Dispose() calls the code below, which closes the connections opened by the HttpClient instance. The code was created by decompiling with dotPeek.
HttpClientHandler.cs - Dispose
If you don't call dispose then ServicePointManager.MaxServicePointIdleTime, which runs by a timer, will close the http connections. The default is 100 seconds.
internal static readonly TimerThread.Callback s_IdleServicePointTimeoutDelegate = new TimerThread.Callback(ServicePointManager.IdleServicePointTimeoutCallback);
private static volatile TimerThread.Queue s_ServicePointIdlingQueue = TimerThread.GetOrCreateQueue(100000);
private static void IdleServicePointTimeoutCallback(TimerThread.Timer timer, int timeNoticed, object context)
ServicePoint servicePoint = (ServicePoint) context;
if (Logging.On)
Logging.PrintInfo(Logging.Web, SR.GetString("net_log_closed_idle", (object) "ServicePoint", (object) servicePoint.GetHashCode()));
lock (ServicePointManager.s_ServicePointTable)
ServicePointManager.s_ServicePointTable.Remove((object) servicePoint.LookupString);
If you haven't set the idle time to infinite then it appears safe not to call dispose and let the idle connection timer kick-in and close the connections for you, although it would be better for you to call dispose in a using statement if you know you are done with an HttpClient instance and free up the resources faster.