Programs & Examples On #Htdigest

brew install mysql on macOS

If mysql is already installed

Stop mysql completely.

  1. mysql.server stop <-- may need editing based on your version
  2. ps -ef | grep mysql <-- lists processes with mysql in their name
  3. kill [PID] <-- kill the processes by PID

Remove files. Instructions above are good. I'll add:

  1. sudo find /. -name "*mysql*"
  2. Using your judgement, rm -rf these files. Note that many programs have drivers for mysql which you do not want to remove. For example, don't delete stuff in a PHP install's directory. Do remove stuff in its own mysql directory.


Hopefully you have homebrew. If not, download it.

I like to run brew as root, but I don't think you have to. Edit 2018: you can't run brew as root anymore

  1. sudo brew update
  2. sudo brew install cmake <-- dependency for mysql, useful
  3. sudo brew install openssl <-- dependency for mysql, useful
  4. sudo brew info mysql <-- skim through this... it gives you some idea of what's coming next
  5. sudo brew install mysql --with-embedded; say done <-- Installs mysql with the embedded server. Tells you when it finishes (my install took 10 minutes)


  1. sudo chown -R mysql /usr/local/var/mysql/ <-- mysql wouldn't work for me until I ran this command
  2. sudo mysql.server start <-- once again, the exact syntax may vary
  3. Create users in mysql ( Remember to add a password for the root user.

What is the method for converting radians to degrees?

Here is some code which extends Object with rad(deg), deg(rad) and also two more useful functions: getAngle(point1,point2) and getDistance(point1,point2) where a point needs to have a x and y property.

Object.prototype.rad = (deg) => Math.PI/180 * deg;
Object.prototype.deg = (rad) => 180/Math.PI * rad;
Object.prototype.getAngle = (point1, point2) => Math.atan2(point1.y - point2.y, point1.x - point2.x);
Object.prototype.getDistance = (point1, point2) => Math.sqrt(Math.pow(point1.x-point2.x, 2) + Math.pow(point1.y-point2.y, 2));

React: how to update state.item[1] in state using setState?

Use the event on handleChange to figure out the element that has changed and then update it. For that you might need to change some property to identify it and update it.

See fiddle

Android: Creating a Circular TextView?

The typical solution is to define the shape and use it as background but as the number of digits varies it's no more a perfect circle, it looks like a rectangle with round edges or Oval. So I have developed this solution, it's working great. Hope it will help someone.

Circular Text View

Here is the code of custom TextView

import android.content.Context;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.widget.TextView;

public class CircularTextView extends TextView
private float strokeWidth;
int strokeColor,solidColor;

public CircularTextView(Context context) {

public CircularTextView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
    super(context, attrs);

public CircularTextView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr) {
    super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr);

public void draw(Canvas canvas) {

    Paint circlePaint = new Paint();

    Paint strokePaint = new Paint();

    int  h = this.getHeight();
    int  w = this.getWidth();

    int diameter = ((h > w) ? h : w);
    int radius = diameter/2;


    canvas.drawCircle(diameter / 2 , diameter / 2, radius, strokePaint);

    canvas.drawCircle(diameter / 2, diameter / 2, radius-strokeWidth, circlePaint);


public void setStrokeWidth(int dp)
    float scale = getContext().getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density;
    strokeWidth = dp*scale;


public void setStrokeColor(String color)
    strokeColor = Color.parseColor(color);

public void setSolidColor(String color)
    solidColor = Color.parseColor(color);


Then in your XML, give some padding and make sure its gravity is center


And you can set the stroke width


Playing m3u8 Files with HTML Video Tag

Adding to ben.bourdin answer, you can at least in any HTML based application, check if the browser supports HLS in its video element:

Let´s assume that your video element ID is "myVideo", then through javascript you can use the "canPlayType" function (

var videoElement = document.getElementById("myVideo");
if(videoElement.canPlayType('application/') === "probably" || videoElement.canPlayType('application/') === "maybe"){
    //Actions like playing the .m3u8 content
    //Actions like playing another video type

The canPlayType function, returns:

"" when there is no support for the specified audio/video type

"maybe" when the browser might support the specified audio/video type

"probably" when it most likely supports the specified audio/video type (you can use just this value in the validation to be more sure that your browser supports the specified type)

Hope this help :)

Best regards!

How to fix: "No suitable driver found for jdbc:mysql://localhost/dbname" error when using pools?

I'm running Tomcat 7 in Eclipse with Java 7 and using the jdbc driver for MSSQL sqljdbc4.jar.

When running the code outside of tomcat, from a standalone java app, this worked just fine:

        connection = DriverManager.getConnection(conString, user, pw);

However, when I tried to run the same code inside of Tomcat 7, I found that I could only get it work by first registering the driver, changing the above to this:

        connection = DriverManager.getConnection(conString, user, pw);

Force drop mysql bypassing foreign key constraint

Simple solution to drop all the table at once from terminal.

This involved few steps inside your mysql shell (not a one step solution though), this worked me and saved my day.

Worked for Server version: 5.6.38 MySQL Community Server (GPL)

Steps I followed:

 1. generate drop query using concat and group_concat.
 2. use database
 3. turn off / disable foreign key constraint check (SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0;), 
 4. copy the query generated from step 1
 5. re enable foreign key constraint check (SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1;)
 6. run show table

MySQL shell

$ mysql -u root -p
Enter password: ****** (your mysql root password)
mysql> SELECT CONCAT('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `', GROUP_CONCAT(table_name SEPARATOR '`, `'), '`;') AS dropquery FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'emall_duplicate';
| dropquery                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          |
| DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `admin`, `app`, `app_meta_settings`, `commission`, `commission_history`, `coupon`, `email_templates`, `infopages`, `invoice`, `m_pc_xref`, `member`, `merchant`, `message_templates`, `mnotification`, `mshipping_address`, `notification`, `order`, `orderdetail`, `pattributes`, `pbrand`, `pcategory`, `permissions`, `pfeatures`, `pimage`, `preport`, `product`, `product_review`, `pspecification`, `ptechnical_specification`, `pwishlist`, `role_perms`, `roles`, `settings`, `test`, `testanother`, `user_perms`, `user_roles`, `users`, `wishlist`; |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> USE emall_duplicate;
Database changed
mysql> SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0;                                                                                                                                                   Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

// copy and paste generated query from step 1
mysql> DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `admin`, `app`, `app_meta_settings`, `commission`, `commission_history`, `coupon`, `email_templates`, `infopages`, `invoice`, `m_pc_xref`, `member`, `merchant`, `message_templates`, `mnotification`, `mshipping_address`, `notification`, `order`, `orderdetail`, `pattributes`, `pbrand`, `pcategory`, `permissions`, `pfeatures`, `pimage`, `preport`, `product`, `product_review`, `pspecification`, `ptechnical_specification`, `pwishlist`, `role_perms`, `roles`, `settings`, `test`, `testanother`, `user_perms`, `user_roles`, `users`, `wishlist`;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.18 sec)

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> SHOW tables;
Empty set (0.01 sec)


Reset IntelliJ UI to Default

You can delete IDEA configuration directory to reset everything to the defaults. If you want to reset the editor Colors&Fonts, then just switch the scheme to Default.

Using group by on multiple columns

Here I am going to explain not only the GROUP clause use, but also the Aggregate functions use.

The GROUP BY clause is used in conjunction with the aggregate functions to group the result-set by one or more columns. e.g.:

-- GROUP BY with one parameter:
SELECT column_name, AGGREGATE_FUNCTION(column_name)
FROM table_name
WHERE column_name operator value
GROUP BY column_name;

-- GROUP BY with two parameters:

Remember this order:

  1. SELECT (is used to select data from a database)

  2. FROM (clause is used to list the tables)

  3. WHERE (clause is used to filter records)

  4. GROUP BY (clause can be used in a SELECT statement to collect data across multiple records and group the results by one or more columns)

  5. HAVING (clause is used in combination with the GROUP BY clause to restrict the groups of returned rows to only those whose the condition is TRUE)

  6. ORDER BY (keyword is used to sort the result-set)

You can use all of these if you are using aggregate functions, and this is the order that they must be set, otherwise you can get an error.

Aggregate Functions are:

MIN() returns the smallest value in a given column

MAX() returns the maximum value in a given column.

SUM() returns the sum of the numeric values in a given column

AVG() returns the average value of a given column

COUNT() returns the total number of values in a given column

COUNT(*) returns the number of rows in a table

SQL script examples about using aggregate functions:

Let's say we need to find the sale orders whose total sale is greater than $950. We combine the HAVING clause and the GROUP BY clause to accomplish this:

    orderId, SUM(unitPrice * qty) Total
GROUP BY orderId
HAVING Total > 950;

Counting all orders and grouping them customerID and sorting the result ascendant. We combine the COUNT function and the GROUP BY, ORDER BY clauses and ASC:

    customerId, COUNT(*)
GROUP BY customerId

Retrieve the category that has an average Unit Price greater than $10, using AVG function combine with GROUP BY and HAVING clauses:

    categoryName, AVG(unitPrice)
    Products p
    Categories c ON c.categoryId = p.categoryId
GROUP BY categoryName
HAVING AVG(unitPrice) > 10;

Getting the less expensive product by each category, using the MIN function in a subquery:

SELECT categoryId,
FROM Products p1
WHERE unitPrice = (
                SELECT MIN(unitPrice)
                FROM Products p2
                WHERE p2.categoryId = p1.categoryId)

The following statement groups rows with the same values in both categoryId and productId columns:

    categoryId, categoryName, productId, SUM(unitPrice)
    Products p
    Categories c ON c.categoryId = p.categoryId
GROUP BY categoryId, productId

Unix command to find lines common in two files

To complement the Perl one-liner, here's its awk equivalent:

awk 'NR==FNR{arr[$0];next} $0 in arr' file1 file2

This will read all lines from file1 into the array arr[], and then check for each line in file2 if it already exists within the array (i.e. file1). The lines that are found will be printed in the order in which they appear in file2. Note that the comparison in arr uses the entire line from file2 as index to the array, so it will only report exact matches on entire lines.

Embed Youtube video inside an Android app

Embedding the YouTube player in Android is very simple & it hardly takes you 10 minutes,

1) Enable YouTube API from Google API console
2) Download YouTube player Jar file
3) Start using it in Your app

Here are the detailed steps

Just refer it & if you face any problem, let me know, ill help you

Replace given value in vector

Perhaps replace is what you are looking for:

> x = c(3, 2, 1, 0, 4, 0)
> replace(x, x==0, 1)
[1] 3 2 1 1 4 1

Or, if you don't have x (any specific reason why not?):

replace(c(3, 2, 1, 0, 4, 0), c(3, 2, 1, 0, 4, 0)==0, 1)

Many people are familiar with gsub, so you can also try either of the following:

as.numeric(gsub(0, 1, x))
as.numeric(gsub(0, 1, c(3, 2, 1, 0, 4, 0)))


After reading the comments, perhaps with is an option:

with(data.frame(x = c(3, 2, 1, 0, 4, 0)), replace(x, x == 0, 1))

cocoapods - 'pod install' takes forever

After a half of the day of investigating why Analyzing Dependencies takes forever, I found out that I was installing the latest Firebase pod (7.1.0), which relies on GoogleAppMeasurement version 7.1.0, and there was another pod, which is an ad mediation framework, which includes Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK. This SDK was relying on a much lower version of GoogleAppMeasurement ~ 6.0. I was able to install the pods by commenting out the conflicting pod from the ad mediation. Something like this:

# Ad network framework
  pod 'SomeMediationNetwork/Core'
#  pod 'SomeMediationNetwork/GoogleMobileAds' # - the conflicting pod
  pod 'SomeMediationNetwork/Facebook'
  pod 'SomeMediationNetwork/SmartAdServer'
  pod 'SomeMediationNetwork/Mopub'

I had to contact the ad mediation library publisher to fix this issue, most probably by updating to the latest Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK pod and releasing a new version.

I hope this one helps some other folks who are banging their head

json_encode sparse PHP array as JSON array, not JSON object

Array in JSON are indexed array only, so the structure you're trying to get is not valid Json/Javascript.

PHP Associatives array are objects in JSON, so unless you don't need the index, you can't do such conversions.

If you want to get such structure you can do:

$indexedOnly = array();

foreach ($associative as $row) {
    $indexedOnly[] = array_values($row);


Will returns something like:

     [0, "name1", "n1"],
     [1, "name2", "n2"],

Convert timedelta to total seconds

Use timedelta.total_seconds().

>>> import datetime
>>> datetime.timedelta(seconds=24*60*60).total_seconds()

How to lose margin/padding in UITextView?

For SwiftUI

If you are making your own TextView using UIViewRepresentable and want to control the padding, in your makeUIView function, simply do:

uiTextView.textContainerInset = UIEdgeInsets(top: 10, left: 18, bottom: 0, right: 18)

or whatever you want.

What are intent-filters in Android?

Keep the first intent filter with keys MAIN and LAUNCHER and add another as ANY_NAME and DEFAULT.

Your LAUNCHER will be activity A and DEFAULT will be your activity B.

Jmeter - get current date and time

Use ${__time(yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ss)} to convert time into a particular timeformat. Here are other formats that you can use:

yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss.SSS
yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss
yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS
yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
MM/dd/yy HH:mm:ss

You can use Z character to get milliseconds too. For example:

yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ssZ => 2017-01-25T10:29:00-0700
yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z' => 2017-01-25T10:28:49.549Z

Most of the time yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z' is required in some APIs. It is better to know how to convert time into this format.

