[sql] What is the most efficient/elegant way to parse a flat table into a tree?

You can emulate any other data structure with a hashmap, so that's not a terrible limitation. Scanning from the top to the bottom, you create a hashmap for each row of the database, with an entry for each column. Add each of these hashmaps to a "master" hashmap, keyed on the id. If any node has a "parent" that you haven't seen yet, create an placeholder entry for it in the master hashmap, and fill it in when you see the actual node.

To print it out, do a simple depth-first pass through the data, keeping track of indent level along the way. You can make this easier by keeping a "children" entry for each row, and populating it as you scan the data.

As for whether there's a "better" way to store a tree in a database, that depends on how you're going to use the data. I've seen systems that had a known maximum depth that used a different table for each level in the hierarchy. That makes a lot of sense if the levels in the tree aren't quite equivalent after all (top level categories being different than the leaves).

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