Below function to save files, just pass your base64 file, it return filename save it in DB.
import fs from 'fs';
const uuid = require('uuid/v1');
/*Download the base64 image in the server and returns the filename and path of image.*/
function saveImage(baseImage) {
/*path of the folder where your project is saved. (In my case i got it from config file, root path of project).*/
const uploadPath = "/home/documents/project";
//path of folder where you want to save the image.
const localPath = `${uploadPath}/uploads/images/`;
//Find extension of file
const ext = baseImage.substring(baseImage.indexOf("/")+1, baseImage.indexOf(";base64"));
const fileType = baseImage.substring("data:".length,baseImage.indexOf("/"));
//Forming regex to extract base64 data of file.
const regex = new RegExp(`^data:${fileType}\/${ext};base64,`, 'gi');
//Extract base64 data.
const base64Data = baseImage.replace(regex, "");
const filename = `${uuid()}.${ext}`;
//Check that if directory is present or not.
if(!fs.existsSync(`${uploadPath}/uploads/`)) {
if (!fs.existsSync(localPath)) {
fs.writeFileSync(localPath+filename, base64Data, 'base64');
return filename;