Programs & Examples On #Ios 4.2

For issues relating to using iOS, version 4.2.

How to fix "set SameSite cookie to none" warning?

I'm also in a "trial and error" for that, but this answer from Google Chrome Labs' Github helped me a little. I defined it into my main file and it worked - well, for only one third-party domain. Still making tests, but I'm eager to update this answer with a better solution :)

EDIT: I'm using PHP 7.4 now, and this syntax is working good (Sept 2020):

$cookie_options = array(
  'expires' => time() + 60*60*24*30,
  'path' => '/',
  'domain' => '', // leading dot for compatibility or use subdomain
  'secure' => true, // or false
  'httponly' => false, // or false
  'samesite' => 'None' // None || Lax || Strict

setcookie('cors-cookie', 'my-site-cookie', $cookie_options);

If you have PHP 7.2 or lower (as Robert's answered below):

setcookie('key', 'value', time()+(7*24*3600), "/; SameSite=None; Secure");

If your host is already updated to PHP 7.3, you can use (thanks to Mahn's comment):

setcookie('cookieName', 'cookieValue', [
  'expires' => time()+(7*24*3600,
  'path' => '/',
  'domain' => '',
  'samesite' => 'None',
  'secure' => true,
  'httponly' => true

Another thing you can try to check the cookies, is to enable the flag below, which—in their own words—"will add console warning messages for every single cookie potentially affected by this change":


See the whole code at:, they have the code for same-site-cookies too.

Composer: The requested PHP extension ext-intl * is missing from your system

If You have got this error while running composer install command, don't worry. Steps to be followed and requirements:

  • Step1: Go to server folder such as xampp(or) wampp etc.
  • Step2: open php folder inside that and go to ext folder.
  • Step3: If you find a file named as php_intl.dll no problem.

Just go to php.ini file and uncomment the line




  • Step4: restart xampp, thats it

Note: If you don't find any of the file named as php_intl.dll, then you need to upgrade the PHP version.

How to synchronize a static variable among threads running different instances of a class in Java?

We can also use ReentrantLock to achieve the synchronization for static variables.

public class Test {

    private static int count = 0;
    private static final ReentrantLock reentrantLock = new ReentrantLock(); 
    public void foo() {  
        count = count + 1;

Select element by exact match of its content

No, there's no jQuery (or CSS) selector that does that.

You can readily use filter:

$("p").filter(function() {
    return $(this).text() === "hello";
}).css("font-weight", "bold");

It's not a selector, but it does the job. :-)

If you want to handle whitespace before or after the "hello", you might throw a $.trim in there:

return $.trim($(this).text()) === "hello";

For the premature optimizers out there, if you don't care that it doesn't match <p><span>hello</span></p> and similar, you can avoid the calls to $ and text by using innerHTML directly:

return this.innerHTML === "hello";

...but you'd have to have a lot of paragraphs for it to matter, so many that you'd probably have other issues first. :-)

How to check for the type of a template parameter?

In C++17, we can use variants.

To use std::variant, you need to include the header:

#include <variant>

After that, you may add std::variant in your code like this:

using Type = std::variant<Animal, Person>;

template <class T>
void foo(Type type) {
    if (std::is_same_v<type, Animal>) {
        // Do stuff...
    } else {
        // Do stuff...

Java RegEx meta character (.) and ordinary dot?

I am doing some basic array in JGrasp and found that with an accessor method for a char[][] array to use ('.') to place a single dot.

Set ANDROID_HOME environment variable in mac

If some one is still finding difficulties, i have made a video on this

Because the new version of Apple does not support bash shell so i have explained in details how do we set variables in 2020.

How to run cron job every 2 hours

Just do:

0 */2 * * *  /home/username/ 

The 0 at the beginning means to run at the 0th minute. (If it were an *, the script would run every minute during every second hour.)

Don't forget, you can check syslog to see if it ever actually ran!

Converting of Uri to String

using Android KTX library u can parse easily

val uri = myUriString.toUri()

image size (drawable-hdpi/ldpi/mdpi/xhdpi)

you can use Android Asset in android studio , and android Asset will give you image in this size as a drawable and the application will automatically use the size based on screen of device or emulate

get UTC time in PHP

You can use following to get UTC time:


$current_date = date("Y/m/d g:i A");

$ist_date = DateTime::createFromFormat(
                        '"Y/m/d g:i A"',
                        new DateTimeZone('Asia/Calcutta')

$utc_date = clone $ist_date;
$utc_date->setTimeZone(new DateTimeZone('UTC'));

echo 'UTC:  ' . $utc_date->format('Y-m-d g:i A');

jquery smooth scroll to an anchor?

I wanted a version that worked for <a href="#my-id"> and <a href="/page#my-id">

    $('a[href*=#]:not([href=#])').on('click', function (event) {
        var element = $(this.hash);
        $('html,body').animate({ scrollTop: element.offset().top },'normal', 'swing');

ubuntu "No space left on device" but there is tons of space

It's possible that you've run out of memory or some space elsewhere and it prompted the system to mount an overflow filesystem, and for whatever reason, it's not going away.

Try unmounting the overflow partition:

umount /tmp


umount overflow

How is a CSS "display: table-column" supposed to work?

The "table-column" display type means it acts like the <col> tag in HTML - i.e. an invisible element whose width* governs the width of the corresponding physical column of the enclosing table.

See the W3C standard for more information about the CSS table model.

* And a few other properties like borders, backgrounds.

How do I create a link to add an entry to a calendar?

Here's an Add to Calendar service to serve the purpose for adding an event on

  1. Apple Calendar
  2. Google Calendar
  3. Outlook
  4. Outlook Online
  5. Yahoo! Calendar

The "Add to Calendar" button for events on websites and calendars is easy to install, language independent, time zone and DST compatible. It works perfectly in all modern browsers, tablets and mobile devices, and with Apple Calendar, Google Calendar, Outlook, and Yahoo Calendar.

<div title="Add to Calendar" class="addeventatc">
    Add to Calendar
    <span class="start">03/01/2018 08:00 AM</span>
    <span class="end">03/01/2018 10:00 AM</span>
    <span class="timezone">America/Los_Angeles</span>
    <span class="title">Summary of the event</span>
    <span class="description">Description of the event</span>
    <span class="location">Location of the event</span>

enter image description here

java.util.Date format SSSSSS: if not microseconds what are the last 3 digits?

SSSSSS is microseconds. Let us say the time is 10:30:22 (Seconds 22) and 10:30:22.1 would be 22 seconds and 1/10 of a second . Extending the same logic , 10:32.22.000132 would be 22 seconds and 132/1,000,000 of a second, which is nothing but microseconds.

how to specify local modules as npm package dependencies

At work we have a common library that is used by a few different projects all in a single repository. Originally we used the published (private) version (npm install --save rp-utils) but that lead to a lot of needless version updates as we developed. The library lives in a sister directory to the applications and we are able to use a relative path instead of a version. Instead of "rp-utils": "^1.3.34" in package.json it now is:

  "dependencies": { ...
    "rp-utils": "../rp-utils",

the rp-utils directory contains a publishable npm package

Add objects to an array of objects in Powershell

To append to an array, just use the += operator.

$Target += $TargetObject

Also, you need to declare $Target = @() before your loop because otherwise, it will empty the array every loop.

Can't get value of input type="file"?

You can't set the value of a file input in the markup, like you did with value="123".

This example shows that it really works:

Error loading MySQLdb Module 'Did you install mysqlclient or MySQL-python?'

I am using python 3 in windows. I also faced this issue. I just uninstalled 'mysqlclient' and then installed it again. It worked somehow

CSS to make HTML page footer stay at bottom of the page with a minimum height, but not overlap the page

Some solutions didn't work for me but the best option I found was the example below when i decided to use the flex option.

html, body{
    height: 100%;   

    display: flex;
    flex-direction: column;

    flex: 1 0 auto;
    min-height: 100%;
    margin-bottom: -77px;
  background-color: #CCC;

    height:  77px;
    min-height: 77px;
    width: 100%;
    bottom: 0;
    left: 0;
    background: #000000;
    flex-shrink: 0;
    flex-direction: row;
    position: relative;

  color: #FFF;

@media screen and (max-width: 767px){
        padding-bottom: 0;
        position: relative;
        /*position: absolute;*/
        height: 77px;
        width: 100%;
        bottom: 0;
        left: 0;

    <div class="main-contents" >
      this is the main content

  <footer class="footer">
    <p class="footer-text">This is the sticky footer</p>


XPath contains(text(),'some string') doesn't work when used with node with more than one Text subnode

The <Comment> tag contains two text nodes and two <br> nodes as children.

Your xpath expression was


To break this down,

  1. * is a selector that matches any element (i.e. tag) -- it returns a node-set.
  2. The [] are a conditional that operates on each individual node in that node set. It matches if any of the individual nodes it operates on match the conditions inside the brackets.
  3. text() is a selector that matches all of the text nodes that are children of the context node -- it returns a node set.
  4. contains is a function that operates on a string. If it is passed a node set, the node set is converted into a string by returning the string-value of the node in the node-set that is first in document order. Hence, it can match only the first text node in your <Comment> element -- namely BLAH BLAH BLAH. Since that doesn't match, you don't get a <Comment> in your results.

You need to change this to

  1. * is a selector that matches any element (i.e. tag) -- it returns a node-set.
  2. The outer [] are a conditional that operates on each individual node in that node set -- here it operates on each element in the document.
  3. text() is a selector that matches all of the text nodes that are children of the context node -- it returns a node set.
  4. The inner [] are a conditional that operates on each node in that node set -- here each individual text node. Each individual text node is the starting point for any path in the brackets, and can also be referred to explicitly as . within the brackets. It matches if any of the individual nodes it operates on match the conditions inside the brackets.
  5. contains is a function that operates on a string. Here it is passed an individual text node (.). Since it is passed the second text node in the <Comment> tag individually, it will see the 'ABC' string and be able to match it.

How do I set vertical space between list items?

<br>between <li></li> line entries seems to work perfectly well in all web browsers that I've tried, but it fails to pass the on-line W3C CSS3 checker. It gives me precisely the line spacing I am after. As far as I am concerned, since it undoubtedly works, I am persisting in using it, whatever W3C says, until someone can come up with a good legal alternative.

Angular 2 - Setting selected value on dropdown list

 <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-3">
                        <label>Outlet Ready</label>
                                <select class="form-control"  
                               <option *ngFor="let x of colours" [ngValue]="x" >{{}}</option>


import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import {AbstractControl,FORM_DIRECTIVES } from '@angular/common';

export class DropdownComponent implements OnInit
   colours: Array<Colour>;

 ngOnInit(): void {

    this.colours = Array<Colour>();
    this.colours.push(new Colour(-1, 'Please select'));
    this.colours.push(new Colour(1, 'Green'));
    this.colours.push(new Colour(2, 'Pink')); = new Car(); = this.colours[1];        

 export class Car  

 export class Colour
   constructor(id:number, name:string) {;;


this is working fine...:)

Pass arguments to Constructor in VBA

I use one Factory module that contains one (or more) constructor per class which calls the Init member of each class.

For example a Point class:

Class Point
Private X, Y
Sub Init(X, Y)
  Me.X = X
  Me.Y = Y
End Sub

A Line class

Class Line
Private P1, P2
Sub Init(Optional P1, Optional P2, Optional X1, Optional X2, Optional Y1, Optional Y2)
  If P1 Is Nothing Then
    Set Me.P1 = NewPoint(X1, Y1)
    Set Me.P2 = NewPoint(X2, Y2)
    Set Me.P1 = P1
    Set Me.P2 = P2
  End If
End Sub

And a Factory module:

Module Factory
Function NewPoint(X, Y)
  Set NewPoint = New Point
  NewPoint.Init X, Y
End Function

Function NewLine(Optional P1, Optional P2, Optional X1, Optional X2, Optional Y1, Optional Y2)
  Set NewLine = New Line
  NewLine.Init P1, P2, X1, Y1, X2, Y2
End Function

Function NewLinePt(P1, P2)
  Set NewLinePt = New Line
  NewLinePt.Init P1:=P1, P2:=P2
End Function

Function NewLineXY(X1, Y1, X2, Y2)
  Set NewLineXY = New Line
  NewLineXY.Init X1:=X1, Y1:=Y1, X2:=X2, Y2:=Y2
End Function

One nice aspect of this approach is that makes it easy to use the factory functions inside expressions. For example it is possible to do something like:

D = Distance(NewPoint(10, 10), NewPoint(20, 20)


D = NewPoint(10, 10).Distance(NewPoint(20, 20))

It's clean: the factory does very little and it does it consistently across all objects, just the creation and one Init call on each creator.

And it's fairly object oriented: the Init functions are defined inside the objects.


