[android] How do I adb pull ALL files of a folder present in SD Card

I have a folder in my SD Card as: /mnt/sdcard/Folder1/Folder2/Folder3/*.jpg

The name of Folder1 and Folder2 remains constant and inside Folder2 I have Folder3, 4, 5 and so on.. I want to pull all the jpeg files rather than all files (there are more) using adb to my current directory on the computer..

Every folder has different number of jpeg files and other files and I tried using this:

adb pull mnt/sdcard/Folder1/Folder2/Folder/*.jpg .

But it didn't work.. So uhmm how do I adb pull all files present in any folder of SD Card with a single command (single command because each folder has different number of files)

This question is related to android android-sdcard

The answer is

Yep, just use the trailing slash to recursively pull the directory. Works for me with Nexus 5 and current version of adb (March 2014).

Please try with just giving the path from where you want to pull the files I just got the files from sdcard like

adb pull sdcard/

do NOT give * like to broaden the search or to filter out. ex: adb pull sdcard/*.txt --> this is invalid.

just give adb pull sdcard/

If you want to pull a directory with restricted access from a rooted device you need to restart adb as root: type adb root before pull. Otherwise you'll get an error saying remote object '/data/data/xxx.example.app' does not exist

On Android 6 with ADB version 1.0.32, you have to put / behind the folder you want to copy. E.g adb pull "/sdcard/".

Directory pull is available on new android tools. ( I don't know from which version it was added, but its working on latest ADT 21.1 )

adb pull /sdcard/Robotium-Screenshots
pull: building file list...
pull: /sdcard/Robotium-Screenshots/090313-110415.jpg -> ./090313-110415.jpg
pull: /sdcard/Robotium-Screenshots/090313-110412.jpg -> ./090313-110412.jpg
pull: /sdcard/Robotium-Screenshots/090313-110408.jpg -> ./090313-110408.jpg
pull: /sdcard/Robotium-Screenshots/090313-110406.jpg -> ./090313-110406.jpg
pull: /sdcard/Robotium-Screenshots/090313-110404.jpg -> ./090313-110404.jpg
5 files pulled. 0 files skipped.
61 KB/s (338736 bytes in 5.409s)

if your using jellybean just start cmd, type adb devices to make sure your readable, type adb pull sdcard/ sdcard_(the date or extra) <---this file needs to be made in adb directory beforehand. PROFIT!

In other versions type adb pull mnt/sdcard/ sdcard_(the date or extra)

Remember to make file or your either gonna have a mess or it wont work.