Programs & Examples On #Java ee 5

Use this tag for questions relating specifically to Java Enterprise Edition 5.

Servlet Mapping using web.xml

It allows servlets to have multiple servlet mappings:


It allows filters to be mapped on the particular servlet:


Your proposal would support neither of them. Note that the web.xml is read and parsed only once during application's startup, not on every HTTP request as you seem to think.

Since Servlet 3.0, there's the @WebServlet annotation which minimizes this boilerplate:

public class Servlet1 extends HttpServlet {

See also:

E: Unable to locate package mongodb-org

Try without '-org':

sudo apt-get install -y mongodb

Worked for me!

Is it possible to install both 32bit and 64bit Java on Windows 7?

As stated by pnt you can have multiple versions of both 32bit and 64bit Java installed at the same time on the same machine.

Taking it further from there: Here's how it might be possible to set any runtime parameters for each of those installations:

You can run javacpl.exe or javacpl.cpl of the respective Java-version itself (bin-folder). The specific control panel opens fine. Adding parameters there is possible.

Filename timestamp in Windows CMD batch script getting truncated

BATCH/CMD FILE like DateAndTime.cmd (not in CMD-Console)


SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
(set d=%date:~8,2%-%date:~3,2%-%date:~0,2%) & (set t=%time::=.%) & (set t=!t: =0!) & (set STAMP=!d!__!t!)

Create output:

echo %stamp%



Or also possible in for lines in CMD-Console and BATCH/CMD File

set d=%date:~6,4%-%date:~3,2%-%date:~0,2%
set t=%time::=.%
set t=%t: =0%
set stamp=%d%__%t%

"Create output" and "Output" same as above

Creating a file name as a timestamp in a batch job

You can simply detect the current local format and can get the date in your format, for example:

::for 30.10.2016 dd.MM.yyyy
if %date:~2,1%==. set d=%date:~-4%%date:~3,2%%date:~,2%
::for 10/30/2016 MM/dd/yyyy
if %date:~2,1%==/ set d=%date:~-4%%date:~,2%%date:~3,2%
::for 2016-10-30 yyyy-MM-dd
if %date:~4,1%==- set d=%date:~,4%%date:~5,2%%date:~-2%
::variable %d% have now value: 2016103 (yyyyMMdd)
set t=%time::=%
set t=%t:,=%
::variable %t% have now time without delimiters
cp source.log %d%_%t%.log

What is the use of rt.jar file in java?

rt.jar contains all of the compiled class files for the base Java Runtime environment. You should not be messing with this jar file.

For MacOS it is called classes.jar and located under /System/Library/Frameworks/<java_version>/Classes . Same not messing with it rule applies there as well :).

Javascript: formatting a rounded number to N decimals

That's not a rounding ploblem, that is a display problem. A number doesn't contain information about significant digits; the value 2 is the same as 2.0000000000000. It's when you turn the rounded value into a string that you have make it display a certain number of digits.

You could just add zeroes after the number, something like:

var s = number.toString();
if (s.indexOf('.') == -1) s += '.';
while (s.length < s.indexOf('.') + 4) s += '0';

(Note that this assumes that the regional settings of the client uses period as decimal separator, the code needs some more work to function for other settings.)

Static Classes In Java

Outer classes cannot be static, but nested/inner classes can be. That basically helps you to use the nested/inner class without creating an instance of the outer class.

Dismissing a Presented View Controller

In my experience, it comes in handy when you need to dismiss it from any ViewController you want and perform different tasks for each viewcontroller that dismisses it. Any viewController that adopts the protocol can dismiss the view in it's own way. (ipad vs iphone, or passing different data when dismissing from different views, calling different methods when dismissing, etc..)


So, to clarify, if all you ever want to do is dismiss the view, I see no need to setup the delegate protocol. If you need to do different things after you dismiss it from different presenting view controllers, It would be your best way to go using the delegate.

What's faster, SELECT DISTINCT or GROUP BY in MySQL?

After heavy testing we came to the conclusion that GROUP BY is faster

SELECT sql_no_cache opnamegroep_intern FROM telwerken WHERE opnemergroep IN (7,8,9,10,11,12,13) group by opnamegroep_intern

635 totaal 0.0944 seconds Weergave van records 0 - 29 ( 635 totaal, query duurde 0.0484 sec)

SELECT sql_no_cache distinct (opnamegroep_intern) FROM telwerken WHERE opnemergroep IN (7,8,9,10,11,12,13)

635 totaal 0.2117 seconds ( almost 100% slower ) Weergave van records 0 - 29 ( 635 totaal, query duurde 0.3468 sec)

Creating Duplicate Table From Existing Table

Use this query to create the new table with the values from existing table

CREATE TABLE New_Table_name AS SELECT * FROM Existing_table_Name; 

Now you can get all the values from existing table into newly created table.

Maven: The packaging for this project did not assign a file to the build artifact

This error shows up when using the maven-install-plugin version 3.0.0-M1 (or similar)

As already mentioned above and also here the following plug-in version works:


Start a fragment via Intent within a Fragment

The answer to your problem is easy: replace the current Fragment with the new Fragment and push transaction onto the backstack. This preserves back button behaviour...

Creating a new Activity really defeats the whole purpose to use fragments anyway...very counter productive.

public void onClick(View v) {
    // Create new fragment and transaction
    Fragment newFragment = new chartsFragment(); 
    // consider using Java coding conventions (upper first char class names!!!)
    FragmentTransaction transaction = getFragmentManager().beginTransaction();

    // Replace whatever is in the fragment_container view with this fragment,
    // and add the transaction to the back stack
    transaction.replace(, newFragment);

    // Commit the transaction

SQL order string as number

Another way, without using a single cast.

(For people who use JPA 2.0, where no casting is allowed)

select col from yourtable
order by length(col),col

EDIT: only works for positive integers

SOAP PHP fault parsing WSDL: failed to load external entity?

The problem may lie in you don't have enabled openssl extention in your php.ini file

go to your php.ini file end remove ; in line where extension=openssl is

Of course in question code there is a part of code responsible for checking whether extension is loaded or not but maybe some uncautious forget about it

What's the difference between tilde(~) and caret(^) in package.json?

See the NPM docs and semver docs:

  • ~version “Approximately equivalent to version”, will update you to all future patch versions, without incrementing the minor version. ~1.2.3 will use releases from 1.2.3 to <1.3.0.

  • ^version “Compatible with version”, will update you to all future minor/patch versions, without incrementing the major version. ^2.3.4 will use releases from 2.3.4 to <3.0.0.

See Comments below for exceptions, in particular for pre-one versions, such as ^0.2.3

List directory in Go

From your description, what you probably want is os.Readdirnames.

func (f *File) Readdirnames(n int) (names []string, err error)

Readdirnames reads the contents of the directory associated with file and returns a slice of up to n names of files in the directory, in directory order. Subsequent calls on the same file will yield further names.


If n <= 0, Readdirnames returns all the names from the directory in a single slice.


file, err := os.Open(path)
if err != nil {
    return err
defer file.Close()
names, err := file.Readdirnames(0)
if err != nil {
    return err

Credit to SquattingSlavInTracksuit's comment; I'd have suggested promoting their comment to an answer if I could.

How to find the extension of a file in C#?

It is worth to mention how to remove the extension also in parallel with getting the extension:

var name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileFullName); // Get the name only

var extension = Path.GetExtension(fileFullName); // Get the extension only

Best timestamp format for CSV/Excel?

Try MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss a format.

Java code to create XML file.

xmlResponse.append("mydate>").append(this.formatDate(resultSet.getTimestamp("date"), "MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss a")).append("");

public String formatDate(Date date, String format)
    String dateString = "";
    if(null != date)
        SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(format);
        dateString = dateFormat.format(date);
    return dateString;

PHP Array to CSV

In my case, my array was multidimensional, potentially with arrays as values. So I created this recursive function to blow apart the array completely:

function array2csv($array, &$title, &$data) {
    foreach($array as $key => $value) {      
        if(is_array($value)) {
            $title .= $key . ",";
            $data .= "" . ",";
            array2csv($value, $title, $data);
        } else {
            $title .= $key . ",";
            $data .= '"' . $value . '",';

Since the various levels of my array didn't lend themselves well to a the flat CSV format, I created a blank column with the sub-array's key to serve as a descriptive "intro" to the next level of data. Sample output:

agentid     fname           lname      empid    totals  sales   leads   dish    dishnet top200_plus top120  latino  base_packages
G-adriana   ADRIANA EUGENIA PALOMO PAIZ 886                0    19              0         0         0         0      0

You could easily remove that "intro" (descriptive) column, but in my case I had repeating column headers, i.e. inbound_leads, in each sub-array, so that gave me a break/title preceding the next section. Remove:

$title .= $key . ",";
$data .= "" . ",";

after the is_array() to compact the code further and remove the extra column.

Since I wanted both a title row and data row, I pass two variables into the function and upon completion of the call to the function, terminate both with PHP_EOL:

$title .= PHP_EOL;
$data .= PHP_EOL;

Yes, I know I leave an extra comma, but for the sake of brevity, I didn't handle it here.

Fixed position but relative to container

/* html */

/* this div exists purely for the purpose of positioning the fixed div it contains */
<div class="fix-my-fixed-div-to-its-parent-not-the-body">

     <div class="im-fixed-within-my-container-div-zone">
          my fixed content


/* css */

/* wraps fixed div to get desired fixed outcome */
    float: right;

    position: fixed;
    transform: translate(-100%);

Multiple REPLACE function in Oracle

In case all your source and replacement strings are just one character long, you can simply use the TRANSLATE function:

  SELECT translate('THIS IS UPPERCASE', 'THISUP', 'thisup') 

See the Oracle documentation for details.

How to grep a string in a directory and all its subdirectories?

If your grep supports -R, do:

grep -R 'string' dir/

If not, then use find:

find dir/ -type f -exec grep -H 'string' {} +

Fatal error: Call to a member function bind_param() on boolean

In my experience the bind_param was fine but I had mistaken the database name so, I changed only the database name in the connection parameter and it worked perfectly.

I had defined root path to indicate the root folder, include path to include folder and base url for the home url of website. This will be used for calling them anywhere they are required.

Converting a date in MySQL from string field

SELECT STR_TO_DATE(dateString, '%d/%m/%y') FROM yourTable...

How to convert all elements in an array to integer in JavaScript?

Using jQuery, you can like the map() method like so;

 $.map(arr, function(val,i) { 
     return parseInt(val); 

Base64 Encoding Image

As far as I remember there is an xml element for the image data. You can use this website to encode a file (use the upload field). Then just copy and paste the data to the XML element.

You could also use PHP to do this like so:

        $im = file_get_contents('filename.gif');
        $imdata = base64_encode($im);      

Use Mozilla's guide for help on creating OpenSearch plugins. For example, the icon element is used like this:

<img width="16" height="16"></>

Where imageData is your base64 data.

What's the difference between a proxy server and a reverse proxy server?

Forward proxies grant the client anonymity (i.e, think Tor).

Reverse proxies grant back end servers anonymity (i.e, think servers behind a DMZ).

Javascript replace with reference to matched group?

"hello _there_".replace(/_(.*?)_/, function(a, b){
    return '<div>' + b + '</div>';

Oh, or you could also:

"hello _there_".replace(/_(.*?)_/, "<div>$1</div>")

EDIT by Liran H: For six other people including myself, $1 did not work, whereas \1 did.

Passing parameters in rails redirect_to

If you have some form data for example sent to home#action, now you want to redirect them to house#act while keeping the parameters, you can do this

redirect_to act_house_path(request.parameters)

How to do a scatter plot with empty circles in Python?

In matplotlib 2.0 there is a parameter called fillstyle which allows better control on the way markers are filled. In my case I have used it with errorbars but it works for markers in general

fillstyle accepts the following values: [‘full’ | ‘left’ | ‘right’ | ‘bottom’ | ‘top’ | ‘none’]

There are two important things to keep in mind when using fillstyle,

1) If mfc is set to any kind of value it will take priority, hence, if you did set fillstyle to 'none' it would not take effect. So avoid using mfc in conjuntion with fillstyle

2) You might want to control the marker edge width (using markeredgewidth or mew) because if the marker is relatively small and the edge width is thick, the markers will look like filled even though they are not.

Following is an example using errorbars:

myplot.errorbar(x=myXval, y=myYval, yerr=myYerrVal, fmt='o', fillstyle='none', ecolor='blue',  mec='blue')

How to make a parent div auto size to the width of its children divs

The parent div (I assume the outermost div) is display: block and will fill up all available area of its container (in this case, the body) that it can. Use a different display type -- inline-block is probably what you are going for:

PHP shorthand for isset()?

Update for PHP 7 (thanks shock_gone_wild)

PHP 7 introduces the so called null coalescing operator which simplifies the below statements to:

$var = $var ?? "default";

Before PHP 7

No, there is no special operator or special syntax for this. However, you could use the ternary operator:

$var = isset($var) ? $var : "default";

Or like this:

isset($var) ?: $var = 'default';

How do I make a branch point at a specific commit?

git reset --hard 1258f0d0aae

But be careful, if the descendant commits between 1258f0d0aae and HEAD are not referenced in other branches it'll be tedious (but not impossible) to recover them, so you'd better to create a "backup" branch at current HEAD, checkout master, and reset to the commit you want.

