a new branch repo1-merge. In that branch, I ran git pull [email protected]:Org/repository1 -s ours and it merges fine with no issues. I then push it to the remote.

Then I go back to repository1 and make a new branch repo2-merge. In that branch, I run git pull [email protected]:Org/repository2 repo1-merge which will complete with issues.

Finally, you would either need to issue a merge request in repository1 to make it the new master, or just keep it as a branch.

Simple check for SELECT query empty result


SELECT * FROM service s WHERE s.service_id = ?;

    PRINT 'no rows!'

A simple command line to download a remote maven2 artifact to the local repository?

Give them a trivial pom with these jars listed as dependencies and instructions to run:

mvn dependency:go-offline

This will pull the dependencies to the local repo.

A more direct solution is dependency:get, but it's a lot of arguments to type:

mvn dependency:get -DrepoUrl=something -Dartifact=group:artifact:version

Constants in Objective-C

I myself have a header dedicated to declaring constant NSStrings used for preferences like so:

extern NSString * const PPRememberMusicList;
extern NSString * const PPLoadMusicAtListLoad;
extern NSString * const PPAfterPlayingMusic;
extern NSString * const PPGotoStartupAfterPlaying;

Then declaring them in the accompanying .m file:

NSString * const PPRememberMusicList = @"Remember Music List";
NSString * const PPLoadMusicAtListLoad = @"Load music when loading list";
NSString * const PPAfterPlayingMusic = @"After playing music";
NSString * const PPGotoStartupAfterPlaying = @"Go to startup pos. after playing";

This approach has served me well.

Edit: Note that this works best if the strings are used in multiple files. If only one file uses it, you can just do #define kNSStringConstant @"Constant NSString" in the .m file that uses the string.

Python Serial: How to use the read or readline function to read more than 1 character at a time

Serial sends data 8 bits at a time, that translates to 1 byte and 1 byte means 1 character.

You need to implement your own method that can read characters into a buffer until some sentinel is reached. The convention is to send a message like 12431\n indicating one line.

So what you need to do is to implement a buffer that will store X number of characters and as soon as you reach that \n, perform your operation on the line and proceed to read the next line into the buffer.

Note you will have to take care of buffer overflow cases i.e. when a line is received that is longer than your buffer etc...


import serial

ser = serial.Serial(

print("connected to: " + ser.portstr)

#this will store the line
line = []

while True:
    for c in
        if c == '\n':
            print("Line: " + ''.join(line))
            line = []


How to move screen without moving cursor in Vim?

I've used these shortcuts in the past (note: separate key strokes i.e. tap z, let go, tap the subsequent key):

z enter --> moves current line to top of screen

z . --> moves current line to center of screen

z - --> moves current line to bottom

If it's not obvious:

enter means the Return or Enter key.

. means the DOT or "full stop" key (.).

- means the HYPHEN key (-)

For what it's worth, z. avoids the danger of saving and closing Vi by accidentally typing ZZ if the caps-lock is on.

Reason for Column is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause

Your query will work in MYSQL if you set to disable ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY server mode (and by default It is). But in this case, you are using different RDBMS. So to make your query work, add all non-aggregated columns to your GROUP BY clause, eg

SELECT col1, col2, SUM(col3) totalSUM
FROM tableName
GROUP BY col1, col2

Non-Aggregated columns means the column is not pass into aggregated functions like SUM, MAX, COUNT, etc..

Return Index of an Element in an Array Excel VBA

'To return the position of an element within any-dimension array  
'Returns 0 if the element is not in the array, and -1 if there is an error  
Public Function posInArray(ByVal itemSearched As Variant, ByVal aArray As Variant) As Long  
Dim pos As Long, item As Variant  

posInArray = -1  
If IsArray(aArray) Then  
    If not IsEmpty(aArray) Then  
        pos = 1  
        For Each item In aArray  
            If itemSearched = item Then  
                posInArray = pos  
                Exit Function  
            End If  
            pos = pos + 1  
        Next item  
        posInArray = 0  
    End If  
End If

End Function

LOAD DATA INFILE Error Code : 13

Adding the keyword 'LOCAL' to my query worked for me:

LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 'file_name' INTO TABLE table_name

A detailed description of the keyword can be found here.

Running CMake on Windows

There is a vcvars32.bat in your Visual Studio installation directory. You can add call cmd.exe at the end of that batch program and launch it. From that shell you can use CMake or cmake-gui and cl.exe would be known to CMake.

SQLDataReader Row Count

SQLDataReaders are forward-only. You're essentially doing this:

count++;  // initially 1
.DataBind(); //consuming all the records

//next iteration on
//we've now come to end of resultset, thanks to the DataBind()
//count is still 1 

You could do this instead:

if (reader.HasRows)
    rep.DataSource = reader;
int count = rep.Items.Count; //somehow count the num rows/items `rep` has.

Add a fragment to the URL without causing a redirect?

Try this

var URL = "";
var mainURL = window.location.pathname;

if (mainURL == URL) {
    mainURL += ( mainURL.match( /[\?]/g ) ? '&' : '#' ) + '_bypasssharerestrictions_';

How to Apply global font to whole HTML document

Set it in the body selector of your css. E.g.

body {
    font: 16px Arial, sans-serif;

Optimal way to concatenate/aggregate strings

For those of us who found this and are not using Azure SQL Database:

STRING_AGG() in PostgreSQL, SQL Server 2017 and Azure SQL


(Thanks to @Brianjorden and @milanio for Azure update)

Example Code:

select Id
, STRING_AGG(Name, ', ') Names 
from Demo
group by Id

SQL Fiddle:!18/89251/1

Advantage of switch over if-else statement

If your cases are likely to remain grouped in the future--if more than one case corresponds to one result--the switch may prove to be easier to read and maintain.