Programs & Examples On #Export to text

SQL Server : export query as a .txt file

You can use bcp utility.

To copy the result set from a Transact-SQL statement to a data file, use the queryout option. The following example copies the result of a query into the Contacts.txt data file. The example assumes that you are using Windows Authentication and have a trusted connection to the server instance on which you are running the bcp command. At the Windows command prompt, enter:

bcp "<your query here>" queryout Contacts.txt -c -T

You can use BCP by directly calling as operating sytstem command in SQL Agent job.

TensorFlow ValueError: Cannot feed value of shape (64, 64, 3) for Tensor u'Placeholder:0', which has shape '(?, 64, 64, 3)'

Powder's comment may go undetected like I missed it so many times,. So with the hope of making it more visible, I will re-iterate his point.

Sometimes using image = array(img).reshape(a,b,c,d) will reshape alright but from experience, my kernel crashes every time I try to use the new dimension in an operation. The safest to use is

np.expand_dims(img, axis=0)

It works perfect every time. I just can't explain why. This link has a great explanation and examples regarding its usage.

Do HttpClient and HttpClientHandler have to be disposed between requests?

In typical usage (responses<2GB) it is not necessary to Dispose the HttpResponseMessages.

The return types of the HttpClient methods should be Disposed if their Stream Content is not fully Read. Otherwise there is no way for the CLR to know those Streams can be closed until they are garbage collected.

  • If you are reading the data into a byte[] (e.g. GetByteArrayAsync) or string, all data is read, so there is no need to dispose.
  • The other overloads will default to reading the Stream up to 2GB (HttpCompletionOption is ResponseContentRead, HttpClient.MaxResponseContentBufferSize default is 2GB)

If you set the HttpCompletionOption to ResponseHeadersRead or the response is larger than 2GB, you should clean up. This can be done by calling Dispose on the HttpResponseMessage or by calling Dispose/Close on the Stream obtained from the HttpResonseMessage Content or by reading the content completely.

Whether you call Dispose on the HttpClient depends on whether you want to cancel pending requests or not.

Drop all tables whose names begin with a certain string

select 'DROP TABLE ' + name from sysobjects
where type = 'U' and like '%test%'

-- Test is the table name

Generate a dummy-variable

The ifelse function is best for simple logic like this.

> x <- seq(1950, 1960, 1)

    ifelse(x == 1957, 1, 0)
    ifelse(x <= 1957, 1, 0)

>  [1] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
>  [1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0

Also, if you want it to return character data then you can do so.

> x <- seq(1950, 1960, 1)

    ifelse(x == 1957, "foo", "bar")
    ifelse(x <= 1957, "foo", "bar")

>  [1] "bar" "bar" "bar" "bar" "bar" "bar" "bar" "foo" "bar" "bar" "bar"
>  [1] "foo" "foo" "foo" "foo" "foo" "foo" "foo" "foo" "bar" "bar" "bar"

Categorical variables with nesting...

> x <- seq(1950, 1960, 1)

    ifelse(x == 1957, "foo", ifelse(x == 1958, "bar","baz"))

>  [1] "baz" "baz" "baz" "baz" "baz" "baz" "baz" "foo" "bar" "baz" "baz"

This is the most straightforward option.

What does the "no version information available" error from linux dynamic linker mean?

The "no version information available" means that the library version number is lower on the shared object. For example, if your major.minor.patch number is 7.15.5 on the machine where you build the binary, and the major.minor.patch number is 7.12.1 on the installation machine, ld will print the warning.

You can fix this by compiling with a library (headers and shared objects) that matches the shared object version shipped with your target OS. E.g., if you are going to install to RedHat 3.4.6-9 you don't want to compile on Debian 4.1.1-21. This is one of the reasons that most distributions ship for specific linux distro numbers.

Otherwise, you can statically link. However, you don't want to do this with something like PAM, so you want to actually install a development environment that matches your client's production environment (or at least install and link against the correct library versions.)

Advice you get to rename the .so files (padding them with version numbers,) stems from a time when shared object libraries did not use versioned symbols. So don't expect that playing with the .so.n.n.n naming scheme is going to help (much - it might help if you system has been trashed.)

You last option will be compiling with a library with a different minor version number, using a custom linking script:

To do this, you'll need to write a custom script, and you'll need a custom installer that runs ld against your client's shared objects, using the custom script. This requires that your client have gcc or ld on their production system.

Change background of LinearLayout in Android

LinearLayout li=(LinearLayout)findViewById(;

setting the background color fro ur layout.


this is to set the image which u can store in drawable folder


some resource for display purpose animation or img


Wait until an HTML5 video loads

You don't really need jQuery for this as there is a Media API that provides you with all you need.

var video = document.getElementById('myVideo');
video.src = 'my_video_' + value + '.ogg';

The Media API also contains a load() method which: "Causes the element to reset and start selecting and loading a new media resource from scratch."

(Ogg isn't the best format to use, as it's only supported by a limited number of browsers. I'd suggest using WebM and MP4 to cover all major browsers - you can use the canPlayType() function to decide on which one to play).

You can then wait for either the loadedmetadata or loadeddata (depending on what you want) events to fire:

video.addEventListener('loadeddata', function() {
   // Video is loaded and can be played
}, false);

How to print something to the console in Xcode?

@Logan said it perfectly. but i would like to add an alternative here,

if you want to view logs from just your application then you can make a custom method that keeps saving the log to a file in documents directory & then you can view that log file from your application.

There is one good advantage for developers of the app after the app has been released & users are downloading it. Because your app will be able to send logs & crash reports to the developers (of course with the permissions of the device user !!!) & it'll be the way to improve your application.

Let me know (To other SO users), if there is another way of doing the same thing. (Like default Apple feature or something)

Let me know if it helps or you want some more idea.

Mocking a class: Mock() or patch()?

mock.patch is a very very different critter than mock.Mock. patch replaces the class with a mock object and lets you work with the mock instance. Take a look at this snippet:

>>> class MyClass(object):
...   def __init__(self):
...     print 'Created MyClass@{0}'.format(id(self))
>>> def create_instance():
...   return MyClass()
>>> x = create_instance()
Created MyClass@4299548304
>>> @mock.patch('__main__.MyClass')
... def create_instance2(MyClass):
...   MyClass.return_value = 'foo'
...   return create_instance()
>>> i = create_instance2()
>>> i
>>> def create_instance():
...   print MyClass
...   return MyClass()
>>> create_instance2()
<mock.Mock object at 0x100505d90>
>>> create_instance()
<class '__main__.MyClass'>
Created MyClass@4300234128
<__main__.MyClass object at 0x100505d90>

patch replaces MyClass in a way that allows you to control the usage of the class in functions that you call. Once you patch a class, references to the class are completely replaced by the mock instance.

mock.patch is usually used when you are testing something that creates a new instance of a class inside of the test. mock.Mock instances are clearer and are preferred. If your self.sut.something method created an instance of MyClass instead of receiving an instance as a parameter, then mock.patch would be appropriate here.

How do I get the web page contents from a WebView?

If you are working on kitkat and above, you can use the chrome remote debugging tools to find all the requests and responses going in and out of your webview and also the the html source code of the page viewed.

Are PostgreSQL column names case-sensitive?

To quote the documentation:

Key words and unquoted identifiers are case insensitive. Therefore:


can equivalently be written as:

uPDaTE my_TabLE SeT a = 5;

You could also write it using quoted identifiers:

UPDATE "my_table" SET "a" = 5;

Quoting an identifier makes it case-sensitive, whereas unquoted names are always folded to lower case (unlike the SQL standard where unquoted names are folded to upper case). For example, the identifiers FOO, foo, and "foo" are considered the same by PostgreSQL, but "Foo" and "FOO" are different from these three and each other.

If you want to write portable applications you are advised to always quote a particular name or never quote it.

How to remove single character from a String

String str = "M1y java8 Progr5am";


StringBuilder build = new StringBuilder(str);
System.out.println("Pre Builder : " + build);
    build.deleteCharAt(1);  // Shift the positions front.
System.out.println("Post Builder : " + build);


StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(str);
    buffer.replace(1, 2, ""); // Shift the positions front.
    buffer.replace(7, 8, "");
    buffer.replace(13, 14, "");
System.out.println("Buffer : "+buffer);


char[] c = str.toCharArray();
String new_Str = "";
    for (int i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {
        if (!(i == 1 || i == 8 || i == 15)) 
            new_Str += c[i];
System.out.println("Char Array : "+new_Str);

How to install a private NPM module without my own registry?

Update January 2016

In addition to other answers, there is sometimes the scenario where you wish to have private modules available in a team context.

Both Github and Bitbucket support the concept of generating a team API Key. This API key can be used as the password to perform API requests as this team.

In your private npm modules add

"private": true 

to your package.json

Then to reference the private module in another module, use this in your package.json

        "name": "myapp",
        "dependencies": {
"git+https://myteamname:[email protected]/myprivate.git",

where team name = myteamname, and API Key = aQqtcplwFzlumj0mIDdRGCbsAq5d6Xg4

Here I reference a bitbucket repo, but it is almost identical using github too.

Finally, as an alternative, if you really don't mind paying $7 per month (as of writing) then you can now have private NPM modules out of the box.

PHP parse/syntax errors; and how to solve them

Unexpected [

These days, the unexpected [ array bracket is commonly seen on outdated PHP versions. The short array syntax is available since PHP >= 5.4. Older installations only support array().

$php53 = array(1, 2, 3);
$php54 = [1, 2, 3];

Array function result dereferencing is likewise not available for older PHP versions:

$result = get_whatever()["key"];

Reference - What does this error mean in PHP? - "Syntax error, unexpected \[" shows the most common and practical workarounds.

Though, you're always better off just upgrading your PHP installation. For shared webhosting plans, first research if e.g. SetHandler php56-fcgi can be used to enable a newer runtime.

See also:

BTW, there are also preprocessors and PHP 5.4 syntax down-converters if you're really clingy with older + slower PHP versions.

Other causes for Unexpected [ syntax errors

If it's not the PHP version mismatch, then it's oftentimes a plain typo or newcomer syntax mistake:

  • You can't use array property declarations/expressions in classes, not even in PHP 7.

    protected $var["x"] = "Nope";
  • Confusing [ with opening curly braces { or parentheses ( is a common oversight.

    foreach [$a as $b)

    Or even:

    function foobar[$a, $b, $c] {
  • Or trying to dereference constants (before PHP 5.6) as arrays:

    $var = const[123];

    At least PHP interprets that const as a constant name.

    If you meant to access an array variable (which is the typical cause here), then add the leading $ sigil - so it becomes a $varname.

  • You are trying to use the global keyword on a member of an associative array. This is not valid syntax:

    global $var['key'];

Unexpected ] closing square bracket

This is somewhat rarer, but there are also syntax accidents with the terminating array ] bracket.

  • Again mismatches with ) parentheses or } curly braces are common:

    function foobar($a, $b, $c] {
  • Or trying to end an array where there isn't one:

    $var = 2];

    Which often occurs in multi-line and nested array declarations.

    $array = [1,[2,3],4,[5,6[7,[8],[9,10]],11],12]],15];

    If so, use your IDE for bracket matching to find any premature ] array closure. At the very least use more spacing and newlines to narrow it down.

What is the difference between char array and char pointer in C?

Let's see:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main()
    char *p = "hello";
    char q[] = "hello"; // no need to count this

    printf("%zu\n", sizeof(p)); // => size of pointer to char -- 4 on x86, 8 on x86-64
    printf("%zu\n", sizeof(q)); // => size of char array in memory -- 6 on both

    // size_t strlen(const char *s) and we don't get any warnings here:
    printf("%zu\n", strlen(p)); // => 5
    printf("%zu\n", strlen(q)); // => 5

    return 0;

foo* and foo[] are different types and they are handled differently by the compiler (pointer = address + representation of the pointer's type, array = pointer + optional length of the array, if known, for example, if the array is statically allocated), the details can be found in the standard. And at the level of runtime no difference between them (in assembler, well, almost, see below).

Also, there is a related question in the C FAQ:

Q: What is the difference between these initializations?

char a[] = "string literal";   
char *p  = "string literal";   

My program crashes if I try to assign a new value to p[i].

A: A string literal (the formal term for a double-quoted string in C source) can be used in two slightly different ways:

  1. As the initializer for an array of char, as in the declaration of char a[] , it specifies the initial values of the characters in that array (and, if necessary, its size).
  2. Anywhere else, it turns into an unnamed, static array of characters, and this unnamed array may be stored in read-only memory, and which therefore cannot necessarily be modified. In an expression context, the array is converted at once to a pointer, as usual (see section 6), so the second declaration initializes p to point to the unnamed array's first element.

Some compilers have a switch controlling whether string literals are writable or not (for compiling old code), and some may have options to cause string literals to be formally treated as arrays of const char (for better error catching).

See also questions 1.31, 6.1, 6.2, 6.8, and 11.8b.

References: K&R2 Sec. 5.5 p. 104

ISO Sec. 6.1.4, Sec. 6.5.7

Rationale Sec. 3.1.4

H&S Sec. 2.7.4 pp. 31-2

How do you set the startup page for debugging in an ASP.NET MVC application?

Revisiting this page and I have more information to share with others.

