Programs & Examples On #Pipelined function

How to do date/time comparison

For case when your interval's end it's date without hours like "from 2017-01-01 to whole day of 2017-01-16" it's better to adjust interval's to 23 hours 59 minutes and 59 seconds like:

end = end.Add(time.Duration(23*time.Hour) + time.Duration(59*time.Minute) + time.Duration(59*time.Second)) 

if now.After(start) && now.Before(end) {

Parse v. TryParse

TryParse and the Exception Tax

Parse throws an exception if the conversion from a string to the specified datatype fails, whereas TryParse explicitly avoids throwing an exception.

get DATEDIFF excluding weekends using sql server

declare @d1 datetime, @d2 datetime
select @d1 = '4/19/2017',  @d2 = '5/7/2017'

DECLARE @Counter int = datediff(DAY,@d1 ,@d2 )

DECLARE @C int = 0
DECLARE @SUM int = 0

 WHILE  @Counter > 0


SET @Counter = @Counter - 1
set @c = @c +1

select @Sum

sorting integers in order lowest to highest java

There are two options, really:

  1. Use standard collections, as explained by Shakedown
  2. Use Arrays.sort


int[] ints = {11367, 11358, 11421, 11530, 11491, 11218, 11789};

That of course assumes that you already have your integers as an array. If you need to parse those first, look for String.split and Integer.parseInt.

Import mysql DB with XAMPP in command LINE

Do your trouble shooting in controlled steps:

(1) Does the script looks ok?

DOS E:\trials\SoTrials\SoDbTrials\MySQLScripts
type ansi.sql
show databases

(2) Can you connect to your database (even without specified the host)?

DOS E:\trials\SoTrials\SoDbTrials\MySQLScripts
mysql -u root -p mysql
Enter password: ********
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 9
Server version: 5.0.51b-community-nt MySQL Community Edition (GPL)
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

(3) Can you source the script? (Hoping for more/better error info)

mysql> source ansi.sql
| Database           |
| information_schema |
| ...                |
| test               |
7 rows in set (0.01 sec)
mysql> quit

(4) Why does it (still not) work?

DOS E:\trials\SoTrials\SoDbTrials\MySQLScripts
mysql -u root -p mysql < ansi.sql
Enter password: ********

I suspected that the encoding of the script could be the culprit, but I got syntax errors for UTF8 or UTF16 encoded files:

ERROR 1064 (42000) at line 1: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your
MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '´++
show databases' at line 1

This could be a version thing; so I think you should make sure of the encoding of your script.

How to split a string content into an array of strings in PowerShell?

As of PowerShell 2, simple:

$recipients = $addresses -split "; "

Note that the right hand side is actually a case-insensitive regular expression, not a simple match. Use csplit to force case-sensitivity. See about_Split for more details.

How to use unicode characters in Windows command line?

Check the language for non-Unicode programs. If you have problems with Russian in the Windows console, then you should set Russian here:

Changing language for non-Unicode programs

Converting unix time into date-time via excel

=A1/(24*60*60) + DATE(1970;1;1) should work with seconds.

=(A1/86400/1000)+25569 if your time is in milliseconds, so dividing by 1000 gives use the correct date

Don't forget to set the type to Date on your output cell. I tried it with this date: 1504865618099 which is equal to 8-09-17 10:13.

Display text from .txt file in batch file

type log.txt

But that will give you the whole file. You could change it to:

echo %date%, %time% >> log.txt
echo %date%, %time% > log_last.txt
type log_last.txt

to get only the last one.

Hide axis values but keep axis tick labels in matplotlib

Without a subplots, you can universally remove the ticks like this:


Apache HttpClient Android (Gradle)

None of the others worked for me. I had to add the following dependency, as explained here

compile group: '' , name: 'httpclient', version: ''

because I was targeting API 23.

Cannot set some HTTP headers when using System.Net.WebRequest

WebRequest being abstract (and since any inheriting class must override the Headers property).. which concrete WebRequest are you using ? In other words, how do you get that WebRequest object to beign with ?

ehr.. mnour answer made me realize that the error message you were getting is actually spot on: it's telling you that the header you are trying to add already exist and you should then modify its value using the appropriate property (the indexer, for instance), instead of trying to add it again. That's probably all you were looking for.

Other classes inheriting from WebRequest might have even better properties wrapping certain headers; See this post for instance.

Debugging "Element is not clickable at point" error

Apparently this is the result of a "Won't Fix" bug in the Chrome driver binary.

One solution that worked for me (Our Mileage May Vary) can be found in this Google Group discussion, Comment #3:!topic/selenium-developer-activity/DsZ5wFN52tc

The relevant portion is right here:

I've since worked around the issue by navigating directly to the href of the parent anchor of the span.


In my case, I'm using Python, so once I got the desired element, I simply used


I would expect this to only work, however, if the element you are trying to click on is a link...

Javascript Uncaught Reference error Function is not defined

In JSFiddle, when you set the wrapping to "onLoad" or "onDomready", the functions you define are only defined inside that block, and cannot be accessed by outside event handlers.

Easiest fix is to change:

function something(...)


window.something = function(...)

Formatting dates on X axis in ggplot2

To show months as Jan 2017 Feb 2017 etc:

scale_x_date(date_breaks = "1 month", date_labels =  "%b %Y") 

Angle the dates if they take up too much space:

theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=60, hjust=1))

how to have two headings on the same line in html

The Css vertical-align property should help you out here:

vertical-align: bottom;

is what you need for your smaller header :)


Easiest way to convert month name to month number in JS ? (Jan = 01)

If you don't want an array then how about an object?

var months = {
    'Jan' : '01',
    'Feb' : '02',
    'Mar' : '03',
    'Apr' : '04',
    'May' : '05',
    'Jun' : '06',
    'Jul' : '07',
    'Aug' : '08',
    'Sep' : '09',
    'Oct' : '10',
    'Nov' : '11',
    'Dec' : '12'

Boxplot in R showing the mean

I also think chart.Boxplot is the best option, it gives you the position of the mean but if you have a matrix with returns all you need is one line of code to get all the boxplots in one graph.

Here is a small ETF portfolio example.


VTI.prices = get.hist.quote(instrument = "VTI", start= "2007-03-01", end="2013-03-01",
                        quote = c("AdjClose"),provider = "yahoo",origin ="1970-01-01", 
                        compression = "m", retclass = c("zoo"))

VEU.prices = get.hist.quote(instrument = "VEU", start= "2007-03-01", end="2013-03-01",
                        quote = c("AdjClose"),provider = "yahoo",origin ="1970-01-01", 
                        compression = "m", retclass = c("zoo"))

VWO.prices = get.hist.quote(instrument = "VWO", start= "2007-03-01", end="2013-03-01",
                        quote = c("AdjClose"),provider = "yahoo",origin ="1970-01-01", 
                        compression = "m", retclass = c("zoo"))

VNQ.prices = get.hist.quote(instrument = "VNQ", start= "2007-03-01", end="2013-03-01",
                       quote = c("AdjClose"),provider = "yahoo",origin ="1970-01-01", 
                       compression = "m", retclass = c("zoo"))

TLT.prices = get.hist.quote(instrument = "TLT", start= "2007-03-01", end="2013-03-01",
                        quote = c("AdjClose"),provider = "yahoo",origin ="1970-01-01", 
                        compression = "m", retclass = c("zoo"))

TIP.prices = get.hist.quote(instrument = "TIP", start= "2007-03-01", end="2013-03-01",
                         quote = c("AdjClose"),provider = "yahoo",origin ="1970-01-01", 
                         compression = "m", retclass = c("zoo"))

index(VTI.prices) = as.yearmon(index(VTI.prices))
index(VEU.prices) = as.yearmon(index(VEU.prices))
index(VWO.prices) = as.yearmon(index(VWO.prices))

index(VNQ.prices) = as.yearmon(index(VNQ.prices))
index(TLT.prices) = as.yearmon(index(TLT.prices))
index(TIP.prices) = as.yearmon(index(TIP.prices))

Prices.z=merge(VTI.prices, VEU.prices, VWO.prices, VNQ.prices, 
           TLT.prices, TIP.prices)

colnames(Prices.z) = c("VTI", "VEU", "VWO" , "VNQ", "TLT", "TIP")

returnscc.z = diff(log(Prices.z))


Return Matrix

ret.mat = coredata(returnscc.z)

Box Plot of Return Matrix

chart.Boxplot(returnscc.z, names=T, horizontal=TRUE, colorset="darkgreen", as.Tufte =F,
          mean.symbol = 20, median.symbol="|", main="Return Distributions Comparison",
          element.color = "darkgray", outlier.symbol = 20, 
          xlab="Continuously Compounded Returns", sort.ascending=F)

You can try changing the mean.symbol, and remove or change the median.symbol. Hope it helped. :)

Using Python Requests: Sessions, Cookies, and POST

I don't know how stubhub's api works, but generally it should look like this:

s = requests.Session()
data = {"login":"my_login", "password":"my_password"}
url = ""
r =, data=data)

Now your session contains cookies provided by login form. To access cookies of this session simply use


Any further actions like another requests will have this cookie

Express-js can't GET my static files, why?

I find my css file and add a route to it:

app.get('/css/MyCSS.css', function(req, res){
  res.sendFile(__dirname + '/public/css/MyCSS.css');

Then it seems to work.

Python Image Library fails with message "decoder JPEG not available" - PIL

This question was posted quite a while ago and most of the answers are quite old too. So when I spent hours trying to figure this out, nothing worked, and I tried all suggestions in this post.

I was still getting the standard JPEG errors when trying to upload a JPG in my Django avatar form:

raise IOError("decoder %s not available" % decoder_name)
OSError: decoder jpeg not available

Then I checked the repository for Ubuntu 12.04 and noticed some extra packages for libjpeg. I installed these and my problem was solved:

sudo apt-get install libjpeg62 libjpeg62-dev

Installing these removed libjpeg-dev, libjpeg-turbo8-dev, and libjpeg8-dev.

Hope this helps someone in the year 2015 and beyond!


My docker container has no internet

I've had a similar problem for the last few days. For me the cause was a combination of systemd, docker and my hosting provider. I'm running up-to-date CentOS (7.7.1908).

My hosting provider automatically generates a config file for systemd-networkd. Starting with systemd 219 which is the current version for CentOS 7, systemd-networkd took control of network-related sysctl parameters. Docker seems to be incompatible with this version and will reset the IP-Forwarding flags everytime a container is launched.

My solution was to add IPForward=true in the [Network]-section of my provider-generated config file. This file might be in several places, most likely in /etc/systemd/network.

The process is also described in the official docker docs:

Copy Data from a table in one Database to another separate database

SELECT ... INTO creates a new table. You'll need to use INSERT. Also, you have the database and owner names reversed.

INSERT INTO DB1.dbo.TempTable
SELECT * FROM DB2.dbo.TempTable

Counting array elements in Python

Before I saw this, I thought to myself, "I need to make a way to do this!"

for tempVar in arrayName: tempVar+=1

And then I thought, "There must be a simpler way to do this." and I was right.


How to upload image in CodeIgniter?

It seems the problem is you send the form request to welcome/do_upload, and call the Welcome::do_upload() method in another one by $this->do_upload().

Hence when you call the $this->do_upload(); within your second method, the $_FILES array would be empty.

And that's why var_dump($data['upload_data']); returns NULL.

If you want to upload the file from welcome/second_method, send the form request to the welcome/second_method where you call $this->do_upload();.

Then change the form helper function (within the View) as follows1:

// Change the 'second_method' to your method name
echo form_open_multipart('welcome/second_method');

File Uploading with CodeIgniter

CodeIgniter has documented the Uploading process very well, by using the File Uploading library.

You could take a look at the sample code in the user guide; And also, in order to get a better understanding of the uploading configs, Check the Config items Explanation section at the end of the manual page.

Also there are couple of articles/samples about the file uploading in CodeIgniter, you might want to consider:

Just as a side-note: Make sure that you've loaded the url and form helper functions before using the CodeIgniter sample code:

// Load the helper files within the Controller

1. The form must be "multipart" type for file uploading. Hence you should use form_open_multipart() helper function which returns:
<form method="post" action="controller/method" enctype="multipart/form-data" />

Does Enter key trigger a click event?

For ENTER key, why not use (keyup.enter):

  selector: 'key-up3',
  template: `
    <input #box (keyup.enter)="values=box.value">
export class KeyUpComponent_v3 {
  values = '';

Pandas: Return Hour from Datetime Column Directly

You can try this:

sales['time_hour'] = pd.to_datetime(sales['timestamp']).dt.hour

How to place div in top right hand corner of page

Try css:

    right: 10px;

you can play with the top and right properties.

If you want to float the div even when you scroll down, just change position:absolute; to position:fixed;.

Hope it helps.

How do I add files and folders into GitHub repos?

For Linux and MacOS users :

  1. First make the repository (Name=RepositoryName) on github.
  2. Open the terminal and make the new directory (mkdir NewDirectory).
  3. Copy your ProjectFolder to this NewDirectory.
  4. Change the present work directory to NewDirectory.
  5. Run these commands
    1. git init
    2. git add ProjectFolderName
    3. git commit -m "first commit"
    4. git remote add origin
    5. git push -u origin master

How do you post data with a link

This post was helpful for my project hence I thought of sharing my experience as well. The essential thing to note is that the POST request is possible only with a form. I had a similar requirement as I was trying to render a page with ejs. I needed to render a navigation with a list of items that would essentially be hyperlinks and when user selects any one of them, the server responds with appropriate information.

so I basically created each of the navigation items as a form using a loop as follows:

    begin loop..._x000D_
            <form action="/" method="post">_x000D_
                <input type="hidden" name="country" value="India"/>_x000D_
                <button type="submit" name="button">India</button>_x000D_
            </form>               _x000D_
    end loop._x000D_

what it did is to create a form with hidden input with a value assigned same as the text on the button. So the end user will see only text from the button and when clicked, will send a post request to the server.

Note that the value parameter of the input box and the Button text are exactly same and were values passed using ejs that I have not shown in this example above to keep the code simple.

here is a screen shot of the navigation... enter image description here

Python 3 Float Decimal Points/Precision

Try to understand through this below function using python3

def floating_decimals(f_val, dec):
    prc = "{:."+str(dec)+"f}" #first cast decimal as str
    print(prc) #str format output is {:.3f}
    return prc.format(f_val)

print(floating_decimals(50.54187236456456564, 3))

Output is : 50.542

Hope this helps you!

React Error: Target Container is not a DOM Element

Also, the best practice of moving your <script></script> to the bottom of the html file fixes this too.

Warning: The method assertEquals from the type Assert is deprecated

You're using junit.framework.Assert instead of org.junit.Assert.

How do I instantiate a JAXBElement<String> object?

I don't know why you think there's no constructor. See the API.

Where to find Application Loader app in Mac?

you can find it by going to xcode > open developer tool > application Loader

enter image description here

In SQL Server, how do I generate a CREATE TABLE statement for a given table?