Also, be sure that you don't have uncommitted changes before a reset --hard, they will be truly lost (no way to recover).

What does CultureInfo.InvariantCulture mean?

JetBrains offer a reasonable explanation,

"Ad-hoc conversion of data structures to text is largely dependent on the current culture, and may lead to unintended results when the code is executed on a machine whose locale differs from that of the original developer. To prevent ambiguities, ReSharper warns you of any instances in code where such a problem may occur."

but if I am working on a site I know will be in English only, I just ignore the suggestion.

The SELECT permission was denied on the object 'Users', database 'XXX', schema 'dbo'

This is how I was able to solve the problem when I faced it

  1. Start SQL Management Studio.
  2. Expand the Server Node (in the 'Object Explorer').
  3. Expand the Databases Node and then expand the specific Database which you are trying to access using the specific user.
  4. Expand the Users node under the Security node for the database.
  5. Right click the specific user and click 'properties'. You will get a dialog box.
  6. Make sure the user is a member of the db_owner group (please read the comments below before you use go this path) and other required changes using the view. (I used this for 2016. Not sure how the specific dialog look like in other version and hence not being specific)

Convert hex color value ( #ffffff ) to integer value

Get Shared Preferences Color Code in String then Convert to integer and add layout-background color:

    sharedPreferences = getSharedPreferences(mypref, Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
    String sw=sharedPreferences.getString(name, "");

port 8080 is already in use and no process using 8080 has been listed

Open eclipse go to Servers panel, right click or press F3 to open Overview window and go to Ports (Modify the server ports). You will get the following:

tomcat adminport

You can change the port numbers (e.g. HTTP/1.1 port number 8080 to 8082).

Homebrew: Could not symlink, /usr/local/bin is not writable

For those who are looking for /usr/local/sbin is not writable error:

UPDATE: It could be /usr/local/someOtherFolderName e.g /usr/local/include. You just need to create that folder with:

  • sudo mkdir someOtherFolderName

First create the sbin folder, note that this requires sudo privileges

  • cd /usr/local

  • sudo mkdir sbin

  • sudo chown -R $(whoami) $(brew --prefix)/*

  • brew link yourPackageName

Passing arguments forward to another javascript function

Spread operator

The spread operator allows an expression to be expanded in places where multiple arguments (for function calls) or multiple elements (for array literals) are expected.

ECMAScript ES6 added a new operator that lets you do this in a more practical way: ...Spread Operator.

Example without using the apply method:

function a(...args){_x000D_
  b(6, ...args, 8) // You can even add more elements_x000D_
function b(){_x000D_
a(1, 2, 3)

Note This snippet returns a syntax error if your browser still uses ES5.

Editor's note: Since the snippet uses console.log(), you must open your browser's JS console to see the result - there will be no in-page result.

It will display this result:

Image of Spread operator arguments example

In short, the spread operator can be used for different purposes if you're using arrays, so it can also be used for function arguments, you can see a similar example explained in the official docs: Rest parameters

Excel Macro - Select all cells with data and format as table

Try this one for current selection:

Sub A_SelectAllMakeTable2()
    Dim tbl As ListObject
    Set tbl = ActiveSheet.ListObjects.Add(xlSrcRange, Selection, , xlYes)
    tbl.TableStyle = "TableStyleMedium15"
End Sub

or equivalent of your macro (for Ctrl+Shift+End range selection):

Sub A_SelectAllMakeTable()
    Dim tbl As ListObject
    Dim rng As Range

    Set rng = Range(Range("A1"), Range("A1").SpecialCells(xlLastCell))
    Set tbl = ActiveSheet.ListObjects.Add(xlSrcRange, rng, , xlYes)
    tbl.TableStyle = "TableStyleMedium15"
End Sub

Get hours difference between two dates in Moment Js

 var start=moment(1541243900000);
 var end=moment(1541243942882);
 var duration = moment.duration(end.diff(startTime));
 var hours = duration.asHours();

As you can see, the start and end date needed to be moment objects for this method to work.

How to create temp table using Create statement in SQL Server?

Same thing, Just start the table name with # or ##:

CREATE TABLE #TemporaryTable          -- Local temporary table - starts with single #
    Col1 int,
    Col2 varchar(10)

CREATE TABLE ##GlobalTemporaryTable   -- Global temporary table - note it starts with ##.
    Col1 int,
    Col2 varchar(10)

Temporary table names start with # or ## - The first is a local temporary table and the last is a global temporary table.

Here is one of many articles describing the differences between them.

Finding longest string in array

function allLongestStrings(array) {
    const newArr=[];
    let temp =    Math.max(...( => el.length)));    
     array.forEach(item => {
        if(temp == item.length){
    return newArr;

Query to get only numbers from a string

If you are using Postgres and you have data like '2000 - some sample text' then try substring and position combination, otherwise if in your scenario there is no delimiter, you need to write regex:

SUBSTRING(Column_name from 0 for POSITION('-' in column_name) - 1) as 

What does the arrow operator, '->', do in Java?

That's part of the syntax of the new lambda expressions, to be introduced in Java 8. There are a couple of online tutorials to get the hang of it, here's a link to one. Basically, the -> separates the parameters (left-side) from the implementation (right side).

The general syntax for using lambda expressions is

(Parameters) -> { Body } where the -> separates parameters and lambda expression body.

The parameters are enclosed in parentheses which is the same way as for methods and the lambda expression body is a block of code enclosed in braces.

CSS blur on background image but not on content


Unfortunately Mozilla has really dropped the ball and taken it's time with the feature. I'm personally hoping it makes it in to the next Firefox ESR as that is what the next major version of Waterfox will use.

MDN (Mozilla Developer Network) article:

Mozilla implementation:

From the MDN documentation page:

/* URL to SVG filter */
backdrop-filter: url(commonfilters.svg#filter);

/* <filter-function> values */
backdrop-filter: blur(2px);
backdrop-filter: brightness(60%);
backdrop-filter: contrast(40%);
backdrop-filter: drop-shadow(4px 4px 10px blue);
backdrop-filter: grayscale(30%);
backdrop-filter: hue-rotate(120deg);
backdrop-filter: invert(70%);
backdrop-filter: opacity(20%);
backdrop-filter: sepia(90%);
backdrop-filter: saturate(80%);

/* Multiple filters */
backdrop-filter: url(filters.svg#filter) blur(4px) saturate(150%);

multiple plot in one figure in Python

This is very simple to do:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.plot(<X AXIS VALUES HERE>, <Y AXIS VALUES HERE>, 'line type', label='label here')
plt.plot(<X AXIS VALUES HERE>, <Y AXIS VALUES HERE>, 'line type', label='label here')

You can keep adding plt.plot as many times as you like. As for line type, you need to first specify the color. So for blue, it's b. And for a normal line it's -. An example would be:

plt.plot(total_lengths, sort_times_heap, 'b-', label="Heap")

How to compile python script to binary executable

Since other SO answers link to this question it's worth noting that there is another option now in PyOxidizer.

It's a rust utility which works in some of the same ways as pyinstaller, however has some additional features detailed here, to summarize the key ones:

  • Single binary of all packages by default with the ability to do a zero-copy load of modules into memory, vs pyinstaller extracting them to a temporary directory when using onefile mode
  • Ability to produce a static linked binary

(One other advantage of pyoxidizer is that it does not seem to suffer from the GLIBC_X.XX not found problem that can crop up with pyinstaller if you've created your binary on a system that has a glibc version newer than the target system).

Overall pyinstaller is much simpler to use than PyOxidizer, which often requires some complexity in the configuration file, and it's less Pythony since it's written in Rust and uses a configuration file format not very familiar in the Python world, but PyOxidizer does some more advanced stuff, especially if you are looking to produce single binaries (which is not pyinstaller's default).

Removing spaces from string

String res =" Application " res=res.trim();

o/p: Application

Note: White space ,blank space are trim or removed

How to remove non UTF-8 characters from text file

This command:

iconv -f utf-8 -t utf-8 -c file.txt

will clean up your UTF-8 file, skipping all the invalid characters.

-f is the source format
-t the target format
-c skips any invalid sequence

Select only rows if its value in a particular column is less than the value in the other column

If you use dplyr package you can do:

filter(df, aged <= laclen)

Button that refreshes the page on click

Though the question is for button, but if anyone wants to refresh the page using <a>, you can simply do

<a href="./">Reload</a>

How to get column by number in Pandas?

Another way is to select a column with the columns array:

In [5]: df = pd.DataFrame([[1,2], [3,4]], columns=['a', 'b'])

In [6]: df
   a  b
0  1  2
1  3  4

In [7]: df[df.columns[0]]
0    1
1    3
Name: a, dtype: int64

Adjust width and height of iframe to fit with content in it

I am using this code to autoadjust height of all iframes (with class autoHeight) when they loads on page. Tested and it works in IE, FF, Chrome, Safari and Opera.

function doIframe() {
    var $iframes = $("iframe.autoHeight"); 
    $iframes.each(function() {
        var iframe = this;
        $(iframe).load(function() {

function setHeight(e) {
  e.height = e.contentWindow.document.body.scrollHeight + 35;

$(window).load(function() {

JavaScript - get the first day of the week from current date

var dt = new Date(); // current date of week
var currentWeekDay = dt.getDay();
var lessDays = currentWeekDay == 0 ? 6 : currentWeekDay - 1;
var wkStart = new Date(new Date(dt).setDate(dt.getDate() - lessDays));
var wkEnd = new Date(new Date(wkStart).setDate(wkStart.getDate() + 6));

This will work well.

How to remove numbers from string using Regex.Replace?

Blow codes could help you...

Fetch Numbers:

return string.Concat(input.Where(char.IsNumber));

Fetch Letters:

return string.Concat(input.Where(char.IsLetter));

How to convert jsonString to JSONObject in Java

There are various Java JSON serializers and deserializers linked from the JSON home page.

As of this writing, there are these 22:

...but of course the list can change.

How to print a double with two decimals in Android?

textView2.setText(String.format("%.2f", result));


DecimalFormat form = new DecimalFormat("0.00");
         textView2.setText(form.format(result) );

...cause "NumberFormatException" error in locale for Europe because it sets result as comma instead of point decimal - error occurs when textView is added to number in editText. Both solutions are working excellent in locale US and UK.


In MS SQL Server you can do:


How can I install Visual Studio Code extensions offline?

All these suggestions are great, but kind of painful to follow because executing the code to construct the URL or constructing that crazy URL by hand is kind of annoying...

So, I threw together a quick web app to make things easier. Just paste the URL of the extension you want and out comes out the download of your extension already properly named: publisher-extension-version.vsix.

Hope someone finds it helpful:

Serializing a list to JSON

building on an answer from another posting.. I've come up with a more generic way to build out a list, utilizing dynamic retrieval with Json.NET version 12.x

using Newtonsoft.Json;

static class JsonObj
    /// <summary>
    /// Deserializes a json file into an object list
    /// Author: Joseph Poirier 2/26/2019
    /// </summary>
    /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
    /// <param name="fileName"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static List<T> DeSerializeObject<T>(string fileName)
        List<T> objectOut = new List<T>();

        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName)) { return objectOut; }

            // reading in full file as text
            string ss = File.ReadAllText(fileName);

            // went with <dynamic> over <T> or <List<T>> to avoid error..
            //  unexpected character at line 1 column 2
            var output = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<dynamic>(ss);

            foreach (var Record in output)
                foreach (T data in Record)
        catch (Exception ex)
            //Log exception here

        return objectOut;

call to process

        string fname = "../../Names.json"; // <- your json file path

        // for alternate types replace string with custom class below
        List<string> jsonFile = JsonObj.DeSerializeObject<string>(fname);

or this call to process

        string fname = "../../Names.json"; // <- your json file path

        // for alternate types replace string with custom class below
        List<string> jsonFile = new List<string>();

OOP vs Functional Programming vs Procedural

I think that they are often not "versus", but you can combine them. I also think that oftentimes, the words you mention are just buzzwords. There are few people who actually know what "object-oriented" means, even if they are the fiercest evangelists of it.

How to force table cell <td> content to wrap?

td {
overflow: hidden;
max-width: 400px;
word-wrap: break-word;

Removing Duplicate Values from ArrayList

public static List<String> removeDuplicateElements(List<String> array){
    List<String> temp = new ArrayList<String>();
    List<Integer> count = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    for (int i=0; i<array.size()-2; i++){
        for (int j=i+1;j<array.size()-1;j++)
                if (array.get(i).compareTo(array.get(j))==0) {
                    int kk = i;
        for (int i = count.size()+1;i>0;i--) {
        return array;

ImportError: No module named pandas

As of Dec 2020, I had the same issue when installing python v 3.8.6 via pyenv. So, I started by:

  1. Installing pyenv via homebrew brew install pyenv
  2. Install xz compiling package via brew install xz
  3. pyenv install 3.8.6 pick the required version
  4. pyenv global 3.8.6 make this version as global
  5. python -m pip install -U pip to upgrade pip
  6. pip install virtualenv

After that, I initialized my new env, installed pandas via pip command, and everything worked again. The panda's version installed is 1.1.5 within my working project directory. I hope that might help!

