[sql] SQL join: selecting the last records in a one-to-many relationship

Suppose I have a table of customers and a table of purchases. Each purchase belongs to one customer. I want to get a list of all customers along with their last purchase in one SELECT statement. What is the best practice? Any advice on building indexes?

Please use these table/column names in your answer:

  • customer: id, name
  • purchase: id, customer_id, item_id, date

And in more complicated situations, would it be (performance-wise) beneficial to denormalize the database by putting the last purchase into the customer table?

If the (purchase) id is guaranteed to be sorted by date, can the statements be simplified by using something like LIMIT 1?

This question is related to sql select join indexing greatest-n-per-group

The answer is

Please try this,

(SELECT pi.price FROM purchase pi WHERE pi.Id = MAX(p.Id)) AS [LastPurchasePrice]
FROM customer c INNER JOIN purchase p 
ON c.Id = p.customerId 
GROUP BY c.Id,c.name;

Another approach would be to use a NOT EXISTS condition in your join condition to test for later purchases:

FROM customer c
LEFT JOIN purchase p ON (
       c.id = p.customer_id
     SELECT 1 FROM purchase p1
     WHERE p1.customer_id = c.id
     AND p1.id > p.id

You could also try doing this using a sub select

SELECT  c.*, p.*
FROM    customer c INNER JOIN
            SELECT  customer_id,
                    MAX(date) MaxDate
            FROM    purchase
            GROUP BY customer_id
        ) MaxDates ON c.id = MaxDates.customer_id INNER JOIN
        purchase p ON   MaxDates.customer_id = p.customer_id
                    AND MaxDates.MaxDate = p.date

The select should join on all customers and their Last purchase date.

Try this, It will help.

I have used this in my project.

customer c
OUTER APPLY(SELECT top 1 * FROM purchase pi 
WHERE pi.customer_id = c.Id order by pi.Id desc) AS [LastPurchasePrice]

I found this thread as a solution to my problem.

But when I tried them the performance was low. Bellow is my suggestion for better performance.

With MaxDates as (
SELECT  customer_id,
                MAX(date) MaxDate
        FROM    purchase
        GROUP BY customer_id

SELECT  c.*, M.*
FROM    customer c INNER JOIN
        MaxDates as M ON c.id = M.customer_id 

Hope this will be helpful.

Tested on SQLite:

SELECT c.*, p.*, max(p.date)
FROM customer c
LEFT OUTER JOIN purchase p
ON c.id = p.customer_id

The max() aggregate function will make sure that the latest purchase is selected from each group (but assumes that the date column is in a format whereby max() gives the latest - which is normally the case). If you want to handle purchases with the same date then you can use max(p.date, p.id).

In terms of indexes, I would use an index on purchase with (customer_id, date, [any other purchase columns you want to return in your select]).

The LEFT OUTER JOIN (as opposed to INNER JOIN) will make sure that customers that have never made a purchase are also included.

Without getting into the code first, the logic/algorithm goes below:

  1. Go to the transaction table with multiple records for the same client.

  2. Select records of clientID and the latestDate of client's activity using group by clientID and max(transactionDate)

       select clientID, max(transactionDate) as latestDate 
       from transaction 
       group by clientID
  3. inner join the transaction table with the outcome from Step 2, then you will have the full records of the transaction table with only each client's latest record.

       select * from 
       transaction t 
       inner join (
         select clientID, max(transactionDate) as latestDate
         from transaction 
         group by clientID) d 
       on t.clientID = d.clientID and t.transactionDate = d.latestDate) 
  4. You can use the result from step 3 to join any table you want to get different results.

You haven't specified the database. If it is one that allows analytical functions it may be faster to use this approach than the GROUP BY one(definitely faster in Oracle, most likely faster in the late SQL Server editions, don't know about others).

Syntax in SQL Server would be:

SELECT c.*, p.*
FROM customer c INNER JOIN 
     (SELECT RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY customer_id ORDER BY date DESC) r, *
             FROM purchase) p
ON (c.id = p.customer_id)
WHERE p.r = 1

If you're using PostgreSQL you can use DISTINCT ON to find the first row in a group.

SELECT customer.*, purchase.*
FROM customer
   SELECT DISTINCT ON (customer_id) *
   FROM purchase
   ORDER BY customer_id, date DESC
) purchase ON purchase.customer_id = customer.id

PostgreSQL Docs - Distinct On

Note that the DISTINCT ON field(s) -- here customer_id -- must match the left most field(s) in the ORDER BY clause.

Caveat: This is a nonstandard clause.

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