[java] Where are static methods and static variables stored in Java?

In real world or project we have requirement in advance and needs to create variable and methods inside the class , On the basis of requirement we needs to decide whether we needs to create

  1. Local ( create n access within block or method constructor)
  2. Static,
  3. Instance Variable( every object has its own copy of it),

=>2. Static Keyword we will used with variable which going to same for particular class throughout for all objects, e.g in selenium : we decalre webDriver as static=> so we do not need to create webdriver again and again for every test case= Static Webdriver driver(but parallel execution it will cause problem but thats another case); then, Real world scenario=>If India is class then, flag, money would be same every indian so we might take as static. Anatoher example: utility method we always declare as static b'cos it will be used in different test cases. Static stored in CMA( PreGen space)=PreGen (Fixed memory)changed to Metaspace after Java8 as now its growing dynamically