I forgot to add that this allows me to create static methods. For example I can do something like (after making the parameters optional):

NewLine.DeleteAllLinesShorterThan 10

Unfortunately a new instance of the object is created every time, so any static variable will be lost after the execution. The collection of lines and any other static variable used in this pseudo-static method must be defined in a module.

Package php5 have no installation candidate (Ubuntu 16.04)

If you just want to install PHP no matter what version it is, try PHP7

sudo apt-get install php7.0 php7.0-mcrypt

How to add MVC5 to Visual Studio 2013?

With respect to other answers, it's not always there. Sometimes on setup process people forget to select the Web Developer Tools.

In order to fix that, one should:

  1. Open Programs and Features find Visual Studios related version there, click on it,
  2. Click to Change. Then the setup window will appear,
  3. Select Web Developer Tools there and continue to setup.

It will download or use the setup media if exist. After the setup windows may restart, and you are ready to have fun with your Web Developer Tools now.

How to easily initialize a list of Tuples?

Super Duper Old I know but I would add my piece on using Linq and continuation lambdas on methods with using C# 7. I try to use named tuples as replacements for DTOs and anonymous projections when reused in a class. Yes for mocking and testing you still need classes but doing things inline and passing around in a class is nice to have this newer option IMHO. You can instantiate them from

  1. Direct Instantiation
var items = new List<(int Id, string Name)> { (1, "Me"), (2, "You")};
  1. Off of an existing collection, and now you can return well typed tuples similar to how anonymous projections used to be done.
public class Hold
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }

//In some method or main console app:
var holds = new List<Hold> { new Hold { Id = 1, Name = "Me" }, new Hold { Id = 2, Name = "You" } };
var anonymousProjections = holds.Select(x => new { SomeNewId = x.Id, SomeNewName = x.Name });
var namedTuples = holds.Select(x => (TupleId: x.Id, TupleName: x.Name));
  1. Reuse the tuples later with grouping methods or use a method to construct them inline in other logic:
//Assuming holder class above making 'holds' object
public (int Id, string Name) ReturnNamedTuple(int id, string name) => (id, name);
public static List<(int Id, string Name)> ReturnNamedTuplesFromHolder(List<Hold> holds) => holds.Select(x => (x.Id, x.Name)).ToList();
public static void DoSomethingWithNamedTuplesInput(List<(int id, string name)> inputs) => inputs.ForEach(x => Console.WriteLine($"Doing work with {} for {}"));

var namedTuples2 = holds.Select(x => ReturnNamedTuple(x.Id, x.Name));
var namedTuples3 = ReturnNamedTuplesFromHolder(holds);

How to detect a route change in Angular?

In angular 6 and RxJS6:

import { filter, debounceTime } from 'rxjs/operators';
      filter((event) => event instanceof NavigationEnd),
      x => {
      this.router.navigate(['/']); /*Redirect to Home*/

Android Debug Bridge (adb) device - no permissions

Try "android update adb" command. It helps me with samsung galaxy gear.

How to get elements with multiple classes

Okay this code does exactly what you need:


<div class="class1">nothing happens hear.</div>

<div class="class1 class2">This element will receive yout code.</div>

<div class="class1">nothing happens hear.</div>


function getElementMultipleClasses() {
    var x = document.getElementsByClassName("class1 class2");
    x[0].innerHTML = "This is the element you want";

Hope it helps! ;)

How to set a variable to be "Today's" date in Python/Pandas

Using pandas: pd.Timestamp("today").strftime("%m/%d/%Y")

Using Camera in the Android emulator

Just in case you just need to show a picture in response to a camera request, there is image-to-camera.

Just download, build, install, copy an image of your choice to the device, and you can select it via the app, which is an alternative to the built-in camera.

How do I see if Wi-Fi is connected on Android?

ConnectivityManager manager = (ConnectivityManager) getSystemService(CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);
boolean is3g = manager.getNetworkInfo(
boolean isWifi = manager.getNetworkInfo(

Log.v("", is3g + " ConnectivityManager Test " + isWifi);
if (!is3g && !isWifi) {
        "Please make sure, your network connection is ON ",
else {
    // Put your function() to go further;

Fatal error: Cannot use object of type stdClass as array in

Sorry.Though it is a bit late but hope it would help others as well . Always use the stdClass object.e.g

 $getvidids = $ci->db->query("SELECT * FROM videogroupids WHERE videogroupid='$videogroup'   AND used='0' LIMIT 10");

foreach($getvidids->result() as $key=>$myids)

  $vidid[$key] = $myids->videoid;  // better methodology to retrieve and store multiple records in arrays in loop

How to create module-wide variables in Python?

Here is what is going on.

First, the only global variables Python really has are module-scoped variables. You cannot make a variable that is truly global; all you can do is make a variable in a particular scope. (If you make a variable inside the Python interpreter, and then import other modules, your variable is in the outermost scope and thus global within your Python session.)

All you have to do to make a module-global variable is just assign to a name.

Imagine a file called, containing this single line:

X = 1

Now imagine you import it.

import foo
print(foo.X)  # prints 1

However, let's suppose you want to use one of your module-scope variables as a global inside a function, as in your example. Python's default is to assume that function variables are local. You simply add a global declaration in your function, before you try to use the global.

def initDB(name):
    global __DBNAME__  # add this line!
    if __DBNAME__ is None: # see notes below; explicit test for None
        __DBNAME__ = name
        raise RuntimeError("Database name has already been set.")

By the way, for this example, the simple if not __DBNAME__ test is adequate, because any string value other than an empty string will evaluate true, so any actual database name will evaluate true. But for variables that might contain a number value that might be 0, you can't just say if not variablename; in that case, you should explicitly test for None using the is operator. I modified the example to add an explicit None test. The explicit test for None is never wrong, so I default to using it.

Finally, as others have noted on this page, two leading underscores signals to Python that you want the variable to be "private" to the module. If you ever do an import * from mymodule, Python will not import names with two leading underscores into your name space. But if you just do a simple import mymodule and then say dir(mymodule) you will see the "private" variables in the list, and if you explicitly refer to mymodule.__DBNAME__ Python won't care, it will just let you refer to it. The double leading underscores are a major clue to users of your module that you don't want them rebinding that name to some value of their own.

It is considered best practice in Python not to do import *, but to minimize the coupling and maximize explicitness by either using mymodule.something or by explicitly doing an import like from mymodule import something.

EDIT: If, for some reason, you need to do something like this in a very old version of Python that doesn't have the global keyword, there is an easy workaround. Instead of setting a module global variable directly, use a mutable type at the module global level, and store your values inside it.

In your functions, the global variable name will be read-only; you won't be able to rebind the actual global variable name. (If you assign to that variable name inside your function it will only affect the local variable name inside the function.) But you can use that local variable name to access the actual global object, and store data inside it.

You can use a list but your code will be ugly:

__DBNAME__ = [None] # use length-1 list as a mutable

# later, in code:  
if __DBNAME__[0] is None:
    __DBNAME__[0] = name

A dict is better. But the most convenient is a class instance, and you can just use a trivial class:

class Box:

__m = Box()  # m will contain all module-level values
__m.dbname = None  # database name global in module

# later, in code:
if __m.dbname is None:
    __m.dbname = name

(You don't really need to capitalize the database name variable.)

I like the syntactic sugar of just using __m.dbname rather than __m["DBNAME"]; it seems the most convenient solution in my opinion. But the dict solution works fine also.

With a dict you can use any hashable value as a key, but when you are happy with names that are valid identifiers, you can use a trivial class like Box in the above.

How to fix Error: this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key tableView.'

Any chance that you changed the name of your table view from "tableView" to "myTableView" at some point?

Why won't bundler install JSON gem?

Switch ruby version from 1.9 to 2.2 with rvm did the job for me

Insert picture/table in R Markdown

In March I made a deck presentation in slidify, Rmarkdown with impress.js which is a cool 3D framework. My index.Rmdheader looks like

title       : French TER (regional train) monthly regularity
subtitle    : since January 2013
author      : brigasnuncamais
job         : Business Intelligence / Data Scientist consultant
framework   : impressjs     # {io2012, html5slides, shower, dzslides, ...}
highlighter : highlight.js  # {highlight.js, prettify, highlight}
hitheme     : tomorrow      # 
widgets     : []            # {mathjax, quiz, bootstrap}
mode        : selfcontained # {standalone, draft}
knit        : slidify::knit2slides

subdirs are:

/assets /css    /impress-demo.css
        /fig    /unnamed-chunk-1-1.png (generated by included R code)
        /img    /SS850452.png (my image used as background)
        /js     /impress.js
        /layouts/custbg.html # content:--- layout: slide --- {{{ slide.html }}}
        /libraries  /frameworks /impressjs
                    /highlighters   /highlight.js

A slide with image in background code snippet would be in my .Rmd:

<div id="bg">
  <img src="assets/img/SS850452.png" alt="">

Some issues appeared since I last worked on it (photos are no more in background, text it too large on my R plot) but it works fine on my local. Troubles come when I run it on RPubs.

The maximum value for an int type in Go

MaxInt8   = 1<<7 - 1
MinInt8   = -1 << 7
MaxInt16  = 1<<15 - 1
MinInt16  = -1 << 15
MaxInt32  = 1<<31 - 1
MinInt32  = -1 << 31
MaxInt64  = 1<<63 - 1
MinInt64  = -1 << 63
MaxUint8  = 1<<8 - 1
MaxUint16 = 1<<16 - 1
MaxUint32 = 1<<32 - 1
MaxUint64 = 1<<64 - 1 Software caused connection abort: recv failed

Look if you have another service or program running on the http port. It happened to me when I tried to use the port and it was taken by another program.

How to add multiple columns to pandas dataframe in one assignment?

Just want to point out that option2 in @Matthias Fripp's answer

(2) I wouldn't necessarily expect DataFrame to work this way, but it does

df[['column_new_1', 'column_new_2', 'column_new_3']] = pd.DataFrame([[np.nan, 'dogs', 3]], index=df.index)

is already documented in pandas' own documentation

You can pass a list of columns to [] to select columns in that order. If a column is not contained in the DataFrame, an exception will be raised. Multiple columns can also be set in this manner. You may find this useful for applying a transform (in-place) to a subset of the columns.

POST JSON fails with 415 Unsupported media type, Spring 3 mvc

I believe I ran exactly into the same issue. After countless hours of fighting with the JSON, the JavaScript and the Server, I found the culprit: In my case I had a Date object in the DTO, this Date object was converted to a String so we could show it in the view with the format: HH:mm.

When JSON information was being sent back, this Date String object had to be converted back into a full Date Object, therefore we also need a method to set it in the DTO. The big BUT is you cannot have 2 methods with the same name (Overload) in the DTO even if they have different type of parameter (String vs Date) because this will give you also the 415 Unsupported Media type error.

This was my controller method

  @RequestMapping(value = "/alarmdownload/update", produces = "application/json", method = RequestMethod.POST)
  public @ResponseBody
  StatusResponse update(@RequestBody AlarmDownloadDTO[] rowList) {
    return new StatusResponse();

This was my DTO example (id get/set and preAlarm get Methods are not included for code shortness):

@JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)
public class AlarmDownloadDTO implements Serializable {

  private static final SimpleDateFormat formatHHmm = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm");

  private String id;
  private Date preAlarm;

  public void setPreAlarm(Date date) { 
    this.preAlarm == date;
  public void setPreAlarm(String date) {    
    try {
      this.preAlarm = formatHHmm.parse(date);
    } catch (ParseException e) {
      this.preAlarm = null;
    } catch (NullPointerException e){
      this.preAlarm = null;

To make everything work you need to remove the method with Date type parameter. This error is very frustrating. Hope this can save someone hours of debugging.

Check with jquery if div has overflowing elements

One method is to check scrollTop against itself. Give the content a scroll value larger than its size and then check to see if its scrollTop is 0 or not (if it is not 0, it has overflow.)

How many concurrent AJAX (XmlHttpRequest) requests are allowed in popular browsers?

The network results at Browserscope will give you both Connections per Hostname and Max Connections for popular browsers. The data is gathered by running tests on users "in the wild," so it will stay up to date.

matplotlib.pyplot will not forget previous plots - how can I flush/refresh?

I would rather use plt.clf() after every to just clear the current figure instead of closing and reopening it, keeping the window size and giving you a better performance and much better memory usage.

Similarly, you could do plt.cla() to just clear the current axes.

To clear a specific axes, useful when you have multiple axes within one figure, you could do for example:

fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2)

axes[0, 1].clear()

"The 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0' provider is not registered on the local machine" Error in importing process of xlsx to a sql server

I had the same problem. SSMS launches the 32bit version of the import and export wizard which has this issue. Try launching the 64bit version application and it should work fine.

Styling HTML5 input type number

HTML5 number input doesn't have styles attributes like width or size, but you can style it easily with CSS.

input[type="number"] {

How to check if a string is null in python

Try this:

if cookie and not cookie.isspace():
    # the string is non-empty
    # the string is empty

The above takes in consideration the cases where the string is None or a sequence of white spaces.