Note: If you have installed python before xz, make sure to uninstall it first, otherwise the error might persist.

Android: How do I prevent the soft keyboard from pushing my view up?

For future readers.

I wanted specific control over this issue, so this is what I did:

From a fragment or activity, hide your other views (that aren't needed while the keyboard is up), then restore them to solve this problem:

            rootView.getViewTreeObserver().addOnGlobalLayoutListener(new ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener() {
                public void onGlobalLayout() {
                    Rect r = new Rect();
                    int heightDiff = rootView.getRootView().getHeight() - (r.bottom -;

                    if (heightDiff > 100) { // if more than 100 pixels, its probably a keyboard...
                    //ok now we know the keyboard is up...

                    //ok now we know the keyboard is down...


Regarding 'main(int argc, char *argv[])'

With argc (argument count) and argv (argument vector) you can get the number and the values of passed arguments when your application has been launched.

This way you can use parameters (such as -version) when your application is started to act a different way.

But you can also use int main(void) as a prototype in C.

There is a third (less known and nonstandard) prototype with a third argument which is envp. It contains environment variables.


React - uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'setState' of undefined

In ES7+ (ES2016) you can use the experimental function bind syntax operator :: to bind. It is a syntactic sugar and will do the same as Davin Tryon's answer.

You can then rewrite =; to =;

For ES6+ (ES2015) you can also use the ES6+ arrow function (=>) to be able to use this.

delta = () => {
        count : this.state.count + 1

Why ? From the Mozilla doc :

Until arrow functions, every new function defined its own this value [...]. This proved to be annoying with an object-oriented style of programming.

Arrow functions capture the this value of the enclosing context [...]

PHP FPM - check if running

PHP-FPM is a service that spawns new PHP processes when needed, usually through a fast-cgi module like nginx. You can tell (with a margin of error) by just checking the init.d script e.g. "sudo /etc/init.d/php-fpm status"

What port or unix file socket is being used is up to the configuration, but often is just TCP port 9000. i.e.

The best way to tell if it is running correctly is to have nginx running, and setup a virtual host that will fast-cgi pass to PHP-FPM, and just check it with wget or a browser.

How do you import an Eclipse project into Android Studio now?

Export from Eclipse

  1. Update your Eclipse ADT Plugin to 22.0 or higher, then go to File | Export

  2. Go to Android now then click on Generate Gradle build files, then it would generate gradle file for you.

    enter image description here

  3. Select your project you want to export

    enter image description here

  4. Click on finish now

    enter image description here

Import into Android Studio

  1. In Android Studio, close any projects currently open. You should see the Welcome to Android Studio window.

  2. Click Import Project.

  3. Locate the project you exported from Eclipse, expand it, select it and click OK.

How to respond with HTTP 400 error in a Spring MVC @ResponseBody method returning String?

With Spring Boot, I'm not entirely sure why this was necessary (I got the /error fallback even though @ResponseBody was defined on an @ExceptionHandler), but the following in itself did not work:

public ErrorMessage handleIllegalArguments(HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest, IllegalArgumentException e) {
    log.error("Illegal arguments received.", e);
    ErrorMessage errorMessage = new ErrorMessage();
    errorMessage.code = 400;
    errorMessage.message = e.getMessage();
    return errorMessage;

It still threw an exception, apparently because no producible media types were defined as a request attribute:

// AbstractMessageConverterMethodProcessor
protected <T> void writeWithMessageConverters(T value, MethodParameter returnType,
        ServletServerHttpRequest inputMessage, ServletServerHttpResponse outputMessage)
        throws IOException, HttpMediaTypeNotAcceptableException, HttpMessageNotWritableException {

    Class<?> valueType = getReturnValueType(value, returnType);
    Type declaredType = getGenericType(returnType);
    HttpServletRequest request = inputMessage.getServletRequest();
    List<MediaType> requestedMediaTypes = getAcceptableMediaTypes(request);
    List<MediaType> producibleMediaTypes = getProducibleMediaTypes(request, valueType, declaredType);
if (value != null && producibleMediaTypes.isEmpty()) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("No converter found for return value of type: " + valueType);   // <-- throws

// ....

protected List<MediaType> getProducibleMediaTypes(HttpServletRequest request, Class<?> valueClass, Type declaredType) {
    Set<MediaType> mediaTypes = (Set<MediaType>) request.getAttribute(HandlerMapping.PRODUCIBLE_MEDIA_TYPES_ATTRIBUTE);
    if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(mediaTypes)) {
        return new ArrayList<MediaType>(mediaTypes);

So I added them.

public ErrorMessage handleIllegalArguments(HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest, IllegalArgumentException e) {
    Set<MediaType> mediaTypes = new HashSet<>();
    httpServletRequest.setAttribute(HandlerMapping.PRODUCIBLE_MEDIA_TYPES_ATTRIBUTE, mediaTypes);
    log.error("Illegal arguments received.", e);
    ErrorMessage errorMessage = new ErrorMessage();
    errorMessage.code = 400;
    errorMessage.message = e.getMessage();
    return errorMessage;

And this got me through to have a "supported compatible media type", but then it still didn't work, because my ErrorMessage was faulty:

public class ErrorMessage {
    int code;

    String message;

JacksonMapper did not handle it as "convertable", so I had to add getters/setters, and I also added @JsonProperty annotation

public class ErrorMessage {
    private int code;

    private String message;

    public int getCode() {
        return code;

    public void setCode(int code) {
        this.code = code;

    public String getMessage() {
        return message;

    public void setMessage(String message) {
        this.message = message;

Then I received my message as intended

{"code":400,"message":"An \"url\" parameter must be defined."}

Type List vs type ArrayList in Java

I would say that 1 is preferred, unless

  • you are depending on the implementation of optional behavior* in ArrayList, in that case explicitly using ArrayList is more clear
  • You will be using the ArrayList in a method call which requires ArrayList, possibly for optional behavior or performance characteristics

My guess is that in 99% of the cases you can get by with List, which is preferred.

  • for instance removeAll, or add(null)

Singleton in Android

It is simple, as a java, Android also supporting singleton. -

Singleton is a part of Gang of Four design pattern and it is categorized under creational design patterns.

-> Static member : This contains the instance of the singleton class.

-> Private constructor : This will prevent anybody else to instantiate the Singleton class.

-> Static public method : This provides the global point of access to the Singleton object and returns the instance to the client calling class.

  1. create private instance
  2. create private constructor
  3. use getInstance() of Singleton class

    public class Logger{
    private static Logger   objLogger;
    private Logger(){
            //ToDo here
    public static Logger getInstance()
        if (objLogger == null)
          objLogger = new Logger();
       return objLogger;

while use singleton -


Correct format specifier to print pointer or address?

The simplest answer, assuming you don't mind the vagaries and variations in format between different platforms, is the standard %p notation.

The C99 standard (ISO/IEC 9899:1999) says in § ¶8:

p The argument shall be a pointer to void. The value of the pointer is converted to a sequence of printing characters, in an implementation-defined manner.

(In C11 — ISO/IEC 9899:2011 — the information is in § ¶8.)

On some platforms, that will include a leading 0x and on others it won't, and the letters could be in lower-case or upper-case, and the C standard doesn't even define that it shall be hexadecimal output though I know of no implementation where it is not.

It is somewhat open to debate whether you should explicitly convert the pointers with a (void *) cast. It is being explicit, which is usually good (so it is what I do), and the standard says 'the argument shall be a pointer to void'. On most machines, you would get away with omitting an explicit cast. However, it would matter on a machine where the bit representation of a char * address for a given memory location is different from the 'anything else pointer' address for the same memory location. This would be a word-addressed, instead of byte-addressed, machine. Such machines are not common (probably not available) these days, but the first machine I worked on after university was one such (ICL Perq).

If you aren't happy with the implementation-defined behaviour of %p, then use C99 <inttypes.h> and uintptr_t instead:

printf("0x%" PRIXPTR "\n", (uintptr_t)your_pointer);

This allows you to fine-tune the representation to suit yourself. I chose to have the hex digits in upper-case so that the number is uniformly the same height and the characteristic dip at the start of 0xA1B2CDEF appears thus, not like 0xa1b2cdef which dips up and down along the number too. Your choice though, within very broad limits. The (uintptr_t) cast is unambiguously recommended by GCC when it can read the format string at compile time. I think it is correct to request the cast, though I'm sure there are some who would ignore the warning and get away with it most of the time.

Kerrek asks in the comments:

I'm a bit confused about standard promotions and variadic arguments. Do all pointers get standard-promoted to void*? Otherwise, if int* were, say, two bytes, and void* were 4 bytes, then it'd clearly be an error to read four bytes from the argument, non?

I was under the illusion that the C standard says that all object pointers must be the same size, so void * and int * cannot be different sizes. However, what I think is the relevant section of the C99 standard is not so emphatic (though I don't know of an implementation where what I suggested is true is actually false):

§6.2.5 Types

¶26 A pointer to void shall have the same representation and alignment requirements as a pointer to a character type.39) Similarly, pointers to qualified or unqualified versions of compatible types shall have the same representation and alignment requirements. All pointers to structure types shall have the same representation and alignment requirements as each other. All pointers to union types shall have the same representation and alignment requirements as each other. Pointers to other types need not have the same representation or alignment requirements.

39) The same representation and alignment requirements are meant to imply interchangeability as arguments to functions, return values from functions, and members of unions.

(C11 says exactly the same in the section §6.2.5, ¶28, and footnote 48.)

So, all pointers to structures must be the same size as each other, and must share the same alignment requirements, even though the structures the pointers point at may have different alignment requirements. Similarly for unions. Character pointers and void pointers must have the same size and alignment requirements. Pointers to variations on int (meaning unsigned int and signed int) must have the same size and alignment requirements as each other; similarly for other types. But the C standard doesn't formally say that sizeof(int *) == sizeof(void *). Oh well, SO is good for making you inspect your assumptions.

The C standard definitively does not require function pointers to be the same size as object pointers. That was necessary not to break the different memory models on DOS-like systems. There you could have 16-bit data pointers but 32-bit function pointers, or vice versa. This is why the C standard does not mandate that function pointers can be converted to object pointers and vice versa.

Fortunately (for programmers targetting POSIX), POSIX steps into the breach and does mandate that function pointers and data pointers are the same size:

§2.12.3 Pointer Types

All function pointer types shall have the same representation as the type pointer to void. Conversion of a function pointer to void * shall not alter the representation. A void * value resulting from such a conversion can be converted back to the original function pointer type, using an explicit cast, without loss of information.

Note: The ISO C standard does not require this, but it is required for POSIX conformance.

So, it does seem that explicit casts to void * are strongly advisable for maximum reliability in the code when passing a pointer to a variadic function such as printf(). On POSIX systems, it is safe to cast a function pointer to a void pointer for printing. On other systems, it is not necessarily safe to do that, nor is it necessarily safe to pass pointers other than void * without a cast.

Why can't I display a pound (£) symbol in HTML?

1st: the pound symbol is a "special" char in utf8 encoding (try saving £$ in a iso-8859-1 (or iso-8859-15) file and you will get ä when encoding using header)

2nd: change your encoding to utf8 form the file. there are plenty of methods to do it. notepad and notepad++ are great sugestions.

3rd: use ob_start(); (in php) BEFORE YOU MAKE ANY OUTPUT if you are getting weird encoding errors, like missing the encoding sometimes. and YES, this solves it! this kind of errors occurs when a page is encoded in windows-1252(ANSI),ASCII,iso-8859-1(5) and then you have all the others in utf8. this is a terrible error and can cause weird things like session_start(); not working.

4th: other php solutions:

echo '&amp;pound;';

5th: javascript solutions:

$(this).html().replace('£','&amp;pound;'); //jquery
$(this).html().replace('£',"\u00A3"); //jquery

you MUST send £, so it will repair the broken encoded code point. please, avoid these solutions! use php! these solutions only show how to 'fix' the error, and the last one only to create the well-encoded char.

Comparing two arrays & get the values which are not common


$a = 1..5
$b = 4..8

$Yellow = $a | Where {$b -NotContains $_}

$Yellow contains all the items in $a except the ones that are in $b:

PS C:\> $Yellow

$Blue = $b | Where {$a -NotContains $_}

$Blue contains all the items in $b except the ones that are in $a:

PS C:\> $Blue

$Green = $a | Where {$b -Contains $_}

Not in question, but anyways; Green contains the items that are in both $a and $b.

PS C:\> $Green

Note: Where is an alias of Where-Object. Alias can introduce possible problems and make scripts hard to maintain.