-- or you could create a stored procedure ... first with Id creation

USE [db]

/****** Object:  StoredProcedure [dbo].[procUtils_InsertGeneratorWithId]    Script Date: 06/13/2009 22:18:11 ******/


create PROC [dbo].[procUtils_InsertGeneratorWithId]    
@domain_user varchar(50),    
@tableName varchar(100)    


--Declare a cursor to retrieve column specific information for the specified table    
SELECT column_name,data_type FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = @tableName    
OPEN cursCol    
DECLARE @string nvarchar(3000) --for storing the first half of INSERT statement    
DECLARE @stringData nvarchar(3000) --for storing the data (VALUES) related statement    
DECLARE @dataType nvarchar(1000) --data types returned for respective columns    
DECLARE @IDENTITY_STRING nvarchar ( 100 )    
select  @IDENTITY_STRING    
SET @string='INSERT '+@tableName+'('    
SET @stringData=''    

DECLARE @colName nvarchar(50)    

FETCH NEXT FROM cursCol INTO @colName,@dataType    

IF @@fetch_status<>0    
 print 'Table '+@tableName+' not found, processing skipped.'    
 close curscol    
 deallocate curscol    

IF @dataType in ('varchar','char','nchar','nvarchar')    
 --SET @stringData=@stringData+'''''''''+isnull('+@colName+','''')+'''''',''+'    
 SET @stringData=@stringData+''''+'''+isnull('''''+'''''+'+@colName+'+'''''+''''',''NULL'')+'',''+'    
if @dataType in ('text','ntext') --if the datatype is text or something else     
 SET @stringData=@stringData+'''''''''+isnull(cast('+@colName+' as varchar(2000)),'''')+'''''',''+'    
IF @dataType = 'money' --because money doesn't get converted from varchar implicitly    
 SET @stringData=@stringData+'''convert(money,''''''+isnull(cast('+@colName+' as varchar(200)),''0.0000'')+''''''),''+'    
IF @dataType='datetime'    
 --SET @stringData=@stringData+'''convert(datetime,''''''+isnull(cast('+@colName+' as varchar(200)),''0'')+''''''),''+'    
 --SELECT 'INSERT Authorizations(StatusDate) VALUES('+'convert(datetime,'+isnull(''''+convert(varchar(200),StatusDate,121)+'''','NULL')+',121),)' FROM Authorizations    
 --SET @stringData=@stringData+'''convert(money,''''''+isnull(cast('+@colName+' as varchar(200)),''0.0000'')+''''''),''+'    
 SET @stringData=@stringData+'''convert(datetime,'+'''+isnull('''''+'''''+convert(varchar(200),'+@colName+',121)+'''''+''''',''NULL'')+'',121),''+'    
  --                             'convert(datetime,'+isnull(''''+convert(varchar(200),StatusDate,121)+'''','NULL')+',121),)' FROM Authorizations    
IF @dataType='image'     
 SET @stringData=@stringData+'''''''''+isnull(cast(convert(varbinary,'+@colName+') as varchar(6)),''0'')+'''''',''+'    
ELSE --presuming the data type is int,bit,numeric,decimal     
 --SET @stringData=@stringData+'''''''''+isnull(cast('+@colName+' as varchar(200)),''0'')+'''''',''+'    
 --SET @stringData=@stringData+'''convert(datetime,'+'''+isnull('''''+'''''+convert(varchar(200),'+@colName+',121)+'''''+''''',''NULL'')+'',121),''+'    
 SET @stringData=@stringData+''''+'''+isnull('''''+'''''+convert(varchar(200),'+@colName+')+'''''+''''',''NULL'')+'',''+'    

SET @string=@string+@colName+','    

FETCH NEXT FROM cursCol INTO @colName,@dataType    
DECLARE @Query nvarchar(4000)    

SET @query ='SELECT '''+substring(@string,0,len(@string)) + ') VALUES(''+ ' + substring(@stringData,0,len(@stringData)-2)+'''+'')'' FROM '+@tableName    
exec sp_executesql @query    
--select @query    

CLOSE cursCol    
DEALLOCATE cursCol    




-- and second without iD INSERTION

USE [db]

/****** Object:  StoredProcedure [dbo].[procUtils_InsertGenerator]    Script Date: 06/13/2009 22:20:52 ******/


CREATE PROC [dbo].[procUtils_InsertGenerator]        
@domain_user varchar(50),        
@tableName varchar(100)        


--Declare a cursor to retrieve column specific information for the specified table        

-- SELECT column_name,data_type FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = @tableName        
/* NEW     
SELECT , sc.data_type  FROM sys.extended_properties AS ep                   
INNER JOIN sys.tables AS t ON ep.major_id = t.object_id                   
INNER JOIN sys.columns AS c ON ep.major_id = c.object_id AND ep.minor_id                   
= c.column_id                   
INNER JOIN INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS sc ON = sc.table_name and           = sc.column_name                   
WHERE = @tableName and c.is_identity=0      

select object_name(c.object_id) "TABLE_NAME", "COLUMN_NAME", "DATA_TYPE"      
  from sys.columns c          
  join sys.systypes s on (s.xtype = c.system_type_id)          
  where object_name(c.object_id) in (select name from sys.tables where name not like 'sysdiagrams')          
   AND object_name(c.object_id) in (select name from sys.tables where [name]=@tableName  ) and c.is_identity=0 and not like 'sysname'  

OPEN cursCol        
DECLARE @string nvarchar(3000) --for storing the first half of INSERT statement        
DECLARE @stringData nvarchar(3000) --for storing the data (VALUES) related statement        
DECLARE @dataType nvarchar(1000) --data types returned for respective columns        
DECLARE @IDENTITY_STRING nvarchar ( 100 )        
SET @IDENTITY_STRING = ' '         
select  @IDENTITY_STRING        
SET @string='INSERT '+@tableName+'('        
SET @stringData=''        

DECLARE @colName nvarchar(50)        

FETCH NEXT FROM cursCol INTO @tableName , @colName,@dataType        

IF @@fetch_status<>0        
 print 'Table '+@tableName+' not found, processing skipped.'        
 close curscol        
 deallocate curscol        

IF @dataType in ('varchar','char','nchar','nvarchar')        
 --SET @stringData=@stringData+'''''''''+isnull('+@colName+','''')+'''''',''+'        
 SET @stringData=@stringData+''''+'''+isnull('''''+'''''+'+@colName+'+'''''+''''',''NULL'')+'',''+'        
if @dataType in ('text','ntext') --if the datatype is text or something else         
 SET @stringData=@stringData+'''''''''+isnull(cast('+@colName+' as varchar(2000)),'''')+'''''',''+'        
IF @dataType = 'money' --because money doesn't get converted from varchar implicitly        
 SET @stringData=@stringData+'''convert(money,''''''+isnull(cast('+@colName+' as varchar(200)),''0.0000'')+''''''),''+'        
IF @dataType='datetime'        
 --SET @stringData=@stringData+'''convert(datetime,''''''+isnull(cast('+@colName+' as varchar(200)),''0'')+''''''),''+'        
 --SELECT 'INSERT Authorizations(StatusDate) VALUES('+'convert(datetime,'+isnull(''''+convert(varchar(200),StatusDate,121)+'''','NULL')+',121),)' FROM Authorizations        
 --SET @stringData=@stringData+'''convert(money,''''''+isnull(cast('+@colName+' as varchar(200)),''0.0000'')+''''''),''+'        
 SET @stringData=@stringData+'''convert(datetime,'+'''+isnull('''''+'''''+convert(varchar(200),'+@colName+',121)+'''''+''''',''NULL'')+'',121),''+'        
  --                             'convert(datetime,'+isnull(''''+convert(varchar(200),StatusDate,121)+'''','NULL')+',121),)' FROM Authorizations        
IF @dataType='image'         
 SET @stringData=@stringData+'''''''''+isnull(cast(convert(varbinary,'+@colName+') as varchar(6)),''0'')+'''''',''+'        
ELSE --presuming the data type is int,bit,numeric,decimal         
 --SET @stringData=@stringData+'''''''''+isnull(cast('+@colName+' as varchar(200)),''0'')+'''''',''+'        
 --SET @stringData=@stringData+'''convert(datetime,'+'''+isnull('''''+'''''+convert(varchar(200),'+@colName+',121)+'''''+''''',''NULL'')+'',121),''+'        
 SET @stringData=@stringData+''''+'''+isnull('''''+'''''+convert(varchar(200),'+@colName+')+'''''+''''',''NULL'')+'',''+'        

SET @string=@string+@colName+','        

FETCH NEXT FROM cursCol INTO @tableName , @colName,@dataType        
DECLARE @Query nvarchar(4000)        

SET @query ='SELECT '''+substring(@string,0,len(@string)) + ') VALUES(''+ ' + substring(@stringData,0,len(@stringData)-2)+'''+'')'' FROM '+@tableName        
exec sp_executesql @query        
--select @query       

CLOSE cursCol        
DEALLOCATE cursCol        


use poc     

DECLARE @RC int      
DECLARE @domain_user varchar(50)      
DECLARE @tableName varchar(100)      

-- TODO: Set parameter values here.      
set @domain_user='yorgeorg'      
set @tableName = 'tbGui_WizardTabButtonAreas'      

EXECUTE @RC = [POC].[dbo].[procUtils_InsertGenerator]       


'React' must be in scope when using JSX react/react-in-jsx-scope?

Add below setting to .eslintrc.js / .eslintrc.json to ignore these errors:

  rules: {
    // suppress errors for missing 'import React' in files
   "react/react-in-jsx-scope": "off",
    // allow jsx syntax in js files (for next.js project)
   "react/jsx-filename-extension": [1, { "extensions": [".js", ".jsx"] }], //should add ".ts" if typescript project

Why? If you're using NEXT.js then you do not require to import React at top of files, nextjs does that for you.

How to set the background image of a html 5 canvas to .png image

You can give the background image in css :

#canvas { background:url(example.jpg) }

it will show you canvas back ground image

UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xd1 in position 2: ordinal not in range(128)

My computer had the wrong locale set.

I first did

>>> import locale
>>> locale.getpreferredencoding(False)

locale.getpreferredencoding(False) is the function called by open() when you don't provide an encoding. The output should be 'UTF-8', but in this case it's some variant of ASCII.

Then I ran the bash command locale and got this output

$ locale

So, I was using the default Ubuntu locale, which causes Python to open files as ASCII instead of UTF-8. I had to set my locale to en_US.UTF-8

sudo apt install locales 
sudo locale-gen en_US en_US.UTF-8    
sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales

If you can't change the locale system wide, you can invoke all your Python code like this:

PYTHONIOENCODING="UTF-8" python3 ./path/to/your/

or do


to set it in the shell you run that in.

Only allow specific characters in textbox

Intercept the KeyPressed event is in my opinion a good solid solution. Pay attention to trigger code characters (e.KeyChar lower then 32) if you use a RegExp.

But in this way is still possible to inject characters out of range whenever the user paste text from the clipboard. Unfortunately I did not found correct clipboard events to fix this.

So a waterproof solution is to intercept TextBox.TextChanged. Here is sometimes the original out of range character visible, for a short time. I recommend to implement both.

using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

private void Form1_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e)

string pattern = @"[^0-9^+^\-^/^*^(^)]";

private void textBox1_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
    if(e.KeyChar >= 32 && Regex.Match(e.KeyChar.ToString(), pattern).Success) { e.Handled = true; }

private void textBox1_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)

private bool filterTextBoxContent(TextBox textBox)
    string text = textBox.Text;

    MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(text, pattern);
    bool matched = false;

    int selectionStart = textBox.SelectionStart;
    int selectionLength = textBox.SelectionLength;

    int leftShift = 0;
    foreach (Match match in matches)
        if (match.Success && match.Captures.Count > 0)
            matched = true;
            Capture capture = match.Captures[0];

            int captureLength = capture.Length;
            int captureStart = capture.Index - leftShift;
            int captureEnd = captureStart + captureLength;

            int selectionEnd = selectionStart + selectionLength;

            text = text.Substring(0, captureStart) + text.Substring(captureEnd, text.Length - captureEnd);

            textBox.Text = text;

            int boundSelectionStart = selectionStart < captureStart ? -1 : (selectionStart < captureEnd ? 0 : 1);
            int boundSelectionEnd = selectionEnd < captureStart ? -1 : (selectionEnd < captureEnd ? 0 : 1);

            if (boundSelectionStart == -1)
                if (boundSelectionEnd == 0)
                    selectionLength -= selectionEnd - captureStart;
                else if (boundSelectionEnd == 1)
                    selectionLength -= captureLength;
            else if (boundSelectionStart == 0)
                if (boundSelectionEnd == 0)
                    selectionStart = captureStart;
                    selectionLength = 0;
                else if (boundSelectionEnd == 1)
                    selectionStart = captureStart;
                    selectionLength -= captureEnd - selectionStart;
            else if (boundSelectionStart == 1)
                selectionStart -= captureLength;


    textBox.SelectionStart = selectionStart;
    textBox.SelectionLength = selectionLength;

    return matched;

How can I quickly and easily convert spreadsheet data to JSON?

Assuming you really mean easiest and are not necessarily looking for a way to do this programmatically, you can do this:

  1. Add, if not already there, a row of "column Musicians" to the spreadsheet. That is, if you have data in columns such as:

    Rory Gallagher      Guitar
    Gerry McAvoy        Bass
    Rod de'Ath          Drums
    Lou Martin          Keyboards
    Donkey Kong Sioux   Self-Appointed Semi-official Stomper

    Note: you might want to add "Musician" and "Instrument" in row 0 (you might have to insert a row there)

  2. Save the file as a CSV file.

  3. Copy the contents of the CSV file to the clipboard

  4. Go to

  5. Verify that the "First row is column names" checkbox is checked

  6. Paste the CSV data into the content area

  7. Mash the "Convert CSV to JSON" button

    With the data shown above, you will now have:

        "MUSICIAN":"Rory Gallagher",
        "MUSICIAN":"Gerry McAvoy",
        "MUSICIAN":"Rod D'Ath",
        "MUSICIAN":"Lou Martin",
        "MUSICIAN":"Donkey Kong Sioux",
        "INSTRUMENT":"Self-Appointed Semi-Official Stomper"

    With this simple/minimalistic data, it's probably not required, but with large sets of data, it can save you time and headache in the proverbial long run by checking this data for aberrations and abnormalcy.

  8. Go here:

  9. Paste the JSON into the content area

  10. Pres the "Validate" button.

If the JSON is good, you will see a "Valid JSON" remark in the Results section below; if not, it will tell you where the problem[s] lie so that you can fix it/them.

Java: Rotating Images

Sorry, but all the answers are difficult to understand for me as a beginner in graphics...

After some fiddling, this is working for me and it is easy to reason about.

public void draw(Graphics2D g) {
    AffineTransform tr = new AffineTransform();
    // X and Y are the coordinates of the image
    tr.translate((int)getX(), (int)getY());
            img.getWidth() / 2,
            img.getHeight() / 2

    // img is a BufferedImage instance
    g.drawImage(img, tr, null);

I suppose that if you want to rotate a rectangular image this method wont work and will cut the image, but I thing you should create square png images and rotate that.

