[sql] Query to get only numbers from a string

I have data like this:

string 1: 003Preliminary Examination Plan   
string 2: Coordination005  
string 3: Balance1000sheet

The output I expect is

string 1: 003
string 2: 005
string 3: 1000

And I want to implement it in SQL.

This question is related to sql sql-server

The answer is

If you are using Postgres and you have data like '2000 - some sample text' then try substring and position combination, otherwise if in your scenario there is no delimiter, you need to write regex:

SUBSTRING(Column_name from 0 for POSITION('-' in column_name) - 1) as 


    string NVARCHAR(50)

INSERT INTO @temp (string)
    ('003Preliminary Examination Plan'),

SELECT SUBSTRING(string, PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', string), PATINDEX('%[0-9][^0-9]%', string + 't') - PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', 
                    string) + 1) AS Number
FROM @temp

In Oracle

You can get what you want using this:

SUBSTR('ABCD1234EFGH',REGEXP_INSTR ('ABCD1234EFGH', '[[:digit:]]'),REGEXP_COUNT ('ABCD1234EFGH', '[[:digit:]]'))

Sample Query:

SELECT SUBSTR('003Preliminary Examination Plan  ',REGEXP_INSTR ('003Preliminary Examination Plan  ', '[[:digit:]]'),REGEXP_COUNT ('003Preliminary Examination Plan  ', '[[:digit:]]')) SAMPLE1,
SUBSTR('Coordination005',REGEXP_INSTR ('Coordination005', '[[:digit:]]'),REGEXP_COUNT ('Coordination005', '[[:digit:]]')) SAMPLE2,
SUBSTR('Balance1000sheet',REGEXP_INSTR ('Balance1000sheet', '[[:digit:]]'),REGEXP_COUNT ('Balance1000sheet', '[[:digit:]]')) SAMPLE3 FROM DUAL

For the hell of it...

This solution is different to all earlier solutions, viz:

  • There is no need to create a function
  • There is no need to use pattern matching
  • There is no need for a temporary table
  • This solution uses a recursive common table expression (CTE)

But first - note the question does not specify where such strings are stored. In my solution below, I create a CTE as a quick and dirty way to put these strings into some kind of "source table".

Note also - this solution uses a recursive common table expression (CTE) - so don't get confused by the usage of two CTEs here. The first is simply to make the data avaliable to the solution - but it is only the second CTE that is required in order to solve this problem. You can adapt the code to make this second CTE query your existing table, view, etc.

Lastly - my coding is verbose, trying to use column and CTE names that explain what is going on and you might be able to simplify this solution a little. I've added in a few pseudo phone numbers with some (expected and atypical, as the case may be) formatting for the fun of it.

with SOURCE_TABLE as (
    select '003Preliminary Examination Plan' as numberString
    union all select 'Coordination005' as numberString
    union all select 'Balance1000sheet' as numberString
    union all select '1300 456 678' as numberString
    union all select '(012) 995 8322  ' as numberString
    union all select '073263 6122,' as numberString
        len(numberString) as currentStringLength,
        isNull(cast(try_cast(replace(left(numberString, 1),' ','z') as tinyint) as nvarchar),'') as firstCharAsNumeric,
        cast(isNull(cast(try_cast(nullIf(left(numberString, 1),'') as tinyint) as nvarchar),'') as nvarchar(4000)) as newString,
        cast(substring(numberString,2,len(numberString)) as nvarchar) as remainingString
    union all
        len(remainingString) as currentStringLength,
        cast(try_cast(replace(left(remainingString, 1),' ','z') as tinyint) as nvarchar) as firstCharAsNumeric,
        cast(isNull(newString,'') as nvarchar(3999)) + isNull(cast(try_cast(nullIf(left(remainingString, 1),'') as tinyint) as nvarchar(1)),'') as newString,
        substring(remainingString,2,len(remainingString)) as remainingString
    where fcp2.currentStringLength > 1
    ,* -- comment this out when required
where currentStringLength = 1

So what's going on here?

