Programs & Examples On #Document architecture

How do I get the width and height of a HTML5 canvas?

Well, all the answers before aren't entirely correct. 2 of major browsers don't support those 2 properties (IE is one of them) or use them differently.

Better solution (supported by most browsers, but I didn't check Safari):

var canvas = document.getElementById('mycanvas');
var width = canvas.scrollWidth;
var height = canvas.scrollHeight;

At least I get correct values with scrollWidth and -Height and MUST set canvas.width and height when it is resized.

How do I automatically update a timestamp in PostgreSQL

You'll need to write an insert trigger, and possible an update trigger if you want it to change when the record is changed. This article explains it quite nicely:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_modified_column()   
    NEW.modified = now();
    RETURN NEW;   
$$ language 'plpgsql';

Apply the trigger like this:

CREATE TRIGGER update_customer_modtime BEFORE UPDATE ON customer FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE  update_modified_column();

How do I break out of a loop in Scala?

Here is a tail recursive version. Compared to the for-comprehensions it is a bit cryptic, admittedly, but I'd say its functional :)

def run(start:Int) = {
  def tr(i:Int, largest:Int):Int = tr1(i, i, largest) match {
    case x if i > 1 => tr(i-1, x)
    case _ => largest

  def tr1(i:Int,j:Int, largest:Int):Int = i*j match {
    case x if x < largest || j < 2 => largest
    case x if x.toString.equals(x.toString.reverse) => tr1(i, j-1, x)
    case _ => tr1(i, j-1, largest)

  tr(start, 0)

As you can see, the tr function is the counterpart of the outer for-comprehensions, and tr1 of the inner one. You're welcome if you know a way to optimize my version.

Abstract methods in Python

Before abc was introduced you would see this frequently.

class Base(object):
    def go(self):
        raise NotImplementedError("Please Implement this method")

class Specialized(Base):
    def go(self):
        print "Consider me implemented"

SonarQube not picking up Unit Test Coverage

You were missing a few important sonar properties, Here is a sample from one of my builds:

sonar.projectName=Project Name

The error in Jenkins console output can be pretty useful for getting code coverage to work.

Project coverage is set to 0% since there is no directories with classes.
Indicates that you have not set the Sonar.Binaries property correctly

No information about coverage per test
Indicates you have not set the Sonar.Tests property properly

Coverage information was not collected. Perhaps you forget to include debug information into compiled classes? Indicates that the sonar.binaries property was set correctly, but those files were not compiled in debug mode, and they need to be

How to create PDF files in Python

I have done this quite a bit in PyQt and it works very well. Qt has extensive support for images, fonts, styles, etc and all of those can be written out to pdf documents.

The superclass "javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet" was not found on the Java Build Path

Just add these dependencies to your pom.xml file:



Get Base64 encode file-data from Input Form

After struggling with this myself, I've come to implement FileReader for browsers that support it (Chrome, Firefox and the as-yet unreleased Safari 6), and a PHP script that echos back POSTed file data as Base64-encoded data for the other browsers.

Convert PEM to PPK file format

I'm rather shocked that this has not been answered since the solution is very simple.

As mentioned in previous posts, you would not want to convert it using C#, but just once. This is easy to do with PuTTYGen.

  1. Download your .pem from AWS
  2. Open PuTTYgen
  3. Click "Load" on the right side about 3/4 down
  4. Set the file type to *.*
  5. Browse to, and Open your .pem file
  6. PuTTY will auto-detect everything it needs, and you just need to click "Save private key" and you can save your ppk key for use with PuTTY


Posting JSON Data to ASP.NET MVC

The simplest way of doing this

I urge you to read this blog post that directly addresses your problem.

Using custom model binders isn't really wise as Phil Haack pointed out (his blog post is linked in the upper blog post as well).

Basically you have three options:

  1. Write a JsonValueProviderFactory and use a client side library like json2.js to communicate wit JSON directly.

  2. Write a JQueryValueProviderFactory that understands the jQuery JSON object transformation that happens in $.ajax or

  3. Use the very simple and quick jQuery plugin outlined in the blog post, that prepares any JSON object (even arrays that will be bound to IList<T> and dates that will correctly parse on the server side as DateTime instances) that will be understood by MVC default model binder.

Of all three, the last one is the simplest and doesn't interfere with MVC inner workings thus lowering possible bug surface. Using this technique outlined in the blog post will correctly data bind your strong type action parameters and validate them as well. So it is basically a win win situation.

How to override maven property in command line?

See Introduction to the POM

finalName is created as:


One of the solutions is to add own property:


And now try:

mvn -DfinalName=build clean package

What's the difference between HEAD, working tree and index, in Git?

This is an inevitably long yet easy to follow explanation from ProGit book:

Note: For reference you can read Chapter 7.7 of the book, Reset Demystified

Git as a system manages and manipulates three trees in its normal operation:

  • HEAD: Last commit snapshot, next parent
  • Index: Proposed next commit snapshot
  • Working Directory: Sandbox


HEAD is the pointer to the current branch reference, which is in turn a pointer to the last commit made on that branch. That means HEAD will be the parent of the next commit that is created. It’s generally simplest to think of HEAD as the snapshot of your last commit on that branch.

What does it contain?
To see what that snapshot looks like run the following in root directory of your repository:

                                 git ls-tree -r HEAD

it would result in something like this:

                       $ git ls-tree -r HEAD  
                       100644 blob a906cb2a4a904a152... README  
                       100644 blob 8f94139338f9404f2... Rakefile  
                       040000 tree 99f1a6d12cb4b6f19... lib  

The Index

Git populates this index with a list of all the file contents that were last checked out into your working directory and what they looked like when they were originally checked out. You then replace some of those files with new versions of them, and git commit converts that into the tree for a new commit.

What does it contain?
Use git ls-files -s to see what it looks like. You should see something like this:

                 100644 a906cb2a4a904a152e80877d4088654daad0c859 0 README   
                 100644 8f94139338f9404f26296befa88755fc2598c289 0 Rakefile  
                 100644 47c6340d6459e05787f644c2447d2595f5d3a54b 0 lib/simplegit.rb  

The Working Directory

This is where your files reside and where you can try changes out before committing them to your staging area (index) and then into history.

Visualized Sample

Let's see how do these three trees (As the ProGit book refers to them) work together?
Git’s typical workflow is to record snapshots of your project in successively better states, by manipulating these three trees. Take a look at this picture:

enter image description here

To get a good visualized understanding consider this scenario. Say you go into a new directory with a single file in it. Call this v1 of the file. It is indicated in blue. Running git init will create a Git repository with a HEAD reference which points to the unborn master branch

enter image description here

At this point, only the working directory tree has any content. Now we want to commit this file, so we use git add to take content in the working directory and copy it to the index.

enter image description here

Then we run git commit, which takes the contents of the index and saves it as a permanent snapshot, creates a commit object which points to that snapshot, and updates master to point to that commit.

enter image description here

If we run git status, we’ll see no changes, because all three trees are the same.

The beautiful point

git status shows the difference between these trees in the following manner:

  • If the Working Tree is different from index, then git status will show there are some changes not staged for commit
  • If the Working Tree is the same as index, but they are different from HEAD, then git status will show some files under changes to be committed section in its result
  • If the Working Tree is different from the index, and index is different from HEAD, then git status will show some files under changes not staged for commit section and some other files under changes to be committed section in its result.

For the more curious

Note about git reset command
Hopefully, knowing how reset command works will further brighten the reason behind the existence of these three trees.

reset command is your Time Machine in git which can easily take you back in time and bring some old snapshots for you to work on. In this manner, HEAD is the wormhole through which you can travel in time. Let's see how it works with an example from the book:

Consider the following repository which has a single file and 3 commits which are shown in different colours and different version numbers:

enter image description here

The state of trees is like the next picture:

enter image description here

Step 1: Moving HEAD (--soft):

The first thing reset will do is move what HEAD points to. This isn’t the same as changing HEAD itself (which is what checkout does). reset moves the branch that HEAD is pointing to. This means if HEAD is set to the master branch, running git reset 9e5e6a4 will start by making master point to 9e5e6a4. If you call reset with --soft option it will stop here, without changing index and working directory. Our repo will look like this now:
Notice: HEAD~ is the parent of HEAD

enter image description here

Looking a second time at the image, we can see that the command essentially undid the last commit. As the working tree and the index are the same but different from HEAD, git status will now show changes in green ready to be committed.

Step 2: Updating the index (--mixed):

This is the default option of the command

Running reset with --mixed option updates the index with the contents of whatever snapshot HEAD points to currently, leaving Working Directory intact. Doing so, your repository will look like when you had done some work that is not staged and git status will show that as changes not staged for commit in red. This option will also undo the last commit and also unstage all the changes. It's like you made changes but have not called git add command yet. Our repo would look like this now:

enter image description here

Step 3: Updating the Working Directory (--hard)

If you call reset with --hard option it will copy contents of the snapshot HEAD is pointing to into HEAD, index and Working Directory. After executing reset --hard command, it would mean like you got back to a previous point in time and haven't done anything after that at all. see the picture below:

enter image description here


I hope now you have a better understanding of these trees and have a great idea of the power they bring to you by enabling you to change your files in your repository to undo or redo things you have done mistakenly.

Intersect Two Lists in C#

If you have objects, not structs (or strings), then you'll have to intersect their keys first, and then select objects by those keys:

var ids = list1.Select(x => x.Id).Intersect(list2.Select(x => x.Id));
var result = list1.Where(x => ids.Contains(x.Id));

Add text to textarea - Jquery

Just append() the text nodes:


Selenium Webdriver move mouse to Point

Got it working with

Actions builder = new Actions(driver);
WebElement el = some element;
.moveByOffset( 10, 25 )

PHP string "contains"

You can use these string functions,

strstr — Find the first occurrence of a string

stristr — Case-insensitive strstr()

strrchr — Find the last occurrence of a character in a string

strpos — Find the position of the first occurrence of a substring in a string

strpbrk — Search a string for any of a set of characters

If that doesn't help then you should use preg regular expression

preg_match — Perform a regular expression match

How do I make an asynchronous GET request in PHP?

file_get_contents will do what you want

$output = file_get_contents('');
echo $output;

Edit: One way to fire off a GET request and return immediately.

Quoted from

function curl_post_async($url, $params)
    foreach ($params as $key => &$val) {
      if (is_array($val)) $val = implode(',', $val);
        $post_params[] = $key.'='.urlencode($val);
    $post_string = implode('&', $post_params);


    $fp = fsockopen($parts['host'],
        $errno, $errstr, 30);

    $out = "POST ".$parts['path']." HTTP/1.1\r\n";
    $out.= "Host: ".$parts['host']."\r\n";
    $out.= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n";
    $out.= "Content-Length: ".strlen($post_string)."\r\n";
    $out.= "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n";
    if (isset($post_string)) $out.= $post_string;

    fwrite($fp, $out);

What this does is open a socket, fire off a get request, and immediately close the socket and return.

How do I find my host and username on mysql?

Default user for MySQL is "root", and server "localhost".

Is a Java hashmap search really O(1)?

Elements inside the HashMap are stored as an array of linked list (node), each linked list in the array represents a bucket for unique hash value of one or more keys.
While adding an entry in the HashMap, the hashcode of the key is used to determine the location of the bucket in the array, something like:

location = (arraylength - 1) & keyhashcode

Here the & represents bitwise AND operator.

For example: 100 & "ABC".hashCode() = 64 (location of the bucket for the key "ABC")

During the get operation it uses same way to determine the location of bucket for the key. Under the best case each key has unique hashcode and results in a unique bucket for each key, in this case the get method spends time only to determine the bucket location and retrieving the value which is constant O(1).

Under the worst case, all the keys have same hashcode and stored in same bucket, this results in traversing through the entire list which leads to O(n).

In the case of java 8, the Linked List bucket is replaced with a TreeMap if the size grows to more than 8, this reduces the worst case search efficiency to O(log n).

How do I get rid of the b-prefix in a string in python?

****How to remove b' ' chars which is decoded string in python ****

import base64

Presenting modal in iOS 13 fullscreen

I had this problem with a video not presenting fullscreen anymore. Added this line, which saved the day :-)

videoController.modalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationFullScreen;

How can I manually generate a .pyc file from a .py file

You can use compileall in the terminal. The following command will go recursively into sub directories and make pyc files for all the python files it finds. The compileall module is part of the python standard library, so you don't need to install anything extra to use it. This works exactly the same way for python2 and python3.

python -m compileall .

How to Identify Microsoft Edge browser via CSS?

/* Microsoft Edge Browser 12-18 (All versions before Chromium) */

This one should work:

@supports (-ms-ime-align:auto) {
    .selector {
        property: value;

For more see: Browser Strangeness

How to justify navbar-nav in Bootstrap 3

Hi you can use this below code for working justified nav

<div class="navbar navbar-inverse">
    <ul class="navbar-nav nav nav-justified">
        <li class="active"><a href="#">Inicio</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Item 1</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Item 2</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Item 3</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Item 4</a></li>

Can you use @Autowired with static fields?

Disclaimer This is by no means standard and there could very well be a better spring way of doing this. None of the above answers address the issues of wiring a public static field.

I wanted to accomplish three things.