Adding up BigDecimals using Streams

Use this approach to sum the list of BigDecimal:

List<BigDecimal> values = ... // List of BigDecimal objects
BigDecimal sum =, y) -> x.add(y)).get();

This approach maps each BigDecimal as a BigDecimal only and reduces them by summing them, which is then returned using the get() method.

Here's another simple way to do the same summing:

List<BigDecimal> values = ... // List of BigDecimal objects
BigDecimal sum =;


If I were to write the class and lambda expression in the edited question, I would have written it as follows:

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.LinkedList;

public class Demo
  public static void main(String[] args)
    LinkedList<Invoice> invoices = new LinkedList<>();
    invoices.add(new Invoice("C1", "I-001", BigDecimal.valueOf(.1), BigDecimal.valueOf(10)));
    invoices.add(new Invoice("C2", "I-002", BigDecimal.valueOf(.7), BigDecimal.valueOf(13)));
    invoices.add(new Invoice("C3", "I-003", BigDecimal.valueOf(2.3), BigDecimal.valueOf(8)));
    invoices.add(new Invoice("C4", "I-004", BigDecimal.valueOf(1.2), BigDecimal.valueOf(7)));

    // Java 8 approach, using Method Reference for mapping purposes.;
    System.out.println("Sum = " +, y) -> x.add(y)).get());

  // This is just my style of writing classes. Yours can differ.
  static class Invoice
    private String company;
    private String number;
    private BigDecimal unitPrice;
    private BigDecimal quantity;

    public Invoice()
      unitPrice = quantity = BigDecimal.ZERO;

    public Invoice(String company, String number, BigDecimal unitPrice, BigDecimal quantity)

    public BigDecimal total()
      return unitPrice.multiply(quantity);

    public String getCompany()
      return company;

    public void setCompany(String company)
    { = company;

    public String getNumber()
      return number;

    public void setNumber(String number)
      this.number = number;

    public BigDecimal getUnitPrice()
      return unitPrice;

    public void setUnitPrice(BigDecimal unitPrice)
      this.unitPrice = unitPrice;

    public BigDecimal getQuantity()
      return quantity;

    public void setQuantity(BigDecimal quantity)
      this.quantity = quantity;

Printing list elements on separated lines in Python

Sven Marnach's answer is pretty much it, but has one generality issue... It will fail if the list being printed doesn't just contain strings.

So, the more general answer to "How to print out a list with elements separated by newlines"...

print '\n'.join([ str(myelement) for myelement in mylist ])

Then again, the print function approach JBernardo points out is superior. If you can, using the print function instead of the print statement is almost always a good idea.

Modulo operator in Python

In addition to the other answers, the fmod documentation has some interesting things to say on the subject:

math.fmod(x, y)

Return fmod(x, y), as defined by the platform C library. Note that the Python expression x % y may not return the same result. The intent of the C standard is that fmod(x, y) be exactly (mathematically; to infinite precision) equal to x - n*y for some integer n such that the result has the same sign as x and magnitude less than abs(y). Python’s x % y returns a result with the sign of y instead, and may not be exactly computable for float arguments. For example, fmod(-1e-100, 1e100) is -1e-100, but the result of Python’s -1e-100 % 1e100 is 1e100-1e-100, which cannot be represented exactly as a float, and rounds to the surprising 1e100. For this reason, function fmod() is generally preferred when working with floats, while Python’s x % y is preferred when working with integers.

Objects inside objects in javascript

You may have as many levels of Object hierarchy as you want, as long you declare an Object as being a property of another parent Object. Pay attention to the commas on each level, that's the tricky part. Don't use commas after the last element on each level:

{el1, el2, {el31, el32, el33}, {el41, el42}}

var MainObj = {_x000D_
  prop1: "prop1MainObj",_x000D_
  Obj1: {_x000D_
    prop1: "prop1Obj1",_x000D_
    prop2: "prop2Obj1",    _x000D_
    Obj2: {_x000D_
      prop1: "hey you",_x000D_
      prop2: "prop2Obj2"_x000D_
  Obj3: {_x000D_
    prop1: "prop1Obj3",_x000D_
    prop2: "prop2Obj3"_x000D_
  Obj4: {_x000D_
    prop1: true,_x000D_
    prop2: 3_x000D_
  }  _x000D_

jQuery: outer html()

Just use standard DOM functionality:


outerHTML is well supported - verify at Mozilla or caniuse.

Event when window.location.href changes

Well there is 2 ways to change the location.href. Either you can write location.href = "y.html", which reloads the page or can use the history API which does not reload the page. I experimented with the first a lot recently.

If you open a child window and capture the load of the child page from the parent window, then different browsers behave very differently. The only thing that is common, that they remove the old document and add a new one, so for example adding readystatechange or load event handlers to the old document does not have any effect. Most of the browsers remove the event handlers from the window object too, the only exception is Firefox. In Chrome with Karma runner and in Firefox you can capture the new document in the loading readyState if you use unload + next tick. So you can add for example a load event handler or a readystatechange event handler or just log that the browser is loading a page with a new URI. In Chrome with manual testing (probably GreaseMonkey too) and in Opera, PhantomJS, IE10, IE11 you cannot capture the new document in the loading state. In those browsers the unload + next tick calls the callback a few hundred msecs later than the load event of the page fires. The delay is typically 100 to 300 msecs, but opera simetime makes a 750 msec delay for next tick, which is scary. So if you want a consistent result in all browsers, then you do what you want to after the load event, but there is no guarantee the location won't be overridden before that.

var uuid = "win." + Math.random();
var timeOrigin = new Date();
var win ="about:blank", uuid, "menubar=yes,location=yes,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,status=yes");

var callBacks = [];
var uglyHax = function (){
    var done = function (){
        callBacks.forEach(function (cb){
    win.addEventListener("unload", function unloadListener(){
        win.removeEventListener("unload", unloadListener); // Firefox remembers, other browsers don't
        setTimeout(function (){
            // IE10, IE11, Opera, PhantomJS, Chrome has a complete new document at this point
            // Chrome on Karma, Firefox has a loading new document at this point
            win.document.readyState; // IE10 and IE11 sometimes fails if I don't access it twice, idk. how or why
            if (win.document.readyState === "complete")
                win.addEventListener("load", function (){
                    setTimeout(done, 0);
        }, 0);

callBacks.push(function (){
    console.log("cb", win.location.href, win.document.readyState);
    if (win.location.href !== "http://localhost:4444/y.html")
        win.location.href = "http://localhost:4444/y.html";
win.location.href = "http://localhost:4444/x.html";

If you run your script only in Firefox, then you can use a simplified version and capture the document in a loading state, so for example a script on the loaded page cannot navigate away before you log the URI change:

var uuid = "win." + Math.random();
var timeOrigin = new Date();
var win ="about:blank", uuid, "menubar=yes,location=yes,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,status=yes");

var callBacks = [];
win.addEventListener("unload", function unloadListener(){
    setTimeout(function (){
        callBacks.forEach(function (cb){
    }, 0);

callBacks.push(function (){
    console.log("cb", win.location.href, win.document.readyState);
    // be aware that the page is in loading readyState, 
    // so if you rewrite the location here, the actual page will be never loaded, just the new one
    if (win.location.href !== "http://localhost:4444/y.html")
        win.location.href = "http://localhost:4444/y.html";
win.location.href = "http://localhost:4444/x.html";

If we are talking about single page applications which change the hash part of the URI, or use the history API, then you can use the hashchange and the popstate events of the window respectively. Those can capture even if you move in history back and forward until you stay on the same page. The document does not changes by those and the page is not really reloaded.

Eclipse/Maven error: "No compiler is provided in this environment"

When I was runing mvn compile, I was getting below error in console:

[INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module!
[WARNING] File encoding has not been set, using platform encoding Cp1252, i.e. build is platform dependent!
[INFO] Compiling 1087 source files to C:\Code\DevVNextComplete\Development_vNext\Source\JARS\target\classes
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] No compiler is provided in this environment. Perhaps you are running on a JRE rather than a JDK?
[INFO] 1 error


I had added, the JAVA_HOME variable in my environment variables and then it worked.

enter image description here

Django: How can I call a view function from template?

Assuming that you want to get a value from the user input in html textbox whenever the user clicks 'Click' button, and then call a python function (mypythonfunction) that you wrote inside Note that "btn" class is defined in a css file.

inside templateHTML.html:

<form action="#" method="get">
 <input type="text" value="8" name="mytextbox" size="1"/>
 <input type="submit" class="btn" value="Click" name="mybtn">


import mypythoncode

def request_page(request):
    mypythoncode.mypythonfunction( int(request.GET.get('mytextbox')) )
return render(request,'myApp/templateHTML.html')

Disabling Strict Standards in PHP 5.4

It worked for me, when I set error_reporting in two places at same time

somewhere in PHP code

ini_set('error_reporting', 30711);

and in .htaccess file

php_value error_reporting 30711

iterating through json object javascript

An improved version for recursive approach suggested by @schirrmacher to print key[value] for the entire object:

var jDepthLvl = 0;
function visit(object, objectAccessor=null) {
  if (isIterable(object)) {
    if(objectAccessor === null) {
      console.log("%c ? ? printing object $OBJECT_OR_ARRAY$ -- START ? ?", "background:yellow");
    } else
      console.log("%c"+spacesDepth(jDepthLvl)+objectAccessor+"%c:","color:purple;font-weight:bold", "color:black");
    forEachIn(object, function (accessor, child) {
      visit(child, accessor);
  } else {
    var value = object;
      + spacesDepth(jDepthLvl)
      + objectAccessor + "[%c" + value + "%c] "
  if(objectAccessor === null) {
    console.log("%c ? ? printing object $OBJECT_OR_ARRAY$ -- END ? ?", "background:yellow");

function spacesDepth(jDepthLvl) {
  let jSpc="";
  for (let jIter=0; jIter<jDepthLvl-1; jIter++) {
  return jSpc;

function forEachIn(iterable, functionRef) {
  for (var accessor in iterable) {
    functionRef(accessor, iterable[accessor]);

function isIterable(element) {
  return isArray(element) || isObject(element);

function isArray(element) {
  return element.constructor == Array;

function isObject(element) {
  return element.constructor == Object;


Console Output using JSON from @eric

Specify the from user when sending email using the mail command

You can specify any extra header you may need with -a

$mail -s "Some random subject" -a "From: [email protected]" [email protected]

JQuery - File attributes

The input.files attribute is an HTML5 feature. That's why some browsers din't return anything. Simply add a fallback to the plain old input.value (string) if files doesn't exist.


Maven build Compilation error : Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.1:compile (default-compile) on project Maven

Worked by adding this in pom.xml:


Even you have SDK 13 or 14.

Google Forms file upload complete example

Update: Google Forms can now upload files. This answer was posted before Google Forms had the capability to upload files.

This solution does not use Google Forms. This is an example of using an Apps Script Web App, which is very different than a Google Form. A Web App is basically a website, but you can't get a domain name for it. This is not a modification of a Google Form, which can't be done to upload a file.

NOTE: I did have an example of both the UI Service and HTML Service, but have removed the UI Service example, because the UI Service is deprecated.

NOTE: The only sandbox setting available is now IFRAME. I you want to use an onsubmit attribute in the beginning form tag: <form onsubmit="myFunctionName()">, it may cause the form to disappear from the screen after the form submission.

If you were using NATIVE mode, your file upload Web App may no longer be working. With NATIVE mode, a form submission would not invoke the default behavior of the page disappearing from the screen. If you were using NATIVE mode, and your file upload form is no longer working, then you may be using a "submit" type button. I'm guessing that you may also be using the "" client side API to send data to the server. If you want the page to disappear from the screen after a form submission, you could do that another way. But you may not care, or even prefer to have the page stay on the screen. Depending upon what you want, you'll need to configure the settings and code a certain way.

If you are using a "submit" type button, and want to continue to use it, you can try adding event.preventDefault(); to your code in the submit event handler function. Or you'll need to use the client side API.

A custom form for uploading files from a users computer drive, to your Google Drive can be created with the Apps Script HTML Service. This example requires writing a program, but I've provide all the basic code here.

This example shows an upload form with Google Apps Script HTML Service.

What You Need

  • Google Account
  • Google Drive
  • Google Apps Script - also called Google Script

Google Apps Script

There are various ways to end up at the Google Apps Script code editor.

I mention this because if you are not aware of all the possibilities, it could be a little confusing. Google Apps Script can be embedded in a Google Site, Sheets, Docs or Forms, or used as a stand alone app.

Apps Script Overview

This example is a "Stand Alone" app with HTML Service.