Addendum 12 October 2019

As commented by @xtreampb and @mklement0: although not shown from the example in the question, the task that the question implies (values "not in common") is the symmetric difference between the two input sets (the union of yellow and blue).


The symmetric difference between the $a and $b can be literally defined as the union of $Yellow and $Blue:

$NotGreen = $Yellow + $Blue

Which is written out:

$NotGreen = ($a | Where {$b -NotContains $_}) + ($b | Where {$a -NotContains $_})


As you might notice, there are quite some (redundant) loops in this syntax: all items in list $a iterate (using Where) through items in list $b (using -NotContains) and visa versa. Unfortunately the redundancy is difficult to avoid as it is difficult to predict the result of each side. A Hash Table is usually a good solution to improve the performance of redundant loops. For this, I like to redefine the question: Get the values that appear once in the sum of the collections ($a + $b):

$Count = @{}
$a + $b | ForEach-Object {$Count[$_] += 1}
$Count.Keys | Where-Object {$Count[$_] -eq 1}

By using the ForEach statement instead of the ForEach-Object cmdlet and the Where method instead of the Where-Object you might increase the performance by a factor 2.5:

$Count = @{}
ForEach ($Item in $a + $b) {$Count[$Item] += 1}
$Count.Keys.Where({$Count[$_] -eq 1})


But Language Integrated Query (LINQ) will easily beat any native PowerShell and native .Net methods (see also High Performance PowerShell with LINQ and mklement0's answer for Can the following Nested foreach loop be simplified in PowerShell?:

To use LINQ you need to explicitly define the array types:

[Int[]]$a = 1..5
[Int[]]$b = 4..8

And use the [Linq.Enumerable]:: operator:

$Yellow   = [Int[]][Linq.Enumerable]::Except($a, $b)
$Blue     = [Int[]][Linq.Enumerable]::Except($b, $a)
$Green    = [Int[]][Linq.Enumerable]::Intersect($a, $b)
$NotGreen = [Int[]]([Linq.Enumerable]::Except($a, $b) + [Linq.Enumerable]::Except($b, $a))


Benchmark results highly depend on the sizes of the collections and how many items there are actually shared, as a "average", I am presuming that half of each collection is shared with the other.

Using             Time
Compare-Object    111,9712
NotContains       197,3792
ForEach-Object    82,8324
ForEach Statement 36,5721
LINQ              22,7091

To get a good performance comparison, caches should be cleared by e.g. starting a fresh PowerShell session.

$a = 1..1000
$b = 500..1500

(Measure-Command {
    Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $a -DifferenceObject $b  -PassThru
(Measure-Command {
    ($a | Where {$b -NotContains $_}), ($b | Where {$a -NotContains $_})
(Measure-Command {
    $Count = @{}
    $a + $b | ForEach-Object {$Count[$_] += 1}
    $Count.Keys | Where-Object {$Count[$_] -eq 1}

(Measure-Command {
    $Count = @{}
    ForEach ($Item in $a + $b) {$Count[$Item] += 1}
    $Count.Keys.Where({$Count[$_] -eq 1})

[Int[]]$a = $a
[Int[]]$b = $b
(Measure-Command {
    [Int[]]([Linq.Enumerable]::Except($a, $b) + [Linq.Enumerable]::Except($b, $a))

NPM vs. Bower vs. Browserify vs. Gulp vs. Grunt vs. Webpack

Webpack is a bundler. Like Browserfy it looks in the codebase for module requests (require or import) and resolves them recursively. What is more, you can configure Webpack to resolve not just JavaScript-like modules, but CSS, images, HTML, literally everything. What especially makes me excited about Webpack, you can combine both compiled and dynamically loaded modules in the same app. Thus one get a real performance boost, especially over HTTP/1.x. How exactly you you do it I described with examples here As an alternative for bundler one can think of Rollup.js (, which optimizes the code during compilation, but stripping all the found unused chunks.

For AMD, instead of RequireJS one can go with native ES2016 module system, but loaded with System.js (

Besides, I would point that npm is often used as an automating tool like grunt or gulp. Check out I personally go now with npm scripts only avoiding other automation tools, though in past I was very much into grunt. With other tools you have to rely on countless plugins for packages, that often are not good written and not being actively maintained. npm knows its packages, so you call to any of locally installed packages by name like:

  "scripts": {
    "start": "npm http-server"
  "devDependencies": {
    "http-server": "^0.10.0"

Actually you as a rule do not need any plugin if the package supports CLI.

Compute row average in pandas

We can find the the mean of a row using the range function, i.e in your case, from the Y1961 column to the Y1965

df['mean'] = df.iloc[:, 0:4].mean(axis=1)

And if you want to select individual columns

df['mean'] = df.iloc[:, [0,1,2,3,4].mean(axis=1)

Error message "Strict standards: Only variables should be passed by reference"

This code:

$monthly_index = array_shift(unpack('H*', date('m/Y')));

Need to be changed into:

$date_time = date('m/Y');
$unpack = unpack('H*', $date_time);

setBackground vs setBackgroundDrawable (Android)

you could use setBackgroundResource() instead i.e. relativeLayout.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.back);

this works for me.

List files in local git repo?

Try this command:

git ls-files 

This lists all of the files in the repository, including those that are only staged but not yet committed.

QLabel: set color of text and background

I add this answer because I think it could be useful to anybody.

I step into the problem of setting RGBA colors (that is, RGB color with an Alpha value for transparency) for color display labels in my painting application.

As I came across the first answer, I was unable to set an RGBA color. I have also tried things like:

myLabel.setStyleSheet("QLabel { background-color : %s"

where color is an RGBA color.

So, my dirty solution was to extend QLabel and override paintEvent() method filling its bounding rect.

Today, I've open up the qt-assistant and read the style reference properties list. Affortunately, it has an example that states the following:

QLineEdit { background-color: rgb(255, 0, 0) }

Thats open up my mind in doing something like the code below, as an example:

myLabel= QLabel()
myLabel.setAutoFillBackground(True) # This is important!!
color  = QtGui.QColor(233, 10, 150)
alpha  = 140
values = "{r}, {g}, {b}, {a}".format(r =,
                                     g =,
                                     b =,
                                     a = alpha
myLabel.setStyleSheet("QLabel { background-color: rgba("+values+"); }")

Note that setAutoFillBackground() set in False will not make it work.


Best way to Bulk Insert from a C# DataTable

string connectionString= ServerName + DatabaseName + SecurityType;
using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
using (SqlBulkCopy bulkCopy = new SqlBulkCopy(connection)) {
    bulkCopy.DestinationTableName = "TableName";
    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {

Please note that the structure of the database table and the table name should be the same or it will throw an exception.

Access 2010 VBA query a table and iterate through results

I know some things have changed in AC 2010. However, the old-fashioned ADODB is, as far as I know, the best way to go in VBA. An Example:

Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Dim cmd As ADODB.Command
Dim prm As ADODB.Parameter
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim colReturn As New Collection

Dim SQL As String
SQL = _
    "SELECT c.ClientID, c.LastName, c.FirstName, c.MI, c.DOB, c.SSN, " & _
    "c.RaceID, c.EthnicityID, c.GenderID, c.Deleted, c.RecordDate " & _
    "FROM tblClient AS c " & _
    "WHERE c.ClientID = @ClientID"

Set cn = New ADODB.Connection
Set cmd = New ADODB.Command

With cn
    .Provider = DataConnection.MyADOProvider
    .ConnectionString = DataConnection.MyADOConnectionString
End With

With cmd
    .CommandText = SQL
    .ActiveConnection = cn
    Set prm = .CreateParameter("@ClientID", adInteger, adParamInput, , mlngClientID)
    .Parameters.Append prm
End With

Set rs = cmd.Execute

With rs
    If Not .EOF Then
        Do Until .EOF
            mstrLastName = Nz(!LastName, "")
            mstrFirstName = Nz(!FirstName, "")
            mstrMI = Nz(!MI, "")
            mdDOB = !DOB
            mstrSSN = Nz(!SSN, "")
            mlngRaceID = Nz(!RaceID, -1)
            mlngEthnicityID = Nz(!EthnicityID, -1)
            mlngGenderID = Nz(!GenderID, -1)
            mbooDeleted = Deleted
            mdRecordDate = Nz(!RecordDate, "")

    End If
End With


Set rs = Nothing
Set cn = Nothing

How do I disable directory browsing?

One of the important thing is on setting a secure apache web server is to disable directory browsing. By default apache comes with this feature enabled but it is always a good idea to get it disabled unless you really need it. Open httpd.conf file in apache folder and find the line that looks as follows:

Options Includes Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews

then remove word Indexes and save the file. Restart apache. That's it

Unable to instantiate default tuplizer [org.hibernate.tuple.entity.PojoEntityTuplizer]

I am using spring 3.0 and Hibernate 3.6 in my project. I ran into the same error just now. Googling this error message brought me to this page.

Funtik's comment on Jan 17 '12 at 8:49 helped me resolve the issue-

"This tells me that javassist cannot be accessed. How do you include this library into the project?"

So, I included java assist in my maven pom file as below:


This resolved the issue for me. Thanks Funtik.

PHPMailer character encoding issues

The simplest way and will help you with is set CharSet to UTF-8

$mail->CharSet = "UTF-8"

Git push requires username and password

Permanently authenticating with Git repositories

Run the following command to enable credential caching:

$ git config credential.helper store
$ git push

Username for '': <USERNAME>
Password for 'https://[email protected]': <PASSWORD>

You should also specify caching expire,

git config --global credential.helper 'cache --timeout 7200'

After enabling credential caching, it will be cached for 7200 seconds (2 hour).

Setting HTTP headers

Never mind, I figured it out - I used the Set() method on Header() (doh!)

My handler looks like this now:

func saveHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    // allow cross domain AJAX requests
    w.Header().Set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")

Maybe this will help someone as caffeine deprived as myself sometime :)

Can I override and overload static methods in Java?

Overloading is also called static binding, so as soon as the word static is used it means a static method cannot show run-time polymorphism.

We cannot override a static method but presence of different implementations of the same static method in a super class and its sub class is valid. Its just that the derived class will hide the implementations of the base class.

For static methods, the method call depends on the type of reference and not which object is being referred, i.e. Static method belongs only to a class and not its instances , so the method call is decided at the compile time itself.

Whereas in case of method overloading static methods can be overloaded iff they have diff number or types of parameters. If two methods have the same name and the same parameter list then they cannot be defined different only by using the 'static' keyword.

Understanding __get__ and __set__ and Python descriptors

You'd see

class Property(object):
    "Emulate PyProperty_Type() in Objects/descrobject.c"

    def __init__(self, fget=None, fset=None, fdel=None, doc=None):
        self.fget = fget
        self.fset = fset
        self.fdel = fdel
        if doc is None and fget is not None:
            doc = fget.__doc__
        self.__doc__ = doc

    def __get__(self, obj, objtype=None):
        if obj is None:
            return self
        if self.fget is None:
            raise AttributeError("unreadable attribute")
        return self.fget(obj)

    def __set__(self, obj, value):
        if self.fset is None:
            raise AttributeError("can't set attribute")
        self.fset(obj, value)

    def __delete__(self, obj):
        if self.fdel is None:
            raise AttributeError("can't delete attribute")

    def getter(self, fget):
        return type(self)(fget, self.fset, self.fdel, self.__doc__)

    def setter(self, fset):
        return type(self)(self.fget, fset, self.fdel, self.__doc__)

    def deleter(self, fdel):
        return type(self)(self.fget, self.fset, fdel, self.__doc__)

R: numeric 'envir' arg not of length one in predict()

There are several problems here:

  1. The newdata argument of predict() needs a predictor variable. You should thus pass it values for Coupon, instead of Total, which is the response variable in your model.

  2. The predictor variable needs to be passed in as a named column in a data frame, so that predict() knows what the numbers its been handed represent. (The need for this becomes clear when you consider more complicated models, having more than one predictor variable).

  3. For this to work, your original call should pass df in through the data argument, rather than using it directly in your formula. (This way, the name of the column in newdata will be able to match the name on the RHS of the formula).

With those changes incorporated, this will work:

model <- lm(Total ~ Coupon, data=df)
new <- data.frame(Coupon = df$Coupon)
predict(model, newdata = new, interval="confidence")

Display html text in uitextview

BHUPI's answer is correct, but if you would like to combine your custom font from UILabel or UITextView with HTML content, you need to correct your html a bit:

NSString *htmlString = @"<b>Bold</b><br><i>Italic</i><p> <del>Deleted</del><p>List<ul><li>Coffee</li><li type='square'>Tea</li></ul><br><a href='URL'>Link </a>";

htmlString = [htmlString stringByAppendingString:@"<style>body{font-family:'YOUR_FONT_HERE'; font-size:'SIZE';}</style>"];

 htmlString = [htmlString stringByAppendingString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"<style>body{font-family: '%@'; font-size:%fpx;}</style>",_myLabel.font.fontName,_myLabel.font.pointSize]];
 NSAttributedString *attributedString = [[NSAttributedString alloc]
                      initWithData: [htmlString dataUsingEncoding:NSUnicodeStringEncoding]
                           options: @{ NSDocumentTypeDocumentAttribute: NSHTMLTextDocumentType }
                documentAttributes: nil
                             error: nil
textView.attributedText = attributedString;

You can see the difference on the picture below: enter image description here

Loop over html table and get checked checkboxes (JQuery)

use .filter(':has(:checkbox:checked)' ie:

$('#mytable tr').filter(':has(:checkbox:checked)').each(function() {

LINQ to Entities how to update a record

They both track your changes to the collection, just call the SaveChanges() method that should update the DB.