  1. Use spring to "Autowire" (Im using @Value)
  2. Expose a public static value
  3. Prevent modification

My object looks like this

private static String BRANCH = "testBranch";

public void finalSetBranch(String branch) {
    BRANCH = branch;

public static String BRANCH() {
    return BRANCH;

We have checked off 1 & 2 already now how do we prevent calls to the setter, since we cannot hide it.

public class FinalAutowiredHelper {

public void beforeFinal(JoinPoint joinPoint) {
    throw new FinalAutowiredHelper().new ModifySudoFinalError("");

public void finalMethods() {}

public class ModifySudoFinalError extends Error {
    private String msg;

    public ModifySudoFinalError(String msg) {
        this.msg = msg;

    public String getMessage() {
        return "Attempted modification of a final property: " + msg;

This aspect will wrap all methods beginning with final and throw an error if they are called.

I dont think this is particularly useful, but if you are ocd and like to keep you peas and carrots separated this is one way to do it safely.

Important Spring does not call your aspects when it calls a function. Made this easier, to bad I worked out the logic before figuring that out.

Boolean.parseBoolean("1") = false...?

If you're trying to get C's behavior (0 == false and everything else is true), you could do this:

boolean uses_votes = Integer.parseInt(o.get("uses_votes")) != 0;

How to use curl in a shell script?

content=”$(curl -sLI “$url” | grep HTTP/1.1 | tail -1 | awk {‘print $2'})”
if [ ! -z $content ] && [ $content -eq 200 ]
echo “valid url”
echo “invalid url”

C++ Array Of Pointers

What you want is:

Foo *array[10]; // array of 10 Foo pointers

Not to be confused with:

Foo (*array)[10]; // pointer to array of 10 Foos

In either case, nothing will be automatically initialized because these represent pointers to Foos that have yet to be assigned to something (e.g. with new).

I finally "got" pointer/array declaration syntax in C when I realized that it describes how you access the base type. Foo *array[5][10]; means that *array[0..4][0..9] (subscript on an array of 5 items, then subscript on an array of 10 items, then dereference as a pointer) will access a Foo object (note that [] has higher precedence than *).

This seems backwards. You would think that int array[5][10]; (a.k.a. int (array[5])[10];) is an array of 10 int array[5]. Suppose this were the case. Then you would access the last element of the array by saying array[9][4]. Doesn't that look backwards too? Because a C array declaration is a pattern indicating how to get to the base type (rather than a composition of array expressions like one might expect), array declarations and code using arrays don't have to be flipflopped.

Error: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token <

This is a browser issue rather than a javascript or JQuery issue; it's attempting to interpret the angle bracket as an HTML tag.

Try doing this when setting up your javascripts:


    // insert teh codez


Alternatively, move your javascript to a separate file.

Edit: Ahh.. with that link I've tracked it down. What I said was the issue wasn't the issue at all. this is the issue, stripped from the website:

<script type="text/javascript"
    $(document).ready(function() {
    $('#infobutton').click(function() {
            title: '<img src="/images/text/text_mario_planet_jukebox.png" id="text_mario_planet_jukebox"/>',
            autoOpen: false,
            height: 375,
            width: 500,
            modal: true,
            resizable: false,
            buttons: {
                'Without Music': function() {
                    $.cookie('autoPlay', 'no', { expires: 365 * 10 });
                'With Music': function() {
                    $.cookie('autoPlay', 'yes', { expires: 365 * 10 });

Can you spot the error? It's in the first line: the <script tag isn't closed. It should be <script type="text/javascript">

My previous suggestion still stands, however: you should enclose intra-tagged scripts in a CDATA block, or move them to a separately linked file.

That wasn't the issue here, but it would have shown the real issue faster.

Maximum request length exceeded.

I can add to config web uncompiled

  <httpRuntime maxRequestLength="1024" executionTimeout="3600" /> 
  <compilation debug="true"/> 
    <requestLimits maxAllowedContentLength="1048576"/> 

How do I read a text file of about 2 GB?

WordPad will open any text file no matter the size. However, it has limited capabilities as compared to a text editor.

How to get the real and total length of char * (char array)?

You can't. Not with 100% accuracy, anyway. The pointer has no length/size but its own. All it does is point to a particular place in memory that holds a char. If that char is part of a string, then you can use strlen to determine what chars follow the one currently being pointed to, but that doesn't mean the array in your case is that big.

A pointer is not an array, so it doesn't need to know what the size of the array is. A pointer can point to a single value, so a pointer can exist without there even being an array. It doesn't even care where the memory it points to is situated (Read only, heap or stack... doesn't matter). A pointer doesn't have a length other than itself. A pointer just is...
Consider this:

char beep = '\a';
void alert_user(const char *msg, char *signal); //for some reason
alert_user("Hear my super-awsome noise!", &beep); //passing pointer to single char!

void alert_user(const char *msg, char *signal)
    printf("%s%c\n", msg, *signal);

A pointer can be a single char, as well as the beginning, end or middle of an array...
Think of chars as structs. You sometimes allocate a single struct on the heap. That, too, creates a pointer without an array.

Using only a pointer, to determine how big an array it is pointing to is impossible. The closest you can get to it is using calloc and counting the number of consecutive \0 chars you can find through the pointer. Of course, that doesn't work once you've assigned/reassigned stuff to that array's keys and it also fails if the memory just outside of the array happens to hold \0, too. So using this method is unreliable, dangerous and just generally silly. Don't. Do. It.

Another analogy:
Think of a pointer as a road sign, it points to Town X. The sign doesn't know what that town looks like, and it doesn't know or care (or can care) who lives there. It's job is to tell you where to find Town X. It can only tell you how far that town is, but not how big it is. That information is deemed irrelevant for road-signs. That's something that you can only find out by looking at the town itself, not at the road-signs that are pointing you in its direction

So, using a pointer the only thing you can do is:

char a_str[] = "hello";//{h,e,l,l,o,\0}
char *arr_ptr = &a_str[0];
printf("Get length of string -> %d\n", strlen(arr_ptr));

But this, of course, only works if the array/string is \0-terminated.

As an aside:

int length = sizeof(a)/sizeof(char);//sizeof char is guaranteed 1, so sizeof(a) is enough

is actually assigning size_t (the return type of sizeof) to an int, best write:

size_t length = sizeof(a)/sizeof(*a);//best use ptr's type -> good habit

Since size_t is an unsigned type, if sizeof returns bigger values, the value of length might be something you didn't expect...

How to split string and push in array using jquery

You don't need jQuery for that, you can do it with normal javascript:

var str = "a,b,c,d";
var res = str.split(","); // this returns an array

Return back to MainActivity from another activity


Intent returnBtn = new Intent(getApplicationContext(),


make the main activity's launchmode to singleTask in Android Manifest if you don't want to create new one every time.


How to get the fields in an Object via reflection?

You can use Class#getDeclaredFields() to get all declared fields of the class. You can use Field#get() to get the value.

In short:

Object someObject = getItSomehow();
for (Field field : someObject.getClass().getDeclaredFields()) {
    field.setAccessible(true); // You might want to set modifier to public first.
    Object value = field.get(someObject); 
    if (value != null) {
        System.out.println(field.getName() + "=" + value);

To learn more about reflection, check the Sun tutorial on the subject.

That said, the fields does not necessarily all represent properties of a VO. You would rather like to determine the public methods starting with get or is and then invoke it to grab the real property values.

for (Method method : someObject.getClass().getDeclaredMethods()) {
    if (Modifier.isPublic(method.getModifiers())
        && method.getParameterTypes().length == 0
        && method.getReturnType() != void.class
        && (method.getName().startsWith("get") || method.getName().startsWith("is"))
    ) {
        Object value = method.invoke(someObject);
        if (value != null) {
            System.out.println(method.getName() + "=" + value);

That in turn said, there may be more elegant ways to solve your actual problem. If you elaborate a bit more about the functional requirement for which you think that this is the right solution, then we may be able to suggest the right solution. There are many, many tools available to massage javabeans.

Rails 3.1 and Image Assets

You'll want to change the extension of your css file from .css.scss to .css.scss.erb and do:

background-image:url(<%=asset_path "admin/logo.png"%>);

You may need to do a "hard refresh" to see changes. CMD+SHIFT+R on OSX browsers.

In production, make sure

rm -rf public/assets    
bundle exec rake assets:precompile RAILS_ENV=production

happens upon deployment.

(How) can I count the items in an enum?

I really do not see any way to really get to the number of values in an enumeration in C++. Any of the before mention solution work as long as you do not define the value of your enumerations if you define you value that you might run into situations where you either create arrays too big or too small

enum example{ test1 = -2, test2 = -1, test3 = 0, test4 = 1, test5 = 2 }

in this about examples the result would create a array of 3 items when you need an array of 5 items

enum example2{ test1 , test2 , test3 , test4 , test5 = 301 }

in this about examples the result would create a array of 301 items when you need an array of 5 items

The best way to solve this problem in the general case would be to iterate through your enumerations but that is not in the standard yet as far as I know

PHP Curl And Cookies

In working with a similar problem I created the following function after combining a lot of resources I ran into on the web, and adding my own cookie handling. Hopefully this is useful to someone else.

      function get_web_page( $url, $cookiesIn = '' ){
        $options = array(
            CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true,     // return web page
            CURLOPT_HEADER         => true,     //return headers in addition to content
            CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true,     // follow redirects
            CURLOPT_ENCODING       => "",       // handle all encodings
            CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER    => true,     // set referer on redirect
            CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT => 120,      // timeout on connect
            CURLOPT_TIMEOUT        => 120,      // timeout on response
            CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS      => 10,       // stop after 10 redirects
            CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT    => true,
            CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => true,     // Validate SSL Certificates
            CURLOPT_COOKIE         => $cookiesIn

        $ch      = curl_init( $url );
        curl_setopt_array( $ch, $options );
        $rough_content = curl_exec( $ch );
        $err     = curl_errno( $ch );
        $errmsg  = curl_error( $ch );
        $header  = curl_getinfo( $ch );
        curl_close( $ch );

        $header_content = substr($rough_content, 0, $header['header_size']);
        $body_content = trim(str_replace($header_content, '', $rough_content));
        $pattern = "#Set-Cookie:\\s+(?<cookie>[^=]+=[^;]+)#m"; 
        preg_match_all($pattern, $header_content, $matches); 
        $cookiesOut = implode("; ", $matches['cookie']);

        $header['errno']   = $err;
        $header['errmsg']  = $errmsg;
        $header['headers']  = $header_content;
        $header['content'] = $body_content;
        $header['cookies'] = $cookiesOut;
    return $header;

How to trigger the onclick event of a marker on a Google Maps V3?

For future Googlers, If you get an error similar below after you trigger click for a polygon

"Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'vertex' of undefined"

then try the code below

google.maps.event.trigger(polygon, "click", {});

Why doesn't the Scanner class have a nextChar method?

To get a definitive reason, you'd need to ask the designer(s) of that API.

But one possible reason is that the intent of a (hypothetical) nextChar would not fit into the scanning model very well.

  • If nextChar() to behaved like read() on a Reader and simply returned the next unconsumed character from the scanner, then it is behaving inconsistently with the other next<Type> methods. These skip over delimiter characters before they attempt to parse a value.

  • If nextChar() to behaved like (say) nextInt then:

    • the delimiter skipping would be "unexpected" for some folks, and

    • there is the issue of whether it should accept a single "raw" character, or a sequence of digits that are the numeric representation of a char, or maybe even support escaping or something1.

No matter what choice they made, some people wouldn't be happy. My guess is that the designers decided to stay away from the tarpit.

1 - Would vote strongly for the raw character approach ... but the point is that there are alternatives that need to be analysed, etc.

How can I create an executable JAR with dependencies using Maven?

Okay, so this is my solution. I know it's not using the pom.xml file. But I had the problem my programmme compiling and running on Netbeans but it failing when I tried Java -jar MyJarFile.jar. Now, I don't fully understand Maven and I think this why was having trouble getting Netbeans 8.0.2 to include my jar file in a library to put them into a jar file. I was thinking about how I used to use jar files with no Maven in Eclipse.

It's Maven that can compile all the dependanices and plugins. Not Netbeans. (If you can get Netbeans and be able to use java .jar to do this please tell me how (^.^)v )

[Solved - for Linux] by opening a terminal.


cd /MyRootDirectoryForMyProject


mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:compile


mvn install

This will create jar file in the target directory.



cd target

(You may need to run: chmod +x MyJarFile-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar)

And finally

java -jar MyJarFile-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar

Please see

I'll post this solution in on a couple of other pages with a similar problem. Hopefully I can save somebody from a week of frustration.

How to hide app title in android?

You can do it programatically: Or without action bar

//It's enough to remove the line

//But if you want to display  full screen (without action bar) write too



Returning a boolean value in a JavaScript function

You could wrap your return value in the Boolean function

Boolean([return value])

That'll ensure all falsey values are false and truthy statements are true.

How can I use async/await at the top level?

Top-level await is a feature of the upcoming EcmaScript standard. Currently, you can start using it with TypeScript 3.8 (in RC version at this time).

How to Install TypeScript 3.8

You can start using TypeScript 3.8 by installing it from npm using the following command:

$ npm install typescript@rc

At this time, you need to add the rc tag to install the latest typescript 3.8 version.

How to export non-exportable private key from store

This worked for me on Windows Server 2012 - I needed to export a non-exportable certificate to setup another ADFS server and this did the trick. Remember to use the jailbreak instructions above i.e.:

crypto::certificates /export /systemstore:CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_LOCAL_MACHINE

Parsing XML in Python using ElementTree example

If I understand your question correctly:

for elem in doc.findall('timeSeries/values/value'):
    print elem.get('dateTime'), elem.text

or if you prefer (and if there is only one occurrence of timeSeries/values:

values = doc.find('timeSeries/values')
for value in values:
    print value.get('dateTime'), elem.text

The findall() method returns a list of all matching elements, whereas find() returns only the first matching element. The first example loops over all the found elements, the second loops over the child elements of the values element, in this case leading to the same result.