Google Maps Android API v2 - Interactive InfoWindow (like in original android google maps)

I was looking for a solution to this problem myself with no luck, so I had to roll my own which I would like to share here with you. (Please excuse my bad English) (It's a little crazy to answer another Czech guy in English :-) )

The first thing I tried was to use a good old PopupWindow. It's quite easy - one only has to listen to the OnMarkerClickListener and then show a custom PopupWindow above the marker. Some other guys here on StackOverflow suggested this solution and it actually looks quite good at first glance. But the problem with this solution shows up when you start to move the map around. You have to move the PopupWindow somehow yourself which is possible (by listening to some onTouch events) but IMHO you can't make it look good enough, especially on some slow devices. If you do it the simple way it "jumps" around from one spot to another. You could also use some animations to polish those jumps but this way the PopupWindow will always be "a step behind" where it should be on the map which I just don't like.

At this point, I was thinking about some other solution. I realized that I actually don't really need that much freedom - to show my custom views with all the possibilities that come with it (like animated progress bars etc.). I think there is a good reason why even the google engineers don't do it this way in the Google Maps app. All I need is a button or two on the InfoWindow that will show a pressed state and trigger some actions when clicked. So I came up with another solution which splits up into two parts:

First part:
The first part is to be able to catch the clicks on the buttons to trigger some action. My idea is as follows:

  1. Keep a reference to the custom infoWindow created in the InfoWindowAdapter.
  2. Wrap the MapFragment (or MapView) inside a custom ViewGroup (mine is called MapWrapperLayout)
  3. Override the MapWrapperLayout's dispatchTouchEvent and (if the InfoWindow is currently shown) first route the MotionEvents to the previously created InfoWindow. If it doesn't consume the MotionEvents (like because you didn't click on any clickable area inside InfoWindow etc.) then (and only then) let the events go down to the MapWrapperLayout's superclass so it will eventually be delivered to the map.

Here is the MapWrapperLayout's source code:



import android.content.Context;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.RelativeLayout;

public class MapWrapperLayout extends RelativeLayout {
     * Reference to a GoogleMap object 
    private GoogleMap map;

     * Vertical offset in pixels between the bottom edge of our InfoWindow 
     * and the marker position (by default it's bottom edge too).
     * It's a good idea to use custom markers and also the InfoWindow frame, 
     * because we probably can't rely on the sizes of the default marker and frame. 
    private int bottomOffsetPixels;

     * A currently selected marker 
    private Marker marker;

     * Our custom view which is returned from either the InfoWindowAdapter.getInfoContents 
     * or InfoWindowAdapter.getInfoWindow
    private View infoWindow;    

    public MapWrapperLayout(Context context) {

    public MapWrapperLayout(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        super(context, attrs);

    public MapWrapperLayout(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) {
        super(context, attrs, defStyle);

     * Must be called before we can route the touch events
    public void init(GoogleMap map, int bottomOffsetPixels) { = map;
        this.bottomOffsetPixels = bottomOffsetPixels;

     * Best to be called from either the InfoWindowAdapter.getInfoContents 
     * or InfoWindowAdapter.getInfoWindow. 
    public void setMarkerWithInfoWindow(Marker marker, View infoWindow) {
        this.marker = marker;
        this.infoWindow = infoWindow;

    public boolean dispatchTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) {
        boolean ret = false;
        // Make sure that the infoWindow is shown and we have all the needed references
        if (marker != null && marker.isInfoWindowShown() && map != null && infoWindow != null) {
            // Get a marker position on the screen
            Point point = map.getProjection().toScreenLocation(marker.getPosition());

            // Make a copy of the MotionEvent and adjust it's location
            // so it is relative to the infoWindow left top corner
            MotionEvent copyEv = MotionEvent.obtain(ev);
                -point.x + (infoWindow.getWidth() / 2), 
                -point.y + infoWindow.getHeight() + bottomOffsetPixels);

            // Dispatch the adjusted MotionEvent to the infoWindow
            ret = infoWindow.dispatchTouchEvent(copyEv);
        // If the infoWindow consumed the touch event, then just return true.
        // Otherwise pass this event to the super class and return it's result
        return ret || super.dispatchTouchEvent(ev);

All this will make the views inside the InfoView "live" again - the OnClickListeners will start triggering etc.

Second part: The remaining problem is, that obviously, you can't see any UI changes of your InfoWindow on screen. To do that you have to manually call Marker.showInfoWindow. Now, if you perform some permanent change in your InfoWindow (like changing the label of your button to something else), this is good enough.

But showing a button pressed state or something of that nature is more complicated. The first problem is, that (at least) I wasn't able to make the InfoWindow show normal button's pressed state. Even if I pressed the button for a long time, it just remained unpressed on the screen. I believe this is something that is handled by the map framework itself which probably makes sure not to show any transient state in the info windows. But I could be wrong, I didn't try to find this out.

What I did is another nasty hack - I attached an OnTouchListener to the button and manually switched it's background when the button was pressed or released to two custom drawables - one with a button in a normal state and the other one in a pressed state. This is not very nice, but it works :). Now I was able to see the button switching between normal to pressed states on the screen.

There is still one last glitch - if you click the button too fast, it doesn't show the pressed state - it just remains in its normal state (although the click itself is fired so the button "works"). At least this is how it shows up on my Galaxy Nexus. So the last thing I did is that I delayed the button in it's pressed state a little. This is also quite ugly and I'm not sure how would it work on some older, slow devices but I suspect that even the map framework itself does something like this. You can try it yourself - when you click the whole InfoWindow, it remains in a pressed state a little longer, then normal buttons do (again - at least on my phone). And this is actually how it works even on the original Google Maps app.

Anyway, I wrote myself a custom class which handles the buttons state changes and all the other things I mentioned, so here is the code:


import android.os.Handler;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.View.OnTouchListener;


public abstract class OnInfoWindowElemTouchListener implements OnTouchListener {
    private final View view;
    private final Drawable bgDrawableNormal;
    private final Drawable bgDrawablePressed;
    private final Handler handler = new Handler();

    private Marker marker;
    private boolean pressed = false;

    public OnInfoWindowElemTouchListener(View view, Drawable bgDrawableNormal, Drawable bgDrawablePressed) {
        this.view = view;
        this.bgDrawableNormal = bgDrawableNormal;
        this.bgDrawablePressed = bgDrawablePressed;

    public void setMarker(Marker marker) {
        this.marker = marker;

    public boolean onTouch(View vv, MotionEvent event) {
        if (0 <= event.getX() && event.getX() <= view.getWidth() &&
            0 <= event.getY() && event.getY() <= view.getHeight())
            switch (event.getActionMasked()) {
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: startPress(); break;

            // We need to delay releasing of the view a little so it shows the pressed state on the screen
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP: handler.postDelayed(confirmClickRunnable, 150); break;

            case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL: endPress(); break;
            default: break;
        else {
            // If the touch goes outside of the view's area
            // (like when moving finger out of the pressed button)
            // just release the press
        return false;

    private void startPress() {
        if (!pressed) {
            pressed = true;
            if (marker != null) 

    private boolean endPress() {
        if (pressed) {
            this.pressed = false;
            if (marker != null) 
            return true;
            return false;

    private final Runnable confirmClickRunnable = new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            if (endPress()) {
                onClickConfirmed(view, marker);

     * This is called after a successful click 
    protected abstract void onClickConfirmed(View v, Marker marker);

Here is a custom InfoWindow layout file that I used:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
    android:gravity="center_vertical" >

        android:layout_marginRight="10dp" >

            android:text="Title" />

            android:text="snippet" />


        android:text="Button" />


Test activity layout file (MapFragment being inside the MapWrapperLayout):

< xmlns:android=""
    tools:context=".MainActivity" >

        class="" />


And finally source code of a test activity, which glues all this together:

package com.circlegate.testapp;


import android.os.Bundle;
import android.content.Context;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.TextView;
import android.widget.Toast;

public class MainActivity extends Activity {    
    private ViewGroup infoWindow;
    private TextView infoTitle;
    private TextView infoSnippet;
    private Button infoButton;
    private OnInfoWindowElemTouchListener infoButtonListener;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        final MapFragment mapFragment = (MapFragment)getFragmentManager().findFragmentById(;
        final MapWrapperLayout mapWrapperLayout = (MapWrapperLayout)findViewById(;
        final GoogleMap map = mapFragment.getMap();

        // MapWrapperLayout initialization
        // 39 - default marker height
        // 20 - offset between the default InfoWindow bottom edge and it's content bottom edge 
        mapWrapperLayout.init(map, getPixelsFromDp(this, 39 + 20)); 

        // We want to reuse the info window for all the markers, 
        // so let's create only one class member instance
        this.infoWindow = (ViewGroup)getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.info_window, null);
        this.infoTitle = (TextView)infoWindow.findViewById(;
        this.infoSnippet = (TextView)infoWindow.findViewById(;
        this.infoButton = (Button)infoWindow.findViewById(;

        // Setting custom OnTouchListener which deals with the pressed state
        // so it shows up 
        this.infoButtonListener = new OnInfoWindowElemTouchListener(infoButton,
            protected void onClickConfirmed(View v, Marker marker) {
                // Here we can perform some action triggered after clicking the button
                Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, marker.getTitle() + "'s button clicked!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

        map.setInfoWindowAdapter(new InfoWindowAdapter() {
            public View getInfoWindow(Marker marker) {
                return null;

            public View getInfoContents(Marker marker) {
                // Setting up the infoWindow with current's marker info

                // We must call this to set the current marker and infoWindow references
                // to the MapWrapperLayout
                mapWrapperLayout.setMarkerWithInfoWindow(marker, infoWindow);
                return infoWindow;

        // Let's add a couple of markers
        map.addMarker(new MarkerOptions()
            .snippet("Czech Republic")
            .position(new LatLng(50.08, 14.43)));

        map.addMarker(new MarkerOptions()
            .position(new LatLng(48.86,2.33)));

        map.addMarker(new MarkerOptions()
            .snippet("United Kingdom")
            .position(new LatLng(51.51,-0.1)));

    public static int getPixelsFromDp(Context context, float dp) {
        final float scale = context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density;
        return (int)(dp * scale + 0.5f);

That's it. So far I only tested this on my Galaxy Nexus (4.2.1) and Nexus 7 (also 4.2.1), I will try it on some Gingerbread phone when I have a chance. A limitation I found so far is that you can't drag the map from where is your button on the screen and move the map around. It could probably be overcome somehow but for now, I can live with that.

I know this is an ugly hack but I just didn't find anything better and I need this design pattern so badly that this would really be a reason to go back to the map v1 framework (which btw. I would really really like to avoid for a new app with fragments etc.). I just don't understand why Google doesn't offer developers some official way to have a button on InfoWindows. It's such a common design pattern, moreover this pattern is used even in the official Google Maps app :). I understand the reasons why they can't just make your views "live" in the InfoWindows - this would probably kill performance when moving and scrolling map around. But there should be some way how to achieve this effect without using views.

How to check if a variable is not null?

if (0) means false, if (-1, or any other number than 0) means true. following value are not truthy, null, undefined, 0, ""empty string, false, NaN

never use number type like id as

      if (id) {}

for id type with possible value 0, we can not use if (id) {}, because if (0) will means false, invalid, which we want it means valid as true id number.

So for id type, we must use following:

   if ((Id !== undefined) && (Id !== null) && (Id !== "")){
                                                                            } else {


for other string type, we can use if (string) {}, because null, undefined, empty string all will evaluate at false, which is correct.

       if (string_type_variable) { }

How to create User/Database in script for Docker Postgres

With docker compose there's a simple alternative (no need to create a Dockerfile). Just create a

set -e

psql -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1 --username "$POSTGRES_USER" --dbname "$POSTGRES_DB" <<-EOSQL
    CREATE USER docker;
    CREATE DATABASE my_project_development;
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE my_project_development TO docker;
    CREATE DATABASE my_project_test;
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE my_project_test TO docker;

And reference it in the volumes section:

version: '3.4'

    image: postgres
    restart: unless-stopped
      - postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data
      - ./
      - POSTGRES_USER=postgres
      - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres
      - 5432:5432


Keep placeholder text in UITextField on input in IOS

Instead of using the placeholder text, you'll want to set the actual text property of the field to MM/YYYY, set the delegate of the text field and listen for this method:

- (BOOL)textField:(UITextField *)textField shouldChangeCharactersInRange:(NSRange)range replacementString:(NSString *)string {     // update the text of the label } 

Inside that method, you can figure out what the user has typed as they type, which will allow you to update the label accordingly.

StringStream in C#

Since your Print() method presumably deals with Text data, could you rewrite it to accept a TextWriter parameter?

The library provides a StringWriter: TextWriter but not a StringStream. I suppose you could create one by wrapping a MemoryStream, but is it really necessary?

After the Update:

void Main() 
  string myString;  // outside using

  using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream ())
     myString = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(stream.ToArray());


You may want to change UTF8 to ASCII, depending on the encoding used by Print().

How to list all methods for an object in Ruby?

Or just User.methods(false) to return only the methods defined within that class.

Index of element in NumPy array

If you are interested in the indexes, the best choice is np.argsort(a)

a = np.random.randint(0, 100, 10)
sorted_idx = np.argsort(a)

How to return a string from a C++ function?

You never give any value to your strings in main so they are empty, and thus obviously the function returns an empty string.


string str1, str2, str3;


string str1 = "the dog jumped over the fence";
string str2 = "the";
string str3 = "that";

Also, you have several problems in your replaceSubstring function:

int index = s1.find(s2, 0);
s1.replace(index, s2.length(), s3);
  • std::string::find returns a std::string::size_type (aka. size_t) not an int. Two differences: size_t is unsigned, and it's not necessarily the same size as an int depending on your platform (eg. on 64 bits Linux or Windows size_t is unsigned 64 bits while int is signed 32 bits).
  • What happens if s2 is not part of s1? I'll leave it up to you to find how to fix that. Hint: std::string::npos ;)

How to write to Console.Out during execution of an MSTest test

You better setup a single test and create a performance test from this test. This way you can monitor the progress using the default tool set.

Merging a lot of data.frames

Put them into a list and use merge with Reduce

Reduce(function(x, y) merge(x, y, all=TRUE), list(df1, df2, df3))
#    id v1 v2 v3
# 1   1  1 NA NA
# 2  10  4 NA NA
# 3   2  3  4 NA
# 4  43  5 NA NA
# 5  73  2 NA NA
# 6  23 NA  2  1
# 7  57 NA  3 NA
# 8  62 NA  5  2
# 9   7 NA  1 NA
# 10 96 NA  6 NA

You can also use this more concise version:

Reduce(function(...) merge(..., all=TRUE), list(df1, df2, df3))

PDF Parsing Using Python - extracting formatted and plain texts

You can also take a look at PDFMiner (or for older versions of Python see PDFMiner and PDFMiner).

