Programs & Examples On #Handsoap

Handsoap is a library for creating SOAP clients in Ruby. It takes a minimalistic approach. Instead of a full abstraction layer, it is more like a toolbox with which you can write SOAP bindings.

Calculating difference between two timestamps in Oracle in milliseconds

Here's a stored proc to do it:

CREATE OR REPLACE function timestamp_diff(a timestamp, b timestamp) return number is 
  return extract (day    from (a-b))*24*60*60 +
         extract (hour   from (a-b))*60*60+
         extract (minute from (a-b))*60+
         extract (second from (a-b));

Up Vote if you also wanted to beat the crap out of the Oracle developer who negated to his job!

BECAUSE comparing timestamps for the first time should take everyone an hour or so...

Append value to empty vector in R?

Appending to an object in a for loop causes the entire object to be copied on every iteration, which causes a lot of people to say "R is slow", or "R loops should be avoided".

As BrodieG mentioned in the comments: it is much better to pre-allocate a vector of the desired length, then set the element values in the loop.

Here are several ways to append values to a vector. All of them are discouraged.

Appending to a vector in a loop

# one way
for (i in 1:length(values))
  vector[i] <- values[i]
# another way
for (i in 1:length(values))
  vector <- c(vector, values[i])
# yet another way?!?
for (v in values)
  vector <- c(vector, v)
# ... more ways

help("append") would have answered your question and saved the time it took you to write this question (but would have caused you to develop bad habits). ;-)

Note that vector <- c() isn't an empty vector; it's NULL. If you want an empty character vector, use vector <- character().

Pre-allocate the vector before looping

If you absolutely must use a for loop, you should pre-allocate the entire vector before the loop. This will be much faster than appending for larger vectors.

values <- sample(letters, 1e4, TRUE)
vector <- character(0)
# slow
system.time( for (i in 1:length(values)) vector[i] <- values[i] )
#   user  system elapsed 
#  0.340   0.000   0.343 
vector <- character(length(values))
# fast(er)
system.time( for (i in 1:length(values)) vector[i] <- values[i] )
#   user  system elapsed 
#  0.024   0.000   0.023 

Difference between jQuery parent(), parents() and closest() functions


The .parents() and .closest() methods are similar in that they both traverse up the DOM tree. The differences between the two, though subtle, are significant:


  • Begins with the current element
  • Travels up the DOM tree until it finds a match for the supplied selector
  • The returned jQuery object contains zero or one element


  • Begins with the parent element
  • Travels up the DOM tree to the document's root element, adding each ancestor element to a temporary collection; it then filters that collection based on a selector if one is supplied
  • The returned jQuery object contains zero, one, or multiple elements


  • Given a jQuery object that represents a set of DOM elements, the .parent() method allows us to search through the parents of these elements in the DOM tree and construct a new jQuery object from the matching elements.

Note: The .parents() and .parent() methods are similar, except that the latter only travels a single level up the DOM tree. Also, $("html").parent() method returns a set containing document whereas $("html").parents() returns an empty set.

Here are related threads:

CSS3 Rotate Animation

I have a rotating image using the same thing as you:

.knoop1 img{
    margin:0 auto;

    -webkit-transition-duration: 0.8s;
    -moz-transition-duration: 0.8s;
    -o-transition-duration: 0.8s;
    transition-duration: 0.8s;

    -webkit-transition-property: -webkit-transform;
    -moz-transition-property: -moz-transform;
    -o-transition-property: -o-transform;
     transition-property: transform;


.knoop1:hover img{

How can you strip non-ASCII characters from a string? (in C#)

Here is a pure .NET solution that doesn't use regular expressions:

string inputString = "Räksmörgås";
string asAscii = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(
            new EncoderReplacementFallback(string.Empty),
            new DecoderExceptionFallback()

It may look cumbersome, but it should be intuitive. It uses the .NET ASCII encoding to convert a string. UTF8 is used during the conversion because it can represent any of the original characters. It uses an EncoderReplacementFallback to to convert any non-ASCII character to an empty string.

How to restore the dump into your running mongodb

mongodump: To dump all the records:

mongodump --db databasename

To limit the amount of data included in the database dump, you can specify --db and --collection as options to mongodump. For example:

mongodump --collection myCollection --db test

This operation creates a dump of the collection named myCollection from the database 'test' in a dump/ subdirectory of the current working directory. NOTE: mongodump overwrites output files if they exist in the backup data folder.

mongorestore: To restore all data to the original database:

1) mongorestore --verbose \path\dump

or restore to a new database:

2) mongorestore --db databasename --verbose \path\dump\<dumpfolder>

Note: Both requires mongod instances.

Show default value in Spinner in android

Spinner don't support Hint, i recommend you to make a custom spinner adapter.

check this link :

What HTTP status response code should I use if the request is missing a required parameter?

Status 422 seems most appropiate based on the spec.

The 422 (Unprocessable Entity) status code means the server understands the content type of the request entity (hence a 415(Unsupported Media Type) status code is inappropriate), and the syntax of the request entity is correct (thus a 400 (Bad Request) status code is inappropriate) but was unable to process the contained instructions. For example, this error condition may occur if an XML request body contains well-formed (i.e., syntactically correct), but semantically erroneous, XML instructions.

They state that malformed xml is an example of bad syntax (calling for a 400). A malformed query string seems analogous to this, so 400 doesn't seem appropriate for a well-formed query-string which is missing a param.

UPDATE @DavidV correctly points out that this spec is for WebDAV, not core HTTP. But some popular non-WebDAV APIs are using 422 anyway, for lack of a better status code (see this).

How to loop and render elements in React-native?

For initial array, better use object instead of array, as then you won't be worrying about the indexes and it will be much more clear what is what:

const initialArr = [{
    color: "blue",
    text: "text1"
}, {
    color: "red",
    text: "text2"

For actual mapping, use JS Array map instead of for loop - for loop should be used in cases when there's no actual array defined, like displaying something a certain number of times:

onPress = () => {

renderButtons() {
    return => {
        return (
                style={{ borderColor: item.color }}


render() {
    return (
        <View style={...}>

I moved the mapping to separate function outside of render method for more readable code. There are many other ways to loop through list of elements in react native, and which way you'll use depends on what do you need to do. Most of these ways are covered in this article about React JSX loops, and although it's using React examples, everything from it can be used in React Native. Please check it out if you're interested in this topic!

Also, not on the topic on the looping, but as you're already using the array syntax for defining the onPress function, there's no need to bind it again. This, again, applies only if the function is defined using this syntax within the component, as the arrow syntax auto binds the function.

How do I get today's date in C# in mm/dd/yyyy format?


Generate Row Serial Numbers in SQL Query

  ROW_NUMBER() Over (Order by CustomerID) As [S.N.], 
  CustomerID , 
from Customers;

Change color when hover a font awesome icon?

if you want to change only the colour of the flag on hover use this:

.fa-flag:hover {_x000D_
    color: red;_x000D_
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>_x000D_
<i class="fa fa-flag fa-3x"></i>

How to insert spaces/tabs in text using HTML/CSS

Use the standard CSS tab-size.

To insert a tab symbol (if standard tab key, move cursor) press Alt + 0 + 0 + 9

.element {
    -moz-tab-size: 4;
    tab-size: 4;

My preferred:

*{-moz-tab-size: 1; tab-size: 1;}

Look at snippet or quick found example at tab-size.

    -moz-tab-size: 1;_x000D_
    tab-size: 1;_x000D_
    -moz-tab-size: 2;_x000D_
    tab-size: 2;_x000D_
    -moz-tab-size: 4;_x000D_
    tab-size: 4;_x000D_
pre {border: 1px dotted;}
<h3>tab = {default} space</h3>_x000D_
 one tab text_x000D_
  two tab text_x000D_
<h3>tab = 1 space</h3>_x000D_
<pre class="t1">_x000D_
 one tab text_x000D_
  two tab text_x000D_
<h3>tab = 2 space</h3>_x000D_
<pre class="t2">_x000D_
 one tab text_x000D_
  two tab text_x000D_
<h3>tab = 4 space</h3>_x000D_
<pre class="t4">_x000D_
 one tab text_x000D_
  two tab text_x000D_

Reading string from input with space character?


fgets (name, 100, stdin);

100 is the max length of the buffer. You should adjust it as per your need.


scanf ("%[^\n]%*c", name);

The [] is the scanset character. [^\n] tells that while the input is not a newline ('\n') take input. Then with the %*c it reads the newline character from the input buffer (which is not read), and the * indicates that this read in input is discarded (assignment suppression), as you do not need it, and this newline in the buffer does not create any problem for next inputs that you might take.

Read here about the scanset and the assignment suppression operators.

Note you can also use gets but ....

Never use gets(). Because it is impossible to tell without knowing the data in advance how many characters gets() will read, and because gets() will continue to store characters past the end of the buffer, it is extremely dangerous to use. It has been used to break computer security. Use fgets() instead.

Comment shortcut Android Studio

If you are used with Eclipse, there is something in Settings>Keymap Keymaps: and you can pick Eclipse to keep the same shortcuts.

mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource problem

You are using this :


To get the error you're getting, it means that $result is not a resource.

In your code, $result is obtained this way :

$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM student WHERE IDNO=".$_GET['id']);

If the SQL query fails, $result will not be a resource, but a boolean -- see mysql_query.

I suppose there's an error in your SQL query -- so it fails, mysql_query returns a boolean, and not a resource, and mysql_fetch_array cannot work on that.

You should check if the SQL query returns a result or not :

$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM student WHERE IDNO=".$_GET['id']);
if ($result !== false) {
    // use $result
} else {
    // an error has occured
    echo mysql_error();
    die;    // note : echoing the error message and dying 
            // is OK while developping, but not in production !

With that, you should get a message that indicates the error that occured while executing your query -- this should help figure out what the problem is ;-)

Also, you should escape the data you're putting in your SQL query, to avoid SQL injections !

For example, here, you should make sure that $_GET['id'] contains nothing else than an integer, using something like this :

$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM student WHERE IDNO=" . intval($_GET['id']));

Or you should check this before trying to execute the query, to display a nicer error message to the user.

How to insert a character in a string at a certain position?

String.format("%0d.%02d", d / 100, d % 100);

How to round a number to significant figures in Python

This returns a string, so that results without fractional parts, and small values which would otherwise appear in E notation are shown correctly:

def sigfig(x, num_sigfig):
    num_decplace = num_sigfig - int(math.floor(math.log10(abs(x)))) - 1
    return '%.*f' % (num_decplace, round(x, num_decplace))

WPF binding to Listbox selectedItem

First off, you need to implement INotifyPropertyChanged interface in your view model and raise the PropertyChanged event in the setter of the Rule property. Otherwise no control that binds to the SelectedRule property will "know" when it has been changed.

Then, your XAML

<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=SelectedRule.Name}" />

is perfectly valid if this TextBlock is outside the ListBox's ItemTemplate and has the same DataContext as the ListBox.

Revert to a commit by a SHA hash in Git?

It reverts the said commit, that is, adds the commit opposite to it. If you want to checkout an earlier revision, you do:

git checkout 56e05fced214c44a37759efa2dfc25a65d8ae98d

How can I obtain the element-wise logical NOT of a pandas Series?

In support to the excellent answers here, and for future convenience, there may be a case where you want to flip the truth values in the columns and have other values remain the same (nan values for instance)

In[1]: series = pd.Series([True, np.nan, False, np.nan])
In[2]: series = series[series.notna()] #remove nan values
In[3]: series # without nan                                            
0     True
2    False
dtype: object

# Out[4] expected to be inverse of Out[3], pandas applies bitwise complement 
# operator instead as in `lambda x : (-1*x)-1`

In[4]: ~series
0    -2
2    -1
dtype: object

as a simple non-vectorized solution you can just, 1. check types2. inverse bools

In[1]: series = pd.Series([True, np.nan, False, np.nan])

In[2]: series = series.apply(lambda x : not x if x is bool else x)
0     True
1      NaN
2    False
3      NaN
dtype: object

I want to show all tables that have specified column name

SELECT AS table_name,
SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id) AS schema_name, AS column_name,*
FROM sys.tables AS t
INNER JOIN sys.columns c ON t.OBJECT_ID = c.OBJECT_ID 
ORDER BY schema_name, table_name;

In depth article by SQL Authority

How to resize an Image C#

in this question, you'll have some answers, including mine:

public Image resizeImage(int newWidth, int newHeight, string stPhotoPath)
     Image imgPhoto = Image.FromFile(stPhotoPath); 

     int sourceWidth = imgPhoto.Width;
     int sourceHeight = imgPhoto.Height;

     //Consider vertical pics
    if (sourceWidth < sourceHeight)
        int buff = newWidth;

        newWidth = newHeight;
        newHeight = buff;

    int sourceX = 0, sourceY = 0, destX = 0, destY = 0;
    float nPercent = 0, nPercentW = 0, nPercentH = 0;

    nPercentW = ((float)newWidth / (float)sourceWidth);
    nPercentH = ((float)newHeight / (float)sourceHeight);
    if (nPercentH < nPercentW)
        nPercent = nPercentH;
        destX = System.Convert.ToInt16((newWidth -
                  (sourceWidth * nPercent)) / 2);
        nPercent = nPercentW;
        destY = System.Convert.ToInt16((newHeight -
                  (sourceHeight * nPercent)) / 2);

    int destWidth = (int)(sourceWidth * nPercent);
    int destHeight = (int)(sourceHeight * nPercent);

    Bitmap bmPhoto = new Bitmap(newWidth, newHeight,


    Graphics grPhoto = Graphics.FromImage(bmPhoto);
    grPhoto.InterpolationMode =

        new Rectangle(destX, destY, destWidth, destHeight),
        new Rectangle(sourceX, sourceY, sourceWidth, sourceHeight),

    return bmPhoto;

PHP array printing using a loop

Foreach before foreach: :)

while(list($key,$value) = each($array))
  // we used this back in php3 :)

What is the difference between a token and a lexeme?