I don't see where the problem with not finding timeSeries comes from however. Maybe you just forgot the getroot() call? (note that you don't really need it because you can work from the elementtree itself too, if you change the path expression to for example /timeSeriesResponse/timeSeries/values or //timeSeries/values)

Core dumped, but core file is not in the current directory?

ulimit -c unlimited made the core file correctly appear in the current directory after a "core dumped".

Table scroll with HTML and CSS

This work for me

Demo: jsfiddle


function Fixed_Header()
    $('.User_Table thead').css({'position': 'absolute'});
    $('.User_Table tbody tr:eq("2") td').each(function(index,e){
        $('.User_Table thead tr th:eq("'+index+'")').css({'width' : $(this).outerWidth() +"px" });
    var Header_Height = $('.User_Table thead').outerHeight();
    $('.User_Table thead').css({'margin-top' : "-"+Header_Height+"px"});
    $('.User_Table').css({'margin-top' : Header_Height+"px"});

Determining image file size + dimensions via Javascript?


To get the current in-browser pixel size of a DOM element (in your case IMG elements) excluding the border and margin, you can use the clientWidth and clientHeight properties.

var img = document.getElementById('imageId'); 

var width = img.clientWidth;
var height = img.clientHeight;

Now to get the file size, now I can only think about the fileSize property that Internet Explorer exposes for document and IMG elements...

Edit 2: Something comes to my mind...

To get the size of a file hosted on the server, you could simply make an HEAD HTTP Request using Ajax. This kind of request is used to obtain metainformation about the url implied by the request without transferring any content of it in the response.

At the end of the HTTP Request, we have access to the response HTTP Headers, including the Content-Length which represents the size of the file in bytes.

A basic example using raw XHR:

var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'HEAD', 'img/test.jpg', true);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function(){
  if ( xhr.readyState == 4 ) {
    if ( xhr.status == 200 ) {
      alert('Size in bytes: ' + xhr.getResponseHeader('Content-Length'));
    } else {

Note: Keep in mind that when you do Ajax requests, you are restricted by the Same origin policy, which allows you to make requests only within the same domain.

Check a working proof of concept here.

Edit 3:

1.) About the Content-Length, I think that a size mismatch could happen for example if the server response is gzipped, you can do some tests to see if this happens on your server.

2.) For get the original dimensions of a image, you could create an IMG element programmatically, for example:

var img = document.createElement('img');

img.onload = function () { alert(img.width + ' x ' + img.height); };


How to write a multidimensional array to a text file?

You can simply traverse the array in three nested loops and write their values to your file. For reading, you simply use the same exact loop construction. You will get the values in exactly the right order to fill your arrays correctly again.

jQuery ui dialog change title after load-callback

I have found simpler solution:

$('#clickToCreate').live('click', function() {
              title: "Set the title to Create"

$('#clickToEdit').live('click', function() {
              title: "Set the title To Edit"

Hope that helps!

Making Maven run all tests, even when some fail

Can you test with surefire 2.6 and either configure Surefire with <testFailureIgnore>true</testFailureIgnore>.

Or on the command line:

mvn install -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true

How to git commit a single file/directory


git commit -m 'my notes' path/to/my/file.ext 

Comparing arrays in C#

SequenceEqual can be faster. Namely in the case where almost all of the time, both arrays have indeed the same length and are not the same object.

It's still not the same functionality as the OP's function, as it won't silently compare null values.

What is jQuery Unobtrusive Validation?

jQuery Validation Unobtrusive Native is a collection of ASP.Net MVC HTML helper extensions. These make use of jQuery Validation's native support for validation driven by HTML 5 data attributes. Microsoft shipped jquery.validate.unobtrusive.js back with MVC 3. It provided a way to apply data model validations to the client side using a combination of jQuery Validation and HTML 5 data attributes (that's the "unobtrusive" part).

shorthand If Statements: C#

Recently, I really enjoy shorthand if else statements as a swtich case replacement. In my opinion, this is better in read and take less place. Just take a look:

var redirectUrl =
      status == LoginStatusEnum.Success ? "/SecretPage"
    : status == LoginStatusEnum.Failure ? "/LoginFailed"
    : status == LoginStatusEnum.Sms ? "/2-StepSms"
    : status == LoginStatusEnum.EmailNotConfirmed ? "/EmailNotConfirmed"
    : "/404-Error";

instead of

string redirectUrl;
switch (status)
    case LoginStatusEnum.Success:
        redirectUrl = "/SecretPage";
    case LoginStatusEnum.Failure:
        redirectUrl = "/LoginFailed";
    case LoginStatusEnum.Sms:
        redirectUrl = "/2-StepSms";
    case LoginStatusEnum.EmailNotConfirmed:
        redirectUrl = "/EmailNotConfirmed";
        redirectUrl = "/404-Error";

Python != operation vs "is not"

>>> () is ()
>>> 1 is 1
>>> (1,) == (1,)
>>> (1,) is (1,)
>>> a = (1,)
>>> b = a
>>> a is b

Some objects are singletons, and thus is with them is equivalent to ==. Most are not.

how to increase java heap memory permanently?

This worked for me:

export _JAVA_OPTIONS="-Xmx1g"

It's important that you have no spaces because for me it did not work. I would suggest just copying and pasting. Then I ran:

java -XshowSettings:vm

and it will tell you:

Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Xmx1g

How to properly create composite primary keys - MYSQL

@AlexCuse I wanted to add this as comment to your answer but gave up after making multiple failed attempt to add newlines in comments.

That said, t1ID is unique in table_1 but that doesn't makes it unique in INFO table as well.

For example:

Table_1 has:
Id Field
1 A
2 B

Table_2 has:
Id Field
1 X
2 Y

INFO then can have:
t1ID t2ID field
1 1 some
1 2 data
2 1 in-each
2 2 row

So in INFO table to uniquely identify a row you need both t1ID and t2ID

How can I truncate a double to only two decimal places in Java?

Formating as a string and converting back to double i think will give you the result you want.

The double value will not be round(), floor() or ceil().

A quick fix for it could be:

 String sValue = (String) String.format("%.2f", oldValue);
 Double newValue = Double.parseDouble(sValue);

You can use the sValue for display purposes or the newValue for calculation.

Is it possible to install another version of Python to Virtualenv?

No, but you can install an isolated Python build (such as ActivePython) under your $HOME directory.

This approach is the fastest, and doesn't require you to compile Python yourself.

(as a bonus, you also get to use ActiveState's binary package manager)

IsNull function in DB2 SQL?

COALESCE function same ISNULL function Note. you must use COALESCE function with same data type of column that you check is null.

CodeIgniter - How to return Json response from controller

This is not your answer and this is an alternate way to process the form submission

$('.signinform').click(function(e) { 
      type: "POST",
      url: 'index.php/user/signin', // target element(s) to be updated with server response 
      success : function(response){ console.log(response); alert(response)}

iOS Detection of Screenshot?

Heres how to do in Swift with closures:

func detectScreenShot(action: () -> ()) {
    let mainQueue = NSOperationQueue.mainQueue()
    NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserverForName(UIApplicationUserDidTakeScreenshotNotification, object: nil, queue: mainQueue) { notification in
        // executes after screenshot

detectScreenShot { () -> () in
    print("User took a screen shot")

Swift 4.2

func detectScreenShot(action: @escaping () -> ()) {
    let mainQueue = OperationQueue.main
    NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: UIApplication.userDidTakeScreenshotNotification, object: nil, queue: mainQueue) { notification in
        // executes after screenshot

This is included as a standard function in:

Disclaimer: Its my repo

How do you split and unsplit a window/view in Eclipse IDE?

This is possible with the menu items Window>Editor>Toggle Split Editor.

Current shortcut for splitting is:

Azerty keyboard:

  • Ctrl + _ for split horizontally, and
  • Ctrl + { for split vertically.

Qwerty US keyboard:

  • Ctrl + Shift + - (accessing _) for split horizontally, and
  • Ctrl + Shift + [ (accessing {) for split vertically.

MacOS - Qwerty US keyboard:

  • + Shift + - (accessing _) for split horizontally, and
  • + Shift + [ (accessing {) for split vertically.

On any other keyboard if a required key is unavailable (like { on a german Qwertz keyboard), the following generic approach may work:

  • Alt + ASCII code + Ctrl then release Alt

Example: ASCII for '{' = 123, so press 'Alt', '1', '2', '3', 'Ctrl' and release 'Alt', effectively typing '{' while 'Ctrl' is pressed, to split vertically.

Example of vertical split:


  • The menu items Window>Editor>Toggle Split Editor were added with Eclipse Luna 4.4 M4, as mentioned by Lars Vogel in "Split editor implemented in Eclipse M4 Luna"
  • The split editor is one of the oldest and most upvoted Eclipse bug! Bug 8009
  • The split editor functionality has been developed in Bug 378298, and will be available as of Eclipse Luna M4. The Note & Newsworthy of Eclipse Luna M4 will contain the announcement.

Call apply-like function on each row of dataframe with multiple arguments from each row

New answer with dplyr package

If the function that you want to apply is vectorized, then you could use the mutate function from the dplyr package:

> library(dplyr)
> myf <- function(tens, ones) { 10 * tens + ones }
> x <- data.frame(hundreds = 7:9, tens = 1:3, ones = 4:6)
> mutate(x, value = myf(tens, ones))
  hundreds tens ones value
1        7    1    4    14
2        8    2    5    25
3        9    3    6    36

Old answer with plyr package

In my humble opinion, the tool best suited to the task is mdply from the plyr package.


> library(plyr)
> x <- data.frame(tens = 1:3, ones = 4:6)
> mdply(x, function(tens, ones) { 10 * tens + ones })
  tens ones V1
1    1    4 14
2    2    5 25
3    3    6 36

Unfortunately, as Bertjan Broeksema pointed out, this approach fails if you don't use all the columns of the data frame in the mdply call. For example,

> library(plyr)
> x <- data.frame(hundreds = 7:9, tens = 1:3, ones = 4:6)
> mdply(x, function(tens, ones) { 10 * tens + ones })
Error in (function (tens, ones)  : unused argument (hundreds = 7)

Fatal error: Call to undefined function imap_open() in PHP

The Installation Procedure is always the same, but the package-manager and package-name varies, depending which distribution, version and/or repository one uses. In general, the steps are:

a) at first, user privilege escalation is required, either obtained with the commands su or sudo.

b) then one can install the absent PHP module with a package manager.

c) after that, restarting the apache2 HTTP daemon is required to load the module.

d) at last, one can run php -m | grep imap to see if the PHP module is now available.

On Ubuntu the APT package php5-imap (or php-imap) can bei installed with apt-get:

apt-get install php5-imap
service apache2 restart

On Debian, the APT package php5-imap can be installed aptitude (or apt-get):

aptitude install php5-imap
apache2ctl graceful

On CentOS and Fedora the RPM package php-imap can be installed with yum (hint: the name of the package might be something alike php56w-imap or php71w-imap, when using Webtatic repo):

yum install php-imap
service httpd restart

On systemd systems, while using systemd units, the command to restart unit httpd.service is:

systemctl restart httpd.service

The solution stated above has the problem, that when the module was already referenced in:


It might throw a:

PHP Warning:  Module 'imap' already loaded in Unknown on line 0

That happens, because it is referenced in the default php.ini file (at least on Ubuntu 12.04) and a PHP module must at most be referenced once. Using INI snippets to load modules is suggested, while the the directory /etc/php5/conf.d/ (that path may also vary) is being scanned for INI files:


Ubuntu also features proprietary commands to manage PHP modules, to be executed before restarting the web-server:

php5enmod imap
php5dismod imap

Once the IMAP module is loaded into the server, the PHP IMAP Functions should then become available; best practice may be, to check if a module is even loaded, before attempting to utilize it.

configure Git to accept a particular self-signed server certificate for a particular https remote

OSX User adjustments.

Following the steps of the Accepted answer worked for me with a small addition when configuring on OSX.

I put the cert.pem file in a directory under my OSX logged in user and thus caused me to adjust the location for the trusted certificate.

Configure git to trust this certificate:

$ git config --global http.sslCAInfo $HOME/git-certs/cert.pem

How to check if a process is in hang state (Linux)

Unfortunately there is no hung state for a process. Now hung can be deadlock. This is block state. The threads in the process are blocked. The other things could be live lock where the process is running but doing the same thing again and again. This process is in running state. So as you can see there is no definite hung state. As suggested you can use the top command to see if the process is using 100% CPU or lot of memory.

Use and meaning of "in" in an if statement?

It depends on what next is.

If it's a string (as in your example), then in checks for substrings.

>>> "in" in "indigo"
>>> "in" in "violet"
>>> "0" in "10"
>>> "1" in "10"

If it's a different kind of iterable (list, tuple, set, dictionary...), then in checks for membership.

>>> "in" in ["in", "out"]
>>> "in" in ["indigo", "violet"]

In a dictionary, membership is seen as "being one of the keys":

>>> "in" in {"in": "out"}
>>> "in" in {"out": "in"}

how to configure hibernate config file for sql server

Keep the jar files under web-inf lib incase you included jar and it is not able to identify .

It worked in my case where everything was ok but it was not able to load the driver class.

How do I get the XML root node with C#?

Root node is the DocumentElement property of XmlDocument

XmlElement root = xmlDoc.DocumentElement

If you only have the node, you can get the root node by

XmlElement root = xmlNode.OwnerDocument.DocumentElement

Angular-cli from css to scss

A brute force change can be applied. This will work to change, but it's a longer process.