A particular feature of interest in PDFMiner is that you can control how it regroups text parts when extracting them. You do this by specifying the space between lines, words, characters, etc. So, maybe by tweaking this you can achieve what you want (that depends of the variability of your documents). PDFMiner can also give you the location of the text in the page, it can extract data by Object ID and other stuff. So dig in PDFMiner and be creative!

But your problem is really not an easy one to solve because, in a PDF, the text is not continuous, but made from a lot of small groups of characters positioned absolutely in the page. The focus of PDF is to keep the layout intact. It's not content oriented but presentation oriented.

'AND' vs '&&' as operator

Here's a little counter example:

$a = true;
$b = true;
$c = $a & $b;
var_dump(true === $c);



I'd say this kind of typo is far more likely to cause insidious problems (in much the same way as = vs ==) and is far less likely to be noticed than adn/ro typos which will flag as syntax errors. I also find and/or is much easier to read. FWIW, most PHP frameworks that express a preference (most don't) specify and/or. I've also never run into a real, non-contrived case where it would have mattered.

Using wire or reg with input or output in Verilog

reg and wire specify how the object will be assigned and are therefore only meaningful for outputs.

If you plan to assign your output in sequential code,such as within an always block, declare it as a reg (which really is a misnomer for "variable" in Verilog). Otherwise, it should be a wire, which is also the default.

equivalent to push() or pop() for arrays?

In Java an array has a fixed size (after initialisation), meaning that you can't add or remove items from an array.

int[] i = new int[10];

The above snippet mean that the array of integers has a length of 10. It's not possible add an eleventh integer, without re-assign the reference to a new array, like the following:

int[] i = new int[11];

In Java the package java.util contains all kinds of data structures that can handle adding and removing items from array-like collections. The classic data structure Stack has methods for push and pop.

How to create query parameters in Javascript?

Just like to revisit this almost 10 year old question. In this era of off-the-shelf programming, your best bet is to set your project up using a dependency manager (npm). There is an entire cottage industry of libraries out there that encode query strings and take care of all the edge cases. This is one of the more popular ones -

c++ parse int from string

You can use istringstream.

string s = "10";

// create an input stream with your string.
istringstream is(str);

int i;
// use is like an input stream
is >> i;

ERROR 1452: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails

Your ORDRELINJE table is linked with ORDER table using a foreign key constraint constraint Ordrelinje_fk foreign key(Ordre) references Ordre(OrdreID) according to which Ordre int NOT NULL, column of table ORDRELINJE must match any Ordre int NOT NULL, column of ORDER table.

Now what is happening here is, when you are inserting new row into ORDRELINJE table, according to fk constraint Ordrelinje_fk it is checking ORDER table if the OrdreID is present or not and as it is not matching with any OrderId, Compiler is complaining for foreign key violation. This is the reason you are getting this error.

Foreign key is the primary key of the other table which you use in any table to link between both. This key is bound by the foreign key constraint which you specify while creating the table. Any operation on the data must not violate this constraint. Violation of this constraint may result in errors like this.

Hope I made it clear.

[ :Unexpected operator in shell programming

Do not use any reserved keyword as the start of any variable name: eg HOSTNAME will fail as HOST {TYPE|NAME} are reserved

How do I get a file extension in PHP?

Sometimes it's useful to not to use pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION). For example:

$path = '/path/to/file.tar.gz';

echo ltrim(strstr($path, '.'), '.'); // tar.gz
echo pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); // gz

Also note that pathinfo fails to handle some non-ASCII characters (usually it just suppresses them from the output). In extensions that usually isn't a problem, but it doesn't hurt to be aware of that caveat.

How to represent empty char in Java Character class

this is how I do it.

char[] myEmptyCharArray = "".toCharArray();

create multiple tag docker image

docker build  -t name1:tag1 -t name2:tag2 -f Dockerfile.ui .

Closing a Userform with Unload Me doesn't work

Unload Me only works when its called from userform self. If you want to close a form from another module code (or userform), you need to use the Unload function + userformtoclose name.

I hope its helps

Error: Cannot pull with rebase: You have unstaged changes

Pulling with rebase is a good practice in general.

However you cannot do that if your index is not clean, i.e. you have made changes that have not been committed.

You can do this to work around, assuming you want to keep your changes:

  1. stash your changes with: git stash
  2. pull from master with rebase
  3. reapply the changes you stashed in (1) with: git stash apply stash@{0} or the simpler git stash pop

og:type and valid values : constantly being parsed as og:type=website

I know this is an old one but it comes up top of Google and all the links provided now seem out of date.

This is the latest list of types Facebook accepts:

If you don't use one of these then the type will default to 'website' which is best used for home pages/summarising a web site.

In answer to the OP you would now want to use a place which will allow you to add lat/long location details.

Request header field Access-Control-Allow-Headers is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Headers

if you testing some javascript requests for ionic2 or angularjs 2 , in your chrome on pc or mac , then be sure that you install CORS plugin for chrome browser to allow cross origin .

mayba get requests will work without needing that , but post and puts and delete will need you to install cors plugin for testing to go without problems , that definitley not cool , but i do not know how people do it without CORS plugin .

and also be sure the json response is not returning 400 by some json status

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

I know this was posted about a year ago, but this is for users for future reference.

I came across similar issue. In my case (i will try to be brief, please do let me know if you would like more detail), i was trying to check if a string was empty or not (string is the subject of an email). It always returned the same error message no matter what i did. I knew i was doing it right but it still kept throwing the same error message. Then it dawned in me that, i was checking if the subject (string) of an email (instance/object), what if the email(instance) was already a null at the first place. How could i check for a subject of an email, if the email is already a null..i checked if the the email was empty, it worked fine.

while checking for the subject(string) i used IsNullorWhiteSpace(), IsNullOrEmpty() methods.

if (email == null)
     // your code here    

Why am I getting 'Assembly '*.dll' must be strong signed in order to be marked as a prerequisite.'?

My guess is that you're not working with strongly named assemblies. I've had this error when two projects reference slightly different versions of the same assembly and a more dependent project references these projects. The resolution in my case was to remove the key and version information from the assembly name in the .csproj files (it didn't matter anyway), and then do a clean build.

Changes between the different assembly versions were compatible with the parts of the solution referring to them. If this is not the case with you, you might have to do some more work to resolve the issue.


With NuGet it's easy to get into this situation if:

  1. You install a package to one project in your solution.
  2. A new version of that package is deployed to the package source.
  3. You install it to another project in the same solution.

This results in two projects in your solution referencing different versions of that package's assemblies. If one of them references the other and is a ClickOnce app, you'll see this problem.

To fix this, issue the update-package [package name] command at the Nuget Package Manager Console to bring everything up to a level playing field, at which point the problem goes away.

You should manage NuGet packages at the solution level rather than at the project level unless there is a compelling reason not to. Solution level package management avoids the potential of multiple versions of dependencies. When using the management UI, if the Consolidated tab shows 1 or more packages have multiple versions, consider consolidating them to one.

Zookeeper connection error

I encountered same problem ,too. In my case the problem is about iptables rules.

To communicate with zookeeper node, 2181 port must be accept incoming request, also for internal communication between zookeeper nodes 2888,3888 ports must be open for incoming request.

iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -p tcp -s --dport 2181 -j DNAT --to-destination serverIp:2181
iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -p udp -s --dport 2181 -j DNAT --to-destination serverIp:2181

iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -p tcp -s --dport 2888 -j DNAT --to-destination serverIp:2888
iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -p udp -s --dport 2888 -j DNAT --to-destination serverIp:2888

iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -p tcp -s --dport 3888 -j DNAT --to-destination serverIp:3888
iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -p udp -s --dport 3888 -j DNAT --to-destination serverIp:3888

sudo service iptables save

How to import a module given its name as string?

The below piece worked for me:

>>>import imp; 
>>>fp, pathname, description = imp.find_module("/home/test_module"); 
>>>test_module = imp.load_module("test_module", fp, pathname, description);
>>>print test_module.print_hello();

if you want to import in shell-script:

python -c '<above entire code in one line>'

How to get the parents of a Python class?

The FASTEST way, to see all parents, and IN ORDER, just use the built in __mro__

i.e. repr(YOUR_CLASS.__mro__)

>>> import getpass
>>> getpass.GetPassWarning.__mro__

outputs, IN ORDER

(<class 'getpass.GetPassWarning'>, <type 'exceptions.UserWarning'>,
<type 'exceptions.Warning'>, <type 'exceptions.Exception'>, 
<type 'exceptions.BaseException'>, <type 'object'>)

There you have it. The "best" answer right now, has 182 votes (as I am typing this) but this is SO much simpler than some convoluted for loop, looking into bases one class at a time, not to mention when a class extends TWO or more parent classes. Importing and using inspect just clouds the scope unnecessarily. It honestly is a shame people don't know to just use the built-ins

I Hope this Helps!

Using the AND and NOT Operator in Python

You should write :

if (self.a != 0) and (self.b != 0) :

"&" is the bit wise operator and does not suit for boolean operations. The equivalent of "&&" is "and" in Python.

A shorter way to check what you want is to use the "in" operator :

if 0 not in (self.a, self.b) :

You can check if anything is part of a an iterable with "in", it works for :

  • Tuples. I.E : "foo" in ("foo", 1, c, etc) will return true
  • Lists. I.E : "foo" in ["foo", 1, c, etc] will return true
  • Strings. I.E : "a" in "ago" will return true
  • Dict. I.E : "foo" in {"foo" : "bar"} will return true

As an answer to the comments :

Yes, using "in" is slower since you are creating an Tuple object, but really performances are not an issue here, plus readability matters a lot in Python.

For the triangle check, it's easier to read :

0 not in (self.a, self.b, self.c)


(self.a != 0) and (self.b != 0) and (self.c != 0) 

It's easier to refactor too.

Of course, in this example, it really is not that important, it's very simple snippet. But this style leads to a Pythonic code, which leads to a happier programmer (and losing weight, improving sex life, etc.) on big programs.

Copy row but with new id

depending on how many columns there are, you could just name the columns, sans the ID, and manually add an ID or, if it's in your table, a secondary ID (sid):

insert into PROG(date, level, Percent, sid) select date, level, Percent, 55 from PROG where sid = 31 Here, if sid 31 has more than one resultant row, all of them will be copied over to sid 55 and your auto iDs will still get auto-generated. for ID only: insert into PROG(date, level, Percent, ID) select date, level, Percent, 55 from PROG where ID = 31 where 55 is the next available ID in the table and ID 31 is the one you want to copy.

How can I create directory tree in C++/Linux?

system("mkdir -p /tmp/a/b/c")

is the shortest way I can think of (in terms of the length of code, not necessarily execution time).

It's not cross-platform but will work under Linux.

What's the most appropriate HTTP status code for an "item not found" error page

That's depending if userid is a resource identifier or additional parameter. If it is then it's ok to return 404 if not you might return other code like

400 (bad request) - indicates a bad request
412 (Precondition Failed) e.g. conflict by performing conditional update

More info in free InfoQ Explores: REST book.

Check element exists in array

In Python you might be in for some surprises if you ask for forgiveness in this case.

try-except is not the right paradigm here.

If you accidentally get negative indices your in for a surprise.

Better solution is to provide the test function yourself:

def index_in_array(M, index):
    return index[0] >= 0 and index[1] >= 0 and index[0]< M.shape[0] and index[1] < M.shape[1]

How to write a test which expects an Error to be thrown in Jasmine?

I replace Jasmine's toThrow matcher with the following, which lets you match on the exception's name property or its message property. For me this makes tests easier to write and less brittle, as I can do the following:

throw {
   name: "NoActionProvided",
   message: "Please specify an 'action' property when configuring the action map."

and then test with the following:

expect (function () {
   .. do something
}).toThrow ("NoActionProvided");

This lets me tweak the exception message later without breaking tests, when the important thing is that it threw the expected type of exception.

This is the replacement for toThrow that allows this:

jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toThrow = function(expected) {
  var result = false;
  var exception;
  if (typeof this.actual != 'function') {
    throw new Error('Actual is not a function');
  try {
  } catch (e) {
    exception = e;
  if (exception) {
      result = (expected === jasmine.undefined || this.env.equals_(exception.message || exception, expected.message || expected) || this.env.equals_(, expected));

  var not = this.isNot ? "not " : "";

  this.message = function() {
    if (exception && (expected === jasmine.undefined || !this.env.equals_(exception.message || exception, expected.message || expected))) {
      return ["Expected function " + not + "to throw", expected ? || expected.message || expected : " an exception", ", but it threw", || exception.message || exception].join(' ');
    } else {
      return "Expected function to throw an exception.";

  return result;

String was not recognized as a valid DateTime " format dd/MM/yyyy"

Change Manually :

string s = date.Substring(3, 2) +"/" + date.Substring(0, 2) + "/" + date.Substring(6, 4);

From 11/22/2015 it will be converted in 22/11/2015


I had same problem in my xiaomi note 4a device. I solved it by turning off MIUI optimization.

Close pre-existing figures in matplotlib when running from eclipse

It will kill not only all plot windows, but all processes that are called python3, except the current script you run. It works for python3. So, if you are running any other python3 script it will be terminated. As I only run one script at once, it does the job for me.

import os
import subprocess["bash","-c",'pyIDs=($(pgrep python3));for x in "${pyIDs[@]}"; do if [ "$x" -ne '+str(os.getpid())+' ];then  kill -9 "$x"; fi done'])

Android XXHDPI resources

The newer android phones in the market like HTC one, Xperia Z etc have resolutions in the >480dpi range, putting them in the new xxhdpi class as well. The new assets might be useful for them too.

What is difference between cacerts and keystore?

cacerts is where Java stores public certificates of root CAs. Java uses cacerts to authenticate the servers.

Keystore is where Java stores the private keys of the clients so that it can share it to the server when the server requests client authentication.

How to fix 'Notice: Undefined index:' in PHP form action

$filename = $_POST['filename'];

echo $filename;

How to determine when Fragment becomes visible in ViewPager

I figured out that onCreateOptionsMenu and onPrepareOptionsMenu methods called only in the case of the fragment really visible. I could not found any method which behaves like these, also I tried OnPageChangeListener but it did not work for the situations, for example, I need a variable initialized in onCreate method.

So these two methods can be used for this problem as a workaround, specifically for little and short jobs.

I think, this is the better solution but not the best. I will use this but wait for better solution at the same time.


How to get summary statistics by group

take a look at the plyr package. Specifically, ddply

ddply(df, .(group), summarise, mean=mean(dt), sum=sum(dt))

How to open Console window in Eclipse?

  1. Open Eclipse
  2. Click on Window
  3. Go to Show view
  4. Click on Console
  5. Minimize it now or drag it to the bottom and it will split between your console and other screens

How to correctly set the ORACLE_HOME variable on Ubuntu 9.x?