HTML Service - Create a web app using HTML, CSS and Javascript

Google Apps Script only has two types of files inside of a Project:

  • Script
  • HTML

Script files have a .gs extension. The .gs code is a server side code written in JavaScript, and a combination of Google's own API.

  • Copy and Paste the following code

  • Save It

  • Create the first Named Version

  • Publish it

  • Set the Permissions

    and you can start using it.

Start by:

  • Create a new Blank Project in Apps Script
  • Copy and Paste in this code:

Upload a file with HTML Service: file (Created by Default)

//For this to work, you need a folder in your Google drive named:
// 'For Web Hosting'
// or change the hard coded folder name to the name of the folder
// you want the file written to

function doGet(e) {
  return HtmlService.createTemplateFromFile('Form')
    .evaluate() // evaluate MUST come before setting the Sandbox mode
    .setTitle('Name To Appear in Browser Tab')
    .setSandboxMode();//Defaults to IFRAME which is now the only mode available

function processForm(theForm) {
  var fileBlob = theForm.picToLoad;
  Logger.log("fileBlob Name: " + fileBlob.getName())
  Logger.log("fileBlob type: " + fileBlob.getContentType())
  Logger.log('fileBlob: ' + fileBlob);

  var fldrSssn = DriveApp.getFolderById(Your Folder ID);
  return true;

Create an html file:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <base target="_top">
    <h1 id="main-heading">Main Heading</h1>
    <div id="formDiv">

      <form id="myForm">
        <input name="picToLoad" type="file" /><br/>
        <input type="button" value="Submit" onclick="picUploadJs(this.parentNode)" />

  <div id="status" style="display: none">
  <!-- div will be filled with innerHTML after form submission. -->
  Uploading. Please wait...


function picUploadJs(frmData) {

  document.getElementById('status').style.display = 'inline';
  // Javascript function called by "submit" button handler,
  // to show results.
  function updateOutput() {
    var outputDiv = document.getElementById('status');
    outputDiv.innerHTML = "The File was UPLOADED!";


This is a full working example. It only has two buttons and one <div> element, so you won't see much on the screen. If the .gs script is successful, true is returned, and an onSuccess function runs. The onSuccess function (updateOutput) injects inner HTML into the div element with the message, "The File was UPLOADED!"

  • Save the file, give the project a name
  • Using the menu: File, Manage Version then Save the first Version
  • Publish, Deploy As Web App then Update

When you run the Script the first time, it will ask for permissions because it's saving files to your drive. After you grant permissions that first time, the Apps Script stops, and won't complete running. So, you need to run it again. The script won't ask for permissions again after the first time.

The Apps Script file will show up in your Google Drive. In Google Drive you can set permissions for who can access and use the script. The script is run by simply providing the link to the user. Use the link just as you would load a web page.

Another example of using the HTML Service can be seen at this link here on StackOverflow:

File Upload with HTML Service

NOTES about deprecated UI Service:

There is a difference between the UI Service, and the Ui getUi() method of the Spreadsheet Class (Or other class) The Apps Script UI Service was deprecated on Dec. 11, 2014. It will continue to work for some period of time, but you are encouraged to use the HTML Service.

Google Documentation - UI Service

Even though the UI Service is deprecated, there is a getUi() method of the spreadsheet class to add custom menus, which is NOT deprecated:

Spreadsheet Class - Get UI method

I mention this because it could be confusing because they both use the terminology UI.

The UI method returns a Ui return type.

You can add HTML to a UI Service, but you can't use a <button>, <input> or <script> tag in the HTML with the UI Service.

Here is a link to a shared Apps Script Web App file with an input form:

Shared File - Contact Form

Spring security CORS Filter

In my case, I just added this class and use @EnableAutConfiguration:

public class SimpleCORSFilter extends GenericFilterBean {
     * The Logger for this class.
    private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());

    public void doFilter(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse resp,
                         FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException {"> doFilter");

        HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse) resp;
        response.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
        response.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "POST, PUT, GET, OPTIONS, DELETE");
        response.setHeader("Access-Control-Max-Age", "3600");
        response.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Authorization, Content-Type");
        //response.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", "true");
        chain.doFilter(req, resp);"< doFilter");

Focus Input Box On Load


Javascript Pure:




Reset ID autoincrement ? phpmyadmin

ALTER TABLE xxx AUTO_INCREMENT =1; or clear your table by TRUNCATE

Download large file in python with requests

use wget module of python instead. Here is a snippet

import wget

Check if string begins with something?

First, lets extend the string object. Thanks to Ricardo Peres for the prototype, I think using the variable 'string' works better than 'needle' in the context of making it more readable.

String.prototype.beginsWith = function (string) {
    return(this.indexOf(string) === 0);

Then you use it like this. Caution! Makes the code extremely readable.

var pathname = window.location.pathname;
if (pathname.beginsWith('/sub/1')) {
    // Do stuff here

Convert string in base64 to image and save on filesystem in Python

Try this solution,

image file --> binary encoded string

binary encoded string --> image file

import base64

1st step - convert image into binary
with open("original_image.png", "rb") as original_file:
    encoded_string = base64.b64encode(

# xmzWowsfJbpGwCe0DTveqwvos7Mf0lcVNe/Q+G1hO/p+UNPd/stUse8AhP/3fDixf8HI3No67nvhlYAAAAASUVORK5CYII='

# <class 'bytes'>

2nd step - create new image using the encoded string
with open("new_image.png", "wb") as new_file:


Elegant way to report missing values in a data.frame

A dplyr solution to get the count could be:

summarise_all(df, ~sum(

Or to get a percentage:

summarise_all(df, ~(sum(is_missing(.) / nrow(df))))

Maybe also worth noting that missing data can be ugly, inconsistent, and not always coded as NA depending on the source or how it's handled when imported. The following function could be tweaked depending on your data and what you want to consider missing:

is_missing <- function(x){
  missing_strs <- c('', 'null', 'na', 'nan', 'inf', '-inf', '-9', 'unknown', 'missing')
  ifelse(( | is.nan(x) | is.infinite(x)), TRUE,
         ifelse(trimws(tolower(x)) %in% missing_strs, TRUE, FALSE))

# sample ugly data
df <- data.frame(a = c(NA, '1', '  ', 'missing'),
                 b = c(0, 2, NaN, 4),
                 c = c('NA', 'b', '-9', 'null'),
                 d = 1:4,
                 e = c(1, Inf, -Inf, 0))

# counts:
> summarise_all(df, ~sum(is_missing(.)))
  a b c d e
1 3 1 3 0 2

# percentage:
> summarise_all(df, ~(sum(is_missing(.) / nrow(df))))
     a    b    c d   e
1 0.75 0.25 0.75 0 0.5

Choose folders to be ignored during search in VS Code

If you have multiple folders in your workspace, set up the search.exclude on each folder. There's a drop-down next to WORKSPACE SETTINGS.

Folder Settings Tab

Loop through properties in JavaScript object with Lodash

Lets take below object as example

let obj = { property1: 'value 1', property2: 'value 2'};

First fetch all the key in the obj

let keys = Object.keys(obj) //it will return array of keys

and then loop through it

keys.forEach(key => //your way)

just putting all together

Object.keys(obj).forEach(key=>{/*code here*/})

jQuery - multiple $(document).ready ...?

All will get executed and On first Called first run basis!!

<div id="target"></div>

    jQuery('#target').append('target edit 1<br>');
    jQuery('#target').append('target edit 2<br>');
    jQuery('#target').append('target edit 3<br>');

Demo As you can see they do not replace each other

Also one thing i would like to mention

in place of this


you can use this shortcut

   //dom ready codes

Starting Docker as Daemon on Ubuntu

This problem really cost me some hours.

My system is Ubuntu 14.04, I installed docker by sudo apt-get install docker, and typed some other commands that caused the problem.

  1. I google "unknown job:", answers did not take effect.

  2. I looked for reasons of "unknown job" in /etc/init.d/, found no proper answer .

  3. I looked for way to debug script in /etc/init.d/, found no proper answer.

  4. Then, I did a clean:

    1. sudo apt-get remove
    2. rm every suspicious file by find / -name "*docker*", such as /etc/init/, /etc/init.d/ .
  5. Follow the latest official document:, there is a lot of outdated documentation which can be misleading.

Finally, it fixed the problem.

Note: If you are in China, because of the GFW, you may need to set the https_proxy to install docker from .

Get a list of checked checkboxes in a div using jQuery

If you need to get quantity of selected checkboxes:

var selected = []; // initialize array
    $('div#checkboxes input[type=checkbox]').each(function() {
       if ($(this).is(":checked")) {
var selectedQuantity = selected.length;

how to change onclick event with jquery?

If you want to change one specific onclick event with jQuery, you better use the functions .on() and .off() with a namespace (see documentation).

Use .on() to create your event and .off() to remove it. You can also create a global object like g_specific_events_set = {}; to avoid duplicates:

    alert('First alert!');_x000D_
g_specific_events_set = {};_x000D_
add_specific_event = function(namespace)_x000D_
    if (!g_specific_events_set[namespace])_x000D_
        $('#alert').on('click.' + namespace, function()_x000D_
            alert('SECOND ALERT!!!!!!');_x000D_
        g_specific_events_set[namespace] = true;_x000D_
remove_specific_event = function(namespace)_x000D_
    $('#alert').off('click.' + namespace);_x000D_
    g_specific_events_set[namespace] = false;_x000D_
$('#add').click(function(){ add_specific_event('eventnumber2'); });_x000D_
$('#remove').click(function(){ remove_specific_event('eventnumber2'); });
div {_x000D_
  margin:0 5px 1px 5px;_x000D_
  padding:5px 20px;_x000D_
  border:1px solid #aaa;_x000D_
div:active {_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div id="alert">_x000D_
<div id="add">_x000D_
  Add event_x000D_
<div id="remove">_x000D_
  Remove event_x000D_

How should I set the default proxy to use default credentials?

Is need in some systems set null the Proxy proprerty:

Net.WebRequest.DefaultWebProxy.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials Dim request As WebRequest = WebRequest.Create(sRemoteFileURL) request.Proxy = Nothing

It's a bug.

How to implement oauth2 server in ASP.NET MVC 5 and WEB API 2

Gmail: OAuth

  • Goto the link
  • Login with your gmail username password
  • Click on the google menu at the top left
  • Click API Manager
  • Click on Credentials
  • Click Create Credentials and select OAuth Client
  • Select Web Application as Application type and Enter the Name-> Enter Authorised Redirect URL (Eg: http://localhost:53922/signin-google) ->Click on Create button. This will create the credentials. Pls make a note of Client ID and Secret ID. Finally click OK to close the credentials pop up.
  • Next important step is to enable the Google API. Click on Overview in the left pane.
  • Click on the Google API under Social APIs section.
  • Click Enable.

That’s all from the Google part.

Come back to your application, open App_start/Startup.Auth.cs and uncomment the following snippet

        app.UseGoogleAuthentication(new GoogleOAuth2AuthenticationOptions()
            ClientId = "",
            ClientSecret = ""

Update the ClientId and ClientSecret with the values from Google API credentials which you have created already.

  • Run your application
  • Click Login
  • You will see the Google button under ‘Use Another Section to log in’ section
  • Click on the Google button
  • Application will prompt you to enter the username and password
  • Enter the gmail username and password and click Sign In
  • This will perform the OAuth and come back to your application and prompting you to register with the Gmail id.
  • Click register to register the Gmail id into your application database.
  • You will see the Identity details appear in the top as normal registration
  • Try logout and login again thru Gmail. This will automatically logs you into the app.

How npm start runs a server on port 8000

We have a react application and our development machines are both mac and pc. The start command doesn't work for PC so here is how we got around it:

"start": "PORT=3001 react-scripts start",
"start-pc": "set PORT=3001&& react-scripts start",

On my mac:

npm start

On my pc:

 npm run start-pc

Converting a Java Keystore into PEM Format

Converting a JKS KeyStore to a single PEM file can easily be accomplished using the following command:

keytool -list -rfc -keystore "myKeystore.jks" | sed -e "/-*BEGIN [A-Z]*-*/,/-*END [A-Z]-*/!d" >> "myKeystore.pem"


  1. keytool -list -rfc -keystore "myKeystore.jks" lists everything in the 'myKeyStore.jks' KeyStore in PEM format. However, it also prints extra information.
  2. | sed -e "/-*BEGIN [A-Z]*-*/,/-*END [A-Z]-*/!d" filters out everything we don't need. We are left with only the PEMs of everything in the KeyStore.
  3. >> "myKeystore.pem" write the PEMs to the file 'myKeyStore.pem'.

What is the standard way to add N seconds to datetime.time in Python?

For completeness' sake, here's the way to do it with arrow (better dates and times for Python):

sometime =
abitlater = sometime.shift(seconds=3)

What is a callback?

A callback is a function that will be called when a process is done executing a specific task.

The usage of a callback is usually in asynchronous logic.