Go to the app folder src/app

  1. Open this file: app.component.ts

  2. Change this code styleUrls: ['./app.component.css'] to styleUrls: ['./app.component.scss']

  3. Save and close.

In the same folder src/app

  1. Rename the extension for the app.component.css file to (app.component.scss)

  2. Follow this change for all the other components. (ex. home, about, contact, etc...)

The angular.json configuration file is next. It's located at the project root.

  1. Search and Replace the css change it to (scss).

  2. Save and close.

Lastly, Restart your ng serve -o.

If the compiler complains at you, go over the steps again.

Make sure to follow the steps in app/src closely.

Start systemd service after specific service?

After= dependency is only effective when service including After= and service included by After= are both scheduled to start as part of your boot up.



This way, if both a.service and b.service are enabled, then systemd will order b.service after a.service.

If I am not misunderstanding, what you are asking is how to start b.service when a.service starts even though b.service is not enabled.

The directive for this is Wants= or Requires= under [Unit].


The difference between Wants= and Requires= is that with Requires=, a failure to start b.service will cause the startup of a.service to fail, whereas with Wants=, a.service will start even if b.service fails. This is explained in detail on the man page of .unit.

How to set default value to all keys of a dict object in python?

Is this what you want:

>>> d={'a':1,'b':2,'c':3}
>>> default_val=99
>>> for k in d:
...     d[k]=default_val
>>> d
{'a': 99, 'b': 99, 'c': 99}

>>> d={'a':1,'b':2,'c':3}
>>> from collections import defaultdict
>>> d=defaultdict(lambda:99,d)
>>> d
defaultdict(<function <lambda> at 0x03D21630>, {'a': 1, 'c': 3, 'b': 2})
>>> d[3]

How to convert a string to number in TypeScript?

Call the function with => convertstring('10.00')

parseFloat(string) => It can be used to convert to float, toFixed(4) => to how much decimals

parseInt(str) => It can be used to convert to integer

    let number_parsed: any = parseFloat(string).toFixed(4)
    return number_parsed

PHP: Return all dates between two dates in an array

many ways of getting this done, but finally it all depends on PHP version you are using. Here is summary of all solutions:

get PHP version:

echo phpinfo();

PHP 5.3+

$period = new DatePeriod(
     new DateTime('2010-10-01'),
     new DateInterval('P1D'),
     new DateTime('2010-10-05')

PHP 4+

 * creating between two date
 * @param string since
 * @param string until
 * @param string step
 * @param string date format
 * @return array
 * @author Ali OYGUR <[email protected]>
function dateRange($first, $last, $step = '+1 day', $format = 'd/m/Y' ) { 

    $dates = array();
    $current = strtotime($first);
    $last = strtotime($last);

    while( $current <= $last ) { 

        $dates[] = date($format, $current);
        $current = strtotime($step, $current);

    return $dates;

PHP < 4

you should upgrade :)

Confusion: @NotNull vs. @Column(nullable = false) with JPA and Hibernate

The most recent versions of hibernate JPA provider applies the bean validation constraints (JSR 303) like @NotNull to DDL by default (thanks to hibernate.validator.apply_to_ddl property defaults to true). But there is no guarantee that other JPA providers do or even have the ability to do that.

You should use bean validation annotations like @NotNull to ensure, that bean properties are set to a none-null value, when validating java beans in the JVM (this has nothing to do with database constraints, but in most situations should correspond to them).

You should additionally use the JPA annotation like @Column(nullable = false) to give the jpa provider hints to generate the right DDL for creating table columns with the database constraints you want. If you can or want to rely on a JPA provider like Hibernate, which applies the bean validation constraints to DDL by default, then you can omit them.

How to remove an iOS app from the App Store

For permanently delete your app follow below steps.

Step 1 :- GO to My Apps App in iTunes Connect

enter image description here

Here you can see your all app which are currently on Appstore.

Step 2 :- Select your app which you want to delete.(click on app-name)

enter image description here

Step 3 :- Select Pricing and Availability Tab.

enter image description here

Step 4 :- Select Remove from sale option.

enter image description here

Step 5 :- Click on save Button.

Now you will see below your app like , Developer Removed it from sale in Red Symbol in place of Green.

enter image description here

Step 6 :- Now again Select your app and Go to App information Tab. you will see Delete App option. (need to scroll bit bottom)

enter image description here

Step 7 :- After clicking on Delete button you will get warning like this ,

enter image description here

Step 8 :- Click on Delete button.

Congratulation , You have Permanently deleted your app successfully from appstore. Now , you cant able to see app on appstore aswellas in your developer account.

Note :-

When you have selected only Remove from sale option you have not deleted app permanently. You can able to make your app live again by clicking on Available in all territories option Again.

enter image description here

SQL Server : export query as a .txt file

You can use windows Powershell to execute a query and output it to a text file

Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query "Select * from database" -ServerInstance "Servername\SQL2008" -Database "DbName" > c:\Users\outputFileName.txt

Using Python's list index() method on a list of tuples or objects?

tuple_list = [("pineapple", 5), ("cherry", 7), ("kumquat", 3), ("plum", 11)]

def eachtuple(tupple, pos1, val):
    for e in tupple:
        if e == val:
            return True

for e in tuple_list:
    if eachtuple(e, 1, 7) is True:
        print tuple_list.index(e)

for e in tuple_list:
    if eachtuple(e, 0, "kumquat") is True:
        print tuple_list.index(e)

How can I create a simple message box in Python?

import sys
from tkinter import *
def mhello():

mGui = Tk()
ment = StringVar()

mGui.title('My youtube Tkinter')

mlabel = Label(mGui,text ='my label').pack()

mbutton = Button(mGui,text ='ok',command = mhello,fg = 'red',bg='blue').pack()

mEntry = entry().pack 

How do you do natural logs (e.g. "ln()") with numpy in Python?

Correct, np.log(x) is the Natural Log (base e log) of x.

For other bases, remember this law of logs: log-b(x) = log-k(x) / log-k(b) where log-b is the log in some arbitrary base b, and log-k is the log in base k, e.g.

here k = e

l = np.log(x) / np.log(100)

and l is the log-base-100 of x

Java: Literal percent sign in printf statement

You can use StringEscapeUtils from Apache Commons Logging utility or escape manually using code for each character.

Get value from a string after a special character

Here's a way:

        <script src="jquery-1.4.2.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript">
                var value = $('input[type="hidden"]')[0].value;
        <input type="hidden" value="/TEST/Name?3" />

How to open PDF file in a new tab or window instead of downloading it (using

this may help

Response.Write("'../Inventory/pages/printableads.pdf', '_newtab');");

How to get "GET" request parameters in JavaScript?

You could use jquery.url I did like this:

var xyz = jQuery.url.param("param_in_url");

Check the source code

Updated Source:

Is there a Google Keep API?

I have been waiting to see if Google would open a Keep API. When I discovered Google Tasks, and saw that it had an Android app, web app, and API, I converted over to Tasks. This may not directly answer your question, but it is my solution to the Keep API problem.

Tasks doesn't have a reminder alarm exactly like Keep. I can live without that if I also connect with the Calendar API.

SQL update fields of one table from fields of another one

You can use the non-standard FROM clause.

SET column1 = a.column1,
  column2 = a.column2,
  column3 = a.column3
AND = 1

Twitter Bootstrap: Print content of modal window

@media print{_x000D_
  visibility: hidden; /* no print*/_x000D_
  visibility:visible; /*print*/_x000D_
  <div class="noprint"> <!---no print--->_x000D_
  <div class="noprint"> <!---no print--->_x000D_
  <div class="print">   <!---print--->_x000D_
  <div class="print">   <!---print--->_x000D_

scrollTop jquery, scrolling to div with id?

if you want to scroll just only some div, can use the div id instead of 'html, body'

$('html, body').animate(...



what is the difference between OLE DB and ODBC data sources?

ODBC and OLE DB are two competing data access technologies. Specifically regarding SQL Server, Microsoft has promoted both of them as their Preferred Future Direction - though at different times.


ODBC is an industry-wide standard interface for accessing table-like data. It was primarily developed for databases and presents data in collections of records, each of which is grouped into a collection of fields. Each field has its own data type suitable to the type of data it contains. Each database vendor (Microsoft, Oracle, Postgres, …) supplies an ODBC driver for their database.

There are also ODBC drivers for objects which, though they are not database tables, are sufficiently similar that accessing data in the same way is useful. Examples are spreadsheets, CSV files and columnar reports.


OLE DB is a Microsoft technology for access to data. Unlike ODBC it encompasses both table-like and non-table-like data such as email messages, web pages, Word documents and file directories. However, it is procedure-oriented rather than object-oriented and is regarded as a rather difficult interface with which to develop access to data sources. To overcome this, ADO was designed to be an object-oriented layer on top of OLE DB and to provide a simpler and higher-level – though still very powerful – way of working with it. ADO’s great advantage it that you can use it to manipulate properties which are specific to a given type of data source, just as easily as you can use it to access those properties which apply to all data source types. You are not restricted to some unsatisfactory lowest common denominator.

While all databases have ODBC drivers, they don’t all have OLE DB drivers. There is however an interface available between OLE and ODBC which can be used if you want to access them in OLE DB-like fashion. This interface is called MSDASQL (Microsoft OLE DB provider for ODBC).

SQL Server Data Access Technologies

Since SQL Server is (1) made by Microsoft, and (2) the Microsoft database platform, both ODBC and OLE DB are a natural fit for it.


Since all other database platforms had ODBC interfaces, Microsoft obviously had to provide one for SQL Server. In addition to this, DAO, the original default technology in Microsoft Access, uses ODBC as the standard way of talking to all external data sources. This made an ODBC interface a sine qua non. The version 6 ODBC driver for SQL Server, released with SQL Server 2000, is still around. Updated versions have been released to handle the new data types, connection technologies, encryption, HA/DR etc. that have appeared with subsequent releases. As of 09/07/2018 the most recent release is v13.1 “ODBC Driver for SQL Server”, released on 23/03/2018.


This is Microsoft’s own technology, which they were promoting strongly from about 2002 – 2005, along with its accompanying ADO layer. They were evidently hoping that it would become the data access technology of choice. (They even made ADO the default method for accessing data in Access 2002/2003.) However, it eventually became apparent that this was not going to happen for a number of reasons, such as:

  1. The world was not going to convert to Microsoft technologies and away from ODBC;
  2. DAO/ODBC was faster than ADO/OLE DB and was also thoroughly integrated into MS Access, so wasn’t going to die a natural death;
  3. New technologies that were being developed by Microsoft, specifically ADO.NET, could also talk directly to ODBC. ADO.NET could talk directly to OLE DB as well (thus leaving ADO in a backwater), but it was not (unlike ADO) solely dependent on it.

For these reasons and others, Microsoft actually deprecated OLE DB as a data access technology for SQL Server releases after v11 (SQL Server 2012). For a couple of years before this point, they had been producing and updating the SQL Server Native Client, which supported both ODBC and OLE DB technologies. In late 2012 however, they announced that they would be aligning with ODBC for native relational data access in SQL Server, and encouraged everybody else to do the same. They further stated that SQL Server releases after v11/SQL Server 2012 would actively not support OLE DB!

This announcement provoked a storm of protest. People were at a loss to understand why MS was suddenly deprecating a technology that they had spent years getting them to commit to. In addition, SSAS/SSRS and SSIS, which were MS-written applications intimately linked to SQL Server, were wholly or partly dependent on OLE DB. Yet another complaint was that OLE DB had certain desirable features which it seemed impossible to port back to ODBC – after all, OLE DB had many good points.

In October 2017, Microsoft relented and officially un-deprecated OLE DB. They announced the imminent arrival of a new driver (MSOLEDBSQL) which would have the existing feature set of the Native Client 11 and would also introduce multi-subnet failover and TLS 1.2 support. The driver was released in March 2018.

Getting text from td cells with jQuery

$(document).ready(function() {
  $('td').on('click', function() {
    var value = $this.text();

Is there any sizeof-like method in Java?

EhCache provides a SizeOf class that will try to use the Instrumentation agent and will fall back to a different approach if the agent is not loaded or cannot be loaded (details here).

Also see the agent from Heinz Kabutz.

How can I clone a private GitLab repository?

You might need a ~/.ssh/config:

    Port 1111
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa

and then you can use git clone git@DOMAINandREPOSITORY. This means you always use the user git.

Better way of getting time in milliseconds in javascript?

This is a very old question - but still for reference if others are looking at it - requestAnimationFrame() is the right way to handle animation in modern browsers:

UPDATE: The mozilla link shows how to do this - I didn't feel like repeating the text behind the link ;)

PHP remove commas from numeric strings

Not tested, but probably something like if(preg_match("/^[0-9,]+$/", $a)) $a = str_replace(...)

Do it the other way around:

$a = "1,435";
$b = str_replace( ',', '', $a );

if( is_numeric( $b ) ) {
    $a = $b;

The easiest would be:

$var = intval(preg_replace('/[^\d.]/', '', $var));

or if you need float:

$var = floatval(preg_replace('/[^\d.]/', '', $var));

How can I set the background color of <option> in a <select> element?

I had this problem too. I found setting the appearance to none helped.

.class {

    background-color: red;

How to configure nginx to enable kinda 'file browser' mode?

All answers contain part of the answer. Let me try to combine all in one.