After installing weblogic and forms server on a Linux machine we met some problems initializing sqlplus and tnsping. We altered the bash_profile in a way that the forms_home acts as the oracle home. It works fine, both commands (sqlplus and tnsping) are executable for user oracle

# .bash_profile

# Get the aliases and functions
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
    . ~/.bashrc

# User specific environment and startup programs


export JAVA_HOME=/mnt/software/java/jdk1.7.0_71
export ORACLE_HOME=/oracle/Middleware/Oracle_FRHome1
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/oracle/Middleware/Oracle_FRHome1/lib
export FORMS_PATH=$FORMS_PATH:/oracle/Middleware/Oracle_FRHome1/forms:/oracle/Middleware/asinst_1/FormsComponent/forms:/appl/myapp:/home/oracle/myapp

Symfony2 Setting a default choice field selection

I'm not sure what you are doing wrong here, when I build a form using form classes Symfony takes care of selecting the correct option in the list. Here's an example of one of my forms that works.

In the controller for the edit action:

$entity = $em->getRepository('FooBarBundle:CampaignEntity')->find($id);

if (!$entity) {
throw $this->createNotFoundException('Unable to find CampaignEntity entity.');

$editForm = $this->createForm(new CampaignEntityType(), $entity);
$deleteForm = $this->createDeleteForm($id);

return $this->render('FooBarBundle:CampaignEntity:edit.html.twig', array(
        'entity'      => $entity,
        'edit_form'   => $editForm->createView(),
        'delete_form' => $deleteForm->createView(),

The campaign entity type class (src: Foo\BarBundle\Form\CampaignEntityType.php):

namespace Foo\BarBundle\Form;

use Symfony\Component\Form\AbstractType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilder;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository;

class CampaignEntityType extends AbstractType
    public function buildForm(FormBuilder $builder, array $options)
        ->add('store', 'entity', array('class'=>'FooBarBundle:Store', 'property'=>'name', 'em'=>'my_non_default_em','required'  => true, 'query_builder' => function(EntityRepository $er) {return $er->createQueryBuilder('s')->orderBy('', 'ASC');}))
    public function getName()
        return 'foo_barbundle_campaignentitytype';

How to display special characters in PHP

$str = "Is your name O\'vins?";

// Outputs: Is your name O'vins? echo stripslashes($str);

Error: allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' beyond application level

It may be the version problem like you download the project of .Net framework 2.0 and want to open it into the VS2008 then you will need to upgrade to the latest version and VS will create the Backup of the folder in same root directory.You will get the answer here.

Android Facebook 4.0 SDK How to get Email, Date of Birth and gender of User

Use this snippet for get all profile info

private FacebookCallback<LoginResult> callback = new FacebookCallback<LoginResult>() {
        public void onSuccess(LoginResult loginResult) {
            AccessToken accessToken = loginResult.getAccessToken();
            Profile profile = Profile.getCurrentProfile();

            // Facebook Email address
            GraphRequest request = GraphRequest.newMeRequest(
                    new GraphRequest.GraphJSONObjectCallback() {
                        public void onCompleted(
                                JSONObject object,
                                GraphResponse response) {
                            Log.v("LoginActivity Response ", response.toString());

                            try {
                                Name = object.getString("name");

                                FEmail = object.getString("email");
                                Log.v("Email = ", " " + FEmail);
                                Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Name " + Name, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

                            } catch (JSONException e) {
            Bundle parameters = new Bundle();
            parameters.putString("fields", "id,name,email,gender, birthday");


        public void onCancel() {


        public void onError(FacebookException e) {


What is the difference between id and class in CSS, and when should I use them?

The class attribute can be used with multiple HTML elements/tags and all will take the effect. Where as the id is meant for a single element/tag and is considered unique.

Moreoever the id has a higher specificity value than the class.

Add floating point value to android resources/values

I used a style to solve this issue. The official link is here.

Pretty useful stuff. You make a file to hold your styles (like "styles.xml"), and define them inside it. You then reference the styles in your layout (like "main.xml").

Here's a sample style that does what you want:

<style name="text_line_spacing">
   <item name="android:lineSpacingMultiplier">1.4</item>

Let's say you want to alter a simple TextView with this. In your layout file you'd type:

   android:text="This sentence has 1.4 times more spacing than normal."

Try it--this is essentially how all the built-in UI is done on the android. And by using styles, you have the option to modify all sorts of other aspects of your Views as well.

How do I check that a number is float or integer?

With this you can check if a string or a number is "decimal" (float properly):

var IsDecimal = function(num){
    return ((num.toString().split('.').length) <= 2 && num.toString().match(/^[\+\-]?\d*\.?\d+(?:[Ee][\+\-]?\d+)?$/)) ? (!isNaN(Number.parseFloat(num))) : false ;

and this other works for check if a string or a number is Integer:

var IsInteger = function(num){
    return ((num.toString().split('.').length) == 1 && num.toString().match(/^[\-]?\d+$/)) ? (!isNaN(Number.parseInt(num))) : false ;

var IsDecimal = function(num){
    return ((num.toString().split('.').length) <= 2 && num.toString().match(/^[\+\-]?\d*\.?\d+(?:[Ee][\+\-]?\d+)?$/)) ? (!isNaN(Number.parseFloat(num))) : false ;

var IsInteger = function(num){
    return ((num.toString().split('.').length) == 1 && num.toString().match(/^[\-]?\d+$/)) ? (!isNaN(Number.parseInt(num))) : false ;

console.log("-------------- As string --------------");
console.log("0 = " + IsInteger("0"));
console.log("34 = " + IsInteger("34"));
console.log(".34 = " + IsInteger(".34"));
console.log("3.4 = " + IsInteger("3.4"));
console.log("3e = " + IsInteger("3e"));
console.log("e3 = " + IsInteger("e3"));
console.log("-34 = " + IsInteger("-34"));
console.log("--34 = " + IsInteger("--34"));
console.log("034 = " + IsInteger("034"));
console.log("0-34 = " + IsInteger("0-34"));
console.log("0 = " + IsDecimal("0"));
console.log("64 = " + IsDecimal("64"));
console.log(".64 = " + IsDecimal(".64"));
console.log("6.4 = " + IsDecimal("6.4"));
console.log("6e2 = " + IsDecimal("6e2"));
console.log("6e = " + IsDecimal("6e"));
console.log("e6 = " + IsDecimal("e6"));
console.log("-64 = " + IsDecimal("-64"));
console.log("--64 = " + IsDecimal("--64"));
console.log("064 = " + IsDecimal("064"));
console.log("0-64 = " + IsDecimal("0-64"));
console.log("\n-------------- As numbers --------------");
console.log("0 = " + IsInteger(0));
console.log("34 = " + IsInteger(34));
console.log(".34 = " + IsInteger(0.34));
console.log("3.4 = " + IsInteger(3.4));
console.log("-34 = " + IsInteger(-34));
console.log("034 = " + IsInteger(034));
console.log("0-34 = " + IsInteger(0-34));
console.log("0 = " + IsDecimal(0));
console.log("64 = " + IsDecimal(64));
console.log(".64 = " + IsDecimal(0.64));
console.log("6.4 = " + IsDecimal(6.4));
console.log("6e2 = " + IsDecimal(6e2));
console.log("-64 = " + IsDecimal(-64));
console.log("064 = " + IsDecimal(064));
console.log("0-64 = " + IsDecimal(0-64));

How to parse JSON response from Alamofire API in Swift?

in swift 5 we do like, Use typealias for the completion. Typlealias nothing just use to clean the code.

typealias response = (Bool,Any?)->()

static func postCall(_ url : String, param : [String : Any],completion : @escaping response){
    Alamofire.request(url, method: .post, parameters: param, encoding: JSONEncoding.default, headers: [:]).responseJSON { (response) in

        switch response.result {
           case .success(let JSON):
               print("\n\n Success value and JSON: \(JSON)")

           case .failure(let error):
               print("\n\n Request failed with error: \(error)")


connecting to phpMyAdmin database with PHP/MySQL

This (mysql_connect, mysql_...) extension is deprecated as of PHP 5.5.0, and will be removed in the future. Instead, the MySQLi or PDO_MySQL extension should be used.

  • Object Oriented:

    $mysqli = new mysqli("host", "user", "password");
  • Procedural:

    $link = mysqli_connect("host","user","password") or die(mysqli_error($link)); 
    mysqli_select_db($link, "db");

How to abort an interactive rebase if --abort doesn't work?

Try to follow the advice you see on the screen, and first reset your master's HEAD to the commit it expects.

git update-ref refs/heads/master b918ac16a33881ce00799bea63d9c23bf7022d67

Then, abort the rebase again.

Fatal error: Namespace declaration statement has to be the very first statement in the script in

In my case, the file was created with UTF-8-BOM encoding. I have to save it into UTF-8 encoding, then everything works fine.

How to redirect DNS to different ports

Use SRV record. If you are using freenom go to and connect your freenom server to cloudflare (freenom doesn't support srv records) use _minecraft as service tcp as protocol and your ip as target (you need "a" record to use your ip. I recommend not using your "" domain as "a" record. If you use "" as your "a" record hackers can go in your router settings and hack your network) priority - 0, weight - 0 and port - the port you want to use.(i know this because i was in the same situation) Do the same for any domain provider. (sorry if i made spell mistakes)

ECMAScript 6 class destructor

I just came across this question in a search about destructors and I thought there was an unanswered part of your question in your comments, so I thought I would address that.

thank you guys. But what would be a good convention if ECMAScript doesn't have destructors? Should I create a method called destructor and call it manually when I'm done with the object? Any other idea?

If you want to tell your object that you are now done with it and it should specifically release any event listeners it has, then you can just create an ordinary method for doing that. You can call the method something like release() or deregister() or unhook() or anything of that ilk. The idea is that you're telling the object to disconnect itself from anything else it is hooked up to (deregister event listeners, clear external object references, etc...). You will have to call it manually at the appropriate time.

If, at the same time you also make sure there are no other references to that object, then your object will become eligible for garbage collection at that point.

ES6 does have weakMap and weakSet which are ways of keeping track of a set of objects that are still alive without affecting when they can be garbage collected, but it does not provide any sort of notification when they are garbage collected. They just disappear from the weakMap or weakSet at some point (when they are GCed).

FYI, the issue with this type of destructor you ask for (and probably why there isn't much of a call for it) is that because of garbage collection, an item is not eligible for garbage collection when it has an open event handler against a live object so even if there was such a destructor, it would never get called in your circumstance until you actually removed the event listeners. And, once you've removed the event listeners, there's no need for the destructor for this purpose.

I suppose there's a possible weakListener() that would not prevent garbage collection, but such a thing does not exist either.

FYI, here's another relevant question Why is the object destructor paradigm in garbage collected languages pervasively absent?. This discussion covers finalizer, destructor and disposer design patterns. I found it useful to see the distinction between the three.

Edit in 2020 - proposal for object finalizer

There is a Stage 3 EMCAScript proposal to add a user-defined finalizer function after an object is garbage collected.

A canonical example of something that would benefit from a feature like this is an object that contains a handle to an open file. If the object is garbage collected (because no other code still has a reference to it), then this finalizer scheme allows one to at least put a message to the console that an external resource has just been leaked and code elsewhere should be fixed to prevent this leak.

If you read the proposal thoroughly, you will see that it's nothing like a full-blown destructor in a language like C++. This finalizer is called after the object has already been destroyed and you have to predetermine what part of the instance data needs to be passed to the finalizer for it to do its work. Further, this feature is not meant to be relied upon for normal operation, but rather as a debugging aid and as a backstop against certain types of bugs. You can read the full explanation for these limitations in the proposal.

Finding the last index of an array

New in C# 8.0 you can use the so-called "hat" (^) operator! This is useful for when you want to do something in one line!

var mystr = "Hello World!";
var lastword = mystr.Split(" ")[^1];
// World!

instead of the old way:

var mystr = "Hello World";
var split = mystr.Split(" ");
var lastword = split[split.Length - 1];
// World!

It doesn't save much space, but it looks much clearer (maybe I only think this because I came from python?). This is also much better than calling a method like .Last() or .Reverse() Read more at MSDN

Edit: You can add this functionality to your class like so:

public class MyClass
  public object this[Index indx]
      // Do indexing here, this is just an example of the .IsFromEnd property
      if (indx.IsFromEnd)
        Console.WriteLine("Negative Index!")
        Console.WriteLine("Positive Index!")

The Index.IsFromEnd will tell you if someone is using the 'hat' (^) operator

What is the difference between an abstract function and a virtual function?

An abstract method is a method that must be implemented to make a concrete class. The declaration is in the abstract class (and any class with an abstract method must be an abstract class) and it must be implemented in a concrete class.

A virtual method is a method that can be overridden in a derived class using the override, replacing the behavior in the superclass. If you don't override, you get the original behavior. If you do, you always get the new behavior. This opposed to not virtual methods, that can not be overridden but can hide the original method. This is done using the new modifier.

See the following example:

public class BaseClass
    public void SayHello()

    public virtual void SayGoodbye()

    public void HelloGoodbye()

public class DerivedClass : BaseClass
    public new void SayHello()
        Console.WriteLine("Hi There");

    public override void SayGoodbye()
        Console.WriteLine("See you later");

When I instantiate DerivedClass and call SayHello, or SayGoodbye, I get "Hi There" and "See you later". If I call HelloGoodbye, I get "Hello" and "See you later". This is because SayGoodbye is virtual, and can be replaced by derived classes. SayHello is only hidden, so when I call that from my base class I get my original method.

Abstract methods are implicitly virtual. They define behavior that must be present, more like an interface does.

TCPDF not render all CSS properties

At the moment I write this, TCPDF only supports padding for tables.

Link to their forum page with that information

Can I escape a double quote in a verbatim string literal?

Use double quotation marks.

string foo = @"this ""word"" is escaped";

Maven error :Perhaps you are running on a JRE rather than a JDK?

For me, it worked like following. Please look at JAVA_HOME environment variable, whether it is pointing to JRE or JDK.? If it pointed to JRE, you will face "Perhaps you are running on a JRE rather than a JDK" issue. if so change the path to JDK.

Modifying like this, it worked for me.

JAVA_HOME C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_31

Git Clone: Just the files, please?

git --work-tree=/tmp/files_without_dot_git clone --depth=1 \ \

Both the directories in /tmp are created on the fly. No need to pre-create these.

Class name does not name a type in C++

error 'Class' does not name a type

Just in case someone does the same idiotic thing I did ... I was creating a small test program from scratch and I typed Class instead of class (with a small C). I didn't take any notice of the quotes in the error message and spent a little too long not understanding my problem.

My search for a solution brought me here so I guess the same could happen to someone else.

How to search for a file in the CentOS command line

CentOS is Linux, so as in just about all other Unix/Linux systems, you have the find command. To search for files within the current directory:

find -name "filename"

You can also have wildcards inside the quotes, and not just a strict filename. You can also explicitly specify a directory to start searching from as the first argument to find:

find / -name "filename"

will look for "filename" or all the files that match the regex expression in between the quotes, starting from the root directory. You can also use single quotes instead of double quotes, but in most cases you don't need either one, so the above commands will work without any quotes as well. Also, for example, if you're searching for java files and you know they are somewhere in your /home/username, do:

find /home/username -name *.java

There are many more options to the find command and you should do a:

man find

to learn more about it.