Token: Token is a sequence of characters that can be treated as a single logical entity. Typical tokens are,
1) Identifiers
2) keywords
3) operators
4) special symbols

Pattern: A set of strings in the input for which the same token is produced as output. This set of strings is described by a rule called a pattern associated with the token.
Lexeme: A lexeme is a sequence of characters in the source program that is matched by the pattern for a token.

Timeout on a function call

Building on and and enhancing the answer by @piro , you can build a contextmanager. This allows for very readable code which will disable the alaram signal after a successful run (sets signal.alarm(0))

def timeout(duration):
    def timeout_handler(signum, frame):
        raise Exception(f'block timedout after {duration} seconds')
    signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, timeout_handler)

def sleeper(duration):

Example usage:

In [19]: with timeout(2):
    ...:     sleeper(1)

In [20]: with timeout(2):
    ...:     sleeper(3)
Exception                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-20-66c78858116f> in <module>()
      1 with timeout(2):
----> 2     sleeper(3)

<ipython-input-7-a75b966bf7ac> in sleeper(t)
      1 def sleeper(t):
----> 2     time.sleep(t)
      3     print('finished')

<ipython-input-18-533b9e684466> in timeout_handler(signum, frame)
      2 def timeout(duration):
      3     def timeout_handler(signum, frame):
----> 4         raise Exception(f'block timedout after {duration} seconds')
      5     signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, timeout_handler)
      6     signal.alarm(duration)

Exception: block timedout after 2 seconds

How to use nan and inf in C?

I'm also surprised these aren't compile time constants. But I suppose you could create these values easily enough by simply executing an instruction that returns such an invalid result. Dividing by 0, log of 0, tan of 90, that kinda thing.

YAML mapping values are not allowed in this context

The elements of a sequence need to be indented at the same level. Assuming you want two jobs (A and B) each with an ordered list of key value pairs, you should use:

 - - name: A
   - schedule: "0 0/5 * 1/1 * ? *"
   - - type: mongodb.cluster
     - config:
       - host: mongodb://localhost:27017/admin?replicaSet=rs
       - minSecondaries: 2
       - minOplogHours: 100
       - maxSecondaryDelay: 120
 - - name: B
   - schedule: "0 0/5 * 1/1 * ? *"
   - - type: mongodb.cluster
     - config:
       - host: mongodb://localhost:27017/admin?replicaSet=rs
       - minSecondaries: 2
       - minOplogHours: 100
       - maxSecondaryDelay: 120

Converting the sequences of (single entry) mappings to a mapping as @Tsyvarrev does is also possible, but makes you lose the ordering.

Implement a simple factory pattern with Spring 3 annotations

Following the answer from DruidKuma and jumping_monkey

You can also include optional and make your code a bit nicer and cleaner:

 public static MyService getService(String type) {
        return Optional.ofNullable(myServiceCache.get(type))
                .orElseThrow(() -> new RuntimeException("Unknown service type: " + type));

How to style a disabled checkbox?

This is supported by IE too:





Get push notification while App in foreground iOS

As mentioned above, you should use UserNotification.framework to achieve this. But for my purposes I have to show it in app anyway and wanted to have iOS 11 style, so I've created a small helper view, maybe would be useful for someone.

GitHub iOS 11 Push Notification View.

CONVERT Image url to Base64

I try using the top answer, but it occur Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'toDataURL' on 'HTMLCanvasElement': Tainted canvases may not be exported.

I found this is because of cross domain problems, the solution is

function convert(oldImag, callback) {
    var img = new Image();
    img.onload = function(){
    img.setAttribute('crossorigin', 'anonymous');
    img.src = oldImag.src;
function getBase64Image(img,callback) {
    convert(img, function(newImg){
        var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
        canvas.width = newImg.width;
        canvas.height = newImg.height;
        var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
        ctx.drawImage(newImg, 0, 0);
        var base64=canvas.toDataURL("image/png");
// base64 in here.

Laravel 4 with Sentry 2 add user to a group on Registration

Somehow, where you are using Sentry, you're not using its Facade, but the class itself. When you call a class through a Facade you're not really using statics, it's just looks like you are.

Do you have this:

use Cartalyst\Sentry\Sentry; 

In your code?

Ok, but if this line is working for you:

$user = $this->sentry->register(array(     'username' => e($data['username']),     'email' => e($data['email']),      'password' => e($data['password'])     )); 

So you already have it instantiated and you can surely do:

$adminGroup = $this->sentry->findGroupById(5); 

How to read the post request parameters using JavaScript


In jQuery, the above code would give you the URL string with POST parameters in the URL. It's not impossible to extract the POST parameters.

To use jQuery, you need to include the jQuery library. Use the following for that:

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

Horizontal swipe slider with jQuery and touch devices support?

I have made somthink like this for one of my website accualy in developpement.

I have used StepCarousel for the caroussel because it's the only one I found that can accept different image size in the same carrousel.

In addition to this to add the touch swipe effect, I have used jquery.touchswipe plugin;

And stepcarousel move panel rigth or left with a fonction so I can make :

    wipeLeft: function() {stepcarousel.stepBy('slider-actu', 3);},
    wipeRight: function() {stepcarousel.stepBy('slider-actu', -3);},
    min_move_x: 20

You can view the actual render at this page

Hope that help you.

Run a batch file with Windows task scheduler

  1. Don't use double quotes in your cmd/batch file
  2. Make sure you go to the full path start in (optional):

enter image description here

Check if table exists

DatabaseMetaData dbm = con.getMetaData();
// check if "employee" table is there
ResultSet tables = dbm.getTables(null, null, "employee", null);
if ( {
  // Table exists
else {
  // Table does not exist

JS strings "+" vs concat method

MDN has the following to say about string.concat():

It is strongly recommended to use the string concatenation operators (+, +=) instead of this method for perfomance reasons

Also see the link by @Bergi.

how to change attribute "hidden" in jquery

You can use jquery attr method


How to create image slideshow in html?

  1. Set var step=1 as global variable by putting it above the function call
  2. put semicolons

It will look like this

<script type="text/javascript">
var image1 = new Image()
image1.src = "images/pentagg.jpg"
var image2 = new Image()
image2.src = "images/promo.jpg"
<p><img src="images/pentagg.jpg" width="500" height="300" name="slide" /></p>
<script type="text/javascript">
        var step=1;
        function slideit()
            document.images.slide.src = eval("image"+step+".src");

Easiest way to rotate by 90 degrees an image using OpenCV?

Rotation is a composition of a transpose and a flip.

R_{+90} = F_x \circ T

R_{-90} = F_y \circ T

Which in OpenCV can be written like this (Python example below):

img = cv.LoadImage("path_to_image.jpg")
timg = cv.CreateImage((img.height,img.width), img.depth, img.channels) # transposed image

# rotate counter-clockwise
cv.SaveImage("rotated_counter_clockwise.jpg", timg)

# rotate clockwise
cv.SaveImage("rotated_clockwise.jpg", timg)

jQuery Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'fn' of undefined (anonymous function)

You can use noConflict function:

var JJ= jQuery.noConflict(); 
JJ('.back').click(function (){

Change all $ to JJ.

Disable password authentication for SSH


service ssh restart

instead of

/etc/init.d/ssh restart

This might work.

The system cannot find the file specified in java

Try to list all files' names in the directory by calling:

File file = new File(".");
for(String fileNames : file.list()) System.out.println(fileNames);

and see if you will find your files in the list.

How to view/delete local storage in Firefox?

Try this, it works for me:

var storage = null;

function setLocalStorage() {
    storage = (localStorage ? localStorage : (window.content.localStorage ? window.content.localStorage : null));

    try {
        storage.setItem('test_key', 'test_value');//verify if posible saving in the current storage
    catch (e) {
        if ( == "NS_ERROR_FILE_CORRUPTED") {
            storage = sessionStorage ? sessionStorage : null;//set the new storage if fails

Node.js Logging

The "logger.setLevel('ERROR');" is causing the problem. I do not understand why, but when I set it to anything other than "ALL", nothing gets printed in the file. I poked around a little bit and modified your code. It is working fine for me. I created two files.


var log4js = require('log4js');
log4js.addAppender(log4js.appenders.file('test.log'), 'test');
var logger = log4js.getLogger('test');

var getLogger = function() {
   return logger;

exports.logger = getLogger();


var logger = require('./logger.js')

var log = logger.logger;

log.error("ERROR message");
log.trace("TRACE message");

When I run "node logger.test.js", I see only "ERROR message" in test.log file. If I change the level to "TRACE" then both lines are printed on test.log.

Getting attribute using XPath

The standard formula to extract the values of attribute using XPath is


So here is the xpath to fetch the lang value of first attribute-

//title[text()='Harry Potter']/@lang

PS: indexes are never suggested to use in XPath as they can change if one more title tag comes in.

pandas loc vs. iloc vs. at vs. iat?

df = pd.DataFrame({'A':['a', 'b', 'c'], 'B':[54, 67, 89]}, index=[100, 200, 300])


                        A   B
                100     a   54
                200     b   67
                300     c   89
In [19]:    

A     a
B    54
Name: 100, dtype: object

In [20]:    

A     a
B    54
Name: 100, dtype: object

In [24]:    
df2 = df.set_index([df.index,'A'])

100 a   54
200 b   67
300 c   89

In [25]:    
df2.ix[100, 'a']

B    54
Name: (100, a), dtype: int64

<Django object > is not JSON serializable

simplejson and json don't work with django objects well.

Django's built-in serializers can only serialize querysets filled with django objects:

data = serializers.serialize('json', self.get_queryset())
return HttpResponse(data, content_type="application/json")

In your case, self.get_queryset() contains a mix of django objects and dicts inside.

One option is to get rid of model instances in the self.get_queryset() and replace them with dicts using model_to_dict:

from django.forms.models import model_to_dict

data = self.get_queryset()

for item in data:
   item['product'] = model_to_dict(item['product'])

return HttpResponse(json.simplejson.dumps(data), mimetype="application/json")

Hope that helps.

String to decimal conversion: dot separation instead of comma

Instead of replace we can force culture like

var x = decimal.Parse("18,285", new NumberFormatInfo() { NumberDecimalSeparator = "," });

it will give output 18.285

Does Java have something like C#'s ref and out keywords?

Direct answer: No

But you can simulate reference with wrappers.

And do the following:

void changeString( _<String> str ) {

void testRef() {
     _<String> abc = new _<String>("abc");
     changeString( abc );
     out.println( abc ); // prints def


void setString( _<String> ref ) {
    str.s( "def" );
void testOut(){
    _<String> abc = _<String>();
    setString( abc );
    out.println(abc); // prints def

And basically any other type such as:

_<Integer> one = new <Integer>(1);
addOneTo( one );

out.println( one ); // May print 2

How to analyze a JMeter summary report?

Short explanation looks like:

  1. Sample - number of requests sent
  2. Avg - an Arithmetic mean for all responses (sum of all times / count)
  3. Minimal response time (ms)
  4. Maximum response time (ms)
  5. Deviation - see Standard Deviation article
  6. Error rate - percentage of failed tests
  7. Throughput - how many requests per second does your server handle. Larger is better.
  8. KB/Sec - self expalanatory
  9. Avg. Bytes - average response size

If you having troubles with interpreting results you could try BM.Sense results analysis service

Convert an integer to a byte array

Sorry, this might be a bit late. But I think I found a better implementation on the go docs.

buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
var num uint16 = 1234
err := binary.Write(buf, binary.LittleEndian, num)
if err != nil {
    fmt.Println("binary.Write failed:", err)
fmt.Printf("% x", buf.Bytes())

What in layman's terms is a Recursive Function using PHP

Walking through a directory tree is a good example. You can do something similar to process an array. Here is a really simple recursive function that simply processes a string, a simple array of strings, or a nested array of strings of any depth, replacing instances of 'hello' with 'goodbye' in the string or the values of the array or any sub-array:

function replaceHello($a) {
    if (! is_array($a)) {
        $a = str_replace('hello', 'goodbye', $a);
    } else {
        foreach($a as $key => $value) {
            $a[$key] = replaceHello($value);
    return $a

It knows when to quit because at some point, the "thing" it is processing is not an array. For example, if you call replaceHello('hello'), it will return 'goodbye'. If you send it an array of strings, though it will call itself once for every member of the array, then return the processed array.

Java 8 Stream API to find Unique Object matching a property value

Guava API provides MoreCollectors.onlyElement() which is a collector that takes a stream containing exactly one element and returns that element.

The returned collector throws an IllegalArgumentException if the stream consists of two or more elements, and a NoSuchElementException if the stream is empty.

Refer the below code for usage:

import static;

Person matchingPerson =
                        .filter(p ->"testemail"))

Case insensitive searching in Oracle

From Oracle 12c R2 you could use COLLATE operator:

The COLLATE operator determines the collation for an expression. This operator enables you to override the collation that the database would have derived for the expression using standard collation derivation rules.

The COLLATE operator takes one argument, collation_name, for which you can specify a named collation or pseudo-collation. If the collation name contains a space, then you must enclose the name in double quotation marks.



