[javascript] How to add onload event to a div element

I needed to have some initialization code run after a chunk of html (template instance) was inserted, and of course I didn't have access to the code that manipulates the template and modifies the DOM. The same idea holds for any partial modification of the DOM by insertion of an html element, usually a <div>.

Some time ago, I did a hack with the onload event of a nearly invisible <img> contained in a <div>, but discovered that a scoped, empty style will also do:

<div .... >
<style scoped="scoped" onload="dosomethingto(this.parentElement);" >   </style>

Update(Jul 15 2017) - The <style> onload is not supported in last version of IE. Edge does support it, but some users see this as a different browser and stick with IE. The <img> element seems to work better across all browsers.

<img onLoad="dosomthing(this.parentElement);" src="" />

To minimize the visual impact and resource usage of the image, use an inline src that keeps it small and transparent.

One comment I feel I need to make about using a <script>is how much harder it is to determine which <div> the script is near, especially in templating where you can't have an identical id in each instance that the template generates. I thought the answer might be document.currentScript, but this is not universally supported. A <script> element cannot determine its own DOM location reliably; a reference to 'this' points to the main window, and is of no help.

I believe it is necessary to settle for using an <img> element, despite being goofy. This might be a hole in the DOM/javascript framework that could use plugging.