One more thing: if you start searching from / and are not root or are not sudo running the command, you might get warnings that you don't have permission to read certain directories. To ignore/remove those, do:

find / -name 'filename' 2>/dev/null

That just redirects the stderr to /dev/null.

Mailto on submit button

What you need to do is use the onchange event listener in the form and change the href attribute of the send button according to the context of the mail:

<form id="form" onchange="mail(this)">
  <div class="row margin-bottom-20">
    <div class="col-md-6 col-md-offset-0">
      <input class="form-control" name="name" type="text">

  <label>Email <span class="color-red">*</span></label>
  <div class="row margin-bottom-20">
    <div class="col-md-6 col-md-offset-0">
      <input class="form-control" name="email" type="text">

  <label>Date of visit/departure </label>
  <div class="row margin-bottom-20">
    <div class="col-md-3 col-md-offset-0">
      <input class="form-control w8em" name="adate" type="text">
          // Associate the text input to a DD/MM/YYYY date format
          formElements: {
            "adate": "%d/%m/%Y"
    <div class="col-md-3 col-md-offset-0">
      <input class="form-control" name="ddate" type="date">

  <label>No. of people travelling with</label>
  <div class="row margin-bottom-20">
    <div class="col-md-3 col-md-offset-0">
      <input class="form-control" placeholder="Adults" min=1 name="adult" type="number">
    <div class="col-md-3 col-md-offset-0">
      <input class="form-control" placeholder="Children" min=0 name="childeren" type="number">

  <label>Cities you want to visit</label><br />
  <div class="checkbox-inline">
    <label><input type="checkbox" name="city" value="Cassablanca">Cassablanca</label>
  <div class="checkbox-inline">
    <label><input type="checkbox" name="city" value="Fez">Fez</label>
  <div class="checkbox-inline">
    <label><input type="checkbox" name="city" value="Tangier">Tangier</label>
  <div class="checkbox-inline">
    <label><input type="checkbox" name="city" value="Marrakech">Marrakech</label>
  <div class="checkbox-inline">
    <label><input type="checkbox" name="city" value="Rabat">Rabat</label>

  <div class="row margin-bottom-20">
    <div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-0">
      <textarea rows="4" placeholder="Activities Intersted in" name="activities" class="form-control"></textarea>

  <div class="row margin-bottom-20">
    <div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-0">
      <textarea rows="6" class="form-control" name="comment" placeholder="Comment"></textarea>

  <p><a id="send" class="btn btn-primary">Create Message</a></p>


function mail(form) {
    var name =;
    var city = "";
    var adate = form.adate.value;
    var ddate = form.ddate.value;
    var activities = form.activities.value;
    var adult =;
    var child = form.childeren.value;
    var comment = form.comment.value;
    var warning = ""
    for (i = 0; i <; i++) {
        if ([i].checked)
            city += " " +[i].value;
    var str = "mailto:[email protected]?subject=travel to morocco&body=";
    if (name.length > 0) {
        str += "Hi my name is " + name + ", ";
    } else {
        warning += "Name is required"
    if (city.length > 0) {
        str += "I am Intersted in visiting the following citis: " + city + ", ";
    if (activities.length > 0) {
        str += "I am Intersted in following activities: " + activities + ". "
    if (adate.length > 0) {
        str += "I will be ariving on " + adate;
    if (ddate.length > 0) {
        str += " And departing on " + ddate;
    if (adult.length > 0) {
        if (adult == 1 && child == null) {
            str += ". I will be travelling alone"
        } else if (adult > 1) {
            str += ".We will have a group of " + adult + " adults ";
        if (child == null) {
            str += ".";
        } else if (child > 1) {
            str += "along with " + child + " children.";
        } else if (child == 1) {
            str += "along with a child.";

    if (comment.length > 0) {
        str += "%0D%0A" + comment + "."

    if (warning.length > 0) {
    } else {
        str += "%0D%0ARegards,%0D%0A" + name;
        document.getElementById('send').href = str;

How to make an ng-click event conditional?

Basically ng-click first checks the isDisabled and based on its value it will decide whether the function should be called or not.

<span ng-click="(isDisabled) || clicked()">Do something</span>

OR read it as

<span ng-click="(if this value is true function clicked won't be called. and if it's false the clicked will be called) || clicked()">Do something</span>

How to use Google Translate API in my Java application?

I’m tired of looking for free translators and the best option for me was Selenium (more precisely selenide and webdrivermanager) and

import io.github.bonigarcia.wdm.ChromeDriverManager;
import com.codeborne.selenide.Configuration;
import io.github.bonigarcia.wdm.DriverManagerType;
import static com.codeborne.selenide.Selenide.*;

public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, ParseException {

        Configuration.startMaximized = true;
        String[] strings = /some strings to translate
        for (String data: strings) {
            String translation = $x("//span[@class='tlid-translation translation']").getText();

Re-render React component when prop changes

A friendly method to use is the following, once prop updates it will automatically rerender component:

render {

let textWhenComponentUpdate = this.props.text 

return (


How does one Display a Hyperlink in React Native App?

for the React Native, there is library to open Hyperlinks in App.

In addition to this, i suppose you will need to check url and best approach is Regex.

Python JSON dump / append to .txt with each variable on new line

To avoid confusion, paraphrasing both question and answer. I am assuming that user who posted this question wanted to save dictionary type object in JSON file format but when the user used json.dump, this method dumped all its content in one line. Instead, he wanted to record each dictionary entry on a new line. To achieve this use:

with g as outfile:
  json.dump(hostDict, outfile,indent=2)

Using indent = 2 helped me to dump each dictionary entry on a new line. Thank you @agf. Rewriting this answer to avoid confusion.

How to obtain the last index of a list?

I guess you want

last_index = len(list1) - 1 

which would store 3 in last_index.

Swift: Testing optionals for nil

In Xcode Beta 5, they no longer let you do:

var xyz : NSString?

if xyz {
  // Do something using `xyz`.

This produces an error:

does not conform to protocol 'BooleanType.Protocol'

You have to use one of these forms:

if xyz != nil {
   // Do something using `xyz`.

if let xy = xyz {
   // Do something using `xy`.

How to convert an int to string in C?

You can use sprintf to do it, or maybe snprintf if you have it:

char str[ENOUGH];
sprintf(str, "%d", 42);

Where the number of characters (plus terminating char) in the str can be calculated using:


How to bind multiple values to a single WPF TextBlock?

You can use a MultiBinding combined with the StringFormat property. Usage would resemble the following:

        <MultiBinding StringFormat="{}{0} + {1}">
            <Binding Path="Name" />
            <Binding Path="ID" />

Giving Name a value of Foo and ID a value of 1, your output in the TextBlock would then be Foo + 1.

Note: that this is only supported in .NET 3.5 SP1 and 3.0 SP2 or later.

Carry Flag, Auxiliary Flag and Overflow Flag in Assembly

Carry Flag

The rules for turning on the carry flag in binary/integer math are two:

  1. The carry flag is set if the addition of two numbers causes a carry out of the most significant (leftmost) bits added. 1111 + 0001 = 0000 (carry flag is turned on)

  2. The carry (borrow) flag is also set if the subtraction of two numbers requires a borrow into the most significant (leftmost) bits subtracted. 0000 - 0001 = 1111 (carry flag is turned on) Otherwise, the carry flag is turned off (zero).

    • 0111 + 0001 = 1000 (carry flag is turned off [zero])
    • 1000 - 0001 = 0111 (carry flag is turned off [zero])

In unsigned arithmetic, watch the carry flag to detect errors.

In signed arithmetic, the carry flag tells you nothing interesting.

Overflow Flag

The rules for turning on the overflow flag in binary/integer math are two:

  1. If the sum of two numbers with the sign bits off yields a result number with the sign bit on, the "overflow" flag is turned on. 0100 + 0100 = 1000 (overflow flag is turned on)

  2. If the sum of two numbers with the sign bits on yields a result number with the sign bit off, the "overflow" flag is turned on. 1000 + 1000 = 0000 (overflow flag is turned on)

Otherwise the "overflow" flag is turned off

  • 0100 + 0001 = 0101 (overflow flag is turned off)
  • 0110 + 1001 = 1111 (overflow flag turned off)
  • 1000 + 0001 = 1001 (overflow flag turned off)
  • 1100 + 1100 = 1000 (overflow flag is turned off)

Note that you only need to look at the sign bits (leftmost) of the three numbers to decide if the overflow flag is turned on or off.

If you are doing two's complement (signed) arithmetic, overflow flag on means the answer is wrong - you added two positive numbers and got a negative, or you added two negative numbers and got a positive.

If you are doing unsigned arithmetic, the overflow flag means nothing and should be ignored.

For more clarification please refer:

What is the difference between `sorted(list)` vs `list.sort()`?

The main difference is that sorted(some_list) returns a new list:

a = [3, 2, 1]
print sorted(a) # new list
print a         # is not modified

and some_list.sort(), sorts the list in place:

a = [3, 2, 1]
print a.sort() # in place
print a         # it's modified

Note that since a.sort() doesn't return anything, print a.sort() will print None.

Can a list original positions be retrieved after list.sort()?

No, because it modifies the original list.

What is your most productive shortcut with Vim?

You can use \= in an substitution string and is something I do every so often.

If you have what's essentially an unordered list in vim, say using # as a marker, you can convert it over to an ordered list.

# Charlie
# Delta

If it starts on line one, you can do


To convert it over to

3 Charlie
4 Delta

If it doesn't start on line one, just do the maths:

:16,20s/#/\=line(".") - 15/g

More info at :help sub-replace-expression

pop/remove items out of a python tuple

say you have a dict with tuples as keys, e.g: labels = {(1,2,0): 'label_1'} you can modify the elements of the tuple keys as follows:

formatted_labels = {(elem[0],elem[1]):labels[elem] for elem in labels}

Here, we ignore the last elements.

How to edit/save a file through Ubuntu Terminal

If you are not root user then, use following commands:

There are two ways to do it -


sudo vi path_to_file/file_name

Press Esc and then type below respectively

:wq //save and exit
:q! //exit without saving
  1. sudo nano path_to_file/file_name

When using nano: after you finish editing press ctrl+x then it will ask save Y/N.
If you want to save press Y, if not press N. And press enter to exit the editor.

Static link of shared library function in gcc

If you have the .a file of your shared library (.so) you can simply include it with its full path as if it was an object file, like this:

This generates main.o by just compiling:

gcc -c main.c

This links that object file with the corresponding static library and creates the executable (named "main"):

gcc main.o mylibrary.a -o main

Or in a single command:

gcc main.c mylibrary.a -o main

It could also be an absolute or relative path:

gcc main.c /usr/local/mylibs/mylibrary.a -o main

The HTTP request is unauthorized with client authentication scheme 'Ntlm' The authentication header received from the server was 'NTLM'

I have the same setup that you do, and this works fine for me. I think that maybe the problem lies somewhere on your moss configuration or on your network.

You said that moss resides on the same domain as your application. If you have access to the site with your user (that is logged into your machine)... have you tried:

client.ClientCredentials.Windows.ClientCredential = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials;

jquery animate background position

You can change the image background position using setInterval method, see demo here:

Warning: implode() [function.implode]: Invalid arguments passed

You are getting the error because $ret is not an array.

To get rid of the error, at the start of your function, define it with this line: $ret = array();

It appears that the get_tags() call is returning nothing, so the foreach is not run, which means that $ret isn't defined.

Align two divs horizontally side by side center to the page using bootstrap css

I recommend css grid over bootstrap if what you really want, is to have more structured data, e.g. a side by side table with multiple rows, because you don't have to add class name for every child:

// css-grid:
.grid-container {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: auto auto; // 20vw 40vw for me because I have dt and dd
  padding: 10px;
  text-align: left;
  justify-content: center;
  align-items: center;

.grid-container > div {
  padding: 20px;

<div class="grid-container">


How to enable TLS 1.2 in Java 7

System.setProperty("https.protocols", "TLSv1.2"); worked in my case. Have you checked that within the application?

How do you create a daemon in Python?

Note the python-daemon package which solves a lot of problems behind daemons out of the box.

Among other features it enables to (from Debian package description):

  • Detach the process into its own process group.
  • Set process environment appropriate for running inside a chroot.
  • Renounce suid and sgid privileges.
  • Close all open file descriptors.
  • Change the working directory, uid, gid, and umask.
  • Set appropriate signal handlers.
  • Open new file descriptors for stdin, stdout, and stderr.
  • Manage a specified PID lock file.
  • Register cleanup functions for at-exit processing.

Change Primary Key

Sometimes when we do these steps:

 alter table my_table drop constraint my_pk; 
 alter table my_table add constraint my_pk primary key (city_id, buildtime, time);

The last statement fails with

ORA-00955 "name is already used by an existing object"

Oracle usually creates an unique index with the same name my_pk. In such a case you can drop the unique index or rename it based on whether the constraint is still relevant.

You can combine the dropping of primary key constraint and unique index into a single sql statement:

alter table my_table drop constraint my_pk drop index; 

check this: ORA-00955 "name is already used by an existing object"

Postgres integer arrays as parameters?

I realize this is an old question, but it took me several hours to find a good solution and thought I'd pass on what I learned here and save someone else the trouble. Try, for example,

SELECT * FROM some_table WHERE id_column = ANY(@id_list)

where @id_list is bound to an int[] parameter by way of

command.Parameters.Add("@id_list", NpgsqlDbType.Array | NpgsqlDbType.Integer).Value = my_id_list;

where command is a NpgsqlCommand (using C# and Npgsql in Visual Studio).

How do I escape special characters in MySQL?

MySQL has the string function QUOTE, and it should solve this problem:

How to Turn Off Showing Whitespace Characters in Visual Studio IDE

In Visual Studio 2015 From the top menu

Edit -> Advanced -> View White Space

or CTRL + E, S

Hibernate error: ids for this class must be manually assigned before calling save():

Here is what I did to solve just by 2 ways:

  1. make ID column as int type

  2. if you are using autogenerate in ID dont assing value in the setter of ID. If your mapping the some then sometimes autogenetated ID is not concedered. (I dont know why)

  3. try using @GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.SEQUENCE) if possible

How can I make a button redirect my page to another page?

Just another variation:

    <button name="redirect" onClick="redirect()">

    <script type="text/javascript">
    function redirect()
    var url = "http://www.(url).com";

How do you get the cursor position in a textarea?