How to find the extension of a file in C#?


string myFilePath = @"C:\MyFile.txt";
string ext = Path.GetExtension(myFilePath);
// ext would be ".txt"

seek() function?

When you open a file, the system points to the beginning of the file. Any read or write you do will happen from the beginning. A seek() operation moves that pointer to some other part of the file so you can read or write at that place.

So, if you want to read the whole file but skip the first 20 bytes, open the file, seek(20) to move to where you want to start reading, then continue with reading the file.

Or say you want to read every 10th byte, you could write a loop that does seek(9, 1) (moves 9 bytes forward relative to the current positions), read(1) (reads one byte), repeat.

nodejs mysql Error: Connection lost The server closed the connection

Try to use this code to handle server disconnect:

var db_config = {
  host: 'localhost',
    user: 'root',
    password: '',
    database: 'example'

var connection;

function handleDisconnect() {
  connection = mysql.createConnection(db_config); // Recreate the connection, since
                                                  // the old one cannot be reused.

  connection.connect(function(err) {              // The server is either down
    if(err) {                                     // or restarting (takes a while sometimes).
      console.log('error when connecting to db:', err);
      setTimeout(handleDisconnect, 2000); // We introduce a delay before attempting to reconnect,
    }                                     // to avoid a hot loop, and to allow our node script to
  });                                     // process asynchronous requests in the meantime.
                                          // If you're also serving http, display a 503 error.
  connection.on('error', function(err) {
    console.log('db error', err);
    if(err.code === 'PROTOCOL_CONNECTION_LOST') { // Connection to the MySQL server is usually
      handleDisconnect();                         // lost due to either server restart, or a
    } else {                                      // connnection idle timeout (the wait_timeout
      throw err;                                  // server variable configures this)


In your code i am missing the parts after connection = mysql.createConnection(db_config);

Linking to an external URL in Javadoc?

Taken from the javadoc spec

@see <a href="URL#value">label</a> : Adds a link as defined by URL#value. The URL#value is a relative or absolute URL. The Javadoc tool distinguishes this from other cases by looking for a less-than symbol (<) as the first character.

For example : @see <a href="">Google</a>

What's the difference between “mod” and “remainder”?

There is a difference between modulus and remainder. For example:

-21 mod 4 is 3 because -21 + 4 x 6 is 3.

But -21 divided by 4 gives -5 with a remainder of -1.

For positive values, there is no difference.

Mongoose.js: Find user by username LIKE value

You should use a regex for that.

db.users.find({name: /peter/i});

Be wary, though, that this query doesn't use index.

Creating columns in listView and add items

I didn't see anyone answer this correctly. So I'm posting it here. In order to get columns to show up you need to specify the following line.

lvRegAnimals.View = View.Details;

And then add your columns after that.

lvRegAnimals.Columns.Add("Id", -2, HorizontalAlignment.Left);
lvRegAnimals.Columns.Add("Name", -2, HorizontalAlignment.Left);
lvRegAnimals.Columns.Add("Age", -2, HorizontalAlignment.Left);

Hope this helps anyone else looking for this answer in the future.

How to delete from a text file, all lines that contain a specific string?

cat filename | grep -v "pattern" > filename.1
mv filename.1 filename

Django model "doesn't declare an explicit app_label"

TL;DR: Adding a blank fixed the issue for me.

I got this error in PyCharm and realised that my settings file was not being imported at all. There was no obvious error telling me this, but when I put some nonsense code into the, it didn't cause an error.

I had inside a local_settings folder. However, I'd fogotten to include a in the same folder to allow it to be imported. Once I'd added this, the error went away.

Laravel 5.1 API Enable Cors

After wasting a lot of time I finally found this silly mistake which might help you as well.

If you can't return response from your route either through function closure or through controller action then it won't work.



Route::post('login', function () {
    return response()->json(['key' => 'value'], 200); //Make sure your response is there.

Controller Action


class AuthController extends Controller {


     public function login() {
          return response()->json(['key' => 'value'], 200); //Make sure your response is there.




Chrome -> Developer Tools -> Network tab

enter image description here

If anything goes wrong then your response headers won't be here.

Immutable array in Java

No, this is not possible. However, one could do something like this:

List<Integer> temp = new ArrayList<Integer>();
List<Integer> immutable = Collections.unmodifiableList(temp);

This requires using wrappers, and is a List, not an array, but is the closest you will get.

Imported a csv-dataset to R but the values becomes factors

This only worked right for me when including strip.white = TRUE in the read.csv command.

(I found the solution here.)

Removing a non empty directory programmatically in C or C++

C++17 has <experimental\filesystem> which is based on the boost version.

Use std::experimental::filesystem::remove_all to remove recursively.

If you need more control, try std::experimental::filesystem::recursive_directory_iterator.

You can also write your own recursion with the non-resursive version of the iterator.

namespace fs = std::experimental::filesystem;
void IterateRecursively(fs::path path)
  if (fs::is_directory(path))
    for (auto & child : fs::directory_iterator(path))

  std::cout << path << std::endl;

What tool can decompile a DLL into C++ source code?

The closest you will ever get to doing such thing is a dissasembler, or debug info (Log2Vis.pdb).

Send JSON data with jQuery

I wrote a short convenience function for posting JSON.

$.postJSON = function(url, data, success, args) {
  args = $.extend({
    url: url,
    type: 'POST',
    data: JSON.stringify(data),
    contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
    dataType: 'json',
    async: true,
    success: success
  }, args);
  return $.ajax(args);

$.postJSON('test/url', data, function(result) {
  console.log('result', result);

How to Upload Image file in Retrofit 2

Upload Image See Here click This Linkenter image description here

import retrofit2.Retrofit;
import retrofit2.converter.gson.GsonConverterFactory;

class AppConfig {

    private static String BASE_URL = "";

    static Retrofit getRetrofit() {

        return new Retrofit.Builder()

import okhttp3.MultipartBody;
import okhttp3.RequestBody;
import retrofit2.Call;
import retrofit2.http.Multipart;
import retrofit2.http.POST;
import retrofit2.http.Part;

interface ApiConfig {
    Call<ServerResponse> uploadFile(@Part MultipartBody.Part file,
                                    @Part("file") RequestBody name);

    Call<ServerResponseKeshav> uploadFile(@Part MultipartBody.Part file,
                                    @Part("file") RequestBody name);*/

    Call<ServerResponse> uploadMulFile(@Part MultipartBody.Part file1,
                                       @Part MultipartBody.Part file2);


Difference between webdriver.get() and webdriver.navigate()

Not sure it applies here also but in the case of protractor when using navigate().to(...) the history is being kept but when using get() it is lost.

One of my test was failing because I was using get() 2 times in a row and then doing a navigate().back(). Because the history was lost, when going back it went to the about page and an error was thrown:

Error: Error while waiting for Protractor to sync with the page: {}

How to iterate over associative arrays in Bash

Welcome to input associative array 2.0!

    echo "Welcome to input associative array 2.0! (Spaces in keys and values now supported)"
    unset array
    declare -A array
    read -p 'Enter number for array size: ' num
    for (( i=0; i < num; i++ ))
            echo -n "(pair $(( $i+1 )))"
            read -p ' Enter key: ' k
            read -p '         Enter value: ' v
            echo " "
    echo " "
    echo "The keys are: " ${!array[@]}
    echo "The values are: " ${array[@]}
    echo " "
    echo "Key <-> Value"
    echo "-------------"
    for i in "${!array[@]}"; do echo $i "<->" ${array[$i]}; done
    echo " "
    echo "Thanks for using input associative array 2.0!"


Welcome to input associative array 2.0! (Spaces in keys and values now supported)
Enter number for array size: 4
(pair 1) Enter key: Key Number 1
         Enter value: Value#1

(pair 2) Enter key: Key Two
         Enter value: Value2

(pair 3) Enter key: Key3
         Enter value: Val3

(pair 4) Enter key: Key4
         Enter value: Value4

The keys are:  Key4 Key3 Key Number 1 Key Two
The values are:  Value4 Val3 Value#1 Value2

Key <-> Value
Key4 <-> Value4
Key3 <-> Val3
Key Number 1 <-> Value#1
Key Two <-> Value2

Thanks for using input associative array 2.0!

Input associative array 1.0

(keys and values that contain spaces are not supported)

    echo "Welcome to input associative array! (written by mO extraordinaire!)"
    unset array
    declare -A array
    read -p 'Enter number for array size: ' num
    for (( i=0; i < num; i++ ))
            read -p 'Enter key and value separated by a space: ' k v
    echo " "
    echo "The keys are: " ${!array[@]}
    echo "The values are: " ${array[@]}
    echo " "
    echo "Key <-> Value"
    echo "-------------"
    for i in ${!array[@]}; do echo $i "<->" ${array[$i]}; done
    echo " "
    echo "Thanks for using input associative array!"


Welcome to input associative array! (written by mO extraordinaire!)
Enter number for array size: 10
Enter key and value separated by a space: a1 10
Enter key and value separated by a space: b2 20
Enter key and value separated by a space: c3 30
Enter key and value separated by a space: d4 40
Enter key and value separated by a space: e5 50
Enter key and value separated by a space: f6 60
Enter key and value separated by a space: g7 70
Enter key and value separated by a space: h8 80
Enter key and value separated by a space: i9 90
Enter key and value separated by a space: j10 100

The keys are:  h8 a1 j10 g7 f6 e5 d4 c3 i9 b2
The values are:  80 10 100 70 60 50 40 30 90 20

Key <-> Value
h8 <-> 80
a1 <-> 10
j10 <-> 100
g7 <-> 70
f6 <-> 60
e5 <-> 50
d4 <-> 40
c3 <-> 30
i9 <-> 90
b2 <-> 20

Thanks for using input associative array!

What is __gxx_personality_v0 for?

It is used in the stack unwiding tables, which you can see for instance in the assembly output of my answer to another question. As mentioned on that answer, its use is defined by the Itanium C++ ABI, where it is called the Personality Routine.

The reason it "works" by defining it as a global NULL void pointer is probably because nothing is throwing an exception. When something tries to throw an exception, then you will see it misbehave.

Of course, if nothing is using exceptions, you can disable them with -fno-exceptions (and if nothing is using RTTI, you can also add -fno-rtti). If you are using them, you have to (as other answers already noted) link with g++ instead of gcc, which will add -lstdc++ for you.

builder for HashMap

You can use the fluent API in Eclipse Collections:

Map<String, Integer> map = Maps.mutable.<String, Integer>empty()
        .withKeyValue("a", 1)
        .withKeyValue("b", 2);

Assert.assertEquals(Maps.mutable.with("a", 1, "b", 2), map);

Here's a blog with more detail and examples.

Note: I am a committer for Eclipse Collections.

Add new item in existing array in

I would use a List if you need a dynamically sized array:

List<string> ls = new List<string>();

Two inline-block, width 50% elements wrap to second line

You can remove the whitespaces via css using white-space so you can keep your pretty HTML layout. Don't forget to set the white-space back to normal again if you want your text to wrap inside the columns.

Tested in IE9, Chrome 18, FF 12

.container { white-space: nowrap; }
.column { display: inline-block; width: 50%; white-space: normal; }

<div class="container">
  <div class="column">text that can wrap</div>
  <div class="column">text that can wrap</div>

Is there a good JSP editor for Eclipse?

I'm using webstorm on the deployed files

Print range of numbers on same line

str.join would be appropriate in this case

>>> print ' '.join(str(x) for x in xrange(1,11))
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 

Get full path without filename from path that includes filename

Use GetParent() as shown, works nicely. Add error checking as you need.

var fn = openFileDialogSapTable.FileName;
var currentPath = Path.GetFullPath( fn );
currentPath = Directory.GetParent(currentPath).FullName;

Can I install the "app store" in an IOS simulator?

This is NOT possible

The Simulator does not run ARM code, ONLY x86 code. Unless you have the raw source code from Apple, you won't see the App Store on the Simulator.

The app you write you will be able to test in the Simulator by running it directly from Xcode even if you don't have a developer account. To test your app on an actual device, you will need to be apart of the Apple Developer program.

How do I serialize an object and save it to a file in Android?

I use SharePrefrences:

package myapps.serializedemo;

import android.content.Context;
import android.content.SharedPreferences;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.util.Log;

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

//Create the SharedPreferences
    SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = this.getSharedPreferences("myapps.serilizerdemo", Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
    ArrayList<String> friends = new ArrayList<>();
    try {

 //Write / Serialize
    } catch (IOException e) {
    ArrayList<String> newFriends = new ArrayList<>();
    try {
        newFriends = (ArrayList<String>) ObjectSerializer.deserialize(
                sharedPreferences.getString("friends", ObjectSerializer.serialize(new ArrayList<String>())));
    } catch (IOException e) {
    Log.i("***NewFriends", newFriends.toString());

How can I create a text box for a note in markdown?

Have you tried using double tabs? To make a box:

Start on a fresh line
Hit tab twice, type up the content
Your content should appear in a box

It works for me in a regular Rmarkdown document with html output. The double-tabbed portion should appear in a rounded rectangular light grey box.