Quick setup "file browser" mode on freshly installed nginx server:

  1. Edit default config for nginx:

    sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-available/default
  2. Add following to config section:

    location /myfolder {  # new url path
       alias /home/username/myfolder/; # directory to list
       autoindex on;
  3. Create folder and sample file there:

    mkdir -p /home/username/myfolder/
    ls -la >/home/username/myfolder/mytestfile.txt
  4. Restart nginx

    sudo systemctl restart nginx
  5. Check result: http://<your-server-ip>/myfolder for example

enter image description here

Matplotlib make tick labels font size smaller

Please note that newer versions of MPL have a shortcut for this task. An example is shown in the other answer to this question:

The code below is for illustrative purposes and may not necessarily be optimized.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

def xticklabels_example():
    fig = plt.figure() 

    x = np.arange(20)
    y1 = np.cos(x)
    y2 = (x**2)
    y3 = (x**3)
    yn = (y1,y2,y3)
    COLORS = ('b','g','k')

    for i,y in enumerate(yn):
        ax = fig.add_subplot(len(yn),1,i+1)

        ax.plot(x, y, ls='solid', color=COLORS[i]) 

        if i != len(yn) - 1:
            # all but last 
            ax.set_xticklabels( () )
            for tick in ax.xaxis.get_major_ticks():
                # specify integer or one of preset strings, e.g.

    fig.suptitle('Matplotlib xticklabels Example')

if __name__ == '__main__':

enter image description here

C - determine if a number is prime

I would just add that no even number (bar 2) can be a prime number. This results in another condition prior to for loop. So the end code should look like this:

int IsPrime(unsigned int number) {
    if (number <= 1) return 0; // zero and one are not prime
    if ((number > 2) && ((number % 2) == 0)) return 0; //no even number is prime number (bar 2)
    unsigned int i;
    for (i=2; i*i<=number; i++) {
        if (number % i == 0) return 0;
    return 1;

How to list all methods for an object in Ruby?

What about one of these?


SQL join: selecting the last records in a one-to-many relationship

You haven't specified the database. If it is one that allows analytical functions it may be faster to use this approach than the GROUP BY one(definitely faster in Oracle, most likely faster in the late SQL Server editions, don't know about others).

Syntax in SQL Server would be:

SELECT c.*, p.*
FROM customer c INNER JOIN 
     (SELECT RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY customer_id ORDER BY date DESC) r, *
             FROM purchase) p
ON ( = p.customer_id)
WHERE p.r = 1

MySQL: update a field only if condition is met


Here you have another example:

UPDATE prices
SET final_price= CASE
   WHEN currency=1 THEN 0.81*final_price
   ELSE final_price

This works because MySQL doesn't update the row, if there is no change, as mentioned in docs:

If you set a column to the value it currently has, MySQL notices this and does not update it.

VBA: Counting rows in a table (list object)

You can use this:


You have to distinguish between a table which has either one row of data or no data, as the previous code will return "1" for both cases. Use this to test for an empty table:

    If WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("MyTable[#Data]"))

How to convert all tables in database to one collation?

Below is the more accurate query. I am giving example how to convert it to utf8


pypi UserWarning: Unknown distribution option: 'install_requires'

This was the first result on my google search, but had no answer. I found that upgrading setuptools resolved the issue for me (and pip for good measure)

pip install --upgrade pip
pip install --upgrade setuptools

Hope this helps the next person to find this link!

How to add jQuery code into HTML Page

  1. Create a file for the jquery eg uploadfuntion.js.
  2. Save that file in the same folder as website or in subfolder.
  3. In head section of your html page paste: <script src=""></script>

and then the reference to your script eg: <script src="uploadfuntion.js"> </script>

4.Lastly you should ensure there are elements that match the selectors in the code.

How do I remove a property from a JavaScript object?

var myObject = {"ircEvent": "PRIVMSG", "method": "newURI", "regex": "^http://.*"};_x000D_
delete myObject.regex;_x000D_
console.log ( myObject.regex); // logs: undefined

This works in Firefox and Internet Explorer, and I think it works in all others.

Update data on a page without refreshing

You can read about jQuery Ajax from official jQuery Site:

If you don't want to use any click event then you can set timer for periodically update.

Below code may be help you just example.

function update() {
  $.get("response.php", function(data) {
    window.setTimeout(update, 10000);

Above function will call after every 10 seconds and get content from response.php and update in #some_div.

500 Error on AppHarbor but downloaded build works on my machine

Just a wild guess: (not much to go on) but I have had similar problems when, for example, I was using the IIS rewrite module on my local machine (and it worked fine), but when I uploaded to a host that did not have that add-on module installed, I would get a 500 error with very little to go on - sounds similar. It drove me crazy trying to find it.

So make sure whatever options/addons that you might have and be using locally in IIS are also installed on the host.

Similarly, make sure you understand everything that is being referenced/used in your web.config - that is likely the problem area.

PHP salt and hash SHA256 for login password

According to the Salt option has been deprecated as of PHP 7.0.0, so you should use the salt that is generated by default and is far more simpler

Example for store the password:

$hashPassword = password_hash("password", PASSWORD_BCRYPT);

Example to verify the password:

$passwordCorrect = password_verify("password", $hashPassword);

How do you round a floating point number in Perl?

Following is a sample of five different ways to summate values. The first is a naive way to perform the summation (and fails). The second attempts to use sprintf(), but it too fails. The third uses sprintf() successfully while the final two (4th & 5th) use floor($value + 0.5).

 use strict;
 use warnings;
 use POSIX;

 my @values = (26.67,62.51,62.51,62.51,68.82,79.39,79.39);
 my $total1 = 0.00;
 my $total2 = 0;
 my $total3 = 0;
 my $total4 = 0.00;
 my $total5 = 0;
 my $value1;
 my $value2;
 my $value3;
 my $value4;
 my $value5;

 foreach $value1 (@values)
      $value2 = $value1;
      $value3 = $value1;
      $value4 = $value1;
      $value5 = $value1;

      $total1 += $value1;

      $total2 += sprintf('%d', $value2 * 100);

      $value3 = sprintf('%1.2f', $value3);
      $value3 =~ s/\.//;
      $total3 += $value3;

      $total4 += $value4;

      $total5 += floor(($value5 * 100.0) + 0.5);

 $total1 *= 100;
 $total4 = floor(($total4 * 100.0) + 0.5);

 print '$total1: '.sprintf('%011d', $total1)."\n";
 print '$total2: '.sprintf('%011d', $total2)."\n";
 print '$total3: '.sprintf('%011d', $total3)."\n";
 print '$total4: '.sprintf('%011d', $total4)."\n";
 print '$total5: '.sprintf('%011d', $total5)."\n";


 #$total1: 00000044179
 #$total2: 00000044179
 #$total3: 00000044180
 #$total4: 00000044180
 #$total5: 00000044180

Note that floor($value + 0.5) can be replaced with int($value + 0.5) to remove the dependency on POSIX.

grep a file, but show several surrounding lines?

$ grep thestring thefile -5

-5 gets you 5 lines above and below the match 'thestring' is equivalent to -C 5 or -A 5 -B 5.

Performance of FOR vs FOREACH in PHP

One thing to watch out for in benchmarks (especially, is even though the numbers are sound, the tests are not. Alot of the tests on are doing things at are trivial and abuse PHP's ability to cache array lookups to skew benchmarks or in the case of iterating over an array doesn't actually test it in real world cases (no one writes empty for loops). I've done my own benchmarks that I've found are fairly reflective of the real world results and they always show the language's native iterating syntax foreach coming out on top (surprise, surprise).

//make a nicely random array
$aHash1 = range( 0, 999999 );
$aHash2 = range( 0, 999999 );
shuffle( $aHash1 );
shuffle( $aHash2 );
$aHash = array_combine( $aHash1, $aHash2 );

$start1 = microtime(true);
foreach($aHash as $key=>$val) $aHash[$key]++;
$end1 = microtime(true);

$start2 = microtime(true);
while(list($key) = each($aHash)) $aHash[$key]++;
$end2 = microtime(true);

$start3 = microtime(true);
$key = array_keys($aHash);
$size = sizeOf($key);
for ($i=0; $i<$size; $i++) $aHash[$key[$i]]++;
$end3 = microtime(true);

$start4 = microtime(true);
foreach($aHash as &$val) $val++;
$end4 = microtime(true);

echo "foreach ".($end1 - $start1)."\n"; //foreach 0.947947025299
echo "while ".($end2 - $start2)."\n"; //while 0.847212076187
echo "for ".($end3 - $start3)."\n"; //for 0.439476966858
echo "foreach ref ".($end4 - $start4)."\n"; //foreach ref 0.0886030197144

//For these tests we MUST do an array lookup,
//since that is normally the *point* of iteration
//i'm also calling noop on it so that PHP doesn't
//optimize out the loopup.
function noop( $value ) {}

//Create an array of increasing indexes, w/ random values
$bHash = range( 0, 999999 );
shuffle( $bHash );

$bstart1 = microtime(true);
for($i = 0; $i < 1000000; ++$i) noop( $bHash[$i] );
$bend1 = microtime(true);

$bstart2 = microtime(true);
$i = 0; while($i < 1000000) { noop( $bHash[$i] ); ++$i; }
$bend2 = microtime(true);

$bstart3 = microtime(true);
foreach( $bHash as $value ) { noop( $value ); }
$bend3 = microtime(true);

echo "for ".($bend1 - $bstart1)."\n"; //for 0.397135972977
echo "while ".($bend2 - $bstart2)."\n"; //while 0.364789962769
echo "foreach ".($bend3 - $bstart3)."\n"; //foreach 0.346374034882

How to Deserialize XML document

The idea is to have all level being handled for deserialization Please see a sample solution that solved my similar issue

<?xml version="1.0" ?> 
        <TRAN_DATE>29-09-2015 07:36:59</TRAN_DATE> 
        <RESPONSE_DESC>Bank rejected transaction!</RESPONSE_DESC> 
        <AUTH_ID /> 
        <AUTH_DATE /> 
        <CAPTURE_DATE /> 
        <SALES_DATE /> 
        <VOID_REV_DATE /> 
        <REFUND_DATE /> 

The above XML is handled in two level

public class TransactionResponse
    public BankQueryResponse Response { get; set; }


The Inner level

public class BankQueryResponse
    public string TransactionId { get; set; }

    public string MerchantAccNo { get; set; }

    public string TxnSignature { get; set; }

    public DateTime TranDate { get; set; }

    public string TxnStatus { get; set; }

    public DateTime RefundDate { get; set; }

    public string ResponseCode { get; set; }

    public string ResponseDesc { get; set; }

    public string MerchantTranId { get; set; }


Same Way you need multiple level with car as array Check this example for multilevel deserialization

How to fix/convert space indentation in Sublime Text?

The easiest thing i did was,

changed my Indentation to Tabs

and it resolved my problem.

You can do the same,

to Spaces

as well as per your need.

Mentioned the snapshot of the same.

enter image description here

How do you run a .bat file from PHP?

When you use the exec() function, it is as though you have a cmd terminal open and are typing commands straight to it.

Use single quotes like this $str = exec('start /B Path\to\batch.bat');
The /B means the bat will be executed in the background so the rest of the php will continue after running that line, as opposed to $str = exec('start /B /C command', $result); where command is executed and then result is stored for later use.

PS: It works for both Windows and Linux.
More details are here :)

React-Redux: Actions must be plain objects. Use custom middleware for async actions

You can't use fetch in actions without middleware. Actions must be plain objects. You can use a middleware like redux-thunk or redux-saga to do fetch and then dispatch another action.

Here is an example of async action using redux-thunk middleware.

export function checkUserLoggedIn (authCode) {
 let url = `${loginUrl}validate?auth_code=${authCode}`;
  return dispatch => {
    return fetch(url,{
      method: 'GET',
      headers: {
        "Content-Type": "application/json"
      .then((resp) => {
        let json = resp.json();
       if (resp.status >= 200 && resp.status < 300) {
          return json;
        } else {
          return json.then(Promise.reject.bind(Promise));
        json => {
          if (json.result && (json.result.status === 'error')) {
      .catch((error) => {
        dispatch(warningOccurred(error, url));

How to load a xib file in a UIView

For swift 3 & 4

let customView = Bundle.main.loadNibNamed("CustomView", owner: nil, options: nil)?.first as? CustomView

Replace and overwrite instead of appending

See from How to Replace String in File works in a simple way and is an answer that works with replace

fin = open("data.txt", "rt")
fout = open("out.txt", "wt")

for line in fin:
    fout.write(line.replace('pyton', 'python'))


How to open local files in Swagger-UI

This is how I worked with local swagger JSON

  1. Have tomcat running in local machine
  2. Download Swagger UI application and unzip it into tomcat's /webapps/swagger folder
  3. Drop local swagger json file inside /webapps/swagger folder of tomcat
  4. Start up tomcat (/bin/sh
  5. Open a browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080/swagger/
  6. type your swagger json file in the Swagger Explore test box and this should render the APIs.

Hope this works for you

MIN and MAX in C

Old GCC Extension: Operators <?, >?, <?=, >?=

In a very old version of GCC there were the operators <?, >? (see here, here it was in C++ but I think it also applied as a C extension back then) I have also seen the operators <?=, >?= corresponding to the assignment statements.

The operands were evaluated once and even allowed for a very short assignment statement. Its very short compared to common min/max assignments. There is nothing that can top this.

Those were a shorthand for the following:

min(a, b)   ===   a < b ? a : b   ===   a <? b;
max(a, b)   ===   a > b ? a : b   ===   a >? b;
a = min(a, b);   ===   if(b < a) a = b;   ===   a <?= b;
a = max(a, b);   ===   if(b > a) a = b;   ===   a >?= b;

Finding the minimum is very concise:

int find_min(const int* ints, int num_ints)
    assert(num_ints > 0);
    int min = ints[0];
    for(int i = 1; i < num_ints; ++i)
        min <?= ints[i];
    return min;

I hope this might be some day brought back to GCC, because I think these operators are genious.