Here's a cross browser function I have in my standard library:

function getCursorPos(input) {
    if ("selectionStart" in input && document.activeElement == input) {
        return {
            start: input.selectionStart,
            end: input.selectionEnd
    else if (input.createTextRange) {
        var sel = document.selection.createRange();
        if (sel.parentElement() === input) {
            var rng = input.createTextRange();
            for (var len = 0;
                     rng.compareEndPoints("EndToStart", rng) > 0;
                     rng.moveEnd("character", -1)) {
            rng.setEndPoint("StartToStart", input.createTextRange());
            for (var pos = { start: 0, end: len };
                     rng.compareEndPoints("EndToStart", rng) > 0;
                     rng.moveEnd("character", -1)) {
            return pos;
    return -1;

Use it in your code like this:

var cursorPosition = getCursorPos($('#myTextarea')[0])

Here's its complementary function:

function setCursorPos(input, start, end) {
    if (arguments.length < 3) end = start;
    if ("selectionStart" in input) {
        setTimeout(function() {
            input.selectionStart = start;
            input.selectionEnd = end;
        }, 1);
    else if (input.createTextRange) {
        var rng = input.createTextRange();
        rng.moveStart("character", start);
        rng.moveEnd("character", end - start);;

Android: adb: Permission Denied

Solution for me was (thx to David Ljung Madison post)

  1. Root the phone & be sure it is rooted
  2. Adb server (adbd) was not run as root so downloaded & installed the adbd insecure app
  3. Restart adb adb kill-server
  4. Run it & worked like a flower!

How to check if pytorch is using the GPU?

After you start running the training loop, if you want to manually watch it from the terminal whether your program is utilizing the GPU resources and to what extent, then you can simply use watch as in:

$ watch -n 2 nvidia-smi

This will continuously update the usage stats for every 2 seconds until you press ctrl+c

If you need more control on more GPU stats you might need, you can use more sophisticated version of nvidia-smi with --query-gpu=.... Below is a simple illustration of this:

$ watch -n 3 nvidia-smi --query-gpu=index,gpu_name,,memory.used,,temperature.gpu,pstate,utilization.gpu,utilization.memory --format=csv

which would output the stats something like:

enter image description here

Note: There should not be any space between the comma separated query names in --query-gpu=.... Else those values will be ignored and no stats are returned.

Also, you can check whether your installation of PyTorch detects your CUDA installation correctly by doing:

In [13]: import  torch

In [14]: torch.cuda.is_available()
Out[14]: True

True status means that PyTorch is configured correctly and is using the GPU although you have to move/place the tensors with necessary statements in your code.

If you want to do this inside Python code, then look into this module: or in pypi here:


Using Postman for Chrome, selecting CODE you get this... And works

$curl = curl_init();_x000D_
curl_setopt_array($curl, array(_x000D_
  CURLOPT_URL => "",_x000D_
  CURLOPT_ENCODING => "",_x000D_
  CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 30,_x000D_
  CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => "{\n  \"customer\" : \"con\",\n  \"customerID\" : \"5108\",\n  \"customerEmail\" : \"[email protected]\",\n  \"Phone\" : \"34600000000\",\n  \"Active\" : false,\n  \"AudioWelcome\" : \"\"\n\n}",_x000D_
  CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array(_x000D_
    "cache-control: no-cache",_x000D_
    "content-type: application/json",_x000D_
    "x-api-key: whateveriyouneedinyourheader"_x000D_
$response = curl_exec($curl);_x000D_
$err = curl_error($curl);_x000D_
if ($err) {_x000D_
  echo "cURL Error #:" . $err;_x000D_
} else {_x000D_
  echo $response;_x000D_

How do I connect C# with Postgres?

Here is a walkthrough, Using PostgreSQL in your C# (.NET) application (An introduction):

In this article, I would like to show you the basics of using a PostgreSQL database in your .NET application. The reason why I'm doing this is the lack of PostgreSQL articles on CodeProject despite the fact that it is a very good RDBMS. I have used PostgreSQL back in the days when PHP was my main programming language, and I thought.... well, why not use it in my C# application.

Other than that you will need to give us some specific problems that you are having so that we can help diagnose the problem.

Angular 2 Checkbox Two Way Data Binding

I'm working with Angular5 and I had to add the "name" attribute to get the binding to work... The "id" is not required for binding.

<input type="checkbox" id="rememberMe" name="rememberMe" [(ngModel)]="rememberMe">

Passing parameters in rails redirect_to

If you are looking for a way to pass additional URL parameters (not controller, action, id, etc), here's a robust method for doing so:

object_path(@object, params: request.query_parameters)

That will pass along utm parameters or any other additional params you don't want to lose.

Environment Variable with Maven

You can just pass it on the command line, as

mvn -DmyVariable=someValue install

[Update] Note that the order of parameters is significant - you need to specify any options before the command(s).[/Update]

Within the POM file, you may refer to system variables (specified on the command line, or in the pom) as ${myVariable}, and environment variables as ${env.myVariable}. (Thanks to commenters for the correction.)


OK, so you want to pass your system variable to your tests. If - as I assume - you use the Surefire plugin for testing, the best is to specify the needed system variable(s) within the pom, in your plugins section, e.g.


Converting a String to a List of Words?

This way you eliminate every special char outside of the alphabet:

def wordsToList(strn):
    L = strn.split()
    cleanL = []
    abc = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
    ABC = abc.upper()
    letters = abc + ABC
    for e in L:
        word = ''
        for c in e:
            if c in letters:
                word += c
        if word != '':
    return cleanL

s = 'She loves you, yea yea yea! '
L = wordsToList(s)
print(L)  # ['She', 'loves', 'you', 'yea', 'yea', 'yea']

I'm not sure if this is fast or optimal or even the right way to program.

How to load up CSS files using Javascript?

Have you ever heard of Promises? They work on all modern browsers and are relatively simple to use. Have a look at this simple method to inject css to the html head:

function loadStyle(src) {
    return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
        let link = document.createElement('link');
        link.href = src;
        link.rel = 'stylesheet';

        link.onload = () => resolve(link);
        link.onerror = () => reject(new Error(`Style load error for ${src}`));


You can implement it as follows:

window.onload = function () {
        .then(() => loadStyle("css/style.css"))
        .then(() => loadStyle("css/icomoon.css"))
        .then(() => {
            alert('All styles are loaded!');
        }).catch(err => alert(err));

It's really cool, right? This is a way to decide the priority of the styles using Promises.

To see a multi-style loading implementation see:

Share data between html pages

why don't you store your values in HTML5 storage objects such as sessionStorage or localStorage, visit HTML5 Storage Doc to get more details. Using this you can store intermediate values temporarily/permanently locally and then access your values later.

To store values for a session:

sessionStorage.setItem('label', 'value')

or more permanently:

localStorage.setItem('label', 'value')

So you can store (temporarily) form data between multiple pages using HTML5 storage objects which you can even retain after reload..

Best way to deploy Visual Studio application that can run without installing

First you need to publish the file by:

  1. BUILD -> PUBLISH or by right clicking project on Solution Explorer -> properties -> publish or select project in Solution Explorer and press Alt + Enter NOTE: if you are using Visual Studio 2013 then in properties you have to go to BUILD and then you have to disable define DEBUG constant and define TRACE constant and you are ready to go. Representation

  2. Save your file to a particular folder. Find the produced files (the EXE file and the .config, .manifest, and .application files, along with any DLL files, etc.) - they are all in the same folder and typically in the bin\Debug folder below the project file (.csproj). In Visual Studio they are in the Application Files folder and inside that you just need the .exe and dll files. (You have to delete ClickOnce and other files and then make this folder a zip file and distribute it.)

NOTE: The ClickOnce application does install the project to system, but it has one advantage. You DO NOT require administrative privileges here to run (if your application follows the normal guidelines for which folders to use for application data, etc.).

Python: Remove division decimal

if val % 1 == 0:
    val = int(val)

    val = float(val)

This worked for me.

How it works: if the remainder of the quotient of val and 1 is 0, val has to be an integer and can, therefore, be declared to be int without having to worry about losing decimal numbers.

Compare these two situations:


val = 12.00

if val % 1 == 0:
    val = int(val)
    val = float(val)


In this scenario, the output is 12, because 12.00 divided by 1 has the remainder of 0. With this information we know, that val doesn't have any decimals and we can declare val to be int.


val = 13.58

if val % 1 == 0:
    val = int(val)
    val = float(val)


This time the output is 13.58, because when val is divided by 1 there is a remainder (0.58) and therefore val is declared to be a float.

By just declaring the number to be an int (without testing the remainder) decimal numbers will be cut off.

This way there are no zeros in the end and no other than the zeros will be ignored.

How to get the device's IMEI/ESN programmatically in android?

Try this(need to get first IMEI always)

TelephonyManager mTelephony = (TelephonyManager) getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE);
        if (ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(LoginActivity.this,Manifest.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE)!= PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {


            if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.O) {
                if (mTelephony.getPhoneCount() == 2) {
                    IME = mTelephony.getImei(0);
                    IME = mTelephony.getImei();
                if (mTelephony.getPhoneCount() == 2) {
                    IME = mTelephony.getDeviceId(0);
                } else {
                    IME = mTelephony.getDeviceId();
        } else {
            IME = mTelephony.getDeviceId();

How to retrieve field names from temporary table (SQL Server 2008)

you can do it by following way too ..

create table #test (a int, b char(1))

select * From #test

exec tempdb..sp_columns '#test'

How to fix a locale setting warning from Perl

I have this issue whenever I run a Perl script, such as enum4linux, on the latest Kali Linux version.

kali@kali:~$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID:    Kali
Description:    Kali GNU/Linux Rolling
Release:    2020.3
Codename:    kali-rolling


kali@kali:~$ enum4linux
perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
    LANGUAGE = (unset),
    LC_ALL = (unset),
    LC_ADDRESS = "ms_MY.UTF-8",
    LC_NAME = "ms_MY.UTF-8",
    LC_MONETARY = "ms_MY.UTF-8",
    LC_PAPER = "ms_MY.UTF-8",
    LC_TELEPHONE = "ms_MY.UTF-8",
    LC_TIME = "ms_MY.UTF-8",
    LC_NUMERIC = "ms_MY.UTF-8",
    LANG = "en_US.UTF-8"
    are supported and installed on your system.
perl: warning: Falling back to a fallback locale ("en_US.UTF-8").
enum4linux v0.8.9 (
Copyright (C) 2011 Mark Lowe ([email protected])

Look at the warning message given.

perl: warning: Falling back to a fallback locale ("en_US.UTF-8").

Also, notice that LC_ALL = (unset)

The solution is simple. All you have to do is to set it.

export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8


kali@kali:~$ export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8

And problem solved

kali@kali:~$ enum4linux
enum4linux v0.8.9 (
Copyright (C) 2011 Mark Lowe ([email protected])

For a permanent solution, you might want to add it to the .bashrc file.

Remove Style on Element

var element = document.getElementById('sample_id');"width");"height");

How to obtain Signing certificate fingerprint (SHA1) for OAuth 2.0 on Android?

In Android Studio, follow these steps:

  1. Click Gradle properties menu at right side of your android studio IDE.
  2. Expand Task tree.
  3. Click on signingReport You can see your SHA1 at the bottom console

enter image description here

Is there a way to create xxhdpi, xhdpi, hdpi, mdpi and ldpi drawables from a large scale image?

  1. Just use It can make a set of icons from an image, later you can download a zip-file.
  2. Or download a Windows application at (doesn't need to install) and open an icon.
  3. Also you can use a plugin Android Drawable Importer, see answers above. Because it is abandoned, install forks. See Why does Android Drawable Importer ignore selection in AS 3.5 onwards or

XSLT - How to select XML Attribute by Attribute?

There are two problems with your xpath - first you need to remove the child selector from after Data like phihag mentioned. Also you forgot to include root in your xpath. Here is what you want to do:


How can I send an Ajax Request on button click from a form with 2 buttons?

function sendAjaxRequest(element,urlToSend) {
             var clickedButton = element;
              $.ajax({type: "POST",
                  url: urlToSend,
                  data: { id: clickedButton.val(), access_token: $("#access_token").val() },


  1. created as separate function for sending the ajax request.
  2. Kept second parameter as URL because in future you want to send data to different URL

Why when a constructor is annotated with @JsonCreator, its arguments must be annotated with @JsonProperty?

It is possible to avoid constructor annotations with jdk8 where optionally the compiler will introduce metadata with the names of the constructor parameters. Then with jackson-module-parameter-names module Jackson can use this constructor. You can see an example at post Jackson without annotations

Controller not a function, got undefined, while defining controllers globally

These errors occurred, in my case, preceeded by syntax errors at list.find() fuction; 'find' method of a list not recognized by IE11, so has to replace by Filter method, which works for both IE11 and chrome. refer

JavaScript: Get image dimensions

if you have image file from your input form. you can use like this

let images = new Image();
images.onload = () => {
 console.log("Image Size", images.width, images.height)
images.onerror = () => result(true);

let fileReader = new FileReader();
fileReader.onload = () => images.src = fileReader.result;
fileReader.onerror = () => result(false);
if (fileTarget) {

Confirm button before running deleting routine from website

Try this one :

 <script type="text/javascript">
      var baseUrl='';
      function ConfirmDelete()
            if (confirm("Delete Account?"))

  echo '<a type="button" onclick="ConfirmDelete()">DELETE ACCOUNT</a>';

How to use Utilities.sleep() function

Serge is right - my workaround:

function mySleep (sec)

What's the best UI for entering date of birth?

Put both and make each update the other. If the user chooses the date from the datepicker, it is easy to fix a minor misclick in the text field or visualize the choise you typed into text field in the datepicker.

mysqldump Error 1045 Access denied despite correct passwords etc

In Past same problem occurred to me after I copied the mysqldump statement from a MS Word file.

But When typing the statement directly, everything worked fine.

In hex editor the "-" of the not working statement was represented by the unicode char e2 80 93 (

In sort, type password directly and check the copy paste code as the uni-code (or other encoding) strings might cause an issue..

Binding a generic list to a repeater - ASP.NET

You should use ToList() method. (Don't forget about System.Linq namespace)


IList<Model> models = Builder<Model>.CreateListOfSize(10).Build();
List<Model> lstMOdels = models.ToList();

Cannot push to Git repository on Bitbucket

I got this very same error for one repository - suddenly, all other ones were and still work fine when I'm trying to push commits. The problem appeared to be with the SSH key (as you already know from the previous comments) - on bitbucket go to View Profile then click Manage Account.

On the left hand side click on the SSH Keys then add the one that you have on your system under ~/.ssh/ directory.

If you don't have one generated yet - use the instructions from one of the posts, but make sure that you either use the default file or custom named one, with later requiring the -i option with the path to the key when you connect i.e.

ssh -i ~/.ssh/customkeyname username@ip_address

Once you've added your local key to your account at bitbucket, you'll be able to start interacting with your repository.

How do I tell Matplotlib to create a second (new) plot, then later plot on the old one?

However, numbering starts at 1, so:

x = arange(5)
y = np.exp(5)
plt.plot(x, y)

z = np.sin(x)
plt.plot(x, z)

w = np.cos(x)
plt.figure(1) # Here's the part I need, but numbering starts at 1!
plt.plot(x, w)

Also, if you have multiple axes on a figure, such as subplots, use the axes(h) command where h is the handle of the desired axes object to focus on that axes.