Using a global variable with a thread

Well, running example:


Use semaphores, shared variables, etc. to avoid rush conditions.

from threading import Thread
import time

a = 0  # global variable

def thread1(threadname):
    global a
    for k in range(100):
        print("{} {}".format(threadname, a))
        if k == 5:
            a += 100

def thread2(threadname):
    global a
    for k in range(10):
        a += 1

thread1 = Thread(target=thread1, args=("Thread-1",))
thread2 = Thread(target=thread2, args=("Thread-2",))



and the output:

Thread-1 0
Thread-1 1
Thread-1 2
Thread-1 2
Thread-1 3
Thread-1 3
Thread-1 104
Thread-1 104
Thread-1 105
Thread-1 105
Thread-1 106
Thread-1 106
Thread-1 107
Thread-1 107
Thread-1 108
Thread-1 108
Thread-1 109
Thread-1 109
Thread-1 110
Thread-1 110
Thread-1 110
Thread-1 110
Thread-1 110
Thread-1 110
Thread-1 110
Thread-1 110

If the timing were right, the a += 100 operation would be skipped:

Processor executes at T a+100 and gets 104. But it stops, and jumps to next thread Here, At T+1 executes a+1 with old value of a, a == 4. So it computes 5. Jump back (at T+2), thread 1, and write a=104 in memory. Now back at thread 2, time is T+3 and write a=5 in memory. Voila! The next print instruction will print 5 instead of 104.

VERY nasty bug to be reproduced and caught.

jQuery UI Datepicker - Multiple Date Selections

<div id="calendar"></div>
$(document).ready(function() {
    var days = [];

        dateFormat: 'yymmdd',
        showWeek: true, showOtherMonths: false, selectOtherMonths: false,
        navigationAsDateFormat: true, prevText: 'MM', nextText: 'MM',
        onSelect: function(d) {
            var i = $.inArray(d, days);

            if (i == -1)
                days.splice(i, 1);
        beforeShowDay: function(d) {
            return ([true, $.inArray($.datepicker.formatDate('yymmdd', d), days) == -1 ? 'ui-state-free' : 'ui-state-busy']);

NOTE: You can prefill days with a list of dates like '20190101' with a piece of code in PHP.

Add 2 lines to your CSS:

#calendar .ui-state-busy a {background:#e6e6e6 !important;}
#calendar .ui-state-free a {background:none !important;}

To get the list of days selected by the calendar in a <form>:

<div id="calendar"></div>
<form method="post">
<input type="submit" name="calendar_get" id="calendar_get" value="Validate" />

Add this to the <script>:

    $('#calendar_get').click(function() {
        $(this).append('<input type="hidden" name="calendar_days" value="' + days.join(',') + '" />');

Apply implode on the string in $_POST['calendar_days'] and map strtotime to all the formatted dates.

align 3 images in same row with equal spaces?

  • Option 1:

    • Instead of putting the images inside div put each one of them inside a span.
    • Float 1st and 2nd image to left.
    • Give some left padding to the 2nd image.
    • Float the right image to right.

Always remember to add overflow:hidden to the parent (if you have one) of all the images because using floats with images have some side effects.

  • Option 2 (Preferred):

    • Put all the images inside a table with border="0".
    • Make the width of the table 100%.

This will be the best way to make sure the 2nd image is alligned to the center always without worrying for the exact width of the table.

Something like below:

<table width="100%" border="0">
  <td><img src="@Url.Content("~/images/image1.bmp")" alt="" align="left" /></td>
  <td><img src="@Url.Content("~/images/image2.bmp")" alt="" align="center" /></td>
  <td><img src="@Url.Content("~/images/image3.bmp")" alt="" align="right"/></td>

How can I let a table's body scroll but keep its head fixed in place?

If you have low enough standards ;) you could place a table that contains only a header directly above a table that has only a body. It won't scroll horizontally, but if you don't need that...

Bad File Descriptor with Linux Socket write() Bad File Descriptor C

In general, when "Bad File Descriptor" is encountered, it means that the socket file descriptor you passed into the API is not valid, which has multiple possible reasons:

  1. The fd is already closed somewhere.
  2. The fd has a wrong value, which is inconsistent with the value obtained from socket() api

I'm trying to use python in powershell

Sometimes you install Python on Windows and it doesn't configure the path correctly.

Make sure you enter [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path", "$env:Path;C:\Python27", "User")
in PowerShell to configure it correctly.

You also have to either restart PowerShell or your whole computer to get it to really be fixed.

Reference to non-static member function must be called

The problem is that buttonClickedEvent is a member function and you need a pointer to member in order to invoke it.

Try this:

void (MyClass::*func)(int);
func = &MyClass::buttonClickedEvent;

And then when you invoke it, you need an object of type MyClass to do so, for example this:


Visual Studio Code: How to show line endings

There's an extension that shows line endings. You can configure the color used, the characters that represent CRLF and LF and a boolean that turns it on and off.

Name: Line endings 
Id: jhartell.vscode-line-endings 
Description: Display line ending characters in vscode 
Version: 0.1.0 
Publisher: Johnny Härtell 

VS Marketplace Link

Jenkins pipeline how to change to another folder

You can use the dir step, example:

dir("folder") {
    sh "pwd"

The folder can be relative or absolute path.

How can I create an array with key value pairs?

No need array_push function.if you want to add multiple item it works fine. simply try this and it worked for me

class line_details {
   var $commission_one=array();
   foreach($_SESSION['commission'] as $key=>$data){
          $row=  explode('-', $key);
          $this->commission_one[$row['0']]= $row['1'];            


Time in milliseconds in C

From man clock:

The clock() function returns an approximation of processor time used by the program.

So there is no indication you should treat it as milliseconds. Some standards require precise value of CLOCKS_PER_SEC, so you could rely on it, but I don't think it is advisable. Second thing is that, as @unwind stated, it is not float/double. Man times suggests that will be an int. Also note that:

this function will return the same value approximately every 72 minutes

And if you are unlucky you might hit the moment it is just about to start counting from zero, thus getting negative or huge value (depending on whether you store the result as signed or unsigned value).


printf("\n\n%6.3f", stop);

Will most probably print garbage as treating any int as float is really not defined behaviour (and I think this is where most of your problem comes). If you want to make sure you can always do:

printf("\n\n%6.3f", (double) stop);

Though I would rather go for printing it as long long int at first:

printf("\n\n%lldf", (long long int) stop);

How to convert a single char into an int

You can utilize the fact that the character encodings for digits are all in order from 48 (for '0') to 57 (for '9'). This holds true for ASCII, UTF-x and practically all other encodings (see comments below for more on this).

Therefore the integer value for any digit is the digit minus '0' (or 48).

char c = '1';
int i = c - '0'; // i is now equal to 1, not '1'

is synonymous to

char c = '1';
int i = c - 48; // i is now equal to 1, not '1'

However I find the first c - '0' far more readable.

Is it possible to get a history of queries made in postgres

pgBadger is another option - also listed here:

Requires some additional setup in advance to capture the necessary data in the postgres logs though, see the official website.

java.util.Date to XMLGregorianCalendar

Just thought I'd add my solution below, since the answers above did not meet my exact needs. My Xml schema required seperate Date and Time elements, not a singe DateTime field. The standard XMLGregorianCalendar constructor used above will generate a DateTime field

Note there a couple of gothca's, such as having to add one to the month (since java counts months from 0).

GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar();
XMLGregorianCalendar xmlDate = DatatypeFactory.newInstance().newXMLGregorianCalendarDate(cal.get(Calendar.YEAR), cal.get(Calendar.MONTH)+1, cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH), 0);
XMLGregorianCalendar xmlTime = DatatypeFactory.newInstance().newXMLGregorianCalendarTime(cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY), cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE), cal.get(Calendar.SECOND), 0);

Check for null variable in Windows batch

rem set defaults:
set filename1="c:\file1.txt"
set filename2="c:\file2.txt"
set filename3="c:\file3.txt"
rem set parameters:
IF NOT "a%1"=="a" (set filename1="%1")
IF NOT "a%2"=="a" (set filename2="%2")
IF NOT "a%3"=="a" (set filename1="%3")
echo %filename1%, %filename2%, %filename3%

Be careful with quotation characters though, you may or may not need them in your variables.

Google Chrome redirecting localhost to https

Chrome 63 (out since December 2017), will force all domains ending on .dev (and .foo) to be redirected to HTTPS via a preloaded HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) header. You can find more information about this here.

Usages of doThrow() doAnswer() doNothing() and doReturn() in mockito

To add a bit to accepted answer ...

If you get an UnfinishedStubbingException, be sure to set the method to be stubbed after the when closure, which is different than when you write Mockito.when

Mockito.doNothing().when(mock).method()    //method is declared after 'when' closes

Mockito.when(mock.method()).thenReturn(something)   //method is declared inside 'when'

How to shift a column in Pandas DataFrame

Trying to answer a personal problem and similar to yours I found on Pandas Doc what I think would answer this question:

DataFrame.shift(periods=1, freq=None, axis=0) Shift index by desired number of periods with an optional time freq


If freq is specified then the index values are shifted but the data is not realigned. That is, use freq if you would like to extend the index when shifting and preserve the original data.

Hope to help future questions in this matter.

Get the value for a listbox item by index

I'm using a BindingSource with a SqlDataReader behind it and none of the above works for me.

Question for Microsoft: Why does this work:

  ? lst.SelectedValue

But this doesn't?

   ? lst.Items[80].Value

I find I have to go back to to the BindingSource object, cast it as a System.Data.Common.DbDataRecord, and then refer to its column name:

   ? ((System.Data.Common.DbDataRecord)_bsBlocks[80])["BlockKey"]

Now that's just ridiculous.

Warning about SSL connection when connecting to MySQL database

I use this property for hibernate in config xml

<property name="hibernate.connection.url">

without - serverTimezone=UTC - it doesn't work

Easy way to write contents of a Java InputStream to an OutputStream

If you are using Java 7, Files (in the standard library) is the best approach:

/* You can get Path from file also: file.toPath() */
Files.copy(InputStream in, Path target)
Files.copy(Path source, OutputStream out)

Edit: Of course it's just useful when you create one of InputStream or OutputStream from file. Use file.toPath() to get path from file.

To write into an existing file (e.g. one created with File.createTempFile()), you'll need to pass the REPLACE_EXISTING copy option (otherwise FileAlreadyExistsException is thrown):

Files.copy(in, target, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING)

Using Java to find substring of a bigger string using Regular Expression

the non-regex way:

String input = "FOO[BAR]", extracted;
extracted = input.substring(input.indexOf("["),input.indexOf("]"));

alternatively, for slightly better performance/memory usage (thanks Hosam):

String input = "FOO[BAR]", extracted;
extracted = input.substring(input.indexOf('['),input.lastIndexOf(']'));

How to search a Git repository by commit message?

git log --grep="Build 0051"

should do the trick

Can a constructor in Java be private?

Can a constructor be private? How is a private constructor useful?

Yes it can. I consider this another example of it being useful:

public enum ErrorType {

import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;

//Translates ErrorTypes only
abstract public class ErrorTypeException extends Exception {
    private ErrorTypeException(){}

    //I don't want to expose thse
    static private class Xx extends ErrorTypeException {}
    static private class Yx extends ErrorTypeException {}
    static private class Zx extends ErrorTypeException {}

    // Want translation without exposing underlying type
    public static Exception from(ErrorType errorType) {
        switch (errorType) {
            case X:
                return new Xx();    
            case Y:
                return new Yx();
                return new Zx();

    // Want to get hold of class without exposing underlying type
    public static Class<? extends ErrorTypeException> toExceptionClass(ErrorType errorType) {
        switch (errorType) {
            case X:
                return Xx.class;    
            case Y:
                return Yx.class;
                return Zx.class;

In the case here above, it prevents the abstract class from being instantiated by any derived class other than it's static inner classes. Abstract classes cannot be final, but in this case the private constructor makes it effectively final to all classes that aren't inner classes

Convert string to datetime in

As an alternative, if you put a space between the date and time, DateTime.Parse will recognize the format for you. That's about as simple as you can get it. (If ParseExact was still not being recognized)

How to enable Ad Hoc Distributed Queries

You may check the following command

sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1;
GO  --Added        
sp_configure 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries', 1;

FROM OPENROWSET('SQLNCLI', 'Server=Seattle1;Trusted_Connection=yes;',
     'SELECT GroupName, Name, DepartmentID
      FROM AdventureWorks2012.HumanResources.Department
      ORDER BY GroupName, Name') AS a;

Or this documentation link

Pandas rename column by position?

try this

df.rename(columns={ df.columns[1]: "your value" }, inplace = True)

How do I convert a list into a string with spaces in Python?

you can iterate through it to do it

my_list = ['how', 'are', 'you']
my_string = " "
for a in my_list:
    my_string = my_string + ' ' + a

output is

 how are you

you can strip it to get

how are you

like this

my_list = ['how', 'are', 'you']
my_string = " "
for a in my_list:
    my_string = my_string + ' ' + a

How to download a file from my server using SSH (using PuTTY on Windows)

If your server have a http service you can compress your directory and download the compressed file.


tar -zcvf archive-name.tar.gz -C directory-name .