WPF C# button style

In this day and age of mouse driven computers and tablets with touch screens etc, it is often forgotten to cater for input via keyboard only. A button should support a focus rectangle (the dotted rectangle when the button has focus) or another shape matching the button shape.

To add a focus rectangle to the button, use this XAML (from this site). Focus rectangle style:

<Style x:Key="ButtonFocusVisual">
  <Setter Property="Control.Template">
          <Rectangle Margin="2" StrokeThickness="1" Stroke="#60000000" StrokeDashArray="1 2" />

Applying the style to the button:

<Style TargetType="Button">
  <Setter Property="FocusVisualStyle" Value="{StaticResource ButtonFocusVisual}" />

ImportError: No module named 'selenium'

If pip isn’t already installed, then first try to bootstrap it from the standard library:

sudo python -m ensurepip --default-pip

Ensure pip, setuptools, and wheel are up to date

sudo python -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel

Now Install Selenium

sudo pip install selenium

Now run your runner.

Hope this helps. Happy Coding !!

How do you connect to multiple MySQL databases on a single webpage?

Unless you really need to have more than one instance of a PDO object in play, consider the following:

$con = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost', $username, $password, 
      array(PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT => true));

Notice the absence of dbname= in the construction arguments.

When you connect to MySQL via a terminal or other tool, the database name is not needed off the bat. You can switch between databases by using the USE dbname statement via the PDO::exec() method.

$con->exec("USE someDatabase");
$con->exec("USE anotherDatabase");

Of course you may want to wrap this in a catch try statement.

How to get only numeric column values?

The other answers indicating using IsNumeric in the where clause are correct, as far as they go, but it's important to remember that it returns 1 if the value can be converted to any numeric type. As such, oddities such as "1d3" will make it through the filter.

If you need only values composed of digits, search for that explicitly:

SELECT column1 FROM table WHERE column1 not like '%[^0-9]%'

The above is filtering to reject any column which contains a non-digit character

Note that in any case, you're going to incur a table scan, indexes are useless for this sort of query.

Google Maps API - Get Coordinates of address

A Nuget solved my problem:Geocoding.Google 4.0.0. Install it so not necessary to write extra classes etc.

How to check if a value exists in a dictionary (python)

In Python 3 you can use the values() function of the dictionary. It returns a view object of the values. This, in turn, can be passed to the iter function which returns an iterator object. The iterator can be checked using in, like this,

'one' in iter(d.values())

Or you can use the view object directly since it is similar to a list

'one' in d.values()

jQuery: get parent, parent id?


Is how you would get the id of the parent's parent.



Is a more foolproof solution for your case.

How to use router.navigateByUrl and router.navigate in Angular

From my understanding, router.navigate is used to navigate relatively to current path. For eg : If our current path is, we want to navigate to the url : for this scenario we can use router.navigate .

router.navigateByUrl() is used for absolute path navigation.


If we need to navigate to entirely different route in that case we can use router.navigateByUrl

For example if we need to navigate from to, in this case we can use router.navigateByUrl()

Syntax :

router.navigateByUrl(' ---- String ----');

router.navigate([], {relativeTo: route})

Calling Python in Java?

Jython: Python for the Java Platform -

You can easily call python functions from Java code with Jython. That is as long as your python code itself runs under jython, i.e. doesn't use some c-extensions that aren't supported.

If that works for you, it's certainly the simplest solution you can get. Otherwise you can use org.python.util.PythonInterpreter from the new Java6 interpreter support.

A simple example from the top of my head - but should work I hope: (no error checking done for brevity)

PythonInterpreter interpreter = new PythonInterpreter();
interpreter.exec("import sys\nsys.path.append('pathToModules if they are not there by default')\nimport yourModule");
// execute a function that takes a string and returns a string
PyObject someFunc = interpreter.get("funcName");
PyObject result = someFunc.__call__(new PyString("Test!"));
String realResult = (String) result.__tojava__(String.class);

How to disable HTML button using JavaScript?

to disable

document.getElementById("btnPlaceOrder").disabled = true; 

to enable

document.getElementById("btnPlaceOrder").disabled = false; 

How to fix libeay32.dll was not found error

For windows, you need to download the latest version of the open SSL binaries at this time is:

openSSL list

this problem happened to me when I tried to run MongoDB bin in windows 10

source to download:

Multiple commands in an alias for bash

Add this function to your ~/.bashrc and restart your terminal or run source ~/.bashrc

function lock() {
    gnome-screensaver-command --lock

This way these two commands will run whenever you enter lock in your terminal.

In your specific case creating an alias may work, but I don't recommend it. Intuitively we would think the value of an alias would run the same as if you entered the value in the terminal. However that's not the case:

The rules concerning the definition and use of aliases are somewhat confusing.


For almost every purpose, shell functions are preferred over aliases.

So don't use an alias unless you have to.

Synchronous XMLHttpRequest warning and <script>

Browsers now warn for the use of synchronous XHR. MDN says this was implemented recently:

Starting with Gecko 30.0 (Firefox 30.0 / Thunderbird 30.0 / SeaMonkey 2.27)

Here's how the change got implemented in Firefox and Chromium:

As for Chrome people report this started happening somewhere around version 39. I'm not sure how to link a revision/changeset to a particular version of Chrome.

Yes, it happens when jQuery appends markup to the page including script tags that load external js files. You can reproduce it with something like this:

$('body').append('<script src="foo.js"></script>');

I guess jQuery will fix this in some future version. Until then we can either ignore it or use A. Wolff's suggestion above.

How to copy a char array in C?

As others have noted, strings are copied with strcpy() or its variants. In certain cases, you could use snprintf() as well.

You can only assign arrays the way you want as part of a structure assignment:

typedef struct { char a[18]; } array;
array array1 = { "abcdefg" };
array array2;

array2 = array1;

If your arrays are passed to a function, it will appear that you are allowed to assign them, but this is just an accident of the semantics. In C, an array will decay to a pointer type with the value of the address of the first member of the array, and this pointer is what gets passed. So, your array parameter in your function is really just a pointer. The assignment is just a pointer assignment:

void foo (char x[10], char y[10]) {
    x = y;    /* pointer assignment! */

The array itself remains unchanged after returning from the function.

This "decay to pointer value" semantic for arrays is the reason that the assignment doesn't work. The l-value has the array type, but the r-value is the decayed pointer type, so the assignment is between incompatible types.

char array1[18] = "abcdefg";
char array2[18];
array2 = array1; /* fails because array1 becomes a pointer type,
                    but array2 is still an array type */

As to why the "decay to pointer value" semantic was introduced, this was to achieve a source code compatibility with the predecessor of C. You can read The Development of the C Language for details.

JetBrains / IntelliJ keyboard shortcut to collapse all methods

@precastic's answer above is, imo, the right idea.

Worth noting that in IDEA 2018.2 (and surely other nearby versions) there are default keyboard shortcuts for this: (showing Mac, see Code > Folding > Expand All to Level for your system):

Cmd+Option+Keypad *, 1 - expand all to level 1
Cmd+Option+Keypad *, 2 - expand all to level 2
Cmd+Option+Keypad *, 5 - expand all to level 5

Note: these are "second stroke" shortcuts. First press Cmd+Option+*, then release, then hit the number you want.

How to fetch Java version using single line command in Linux

You can use --version and in that case it's not required to redirect to stdout

java --version | head -1 | cut -f2 -d' '

From java help

-version      print product version to the error stream and exit
--version     print product version to the output stream and exit

Using "label for" on radio buttons

You almost got it. It should be this:

<input type="radio" name="group1" id="r1" value="1" />_x000D_
<label for="r1"> button one</label>

The value in for should be the id of the element you are labeling.

Using Razor within JavaScript

The following solution seems more accurate to me than combine JavaScript with Razor. Check this out:

You can add almost any complex data to ViewBag.Ngon and access it in JavaScript

In the controller:

public class HomeController : Controller
    public ActionResult Index()
        var person = new Person { FirstName = "John", LastName = "Doe", Age = 30 };
        ViewBag.NGon.Person = person;
        return View();

In JavaScript:

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(function () {
        $("#button").click(function () {
            var person = ngon.Person;
            var div = $("#output");
            div.append("FirstName: " + person.FirstName);
            div.append(", LastName: " + person.LastName);
            div.append(", Age: " + person.Age);

It's allows any plain old CLR objects (POCOs) that can be serialized using the default JavascriptSerializer.

Does Go have "if x in" construct similar to Python?

Another solution if the list contains static values.

eg: checking for a valid value from a list of valid values:

func IsValidCategory(category string) bool {
    switch category {
        return true
    return false

Does a valid XML file require an XML declaration?

It is only required if you aren't using the default values for version and encoding (which you are in that example).

IIS Express Windows Authentication

On the same note - VS 2015, .vs\config\applicationhost.config not visible or not available.

By default .vs folder is hidden (at least in my case).

If you are not able to find the .vs folder, follow the below steps.

  1. Right click on the Solution folder
  2. select 'Properties'
  3. In Attributes section, click Hidden check box(default unchecked),
  4. then click the 'Apply' button
  5. It will show up confirmation window 'Apply changes to this folder, subfolder and files' option selected, hit 'Ok'.

    Repeat step 1 to 5, except on step 3, this time you need to uncheck the 'Hidden' option that you checked previously.

Now should be able to see .vs folder.

Maven home (M2_HOME) not being picked up by IntelliJ IDEA

Another option is to add the M2_HOME variable at: IntelliJ IDEA=>Preferences=>IDE Settings=>Path Variables

After a restart of IntelliJ, IntelliJ IDEA=>Preferences=>Project Settings=>Maven=>Maven home directory should be set to your M2_HOME variable.

Where can I find the Java SDK in Linux after installing it?

Another best way to find Java folder path is to use alternatives command in Fedora Linux (I know its for Ubuntu but I hit this post from google just by its headline). Just want to share incase people like me looking for answers for fedora flavour.

To display all information regarding java

alternatives --display java

how to pass variable from shell script to sqlplus

You appear to have a heredoc containing a single SQL*Plus command, though it doesn't look right as noted in the comments. You can either pass a value in the heredoc:

sqlplus -S user/pass@localhost << EOF
@/opt/D2RQ/file.sql BUILDING

or if BUILDING is $2 in your script:

sqlplus -S user/pass@localhost << EOF
@/opt/D2RQ/file.sql $2

If your file.sql had an exit at the end then it would be even simpler as you wouldn't need the heredoc:

sqlplus -S user/pass@localhost @/opt/D2RQ/file.sql $2

In your SQL you can then refer to the position parameters using substitution variables:


The &1 will be replaced with the first value passed to the SQL script, BUILDING; because that is a string it still needs to be enclosed in quotes. You might want to set verify off to stop if showing you the substitutions in the output.

You can pass multiple values, and refer to them sequentially just as you would positional parameters in a shell script - the first passed parameter is &1, the second is &2, etc. You can use substitution variables anywhere in the SQL script, so they can be used as column aliases with no problem - you just have to be careful adding an extra parameter that you either add it to the end of the list (which makes the numbering out of order in the script, potentially) or adjust everything to match:

sqlplus -S user/pass@localhost << EOF
@/opt/D2RQ/file.sql total_count BUILDING


sqlplus -S user/pass@localhost << EOF
@/opt/D2RQ/file.sql total_count $2

If total_count is being passed to your shell script then just use its positional parameter, $4 or whatever. And your SQL would then be:

        ?s rdf:type :ProcessSpec .
        ?s ?p ?o

If you pass a lot of values you may find it clearer to use the positional parameters to define named parameters, so any ordering issues are all dealt with at the start of the script, where they are easier to maintain:

define MY_ALIAS = &1
define MY_MODEL = &2

        ?s rdf:type :ProcessSpec .
        ?s ?p ?o

From your separate question, maybe you just wanted:

        ?s rdf:type :ProcessSpec .
        ?s ?p ?o

... so the alias will be the same value you're querying on (the value in $2, or BUILDING in the original part of the answer). You can refer to a substitution variable as many times as you want.

That might not be easy to use if you're running it multiple times, as it will appear as a header above the count value in each bit of output. Maybe this would be more parsable later:


If you set pages 0 and set heading off, your repeated calls might appear in a neat list. You might also need to set tab off and possibly use rpad('&1', 20) or similar to make that column always the same width. Or get the results as CSV with:

select '&1' ||','|| COUNT(*)

Depends what you're using the results for...

How to make popup look at the centre of the screen?

/*--------  Bootstrap Modal Popup in Center of Screen --------------*/
/*---------------extra css------*/
.modal {
    text-align: center;
    padding: 0 !important;
.modal:before {
    content: '';
    display: inline-block;
    height: 100%;
    vertical-align: middle;
    margin-right: -4px;
.modal-dialog {
    display: inline-block;
    text-align: left;
    vertical-align: middle;
/*----- Modal Popup -------*/
<div class="modal fade" role="dialog">
    <div class="modal-dialog" >
        <div class="modal-content">
            <div class="modal-header">
                <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close">
                    <span aria-hidden="true">×</span>
                <h5 class="modal-title">Header</h5>
            <div class="modal-body">
               body here     
        <div class="modal-footer">            
            <button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary" data-dismiss="modal">Close</button>

Format cell if cell contains date less than today

Your first problem was you weren't using your compare symbols correctly.

< less than
> greater than
<= less than or equal to
>= greater than or equal to

To answer your other questions; get the condition to work on every cell in the column and what about blanks?

What about blanks?