Cannot use special principal dbo: Error 15405

This is happening because the user 'sarin' is the actual owner of the database "dbemployee" - as such, they can only have db_owner, and cannot be assigned any further database roles.

Nor do they need to be. If they're the DB owner, they already have permission to do anything they want to within this database.

(To see the owner of the database, open the properties of the database. The Owner is listed on the general tab).

To change the owner of the database, you can use sp_changedbowner or ALTER AUTHORIZATION (the latter being apparently the preferred way for future development, but since this kind of thing tends to be a one off...)

How to convert entire dataframe to numeric while preserving decimals?

You might need to do some checking. You cannot safely convert factors directly to numeric. as.character must be applied first. Otherwise, the factors will be converted to their numeric storage values. I would check each column with is.factor then coerce to numeric as necessary.

df1[] <- lapply(df1, function(x) {
    if(is.factor(x)) as.numeric(as.character(x)) else x
sapply(df1, class)
#         a         b 
# "numeric" "numeric" 

Overlapping elements in CSS

You can try using the transform: translate property by passing the appropriate values inside the parenthesis using the inspect element in Google chrome.

You have to set translate property in such way that both the <div> overlap each other then You can use JavaScript to show and hide both the <div> according to your requirements

Using :focus to style outer div?

Other posters have already explained why the :focus pseudo class is insufficient, but finally there is a CSS-based standard solution.

CSS Selectors Level 4 defines a new pseudo class:


From MDN:

The :focus-within CSS pseudo-class matches any element that the :focus pseudo-class matches or that has a descendant that the :focus pseudo-class matches. (This includes descendants in shadow trees.)

So now with the :focus-within pseudo class - styling the outer div when the textarea gets clicked becomes trivial.

.box:focus-within {
    border: thin solid black;

.box {_x000D_
    width: 300px;_x000D_
    height: 300px;_x000D_
    border: 5px dashed red;_x000D_
.box:focus-within {_x000D_
    border: 5px solid green;_x000D_
<p>The outer box border changes when the textarea gets focus.</p>_x000D_
<div class="box">_x000D_
    <textarea rows="10" cols="25"></textarea>_x000D_

Codepen demo

NB: Browser Support : Chrome (60+), Firefox and Safari

adding onclick event to dynamically added button?

I was having a similar issue but none of these fixes worked. The problem was that my button was not yet on the page. The fix for this ended up being going from this:

//Bad code.
var btn = document.createElement('button');
btn.onClick = function() {  console.log("hey");  }

to this:

//Working Code.  I don't like it, but it works. 
var btn = document.createElement('button');
var wrapper = document.createElement('div');

var buttons = wrapper.getElementsByTagName("BUTTON");
buttons[0].onclick = function(){  console.log("hey");  }

I have no clue at all why this works. Adding the button to the page and referring to it any other way did not work.

How do I write a Python dictionary to a csv file?

You are using DictWriter.writerows() which expects a list of dicts, not a dict. You want DictWriter.writerow() to write a single row.

You will also want to use DictWriter.writeheader() if you want a header for you csv file.

You also might want to check out the with statement for opening files. It's not only more pythonic and readable but handles closing for you, even when exceptions occur.

Example with these changes made:

import csv

my_dict = {"test": 1, "testing": 2}

with open('mycsvfile.csv', 'w') as f:  # You will need 'wb' mode in Python 2.x
    w = csv.DictWriter(f, my_dict.keys())

Which produces:


Laravel Advanced Wheres how to pass variable into function?

You can pass the necessary variables from the parent scope into the closure with the use keyword.

For example:

DB::table('users')->where(function ($query) use ($activated) {
    $query->where('activated', '=', $activated);

More on that here.

EDIT (2019 update):

PHP 7.4 (will be released at November 28, 2019) introduces a shorter variation of the anonymous functions called arrow functions which makes this a bit less verbose.

An example using PHP 7.4 which is functionally nearly equivalent (see the 3rd bullet point below):

DB::table('users')->where(fn($query) => $query->where('activated', '=', $activated))->get();

Differences compared to the regular syntax:

  • fn keyword instead of function.
  • No need to explicitly list all variables which should be captured from the parent scope - this is now done automatically by-value. See the lack of use keyword in the latter example.
  • Arrow functions always return a value. This also means that it's impossible to use void return type when declaring them.
  • The return keyword must be omitted.
  • Arrow functions must have a single expression which is the return statement. Multi-line functions aren't supported at the moment. You can still chain methods though.

How to change the background colour's opacity in CSS

Not too sure to add opacity via CSS is such a good idea.
Opacity has that funny way to be applied to all content and childs from where you set it, with unexpected results in mixed of colours.
It has no really purpose in that case , for a bg color, in my opinion.
If you'd like to lay it hover the bg image, then you may use multiple backgrounds.
this color transparent could be applyed via an extra png repeated (or not with background-position),
CSS gradient (radial-) linear-gradient with rgba colors (starting and ending with same color) can achieve this as well. They are treated as background-image and can be used as filter.
Idem for text, if you want them a bit transparent, use rgba (okay to put text-shadow together).

I think that today, we can drop funny behavior of CSS opacity.

Here is a mixed of rgba used for opacity if you are curious

SQL Query for Student mark functionality

My attempt - I'd start with the max mark and build from there


  StudentId int,
  Name nvarchar(30),
  Details nvarchar(30)
  SubjectId int,
  Name nvarchar(30)
  StudentId int,
  SubjectId int,
  Mark int


INSERT INTO Student (StudentId, Name, Details) 
VALUES (1,'Alfred','AA'), (2,'Betty','BB'), (3,'Chris','CC')

INSERT INTO Subject (SubjectId, Name)
VALUES (1,'Maths'), (2, 'Science'), (3, 'English')

INSERT INTO Marks (StudentId, SubjectId, Mark)

My query would have been:

;WITH MaxMarks AS (
  SELECT SubjectId, MAX(Mark) as MaxMark
    FROM Marks
    GROUP BY SubjectId
SELECT s.Name as [StudentName], sub.Name AS [SubjectName],m.Mark
FROM MaxMarks mm
ON m.SubjectId = mm.SubjectId 
AND m.Mark = mm.MaxMark
INNER JOIN Student s
ON s.StudentId = m.StudentId
INNER JOIN Subject sub
ON sub.SubjectId = mm.SubjectId

SQL Fiddle Example

  1. Find the max mark for each subject
  2. Join Marks, Student and Subject to find the relevant details of that highest mark

This also take care of duplicate students with the highest mark


Alfred  English     87
Betty   Maths           82
Chris   Maths           82
Chris   Science     83

What is C# analog of C++ std::pair?

I created a C# implementation of Tuples, which solves the problem generically for between two and five values - here's the blog post, which contains a link to the source.

Error "can't load package: package my_prog: found packages my_prog and main"

Make sure that your package is installed in your $GOPATH directory or already inside your workspace/package.

For example: if your $GOPATH = "c:\go", make sure that the package inside C:\Go\src\pkgName

Checking if a variable is an integer in PHP

When i start reading it i did notice that you guys forgot about abvious think like type of to check if we have int, string, null or Boolean. So i think gettype() should be as 1st answer. Explain: So if we have $test = [1,w2,3.45,sasd]; we start test it

foreach ($test as $value) {
        $check = gettype($value);
        if($check == 'integer'){
            echo "This var is int\r\n";
        if($check != 'integer'){
            echo "This var is {$check}\r\n";

And output:

> This var is int 
> This var is string 
> This var is double 
> This var is string

I think this is easiest way to check if our var is int, string, double or Boolean.

Multiple contexts with the same path error running web service in Eclipse using Tomcat

Remove the space or empty line in server.xml or context.xml at the beginning of your code

How can I clone an SQL Server database on the same server in SQL Server 2008 Express?

Right-click the database to clone, click Tasks, click Copy Database.... Follow the wizard and you're done.

How to mount a host directory in a Docker container

For Windows 10 users, it is important to have the mount point inside the C:/Users/ directory. I tried for hours to get this to work. This post helped but it was not obvious at first as the solution for Windows 10 is a comment to an accepted answer. This is how I did it:

docker run -it -p 12001:80 -v //c/Users/C/Desktop/dockerStorage:/root/sketches \
<your-image-here> /bin/bash

Then to test it, you can do echo TEST > hostTest.txt inside your image. You should be able to see this new file in the local host folder at C:/Users/C/Desktop/dockerStorage/.

How to run function of parent window when child window closes?

Along with jerjer answer(top), sometimes in your parent window and child window are not both external or both internal you will see a problem of opener undefined, and you cannot access parent page properties, see window.opener is undefined on Internet Explorer

SSIS how to set connection string dynamically from a config file

These answers are right, but old and works for Depoloyement Package Model. What I Actually needed is to change the server name, database name of a connection manager and i found this very helpful:

Better for people using SQL Server 2012-2014-2016 ... with Deployment Project Model

How to convert date to timestamp?

In case you came here looking for current timestamp

var date      = new Date();
var timestamp = date.getTime();

or simply

new Date().getTime();
//console.log(new Date().getTime());

Return 0 if field is null in MySQL


IFNULL(expr1, 0)

From the documentation:

If expr1 is not NULL, IFNULL() returns expr1; otherwise it returns expr2. IFNULL() returns a numeric or string value, depending on the context in which it is used.

IE8 support for CSS Media Query

Taken from the css3mediaqueries.js project page.

Note: Doesn't work on @import'ed stylesheets (which you shouldn't use anyway for performance reasons). Also won't listen to the media attribute of the <link> and <style> elements.

How to remove entity with ManyToMany relationship in JPA (and corresponding join table rows)?

This is what I ended up doing. Hopefully someone might find it useful.

public void deleteGroup(Long groupId) {
    Group group = groupRepository.findById(groupId).orElseThrow();
    group.getUsers().forEach(u -> u.getGroups().remove(group));

Sql server - log is full due to ACTIVE_TRANSACTION

Restarting the SQL Server will clear up the log space used by your database. If this however is not an option, you can try the following:

* Issue a CHECKPOINT command to free up log space in the log file.

* Check the available log space with DBCC SQLPERF('logspace'). If only a small 
  percentage of your log file is actually been used, you can try a DBCC SHRINKFILE 
  command. This can however possibly introduce corruption in your database. 

* If you have another drive with space available you can try to add a file there in 
  order to get enough space to attempt to resolve the issue.

Hope this will help you in finding your solution.

Getting list of files in documents folder

Simple and dynamic solution (Swift 5):

extension FileManager {

  class func directoryUrl() -> URL? {
      let paths = FileManager.default.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask)
      return paths.first

  class func allRecordedData() -> [URL]? {
     if let documentsUrl = FileManager.directoryUrl() {
        do {
            let directoryContents = try FileManager.default.contentsOfDirectory(at: documentsUrl, includingPropertiesForKeys: nil)
            return directoryContents.filter{ $0.pathExtension == "m4a" }
        } catch {
            return nil
     return nil

How do I fix MSB3073 error in my post-build event?

I was getting this error after downloading some source code from Github. Specifically the rust oxide development framework. My problem is that the Steam.ps1 script file, that's used to update some of the dlls from Steam was blocked by the OS. I had to open the files properties an UNBLOCK it. I had not realized this was done to ps1 files as well as exes.

Split array into two parts without for loop in java

You can use System.arraycopy().

int[] source = new int[1000];

int[] part1 = new int[500];
int[] part2 = new int[500];

//              (src   , src-offset  , dest , offset, count)
System.arraycopy(source, 0           , part1, 0     , part1.length);
System.arraycopy(source, part1.length, part2, 0     , part2.length);

How do I 'svn add' all unversioned files to SVN?

I think I've done something similar with:

svn add . --recursive

but not sure if my memory is correct ;-p

C# Timer or Thread.Sleep

I would have to say a sleep is a better implementation with a state machine behind it. This would still keep you in control of the application at all times, but allowing any response needed at any specific time. This also will handle timer callbacks that are shorter than the "Processing execution time in the loop"

For example..