To create a callback in C#, you need to store a function address inside a variable. This is achieved using a delegate or the new lambda semantic Func or Action.

    public delegate void WorkCompletedCallBack(string result);

    public void DoWork(WorkCompletedCallBack callback)
        callback("Hello world");

    public void Test()
        WorkCompletedCallBack callback = TestCallBack; // Notice that I am referencing a method without its parameter

    public void TestCallBack(string result)

In today C#, this could be done using lambda like:

    public void DoWork(Action<string> callback)
        callback("Hello world");

    public void Test()
        DoWork((result) => Console.WriteLine(result));

ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysql.sock' (2)

This took me ages to figure out but could you try the same -

1 - Update and Upgrade

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

2 - Purge MySQL Server and Client (if installed).

sudo apt-get purge mysql-server mysql-client

3 - Install MySQL Server and Client fresh

sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client

4 - Test MySQL

mysql -u root -p
> enter root password

*** should get socket not found in /var/run/mysqld/mysql.sock

4 - Configure mysqld.cnf with nano of vi

sudo nano /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf

Change bind-address from to localhost

bind-address            = localhost

** Write and Exit

5 - Restart MySQL

sudo /etc/init.d/mysql restart

6 - check mysql

mysql -u root -p
> enter root password

Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 4
Server version: 5.7.13-0ubuntu0.16.04.2 (Ubuntu)

Copyright (c) 2000, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.


You should get in to mysql cli now.

Hope this helps


How to parse a text file with C#

You could do something like:

using (TextReader rdr = OpenYourFile()) {
    string line;
    while ((line = rdr.ReadLine()) != null) {
        string[] fields = line.Split('\t'); // THIS LINE DOES THE MAGIC
        int theInt = Convert.ToInt32(fields[1]);

The reason you didn't find relevant result when searching for 'formatting' is that the operation you are performing is called 'parsing'.

How do I install the ext-curl extension with PHP 7?

Well I was able to install it by :

sudo apt-get install php-curl

on my system. This will install a dependency package, which depends on the default php version.

After that restart apache

sudo service apache2 restart

What is the most efficient/elegant way to parse a flat table into a tree?

Think about using nosql tools like neo4j for hierarchial structures. e.g a networked application like linkedin uses couchbase (another nosql solution)

But use nosql only for data-mart level queries and not to store / maintain transactions

What is the difference between dynamic and static polymorphism in Java?

  • Method overloading would be an example of static polymorphism

  • whereas overriding would be an example of dynamic polymorphism.

    Because, in case of overloading, at compile time the compiler knows which method to link to the call. However, it is determined at runtime for dynamic polymorphism

Oracle PL/SQL : remove "space characters" from a string

select regexp_replace('This is a test   ' || chr(9) || ' foo ', '[[:space:]]', '') from dual;


How do I make the text box bigger in HTML/CSS?

Try this:

#signin input {
    height: 1.5em;
    /* or */
    line-height: 1.5em;

Convert String value format of YYYYMMDDHHMMSS to C# DateTime

Define your own parse format string to use.

string formatString = "yyyyMMddHHmmss";
string sample = "20100611221912";
DateTime dt = DateTime.ParseExact(sample,formatString,null);

In case you got a datetime having milliseconds, use the following formatString

string format = "yyyyMMddHHmmssfff"
string dateTime = "20140123205803252";
DateTime.ParseExact(dateTime ,format,CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);


LaTeX "\indent" creating paragraph indentation / tabbing package requirement?

This is kind of a hack but the best solution that I have found is to use a description tag with no \item. This will produce an error from the latex compiler; however, the error does not prevent the pdf from being generated.

  • This only worked on windows latex compiler

Jquery, checking if a value exists in array or not

if ($.inArray('example', myArray) != -1)
  // found it

Adding <script> to WordPress in <head> element

I believe that is your best reference to handle this task very well depends on your needs

check out these two pages on WordPress Codex:



How to edit data in result grid in SQL Server Management Studio

No. There is no way you can edit the result grid. The result grid is mainly for displaying purposes of the query you executed.

This for the reason that anybody can execute complex queries. Hopefully for the next release they will include this kind of functionality.

I Hope that answer your question.

Best way to save a trained model in PyTorch?

I've found this page on their github repo, I'll just paste the content here.

Recommended approach for saving a model

There are two main approaches for serializing and restoring a model.

The first (recommended) saves and loads only the model parameters:, PATH)

Then later:

the_model = TheModelClass(*args, **kwargs)

The second saves and loads the entire model:, PATH)

Then later:

the_model = torch.load(PATH)

However in this case, the serialized data is bound to the specific classes and the exact directory structure used, so it can break in various ways when used in other projects, or after some serious refactors.

How do I dynamically change the content in an iframe using jquery?

If you just want to change where the iframe points to and not the actual content inside the iframe, you would just need to change the src attribute.

 $("#myiframe").attr("src", "newwebpage.html");

Implement paging (skip / take) functionality with this query

You can use nested query for pagination as follow:

Paging from 4 Row to 8 Row where CustomerId is primary key.

SELECT Top 5 * FROM Customers
WHERE Country='Germany' AND CustomerId Not in (SELECT Top 3 CustomerID FROM Customers
WHERE Country='Germany' order by city) 
order by city;

org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.QuerySyntaxException: table is not mapped

Other persons that are using mapping classes for Hibernate, make sure that have addressed correctly to model package in sessionFactory bean declaration in the following part:

<property name="packagesToScan" value="com.mblog.model"></property>

Remove Last Comma from a string

The problem is that you remove the last comma in the string, not the comma if it's the last thing in the string. So you should put an if to check if the last char is ',' and change it if it is.

EDIT: Is it really that confusing?

'This, is a random string'

Your code finds the last comma from the string and stores only 'This, ' because, the last comma is after 'This' not at the end of the string.

How to format a DateTime in PowerShell

One thing you could do is:


Clearing coverage highlighting in Eclipse

If you remove the coverage session, also the coverage coloring will disappear. For this, hit Remove Session or Remove All Sessions in the Coverage view's toolbar.

Python:Efficient way to check if dictionary is empty or not

Here is another way to do it:

isempty = (dict1 and True) or False

if dict1 is empty then dict1 and True will give {} and this when resolved with False gives False.

if dict1 is non-empty then dict1 and True gives True and this resolved with False gives True

UnicodeDecodeError: 'charmap' codec can't decode byte X in position Y: character maps to <undefined>

For those working in Anaconda in Windows, I had the same problem. Notepad++ help me to solve it.

Open the file in Notepad++. In the bottom right it will tell you the current file encoding. In the top menu, next to "View" locate "Encoding". In "Encoding" go to "character sets" and there with patiente look for the enconding that you need. In my case the encoding "Windows-1252" was found under "Western European"

How to find the Git commit that introduced a string in any branch?

You can do:

git log -S <whatever> --source --all

To find all commits that added or removed the fixed string whatever. The --all parameter means to start from every branch and --source means to show which of those branches led to finding that commit. It's often useful to add -p to show the patches that each of those commits would introduce as well.

Versions of git since 1.7.4 also have a similar -G option, which takes a regular expression. This actually has different (and rather more obvious) semantics, explained in this blog post from Junio Hamano.

As thameera points out in the comments, you need to put quotes around the search term if it contains spaces or other special characters, for example:

git log -S 'hello world' --source --all
git log -S "dude, where's my car?" --source --all

Here's an example using -G to find occurrences of function foo() {:

git log -G "^(\s)*function foo[(][)](\s)*{$" --source --all

What's the use of ob_start() in php?

Think of ob_start() as saying "Start remembering everything that would normally be outputted, but don't quite do anything with it yet."

For example:

echo("Hello there!"); //would normally get printed to the screen/output to browser
$output = ob_get_contents();

There are two other functions you typically pair it with: ob_get_contents(), which basically gives you whatever has been "saved" to the buffer since it was turned on with ob_start(), and then ob_end_clean() or ob_flush(), which either stops saving things and discards whatever was saved, or stops saving and outputs it all at once, respectively.

JUnit: how to avoid "no runnable methods" in test utils classes

My specific case has the following scenario. Our tests

public class VenueResourceContainerTest extends BaseTixContainerTest

all extend


and JUnit was trying to run BaseTixContainerTest. Poor BaseTixContainerTest was just trying to setup the container, setup the client, order some pizza and relax... man.

As mentioned previously, you can annotate the class with


But that caused JUnit to report that test as skipped (as opposed to completely ignored).

Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 1

That kind of irritated me.

So I made BaseTixContainerTest abstract, and now JUnit truly ignores it.

Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0

Make a link open a new window (not tab)

You can try this:-

   <a href="some.htm" target="_blank">Link Text</a>

and you can try this one also:-

  <a href="some.htm" onclick="if(!event.ctrlKey&&!window.opera){alert('Hold the Ctrl Key');return false;}else{return true;}" target="_blank">Link Text</a>

How to use multiple conditions (With AND) in IIF expressions in ssrs

Here is an example that should give you some idea..

=IIF(First(Fields!Gender.Value,"vw_BrgyClearanceNew")="Female" and 

I think you have to identify the datasource name or the table name where your data is coming from.

Detecting a long press with Android

Here is an approach, based on MSquare's nice idea for detecting a long press of a button, that has an additional feature: not only is an operation performed in response to a long press, but the operation is repeated until a MotionEvent.ACTION_UP message is received. In this case, the long-press and short-press actions are the same, but they could be different.

Note that, as others have reported, removing the callback in response to a MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE message prevented the callback from ever getting executed since I could not keep my finger still enough. I got around that problem by ignoring that message.

private void setIncrementButton() {
    final Button btn = (Button) findViewById(;
    final Runnable repeater = new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            final int milliseconds = 100;
            btn.postDelayed(this, milliseconds);
    btn.setOnTouchListener(new View.OnTouchListener() {
        public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent e) {
            if (e.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
                v.postDelayed(repeater, ViewConfiguration.getLongPressTimeout());
            } else if (e.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) {
            return true;

private void increment() {
    Log.v("Long Press Example", "TODO: implement increment operation");   

HTTP Range header

It's a syntactically valid request, but not a satisfiable request. If you look further in that section you see:

If a syntactically valid byte-range-set includes at least one byte- range-spec whose first-byte-pos is less than the current length of the entity-body, or at least one suffix-byte-range-spec with a non- zero suffix-length, then the byte-range-set is satisfiable. Otherwise, the byte-range-set is unsatisfiable. If the byte-range-set is unsatisfiable, the server SHOULD return a response with a status of 416 (Requested range not satisfiable). Otherwise, the server SHOULD return a response with a status of 206 (Partial Content) containing the satisfiable ranges of the entity-body.

So I think in your example, the server should return a 416 since it's not a valid byte range for that file.

How do I add 1 day to an NSDate?

It's work!

    NSCalendar *calendar = [NSCalendar currentCalendar];
    NSCalendarUnit unit = NSCalendarUnitDay;
    NSInteger value = 1;
    NSDate *today = [NSDate date];
    NSDate *tomorrow = [calendar dateByAddingUnit:unit value:value toDate:today options:NSCalendarMatchStrictly];

TypeScript: Property does not exist on type '{}'

You can assign the any type to the object:

let bar: any = {}; = "foobar"; 

Python loop that also accesses previous and next values

I don't know how this hasn't come up yet since it uses only built-in functions and is easily extendable to other offsets:

values = [1, 2, 3, 4]
offsets = [None] + values[:-1], values, values[1:] + [None]
for value in list(zip(*offsets)):
    print(value) # (previous, current, next)

(None, 1, 2)
(1, 2, 3)
(2, 3, 4)
(3, 4, None)

How can I get the selected VALUE out of a QCombobox?

The question is old, but maybe, somebody need an actual answer.

In the QGIS 3.4 you can get the value from the QComboBox with the method currentData().

Example: comboBox.currentData()


make: Nothing to be done for `all'

Sometimes "Nothing to be done for all" error can be caused by spaces before command in makefile rule instead of tab. Please ensure that you use tabs instead of spaces inside of your rules.

<\t>$(CC) $(CFLAGS) ...

instead of

    $(CC) $(CFLAGS) ...

Please see the GNU make manual for the rule syntax description:

Automatically resize jQuery UI dialog to the width of the content loaded by ajax

I have the same problem and having position: absolute in your .ui-dialog{} css was not enough. I noticed that position: relative was being set on the actual element's direct style, so the .ui-dialog css definition was getting overwritten. Setting position: absolute on the div I was going to make a dialog statically also did not work.

In the end I changed two placed in my local jQuery to make this work.

I changed the following line in jQuery to be: = "absolute";


Also, since my dialog was set to draggable, I had to change this line as well in jQuery-ui to be:

this.element[0].style.position = 'absolute';


Perhaps going through the style I have more thoroughly would fix things, but thought I'd share how I got this working.