Add an extra IF condition to check if the cell is blank or not, if it isn't blank perform the check. =IF(B2="","",B2<=TODAY())

Condition on every cell in column

enter image description here

CodeIgniter -> Get current URL relative to base url

For the parameter or without parameter URLs Use this :

Method 1:

 $currentURL = current_url(); //for simple URL
 $params = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; //for parameters
 $fullURL = $currentURL . '?' . $params; //full URL with parameter

Method 2:

$full_url = (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] === 'on' ? "https" : "http") . "://$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST]$_SERVER[REQUEST_URI]";

Method 3:


Getting time and date from timestamp with php

$timestamp='2014-11-21 16:38:00';

list($date,$time)=explode(' ',$timestamp);

// just time

preg_match("/ (\d\d:\d\d):\d\d$/",$timestamp,$match);
echo "\n<br>".$match[1];

Enum ToString with user friendly strings

I think the best (and easiest) way to solve your problem is to write an Extension-Method for your enum:

public static string GetUserFriendlyString(this PublishStatusses status)


Need to get a string after a "word" in a string in c#

string originalSting = "This is my string";
string texttobesearched = "my";
string dataAfterTextTobeSearch= finalCommand.Split(new string[] { texttobesearched     }, StringSplitOptions.None).Last();
    //your action here if data is found
    //action if the data being searched was not found

PHP - Insert date into mysql

try CAST function in MySQL:

mysql_query("INSERT INTO data_table (title, date_of_event)
VALUES('". $_POST['post_title'] ."',
CAST('". $date ."' AS DATE))") or die(mysql_error()); 

what is the use of Eval() in

While binding a databound control, you can evaluate a field of the row in your data source with eval() function.

For example you can add a column to your gridview like that :

<asp:BoundField DataField="YourFieldName" />

And alternatively, this is the way with eval :

        <asp:Label ID="lbl" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("YourFieldName") %>'>

It seems a little bit complex, but it's flexible, because you can set any property of the control with the eval() function :

        <asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink1" runat="server" 
          NavigateUrl='<%# "ShowDetails.aspx?id="+Eval("Id") %>' 
          Text='<%# Eval("Text", "{0}") %>'></asp:HyperLink>

WPF Label Foreground Color

I checked your XAML, it works fine - e.g. both labels have a gray foreground.
My guess is that you have some style which is affecting the way it looks...

Try moving your XAML to a brand-new window and see for yourself... Then, check if you have any themes or styles (in the Window.Resources for instance) which might be affecting the labels...

How can I get a list of repositories 'apt-get' is checking?

As far as I know, you can't ask apt for what their current sources are. However, you can do what you want using shell tools.

Getting a list of repositories:

grep -h ^deb /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* >> current.repos.list

Applying the list:

apt-add-repository << current.repos.list

Regarding getting the repository from a package (installed or available), this will do the trick:

apt-cache policy package_name | grep -m1 http | awk '{ print $2 " " $3 }'

However, that will show you the repository of the latest version available of that package, and you may have more repositories for the same package with older versions. Remove all the grep/awk stuff if you want to see the full list.

Official reasons for "Software caused connection abort: socket write error"

My server was throwing this exception in the pass 2 days and I solved it by moving the disconnecting function with:


To the end of the listing thread. if it will helped anyone.

Java: Array with loop

I'm not sure what structure you want your resulting array in, but the following code will do what I think you're asking for:

int sum = 0;
int[] results = new int[100];
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
  sum += (i+1);
  results[i] = sum;

Gives you an array of the sum at each point in the loop [1, 3, 6, 10...]

ReactJS map through Object

You get this error because your variable subjects is an Object not Array, you can use map() only for Array.

In case of mapping object you can do this:

    Object.keys(subjects).map((item, i) => (
        <li className="travelcompany-input" key={i}>
            <span className="input-label">{ subjects[item].name }</span>

Why does corrcoef return a matrix?

The correlation matrix is the standard way to express correlations between an arbitrary finite number of variables. The correlation matrix of N data vectors is a symmetric N × N matrix with unity diagonal. Only in the case N = 2 does this matrix have one free parameter.


Take a look at

/Applications/Python 3.6/Install Certificates.command

You can also go to Aplications ans click on Certificates.command

What is Robocopy's "restartable" option?

Restartable mode (/Z) has to do with a partially-copied file. With this option, should the copy be interrupted while any particular file is partially copied, the next execution of robocopy can pick up where it left off rather than re-copying the entire file.

That option could be useful when copying very large files over a potentially unstable connection.

Backup mode (/B) has to do with how robocopy reads files from the source system. It allows the copying of files on which you might otherwise get an access denied error on either the file itself or while trying to copy the file's attributes/permissions. You do need to be running in an Administrator context or otherwise have backup rights to use this flag.

Difference between JSONObject and JSONArray

When a JSON start's with {} it is a ObjectJSON object and when it start's with [] it is an Array JOSN Array

An JSON array can consist of a/many objects and that is called an array of objects

process.start() arguments

Try fully qualifying the filenames in the arguments - I notice you're specifying the path in the FileName part, so it's possible that the process is being started elsewhere, then not finding the arguments and causing an error.

If that works, then setting the WorkingDirectory property on the StartInfo may be of use.

Actually, according to the link

The WorkingDirectory property must be set if UserName and Password are provided. If the property is not set, the default working directory is %SYSTEMROOT%\system32.

What could cause an error related to npm not being able to find a file? No contents in my node_modules subfolder. Why is that?

In my case, this error happened with a new project.

none of the proposed solutions here worked, so I simply reinstalled all the packages and started working correctly.

How to make a <ul> display in a horizontal row

You could also set them to float to the right.

#ul_top_hypers li {
    float: right;

This allows them to still be block level, but will appear on the same line.


I had this error when I tried to update npm, but had a really old version (1.3.6 !) installed from yum in AWS Linux. I was able to manually install a newer npm version and everything was remedied.

how to query child objects in mongodb

Assuming your "states" collection is like:

{"name" : "Spain", "cities" : [ { "name" : "Madrid" }, { "name" : null } ] }
{"name" : "France" }

The query to find states with null cities would be:

db.states.find({"" : {"$eq" : null, "$exists" : true}});

It is a common mistake to query for nulls as:

db.states.find({"" : null});

because this query will return all documents lacking the key (in our example it will return Spain and France). So, unless you are sure the key is always present you must check that the key exists as in the first query.

How to send authorization header with axios

Install the cors middleware. We were trying to solve it with our own code, but all attempts failed miserably.

This made it work:

cors = require('cors')

Original link

How can I open multiple files using "with open" in Python?

Nested with statements will do the same job, and in my opinion, are more straightforward to deal with.

Let's say you have inFile.txt, and want to write it into two outFile's simultaneously.

with open("inFile.txt", 'r') as fr:
    with open("outFile1.txt", 'w') as fw1:
        with open("outFile2.txt", 'w') as fw2:
            for line in fr.readlines():


I don't understand the reason of the downvote. I tested my code before publishing my answer, and it works as desired: It writes to all of outFile's, just as the question asks. No duplicate writing or failing to write. So I am really curious to know why my answer is considered to be wrong, suboptimal or anything like that.

Conditional Replace Pandas

.ix indexer works okay for pandas version prior to 0.20.0, but since pandas 0.20.0, the .ix indexer is deprecated, so you should avoid using it. Instead, you can use .loc or iloc indexers. You can solve this problem by:

mask = df.my_channel > 20000
column_name = 'my_channel'
df.loc[mask, column_name] = 0

Or, in one line,

df.loc[df.my_channel > 20000, 'my_channel'] = 0

mask helps you to select the rows in which df.my_channel > 20000 is True, while df.loc[mask, column_name] = 0 sets the value 0 to the selected rows where maskholds in the column which name is column_name.

Update: In this case, you should use loc because if you use iloc, you will get a NotImplementedError telling you that iLocation based boolean indexing on an integer type is not available.

Mapping over values in a python dictionary

To avoid doing indexing from inside lambda, like:

rval = dict(map(lambda kv : (kv[0], ' '.join(kv[1])), rval.iteritems()))

You can also do:

rval = dict(map(lambda(k,v) : (k, ' '.join(v)), rval.iteritems()))

How to add an object to an ArrayList in Java

You have to use new operator here to instantiate. For example:

Contacts.add(new Data(name, address, contact));

React eslint error missing in props validation

I ran into this issue over the past couple days. Like Omri Aharon said in their answer above, it is important to add definitions for your prop types similar to:

SomeClass.propTypes = {
    someProp: PropTypes.number,
    onTap: PropTypes.func,

Don't forget to add the prop definitions outside of your class. I would place it right below/above my class. If you are not sure what your variable type or suffix is for your PropType (ex: PropTypes.number), refer to this npm reference. To Use PropTypes, you must import the package:

import PropTypes from 'prop-types';

If you get the linting error:someProp is not required, but has no corresponding defaultProps declaration all you have to do is either add .isRequired to the end of your prop definition like so:

SomeClass.propTypes = {
    someProp: PropTypes.number.isRequired,
    onTap: PropTypes.func.isRequired,

OR add default prop values like so:

SomeClass.defaultProps = {
    someProp: 1

If you are anything like me, unexperienced or unfamiliar with reactjs, you may also get this error: Must use destructuring props assignment. To fix this error, define your props before they are used. For example:

const { someProp } = this.props;

onChange and onSelect in DropDownList

To make a robust form, have it load in a useful state and use script to enhance its behaviour. In the following, the select has been replaced by radio buttons (makes life much easier for the user).

The "yes" option is checked by default and the select is enabled. If the user checks either radio button, the select is enabled or disabled accordingly.

<form onclick="this.mySelect1.disabled = this.becomeMember[1].checked;" ... >
  <input type="radio" name="becomeMember" checked>Yes<br>
  <input type="radio" name="becomeMember">No<br>

  <select id="mySelect1">

Accessing nested JavaScript objects and arrays by string path

Here I offer more ways, which seem faster in many respects:

Option 1: Split string on . or [ or ] or ' or ", reverse it, skip empty items.

function getValue(path, origin) {
    if (origin === void 0 || origin === null) origin = self ? self : this;
    if (typeof path !== 'string') path = '' + path;
    var parts = path.split(/\[|\]|\.|'|"/g).reverse(), name; // (why reverse? because it's usually faster to pop off the end of an array)
    while (parts.length) { name=parts.pop(); if (name) origin=origin[name]; }
    return origin;

Option 2 (fastest of all, except eval): Low level character scan (no regex/split/etc, just a quick char scan). Note: This one does not support quotes for indexes.

function getValue(path, origin) {
    if (origin === void 0 || origin === null) origin = self ? self : this;
    if (typeof path !== 'string') path = '' + path;
    var c = '', pc, i = 0, n = path.length, name = '';
    if (n) while (i<=n) ((c = path[i++]) == '.' || c == '[' || c == ']' || c == void 0) ? (name?(origin = origin[name], name = ''):(pc=='.'||pc=='['||pc==']'&&c==']'?i=n+2:void 0),pc=c) : name += c;
    if (i==n+2) throw "Invalid path: "+path;
    return origin;
} // (around 1,000,000+/- ops/sec)

Option 3: (new: option 2 expanded to support quotes - a bit slower, but still fast)

function getValue(path, origin) {
    if (origin === void 0 || origin === null) origin = self ? self : this;
    if (typeof path !== 'string') path = '' + path;
    var c, pc, i = 0, n = path.length, name = '', q;
    while (i<=n)
        ((c = path[i++]) == '.' || c == '[' || c == ']' || c == "'" || c == '"' || c == void 0) ? (c==q&&path[i]==']'?q='':q?name+=c:name?(origin?origin=origin[name]:i=n+2,name='') : (pc=='['&&(c=='"'||c=="'")?q=c:pc=='.'||pc=='['||pc==']'&&c==']'||pc=='"'||pc=="'"?i=n+2:void 0), pc=c) : name += c;
    if (i==n+2 || name) throw "Invalid path: "+path;
    return origin;


"eval(...)" is still king though (performance wise that is). If you have property paths directly under your control, there shouldn't be any issues with using 'eval' (especially if speed is desired). If pulling property paths "over the wire" (on the line!? lol :P), then yes, use something else to be safe. Only an idiot would say to never use "eval" at all, as there ARE good reasons when to use it. Also, "It is used in Doug Crockford's JSON parser." If the input is safe, then no problems at all. Use the right tool for the right job, that's it.

Python: convert string from UTF-8 to Latin-1

data="UTF-8 data"

Should do it.

C++: constructor initializer for arrays

Ideas from a twisted mind :

class mytwistedclass{
static std::vector<int> initVector;
    //initialise with initVector[0] and then delete it :-)


now set this initVector to something u want to before u instantiate an object. Then your objects are initialized with your parameters.

Pass Javascript variable to PHP via ajax

To test if the POST variable has an element called 'userID' you would be better off using array_key_exists .. which actually tests for the existence of the array key not whether its value has been set .. a subtle and probably only semantic difference, but it does improve readability.

and right now your $uid is being set to a boolean value depending whether $__POST['userID'] is set or not ... If I recall from memory you might want to try ...

$uid = (array_key_exists('userID', $_POST)?$_POST['userID']:'guest';

Then you can use an identifiable 'guest' user and render your code that much more readable :)

Another point re isset() even though it is unlikely to apply in this scenario, it's worth remembering if you don't want to get caught out later ... an array element can be legitimately set to NULL ... i.e. it can exist, but be as yet unpopulated, and this could be a valid, acceptable, and testable condition. but :

a = array('one'=>1, 'two'=>null, 'three'=>3);
isset(a['one']) == true
isset(a['two']) == false

array_key_exists(a['one']) == true
array_key_exists(a['two']) == true

Bw sure you know which function you want to use for which purpose.

