[vba] Pass arguments to Constructor in VBA

I use one Factory module that contains one (or more) constructor per class which calls the Init member of each class.

For example a Point class:

Class Point
Private X, Y
Sub Init(X, Y)
  Me.X = X
  Me.Y = Y
End Sub

A Line class

Class Line
Private P1, P2
Sub Init(Optional P1, Optional P2, Optional X1, Optional X2, Optional Y1, Optional Y2)
  If P1 Is Nothing Then
    Set Me.P1 = NewPoint(X1, Y1)
    Set Me.P2 = NewPoint(X2, Y2)
    Set Me.P1 = P1
    Set Me.P2 = P2
  End If
End Sub

And a Factory module:

Module Factory
Function NewPoint(X, Y)
  Set NewPoint = New Point
  NewPoint.Init X, Y
End Function

Function NewLine(Optional P1, Optional P2, Optional X1, Optional X2, Optional Y1, Optional Y2)
  Set NewLine = New Line
  NewLine.Init P1, P2, X1, Y1, X2, Y2
End Function

Function NewLinePt(P1, P2)
  Set NewLinePt = New Line
  NewLinePt.Init P1:=P1, P2:=P2
End Function

Function NewLineXY(X1, Y1, X2, Y2)
  Set NewLineXY = New Line
  NewLineXY.Init X1:=X1, Y1:=Y1, X2:=X2, Y2:=Y2
End Function

One nice aspect of this approach is that makes it easy to use the factory functions inside expressions. For example it is possible to do something like:

D = Distance(NewPoint(10, 10), NewPoint(20, 20)


D = NewPoint(10, 10).Distance(NewPoint(20, 20))

It's clean: the factory does very little and it does it consistently across all objects, just the creation and one Init call on each creator.

And it's fairly object oriented: the Init functions are defined inside the objects.


I forgot to add that this allows me to create static methods. For example I can do something like (after making the parameters optional):

NewLine.DeleteAllLinesShorterThan 10

Unfortunately a new instance of the object is created every time, so any static variable will be lost after the execution. The collection of lines and any other static variable used in this pseudo-static method must be defined in a module.

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