Basically in our CTE we are selecting the first character and using try_cast (see docs) to cast it to a tinyint (which is a large enough data type for a single-digit numeral). Note that the type-casting rules in SQL Server say that an empty string (or a space, for that matter) will resolve to zero, so the nullif is added to force spaces and empty strings to resolve to null (see discussion) (otherwise our result would include a zero character any time a space is encountered in the source data).

The CTE also returns everything after the first character - and that becomes the input to our recursive call on the CTE; in other words: now let's process the next character.

Lastly, the field newString in the CTE is generated (in the second SELECT) via concatenation. With recursive CTEs the data type must match between the two SELECT statements for any given column - including the column size. Because we know we are adding (at most) a single character, we are casting that character to nvarchar(1) and we are casting the newString (so far) as nvarchar(3999). Concatenated, the result will be nvarchar(4000) - which matches the type casting we carry out in the first SELECT.

If you run this query and exclude the WHERE clause, you'll get a sense of what's going on - but the rows may be in a strange order. (You won't necessarily see all rows relating to a single input value grouped together - but you should still be able to follow).

Hope it's an interesting option that may help a few people wanting a strictly expression-based solution.

declare @puvodni nvarchar(20)
set @puvodni = N'abc1d8e8ttr987avc'

WHILE PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%', @puvodni) > 0 SET @puvodni = REPLACE(@puvodni, SUBSTRING(@puvodni, PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%', @puvodni), 1), '' ) 

SELECT @puvodni

This UDF will work for all types of strings:

CREATE FUNCTION udf_getNumbersFromString (@string varchar(max))
RETURNS varchar(max)
    WHILE  @String like '%[^0-9]%'
    SET    @String = REPLACE(@String, SUBSTRING(@String, PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%', @String), 1), '')
    RETURN @String

Firstly find out the number's starting length then reverse the string to find out the first position again(which will give you end position of number from the end). Now if you deduct 1 from both number and deduct it from string whole length you'll get only number length. Now get the number using SUBSTRING

declare @fieldName nvarchar(100)='AAAA1221.121BBBB'

declare @lenSt int=(select PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', @fieldName)-1)
declare @lenEnd int=(select PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', REVERSE(@fieldName))-1)

select SUBSTRING(@fieldName, PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', @fieldName), (LEN(@fieldName) - @lenSt -@lenEnd))

With the previous queries I get these results:

'AAAA1234BBBB3333' >>>> Output: 1234

'-çã+0!\aº1234' >>>> Output: 0

The code below returns All numeric chars:

1st output: 12343333

2nd output: 01234

declare @StringAlphaNum varchar(255)
declare @Character varchar
declare @SizeStringAlfaNumerica int
declare @CountCharacter int

set @StringAlphaNum = 'AAAA1234BBBB3333'
set @SizeStringAlfaNumerica = len(@StringAlphaNum)
set @CountCharacter = 1

while isnumeric(@StringAlphaNum) = 0
    while @CountCharacter < @SizeStringAlfaNumerica
            if substring(@StringAlphaNum,@CountCharacter,1) not like '[0-9]%'
                set @Character = substring(@StringAlphaNum,@CountCharacter,1)
                set @StringAlphaNum = replace(@StringAlphaNum, @Character, '')
    set @CountCharacter = @CountCharacter + 1
    set @CountCharacter = 0
select @StringAlphaNum

Just a little modification to @Epsicron 's answer

SELECT SUBSTRING(string, PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', string), PATINDEX('%[0-9][^0-9]%', string + 't') - PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', 
                    string) + 1) AS Number
FROM (values ('003Preliminary Examination Plan'),
    ('Balance1000sheet')) as a(string)

no need for a temporary variable

Taking other answers into account, i came up with my own: Try this :

SUBSTRING('your-string-here', PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', 'your-string-here'), LEN('your-string-here'))

NB: Only works for the first int in the string, ex: abc123vfg34 returns 123.