Download throught your browser:


If you don't have direct access to the server ip, do a ssh tunnel throught putty, and forward the 80 port in some local port, and you can download the file.

git pull error "The requested URL returned error: 503 while accessing"

Every one please avoid modifying post buffer and advising it to others. It may help in some cases but it breaks others. If you have modified your post buffer for pushing your large project. Undo it using following command. git config --global --unset http.postBuffer git config --local --unset http.postBuffer

I modified my post buffer to fix one of the issues I had with git but it was the reason for my future problems with git.

How to use numpy.genfromtxt when first column is string and the remaining columns are numbers?

If your data file is structured like this

col1, col2, col3
   1,    2,    3
  10,   20,   30
 100,  200,  300

then numpy.genfromtxt can interpret the first line as column headers using the names=True option. With this you can access the data very conveniently by providing the column header:

data = np.genfromtxt('data.txt', delimiter=',', names=True)
print data['col1']    # array([   1.,   10.,  100.])
print data['col2']    # array([   2.,   20.,  200.])
print data['col3']    # array([   3.,   30.,  300.])

Since in your case the data is formed like this

row1,   1,  10, 100
row2,   2,  20, 200
row3,   3,  30, 300

you can achieve something similar using the following code snippet:

labels = np.genfromtxt('data.txt', delimiter=',', usecols=0, dtype=str)
raw_data = np.genfromtxt('data.txt', delimiter=',')[:,1:]
data = {label: row for label, row in zip(labels, raw_data)}

The first line reads the first column (the labels) into an array of strings. The second line reads all data from the file but discards the first column. The third line uses dictionary comprehension to create a dictionary that can be used very much like the structured array which numpy.genfromtxt creates using the names=True option:

print data['row1']    # array([   1.,   10.,  100.])
print data['row2']    # array([   2.,   20.,  200.])
print data['row3']    # array([   3.,   30.,  300.])

Click through div to underlying elements

I currently work with canvas speech balloons. But because the balloon with the pointer is wrapped in a div, some links under it aren't click able anymore. I cant use extjs in this case. See basic example for my speech balloon tutorial requires HTML5

So I decided to collect all link coordinates from inside the balloons in an array.

var clickarray=[];
function getcoo(thatdiv){
                 var offset=$(this).offset();           

I call this function on each (new) balloon. It grabs the coordinates of the left/top and right/down corners of a link.class - additionally the name attribute for what to do if someone clicks in that coordinates and I loved to set a 1 which means that it wasn't clicked jet. And unshift this array to the clickarray. You could use push too.

To work with that array:

          event.preventDefault();//if it is a a-tag
          var x=event.pageX;
          var y=event.pageY;
          var job="";
          for(var i in clickarray){
              if(x>=clickarray[i][0] && x<=clickarray[i][2] && y>=clickarray[i][1] && y<=clickarray[i][3] && clickarray[i][5]==1){
                 clickarray[i][5]=0;//set to allready clicked
             // --do some thing with the job --

This function proofs the coordinates of a body click event or whether it was already clicked and returns the name attribute. I think it is not necessary to go deeper, but you see it is not that complicate. Hope in was enlish...

PHP is_numeric or preg_match 0-9 validation

PHP's is_numeric function allows for floats as well as integers. At the same time, the is_int function is too strict if you want to validate form data (strings only). Therefore, you had usually best use regular expressions for this.

Strictly speaking, integers are whole numbers positive and negative, and also including zero. Here is a regular expression for this:


OR, if you want to allow leading zeros:


Note that this will allow for values such as -0000, which does not cause problems in PHP, however. (MySQL will also cast such values as 0.)

You may also want to confine the length of your integer for considerations of 32/64-bit PHP platform features and/or database compatibility. For instance, to limit the length of your integer to 9 digits (excluding the optional - sign), you could use:


How to Remove the last char of String in C#?

newString = yourString.Substring(0, yourString.length -1);

Android: Share plain text using intent (to all messaging apps)

Images or binary data:

Intent sharingIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND);
Uri uri = Uri.fromFile(new File(getFilesDir(), "foo.jpg"));
sharingIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, uri.toString());
startActivity(Intent.createChooser(sharingIntent, "Share image using"));

or HTML:

Intent sharingIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND);
sharingIntent.putExtra(android.content.Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, Html.fromHtml("<p>This is the text shared.</p>"));
startActivity(Intent.createChooser(sharingIntent,"Share using"));

PHP - Debugging Curl

You can enable the CURLOPT_VERBOSE option:

curl_setopt($curlhandle, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, true);

When CURLOPT_VERBOSE is set, output is written to STDERR or the file specified using CURLOPT_STDERR. The output is very informative.

You can also use tcpdump or wireshark to watch the network traffic.

jQuery .ready in a dynamically inserted iframe

I answered a similar question (see Javascript callback when IFRAME is finished loading?). You can obtain control over the iframe load event with the following code:

function callIframe(url, callback) {
    $(document.body).append('<IFRAME id="myId" ...>');
    $('iframe#myId').attr('src', url);

    $('iframe#myId').load(function() {

In dealing with iframes I found good enough to use load event instead of document ready event.

How to Set JPanel's Width and Height?

please, something went xxx*x, and that's not true at all, check that

JButton Size - java.awt.Dimension[width=400,height=40]
JPanel Size - java.awt.Dimension[width=640,height=480]
JFrame Size - java.awt.Dimension[width=646,height=505]

code (basic stuff from Trail: Creating a GUI With JFC/Swing , and yet I still satisfied that that would be outdated )

EDIT: forget setDefaultCloseOperation()

import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;

public class FrameSize {

    private JFrame frm = new JFrame();
    private JPanel pnl = new JPanel();
    private JButton btn = new JButton("Get ScreenSize for JComponents");

    public FrameSize() {
        btn.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(400, 40));
        btn.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {

            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                System.out.println("JButton Size - " + btn.getSize());
                System.out.println("JPanel Size - " + pnl.getSize());
                System.out.println("JFrame Size - " + frm.getSize());
        pnl.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(640, 480));
        pnl.add(btn, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
        frm.add(pnl, BorderLayout.CENTER);
        frm.setLocation(150, 100);
        frm.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); // EDIT

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        java.awt.EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {

            public void run() {
                FrameSize fS = new FrameSize();

Undefined Reference to

g++ test.cpp LinearNode.cpp LinkedList.cpp -o test

Using css transform property in jQuery

If you're using jquery, jquery.transit is very simple and powerful lib that allows you to make your transformation while handling cross-browser compability for you. It can be as simple as this : $("#element").transition({x:'90px'}).

Take it from this link :

What is the best way to test for an empty string with jquery-out-of-the-box?

if (!a) {
  // is emtpy

To ignore white space for strings:

if (!a.trim()) {
    // is empty or whitespace

If you need legacy support (IE8-) for trim(), use $.trim or a polyfill.

How to set time to midnight for current day?

I believe you are looking for DateTime.Today. The documentation states:

An object that is set to today's date, with the time component set to 00:00:00.

Your code would be

DateTime _Begin = DateTime.Today;

How to call webmethod in C#

I'm not sure why that isn't working, It works fine on my test. But here is an alternative technique that might help.

Instead of calling the method in the AJAX url, just use the page .aspx url, and add the method as a parameter in the data object. Then when it calls page_load, your data will be in the Request.Form variable.


    url: 'AddToCart.aspx',
    type: "POST",
    data: {
        method: 'AddTo_Cart', quantity: total_qty, itemId: itemId
    dataType: "json",
    beforeSend: function () {
        alert("Start!!! ");
    success: function (data) {
    failure: function (msg) { alert("Sorry!!! "); }

C# Page Load:

if (!Page.IsPostBack)
    if (Request.Form["method"] == "AddTo_Cart")
        int q, id;
        int.TryParse(Request.Form["quantity"], out q);
        int.TryParse(Request.Form["itemId"], out id);

How do I use MySQL through XAMPP?

XAMPP only offers MySQL (Database Server) & Apache (Webserver) in one setup and you can manage them with the xampp starter.

After the successful installation navigate to your xampp folder and execute the xampp-control.exe

Press the start Button at the mysql row.

enter image description here

Now you've successfully started mysql. Now there are 2 different ways to administrate your mysql server and its databases.

But at first you have to set/change the MySQL Root password. Start the Apache server and type localhost or in your browser's address bar. If you haven't deleted anything from the htdocs folder the xampp status page appears. Navigate to security settings and change your mysql root password.

Now, you can browse to your phpmyadmin under http://localhost/phpmyadmin or download a windows mysql client for example navicat lite or mysql workbench. Install it and log in to your mysql server with your new root password.

enter image description here

Error : java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.objectweb.asm.ClassWriter.<init>(I)V

There is a lot of incompatibility between different versions of cglib and lots of poor advice that can be googled on this subject (use ancient versions of cglib-nodeb, etc). After wrestling with this nonsense for 3 days with an ancient version of Spring (2.5.6)I have discovered:

  • if Spring is throwing exceptions about NoSuchMethodError based on Enhancer from cglib missing setInterceptDuringConstruction(boolean), check your dependencies in maven (Dependency Hierarchy tab should list all the versions of cglib your project is polluted by). You probably have a dependency that is bringing in a pre-2.2 version of cglib, which Spring Cglib2AopProxy will grab Enhancer from to do the proxying. Add 2.2+ version to your dependencies but make sure to put in exclusions for these other versions. If you don't it will just keep blowing up.
  • Make sure you have a high enough version of cglib in the current project's maven dependencies but beware of picking too high a version because then you'll get IncompatibleClassChangeError(s) instead.
  • Verify that your pom changes have made it into the project correctly by doing a maven update on the project in question and then looking at Project > preferences > Java Build Path > Libraries > Maven Dependencies. If you see the wrong cglib versions in there, time to edit the pom again.

bootstrap datepicker setDate format dd/mm/yyyy

Changing to format: 'dd/mm/yyyy' didn't work for me, and changing that to dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yyyy' added year multiple times, The finest one for me was,

dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy'

RecyclerView inside ScrollView is not working

For those people who trying to do it just for design purposes - leave it. Redesign your app and leave only RecyclerView. It will be better solution than doing ANY hardcode.

How to add months to a date in JavaScript?

I took a look at the datejs and stripped out the code necessary to add months to a date handling edge cases (leap year, shorter months, etc):

Date.isLeapYear = function (year) { 
    return (((year % 4 === 0) && (year % 100 !== 0)) || (year % 400 === 0)); 

Date.getDaysInMonth = function (year, month) {
    return [31, (Date.isLeapYear(year) ? 29 : 28), 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31][month];

Date.prototype.isLeapYear = function () { 
    return Date.isLeapYear(this.getFullYear()); 

Date.prototype.getDaysInMonth = function () { 
    return Date.getDaysInMonth(this.getFullYear(), this.getMonth());

Date.prototype.addMonths = function (value) {
    var n = this.getDate();
    this.setMonth(this.getMonth() + value);
    this.setDate(Math.min(n, this.getDaysInMonth()));
    return this;

This will add "addMonths()" function to any javascript date object that should handle edge cases. Thanks to Coolite Inc!


var myDate = new Date("01/31/2012");
var result1 = myDate.addMonths(1);

var myDate2 = new Date("01/31/2011");
var result2 = myDate2.addMonths(1);

->> newDate.addMonths -> mydate.addMonths

result1 = "Feb 29 2012"

result2 = "Feb 28 2011"

How to auto-generate a C# class file from a JSON string

Five options:

Pros and Cons:

  • jsonclassgenerator converts to PascalCase but the others do not.

  • has some logic to recognize dictionaries and handle JSON properties whose names are invalid c# identifiers.

Generate random numbers following a normal distribution in C/C++

Box-Muller implementation:

#include <cstdlib>
#include <cmath>
#include <ctime>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
 // return a uniformly distributed random number
double RandomGenerator()
  return ( (double)(rand()) + 1. )/( (double)(RAND_MAX) + 1. );
 // return a normally distributed random number
double normalRandom()
  double y1=RandomGenerator();
  double y2=RandomGenerator();
  return cos(2*3.14*y2)*sqrt(-2.*log(y1));

int main(){
double sigma = 82.;
double Mi = 40.;
  for(int i=0;i<100;i++){
double x = normalRandom()*sigma+Mi;
    cout << " x = " << x << endl;
  return 0;

How do I list all the files in a directory and subdirectories in reverse chronological order?

The command in wfg5475's answer is working properly, just need to add one thing to show only files in a directory & sub directory:

ls -ltraR |egrep -v '\.$|\.\.|\.:|\.\/|total|^d' |sed '/^$/d'

Added one thing: ^d to ignore the all directories from the listing outputs

How to extract a string between two delimiters

Try as

String s = "ABC[ This is to extract ]";
        Pattern p = Pattern.compile(".*\\[ *(.*) *\\].*");
        Matcher m = p.matcher(s);
        String text =;

Create session factory in Hibernate 4

Try this!

package your.package;

import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
import org.hibernate.SessionFactory;
import org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration;
import org.hibernate.service.ServiceRegistry;
import org.hibernate.service.ServiceRegistryBuilder;

public class HibernateUtil
    private static SessionFactory sessionFactory;
    private static ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry;

//          Configuration configuration = new Configuration();
            Configuration configuration = new Configuration().configure();

            serviceRegistry = new ServiceRegistryBuilder().applySettings(configuration.getProperties()).buildServiceRegistry();
            sessionFactory = configuration.buildSessionFactory(serviceRegistry);
        catch (HibernateException he)
            System.err.println("Error creating Session: " + he);
            throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(he);

    public static SessionFactory getSessionFactory()
        return sessionFactory;

Limit Get-ChildItem recursion depth

This is a function that outputs one line per item, with indentation according to depth level. It is probably much more readable.

function GetDirs($path = $pwd, [Byte]$ToDepth = 255, [Byte]$CurrentDepth = 0)
    If ($CurrentDepth -le $ToDepth) {
        foreach ($item in Get-ChildItem $path)
            if (Test-Path $item.FullName -PathType Container)
                "." * $CurrentDepth + $item.FullName
                GetDirs $item.FullName -ToDepth $ToDepth -CurrentDepth $CurrentDepth

It is based on a blog post, Practical PowerShell: Pruning File Trees and Extending Cmdlets.

