[mongodb] How to restore the dump into your running mongodb

I want to load data/restore dump data in mongoDB using mongorestore. I am trying to command

mongorestore dump

but it giving me error

Sat Sep 21 16:12:33.403 JavaScript execution failed: SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier

How can we restore or put data into mongoDB?? Please give me the steps.

This question is related to mongodb mongorestore data-dump

The answer is

I have been through a lot of trouble so I came up with my own solution, I created this script, just set the path inside script and db name and run it, it will do the trick


FILES= #absolute or relative path to dump directory
DB=`db` #db name
for file in $FILES

    name=$(basename $file)
    echo `mongoimport --db "$DB" --file "$name" --collection "$collection"`


The directory should be named 'dump' and this directory should have a directory which contains the .bson and .json files. This directory should be named as your db name.

eg: if your db name is institution then the second directory name should be institution.

After this step, go the directory enclosing the dump folder in the terminal, and run the command

mongorestore --drop.

Do see to it that mongo is up and running.

This should work fine.

  1. Start mongod
  2. Navigate to folder where you have extracted "enron.zip" in OS shell(cmd in case of windows)
  3. Then type ">mongorestore -d your_db_name dump/enron"

To restore a single database:

1. Backup the 'users' database
$ mongodump --db users

2. Restore the 'users' database to a new database called 'users2'
$ mongorestore --db users2 dump/users

To restore all databases:

1. Backup all databases
$ mongodump

2. Restore all databases
$ mongorestore dump

mongodump: To dump all the records:

mongodump --db databasename

To limit the amount of data included in the database dump, you can specify --db and --collection as options to mongodump. For example:

mongodump --collection myCollection --db test

This operation creates a dump of the collection named myCollection from the database 'test' in a dump/ subdirectory of the current working directory. NOTE: mongodump overwrites output files if they exist in the backup data folder.

mongorestore: To restore all data to the original database:

1) mongorestore --verbose \path\dump

or restore to a new database:

2) mongorestore --db databasename --verbose \path\dump\<dumpfolder>

Note: Both requires mongod instances.

Follow this path.

C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.2\bin

Run the cmd in bin folder and paste the below command

mongorestore --db <name-your-database-want-to-restore-as> <path-of-dumped-database>

For Example:

mongorestore --db testDb D:\Documents\Dump\myDb

Dump DB by mongodump

mongodump --host <database-host> -d <database-name> --port <database-port> --out directory

Restore DB by mongorestore

With Index Restore

mongorestore --host <database-host> -d <database-name> --port <database-port> foldername

Without Index Restore

mongorestore --noIndexRestore --host <database-host> -d <database-name> --port <database-port> foldername

Import Single Collection from CSV [1st Column will be treat as Col/Key Name]

mongoimport --db <database-name> --port <database-port> --collection <collection-name> --type csv --headerline --file /path/to/myfile.csv

Import Single Collection from JSON

mongoimport --db <database-name> --port <database-port> --collection <collection-name> --file input.json

You can also restore your downloaded Atlas Backup .wt WiredTiger files (which unzips or untar as a restore folder) to your local MongoDB.

First, make a backup of your /data/db path. Call it /data_20200407/db. Second, copy paste all the .wt files from your Atlas Backup restore folder into your local /data/db path. Restart your Ubuntu or MongoDB server. Start your Mongo shell and you should have those restored files there.

For mongoDB database restore use this command here

mongorestore --db databasename --drop dump file path

You can take a dump to your local machine using this command:

mongodump -h <host>:<port> -u <username> -p <password> -d ubertower-new -o /path/to/destination/directory

You can restore from the local machine to your Mongo DB using this command

mongorestore -h <host>:<port> -u <username> -p <password> -d <DBNAME> /path/to/destination/directory/<DBNAME>

For mongoDB database restore use this command here . First go to your mongodb database location such as For Example : cd Downloads/blank_db/v34000 After that Enter mongorestore -d v34000 ./

mongodump --host test.mongodb.net --port 27017 --db --username --password --authenticationDatabase admin --ssl --out

mongorestore --db --verbose