<!-- language: c# -->
public enum State
    Idle = 0,
    Processing = 1,
    Stop = 100,
public void Run()
    State state = State.Idle;   // could be a member variable, so a service could stop this too

    double intervalInSeconds = 60;
    System.DateTime nextExecution = System.DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(intervalInSeconds);
    while (state != State.Stop)
        switch (state)
            case State.Idle:
                    if (nextExecution > System.DateTime.Now)
                        state = State.Processing;
            case State.Processing:
                    // do your once-per-minute code here

                    // if you want it to stop, just set it state to stop.
                    // if this was a service, you could stop execution by setting state to stop, also
                    // only time it would not stop is if it was waiting for the process to finish, which you can handle in other ways

                    state = State.Idle;
                    nextExecution = System.DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(intervalInSeconds);


MYSQL query between two timestamps

SELECT * FROM `orders` WHERE `order_date_time`  BETWEEN 1534809600 AND 1536718364

Set background colour of cell to RGB value of data in cell

Setting the Color property alone will guarantee an exact match. Excel 2003 can only handle 56 colors at once. The good news is that you can assign any rgb value at all to those 56 slots (which are called ColorIndexs). When you set a cell's color using the Color property this causes Excel to use the nearest "ColorIndex". Example: Setting a cell to RGB 10,20,50 (or 3281930) will actually cause it to be set to color index 56 which is 51,51,51 (or 3355443).

If you want to be assured you got an exact match, you need to change a ColorIndex to the RGB value you want and then change the Cell's ColorIndex to said value. However you should be aware that by changing the value of a color index you change the color of all cells already using that color within the workbook. To give an example, Red is ColorIndex 3. So any cell you made Red you actually made ColorIndex 3. And if you redefine ColorIndex 3 to be say, purple, then your cell will indeed be made purple, but all other red cells in the workbook will also be changed to purple.

There are several strategies to deal with this. One way is to choose an index not yet in use, or just one that you think will not be likely to be used. Another way is to change the RGB value of the nearest ColorIndex so your change will be subtle. The code I have posted below takes this approach. Taking advantage of the knowledge that the nearest ColorIndex is assigned, it assigns the RGB value directly to the cell (thereby yielding the nearest color) and then assigns the RGB value to that index.

Sub Example()
    Dim lngColor As Long
    lngColor = RGB(10, 20, 50)
    With Range("A1").Interior
        .Color = lngColor
        ActiveWorkbook.Colors(.ColorIndex) = lngColor
    End With
End Sub

What is the difference between SOAP 1.1, SOAP 1.2, HTTP GET & HTTP POST methods for Android?

Differences in SOAP versions

Both SOAP Version 1.1 and SOAP Version 1.2 are World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) standards. Web services can be deployed that support not only SOAP 1.1 but also support SOAP 1.2. Some changes from SOAP 1.1 that were made to the SOAP 1.2 specification are significant, while other changes are minor.

The SOAP 1.2 specification introduces several changes to SOAP 1.1. This information is not intended to be an in-depth description of all the new or changed features for SOAP 1.1 and SOAP 1.2. Instead, this information highlights some of the more important differences between the current versions of SOAP.

The changes to the SOAP 1.2 specification that are significant include the following updates: SOAP 1.1 is based on XML 1.0. SOAP 1.2 is based on XML Information Set (XML Infoset). The XML information set (infoset) provides a way to describe the XML document with XSD schema. However, the infoset does not necessarily serialize the document with XML 1.0 serialization on which SOAP 1.1 is based.. This new way to describe the XML document helps reveal other serialization formats, such as a binary protocol format. You can use the binary protocol format to compact the message into a compact format, where some of the verbose tagging information might not be required.

In SOAP 1.2 , you can use the specification of a binding to an underlying protocol to determine which XML serialization is used in the underlying protocol data units. The HTTP binding that is specified in SOAP 1.2 - Part 2 uses XML 1.0 as the serialization of the SOAP message infoset.

SOAP 1.2 provides the ability to officially define transport protocols, other than using HTTP, as long as the vendor conforms to the binding framework that is defined in SOAP 1.2. While HTTP is ubiquitous, it is not as reliable as other transports including TCP/IP and MQ. SOAP 1.2 provides a more specific definition of the SOAP processing model that removes many of the ambiguities that might lead to interoperability errors in the absence of the Web Services-Interoperability (WS-I) profiles. The goal is to significantly reduce the chances of interoperability issues between different vendors that use SOAP 1.2 implementations. SOAP with Attachments API for Java (SAAJ) can also stand alone as a simple mechanism to issue SOAP requests. A major change to the SAAJ specification is the ability to represent SOAP 1.1 messages and the additional SOAP 1.2 formatted messages. For example, SAAJ Version 1.3 introduces a new set of constants and methods that are more conducive to SOAP 1.2 (such as getRole(), getRelay()) on SOAP header elements. There are also additional methods on the factories for SAAJ to create appropriate SOAP 1.1 or SOAP 1.2 messages. The XML namespaces for the envelope and encoding schemas have changed for SOAP 1.2. These changes distinguish SOAP processors from SOAP 1.1 and SOAP 1.2 messages and supports changes in the SOAP schema, without affecting existing implementations. Java Architecture for XML Web Services (JAX-WS) introduces the ability to support both SOAP 1.1 and SOAP 1.2. Because JAX-RPC introduced a requirement to manipulate a SOAP message as it traversed through the run time, there became a need to represent this message in its appropriate SOAP context. In JAX-WS, a number of additional enhancements result from the support for SAAJ 1.3.

There is not difine POST AND GET method for particular android....but all here is differance

GET The GET method appends name/value pairs to the URL, allowing you to retrieve a resource representation. The big issue with this is that the length of a URL is limited (roughly 3000 char) resulting in data loss should you have to much stuff in the form on your page, so this method only works if there is a small number parameters.

What does this mean for me? Basically this renders the GET method worthless to most developers in most situations. Here is another way of looking at it: the URL could be truncated (and most likely will be give today's data-centric sites) if the form uses a large number of parameters, or if the parameters contain large amounts of data. Also, parameters passed on the URL are visible in the address field of the browser (YIKES!!!) not the best place for any kind of sensitive (or even non-sensitive) data to be shown because you are just begging the curious user to mess with it.

POST The alternative to the GET method is the POST method. This method packages the name/value pairs inside the body of the HTTP request, which makes for a cleaner URL and imposes no size limitations on the forms output, basically its a no-brainer on which one to use. POST is also more secure but certainly not safe. Although HTTP fully supports CRUD, HTML 4 only supports issuing GET and POST requests through its various elements. This limitation has held Web applications back from making full use of HTTP, and to work around it, most applications overload POST to take care of everything but resource retrieval.

Link to original IBM source

Android Error - Open Failed ENOENT

With sdk, you can't write to the root of internal storage. This cause your error.

Edit :

Based on your code, to use internal storage with sdk:

final File dir = new File(context.getFilesDir() + "/nfs/guille/groce/users/nicholsk/workspace3/SQLTest");
dir.mkdirs(); //create folders where write files
final File file = new File(dir, "BlockForTest.txt");

Unable to resolve host "<URL here>" No address associated with host name

"" it seems you are trying to resolve this host , which is invalid.

Check for rss URL

Update Following are the possibilities

1 Your browser is configured with proxy, app not

System.setProperty("http.proxyHost", "");
System.setProperty("http.proxyPort", "1234");

2 Your browser has access to internet. not app

3 can be an SSL issue if URL is secured

Changing image size in Markdown

With certain Markdown implementations (including Mou and Marked 2 (only macOS)) you can append =WIDTHxHEIGHT after the URL of the graphic file to resize the image. Do not forget the space before the =.

![](./pic/pic1_50.png =100x20)

You can skip the HEIGHT

![](./pic/pic1s.png =250x)

jquery: $(window).scrollTop() but no $(window).scrollBottom()

var scrolltobottom = document.documentElement.scrollHeight - $(this).outerHeight() - $(this).scrollTop();

URL Encode a string in jQuery for an AJAX request

I'm using MVC3/EntityFramework as back-end, the front-end consumes all of my project controllers via jquery, posting directly (using $.post) doesnt requires the data encription, when you pass params directly other than URL hardcoded. I already tested several chars i even sent an URL(this one as a parameter and had no issue at all even though encodeURIComponent works great when you pass all data in within the URL (hardcoded)

Hardcoded URL i.e.>

 var encodedName = encodeURIComponent(name);
 var url = "ControllerName/ActionName/" + encodedName + "/" + keyword + "/" + description + "/" + linkUrl + "/" + includeMetrics + "/" + typeTask + "/" + project + "/" + userCreated + "/" + userModified + "/" + status + "/" + parent;; // + name + "/" + keyword + "/" + description + "/" + linkUrl + "/" + includeMetrics + "/" + typeTask + "/" + project + "/" + userCreated + "/" + userModified + "/" + status + "/" + parent;

Otherwise dont use encodeURIComponent and instead try passing params in within the ajax post method

 var url = "ControllerName/ActionName/";   
        { name: nameVal, fkKeyword: keyword, description: descriptionVal, linkUrl: linkUrlVal, includeMetrics: includeMetricsVal, FKTypeTask: typeTask, FKProject: project, FKUserCreated: userCreated, FKUserModified: userModified, FKStatus: status, FKParent: parent },
 function (data) {.......});

How to test if a string is JSON or not?

In addition to previous answers, in case of you need to validate a JSON format like "{}", you can use the following code:

const validateJSON = (str) => {
  try {
    const json = JSON.parse(str);
    if (,-1) !== 'Object') {
      return false;
  } catch (e) {
    return false;
  return true;

Examples of usage:

validateJSON('{ "Id": 1, "Name": "Coke" }')

How do I install Keras and Theano in Anaconda Python on Windows?

The trick is that you need to create an environment/workspace for Python. This solution should work for Python 2.7 but at the time of writing keras can run on python 3.5, especially if you have the latest anaconda installed (this took me awhile to figure out so I'll outline the steps I took to install KERAS in python 3.5):

Create environment/workspace for Python 3.5

  1. C:\conda create --name neuralnets python=3.5
  2. C:\activate neuralnets

Install everything (notice the neuralnets workspace in parenthesis on each line). Accept any dependencies each of those steps wants to install:

  1. (neuralnets) C:\conda install theano
  2. (neuralnets) C:\conda install mingw libpython
  3. (neuralnets) C:\pip install tensorflow
  4. (neuralnets) C:\pip install keras

Test it out:

(neuralnets) C:\python -c "from keras import backend; print(backend._BACKEND)"

Just remember, if you want to work in the workspace you always have to do:

C:\activate neuralnets

so you can launch Jupyter for example (assuming you also have Jupyter installed in this environment/workspace) as:

C:\activate neuralnets
(neuralnets) jupyter notebook

You can read more about managing and creating conda environments/workspaces at the follwing URL:

pip install mysql-python fails with EnvironmentError: mysql_config not found

You can use the MySQL Connector/Python

Installation via PyPip

pip install mysql-connector-python

Further information can be found on the MySQL Connector/Python 1.0.5 beta announcement blog.

On Launchpad there's a good example of how to add-, edit- or remove data with the library.

What does the "+=" operator do in Java?

It is XOR operator. It is use to do bit operations on numbers. It has the behavior such that when you do a xor operation on same bits say 0 XOR 0 / 1 XOR 1 the result is 0. But if any of the bits is different then result is 1. So when you did 5^3 then you can look at these numbers 5, 6 in their binary forms and thus the expression becomes (101) XOR (110) which gives the result (011) whose decimal representation is 3.

Specifying colClasses in the read.csv

The colClasses vector must have length equal to the number of imported columns. Supposing the rest of your dataset columns are 5:


Tomcat Server Error - Port 8080 already in use

For Ubuntu users with the same problem (e.g. Eclipse crash during debug) do a netstat -a -p | grep 8095 (or any other port number if the Tomcat server), then kill -9 that process.

How to install psycopg2 with "pip" on Python?

I've done this before where in windows you install first into your base python installation.

Then, you manually copy the installed psycopg2 to the virtualenv install.

It's not pretty, but it works.

How can I use a reportviewer control in an mvc 3 razor view?

There's a MvcReportViewer helper in NuGet.

And this is the details:

I have using this. It works great.

How to convert numbers between hexadecimal and decimal

Try using BigNumber in C# - Represents an arbitrarily large signed integer.


using System.Numerics;
var bigNumber = BigInteger.Parse("837593454735734579347547357233757342857087879423437472347757234945743");



Possible Exceptions,

ArgumentNullException - value is null.

FormatException - value is not in the correct format.


You can convert string and store a value in BigNumber without constraints about the size of the number unless the string is empty and non-analphabets

Remove ALL styling/formatting from hyperlinks

As Chris said before me, just an a should override. For example:

a { color:red; }
a:hover { color:blue; }
.nav a { color:green; }

In this instance the .nav a would ALWAYS be green, the :hover wouldn't apply to it.

If there's some other rule affecting it, you COULD use !important, but you shouldn't. It's a bad habit to fall into.

.nav a { color:green !important; } /*I'm a bad person and shouldn't use !important */

Then it'll always be green, irrelevant of any other rule.

How to display count of notifications in app launcher icon

I have figured out how this is done for Sony devices.

I've blogged about it here. I've also posted a seperate SO question about this here.

Sony devices use a class named BadgeReciever.