Invalid http_host header


MySQL convert date string to Unix timestamp

Here's an example of how to convert DATETIME to UNIX timestamp:
SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(STR_TO_DATE('Apr 15 2012 12:00AM', '%M %d %Y %h:%i%p'))

Here's an example of how to change date format:
SELECT FROM_UNIXTIME(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(STR_TO_DATE('Apr 15 2012 12:00AM', '%M %d %Y %h:%i%p')),'%m-%d-%Y %h:%i:%p')


Python urllib2, basic HTTP authentication, and

Really cheap solution:

urllib.urlopen('http://user:[email protected]/api')

(which you may decide is not suitable for a number of reasons, like security of the url)

Github API example:

>>> import urllib, json
>>> result = urllib.urlopen('https://personal-access-token:[email protected]/repos/:owner/:repo')
>>> r = json.load(result.fp)
>>> result.close()

Foreign Key Django Model

You create the relationships the other way around; add foreign keys to the Person type to create a Many-to-One relationship:

class Person(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=50)
    birthday = models.DateField()
    anniversary = models.ForeignKey(
        Anniversary, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
    address = models.ForeignKey(
        Address, on_delete=models.CASCADE)

class Address(models.Model):
    line1 = models.CharField(max_length=150)
    line2 = models.CharField(max_length=150)
    postalcode = models.CharField(max_length=10)
    city = models.CharField(max_length=150)
    country = models.CharField(max_length=150)

class Anniversary(models.Model):
    date = models.DateField()

Any one person can only be connected to one address and one anniversary, but addresses and anniversaries can be referenced from multiple Person entries.

Anniversary and Address objects will be given a reverse, backwards relationship too; by default it'll be called person_set but you can configure a different name if you need to. See Following relationships "backward" in the queries documentation.

adding multiple event listeners to one element

Simplest solution for me was passing the code into a separate function and then calling that function in an event listener, works like a charm.

function somefunction() { ..code goes here ..}

variable.addEventListener('keyup', function() {
   somefunction(); // calling function on keyup event

variable.addEventListener('keydown', function() {
   somefunction(); //calling function on keydown event

Hibernate Auto Increment ID

Do it as follows :-

@GenericGenerator(name="kaugen" , strategy="increment")
  public Integer getId() {
    return id;

You can use any arbitrary name instead of kaugen. It worked well, I could see below queries on console

Hibernate: select max(proj_id) from javaproj
Hibernate: insert into javaproj (AUTH_email, AUTH_firstName, AUTH_lastName, projname,         proj_id) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)

Linux command to print directory structure in the form of a tree

Is this what you're looking for tree? It should be in most distributions (maybe as an optional install).

~> tree -d /proc/self/
|-- attr
|-- cwd -> /proc
|-- fd
|   `-- 3 -> /proc/15589/fd
|-- fdinfo
|-- net
|   |-- dev_snmp6
|   |-- netfilter
|   |-- rpc
|   |   |-- auth.rpcsec.context
|   |   |-- auth.rpcsec.init
|   |   |-- auth.unix.gid
|   |   |-- auth.unix.ip
|   |   |-- nfs4.idtoname
|   |   |-- nfs4.nametoid
|   |   |-- nfsd.export
|   |   `-- nfsd.fh
|   `-- stat
|-- root -> /
`-- task
    `-- 15589
        |-- attr
        |-- cwd -> /proc
        |-- fd
        | `-- 3 -> /proc/15589/task/15589/fd
        |-- fdinfo
        `-- root -> /

27 directories

sample taken from maintainer's web page.

You can add the option -L # where # is replaced by a number, to specify the max recursion depth.

Remove -d to display also files.

How to get MAC address of client using PHP?

The idea is, using the command cmd ipconfig /all and extract only the address mac.

Which his index $pmac+33.

And the size of mac is 17.

system('ipconfig /all');
$findme = 'physique';
$pmac = strpos($mycom, $findme);
echo $mac;

How do I check whether input string contains any spaces?

Why use a regex?

name.contains(" ")

That should work just as well, and be faster.

How to put a delay on AngularJS instant search?


Now it's easier than ever (Angular 1.3), just add a debounce option on the model.

<input type="text" ng-model="searchStr" ng-model-options="{debounce: 1000}">

Updated plunker:

Documentation on ngModelOptions:

Old method:

Here's another method with no dependencies beyond angular itself.

You need set a timeout and compare your current string with the past version, if both are the same then it performs the search.

$scope.$watch('searchStr', function (tmpStr)
  if (!tmpStr || tmpStr.length == 0)
    return 0;
   $timeout(function() {

    // if searchStr is still the same..
    // go ahead and retrieve the data
    if (tmpStr === $scope.searchStr)
      $http.get('//'+ tmpStr).success(function(data) {
        // update the textarea
        $scope.responseData = data.res; 
  }, 1000);

and this goes into your view:

<input type="text" data-ng-model="searchStr">

<textarea> {{responseData}} </textarea>

The mandatory plunker:

Excel Validation Drop Down list using VBA

Private Sub main()

'replace "J2" with the cell you want to insert the drop down list
With Range("J2").Validation
    'replace "=A1:A6" with the range the data is in.
    .Add Type:=xlValidateList, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, _
    Operator:=xlBetween, Formula1:="=Sheet1!A1:A6"
    .IgnoreBlank = True
    .InCellDropdown = True
    .InputTitle = ""
    .ErrorTitle = ""
    .InputMessage = ""
    .ErrorMessage = ""
    .ShowInput = True
    .ShowError = True
End With
End Sub

How can I convert a std::string to int?

use the atoi function to convert the string to an integer:

string a = "25";

int b = atoi(a.c_str());

AppCompat v7 r21 returning error in values.xml?

If you are using android studio goto File --> Project Structure In the Properties tab change Compile Sdk Version to AP1 21 and Build Tools Version to highest available version. And then Refresh Gradle

How to update /etc/hosts file in Docker image during "docker build"

With a more recent version of docker, this could be done with docker-compose and its extra_hosts directive

Add hostname mappings.
Use the same values as the docker run client --add-host parameter (which should already be available for docker 1.8).

 - "somehost:"
 - "otherhost:"

In short: modify /etc/hosts of your container when running it, instead of when building it.

With Docker 17.x+, you have a docker build --add-host mentioned below, but, as commented in issue 34078 and in this answer:

The --add-host feature during build is designed to allow overriding a host during build, but not to persist that configuration in the image.

The solutions mentioned do refer the docker-compose I was suggesting above:

  • Run an internal DNS; you can set the default DNS server to use in the daemon; that way every container started will automatically use the configured DNS by default
  • Use docker compose and provide a docker-compose.yml to your developers.
    The docker compose file allows you to specify all the options that should be used when starting a container, so developers could just docker compose up to start the container with all the options they need to set.

How to clear cache of Eclipse Indigo

It's very simple. Right click inside the internal browser and click "refresh".

Determine Pixel Length of String in Javascript/jQuery?

Based on vSync's answer, the pure javascript method is lightning fast for large amount of objects. Here is the Fiddle:

[1]: "JSFiddle"

I received favorable tests for the 3rd method proposed, that uses the native javascript vs HTML Canvas

Google was pretty competive for option 1 and 3, 2 bombed.

FireFox 48:
Method 1 took 938.895 milliseconds.
Method 2 took 1536.355 milliseconds.
Method 3 took 135.91499999999996 milliseconds.

Edge 11 Method 1 took 4895.262839793865 milliseconds.
Method 2 took 6746.622271896686 milliseconds.
Method 3 took 1020.0315412885484 milliseconds.

Google Chrome: 52
Method 1 took 336.4399999999998 milliseconds.
Method 2 took 2271.71 milliseconds.
Method 3 took 333.30499999999984 milliseconds.

Calling C++ class methods via a function pointer

Read this for detail :

// 1 define a function pointer and initialize to NULL

int (TMyClass::*pt2ConstMember)(float, char, char) const = NULL;

// C++

class TMyClass
   int DoIt(float a, char b, char c){ cout << "TMyClass::DoIt"<< endl; return a+b+c;};
   int DoMore(float a, char b, char c) const
         { cout << "TMyClass::DoMore" << endl; return a-b+c; };

   /* more of TMyClass */
pt2ConstMember = &TMyClass::DoIt; // note: <pt2Member> may also legally point to &DoMore

// Calling Function using Function Pointer

(*this.*pt2ConstMember)(12, 'a', 'b');

How do I search within an array of hashes by hash values in ruby?

if your array looks like

array = [
 {:name => "Hitesh" , :age => 27 , :place => "xyz"} ,
 {:name => "John" , :age => 26 , :place => "xtz"} ,
 {:name => "Anil" , :age => 26 , :place => "xsz"} 

And you Want To know if some value is already present in your array. Use Find Method

array.find {|x| x[:name] == "Hitesh"}

This will return object if Hitesh is present in name otherwise return nil

What's the difference between a single precision and double precision floating point operation?

Note: the Nintendo 64 does have a 64-bit processor, however:

Many games took advantage of the chip's 32-bit processing mode as the greater data precision available with 64-bit data types is not typically required by 3D games, as well as the fact that processing 64-bit data uses twice as much RAM, cache, and bandwidth, thereby reducing the overall system performance.

From Webopedia:

The term double precision is something of a misnomer because the precision is not really double.
The word double derives from the fact that a double-precision number uses twice as many bits as a regular floating-point number.
For example, if a single-precision number requires 32 bits, its double-precision counterpart will be 64 bits long.

The extra bits increase not only the precision but also the range of magnitudes that can be represented.
The exact amount by which the precision and range of magnitudes are increased depends on what format the program is using to represent floating-point values.
Most computers use a standard format known as the IEEE floating-point format.

The IEEE double-precision format actually has more than twice as many bits of precision as the single-precision format, as well as a much greater range.

From the IEEE standard for floating point arithmetic

Single Precision

The IEEE single precision floating point standard representation requires a 32 bit word, which may be represented as numbered from 0 to 31, left to right.

  • The first bit is the sign bit, S,
  • the next eight bits are the exponent bits, 'E', and
  • the final 23 bits are the fraction 'F':

    0 1      8 9                    31

The value V represented by the word may be determined as follows:

  • If E=255 and F is nonzero, then V=NaN ("Not a number")
  • If E=255 and F is zero and S is 1, then V=-Infinity
  • If E=255 and F is zero and S is 0, then V=Infinity
  • If 0<E<255 then V=(-1)**S * 2 ** (E-127) * (1.F) where "1.F" is intended to represent the binary number created by prefixing F with an implicit leading 1 and a binary point.
  • If E=0 and F is nonzero, then V=(-1)**S * 2 ** (-126) * (0.F). These are "unnormalized" values.
  • If E=0 and F is zero and S is 1, then V=-0
  • If E=0 and F is zero and S is 0, then V=0

In particular,

0 00000000 00000000000000000000000 = 0
1 00000000 00000000000000000000000 = -0

0 11111111 00000000000000000000000 = Infinity
1 11111111 00000000000000000000000 = -Infinity

0 11111111 00000100000000000000000 = NaN
1 11111111 00100010001001010101010 = NaN

0 10000000 00000000000000000000000 = +1 * 2**(128-127) * 1.0 = 2
0 10000001 10100000000000000000000 = +1 * 2**(129-127) * 1.101 = 6.5
1 10000001 10100000000000000000000 = -1 * 2**(129-127) * 1.101 = -6.5

0 00000001 00000000000000000000000 = +1 * 2**(1-127) * 1.0 = 2**(-126)
0 00000000 10000000000000000000000 = +1 * 2**(-126) * 0.1 = 2**(-127) 
0 00000000 00000000000000000000001 = +1 * 2**(-126) * 
                                     0.00000000000000000000001 = 
                                     2**(-149)  (Smallest positive value)

Double Precision

The IEEE double precision floating point standard representation requires a 64 bit word, which may be represented as numbered from 0 to 63, left to right.

  • The first bit is the sign bit, S,
  • the next eleven bits are the exponent bits, 'E', and
  • the final 52 bits are the fraction 'F':

    0 1        11 12                                                63

The value V represented by the word may be determined as follows:

  • If E=2047 and F is nonzero, then V=NaN ("Not a number")
  • If E=2047 and F is zero and S is 1, then V=-Infinity
  • If E=2047 and F is zero and S is 0, then V=Infinity
  • If 0<E<2047 then V=(-1)**S * 2 ** (E-1023) * (1.F) where "1.F" is intended to represent the binary number created by prefixing F with an implicit leading 1 and a binary point.
  • If E=0 and F is nonzero, then V=(-1)**S * 2 ** (-1022) * (0.F) These are "unnormalized" values.
  • If E=0 and F is zero and S is 1, then V=-0
  • If E=0 and F is zero and S is 0, then V=0

ANSI/IEEE Standard 754-1985,
Standard for Binary Floating Point Arithmetic.

