[sql-server] SqlServer: Login failed for user

I've written a very simple JDBC login test program. And after all kinds of problems I've almost got it working. Almost, just can't seem to get past this "SQLServerException: Login failed for user xxxxx" problem.

I created a simple database PersonInfo then I created user user1 password1 (SQL authentication). And after trying everything was unable to connect to the database.

I am using SqlServer2008 on Win 7, I've got the latest JDBC driver from Microsoft.

My code is:

import java.sql.*;

public class hell {
public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {
Connection conn=  DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;databaseName=PersonInfo;user=Sohaib;password=0000;");


    } catch (Exception e) {

Here's the Exception

Exception: Unable to get connect
com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: Login failed for user 'Sohaib'.
and all other supporting errors.

Unfortunately, I am now dead in the water until some kind SqlServer Guru or Jdbc Guru takes pity on me and helps me out.

thanks in advance.

This question is related to sql-server sql-server-2008 jdbc

The answer is

Also make sure that account is not locked out in user properties "Status" tab

For Can not connect to the SQL Server. The original error is: Login failed for user 'username'. error, port requirements on MSSQL server side need to be fulfilled.

There are other ports beyond default port 1433 needed to be configured on Windows Firewall.


Just in case any one else is using creating test users with their automation....

We had this same error and it was because we had recreated the user (as part of the test process). This caused the underlying SID to change which meant that SQL couldn't properly authenticate the user.

We fixed it by adding a drop login command to our testing scripts to ensure that a previously created user (with the same user name) was no longer present on the instance.

In my case, I had to activate the option "SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode", follow all steps below:

1 - Right-click on your server enter image description here

2 - Go to option Security

3 - Check the option "SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode"

4 - Click on the Ok button enter image description here

5 - Restart your SQL Express Service ("Windows Key" on the keyboard and write "Services", and then Enter key) enter image description here

After that, I could log in with user and password

I got the same error message when trying to connect to my SQL DB in Azure (using sql-cli). The simple solution was to escape the password with single quotes like this:

mssql -s server.database.windows.net -u user@server -p 'your_password' -d your_db -e

I faced with same problem. I've used Entity Framework and thought that DB will be created automatically. Please make sure your DB exists and has a correct name.

We solved our Linux/php hook to SQL Server problem by creating a new login account with SQL Server authentication instead of Windows authentication.

In my case I have configured as below in my springboot application.properties file then I am able to connect to the sqlserver database using service account:


Is your SQL Server in 'mixed mode authentication' ? This is necessary to login with a SQL server account instead of a Windows login.

You can verify this by checking the properties of the server and then SECURITY, it should be in 'SQL Server and Windows Authentication Mode'

This problem occurs if the user tries to log in with credentials that cannot be validated. This problem can occur in the following scenarios:

Scenario 1: The login may be a SQL Server login but the server only accepts Windows Authentication.

Scenario 2: You are trying to connect by using SQL Server Authentication but the login used does not exist on SQL Server.

Scenario 3: The login may use Windows Authentication but the login is an unrecognized Windows principal. An unrecognized Windows principal means that Windows can't verify the login. This might be because the Windows login is from an untrusted domain.

It's also possible the user put in incorrect information.


If you are using Windows Authentication, make sure to log-in to Windows at least once with that user.

We got this error when reusing the ConnectionString from EntityFramework connection. We have Username and Password in the connection string but didn't specify "Persist Security Info=True". Thus, the credentials were removed from the connection string after establishing the connection (so we reused an incomplete connection string). Of course, we always have to think twice when using this setting, but in this particular case, it was ok.

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