Debugging environment (using Visual Studio)

1a) Stephen Walter's link to set the startup page on MVC using the project properties is only applicable when you are debugging your MVC application.

1b) Right mouse click on the .aspx page in Solution Explorer and select the "Set As Start Page" behaves the same.

Note: in both the above cases, the startup page setting is only recognised by your Visual Studio Development Server. It is not recognised by your deployed server.

Deployed environment

2a) To set the startup page, assuming that you have not change any of the default routings, change the content of /Views/Home/Index.aspx to do a "Server.Transfer" or a "Response.Redirect" to your desired page.

2b) Change your default routing in your global.asax.cs to your desired page.

Are there any other options that the readers are aware of? Which of the above (including your own option) would be your preferred solution (and please share with us why)?

Changing minDate and maxDate on the fly using jQuery DatePicker

I have changed min date property of date time picker by using this


I hope this one help to someone !

SQL Last 6 Months

select *
from tbl1
datetime_column >= 
DATEADD(m, -6, convert(date, convert(varchar(6), getdate(),112) + '01'))

how to destroy an object in java?

In java there is no explicit way doing garbage collection. The JVM itself runs some threads in the background checking for the objects that are not having any references which means all the ways through which we access the object are lost. On the other hand an object is also eligible for garbage collection if it runs out of scope that is the program in which we created the object is terminated or ended. Coming to your question the method finalize is same as the destructor in C++. The finalize method is actually called just before the moment of clearing the object memory by the JVM. It is up to you to define the finalize method or not in your program. However if the garbage collection of the object is done after the program is terminated then the JVM will not invoke the finalize method which you defined in your program. You might ask what is the use of finalize method? For instance let us consider that you created an object which requires some stream to external file and you explicitly defined a finalize method to this object which checks wether the stream opened to the file or not and if not it closes the stream. Suppose, after writing several lines of code you lost the reference to the object. Then it is eligible for garbage collection. When the JVM is about to free the space of your object the JVM just checks have you defined the finalize method or not and invokes the method so there is no risk of the opened stream. finalize method make the program risk free and more robust.

Direct download from Google Drive using Google Drive API replace the FILE_ID with file id.

if you don't know were is file id then check this article Article LINK

What does a (+) sign mean in an Oracle SQL WHERE clause?

This is an Oracle-specific notation for an outer join. It means that it will include all rows from t1, and use NULLS in the t0 columns if there is no corresponding row in t0.

In standard SQL one would write:


Oracle recommends not to use those joins anymore if your version supports ANSI joins (LEFT/RIGHT JOIN) :

Oracle recommends that you use the FROM clause OUTER JOIN syntax rather than the Oracle join operator. Outer join queries that use the Oracle join operator (+) are subject to the following rules and restrictions […]

Convert JSON string to array of JSON objects in Javascript

If your using jQuery, it's parseJSON function can be used and is preferable to JavaScript's native eval() function. main method

One more way is to extend the application (as my application was to inherit and customize the parent). It invokes the parent and its commandlinerunner automatically.

public class ChildApplication extends ParentApplication{
    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

How to check if a file exists in a folder?

Since nobody said how to check if the file exists AND get the current folder the executable is in (Working Directory):

if (File.Exists(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\YourFile.txt")) {
                //do stuff

The @"\YourFile.txt" is not case sensitive, that means stuff like @"\YoUrFiLe.txt" and @"\YourFile.TXT" or @"\yOuRfILE.tXt" is interpreted the same.

How do I pick randomly from an array?

arr = [1,9,5,2,4,9,5,8,7,9,0,8,2,7,5,8,0,2,9]

This will return a random element from array.

If You will use the line mentioned below


then in some cases it will return 0 or nil value.

The line mentioned below


always return the value from 0 to number-1.

If we use


then it may return number and arr[number] contains no element.

How do I lowercase a string in Python?

Also, you can overwrite some variables:

s = input('UPPER CASE')
lower = s.lower()

If you use like this:

s = "Kilometer"
print(s.lower())     - kilometer
print(s)             - Kilometer

It will work just when called.

Finding a substring within a list in Python

print [s for s in list if sub in s]

If you want them separated by newlines:

print "\n".join(s for s in list if sub in s)

Full example, with case insensitivity:

mylist = ['abc123', 'def456', 'ghi789', 'ABC987', 'aBc654']
sub = 'abc'

print "\n".join(s for s in mylist if sub.lower() in s.lower())

Which command do I use to generate the build of a Vue app?

First Install Vue Cli Globally

npm install -g @vue/cli

To create a new project, run:

vue create project-name

run vue

npm run serve 

Vue CLI >= 3 uses the same vue binary, so it overwrites Vue CLI 2 (vue-cli). If you still need the legacy vue init functionality, you can install a global bridge:

Vue Init Globally

npm install -g @vue/cli-init

vue init now works exactly the same as [email protected]

Vue Create App

vue init webpack my-project

Run developer server

npm run dev

Copy output of a JavaScript variable to the clipboard

For general purposes of copying any text to the clipboard, I wrote the following function:

function textToClipboard (text) {
    var dummy = document.createElement("textarea");
    dummy.value = text;;

The value of the parameter is inserted into value of a newly created <textarea>, which is then selected, its value is copied to the clipboard and then it gets removed from the document.

How to change screen resolution of Raspberry Pi

If you are like me using a TFT that is connected via SPI (e. g. PiTFT 2.8" 320x240) driven by FBTFT in combination with fbcp to utilise hardware accelerated video decoding (using omxplayer) like it is descriped here. You should add the following into the /boot/config.txt to force the output to HDMI and set the resolution to 320x240:

hdmi_cvt=320 240 60 1 0 0 0

PHP how to get the base domain/url?

Tenary Operator helps keep it short and simple.

echo (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? 'http' : 'https' ). "://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']  ;

Why do I keep getting Delete 'cr' [prettier/prettier]?

I know this is old but I just encountered the issue in my team (some mac, some linux, some windows , all vscode).

solution was to set the line ending in vscode's settings:


    "files.eol": "\n",

How to set text color to a text view programmatically


Or, in your case: yourTextView.setTextColor(0xffbdbdbd);

Filter Extensions in HTML form upload

The accept attribute specifies a comma-separated list of content types (MIME types) that the target of the form will process correctly. Unfortunately this attribute is ignored by all the major browsers, so it does not affect the browser's file dialog in any way.

How to loop through a dataset in powershell?

Here's a practical example (build a dataset from your current location):

$ds = new-object System.Data.DataSet

dir | foreach {
    $dr = $ds.Tables["tblTest"].NewRow()
    $dr["Name"] = $
    $dr["Path"] = $_.fullname


$ds.Tables["tblTest"] is an object that you can manipulate just like any other Powershell object:

$ds.Tables["tblTest"] | foreach {
    write-host 'Name value is : $
    write-host 'Path value is : $_.path

SQL Server Pivot Table with multiple column aggregates

The least complicated, most straight-forward way of doing this is by simply wrapping your main query with the pivot in a common table expression, then grouping/aggregating.

    select * from  mytransactions
    pivot (sum (totalcount) for country in ([Australia], [Austria])) as pvt
    SUM(totalamount) AS totalamount,
    SUM(ISNULL(Australia, 0)) AS Australia,
    SUM(ISNULL(Austria, 0)) Austria
GROUP BY numericmonth, chardate

The ISNULL is to stop a NULL value from nullifying the sum (because NULL + any value = NULL)

How to delete specific characters from a string in Ruby?

Do as below using String#tr :

 "((String1))".tr('()', '')
 # => "String1"

Creating the checkbox dynamically using JavaScript?

You can create a function:

function changeInputType(oldObj, oTyp, nValue) {
  var newObject = document.createElement('input');
  newObject.type = oTyp;
  if(oldObj.size) newObject.size = oldObj.size;
  if(oldObj.value) newObject.value = nValue;
  if( =;
  if( =;
  if(oldObj.className) newObject.className = oldObj.className;
  return newObject;

And you do a call like:

changeInputType(document.getElementById('DATE_RANGE_VALUE'), 'checkbox', 7);

how to set font size based on container size?

If you want to set the font-size as a percentage of the viewport width, use the vwunit:

#mydiv { font-size: 5vw; }

The other alternative is to use SVG embedded in the HTML. It will just be a few lines. The font-size attribute to the text element will be interpreted as "user units", for instance those the viewport is defined in terms of. So if you define viewport as 0 0 100 100, then a font-size of 1 will be one one-hundredth of the size of the svg element.

And no, there is no way to do this in CSS using calculations. The problem is that percentages used for font-size, including percentages inside a calculation, are interpreted in terms of the inherited font size, not the size of the container. CSS could use a unit called bw (box-width) for this purpose, so you could say div { font-size: 5bw; }, but I've never heard this proposed.

How to restart Activity in Android

This is by far the easiest way to restart the current activity:


Disable keyboard on EditText

Disable the keyboard (API 11 to current)

This is the best answer I have found so far to disable the keyboard (and I have seen a lot of them).

} else { // API 11-20

There is no need to use reflection or set the InputType to null.

Re-enable the keyboard

Here is how you re-enable the keyboard if needed.

} else { // API 11-20
    editText.setText(editText.getText(), TextView.BufferType.SPANNABLE);

See this Q&A for why the complicated pre API 21 version is needed to undo setTextIsSelectable(true):

This answer needs to be more thoroughly tested.

I have tested the setShowSoftInputOnFocus on higher API devices, but after @androiddeveloper's comment below, I see that this needs to be more thoroughly tested.

Here is some cut-and-paste code to help test this answer. If you can confirm that it does or doesn't work for API 11 to 20, please leave a comment. I don't have any API 11-20 devices and my emulator is having problems.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


        android:text="enable keyboard"

        android:text="disable keyboard"

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    EditText editText;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        editText = (EditText) findViewById(;

    // when keyboard is hidden it should appear when editText is clicked
    public void enableButtonClick(View view) {
        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) { // API 21
        } else { // API 11-20
            editText.setText(editText.getText(), TextView.BufferType.SPANNABLE);

    // when keyboard is hidden it shouldn't respond when editText is clicked
    public void disableButtonClick(View view) {
        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) { // API 21
        } else { // API 11-20

what does -zxvf mean in tar -zxvf <filename>?

  • z means (un)z_ip.
  • x means ex_tract files from the archive.
  • v means print the filenames v_erbosely.
  • f means the following argument is a f_ilename.

For more details, see tar's man page.

How to create directory automatically on SD card

Had the same problem and just want to add that AndroidManifest.xml also needs this permission:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />

How do I set the visibility of a text box in SSRS using an expression?

the rdl file content:


so the text box will hidden, if your expression is true.

increase legend font size ggplot2

You can also specify the font size relative to the base_size included in themes such as theme_bw() (where base_size is 11) using the rel() function.

For example:

ggplot(mtcars, aes(disp, mpg, col=as.factor(cyl))) +
  geom_point() +
  theme_bw() +

Any difference between await Promise.all() and multiple await?


This answer just covers the timing differences between await in series and Promise.all. Be sure to read @mikep's comprehensive answer that also covers the more important differences in error handling.

For the purposes of this answer I will be using some example methods:

  • res(ms) is a function that takes an integer of milliseconds and returns a promise that resolves after that many milliseconds.
  • rej(ms) is a function that takes an integer of milliseconds and returns a promise that rejects after that many milliseconds.

Calling res starts the timer. Using Promise.all to wait for a handful of delays will resolve after all the delays have finished, but remember they execute at the same time:

Example #1
const data = await Promise.all([res(3000), res(2000), res(1000)])
//                              ^^^^^^^^^  ^^^^^^^^^  ^^^^^^^^^
//                               delay 1    delay 2    delay 3
// ms ------1---------2---------3
// =============================O delay 1
// ===================O           delay 2
// =========O                     delay 3
// =============================O Promise.all

async function example() {
  const start =
  let i = 0
  function res(n) {
    const id = ++i
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      setTimeout(() => {
        console.log(`res #${id} called after ${n} milliseconds`, - start)
      }, n)

  const data = await Promise.all([res(3000), res(2000), res(1000)])
  console.log(`Promise.all finished`, - start)


This means that Promise.all will resolve with the data from the inner promises after 3 seconds.

But, Promise.all has a "fail fast" behavior:

Example #2
const data = await Promise.all([res(3000), res(2000), rej(1000)])
//                              ^^^^^^^^^  ^^^^^^^^^  ^^^^^^^^^
//                               delay 1    delay 2    delay 3
// ms ------1---------2---------3
// =============================O delay 1
// ===================O           delay 2
// =========X                     delay 3
// =========X                     Promise.all

async function example() {
  const start =
  let i = 0
  function res(n) {
    const id = ++i
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      setTimeout(() => {
        console.log(`res #${id} called after ${n} milliseconds`, - start)
      }, n)
  function rej(n) {
    const id = ++i
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      setTimeout(() => {
        console.log(`rej #${id} called after ${n} milliseconds`, - start)
      }, n)
  try {
    const data = await Promise.all([res(3000), res(2000), rej(1000)])
  } catch (error) {
    console.log(`Promise.all finished`, - start)


If you use async-await instead, you will have to wait for each promise to resolve sequentially, which may not be as efficient:

Example #3
const delay1 = res(3000)
const delay2 = res(2000)
const delay3 = rej(1000)

const data1 = await delay1
const data2 = await delay2
const data3 = await delay3

// ms ------1---------2---------3
// =============================O delay 1
// ===================O           delay 2
// =========X                     delay 3
// =============================X await

async function example() {
  const start =
  let i = 0
  function res(n) {
    const id = ++i
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      setTimeout(() => {
        console.log(`res #${id} called after ${n} milliseconds`, - start)
      }, n)
  function rej(n) {
    const id = ++i
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      setTimeout(() => {
        console.log(`rej #${id} called after ${n} milliseconds`, - start)
      }, n)
  try {
    const delay1 = res(3000)
    const delay2 = res(2000)
    const delay3 = rej(1000)

    const data1 = await delay1
    const data2 = await delay2
    const data3 = await delay3
  } catch (error) {
    console.log(`await finished`, - start)


Install specific version using laravel installer

For newer version of laravel:

composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel=5.5.* project_name

Find all special characters in a column in SQL Server 2008

Negatives are your friend here:

WHERE Col1 like '%[^a-Z0-9]%'

Which says that you want any rows where Col1 consists of any number of characters, then one character not in the set a-Z0-9, and then any number of characters.