Composer killed while updating

Increase the memory limit for composer

php -d memory_limit=4G /usr/local/bin/composer update

String field value length in mongoDB

Here is one of the way in mongodb you can achieve this.

db.usercollection.find({ $where: ' < 4' })

How to position a div in the middle of the screen when the page is bigger than the screen

Just put margin:auto;

#mydiv {
    top: 50%;
    left: 50%;
    margin-top: -9em; /*set to a negative number 1/2 of your height*/
    margin-left: -15em; /*set to a negative number 1/2 of your width*/
    border: 1px solid #ccc;
    background-color: #f3f3f3;

<div id="mydiv">Test Div</div>

The project was not built since its build path is incomplete

Here is what made the error disappear for me:

Close eclipse, open up a terminal window and run:

$ mvn clean eclipse:clean eclipse:eclipse

Are you using Maven? If so,

  1. Right-click on the project, Build Path and go to Configure Build Path
  2. Click the libraries tab. If Maven dependencies are not in the list, you need to add it.
  3. Close the dialog.

To add it: Right-click on the project, Maven → Disable Maven Nature Right-click on the project, Configure → Convert to Maven Project.

And then clean

Edit 1:

If that doesn't resolve the issue try right-clicking on your project and select properties. Select Java Build Path → Library tab. Look for a JVM. If it's not there, click to add Library and add the default JVM. If VM is there, click edit and select the default JVM. Hopefully, that works.

Edit 2:

You can also try going into the folder where you have all your projects and delete the .metadata for eclipse (be aware that you'll have to re-import all the projects afterwards! Also all the environment settings you've set would also have to be redone). After it was deleted just import the project again, and hopefully, it works.

How to get a MemoryStream from a Stream in .NET?

byte[] fileData = null;
using (var binaryReader = new BinaryReader(Request.Files[0].InputStream))
    fileData = binaryReader.ReadBytes(Request.Files[0].ContentLength);

Is it possible to have empty RequestParam values use the defaultValue?

You could change the @RequestParam type to an Integer and make it not required. This would allow your request to succeed, but it would then be null. You could explicitly set it to your default value in the controller method:

@RequestMapping(value = "/test", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public void test(@RequestParam(value = "i", required=false) Integer i) {
    if(i == null) {
        i = 10;
    // ...

I have removed the defaultValue from the example above, but you may want to include it if you expect to receive requests where it isn't set at all:

Sort a list of lists with a custom compare function

Also, your compare function is incorrect. It needs to return -1, 0, or 1, not a boolean as you have it. The correct compare function would be:

def compare(item1, item2):
    if fitness(item1) < fitness(item2):
        return -1
    elif fitness(item1) > fitness(item2):
        return 1
        return 0

# Calling

How to read a text file into a list or an array with Python

So you want to create a list of lists... We need to start with an empty list

list_of_lists = []

next, we read the file content, line by line

with open('data') as f:
    for line in f:
        inner_list = [elt.strip() for elt in line.split(',')]
        # in alternative, if you need to use the file content as numbers
        # inner_list = [int(elt.strip()) for elt in line.split(',')]

A common use case is that of columnar data, but our units of storage are the rows of the file, that we have read one by one, so you may want to transpose your list of lists. This can be done with the following idiom

by_cols = zip(*list_of_lists)

Another common use is to give a name to each column

col_names = ('apples sold', 'pears sold', 'apples revenue', 'pears revenue')
by_names = {}
for i, col_name in enumerate(col_names):
    by_names[col_name] = by_cols[i]

so that you can operate on homogeneous data items

 mean_apple_prices = [money/fruits for money, fruits in
                     zip(by_names['apples revenue'], by_names['apples_sold'])]

Most of what I've written can be speeded up using the csv module, from the standard library. Another third party module is pandas, that lets you automate most aspects of a typical data analysis (but has a number of dependencies).

Update While in Python 2 zip(*list_of_lists) returns a different (transposed) list of lists, in Python 3 the situation has changed and zip(*list_of_lists) returns a zip object that is not subscriptable.

If you need indexed access you can use

by_cols = list(zip(*list_of_lists))

that gives you a list of lists in both versions of Python.

On the other hand, if you don't need indexed access and what you want is just to build a dictionary indexed by column names, a zip object is just fine...

file = open('some_data.csv')
names = get_names(next(file))
columns = zip(*((x.strip() for x in line.split(',')) for line in file)))
d = {}
for name, column in zip(names, columns): d[name] = column

Get all parameters from JSP page


    <%@page import="java.util.Enumeration"%>

    Enumeration in = request.getParameterNames();
    while(in.hasMoreElements()) {
     String paramName = in.nextElement().toString();
     out.println(paramName + " = " + request.getParameter(paramName)+"<br>");

    key = datr
    key2 = datr2
    key3 = datr3

How to use *ngIf else?

Angular 4 and 5:

using else :

<div *ngIf="isValid;else other_content">
    content here ...

<ng-template #other_content>other content here...</ng-template>

you can also use then else :

<div *ngIf="isValid;then content else other_content">here is ignored</div>    
<ng-template #content>content here...</ng-template>
<ng-template #other_content>other content here...</ng-template>

or then alone :

<div *ngIf="isValid;then content"></div>    
<ng-template #content>content here...</ng-template>

Demo :



<ng-template>: is Angular’s own implementation of the <template> tag which is according to MDN :

The HTML <template> element is a mechanism for holding client-side content that is not to be rendered when a page is loaded but may subsequently be instantiated during runtime using JavaScript.

Transition color fade on hover?

What do you want to fade? The background or color attribute?

Currently you're changing the background color, but telling it to transition the color property. You can use all to transition all properties.

.clicker { 
    -moz-transition: all .2s ease-in;
    -o-transition: all .2s ease-in;
    -webkit-transition: all .2s ease-in;
    transition: all .2s ease-in;
    background: #f5f5f5; 
    padding: 20px;

.clicker:hover { 
    background: #eee;

Otherwise just use transition: background .2s ease-in.

How do I mount a remote Linux folder in Windows through SSH?

Apparently the free NetDrive software from Novell can access SFTP file servers.

Using only CSS, show div on hover over <a>

You can do something like this:

div {_x000D_
    display: none;_x000D_
a:hover + div {_x000D_
    display: block;_x000D_
<a>Hover over me!</a>_x000D_
<div>Stuff shown on hover</div>

This uses the adjacent sibling selector, and is the basis of the suckerfish dropdown menu.

HTML5 allows anchor elements to wrap almost anything, so in that case the div element can be made a child of the anchor. Otherwise the principle is the same - use the :hover pseudo-class to change the display property of another element.

How to Ping External IP from Java Android

In my case ping works from device but not from the emulator. I found this documentation:

On the topic of "Local Networking Limitations" it says:

"Depending on the environment, the emulator may not be able to support other protocols (such as ICMP, used for "ping") might not be supported. Currently, the emulator does not support IGMP or multicast."

Further information:

this is a known limitation of the QEMU user-mode network stack. Quoting from the original doc: Note that ping is not supported reliably to the internet as it would require root privileges. It means you can only ping the local router (

Iterating over JSON object in C#

dynamic dynJson = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json);
foreach (var item in dynJson)
    Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2} {3}\n",, item.displayName, 
        item.slug, item.imageUrl);


var list = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<MyItem>>(json);

public class MyItem
    public string id;
    public string displayName;
    public string name;
    public string slug;
    public string imageUrl;

ImageView rounded corners

I use Universal Image loader library to download and round the corners of image, and it worked for me.

ImageLoaderConfiguration config = new ImageLoaderConfiguration.Builder(thisContext)
            // You can pass your own memory cache implementation
           .discCacheFileNameGenerator(new HashCodeFileNameGenerator())

DisplayImageOptions options = new DisplayImageOptions.Builder()
            .displayer(new RoundedBitmapDisplayer(10)) //rounded corner bitmap

ImageLoader imageLoader = ImageLoader.getInstance();
imageLoader.displayImage(image_url,image_view, options );

Redirect using AngularJS

It is hard to say without knowing your code. My best guess is that the onchange event is not firing when you change your textbox value from JavaScript code.

There are two ways for this to work; the first is to call onchange by yourself, and the second is to wait for the textbox to lose focus.

Check this question; same issue, different framework.

java : non-static variable cannot be referenced from a static context Error

Your main() method is static, but it is referencing two non-static members: con2 and getConnectionUrl2(). You need to do one of three things:

1) Make con2 and getConnectionUrl2() static.

2) Inside main(), create an instance of class testconnect and access con2 and getConnectionUrl2() off of that.

3) Break out a different class to hold con2 and getConnectionUrl2() so that testconnect only has main in it. It will still need to instantiate the different class and call the methods off that.

Option #3 is the best option. #1 is the worst.

But, you cannot access non-static members from within a static method.

Clear input fields on form submit

By this way, you hold a form by his ID and throw all his content. This technic is fastiest.


Error message "Forbidden You don't have permission to access / on this server"

This is pretty ridiculous, but I got the 403 Forbidden when the file I was trying to download wasn't there on the filesystem. The apache error is not very accurate in this case, and the whole thing worked after I simply put the file where it was supposed to be.

How do I move files in node.js?

The fs-extra module allows you to do this with it's move() method. I already implemented it and it works well if you want to completely move a file from one directory to another - ie. removing the file from the source directory. Should work for most basic cases.

var fs = require('fs-extra')

fs.move('/tmp/somefile', '/tmp/does/not/exist/yet/somefile', function (err) {
 if (err) return console.error(err)

Difference between SelectedItem, SelectedValue and SelectedValuePath

inspired by this question I have written a blog along with the code snippet here. Below are some of the excerpts from the blog

SelectedItem – Selected Item helps to bind the actual value from the DataSource which will be displayed. This is of type object and we can bind any type derived from object type with this property. Since we will be using the MVVM binding for our combo boxes in that case this is the property which we can use to notify VM that item has been selected.

SelectedValue and SelectedValuePath – These are the two most confusing and misinterpreted properties for combobox. But these properties come to rescue when we want to bind our combobox with the value from already created object. Please check my last scenario in the following list to get a brief idea about the properties.

How can I trigger the click event of another element in ng-click using angularjs?

So it was a simple fix. Just had to move the ng-click to a scope click handler:

<input id="upload"
    style="display: none;">

<button type="button"

$scope.clickUpload = function(){

Set Background color programmatically

you need to use getResources() method, try to use following code

View someView = findViewById(;
View root = someView.getRootView();


getResources.getColor() is deprecated so, use like below

 root.setBackgroundColor(ContextCompat.getColor(this, R.color.white)); 

Code signing is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS 10.0' - StickerPackExtension requires a development team error

I ran into this type error by updating the Xcode version to 8.0, and under the Code signing is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS 10.0'

There is a warning:

isn't code signed but requires entitlements. It is not possible to add entitlements to a binary without signing it.

My solution is go to the TARGET ? General ? Signing -> click the Enable signing... button, and I solved the issue.

C# create simple xml file

I'd recommend serialization,

public class Person
      public  string FirstName;
      public  string MI;
      public  string LastName;

static void Serialize()
      clsPerson p = new Person();
      p.FirstName = "Jeff";
      p.MI = "A";
      p.LastName = "Price";
      System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer x = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(p.GetType());
      x.Serialize(System.Console.Out, p);
      System.Console.WriteLine(" --- Press any key to continue --- ");

You can further control serialization with attributes.
But if it is simple, you could use XmlDocument:

using System;
using System.Xml;

public class GenerateXml {
    private static void Main() {
        XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
        XmlNode docNode = doc.CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0", "UTF-8", null);

        XmlNode productsNode = doc.CreateElement("products");

        XmlNode productNode = doc.CreateElement("product");
        XmlAttribute productAttribute = doc.CreateAttribute("id");
        productAttribute.Value = "01";

        XmlNode nameNode = doc.CreateElement("Name");
        XmlNode priceNode = doc.CreateElement("Price");

        // Create and add another product node.
        productNode = doc.CreateElement("product");
        productAttribute = doc.CreateAttribute("id");
        productAttribute.Value = "02";
        nameNode = doc.CreateElement("Name");
        priceNode = doc.CreateElement("Price");


And if it needs to be fast, use XmlWriter:

public static void WriteXML()
    // Create an XmlWriterSettings object with the correct options.
    System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings settings = new System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings();
    settings.Indent = true;
    settings.IndentChars = "    "; //  "\t";
    settings.OmitXmlDeclaration = false;
    settings.Encoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;

    using (System.Xml.XmlWriter writer = System.Xml.XmlWriter.Create("data.xml", settings))


        for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
            writer.WriteElementString("item", "Book "+ (i+1).ToString());


    } // End Using writer 


And btw, the fastest way to read XML is XmlReader:

public static void ReadXML()
    using (System.Xml.XmlReader xmlReader = System.Xml.XmlReader.Create(""))
        while (xmlReader.Read())
            if ((xmlReader.NodeType == System.Xml.XmlNodeType.Element) && (xmlReader.Name == "Cube"))
                if (xmlReader.HasAttributes)
                    System.Console.WriteLine(xmlReader.GetAttribute("currency") + ": " + xmlReader.GetAttribute("rate"));

        } // Whend 

    } // End Using xmlReader


And the most convenient way to read XML is to just deserialize the XML into a class.
This also works for creating the serialization classes, btw.
You can generate the class from XML with Xml2CSharp:

How to scroll to specific item using jQuery?