  1. Declare the com.sonyericsson.home.permission.BROADCAST_BADGE permission in your manifest file:

  2. Broadcast an Intent to the BadgeReceiver:

    Intent intent = new Intent();
    intent.putExtra("com.sonyericsson.home.intent.extra.badge.ACTIVITY_NAME", "com.yourdomain.yourapp.MainActivity");
    intent.putExtra("com.sonyericsson.home.intent.extra.badge.SHOW_MESSAGE", true);
    intent.putExtra("com.sonyericsson.home.intent.extra.badge.MESSAGE", "99");
    intent.putExtra("com.sonyericsson.home.intent.extra.badge.PACKAGE_NAME", "com.yourdomain.yourapp");
  3. Done. Once this Intent is broadcast the launcher should show a badge on your application icon.

  4. To remove the badge again, simply send a new broadcast, this time with SHOW_MESSAGE set to false:

    intent.putExtra("com.sonyericsson.home.intent.extra.badge.SHOW_MESSAGE", false);

I've excluded details on how I found this to keep the answer short, but it's all available in the blog. Might be an interesting read for someone.

How to use hex() without 0x in Python?

>>> format(3735928559, 'x')

How to set bot's status

Simple way to initiate the message on startup:

bot.on('ready', () => {
        game: {
            name: 'with depression',
            type: "STREAMING",
            url: ""

You can also just declare it elsewhere after startup, to change the message as needed:

bot.user.setPresence({ game: { name: 'with depression', type: "streaming", url: ""}}); 

What's the reason I can't create generic array types in Java?

In my case, I simply wanted an array of stacks, something like this:

Stack<SomeType>[] stacks = new Stack<SomeType>[2];

Since this was not possible, I used the following as a workaround:

  1. Created a non-generic wrapper class around Stack (say MyStack)
  2. MyStack[] stacks = new MyStack[2] worked perfectly well

Ugly, but Java is happy.

Note: as mentioned by BrainSlugs83 in the comment to the question, it is totally possible to have arrays of generics in .NET

Can I add background color only for padding?

You can't set colour of the padding.

You will have to create a wrapper element with the desired background colour. Add border to this element and set it's padding.

Look here for an example:

Set selected radio from radio group with a value

Pure JavaScript version:

document.querySelector('input[name="myradio"][value="5"]').checked = true;

Floating point comparison functions for C#

Here's how I solved it, with nullable double extension method.

    public static bool NearlyEquals(this double? value1, double? value2, double unimportantDifference = 0.0001)
        if (value1 != value2)
            if(value1 == null || value2 == null)
                return false;

            return Math.Abs(value1.Value - value2.Value) < unimportantDifference;

        return true;


        double? value1 = 100;
        value1.NearlyEquals(100.01); // will return false
        value1.NearlyEquals(100.000001); // will return true
        value1.NearlyEquals(100.01, 0.1); // will return true

Unable to load DLL (Module could not be found HRESULT: 0x8007007E)

Also faced the same problem when using unmanaged c/c++ dll file in c# environment.

1.Checked the compatibility of dll with 32bit or 64bit CPU.

2.Checked the correct paths of DLL .bin folder, system32/sysWOW64 , or given path.

3.Checked if PDB(Programme Database) files are missing.This video gives you ans best undestand about pdb files.

When running 32-bit C/C++ binary code in 64bit system, could arise this because of platform incompatibility. You can change it from Build>Configuration manager.

If else embedding inside html

In @Patrick McMahon's response, the second comment here ( $first_condition is false and $second_condition is true ) is not entirely accurate:

<?php if($first_condition): ?>
  /*$first_condition is true*/
  <div class="first-condition-true">First Condition is true</div>
<?php elseif($second_condition): ?>
  /*$first_condition is false and $second_condition is true*/
  <div class="second-condition-true">Second Condition is true</div>
<?php else: ?>
  /*$first_condition and $second_condition are false*/
  <div class="first-and-second-condition-false">Conditions are false</div>
<?php endif; ?>

Elseif fires whether $first_condition is true or false, as do additional elseif statements, if there are multiple.

I am no PHP expert, so I don't know whether that's the correct way to say IF this OR that ELSE that or if there is another/better way to code it in PHP, but this would be an important distinction to those looking for OR conditions versus ELSE conditions.

Source is and my own experience.

Drop all tables command

Once you've dropped all the tables (and the indexes will disappear when the table goes) then there's nothing left in a SQLite database as far as I know, although the file doesn't seem to shrink (from a quick test I just did).

So deleting the file would seem to be fastest - it should just be recreated when your app tries to access the db file.

PowerMockito mock single static method and return object

What you want to do is a combination of part of 1 and all of 2.

You need to use the PowerMockito.mockStatic to enable static mocking for all static methods of a class. This means make it possible to stub them using the when-thenReturn syntax.

But the 2-argument overload of mockStatic you are using supplies a default strategy for what Mockito/PowerMock should do when you call a method you haven't explicitly stubbed on the mock instance.

From the javadoc:

Creates class mock with a specified strategy for its answers to interactions. It's quite advanced feature and typically you don't need it to write decent tests. However it can be helpful when working with legacy systems. It is the default answer so it will be used only when you don't stub the method call.

The default default stubbing strategy is to just return null, 0 or false for object, number and boolean valued methods. By using the 2-arg overload, you're saying "No, no, no, by default use this Answer subclass' answer method to get a default value. It returns a Long, so if you have static methods which return something incompatible with Long, there is a problem.

Instead, use the 1-arg version of mockStatic to enable stubbing of static methods, then use when-thenReturn to specify what to do for a particular method. For example:

import static org.mockito.Mockito.*;

import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.mockito.invocation.InvocationOnMock;
import org.mockito.stubbing.Answer;
import org.powermock.api.mockito.PowerMockito;
import org.powermock.core.classloader.annotations.PrepareForTest;
import org.powermock.modules.junit4.PowerMockRunner;

class ClassWithStatics {
  public static String getString() {
    return "String";

  public static int getInt() {
    return 1;

public class StubJustOneStatic {
  public void test() {


    System.out.println("String: " + ClassWithStatics.getString());
    System.out.println("Int: " + ClassWithStatics.getInt());

The String-valued static method is stubbed to return "Hello!", while the int-valued static method uses the default stubbing, returning 0.

How to install SignTool.exe for Windows 10

It's 2019 now :) For anyone wondering, here's where you'll find it:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\App Certification Kit


enter image description here

Edit: Still in the same place in 2020.

How to test REST API using Chrome's extension "Advanced Rest Client"

With latest ARC for GET request with authentication need to add a raw header named Authorization:authtoken.

Please find the screen shot Get request with authentication and query params

To add Query param click on drop down arrow on left side of URL box.

Date query with ISODate in mongodb doesn't seem to work

Try this:

{ "dt" : { "$gte" : ISODate("2013-10-01") } }

how to change color of TextinputLayout's label and edittext underline android

Add this attribute in Edittext tag and enjoy:


Directory-tree listing in Python

#import modules
import os


def rec_tree_traverse(curr_dir, indent):
    "recurcive function to traverse the directory"
    #print "[traverse_tree]"

    try :
        dfList = [os.path.join(curr_dir, f_or_d) for f_or_d in os.listdir(curr_dir)]
        print "wrong path name/directory name"

    for file_or_dir in dfList:

        if os.path.isdir(file_or_dir):
            #print "dir  : ",
            print indent, file_or_dir,"\\"
            rec_tree_traverse(file_or_dir, indent*2)

        if os.path.isfile(file_or_dir):
            #print "file : ",
            print indent, file_or_dir

    #end if for loop
#end of traverse_tree()

def main():

    base_dir = _CURRENT_DIR

    rec_tree_traverse(base_dir," ")

    raw_input("enter any key to exit....")
#end of main()

if __name__ == '__main__':

Multiline input form field using Bootstrap

The answer by Nick Mitchinson is for Bootstrap version 2.

If you are using Bootstrap version 3, then forms have changed a bit. For bootstrap 3, use the following instead:

<div class="form-horizontal">
    <div class="form-group">
        <div class="col-md-6">
            <textarea class="form-control" rows="3" placeholder="What's up?" required></textarea>

Where, col-md-6 will target medium sized devices. You can add col-xs-6 etc to target smaller devices.

how to overlap two div in css?

See demo here you need to introduce an additiona calss for second div

    top: -30px;
position: relative;
left: 30px;

How can I convert an Integer to localized month name in Java?

Just inserting the line


will do the trick.

How do I put two increment statements in a C++ 'for' loop?

int main(){
    int i=0;
    int a=0;
        printf("%d %d\n",a,i);

Copy multiple files with Ansible

You can use with_together for this purpose:

- name: Copy multiple files to multiple directories
  copy: src={{ item.0 }} dest={{ item.1 }}
    - [ 'file1', 'file2', 'file3' ]
    - [ '/dir1/', '/dir2/', '/dir3/' ]

How to convert the time from AM/PM to 24 hour format in PHP?

PHP 5.3+ solution.

$new_time = DateTime::createFromFormat('h:i A', '01:00 PM');
$time_24 = $new_time->format('H:i:s');

Output: 13:00:00

Works great when formatting date is required. Check This Answer for details.

Sending images using Http Post

I usually do this in the thread handling the json response:

try {
  Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream((InputStream)new URL(imageUrl).getContent());
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {

If you need to do transformations on the image, you'll want to create a Drawable instead of a Bitmap.

How to close a GUI when I push a JButton?

See JFrame.setDefaultCloseOperation(DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE)1. You might also use EXIT_ON_CLOSE, but it is better to explicitly clean up any running threads, then when the last GUI element becomes invisible, the EDT & JRE will end.

The 'button' to invoke this operation is already on a frame.

  1. See this answer to How to best position Swing GUIs? for a demo. of the DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE functionality.

    The JRE will end after all 3 frames are closed by clicking the X button.

Import SQL file by command line in Windows 7

First open Your cmd pannel And enter mysql -u root -p (And Hit Enter) After cmd ask's for mysql password (if you have mysql password so enter now and hit enter again) now type source mysqldata.sql(Hit Enter) Your database will import without any error

"The page has expired due to inactivity" - Laravel 5.5

I had the same problem but the problem is not in the framework but in the browser. I don't know why but google chrome blocks cookies automatically, in my case. After allowed cookies the problem was resolved.

What is the idiomatic Go equivalent of C's ternary operator?

As others have noted, golang does not have a ternary operator or any equivalent. This is a deliberate decision thought to intend readability.

This recently lead me to a scenario constructing a bit-mask in a very efficient manner became hard to read when written idiomatically because it took up a lot of lines of screen, very inefficient when encapsulated as a function, or both, as the code produces branches:

package lib

func maskIfTrue(mask uint64, predicate bool) uint64 {
  if predicate {
    return mask
  return 0


        text    "".maskIfTrue(SB), NOSPLIT|ABIInternal, $0-24
        funcdata        $0, gclocals·33cdeccccebe80329f1fdbee7f5874cb(SB)
        funcdata        $1, gclocals·33cdeccccebe80329f1fdbee7f5874cb(SB)
        movblzx "".predicate+16(SP), AX
        testb   AL, AL
        jeq     maskIfTrue_pc20
        movq    "".mask+8(SP), AX
        movq    AX, "".~r2+24(SP)
        movq    $0, "".~r2+24(SP)

What I learned from this was to leverage a little more Go; using a named result in the function (result int) saves me a line declaring it in the function (and you can do the same with captures), but the compiler also recognizes this idiom (only assign a value IF) and replaces it - if possible - with a conditional instruction.

func zeroOrOne(predicate bool) (result int) {
  if predicate {
    result = 1

producing a branch-free result:

    movblzx "".predicate+8(SP), AX
    movq    AX, "".result+16(SP)

which go then freely inlines.

package lib

func zeroOrOne(predicate bool) (result int) {
  if predicate {
    result = 1

type Vendor1 struct {
    Property1 int
    Property2 float32
    Property3 bool

// Vendor2 bit positions.
const (
    Property1Bit = 2
    Property2Bit = 3
    Property3Bit = 5

func Convert1To2(v1 Vendor1) (result int) {
    result |= zeroOrOne(v1.Property1 == 1) << Property1Bit
    result |= zeroOrOne(v1.Property2 < 0.0) << Property2Bit
    result |= zeroOrOne(v1.Property3) << Property3Bit


    movq    "".v1+8(SP), AX
    cmpq    AX, $1
    seteq   AL
    xorps   X0, X0
    movss   "".v1+16(SP), X1
    ucomiss X1, X0
    sethi   CL
    movblzx AL, AX
    shlq    $2, AX
    movblzx CL, CX
    shlq    $3, CX
    orq     CX, AX
    movblzx "".v1+20(SP), CX
    shlq    $5, CX
    orq     AX, CX
    movq    CX, "".result+24(SP)

How to get default gateway in Mac OSX

For getting the list of ip addresses associated, you can use netstat command

netstat -rn 

This gives a long list of ip addresses and it is not easy to find the required field. The sample result is as following:

Routing tables
Destination        Gateway            Flags        Refs      Use   Netif Expire
default        UGSc           17        0     en2
127                UCS             0        0     lo0          UH              1   254107     lo0
169.254            link#7             UCS             0        0     en2
192.168.195        link#7             UCS             3        0     en2      0:27:22:67:35:ee   UHLWIi         22      397     en2   1193          UHS             0        0     lo0

More result is truncated.......

