I think I don't agree with your generalization. A team isn't just a collection of players. A team has so much more information about it - name, emblem, collection of management/admin staff, collection of coaching crew, then collection of players. So properly, your FootballTeam class should have 3 collections and not itself be a collection; if it is to properly model the real world.
You could consider a PlayerCollection class which like the Specialized StringCollection offers some other facilities - like validation and checks before objects are added to or removed from the internal store.
Perhaps, the notion of a PlayerCollection betters suits your preferred approach?
public class PlayerCollection : Collection<Player>
And then the FootballTeam can look like this:
public class FootballTeam
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Location { get; set; }
public ManagementCollection Management { get; protected set; } = new ManagementCollection();
public CoachingCollection CoachingCrew { get; protected set; } = new CoachingCollection();
public PlayerCollection Players { get; protected set; } = new PlayerCollection();