I did this combination. its work for me. but facing one issue if click move that div size is too large that scenerio scroll not down to this particular div.

 var scrollDownTo =$("#show_question_" + nQueId).position().top;
            scrollTop: scrollDownTo
            }, 1000, function(){


Error # 1045 - Cannot Log in to MySQL server -> phpmyadmin

If you logged into "phpmyadmin", then logged out, you might have trouble attempting to log back in on the same browser window. The logout sends the browser to a URL that looks like this:


But for me, on Mac OS X in Safari browser, that URL just doesn't want to work. Therefore, I have to put in the clean URL:


Don't know why, but as of today, Oct 20, 2015, that is what I am experiencing.

How to return a value from __init__ in Python?

__init__ doesn't return anything and should always return None.

How to use sed to remove all double quotes within a file

Additional comment. Yes this works:

    sed 's/\"//g' infile.txt  > outfile.txt

(however with batch gnu sed, will just print to screen)

In batch scripting (GNU SED), this was needed:

    sed 's/\x22//g' infile.txt  > outfile.txt

mysqli_select_db() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, string given

Your arguments are in the wrong order. The connection comes first according to the docs


// 1. Create a database connection
$connection = mysqli_connect(DB_SERVER,DB_USER,DB_PASS);

if (!$connection) {
    error_log("Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_error($connection));
    die('Internal server error');

// 2. Select a database to use 
$db_select = mysqli_select_db($connection, DB_NAME);
if (!$db_select) {
    error_log("Database selection failed: " . mysqli_error($connection));
    die('Internal server error');


Problems with local variable scope. How to solve it?

Firstly, we just CAN'T make the variable final as its state may be changing during the run of the program and our decisions within the inner class override may depend on its current state.

Secondly, good object-oriented programming practice suggests using only variables/constants that are vital to the class definition as class members. This means that if the variable we are referencing within the anonymous inner class override is just a utility variable, then it should not be listed amongst the class members.

But – as of Java 8 – we have a third option, described here :

Starting in Java SE 8, if you declare the local class in a method, it can access the method's parameters.

So now we can simply put the code containing the new inner class & its method override into a private method whose parameters include the variable we call from inside the override. This static method is then called after the btnInsert declaration statement :-

 . . . .
 . . . .

 Statement statement = null;                                 

 . . . .
 . . . .

 Button btnInsert = new Button(shell, SWT.NONE);
 addMouseListener(Button btnInsert, Statement statement);    // Call new private method

 . . . 
 . . .
 . . . 

 private static void addMouseListener(Button btn, Statement st) // New private method giving access to statement 
    btn.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() 
      public void mouseDown(MouseEvent e) 
        String name = text.getText();
        String from = text_1.getText();
        String to = text_2.getText();
        String price = text_3.getText();
        String query = "INSERT INTO booking (name, fromst, tost,price) VALUES ('"+name+"', '"+from+"', '"+to+"', '"+price+"')";
        catch (SQLException e1) 
            e1.printStackTrace();                                    // TODO Auto-generated catch block

 . . . .
 . . . .
 . . . .

Laravel view not found exception

check your blade syntax on the view that said not found i just fix mine




Using LINQ to concatenate strings

Real example from my code:

return selected.Select(query => query.Name).Aggregate((a, b) => a + ", " + b);

A query is an object that has a Name property which is a string, and I want the names of all the queries on the selected list, separated by commas.

How to delete object from array inside foreach loop?

You can also use references on foreach values:

foreach($array as $elementKey => &$element) {
    // $element is the same than &$array[$elementKey]
    if (isset($element['id']) and $element['id'] == 'searched_value') {

Flutter Circle Design

You can use CustomMultiChildLayout to draw this kind of layouts. Here you can find a tutorial: How to Create Custom Layout Widgets in Flutter.

substring of an entire column in pandas dataframe

Use the str accessor with square brackets:

df['col'] = df['col'].str[:9]

Or str.slice:

df['col'] = df['col'].str.slice(0, 9)

Python: split a list based on a condition?

You can do lazy functional programming in Python, like this:

partition = lambda l, c: map(
  lambda iii: (i for ii in iii for i in ii),
  zip(*(([], [e]) if c(e) else ([e], []) for e in l)))

Functional programming is elegant, but not in Python. See also this example in case you know there are not None values in your list:

partition = lambda l, c: map(
  filter(lambda x: x is not None, l),
  zip(*((None, e) if c(e) else (e, None) for e in l)))

How do I count the number of occurrences of a char in a String?

The simplest way to get the answer is as follow:

public static void main(String[] args) {
    String string = "a.b.c.d";
    String []splitArray = string.split("\\.",-1);
    System.out.println("No of . chars is : " + (splitArray.length-1));

Create empty file using python

Of course there IS a way to create files without opening. It's as easy as calling os.mknod("newfile.txt"). The only drawback is that this call requires root privileges on OSX.

Count multiple columns with group by in one query

count(distinct as tab2_record_count
count(distinct as tab3_record_count
count(distinct as tab4_record_count
from tab1
left join tab2 on tab2.tab1_id =
left join tab3 on tab3.tab1_id =
left join tab4 on tab4.tab1_id =

onclick="javascript:history.go(-1)" not working in Chrome

Try this dude,

<button onclick="goBack()">Go Back 2 Pages</button>
  function goBack() {

Using sessions & session variables in a PHP Login Script


//extract data from submit post 


if($user=="user" && $pass=="pass")


$_SESSION['user']= $user;   

//if correct password and name store in session 

else {

echo "Invalid user and password";





//your home page code here


CMake unable to determine linker language with C++

I also got the error you mention:

CMake Error: CMake can not determine linker language for target:helloworld
CMake Error: Cannot determine link language for target "helloworld".

In my case this was due to having C++ files with the .cc extension.

If CMake is unable to determine the language of the code correctly you can use the following:

set_target_properties(hello PROPERTIES LINKER_LANGUAGE CXX)

The accepted answer that suggests appending the language to the project() statement simply adds more strict checking for what language is used (according to the documentation), but it wasn't helpful to me:

Optionally you can specify which languages your project supports. Example languages are CXX (i.e. C++), C, Fortran, etc. By default C and CXX are enabled. E.g. if you do not have a C++ compiler, you can disable the check for it by explicitly listing the languages you want to support, e.g. C. By using the special language "NONE" all checks for any language can be disabled. If a variable exists called CMAKE_PROJECT__INCLUDE_FILE, the file pointed to by that variable will be included as the last step of the project command.

Why is a ConcurrentModificationException thrown and how to debug it

Try either CopyOnWriteArrayList or CopyOnWriteArraySet depending on what you are trying to do.

Initializing a two dimensional std::vector

I think the easiest way to make it done is :


10 is the size of the outer or global vector, which is the main one, and 11 is the size of inner vector of type int, and initial values are initialized to 100! That's my first help on stack, i think it helps someone.

How can I remove leading and trailing quotes in SQL Server?

Some UDFs for re-usability.

Left Trimming by character (any number)

CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[LTRIMCHAR] (@Input NVARCHAR(max), @TrimChar CHAR(1) = ',')
      RETURN REPLACE(REPLACE(LTRIM(REPLACE(REPLACE(@Input,' ','¦'), @TrimChar, ' ')), ' ', @TrimChar),'¦',' ')

Right Trimming by character (any number)

CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[RTRIMCHAR] (@Input NVARCHAR(max), @TrimChar CHAR(1) = ',')
     RETURN REPLACE(REPLACE(RTRIM(REPLACE(REPLACE(@Input,' ','¦'), @TrimChar, ' ')), ' ', @TrimChar),'¦',' ')

Note the dummy character '¦' (Alt+0166) cannot be present in the data (you may wish to test your input string, first, if unsure or use a different character).

Difference between using bean id and name in Spring configuration file

From the Spring reference, Naming Beans:

Every bean has one or more ids (also called identifiers, or names; these terms refer to the same thing). These ids must be unique within the container the bean is hosted in. A bean will almost always have only one id, but if a bean has more than one id, the extra ones can essentially be considered aliases.

When using XML-based configuration metadata, you use the 'id' or 'name' attributes to specify the bean identifier(s). The 'id' attribute allows you to specify exactly one id, and as it is a real XML element ID attribute, the XML parser is able to do some extra validation when other elements reference the id; as such, it is the preferred way to specify a bean id. However, the XML specification does limit the characters which are legal in XML IDs. This is usually not a constraint, but if you have a need to use one of these special XML characters, or want to introduce other aliases to the bean, you may also or instead specify one or more bean ids, separated by a comma (,), semicolon (;), or whitespace in the 'name' attribute.

So basically the id attribute conforms to the XML id attribute standards whereas name is a little more flexible. Generally speaking, I use name pretty much exclusively. It just seems more "Spring-y".

Creating a file name as a timestamp in a batch job

Because the idea of tearing %DATE% and %TIME% apart and mashing them back together seems fragile at best, here's an alternative that uses a powershell oneliner:

for /f %i in ('powershell -c "get-date -format yyyy-MM-dd--HH-mm-ss"') do @set DATETIME=%i
set LOGFILE=my-script-%DATETIME%.txt

Reference for get-date is here, with format options for both .NET-style and UNIX-style.

What's the right way to pass form element state to sibling/parent elements?

With React >= 16.3 you can use ref and forwardRef, to gain access to child's DOM from its parent. Don't use old way of refs anymore.
Here is the example using your case :

import React, { Component } from 'react';

export default class P extends React.Component {
   constructor (props) {
      this.state = {data: 'test' }
      this.onUpdate = this.onUpdate.bind(this)
      this.ref = React.createRef();

   onUpdate(data) {
      this.setState({data : this.ref.current.value}) 

   render () {
      return (
           <C1 ref={this.ref} onUpdate={this.onUpdate}/>
           <C2 data={}/>

const C1 = React.forwardRef((props, ref) => (
        <input type='text' ref={ref} onChange={props.onUpdate} />

class C2 extends React.Component {
    render () {
       return <div>C2 reacts : {}</div>

See Refs and ForwardRef for detailed info about refs and forwardRef.

JavaScript associative array to JSON

Agreed that it is probably best practice to keep Objects as objects and Arrays as arrays. However, if you have an Object with named properties that you are treating as an array, here is how it can be done:

let tempArr = [];
Object.keys(objectArr).forEach( (element) => {

let json = JSON.stringify(tempArr);

Avoid trailing zeroes in printf()

To get rid of the trailing zeros, you should use the "%g" format:

float num = 1.33;
printf("%g", num); //output: 1.33

After the question was clarified a bit, that suppressing zeros is not the only thing that was asked, but limiting the output to three decimal places was required as well. I think that can't be done with sprintf format strings alone. As Pax Diablo pointed out, string manipulation would be required.

Spring-Security-Oauth2: Full authentication is required to access this resource

You should pre authenticate the token apis "/oauth/token"

extend ResourceServerConfigurerAdapter and override configure function to do this.



Where to place JavaScript in an HTML file?

The answer is depends how you are using the objects of javascript. As already pointed loading the javascript files at footer rather than header certainly improves the performance but care should be taken that the objects which are used are initialized later than they are loaded at footer. One more way is load the 'js' files placed in folder which will be available to all the files.

What are the possible values of the Hibernate configuration and what do they do

Since 5.0, you can now find those values in a dedicated Enum: org.hibernate.boot.SchemaAutoTooling (enhanced with value NONE since 5.2).

Or even better, since 5.1, you can also use the org.hibernate.tool.schema.Action Enum which combines JPA 2 and "legacy" Hibernate DDL actions.

But, you cannot yet configure a DataSource programmatically with this. It would be nicer to use this combined with org.hibernate.cfg.AvailableSettings#HBM2DDL_AUTO but the current code expect a String value (excerpt taken from SessionFactoryBuilderImpl):

this.schemaAutoTooling = SchemaAutoTooling.interpret( (String) configurationSettings.get( AvailableSettings.HBM2DDL_AUTO ) );

… and internal enum values of both org.hibernate.boot.SchemaAutoToolingand org.hibernate.tool.schema.Action aren't exposed publicly.