If you have a case sensitive collation, it's important that you use a range that includes both upper and lower case A, a, Z and z, which is what I've given (originally I had it the wrong way around. a comes before A. Z comes after z)

Or, to put it another way, you could have written your original WHERE as:

Col1 LIKE '[!@#$%]'

But, as you observed, you'd need to know all of the characters to include in the [].

How can I get the content of CKEditor using JQuery?

Thanks to John Magnolia. This is my postForm function that I am using in my Symfony projects and it is fine now to work with CK Editor.

function postForm($form, callback)
  // Get all form values
  var values = {};
  var fields = {};

  for(var instanceName in CKEDITOR.instances){

  $.each($form.serializeArray(), function(i, field) {
      values[] = field.value;

  // Throw the form values to the server!
      type        : $form.attr('method'),
      url         : $form.attr('action'),
      data        : values,
      success     : function(data) {
          callback( data );

How do I run a program with a different working directory from current, from Linux shell?

An option which doesn't require a subshell and is built in to bash

(pushd SOME_PATH && run_stuff; popd)


$ pwd
$ pushd /tmp # directory changed
$ pwd
$ popd
$ pwd

mysqli_select_db() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, string given

// 2. Select a database to use 
$db_select = mysqli_select_db($connection, DB_NAME);
if (!$db_select) {
    die("Database selection failed: " . mysqli_error($connection));

You got the order of the arguments to mysqli_select_db() backwards. And mysqli_error() requires you to provide a connection argument. mysqli_XXX is not like mysql_XXX, these arguments are no longer optional.

Note also that with mysqli you can specify the DB in mysqli_connect():

$connection = mysqli_connect(DB_SERVER, DB_USER, DB_PASS, DB_NAME);
if (!$connection) {
  die("Database connection failed: " . mysqli_connect_error();

You must use mysqli_connect_error(), not mysqli_error(), to get the error from mysqli_connect(), since the latter requires you to supply a valid connection.

"No cached version... available for offline mode."

For mac, Uncheck Offline Work from Preference -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Build Tools -> Gradle -> Global Gradle Settings

tip: cmd+, to open Preference via shortcut key

Hibernate Group by Criteria Object

You can use the approach @Ken Chan mentions, and add a single line of code after that if you want a specific list of Objects, example:

                    .add("someColumn", xxxxx))      

List<SomeClazz> objectList = (List<SomeClazz>) criteria.list();

CSS: how to add white space before element's content?

Don't fart around with inserting spaces. For one, older versions of IE won't know what you're talking about. Besides that, though, there are cleaner ways in general.

For colorless indents, use the text-indent property.

p { text-indent: 1em; }

JSFiddle demo


If you want the space to be colored, you might consider adding a thick left border to the first letter. (I'd almost-but-not-quite say "instead", because the indent can be an issue if you use both. But it feels dirty to me to rely solely on the border to indent.) You can specify how far away, and how wide, the color is using the first letter's left margin/padding/border width.

p:first-letter { border-left: 1em solid red; }


How do I hide an element when printing a web page?


@media print
        display: none !important;
        height: 0;

    .no-print, .no-print *{
        display: none !important;
        height: 0;


<link href="/theme/css/ui/ui.print.css?version=x.x.x" media="print" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" >


<div class="no-print"></div>

How to rename files and folder in Amazon S3?

rename all the *.csv.err files in the <<bucket>>/landing dir into *.csv files with s3cmd

 export aws_profile='foo-bar-aws-profile'
 while read -r f ; do tgt_fle=$(echo $f|perl -ne 's/^(.*).csv.err/$1.csv/g;print'); \
        echo s3cmd -c ~/.aws/s3cmd/$aws_profile.s3cfg mv $f $tgt_fle; \
 done < <(s3cmd -r -c ~/.aws/s3cmd/$aws_profile.s3cfg ls --acl-public --guess-mime-type \
        s3://$bucket | grep -i landing | grep csv.err | cut -d" " -f5)

How can I call a method in Objective-C?

calling the method is like this

[className methodName] 

however if you want to call the method in the same class you can use self

[self methodName] 

all the above is because your method was not taking any parameters

however if your method takes parameters you will need to do it like this

[self methodName:Parameter]

Best way to do nested case statement logic in SQL Server

We can combine multiple conditions together to reduce the performance overhead.

Let there are three variables a b c on which we want to perform cases. We can do this as below:

CASE WHEN a = 1 AND b = 1 AND c = 1 THEN '1'
     WHEN a = 0 AND b = 0 AND c = 1 THEN '0'

How to write a UTF-8 file with Java?

All of the answers given here wont work since java's UTF-8 writing is bugged.

JSON to pandas DataFrame

You could first import your json data in a Python dictionnary :

data = json.loads(elevations)

Then modify data on the fly :

for result in data['results']:
    del result[u'location']

Rebuild json string :

elevations = json.dumps(data)

Finally :


You can, also, probably avoid to dump data back to a string, I assume Panda can directly create a DataFrame from a dictionnary (I haven't used it since a long time :p)

calculating execution time in c++

This looks like Dijstra's algorithm. In any case, the time taken to run will depend on N. If it takes more than 3 seconds there isn't any way I can see of speeding it up, as all the calculations that it is doing need to be done.

Depending on what problem you're trying to solve, there might be a faster algorithm.

How to make a radio button unchecked by clicking it?

Let's suppose you have a button where on clicking it, you can make all your radio button selection to false. You can write the below code inside the onclick handler.
Below code take radio buttons based on class name and for each element it will mark it to false.

var elements=document.getElementsByClassName('Button');, function(element) {
  element.checked = false;

The most efficient way to remove first N elements in a list?

l = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
del l[0:3] # Here 3 specifies the number of items to be deleted.

This is the code if you want to delete a number of items from the list. You might as well skip the zero before the colon. It does not have that importance. This might do as well.

l = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
del l[:3] # Here 3 specifies the number of items to be deleted.

Passing parameter using onclick or a click binding with KnockoutJS

If you set up a click binding in Knockout the event is passed as the second parameter. You can use the event to obtain the element that the click occurred on and perform whatever action you want.

Here is a fiddle that demonstrates:

Alternatively, you could create your own custom binding, which will receive the element it is bound to as the first parameter. On init you could attach your own click event handler to do any actions you wish.


    <button data-bind="click: clickMe">Click Me!</button>


var ViewModel = function() {
    var self = this;
    self.clickMe = function(data,event) {

      var target = || event.srcElement;

      if (target.nodeType == 3) // defeat Safari bug
        target = target.parentNode;

      target.parentNode.innerHTML = "something";

ko.applyBindings(new ViewModel());

Detect whether current Windows version is 32 bit or 64 bit

Using Windows Powershell, if the following expression returns true, then it's a 64 bit OS:

(([Array](Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Processor | Select-Object AddressWidth))[0].AddressWidth -eq 64)

This was taken and modified from: (Method #3). I've tested this on Win7 64 bit (in both 32 and 64 bit PowerShell sessions), and XP 32 bit.

How to output messages to the Eclipse console when developing for Android

System.out.println() also outputs to LogCat. The benefit of using good old System.out.println() is that you can print an object like System.out.println(object) to the console if you need to check if a variable is initialized or not.

Log.d, Log.v, Log.w etc methods only allow you to print strings to the console and not objects. To circumvent this (if you desire), you must use String.format.

jQuery Event Keypress: Which key was pressed?

Try this:

jQuery('#myInput').keypress(function(e) {
    code = e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which;
    if(code.toString() == 13) {
        alert('You pressed enter!');

Is it possible to use a div as content for Twitter's Popover

First of all, if you want to use HTML inside the content you need to set the HTML option to true:

$('.danger').popover({ html : true});

Then you have two options to set the content for a Popover

  • Use the data-content attribute. This is the default option.
  • Use a custom JS function which returns the HTML content.

Using data-content: You need to escape the HTML content, something like this:

<a class='danger' data-placement='above' 
   data-content="&lt;div&gt;This is your div content&lt;/div&gt;" 
   title="Title" href='#'>Click</a>

You can either escape the HTML manually or use a function. I don't know about PHP but in Rails we use *html_safe*.

Using a JS function: If you do this, you have several options. The easiest I think is to put your div content hidden wherever you want and then write a function to pass its content to popover. Something like this:

    html : true,
    content: function() {
      return $('#popover_content_wrapper').html();

And then your HTML looks like this:

<a class='danger' data-placement='above' title="Popover Title" href='#'>Click</a>
<div id="popover_content_wrapper" style="display: none">
  <div>This is your div content</div>

Hope it helps!

PS: I've had some troubles when using popover and not setting the title attribute... so, remember to always set the title.

Cannot find libcrypto in Ubuntu

ld is trying to find libcrypto.sowhich is not present as seen in your locate output. You can make a copy of the and name it as Put this is your ld path. ( If you do not have root access then you can put it in a local path and specify the path manually )

Update TensorFlow

For anaconda installation, first pick a channel which has the latest version of tensorflow binary. Usually, the latest versions are available at the channel conda-forge. Then simply do:

conda update -f -c conda-forge tensorflow

This will upgrade your existing tensorflow installation to the very latest version available. As of this writing, the latest version is 1.4.0-py36_0

How to update an "array of objects" with Firestore?

Other than the answers mentioned above. This will do it. Using Angular 5 and AngularFire2. or use firebase.firestore() instead of this.afs

  // say you have have the following object and 
  // database structure as you mentioned in your post
  data = { who: "[email protected]", when: new Date() };


  addSharedWith(data) {

    const postDocRef = this.afs.collection('posts').doc('docID');

    postDocRef.subscribe( post => {

      // Grab the existing sharedWith Array
      // If post.sharedWith doesn`t exsit initiated with empty array
      const foo = { 'sharedWith' : post.sharedWith || []};

      // Grab the existing sharedWith Array

      // pass updated to fireStore
      // using .set() will overwrite everything
      // .update will only update existing values, 
      // so we initiated sharedWith with empty array

Implode an array with JavaScript?

array.join was not recognizing ";" how a separator, but replacing it with comma. Using jQuery, you can use $.each to implode an array (Note that output_saved_json is the array and tmp is the string that will store the imploded array):

var tmp = "";
$.each(output_saved_json, function(index,value) {
    tmp = tmp + output_saved_json[index] + ";";

output_saved_json = tmp.substring(0,tmp.length - 1); // remove last ";" added

I have used substring to remove last ";" added at the final without necessity. But if you prefer, you can use instead substring something like:

var tmp = "";
$.each(output_saved_json, function(index,value) {
    tmp = tmp + output_saved_json[index];

    if((index + 1) != output_saved_json.length) {
         tmp = tmp + ";";

output_saved_json = tmp;

I think this last solution is more slower than the 1st one because it needs to check if index is different than the lenght of array every time while $.each do not end.

How can I search for a commit message on GitHub?

Update January 2017 (two years later):

You can now search for commit messages! (still only in the master branch)

February 2015: Not sure that could ever be possible, considering the current search infrastructure base on Elasticsearch (introduced in January 2013).

As an answer "drawing from credible and/or official sources", here is an interview done with the GitHub people in charge of introducing Elasticsearch at GitHub (August 2013)

Tim Pease: We have two document types in there: One is a source code file and the other one is a repository. The way that git works is you have commits and you have a branch for each commit. Repository documents keep track of the most recent commit for that particular repository that has been indexed. When a user pushes a new commit up to Github, we then pull that repository document from elasticsearch. We then see the most recently indexed commit and then we get a list of all the files that had been modified, or added, or deleted between this recent push and what we have previously indexed. Then we can go ahead and just update those documents which have been changed. We don’t have to re-index the entire source code tree every time someone pushes.

Andrew Cholakian: So, you guys only index, I’m assuming, the master branch.

Tim Pease: Correct. It’s only the head of the master branch that you’re going to get in there and still that’s a lot of data, two billion documents, 30 terabytes.

Andrew Cholakian: That is awesomely huge.


Tim Pease: With indexing source code on push, it’s a self-healing process.
We have that repository document which keeps track of the last indexed commit. If we missed, just happen to miss three commits where those jobs fail, the next commit that comes in, we’re still looking at the diff between the previous commit that we indexed and the one that we’re seeing with this new push.
You do a git diff and you get all the files that have been updated, deleted, or added. You can just say, “Okay, we need to remove these files. We need to add these files, and all that.” It’s self-healing and that’s the approach that we have taken with pretty much all of the architecture.