How to increase MySQL connections(max_connections)?

If you need to increase MySQL Connections without MySQL restart do like below

mysql> show variables like 'max_connections';
| Variable_name   | Value |
| max_connections | 100   |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SET GLOBAL max_connections = 150;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> show variables like 'max_connections';
| Variable_name   | Value |
| max_connections | 150   |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

These settings will change at MySQL Restart.

For permanent changes add below line in my.cnf and restart MySQL

max_connections = 150

How to get the cell value by column name not by index in GridView in

Although its a long time but this relatively small piece of code seems easy to read and get:

protected void GridView1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
   int index;
   string cellContent;

    foreach (TableCell tc in ((GridView)sender).HeaderRow.Cells)
       if( tc.Text.Equals("yourColumnName") )
         index = ((GridView)sender).HeaderRow.Cells.GetCellIndex(tc);
         cellContent = ((GridView)sender).SelectedRow.Cells[index].Text;

Is there a way to include commas in CSV columns without breaking the formatting?

You can use Template literals (Template strings)

e.g -


There isn't anything to compare. Nothing to compare, branches are entirely different commit histories

I had a similar situation, where my master branch and the develop branch I was trying to merge had different commit histories. None of the above solutions worked for me. What did the trick was:

Starting from master:

git branch new_branch
git checkout new_branch
git merge develop --allow-unrelated-histories

Now in the new_branch, there are all the things from develop and I can easily merge into master, or create a pull request, as they now share the same commit hisotry.

Return a string method in C#

You're currently trying to access a method like a property


It should be


Alternatively you could turn it into a property using

public string fullName
        string x = firstName + " " + lastName;
        return x;

Is there a JavaScript strcmp()?

Javascript doesn't have it, as you point out.

A quick search came up with:

function strcmp ( str1, str2 ) {
    // +   original by: Waldo Malqui Silva
    // +      input by: Steve Hilder
    // +   improved by: Kevin van Zonneveld (
    // +    revised by: gorthaur
    // *     example 1: strcmp( 'waldo', 'owald' );
    // *     returns 1: 1
    // *     example 2: strcmp( 'owald', 'waldo' );
    // *     returns 2: -1

    return ( ( str1 == str2 ) ? 0 : ( ( str1 > str2 ) ? 1 : -1 ) );


Of course, you could just add localeCompare if needed:

if (typeof(String.prototype.localeCompare) === 'undefined') {
    String.prototype.localeCompare = function(str, locale, options) {
        return ((this == str) ? 0 : ((this > str) ? 1 : -1));

And use str1.localeCompare(str2) everywhere, without having to worry wether the local browser has shipped with it. The only problem is that you would have to add support for locales and options if you care about that.

OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: (...) executable file not found in $PATH": unknown

I solved this with this commands:

1- Run the container

# docker run -d <image-name>

2- List containers

   # docker ps -a

3- Use the container ID

# docker exec -it <container-id> /bin/sh

What's a good way to extend Error in JavaScript?

The only standard field Error object has is the message property. (See MDN, or EcmaScript Language Specification, section 15.11) Everything else is platform specific.

Mosts environments set the stack property, but fileName and lineNumber are practically useless to be used in inheritance.

So, the minimalistic approach is:

function MyError(message) { = 'MyError';
    this.message = message;
    this.stack = (new Error()).stack;
MyError.prototype = new Error;  // <-- remove this if you do not 
                                //     want MyError to be instanceof Error

You could sniff the stack, unshift unwanted elements from it and extract information like fileName and lineNumber, but doing so requires information about the platform JavaScript is currently running upon. Most cases that is unnecessary -- and you can do it in post-mortem if you really want.

Safari is a notable exception. There is no stack property, but the throw keyword sets sourceURL and line properties of the object that is being thrown. Those things are guaranteed to be correct.

Test cases I used can be found here: JavaScript self-made Error object comparison.

how to evenly distribute elements in a div next to each other?

Make all spans used inline-block elements. Create an empty stretch span with a 100% width beneath the list of spans containing the menu items. Next make the div containing the spans text-align: justified. This would then force the inline-block elements [your menu items] to evenly distribute.

  <div id="container">

          <div class="social">
            <a href="#" target="_blank" aria-label="facebook-link">
            <img src="">
            <a href="#" target="_blank" aria-label="twitter-link">
                <img src="">
            <a href="#" target="_blank" aria-label="youtube-link">
                <img src="">
            <a href="#" target="_blank" aria-label="pinterest-link">
                 <img src="">
            <a href="#" target="_blank" aria-label="snapchat-link">
                <img src="">
            <a href="#" target="_blank" aria-label="blog-link">
                 <img src="">

            <a href="#" aria-label="phone-link">
                 <img src="">
            <span class="stretch"></span>

AngularJS - Attribute directive input value change

Since this must have an input element as a parent, you could just use

<input type="text" ng-model="foo" ng-change="myOnChangeFunction()">

Alternatively, you could use the ngModelController and add a function to $formatters, which executes functions on input change. See

.directive("myDirective", function() {
  return {
    restrict: 'A',
    require: 'ngModel',
    link: function(scope, element, attr, ngModel) {
      ngModel.$formatters.push(function(value) {
        // Do stuff here, and return the formatted value.

How to create timer events using C++ 11?

Made a simple implementation of what I believe to be what you want to achieve. You can use the class later with the following arguments:

  • int (milliseconds to wait until to run the code)
  • bool (if true it returns instantly and runs the code after specified time on another thread)
  • variable arguments (exactly what you'd feed to std::bind)

You can change std::chrono::milliseconds to std::chrono::nanoseconds or microseconds for even higher precision and add a second int and a for loop to specify for how many times to run the code.

Here you go, enjoy:

#include <functional>
#include <chrono>
#include <future>
#include <cstdio>

class later
    template <class callable, class... arguments>
    later(int after, bool async, callable&& f, arguments&&... args)
        std::function<typename std::result_of<callable(arguments...)>::type()> task(std::bind(std::forward<callable>(f), std::forward<arguments>(args)...));

        if (async)
            std::thread([after, task]() {


void test1(void)

void test2(int a)
    printf("%i\n", a);

int main()
    later later_test1(1000, false, &test1);
    later later_test2(1000, false, &test2, 101);

    return 0;

Outputs after two seconds:


Can I have an IF block in DOS batch file?

Instead of this goto mess, try using the ampersand & or double ampersand && (conditional to errorlevel 0) as command separators.

I fixed a script snippet with this trick, to summarize, I have three batch files, one which calls the other two after having found which letters the external backup drives have been assigned. I leave the first file on the primary external drive so the calls to its backup routine worked fine, but the calls to the second one required an active drive change. The code below shows how I fixed it:

for %%b in (d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z) DO (
if exist "%%b:\Backup.cmd" %%b: & CALL "%%b:\Backup.cmd"

Parsing json and searching through it

Seems there's a typo (missing colon) in the JSON dict provided by jro.

The correct syntax would be:

jdata = json.load('{"uri": "http:", "foo": "bar"}')

This cleared it up for me when playing with the code.

How do I rotate text in css?

You can use like this...

<div id="rot">hello</div>

   -webkit-transform: rotate(-90deg); 
   -moz-transform: rotate(-90deg);    

Have a look at this fiddle:

No module named Image

You are missing PIL (Python Image Library and Imaging package). To install PIL I used

 pip install pillow

For my machine running Mac OSX 10.6.8, I downloaded Imaging package and installed it from source. and cd into Download directory. Then run these:

    $ gunzip Imaging-1.1.6.tar.gz
    $ tar xvf Imaging-1.1.6.tar
    $ cd Imaging-1.1.6
    $ python install

Or if you have PIP installed in your Mac

 pip install

then you can use:

from PIL import Image

in your python code.

How to make Bootstrap 4 cards the same height in card-columns?

I took a slightly different approach. Using the Card Deck wrapper

I added a style rule that limits the height of the card block:

.card .card-block {max-height:300px;overflow:auto;}

This give the following result: enter image description here

Python: converting a list of dictionaries to json

use json library

import json

by the way, you might consider changing variable list to another name, list is the builtin function for a list creation, you may get some unexpected behaviours or some buggy code if you don't change the variable name.

How can I ssh directly to a particular directory?

Based on additions to @rogeriopvl's answer, I suggest the following:

ssh -t "cd /directory_wanted && bash"

Chaining commands by && will make the next command run only when the previous one was successful (as opposed to using ;, which executes commands sequentially). This is particularly useful when needing to cd to a directory performing the command.

Imagine doing the following:

/home/me$ cd /usr/share/teminal; rm -R *

The directory teminal doesn't exist, which causes you to stay in the home directory and remove all the files in there with the following command.

If you use &&:

/home/me$ cd /usr/share/teminal && rm -R *

The command will fail after not finding the directory.

Return values from the row above to the current row

Easier way for me is to switch to R1C1 notation and just use R[-1]C1 and switch back when done.

Java Byte Array to String to Byte Array

You can't just take the returned string and construct a string from it... it's not a byte[] data type anymore, it's already a string; you need to parse it. For example :

String response = "[-47, 1, 16, 84, 2, 101, 110, 83, 111, 109, 101, 32, 78, 70, 67, 32, 68, 97, 116, 97]";      // response from the Python script

String[] byteValues = response.substring(1, response.length() - 1).split(",");
byte[] bytes = new byte[byteValues.length];

for (int i=0, len=bytes.length; i<len; i++) {
   bytes[i] = Byte.parseByte(byteValues[i].trim());     

String str = new String(bytes);

** EDIT **

You get an hint of your problem in your question, where you say "Whatever I seem to try I end up getting a byte array which looks as follows... [91, 45, ...", because 91 is the byte value for [, so [91, 45, ... is the byte array of the string "[-45, 1, 16, ..." string.

The method Arrays.toString() will return a String representation of the specified array; meaning that the returned value will not be a array anymore. For example :

byte[] b1 = new byte[] {97, 98, 99};

String s1 = Arrays.toString(b1);
String s2 = new String(b1);

System.out.println(s1);        // -> "[97, 98, 99]"
System.out.println(s2);        // -> "abc";

As you can see, s1 holds the string representation of the array b1, while s2 holds the string representation of the bytes contained in b1.

Now, in your problem, your server returns a string similar to s1, therefore to get the array representation back, you need the opposite constructor method. If s2.getBytes() is the opposite of new String(b1), you need to find the opposite of Arrays.toString(b1), thus the code I pasted in the first snippet of this answer.

Use latest version of Internet Explorer in the webbrowser control

I was able to implement Luca's solution, but I had to make a few changes for it to work. My goal was to use D3.js with a Web Browser control for a Windows Forms Application (targeting .NET 2.0). It is working for me now. I hope this can help someone else.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.Win32;
using System.Diagnostics;

namespace ClientUI
    static class Program
        static Mutex mutex = new System.Threading.Mutex(false, "jMutex");

        /// <summary>
        /// The main entry point for the application.
        /// </summary>
        static void Main()
            if (!mutex.WaitOne(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2), false))
                // Another application instance is running

                var targetApplication = Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName + ".exe";
                int ie_emulation = 11999;
                    string tmp = Properties.Settings.Default.ie_emulation;
                    ie_emulation = int.Parse(tmp);
                catch { }
                SetIEVersioneKeyforWebBrowserControl(targetApplication, ie_emulation);

                Application.Run(new MainForm());

        private static void SetIEVersioneKeyforWebBrowserControl(string appName, int ieval)
            RegistryKey Regkey = null;
                Regkey = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION", true);

                // If the path is not correct or
                // if user doesn't have privileges to access the registry
                if (Regkey == null)
                    MessageBox.Show("Application FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION Failed - Registry key Not found");

                string FindAppkey = Convert.ToString(Regkey.GetValue(appName));

                // Check if key is already present
                if (FindAppkey == ieval.ToString())
                    MessageBox.Show("Application FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION already set to " + ieval);

                // If key is not present or different from desired, add/modify the key , key value
                Regkey.SetValue(appName, unchecked((int)ieval), RegistryValueKind.DWord);

                // Check for the key after adding
                FindAppkey = Convert.ToString(Regkey.GetValue(appName));

                if (FindAppkey == ieval.ToString())
                    MessageBox.Show("Application FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION changed to " + ieval + "; changes will be visible at application restart");
                    MessageBox.Show("Application FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION setting failed; current value is  " + ieval);
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("Application FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION setting failed; " + ex.Message);
                //Close the Registry
                if (Regkey != null) Regkey.Close();

Also, I added a string (ie_emulation) to the project's settings with the value of 11999. This value seems to be working for IE11(11.0.15).

Next, I had to change the permission for my application to allow access to the registry. This can be done by adding a new item to your project (using VS2012). Under the General Items, select Application Manifest File. Change the level from asInvoker to requireAdministrator (as shown below).

<requestedExecutionLevel level="requireAdministrator" uiAccess="false" />

If someone reading this is trying to use D3.js with a webbrowser control, you may have to modify the JSON data to be stored within a variable inside your HTML page because D3.json uses XmlHttpRequest (easier to use with a webserver). After those changes and the above, my windows forms are able to load local HTML files that call D3.

How does inline Javascript (in HTML) work?

