I'd like to offer another simple comparison between python and JS example, if this helps make things clearer.
function make () {
var cl = 1;
function gett () {
function sett (val) {
cl = val;
return [gett, sett]
and executing:
a = make(); g = a[0]; s = a[1];
s(2); g(); // 2
s(3); g(); // 3
def make ():
cl = 1
def gett ():
def sett (val):
cl = val
return gett, sett
and executing:
g, s = make()
g() #1
s(2); g() #1
s(3); g() #1
Reason: As many others said above, in python, if there is an assignment in the inner scope to a variable with the same name, a new reference in the inner scope is created. Not so with JS, unless you explicitly declare one with the var