INSERT INTO tab1(i, name) VALUES (1, 'John');
INSERT INTO tab1(i, name) VALUES (2, 'Joe');
INSERT INTO tab1(i, name) VALUES (3, 'Billy'); 
SELECT /*csv*/ *
FROM tab1
WHERE name = 'jOHN' ;
-- no rows selected

SELECT /*csv*/ *
FROM tab1

SELECT /*csv*/ *
FROM tab1 
WHERE name LIKE 'j%';
-- no rows selected

SELECT /*csv*/ *
FROM tab1 

db<>fiddle demo

Why doesn't Java allow overriding of static methods?

By overriding we can create a polymorphic nature depending on the object type. Static method has no relation with object. So java can not support static method overriding.

MySQL Foreign Key Error 1005 errno 150 primary key as foreign key

I was getting a same error. I found out the solution that I had created the primary key in the main table as BIGINT UNSIGNED and was declaring it as a foreign key in the second table as only BIGINT.

When I declared my foreign key as BIGINT UNSIGED in second table, everything worked fine, even didn't need any indexes to be created.

So it was a datatype mismatch between the primary key and the foreign key :)

Repeat a task with a time delay?

There are 3 ways to do it:

Use ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor

A bit of overkill since you don't need a pool of Thread

    private final ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor executor_ =
            new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(1);
     ScheduledFuture<?> schedulerFuture;
   public void  startScheduler() {
       schedulerFuture=  executor_.scheduleWithFixedDelay(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                //DO YOUR THINGS
        }, 0L, 5*MILLI_SEC,  TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

    public void  stopScheduler() {

Use Timer Task

Old Android Style

    //----------------------TIMER  TASK-------------------------

    private Timer carousalTimer;
    private void startTimer() {
        carousalTimer = new Timer(); // At this line a new Thread will be created
        carousalTimer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new TimerTask() {
            public void run() {
                //DO YOUR THINGS
        }, 0, 5 * MILLI_SEC); // delay

    void stopTimer() {

Use Handler and Runnable

Modern Android Style


    private Handler taskHandler = new android.os.Handler();

    private Runnable repeatativeTaskRunnable = new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            //DO YOUR THINGS

   void startHandler() {
        taskHandler.postDelayed(repeatativeTaskRunnable, 5 * MILLI_SEC);

    void stopHandler() {

Non-Leaky Handler with Activity / Context

Declare an inner Handler class which does not leak Memory in your Activity/Fragment class

     * Instances of static inner classes do not hold an implicit
     * reference to their outer class.
    private static class NonLeakyHandler extends Handler {
        private final WeakReference<FlashActivity> mActivity;

        public NonLeakyHandler(FlashActivity activity) {
            mActivity = new WeakReference<FlashActivity>(activity);

        public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
            FlashActivity activity = mActivity.get();
            if (activity != null) {
                // ...

Declare a runnable which will perform your repetitive task in your Activity/Fragment class

   private Runnable repeatativeTaskRunnable = new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            new Handler(getMainLooper()).post(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {

         //DO YOUR THINGS

Initialize Handler object in your Activity/Fragment (here FlashActivity is my activity class)

//Task Handler
private Handler taskHandler = new NonLeakyHandler(FlashActivity.this);

To repeat a task after fix time interval

taskHandler.postDelayed(repeatativeTaskRunnable , DELAY_MILLIS);

To stop the repetition of task

taskHandler .removeCallbacks(repeatativeTaskRunnable );

UPDATE: In Kotlin:

    //update interval for widget
    override val UPDATE_INTERVAL = 1000L

    //Handler to repeat update
    private val updateWidgetHandler = Handler()

    //runnable to update widget
    private var updateWidgetRunnable: Runnable = Runnable {
        run {
            //Update UI
            // Re-run it after the update interval
            updateWidgetHandler.postDelayed(updateWidgetRunnable, UPDATE_INTERVAL)


 // SATART updating in foreground
 override fun onResume() {
        updateWidgetHandler.postDelayed(updateWidgetRunnable, UPDATE_INTERVAL)

    // REMOVE callback if app in background
    override fun onPause() {

How to get the clicked link's href with jquery?

You're looking for $(this).attr("href");

What is the Swift equivalent of respondsToSelector?

I just implement this myself in a project, see code below. As mentions by @Christopher Pickslay it is important to remember that functions are first class citizens and can therefore be treated like optional variables.

@objc protocol ContactDetailsDelegate: class {

    optional func deleteContact(contact: Contact) -> NSError?


weak var delegate:ContactDetailsDelegate!

if let deleteContact = delegate.deleteContact {

Import Error: No module named numpy

For those using python 2.7, should try:

apt-get install -y python-numpy

Instead of pip install numpy

Get row-index values of Pandas DataFrame as list?

If you're only getting these to manually pass into df.set_index(), that's unnecessary. Just directly do df.set_index['your_col_name', drop=False], already.

It's very rare in pandas that you need to get an index as a Python list (unless you're doing something pretty funky, or else passing them back to NumPy), so if you're doing this a lot, it's a code smell that you're doing something wrong.

Authenticating in PHP using LDAP through Active Directory

I do this simply by passing the user credentials to ldap_bind().

If the account can bind to LDAP, it's valid; if it can't, it's not. If all you're doing is authentication (not account management), I don't see the need for a library.

Oracle: Call stored procedure inside the package

To those that are incline to use GUI:

Click Right mouse button on procecdure name then select Test

enter image description here

Then in new window you will see script generated just add the parameters and click on Start Debugger or F9

enter image description here

Hope this saves you some time.

Animated GIF in IE stopping

I had this same problem, common also to other borwsers like Firefox. Finally I discovered that dynamically create an element with animated gif inside at form submit did not animate, so I developed the following workaorund.

1) At document.ready(), each FORM found in page, receive position:relative property and then to each one is attached an invisible

2) After this, assuming that each submit value of my website is identified by btn-primary css class, again at document.ready(), I look for these buttons, traverse to the FORM parent of each one, and at form submit, I fire showOverlayOnFormExecution(this,true); function, passing clicked button and a boolean that toggle visibility of

$(document).ready(function() {

  //Append LOADING image to all forms
  $('form').css('position','relative').append('<div class="bg-overlay" style="display:none;"><img src="/images/loading.gif"></div>');

  //At form submit, fires a specific function
  $('form .btn-primary').closest('form').submit(function (e) {

CSS for is the following:


.bg-overlay img
  margin-left:-40px; //my loading images is 80x80 px. This is done to center it horizontally and vertically.

3) At any form submit, the following function is fired to show a semi-white background overlay all over it (that deny ability to interact again with form) and an animated gif inside it (that visually show a loading action).

function showOverlayOnFormExecution(clicked_button, showOrNot) 
    if(showOrNot == 1)
        //Add "content" of #bg-overlay_container (copying it) to the confrm that contains clicked button 
        $('form .bg-overlay').hide();

Showing animated gif at form submit, instead of appending it at this event, solves "gif animation freeze" problem of various browsers (as said, I found this problem in IE and Firefox, not in Chrome)

Show a message box from a class in c#?

using System.Windows.Forms;
MessageBox.Show("Hello World!");

How to run Conda?

First, check the location of anaconda, for me I installed anaconda3 at / directory which I access with /anaconda3

Then in your terminal, input export PATH="<base location>/anaconda3/bin:$PATH" for me it's export PATH="/anaconda3/bin:$PATH".

Finally, input source $/anaconda3/bin/activate. For you, just change to your location.

Now, you could try conda list to test.

Also, visit intallation guide

Set focus and cursor to end of text input field / string w. Jquery

You can do this using Input.setSelectionRange, part of the Range API for interacting with text selections and the text cursor:

var searchInput = $('#Search');

// Multiply by 2 to ensure the cursor always ends up at the end;
// Opera sometimes sees a carriage return as 2 characters.
var strLength = searchInput.val().length * 2;

searchInput[0].setSelectionRange(strLength, strLength);

Demo: Fiddle

Serializing and submitting a form with jQuery and PHP

The problem can be PHP configuration:

Please check the setting max_input_vars in the php.ini file.

Try to increase the value of this setting to 5000 as example.

max_input_vars = 5000

Then restart your web-server and try.

test if display = none

If you want to get the visible tbody elements, you could do this:


It looks similar to the answer that Agent_9191 gave, but this one removes the space from the selector, which makes it selects the visible tbody elements instead of the visible descendants.


If you specifically wanted to use a test on the display CSS property of the tbody elements, you could do this:

$('tbody').filter(function() {
     return $(this).css('display') != 'none';

How to select option in drop down using Capybara

Here's the most concise way I've found (using capybara 3.3.0 and chromium driver):

all('#id-of-select option')[1].select_option

will select the 2nd option. Increment the index as needed.

How to call a method after bean initialization is complete?

There are three different approaches to consider, as described in the reference

Use init-method attribute


  • Does not require bean to implement an interface.


  • No immediate indication this method is required after construction to ensure the bean is correctly configured.

Implement InitializingBean


  • No need to specify init-method, or turn on component scanning / annotation processing.
  • Appropriate for beans supplied with a library, where we don't want the application using this library to concern itself with bean lifecycle.


  • More invasive than the init-method approach.

Use JSR-250 @PostConstruct lifecyle annotation


  • Useful when using component scanning to autodetect beans.
  • Makes it clear that a specific method is to be used for initialisation. Intent is closer to the code.


  • Initialisation no longer centrally specified in configuration.
  • You must remember to turn on annotation processing (which can sometimes be forgotten)

How to redirect stderr to null in cmd.exe

Your DOS command 2> nul

Read page Using command redirection operators. Besides the "2>" construct mentioned by Tanuki Software, it lists some other useful combinations.

Could not open input file: composer.phar

I have fixed the same issue with below steps

  1. Open project directory Using Terminal (which you are using i.e. mintty )
  2. Now install composer within this directory as per given directions on

php -r "copy('', 'composer-setup.php');"

php -r "if (hash_file('SHA384', 'composer-setup.php') === 'the-provided-hash-code') { echo 'Installer verified'; } else { echo 'Installer corrupt'; unlink('composer-setup.php'); } echo PHP_EOL;"

php composer-setup.php php -r "unlink('composer-setup.php');"

  1. Now run your command.

Everything is working fine now because the composer.phar file is available within the current project directory.

Copied from


How do I interpret precision and scale of a number in a database?

Numeric precision refers to the maximum number of digits that are present in the number.

ie 1234567.89 has a precision of 9

Numeric scale refers to the maximum number of decimal places

ie 123456.789 has a scale of 3

Thus the maximum allowed value for decimal(5,2) is 999.99

Adding image to JFrame

As martijn-courteaux said, create a custom component it's the better option. In C# exists a component called PictureBox and I tried to create this component for Java, here is the code:

import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Image;
import javax.swing.Icon;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import javax.swing.JComponent;

public class JPictureBox extends JComponent {

    private Icon icon = null;
    private final Dimension dimension = new Dimension(100, 100);
    private Image image = null;
    private ImageIcon ii = null;
    private SizeMode sizeMode = SizeMode.STRETCH;
    private int newHeight, newWidth, originalHeight, originalWidth;

    public JPictureBox() {

    public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
        if (ii != null) {
            switch (getSizeMode()) {
                case NORMAL:
                    g.drawImage(image, 0, 0, ii.getIconWidth(), ii.getIconHeight(), null);
                case ZOOM:
                    g.drawImage(image, 0, 0, newWidth, newHeight, null);
                case STRETCH:
                    g.drawImage(image, 0, 0, this.getWidth(), this.getHeight(), null);
                case CENTER:
                    g.drawImage(image, (int) (this.getWidth() / 2) - (int) (ii.getIconWidth() / 2), (int) (this.getHeight() / 2) - (int) (ii.getIconHeight() / 2), ii.getIconWidth(), ii.getIconHeight(), null);
                    g.drawImage(image, 0, 0, this.getWidth(), this.getHeight(), null);

    public Icon getIcon() {
        return icon;

    public void setIcon(Icon icon) {
        this.icon = icon;
        ii = (ImageIcon) icon;
        image = ii.getImage();
        originalHeight = ii.getIconHeight();
        originalWidth = ii.getIconWidth();

    public SizeMode getSizeMode() {
        return sizeMode;

    public void setSizeMode(SizeMode sizeMode) {
        this.sizeMode = sizeMode;

    public enum SizeMode {

    private void aspectRatio() {
        if (ii != null) {
            newHeight = this.getHeight();
            newWidth = (originalWidth * newHeight) / originalHeight;


If you want to add an image, choose the JPictureBox, after that go to Properties and find "icon" property and select an image. If you want to change the sizeMode property then choose the JPictureBox, after that go to Properties and find "sizeMode" property, you can choose some values:

  • NORMAL value, the image is positioned in the upper-left corner of the JPictureBox.
  • STRETCH value causes the image to stretch or shrink to fit the JPictureBox.
  • ZOOM value causes the image to be stretched or shrunk to fit the JPictureBox; however, the aspect ratio in the original is maintained.
  • CENTER value causes the image to be centered in the client area.

If you want to learn more about this topic, you can check this video.

Also you can see the code on Gitlab or Github.

Calculate a MD5 hash from a string

Depends entirely on what you are trying to achieve. Technically, you could just take the first 12 characters from the result of the MD5 hash, but the specification of MD5 is to generate a 32 char one.

Reducing the size of the hash reduces the security, and increases the chance of collisions and the system being broken.

Perhaps if you let us know more about what you are trying to achieve we may be able to assist more.

Conda uninstall one package and one package only

You can use conda remove --force.