That all means not all the branches of all the repo would be indexed with that approach.
A global commit message search isn't available for now.
And Tim Pease himself confirms commit messages are not indexed.

Note that it isn't impossible to get one's own elasticsearch local indexing of a local clone: see "Searching a git repository with ElasticSearch"

But for a specific repo, the easiest remains to clone it and do a:

git log --all --grep='my search'

(More options at "How to search a Git repository by commit message?")

How to make a redirection on page load in JSF 1.x

you should use action instead of actionListener:

<h:commandLink id="close" action="#{bean.close}" value="Close" immediate="true" 

and in close method you right something like:

public String close() {
   return "index?faces-redirect=true";

where index is one of your pages(index.xhtml)

Of course, all this staff should be written in our original page, not in the intermediate. And inside the close() method you can use the parameters to dynamically choose where to redirect.

Java simple code: Unexpected end of file from server

Most likely the headers you are setting is incorrect or not acceptable.

Example: connnection.setRequestProperty("content-type", "application/json");

Regular expression to match a dot

In your regex you need to escape the dot "\." or use it inside a character class "[.]", as it is a meta-character in regex, which matches any character.

Also, you need \w+ instead of \w to match one or more word characters.

Now, if you want the test.this content, then split is not what you need. split will split your string around the test.this. For example:

>>> re.split(r"\b\w+\.\w+@", s)
['blah blah blah ', ' blah blah']

You can use re.findall:

>>> re.findall(r'\w+[.]\w+(?=@)', s)   # look ahead
>>> re.findall(r'(\w+[.]\w+)@', s)     # capture group

What type of hash does WordPress use?

The WordPress password hasher implements the Portable PHP password hashing framework, which is used in Content Management Systems like WordPress and Drupal.

They used to use MD5 in the older versions, but sadly for me, no more. You can generate hashes using this encryption scheme at

Responsive timeline UI with Bootstrap3

.timeline {_x000D_
  list-style: none;_x000D_
  padding: 20px 0 20px;_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
.timeline:before {_x000D_
  top: 0;_x000D_
  bottom: 0;_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  content: " ";_x000D_
  width: 3px;_x000D_
  background-color: #eeeeee;_x000D_
  left: 50%;_x000D_
  margin-left: -1.5px;_x000D_
.timeline > li {_x000D_
  margin-bottom: 20px;_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
.timeline > li:before,_x000D_
.timeline > li:after {_x000D_
  content: " ";_x000D_
  display: table;_x000D_
.timeline > li:after {_x000D_
  clear: both;_x000D_
.timeline > li:before,_x000D_
.timeline > li:after {_x000D_
  content: " ";_x000D_
  display: table;_x000D_
.timeline > li:after {_x000D_
  clear: both;_x000D_
.timeline > li > .timeline-panel {_x000D_
  width: 46%;_x000D_
  float: left;_x000D_
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  border-radius: 2px;_x000D_
  padding: 20px;_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
  -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.175);_x000D_
  box-shadow: 0 1px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.175);_x000D_
.timeline > li > .timeline-panel:before {_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
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  border-left: 15px solid #ccc;_x000D_
  border-right: 0 solid #ccc;_x000D_
  border-bottom: 15px solid transparent;_x000D_
  content: " ";_x000D_
.timeline > li > .timeline-panel:after {_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  top: 27px;_x000D_
  right: -14px;_x000D_
  display: inline-block;_x000D_
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  border-right: 0 solid #fff;_x000D_
  border-bottom: 14px solid transparent;_x000D_
  content: " ";_x000D_
.timeline > li > .timeline-badge {_x000D_
  color: #fff;_x000D_
  width: 50px;_x000D_
  height: 50px;_x000D_
  line-height: 50px;_x000D_
  font-size: 1.4em;_x000D_
  text-align: center;_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  top: 16px;_x000D_
  left: 50%;_x000D_
  margin-left: -25px;_x000D_
  background-color: #999999;_x000D_
  z-index: 100;_x000D_
  border-top-right-radius: 50%;_x000D_
  border-top-left-radius: 50%;_x000D_
  border-bottom-right-radius: 50%;_x000D_
  border-bottom-left-radius: 50%;_x000D_
.timeline > li.timeline-inverted > .timeline-panel {_x000D_
  float: right;_x000D_
.timeline > li.timeline-inverted > .timeline-panel:before {_x000D_
  border-left-width: 0;_x000D_
  border-right-width: 15px;_x000D_
  left: -15px;_x000D_
  right: auto;_x000D_
.timeline > li.timeline-inverted > .timeline-panel:after {_x000D_
  border-left-width: 0;_x000D_
  border-right-width: 14px;_x000D_
  left: -14px;_x000D_
  right: auto;_x000D_
.timeline-badge.primary {_x000D_
  background-color: #2e6da4 !important;_x000D_
.timeline-badge.success {_x000D_
  background-color: #3f903f !important;_x000D_
.timeline-badge.warning {_x000D_
  background-color: #f0ad4e !important;_x000D_
.timeline-badge.danger {_x000D_
  background-color: #d9534f !important;_x000D_
_x000D_ {_x000D_
  background-color: #5bc0de !important;_x000D_
.timeline-title {_x000D_
  margin-top: 0;_x000D_
  color: inherit;_x000D_
.timeline-body > p,_x000D_
.timeline-body > ul {_x000D_
  margin-bottom: 0;_x000D_
.timeline-body > p + p {_x000D_
  margin-top: 5px;_x000D_
<div class="container">_x000D_
  <div class="page-header">_x000D_
    <h1 id="timeline">Timeline</h1>_x000D_
  <ul class="timeline">_x000D_
      <div class="timeline-badge"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-check"></i></div>_x000D_
      <div class="timeline-panel">_x000D_
         <p><small class="text-muted"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-time"></i> 11 hours ago via Twitter</small></p>_x000D_
        <div class="timeline-heading">_x000D_
          <h4 class="timeline-title">Mussum ipsum cacilds</h4>_x000D_
          <p><small class="text-muted"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-time"></i> 11 hours ago via Twitter</small></p>_x000D_
        <div class="timeline-body">_x000D_
          <p>Mussum ipsum cacilds, vidis litro abertis. Consetis adipiscings elitis. Pra lá , depois divoltis porris, paradis. Paisis, filhis, espiritis santis. Mé faiz elementum girarzis, nisi eros vermeio, in elementis mé pra quem é amistosis quis leo._x000D_
            Manduma pindureta quium dia nois paga. Sapien in monti palavris qui num significa nadis i pareci latim. Interessantiss quisso pudia ce receita de bolis, mais bolis eu num gostis.</p>_x000D_
    <li class="timeline-inverted">_x000D_
      <div class="timeline-badge warning"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-credit-card"></i></div>_x000D_
      <div class="timeline-panel">_x000D_
        <div class="timeline-heading">_x000D_
          <h4 class="timeline-title">Mussum ipsum cacilds</h4>_x000D_
        <div class="timeline-body">_x000D_
          <p>Mussum ipsum cacilds, vidis litro abertis. Consetis adipiscings elitis. Pra lá , depois divoltis porris, paradis. Paisis, filhis, espiritis santis. Mé faiz elementum girarzis, nisi eros vermeio, in elementis mé pra quem é amistosis quis leo._x000D_
            Manduma pindureta quium dia nois paga. Sapien in monti palavris qui num significa nadis i pareci latim. Interessantiss quisso pudia ce receita de bolis, mais bolis eu num gostis.</p>_x000D_
          <p>Suco de cevadiss, é um leite divinis, qui tem lupuliz, matis, aguis e fermentis. Interagi no mé, cursus quis, vehicula ac nisi. Aenean vel dui dui. Nullam leo erat, aliquet quis tempus a, posuere ut mi. Ut scelerisque neque et turpis posuere_x000D_
            pulvinar pellentesque nibh ullamcorper. Pharetra in mattis molestie, volutpat elementum justo. Aenean ut ante turpis. Pellentesque laoreet mé vel lectus scelerisque interdum cursus velit auctor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing_x000D_
            elit. Etiam ac mauris lectus, non scelerisque augue. Aenean justo massa.</p>_x000D_
      <div class="timeline-badge danger"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-credit-card"></i></div>_x000D_
      <div class="timeline-panel">_x000D_
        <div class="timeline-heading">_x000D_
          <h4 class="timeline-title">Mussum ipsum cacilds</h4>_x000D_
        <div class="timeline-body">_x000D_
          <p>Mussum ipsum cacilds, vidis litro abertis. Consetis adipiscings elitis. Pra lá , depois divoltis porris, paradis. Paisis, filhis, espiritis santis. Mé faiz elementum girarzis, nisi eros vermeio, in elementis mé pra quem é amistosis quis leo._x000D_
            Manduma pindureta quium dia nois paga. Sapien in monti palavris qui num significa nadis i pareci latim. Interessantiss quisso pudia ce receita de bolis, mais bolis eu num gostis.</p>_x000D_
    <li class="timeline-inverted">_x000D_
      <div class="timeline-panel">_x000D_
        <div class="timeline-heading">_x000D_
          <h4 class="timeline-title">Mussum ipsum cacilds</h4>_x000D_
        <div class="timeline-body">_x000D_
          <p>Mussum ipsum cacilds, vidis litro abertis. Consetis adipiscings elitis. Pra lá , depois divoltis porris, paradis. Paisis, filhis, espiritis santis. Mé faiz elementum girarzis, nisi eros vermeio, in elementis mé pra quem é amistosis quis leo._x000D_
            Manduma pindureta quium dia nois paga. Sapien in monti palavris qui num significa nadis i pareci latim. Interessantiss quisso pudia ce receita de bolis, mais bolis eu num gostis.</p>_x000D_
      <div class="timeline-badge info"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-floppy-disk"></i></div>_x000D_
      <div class="timeline-panel">_x000D_
        <div class="timeline-heading">_x000D_
          <h4 class="timeline-title">Mussum ipsum cacilds</h4>_x000D_
        <div class="timeline-body">_x000D_
          <p>Mussum ipsum cacilds, vidis litro abertis. Consetis adipiscings elitis. Pra lá , depois divoltis porris, paradis. Paisis, filhis, espiritis santis. Mé faiz elementum girarzis, nisi eros vermeio, in elementis mé pra quem é amistosis quis leo._x000D_
            Manduma pindureta quium dia nois paga. Sapien in monti palavris qui num significa nadis i pareci latim. Interessantiss quisso pudia ce receita de bolis, mais bolis eu num gostis.</p>_x000D_
          <div class="btn-group">_x000D_
            <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-sm dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">_x000D_
              <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-cog"></i> <span class="caret"></span>_x000D_
            <ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu">_x000D_
              <li><a href="#">Action</a></li>_x000D_
              <li><a href="#">Another action</a></li>_x000D_
              <li><a href="#">Something else here</a></li>_x000D_
              <li class="divider"></li>_x000D_
              <li><a href="#">Separated link</a></li>_x000D_
      <div class="timeline-panel">_x000D_
        <div class="timeline-heading">_x000D_
          <h4 class="timeline-title">Mussum ipsum cacilds</h4>_x000D_
        <div class="timeline-body">_x000D_
          <p>Mussum ipsum cacilds, vidis litro abertis. Consetis adipiscings elitis. Pra lá , depois divoltis porris, paradis. Paisis, filhis, espiritis santis. Mé faiz elementum girarzis, nisi eros vermeio, in elementis mé pra quem é amistosis quis leo._x000D_
            Manduma pindureta quium dia nois paga. Sapien in monti palavris qui num significa nadis i pareci latim. Interessantiss quisso pudia ce receita de bolis, mais bolis eu num gostis.</p>_x000D_
    <li class="timeline-inverted">_x000D_
      <div class="timeline-badge success"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-thumbs-up"></i></div>_x000D_
      <div class="timeline-panel">_x000D_
        <div class="timeline-heading">_x000D_
          <h4 class="timeline-title">Mussum ipsum cacilds</h4>_x000D_
        <div class="timeline-body">_x000D_
          <p>Mussum ipsum cacilds, vidis litro abertis. Consetis adipiscings elitis. Pra lá , depois divoltis porris, paradis. Paisis, filhis, espiritis santis. Mé faiz elementum girarzis, nisi eros vermeio, in elementis mé pra quem é amistosis quis leo._x000D_
            Manduma pindureta quium dia nois paga. Sapien in monti palavris qui num significa nadis i pareci latim. Interessantiss quisso pudia ce receita de bolis, mais bolis eu num gostis.</p>_x000D_

How to do SVN Update on my project using the command line

I think I got it. It's:

"SVN Client Path"  /command:update / path:"My folder path"

capture div into image using html2canvas

If you just want to have screenshot of a div, you can do it like this

html2canvas($('#div'), {
  onrendered: function(canvas) {
    var img = canvas.toDataURL();

Any way (or shortcut) to auto import the classes in IntelliJ IDEA like in Eclipse?

Seems like IntelliJ IDEA will import missed class automatically, and you can import them by hit Alt + Enter manually.