Hereunder, a sample programmatic DataSource configuration (used in ones of my Spring Boot applications) which use a gambit thanks to .name().toLowerCase() but it only works with values without dash (not create-drop for instance):

public LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean internalEntityManagerFactory(
        EntityManagerFactoryBuilder builder,
        @Qualifier(DATA_SOURCE_NAME) DataSource internalDataSource) {

    Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<>();
    properties.put(AvailableSettings.DIALECT, H2Dialect.class.getName());

    return builder
            .packages(JpaModelsScanEntry.class, Jsr310JpaConverters.class)

ZIP file content type for HTTP request

The standard MIME type for ZIP files is application/zip. The types for the files inside the ZIP does not matter for the MIME type.

As always, it ultimately depends on your server setup.

How to convert map to url query string?

I think this is better for memory usage and performance, and I want to send just the property name when the value is null.

public static String toUrlEncode(Map<String, Object> map) {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                    -> (entry.getValue() == null
                    ? sb.append(entry.getKey())
                    : sb.append(entry.getKey())
                            .append(URLEncoder.encode(entry.getValue().toString(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8)))
    sb.delete(sb.length() - 1, sb.length());
    return sb.toString();

Specify sudo password for Ansible

My hack to automate this was to use an environment variable and access it via --extra-vars="ansible_become_pass='{{ lookup('env', 'ANSIBLE_BECOME_PASS') }}'".

Export an env var, but avoid bash/shell history (prepend with a space, or other methods). E.g.:

     export ANSIBLE_BECOME_PASS='<your password>'

Lookup the env var while passing the extra ansible_become_pass variable into the ansible-playbook, E.g.:

ansible-playbook playbook.yml -i inventories/dev/hosts.yml -u user --extra-vars="ansible_become_pass='{{ lookup('env', 'ANSIBLE_BECOME_PASS') }}'"

Good alternate answers:

Convert an image to grayscale in HTML/CSS

One terrible but workable solution: render the image using a Flash object, which then gives you all the transformations possible in Flash.

If your users are using bleeding-edge browsers and if Firefox 3.5 and Safari 4 support it (I don't know that either do/will), you could adjust the CSS color-profile attribute of the image, setting it to a grayscale ICC profile URL. But that's a lot of if's!

JQuery: How to get selected radio button value?

Probably the best method (particularly if you want to be able to post a default value), would be to have a hidden radio button that starts out as selected and has your default value. So something like this:

<input type="radio" name="myradiobutton" value="0" checked="checked" style="display:none;" />
<input type="radio" name="myradiobutton" value="1" />1
<input type="radio" name="myradiobutton" value="2" />2
<input type="radio" name="myradiobutton" value="3" />3

If you can't modify your html directly, you could add it via script:

$(function() {
    $('input[name=myradiobutton]:radio:first').before('<input type="radio" name="myradiobutton" value="0" checked="checked" style="display:none;" />');

Here's a demo of that:

Jquery date picker z-index issue

That what solved my problem:

 $( document ).ready(function() {   
     zIndexOffset: 1040 #or any number you want

Shell script to get the process ID on Linux

Using grep on the results of ps is a bad idea in a script, since some proportion of the time it will also match the grep process you've just invoked. The command pgrep avoids this problem, so if you need to know the process ID, that's a better option. (Note that, of course, there may be many processes matched.)

However, in your example, you could just use the similar command pkill to kill all matching processes:

pkill ruby

Incidentally, you should be aware that using -9 is overkill (ho ho) in almost every case - there's some useful advice about that in the text of the "Useless Use of kill -9 form letter ":

No no no. Don't use kill -9.

It doesn't give the process a chance to cleanly:

  1. shut down socket connections
  2. clean up temp files
  3. inform its children that it is going away
  4. reset its terminal characteristics

and so on and so on and so on.

Generally, send 15, and wait a second or two, and if that doesn't work, send 2, and if that doesn't work, send 1. If that doesn't, REMOVE THE BINARY because the program is badly behaved!

Don't use kill -9. Don't bring out the combine harvester just to tidy up the flower pot.

JSON: why are forward slashes escaped?

The JSON spec says you CAN escape forward slash, but you don't have to.

How do I adb pull ALL files of a folder present in SD Card

Yep, just use the trailing slash to recursively pull the directory. Works for me with Nexus 5 and current version of adb (March 2014).

Table cell widths - fixing width, wrapping/truncating long words

As long as you fix the width of the table itself and set the table-layout property, this is pretty simple :

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
    <style type="text/css">
        td { width: 30px; overflow: hidden; }
        table { width : 90px; table-layout: fixed; }

    <table border="2">
            <td>two words</td>


I've tested this in IE6 and 7 and it seems to work fine.

How to style a div to be a responsive square?

To achieve what you are looking for you can use the viewport-percentage length vw.

Here is a quick example I made on jsfiddle.


<div class="square">
    <h1>This is a Square</h1>


.square {
    background: #000;
    width: 50vw;
    height: 50vw;
.square h1 {
    color: #fff;

I am sure there are many other ways to do this but this way seemed the best to me.

Does Python support short-circuiting?

Yes, Python does support Short-circuit evaluation, minimal evaluation, or McCarthy evaluation for Boolean operators. It is used to reduce the number of evaluations for computing the output of boolean expression. Example -

Base Functions

def a(x):
    return x

def b(x):
    return x 


if(a(True) and b(True)):

if(a(False) and b(True)):





if(a(True) or b(False)):

if(a(False) or b(True)):




SqlException from Entity Framework - New transaction is not allowed because there are other threads running in the session

We started seeing this error "New transaction is not allowed because there are other threads running in the session" after migrating from EF5 to EF6.

Google brought us here but we are not calling SaveChanges() inside the loop. The errors were raised when executing a stored procedure using the ObjectContext.ExecuteFunction inside a foreach loop reading from the DB.

Any call to ObjectContext.ExecuteFunction wraps the function in a transaction. Beginning a transaction while there is already an open reader causes the error.

It is possible to disable wrapping the SP in a transaction by setting the following option.

_context.Configuration.EnsureTransactionsForFunctionsAndCommands = false;

The EnsureTransactionsForFunctionsAndCommands option allows the SP to run without creating its own transaction and the error is no longer raised.

DbContextConfiguration.EnsureTransactionsForFunctionsAndCommands Property

How to set a default value in react-select

I just went through this myself and chose to set the default value at the reducer INIT function.

If you bind your select with redux then best not 'de-bind' it with a select default value that doesn't represent the actual value, instead set the value when you initialize the object.

Getting a directory name from a filename

Why does it have to be so complicated?

#include <windows.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv)         // argv[0] = C:\dev\test.exe
    char *p = strrchr(argv[0], '\\');
    if(p) p[0] = 0;

    printf(argv[0]);                    // argv[0] = C:\dev

Regular expression to validate US phone numbers?

The easiest way to match both




is to use alternation ((...|...)): specify them as two mostly-separate options:


By the way, when Americans put the area code in parentheses, we actually put a space after that; for example, I'd write (123) 123-1234, not (123)123-1234. So you might want to write:

^(\([0-9]{3}\) |[0-9]{3}-)[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}$

(Though it's probably best to explicitly demonstrate the format that you expect phone numbers to be in.)

How to get a web page's source code from Java

I am sure that you have found a solution somewhere over the past 2 years but the following is a solution that works for your requested site

package javasandbox;


* @author Ryan.Oglesby
public class JavaSandbox {

private static String sURL;

 * @param args the command line arguments
public static void main(String[] args) throws MalformedURLException, IOException {
    sURL = "";
    URL url = new URL(sURL);
    HttpURLConnection httpCon = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
    //set http request headers
            httpCon.addRequestProperty("Host", "");
            httpCon.addRequestProperty("Connection", "keep-alive");
            httpCon.addRequestProperty("Cache-Control", "max-age=0");
            httpCon.addRequestProperty("Accept", "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8");
            httpCon.addRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/30.0.1599.101 Safari/537.36");
            httpCon.addRequestProperty("Accept-Encoding", "gzip,deflate,sdch");
            httpCon.addRequestProperty("Accept-Language", "en-US,en;q=0.8");
            //httpCon.addRequestProperty("Cookie", "JSESSIONID=EC0F373FCC023CD3B8B9C1E2E2F7606C; lang=tr; __utma=169322547.1217782332.1386173665.1386173665.1386173665.1; __utmb=169322547.1.10.1386173665; __utmc=169322547;|utmccn=(referral)|utmcmd=referral|utmcct=/questions/8616781/how-to-get-a-web-pages-source-code-from-java; __gads=ID=3ab4e50d8713e391:T=1386173664:S=ALNI_Mb8N_wW0xS_wRa68vhR0gTRl8MwFA; scrElm=body");


            BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(httpCon.getInputStream(), "UTF-8"));
            String inputLine;
            StringBuilder a = new StringBuilder();
            while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null)



How to pass data from 2nd activity to 1st activity when pressed back? - android

Other answers were not working when I put setResult in onBackPressed. Commenting call to super onBackPressed and calling finish manually solves the problem:

public void onBackPressed() {
    Intent i = new Intent();
    i.putExtra(EXTRA_NON_DOWNLOADED_PAGES, notDownloaded);
    setResult(RESULT_OK, i);

And in first activity:

protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
    super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
    if (requestCode == QUEUE_MSG) {
        if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) {
            Serializable tmp = data.getSerializableExtra(MainActivity.EXTRA_NON_DOWNLOADED_PAGES);
            if (tmp != null)
                serializable = tmp;

How do I get the browser scroll position in jQuery?

It's better to use $(window).scroll() rather than $('#Eframe').on("mousewheel")

$('#Eframe').on("mousewheel") will not trigger if people manually scroll using up and down arrows on the scroll bar or grabbing and dragging the scroll bar itself.

    var scrollPos = $(document).scrollTop();

If #Eframe is an element with overflow:scroll on it and you want it's scroll position. I think this should work (I haven't tested it though).

    var scrollPos = $('#Eframe').scrollTop();

Accessing all items in the JToken

In addition to the accepted answer I would like to give an answer that shows how to iterate directly over the Newtonsoft collections. It uses less code and I'm guessing its more efficient as it doesn't involve converting the collections.

using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
//Parse the data
JObject my_obj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<JObject>(your_json);

foreach (KeyValuePair<string, JToken> sub_obj in (JObject)my_obj["ADDRESS_MAP"])

I started doing this myself because JsonConvert automatically deserializes nested objects as JToken (which are JObject, JValue, or JArray underneath I think).

I think the parsing works according to the following principles:

  • Every object is abstracted as a JToken

  • Cast to JObject where you expect a Dictionary

  • Cast to JValue if the JToken represents a terminal node and is a value

  • Cast to JArray if its an array

  • JValue.Value gives you the .NET type you need

How can I hide select options with JavaScript? (Cross browser)

Had a crack at it myself and this is what I came up with:


    $.fn.extend({detachOptions: function(o) {
        var s = this;
        return s.each(function(){
            var d ='selectOptions') || [];
            s.find(o).each(function() {
  'selectOptions', d);
    }, attachOptions: function(o) {
        var s = this;
        return s.each(function(){
            var d ='selectOptions') || [];
            for (var i in d) {
                if (d[i].is(o)) {
                    // TODO: remove option from data array


// example

You can see the example at

The option elements are fully removed from the selects and can be re-added again by jQuery selector.

Probably needs a bit of work and testing before it works well enough for all cases, but it's good enough for what I need.

Most efficient T-SQL way to pad a varchar on the left to a certain length?

this is a simple way to pad left:


Where x is the pad number and y is the pad character.



How Do I Convert an Integer to a String in Excel VBA?

In my case, the function CString was not found. But adding an empty string to the value works, too.

Dim Test As Integer, Test2 As Variant
Test = 10
Test2 = Test & ""
//Test2 is now "10" not 10

Emulator: ERROR: x86 emulation currently requires hardware acceleration

You should install the intel hardware acceleration first on sdk manager than you can start to create your virtual device on AVD manager

how to convert `content://media/external/images/media/Y` to `file:///storage/sdcard0/Pictures/X.jpg` in android?

Will something like this work for you? What this does is query the content resolver to find the file path data that is stored for that content entry

public static String getRealPathFromUri(Context context, Uri contentUri) {
    Cursor cursor = null;
    try {
        String[] proj = { MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA };
        cursor = context.getContentResolver().query(contentUri, proj, null, null, null);
        int column_index = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA);
        return cursor.getString(column_index);
    } finally {
        if (cursor != null) {

This will end up giving you an absolute file path that you can construct a file uri from

Clicking the back button twice to exit an activity

You can also use the visibility of a Toast, so you don't need that Handler/postDelayed ultra solution.

Toast doubleBackButtonToast;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    doubleBackButtonToast = Toast.makeText(this, "Double tap back to exit.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);

public void onBackPressed() {
    if (doubleBackButtonToast.getView().isShown()) {

Connect to SQL Server 2012 Database with C# (Visual Studio 2012)


SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection("Database=testDB;Server=Paul-PC\\SQLEXPRESS;Integrated Security=True;connect timeout = 30");