The documentation says:

--force               Forces removal of a package without removing packages
                      that depend on it. Using this option will usually
                      leave your environment in a broken and inconsistent

What is the difference between H.264 video and MPEG-4 video?

H.264 is a new standard for video compression which has more advanced compression methods than the basic MPEG-4 compression. One of the advantages of H.264 is the high compression rate. It is about 1.5 to 2 times more efficient than MPEG-4 encoding. This high compression rate makes it possible to record more information on the same hard disk.
The image quality is also better and playback is more fluent than with basic MPEG-4 compression. The most interesting feature however is the lower bit-rate required for network transmission.
So the 3 main advantages of H.264 over MPEG-4 compression are:
- Small file size for longer recording time and better network transmission.
- Fluent and better video quality for real time playback
- More efficient mobile surveillance application

H264 is now enshrined in MPEG4 as part 10 also known as AVC

Refer to:

Hope this helps.

Parsing arguments to a Java command line program

Simple code for command line in java:

class CMDLineArgument
    public static void main(String args[])
        String name=args[0];

react-native: command not found

Had the same issue but half of your approach didn't work for me . i took the path the way you did :from the output of react-native-cli instal but then manually wrote in ect/pathes with:

sudo nano /etc/paths

at the end i've added the path from output then ctrl x and y to save . Only this way worked but big thanks for the clue!

How to get file name from file path in android

you can use the Common IO library which can get you the Base name of your file and the Extension.

 String fileUrl=":/storage/sdcard0/DCIM/Camera/1414240995236.jpg";
      String fileName=FilenameUtils.getBaseName(fileUrl);
           String    fileExtention=FilenameUtils.getExtension(fileUrl);
//this will return filename:1414240995236 and fileExtention:jpg

Check if element is visible on screen

--- Shameless plug ---
I have added this function to a library I created vanillajs-browser-helpers:

Well BenM stated, you need to detect the height of the viewport + the scroll position to match up with your top position. The function you are using is ok and does the job, though its a bit more complex than it needs to be.

If you don't use jQuery then the script would be something like this:

function posY(elm) {
    var test = elm, top = 0;

    while(!!test && test.tagName.toLowerCase() !== "body") {
        top += test.offsetTop;
        test = test.offsetParent;

    return top;

function viewPortHeight() {
    var de = document.documentElement;

    { return window.innerHeight; }
    else if( de && !isNaN(de.clientHeight) )
    { return de.clientHeight; }
    return 0;

function scrollY() {
    if( window.pageYOffset ) { return window.pageYOffset; }
    return Math.max(document.documentElement.scrollTop, document.body.scrollTop);

function checkvisible( elm ) {
    var vpH = viewPortHeight(), // Viewport Height
        st = scrollY(), // Scroll Top
        y = posY(elm);
    return (y > (vpH + st));

Using jQuery is a lot easier:

function checkVisible( elm, evalType ) {
    evalType = evalType || "visible";

    var vpH = $(window).height(), // Viewport Height
        st = $(window).scrollTop(), // Scroll Top
        y = $(elm).offset().top,
        elementHeight = $(elm).height();

    if (evalType === "visible") return ((y < (vpH + st)) && (y > (st - elementHeight)));
    if (evalType === "above") return ((y < (vpH + st)));

This even offers a second parameter. With "visible" (or no second parameter) it strictly checks whether an element is on screen. If it is set to "above" it will return true when the element in question is on or above the screen.

See in action:

I hope this answers your question.


This is a lot shorter and should do it as well:

function checkVisible(elm) {
  var rect = elm.getBoundingClientRect();
  var viewHeight = Math.max(document.documentElement.clientHeight, window.innerHeight);
  return !(rect.bottom < 0 || - viewHeight >= 0);

with a fiddle to prove it:

And a version with threshold and mode included:

function checkVisible(elm, threshold, mode) {
  threshold = threshold || 0;
  mode = mode || 'visible';

  var rect = elm.getBoundingClientRect();
  var viewHeight = Math.max(document.documentElement.clientHeight, window.innerHeight);
  var above = rect.bottom - threshold < 0;
  var below = - viewHeight + threshold >= 0;

  return mode === 'above' ? above : (mode === 'below' ? below : !above && !below);

and with a fiddle to prove it:

How to turn on front flash light programmatically in Android?

Try this.

CameraManager camManager = (CameraManager) getSystemService(Context.CAMERA_SERVICE);
    String cameraId = null; // Usually front camera is at 0 position.
    try {
        cameraId = camManager.getCameraIdList()[0];
        camManager.setTorchMode(cameraId, true);
    } catch (CameraAccessException e) {

How do I check in python if an element of a list is empty?

If you want to know if list element at index i is set or not, you can simply check the following:

if len(l)<=i:
    print ("empty")

If you are looking for something like what is a NULL-Pointer or a NULL-Reference in other languages, Python offers you None. That is you can write:

l[0] = None # here, list element at index 0 has to be set already
l.append(None) # here the list can be empty before
# checking
if l[i] == None:
    print ("list has actually an element at position i, which is None")

How can I count the occurrences of a string within a file?

None of the existing answers worked for me with a single-line 10GB file. Grep runs out of memory even on a machine with 768 GB of RAM!

$ cat /proc/meminfo | grep MemTotal
MemTotal:       791236260 kB
$ ls -lh test.json
-rw-r--r-- 1 me all 9.2G Nov 18 15:54 test.json
$ grep -o '0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,' test.json  | wc -l
grep: memory exhausted

So I wrote a very simple Rust program to do it.

  1. Install Rust.
  2. cargo install count_occurences
$ count_occurences '0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,' test.json

It's a little slow (1 minute for 10GB), but at least it doesn't run out of memory!

How to send password securely over HTTP?

If your webhost allows it, or you will need to deal with sensitive data, then use HTTPS, period. (It's often required by the law afaik).

Otherwise if you want to do something over HTTP. I would do something like this.

  1. The server embeds its public key into the login page.
  2. The client populates the login form and clicks submit.
  3. An AJAX request gets the current timestamp from the server.
  4. Client side script concatenates the credentials, the timestamp and a salt (hashed from analog data eg. mouse movements, key press events), encrypts it using the public key.
  5. Submits the resulting hash.
  6. Server decrypts the hash
  7. Checks if the timestamp is recent enough (allows a short 5-10 second window only). Rejects the login if the timestamp is too old.
  8. Stores the hash for 20 seconds. Rejects the same hash for login during this interval.
  9. Authenticates the user.

So this way the password is protected and the same authentication hash cannot be replayed.

About the security of the session token. That's a bit harder. But it's possible to make reusing a stolen session token a bit harder.

  1. The server sets an extra session cookie which contains a random string.
  2. The browser sends back this cookie on the next request.
  3. The server checks the value in the cookie, if it's different then it destroys the session, otherwise all is okay.
  4. The server sets the cookie again with different text.

So if the session token got stolen, and a request is sent up by someone else, then on the original user's next request the session will be destroyed. So if the user actively browsing the site, clicking on links often, then the thief won't go far with the stolen token. This scheme can be fortified by requiring another authentication for the sensitive operations (like account deletion).

EDIT: Please note this doesn't prevent MITM attacks if the attacker sets up their own page with a different public key and proxies requests to the server. To protect against this the public key must be pinned in the browser's local storage or within the app to detect these kind of tricks.

About the implementation: RSA is probably to most known algorithm, but it's quite slow for long keys. I don't know how fast a PHP or Javascript implementation of would be. But probably there are a faster algorithms.

When is it appropriate to use C# partial classes?

Partial classes make it possible to add functionality to a suitably-designed program merely by adding source files. For example, a file-import program could be designed so that one could add different types of known files by adding modules that handle them. For example, the main file type converter could include a small class:

Partial Public Class zzFileConverterRegistrar
    Event Register(ByVal mainConverter as zzFileConverter)
    Sub registerAll(ByVal mainConverter as zzFileConverter)
        RaiseEvent Register(mainConverter)
    End Sub
End Class

Each module that wishes to register one or more types of file converter could include something like:

Partial Public Class zzFileConverterRegistrar
    Private Sub RegisterGif(ByVal mainConverter as zzFileConverter) Handles Me.Register
        mainConverter.RegisterConverter("GIF", GifConverter.NewFactory))
    End Sub
End Class

Note that the main file converter class isn't "exposed"--it just exposes a little stub class that add-in modules can hook to. There is a slight risk of naming conflicts, but if each add-in module's "register" routine is named according to the type of file it deals with, they probably shouldn't pose a problem. One could stick a GUID in the name of the registration subroutine if one were worried about such things.

Edit/Addendum To be clear, the purpose of this is to provide a means by which a variety of separate classes can let a main program or class know about them. The only thing the main file converter will do with zzFileConverterRegistrar is create one instance of it and call the registerAll method which will fire the Register event. Any module that wants to hook that event can execute arbitrary code in response to it (that's the whole idea) but there isn't anything a module could do by improperly extending the zzFileConverterRegistrar class other than define a method whose name matches that of something else. It would certainly be possible for one improperly-written extension to break another improperly-written extension, but the solution for that is for anyone who doesn't want his extension broken to simply write it properly.

One could, without using partial classes, have a bit of code somewhere within the main file converter class, which looked like:

  RegisterConverter("GIF", GifConvertor.NewFactory)
  RegisterConverter("BMP", BmpConvertor.NewFactory)
  RegisterConverter("JPEG", JpegConvertor.NewFactory)

but adding another converter module would require going into that part of the converter code and adding the new converter to the list. Using partial methods, that is no longer necessary--all converters will get included automatically.

Get specific line from text file using just shell script


sed '5!d' file


awk 'NR==5' file

Java 8 - Difference between Optional.flatMap and

Use map if the function returns the object you need or flatMap if the function returns an Optional. For example:

public static void main(String[] args) {
  Optional<String> s = Optional.of("input");

static String getOutput(String input) {
  return input == null ? null : "output for " + input;

static Optional<String> getOutputOpt(String input) {
  return input == null ? Optional.empty() : Optional.of("output for " + input);

Both print statements print the same thing.

Easiest way to detect Internet connection on iOS?

I did a little more research and I am updating my answer with a more current solution. I am not sure if you have already looked at it but there is a nice sample code provided by Apple.

Download the sample code here

Include the Reachability.h and Reachability.m files in your project. Take a look at ReachabilityAppDelegate.m to see an example on how to determine host reachability, reachability by WiFi, by WWAN etc. For a very simply check of network reachability, you can do something like this

Reachability *networkReachability = [Reachability reachabilityForInternetConnection];   
NetworkStatus networkStatus = [networkReachability currentReachabilityStatus];    
if (networkStatus == NotReachable) {        
    NSLog(@"There IS NO internet connection");        
} else {        
     NSLog(@"There IS internet connection");        

@BenjaminPiette's: Don't forget to add SystemConfiguration.framework to your project.

How to remove elements from a generic list while iterating over it?

 foreach (var item in list.ToList()) {

If you add ".ToList()" to your list (or the results of a LINQ query), you can remove "item" directly from "list" without the dreaded "Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute." error. The compiler makes a copy of "list", so that you can safely do the remove on the array.

While this pattern is not super efficient, it has a natural feel and is flexible enough for almost any situation. Such as when you want to save each "item" to a DB and remove it from the list only when the DB save succeeds.

Can someone explain mappedBy in JPA and Hibernate?

MappedBy signals hibernate that the key for the relationship is on the other side.

This means that although you link 2 tables together, only 1 of those tables has a foreign key constraint to the other one. MappedBy allows you to still link from the table not containing the constraint to the other table.

Mailto on submit button

What you need to do is use the onchange event listener in the form and change the href attribute of the send button according to the context of the mail:

<form id="form" onchange="mail(this)">
  <div class="row margin-bottom-20">
    <div class="col-md-6 col-md-offset-0">
      <input class="form-control" name="name" type="text">

  <label>Email <span class="color-red">*</span></label>
  <div class="row margin-bottom-20">
    <div class="col-md-6 col-md-offset-0">
      <input class="form-control" name="email" type="text">

  <label>Date of visit/departure </label>
  <div class="row margin-bottom-20">
    <div class="col-md-3 col-md-offset-0">
      <input class="form-control w8em" name="adate" type="text">
          // Associate the text input to a DD/MM/YYYY date format
          formElements: {
            "adate": "%d/%m/%Y"
    <div class="col-md-3 col-md-offset-0">
      <input class="form-control" name="ddate" type="date">

  <label>No. of people travelling with</label>
  <div class="row margin-bottom-20">
    <div class="col-md-3 col-md-offset-0">
      <input class="form-control" placeholder="Adults" min=1 name="adult" type="number">
    <div class="col-md-3 col-md-offset-0">
      <input class="form-control" placeholder="Children" min=0 name="childeren" type="number">

  <label>Cities you want to visit</label><br />
  <div class="checkbox-inline">
    <label><input type="checkbox" name="city" value="Cassablanca">Cassablanca</label>
  <div class="checkbox-inline">
    <label><input type="checkbox" name="city" value="Fez">Fez</label>
  <div class="checkbox-inline">
    <label><input type="checkbox" name="city" value="Tangier">Tangier</label>
  <div class="checkbox-inline">
    <label><input type="checkbox" name="city" value="Marrakech">Marrakech</label>
  <div class="checkbox-inline">
    <label><input type="checkbox" name="city" value="Rabat">Rabat</label>

  <div class="row margin-bottom-20">
    <div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-0">
      <textarea rows="4" placeholder="Activities Intersted in" name="activities" class="form-control"></textarea>

  <div class="row margin-bottom-20">
    <div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-0">
      <textarea rows="6" class="form-control" name="comment" placeholder="Comment"></textarea>