You've got it nearly correct, but you haven't accounted for the this value supplied to the inline code.

<a href="#" onclick="alert(this)">Click Me</a>

is actually closer to:

<a href="#" id="click_me">Click Me</a>
<script type="text/javascript">
document.getElementById('click_me').addEventListener("click", function(event) {
    (function(event) {
    }).call(document.getElementById('click_me'), event);

Inline event handlers set this equal to the target of the event. You can also use anonymous function in inline script

<a href="#" onclick="(function(){alert(this);})()">Click Me</a>

static and extern global variables in C and C++

When you #include a header, it's exactly as if you put the code into the source file itself. In both cases the varGlobal variable is defined in the source so it will work no matter how it's declared.

Also as pointed out in the comments, C++ variables at file scope are not static in scope even though they will be assigned to static storage. If the variable were a class member for example, it would need to be accessible to other compilation units in the program by default and non-class members are no different.

Environment Variable with Maven

You can pass some of the arguments through the _JAVA_OPTIONS variable.

For example, define a variable for maven proxy flags like this:

_JAVA_OPTIONS="-Dhttp.proxyHost=$http_proxy_host -Dhttp.proxyPort=$http_proxy_port -Dhttps.proxyHost=$https_proxy_host -Dhttps.proxyPort=$http_proxy_port"

And then use mvn clean install (it will automatically pick up _JAVA_OPTIONS).

How to check java bit version on Linux?

Go to this JVM online test and run it.

Then check the architecture displayed: x86_64 means you have the 64bit version installed, otherwise it's 32bit.

mysql query result in php variable

$query="SELECT * FROM contacts";

Java: How to insert CLOB into oracle database

This code worked for me. I use ojdbc6-

java.sql.Connection con;
javax.xml.bind.Marshaller marshaller;

Clob xmlClob = con.createClob();
try {
  try (Writer xmlClobWriter = xmlClob.setCharacterStream(1)) {
    m.marshal(jaxbObject, xmlClobWriter);
  } // xmlClobWriter.close();
  try (PreparedStatement stmt = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO table (xml) values(?)")) {
    stmt.setClob(1, xmlClob);
} finally {;

C++ Pass A String

Make it so that your function accepts a const std::string& instead of by-value. Not only does this avoid the copy and is therefore always preferable when accepting strings into functions, but it also enables the compiler to construct a temporary std::string from the char[] that you're giving it. :)

EditText non editable

android:editable="false" should work, but it is deprecated, you should be using android:inputType="none" instead.

Alternatively, if you want to do it in the code you could do this :

EditText mEdit = (EditText) findViewById(;

This is also a viable alternative :

EditText mEdit = (EditText) findViewById(;

If you're going to make your EditText non-editable, may I suggest using the TextView widget instead of the EditText, since using a EditText seems kind of pointless in that case.

EDIT: Altered some information since I've found that android:editable is deprecated, and you should use android:inputType="none", but there is a bug about it on android code; So please check this.

An exception of type 'System.NullReferenceException' occurred in myproject.DLL but was not handled in user code

It means you have a null reference somewhere in there. Can you debug the app and stop the debugger when it gets here and investigate? Probably img1 is null or ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("Url") is returning null.

how to convert a string date to date format in oracle10g

You can convert a string to a DATE using the TO_DATE function, then reformat the date as another string using TO_CHAR, i.e.:

         TO_DATE('15/August/2009,4:30 PM'
                ,'DD/Month/YYYY,HH:MI AM')


For example, if your table name is MYTABLE and the varchar2 column is MYDATESTRING:

                ,'DD/Month/YYYY,HH:MI AM')

changing the owner of folder in linux

Use chown to change ownership and chmod to change rights.

use the -R option to apply the rights for all files inside of a directory too.

Note that both these commands just work for directories too. The -R option makes them also change the permissions for all files and directories inside of the directory.

For example

sudo chown -R username:group directory

will change ownership (both user and group) of all files and directories inside of directory and directory itself.

sudo chown username:group directory

will only change the permission of the folder directory but will leave the files and folders inside the directory alone.

you need to use sudo to change the ownership from root to yourself.


Note that if you use chown user: file (Note the left-out group), it will use the default group for that user.

Also You can change the group ownership of a file or directory with the command:

chgrp group_name file/directory_name

You must be a member of the group to which you are changing ownership to.

You can find group of file as follows

# ls -l file
-rw-r--r-- 1 root family 0 2012-05-22 20:03 file

# chown sujit:friends file

User 500 is just a normal user. Typically user 500 was the first user on the system, recent changes (to /etc/login.defs) has altered the minimum user id to 1000 in many distributions, so typically 1000 is now the first (non root) user.

What you may be seeing is a system which has been upgraded from the old state to the new state and still has some processes knocking about on uid 500. You can likely change it by first checking if your distro should indeed now use 1000, and if so alter the login.defs file yourself, the renumber the user account in /etc/passwd and chown/chgrp all their files, usually in /home/, then reboot.

But in answer to your question, no, you should not really be worried about this in all likelihood. It'll be showing as "500" instead of a username because o user in /etc/passwd has a uid set of 500, that's all.

Also you can show your current numbers using id i'm willing to bet it comes back as 1000 for you.

Setting mime type for excel document

I believe the standard MIME type for Excel files is application/

Regarding the name of the document, you should set the following header in the response:

header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="name_of_excel_file.xls"');

shared global variables in C

In the header file

header file

#ifdef  MAIN_FILE
int global;
extern int global;

In the file with the file you want the global to live:

#define MAIN_FILE
#include "share.h"

In the other files that need the extern version:

#include "share.h"

How to use HTML Agility pack

try this

string htmlBody = ParseHmlBody(dtViewDetails.Rows[0]["Body"].ToString());

private string ParseHmlBody(string html)
            string body = string.Empty;
                var htmlDoc = new HtmlDocument();
                var htmlBody = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//body");
                body = htmlBody.OuterHtml;
            catch (Exception ex)

                dalPendingOrders.LogMessage("Error in ParseHmlBody" + ex.Message);
            return body;

How to connect to mysql with laravel?

You probably only forgot to create database. Enter your PHPMyAdmin and do it from there.

Edit: Definitely don't go with Maulik's answer. Not only it is using mysql_ extenstion (which is commonly recognized bad practice), Laravel is also taking care of your connections using PDO.

SQL Server : Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type int

Change SUM(billableDuration) AS NumSecondsDelivered to

sum(cast(billableDuration as bigint)) or

sum(cast(billableDuration as numeric(12, 0))) according to your need.

The resultant type of of Sum expression is the same as the data type used. It throws error at time of overflow. So casting the column to larger capacity data type and then using Sum operation works fine.

How to compile a c++ program in Linux?

Try this:

g++ -o hi hi.cpp

gcc is only for C

Python: Binding Socket: "Address already in use"

Try using the SO_REUSEADDR socket option before binding the socket.

comSocket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)

Edit: I see you're still having trouble with this. There is a case where SO_REUSEADDR won't work. If you try to bind a socket and reconnect to the same destination (with SO_REUSEADDR enabled), then TIME_WAIT will still be in effect. It will however allow you to connect to a different host:port.

A couple of solutions come to mind. You can either continue retrying until you can gain a connection again. Or if the client initiates the closing of the socket (not the server), then it should magically work.

Getting HTTP code in PHP using curl

// must set $url first....
$http = curl_init($url);
// do your curl thing here
$result = curl_exec($http);
$http_status = curl_getinfo($http, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
echo $http_status;

ERROR in The Angular Compiler requires TypeScript >=3.1.1 and <3.2.0 but 3.2.1 was found instead

In my case below command worked for windows. It will install latest required version between 3.1.1 and 3.2.0. Depending on OS use either double or single quotes

npm install typescript@">=3.1.1 <3.2.0" 

How to reference Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel dll?

Building off of Mulfix's answer, if you have Visual Studio Community 2015, try Add Reference... -> COM -> Type Libraries -> 'Microsoft Excel 15.0 Object Library'.

javascript : sending custom parameters with but its not working

if you want to pass POST variables, you have to use a HTML Form:

<form action="http://localhost:8080/login" method="POST" target="_blank">
    <input type="text" name="cid" />
    <input type="password" name="pwd" />
    <input type="submit" value="open" />


if you want to pass GET variables in an URL, write them without single-quotes:

here's how to create the string above with javascrpt variables:

myu = document.getElementById('cid').value;
myp = document.getElementById('pwd').value;"http://localhost:8080/login?cid="+ myu +"&pwd="+ myp ,"MyTargetWindowName");

in the document with that url, you have to read the GET parameters. if it's in php, use:


be aware: to transmit passwords that way is a big security leak!

Import CSV file into SQL Server

All of the answers here work great if your data is "clean" (no data constraint violations, etc.) and you have access to putting the file on the server. Some of the answers provided here stop at the first error (PK violation, data-loss error, etc.) and give you one error at a time if using SSMS's built in Import Task. If you want to gather all errors at once (in case you want to tell the person that gave you the .csv file to clean up their data), I recommend the following as an answer. This answer also gives you complete flexibility as you are "writing" the SQL yourself.

Note: I'm going to assume you are running a Windows OS and have access to Excel and SSMS. If not, I'm sure you can tweak this answer to fit your needs.

  1. Using Excel, open your .csv file. In an empty column you will write a formula that will build individual INSERTstatements like =CONCATENATE("INSERT INTO dbo.MyTable (FirstName, LastName) VALUES ('", A1, "', '", B1,"')", CHAR(10), "GO") where A1 is a cell that has the first name data and A2 has the last name data for example.

    • CHAR(10) adds a newline character to the final result and GO will allow us to run this INSERT and continue to the next even if there are any errors.
  2. Highlight the cell with your =CONCATENATION() formula

  3. Shift + End to highlight the same column in the rest of your rows

  4. In the ribbon > Home > Editing > Fill > Click Down

    • This applies the formula all the way down the sheet so you don't have to copy-paste, drag, etc. down potentially thousands of rows by hand
  5. Ctrl + C to copy the formulated SQL INSERT statements

  6. Paste into SSMS

  7. You will notice Excel, probably unexpectedly, added double quotes around each of your INSERT and GO commands. This is a "feature" (?) of copying multi-line values out of Excel. You can simply find and replace "INSERT and GO" with INSERT and GO respectively to clean that up.

  8. Finally you are ready to run your import process

  9. After the process completes, check the Messages window for any errors. You can select all the content (Ctrl + A) and copy into Excel and use a column filter to remove any successful messages and you are left with any and all the errors.

This process will definitely take longer than other answers here, but if your data is "dirty" and full of SQL violations, you can at least gather all the errors at one time and send them to the person that gave you the data, if that is your scenario.

How can I ask the Selenium-WebDriver to wait for few seconds in Java?

Using Thread.sleep(2000); is an unconditional wait. If your test loads faster you will still have to wait. So in principle using implicitlyWait is the better solution.

However, I don't see why implicitlyWait does not work in your case. Did you measure if the findElement actually takes two seconds before throwing an exception. If so, can you try to use WebDriver's conditional wait as described in this answer?

How to create a new file in unix?

Try > workdirectory/filename.txt

This would:

  • truncate the file if it exists
  • create if it doesn't exist

You can consider it equivalent to:

rm -f workdirectory/filename.txt; touch workdirectory/filename.txt

chart.js load totally new data

With Chart.js V2.0 you can to do the following: = some_new_data;

List<T> or IList<T>

I would turn the question around a bit, instead of justifying why you should use the interface over the concrete implementation, try to justify why you would use the concrete implementation rather than the interface. If you can't justify it, use the interface.

How to fix corrupted git repository?

Here's a script (bash) to automate the first solution by @CodeGnome to restore from a backup (run from the top level of the corrupted repo). The backup doesn't need to be complete, it only needs to have the missing objects.

git fsck 2>&1 | grep -e missing -e invalid | awk '{print $NF}' | sort -u |
    while read entry; do
        mkdir -p .git/objects/${entry:0:2}
        cp ${BACKUP}/objects/${entry:0:2}/${entry:2} .git/objects/${entry:0:2}/${entry:2}

Get properties and values from unknown object

    /// get set value field in object to object new (two object  field like ) 

    public static void SetValueObjectToObject (object sourceObj , object resultObj)
        IList<PropertyInfo> props = new List<PropertyInfo>(sourceObj.GetType().GetProperties());
        foreach (PropertyInfo prop in props)
                //get value in sourceObj
                object propValue = prop.GetValue(sourceObj, null);
                //set value in resultObj
                PropertyInfo propResult = resultObj.GetType().GetProperty(prop.Name, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
                if (propResult != null && propResult.CanWrite)
                    propResult.SetValue(resultObj, propValue, null);
            catch (Exception ex)
                // do something with Ex

How do I install a color theme for IntelliJ IDEA 7.0.x

Take a look here: Third Party Add-ons

You may have to extract the jar using a zip application. Hopefully inside you'll find a collection of XML files.

IntelliJ IDEA Plugins

Accessing members of items in a JSONArray with Java

By looking at your code, I sense you are using JSONLIB. If that was the case, look at the following snippet to convert json array to java array..