Getting list of lists into pandas DataFrame

Even without pop the list we can do with set_index

0 Heading1 Heading2
1        1        2
2        3        4

Update from_records

table = [['Heading1', 'Heading2'], [1 , 2], [3, 4]]

   Heading1  Heading2
0         1         2
1         3         4

How to convert a Scikit-learn dataset to a Pandas dataset?

Here's another integrated method example maybe helpful.

from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
iris_X, iris_y = load_iris(return_X_y=True, as_frame=True)
type(iris_X), type(iris_y)

The data iris_X are imported as pandas DataFrame and the target iris_y are imported as pandas Series.

How to convert an integer to a character array using C

Use itoa, as is shown here.

char buf[5];
// Convert 123 to string [buf]
itoa(123, buf, 10);

buf will be a string array as you documented. You might need to increase the size of the buffer.

How do I get the key at a specific index from a Dictionary in Swift?

You can iterate over a dictionary and grab an index with for-in and enumerate (like others have said, there is no guarantee it will come out ordered like below)

let dict = ["c": 123, "d": 045, "a": 456]

for (index, entry) in enumerate(dict) {
    println(index)   // 0       1        2
    println(entry)   // (d, 45) (c, 123) (a, 456)

If you want to sort first..

var sortedKeysArray = sorted(dict) { $0.0 < $1.0 }
println(sortedKeysArray)   // [(a, 456), (c, 123), (d, 45)]

var sortedValuesArray = sorted(dict) { $0.1 < $1.1 }
println(sortedValuesArray) // [(d, 45), (c, 123), (a, 456)]

then iterate.

for (index, entry) in enumerate(sortedKeysArray) {
    println(index)    // 0   1   2
    println(entry.0)  // a   c   d
    println(entry.1)  // 456 123 45

If you want to create an ordered dictionary, you should look into Generics.

MVC Redirect to View from jQuery with parameters

This would also work I believe:

$('#results').on('click', '.item', function () {
            var NestId = $(this).data('id');
            var url = '@Html.Raw(Url.Action("Artists", new { NestId = @NestId }))';
            window.location.href = url; 

How to get the Android device's primary e-mail address

Working In MarshMallow Operating System

    btn_click=(Button) findViewById(;

    btn_click.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {

        public void onClick(View arg0)
            if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M)
                int permissionCheck = ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(PermissionActivity.this,
                if (permissionCheck == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED)
                    //showing dialog to select image
                    String possibleEmail=null;

                     Pattern emailPattern = Patterns.EMAIL_ADDRESS; // API level 8+
                     Account[] accounts = AccountManager.get(PermissionActivity.this).getAccounts();
                     for (Account account : accounts) {
                         if (emailPattern.matcher( {
                             possibleEmail =;

                    Log.e("keshav","possibleEmail gjhh->"+possibleEmail);
                    Log.e("permission", "granted Marshmallow O/S");

                } else {                        ActivityCompat.requestPermissions(PermissionActivity.this,
                            new String[]{android.Manifest.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE,
                                    android.Manifest.permission.CAMERA}, 1);
            } else {
// Lower then Marshmallow

                    String possibleEmail=null;

                     Pattern emailPattern = Patterns.EMAIL_ADDRESS; // API level 8+
                     Account[] accounts = AccountManager.get(PermissionActivity.this).getAccounts();
                     for (Account account : accounts) {
                         if (emailPattern.matcher( {
                             possibleEmail =;

                    Log.e("keshav","possibleEmail gjhh->"+possibleEmail);


ExpressJS - throw er Unhandled error event

this means your file is running now. just enter below code and try again:

sudo pkill node

How to make an ng-click event conditional?

I use the && expression which works perfectly for me.

For example,

<button ng-model="vm.slideOneValid" ng-disabled="!vm.slideOneValid" ng-click="vm.slideOneValid && vm.nextSlide()" class="btn btn-light-green btn-medium pull-right">Next</button>

If vm.slideOneValid is false, the second part of the expression is not fired. I know this is putting logic into the DOM, but it's a quick a dirty way to get ng-disabled and ng-click to place nice.

Just remember to add ng-model to the element to make ng-disabled work.

What is the purpose of the single underscore "_" variable in Python?

As far as the Python languages is concerned, _ has no special meaning. It is a valid identifier just like _foo, foo_ or _f_o_o_.

Any special meaning of _ is purely by convention. Several cases are common:

  • A dummy name when a variable is not intended to be used, but a name is required by syntax/semantics.

    # iteration disregarding content
    sum(1 for _ in some_iterable)
    # unpacking disregarding specific elements
    head, *_ = values
    # function disregarding its argument
    def callback(_): return True
  • Many REPLs/shells store the result of the last top-level expression to builtins._.

    The special identifier _ is used in the interactive interpreter to store the result of the last evaluation; it is stored in the builtins module. When not in interactive mode, _ has no special meaning and is not defined. [source]

    Due to the way names are looked up, unless shadowed by a global or local _ definition the bare _ refers to builtins._ .

    >>> 42
    >>> f'the last answer is {_}'
    'the last answer is 42'
    >>> _
    'the last answer is 42'
    >>> _ = 4  # shadow ``builtins._`` with global ``_``
    >>> 23
    >>> _

    Note: Some shells such as ipython do not assign to builtins._ but special-case _.

  • In the context internationalization and localization, _ is used as an alias for the primary translation function.


    Return the localized translation of message, based on the current global domain, language, and locale directory. This function is usually aliased as _() in the local namespace (see examples below).

Multiplying Two Columns in SQL Server

In a query you can just do something like:

SELECT ColumnA * ColumnB FROM table


SELECT ColumnA - ColumnB FROM table

You can also create computed columns in your table where you can permanently use your formula.

Typescript: difference between String and string

For quick readers:

Don’t ever use the types Number, String, Boolean, Symbol, or Object These types refer to non-primitive boxed objects that are almost never used appropriately in JavaScript code.


Remove Object from Array using JavaScript

someArray = jQuery.grep(someArray , function (value) {
        return != 'Kristian';

What is the precise meaning of "ours" and "theirs" in git?

Just to clarify -- as noted above when rebasing the sense is reversed, so if you see

<<<<<<< HEAD
        foo = 12;
        foo = 22;
>>>>>>> [your commit message]

Resolve using 'mine' -> foo = 12

Resolve using 'theirs' -> foo = 22

"A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time" using WebClient

Adding the following block of code in web.config solves my problem

    <defaultProxy enabled="false" >

Is it possible to modify a registry entry via a .bat/.cmd script?

In addition to reg.exe, I highly recommend that you also check out powershell, its vastly more capable in its registry handling.

Remove All Event Listeners of Specific Type

That is not possible without intercepting addEventListener calls and keep track of the listeners or use a library that allows such features unfortunately. It would have been if the listeners collection was accessible but the feature wasn't implemented.

The closest thing you can do is to remove all listeners by cloning the element, which will not clone the listeners collection.

Note: This will also remove listeners on element's children.

var el = document.getElementById('el-id'),
    elClone = el.cloneNode(true);

el.parentNode.replaceChild(elClone, el);

What is the hamburger menu icon called and the three vertical dots icon called?

For the 3 vertical dot icon, these are the most popular names

  • Kebab menu
  • More options icon

For the remaining, here is the list.

Picture Credit- @MichaelBabich

Convert an int to ASCII character

Alternative way, But non-standard.

int i = 6;
char c[2];
char *str = NULL;
if (_itoa_s(i, c, 2, 10) == 0)
   str = c;

Or Using standard c++ stringstream

 std::ostringstream oss;
 oss << 6;

Unicode, UTF, ASCII, ANSI format differences

Going down your list:

  • "Unicode" isn't an encoding, although unfortunately, a lot of documentation imprecisely uses it to refer to whichever Unicode encoding that particular system uses by default. On Windows and Java, this often means UTF-16; in many other places, it means UTF-8. Properly, Unicode refers to the abstract character set itself, not to any particular encoding.
  • UTF-16: 2 bytes per "code unit". This is the native format of strings in .NET, and generally in Windows and Java. Values outside the Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP) are encoded as surrogate pairs. These used to be relatively rarely used, but now many consumer applications will need to be aware of non-BMP characters in order to support emojis.
  • UTF-8: Variable length encoding, 1-4 bytes per code point. ASCII values are encoded as ASCII using 1 byte.
  • UTF-7: Usually used for mail encoding. Chances are if you think you need it and you're not doing mail, you're wrong. (That's just my experience of people posting in newsgroups etc - outside mail, it's really not widely used at all.)
  • UTF-32: Fixed width encoding using 4 bytes per code point. This isn't very efficient, but makes life easier outside the BMP. I have a .NET Utf32String class as part of my MiscUtil library, should you ever want it. (It's not been very thoroughly tested, mind you.)
  • ASCII: Single byte encoding only using the bottom 7 bits. (Unicode code points 0-127.) No accents etc.
  • ANSI: There's no one fixed ANSI encoding - there are lots of them. Usually when people say "ANSI" they mean "the default locale/codepage for my system" which is obtained via Encoding.Default, and is often Windows-1252 but can be other locales.

There's more on my Unicode page and tips for debugging Unicode problems.

The other big resource of code is which contains more information than you'll ever be able to work your way through - possibly the most useful bit is the code charts. and pass parameters by post method

You could simply use target="_blank" on the form.

<form action="action.php" method="post" target="_blank">
    <input type="hidden" name="something" value="some value">

Add hidden inputs in the way you prefer, and then simply submit the form with JS.

How to set Linux environment variables with Ansible

This is the best option. As said Michal Gasek (first answer), since the pull request was merged (, we are able to set permanent environment variables easily by play level.

- hosts: all
     - php
     - nginx
    MY_ENV_VARIABLE: whatever_value

Apache and Node.js on the Same Server

Great question!

There are many websites and free web apps implemented in PHP that run on Apache, lots of people use it so you can mash up something pretty easy and besides, its a no-brainer way of serving static content. Node is fast, powerful, elegant, and a sexy tool with the raw power of V8 and a flat stack with no in-built dependencies.

I also want the ease/flexibility of Apache and yet the grunt and elegance of Node.JS, why can't I have both?

Fortunately with the ProxyPass directive in the Apache httpd.conf its not too hard to pipe all requests on a particular URL to your Node.JS application.

ProxyPass /node http://localhost:8000

Also, make sure the following lines are NOT commented out so you get the right proxy and submodule to reroute http requests:

LoadModule proxy_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/

Then run your Node app on port 8000!

var http = require('http');
http.createServer(function (req, res) {
  res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
  res.end('Hello Apache!\n');
}).listen(8000, '');

Then you can access all Node.JS logic using the /node/ path on your url, the rest of the website can be left to Apache to host your existing PHP pages:

enter image description here

Now the only thing left is convincing your hosting company let your run with this configuration!!!

Update and left outer join statements

Just another example where the value of a column from table 1 is inserted into a column in table 2:

UPDATE  Address
SET     Phone1 = sp.Phone
FROM    Address ad LEFT JOIN Speaker sp
ON      sp.AddressID = ad.ID
WHERE   sp.Phone <> '' 

How to store Java Date to Mysql datetime with JPA

Annotate your field (or getter) with @Temporal(TemporalType.TIMESTAMP), like this:

public class MyEntity {
    private java.util.Date myDate;

That should do the trick.

How create a new deep copy (clone) of a List<T>?

I'm disappointed Microsoft didn't offer a neat, fast and easy solution like Ruby are doing with the clone() method.

Except that does not create a deep copy, it creates a shallow copy.

With deep copying, you have to be always careful, what exactly do you want to copy. Some examples of possible issues are:

  1. Cycle in the object graph. For example, Book has an Author and Author has a list of his Books.
  2. Reference to some external object. For example, an object could contain open Stream that writes to a file.
  3. Events. If an object contains an event, pretty much anyone could be subscribed to it. This can get especially problematic if the subscriber is something like a GUI Window.

Now, there are basically two ways how to clone something:

  1. Implement a Clone() method in each class that you need cloned. (There is also ICloneable interface, but you should not use that; using a custom ICloneable<T> interface as Trevor suggested is okay.) If you know that all you need is to create a shallow copy of each field of this class, you could use MemberwiseClone() to implement it. As an alternative, you could create a “copy constructor”: public Book(Book original).
  2. Use serialization to serialize your objects into a MemoryStream and then deserialize them back. This requires you to mark each class as [Serializable] and it can also be configured what exactly (and how) should be serialized. But this is more of a “quick and dirty” solution, and will most likely also be less performant.

Mapping a JDBC ResultSet to an object

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.json.simple.JSONObject;

public class ObjectMapper {

//generic method to convert JDBC resultSet into respective DTo class
public static Object mapValue(List<Map<String, Object>> rows,Class<?> className) throws Exception

        List<Object> response=new ArrayList<>(); 
        Gson gson=new Gson();

        for(Map<String, Object> row:rows){
        org.json.simple.JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();
        String json=jsonObject.toJSONString();
        Object actualObject=gson.fromJson(json, className);
        return response;


    public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception{

        List<Map<String, Object>> rows=new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); 

        //Hardcoded data for testing
        Map<String, Object> row1=new HashMap<String, Object>();
        row1.put("name", "Raja");
        row1.put("age", 22);
        row1.put("location", "India");

        Map<String, Object> row2=new HashMap<String, Object>();
        row2.put("name", "Rani");
        row2.put("age", 20);
        row2.put("location", "India");


        List<Dto> res=(List<Dto>) mapValue(rows, Dto.class);



    public class Dto {

    private String name;
    private Integer age;
    private String location;

    //getters and setters


Try the above code .This can be used as a generic method to map JDBC result to respective DTO class.

AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'predictors'

The dict.items iterates over the key-value pairs of a dictionary. Therefore for key, value in dictionary.items() will loop over each pair. This is documented information and you can check it out in the official web page, or even easier, open a python console and type help(dict.items). And now, just as an example:

>>> d = {'hello': 34, 'world': 2999}
>>> for key, value in d.items():
...   print key, value
world 2999
hello 34

The AttributeError is an exception thrown when an object does not have the attribute you tried to access. The class dict does not have any predictors attribute (now you know where to check it :) ), and therefore it complains when you try to access it. As easy as that.

Is it possible to have a multi-line comments in R?

Put the following into your ~/.Rprofile file:

exclude <-  function(blah) {
    "excluded block"

Now, you can exclude blocks like follows:



Does a "Find in project..." feature exist in Eclipse IDE?

Ctrl + H is the best way! Remember to copy the string before you start searching!

How to play .wav files with java

Finally I managed to do the following and it works fine


import javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat;
import javax.sound.sampled.AudioInputStream;
import javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem;
import javax.sound.sampled.DataLine;
import javax.sound.sampled.LineUnavailableException;
import javax.sound.sampled.SourceDataLine;

public class MakeSound {

    private final int BUFFER_SIZE = 128000;
    private File soundFile;
    private AudioInputStream audioStream;
    private AudioFormat audioFormat;
    private SourceDataLine sourceLine;

     * @param filename the name of the file that is going to be played
    public void playSound(String filename){

        String strFilename = filename;

        try {
            soundFile = new File(strFilename);
        } catch (Exception e) {

        try {
            audioStream = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(soundFile);
        } catch (Exception e){

        audioFormat = audioStream.getFormat();

        DataLine.Info info = new DataLine.Info(SourceDataLine.class, audioFormat);
        try {
            sourceLine = (SourceDataLine) AudioSystem.getLine(info);
        } catch (LineUnavailableException e) {
        } catch (Exception e) {


        int nBytesRead = 0;
        byte[] abData = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
        while (nBytesRead != -1) {
            try {
                nBytesRead =, 0, abData.length);
            } catch (IOException e) {
            if (nBytesRead >= 0) {
                int nBytesWritten = sourceLine.write(abData, 0, nBytesRead);


MySQL select where column is not empty


  FROM jewishyellow.users t
 WHERE LIKE '813%' 
   AND t.phone2 IS NOT NULL

Install apk without downloading

you can use this code .may be solve the problem

Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW,Uri.parse(""));

Mipmap drawables for icons

It seems Google have updated their docs since all these answers, so hopefully this will help someone else in future :) Just came across this question myself, while creating a new (new new) project.

TL;DR: drawables may be stripped out as part of dp-specific resource optimisation. Mipmaps will not be stripped.

Different home screen launcher apps on different devices show app launcher icons at various resolutions. When app resource optimization techniques remove resources for unused screen densities, launcher icons can wind up looking fuzzy because the launcher app has to upscale a lower-resolution icon for display. To avoid these display issues, apps should use the mipmap/ resource folders for launcher icons. The Android system preserves these resources regardless of density stripping, and ensures that launcher apps can pick icons with the best resolution for display.


Responsive Image full screen and centered - maintain aspect ratio, not exceed window

You could use a div with a background image instead and this CSS3 property:

background-size: contain

You can check out an example on:

To quote Mozilla:

The contain value specifies that regardless of the size of the containing box, the background image should be scaled so that each side is as large as possible while not exceeding the length of the corresponding side of the container.

However, keep in mind that your image will be upscaled if the div is larger than your original image.

Catching FULL exception message

The following worked well for me

try {
} catch {
    $string_err = $_ | Out-String

write-host $string_err

The result of this is the following as a string instead of an ErrorRecord object

asdf : The term 'asdf' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
At C:\Users\TASaif\Desktop\tmp\catch_exceptions.ps1:2 char:5
+     asdf
+     ~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (asdf:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException

R Apply() function on specific dataframe columns

As mentioned, you simply want the standard R apply function applied to columns (MARGIN=2):

wifi[,4:9] <- apply(wifi[,4:9], MARGIN=2, FUN=A)

Or, for short:

wifi[,4:9] <- apply(wifi[,4:9], 2, A)

This updates columns 4:9 in-place using the A() function. Now, let's assume that na.rm is an argument to A(), which it probably should be. We can pass na.rm=T to remove NA values from the computation like so:

wifi[,4:9] <- apply(wifi[,4:9], MARGIN=2, FUN=A, na.rm=T)

The same is true for any other arguments you want to pass to your custom function.

Check input value length

<input type='text' minlength=3 /><br />

if browser supports html5,

it will automatical be validate attributes(minlength) in tag

but Safari(iOS) doesn't working

Set line spacing

lineSpacing is used in React Native (or native mobile apps).

For web you can use letterSpacing (or letter-spacing)

get jquery `$(this)` id

this is the DOM element on which the event was hooked. is its ID. No need to wrap it in a jQuery instance to get it, the id property reflects the attribute reliably on all browsers.

$("select").change(function() {    
    alert("Changed: " +;

Live example

You're not doing this in your code sample, but if you were watching a container with several form elements, that would give you the ID of the container. If you want the ID of the element that triggered the event, you could get that from the event object's target property:

$("#container").change(function(event) {
    alert("Field " + + " changed");

Live example

(jQuery ensures that the change event bubbles, even on IE where it doesn't natively.)

Set Background color programmatically

I didn't understand your question ... what do you mean by "when i set every one of my colour"? try this (edit: "#fffff" in original answer changed to "#ffffff"


jquery save json data object in cookie

Try this one:

Quick Usage:

create - create cookie

check - check existance

verify - verify cookie value if JSON

check_index - verify if index exists in JSON

read_values - read cookie value as string

read_JSON - read cookie value as JSON object

read_value - read value of index stored in JSON object

replace_value - replace value from a specified index stored in JSON object

remove_value - remove value and index stored in JSON object

Just use:


How to get the top position of an element?


This will give you the computed offset (relative to document) of any object.

What does a lazy val do?

This feature helps not only delaying expensive calculations, but is also useful to construct mutual dependent or cyclic structures. E.g. this leads to an stack overflow:

trait Foo { val foo: Foo }
case class Fee extends Foo { val foo = Faa() }
case class Faa extends Foo { val foo = Fee() }


But with lazy vals it works fine

trait Foo { val foo: Foo }
case class Fee extends Foo { lazy val foo = Faa() }
case class Faa extends Foo { lazy val foo = Fee() }


Rename Pandas DataFrame Index

For Single Index :


For Multi Index :


WE can also use this in latest pandas :


Write code to convert given number into words (eg 1234 as input should output one thousand two hundred and thirty four)

if you are interested in a ready solution then you may look at HumanizerCpp library ( - it is a port of C# Humanizer library and it does exactly what you want.

It can even convert to ordinals and currently supports 3 languages: English, German and Russian.


const INumberToWordsConverter * e = Configurator::GetNumberToWordsConverter( "en" );

std::cout << e->Convert( 123 ) << std::endl;
std::cout << e->Convert( 1234 ) << std::endl;
std::cout << e->Convert( 12345 ) << std::endl;
std::cout << e->Convert( 123456 ) << std::endl;

std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << e->ConvertToOrdinal( 1001 ) << std::endl;
std::cout << e->ConvertToOrdinal( 1021 ) << std::endl;

const INumberToWordsConverter * g = Configurator::GetNumberToWordsConverter( "de" );

std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << g->Convert( 123456 ) << std::endl;

const INumberToWordsConverter * r = Configurator::GetNumberToWordsConverter( "ru" );

std::cout << r->ConvertToOrdinal( 1112 ) << std::endl;


one hundred and twenty-three
one thousand two hundred and thirty-four
twelve thousand three hundred and forty-five
one hundred and twenty-three thousand four hundred and fifty-six

thousand and first
thousand and twenty-first

???? ?????? ??? ???????????

In any case you may take a look at the source code and reuse in your project or try to understand the logic. It is written in pure C++ without external libraries.

Regards, Serge

How should I do integer division in Perl?

Hope it works

int(9/4) = 2.

Thanks Manojkumar

Different names of JSON property during serialization and deserialization

Annotating with @JsonAlias which got introduced with Jackson 2.9+, without mentioning @JsonProperty on the item to be deserialized with more than one alias(different names for a json property) works fine.

I used com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonAlias for package consistency with com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper for my use-case.

For e.g.:

public class Chair {

    @JsonAlias({"woodenChair", "steelChair"})
    private String entityType;


public void test1() {

   String str1 = "{\"woodenChair\":\"chair made of wood\"}";
   System.out.println( mapper.readValue(str1, Chair.class));
   String str2 = "{\"steelChair\":\"chair made of steel\"}";
   System.out.println( mapper.readValue(str2, Chair.class));


just works fine.

Java heap terminology: young, old and permanent generations?

Memory in SunHotSpot JVM is organized into three generations: young generation, old generation and permanent generation.

  • Young Generation : the newly created objects are allocated to the young gen.
  • Old Generation : If the new object requests for a larger heap space, it gets allocated directly into the old gen. Also objects which have survived a few GC cycles gets promoted to the old gen i.e long lived objects house in old gen.
  • Permanent Generation : The permanent generation holds objects that the JVM finds convenient to have the garbage collector manage, such as objects describing classes and methods, as well as the classes and methods themselves.

FYI: The permanent gen is not considered a part of the Java heap.

How does the three generations interact/relate to each other? Objects(except the large ones) are first allocated to the young generation. If an object remain alive after x no. of garbage collection cycles it gets promoted to the old/tenured gen. Hence we can say that the young gen contains the short lived objects while the old gen contains the objects having a long life. The permanent gen does not interact with the other two generations.

Send POST parameters with MultipartFormData using Alamofire, in iOS Swift

This is how i solve my problem

let parameters = [
            "station_id" :        "1000",
            "title":      "Murat Akdeniz",
            "body":        "xxxxxx"]

let imgData = UIImageJPEGRepresentation(UIImage(named: "1.png")!,1)

        multipartFormData: { MultipartFormData in
        //    multipartFormData.append(imageData, withName: "user", fileName: "user.jpg", mimeType: "image/jpeg")

            for (key, value) in parameters {
                MultipartFormData.append( String.Encoding.utf8)!, withName: key)

        MultipartFormData.append(UIImageJPEGRepresentation(UIImage(named: "1.png")!, 1)!, withName: "photos[1]", fileName: "swift_file.jpeg", mimeType: "image/jpeg")
        MultipartFormData.append(UIImageJPEGRepresentation(UIImage(named: "1.png")!, 1)!, withName: "photos[2]", fileName: "swift_file.jpeg", mimeType: "image/jpeg")

    }, to: "") { (result) in

        switch result {
        case .success(let upload, _, _):

            upload.responseJSON { response in

        case .failure(let encodingError): break


Batch file to copy files from one folder to another folder

To bypass the 'specify a file name or directory name on the target (F = file, D = directory)?' prompt with xcopy, you can do the following...

echo f | xcopy /f /y srcfile destfile

or for those of us just copying large substructures/folders:

use /i which specifies destination must be a directory if copying more than one file

How to redirect the output of DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE to a file?

As a side note, remember that all this output is generated in the server side.

Using DBMS_OUTPUT, the text is generated in the server while it executes your query and stored in a buffer. It is then redirected to your client app when the server finishes the query data retrieval. That is, you only get this info when the query ends.

With UTL_FILE all the information logged will be stored in a file in the server. When the execution finishes you will have to navigate to this file to get the information.

Hope this helps.

How to create war files

Another common option is gradle.

To build your war file in a web app:

In build.gradle, add:

apply plugin: 'war'


./gradlew war

Use the layout from accepted answer above.

How to access the contents of a vector from a pointer to the vector in C++?

You can access the iterator methods directly:

std::vector<int> *intVec;
std::vector<int>::iterator it;

for( it = intVec->begin(); it != intVec->end(); ++it )

If you want the array-access operator, you'd have to de-reference the pointer. For example:

std::vector<int> *intVec;

int val = (*intVec)[0];

How to add a custom CA Root certificate to the CA Store used by pip in Windows?

Not best answer but you can reuse an already created ca bundle using --cert option of pip, for instance:

pip install SQLAlchemy==1.1.15 --cert="C:\Users\myUser\certificates\my_ca-bundle.crt"

Mix Razor and Javascript code

Never ever mix more languages.

<script type="text/javascript">
    var data = @Json.Encode(Model); // !!!! export data !!!!

    for(var prop in data){
      console.log( prop + " "+ data[prop]);

In case of problem you can also try


How to escape the % (percent) sign in C's printf?

You can simply use % twice, that is "%%"


printf("You gave me 12.3 %% of profit");

Create Map in Java

There is even a better way to create a Map along with initialization:

Map<String, String> rightHereMap = new HashMap<String, String>()
        put("key1", "value1");
        put("key2", "value2");

For more options take a look here How can I initialise a static Map?

Python: How to get stdout after running os.system?

commands also works.

import commands
batcmd = "dir"
result = commands.getoutput(batcmd)
print result

It works on linux, python 2.7.

