EDIT: I just realised after reading your question again, that i did not answer your question. You want to enter multiple lines in the same plot. However, I'll leave it be, because this served me very well multiple times. I hope you find usefull someday
I found this a while back when learning python
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
fig = plt.figure()
# create figure window
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(a, b)
# Creates grid 'gs' of a rows and b columns
ax = plt.subplot(gs[x, y])
# Adds subplot 'ax' in grid 'gs' at position [x,y]
ax.set_ylabel('Foo') #Add y-axis label 'Foo' to graph 'ax' (xlabel for x-axis)
fig.add_subplot(ax) #add 'ax' to figure
you can make different sizes in one figure as well, use slices in that case:
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(3, 3)
ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[0,:]) # row 0 (top) spans all(3) columns
consult the docs for more help and examples. This little bit i typed up for myself once, and is very much based/copied from the docs as well. Hope it helps... I remember it being a pain in the #$% to get acquainted with the slice notation for the different sized plots in one figure. After that i think it's very simple :)