Please try:

declare @var nvarchar(max)='Balance1000sheet'

SELECT LEFT(Val,PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%', Val+'a')-1) from(
    SELECT SUBSTRING(@var, PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', @var), LEN(@var)) Val

I did not have rights to create functions but had text like


And needed to extract the numbers out of the middle

Note this assumes the numbers are grouped together and not at the start and end of the string.

select substring(column_name,patindex('%[0-9]%', column_name),patindex('%[0-9][^0-9]%', column_name)-patindex('%[0-9]%', column_name)+1)
from table name

T-SQL function to read all the integers from text and return the one at the indicated index, starting from left or right, also using a starting search term (optional):

create or alter function dbo.udf_number_from_text(
    @text nvarchar(max),
    @search_term nvarchar(1000) = N'',
    @number_position tinyint = 1,
    @rtl bit = 0
) returns int
        declare @result int = 0;
        declare @search_term_index int = 0;

        if @text is null or len(@text) = 0 goto exit_label;
        set @text = trim(@text);
        if len(@text) = len(@search_term) goto exit_label;

        if len(@search_term) > 0
                set @search_term_index = charindex(@search_term, @text);
                if @search_term_index = 0 goto exit_label;

        if @search_term_index > 0
            if @rtl = 0
                set @text = trim(right(@text, len(@text) - @search_term_index - len(@search_term) + 1));
                set @text = trim(left(@text, @search_term_index - 1));
        if len(@text) = 0 goto exit_label;

        declare @patt_number nvarchar(10) = '%[0-9]%';
        declare @patt_not_number nvarchar(10) = '%[^0-9]%';
        declare @number_start int = 1;
        declare @number_end int;
        declare @found_numbers table (id int identity(1,1), val int);

        while @number_start > 0
            set @number_start = patindex(@patt_number, @text);
            if @number_start > 0
                    if @number_start = len(@text)
                            insert into @found_numbers(val)
                            select cast(substring(@text, @number_start, 1) as int);

                            set @text = right(@text, len(@text) - @number_start + 1);
                            set @number_end = patindex(@patt_not_number, @text);

                            if @number_end = 0
                                    insert into @found_numbers(val)
                                    select cast(@text as int);

                                    insert into @found_numbers(val)
                                    select cast(left(@text, @number_end - 1) as int);

                                    if @number_end = len(@text)
                                            set @text = trim(right(@text, len(@text) - @number_end));
                                            if len(@text) = 0 break;

        if @rtl = 0
            select @result = coalesce(a.val, 0)
            from (select row_number() over (order by m.id asc) as c_row, m.val
                    from @found_numbers as m) as a
            where a.c_row = @number_position;
            select @result = coalesce(a.val, 0)
            from (select row_number() over (order by m.id desc) as c_row, m.val
                    from @found_numbers as m) as a
            where a.c_row = @number_position;

            return @result;


select dbo.udf_number_from text(N'Text text 10 text, 25 term', N'term',2,1);

returns 10;

Try this one -


      string NVARCHAR(50)

INSERT INTO @temp (string)
    ('003Preliminary Examination Plan'),

SELECT LEFT(subsrt, PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%', subsrt + 't') - 1) 
    SELECT subsrt = SUBSTRING(string, pos, LEN(string))
    FROM (
        SELECT string, pos = PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', string)
        FROM @temp
    ) d
) t



Although this is an old thread its the first in google search, I came up with a different answer than what came before. This will allow you to pass your criteria for what to keep within a string, whatever that criteria might be. You can put it in a function to call over and over again if you want.

declare @String VARCHAR(MAX) = '-123.  a    456-78(90)'
declare @MatchExpression VARCHAR(255) = '%[0-9]%'
declare @return varchar(max)

WHILE PatIndex(@MatchExpression, @String) > 0
    set @return = CONCAT(@return, SUBSTRING(@string,patindex(@matchexpression, @string),1))
    SET @String = Stuff(@String, PatIndex(@MatchExpression, @String), 1, '')
select (@return)