How to delete a cookie using jQuery?

You can try this:

$.removeCookie('the_cookie', { path: '/' });


is there a 'block until condition becomes true' function in java?

EboMike's answer and Toby's answer are both on the right track, but they both contain a fatal flaw. The flaw is called lost notification.

The problem is, if a thread calls foo.notify(), it will not do anything at all unless some other thread is already sleeping in a foo.wait() call. The object, foo, does not remember that it was notified.

There's a reason why you aren't allowed to call foo.wait() or foo.notify() unless the thread is synchronized on foo. It's because the only way to avoid lost notification is to protect the condition with a mutex. When it's done right, it looks like this:

Consumer thread:

try {
    synchronized(foo) {
        while(! conditionIsTrue()) {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {

Producer thread:

synchronized(foo) {

The code that changes the condition and the code that checks the condition is all synchronized on the same object, and the consumer thread explicitly tests the condition before it waits. There is no way for the consumer to miss the notification and end up stuck forever in a wait() call when the condition is already true.

Also note that the wait() is in a loop. That's because, in the general case, by the time the consumer re-acquires the foo lock and wakes up, some other thread might have made the condition false again. Even if that's not possible in your program, what is possible, in some operating systems, is for foo.wait() to return even when foo.notify() has not been called. That's called a spurious wakeup, and it is allowed to happen because it makes wait/notify easier to implement on certain operating systems.

How to pass List<String> in post method using Spring MVC?

You can pass input as ["apple","orange"]if you want to leave the method as it is.

It worked for me with a similar method signature.

Show whitespace characters in Visual Studio Code

In order to get the diff to display whitespace similarly to git diff set diffEditor.ignoreTrimWhitespace to false. edit.renderWhitespace is only marginally helpful.

// Controls if the diff editor shows changes in leading or trailing whitespace as diffs
"diffEditor.ignoreTrimWhitespace": false,

To update the settings go to

File > Preferences > User Settings

Note for Mac users: The Preferences menu is under Code not File. For example, Code > Preferences > User Settings.

This opens up a file titled "Default Settings". Expand the area //Editor. Now you can see where all these mysterious editor.* settings are located. Search (CTRL + F) for renderWhitespace. On my box I have:

// Controls how the editor should render whitespace characters, posibilties are 'none', 'boundary', and 'all'. The 'boundary' option does not render single spaces between words.
"editor.renderWhitespace": "none",

To add to the confusion, the left window "Default Settings" is not editable. You need to override them using the right window titled "settings.json". You can copy paste settings from "Default Settings" to "settings.json":

// Place your settings in this file to overwrite default and user settings.
     "editor.renderWhitespace": "all",
     "diffEditor.ignoreTrimWhitespace": false

I ended up turning off renderWhitespace.

Include files from parent or other directory

Here's something I wrote with that problem in mind:

function absolute_include($file)
         $file is the file url relative to the root of your site. would be passed as

         $folder_depth = substr_count($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] , "/");

         if($folder_depth == false)
            $folder_depth = 1;

         include(str_repeat("../", $folder_depth - 1) . $file);

hope it helps.

Phonegap + jQuery Mobile, real world sample or tutorial

These may not solve exactly your "real-world problems", but perhaps something useful ...

Our web site includes PhoneGap and jQuery Mobile tutorials for a media player, barcode scanner, google maps, and OAuth.

Also, my github page has code, but no tutorial, for two apps:

  • AppLaudApp - a run-control, debugging enabling, download complementary app to a cloud IDE
  • NameTrendz - an app developed in at Android Dev Camp to do a bunch of queries about popular name data. The PhoneGap and jQuery Mobile versions are from March 2011.

remove first element from array and return the array minus the first element

Try this

    var myarray = ["item 1", "item 2", "item 3", "item 4"];

    //removes the first element of the array, and returns that element apart from item 1.

Oracle: how to INSERT if a row doesn't exist

SELECT 'jonny', NULL
  FROM dual -- Not Oracle? No need for dual, drop that line
 WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT NULL -- canonical way, but you can select
                               -- anything as EXISTS only checks existence
                     FROM table
                    WHERE name = 'jonny'

What's the opposite of 'make install', i.e. how do you uninstall a library in Linux?

If sudo make uninstall is unavailable:

In a Debian based system, instead of (or after*) doing make install you can run sudo checkinstall to make a .deb file that gets automatically installed. You can then remove it using the system package manager (e.g. apt/synaptic/aptitude/dpkg). Checkinstall also supports creating other types of package, e.g. RPM.

See also and some basic checkinstall usage and debian checkinstall package.

*: If you're reading this after having installed with make install you can still follow the above instructions and do a dpkg -r $PACKAGE_NAME_YOU_CHOSEN afterwards.

Spaces cause split in path with PowerShell

Not sure if someone still needs it... I needed to invoke msbuild in powershell and following worked fine:

$MSBuild = "${Env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Professional\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe"

& $MSBuild $PathToSolution /p:OutDir=$OutDirVar /t:Rebuild /p:Configuration=Release

iOS: Modal ViewController with transparent background

A complete method tested on iOS 7 and iOS 8.

@interface UIViewController (MBOverCurrentContextModalPresenting)

/// @warning Some method of viewControllerToPresent will called twice before iOS 8, e.g. viewWillAppear:.
- (void)MBOverCurrentContextPresentViewController:(UIViewController *)viewControllerToPresent animated:(BOOL)flag completion:(void (^)(void))completion;


@implementation UIViewController (MBOverCurrentContextModalPresenting)

- (void)MBOverCurrentContextPresentViewController:(UIViewController *)viewControllerToPresent animated:(BOOL)flag completion:(void (^)(void))completion {
    UIViewController *presentingVC = self;

    // iOS 8 before
    if (floor(NSFoundationVersionNumber) <= NSFoundationVersionNumber_iOS_7_1) {
        UIViewController *root = presentingVC;
        while (root.parentViewController) {
            root = root.parentViewController;

        [presentingVC presentViewController:viewControllerToPresent animated:YES completion:^{
            [viewControllerToPresent dismissViewControllerAnimated:NO completion:^{
                UIModalPresentationStyle orginalStyle = root.modalPresentationStyle;
                if (orginalStyle != UIModalPresentationCurrentContext) {
                    root.modalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationCurrentContext;
                [presentingVC presentViewController:viewControllerToPresent animated:NO completion:completion];
                if (orginalStyle != UIModalPresentationCurrentContext) {
                    root.modalPresentationStyle = orginalStyle;

    UIModalPresentationStyle orginalStyle = viewControllerToPresent.modalPresentationStyle;
    if (orginalStyle != UIModalPresentationOverCurrentContext) {
        viewControllerToPresent.modalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationOverCurrentContext;
    [presentingVC presentViewController:viewControllerToPresent animated:YES completion:completion];
    if (orginalStyle != UIModalPresentationOverCurrentContext) {
        viewControllerToPresent.modalPresentationStyle = orginalStyle;


How to compare two dates to find time difference in SQL Server 2005, date manipulation

If your database StartTime = 07:00:00 and endtime = 14:00:00, and both are time type. Your query to get the time difference would be:

SELECT TIMEDIFF(Time(endtime ), Time(StartTime )) from tbl_name

If your database startDate = 2014-07-20 07:00:00 and endtime = 2014-07-20 23:00:00, you can also use this query.

NodeJS/express: Cache and 304 status code

  • Operating system: Windows
  • Browser: Chrome

I used Ctrl + F5 keyboard combination. By doing so, instead of reading from cache, I wanted to get a new response. The solution is to do hard refresh the page.

On MDN Web Docs:

"The HTTP 304 Not Modified client redirection response code indicates that there is no need to retransmit the requested resources. It is an implicit redirection to a cached resource."

Jinja2 shorthand conditional

Yes, it's possible to use inline if-expressions:

{{ 'Update' if files else 'Continue' }}

Accessing a class' member variables in Python?

If you have an instance function (i.e. one that gets passed self) you can use self to get a reference to the class using self.__class__

For example in the code below tornado creates an instance to handle get requests, but we can get hold of the get_handler class and use it to hold a riak client so we do not need to create one for every request.

import tornado.web
import riak

class get_handler(tornado.web.requestHandler):
    riak_client = None

    def post(self):
        cls = self.__class__
        if cls.riak_client is None:
            cls.riak_client = riak.RiakClient(pb_port=8087, protocol='pbc')
        # Additional code to send response to the request ...

Java JRE 64-bit download for Windows?

Might this be the download you are looking for?

  1. Go to the Java SE Downloads Page.
  2. Scroll down a tad look for the main table with the header of "Java Platform, Standard Edition"
  3. Click the JRE Download Button (JRE is the runtime component. JDK is the developer's kit).
  4. Select the appropriate download (all platforms and 32/64 bit downloads are listed)

How to decrypt the password generated by wordpress

You will not be able to retrieve a plain text password from wordpress.

Wordpress use a 1 way encryption to store the passwords using a variation of md5. There is no way to reverse this.

See this article for more info

Disable/Enable Submit Button until all forms have been filled

Just use

document.getElementById('submitbutton').disabled = !cansubmit;

instead of the the if-clause that works only one-way.

Also, for the users who have JS disabled, I'd suggest to set the initial disabled by JS only. To do so, just move the script behind the <form> and call checkform(); once.

PermGen elimination in JDK 8

PermGen space is replaced by MetaSpace in Java 8. The PermSize and MaxPermSize JVM arguments are ignored and a warning is issued if present at start-up.

Most allocations for the class metadata are now allocated out of native memory. * The classes that were used to describe class metadata have been removed.

Main difference between old PermGen and new MetaSpace is, you don't have to mandatory define upper limit of memory usage. You can keep MetaSpace space limit unbounded. Thus when memory usage increases you will not get OutOfMemoryError error. Instead the reserved native memory is increased to full-fill the increase memory usage.

You can define the max limit of space for MetaSpace, and then it will throw OutOfMemoryError : Metadata space. Thus it is important to define this limit cautiously, so that we can avoid memory waste.

Which Python memory profiler is recommended?

Try also the pytracemalloc project which provides the memory usage per Python line number.

EDIT (2014/04): It now has a Qt GUI to analyze snapshots.

Setting Access-Control-Allow-Origin in ASP.Net MVC - simplest possible method

Add this line to your method, If you are using a API.

HttpContext.Current.Response.AddHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); 

How to cast int to enum in C++?

int i = 1;
Test val = static_cast<Test>(i);

How do you open an SDF file (SQL Server Compact Edition)?

Download and install LINQPad, it works for SQL Server, MySQL, SQLite and also SDF (SQL CE 4.0).

Steps for open SDF Files:

  1. Click Add Connection

  2. Select Build data context automatically and Default (LINQ to SQL), then Next.

  3. Under Provider choose SQL CE 4.0.

  4. Under Database with Attach database file selected, choose Browse to select your .sdf file.

  5. Click OK.

Running Windows batch file commands asynchronously

Use the START command:

start [programPath]

If the path to the program contains spaces remember to add quotes. In this case you also need to provide a title for the opening console window

start "[title]" "[program path]"

If you need to provide arguments append them at the end (outside the command quotes)

start "[title]" "[program path]" [list of command args]

Use the /b option to avoid opening a new console window (but in that case you cannot interrupt the application using CTRL-C

Round integers to the nearest 10

Slightly simpler:

def round_int(x):
    return 10 * ((x + 5) // 10)

How to make a DIV always float on the screen in top right corner?

Use position:fixed, as previously stated, IE6 doesn't recognize position:fixed, but with some css magic you can get IE6 to behave:

html, body {
    height: 100%;
body #fixedElement {
    position:fixed !important;
    position: absolute; /*ie6 */
    bottom: 0;

The !important flag makes it so you don't have to use a conditional comment for IE. This will have #fixedElement use position:fixed in all browsers but IE, and in IE, position:absolute will take effect with bottom:0. This will simulate position:fixed for IE6

Hide header in stack navigator React navigation

In the latest version of react-navigation this works to hide the header on every screen: headerMode={'none'}

    <Stack.Screen name="Home" component={HomeScreen}/>
    <Stack.Screen name="Details" component={DetailsScreen}/>

builder for HashMap

Here's one I wrote

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.Supplier;

public class MapBuilder<K, V> {

    private final Map<K, V> map;

     * Create a HashMap builder
    public MapBuilder() {
        map = new HashMap<>();

     * Create a HashMap builder
     * @param initialCapacity
    public MapBuilder(int initialCapacity) {
        map = new HashMap<>(initialCapacity);

     * Create a Map builder
     * @param mapFactory
    public MapBuilder(Supplier<Map<K, V>> mapFactory) {
        map = mapFactory.get();

    public MapBuilder<K, V> put(K key, V value) {
        map.put(key, value);
        return this;

    public Map<K, V> build() {
        return map;

     * Returns an unmodifiable Map. Strictly speaking, the Map is not immutable because any code with a reference to
     * the builder could mutate it.
     * @return
    public Map<K, V> buildUnmodifiable() {
        return Collections.unmodifiableMap(map);

You use it like this:

Map<String, Object> map = new MapBuilder<String, Object>(LinkedHashMap::new)
    .put("event_type", newEvent.getType())
    .put("app_package_name", newEvent.getPackageName())
    .put("activity", newEvent.getActivity())

Including another class in SCSS

@extend .myclass;
@extend #{'.my-class'};

How do I wait until Task is finished in C#?