The ip address of gateway is in the first line; one with default at its first column.

To display only the selected lines of result, we can use grep command along with netstat

netstat -rn | grep 'default'

This command filters and displays those lines of result having default. In this case, you can see result like following:

default        UGSc           14        0     en2

If you are interested in finding only the ip address of gateway and nothing else you can further filter the result using awk. The awk command matches pattern in the input result and displays the output. This can be useful when you are using your result directly in some program or batch job.

netstat -rn | grep 'default' | awk '{print $2}'

The awk command tells to match and print the second column of the result in the text. The final result thus looks like this:

In this case, netstat displays all result, grep only selects the line with 'default' in it, and awk further matches the pattern to display the second column in the text.

You can similarly use route -n get default command to get the required result. The full command is

route -n get default | grep 'gateway' | awk '{print $2}'

These commands work well in linux as well as unix systems and MAC OS.

Replace part of a string with another string

To have the new string returned use this:

std::string ReplaceString(std::string subject, const std::string& search,
                          const std::string& replace) {
    size_t pos = 0;
    while ((pos = subject.find(search, pos)) != std::string::npos) {
         subject.replace(pos, search.length(), replace);
         pos += replace.length();
    return subject;

If you need performance, here is an optimized function that modifies the input string, it does not create a copy of the string:

void ReplaceStringInPlace(std::string& subject, const std::string& search,
                          const std::string& replace) {
    size_t pos = 0;
    while ((pos = subject.find(search, pos)) != std::string::npos) {
         subject.replace(pos, search.length(), replace);
         pos += replace.length();


std::string input = "abc abc def";
std::cout << "Input string: " << input << std::endl;

std::cout << "ReplaceString() return value: " 
          << ReplaceString(input, "bc", "!!") << std::endl;
std::cout << "ReplaceString() input string not modified: " 
          << input << std::endl;

ReplaceStringInPlace(input, "bc", "??");
std::cout << "ReplaceStringInPlace() input string modified: " 
          << input << std::endl;


Input string: abc abc def
ReplaceString() return value: a!! a!! def
ReplaceString() input string not modified: abc abc def
ReplaceStringInPlace() input string modified: a?? a?? def

How to get the previous URL in JavaScript?

This will navigate to the previously visited URL.


How to solve error "Missing `secret_key_base` for 'production' environment" (Rails 4.1)

I've created config/initializers/secret_key.rb file and I wrote only following line of code:

Rails.application.config.secret_key_base = ENV["SECRET_KEY_BASE"]

But I think that solution posted by @Erik Trautman is more elegant ;)

Edit: Oh, and finally I found this advice on Heroku: :)


How to manage a redirect request after a jQuery Ajax call

Additionally you will probably want to redirect user to the given in headers URL. So finally it will looks like this:

    //.... other definition
        top.location.href = xmlHttp.getResponseHeader('Location');

UPD: Opps. Have the same task, but it not works. Doing this stuff. I'll show you solution when I'll find it.

What Vim command(s) can be used to quote/unquote words?

Here are some simple mappings that can be used to quote and unquote a word:

" 'quote' a word
nnoremap qw :silent! normal mpea'<Esc>bi'<Esc>`pl
" double "quote" a word
nnoremap qd :silent! normal mpea"<Esc>bi"<Esc>`pl
" remove quotes from a word
nnoremap wq :silent! normal mpeld bhd `ph<CR>

std::vector versus std::array in C++

If you are considering using multidimensional arrays, then there is one additional difference between std::array and std::vector. A multidimensional std::array will have the elements packed in memory in all dimensions, just as a c style array is. A multidimensional std::vector will not be packed in all dimensions.

Given the following declarations:

int cConc[3][5];
std::array<std::array<int, 5>, 3> aConc;
int **ptrConc;      // initialized to [3][5] via new and destructed via delete
std::vector<std::vector<int>> vConc;    // initialized to [3][5]

A pointer to the first element in the c-style array (cConc) or the std::array (aConc) can be iterated through the entire array by adding 1 to each preceding element. They are tightly packed.

A pointer to the first element in the vector array (vConc) or the pointer array (ptrConc) can only be iterated through the first 5 (in this case) elements, and then there are 12 bytes (on my system) of overhead for the next vector.

This means that a std::vector> array initialized as a [3][1000] array will be much smaller in memory than one initialized as a [1000][3] array, and both will be larger in memory than a std:array allocated either way.

This also means that you can't simply pass a multidimensional vector (or pointer) array to, say, openGL without accounting for the memory overhead, but you can naively pass a multidimensional std::array to openGL and have it work out.

Javascript validation: Block special characters

Try this one, this function allows alphanumeric and spaces:

function alpha(e) {
    var k;
    document.all ? k = e.keyCode : k = e.which;
    return ((k > 64 && k < 91) || (k > 96 && k < 123) || k == 8 || k == 32 || (k >= 48 && k <= 57));

in your html:

<input type="text" name="name"  onkeypress="return alpha(event)"/>

How to iterate through a table rows and get the cell values using jQuery

Hello every one thanks for the help below is the working code for my question

$("#TableView tr.item").each(function() { 
    var quantity1=$(this).find("").val(); 
    var quantity2=$(this).find("").val(); 

Combine Multiple child rows into one row MYSQL

What you want is called a pivot, and it's not directly supported in MySQL, check this answer out for the options you've got:

How to pivot a MySQL entity-attribute-value schema

How to convert List to Json in Java

Use GSON library for that. Here is the sample code

List<String> foo = new ArrayList<String>();

String json = new Gson().toJson(foo );

Here is the maven dependency for Gson

    <!--  Gson: Java to Json conversion -->

Or you can directly download jar from here and put it in your class path

To send Json to client you can use spring or in simple servlet add this code


What is the most efficient way to create a dictionary of two pandas Dataframe columns?

I found a faster way to solve the problem, at least on realistically large datasets using: df.set_index(KEY).to_dict()[VALUE]

Proof on 50,000 rows:

df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(32, 120, 100000).reshape(50000,2),columns=list('AB'))
df['A'] = df['A'].apply(chr)

%timeit dict(zip(df.A,df.B))
%timeit pd.Series(df.A.values,index=df.B).to_dict()
%timeit df.set_index('A').to_dict()['B']


100 loops, best of 3: 7.04 ms per loop  # WouterOvermeire
100 loops, best of 3: 9.83 ms per loop  # Jeff
100 loops, best of 3: 4.28 ms per loop  # Kikohs (me)

How to export JavaScript array info to csv (on client side)?

A lot of roll-your-own solutions here for converting data to CSV, but just about all of them will have various caveats in terms of the type of data they will correctly format without tripping up Excel or the likes.

Why not use something proven: Papa Parse

Papa.unparse(data[, config])

Then just combine this with one of the local download solutions here eg. the one by @ArneHB looks good.

Complete list of reasons why a css file might not be working

I had the same problem - I changed my text encoding to UTF-16 on my index file and my css file would show up blank when I'd try to load the page in the browser. I figured out by much trial and error that your html and css files have to have the same encoding! I don't know if this would work for you but it did for me.

Make xargs execute the command once for each line of input

It seems I don't have enough reputation to add a comment to Tobia's answer above, so I am adding this "answer" to help those of us wanting to experiment with xargs the same way on the Windows platforms.

Here is a windows batch file that does the same thing as Tobia's quickly coded "show" script:

@echo off
REM  cool trick of using "set" to echo without new line
REM  (from:
if "%~1" == "" (
    exit /b

<nul set /p=Args:  "%~1"

if not "%~1" == "" (
    <nul set /p=, "%~1"
    goto start

How to express a One-To-Many relationship in Django

While rolling stone's answer is good, straightforward and functional, I think there are two things it does not solve.

  1. If OP wanted to enforce a phone number cannot belong to both a Dude and a Business
  2. The inescapable feeling of sadness as a result of defining the relationship on the PhoneNumber model and not on the Dude/Business models. When extra terrestrials come to Earth, and we want to add an Alien model, we need to modify the PhoneNumber (assuming the ETs have phone numbers) instead of simply adding a "phone_numbers" field to the Alien model.

Introduce the content types framework, which exposes some objects that allow us to create a "generic foreign key" on the PhoneNumber model. Then, we can define the reverse relationship on Dude and Business

from django.contrib.contenttypes.fields import GenericForeignKey, GenericRelation
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from django.db import models

class PhoneNumber(models.Model):
    number = models.CharField()

    content_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
    object_id = models.PositiveIntegerField()
    owner = GenericForeignKey()

class Dude(models.Model):
    numbers = GenericRelation(PhoneNumber)

class Business(models.Model):
    numbers = GenericRelation(PhoneNumber)

See the docs for details, and perhaps check out this article for a quick tutorial.

Also, here is an article that argues against the use of Generic FKs.

How to get an element by its href in jquery?

var myElement = $("a[href='']");

git remote add with other SSH port

You can just do this:

git remote add origin ssh://user@host:1234/srv/git/example

1234 is the ssh port being used

A server with the specified hostname could not be found

Just to share my experience

It was caused by the Sharing > Internet Sharing inside System Preferences

I was testing and created NAT64 Network unchecking it solved my problem.

enter image description here

How to find the most recent file in a directory using .NET, and without looping?

private List<FileInfo> GetLastUpdatedFileInDirectory(DirectoryInfo directoryInfo)
    FileInfo[] files = directoryInfo.GetFiles();
    List<FileInfo> lastUpdatedFile = null;
    DateTime lastUpdate = new DateTime(1, 0, 0);
    foreach (FileInfo file in files)
        if (file.LastAccessTime > lastUpdate)
            lastUpdate = file.LastAccessTime;

    return lastUpdatedFile;

AND/OR in Python?

x and y returns true if both x and y are true.
x or y returns if either one is true.

From this we can conclude that or contains and within itself unless you mean xOR (or except if and is true)

How to log in to phpMyAdmin with WAMP, what is the username and password?

In my case it was

username : root
password : mysql

Using : Wamp server 3.1.0

"git pull" or "git merge" between master and development branches

The best approach for this sort of thing is probably git rebase. It allows you to pull changes from master into your development branch, but leave all of your development work "on top of" (later in the commit log) the stuff from master. When your new work is complete, the merge back to master is then very straightforward.

Excel 2013 VBA Clear All Filters macro

Try something like this:

Sub ClearDataFilters()
'Clears filters on the activesheet. Will not clear filters if the sheet is protected.
On Error GoTo Protection
If ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.FilterMode Or _
   ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode Then _

Exit Sub
If Err.Number = 1004 And Err.Description = _ 
    "ShowAllData method of Worksheet class failed" Then
    MsgBox "Unable to Clear Filters. This could be due to protection on the sheet.", _
End If

End Sub

.FilterMode returns true if the worksheet is in filter mode. (See this for more information.)
See this for more information on .AutoFilter.
And finally, this will provide more information about the .ShowAllData method.

Sorting arraylist in alphabetical order (case insensitive)

Unfortunately, all answers so far do not take into account that "a" must not be considered equal to "A" when it comes to sorting.

String[] array = {"b", "A", "C", "B", "a"};

// Approach 1
// array is [A, B, C, a, b]

// Approach 2
Arrays.sort(array, String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER);
// array is [A, a, b, B, C]

// Approach 3
Arrays.sort(array, java.text.Collator.getInstance());
// array is [a, A, b, B, C]

In approach 1 any lower case letters are considered greater than any upper case letters.

Approach 2 makes it worse, since CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER considers "a" and "A" equal (comparation result is 0). This makes sorting non-deterministic.

Approach 3 (using a java.text.Collator) is IMHO the only way of doing it correctly, since it considers "a"and "A" not equal, but puts them in the correct order according to the current (or any other desired) Locale.

Choose File Dialog

I have implemented the Samsung File Selector Dialog, it provides the ability to open, save file, file extension filter, and create new directory in the same dialog I think it worth trying Here is the Link you have to log in to Samsung developer site to view the solution

How do I check if a string is a number (float)?

There is one exception that you may want to take into account: the string 'NaN'

If you want is_number to return FALSE for 'NaN' this code will not work as Python converts it to its representation of a number that is not a number (talk about identity issues):

>>> float('NaN')

Otherwise, I should actually thank you for the piece of code I now use extensively. :)


IF - ELSE IF - ELSE Structure in Excel

Say P7 is a Cell then you can use the following Syntex to check the value of the cell and assign appropriate value to another cell based on this following nested if:


How to "grep" for a filename instead of the contents of a file?

Also for multiple files.

tree /path/to/directory/ | grep -i "file1 \| file2 \| file3"

php exec command (or similar) to not wait for result

"exec nohup setsid your_command"

the nohup allows your_command to continue even though the process that launched may terminate first. If it does, the the SIGNUP signal will be sent to your_command causing it to terminate (unless it catches that signal and ignores it).