  <p><a id="send" class="btn btn-primary">Create Message</a></p>


function mail(form) {
    var name =;
    var city = "";
    var adate = form.adate.value;
    var ddate = form.ddate.value;
    var activities = form.activities.value;
    var adult =;
    var child = form.childeren.value;
    var comment = form.comment.value;
    var warning = ""
    for (i = 0; i <; i++) {
        if ([i].checked)
            city += " " +[i].value;
    var str = "mailto:[email protected]?subject=travel to morocco&body=";
    if (name.length > 0) {
        str += "Hi my name is " + name + ", ";
    } else {
        warning += "Name is required"
    if (city.length > 0) {
        str += "I am Intersted in visiting the following citis: " + city + ", ";
    if (activities.length > 0) {
        str += "I am Intersted in following activities: " + activities + ". "
    if (adate.length > 0) {
        str += "I will be ariving on " + adate;
    if (ddate.length > 0) {
        str += " And departing on " + ddate;
    if (adult.length > 0) {
        if (adult == 1 && child == null) {
            str += ". I will be travelling alone"
        } else if (adult > 1) {
            str += ".We will have a group of " + adult + " adults ";
        if (child == null) {
            str += ".";
        } else if (child > 1) {
            str += "along with " + child + " children.";
        } else if (child == 1) {
            str += "along with a child.";

    if (comment.length > 0) {
        str += "%0D%0A" + comment + "."

    if (warning.length > 0) {
    } else {
        str += "%0D%0ARegards,%0D%0A" + name;
        document.getElementById('send').href = str;

Excel: the Incredible Shrinking and Expanding Controls

This has been plaguing me for years, on and off. There are a number of fixes around, but they seem hit and miss. It was still occurring in Excel 2010 (happening to me May 2014), and is still occurring in Excel 2013 by some reports. The best description I have found that matches my situation at least (Excel 2010, no RDP involved, no Print Preview involved) is here:

Microsoft Excel Support Team Blog: ActiveX and form controls resize themselves when clicked or doing a print preview (in Excel 2010)

(This might not help for users of Excel 2013 sorry)

EDIT: Adding detail in case technet link ever goes dead, the technet article says:

FIRSTLY install Microsoft Hotfix 2598144 for Excel 2010, available: here.

SECONDLY, if your symptom is "An ActiveX button changes to the incorrect size after you click it in an Excel 2010 worksheet", then you should:

  • Click Start, click Run, type regedit in the Open box, and then click OK.
  • Locate and then select the following registry subkey HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Excel\Options
  • On the Edit menu, point to New, and then click DWORD (32-bit) value.
  • Type LegacyAnchorResize, and then press Enter.
  • In the Details pane, right-click LegacyAnchorResize, and then click Modify.
  • In the Value data box, type 1, and then click OK.
  • Exit Registry Editor.

OR SECONDLY, if your symptom is "A button form control is displayed incorrectly in a workbook after you view the print preview of the workbook in Excel 2010", then you should:

  • Click Start, click Run, type regedit in the Open box, and then click OK.
  • Locate and then select the following registry subkey: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Excel\Options
  • On the Edit menu, point to New, and then click DWORD (32-bit) value.
  • Type MultiSheetPrint, and then press Enter.
  • In the Details pane, right-click MultiSheetPrint, and then click Modify.
  • In the Value data box, type 1, and then click OK.
  • Select the following registry subkey again: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Excel\Options
  • On the Edit menu, point to New, and then click DWORD (32-bit) value.
  • Type LegacyAnchorResize, and then press Enter.
  • In the Details pane, right-click LegacyAnchorResize, and then click Modify.
  • In the Value data box, type 1, and then click OK.
  • Exit Registry Editor.

OR SECONDLY, if your symptom is "An ActiveX button is changed to an incorrect size in an Excel 2010 worksheet after you view the print preview of the worksheet", then you should:

  • Click Start, click Run, type regedit in the Open box, and then click OK.
  • Locate and then select the following registry subkey: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Excel\Options
  • On the Edit menu, point to New, and then click DWORD (32-bit) value.
  • Type LegacyAnchorResize, and then press Enter.
  • In the Details pane, right-click LegacyAnchorResize, and then click Modify.
  • In the Value data box, type 1, and then click OK.
  • Exit Registry Editor.

Good luck. This issue is such a pain...

Add a new line to a text file in MS-DOS

Use the following:

echo (text here) >> (name here).txt

Ex. echo my name is jeff >> test.txt


my name is jeff

You can use it in a script too.

Git: Installing Git in PATH with GitHub client for Windows

Git’s executable is actually located in: C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\GitHub\PortableGit_<guid>\bin\git.exe

Now that we have located the executable all we have to do is add it to our PATH:

  • Right-Click on My Computer
  • Click Advanced System Settings
  • Click Environment Variables
  • Then under System Variables look for the path variable and click edit
  • Add the path to git’s bin and cmd at the end of the string like this:


How to add a second x-axis in matplotlib

I'm forced to post this as an answer instead of a comment due to low reputation. I had a similar problem to Matteo. The difference being that I had no map from my first x-axis to my second x-axis, only the x-values themselves. So I wanted to set the data on my second x-axis directly, not the ticks, however, there is no axes.set_xdata. I was able to use Dhara's answer to do this with a modification:

ax2.lines = []

instead of using:


When in use also cleared my plot from ax1.

How to use OpenFileDialog to select a folder?

There is a hackish solution using OpenFileDialog where ValidateNames and CheckFileExists are both set to false and FileName is given a mock value to indicate that a directory is selected.

I say hack because it is confusing to users about how to select a folder. They need to be in the desired folder and then just press Open while file name says "Folder Selection."

C# Folder selection dialog

This is based on Select file or folder from the same dialog by Denis Stankovski.

OpenFileDialog folderBrowser = new OpenFileDialog();
// Set validate names and check file exists to false otherwise windows will
// not let you select "Folder Selection."
folderBrowser.ValidateNames = false;
folderBrowser.CheckFileExists = false;
folderBrowser.CheckPathExists = true;
// Always default to Folder Selection.
folderBrowser.FileName = "Folder Selection.";
if (folderBrowser.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
    string folderPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(folderBrowser.FileName);
    // ...

Why do I get "Cannot redirect after HTTP headers have been sent" when I call Response.Redirect()?

If you get Cannot redirect after HTTP headers have been sent then try this below code.

// Response.Headers.Clear();

How do I use ROW_NUMBER()?

This query:


will return all rows where the UserName is 'Joe' UNLESS you have no UserName='Joe'

They will be listed in order of UserID and the row_number field will start with 1 and increment however many rows contain UserName='Joe'

If it does not work for you then your WHERE command has an issue OR there is no UserID in the table. Check spelling for both fields UserID and UserName.

filters on ng-model in an input

I would suggest to watch model value and update it upon chage:

The only interesting issue is with spaces: In AngularJS 1.0.3 ng-model on input automatically trims string, so it does not detect that model was changed if you add spaces at the end or at start (so spaces are not automatically removed by my code). But in 1.1.1 there is 'ng-trim' directive that allows to disable this functionality (commit). So I've decided to use 1.1.1 to achieve exact functionality you described in your question.

Ignoring new fields on JSON objects using Jackson

As stated above the annotations only works if this is specified in the parent POJO class and not the class where the conversion from JSON to Java Object is taking place.

The other alternative without touching the parent class and causing disruptions is to implement your own mapper config only for the mapper methods you need for this.

Also the package of the Deserialization feature has been moved. DeserializationConfig.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES to DeserializationConfig.Feature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES

objectMapper.configure(DeserializationConfig.Feature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false);

Comparing strings in C# with OR in an if statement

use if (testString.Equals(testString2)).

Arrays with different datatypes i.e. strings and integers. (Objectorientend)

public class Book
    public int number;
    public String title;
    public String language;
    public int price;

    // Add constructor, get, set, as needed.

then declare your array as:

Book[] books = new Book[3];

EDIT: In response to O.P.'s confusion, Book should be an object, not an array. Each book should be created on it's own (via a properly designed constructor) and then added to the array. In fact, I wouldn't use an array, but an ArrayList. In other words, you are trying to force data into containers that aren't suitable for the task at hand.

I would venture that 50% of programming is choosing the right data structure for your data. Algorithms naturally follow if there is a good choice of structure.

When properly done, you get your UI class to look like: Edit: Generics added to the following code snippet.

ArrayList<Book> myLibrary = new ArrayList<Book>();
myLibrary.add(new Book(1, "Thinking In Java", "English", 4999));
myLibrary.add(new Book(2, "Hacking for Fun and Profit", "English", 1099);


now you can use the Collections interface and do something like:

int total = 0;
for (Book b : myLibrary)
   total += b.price;
   System.out.println(b); // Assuming a valid toString in the Book class
System.out.println("The total value of your library is " + total);

Dealing with "Xerces hell" in Java/Maven?

I guess there is one question you need to answer:

Does there exist a xerces*.jar that everything in your application can live with?

If not you are basically screwed and would have to use something like OSGI, which allows you to have different versions of a library loaded at the same time. Be warned that it basically replaces jar version issues with classloader issues ...

If there exists such a version you could make your repository return that version for all kinds of dependencies. It's an ugly hack and would end up with the same xerces implementation in your classpath multiple times but better than having multiple different versions of xerces.

You could exclude every dependency to xerces and add one to the version you want to use.

I wonder if you can write some kind of version resolution strategy as a plugin for maven. This would probably the nicest solution but if at all feasible needs some research and coding.

For the version contained in your runtime environment, you'll have to make sure it either gets removed from the application classpath or the application jars get considered first for classloading before the lib folder of the server get considered.

So to wrap it up: It's a mess and that won't change.

How do I make a C++ macro behave like a function?

Here is an answer coming right from the libc6! Taking a look at /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/byteswap.h, I found the trick you were looking for.

A few critics of previous solutions:

  • Kip's solution does not permit evaluating to an expression, which is in the end often needed.
  • coppro's solution does not permit assigning a variable as the expressions are separate, but can evaluate to an expression.
  • Steve Jessop's solution uses the C++11 auto keyword, that's fine, but feel free to use the known/expected type instead.

The trick is to use both the (expr,expr) construct and a {} scope:

#define MACRO(X,Y) \
  ( \
    { \
      register int __x = static_cast<int>(X), __y = static_cast<int>(Y); \
      std::cout << "1st arg is:" << __x << std::endl; \
      std::cout << "2nd arg is:" << __y << std::endl; \
      std::cout << "Sum is:" << (__x + __y) << std::endl; \
      __x + __y; \
    } \

Note the use of the register keyword, it's only a hint to the compiler. The X and Y macro parameters are (already) surrounded in parenthesis and casted to an expected type. This solution works properly with pre- and post-increment as parameters are evaluated only once.

For the example purpose, even though not requested, I added the __x + __y; statement, which is the way to make the whole bloc to be evaluated as that precise expression.

It's safer to use void(); if you want to make sure the macro won't evaluate to an expression, thus being illegal where an rvalue is expected.

However, the solution is not ISO C++ compliant as will complain g++ -pedantic:

warning: ISO C++ forbids braced-groups within expressions [-pedantic]

In order to give some rest to g++, use (__extension__ OLD_WHOLE_MACRO_CONTENT_HERE) so that the new definition reads:

#define MACRO(X,Y) \
  (__extension__ ( \
    { \
      register int __x = static_cast<int>(X), __y = static_cast<int>(Y); \
      std::cout << "1st arg is:" << __x << std::endl; \
      std::cout << "2nd arg is:" << __y << std::endl; \
      std::cout << "Sum is:" << (__x + __y) << std::endl; \
      __x + __y; \
    } \

In order to improve my solution even a bit more, let's use the __typeof__ keyword, as seen in MIN and MAX in C:

#define MACRO(X,Y) \
  (__extension__ ( \
    { \
      __typeof__(X) __x = (X); \
      __typeof__(Y) __y = (Y); \
      std::cout << "1st arg is:" << __x << std::endl; \
      std::cout << "2nd arg is:" << __y << std::endl; \
      std::cout << "Sum is:" << (__x + __y) << std::endl; \
      __x + __y; \
    } \

Now the compiler will determine the appropriate type. This too is a gcc extension.

Note the removal of the register keyword, as it would the following warning when used with a class type:

warning: address requested for ‘__x’, which is declared ‘register’ [-Wextra]

:before and background-image... should it work?

@michi; define height in your before pseudo class


    width: 16px;
    content: " ";
    background-image: url(/img/border-left3.png);
    position: absolute;
    left: -16px;
    top: -6px;

Instantiating a generic class in Java

I could do this in a JUnit Test Setup.