(don't have comment privileges yet, sorry for new answer!)

What is the benefit of using "SET XACT_ABORT ON" in a stored procedure?

In my opinion SET XACT_ABORT ON was made obsolete by the addition of BEGIN TRY/BEGIN CATCH in SQL 2k5. Before exception blocks in Transact-SQL it was really difficult to handle errors and unbalanced procedures were all too common (procedures that had a different @@TRANCOUNT at exit compared to entry).

With the addition of Transact-SQL exception handling is much easier to write correct procedures that are guaranteed to properly balance the transactions. For instance I use this template for exception handling and nested transactions:

create procedure [usp_my_procedure_name]
    set nocount on;
    declare @trancount int;
    set @trancount = @@trancount;
    begin try
        if @trancount = 0
            begin transaction
            save transaction usp_my_procedure_name;

        -- Do the actual work here

        if @trancount = 0   
    end try
    begin catch
        declare @error int, @message varchar(4000), @xstate int;
        select @error = ERROR_NUMBER(), @message = ERROR_MESSAGE(), @xstate = XACT_STATE();
        if @xstate = -1
        if @xstate = 1 and @trancount = 0
        if @xstate = 1 and @trancount > 0
            rollback transaction usp_my_procedure_name;

        raiserror ('usp_my_procedure_name: %d: %s', 16, 1, @error, @message) ;
    end catch   

It allows me to write atomic procedures that rollback only their own work in case of recoverable errors.

One of the main issues Transact-SQL procedures face is data purity: sometimes the parameters received or the data in the tables are just plain wrong, resulting in duplicate key errors, referential constrain errors, check constrain errors and so on and so forth. After all, that's exactly the role of these constrains, if these data purity errors would be impossible and all caught by the business logic, the constrains would be all obsolete (dramatic exaggeration added for effect). If XACT_ABORT is ON then all these errors result in the entire transaction being lost, as opposed to being able to code exception blocks that handle the exception gracefully. A typical example is trying to do an INSERT and reverting to an UPDATE on PK violation.

How to get the client IP address in PHP

The following function determine all possibilities and return the values in a comma separated format (ip, ip, etc.).

It has also an optional validation function as (first parameter that disabled by default) to validate the IP address against (private range and reserved range).

echo GetClientIP(true);

function GetClientIP($validate = False) {
  $ipkeys = array(

  Now we check each key against $_SERVER if containing such value
  $ip = array();
  foreach ($ipkeys as $keyword) {
    if (isset($_SERVER[$keyword])) {
      if ($validate) {
        if (ValidatePublicIP($_SERVER[$keyword])) {
          $ip[] = $_SERVER[$keyword];
        $ip[] = $_SERVER[$keyword];

  $ip = ( empty($ip) ? 'Unknown' : implode(", ", $ip) );
  return $ip;

function ValidatePublicIP($ip){
    return true;
  else {
    return false;

How to close a web page on a button click, a hyperlink or a link button click?

double click the button and add write // this.close();

  private void buttonClick(object sender, EventArgs e)

Detect network connection type on Android

On top of Emil's awsome answer I'd like to add one more method, for checking if you actually have Internet access as you could have data set to off on your phone.

public static boolean hasInternetAccess(Context c){
    TelephonyManager tm = (TelephonyManager) c.getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE);
    if(isConnected(c) && tm.getDataState() == TelephonyManager.DATA_CONNECTED)
       return true;
        return false;

Note that this is only for checking if theres a cellular data connection and will return false if you have WiFi connected, as the cellular data is off when WiFi is connected.

How to copy a selection to the OS X clipboard

If the clipboard is enabled, you can copy a selected region to the clipboard by hitting "*y

To see if it is enabled, run vim --version and look for +clipboard or -clipboard. For example, it's not enabled by default on my 10.5.6 box:

% which vim
% vim --version
VIM - Vi IMproved 7.2 (2008 Aug 9, compiled Nov 11 2008 17:20:43)
Included patches: 1-22
Compiled by [email protected]
Normal version without GUI.  Features included (+) or not (-):
-clientserver -clipboard +cmdline_compl +cmdline_hist +cmdline_info +comments

If it had been compiled with +clipboard, I'd be able to use the "* register to access the system clipboard.

I downloaded the 7.2 source and compiled it (easy as tar xjf && cd vim72 && ./configure && make && sudo make install), and the clipboard was enabled:

% which vim
% vim --version
VIM - Vi IMproved 7.2 (2008 Aug 9, compiled Mar 24 2009 17:31:52)
Compiled by [email protected]
Normal version with GTK2 GUI.  Features included (+) or not (-):
+clientserver +clipboard +cmdline_compl +cmdline_hist +cmdline_info +comments

However, even after compiling, I couldn't copy to the clipboard when running vim in, only in

Powershell: Get FQDN Hostname

To get FQDN of local computer:




To get FQDN of Remote computer:



For better formatted value use:

  • For remote machines make sure host is reachable.

Why aren't python nested functions called closures?

A closure occurs when a function has access to a local variable from an enclosing scope that has finished its execution.

def make_printer(msg):
    def printer():
        print msg
    return printer

printer = make_printer('Foo!')

When make_printer is called, a new frame is put on the stack with the compiled code for the printer function as a constant and the value of msg as a local. It then creates and returns the function. Because the function printer references the msg variable, it is kept alive after the make_printer function has returned.

So, if your nested functions don't

  1. access variables that are local to enclosing scopes,
  2. do so when they are executed outside of that scope,

then they are not closures.

Here's an example of a nested function which is not a closure.

def make_printer(msg):
    def printer(msg=msg):
        print msg
    return printer

printer = make_printer("Foo!")
printer()  #Output: Foo!

Here, we are binding the value to the default value of a parameter. This occurs when the function printer is created and so no reference to the value of msg external to printer needs to be maintained after make_printer returns. msg is just a normal local variable of the function printer in this context.

how to open a page in new tab on button click in

Take care to reset target, otherwise all other calls like Response.Redirect will open in a new tab, which might be not what you want.

<asp:LinkButton OnClientClick="openInNewTab();" .../>

In javaScript:

<script type="text/javascript">
    function openInNewTab() {
        window.document.forms[0].target = '_blank'; 
        setTimeout(function () { window.document.forms[0].target = ''; }, 0);

Custom CSS Scrollbar for Firefox

I thought I would share my findings in case someone is considering a JQuery plugin to do the job.

I gave JQuery Custom Scrollbar a go. It's pretty fancy and does some smooth scrolling (with scrolling inertia) and has loads of parameters you can tweak, but it ended up being a bit too CPU intensive for me (and it adds a fair amount to the DOM).

Now I'm giving Perfect Scrollbar a go. It's simple and lightweight (6KB) and it's doing a decent job so far. It's not CPU intensive at all (as far as I can tell) and adds very little to your DOM. It's only got a couple of parameters to tweak (wheelSpeed and wheelPropagation), but it's all I need and it handles updates to the scrolling content nicely (such as loading images).

P.S. I did have a quick look at JScrollPane, but @simone is right, it's a bit dated now and a PITA.

Laravel 5 error SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user 'homestead'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

You need to run these two commands

php artisan cache:clear
php artisan config:cache

How can I inject a property value into a Spring Bean which was configured using annotations?

If you need more Flexibility for the configurations, try the Settings4jPlaceholderConfigurer:

In our application we use:

  • Preferences to configure the PreProd- and Prod-System
  • Preferences and JNDI Environment variables (JNDI overwrites the preferences) for "mvn jetty:run"
  • System Properties for UnitTests (@BeforeClass annotation)

The default order which key-value-Source is checked first, is described in:
It can be customized with a settings4j.xml (accurate to log4j.xml) in your classpath.

Let me know your opinion: [email protected]

with friendly regards,

Select specific row from mysql table

You can add an auto generated id field in the table and select by this id


Is it possible to specify a different ssh port when using rsync?

when you need to send files through a specific SSH port:

rsync -azP -e "ssh -p PORT_NUMBER" source destination


rsync -azP -e "ssh -p 2121" /path/to/files/source user@remoteip:/path/to/files/destination

Getting a count of objects in a queryset in django

Another way of doing this would be using Aggregation. You should be able to achieve a similar result using a single query. Such as this:


I did not test this specific query, but this should output a count of the items for each value in contests as a dictionary.

An URL to a Windows shared folder

If you are allowed to go further then javascript/html facilities - I would use the apache web server to represent your directory listing via http.

If this solution is appropriate. these are the steps:

  1. download apache hhtp server from one of the mirrors

  2. unzip/install (if msi) it to the directory e.g C:\opt\Apache (the instruction is for windows)

  3. map the network forlder as a local drive on windows (\server\folder to let's say drive H:)

  4. open conf/httpd.conf file

  5. make sure the next line is present and not commented

    LoadModule autoindex_module modules/

  6. Add directory configuration

<Directory "H:/path">

Options +Indexes

AllowOverride None

Order allow,deny

Allow from all

</Directory> 7. Start the web server and make sure the directory listingof the remote folder is available by http. hit localhost/path 8. use a frame inside your web page to access the listing

What is missed: 1. you mignt need more fancy configuration for the host name, refer to Apache Web Server docs. Register the host name in DNS server

  1. the mapping to the network drive might not work, i did not check. As a posible resolution - host your web server on the same machine as smb server.

How to create multiple class objects with a loop in python?

I hope this is what you are looking for.

class Try:
    def do_somthing(self):
        print 'Hello'

if __name__ == '__main__':
    obj_list = []
    for obj in range(10):
        obj = Try()




Best way to convert string to bytes in Python 3?

If you look at the docs for bytes, it points you to bytearray:

bytearray([source[, encoding[, errors]]])

Return a new array of bytes. The bytearray type is a mutable sequence of integers in the range 0 <= x < 256. It has most of the usual methods of mutable sequences, described in Mutable Sequence Types, as well as most methods that the bytes type has, see Bytes and Byte Array Methods.

The optional source parameter can be used to initialize the array in a few different ways:

If it is a string, you must also give the encoding (and optionally, errors) parameters; bytearray() then converts the string to bytes using str.encode().

If it is an integer, the array will have that size and will be initialized with null bytes.

If it is an object conforming to the buffer interface, a read-only buffer of the object will be used to initialize the bytes array.

If it is an iterable, it must be an iterable of integers in the range 0 <= x < 256, which are used as the initial contents of the array.

Without an argument, an array of size 0 is created.

So bytes can do much more than just encode a string. It's Pythonic that it would allow you to call the constructor with any type of source parameter that makes sense.

For encoding a string, I think that some_string.encode(encoding) is more Pythonic than using the constructor, because it is the most self documenting -- "take this string and encode it with this encoding" is clearer than bytes(some_string, encoding) -- there is no explicit verb when you use the constructor.

Edit: I checked the Python source. If you pass a unicode string to bytes using CPython, it calls PyUnicode_AsEncodedString, which is the implementation of encode; so you're just skipping a level of indirection if you call encode yourself.

Also, see Serdalis' comment -- unicode_string.encode(encoding) is also more Pythonic because its inverse is byte_string.decode(encoding) and symmetry is nice.

Difference between map and collect in Ruby?

Ruby aliases the method Array#map to Array#collect; they can be used interchangeably. (Ruby Monk)

In other words, same source code :

               static VALUE
rb_ary_collect(VALUE ary)
long i;
VALUE collect;

RETURN_SIZED_ENUMERATOR(ary, 0, 0, ary_enum_length);
collect = rb_ary_new2(RARRAY_LEN(ary));
for (i = 0; i < RARRAY_LEN(ary); i++) {
    rb_ary_push(collect, rb_yield(RARRAY_AREF(ary, i)));
return collect;

'mvn' is not recognized as an internal or external command,

Make sure you have your maven bin directory in the path and the JAVA_HOME property set

Can a JSON value contain a multiline string

Not pretty good solution, but you can try the hjson tool. It allows you to write text multi-lined in editor and then converts it to the proper valid JSON format.

Note: it adds '\n' characters for the new lines, but you can simply delete them in any text editor with the "Replace all.." function.

iPhone 6 Plus resolution confusion: Xcode or Apple's website? for development

On the physical device, iPhone 6 Plus's main screen's bounds is 2208x1242 and nativeBounds is 1920x1080. There is hardware scaling involved to resize to the physical display.

On the simulator, the iPhone 6 Plus's main screen's bounds and nativeBounds are both 2208x1242.

In other words... Videos, OpenGL, and other things based on CALayers that deal with pixels will deal with the real 1920x1080 frame buffer on device (or 2208x1242 on sim). Things dealing with points in UIKit will be deal with the 2208x1242 (x3) bounds and get scaled as appropriate on device.

The simulator does not have access to the same hardware that is doing the scaling on device and there's not really much of a benefit to simulating it in software as they'd produce different results than the hardware. Thus it makes sense to set the nativeBounds of a simulated device's main screen to the bounds of the physical device's main screen.

iOS 8 added API to UIScreen (nativeScale and nativeBounds) to let a developer determine the resolution of the CADisplay corresponding to the UIScreen.

php return 500 error but no error log

Be sure your file permissions are correct. If apache doesn't have permission to read the file then it can't write to the log.

python pandas dataframe columns convert to dict key and value

With pandas it can be done as:

If lakes is your DataFrame:

area_dict = lakes.to_dict('records')

Where does one get the "sys/socket.h" header/source file?

Since you've labeled the question C++, you might be interested in using boost::asio, ACE, or some other cross-platform socket library for C++ or for C. Some other cross-platform libraries may be found in the answers to C++ sockets library for cross-platform and Cross platform Networking API.

Assuming that using a third party cross-platform sockets library is not an option for you...

The header <sys/socket.h> is defined in IEEE Std. 1003.1 (POSIX), but sadly Windows is non-compliant with the POSIX standard. The MinGW compiler is a port of GCC for compiling Windows applications, and therefore does not include these POSIX system headers. If you install GCC using Cygwin, then it will include these system headers to emulate a POSIX environment on Windows. Be aware, however, that if you use Cygwin for sockets that a.) you will need to put the cygwin DLL in a place where your application can read it and b.) Cygwin headers and Windows headers don't interact very well (so if you plan on including windows.h, then you probably don't want to be including sys/socket.h).

My personal recommendation would be to download a copy of VirtualBox, download a copy of Ubuntu, install Ubuntu into VirtualBox, and then do your coding and testing on Ubuntu. Alternatively, I am told that Microsoft sells a "UNIX subsystem" and that it is pre-installed on certain higher-end editions of Windows, although I have no idea how compliant this system is (and, if it is compliant, with which edition of the UNIX standard it is compliant). Winsockets are also an option, although they can behave in subtly different ways than their POSIX counterparts, even though the signatures may be similar.

iPhone Debugging: How to resolve 'failed to get the task for process'?

Yes , Provisioning profiles which are for distribution purpose, i.e. Distrutions provisioning profiles do not support debugging and gives this error. Simply create and use debug provisioning profile (take care of this when creating provisioning profile from account).