Circular gradient in android

I always find images helpful when learning a new concept, so this is a supplemental answer.

enter image description here

The %p means a percentage of the parent, that is, a percentage of the narrowest dimension of whatever view we set our drawable on. The images above were generated by changing the gradientRadius in this code


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<shape xmlns:android="">
        android:endColor="#115ede" />

Which can be set on a view's background attribute like this



You can change the center of the radius with


where the decimals are fractions of the width and height for x and y respectively.

enter image description here


Here are some notes from the documentation explaining things a little more.


Radius of the gradient, used only with radial gradient. May be an explicit dimension or a fractional value relative to the shape's minimum dimension.

May be a floating point value, such as "1.2".

May be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp". Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size), in (inches), and mm (millimeters).

May be a fractional value, which is a floating point number appended with either % or %p, such as "14.5%". The % suffix always means a percentage of the base size; the optional %p suffix provides a size relative to some parent container.

Making a button invisible by clicking another button in HTML

Using jQuery!

var demoShow = function(){

But I would recommend you give an id to your button on which you want an action to happen. For example:

<input type="button" id="p1" value="edit" />
<input type="button" id="p2" value="submit" name="submit" />

<script type="text/javascript"> 

To show it again you can simply write: $("#p2").show();

How to compare two JSON objects with the same elements in a different order equal?

If you want two objects with the same elements but in a different order to compare equal, then the obvious thing to do is compare sorted copies of them - for instance, for the dictionaries represented by your JSON strings a and b:

import json

a = json.loads("""
    "errors": [
        {"error": "invalid", "field": "email"},
        {"error": "required", "field": "name"}
    "success": false

b = json.loads("""
    "success": false,
    "errors": [
        {"error": "required", "field": "name"},
        {"error": "invalid", "field": "email"}
>>> sorted(a.items()) == sorted(b.items())

... but that doesn't work, because in each case, the "errors" item of the top-level dict is a list with the same elements in a different order, and sorted() doesn't try to sort anything except the "top" level of an iterable.

To fix that, we can define an ordered function which will recursively sort any lists it finds (and convert dictionaries to lists of (key, value) pairs so that they're orderable):

def ordered(obj):
    if isinstance(obj, dict):
        return sorted((k, ordered(v)) for k, v in obj.items())
    if isinstance(obj, list):
        return sorted(ordered(x) for x in obj)
        return obj

If we apply this function to a and b, the results compare equal:

>>> ordered(a) == ordered(b)

how to call javascript function in html.actionlink in mvc?

<a onclick="MyFunc()">blabla..</a>

There is nothing more in @Html.ActionLink that you could utilize in this case. And razor is evel by itself, drop it from where you can.

Unable to Cast from Parent Class to Child Class

Paul, you didn't ask 'Can I do it' - I am assuming you want to know how to do it!

We had to do this on a project - there are many of classes we set up in a generic fashion just once, then initialize properties specific to derived classes. I use VB so my sample is in VB (tough noogies), but I stole the VB sample from this site which also has a better C# version:

Sample code:

Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Diagnostics

Module ClassUtils

    Public Sub CopyProperties(ByVal dst As Object, ByVal src As Object)
        Dim srcProperties() As PropertyInfo = src.GetType.GetProperties
        Dim dstType = dst.GetType

        If srcProperties Is Nothing Or dstType.GetProperties Is Nothing Then
        End If

        For Each srcProperty As PropertyInfo In srcProperties
            Dim dstProperty As PropertyInfo = dstType.GetProperty(srcProperty.Name)

            If dstProperty IsNot Nothing Then
                If dstProperty.PropertyType.IsAssignableFrom(srcProperty.PropertyType) = True Then
                    dstProperty.SetValue(dst, srcProperty.GetValue(src, Nothing), Nothing)
                End If
            End If
    End Sub
End Module

Module Module1
    Class base_class
        Dim _bval As Integer
        Public Property bval() As Integer
                Return _bval
            End Get
            Set(ByVal value As Integer)
                _bval = value
            End Set
        End Property
    End Class
    Class derived_class
        Inherits base_class
        Public _dval As Integer
        Public Property dval() As Integer
                Return _dval
            End Get
            Set(ByVal value As Integer)
                _dval = value
            End Set
        End Property
    End Class
    Sub Main()
        Dim b As New base_class
        b.bval = 10
        Dim d As derived_class
        'd = CType(b, derived_class) ' invalidcast exception 
        'd = DirectCast(b, derived_class) ' invalidcast exception
        'd = TryCast(b, derived_class) ' returns 'nothing' for c
        d = New derived_class
        CopyProperties(d, b)
        d.dval = 20
    End Sub
End Module

Of course this isn't really casting. It's creating a new derived object and copying the properties from the parent, leaving the child properties blank. That's all I needed to do and it sounds like its all you need to do. Note it only copies properties, not members (public variables) in the class (but you could extend it to do that if you are for shame exposing public members).

Casting in general creates 2 variables pointing to the same object (mini tutorial here, please don't throw corner case exceptions at me). There are significant ramifications to this (exercise to the reader)!

Of course I have to say why the languague doesn't let you go from base to derive instance, but does the other way. imagine a case where you can take an instance of a winforms textbox (derived) and store it in a variable of type Winforms control. Of course the 'control' can move the object around OK and you can deal with all the 'controll-y' things about the textbox (e.g., top, left, .text properties). The textbox specific stuff (e.g., .multiline) can't be seen without casting the 'control' type variable pointing to the textbox in memory, but it's still there in memory.

Now imagine, you have a control, and you want to case a variable of type textbox to it. The Control in memory is missing 'multiline' and other textboxy things. If you try to reference them, the control won't magically grow a multiline property! The property (look at it like a member variable here, that actually stores a value - because there is on in the textbox instance's memory) must exist. Since you are casting, remember, it has to be the same object you're pointing to. Hence it is not a language restriction, it is philosophically impossible to case in such a manner.

Nginx no-www to www and www to no-www

You need two server blocks.

Put these into your config file eg /etc/nginx/sites-available/sitename

Let's say you decide to have as the main address to use.

Your config file should look like this:

server {
        listen 80;
        listen [::]:80;
        return 301 $scheme://$request_uri;
server {
        listen 80;
        listen [::]:80;

        # this is the main server block
        # insert ALL other config or settings in this server block

The first server block will hold the instructions to redirect any requests with the 'www' prefix. It listens to requests for the URL with 'www' prefix and redirects.

It does nothing else.

The second server block will hold your main address — the URL you want to use. All other settings go here like root, index, location, etc. Check the default file for these other settings you can include in the server block.

The server needs two DNS A records.

Name: @ IPAddress: your-ip-address (for the URL)

Name: www IPAddress: your-ip-address (for the URL)

For ipv6 create the pair of AAAA records using your-ipv6-address.

What is the best way to access redux store outside a react component?

You can use store object that is returned from createStore function (which should be already used in your code in app initialization). Than you can use this object to get current state with store.getState() method or store.subscribe(listener) to subscribe to store updates.

You can even save this object to window property to access it from any part of application if you really want it ( = store)

More info can be found in the Redux documentation .

How to get $HOME directory of different user in bash script?

Quick and dirty, and store it in a variable:

USER_HOME="$(echo -n $(bash -c "cd ~${USER} && pwd"))"

Create an ArrayList of unique values

Use Set

      Set<String> list = new HashSet<>();
      while (s.hasNext()){

Usage of $broadcast(), $emit() And $on() in AngularJS


It dispatches an event name upwards through the scope hierarchy and notify to the registered $rootScope.Scope listeners. The event life cycle starts at the scope on which $emit was called. The event traverses upwards toward the root scope and calls all registered listeners along the way. The event will stop propagating if one of the listeners cancels it.


It dispatches an event name downwards to all child scopes (and their children) and notify to the registered $rootScope.Scope listeners. The event life cycle starts at the scope on which $broadcast was called. All listeners for the event on this scope get notified. Afterwards, the event traverses downwards toward the child scopes and calls all registered listeners along the way. The event cannot be canceled.


It listen on events of a given type. It can catch the event dispatched by $broadcast and $emit.

Visual demo:

Demo working code, visually showing scope tree (parent/child relationship):

Demonstrates the method calls:

  $scope.$on('eventEmitedName', function(event, data) ...

SQL select max(date) and corresponding value

You can use a subquery. The subquery will get the Max(CompletedDate). You then take this value and join on your table again to retrieve the note associate with that date:

select ET1.TrainingID,
from HR_EmployeeTrainings ET1
inner join
  select Max(CompletedDate) CompletedDate, TrainingID
  from HR_EmployeeTrainings
  --where AvantiRecID IS NULL OR AvantiRecID = @avantiRecID
  group by TrainingID
) ET2
  on ET1.TrainingID = ET2.TrainingID
  and ET1.CompletedDate = ET2.CompletedDate
where ET1.AvantiRecID IS NULL OR ET1.AvantiRecID = @avantiRecID

On logout, clear Activity history stack, preventing "back" button from opening logged-in-only Activities

It is possible by managing a flag in SharedPreferences or in Application Activity.

On starting of app (on Splash Screen) set the flag = false; On Logout Click event just set the flag true and in OnResume() of every activity, check if flag is true then call finish().

It works like a charm :)

How does jQuery work when there are multiple elements with the same ID value?

Having 2 elements with the same ID is not valid html according to the W3C specification.

When your CSS selector only has an ID selector (and is not used on a specific context), jQuery uses the native document.getElementById method, which returns only the first element with that ID.

However, in the other two instances, jQuery relies on the Sizzle selector engine (or querySelectorAll, if available), which apparently selects both elements. Results may vary on a per browser basis.

However, you should never have two elements on the same page with the same ID. If you need it for your CSS, use a class instead.

If you absolutely must select by duplicate ID, use an attribute selector:


Take a look at the fiddle:

Note: if possible, you should qualify that selector with a tag selector, like this:


How to create an XML document using XmlDocument?

What about:

#region Using Statements
using System;
using System.Xml;

class Program {
    static void Main( string[ ] args ) {
        XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument( );

        //(1) the xml declaration is recommended, but not mandatory
        XmlDeclaration xmlDeclaration = doc.CreateXmlDeclaration( "1.0", "UTF-8", null );
        XmlElement root = doc.DocumentElement;
        doc.InsertBefore( xmlDeclaration, root );

        //(2) string.Empty makes cleaner code
        XmlElement element1 = doc.CreateElement( string.Empty, "body", string.Empty );
        doc.AppendChild( element1 );

        XmlElement element2 = doc.CreateElement( string.Empty, "level1", string.Empty );
        element1.AppendChild( element2 );

        XmlElement element3 = doc.CreateElement( string.Empty, "level2", string.Empty );
        XmlText text1 = doc.CreateTextNode( "text" );
        element3.AppendChild( text1 );
        element2.AppendChild( element3 );

        XmlElement element4 = doc.CreateElement( string.Empty, "level2", string.Empty );
        XmlText text2 = doc.CreateTextNode( "other text" );
        element4.AppendChild( text2 );
        element2.AppendChild( element4 );

        doc.Save( "D:\\document.xml" );

(1) Does a valid XML file require an xml declaration?
(2) What is the difference between String.Empty and “” (empty string)?

The result is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <level2>other text</level2>

But I recommend you to use LINQ to XML which is simpler and more readable like here:

#region Using Statements
using System;
using System.Xml.Linq;

class Program {
    static void Main( string[ ] args ) {
        XDocument doc = new XDocument( new XElement( "body", 
                                           new XElement( "level1", 
                                               new XElement( "level2", "text" ), 
                                               new XElement( "level2", "other text" ) ) ) );
        doc.Save( "D:\\document.xml" );

How to Increase Import Size Limit in phpMyAdmin

I had the same problem with my working correctly by doing the following

changes into the php.ini file

post_max_size = 800M 
upload_max_filesize = 800M 
max_execution_time = 5000 
max_input_time = 5000 
memory_limit = 1000M 

now restart for the changes to take effect

How to get thread id from a thread pool?

There is the way of current thread getting:

Thread t = Thread.currentThread();

After you have got Thread class object (t) you are able to get information you need using Thread class methods.

Thread ID gettting:

long tId = t.getId(); // e.g. 14291

Thread name gettting:

String tName = t.getName(); // e.g. "pool-29-thread-7"

Is it possible to disable scrolling on a ViewPager

The best solution that worked for me is:

public class DeactivatedViewPager extends ViewPager {

    public DeactivatedViewPager (Context context) {

    public DeactivatedViewPager (Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        super(context, attrs);

    public boolean canScrollHorizontally(int direction) {
        return false;

After this the scroll will be disabled by touch and then you can still use setCurrentItem method to change page.

How to make nginx to listen to server_name:port

The server_namedocs directive is used to identify virtual hosts, they're not used to set the binding.

netstat tells you that nginx listens on which means that it will accept connections from any IP.

If you want to change the IP nginx binds on, you have to change the listendocs rule.
So, if you want to set nginx to bind to localhost, you'd change that to:


In this way, requests that are not coming from localhost are discarded (they don't even hit nginx).

How to find the minimum value of a column in R?

df <- read.table(text = 
             "X  Y
             1  2  3
             2  4  5
             3  6  7
             4  8  9
             5 10 11",
             header = TRUE)

y_min <- min(df[,"Y"])

# Corresponding X value
x_val_associated <- df[df$Y == y_min, "X"]


First, you find the Y min using the min function on the "Y" column only. Notice the returned result is just an integer value. Then, to find the associated X value, you can subset the data.frame to only the rows where the minimum Y value is located and extract just the "X" column.

You now have two integer values for X and Y where Y is the min.