I wanted to test a Hibernate facade so I was looking for a generic way to do it. Note that the facade also implements a generic interface. Here T is the database class and U the primary key. Ifacade<T,U> is a facade to access the database object T with the primary key U.

public abstract class GenericJPAController<T, U, C extends IFacade<T,U>>

    protected static EntityManagerFactory emf;

    /* The properties definition is straightforward*/
    protected T testObject;
    protected C facadeManager;

    public static void setUpClass() {

        try {
            emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("my entity manager factory");

        } catch (Throwable ex) {
            System.err.println("Failed to create sessionFactory object." + ex);
            throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(ex);


    public static void tearDownClass() {

    public void setUp() {
    /* Get the class name*/
        String className = ((ParameterizedType) getClass().getGenericSuperclass()).getActualTypeArguments()[2].getTypeName();

        /* Create the instance */
        try {
            facadeManager = (C) Class.forName(className).newInstance();
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException ex) {
            Logger.getLogger(GenericJPAController.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);

    public void tearDown() {

     * Test of testFindTEntities_0args method, of class
     * GenericJPAController<T, U, C extends IFacade<T,U>>.
     * @throws java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
     * @throws java.lang.NoSuchMethodException
     * @throws java.lang.InstantiationException
     * @throws java.lang.IllegalAccessException
    public void  testFindTEntities_0args() throws ClassNotFoundException, NoSuchMethodException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException {

        /* Example of instance usage. Even intellisense (NetBeans) works here!*/
        try {
            List<T> lista = (List<T>) facadeManager.findAllEntities();
   -> {
                System.out.println("Find all: " + stringReport());
        } catch (Throwable ex) {
            System.err.println("Failed to access object." + ex);
            throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(ex);

     * @return
    public abstract String stringReport();

    protected abstract T createTestObject();
    protected abstract T editTestObject();
    protected abstract U getTextObjectIndex();

HTTP Basic Authentication - what's the expected web browser experience?

To help everyone avoid confusion, I will reformulate the question in two parts.

First : "how can make an authenticated HTTP request with a browser, using BASIC auth?".

In the browser you can do a http basic auth first by waiting the prompt to come, or by editing the URL if you follow this format: http://myusername:[email protected]

NB: the curl command mentionned in the question is perfectly fine, if you have a command-line and curl installed. ;)


Also according to the CURL manual page


  Curl also supports user and password in HTTP URLs, thus you can pick a file

      curl http://name:[email protected]/full/path/to/file

  or specify user and password separately like in

      curl -u name:passwd http://machine.domain/full/path/to/file

  HTTP offers many different methods of authentication and curl supports
  several: Basic, Digest, NTLM and Negotiate (SPNEGO). Without telling which
  method to use, curl defaults to Basic. You can also ask curl to pick the
  most secure ones out of the ones that the server accepts for the given URL,
  by using --anyauth.

  NOTE! According to the URL specification, HTTP URLs can not contain a user
  and password, so that style will not work when using curl via a proxy, even
  though curl allows it at other times. When using a proxy, you _must_ use
  the -u style for user and password.

The second and real question is "However, on, I'm not getting an authorization prompt at all, just a page that says I'm not authorized. Did somesite not implement the Basic Auth workflow correctly, or is there something else I need to do?"

The curl documentation says the -u option supports many method of authentication, Basic being the default.

How to form tuple column from two columns in Pandas

Pandas has the itertuples method to do exactly this:

list(df[['lat', 'long']].itertuples(index=False, name=None))

Remove blue border from css custom-styled button in Chrome

Another way to solve the accessibility problem that hasn't been mentioned here yet is through a little bit of Javascript. Credits go this insightful blogpost from hackernoon:

The approach here is really simple yet effective: Adding a class when people start using the tab-key to navigate the page (and optionally remove it when the switch to mouse again. Then you can use this class to either display a focus outline or not.

function handleFirstTab(e) {
    if (e.keyCode === 9) { // the "I am a keyboard user" key
        window.removeEventListener('keydown', handleFirstTab);

window.addEventListener('keydown', handleFirstTab);

Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: Yes) after password reset LINUX

In my case:

  1. /etc/init.d/mysql stop
  2. mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables &

(in new window)

  1. mysql -u root
  2. mysql> use mysql;
  3. mysql> update user set authentication_string=password('password') where user='root';
  4. mysql>flush privileges;
  5. mysql> quit
  6. /etc/init.d/mysql restart

How to run a program in Atom Editor?

You can try to use the runner in atom Hit Ctrl+R (Alt+R on Win/Linux) to launch the runner for the active window. Hit Ctrl+Shift+R (Alt+Shift+R on Win/Linux) to run the currently selected text in the active window. Hit Ctrl+Shift+C to kill a currently running process. Hit Escape to close the runner window

psql: FATAL: Peer authentication failed for user "dev"

When you specify:

psql -U user

it connects via UNIX Socket, which by default uses peer authentication, unless specified in pg_hba.conf otherwise.

You can specify:

host    database             user          md5
host    database             user             ::1/128            md5

to get TCP/IP connection on loopback interface (both IPv4 and IPv6) for specified database and user.

After changes you have to restart postgres or reload it's configuration. Restart that should work in modern RHEL/Debian based distros:

service postgresql restart

Reload should work in following way:

pg_ctl reload

but the command may differ depending of PATH configuration - you may have to specify absolute path, which may be different, depending on way the postgres was installed.

Then you can use:

psql -h localhost -U user -d database

to login with that user to specified database over TCP/IP. md5 stands for encrypted password, while you can also specify password for plain text passwords during authorisation. These 2 options shouldn't be of a great matter as long as database server is only locally accessible, with no network access.

Important note: Definition order in pg_hba.conf matters - rules are read from top to bottom, like iptables, so you probably want to add proposed rules above the rule:

host    all             all               ident

Splitting comma separated string in a PL/SQL stored proc

create or replace procedure pro_ss(v_str varchar2) as
v_str1 varchar2(100); 
v_comma_pos number := 0;    
v_start_pos number := 1;
    v_comma_pos := instr(v_str,',',v_start_pos);   
    if  v_comma_pos = 0 then     
      v_str1 := substr(v_str,v_start_pos);  
      end if;    
    v_str1 := substr(v_str,v_start_pos,(v_comma_pos - v_start_pos)); 
    v_start_pos := v_comma_pos + 1;    
    end loop; 

call pro_ss('aa,bb,cc,dd,ee,ff,gg,hh,ii,jj');

outout: aa bb cc dd ee ff gg hh ii jj

Calculating and printing the nth prime number

Although many correct and detailed explanations are available. but here is my C implementation:


int pk,qd,am,no,c=0;
printf("\n Enter the Number U want to Find");
return 0;

Private properties in JavaScript ES6 classes

Short answer, no, there is no native support for private properties with ES6 classes.

But you could mimic that behaviour by not attaching the new properties to the object, but keeping them inside a class constructor, and use getters and setters to reach the hidden properties. Note that the getters and setters gets redefine on each new instance of the class.


class Person {
    constructor(name) {
        var _name = name
        this.setName = function(name) { _name = name; }
        this.getName = function() { return _name; }


function Person(name) {
    var _name = name
    this.setName = function(name) { _name = name; }
    this.getName = function() { return _name; }

How can I give the Intellij compiler more heap space?

I like to share a revelation that I had. When you build a project, Intellij Idea runs a java process that resides in its core(ex: C:\Program Files\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA 2020.3\jbr\bin). The "build process heap size", as mentioned by many others, changes the heap size of this java process. However, the main java process is triggered later by the Idea's java process, hence have different VM arguments. I noticed that the max heap size of this process is 1/3 of the Idea's java process, while min heap is the half of max(1/6). To round up:

When you set 9g heap on "build process heap size" the actual heap size for the compiler is max 3g and min 1,5g. And no need for restart is neccessary.

PS: tested on version 2020.3

How do you calculate the variance, median, and standard deviation in C++ or Java?

public class Statistics {
    double[] data;
    int size;   

    public Statistics(double[] data) { = data;
        size = data.length;

    double getMean() {
        double sum = 0.0;
        for(double a : data)
            sum += a;
        return sum/size;

    double getVariance() {
        double mean = getMean();
        double temp = 0;
        for(double a :data)
            temp += (a-mean)*(a-mean);
        return temp/(size-1);

    double getStdDev() {
        return Math.sqrt(getVariance());

    public double median() {
       if (data.length % 2 == 0)
          return (data[(data.length / 2) - 1] + data[data.length / 2]) / 2.0;
       return data[data.length / 2];

How do I run a Python program in the Command Prompt in Windows 7?

Modify the PATH variable too and append ;%python% otherwise the executable can not be found.

How to import local packages in go?

Local package is a annoying problem in go.

For some projects in our company we decide not use sub packages at all.

  • $ glide install
  • $ go get
  • $ go install

All work.

For some projects we use sub packages, and import local packages with full path:

import "xxxx.gitlab.xx/xxgroup/xxproject/xxsubpackage

But if we fork this project, then the subpackages still refer the original one.

Phonegap Cordova installation Windows

After hours of frustration... here's what i discovered.

  1. Ignore the installation documentation and all the command line, node.js stuff (seriously you will waste hours on this.
  2. Go to github and simply download the PhoneGap master .zip
  3. In that zip are project files for window phone, etc platform... just use those templates.

I don't know how such an easy process could have worse documentation. It as if it was written by lawyers.

How can I see the current value of my $PATH variable on OS X?

for MacOS, make sure you know where the GO install

export GOPATH=/usr/local/go

python global name 'self' is not defined

In Python self is the conventional name given to the first argument of instance methods of classes, which is always the instance the method was called on:

class A(object):
  def f(self):
    print self

a = A()

Will give you something like

<__main__.A object at 0x02A9ACF0>

Responsive dropdown navbar with angular-ui bootstrap (done in the correct angular kind of way)

Update 2015-06

Based on antoinepairet's comment/example:

Using uib-collapse attribute provides animations:

<nav class="navbar navbar-default" role="navigation">
    <div class="navbar-header">

        <!-- note the ng-init and ng-click here: -->
        <button type="button" class="navbar-toggle" ng-init="navCollapsed = true" ng-click="navCollapsed = !navCollapsed">
            <span class="sr-only">Toggle navigation</span>
            <span class="icon-bar"></span>
            <span class="icon-bar"></span>
            <span class="icon-bar"></span>
        <a class="navbar-brand" href="#">Brand</a>

    <div class="collapse navbar-collapse" uib-collapse="navCollapsed">
        <ul class="nav navbar-nav">


I see that the question is framed around BS2, but I thought I'd pitch in with a solution for Bootstrap 3 using ng-class solution based on suggestions in ui.bootstrap issue 394:

The only variation from the official bootstrap example is the addition of ng- attributes noted by comments, below:

<nav class="navbar navbar-default" role="navigation">
  <div class="navbar-header">

    <!-- note the ng-init and ng-click here: -->
    <button type="button" class="navbar-toggle" ng-init="navCollapsed = true" ng-click="navCollapsed = !navCollapsed">
      <span class="sr-only">Toggle navigation</span>
      <span class="icon-bar"></span>
      <span class="icon-bar"></span>
      <span class="icon-bar"></span>
    <a class="navbar-brand" href="#">Brand</a>

  <!-- note the ng-class here -->
  <div class="collapse navbar-collapse" ng-class="{'in':!navCollapsed}">

    <ul class="nav navbar-nav">

Here is an updated working example: (hat tip Lars)

This seems to works for me in simple use cases, but you'll note in the example that the second dropdown is cut off… good luck!

What is the correct way to free memory in C#

The garbage collector will come around and clean up anything that no longer has references to it. Unless you have unmanaged resources inside Foo, calling Dispose or using a using statement on it won't really help you much.

I'm fairly sure this applies, since it was still in C#. But, I took a game design course using XNA and we spent some time talking about the garbage collector for C#. Garbage collecting is expensive, since you have to check if you have any references to the object you want to collect. So, the GC tries to put this off as long as possible. So, as long as you weren't running out of physical memory when your program went to 700MB, it might just be the GC being lazy and not worrying about it yet.

But, if you just use Foo o outside the loop and create a o = new Foo() each time around, it should all work out fine.

How do I add 1 day to an NSDate?

In swift

var dayComponenet = NSDateComponents() = 1

var theCalendar = NSCalendar.currentCalendar()
var nextDate = theCalendar.dateByAddingComponents(dayComponenet, toDate: NSDate(), options: nil)

How to add onload event to a div element

I really like the YUI3 library for this sort of thing.

<div id="mydiv"> ... </div>

YUI().use('node-base', function(Y) {
  Y.on("available", someFunction, '#mydiv')


VS 2017 Git Local Commit DB.lock error on every commit

Just add the .vs folder to the .gitignore file.

Here is the template for Visual Studio from GitHub's collection of .gitignore templates, as an example:

If you have any trouble adding the .gitignore file, just follow these steps:

  1. On the Team Explorer's window, go to Settings.

Team Explorer - Settings

  1. Then access Repository Settings.

Repository Settings

  1. Finally, click Add in the Ignore File section.

enter image description here

Done. ;)
This default file already includes the .vs folder.

enter image description here

Application Error - The connection to the server was unsuccessful. (file:///android_asset/www/index.html)

In my case I am using ionic and I simply closed the dialog went to apps in the emulator and ran my app from there instead. This worked. I got the idea of that from here since it was just a time out issue.

How to configure for SpringJUnit4ClassRunner?

I know this is old, but I was having trouble too. For Spring 3 using Maven and Eclipse, I needed to put the log4j.xml in src/test/resources for the Unit test to log properly. Placing in in the root of the test did not work for me. Hopefully this helps others.

Python timedelta in years

import datetime

def check_if_old_enough(years_needed, old_date):

    limit_date = + years_needed,  old_date.month,

    today =

    old_enough = False

    if limit_date <= today:
        old_enough = True

    return old_enough

def test_ages():

    years_needed = 30

    born_date_Logan = datetime.datetime(1988, 3, 5)

    if check_if_old_enough(years_needed, born_date_Logan):
        print("Logan is old enough")
        print("Logan is not old enough")

    born_date_Jessica = datetime.datetime(1997, 3, 6)

    if check_if_old_enough(years_needed, born_date_Jessica):
        print("Jessica is old enough")
        print("Jessica is not old enough")


This is the code that the Carrousel operator was running in Logan's Run film ;)

How to add a border just on the top side of a UIView

Subclass UIView and implement drawRect: in your subclass, e.g.:


- (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect {
    CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
    CGContextMoveToPoint(context, CGRectGetMinX(rect), CGRectGetMinY(rect));
    CGContextAddLineToPoint(context, CGRectGetMaxX(rect), CGRectGetMinY(rect));
    CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor(context, [[UIColor redColor] CGColor] );
    CGContextSetLineWidth(context, 2.0);

Swift 4

override func draw(_ rect: CGRect) {

    let cgContext = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()
    cgContext?.move(to: CGPoint(x: rect.minX, y: rect.minY))
    cgContext?.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: rect.maxX, y: rect.minY))

This draws a 2 pixel red line as a top border. All of the other variations you mention are left as a trivial exercise for the reader.

