[jquery] Set selected radio from radio group with a value

Why am I struggling with this?

I have a value: 5

How do I check the radio button of group "mygroup" with the value of 5?

$("input[name=mygroup]").val(5); // doesn't work?

This question is related to jquery

The answer is

There is a better way of checking radios and checkbox; you have to pass an array of values to the val method instead of a raw value

Note: If you simply pass the value by itself (without being inside an array), that will result in all values of "mygroup" being set to the value.


Here is the jQuery doc that explains how it works: http://api.jquery.com/val/#val-value

And .val([...]) also works with form elements like <input type="checkbox">, <input type="radio">, and <option>s inside of a <select>.

The inputs and the options having a value that matches one of the elements of the array will be checked or selected, while those having a value that don't match one of the elements of the array will be unchecked or unselected

Fiddle demonstrating this working: https://jsfiddle.net/92nekvp3/

$("input[name='RadioTest'][value='2']").prop('checked', true);

JS fiddle Demo

$("input[name='mygroup'][value='5']").attr("checked", true);

Pure JavaScript version:

document.querySelector('input[name="myradio"][value="5"]').checked = true;

When you change attribute value like mentioned above the change event is not triggered so if needed for some reasons you can trigger it like so

$('input[name=video_radio][value="' + r.data.video_radio + '"]')
       .prop('checked', true)

var key = "Name_radio";
var val = "value_radio";
var rdo = $('*[name="' + key + '"]');
if (rdo.attr('type') == "radio") {
 $.each(rdo, function (keyT, valT){
   if ((valT.value == $.trim(val)) && ($.trim(val) != '') && ($.trim(val) != null))

     $('*[name="' + key + '"][value="' + (val) + '"]').prop('checked', true);

Or you can just write value attribute to it:


This works for me.

Try this:


JS Fiddle demo.
