[swift] Store a closure as a variable in Swift

In Objective-C, you can define a block's input and output, store one of those blocks that's passed in to a method, then use that block later:

// in .h

    typedef void (^APLCalibrationProgressHandler)(float percentComplete);
    typedef void (^APLCalibrationCompletionHandler)(NSInteger measuredPower, NSError *error);

    // in .m

    @property (strong) APLCalibrationProgressHandler progressHandler;
    @property (strong) APLCalibrationCompletionHandler completionHandler;

    - (id)initWithRegion:(CLBeaconRegion *)region completionHandler:(APLCalibrationCompletionHandler)handler
        self = [super init];
            _completionHandler = [handler copy];

        return self;

- (void)performCalibrationWithProgressHandler:(APLCalibrationProgressHandler)handler

            self.progressHandler = [handler copy];

            dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
                _completionHandler(0, error);

So I'm trying to do the equivilant in Swift:

var completionHandler:(Float)->Void={}

init() {
    locationManager = CLLocationManager()
    region = CLBeaconRegion()
    timer = NSTimer()

convenience init(region: CLBeaconRegion, handler:((Float)->Void)) {
    locationManager.delegate = self
    self.region = region
    completionHandler = handler
    rangedBeacons = NSMutableArray()

The compiler doesn't like that declaration of completionHandler. Not that I blame it, but, how do I define a closure that can be set and used later in Swift?

This question is related to swift closures objective-c-blocks

The answer is

For me following was working:

var completionHandler:((Float)->Void)!

I've provide an example not sure if this is what you're after.

var completionHandler: (_ value: Float) -> ()

func printFloat(value: Float) {

completionHandler = printFloat


It simply prints 5 using the completionHandler variable declared.

Depends on your needs there is an addition to accepted answer. You may also implement it like this:

var parseCompletion: (() ->Void)!

and later in some func assign to it

func someHavyFunc(completion: @escaping () -> Void){
    self.parseCompletion = completion

and in some second function use it

func someSecondFunc(){
    if let completion = self.parseCompletion {

note that @escaping parameter is a mandatory here

Closures can be declared as typealias as below

typealias Completion = (Bool, Any, Error) -> Void

If you want to use in your function anywhere in code; you can write like normal variable

func xyz(with param1: String, completion: Completion) {


@interface PopupView : UIView
@property (nonatomic, copy) void (^onHideComplete)();

@interface PopupView ()


- (IBAction)hideButtonDidTouch:(id sender) {
    // Do something
    // Callback
    if (onHideComplete) onHideComplete ();


PopupView * popupView = [[PopupView alloc] init]
popupView.onHideComplete = ^() {


class PopupView: UIView {
    var onHideComplete: (() -> Void)?

    @IBAction func hideButtonDidTouch(sender: AnyObject) {
        // Do something
        // Callback
        if let callback = self.onHideComplete {
            callback ()

var popupView = PopupView ()
popupView.onHideComplete = {
    () -> Void in 

In Swift 4 and 5. I created a closure variable containing two parameter dictionary and bool.

 var completionHandler:([String:Any], Bool)->Void = { dict, success  in
    if success {

Calling the closure variable

self.completionHandler(["name":"Gurjinder singh"],true)

This works too:

var exeBlk = {
    () -> Void in
exeBlk = {
    //do something
//instead of nil:
exeBlk = {}

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Examples related to objective-c-blocks

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