Quartz 2D Programming Guide is recommended.

How to use WinForms progress bar?

Hey there's a useful tutorial on Dot Net pearls:

In agreement with Peter, you need to use some amount of threading or the program will just hang, somewhat defeating the purpose.

Example that uses ProgressBar and BackgroundWorker: C#

using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Threading;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace WindowsFormsApplication1
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        public Form1()

        private void Form1_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            // Start the BackgroundWorker.

        private void backgroundWorker1_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            for (int i = 1; i <= 100; i++)
                // Wait 100 milliseconds.
                // Report progress.

        private void backgroundWorker1_ProgressChanged(object sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e)
            // Change the value of the ProgressBar to the BackgroundWorker progress.
            progressBar1.Value = e.ProgressPercentage;
            // Set the text.
            this.Text = e.ProgressPercentage.ToString();
} //closing here

How can I add a custom HTTP header to ajax request with js or jQuery?

Assuming JQuery ajax, you can add custom headers like -

  url: url,
  beforeSend: function(xhr) {
    xhr.setRequestHeader("custom_header", "value");
  success: function(data) {

java, get set methods

your panel class don't have a constructor that accepts a string

try change

RLS_strid_panel p = new RLS_strid_panel(namn1);


RLS_strid_panel p = new RLS_strid_panel();

Shrinking navigation bar when scrolling down (bootstrap3)

toggleClass works too:

$(window).on("scroll", function() {
    $("nav").toggleClass("shrink", $(this).scrollTop() > 50)

How to check if a variable is NULL, then set it with a MySQL stored procedure?

@last_run_time is a 9.4. User-Defined Variables and last_run_time datetime one Local Variable DECLARE Syntax, are different variables.

Try: SELECT last_run_time;




    DECLARE current_procedure_name CHAR(60) DEFAULT 'accounts_general';
    DECLARE current_run_time DATETIME DEFAULT NOW();

    -- Define the last run time
    SET last_run_time := (SELECT MAX(runtime) FROM dynamo.runtimes WHERE procedure_name = current_procedure_name);

    -- if there is no last run time found then use yesterday as starting point
    IF(last_run_time IS NULL) THEN
        SET last_run_time := DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 DAY);
    END IF;

    SELECT last_run_time;

    -- Insert variables in table2
    INSERT INTO table2 (col0, col1, col2) VALUES (current_procedure_name, last_run_time, current_run_time);


How can I see an the output of my C programs using Dev-C++?

Add this to your header file #include and then in the end add this line : getch();

How do I disable a Pylint warning?

You can also use the following command:

pylint --disable=C0321

My Pylint version is 0.25.1.

Custom exception type

Yes. You can throw anything you want: integers, strings, objects, whatever. If you want to throw an object, then simply create a new object, just as you would create one under other circumstances, and then throw it. Mozilla's Javascript reference has several examples.

UTF-8 output from PowerShell

This is a bug in .NET. When PowerShell launches, it caches the output handle (Console.Out). The Encoding property of that text writer does not pick up the value StandardOutputEncoding property.

When you change it from within PowerShell, the Encoding property of the cached output writer returns the cached value, so the output is still encoded with the default encoding.

As a workaround, I would suggest not changing the encoding. It will be returned to you as a Unicode string, at which point you can manage the encoding yourself.

Caching example:

102 [C:\Users\leeholm]
>> $r1 = [Console]::Out

103 [C:\Users\leeholm]
>> $r1

Encoding                                          FormatProvider
--------                                          --------------
System.Text.SBCSCodePageEncoding                  en-US

104 [C:\Users\leeholm]
>> [Console]::OutputEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8

105 [C:\Users\leeholm]
>> $r1

Encoding                                          FormatProvider
--------                                          --------------
System.Text.SBCSCodePageEncoding                  en-US

Fit image to table cell [Pure HTML]

Inline content leaves space at the bottom for characters that descend (j, y, q):,_Tables,_and_Mysterious_Gaps

There are a couple fixes:

Use display: block;

<img style="display:block;" width="100%" height="100%" src="" />

or use vertical-align: bottom;

<img style="vertical-align: bottom;" width="100%" height="100%" src="" />

List of lists into numpy array

As this is the top search on Google for converting a list of lists into a Numpy array, I'll offer the following despite the question being 4 years old:

>>> x = [[1, 2], [1, 2, 3], [1]]
>>> y = numpy.hstack(x)
>>> print(y)
[1 2 1 2 3 1]

When I first thought of doing it this way, I was quite pleased with myself because it's soooo simple. However, after timing it with a larger list of lists, it is actually faster to do this:

>>> y = numpy.concatenate([numpy.array(i) for i in x])
>>> print(y)
[1 2 1 2 3 1]

Note that @Bastiaan's answer #1 doesn't make a single continuous list, hence I added the concatenate.

Anyway...I prefer the hstack approach for it's elegant use of Numpy.


Its best practice to have TOP 1 1 always.

What if I use SELECT 1 -> If condition matches more than one record then your query will fetch all the columns records and returns 1.

What if I use SELECT TOP 1 1 -> If condition matches more than one record also, it will just fetch the existence of any row (with a self 1-valued column) and returns 1.

IF EXISTS (SELECT TOP 1 1 FROM tblGLUserAccess WHERE GLUserName ='xxxxxxxx') 
   SELECT 1 
    SELECT 2

Getting path of captured image in Android using camera intent

There is a solution to create file (on external cache dir or anywhere else) and put this file's uri as output extra to camera intent - this will define path where taken picture will be stored.

Here is an example:

File file;
Uri fileUri;
final int RC_TAKE_PHOTO = 1;

    private void takePhoto() {
        Intent intent = new Intent(MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE);
        file = new File(getActivity().getExternalCacheDir(), 
                String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()) + ".jpg");
        fileUri = Uri.fromFile(file);
        intent.putExtra(MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT, fileUri);
        getActivity().startActivityForResult(intent, RC_TAKE_PHOTO);


    protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
        super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);

        if (requestCode == RC_TAKE_PHOTO && resultCode == RESULT_OK) {

                //do whatever you need with taken photo using file or fileUri


Then if you don't need the file anymore, you can delete it using file.delete();

By the way, files from cache dir will be removed when user clears app's cache from apps settings.

Escape dot in a regex range

Because the dot is inside character class (square brackets []).

Take a look at, it says (under char class section):

Any character except ^-]\ add that character to the possible matches for the character class.

Removing elements by class name?

Brett - are you aware that getElementyByClassName support from IE 5.5 to 8 is not there according to quirksmode?. You would be better off following this pattern if you care about cross-browser compatibility:

  • Get container element by ID.
  • Get needed child elements by tag name.
  • Iterate over children, test for matching className property.
  • elements[i].parentNode.removeChild(elements[i]) like the other guys said.

Quick example:

var cells = document.getElementById("myTable").getElementsByTagName("td");
var len = cells.length;
for(var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    if(cells[i].className.toLowerCase() == "column") {

Here's a quick demo.

EDIT: Here is the fixed version, specific to your markup:

var col_wrapper = document.getElementById("columns").getElementsByTagName("div");

var elementsToRemove = [];
for (var i = 0; i < col_wrapper.length; i++) {
    if (col_wrapper[i].className.toLowerCase() == "column") {
for(var i = 0; i < elementsToRemove.length; i++) {

The problem was my fault; when you remove an element from the resulting array of elements, the length changes, so one element gets skipped at each iteration. The solution is to store a reference to each element in a temporary array, then subsequently loop over those, removing each one from the DOM.

Try it here.

Apache POI error loading XSSFWorkbook class

Please note that 4.0 is not sufficient since ListValuedMap, was introduced in version 4.1.

You need to use this maven repository link for version 4.1. Replicated below for convenience

 <!-- -->

How to embed PDF file with responsive width

Seen from a non-PHP guru perspective, this should do exactly what us desired to:

    [name$='pdf'] { width:100%; height: auto;}

What is the 'dynamic' type in C# 4.0 used for?

The best use case of 'dynamic' type variables for me was when, recently, I was writing a data access layer in ADO.NET (using SQLDataReader) and the code was invoking the already written legacy stored procedures. There are hundreds of those legacy stored procedures containing bulk of the business logic. My data access layer needed to return some sort of structured data to the business logic layer, C# based, to do some manipulations (although there are almost none). Every stored procedures returns different set of data (table columns). So instead of creating dozens of classes or structs to hold the returned data and pass it to the BLL, I wrote the below code which looks quite elegant and neat.

public static dynamic GetSomeData(ParameterDTO dto)
            dynamic result = null;
            string SPName = "a_legacy_stored_procedure";
            using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(DataConnection.ConnectionString))
                SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(SPName, connection);
                command.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;                
                command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@empid", dto.EmpID));
                command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@deptid", dto.DeptID));
                using (SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader())
                    while (reader.Read())
                        dynamic row = new ExpandoObject();
                        row.EmpName = reader["EmpFullName"].ToString();
                        row.DeptName = reader["DeptName"].ToString();
                        row.AnotherColumn = reader["AnotherColumn"].ToString();                        
                        result = row;
            return result;

Update one MySQL table with values from another

It depends what is a use of those tables, but you might consider putting trigger on original table on insert and update. When insert or update is done, update the second table based on only one item from the original table. It will be quicker.

java how to use classes in other package?

You have to provide the full path that you want to import.


So, in your main class, you'd have:



class Main {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      Second second = new Second();

EDIT: adding example in response to Shawn D's comment

There is another alternative, as Shawn D points out, where you can specify the full package name of the object that you want to use. This is very useful in two locations. First, if you're using the class exactly once:

class Main {
    void function() {
        int x = my.package.heirarchy.Foo.aStaticMethod();

        another.package.heirarchy.Baz b = new another.package.heirarchy.Bax();

Alternatively, this is useful when you want to differentiate between two classes with the same short name:

class Main {
    void function() {
        java.util.Date utilDate = ...;
        java.sql.Date sqlDate = ...;

What is a Sticky Broadcast?

The value of a sticky broadcast is the value that was last broadcast and is currently held in the sticky cache. This is not the value of a broadcast that was received right now. I suppose you can say it is like a browser cookie that you can access at any time. The sticky broadcast is now deprecated, per the docs for sticky broadcast methods (e.g.):

This method was deprecated in API level 21. Sticky broadcasts should not be used. They provide no security (anyone can access them), no protection (anyone can modify them), and many other problems. The recommended pattern is to use a non-sticky broadcast to report that something has changed, with another mechanism for apps to retrieve the current value whenever desired.

Rendering a template variable as HTML

You can render a template in your code like so:

from django.template import Context, Template
t = Template('This is your <span>{{ message }}</span>.')

c = Context({'message': 'Your message'})
html = t.render(c)

See the Django docs for further information.

How to split data into trainset and testset randomly?

A quick note for the answer from @subin sahayam

 import random
 for line in file:
    data.append(line.split(#your preferred delimiter))
 train_data = data[:int((len(data)+1)*.80)] #Remaining 80% to training set
 test_data = data[int(len(data)*.80+1):] #Splits 20% data to test set

If your list size is a even number, you should not add the 1 in the code below. Instead, you need to check the size of the list first and then determine if you need to add the 1.

test_data = data[int(len(data)*.80+1):]

Remove specific characters from a string in Javascript

Honestly I think this probably the most concise and least confusing, but maybe that is just me:

str = "F0123456";
str.replace("f0", "");

Dont even go the regular expression route and simply do a straight replace.

Replacing column values in a pandas DataFrame

w.female.replace(to_replace=dict(female=1, male=0), inplace=True)

See pandas.DataFrame.replace() docs.

Maven in Eclipse: step by step installation

I have also come across the same issue and figuredout the issue here is the solution.

Lot of people assumes Eclipse and maven intergration is tough but its very eassy.

1) download the maven and unzip it in to your favorite directory.

Ex : C:\satyam\DEV_TOOLS\apache-maven-3.1.1

2) Set the environment variable for Maven(Hope every one knows where to go to set this)

In the system variable: Variable_name = M2_HOME Variable_Value =C:\satyam\DEV_TOOLS\apache-maven-3.1.1

Next in the same System Variable you will find the variable name called Path: just edit the path variable and add M2_HOME details like with the existing values.


so in the second step now you are done setting the Maven stuff to your need to cross check it whether your setting is correct or not, go to command prompt and type mvn--version it should disply the path of your Maven

3) Open the eclipse and go to Install new software and type M2E Plugin install and restart the Eclipse

with the above 3 steps you are done with Maven and Maven Plugin with eclipse

4) Maven is used .m2 folder to download all the jars, it will find in Ex: C:\Users\tempsakat.m2

under this folder one settings.xml file and one repository folder will be there

5) go to Windwo - preferences of your Eclipse and type Maven then select UserSettings from left menu then give the path of the settings.xml here .

now you are done...

(grep) Regex to match non-ASCII characters?