I'm an async novice, so I can't tell you definitively what is happening here. I suspect that there's a mismatch in the method execution expectations, even though you are using tasks internally in the methods. I think you'd get the results you are expecting if you changed Print to return a Task<string>:

private static string Send(int id)
    Task<HttpResponseMessage> responseTask = client.GetAsync("aaaaa");
    Task<string> result;
    responseTask.ContinueWith(x => result = Print(x));
    responseTask.Wait(); // There's likely a better way to wait for both tasks without doing it in this awkward, consecutive way.
    return result.Result;

private static Task<string> Print(Task<HttpResponseMessage> httpTask)
    Task<string> task = httpTask.Result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
    string result = string.Empty;
    task.ContinueWith(t =>
        Console.WriteLine("Result: " + t.Result);
        result = t.Result;
    return task;

How to specify a port to run a create-react-app based project?

Create a file with name .env in the main directory besidespackage.json and set PORT variable to desired port number.

For example:



You can find the documentation for this action here:

Javascript/jQuery detect if input is focused

With pure javascript:

this === document.activeElement // where 'this' is a dom object

or with jquery's :focus pseudo selector.


Gather multiple sets of columns

This could be done using reshape. It is possible with dplyr though.

  colnames(df) <- gsub("\\.(.{2})$", "_\\1", colnames(df))
  colnames(df)[2] <- "Date"
  res <- reshape(df, idvar=c("id", "Date"), varying=3:8, direction="long", sep="_")
  row.names(res) <- 1:nrow(res)
  #  id       Date time       Q3.2       Q3.3
  #1  1 2009-01-01    1  1.3709584  0.4554501
  #2  2 2009-01-02    1 -0.5646982  0.7048373
  #3  3 2009-01-03    1  0.3631284  1.0351035
  #4  4 2009-01-04    1  0.6328626 -0.6089264
  #5  5 2009-01-05    1  0.4042683  0.5049551
  #6  6 2009-01-06    1 -0.1061245 -1.7170087

Or using dplyr

  colnames(df) <- gsub("\\.(.{2})$", "_\\1", colnames(df))

  df %>%
     gather(loop_number, "Q3", starts_with("Q3")) %>% 
     separate(loop_number,c("L1", "L2"), sep="_") %>% 
     spread(L1, Q3) %>%
     select(-L2) %>%
  #  id       time       Q3.2       Q3.3
  #1  1 2009-01-01  1.3709584  0.4554501
  #2  1 2009-01-01  1.3048697  0.2059986
  #3  1 2009-01-01 -0.3066386  0.3219253
  #4  2 2009-01-02 -0.5646982  0.7048373
  #5  2 2009-01-02  2.2866454 -0.3610573
  #6  2 2009-01-02 -1.7813084 -0.7838389


With new version of tidyr, we can use pivot_longer to reshape multiple columns. (Using the changed column names from gsub above)

df %>% 
    pivot_longer(cols = starts_with("Q3"), 
          names_to = c(".value", "Q3"), names_sep = "_") %>% 
# A tibble: 30 x 4
#      id time         Q3.2    Q3.3
#   <int> <date>      <dbl>   <dbl>
# 1     1 2009-01-01  0.974  1.47  
# 2     1 2009-01-01 -0.849 -0.513 
# 3     1 2009-01-01  0.894  0.0442
# 4     2 2009-01-02  2.04  -0.553 
# 5     2 2009-01-02  0.694  0.0972
# 6     2 2009-01-02 -1.11   1.85  
# 7     3 2009-01-03  0.413  0.733 
# 8     3 2009-01-03 -0.896 -0.271 
#9     3 2009-01-03  0.509 -0.0512
#10     4 2009-01-04  1.81   0.668 
# … with 20 more rows

NOTE: Values are different because there was no set seed in creating the input dataset

How to add property to object in PHP >= 5.3 strict mode without generating error

Yes, is possible to dynamically add properties to a PHP object.

This is useful when a partial object is received from javascript.


var myObject = { name = "myName" };
$.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "index.php",
    data: myObject, dataType: "json",
    contentType: "application/json;charset=utf-8"
    if( >= 0 ) { /* the id property has dynamically added on server side via PHP */ }

PHP side:

$requestString = file_get_contents('php://input');
$myObject = json_decode($requestString); // same object as was sent in the ajax call
$myObject->id = 30; // This will dynamicaly add the id property to the myObject object

OR JUST SEND A DUMMY PROPERTY from javascript that you will fill in PHP.

What is the difference between a static method and a non-static method?

Static methods are useful if you have only one instance (situation, circumstance) where you're going to use the method, and you don't need multiple copies (objects). For example, if you're writing a method that logs onto one and only one web site, downloads the weather data, and then returns the values, you could write it as static because you can hard code all the necessary data within the method and you're not going to have multiple instances or copies. You can then access the method statically using one of the following:


Non-static methods are used if you're going to use your method to create multiple copies. For example, if you want to download the weather data from Boston, Miami, and Los Angeles, and if you can do so from within your method without having to individually customize the code for each separate location, you then access the method non-statically:

MyClass boston = new MyClassConstructor(); 

MyClass miami = new MyClassConstructor(); 

MyClass losAngeles = new MyClassConstructor();

In the above example, Java creates three separate objects and memory locations from the same method that you can individually access with the "boston", "miami", or "losAngeles" reference. You can't access any of the above statically, because MyClass.myMethod(); is a generic reference to the method, not to the individual objects that the non-static reference created.

If you run into a situation where the way you access each location, or the way the data is returned, is sufficiently different that you can't write a "one size fits all" method without jumping through a lot of hoops, you can better accomplish your goal by writing three separate static methods, one for each location.

Sorting an IList in C#

Convert your IList into List<T> or some other generic collection and then you can easily query/sort it using System.Linq namespace (it will supply bunch of extension methods)

How to place a file on classpath in Eclipse?

One option is to place your properties file in the src/ directory of your project. This will copy it to the "classes" (along with your .class files) at build time. I often do this for web projects.

clearInterval() not working

There are errors in your functions, but the first thing you should do, is to set the body tag correctly:

<p><span id="go" class="georgia">go</span> Italian</p>
    <button id="on" type="button" value="turn on">turn on</button>
    <button id="off" type="button" value="turn off">turn off</button>


The problem sometimes may be, that you call 'var text' and the other vars only once, when the script starts. If you make changements to the DOM, this static solution may be harmful.

So you could try this (this is more flexible approach and using function parameters, so you can call the functions on any element):

<p><span id="go" class="georgia">go</span> Italian</p>
    <button type="button" value="turn on"
         onclick=turnOn("go")>turn on</button>
    <button type="button" value="turn off"
         onclick=turnOff()>turn off</button>

<script type="text/JavaScript">
var interval;

var turnOn = function(elementId){
    interval = setInterval(function(){fontChange(elementId);}, 500);

var turnOff = function(){

var fontChange = function(elementId) {
    var text = document.getElementById(elementId);
    switch(text.className) {
        case "georgia":
            text.className = "arial";
        case "arial":
            text.className = "courierNew";
        case "courierNew":
            text.className = "georgia";

You don't need this anymore, so delete it:

var text = document.getElementById("go");
var on = document.getElementById("on");
var off = document.getElementById("off");

This is dynamic code, meaning JS code which runs generic and doesn't adress elements directly. I like this approach more than defining an own function for every div element. ;)

What is the purpose of the var keyword and when should I use it (or omit it)?

Besides scopes issue, some folks also mention hoisting, but no one gave an example. Here's one for global scope:

var noErrorCase = "you will reach that point";

runTimeError = "you won't reach that point";

Query to list all stored procedures

This, list all things that you want

In Sql Server 2005, 2008, 2012 :

Use [YourDataBase]

EXEC sp_tables @table_type = "'PROCEDURE'" 
EXEC sp_tables @table_type = "'TABLE'"
EXEC sp_tables @table_type = "'VIEW'" 


SELECT * FROM information_schema.tables
SELECT * FROM information_schema.VIEWS

R memory management / cannot allocate vector of size n Mb

I followed to the help page of memory.limit and found out that on my computer R by default can use up to ~ 1.5 GB of RAM and that the user can increase this limit. Using the following code,

[1] 1535.875
> memory.limit(size=1800)

helped me to solve my problem.

Which Ruby version am I really running?

If you have access to a console in the context you are investigating, you can determine which version you are running by printing the value of the global constant RUBY_VERSION.

Is key-value pair available in Typescript?

class Pair<T1, T2> {
    private key: T1;
    private value: T2;

    constructor(key: T1, value: T2) {
        this.key = key;
        this.value = value;

    getKey() {
        return this.key;

    getValue() {
        return this.value;
const myPair = new Pair<string, number>('test', 123);
console.log(myPair.getKey(), myPair.getValue());

How to force table cell <td> content to wrap?

If you want fix the column you should set width. For example:

<td style="width:100px;">some data</td>

HTTP 404 Page Not Found in Web Api hosted in IIS 7.5

A few things to check:

  1. Make sure that you have the .NET Framework 4 installed.
  2. Ensure that version 4 of the .NET Framework is selected for your website & virtual directory (if applicable).
  3. Ensure that you have MVC installed or have the appropriate DLLs in your bin directory.
  4. Might need to allow ASP.NET 4.0 web service extensions
  5. Put the application in it's own app pool.
  6. Make sure the directory has at least "Scripts Only" execute permissions.

Count if two criteria match - EXCEL formula

If youR data was in A1:C100 then:

Excel - all versions


Excel - 2007 onwards


What exactly does stringstream do?

To answer the question. stringstream basically allows you to treat a string object like a stream, and use all stream functions and operators on it.

I saw it used mainly for the formatted output/input goodness.

One good example would be c++ implementation of converting number to stream object.

Possible example:

template <class T>
string num2str(const T& num, unsigned int prec = 12) {
    string ret;
    stringstream ss;
    ios_base::fmtflags ff = ss.flags();
    ff |= ios_base::floatfield;
    ff |= ios_base::fixed;
    ss << num;
    ret = ss.str();
    return ret;

Maybe it's a bit complicated but it is quite complex. You create stringstream object ss, modify its flags, put a number into it with operator<<, and extract it via str(). I guess that operator>> could be used.

Also in this example the string buffer is hidden and not used explicitly. But it would be too long of a post to write about every possible aspect and use-case.

Note: I probably stole it from someone on SO and refined, but I don't have original author noted.

COLLATION 'utf8_general_ci' is not valid for CHARACTER SET 'latin1'

In my case I created a database and gave the collation 'utf8_general_ci' but the required collation was 'latin1'. After changing my collation type to latin1_bin the error was gone.

Display MessageBox in ASP

Here is one way of doing it:

       Dim message    
       message = "This is my message"
       Response.Write("<script language=VBScript>MsgBox """ + message + """</script>") 

Android, How to create option Menu

public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
    new MenuInflater(this).inflate(, menu);
    return (super.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu));

public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {

    if (item.getItemId() == {
        Cursor temp = helper.getEmployee(active_employeeId);
        String[] matches = new String[1];
        if (temp.moveToFirst()) {
            matches[0] = helper.getEmployerID(temp);
    } else if (item.getItemId() {
        startActivity(new Intent(this, PreferencesUnlockScreen.class));
        return true;
    return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item);

Nexus 7 not visible over USB via "adb devices" from Windows 7 x64

Another option is if windows updates are turned totally off on your PC. In this case even if you download the USB driver & try update it manually as described above it will not work. The only way in this case is enabling windows updating drivers automatically. Once you enabled this, remove the non-working driver from device manager & connect you tablet to the PC via USB cable. The drivers will be automatically downloaded & installed by Windows. This way worked on my Windows 7 PC.

Determine when a ViewPager changes pages

Use the ViewPager.onPageChangeListener:

viewPager.addOnPageChangeListener(new OnPageChangeListener() {
    public void onPageScrollStateChanged(int state) {}
    public void onPageScrolled(int position, float positionOffset, int positionOffsetPixels) {}

    public void onPageSelected(int position) {
        // Check if this is the page you want.

CodeIgniter: Unable to connect to your database server using the provided settings Error Message

I solved the problem by changing

$db['default']['pconnect'] = TRUE; TO $db['default']['pconnect'] = FALSE;

in /application/config/database.php

jQuery datepicker set selected date, on the fly

What version of jQuery-UI are you using? I've tested the following with 1.6r6, 1.7 and 1.7.1 and it works:

//Set DatePicker to October 3, 2008
$('#dateselector').datepicker("setDate", new Date(2008,9,03) );

Auto refresh code in HTML using meta tags

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="600; url=index.php">

600 is the amount of seconds between refresh cycles.

Setting timezone in Python

It's not an answer, but...

To get datetime components individually, better use datetime.timetuple:

time =
#-> time.struct_time(
#    tm_year=2014, tm_mon=9, tm_mday=7, 
#    tm_hour=2, tm_min=38, tm_sec=5, 
#    tm_wday=6, tm_yday=250, tm_isdst=-1

It's now easy to get the parts:

ts = time.timetuple()

How do I make a file:// hyperlink that works in both IE and Firefox?

just use


works in IE, Firefox and Chrome as far as I can tell.

see for more info