 JSONArray jsonArray = (JSONArray) JSONSerializer.toJSON( input );  
 JsonConfig jsonConfig = new JsonConfig();  
 jsonConfig.setArrayMode( JsonConfig.MODE_OBJECT_ARRAY );  
 jsonConfig.setRootClass( Integer.TYPE );  
 int[] output = (int[]) JSONSerializer.toJava( jsonArray, jsonConfig );  

Can I clear cell contents without changing styling?

you can use ClearContents. ex,


How to detect window.print() finish

I think the window focus approach is the correct one. Here is an example in which I wanted to open a PDF url blob in a hidden iframe and print it. After printed or canceled, I wanted to remove the iframe.

 * printBlob will create if not exists an iframe to load
 * the pdf. Once the window is loaded, the PDF is printed.
 * It then creates a one-time event to remove the iframe from
 * the window.
 * @param {string} src Blob or any printable url.
export const printBlob = (src) => {
  if (typeof window === 'undefined') {
    throw new Error('You cannot print url without defined window.');
  const iframeId = 'pdf-print-iframe';
  let iframe = document.getElementById(iframeId);
  if (!iframe) {
    iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
    iframe.setAttribute('id', iframeId);
    iframe.setAttribute('style', 'position:absolute;left:-9999px');
  iframe.setAttribute('src', src);
  iframe.addEventListener('load', () => {
    const infanticide = () => {
      window.removeEventListener('focus', infanticide);
    window.addEventListener('focus', infanticide);

Latex Multiple Linebreaks

This just worked for me:

I was trying to leave a space in the Apple Pages new LaTeX input area. I typed the following and it left a clean line.


Android Shared preferences for creating one time activity (example)

Write to Shared Preferences

SharedPreferences sharedPref = getActivity().getPreferences(Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
SharedPreferences.Editor editor = sharedPref.edit();
editor.putInt(getString(R.string.saved_high_score), newHighScore);

Read from Shared Preferences

SharedPreferences sharedPref = getActivity().getPreferences(Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
int defaultValue = getResources().getInteger(R.string.saved_high_score_default);
long highScore = sharedPref.getInt(getString(R.string.saved_high_score), defaultValue);

Why does the jquery change event not trigger when I set the value of a select using val()?


This worked for my script. I have 3 combos & bind with chainSelect event, I need to pass 3 values by url & default select all drop down. I used this

$('#machineMake').val('<?php echo $_GET['headMake']; ?>').trigger('change');

And the first event worked.

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'top' of undefined

Your document does not contain any element with class content-nav, thus the method .offset() returns undefined which indeed has no top property.

You can see for yourself in this fiddle


(you will see "undefined")

To avoid crashing the whole code, you can have such code instead:

var top = ($('.content-nav').offset() || { "top": NaN }).top;
if (isNaN(top)) {
    alert("something is wrong, no top");
} else {

Updated fiddle.

How to generate access token using refresh token through google drive API?

It's an old question but seems to me it wasn't completely answered, and I needed this information too so I'll post my answer.

If you want to use the Google Api Client Library, then you just need to have an access token that includes the refresh token in it, and then - even though the access token will expire after an hour - the library will refresh the token for you automatically.

In order to get an access token with a refresh token, you just need to ask for the offline access type (for example in PHP: $client->setAccessType("offline");) and you will get it. Just keep in mind you will get the access token with the refresh token only in the first authorization, so make sure to save that access token in the first time, and you will be able to use it anytime.

Hope that helps anyone :-)

Static image src in Vue.js template

This solution is for Vue-2 users:

  1. In vue-2 if you don't like to keep your files in static folder (relevant info), or
  2. In vue-2 & vue-cli-3 if you don't like to keep your files in public folder (static folder is renamed to public):

The simple solution is :)

<img src="@/assets/img/clear.gif" /> // just do this:
<img :src="require(`@/assets/img/clear.gif`)" // or do this:
<img :src="require(`@/assets/img/${imgURL}`)" // if pulling from: data() {return {imgURL: 'clear.gif'}}

If you like to keep your static images in static/assets/img or public/assets/img folder, then just do:

<img src="./assets/img/clear.gif" />
<img src="/assets/img/clear.gif" /> // in some case without dot ./

char *array and char array[]

The declaration and initialization

char *array = "One good thing about music";

declares a pointer array and make it point to a constant array of 31 characters.

The declaration and initialization

char array[] = "One, good, thing, about, music";

declares an array of characters, containing 31 characters.

And yes, the size of the arrays is 31, as it includes the terminating '\0' character.

Laid out in memory, it will be something like this for the first:

+-------+     +------------------------------+
| array | --> | "One good thing about music" |
+-------+     +------------------------------+

And like this for the second:

| "One good thing about music" |

Arrays decays to pointers to the first element of an array. If you have an array like

char array[] = "One, good, thing, about, music";

then using plain array when a pointer is expected, it's the same as &array[0].

That mean that when you, for example, pass an array as an argument to a function it will be passed as a pointer.

Pointers and arrays are almost interchangeable. You can not, for example, use sizeof(pointer) because that returns the size of the actual pointer and not what it points to. Also when you do e.g. &pointer you get the address of the pointer, but &array returns a pointer to the array. It should be noted that &array is very different from array (or its equivalent &array[0]). While both &array and &array[0] point to the same location, the types are different. Using the arrat above, &array is of type char (*)[31], while &array[0] is of type char *.

For more fun: As many knows, it's possible to use array indexing when accessing a pointer. But because arrays decays to pointers it's possible to use some pointer arithmetic with arrays.

For example:

char array[] = "Foobar";  /* Declare an array of 7 characters */

With the above, you can access the fourth element (the 'b' character) using either



*(array + 3)

And because addition is commutative, the last can also be expressed as

*(3 + array)

which leads to the fun syntax


What's the best practice to "git clone" into an existing folder?

Just use the . at the end of the git clone command (being in that directory), like this:

cd your_dir_to_clone_in/
git clone [email protected]/somerepo/ .

Prevent WebView from displaying "web page not available"

You could use a GET request to get the page content and then display that data using the Webview , this way you are not using multiple server calls. Alternative you can use Javascript to check the DOM object for validity.

Convert Enum to String

Best I can find is this unrelated question on MSDN, which contains an XML snippet that answers this question. Any of these methods share the same flaw: they call enum.toString(), which does not work properly when using Dotfuscation. Other concerns appear to relate to indirect boxing (GetName and Format). Unfortunately, I can't find any performance reasons for using any of the above.

Paraphrasing from the xml snippet,

Passing a boxed enum to string.Format() or any other function can result in enum.ToString() being called. This will cause problems when Dotfuscating. You should not use enum.ToString(), enum.GetNames(), enum.GetName(), enum.Format() or enum.Parse() to convert an enum to a string. Instead, use a switch statement, and also internationalize the names if necessary.

How does JPA orphanRemoval=true differ from the ON DELETE CASCADE DML clause

The difference is:
- orphanRemoval = true: "Child" entity is removed when it's no longer referenced (its parent may not be removed).
- CascadeType.REMOVE: "Child" entity is removed only when its "Parent" is removed.

how to extract only the year from the date in sql server 2008?

DATEPART(yyyy, date_column) could be used to extract year. In general, DATEPART function is used to extract specific portions of a date value.

Android studio takes too much memory

I have used all of Sam's recommendations above, but I found that the VM command line options are no longer supported as described. (I received an error when used)

As an alternative, I was able to reduce gradle dramatically by adding the following line to the "" file

org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xms512m -Xmx1024m

As of A.S. ver 1.3, the file is located in the same folder level as "".

The above configuration is a "memory stack" of 512 meg, and "memory heap" of 1024 meg.

I tested this on a small project, using settings where both memory sizes were set to 256 meg. It limited the JVM sizes as expected. In all my tests, I restarted A.S. to force the JVM to restart.

Hopefully, this will save others dealing with this issue from getting those "Get yourself a better computer" responses. :-)


Why can't Python import Image from PIL?

If you use Anaconda, you may try:

conda install Pillow


Group by with multiple columns using lambda

     class Element
            public string Company;        
            public string TypeOfInvestment;
            public decimal Worth;

   class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
         List<Element> elements = new List<Element>()
                new Element { Company = "JPMORGAN CHASE",TypeOfInvestment = "Stocks", Worth = 96983 },
                new Element { Company = "AMER TOWER CORP",TypeOfInvestment = "Securities", Worth = 17141 },
                new Element { Company = "ORACLE CORP",TypeOfInvestment = "Assets", Worth = 59372 },
                new Element { Company = "PEPSICO INC",TypeOfInvestment = "Assets", Worth = 26516 },
                new Element { Company = "PROCTER & GAMBL",TypeOfInvestment = "Stocks", Worth = 387050 },
                new Element { Company = "QUASLCOMM INC",TypeOfInvestment = "Bonds", Worth = 196811 },
                new Element { Company = "UTD TECHS CORP",TypeOfInvestment = "Bonds", Worth = 257429 },
                new Element { Company = "WELLS FARGO-NEW",TypeOfInvestment = "Bank Account", Worth = 106600 },
                new Element { Company = "FEDEX CORP",TypeOfInvestment = "Stocks", Worth = 103955 },
                new Element { Company = "CVS CAREMARK CP",TypeOfInvestment = "Securities", Worth = 171048 },

            //Group by on multiple column in LINQ (Query Method)
            var query = from e in elements
                        group e by new{e.TypeOfInvestment,e.Company} into eg
                        select new {eg.Key.TypeOfInvestment, eg.Key.Company, Points = eg.Sum(rl => rl.Worth)};

            foreach (var item in query)
                Console.WriteLine(item.TypeOfInvestment.PadRight(20) + " " + item.Points.ToString());

            //Group by on multiple column in LINQ (Lambda Method)
            var CompanyDetails =elements.GroupBy(s => new { s.Company, s.TypeOfInvestment})
                               .Select(g =>
                                                company = g.Key.Company,
                                                TypeOfInvestment = g.Key.TypeOfInvestment,            
                                                Balance = g.Sum(x => Math.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(x.Worth), 2)),
            foreach (var item in CompanyDetails)
                Console.WriteLine(item.TypeOfInvestment.PadRight(20) + " " + item.Balance.ToString());


Writelines writes lines without newline, Just fills the file

As others have mentioned, and counter to what the method name would imply, writelines does not add line separators. This is a textbook case for a generator. Here is a contrived example:

def item_generator(things):
    for item in things:
        yield item
        yield '\n'

def write_things_to_file(things):
    with open('path_to_file.txt', 'wb') as f:

Benefits: adds newlines explicitly without modifying the input or output values or doing any messy string concatenation. And, critically, does not create any new data structures in memory. IO (writing to a file) is when that kind of thing tends to actually matter. Hope this helps someone!

What is the ideal data type to use when storing latitude / longitude in a MySQL database?

MySQL uses double for all floats ... So use type double. Using float will lead to unpredictable rounded values in most situations

Reading string from input with space character?


use & with scanf input

List of ANSI color escape sequences

How about:

ECMA-48 - Control Functions for Coded Character Sets, 5th edition (June 1991) - A standard defining the color control codes, that is apparently supported also by xterm.

SGR 38 and 48 were originally reserved by ECMA-48, but were fleshed out a few years later in a joint ITU, IEC, and ISO standard, which comes in several parts and which (amongst a whole lot of other things) documents the SGR 38/48 control sequences for direct colour and indexed colour:

There's a column for xterm in this table on the Wikipedia page for ANSI escape codes

How to sort findAll Doctrine's method?

It's useful to look at source code sometimes.

For example findAll implementation is very simple (vendor/doctrine/orm/lib/Doctrine/ORM/EntityRepository.php):

public function findAll()
    return $this->findBy(array());

So we look at findBy and find what we need (orderBy)

public function findBy(array $criteria, array $orderBy = null, $limit = null, $offset = null)

Style jQuery autocomplete in a Bootstrap input field

I don't know if you fixed it, but I did had the same issue, finally it was a dumb thing, I had:

<script src="jquery-ui/jquery-ui.min.css" rel="stylesheet">

but it should be:

<link href="jquery-ui/jquery-ui.min.css" rel="stylesheet">

Just change <scrip> to <link> and src to href

how to find 2d array size in c++

The other answers above have answered your first question. As for your second question, how to detect an error of getting a value that is not set, I am not sure which of the following situation you mean:

  1. Accessing an array element using an invalid index:
    If you use std::vector, you can use vector::at function instead of [] operator to get the value, if the index is invalid, an out_of_range exception will be thrown.

  2. Accessing a valid index, but the element has not been set yet: As far as I know, there is no direct way of it. However, the following common practices can probably solve you problem: (1) Initializes all elements to a value that you are certain that is impossible to have. For example, if you are dealing with positive integers, set all elements to -1, so you know the value is not set yet when you find it being -1. (2). Simply use a bool array of the same size to indicate whether the element of the same index is set or not, this applies when all values are "possible".

HTML/JavaScript: Simple form validation on submit

HTML Form Element Validation

Run Function

         button: "#btnGonder",
         onSubmit: function () {
             alert("Submit Process");
         onCompleted: function () {
         onError: function () {
             alert("Error Process");

Go to example and download

Declaring an unsigned int in Java

Just made this piece of code, wich converts "this.altura" from negative to positive number. Hope this helps someone in need

       if(this.altura < 0){    

                        String aux = Integer.toString(this.altura);
                        char aux2[] = aux.toCharArray();
                        aux = "";
                        for(int con = 1; con < aux2.length; con++){
                            aux += aux2[con];
                        this.altura = Integer.parseInt(aux);
                        System.out.println("New Value: " + this.altura);