No, [^\x20-\x7E] is not ASCII.

This is real ASCII:


Otherwise, it will trim out newlines and other special characters that are part of the ASCII table!

What is the difference between URL parameters and query strings?

The query component is indicated by the first ? in a URI. "Query string" might be a synonym (this term is not used in the URI standard).

Some examples for HTTP URIs with query components:

(list of allowed characters in the query component)

The "format" of the query component is up to the URI authors. A common convention (but nothing more than a convention, as far as the URI standard is concerned¹) is to use the query component for key-value pairs, aka. parameters, like in the last example above: bar1=a&bar2=b.

Such parameters could also appear in the other URI components, i.e., the path² and the fragment. As far as the URI standard is concerned, it’s up to you which component and which format to use.

Example URI with parameters in the path, the query, and the fragment:;key1=value1?key2=value2#key3=value3

¹ The URI standard says about the query component:

[…] query components are often used to carry identifying information in the form of "key=value" pairs […]

² The URI standard says about the path component:

[…] the semicolon (";") and equals ("=") reserved characters are often used to delimit parameters and parameter values applicable to that segment. The comma (",") reserved character is often used for similar purposes.

How to get name of dataframe column in pyspark?

If you want the column names of your dataframe, you can use the pyspark.sql class. I'm not sure if the SDK supports explicitly indexing a DF by column name. I received this traceback:

>>> df.columns['High'] Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> TypeError: list indices must be integers, not str

However, calling the columns method on your dataframe, which you have done, will return a list of column names:

df.columns will return ['Date', 'Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close', 'Volume', 'Adj Close']

If you want the column datatypes, you can call the dtypes method:

df.dtypes will return [('Date', 'timestamp'), ('Open', 'double'), ('High', 'double'), ('Low', 'double'), ('Close', 'double'), ('Volume', 'int'), ('Adj Close', 'double')]

If you want a particular column, you'll need to access it by index:

df.columns[2] will return 'High'

How to change the default encoding to UTF-8 for Apache?

For completeness, on Apache2 on Ubuntu, you will find the default charset in charset.conf in conf-available.

Uncomment the line

AddDefaultCharset UTF-8

Making an asynchronous task in Flask

I would use Celery to handle the asynchronous task for you. You'll need to install a broker to serve as your task queue (RabbitMQ and Redis are recommended).

from flask import Flask
from celery import Celery

broker_url = 'amqp://guest@localhost'          # Broker URL for RabbitMQ task queue

app = Flask(__name__)    
celery = Celery(, broker=broker_url)
celery.config_from_object('celeryconfig')      # Your celery configurations in a

def some_long_task(self, x, y):
    # Do some long task

@app.route('/render/<id>', methods=['POST'])
def render_script(id=None):
    data = json.loads(
    text_list = data.get('text_list')
    final_file = audio_class.render_audio(data=text_list)
    some_long_task.delay(x, y)                 # Call your async task and pass whatever necessary variables
    return Response(

Run your Flask app, and start another process to run your celery worker.

$ celery worker -A app.celery --loglevel=debug

I would also refer to Miguel Gringberg's write up for a more in depth guide to using Celery with Flask.

How to check if any fields in a form are empty in php

Specify POST method in form
<form name="registrationform" action="register.php" method="post">

your form code


Apache won't start in wamp

Sometimes it is Skype or another application "Holding" on to port 80. Jusct close Skype

Convert a bitmap into a byte array

You can also just Marshal.Copy the bitmap data. No intermediary memorystream etc. and a fast memory copy. This should work on both 24-bit and 32-bit bitmaps.

public static byte[] BitmapToByteArray(Bitmap bitmap)

    BitmapData bmpdata = null;

        bmpdata = bitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, bitmap.PixelFormat);
        int numbytes = bmpdata.Stride * bitmap.Height;
        byte[] bytedata = new byte[numbytes];
        IntPtr ptr = bmpdata.Scan0;

        Marshal.Copy(ptr, bytedata, 0, numbytes);

        return bytedata;
        if (bmpdata != null)



How can I close a browser window without receiving the "Do you want to close this window" prompt?

Place the following code in the ASPX.

<script language=javascript>
function CloseWindow() 
{'', '_self', '');

Place the following code in the code behind button click event.

string myclosescript = "<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'>CloseWindow();</script>";

Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(GetType(), "myclosescript", myclosescript);

If you dont have any processing before close then you can directly put the following code in the ASPX itself in the button click tag.


Hope this helps.

SCRIPT5: Access is denied in IE9 on xmlhttprequest

Probably you are requesting for an external resource, this case IE needs the XDomain object. See the sample code below for how to make ajax request for all browsers with cross domains: = function (url,data,callBack,callBackParameter){
    if (url.indexOf("?")>0){
        data = url.substring(url.indexOf("?")+1)+"&"+ data;
        url = url.substring(0,url.indexOf("?"));
    data += "&randomNumberG=" + Math.random() + (Tork.debug?"&debug=1":"");
    var xmlhttp;
    if (window.XDomainRequest)
        xmlhttp=new XDomainRequest();
        xmlhttp.onload = function(){callBack(xmlhttp.responseText)};
    else if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
        xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
        xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
        if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200){

Adding rows to tbody of a table using jQuery

With Lodash you can create a template and you can do that following way:

    <div class="container">
        <div class="row justify-content-center">
            <div class="col-12">
                <table id="tblEntAttributes" class="table">
                <button class="btn btn-primary" id="test">appendTo</button>

And here goes the javascript:

        var count = 1;
        window.addEventListener('load', function () {
            var compiledRow = _.template("<tr><td><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"<%= chkboxId %>\" value=\"<%= chkboxValue %>\"></td><td><%= displayName %></td><td><%= logicalName %></td><td><%= dataType %></td><td><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"chkAllPrimaryAttrs\" name=\"chkAllPrimaryAttrs\" value=\"chkAllPrimaryAttrs\"></td><td><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"chkAllPrimaryAttrs\" name=\"chkAllPrimaryAttrs\" value=\"chkAllPrimaryAttrs\"></td></tr>");
            document.getElementById('test').addEventListener('click', function (e) {
                var ajaxData = { 'chkboxId': 'chkboxId-' + count, 'chkboxValue': 'chkboxValue-' + count, 'displayName': 'displayName-' + count, 'logicalName': 'logicalName-' + count, 'dataType': 'dataType-' + count };
                var tableRowData = compiledRow(ajaxData);
                $("#tblEntAttributes tbody").append(tableRowData);

Here it is in jsbin

How to linebreak an svg text within javascript?

I suppese you alredy managed to solve it, but if someone is looking for similar solution then this worked for me:

  .attr('x', 0)
  .attr('y', 30)
  .attr('class', 'id')
  .attr('x', 0)
  .attr('dy', 5)
  .text(function(d) { return; })
  .attr('x', 0)
  .attr('dy', 20)
  .text(function(d) { return d.sname; })
  .attr('x', 0)
  .attr('dy', 20)
  .text(function(d) { return d.idcode; })

There are 3 lines separated with linebreak.

In PowerShell, how do I test whether or not a specific variable exists in global scope?

EDIT: Use stej's answer below. My own (partially incorrect) one is still reproduced here for reference:

You can use

Get-Variable foo -Scope Global

and trap the error that is raised when the variable doesn't exist.

How to get current domain name in ASP.NET

Using Request.Url.Host is appropriate - it's how you retrieve the value of the HTTP Host: header, which specifies which hostname (domain name) the UA (browser) wants, as the Resource-path part of the HTTP request does not include the hostname.

Note that localhost:5858 is not a domain name, it is an endpoint specifier, also known as an "authority", which includes the hostname and TCP port number. This is retrieved by accessing Request.Uri.Authority.

Furthermore, it is not valid to get from because a webserver could be configured to serve a different site for compared to, however if you are sure this is valid in your case then you'll need to manually parse the hostname, though using String.Split('.') works in a pinch.

Note that webserver (IIS) configuration is distinct from ASP.NET's configuration, and that ASP.NET is actually completely ignorant of the HTTP binding configuration of the websites and web-applications that it runs under. The fact that both IIS and ASP.NET share the same configuration files (web.config) is a red-herring.

What does InitializeComponent() do, and how does it work in WPF?

The call to InitializeComponent() (which is usually called in the default constructor of at least Window and UserControl) is actually a method call to the partial class of the control (rather than a call up the object hierarchy as I first expected).

This method locates a URI to the XAML for the Window/UserControl that is loading, and passes it to the System.Windows.Application.LoadComponent() static method. LoadComponent() loads the XAML file that is located at the passed in URI, and converts it to an instance of the object that is specified by the root element of the XAML file.

In more detail, LoadComponent creates an instance of the XamlParser, and builds a tree of the XAML. Each node is parsed by the XamlParser.ProcessXamlNode(). This gets passed to the BamlRecordWriter class. Some time after this I get a bit lost in how the BAML is converted to objects, but this may be enough to help you on the path to enlightenment.

Note: Interestingly, the InitializeComponent is a method on the System.Windows.Markup.IComponentConnector interface, of which Window/UserControl implement in the partial generated class.

Hope this helps!

Delete all nodes and relationships in neo4j 1.8

Neo4j cannot delete nodes that have a relation. You have to delete the relations before you can delete the nodes.

But, it is simple way to delete "ALL" nodes and "ALL" relationships with a simple chyper. This is the code:


--> DETACH DELETE will remove all of the nodes and relations by Match

cin and getline skipping input

I faced this issue, and resolved this issue using getchar() to catch the ('\n') new char

Replacing characters in Ant property

Use some external app like sed:

<exec executable="sed" inputstring="${wersja}" outputproperty="wersjaDot">
  <arg value="s/_/./g"/>

If you run Windows get it googling for "gnuwin32 sed".

The command s/_/./g replaces every _ with . This script goes well under windows. Under linux arg may need quoting.

How do I turn off the output from tar commands on Unix?

Just drop the option v.

-v is for verbose. If you don't use it then it won't display:

tar -zxf tmp.tar.gz -C ~/tmp1

How to get the date 7 days earlier date from current date in Java

You can use Calendar class :

Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
cal.add(Calendar.DATE, -7);
System.out.println("Date = "+ cal.getTime());

But as @Sean Patrick Floyd mentioned , Joda-time is the best Java library for Date.

When to use an interface instead of an abstract class and vice versa?

I wrote an article about that:

Abstract classes and interfaces


When we talk about abstract classes we are defining characteristics of an object type; specifying what an object is.

When we talk about an interface and define capabilities that we promise to provide, we are talking about establishing a contract about what the object can do.

Gulp command not found after install

If you want to leave your prefix intact, just export it's bin dir to your PATH variable:
export PATH=$HOME/your-path/bin:$PATH
I added this line to my $HOME/.profile and sourced it.

Setting prefix to /usr/local makes you use sudo, so I like to have it in my user dir. You can check your prefix with npm prefix -g.

Import Script from a Parent Directory

You don't import scripts in Python you import modules. Some python modules are also scripts that you can run directly (they do some useful work at a module-level).

In general it is preferable to use absolute imports rather than relative imports.

+-- subpackage

In moduleB:

from toplevel_package import moduleA

If you'd like to run as a script then make sure that parent directory for toplevel_package is in your sys.path.

How can I find the last element in a List<>?

I would have to agree a foreach would be a lot easier something like

foreach(AllIntegerIDs allIntegerIDs in integerList)
Console.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}\t{4}\n", allIntegerIDs.m_MessageID,

Also I would suggest you add properties to access your information instead of public fields, depending on your .net version you can add it like public int MessageType {get; set;} and get rid of the m_ from your public fields, properties etc as it shouldnt be there.

Python 3.6 install win32api?

Take a look at this answer: ImportError: no module named win32api

You can use

pip install pypiwin32

How to justify navbar-nav in Bootstrap 3

You can justify the navbar contents by using:

@media (min-width: 768px){
     margin: 0 auto;
     display: table;
     table-layout: fixed;
     float: none;

See this live:

Good luck!

Erase whole array Python

Now to answer the question that perhaps you should have asked, like "I'm getting 100 floats form somewhere; do I need to put them in an array or list before I find the minimum?"

Answer: No, if somewhere is a iterable, instead of doing this:

temp = []
for x in somewhere:
answer = min(temp)

you can do this:

answer = min(somewhere)


answer = min(float(line) for line in open('floats.txt'))

How to send a "multipart/form-data" with requests in python?

import requests
# assume sending two files
url = "put ur url here"
f1 = open("file 1 path", 'rb')
f2 = open("file 2 path", 'rb')
response =,files={"file1 name": f1, "file2 name":f2})

Disable HttpClient logging

Simply add these two dependencies in the pom file: I have tried and succeed after trying the discussion before.

<!--Using logback-->

Commons-Logging -> Logback and default Info while Debug will not be present; You can use:

private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HuaweiAPI.class);

to define the information you want to log:like Final Result like this. Only the information I want to log will be present.

Programmatically scroll a UIScrollView

scrollView.setContentOffset(CGPoint(x: y, y: x), animated: true)

How can bcrypt have built-in salts?

I believe that phrase should have been worded as follows:

bcrypt has salts built into the generated hashes to prevent rainbow table attacks.

The bcrypt utility itself does not appear to maintain a list of salts. Rather, salts are generated randomly and appended to the output of the function so that they are remembered later on (according to the Java implementation of bcrypt). Put another way, the "hash" generated by bcrypt is not just the hash. Rather, it is the hash and the salt concatenated.

PHP remove all characters before specific string


$string="We have www/audio path where the audio files are stored";  //Considering the string like this

Either you can use

strstr($string, 'www/audio');

